The creation of a staircase is preceded by the project development stage. During the design phase, the engineer:

Of course, it is better to entrust any work to professionals. But if there is a desire to save 30-40% of the cost of the stairs, then the described work can be done independently using special software.

Online 3d calculation constructor

Everyone can develop a 3d model of the staircase of their dreams. For this, there are online services on the Internet.

They work quite simply. The user must set the following parameters:

  • type of stairs;
  • march length;
  • the width and height of the step;
  • construction material.

Additionally, you can select the color of tinting from the proposed list and decoration designs.

Similar programs can be found on the websites of ladder manufacturers. In this case, you can not only look firsthand at the staircase created on your own, but also find out how much it will cost to manufacture it from a particular manufacturer.

DIY design - calculator program

Well, if you need to design a staircase from scratch, then you need a calculator program. To date, there are programs that specialize in the design of stairs. These include StairCon, Stair Designer, Compass/ND, Consultec Stairon.

With their help, you can:

Usually in order to get finished project, the following initial data is sufficient for the program:

  • type of stairs;
  • opening width and length;
  • opening height;
  • cover thickness.

Construction calculator Zhitov

The described programs, of course, will facilitate the design task and save a lot of money, but they themselves are not cheap.

As an alternative, you can use Zhitov's construction calculator, which will help you calculate a wooden, metal or reinforced concrete staircase online.

The design of a single-flight staircase begins with the fact that the program requests the following data:

  • desired step sizes;
  • dimensions of the protrusion on the steps;
  • opening dimensions;
  • the minimum width of the stringer;
  • the position of the initial step in relation to the floor level of the 2nd floor;
  • lift direction.

Based on these data, the program draws a drawing indicating the main dimensions of the structure and the angles of the steps in relation to the bowstring, with the marking of the main dimensions of the steps.

It should be noted that the design in the program is carried out taking into account ergonomic requirements. In accordance with which, the slope of the stairs should be 30-40, the height of the step - no more than 25 cm, and the depth of the step - 28-31 cm.

Well, if there is a desire to be creative in the process of creating a staircase for your own home, then armed with a calculator, pencil and paper, you can perform the calculation and drawing yourself.

How to correctly calculate the stairs

Screw metal

The design of a spiral staircase begins with measurements of the height of the room (H) and the size of the opening (D 1). The height of the room is measured from the level of the finished floor of the lower floor to the level of the floor of the upper floor. The size of the opening determines what diameter (D 2) the ladder can be installed.

The diameter of the stairs is taken slightly smaller than the opening. In order for the stairs to be convenient and safe, the diameter is 1500-2000 mm.

Having determined the diameter, find the step length (D 3): D 3 = D 1 / 2-d, where

d is the inner diameter. It is accepted taking into account the diameter of the support column. Usually this value is 100-200 mm.

For further calculations, it is necessary to determine the angle of rotation of the stairs. If the entrance and exit from the stairs are on the same line, then the turn of the stairs is 360 0 .

At the next stage, the length of the march is determined by the formula: L \u003d 2πR, R \u003d D 2 /2. Since it is necessary to determine the length of the march along the line of ascent, and it recedes from the edge of the room by 2/3, the formula takes the form: L = 2 * 2 / 3πR.

Knowing the length of the march and choosing the depth of the tread (h 1), you can calculate the number of steps (n): n \u003d L / h 1. In this case, the optimal tread depth is 25-27 cm. If an odd number is obtained during the calculation, then it is rounded off. As a rule, the level of the upper step coincides with the floor of the upper floor, so it is not taken into account in the calculation.

If you divide the height of the room by the number of steps, then we find out its height. The height of the steps is 17-18 cm. If the height is higher, then it is necessary to increase the number of steps.

To make sure that the ladder fully complies with ergonomic standards, it is necessary to calculate the depth of the tread along the line of movement and along the outer edge. To do this, divide the length of the march by the number of steps. The resulting value of the tread depth along the line of motion should be 20-25 cm, and along the outer edge - 30-35 cm. The tread depth inside the march can be calculated or taken as 100-200 mm.

Based on these calculations, a drawing of a spiral staircase is built and calculated required amount materials.

How to correctly calculate a wooden staircase to the second floor

Rotated 90 0

Before being taken into account, measure the height from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second floor and the dimensions of the opening in which the staircase will be installed.

And the width of the step (b) should be within 27-30 cm. You can check how comfortable the staircase turned out after the calculations by multiplying the height of the steps by two and adding the width. The resulting value should be in the range of 600-650 mm. Using the same formula, you can calculate the step width using the formula: b \u003d 650-a * 2

In order not to rest against the ceiling with your head while climbing the stairs, it is necessary to observe the height of the clearance within 1900-2000 mm. You can understand whether the designed structure meets this requirement by performing the following calculations:

  1. Subtract 70 cm from the length of the opening and divide by the width of the steps. The resulting number is the number of steps located above the opening.
  2. Multiply the value from the first paragraph by the height of the step.
  3. Subtract the value obtained in the second paragraph from the floor height. This number will be equal to the height of the gap.

If the number turned out to be less than the norm, you can do the following:

  • enlarge the opening;
  • reduce the number of steps, thereby increasing their height.

If it is impossible to increase the opening, and reducing the steps will lead to the fact that the slope of the stairs and the height of the steps will not correspond to the norm, it is better to design the stairs with a turn of 90 0.

This design consists of two marches located in relation to each other at an angle of 90 0 . This allows you to enter the staircase even in a room with a small area and with a small opening.

Marches can be connected to each other by a platform or winder steps. The first option is much more convenient, and the calculation in this case is not much different from the one already described. The main task is to determine at what height from the floor level it is necessary to arrange an intermediate platform.

First, they consider how many steps are needed for the upper march, located between the platform and the second floor. To do this, the required clearance height (2000 mm) is divided by the accepted step height (15-18 cm). The resulting number is rounded up to integers and reduced by one (since the upper frieze step coincides with the floor level).

To find out at what height the platform will be, the height of the steps is multiplied by their number and this number is subtracted from the height of the floor.

The number of steps for the lower march is calculated in the same way. In this case, the landing in the calculation is considered a step. The width and length of the site is taken equal to the width of the stairs.

With a rotation of 180 0 and a platform - drawings

It is customary to install a two-flight staircase with a turn of 180 0 at a floor height of more than 3 m.

For convenience, the calculation is performed simultaneously with the construction of a drawing on graph paper. First, draw a staircase.

Knowing the width of the staircase, calculate the width of the march. To do this, the gap value (100 mm) is subtracted from the width of the staircase and the value is divided by two.

Well, to find out what height is assigned to each march, the height of the floor is divided by two.

Further calculation is connected with the calculation of the number of steps. To do this, again, it is enough to divide the height of the march by the height of the step.

Well, in order to determine what the length of the march will be, and to build its horizontal projection on the plan, it is necessary to multiply the number of steps by the width.

The resulting dimensions are transferred to the plan. And then draw a section of the staircase.

Having drawings in hand, it will not be difficult to break down the structure in the house.

Online 3d calculation constructor, do-it-yourself staircase design - calculator program, Zhitov, how to correctly calculate a spiral, metal, wooden staircase to the second floor with a turn of 90, 180 and a platform - formulas, drawings


To make the staircase comfortable for use, it is necessary to fulfill many requirements for its design and shape. It is also important to calculate the stairs for safety reasons, because it must withstand all the loads placed on it. Dimensions may vary depending on their location and room parameters. In this article, we will provide you with information on calculating the dimensions of stairs with all acceptable standards.

Why is it necessary to calculate the stairs

During the design phase of a house, a lot of calculations are performed, but we are only interested in those that relate to stairs. The calculation of the stairs to the second floor in an apartment or house must be performed primarily for safety reasons and to save effort and money.

Performing calculations helps determine:

  • how much material is needed for construction;
  • what loads must correspond to materials to give the necessary strength to the structure.

Regardless of whether it is a staircase to the 2nd floor, to the attic, to the basement or to a viewing hole in the garage, making calculations will help not only do the job correctly, but also protect against injury, eliminating the possibility of structural failure.

How to calculate the stairs to the second floor

The width of the march to the 2nd floor will depend on the functionality of the stairs:

  • For safe use, the span must be at least 90-100 cm.
  • To transfer furniture between floors and for a calm divergence of two people in the opposite direction, a width of 125-150 cm is required.

The length of the kosour or bowstring

In order to determine how long the bowstring (kosour) should be, you must use the formula

a 2 + b 2 \u003d c 2,

where a is the length of the march; b - the height of the stairs; c - the length of the bowstring (kosour).

The calculation of the stairs in a private house can be started by determining the number of steps, it will be convenient to use the table below. It shows the dependence of the number of steps on the height of the stairs and risers. Dividing the height of the stairs by the height of the riser, we get a number, rounding which, we get the desired number of steps.

To determine the step width, it is more convenient to use the formula shown in the figure, the dependence of the step width (600-640 mm) and the height of the riser. There are a number of restrictions that must be adhered to when calculating:

  • the edge of the tread should not hang down more than 50 mm;
  • the width of the tread should not be less than 100 mm.

The width of the steps based on the formula is: 600 - 2 * 160 \u003d 280 mm.

On what the parameters of the steps can depend

The main parameter on which any straight staircase, turn or spiral depends, is the size of the room in which it is located.

With a not very large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which it is necessary to fit a straight single-flight staircase, you will have to change the angle of inclination of the structure to a steeper one in order to reduce the length of the bowstring. Changing the angle of inclination directly affects all the parameters of the steps, except for their length, the dependence is shown in the figure.

Features of the calculation of spiral staircases

Principle d is in many ways similar to the calculations of simple marching and turning stairs, but, of course, there are points that should be paid attention to due to design features.

When making a spiral staircase to the second floor with your own hands, you should be aware that there are certain limits in the size of spiral staircases, beyond which it is not advisable to go for reasons of safety and ease of use:

  • the depth of the step in the middle line is at least 200 mm;
  • at a distance of 150 mm from the support post at least 100 mm;
  • in the wide part at the edge no more than 400 mm;
  • ladder diameter from 1300 to 3300 mm;
  • march width from 530 to 1430 mm;
  • opening diameter from 1300 to 3300 mm.

Consider, for example, the calculation of a spiral staircase for a room with a height of 2700 mm and a march width of 1000 mm.

  1. It is necessary to calculate the diameter of the future staircase and, accordingly, the diameter of the ceiling opening. The main thing when calculating to double the width of the march is not to forget to add the diameter of the central support column, with such a width of the march it should be at least 200 mm. As a result, we get: D \u003d 1000 + 1000 + 200 \u003d 2200 mm. This size falls within the parameters described earlier.
  2. Let's determine the radius of the rise, which is equal to the sum of half the width of the march and the radius of the support. Rn=500+100=600 mm. We take half the width of the march due to the fact that in the middle of the span the most optimal tread width is 200 mm.
  3. Knowing the radius of rise Rn=600 mm and the width of the tread 200 mm, we determine the number of steps per one turn of the stairs using the formula: L=2πr/200=2*3.14*600/200=18.84. Rounding the resulting number, we learn that one turn consists of 19 steps.
  4. To calculate the height of a step, it is necessary to determine the distance between the turns of the stairs. Consider an example of the use of stairs by people whose height is not more than 180 cm. In this case, the distance between the turns should be at least 200 cm. Thus, we determine that the height of the steps is 2000/19 = 105 mm.
  5. The number of steps for our room with a height of 2700 mm is 2700/105=26 pcs.
2000/160=13 pcs

steps, and, accordingly, on the entire staircase:


This option will be more economical, due to the fact that the entire staircase will require 9 steps less.

Which of the options to use is up to you. The difference is that the ascent of a spiral staircase is steeper than a simple marching staircase, and the use of lower steps makes it easier to climb.

How to calculate the attic stairs in the house

An attic folding ladder is calculated in the same way as a simple attached ladder, based on the fact that the angle of inclination is 65 °. To determine the length of the stairs, you must use the formula:

where c is the length of the staircase, which stands at an angle of 65°, b is the height of the room (in our example, this height is 2700 mm). Using an engineering calculator, we get that c=2700/0.9063=2979.15. Rounding, we get that the length is 2980 mm.

The height of the steps is 25 cm, the width of the stairs, depending on your preferences, is 50-70 cm. You can also find information on how to get a folding attic ladder from a simple attached ladder on our website.

So, how do professionals advise to perform the calculation in XXI century?

Stair design can be done in a variety of ways. Each is based on optimal dimensions flight of stairs necessary for comfortable and safe movement.

Naturally, the most comfortable there will be a gentle and not narrow staircase, but, as a rule, practical circumstances dictate restrictions on the choice key parameters which include: view stairs, lifting height, plan area, tilt angle, number of steps, width and height of each.

These indicators interconnected and cannot be determined individually. For example, for a simple single-flight staircase, the height of the rise and the angle of inclination rigidly set the area in the plan, and vice versa, knowledge of the area in the plan and the height will leave no doubt about the magnitude of the angle of inclination of the stairs.

In this article we we will not consider exotic options, like stairs with elements of three-dimensional curvature, but let's focus on the usual and feasible home master structures on stringers and kerchiefs.

Step size

This is perhaps one of the main characteristics of the stairs. It depends on them how comfortable and safe households will be able to go up to the second floor and go down.

Master Novitsky Oleg Vadimovich in the book " modern stairs. Design, manufacture, installation.» (best wishes to the author and this marvelous work) mentions recommended and repeatedly tested values for lifting ( h) and tread ( a) steps:

h×a = 150×300, 160×300, 170×290 mm.

These sizes are good, but, unfortunately, cannot be used if the house has already been built and the total height of the stairs ( H) is not a multiple of a single step ( h). In this case, we can turn to the calculation formulas.

Widely known convenience formula:

a - h = 12 cm.

According to this ratio, the stairs will be the most convenient.

The ladder is considered safe if the sum of the dimensions ( With) the width of the tread and the height of the riser is equal to 45 cm:

30+15; 27+18; 25+20 .

Accordingly, this equation is called safety formulas :

c = a + h = 45 cm.

The difficulty is that the formulas are applicable in small range sizes and it is not always possible to realize the necessary proportion in practice. In this case, you should “get” into the indicated proportions with a minimum deviation or use the universal Blondel's formula, which takes into account the average step of a person. More on that below.

Floor height, m Number of steps n Step height h, mm Step width b, mm Grade h:b
2.25 for basements 12 118 260 1:1,38
13 173 260 1:1,50
2,50 14 179 260 1:1,45
14 179 290 1:1,62
2,75 15 183 260 1:1,42
16 172 260 1:1,51
16 172 290 1:1,69
3,00 17 176 290 1:1,65
18 167 290 1:1,74

note: in single-flight stairs, as well as in one flight of two- and three-flight stairs within the first floor, no more than 18 lifts (steps). Limit height steps - 220 mm ( SNiP 21-01-97).

For designing a simple wooden staircase on stringers measure the height between floors(vertical distance from the bottom floor to the top floor).

By the way height between floors- this is the "sickest" size. In houses made of stone, very often there are deviations from the project on 4-5 cm, and wooden ones are subject to shrinkage and shrinkage (up to 15 see per floor). Ideally, you should wait for the complete shrinkage of the log house in a few years.

Also dimensions for calculating the stairs it is better to remove when finishing floors are laid or should be clearly defined horizontal levels heights.

So let height in our case:

Choose riser height:

Dividing the height between floors by the height of the risers, we get required number of steps:

270: 18 = 15 pieces.

To determine the optimal step width, use convenience formula:

a - h \u003d 12, h \u003d 18 cm.

Comfortable tread width:

a = 12 + h = 30 cm.

So it is necessary 15 steps wide 30 cm and a length depending on the width of the opening in the interfloor ceiling. Checking the stairs safety formula:

a + h = 46 + 3 cm

In this case:

18 + 30 = 48 cm.

Ladder safe and convenient to operate.

This example of calculations is given by Stolyarov A.N. in the book " We build stairs».

French architect and engineer still in the distant 1672 suggested the following relation:

Where S is the average step of a person who is within 600-640 mm.

Can be converted to inequality:

lower practical result would be minimum lift steps:

h = 120 mm, a = 400 mm, slope 17 degrees.

With a smaller angle, it is no longer a staircase, but a ramp (ramp) - a gentle inclined platform.

Upper step rise:

h = 220 mm, a = 200 mm, slope 48 degrees.

At the upper limit of the formula, we get not the most comfortable ladder, usable only when moving facing the steps.

Going down the ladder is more dangerous than going up, hence ease of use evaluate on the move down. An example of the master's thoughts according to Blondel's formula:

We measure the height between floors:

H = 3050 mm.

Determine the rise of the steps h by dividing H for the possible number of lifts ( n). Value options:

    With 17 lifts: h = H / n = 3050 / 17 = 179.4 mm.

    At 18: h \u003d H / n \u003d 3050/18 \u003d 169.4 mm.

    At 19: h = H / n = 3050/19 = 160.5 mm.

A = 5000 mm.

The length of the travel line should not be less than the height between floors ( H), otherwise the stairs will be impractically steep. In our example:

A (5000) > H (3050).

At n = 18 tread a = 5000 / (n - 1) = 294 mm.

The actual number of steps on 1 less than the calculated value. This fact is easy to accept if the first step is considered at the floor level.

Step parameter according to Blondel:

169 × 2 + 294 = 632 mm.

Hence, size is acceptable, is organic and lies within the average human step. We determined the width of the tread and the height of the riser for easy movement, but this is not enough to build a comfortable and safe staircase.

Line of march and middle line of march

travel line (A) is a horizontal projection of the imaginary movement of a person along the steps. Passes in the distance 300-500 mm from the inner edge of the stairs. This average size determines handrail comfort. The children will go closer to the railing, adults - further.

Sometimes for direct march, this size is neglected, since the edges of the steps are parallel.

If the width of the stairs is up to 1000 mm, then the line of motion will coincide with the middle line of the march. If more 1000 mm, then the travel line is shifted to the handrail. The calculation algorithm is as follows:

    With chalk or a plumb line draw the intended line on the floor(or lines) of the course. Fix the size with a tape measure and correlate it with the height of the stairs. It's great if the line of motion more than the height in 1,7 times - then the slope will be 30 °.

    All received indicators of the size of the tread calculate using Blondel's formula to determine the optimal one.

The relative value of the rise of the march (angle of rise)

In construction practice, the angle of elevation, as a rule, is in the range from 20 before 50 degrees, but stairs with an angle from 30 before 45 degrees.

Dependency table step sizes from the angle of inclination:

Choice tilt angle causes a margin of distance (critical height) of at least 2000 mm from any step to the ceiling or any protruding element of the building (beams, parapet):

critical height convenient to check, drawing the calculated steps on any sheet material or right on the wall. As design practice shows, very often a line drawn from a ceiling or a dangerous ledge will be less than the desired value.

It is for this reason that it is not possible to design a staircase that is gentle enough. With an increase in the angle of inclination, comfort decreases, therefore, with a low average height of all households, sometimes this size is still underestimated.

In the already mentioned work of Novitsky O.V. "Modern stairs. Design, manufacture, installation.» a real practical case is considered, in which even 6 options for the location of the stairs in the room.

In any case, the final result is usually golden mean between many conflicting arguments.

March width

March width is determined by the capacity of the stairs (the number of people per minute at the narrowest point) and assumes the comfortable movement of an adult.

For intra-apartment flights of stairs, building codes define this value (the size from the wall to the railing or between two railings on the left and right sides) at least 900 mm, in luxury homes 1250-1600 mm.

Provided width exceptions flight of stairs ( 0,8 m) some types of stairs (for example, in garden houses), but when designing a staircase, this size should be guided only in conditions of a severe lack of free space in the room.

Width less than 0.8m can afford auxiliary structures, for example, stairs to the basement or to the attic.

Standard elements

Every good owner knows how to count money. Building stairs is no exception. Can good to save if the details of the stairs at the design stage turn out fit to standard blanks accepted on the territory RF.

Economic Considerations can become the key argument that will allow the owner to choose the only option for the location of the stairs from several possible ones.

1. Standards on the steps.

Available with fillet R12.5. invitations steps:

Size, mm
1 H 220×400×1200, R200
2 H220×400×1400, R200

Winder triangular a step of a non-standard size to order is calculated as a rectangular one (the necessary one is simply cut out of it). Because it is advisable to order rectangular. The cost is identical, and trimmings will come in handy in the work.

Large steps can be made from furniture board sizes:

Size (H×W×D), mm
1 38×400×2000
2 38×500×1500
3 38×500×2000
4 38×700×1500
5 38×1000×1000
6 38×1100×1100
7 38×1200×1200

2. Riser.

Size (H×W×D), mm
1 18×180×900
2 18×180×1000
3 18×180×1100
4 18×180×1200
5 18×180×1300
6 18×180×1400
7 18×120×900
8 18×120×1000
9 18×120×1100
10 18×120×1200
11 18×120×1300
12 18×120×1400

3. Facing board.

Size (H×W×D), mm
1 18×200×2000
2 18×300×2000
3 18×350×1000
4 18×350×1500
5 18×350×2000
6 18×350×2500
7 18×350×3000
8 18×350×3500

4. Beam.

Size (H×W×D), mm
1 80×80×1200
2 80×80×2000
3 80×80×2500
4 80×80×3000
5 100×100×1200
6 100×100×2000
7 100×100×2500
8 100×100×3000

5. Bowstrings.

Size (H×W×D), mm
1 40×350×2500
2 40×350×3000
3 40×350×3500
4 40×400×4000
5 50×300×3500
6 50×350×3500
7 50×400×4500

6. Handrails.

The length of the handrails can vary from 3500 before 6000 mm. And here are the dimensions sections constant:

Section (W×H), mm
1 40×70
2 45×70
3 45×80
4 45×90
5 60×60
6 70×70
7 70×90
8 80×100

7. Balusters.

Diameter round balusters - 30 or 47 mm. Length all varieties up to 900 mm. Sections square items:

Section (W×H), mm
1 40×40
2 45×45
3 50×50
4 60×60
6 70×70
7 80×80
Diameter, mm
1 75
2 95
3 115
4 140
5 145

More at the stage of calculations you should familiarize yourself with the price list of the nearest supplier within walking distance.

So, it is not the gods who burn the pots. We hope we succeeded dispel the myth that the design and construction of stairs is available only to the elite. Read articles, literature, which we referred to in this text, take measurements, sketches and drawings.

Task in dry matter looks simple: based on the layout of the house, the location of the stairs, the aesthetic preferences of the owners, you need perform parameter calculations given in the article. It remains only to organically fit the indicators into the norms of comfortable and safe movement on country house or multi-level apartment.

We wish you comfort and goodness in your home.

Using an online calculator for calculating stairs is not at all difficult if you understand the instruction manual and enter the necessary parameters correctly. Calculating the stairs to the second floor using a calculator is very simple, and you can do this from any device with Internet access, for example, a tablet, computer, and the like.

The ladder must be strong, stable and properly thought out. In order to determine the size of the stairs in a private house, it is worth considering the space between floors or, in other words, the thickness of the interfloor slab. Initially, you need to decide on the shape of the structure. It is quite possible to equip a building for lifting with your own hands, but in the absence of special professional skills, you should choose the most common version of a straight staircase.

It will be reliable, convenient, and building process won't take much money or time. On average, such a staircase is suitable for rooms with a ceiling height of 2.5-3.5 m.

For the convenience of this piece of furniture, it is necessary that the flight of stairs be located on racks, and under it there should be free space. Thus, it is possible to use square meters under the shelves, the placement of dark rooms and similar objects. To make the calculation correctly and independently, you need to use a simple and convenient formula, or in other words, just take the optimal proportion - 2/1 relative to the length of the flight of stairs and the height of the room. For example, if the height of the stairs is 3 m, then the length should be 6.

To calculate the slope parameters, you need to rely only on personal preferences. Experts suggest choosing the most optimal angles tilt - 30 and 40 degrees. If the steepness is less, then the size of the length will be very large, and in height it will look short.

What is a ladder calculator online

Now many have begun to use the computer method of calculating the parameters of the stairs online. The program can be installed on an Android smartphone or on a laptop with any operating system. An example of recalculation is in each application together with instructions for using the program.

In general, the development is quite convenient, functional and it does not take too much time to calculate the required amount of material, width, including determining the slope.

The calculator table contains various columns and rows, each of which has a specific purpose. There is a calculator that designs the structure. In particular, by entering certain data into the table and pressing the desired button, you can get an image of the future design in a couple of seconds.

The drawing will consist of:

  • Side and top view;
  • Step drawing;
  • Bowstring drawing;
  • Initial data.

Using the calculator, you can discover many new features that will greatly simplify the development of the project. It is possible to calculate and model a staircase on bowstrings, to carry out the most accurate calculations of structural details, to obtain a diagram of a staircase in at its best and calculate the required amount of materials.

How to calculate the stairs to the second floor in a private house

The methodology for calculating and developing an ordinary staircase is very simple and you can do it yourself. Namely, to design a staircase in your home, you need to accurately measure the ceiling opening. In particular, its width and length, including the height of the ceiling.

Ladder planning should be carried out taking into account:

  • Dimensions of the future structure;
  • Interior and general style of the room;
  • Use of a specific type of materials;
  • load;
  • The direction in which the movement will be carried out;
  • The need to install an additional support.

In any case, regardless of what types of materials will be used, the calculation of the staircase structure is carried out from room measurements. If the construction of the stairs is carried out at the time of repair, then it is worth considering how the room will change, because the walls often thicken, or the ceiling decreases slightly. The dimensions of the stairs can be affected by the finish of the floor, the ceiling and other surfaces in the room.

Key parameters of the staircase calculator

Thanks to modern technical developments, it has become much easier to build houses, determine the location of pipes and stairs in the entrance, and more. Now everyone can independently make a 3D modeling and examine the future staircase almost from the inside.

It is through a computer that you can:

  • Eliminate errors in the calculation;
  • Correctly build a ladder, taking into account the norms and standards of SNIP;
  • Make the stairs comfortable and convenient even at the construction stage.

There are a huge variety of programs and each has its own type of interface, features of entering parameters and similar characteristics. It is worth noting that improved application models help to calculate even such trifles as the amount of fasteners.

Before you use the calculator to calculate the stairs, as well as to form its drawing, you need to decide:

  • With the location of the structure in the house;
  • Overlooking stairs;
  • With material.

In general, if the project is simple, then the calculation will not take much effort and time, because a direct structure can be installed anywhere in the room.

The standards for the design are the simplest, among which should be taken into account:

  • Safety;
  • Reliability;
  • Convenience;
  • Comfort.

Even when erecting a staircase in a private house, it should be borne in mind that it will have a great impact. For example, furniture, construction and Decoration Materials and a large number of people will rise corny, children can run and so on. That is why the ladder should be made as stable as possible and preferably with additional props.

For compressed spaces and to save space in the room, you can use a spiral staircase.

It is worth noting that there are also staircase structures, which are divided into two-flight and one-flight. They have large dimensions and are not intended for small rooms. Be sure to think not only the base and the middle of the building, but also the exit to the second floor. The exit or location of the hatch should be convenient so that there are no overhanging structures. For example, the sloping attic roof. This can cause serious head injury and more serious consequences. It is advisable to equip a platform with a railing at the top, which will protect the descent and make it more comfortable.

Rules for using the program: how to calculate the stairs correctly

The calculation of the rise to the top should be the most correct, regardless of what the staircase will be: straight, angular, vertical.

Other parameters are also not so important, for example:

  • What entrance platform will it be equipped with;
  • Is it convenient to wash the structure in the future;
  • The use of which array will be carried out during construction;
  • Will the structure be wooden or using metal shields.

The most important thing is that the structure must be safe and comfortable, as this can affect the health of those who will use the structure.

For example, stairs that are too steep and slippery steps can cause injury.

It is in order not to spoil the future structure for climbing up it is worth using special programs, which take into account all the nuances, including the size of the march, the height of the opening, and similar parameters.

Calculation of stairs to the second floor: screw design

Spiral staircases can have a rotation of 180 degrees.

These designs:

  • Stylish;
  • Beautiful;
  • Compact.

It is the spiral staircase that is ergonomic and practical way through which you can get to the second floor from the first. In addition, such structures are often chosen because of their aesthetic appearance, as they will look perfect in modern style or high-tech.

To calculate the diameter of a spiral staircase, you need to multiply parameters such as the width of the march by 2, and then add the diameter of the base.

To determine the radius of the rise, you need to divide the width of the march by 2 and add the radius of the support legs. To make the staircase as comfortable as possible, you should not make it less than 800 mm. Thus, it will be possible to move without problems. With regards to the number and height of steps in a spiral staircase, they must be calculated so that one person can freely climb / descend and, if necessary, turn around on it. The height of the rise space is calculated by adding the average height of a person - 180 cm and the average depth of the tread - 20 cm. Then all this is divided by how many steps one turn has. Then the height of the stairs is divided by the value that is obtained.

Stair calculation program

The formula for calculating stairs depends on the type of structure, height, width, number of steps and material. For a private house, you can choose stairs different kind. In particular, curvilinear, for example, helical, angular and from different material. It can be metal, wood, as well as plastic, but on a wooden or metal base. As mentioned earlier, screw structures are compact in size and add aesthetics to the interior. Also, the calculation of the stairs is affected by the room and its features.

In particular:

  • What it is used for;
  • What parameters does it have;
  • What is the interior in it;
  • How many turntables are needed;
  • What should be the configuration of the steps;
  • Where will the stairs be located.

Stair calculation (video)

Self-erection of stairs is a very interesting activity, because you can connect your imagination, it’s not easy to do metal structure, but the original forged model. There can be a huge variety of options for finishing and construction, but the main thing is to choose only proven methods of calculation. For example, a special online calculator.

Nowadays, you can buy almost everything that is necessary for construction, including a staircase, both as a whole and individual parts for its assembly. But making it yourself according to your own drawings is much more pleasant. In addition, no one will definitely have such a design.


When deciding to make a staircase at home to the second floor or more, you need to think carefully about everything. The staircase is a rather complicated design, as it seems at first glance. For its construction, SNiP and GOST standards are provided. Given them, you will be sure of the safety and reliability of this design.

Therefore, before proceeding to the calculations, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the standards:

  • The slope is the angle of inclination of the flight of stairs. In residential buildings, it should be from 30 to 40 degrees.
  • The number of steps will depend on the span and the number of flights. There should be at least 3 of them, a maximum of 16 in a two-march design, and 18 in a single-march design.
  • In a two-flight model, the size of the platform must be at least the width of the flights leading to it.
  • The width of the tread is the length from the beginning of the step to the riser. Valid in the range from 26 to 31 cm.
  • The riser height is the height between the steps. The standard is 17 cm, but it is allowed within 14-17 cm.
  • A step is the sum of the height of 1 riser and the width of 2 treads.
  • The width of this product is the length of the entire step - according to the standard, at least 80 cm.
  • The parameters of the staircase should have such an area that two people can disperse in it and freely open the door.


Stairs for a private house, cottage and multi-level apartment are divided into types according to design features:

  • Marching is subdivided into one-march, two-march and multi-march. There are also options with a platform, straight and with winder steps, rotated 90, 180 and 360 degrees. Cross-country steps are called steps that have the shape of a trapezoid.
  • Screw, or spiral. The steps of this configuration are twisted along the axis.
  • Combined is a combination of the previous two in different versions.

The type of stairs in your house should be chosen depending on the area of ​​​​the room where it will be located, its layout, functional features, financial capabilities and your imagination.

A straight single-flight staircase is considered a simpler and easier option to manufacture. Its manufacture does not require complex calculations, its installation is simple, moreover, this design is more reliable and comfortable. But it has a significant drawback: it requires a lot of space to install.

If you do not have enough space, reducing its size is unacceptable, this will reduce the comfort and safety of the product. A two-flight or more stairs will be the way out of this situation. By dividing one march into two or more, changing the direction of the marches to the opposite or perpendicular, you will significantly save the space used for it. You can use the corner of the room to install it and place it against the wall, which will be more practical. The ideal option it will be if you initially provide a special place at the design stage of the building - a stairwell.

The staircase is straight, consisting of several marches, differs by a change in direction of movement. For example, spans are separated by a transition in the form of a horizontal platform, or they can be connected by a curved segment that changes direction with the help of winder steps. A staircase with a section of winder steps gives the interior of the room a great appeal. Thanks to the turn, the product wins in size. Such a design, of course, is more difficult to design, calculate, assemble, it is less safe and comfortable to use than a staircase with a transition platform.

A spiral staircase can be placed on a minimum area, and it will look very elegant. This design is not convenient enough to use and has a rather low level of security, and large items cannot be lifted along it. It is much more difficult to manufacture, mount, it requires a more accurate calculation. It will be quite difficult for a non-professional to manufacture complex structural parts without additional equipment and knowledge.

Combined designs are numerous options from the two previous types, they can have a very complex configuration. It will be difficult to calculate and make them on your own, without proper education and experience.


For straight and spiral staircases, the frame is made of both metal and wood.

The frame for such stairs is divided into three types:

  • on stringers - the frame is made of 1 or 2 beams, on which steps are laid;
  • on the bowstring - these are two support beams on which steps are attached;
  • on the pain (translated from German language- pin) - the steps are attached directly to the wall.

Where to place?

Choose the simplest option - a straight single-flight staircase, most often the size of the room does not allow. We have to choose more complex options.

To find the best way out of this situation, let's turn to the advice of professionals:

  • so that the ladder does not interfere in the living room, it is better to place it in a place that is less often used so that it can be freely approached;
  • at self-manufacturing it is better to give preference to landings than winder steps;
  • calculate first simple options and provide for the possibility of lifting the structure of large-sized items and the possibility of use by everyone living in the house;
  • choose a closed option if you plan to use the free space under the stairs, as open version makes it lighter and the room looks more spacious;
  • in a house built of wood, but you can make a metal staircase no earlier than a year and a half after complete shrinkage, otherwise the metal is deformed;
  • between floors it should be possible to make an opening; it is difficult to do it in a concrete slab.

What determines the size?

In order for the design of the stairs to have sufficient strength, to be interesting, comfortable and, of course, safe to use, three main parameters must be taken into account in the calculations: its height, length, width.

The height of the stairs is the distance between the floors of the first and second floors(precisely the floor, not the ceiling of the second floor). If the staircase with its upper part is installed on the ceiling of the second floor, then for more convenient operation, an opening is made in the ceiling of the second floor. The height of the stairs is calculated very simply: the height from the first step to the ceiling is 10 cm more than the height of the tallest member of the family. The recommended opening height is two meters, it must be maintained throughout the structure. This is clearly shown in the picture.

The staircase is placed in a habitable room if the rooms are heated on both floors. Otherwise, place it in a special room or from the street.

The length of the product will depend on the design features of the stairs. For an ordinary march, this is the entire length of the march. If the staircase consists of several flights and landings, then this is the sum of all their lengths. For spiral and winder stairs, the average length is calculated, and, retreating from the edge of the span 50 cm, they are measured.

For different comfort zones, there are different standards for the width of the stairs:

  • increased comfort zone - 150 cm;
  • comfort zone - 100-120 cm;
  • ladder located near the wall - 80-100 cm;
  • for auxiliary ones, less than 80 cm is allowed;
  • due to the fact that stairs with winder steps narrow towards the center, a width of at least 110 cm is allowed;
  • for a spiral staircase, a comfort zone is 140 cm, the minimum size is 110 cm.

The angle of inclination or the steepness of the stairs determines the comfort of using this product. A steep staircase takes up less space in the room, and a gentle staircase is comfortable to use. The diagram shows the dependence of comfortable movement on the stairs from the angle of inclination and the place of its use. In the living area, an angle of inclination of 20-45 degrees is allowed, but the more comfortable zone in the figure is colored in green(24-37 degrees).

Moving up the stairs with a slope of 45 degrees will be comfortable only with your back forward.

In houses, as a rule, combined types of stairs are made. In this embodiment, to determine the angle of attachment of the railing at the stairs, it is necessary to draw a line parallel to the base of the stairs (kosour or bowstring). Railings are laid along this line.

The number of steps is not provided by the standards, it is calculated based on the height of the structure and the riser. For a two-flight staircase, the number of steps in the spans should be the same, but in practice this rarely happens. True, in multi-apartment buildings, the regulation provides for from 9 to 11 steps.

The riser height is the distance between two steps. The most convenient parameter is 15 cm.

If the required height cannot be divided by an equal number, you can get out of the situation by changing the tread distance at the beginning and / or end of the march.

A step at the stairs is the width of the step, on which it will be convenient to step on the whole foot. The minimum allowable width is 10 cm if this ladder is rarely used, but it is not safe to use such a design. The optimal size is 23 cm, equal to 35 shoe sizes, so when calculating the width of the step, consider the size of the feet of family members. It is possible to make the step wider by extending the step, but not more than 5 cm.

If the width of the step is more than 65 cm, there is a danger of stumbling. When calculating the width, keep in mind the gap from baluster to baluster - it is allowed from 10, but not more than 15 cm, otherwise the use of the structure will be dangerous. When installing balusters, do not forget about aesthetics.

The length of the step will depend on the configuration of the stairs. If the main element of the design will be two bowstrings, then the distance between them will be the length of the step. When using one or two stringers in the design, you determine the length of the step yourself. Below are the recommended sizes of steps, which depend on the angle of inclination and the type of construction. These calculations will be useful for making a drawing of the stairs.

The parameters of the parts are interconnected and for their calculation you need to know only the basics of geometry.

We calculate the parameters

The first example will show how to correctly calculate the length of the interfloor staircase and the width of the opening.

This option is the easiest, however, to make it, you need a large area in the room. You will see this in the proposed drawing.

Let's start by calculating the length of the stairs and the number of steps. We take the height of the room (in the proposed version 3000 mm), plus the width of the ceiling between the rooms (in this version 200 mm). It turns out 3200 mm, we divide by 160 mm (the height of the riser recommended by the standards), as a result, the number of steps is 20 pieces.

If we consider the width of the steps as 300 mm and multiply them by 20, then the length of the structure will be 6000 mm. You can reduce the size of the product if you take out the steps by 50 mm, this will reduce the width of the steps to 250 mm. Then 250 mm must be multiplied by the number of steps (we have 20), we get a structure length of 5000 mm, so we will reduce the area occupied by the stairs by 1 m2.

Now let's start calculating the width of the opening for this design. The height of the room (we have 3000 mm) minus the recommended clearance of 1900 mm = 1100 mm. The resulting number is divided by the height of the step - this is 1100 mm: 160 mm \u003d 6.875, we round the value. As a result, 7 steps came out, and the ceiling will be located above them.

The remaining 13 of the 20 steps will be located in a free gap, otherwise the movement will not be very convenient. If the step width is 300mm, the opening width is 3900mm (300mm times 13 steps).

If the room does not allow you to take an area of ​​​​5-6 m2 for the stairs, change the width of the steps and / or the height of the riser. Consider creating a design with a twist. Can be used in the product steps "duck step". Making such structures with your own hands, of course, is more difficult, and it will not be easy to calculate them yourself.

Approximate sketch of a staircase made of metal on one stringer.

In the second example, we will tell you how you can calculate the angle of inclination of the stairs and the parameters of its steps.

It is much more difficult to calculate in this option, but it is possible to use methods such as:

  • line lifting method;
  • computer calculation;
  • Danish method;
  • sweep method;
  • proportion method.

To use the first four methods for calculation, you must have at least basic design knowledge. But the fifth method is available to a non-professional and will help you quite simply to calculate both a straight march, and a spiral, and a staircase with winder steps. These types are united by the fact that the steps narrow towards the center.

The very name of the proportion method speaks for itself. It is based on the space distributed evenly in the area of ​​turning stairs with winder steps both by 90 and 180 degrees.

The calculation is made as follows:

  • In a horizontal projection, we make a sketch of the product itself.
  • Place a line in the middle indicating the average length of the march.
  • Let us designate a segment indicating the middle part of the rotation of the product itself and the location of the longest step.
  • On the middle line we indicate the width of the step, we calculate their number from the turn line.
  • Determine the end point of the same step. There will be two such places - at the beginning and at the end of the product. We denote them as points. It happens that the stairs both begin and end with winder steps.
  • In the place where the step has the smallest width (about 1 of the stringers, bowstrings or screw pipes), we set aside 50 mm from the turn line. As a result, 50 mm plus 50 mm - we get 100 mm. This will be the smallest allowed step width.
  • Now you need to connect all the points showing the width of the steps, extend them to the back side - 2 stringers, bowstrings or fences at the spiral staircase.
  • Let's take a look at the remaining steps. They correspond to a ratio of 1: 2: 3. This means that 1 mm in the narrow part of the product will be equal to 2 mm in the middle part and 3 mm at the widest point of the turn.

All blanks for the stairs are made according to the dimensions of the sketch according to the scale.

Schematic drawing of a structure with winder steps.

This figure shows a staircase with winder steps with a turn of 90 degrees, it is also called a quarter turn.

A staircase with winder steps and a 180 degree turn can be calculated in the same way, it is called a half-turn.

This method can also be used to calculate the design on the bolts. The difference will be only in the method of fastening, for which you can use a bowstring. But this method will not be very accurate, but if you make the stairs yourself, it will work.

There is another kind of ladder - "duck step". Its advantage is in saving space, but its construction is quite complicated, and it is not very convenient to use. This design is used with a slope angle of more than 45 degrees. A feature of this configuration is that you can step on a step with only one foot. It is often difficult to use such a ladder, but the design of the frame of this variety is the same as that of the marching one. The difference is only in the shape of the steps. According to the standard, their number should be odd, and the first, as a rule, is done on the right. The tread is also done on the right, if the owners, as an exception, have a leading foot that is not left.

Spiral staircase not only saves space in the room, but is also a spectacular detail in the interior, made in the style of loft, hi-tech, and minimalism. To calculate the diameter of this design, it is necessary to increase the width of the march by 2 times and add the diameter of the base to it. To calculate the radius of the rise, the width of the march is reduced by 2 and increased by the radius of the support.

The required dimensions for this configuration are calculated based on the diameter of the support pipes and the width of the product. For convenience, the ladder is made at least 80 cm wide so that two people can disperse along it. The height and number of steps in this configuration must be calculated so that a tall person can move along it. Therefore, in a coil, the number of steps should be equal to the length of the line of movement, divided by the width of the step.

To calculate the height of the riser, we take the height of a person as 1.8 m, add 0.2 m (average tread depth) and divide by the number of steps in one turn. We divide the height of the entire structure by this number and get the number of steps.

The photo shows the frame of a spiral staircase.

Special programs will help you not to rack your brains over formulas for calculation. With their help, you can make a 3D model, make a drawing, indicating all the data.

The most commonly used programs are:

  • "Compass";
  • SolidWorks;
  • Consultec Staircon.

Even if you used a computer calculation, the method of proportions and you have drawings of the design you need, it is recommended to make a sketch with all the necessary dimensions not only of your design, but also of the room in which the staircase will be located. Include in the sketch all the details located near the proposed structure, for example, a window, window sill, etc. The dimensions of these details may not allow you to change the appearance or dimensions of the structure if necessary. After all computer programs can issue a conclusion: the design according to the parameters you have chosen is not comfortable in operation.

There is also a formula for calculating the comfort of stairs. She will allow you to find out by making a calculation based on the average stride length.

The usual step of a person ranges from 600 to 660 cm, on average it will be 630 mm. If we denote the height of the step with the letter H, and the depth with the letter S, then we get the formula 2H + S - this will be the formula for the comfort of this design. We have already talked about the comfortable slope. If the depth of the stairs causes discomfort, this can be corrected by reducing the protrusion of the step.

This table shows the dependence of the parameters of the steps (width and height) and the slope angle of the march:

In this diagram and in table No. 2, a change in the number of steps and span parameters is traced:

Railings and fencing structures

Railings and barriers for this product, as a rule, bear double function. First of all, they should serve for the safety of using this design by the whole family. in the second - to be a decor that decorates not only this product, but also fit into the interior of the room. In this regard, the fence in this design must be taken with no less seriousness than the product itself.

For the manufacture of railings and fencing, you need to know:

  • the height of the balusters;
  • railing length and width.

It is also necessary to adhere to existing standards when creating a fence. The permissible height of the fence, taking into account the railing, can be from 90 to 100 cm. For safe use by children (if they use this design), additional railings will have to be provided at a height of 70 to 75 cm.

When choosing a material for fencing and railings, it is necessary to take into account the strength and safety of these materials. An example would be wooden staircase with beautiful wooden fences and railings. This figure shows all the details with optimal dimensions and even forms.

Fencing and railings can be made from any material available to you, for example:

  • from metal;
  • from wood;
  • from glass;
  • from polyurethane;
  • from acrylic;
  • combinations of the above materials.

When choosing a material, consider design features products, in particular, the weight, size and types of fasteners of both the steps themselves and the marches as a whole. The choice of metal fencing will depend only on your financial capabilities. Forged parts or fences using copper, brass will cost several times more than stainless steel and aluminum. Steel in fences is used more often because of its affordable cost.
