How to weave from tubules?

Many girls at least once in their lives tried to weave a bracelet for themselves. But few people know how to weave a bauble from tubules. But in this form, it will look much more original and interesting, and it is created quite quickly.

simple weaving

To make the first experience successful, try to weave a bauble according to a very simple pattern. For work, you will need 4 special plastic tubes about 2.5 m long.

  1. We tie all four ends of the tubes together with a knot. From the two extreme we form loops: for this we make a semicircle from each. Each end of both tubes is inserted into the opposite loop. The two tubes in the middle remain unchanged. We tighten the loops.
  2. We continue to weave a bauble from the tubes to the desired length. The most important thing is to correctly form knots. They should be tight, but not overstretched. Such a bauble will look airy and neat. In order for the bracelet to wrap around your wrist nicely, twist it several times before putting it on.

Baubles with beads

If you have small beads with a large hole, then you can weave a very sophisticated bracelet. For this you will need:

  • tubules;
  • beads;
  • golden metal ring.


These bracelets can be worn by yourself or given to a friend as a sign of friendship. According to the beliefs of the Indians, in this case it will be very strong.

Elizabeth Rumyantseva

For diligence and art there is nothing impossible.


A bauble or bracelet is an ornament made of various materials: leather, threads, beads and simple cords. Someone considers them a decor, others prefer to call them a symbol of friendship. How to weave baubles if you have never done it? You only need to decide on the type and materials used and follow our recommendations step by step. We'll take it all apart possible options so you don't have any questions.

Weave in the form of a pigtail

Try a four-ply braid first:

  • In this case, two central threads are taken: the left one is superimposed on the right side, and the right one on the left. As a result, two extreme threads are in the center.
  • We continue weaving to the desired length.

In a similar way, a bauble is woven from an even number of ropes. When using an odd number, the extreme ones alternately cross in the center, as in the case of three. With a little practice, the pigtail is formed especially quickly.

There are more complex ways, when the extreme threads are intertwined around one central one.

Oblique weaving

Having understood the basic principles of knot formation, you will quickly understand all the techniques. First of all, it applies oblique weaving. To do this, the rows are performed either from left to right or from right to left. The designations on the diagrams indicate which node should be in a given place. The bead is strung on a fishing line in accordance with the color indicated in the diagram.

If desired, you can make a pattern in the form of arrows or a zigzag. We will talk about them below.


In most cases, such decorations are woven using ribbons or cords. Ribbons should not be wide, but you can experiment if you wish. A bauble made of leather cords in two contrasting colors looks spectacular.

There is nothing complicated in this technique. Watch the video tutorial and follow the instructions of the wizard. After a couple of nodes, you will understand the principle, and the work will go much faster.


Try to weave not only two-color bracelets, but also multi-colored ones - you just need to change the pattern.

  • To do this, put dots on paper and paint over them with a certain color.
  • Measure your wrist - this will be the length of the product.
  • The width depends on your imagination.

If you use ribbon, use 2-3-4 colors. But especially spectacular bracelets are made from beads. Take absolutely any pattern as a basis, and each decoration will be unique.

Try to get started a simple circuit. Use . You need to start with a strip of beads strung on a fishing line. Then work according to the scheme.

Once the length is sufficient, make a clasp. Use a hook or special locks. If desired, weave a long bracelet and wear it without unfastening it. Do not forget to solder the ends of the fishing line so that the woven fabric does not unravel.

With names

Jewelry with names looks especially attractive. They are presented as a gift or a symbol of friendship. To create a pattern, you will need several colors, but even with two colors of the material, you get a beautiful commemorative bracelet.

In addition to beads, prepare a lighter or matches, fishing line, scissors, pliers (if you have a clasp). Start weaving according to the classic pattern above. Use a stencil to create letters. To make it convenient, draw a diagram on paper and knit according to it.

Bracelets can be wide, and then they will fit not only the name, but also other words and signs that are important to you.

Nominal products are not necessarily woven from beads. Check out the video tutorial, which details how to create letters from threads.

Main knots

For the convenience of knitting, remember the main knots. To do this, use our master class.

You will need:

  • spool of thread or skein of yarn
  • clip or pin
  • pillow
  • tailor's meter
  • Prepare segments 40-50 centimeters long. Connect them and tie a knot. Insert a pin into it.
  • Next, you need to fix the pin on the pillow with a needle. Arrange the threads one by one or in the sequence you need, according to the diagram.
  • We braid the worker with a knot, creating a loop. You need to stretch the same worker into it and tighten it.
  • Repeat the process and you will have a double knot. Next, you need to swap the threads. The loops should be the same and tight.
  • As a result, the first thread became the second. We use it as a nodular one, and the third one - as a working one. We continue until the first becomes the last.
  • Once the ring is the desired length, finish with a regular braid and secure the two ends with knots.
  • You can cut off the extra ends.

With rhinestones and stones

This master class will help you create a bauble with rhinestones. For beginners, we recommend a simple option.

  • Take a needle, nylon threads and rhinestones.
  • Start from the lock and sew it in the middle or along the edges with stitches, stringing rhinestones, balls or beads on the front side.

The spike is fixed in a similar way if it has screws.

  • With the help of an awl, the element is tightly pierced and fixed.

Tip: please note that the threads should not be broken through, but pushed apart with an awl so that the product does not unravel.

If skill allows, add rhinestones.

  • In the process of work, simply weave the elements into the fabric, and knit with any chosen method that you have already mastered.
  • Make sure that the position of the rhinestones is the same, and then the bracelet will turn out perfectly symmetrical.

With chain

If you already have a bauble or even a bookmark, use this technique to update it by adding a chain. Agree, in the photo this decor looks good.

For work, take a floss, a needle, scissors.

  • We take the threads and insert them into the needle. First, baubles need to tie a knot.
  • Over the edge, we begin to sew our chain tightly.
  • Please note that the stitches must be the same length as the distance between the chain links.
  • We continue to work until the end of the bracelet.
  • It remains only to cut off the excess and enjoy the new decoration.

From satin ribbons

With the help of this master class, you will learn how to weave baubles from ribbons. Perform the following steps in sequence:

  • Take two ribbons and tie them together.
  • Lay out one end in the form of a coil or loop.
  • We also fold the next end in the form of a loop and thread it into the previous turn.
  • We tighten the loop of the first tape.
  • We make the next turn and insert the previous one into it, also tightening.
  • Continue until the desired length is reached.

Use ribbons to be attractive. different colors, and then you get a nice strap.

From floss threads

A wide variety of floss products are distinguished. For beginners, it will not be easy to understand the technique, but after trying a couple of knots on simple threads, you will also master this technique. It is only required to follow the weaving pattern.

In addition to floss, where cotton and nylon are used. It is more slippery and a little easier for beginners to weave. But the knots require a stronger connection, because they unravel if careless.

  • Pick up desired colors. To create unique jewelry, you will need a set of floss.
  • Secure the desired number of threads with a clip and paper clip.
  • Follow the instructions in the video tutorial.

macrame style

The knots used in macrame will help create a special pattern. Already from the photographs it can be seen that these are openwork products that are simply impossible to create using floss or ribbons.

They are woven from nylon threads. You will need 5 of them. With a ruler, measure 2 pieces of 80 centimeters each, 2 - 55 centimeters each and one - no more than 25 centimeters long. You will also need a ring.

  • Fasten the medium length pieces to the ring. To do this, fold them in half and insert them into the ring, creating a loop. You need to thread the ends into it and tighten it. Such a mount will be reliable and motionless.
  • Next, a segment 80 centimeters long is taken and folded in half.
  • We put it under the two central ones.
  • We will weave using long ends.

To get started, practice on simple knots according to the following scheme:

With an image

For experienced craftswomen, we recommend trying the technique with a pattern. She practically does not despair of the above: it can be knots of threads or patterns of beads. The picture needs to be converted into a diagram with a picture, phrase or logo.

  • Create the desired length of the product.
  • Next, use the selected clasp. Hooks are suitable for narrow baubles, for wide baubles you will need to purchase a clasp.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to make additional holes in it, which must be drilled with a thin drill.
  • If this is too complicated, sew on a button and make a loop at the other end.

With nuts

When creating jewelry, even more unusual items are used: nuts.

  • Look again at the description of the "pigtail" technique.
  • When creating weaves, simply thread the thread through the hole in the nut and keep going.
  • Decide for yourself where the nuts will be located: on both sides of the bracelet or only on one.

How to make a friendship necklace

Baubles are a symbol of friendship. Why not create a necklace in the same way? You can use any of the above techniques. Make a necklace of threads, floss, beads, nuts and chains - it all depends on your desire!

What do the baubles "talk about"

Baubles are not only a symbol of friendship and affection. They cannot be sold, only given away. It is generally accepted that they fulfill a wish: you need to make it when weaving the third knot, and it will certainly come true.

It is believed that the presence of two identical baubles in people indicates their sympathy for each other. Owners of white bracelets strive for freedom, and red ones - for love. While tying them on your hand, make a wish, after a while it will come true.

If the bauble is untied or torn - perhaps your friendship with the person who gave it will soon come to an end.

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How to weave baubles for beginners

Wicker bracelets, or, as they are also called, baubles have long been considered a symbol of friendship. Most often they are woven to give to your friend or girlfriend. Weaving baubles is a simple matter, but it requires quite a long time. The material for weaving can be floss threads, multi-colored rubber bands, paper or plastic tubes. Today we will talk about weaving bracelets quickly and easily from colored tubes.

The tubes are a very obedient material, unlike the same threads, so it is perfect for beginners. The place of work should be comfortable and well lit. In addition to the material, for weaving you will need a machine to fix the ends of the tubes. However, this is not necessary - the machine is easily replaced with adhesive tape that securely holds the tubes on the table.

We study the weaving of bracelets from colored tubes with a pigtail

Pigtail- the simplest and all known way weaving, often used in the manufacture of baubles. A pigtail is woven most often from three tubes, but you can take more. In this case, all the tubes are divided into three groups. There are more interesting ways braid weaving.

Cord aglet.

Following this pattern, you can weave a bracelet from any odd number of tubes: five, seven, nine, and so on. The essence of weaving is that the left tube is taken first and placed in the center, and then the right one moves there, and so on until the very end of the length of the tubes.

Even weaving.

The pigtail is woven not only from an odd, but also from an even number of tubes. You can take six, and eight, and ten tubes for weaving. The more you take, the wider the finished bracelet will be, respectively.

Each weaving step consists of moving one of the central tubes from left to right, and the other from right to left. Repeat these steps as many times as needed to complete the baubles.

Oblique weaving.

This weaving method is very popular among lovers of baubles. With its use, you can weave baubles with various patterns, inscriptions and drawings. There are many ready-made oblique weaving patterns, but you can create your own using a special generator, or come up with your own.

There are four types of knots used in braiding. Each of them has its own special designation. To figure out how to weave baubles with oblique weaving, consider the diagram in the photo below.

Judging by the diagram, you will need eight tubes, four gray and four purple. You can take two long tubes of two colors and fold them in half - you get just what you need. Tie the tubes in a knot, leaving a small loop at the top, and tape to the table.

Oblique weaving is carried out in rows. The numbers on the diagram indicate the row number. The direction of weaving can be any, there is no significant difference in this. For example, let's take the direction from left to right, which means you should start from the top left knot.

The arrows on the circles of the diagram indicate the type of knot, and their bases show which tube is used for weaving. After tying the knot, the end of the tube will move in the direction indicated by the arrow pointer. Each knot consists of two small knots.

Trying to make a curved arrow to the left and vice versa

This is how weaving the first knot begins: bend the black tube over the purple one in the form of a four, and then thread it inside the loop. Tighten the knot by pulling the tube up.

The second half of the knot begins with a black tube bending in the other direction. You should repeat the same thing that was in the first part, but in a mirror image. The black tube will be on the left, and the purple one on the right. Tighten the tubes to tighten the knots.

Arrows right and left.

Now it's the turn of the second knot. It is indicated by an arrow with an inclination to the right and, just like the previous one, it consists of two small knots. Since the base in the diagram is marked in black, you need to weave with a black tube. Make a loop in the shape of a quad, thread the tube through it and tighten. Repeat this one more time to complete the knot.

The next node is indicated by an arrow pointing to the left. Take a black tube in your hands and tighten the knot twice, twisting the tube in the shape of a reverse four. That's all, nothing complicated.

Curved right arrow.

The fourth and final type of nodule is indicated by an arrow that curves from left to right. This knot is done in the same way as the first, but exactly the opposite. First, make a loop that looks like a mirrored number four and tighten the knot, and then in the form of a regular four. Now you know how to weave knots using the oblique weaving technique.

You will learn other interesting weaving patterns, for example, square or round, by watching the video below.

Video on the topic of the article

Beautiful weaving from tubules - bracelets, baubles, various accessories. Sometimes you want to add some zest to the created image, which would complement and improve the appearance. Many adorn their wrists natural stones and jewelry. But you must admit that they are not always suitable for some styles. For example, youth style - it's all simple. And accessories woven from different colored materials are best suited for him. How to make your own stylish product? Let's talk about it in the article.

Magic in elementary

Few people know, but products made from tubules look more interesting than those made from satin ribbons or beads. Nowadays, such works are original and rarely used. Many people think that colored tubes are very difficult. But everything is completely different.

By the way, the official name is Scooby-Doo. It came from a song by a French artist who was popular in the 50s. Fans, to please the idol, made a bracelet from improvised materials. Since then, straws began to appear actively throughout Europe.

You don't need a lot of materials to work. Just tubes (in a pack they are enough for 2-3 products), a knife or scissors and diagrams, if the work is difficult.

It is best to use special flagella, and not for cocktails. They are more obedient and better quality. Such material is suitable for all beginners, but you need to know the basic rules for working with them.

First, the tool breaks easily. It must be remembered that it is better not to take spoiled ones, because then the probability of fragility of the product is high. Secondly, think over the products from A to Z. In the process of work, it is better not to be distracted so that the work does not unravel. Thirdly, if you use a master class for work, pay attention to the number of flagella and their sizes for the craftswoman.

Prepare before work workplace. Remove unnecessary things so that they do not distract or interfere. Take a heavy object to fix the ends of the tubes. Now consider how to weave a product with different patterns.

Lace process

Option number 1 - pigtail.

This is the easiest method. For work we use three tubes. But it all depends on the desire of the master - you can take more by weaving them. Consider a photo:

This method is suitable for any materials - ribbons, leather and plastic flagella.

Option number 2 - even.

Let's try to make a product from an even number. We take from 6 to 10 pieces of flagella. Quantity has great importance- depends on the size of the product. We move one of the central tubes from left to right, and then from right to left. We repeat these steps until the end.

Option number 3 - spiral weaving.

  1. Divide the harnesses according to the letters - A, B, C, D, D and E.
  2. Put A and B down. They should be to the right of the other flagella.
  3. B and D put up. Make sure they are to the left of the rest of the cords.
  4. Draw D over loop 1 into loop 2. Skip to loop 3, threading into loop 4.
  5. We do this with the end of E.
  6. Tighten all straps tightly. Repeat the steps until the end of the product. The result is a multi-colored baubles with spiral weaving for beginners.

What a beautiful bauble is the result:

Option number 4 - square weaving.

This method is performed with 4 cords. Masters advise using 4 colors, but you can also use 2 of two colors if you wish.

  1. We lay the material in a cross. We put the flagellum A down, this way we get a loop.
  2. B put up, creating a loop.
  3. Let's shift to the left, threading segment B into the loop. Weave with a square.
  4. The end of the flagellum G must be moved to the right, threaded into the loop of the end A - fixed in a "lock".
  5. It remains to tighten the ends tightly, we continue to work until the end of the product. Determine the end of the work by the size of the wrist.

It turns out square shape with multi-colored flagella.

Note! Each product must be fixed so that the bauble or keychain does not unravel during wearing.

We do it step by step:

No. 1 (with a brush) - we work with the last row. We do not tighten the flagella. We pass in a circle under the subsequent flagellum each end. We twist in the center and tightly tighten. How to do this is shown in the picture:

No. 2 (blunt end) - tighten the last row, trim the ends. The product is ready. It is not necessary to melt the flagella.

You can insert beads into baubles to diversify needlework. We make a round plexus, string a bead on a reinforcing flagellum. We continue weaving, as a result, the flagella are woven over the bead.

This method is difficult when working with "breaking" material. So think ahead every step.

Similar products can be obtained:

If you want to learn a new skill, then weaving bracelets from colored tubes will definitely interest you. Is it possible to make something from such material and how to work with it, we will consider below. We need imagination, inspiration, luck and some free time.

The basis of labor

This weaving was called Scooby-Doo (do not confuse it with a cartoon and a dog). In France in the 20th century there was a performer who wrote a song of the same name. Fans, in order to please their favorite idol, made a bracelet made of tubes as a keepsake. So they gave him their love.

This is probably why weaving is especially popular among children and teenagers, as they are young and bright, and often show their love and care through the creation of souvenirs. The manufacturing technology is very easy, such an activity is especially suitable during family evenings - you can consult, show off and give a gift.

For work, plastic harnesses are used. They have different sizes and there are more colors than the rainbow. The length is varied - from 80 cm to 100 cm. The tubes can also be round or flat.

There are two types of weaving - square And round. They differ appearance and complexity. In easy master classes for beginners, everything is described and shown in detail, so there will be no problems with execution.

The square is woven from four bundles:

Round weaves in the same way:

Both weaves start the same way. The length of the tubes should be 3-4 times the length of the product. You need to take 4 bundles of different colors, tie them into a knot. This is the beginning of any work. You can use 2 harnesses to make an accessory, but then they need to be tied, as shown in the picture.

Do not use straws for cocktails because they break easily. The future beauty material should be more flexible! If there are thin tubes, then the products will be more elegant. But it's best to use scooby. Consider the stages of work.

Where to begin

In order to make a regular bracelet, there is a scheme by which you need to work.

It shows each movement with arrows. This product is made in two strands. The picture shows the first and main steps that need to be repeated later.

Picture number 5 - tighten the tubes tightly, but not too much so that they do not tear or break.

Picture number 6 - the first stitch that will turn out. Repeat all steps until the product reaches the desired size. Tip - put the bracelet on your hand so as not to make a mistake with the length of the product.

The accessory of four straws is a little more complicated. Let's take a closer look at it:

  1. Make a knot as above. We take it with the index finger and thumb.
  2. We push the tubes to the sides, pulling them out. Do not make the product on weight, put it on a table or board.
  3. Getting started with a green harness. We put it on the yellow loop, yellow on the blue, creating a loop, blue on the red, and finish with the red - thread it into the green loop.

  1. Pull out carefully all the tubes, creating a square.

colorful world

Weaving baubles can be done with different knots, for example, “twisted”, “brick”, “macrame”, etc.

This bracelet is created using a twisted knot.

  1. Take three tubes of different colors, beads to decorate the product. Bend one of the strands, leaving a loop the size of a bead. We fold it with another and wrap it with a thread, which we will conditionally call nodular.

  1. The flagella of the base must be braided to the required size. Do not forget to string beads onto the nodular tube, maintaining gaps. Pull all the threads through the bead at the end of the product. Trim the ends carefully.

How to weave a "brick"

Such a knot is more complicated than usual, but the products look more elegant and interesting.

  1. We impose two flagella perpendicular to the third. Bring the end of the horizontal tube to the vertical ones, as shown in the photo.

  1. We stretch the end of the left flagellum into the loop, while bending the top down. We carry out under the lower horizontal tube.

  1. Repeat the previous steps with the end of the right thread, pulling the knot. It turns out "brick".

  1. Follow the pictures to weave the product to the end. Be careful with the movement of the tubes, so as not to get confused, mentally mark them with numbers.

If you need to add a new flagellum to the product, then repeat the following steps:

  1. Place a new tube on the half-finished work, placing it diagonally.

  1. Now we perform two rows with old flagella to secure the weaving. Trim the ends of the old tube.

Scoobidoo - universal tubes. Because they can make a lot of products. These are not only bracelets, but also figurines, pens, handbags, photo frames and toys. Basically, one pack of flagella is enough for several works, so we can safely call needlework quite budgetary.

Video on the topic of the article

For inspiration on the process, you can watch the training videos:
