A room such as a bathroom can be designed in various styles. One of the most popular design options is the Provence style. Despite some simplicity inherent in this style, repairs in this case will cost a decent amount. After all, Provence is easily recognizable, and requires certain accessories. Bathroom design 2020 - see 80 photos of design options in our gallery.

Bathroom Design Rules

For example, porcelain stoneware under a tree would be appropriate here. Although, of course, the origins of the style were natural materials - stone and wood.

Separately, it is necessary to specify the color scheme of the design of the bathroom, which is appropriate in this case - white color with dilution with bright shades is relevant, that is:

  • light blue,
  • pinkish,
  • sand and so on.

The most expensive elements in a modern bathroom will be furniture. It must be copies made "antique". Such items may seem somewhat cumbersome, but they are not without grace.

It can be both a variety of chests of drawers and shelves - necessarily richly decorated, on curved legs. Carving elements, varnishing and so on are quite acceptable.

The floor in such a bathroom can be both dark and light.

Ceiling decoration in the bathroom 2020

As for wall and ceiling surfaces, then they should be light. In such a bathroom in the apartment, paintings and fresh flowers will look great. On the floor, you can place a rug with a floral pattern.

In general, floral motifs are one of the most important distinguishing features Provencal style. They can be placed both on walls and on furniture or decorative elements. ceramic tiles In bathroom.

In such a room, the placement of fresh flowers is also welcome - for example, tulips, hyacinths and other bulbs.

Bathroom finishing materials

As for the materials used to decorate the bathroom in 2020, natural materials will be appropriate here, first of all.

Moreover, modern technological processes, for example, grinding natural stone, allow you to get surfaces that are different in texture. See photo examples of bathroom design:

If you cannot afford natural materials for financial reasons, choose high-quality imitations.

It is desirable that the materials you choose are products of trusted manufacturers. In this case, it will be possible to say that the money for the purchase was not spent in vain.

The most expensive purchase for a Provence-style bathroom design is plumbing. Indeed, modern standard designs are too simple for such a bathroom, they lack sophistication.

Modern bathtubs 2020 are:

  • graceful,
  • decorated with bronze or gilding,
  • with many decorative details And
  • necessarily with rounded, smooth shapes.

Naturally, in this case we should not talk about any chrome-plated mixers - products with a touch of antiquity are welcome.

Various functional little things - holders and so on should also overlap with general design premises. In most cases, this is not difficult to achieve, since today the choice of offers on the market is huge. For example, see photos of bathroom design options - 2020:

How to make lighting in the bathroom

The bathroom, more than others, needs proper and rational lighting, because it has no windows - sources of natural light.

When creating a bathroom lighting project, consider the following points:

Particular attention is paid to the lighting of the mirror, which needs individual lighting. It is recommended to install lamps in the bathroom either on both sides, or in the form of a suspension, which is adjusted so that there is a lot of light, but it does not hit the eyes and does not give a shadow.

The light spectrum itself should be as close as possible to natural, sunlight, so as not to distort the complexion. At this point, special attention is paid to women who prefer to apply makeup in front of a mirror in the bathroom.

When choosing lighting devices for a small bathroom, do not forget about electrical safety, the lamps must be waterproof. Degree of protection against steam, splashes and high temperatures indicated on the label as the abbreviation IP and numbers from 0 to 8.

Bathroom countertop under the sink

Any bathroom should be conducive to relaxation and rest, so its interior should be pleasing to the eye, cozy and comfortable. The main design element of this room is the sink countertop.

It is best to make them from an elegant and noble material, such as natural marble. Such a natural stone very popular due to its attractive decorative properties.

A marble countertop can become a decoration of a bathroom. In addition, it is reliable and practical. One of the main advantages of this material is its beauty.

Bathroom sinks with a marble top, which have an elegantly processed figured profile, can give not only elegance, but also make it truly unique.

A marble countertop, properly matched to the color scheme of the interior, can bring a sense of luxury. This is achievable as marble has a rich and varied texture and color palette his breeds.

Sink built into a marble countertop - black marble which blends perfectly with various materials:

However, these countertops are not only decorative, but also carry practicality and functionality.

Another advantage of marble is its excellent malleability during processing. The shape of the countertop under the sink is able to emphasize the design of the room, its exclusivity and originality.

A facing plinth is installed along the edge of the tabletop, thanks to which the product acquires compositional completeness. Natural marble belongs to eco-friendly materials. In addition, it is characterized by antibacterial properties. See further bathroom design ideas - 2020 in our photo gallery:

The bathroom is a place where a person spends a lot of time, recuperating the energy spent during the whole working day. It also serves as a place for relaxation and a set of vivacity for the coming day.

A modern resident of a big city wants in every possible way to make his bathtub different from the mass of others. To do this, he adds to it a huge amount of new technologies and interior items.

This article will discuss how to come up with and implement a fashionable bathroom design.


Despite the fact that many people prefer to combine various bright colors in the interior, one of the most popular combinations remains the combination dark walls and light sanitary ware. It is not surprising, because in this way appearance the rooms seem more premium and rich.

However, as they say, there are no comrades for the taste and color, and everyone should choose based on their own preferences and desires. But it is worth remembering that poisonous shades visually reduce the space. For example, turquoise or lemon colors.


Those who are trying to choose furniture for a combined bathroom on their own, without using numerous recommendations, make a large number of stylistic mistakes. Ideas for placing furniture in the bathroom can be gleaned from various magazines and articles on this topic.

Bionic shells are gaining popularity every day. They are distinguished by an abundance of chrome, as well as specially aged faucets. This adds a little carelessness to them, which attracts due attention.

Don't forget about lighting. In addition to all the familiar standard fixtures, you can use floor lamps or the so-called sconces. They are just starting to come into fashion, but they look very impressive.

Also, special areas of the bathroom can be distinguished with separate strips of light. It is worth remembering that warm light adds more comfort than cold.

Finishing material

After the issue with the furniture is resolved, you can proceed to the main step - choosing the material for finishing the bathroom. It can be either tile or marble or stone.

Many residents of modern high-rise buildings choose wood-like tiles. If you also want to see wood imitation in your interior, then you need to know that it is better to combine it with light colors. A large number of manufacturers of bathroom utensils can provide many options for this type of finish.

Planting a room for water treatments is not uncommon. Those who want to get as close to nature as possible and give their bathroom a more lively look choose different plants that fit perfectly into the interior.

For example, "living" walls are widespread, which are made of climbing plants. It must be borne in mind that for this kind of bath improvement, good ventilation and a large space are required.

All kinds of objects can be made from natural stone. We are talking not only about walls or ceilings, but also, for example, about a bathroom or some kind of countertop.

In this way, you can give your room a look of antiquity, which looks very attractive. In addition, a large space can be diversified with various kinds of columns.

An interesting effect is given by the use of concrete. The sink and bathtub made of this material look especially beautiful. Additionally, you can purchase mixers and taps made in dark shades.

A stylish solution for a modern bathroom can be considered rainbow tiles. Due to the wide variety of designs, each person will be able to find a design to their liking. But we can advise you to pay attention to the tiles with the effect of spilled gasoline or with a mother-of-pearl shine.

In the end, I would like to note that it is not necessary to resort to the help of architects or designers. They will not be able to accurately select a design suitable for each person.

But you can turn to them for advice on choosing plumbing, as the opinion of a professional will not be superfluous in this matter.

Photos of the new bathroom designs in 2019 can be found on the Internet and from there you can already highlight the moments that you have the right to transfer to your room for water procedures.

Bathroom design photo 2019

Hello dear blog readers! Can't decide on the look of your bathroom? Then you have landed on this page for a reason. We will help you create best design bathroom 2018-2019. Modern ideas for 110 photos presented in the article will contribute to this.

Summary of this article:

In most modern homes, for the ergonomics of the space used, builders resort to the layout of a small bathroom.

A small bathroom can perform all the functions assigned to it, however, small-sized rooms of this type can confront residents with some design and layout problems. Usually, the latter are combined with a toilet.

Now we will consider examples of some of the most successful options for such a neighborhood, in our opinion. plumbing equipment. From here you can highlight a couple of ideas for yourself:

A particularly interesting example of all is the last photo, which shows how well everything can fit into a small area. Here we have a washing machine, a sink with bedside tables, a toilet, and even a standard-sized bathtub. Maybe under the bedside table and the sink in a niche it would also be possible to mount something useful.

In one of the articles, we already once considered in detail what a bathroom design for a small bath could be, if you are interested, follow the link and study!

Tiles are an excellent material for bathroom cladding. Tiling allows not only to make it beautiful from an aesthetic point of view, but also to extend the durability of the room, since this material perfectly withstands moisture.

She happens to be the most different forms and sizes, so in this regard, you can let your design imagination run wild. If you are going to take this material, then carefully approach the choice of the manufacturer.

There are conscientious manufacturers who will provide you with excellent durable tiles for good money, and there are those who can deceive you and provide material that can be damaged already at the installation stage.

There are a lot of tile manufacturers and here, most likely, it is better to rely on recommendations from friends or numerous reviews from consumers.

We would like to pay attention to one of the most interesting types of tiles - mosaics. Let's look at a couple good options its use in modern interiors.

Mosaic tile

Mosaic tiles are an excellent material for the bathroom. It is good not only because it costs a little less than the "large" counterpart, it also has a huge amount of various options patterns, which is a great opportunity to implement even the most daring design ideas.

Below we present to your attention interesting ways applications of mosaic tiles in the interior:

By the way, sometimes you can not only create a pattern from this tile yourself. Increasingly, there are “patterns” already prepared by masters of design thought, ready for installation.

The design of a bathroom renovation needs to be calculated to the smallest detail. When designing, it is necessary to take into account not only technical aspects, but also aesthetic aspects. After all, you are unlikely to want to redo everything again after the completed work.

And not everyone, in fact, has a taste, so when designing, you should pay attention to the latest from the design world of bathrooms. To facilitate your task and minimize the risk of errors, we present to your attention real photo fashionable, beautiful and modern options arrangement of the bathroom.

And in more detail, we already once understood in one of the articles what a modern-style bathroom design can be, if you are interested, follow the link and study carefully!

Under the tree

Wood remains as relevant as ever in the layout of the bathroom. It creates a feeling of rigor, consistency, aesthetics. Also, good tree not only looks beautiful, but also fights well with a humid environment.

If the tree is well processed, then it will serve you for a very long time. Also, it is worth considering that there are a lot of wooden shades on the market, so in the design and approach to the latter, you will not be limited in any way.


Marble remains quite a noble material in the decoration of the bathroom. Gives it enough solidity. Also, this material is very durable and can serve unchanged for several decades.

Regarding marble, it is worth saying that delicate bed tones in the interior are still relevant. They not only look beautiful, but visually "enlarge" the space if your bathroom is small.

The main thing to remember is that you should not interfere with more than two shades of marble in the interior, as this can greatly disrupt the visual composition.

When the question of space saving really arises, then you can consider the option of planning a bathroom without a bathtub. A bath is not the most necessary attribute in fact.

Practice shows that most people live in such a rhythm of life that taking a shower before work / study, etc. is sufficient and comprehensive to maintain good hygiene.

Yes, and water bills can be nicer. Here is a beautiful bathroom design without a bathtub:

Shower cabin upon availability good ideas layouts can be very well attached to the bathroom. Fortunately, there are countless of them in the modern construction market.

They are rectangular, square, triangular, with a smooth or sharp contour, narrow and wide, etc. There are even showers with a built-in bathtub.

They, of course, will be larger in size than their counterparts, but if your desire is soaked in warm water half an hour was interrupted by the desire to save space, then this option is also quite suitable for consideration.

Fortunately, the bathrooms for such showers are slightly smaller than their versions without a cabin.

Very often to save Money in the layout of the bathroom can be found pvc panels. But here the golden rule applies, which says that cheap does not mean worse.

PVC panels have a number of advantages, which include their moisture resistance, durability, ease of installation and many others. It is also worth highlighting that they look very good in modern interiors for the reason that they can be found on the market the most different colors and form factors.

Also, the advantages of these panels may be that if you are tired of the old design, then these panels can be easily replaced with new ones.

More interesting fact is that pvc panels can be well disguised as tiles, stone, marble. This can work in your favor if you want the design to look more solid.

In 2018-2019, the bathroom design project did not step forward much, unlike in previous years. Everything is also welcomed by the minimal style, the absence of unnecessary details and the uniformity of the materials used in the decoration.

In this section, we will look at some interesting and relevant solutions this year, which are definitely worth paying attention to.

with jacuzzi

Let's start with something like this interesting option like a bathroom with jacuzzi. A jacuzzi can not always fit well into the interior due to its size and difficulty with connecting plumbing.

In planning, corner options for hot tubs are currently very popular for the reasons that they are designed to save space.

Unlike their round counterparts, they can save from 1.5 to 3 square meters of the bathroom, so you can use this space to good use - for example, put some kind of locker or washing machine.

With corner bath

Also, in 2018-2019, options with a corner bath are popular. Corner bath may take more less space than a corner jacuzzi, so these design ideas may also be useful for those considering this option.

At first glance, it might seem that corner bath in terms of area, it occupies the same place as a jacuzzi, but this judgment is misleading for the reasons that baths of this type do not need pump mechanisms for pumping air.

This “squeezes” the latter, saving you from 0.5 to 1.5 square meters, which can be additionally used for some nice design details.

Without bath

And what about those who have a very small bathroom? Where can neither a jacuzzi nor a bathtub fit? For such people, there is also a solution - a bathroom without a bathtub.

As you can see, the absence of a bathtub will be replaced by a semblance of a shower without a partition or a shower cabin. The only big disadvantage of such solutions is that while taking a shower, water will fall on the toilet, sink or various cabinets.

Therefore, it is very important to design the place correctly - you need to clearly determine how far the shower will be from the toilet and other parts of the interior of your bathroom.

without toilet

In most bathrooms, when designing, they can also refuse to have a toilet.

As you can see, the absence of a toilet in the bathroom is not a problem and saves you an extra square foot to install something useful.

Yes, and in most modern houses, they increasingly began to make a separate bathroom with a toilet, and combined bathrooms are slowly but surely beginning to become a thing of the past. This is not so much a matter of functionality as a matter of hygiene.

with worktop

A bathroom with a countertop is one of the main design attributes in this kind of space.

The tabletop is not only a beautiful attribute, but also your friend in terms of saving space. Under it, you can not only hide various lockers for small things, but also a whole washing machine.

The main thing to remember is that the countertop should be made of quality material which will withstand moisture and temperature changes. For example, it can be stone, granite or marble.

As a rule, in such elements, saving is not the most reasonable step. The lifespan of a good countertop typically ranges from 15 to 35 years.

with window

For those people who love light and space, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the option of a bathroom with a window.

A window not only visually enlarges your bathroom, but can also perform a useful function - quick ventilation, for example, to get rid of accumulated moisture.

The main rule when designing a bathroom with a window is to pay attention to where your plumbing will be. After all, you hardly want to catch someone's surprised looks from the street directed at you at the time of taking bath procedures.

But in any case, you can always pick up good moisture-resistant curtains or, in extreme cases, roll-curtains, designed to make your bath procedures completely intimate.

with washing machine

We turn to the ideas of a bathroom with a washing machine. A washing machine is a very important attribute and sometimes it is not so easy for her to find a place in the bathroom. This applies even, it would seem, to such babies as two or three kilogram models.

Alternatively, you can take it to the kitchen or hallway, but most people prefer a more "traditional" layout - in the bathroom.

As you can see, it is very convenient to put the washing machine under the sink or countertop - this is not only beautiful, but also saves you space. Another undoubted advantage of this arrangement is that your washing machine will be securely fixed and will not “leave” anywhere during the spin cycle, as can often happen with them.

With shower screen

Next, we turn to the study interesting design bathroom with shower screen. The shower screen is a new design trend and is often used in new homes when designing a bathroom.

Such a solution looks not only spectacular, but also can increase the area for receiving your water procedures by about 2 times, unlike a shower cabin.

When choosing a shower screen, remember that the material of the latter must be durable and withstand the load. Also pay close attention to tightness.

Typically, this is how well the water is kept behind the shower screen, thanks to the rubberized magnetic joints. You don't want to flood your entire bathroom, do you?

It is also important to pay attention to the "haze" of the glass and its fastening. Partitions of this type must be securely in place.

Some people are lucky and in their apartments or houses they can have a large bathroom in which you do not need to puzzle over the location of certain design and plumbing elements.

You do not need to measure every centimeter, think through every little thing and hope that everything will fit in the way it was intended. Despite this, the design of a large bathroom still cannot be approached through the sleeves.

But because of the large space for action and the reluctance to make any mistake, people often try to resort to design services for such turnkey premises.

We bring to your attention several design options for a large bathroom in the photo:

It also happens that the bathroom can be a narrow space. In this case, you often have to resort to non-standard plumbing solutions.

It is required to look for a bathtub, washbasin, cabinets, mirrors and other elements of a certain format, and also try to fit them well into the overall picture. A narrow bathroom comes in the following design:

As you can see, the differences from the bathrooms standard size consist in the fact that you have to mount a toilet, sink, washbasin and other paraphernalia closer to the bath.

If installed incorrectly, this can bring certain functional problems, although if you approach the design wisely, you can get very good and cozy bathrooms.

As we said initially, light colors have been a very relevant design decision for the past few years. Especially in 2018-2019.

There are several of the most relevant colors that are used in bathroom design. We will talk about them below.


A bathroom in gray tones not only looks futuristic, but also allows you to focus on various small details.

In this type of bathroom, white lighting of some basic elements, such as mirrors, looks very good.


Green is the color of freshness and good mood. You can resort to using it in the design of the bathroom if you want it to cheer you up every morning.

This solution looks fresh and relevant.


Like green, yellow is set to lift your mood and charge you with positive energy for the whole day.

When using this color in the bathroom, it is appropriate to have some kind of vegetation to enhance the effect. or various useful little things from the category SPA.


White is the most popular color in bathroom design. As we have stated, this is the color of sterility and purity. Also, the bathroom in white color looks stylish and orderly.

In bathroom design white color it is good to use design elements with sharp corners. They bring not only a drop of futurism, but also fully show your taste.


Blue is the color of water. Also, this color is known for being very calming to the psyche. Bathroom blue color is a great solution.

You can feel a bit of a "marine" atmosphere, which is an excellent pastime, especially after a hard day's work.

A bathroom of this design can be supplemented with various marine elements - shells, candles, jars of beach sand, and so on.


Beige brings a touch of classic to bathroom design. Wood and marble elements go very well with this color.

The main thing is not to overdo it with lighting when using this color scheme, as it greatly “damps out” the color palette and the bathroom will look unnatural.

This year also do not forget about dark tones. They have remained relevant for many years and give the bathroom austerity and do not allow it to look pretentious.

The only thing to consider is that the dark colors in the design of the bathroom should contrast with the rest of the living spaces. Below are some relevant color solutions on a note.


A black bathroom, especially with white sanitary ware, looks not only stylish, but can also tell a lot about your taste. When using quality facing materials you can achieve an amazing design effect.

Along with black in the design, you can try to use elements of red, gray, beige colors. Not only do they go well with black, but they can also highlight some of the details that you want to emphasize.


Blue, like cyan, can be associated with sea ​​water. Although it is "heavier" than blue, it is still used to create visual calmness.

The main thing when using blue cladding is not to overdo it with the pattern.


The purple bathroom is already a more specific design solution, however, with the right approach, it looks just as good as the rest of the dark tones.

Although they say that purple is the color of depression, with the right design approach, it can create a very stylish environment.


Similarly with purple, a special approach is also needed here. In the elements of a lilac bathroom, you can safely use various prints and patterns.

This will “simplify” the overall picture and remove unnecessary visual load.


The use of red in bathroom design can be considered one of the most difficult decisions, since red does not go well with anything. Do not use any yellow, blue or purple elements.

Give preference to the combination of "red-white" - this is the only correct solution. If you do not overdo it with color elements, then a red bath will look not only stylish, but also quite unusual.

black and white

We have already written about the black and white combination. This is one of the most successful combinations. And, by the way, not only for the bathroom, but in general, for the entire living space.

The black and white bathroom has always been and remains at the peak of popularity. design solutions and more and more people are turning to it.

In such color scheme you can also safely use elements of other colors. For example, red, yellow, blue and so on.

Needless to say, living quarters are completely different. Some have more, some have less. As a rule, older houses have a more “compressed” square, while new ones go to large areas and there is enough space in them for virtually any idea.

The same applies to bathrooms. Now we will look at some of the most successful, in our opinion, bathroom design options from 3 to 10 square meters.

3 sq. meters

As practice shows - bathrooms in 3 square meters remained for the most part only in the "Stalinka" and "Khrushchev". Unfortunately, you can’t really walk around in such a space and you have to get out so that the bathroom is not only functional, but you don’t have to squeeze in between various plumbing fixtures in the latter.

When choosing a design for a small bathroom, give preference to compact plumbing: take a washing machine up to 3 kilograms, you can take a narrow form factor washbasin.

As for the bathroom itself, it is better to use the latter of a standard type, since, for example, a jacuzzi will no longer fit. With such a quadrature, several lockers are appropriate, but you shouldn’t walk around too much, as they can also bring functional inconvenience.

But it’s better not to use anything superfluous at all and be guided by the “bath-washing machine-sink” scheme.

4 sq. meters

By adding an extra meter, we have valuable space for additional elements. In the "bath-washing machine-sink" scheme, it is already possible to include the use of not only various cabinets, but also mirrors with shelves.

In the rest (plumbing), the design is practically no different from a 3-meter square.

In one of the articles, we already once considered what the design of a 4 sq. meters, if you are interested - rather follow the link and study carefully!

5 sq. meters

A bathroom of 5 square meters is the "golden mean" among other quadratures. Unlike 3 and 4 squares, it is already easy to place additional plumbing in this bathroom.

For example, a jacuzzi, a large sink, lockers, a standard-sized toilet and a bidet (optional and needed) can easily fit in 5 square meters.

Even after installing all this, there is room for a few different design details. From this square begins the threshold when you are practically not limited by anything.

6 sq. meters

A bathroom of 6 square meters already crosses the "standard" threshold. Such bathrooms are usually made in new types of private and residential buildings.

It easily fits a large Jacuzzi, all plumbing, lockers, toilet and bidet. Although such a bathroom loses its certain comfort, it gains space and does not have to solve design puzzles regarding the most successful placement of plumbing.

10 sq. meters

10 square meters is a truly huge bathroom space. With such a quadrature, you are completely unlimited.

Regarding the placement of plumbing, everything is the same as on 6 square meters, but here you can easily place a spacious shower, several washbasins, a large countertop, a couple of mirrors and other useful (functional) things in addition to the bathtub.

It is not often the case that the bathroom is a square room. This means that the choice of plumbing should be approached especially carefully.

After all, most countertops, washbasins and bathtubs are designed for rectangular rooms. Then the question arises - what to do in this case?

We will consider the design of a square bathroom 3 × 3 and 2 × 2 square. meter, as in such exceptional cases it is the most common squaring of bathrooms of this form factor.

3 by 3

As you can see, a 3 by 3 bathroom differs from its "standard" counterparts in that it requires a smaller bathroom than in standard rooms of this kind.

Also, for the most part, this applies to sinks, countertops, various cabinets and a toilet (if it is combined with a bathroom).

2 on 2

In a bathroom of 2 by 2 square meters, it is very important to calculate everything to centimeters, since this is a very small square.

In this embodiment, plumbing should be only a "basic" set.

In fact, triangular bathrooms do not exist as such. Triangular bathrooms are bathrooms in which at least one corner is beveled.

The location of plumbing in such bathrooms is standard and does not dazzle with any extraordinary ideas.

Having talked about the overall design of bathrooms, let's move on to at least important topic regarding the design of various modern elements. We will talk about the current trends in 2018-2019 regarding the design of the sink, ceiling, light, mirrors, wall painting.

It is these things that make your bathroom unique and make it special, unlike many other ubiquitous options.


The sink in the bathroom should be not only comfortable, but also functional. Its size directly depends on the size of the room, but by and large, small, neat options are popular.

Square and oval sinks are also in demand. Recently, bowl-shaped shells have also become more and more famous.


Regarding the ceiling, it is worth saying that stretch ceiling in the bathroom is one of the best solutions. It has many advantages - easy installation, moisture resistance, good service life.

Also, in any design, it looks aesthetically pleasing and not pretentious.


When it comes to lighting, LED bulbs are the most popular option.

They not only take up little space, but also have a good service life, moisture resistance and a sufficient level of illumination.


Regarding the mirror, it is worth saying that it all depends on the size of your bathroom. One thing is for sure - the larger the mirror, the better.

Basically, rectangular form factor options remain popular. Also, backlit options or built into various cabinets (to save space).

wall painting

Regarding the painting of the walls - in 2018-2019, gentle bed tones are relevant.

These are colors such as blue, green, beige, gray and the like.

Varieties of bathroom design styles

At the moment, there are several of the most popular styles. This is oriental, marine, Scandinavian, minimalism, Provence, loft, classic. Let's go through a little more detail on each of them.


If you want to add some flair to your bathroom design, then East style this is what suits you perfectly. It looks quite unusual and restrained.

This style uses a lot of patterned marble elements. There is also a lot of stone. For the most part, this style always looks quite wealthy.


Marine style calms and gives a feeling of complete immersion in hypostasis, where water dominates and nothing else.


Light colors, brick, marble and wood are your true allies when creating scandinavian style- one of the most popular styles not only in the design of the bathroom, but also in the entire living space.

About the intricacies of creating a real Scandinavian style in various interiors We've already talked about it here, be sure to check it out.


This style encourages the use of only the most necessary plumbing.

The motto of this style is nothing more.


Provence is a rather specific style. It should only be used if your entire apartment uses its elements.

However, it adds a lot of solidity to your bathroom, making it look like a real palace.


More light elements, brick, stone and concrete.

Perhaps only Scandinavian and minimalism remain more popular than this style.

Once, in one of the articles -, we examined in detail the features of the loft style in the interiors of various rooms and premises, we advise you to carefully study.


In the classics, as in Provence, you should not overdo it with the elements.

It is best to use this style strictly in combination with other rooms in the house or apartment.

bathroom in wooden house can be played nicely enough. The main thing is not to use a lot of wood elements in relation to plumbing, cabinets, mirrors and other attributes.

White stone or marble is best suited to wood. In the worst case - light plastic. Then all the elements will be in harmony with each other, creating an unsurpassed and cozy environment.

Requirements for the design of a bathroom in a private house or cottage are akin to the 15th paragraph. Although there is a slight difference - it is better to do it in the style in which the cottage itself or a private house is designed.

This will allow you not to make a mistake in which the room will be too pretentious and not harmonious.

We talked a lot about this kind of design options in the first paragraphs of the article, so we will attach the most successful ones (in our opinion).

Earlier, in one of the articles, we already considered in more detail what your apartment interiors in a modern style can be, if you are interested not only in bathrooms - rather follow the link and study!

Owners of private houses most often resort to designing a bathroom in the attic. If you approach competently the design of the design of the bathroom in this room, then it will look unique and unrepeatable.

This is achieved due to the presence of a sloping roof and windows in it (in most cases). Based on this, the use of light material in the elements of the bathroom is encouraged to emphasize all the elements due to natural light.

Also, we offer to watch the video, within which are collected great options bathroom design. Enjoy watching!

Well, that's it, it's time to say goodbye. We hope that now you have definitely identified the best bathroom design of 2018-2019 for yourself. Modern ideas for 110 photos presented in the article clearly contributed to this. It remains only to recreate what he saw. So for the cause friends and great luck to everyone!

  1. Finishing materials and color palette
  2. Style directions
  • Modern design for a small bathroom. Tips and photos of interesting solutions
  • Conclusion

Modern bathroom design. Photo most stylish interiors

The bathroom, where we spend a lot of time every day relaxing, or vice versa, energizing before an active day, should be not only cozy and functional, but also stylish. Today, design is closely intertwined with high technology, no one is interested in meaningless accessories or furnishings just “for decoration” - practicality and a high level of comfort come first. This should be kept in mind when creating bathroom interior in modern style, then it will turn out to be really relevant and in line with the latest trends.

And what styles are gaining popularity? What to look for when designing the bathroom of your dreams?

Of course, interior fashion is not as fleeting and changeable as catwalk fashion, however, in 2017, new trends have appeared that should be taken into account.

What should be modern style bathroom

Resource-saving technologies and equipment are in demand more than ever, allowing to save water during hygiene procedures.

"Smart" plumbing will cost an order of magnitude more expensive than traditional counterparts, but the cost of acquiring it will quickly pay off with low utility bills. In addition to water-saving hydroboxes or toilets that use sink drains to fill the cistern, there are low-cost devices, such as faucet heads, restrictive cartridges, and shower heads, that do not allow excessive consumption.

If we talk about styles, then the future belongs to minimalism, with its laconic forms, the absence of pretentious decor and restrained colors. This direction is ideal for bathrooms of any size - it gives room for fresh and extraordinary design solutions.

Finishing materials and color palette

  • Modern bathroom design built on contrast, but not open, but "soft", without absolute oppositions. For example, two types of tiles are used in wall decoration: large and mosaic, but at the same time they are designed in the same color scheme. In general, ceramics is a favorite of this season - it should be given priority when choosing a decorative coating for the bathroom.

The embossed tiles featured in these photo is one of the leading trends.

Advice: Deep relief tiles are not recommended for small bathrooms. It visually splits the room, besides, it is not easy to maintain and quickly accumulates dust in the chamber space.

No less popular is the tile with a geometric "volumetric" pattern; it is also designed for large rooms.

  • Actual combination of several materials, allowing maximum protection of areas with high humidity. Interesting combination wooden surfaces with glossy tiles, matte plaster with mirror inserts, natural stone with concrete. Environmental friendliness, natural materials and natural, muted shades are in fashion.

It is undesirable to withstand the entire interior in dark colors even if the room is spacious and well lit.

  • If someone likes bright colors, you should not refuse them. However, it involves the dosed use of saturated shades, in the form of a single accent, but not for the local coloring of surfaces.
  • most popular in 2017 – 2018 recognized grey colour and its varieties.
  • Another trend: black and white, "chess" gamma, borrowed by designers from Art Deco.

Style directions

To create modern design in our bathroom, it is not necessary to strictly adhere to the traditions of minimalism.

Adherents of the classics, country or retro will not have to give up their favorite trends, but they should not be used in their pure form. Eclecticism is the right way out for those who want to be in trend, but are not ready to accept water procedures in a minimalist interior.

Let's take the simplicity and functionality of the Scandinavian style or the classic direction with its artsy decor and luxury finishes, and then add some details from the loft, hi-tech or modern. Before us is fashionable, modern interior where the individual preferences of the owner are preserved, but at the same time, the latest world trends in design are taken into account.

How such eclecticism looks like in reality is easy to imagine by considering the following examples with photos.

It is much more difficult to maintain style and make a spectacular chamber room than a spacious one. That is why the design of a small bathroom is given special attention.

Modern trends allow to realize a lot interesting ideas even in a small area, although the palette of design solutions will still be limited.

  • White and its shades are still relevant and are unlikely to go out of fashion in the near future. You can safely design a compact bathroom in bright colors using tile medium size - the room will seem much larger than its actual size. To verify the effectiveness of such a technique, pay attention to these photo:

Important: For psychological comfort, designers advise making the floor at least a little darker than the walls, then the spatial orientation is not violated.

  • Modern or minimalist furniture: laconic forms, without decor, with glossy facades that reflect light well, are at the height of fashion today. Just such models are suitable for a small bathroom.

Tip: hanging cabinets should be preferred to floor cabinets, even if they have legs. The furniture in this case does not cover the floor, which makes the room look more spacious, as in the photo below.

  • Bathrooms with shower- not only relevant, but also a practical solution when it comes to small spaces. Traditional bathing containers take up too much space and are increasingly abandoned in order to save usable space. Cabins with transparent sliding doors, equipped with innovative water supply systems - this is what is truly modern and stylish. And here is photo, which prove this statement:
  • Sometimes there is a need for a separate bathroom no toilet, since the shared bathroom, for some reason, is inconvenient to use. In this case, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room turns out to be quite small, but you should not give up.

We organize storage spaces above the door and under the bathroom (replacing it with a shower cabin will not save the situation in this situation), we refuse floor furniture and install it under the sink washing machine. As a result, the room is cozy and functional.

Modern bathroom "stands" on three pillars: style, safety and ecology. Given these important components, it is easy to create a comfortable space that will give us joy beyond time and fashion.

The bathroom is perhaps the most important room in the room. No apartment is complete without a bathroom. And of course everything modern tendencies in the arrangement of the interior, they also got here, because you want to be filled with cheerfulness in a beautiful salon, and not a dark closet. Therefore, we propose to consider all the novelties of the present time, and equip the design of the bathroom in 2020.

The bathroom is a special place. We spend a small part of our time in it, but we cannot imagine a comfortable existence without this room.

Fashion ideas of our time

Color combinations have a significant effect on a person's mood.

The design should match your taste preferences, so take the selection aspect seriously.

In bathrooms, they are increasingly used for decoration natural wood or its qualitative imitation

Now let's move on to the detailed analysis to create a dream bathroom.

bathroom type

Until recently, a separate bathroom was popular, and we could not imagine a different layout. But in 2020, adjacent types are practiced everywhere. This view is much more convenient: it saves space and gives more freedom for creativity.

The trend is again combined plumbing units, but now they are much larger

Old buildings, including Khrushchevs, have a separate type of bathroom. It will take a lot of effort and time to convert it, but it's worth it. To begin with, make sure that you do not harm the building by removing the wall. Do not forget to legalize the redevelopment, and boldly act.

Now you can move on to interior design, and we will help you choose the most fashion options. Refer to color trends, fashion accessories, furnishing types and styles.

Remember! There must be harmony in everything, as with your inner world, as well as with materials and selected colors.

Do not forget that in the pursuit of new ideas it is important not to lose yourself. Choose what you like and add trendy accents

Bold color combinations

Unexpected color combinations are popular in 2020 bathroom design. Regardless of how minimalism reigns in modern design, bold colors are starting to come into their own.

Be bold, don't be afraid to experiment

Combine minimalist trends and boldness by painting one wall in bright red or blue. Along with white, gray or cream surfaces, it will act as a bright accent and help visually expand the room. This technique is perfect for small bathrooms in Khrushchev.

Red combined with white and black creates incredible energy. This interior is perfect for bright and creative people.

Even a slight accent yellow makes a positive impression

If you want to add even more colors, feel free to take a brush and create. In the bathroom, you can create a beautiful painting in a modern style. In 2020, nautical themes, cubism, eco and flowers are popular. Choose what you like and act boldly.

But still, the painting gives way to simple figures and monochromatic coloring. If the dimensions of the room allow, paint not one wall in a bright color, but several.

Bright finish is perfect for zoning the bathroom

Important! Before staining, study the compatibility of colors. They must be in harmony with each other.

Even a small accent in the form of a towel can radically change the atmosphere of the room.

But the most reasonable and popular solution would be to make one bright accent. Usually, a functional area is distinguished: above the bathroom or a free wall with a mirror. Do not be afraid of bright colors, and in 2020 you will be in trend.

fashion materials

Bathroom design 2020 loves naturalness. First of all, this is displayed in the materials used. Returning to the hands of designers wood, marble and granite. Natural wood has received the greatest popularity this year. But do not forget that it is necessary to work with it carefully, observing certain rules and regulations.

Sheathing the wall with a tree with a beautiful pattern, you will add natural warmth and comfort to the room.

First you need to treat the tree with special water-repellent agents. Until some time, wood was not used in bathrooms, because here it quickly deteriorates due to high humidity in the room. But in 2020, this is the peak of fashion. Therefore, having correctly processed the material, feel free to proceed to the “wooden decor”.

The wooden floor must be carefully protected from moisture, for the bathroom it is not the best option. But there is a compromise - ceramic panels with imitation of wood texture

Marble and granite tiles will never go out of style and will be used in bathrooms for a long time to come. However, this material is quite expensive, so it is often replaced with ceramics or porcelain stoneware. But this year, natural materials are still at the peak of popularity, even in the arrangement of the bathroom.

Minimalism in fashion

We have already mentioned that lately the trends are leaning towards minimalism. This is somewhat displayed in the color scheme by monochromatic staining. But in more this is manifested in the layout and organization of useful space.

In 2020, you will not find a lot of shelves and cabinets in the bathroom. All necessary bath accessories are stored in a multifunctional cabinet along with household chemicals and often cosmetics.

Metal and glass, plastic and tile, simple straight lines - there is nothing superfluous

Thus, multifunctional furniture models are in use, which allow you to save space as much as possible.

There should not be too much decor - the basic rule for designing a modern bathroom

Choose decorative elements so that they distract from the main interior items.

As a decor, choose large decorations in the style of minimalism, cubism, techno. This rule also applies to the colors of the walls. If you choose painting, try to make it large and abstract.

Stretch ceilings are becoming more and more popular. It accommodates all trends modern design, besides, it is great for the bathroom, where the humidity is high.

Retro is back

Probably every year says that retro is back. Only each of them has its own interpretation of retro. 2020 decided to go back quite far and use the "traditions of antiquity deep." So, we get aged things, Provence style, craquelure finish effect. In this case, antiquity returns with a touch of tenderness and comfort.

To create a design in retro style, you need to carefully consider each element of the interior.

The styles of yesteryear are characterized by the use of vintage faucets and open utilities.

You can also add luxury to your bathroom as historic styles are making a comeback. Heavy decor elements, columns and decorative or natural stone in the decoration will make a real royal font out of the room.

Empire-style bathroom maintains the main features typical of classical trends

To some extent, such a bathroom will turn out to be somewhat gloomy, since you will add the effect of wear, or even rust, to the finish. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to correctly operate with light and texture. The smooth surface of the tile will add shine, so you get an old look in a new way. A properly directed light will give finishing materials gloss that will modernize the bathroom.

Art notes

Now let's talk about decor trends. For a modern bathroom design, it is necessary to think over additional decorations. In 2020, it’s no longer enough to just tile the walls or choose the right pattern. The bathroom needs to be made a work of art, and this can be done with the help of a certain decor.

When choosing a painting, pay attention to how it tolerates moisture.

Use lamination or sealed one-piece boxes

At this stage, art breaks into this sphere, ennobling the space. Compositions from pictures are popular. They can be of various themes. Of course, minimalism in this area also takes rights, so the images have appropriate motifs. Cubism and abstraction are the most common themes.

Pictures look best where you need to fill an empty space.

Photos are also popular. Yes, their place is not only on the desktop or in the living room. They are quite appropriate in the bathroom. These can be your personal photos or images of your favorite celebrities. If you want to emphasize the old style, pick up a mosaic, a picture with a historical theme, or a reproduction of a classic.

What styles are in demand

  1. Classic is always in fashion. That's why she is a classic, to be popular at all times. However, this is also a relative concept, and each era puts its own meaning into it. In 2020, this style represents calm tones and smooth lines. It is characterized by silhouette painting and uncomplicated patterns. From colors for this direction, choose a pastel spectrum, dark shades of green and yellow. Matte surfaces are popular.
  2. The black and white combination remains unchanged. It will never go out of fashion, but it will remain acceptable in a certain circle. It has been proven that such a tandem is suitable for people who prefer brevity. Often this combination is selected for a minimalist style. Since the design in this coloring is quite rigid, look at the options for arranging the bathroom in advance, and then make a decision.
  3. Provence in 2020 is gaining popularity. It accommodates two trends: a craving for natural and an aged effect, perfectly fitting into the trends.
  4. For bathroom design this year use maritime theme, which corresponds to the Mediterranean style and country. They are light and airy, able to make a real work of art out of the bathroom.
  5. The craving for naturalness is supported by eco-style, using natural materials in the decoration. It is also characterized by popular colors in 2020, such as green, purple, lilac, white, mint.

Provence style bathroom

Blue bathroom in a marine style

Eco-style bathroom interior

Here is a list of popular styles. It is quite extensive, so everyone will find here what they like.

No limit to creation options original interior bathroom - it all depends on your desires and possibilities

Video: the main trends of 2020 in bathroom design
