A crack in the wall is a problem faced by residents of both private and multi-family buildings. This defect can lead to a violation of the integrity of the finish. For example, shedding paint or peeling wallpaper. Therefore, this situation cannot be ignored, regardless of the size of the crack.

Damage to brickwork occurs for the following reasons:

  1. The soil, which has a heterogeneous structure, settles after a certain time. This leads to cracks.
  2. The same consequences have deformation changes in the foundation, which are formed in case of insufficient deepening or placement near groundwater and an increased load on the walls from ceilings. Within 12 months after construction, the building shrinks, which also provokes the formation of cracks.
  3. Problems can also arise if the laying technology does not meet the established requirements. And also when using a poor-quality solution.

You can determine the cause by localizing the problem:

  • cracks in the lower part of the building indicate excessive ceiling pressure;
  • the upper part is damaged as a result of subsidence of the foundation.

Before you repair cracks in a brick wall, you need to make sure that they do not grow in size. Otherwise, the work done will be fruitless. Paper landmarks should be attached to the wall and their integrity should be monitored.

To eliminate a small crack up to 5 mm wide, you can use a cement composition. Work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Initially, debris must be removed from the gap and treated from the inside with a moistened rag.
  2. The edges of the gap before work should be knocked down with a hammer, because. this will ensure better adhesion of the mortar and bricks.
  3. Damage of medium size (from 5 mm to 10 mm) is also eliminated with the help of a cement composition, but with the addition of an additional component to it - sand.

Cracks larger than 10 mm wide are critical. Lack of timely intervention can have negative consequences. There are several ways to repair this damage:

  1. The damaged area should be dismantled and replaced with new material.
  2. The masonry is disassembled from the top row. Bricks are laid according to the "brick castle" method.
  3. Fragments of reinforcement are inserted into the masonry, which cover the crack.
  4. If it is not possible to disassemble the masonry, the damage site is sealed with cement mortar.
  5. T-shaped metal elements can be driven into the slot, which are fixed on both sides with dowels. The use of metal parts is optional. But in this case, the wall of the building must be strengthened from the inside.
  6. The sealing of cracks in brick walls can be carried out using mounting foam or a sealant. The gap cavity should be filled with foam, wait until it hardens and cut the material to a depth of 2 cm.
  7. The resulting space is filled with a cement mixture. When using a sealant, it is important to choose the right composition. Silicone-based sealant should not be used, since this material does not adhere to plaster, putty and paint.
  8. It is necessary to prepare a special sealant for processing seams. It is placed in the slot with a construction gun. Wall crack sealant has a definite advantage over cement mix. It has the ability to increase and decrease in size without cracking, which is unusual for a conventional solution. This tool belongs to the category of expensive materials, but its use allows you to get a high-quality result.
  9. It is recommended to strengthen the cracked wall from the inside. This procedure involves repairing the damaged area and applying metal profile, which will act as a castle. It should be placed across the crack to prevent its subsequent propagation. Anchors are used to fix this element. You can use steel staples. In this case, you need to pre-drill the holes.
  10. If the cracks were formed due to an incorrectly poured foundation, it is recommended to install an additional concrete belt on it. Along the perimeter of the house, you need to prepare a trench, the depth of which should exceed the depth of the foundation. Concrete is placed in this recess, from which the belt is constructed.

How to repair cracks in a plastered wall

The danger of cracks in plastered walls is not limited to an aesthetic defect. As a result of damage, both the plaster coating and the masonry can suffer. This mainly applies to exterior walls, where the finish is largely exposed to negative influence low temperatures and moisture. Through cracks in the coating, moisture penetrates into the masonry, in which it subsequently freezes. This causes the backing of the coating and the destruction of the masonry.

These damages to the plaster layer can be formed not only from the outside, but also from the inside of the house. These are very thin cracks that visually resemble a web and spread over the entire surface of the wall. The reason for this may be incorrect application of the composition, violations in the proportions when mixing the components and failure to comply with the requirements for the care of the coating. Among the most common mistakes is the imposition of a thick layer of mortar. Cracks in this situation are a natural consequence of a violation of technology.

Damage appears after finishing: wallpapering, painting or puttying. This can be prevented by using reinforcing elements that are installed before finishing. For this purpose, several materials are used:

  • plaster mixture;
  • fiberglass mesh;
  • cullet;
  • fiberglass.

The most convenient option is the last material. Fiberglass is attached to a primed and dry surface using a special adhesive designed to fix wall-paper. After completion of work, this material can be covered with finishing putty or paint.

The plaster mixture is divided into 2 types according to its intended purpose:

  • for processing internal surfaces;
  • for outside walls.

These types of plaster differ in the components that make up their composition. For exterior decoration, the solution is prepared on the basis of cement, and for internal works lime compositions are considered more suitable.

To eliminate cracks with a plaster composition, you need to prepare:

  • capacity;
  • trowel;
  • graters of various sizes;
  • brush for plastering;
  • brush;
  • trowel;
  • water.

The plaster solution can be made independently or purchased ready-made. In progress home cooking it is necessary to monitor the consistency, tk. too thin plaster will not adhere well. The process of sealing cracks looks like this:

  1. Using a brush, the composition is applied to the damaged area, then leveled with a wooden grater.
  2. If the plaster on the wall was applied by spraying, so that the treated area does not differ from the brush, you need to dip it into water and make patting movements on the surface.
  3. The easiest way to eliminate shrinkage microcracks. They need to be treated with deep impregnation, which penetrates the structure of the coating and strengthens it. Then the cracks can be painted over with dispersion paint.

Mortar for cracks in a wall covered with plaster must contain fillers and a binder. Building gypsum, cement or building lime can be used as this element. The most durable is cement material. Indicators of its strength can be determined by marking; brand 400 is used for solutions.

Building gypsum will make the mixture more durable. This component accelerates the setting of the composition. He has distinguishing feature- does not shrink. building lime used for outdoor work, because it dries only in the air.

How to cover up cracks in a drywall wall

Damage to the drywall material is formed due to several reasons:

  1. The most common is considered a violation of technology during the installation of the frame and the installation of sheets.
  2. The appearance of cracks can be provoked by improper puttying and sealing the seams between the sheets.
  3. The causes of damage can also be attributed to sudden temperature changes in the room, elevated level humidity and contact with water.

Drywall does not have good resistance to moisture. When interacting with this factor, the sheets are deformed and retain this shape after drying. The only solution in this situation is to replace the material. There are two ways to get rid of cracks in drywall.

  1. The first option involves filling the cracks with putty or acrylic.
  2. The second method is to stick over the damaged area of ​​fiberglass. Then the surface must be puttied, after which you can proceed to the finishing coating.

The surface treatment process looks like this:

  1. Before you repair a crack in the wall of the house, using a putty composition, it is necessary to remove a layer of plaster from the damaged area.
  2. The dust is then removed with a vacuum cleaner.
  3. Then you need to prepare the putty mixture in the following proportions: 2 parts powder 1 part liquid.
  4. The resulting mass is applied in a layer of 2 mm with a spatula.
  5. In addition to the crack, the nearest area should also be treated.
  6. When using a reinforced tape, it must be placed in a slot and covered with a putty.
  7. The putty dries within 1.5 hours.
  8. Then it is recommended to clean it and remove dust from the wall.

Seal cracks in a concrete wall

The main reason for the appearance of defects in the concrete wall is the violation of the ratio of cement and water during the preparation of the cement-concrete composition. In the process of laying the mortar, it must be carefully compacted with vibrators. Non-compliance with the rules of care can also lead to the appearance of cracks. It is recommended to cover fresh concrete with a cloth to prevent excessive evaporation of moisture.

Of particular danger is the presence of cracks in the wall, which is in conditions of frequent temperature changes. At low temperatures, moisture enters the crack cavity, freezes and thereby increases the defect. Damage reaches the reinforcement, the corrosion process begins, which negatively affects the strength of the building. In order to detect defects in a timely manner, the structure must be regularly inspected. This will make it possible to eliminate cracks in the walls at the initial stage of development. Even minor defective changes in the concrete material cannot be ignored.

So, for work you will need:

  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • Grinder;
  • putty knife;
  • metal brush;
  • brush;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • rail made of wood material;
  • trowel;
  • water, sand, cement;
  • adhesive composition;
  • wire fragments;
  • trowel.

The workflow takes place in the following sequence:

  1. Using a hammer and chisel, the crack must be expanded to a depth of 5 mm. This will help prevent the repair compound from falling out.
  2. Next, the damaged area is cleaned of dust and moistened. Use a sponge to remove excess moisture.
  3. If reinforcement is visible, it must be treated with an anti-corrosion agent.
  4. The mixture is prepared on the basis of sand and cement, the ratio is 3:1. PVA can be added to the composition.
  5. If the defects are deep, they should be filled in stages, moistening each layer of the repair mixture.
  6. If necessary, the crack is reinforced with wire fragments.
  7. Then the surface must be leveled, for this a trowel is used.
  8. After the composition has hardened, the protruding zones are corrected with a grinder.


When planning wall repairs, crack bridging should be prerequisite. This defect not only negatively affects the appearance of the building, but also threatens its strength. Today the walls of houses are built from various materials, each of which requires individual approach when repairing cracks.

How to fix a crack in a wall. Video:

A person lives in an environment of favorite and familiar objects, and any change in the established order of things can greatly upset each of us. What to do and what to do if a crack suddenly appears on the wall, so familiar to your eye? What to do if a cobweb of small cracks, like an ominous spider, begins to capture more and more space?

Which helpful tips can be given to a person who decides to engage in battle in violation of the integrity of the wall? What to cook and what sequential actions to take in this case?

  • Cracks in concrete wall
  • How to beat large cracks in indoor walls

Bad faith execution construction works, the use of outdated technologies during construction, defects load-bearing structure in the form of settlement or deformation - these are the main reasons that various changes form on the walls. This leads first to the formation of small cracks, which subsequently turn into large faults, the elimination of which will be more costly and long-term. Therefore, it is especially important to stop the appearance of cracks at the very first stages, preventing their growth.

There is a very high probability of detecting cracks during. To eliminate cracks on the walls, it is necessary to accurately determine the material from which the walls are made, and, depending on this, develop ways to get rid of cracks. The choice of means for sealing cracks also depends on the location of the wall - inside or outside the room.

  • obligatory alignment of the damaged area (with a scraper, sandpaper);
  • putty and coating the cracked wall with a primer.

What materials need to be prepared

To fix a large or small crack in the wall, you can use the following components:

  1. Carpenter's glue (a state of thin sour cream) + tooth powder or powdered chalk. This mixture, having previously mixed well, must be applied to the place of the crack, removing excess with a spatula or trowel.
  2. Thin cotton or gauze fabric, medical bandage impregnated with PVA glue can be used to get rid of cracks. When the glue is completely dry, you can re-spread the piece of fabric superimposed on the crack.
  3. Cement together with paint will make the crack resistant to moisture penetration. It is very easy to make such a tool - constantly stirring, add cement to the paint until the density of sour cream.
  4. Lime-cement mortar reinforced with steel mesh. This method should be used in cases where at the junction different materials(concrete with brick, brick with wood) a gap has formed. In this situation, it is necessary to clean the surface, pour the solution into the crack, cover it with a steel mesh and final stage apply plaster.

What to do with cracks in plaster

What you need: brush, brush, gypsum mortar, spatula, sandpaper

  • clean from construction pollution;
  • moisten the area with a crack with water with a brush, remove the paint with a spatula, brush off the resulting dust, moisten the entire cracked area;
  • take a gypsum solution of sour cream consistency (you need to use lime-based plaster);
  • fill the crack with mortar, helping with a spatula;
  • let it dry well, sand the repaired crack with sandpaper.

What you need: brush, spatula, primer, sealant

  • clear and make the damaged area deeper;
  • apply a ground layer;
  • fill the crack with sealant (using a construction gun);
  • remove excess applied material.

The use of a silicone type sealant is highly undesirable, it makes it difficult to subsequently treat the walls with paint or plaster.

Getting rid of cracks in plasterboard walls

What you need: spatula, putty, fiberglass tape

  • both corner sides of the crack;
  • lay the fiberglass tape on the prepared surface;
  • cut off the excess part of the tape;
  • using a spatula, cover the tape with a putty layer, moving from the middle of the crack to the edges and trying to press the tape strongly so that part of the putty protrudes from under the tape.

Cracks in a concrete wall

What you need: spatulas different sizes, brush, reinforced tape or gauze, sponge, grout and gun.

  • use a brush to clean the area of ​​​​the crack;
  • rinse the cleaned surface with a sponge dipped in water;
  • using sealant, fill the crack;
  • using a small spatula or finger, treated with any detergent, eliminate grout defects (irregularities, small crumbs);
  • apply a layer of gauze or reinforced tape on the prepared area;
  • using a spatula for decorative work.

Seal cracks "cobwebs" on the internal walls

An improperly prepared and poorly applied mortar can cause small cracks to appear on the walls, which, like a cobweb, can spread throughout the wall.

In this article, we already wrote:.

What you need: cullet or special fiberglass mesh, spatula, primer, brush, putty, sandpaper.

  • walk along the entire “web” of cracks with sandpaper (for cleaning);
  • prime the entire damaged surface;
  • stick fiberglass on the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "web";
  • putty the entire superimposed fiberglass mesh;
  • after the putty has completely dried, sand the surface;
  • paste over the place of the former cobweb with wallpaper or apply paint.

We remove defects from small cracks on the outer walls

What you need: reinforced mesh, Ceresit CT29 mortar.

  • using a mixture of Ceresit CT29, applicable specifically for outdoor work, fix the reinforced mesh on the damaged section of the wall.

Using this mixture will free you from additional sanding.

How to overcome large cracks on the walls indoors

What you need: spatulas of different sizes, sponge, brush, gypsum mortar, gauze or reinforced tape.

  • clean and rinse the damaged area well with a damp sponge;
  • prepare a solution for sealing cracks. To slow down the hardening of the mortar, you can add carpenter's glue or vinegar to the usual solution for sealing small cracks;
  • using a hammer and a chisel, you need to expand the boundaries of the formed crack;
  • putty the damaged area, capturing not only the crack itself, but the nearby area, thereby preventing further deepening of the split;
  • apply gauze or reinforced tape to the treated surface;
  • putty the entire area with tape, using a large spatula for decorative work;
  • paint the location of the repaired crack or.

How to repair a crack in a wall video

How to deal with large cracks on exterior walls

Large cracks on the outer walls can be formed due to settlement or deformation of the building structure. How to deal with large cracks on the outer walls?

What you need: spatula, lime-cement mortar, plaster.

  • put away old plaster;
  • prepare lime-cement mortar. If the crack is very large, you can add small crumbs of brick to the prepared solution;
  • apply cement mortar to the crack site, allow to dry well;
  • patch up the crack. If the scale of the crack is too large, you will have to make a formwork in the form of a wooden shield, which will help fix the solution in the right place. Close the applied solution from above with a knocked-down shield using screws, wait until the solution dries and remove the formwork. The treated area must then be puttied and sanded.

In order to know how to fix it, you first need to find out why it appeared and what material the walls are made of. Cracks can appear for various reasons: violation of the technology of laying bricks, stone, pouring concrete, assembling drywall, incorrectly selected proportion or incorrectly applied plaster, incompatibility of wall materials with finishing materials, sudden changes in temperature ... In fact, there are quite a few factors that cause cracks to appear in the walls, and therefore let's look at each case separately.

How to fix a crack in the wall from plaster.

Cracks in - this is the most common problem both inside and outside the building. On cement-sand plaster, they are almost always formed. Basically, these are thin cracks with a thickness of hair, which are located along the entire wall like a cobweb. They are especially visible after priming the plaster. This mainly happens when the proportion of mixing the components of the solution, its improper application, aging and care after plastering is violated. Also, cracks can appear if the plaster is applied at a time and immediately with a thick layer of more than 2-3 cm, which cannot be done, because this is a violation of technology.

Cracks in the plaster will also appear after puttying, painting or, and so that this does not happen, the wall must be reinforced before the finishing putty. To do this, you can use several types of materials: "cobweb", glass fiber or fiberglass mesh. Since glass wall papers are much more expensive than all other materials, we will not dwell on them, we will only say that the principle of gluing them is the same as gluing fiberglass.
by the most the best option for is fiberglass. It is glued on a special glue for glass wallpaper on a dry and primed base. After that, it can be puttyed with a finishing putty or painted without puttying. Fiberglass or glass fiber, due to its structure, reinforces the surface and cracks do not appear through it.

How to fix a crack in a brick wall.

Cracks in a brick wall usually form for several reasons: shrinkage of a new house, lack of reinforcement in the wall, violation of masonry technology and non-compliance with the proportions of masonry mortar. The crack is "embroidered" - it is cleared, deepened and expanded in all directions at an angle of 45 degrees and primed. There are several ways to seal: with the same mortar on which the wall was laid or with some kind of sealant for seams. Sealant is most suitable for this because it becomes rubbery when it dries, and this helps it expand and contract without cracking, which is not possible with ordinary mortar. The sealant is placed into the seam with a construction gun, and the excess is removed with metal or rubber flush with the wall. For this purpose, sealants such as "silicone" cannot be used, since it is greasy and paint, putty, etc. do not stick to it. Sealing cracks with sealant is not a cheap procedure, but justified. When filling cracks in a brick wall cement mortar, the prepared gap is moistened with water and covered with a solution. Cement mortar can be replaced with a similar one, but based on cement: tile adhesive, cement plaster in bags and the like.

Like drywall.

Cracks in a drywall wall appear at the seams for several reasons. The most basic of them is a violation of the installation technology. metal frame and screwing GKL sheets. How to do it right, read our article Installation of plasterboard walls. Another of the most common reasons is a violation of the technology of puttying and sealing drywall joints. But there are other reasons that are quite rare: a sharp temperature drop in the room, dampness or a flood. Upon contact with water, drywall sheets are deformed and, after drying, remain in a curved shape and there is no way to fix this. Therefore, after flooding, drywall walls must be completely replaced.

There are several ways to close a crack in a drywall wall: embroider and cover it with putty for sealing drywall joints or acrylic. Or the same thing, but glue fiberglass over the seam or over the entire plane, putty, sand, paint or. The second method is more costly and time-consuming, but also more reliable. Both methods are applicable only in the situation when the drywall frame does not stagger and is firmly fixed to the wall.

Self-plastering and sealing cracks in the wall

There are two main types of plaster: plaster for exterior and plaster for interior walls. Usually, both are applied with a layer of 15 mm thick. To finish the outer walls, cement mortar plaster is used, and the inner walls are often finished with a softer lime mortar. On a rough and hygroscopic base, plaster is applied, as a rule, in one layer. However, in order for this finish to be more durable, it is sometimes necessary to apply it in two or even three layers.

Special skill requires working with plaster applied by spraying. In this case, the solution (for external walls it is prepared in the following ratio: 1 part of cement, 3 parts of sand; for internal walls: 1 part of lime, 4 parts of sand) is thrown onto the wall with a sharp movement of the hand so that it fits snugly on it. pancake." If the throw is weak, the solution will fall on the wall in a lump, which will quickly slide off it.

You can also read about the preparation of various mortars here - How to make mortars for masonry and plaster with your own hands. Solution recipes

The plaster thrown on the wall is smoothed out with a wooden float, working with it in lateral directions from the bottom up. Possible defects (recesses) are eliminated with the help of a mason's trowel: the solution is rubbed into the plastered surface with a triangular trowel.

When decorating walls of a large area, so-called “beacons” are attached to them at a distance of about 1.5 m from each other (the easiest way is to use even wooden planks). The work associated with the installation of plaster beacons is perhaps the most responsible. After all, it is their front edges that will determine the position of the surface of the applied plaster, since the tool smoothing the plaster will move along these edges.

In this case, the wall is plastered with sections between the beacons, and after removing the beacons, these sections are sealed and leveled at the joints.

After eliminating the irregularities, the plastered wall is treated with a grater, making spiral movements with it. The applied plaster is allowed to stand for about half an hour and only then they start grouting it - it will be easier this way.

On this base layer of plaster, you can then apply the most different kinds plasters. In particular, spray plaster with a brush or a special plaster machine. To get a smooth plastered wall, the layer of finishing plaster is smoothed with a steel trowel or trowel. In addition, after smoothing, plaster is sometimes also applied gypsum plaster as a cover. Or, on the contrary, you can give the wall a rough rustic look by treating the plaster layer with a bricklayer's trowel.

There are many ways to plaster masonry. But all these works require patience and skill. Before proceeding with any of them, you should first practice at least a little on some section of the wall to be finished.

How to learn to plaster - we plaster the simplest wall ourselves - instructions
A novice plasterer will need the following tools and aids: a mortar tank, large and small wooden floats, a steel trowel, a triangular trowel, a plastering brush, a water bucket, a brush, small trowels for grouting small depressions. You can prepare the plaster mixture yourself. However, ready-made plaster mixtures are also on sale for both internal and external works, which are sufficient to be diluted with water.
Spray plaster is applied with a trowel, throwing it on the wall with a sharp movement of the brush. In order for the plaster to adhere firmly to the wall, it must be of the appropriate consistency.
The plaster applied to the wall is leveled with a large wooden float, slightly leaning on it.
Recesses and cracks are sealed with plaster, smoothing it with a triangular trowel. When finishing a section of the wall near outer corner a board is attached to an adjacent wall as a stop-limiter for plaster.
The plaster applied to the wall is treated with a wooden float, moving it in a spiral and pressing the entire surface against the plaster. It will be easier and easier to work if the plaster is allowed to dry a little.
On a slightly dried plaster with a steel trowel, apply and smooth the finishing layer of the plaster. And here the tool works from the bottom up.
With a brush constantly dipped into the water, the plaster just applied to the wall can be processed under the “rustic””. At the same time, the brush is not driven over the plaster, but only patted on its surface, which gradually takes on the appearance of sprayed plaster.
The plaster machine is filled with a liquid solution. When the brush is rotated, the solution is sprayed onto the surface to be plastered.
On top of the plaster, gypsum plaster is additionally applied to the walls inside the premises as a covering. The latter is applied in a thin layer using a steel trowel. Walls prepared in this way can be painted or wallpapered. However, beforehand, the covering is allowed to dry thoroughly.
You can also read about plastering on our website here and here - How to learn how to properly plaster interior walls

Cracks not only spoil appearance plastered walls. If cracked plaster is not repaired in a timely manner, it can cause more serious damage to both the plaster layer and the brickwork. First of all, this applies to external walls, in more exposed to moisture and low temperatures. Through existing cracks in the plaster, moisture can penetrate the masonry and freeze there. At the same time, the plaster will begin to fall off, and the masonry will collapse. Timely sealing of cracks will not only put the wall in order, but also prevent its further destruction.

Before proceeding with the renovation of the plastered wall, it is necessary to repair all the cracks and chips on it, since neither paint nor wallpaper will completely cover them.

The easiest way to repair plaster with strip and shrinkage microcracks. In this case, it is enough to simply treat the damaged areas with a pound of deep impregnation, which, penetrating into the plaster, strengthens it. Old wallpaper and paint, of course, must be removed before that. After allowing the pound to dry, the cracks are painted over with thick dispersion paint.

Cracks resulting from internal stresses, or larger cracks formed during shrinkage of the structure, are sealed. When repairing external walls, only weather-resistant materials should be used.

When repairing concrete walls finished with cement-based plaster, special emulsions (for example, PCI emulsion) have proven themselves well, in which you just need to add cement and mix. The resulting mixture is applied with a brush on cracked plaster.

The most difficult thing is to restore the plaster layer, cracked as a result of uneven settlement of the building, which can occur for various reasons.

Cracks caused by the settlement of the building are sealed. However, these cracks can occur again and again until the process of building settlement stops.

How to fix cracks on the walls yourself - instructions for beginners
Cracked plaster due to static stress and wall shrinkage is repaired as follows. First, the crack is widened.
Then the surfaces of the expanded crack are abundantly moistened with a brush or sponge. After that, rub with a trowel or spatula repair composition into a crack.
Until the repair compound has seized, a gauze strip or a special sickle tape is placed on top of it and firmly pressed so that its edges extend beyond the edges of the crack.
The seams between structural elements (especially if they are built from different materials) are unlikely to be reliably sealed with plaster. To do this, you need a sealant that remains elastic. But in any case, the seam must first be cleaned of the remnants of the solution.
The construction joint is filled with a special silicone sealant, squeezing it out of the plastic cartridge with a gun so that the sealant penetrates as deep as possible into the joint.
Immediately after filling the seam, the surface of the sealant is smoothed with the thumb, periodically wetting the finger in an aqueous solution of detergent.
Cracks caused by the settlement of a building usually go through the entire thickness of the wall. To accurately determine the nature of the damage, the plaster in the crack area is knocked down with a hammer.

Shaky masonry bricks are strengthened by filling the masonry joints with cement mortar. Of course, the old mortar must first be removed from the cracked seams. A reinforcing wire mesh is applied to the cleared section of the wall and fixed with nails.
First, plaster is applied to the fixed mesh for rough leveling, and then - finishing.
The applied plaster is smoothed with a float wetted in water, making circular movements with it.
After allowing the new plaster to dry, the repaired section of the wall is primed or a suitable protective compound. Such a base is suitable for or pasting it with wallpaper. In any case, a patched crack will not rush into the eyes.

How to close a crack in the wall of a house, repair a crack in a brick, concrete, load-bearing wall

Cracks form for various reasons, but the main cause of cracks in the internal walls is the shrinkage of the building. If, during the repair process, chipped plaster or cracks were found, then immediately before pasting with wallpaper, they must be puttied and strengthened. To do this, we recommend using the so-called reinforced tape.

Cracks on the inner walls, if they are not repaired in time, can spread further. They need to be sealed with a margin so as not to endanger the formation of new cracks in adjacent areas of the plaster.

How and with what to close a crack in the wall of the house with your own hands
A few tips on how to fix a crack in the wall with your own hands. First you need to clear the damaged section of the wall, free it from pieces of plaster and vacuum it properly.

Repairing cracks in a wall is a simple matter, provided that you use the advice of professionals. In most cases, the putty should be diluted in the following proportion: two parts of the filler powder to one part of water. The putty mass is applied with a spatula or the so-called trowel with a layer of 1-2 mm. It is necessary to putty not only the crack itself, but also the nearest section of the plaster.

The reinforced tape is laid in the gap itself and puttied until it is no longer visible at all. After 90 minutes, the putty should dry. Then it must be slightly cleaned, and also the wall must be cleaned of dust. After that, the wall can be painted, wallpapered or sheathed with other materials.

If the gap is quite large, before you close the crack in the wall, you must first moisten it with water. To repair cracks with your own hands, in addition to putty, you will need the following materials: scissors, scraper, brush, grinder or grinding block.
Sealing cracks in a brick, concrete wall, repairing cracks in load-bearing walls
Over time, cracks appear in the walls of buildings, which, as a rule, occur as a result of soil settlement. The cracks that appear increase the air permeability and reduce the thermal protection of the fence. Closing a crack in brick walls less than 5-6 mm is carried out using a cement mortar, which consists of one part of cement and three parts of sand. To eliminate wide cracks, you need to disassemble the old brickwork and arrange a new one.

Sealing a crack in a concrete wall is most often carried out using PVA glue and cement mortar. This is the easiest way to seal a crack in a concrete structure. After cleaning the surface of the crack, apply PVA glue and fill the cavity with cement mortar, and then smooth it with a spatula so that it is flush with the rest of the wall.

The sealing of a crack in load-bearing walls is carried out according to the same technology as in brick walls, but only if the crack is insignificant and does not increase. After all, cracks in load-bearing walls can lead to serious accidents and endanger people's lives. Cracks in partition walls or, more simply, in non-load-bearing walls, can lead to localized and less dangerous collapses. Therefore, if a crack bearing wall increases noticeably, you should seek help from the appropriate services. Processed

How and how to fix a crack in the wall correctly.

One of the most important problems of apartment and private houses are cracks in the walls. Because of such cracks, paint often begins to crack and peel off, wallpaper peels off, and other troubles occur that we would like to get rid of. But cracks occur not only because of the builders - it can also happen because of many natural phenomena, such as an earthquake, earth settlement and others. It is simply necessary to understand that nothing is eternal, and the problem should be solved as it arrives. But cracks can be very different - be it the initial stage or rather serious damage. But one conclusion should be drawn - it is necessary to close the crack in the wall as early as possible, so that later you do not have to invest more effort and money to eliminate this problem. It is better to cover up and close up "on the first couple" than to do it later.

How and how to fix a crack in the wall

You may encounter completely different cracks in size and origin. Perhaps your plaster or putty just cracked, but if the brickwork itself gave cracks, then this is already a more serious problem. But still, you can cope with the first and second options, you just need to know how to do everything right, that's all. Let's try to learn some methods that will help you get rid of cracks that have already appeared in the wall or.

The putty mesh will help eliminate the crack in the wall.

If small cracks have formed on your wall that resemble a cobweb, then in order to cover it up, you may need a primer (see) and a putty mesh. But remember, this option can only work if the cracks do not diverge and the wall has only minor damage. So, let's get down to business. First of all, it is necessary to clean off all the old building materials and all kinds of debris that is on the surface from the wall. It is important that the wall is perfectly clean. Now that you have done this work, you need to prime the wall with a deep penetration primer. After that, glue the reinforced putty mesh over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall. Remember that the mesh should cover the entire area of ​​the cracked wall. After you have applied the mesh, it is necessary to coat the surface with a small layer of putty on top. After complete drying, you need to sand the wall, after which you can start painting or wallpapering. Thus, repairing a crack in the wall is simple and fast.

If you are faced with such a problem, when small cracks went from the outside of the wall, then you should do the same work as in the previous version of getting rid of cracks, but there is still one caveat - choose Ceresit CT29 for puttying. This putty is designed specifically for outdoor use and does not need to be sanded, as it is reinforced in itself. Moreover, this putty is very resistant to weathering, as it contains special adhesive additives.

If significant cracks have gone on your wall, not only on the plaster, but also on brickwork , then here it is worth resorting to another option how to close a crack in the wall, since this problem is already more serious than in previous options. First of all, you need to completely remove all old plaster from the wall. After you have cleaned the wall, you need to screw a special metal mesh for plaster, and after that apply a new layer of cement-sand plaster. But it is very important to remember that the mesh must be screwed over the entire surface area, thus it will not allow the new plaster to blur, after which it will be possible to putty, paint, and so on.

But it is worth starting to take drastic measures if the crack in the wall of the beginning already diverges a little. In this case, you will have to pull the wall together so that it does not diverge further. It is necessary to tighten the crack with special metal plates. But before that, knock off all the old plaster from the wall. It is possible to knock down plaster not from the entire surface area, but only half a meter on both sides of the crack, since the metal plate is usually attached to one meter. After you have knocked down the plaster, it is necessary to clean the crack from mortars and other debris, then fill it with mounting foam. Now you can attach the plate. But there is important point- when choosing a plate, you should definitely pay attention to the fact that it cannot be easily bent, especially since it should not be bent by hand - this is important. It is worth choosing a plate that is made of thick and high-quality metal.

A crack in the wall should be tightened in three places, and this is only a minimum. If possible, you can make four or five ties. But if you chose the first option, then the mandatory places for the screed are:

1. From above, while retreating a little space from the ceiling.
2. From below, slightly stepping back from the floor.
3. In the middle.

You can screw the plates onto the most ordinary self-tapping screws, having previously driven in the dowels, or you can put them on bolts with a nut, having punched through the plate. After you have made a screed, you can wind a special metal mesh and see how it is done correctly with a video example, and if you are familiar with this, then get down to business accordingly, because now you will not say that you do not know how to repair a crack in the wall. Good luck!

Almost all finishing and repair work suggest sealing cracks in the walls. Such defects occur for various reasons and cause a lot of inconvenience. The fact is that if the problem is not eliminated in time, the consequences can be extremely unpleasant. After some time, the deformations gradually increase and delaminations appear. If the defects are deep, then there is a high probability of cold bridges, which contributes to the formation of mold and fungus.

It must be borne in mind that cracks in the wall can occur due to the influence of various factors:

In fact, the appearance of cracks in the walls can be almost completely eliminated if you determine the cause and choose correct composition for alignment. Of course, it is not possible to neutralize some of the nuances, but it is quite possible to reduce the scale of their impact. When working with newly erected objects, it is better to use mixtures for cladding with a plastic effect, and for showers and bathrooms it is required to use cement-based mortars with the addition of polymers, gypsum options will constantly collapse.

On a note! The complete correction of the shortcomings that have arisen is a rather costly undertaking, so it is quite possible to get by with a simple seal.

Crack filling materials

The question of how to close the crack is quite important, right choice material depends on the type of coating. The most commonly used options are:

  • Cement-sand mixture and its varieties. Great for repairing damage in concrete and brick walls. The best result is given by compositions with the addition of plasticizers, in which shrinkage is practically not observed.

  • Plaster and putty products. They can be made on the basis of various substances. Cement and gypsum are considered popular. Each option is selected for plastered walls so that the bases match.

  • Sealants. Used to level small damage. It should be borne in mind that products based on acrylic have the best performance, provided that they are correct use. Silicone sealants are not used for this process.

The greatest difficulties are caused by coatings in wooden houses. To eliminate the defects that have arisen in them, it is advisable to use special formulations. Many masters advise to pre-caulk the cracks, and then cover them with wood putty.

Options for sealing cracks in different surfaces

To properly repair a crack in the wall, you need to focus on the material that serves to make the coating. Before performing this procedure, you should make sure that the defects do not indicate serious problems with the supporting structures.

brick walls

Damage to brick walls is usually divided by size into two categories: up to 5 mm or more, so there are 2 ways to perform work.

The first option is quite simple and is as follows:

  1. The process starts with stitching. This procedure is a slight increase in the gap. The main thing is to embroider the edges with a hammer, but you should not get carried away.
  2. A thorough cleaning is in progress. Accumulated debris and dust should be completely removed. The site is pre-wetted with a spray bottle.
  3. A simple cement mixture. For application, a trowel or spatula is used.
  4. The solution is placed in the existing recesses and rubbed well. It is important to get a level surface.

The sealing of cracks in a brick wall larger than 5 mm is performed with more care. The first step is to assess the damage square meter. If the defects are located in one large area, then it is advisable to partially disassemble the masonry in order to replace the damaged fragments. If there are through cracks and subsidence of part of the wall - which is typical for private houses - then the entire area is completely shifted with additional reinforcement of the rows.

But if such large-scale work is not required, then you can repair a crack in the wall according to the scheme:

  1. The initial steps exactly repeat the previous order, but a cement-sand mixture with special additives is used for work, which give the composition elasticity.
  2. The damage is carefully treated with a deep penetrating primer, it will increase adhesion.
  3. The solution is applied gradually to ensure its penetration to the full depth. To do this, the composition is literally pressed in until excess begins to appear.
  4. All areas are well levelled.

It often happens that the resulting gap leads to the weakening of several bricks in the middle and at the edge of the masonry. At the same time, it is not possible to disassemble the structure, and it is problematic to use liquid solutions. Then help comes polyurethane foam. Small rigid spacers are pre-exposed to allow the bricks to take their place, and the damage is gently foamed. After drying, everything is cut flush with the surface.

Plastered coatings

Damage is assessed first. The fact is that cracks in the plaster can be the consequences of a base defect. If the cracks in the wall are deep, then it is advisable to dismantle the entire layer of plaster and eliminate the root cause. But often it is necessary to carry out only internal work.

When closing, they are guided by the following principles:

  • If the coating is used as a base for cladding decorative materials, the process is not particularly difficult. The main thing is to choose the composition that is suitable in structure. The seal is carried out with a spatula. First, the solution is applied while holding the tool perpendicularly, and then leveled with parallel movements.
  • Sometimes it happens that plaster plays an independent decorative role. For example, it is applied with the creation of various textures. Then more painstaking work is performed - the texture of the damaged area is recreated.
  • In the presence of numerous small cracks, the coating is treated with a very liquid gypsum composition with a brush.

In general, cracks on a plastered surface are an alarming signal, which may indicate that there are numerous voids under the layer.

Plasterboard walls

When deciding how to repair cracks on a drywall wall, it should be borne in mind that most often such damage occurs at the joints of the sheets. If defects appear on the plates themselves, then the reason may be hidden in improper installation or violation of the integrity of the frame. For example, deformation of the sheet occurs in the absence of the necessary gaps between the ceiling and the floor. Therefore, first of all, it is recommended to eliminate the cause.

Slots in the joints of the GKL plates are removed as follows:

  1. The joint is completely freed from the old composition, jointing is carried out. The seam should take the form of the Latin letter V. The site is treated with a primer.
  2. The putty composition is prepared and evenly applied.
  3. A reinforcing tape is applied, which is smeared into the surface, after which everything is leveled and polished.

The elimination of cracks in the joints of drywall is carried out using the technology of sealing joints

On a note! If numerous gaps are to be eliminated, then a general surface treatment is carried out with additional reinforcement using fiberglass.

concrete surfaces

You can close a crack in a concrete wall according to a scheme similar to the other options:

  1. With the help of a hammer and a chisel, the gap is embroidered. The depth should not be less than 5 mm. This is necessary for a stronger fixation of the solution.
  2. Cleaning of dust and dirt. Primer treatment should be provided, and in the presence of reinforcement, anti-corrosion compounds.
  3. A cement-sand mixture is being prepared.
  4. The solution is applied with a spatula. If the gap is deep enough and long enough, then it is recommended to perform reinforcement with a simple wire.
  5. The surface is finally levelled.

Thus, the process is quite uncomplicated and ideal for sealing holes in walls that form for various reasons.
