The teacher is considered a key figure in the process of reforming education. In this regard, he must have high qualifications, relevant personal qualities. The work of a teacher today should be freed from routine regulation, total control. Nevertheless, there is a certain standard of the teacher. Let's consider it in detail.

Relevance of the issue

At present, the teacher must demonstrate mobility, readiness for change, the ability to adapt to non-standard situations, and responsibility in making decisions. Today, there are still cumbersome job descriptions, qualification characteristics that often fetter the teacher's initiative, burden him with formalities, prescriptions, and additional responsibilities. Of course, the requirements of the teacher must meet the spirit of modernity. At the same time, they should form a space for creativity and self-realization of a specialist.

Problem Features

Today's realities require taking into account the different levels of qualifications of specialists. Taking them into account, it is possible to develop an optimal professional standard. The teacher cannot abruptly discard all his skills and knowledge, accumulated experience and change his approaches to the process of transferring knowledge to schoolchildren. Such a transition should be carried out gradually and in stages. In addition, not only the qualification levels of teachers differ, but also the conditions in which they work. This should also be taken into account when developing a professional standard. A teacher can work in an urban or rural school; the composition of schoolchildren in the class can be mono- or multi-ethnic. Of no small importance is the specificity of the programs implemented in the institution. In this regard, it is necessary to introduce regional and school components into the professional standard. The teacher cannot be bound by specific unified schemes. Filling the school and regional components requires an integrated approach of administrators, teachers, parents, and an expert council. They must be discussed, adopted and approved by consensus. The desire to reach a compromise is invested in the process of development, testing and subsequent implementation. The starting point is a broad discussion of the project. The process ends with the establishment of deadlines in which the professional standard must be put into effect. As a result, the teacher receives an effective tool for implementing the teaching strategy in the modern world.


Why is a professional pedagogical standard of a teacher necessary? First of all, as mentioned above, the teacher receives an effective method of implementing the teaching program, taking into account the constantly changing conditions of life. In addition, the standard of professional activity of a teacher is:

  1. A tool for improving the quality of the process and bringing the domestic teaching system to the international level.
  2. An objective criterion for the qualification of a specialist.
  3. Means of personnel selection in educational institutions.
  4. The basis for drawing up an employment contract that establishes the interaction of a specialist and an educational institution.

New competencies

  1. Do not turn into a means of strict regulation of the work of a specialist.
  2. Correspond to the structure of the teacher's activity.
  3. Save the specialist from the need to perform functions that distract him from the performance of direct duties.
  4. Encourage the desire to look for non-standard solutions.
  5. Comply with international regulations and standards.
  6. Be consistent with the instructions of the relevant departments and ministries, on which the accrual of pensions, the calculation of length of service, etc., depends.


The professional standard of a teacher of additional education, as well as a teacher of a general orientation, is considered a framework document. It establishes the main provisions relating to the qualification of a specialist. A nationwide project can be supplemented with regional elements that take into account the demographic, sociocultural and other characteristics of the territory. The professional standard of a teacher of additional education can be filled with sections related to the specifics of the programs implemented in the institution. The document should take into account the peculiarities of the work of teachers at all levels - in primary, secondary and high schools.

Important point

When developing, it is necessary to take into account special meaning such subjects as mathematics and the Russian language, the obligatory delivery of them by graduates. The professional standard of a teacher should reflect the structure of the teacher's activity. In accordance with modern realities, it is filled with various competencies that can help the teacher in solving emerging problems. The standard imposes certain requirements on the personality of the teacher.

Scope and purpose of application

The professional standard of a teacher can be used for:

  1. Recruitment.
  2. Carrying out certification.

The objectives of the standard are:

  1. Determination of the necessary qualifications of a specialist that affects the results of the development and assimilation of knowledge by the child.
  2. Ensuring the training of the teacher to obtain high performance indicators.
  3. Assistance in involving a specialist in solving the problem of improving the quality of work.
  4. Ensuring the necessary awareness of the teacher about the requirements for him.

Teaching activity

Within the framework of the standard, certain requirements are established for the performance of the teacher's work. The specialist must:

educational process

As part of this work, the teacher should:


The teacher must have:

One of the key requirements is also that the teacher has knowledge about the patterns family relations. They will allow you to build interaction with parents in the most effective way.

In the latest article “The Emergence of Professional Standards in the Life of Russians – Good or Evil,” we told our readers about the dangers of the introduction of professional standards into force, which, according to those included in the Labor Code Russian Federation amendments come into force on July 1, 2016.

Today we decided to continue the topic and talk about specific professional standards of a teacher (in accordance with the focus of our publication). Although it should immediately be noted that these requirements will not come into force this year. It is significant that their introduction has been postponed not for the first time. Recall that in December 2013, the order of the Ministry of Labor was issued, defining the professional standard of teachers in subject specialties, which meant the automatic entry into force of the document. However, the event was postponed first to September 2014, then to January 2015, then to January 2017. And at the end of last year, Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov bluntly stated that "the professional standard of a teacher is being tested" and did not rule out that "this date will be postponed for a longer period."

So what's wrong with these pedagogical standards? After all, their developers prescribed that every Russian teacher should become a generalist, who not only knows his subject well, but also knows how to work with various kinds of children: gifted and having developmental problems; with disabilities and deviant behavior; with the socially neglected and those who do not know the Russian language (for whom it is not native); as well as performing many diverse functions (mastering modern information and communication technologies; mastering the skills of teaching and educating in a multicultural environment; possessing certain translation competencies; the ability to cooperate with students, their parents and other participants educational process for the development of individual programs for the development of children). It seems that everything was taken into account, nothing was forgotten.

Let's see what constitutes the professional standard of a teacher in general. We quote: "Professional standard of a teacher: a document that includes a list of professional and personal requirements for a teacher, valid throughout the Russian Federation." It “is designed to: determine the necessary qualifications of a teacher; ensure necessary training a teacher to obtain high results of his work; ensure the necessary awareness of the teacher about the requirements for him; promote the involvement of teachers in solving the problem of improving the quality of education”.

Its relevance is explained as follows: “The world is changing, children are changing, which, in turn, puts forward new requirements for the qualifications of a teacher. But one cannot demand from a teacher what no one has ever taught him. Consequently, the introduction of a new professional teacher standard should inevitably lead to a change in the standards of his training and retraining in higher education and in centers for advanced training. Expanding the boundaries of the teacher's freedom, the professional standard at the same time increases his responsibility for the results of his work, making demands on his qualifications, offering criteria for its assessment.

Thus, the standard is necessary in order to become "a tool for implementing the strategy of education in a changing world", "a tool for improving the quality of education and bringing domestic education to the international level", "an objective measure of the qualifications of a teacher", "a means of selecting teaching staff in educational institutions", as well as "the basis for the formation of an employment contract that fixes the relationship between the employee and the employer."

We conclude the citation with an excerpt from the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 18, 2013 N 544n “On approval of the professional standard “Teacher ( pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher) "", according to which this standard "is applied by employers in the formation of personnel policy and in personnel management, in the organization of training and certification of employees, the conclusion of employment contracts , development job descriptions and establishing payment systems.

And we add that the document was developed by the Moscow Psychological and Pedagogical University (Rector Vitaly Rubtsov) and Education Center No. 109 (Director member of the Public Council of the Ministry of Education and Science Evgeny Yamburg), and already at the discussion stage caused a heated discussion, during which the professional community was divided into two camps : supporters (who argued that the standard is the foundation that will give new opportunities to the training system and improve the material base) and opponents (who said that vague wording will increase bureaucratic pressure on teachers and allow officials to demand the impossible from the latter).

Let's try to figure out what the professional standard requires from the teacher and what it promises in return. So the document assumes that the teacher must know your subject, work with different groups of children and have certain skills and abilities. Quite reasonable requirements (see above), although some of them raise questions. For example, what to do with "mastering modern information and communication technologies" if there is no computer technology at school, and is not expected? Or with "possession of certain translation competencies" (read pretty good to know foreign language), If average age school teacher, according to experts, is approaching retirement? And will this average pre-retirement teacher want to master "methods of organizing excursions, trips and expeditions"?

Even more questions from the professional community are caused by the requirement that teachers must have higher education. We must not forget that teacher training elementary school, teachers of music and fine arts, as well as kindergarten teachers are conducted by secondary vocational institutions, and the requirement of compulsory higher education can lead to the destruction of the entire sectoral system of secondary vocational education, simultaneously exposing additional and preschool education to a blow. Why is the bitter experience of the destruction of secondary specialized education in the training of physicians not taken into account, which led to a catastrophic shortage throughout the country of junior medical personnel and paramedics?

Of course, the standards stipulate that teachers who have a secondary specialized education and are currently working in preschool organizations and elementary schools should be provided with conditions for obtaining it without interrupting their professional activities, but this is another matter.

The top priority for today is the training of new gifted teachers. Universities (and there are many, not a few in the country - 73 pedagogical and 15 classical universities) do not even have training programs for such specialists. At the same time, it is obvious that the skills of teachers directly depend on what kind of knowledge they are given in pedagogical universities. Dmitry Livanov said that “a project is now being launched to change the teacher training system,” but experts say that the implementation of the project will take a long time. So, Irina Abankina , Director of the Institute for the Development of Education at the Higher School of Economics, noting that “the project for the modernization of teacher education itself will be developed within two to three years,” warns that it will not be possible to implement it quickly. Some experts are sure that it will take at least twenty years to train teachers of the "new generation".

Meanwhile, it should be noted that the professional standard has a dual purpose: on the one hand, it is the basis for reforming teacher education, and on the other hand, it is the basis for regulating labor relations between the employer and the teaching staff. In other words, teachers' salaries will directly depend on the fulfillment of the requirements of the standard. And this was acknowledged by the head of the Ministry of Education in his speech at a recent All-Russian Congress participants in testing the standard, emphasizing that the main indicators for evaluating teachers are the dynamics of students and individual achievements. But how do you measure them?

Moreover, in accordance with the standard, an ordinary teacher must have the qualifications of a psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist. At the same time, there is no talk of increasing salaries. On the contrary, they can be fired for non-compliance with the standard. Alexander Vavilov, a leading expert at the HSE Institute of Education, admits that “it is possible to fire a teacher for non-compliance with the professional standard,” although he assures that this will not be so easy, since “first this discrepancy needs to be established.” And again the voros rises: “But how?”. “Neither the governing board of the school, nor the director can do this - only the attestation commission. If she determines that the teacher does not meet the standard, he can be fired under paragraph 3 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of Russia (non-compliance with the position held). However, the employer must offer the teacher another job that matches his qualifications, if there are such vacancies, and take into account the opinion of the representative of the primary trade union organization (trade union committee), if the teacher is a member of it,” the expert explains. Nevertheless, we understand that there will always be both dissatisfied in the administration and dissatisfied with the administration.

Moreover, the atmosphere in pedagogical collectives can hardly be called favorable, there will certainly be favorites and disgraced ones, since the standard, firstly, implies a “level model of positions” (Dmitry Livanov), and secondly, introduces gradations among teachers in the form of an “assistant teacher”, “mentor”, “teacher-methodist”, etc. And this cannot but have a negative impact on the entire education system, says Vsevolod Lukhovitsky, a member of the council of the interregional trade union of educators "Teacher". As the trade union leader stated, such a hierarchy would worsen relations in teaching staff and lead to an outflow of personnel. “If these graduations are somehow related to salary, it will definitely be bad for everyone. It will also be bad for those who will receive more - because they will be treated accordingly. It will be bad for those who will receive less,” he said. “The second aspect is the humiliation of the gradation itself. At school, among teachers, educators, there cannot and should not be people according to certain "ranks". People do one thing, teach, raise children, and any attempt to distinguish between them, to make one good and the other not very good, will lead to an outflow of teachers,” Lukhovitsky is sure.

Other experts also do not rule out the possibility of teachers leaving schools (albeit not on a large scale, but significant) and attribute this to exorbitant teaching loads. Today, due to meager rates, almost all teachers work for at least one and a half rates, and if the requirements that are already spelled out in the professional standard are increased, many simply cannot stand it. Yes, and about what individual approach you can talk to each student at all under such a load. According to Galina Rakityanskaya, head teacher of the Kaluga School No. 25, it should be no more than 20 hours a week, but teachers do not dare to dream about this.

Moreover, teachers really understand that not only will the academic and extracurricular workload increase, it will simply be more difficult for them to work, because in the vast majority of Russian there are absolutely no conditions for implementing the requirements of the professional standard. Take, for example, such a requirement for a teacher as the ability to work with all students, regardless of their health and physical condition. Even if we assume that the teacher will master the qualifications of a psychologist, speech therapist, speech pathologist, but he will not be able to simultaneously receive a medical education, while for many unusual students medical assistance may be vital, otherwise the responsibility will fall on the teacher. Today, many schools do not provide permanent health workers, instead of them there are nurses who come for 3-4 hours a week. In addition, other conditions independent of teachers are necessary: ​​convenient access to the school, a ramp, elevators, equipped toilets, special places in the dining room and a special menu. Where to get all this from will become a headache for the administration, which will also not add benevolence in the team.

And, finally, the traditional trivial question of how the implementation of the provisions of the professional standard will generally take place. Experts are unanimous in their opinion that it will affect, in particular, the process of attestation of teaching staff, but today work on creating a system of internal and external audit of the work of attestation commissions has just begun. In the conditions of “manual control” of the country, the statement of President Vladimir Putin at the congress of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs is a little encouraging: “I expect that another serious step will be taken this year - the creation of normative base For independent evaluation professional qualifications. But there are many professional qualifications, but there is only one president.

Some specialists in the field of education reassure the professional community with the fact that the teacher's professional standard is not a federal state educational standard and is not mandatory for use. Indeed, in the text of the document there are no provisions on its rigorous implementation. Literally, it is written there that “the professional standard of the teacher Maybe apply: a) when hiring in educational institution for the position of "teacher"; c) in the course of attestation of teachers of educational institutions by regional executive authorities exercising management in the field of education; d) in the course of attestation of teachers by the educational organizations themselves, if they are given the appropriate authority.

However, one should not be deceived by this Maybe". We found out that according to the second part of par. 2 tbsp. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation if, in accordance with it, other federal laws, the provision of compensations and benefits is associated with the performance of work in certain positions, professions, specialties, or restrictions, That the name of these positions, professions or specialties and qualification requirements to them must correspond the names and requirements specified in the qualification reference books approved in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, or relevant provisions of professional standards.

If we translate this legal gibberish into ordinary Russian, it turns out that an employer of any form of ownership is obliged to use the name of the position from professional standards, if there are legal benefits, compensations and restrictions for these positions, incl. qualifying. In our case, the requirement of the indispensable presence of higher education, prescribed in the professional standard of the teacher, is the restriction that turns the document into a mandatory one.

By the way, maybe this is for the best: after all, some kind of uniformity. Otherwise, such a “discordance” could result, when some regions introduce a standard, while others do not want to, which would lead to a complete imbalance in the system of secondary and higher education, which are now going through their hard times.

Even one of the authors of the innovation, Evgeny Yamburg, is forced to agree with the last thesis, who admits that the conditions for implementing the standard are not the most favorable. “But we have to move forward,” he said. - There are successes in some regions. I even know that in some schools the ped classes are already sharpened to meet the new standards. This is what both ordinary teachers and experts are afraid of. These fears were clearly expressed by Vsevolod Lukhovitsky: “They will find good schools with strong teachers, and then they will announce that the experiment was successful. Not all school teachers can meet the requirements of the standard. And this can serve as a “whip” when hiring or firing an unsuitable teacher.” And it is difficult to argue with him, if, moreover, we remember that most of the 1,200,000 Russian teachers are by no means young.

In this regard, Yevgeny Yamburg's fears, who doubt the ability of teachers to accept the new requirements, sound quite reasonable. “Although I must admit: the main risk is mental. We launched Gagarin into space, made rockets, but we cannot produce good mass products. We are psychologically unprepared to live by standards, all the time opposing them to creativity,” he says and adds: “But standards are the law, and it must be followed » .

The last statement is not subject to discussion, but about the opposition of standards and creativity ... How can one not oppose these concepts if living creativity requires time, effort and desire, which the teacher simply cannot have when he, under the conditions prescribed by professional standards, will have to fulfill 35 requirements: 7 points - training, 18 points - education and 20 points - development. And at the same time, there is not a single point that gives the teacher the right to at least something, not to mention creativity.

While a talented person is generally difficult to fit into any framework. This is what teachers and experts are discussing on social networks. For example, Alexander Pivovarov , Head of the Department of the Institute for the Development of Education in the Kirov Region is sure that not all the personal qualities of a talented teacher can fit into the "Procrustean bed" of requirements. “A talented teacher (as well as a student) is, as a rule, non-standard. He is unique,” ​​he says.

That is why there is a real danger that the most talented teachers will leave schools. “Especially those who want, first of all, self-realization and creative minds,” notes Vsevolod Lukhovitsky and explains: “If for my creative work I have to constantly bring some papers, collect evidence that I am creative - this is certainly humiliating.

We want to finish the material with the words of the rector of the Transfiguration of the Savior Pronsky monastery which we fully share: “The greatness of the teacher’s soul, his spiritual disposition for sacrificial service – these are the real parameters, striving to improve which we can hope that mentally healthy, patriotic students will leave the secondary education system for jobs and student audiences oriented, competent young people in subjects. Let's hope so too.

"Professional standard of the teacher" - The content of the professional standard of the teacher. educational tasks. The need to fill the professional standard. professional requirements. Skill. Full-scale introduction of a professional standard. Professional competencies. Pedagogical recommendations of specialists. Standard. internal standard.

"Activity of the teacher" - The uniqueness of the project. Are references to primary sources necessary? Project presentation: The personality of a teacher with a new way of thinking. A way of self-construction of knowledge. Forms of presentation of the teacher's activity. Open class; Master Class; Workshop; Public report. What is the audience? Has the author developed a plan (structure, logic) of the speech?

"Young teacher" - "Future Russian education– in the hands of young teachers!”. Achieved results of the forum. Creation of the "Youth Council of Teachers" in the YNAO. The concept of creating the All-Russian Professional Association of Young Teachers has been developed. Tasks of the "Youth Council of Teachers": At the lessons of English.

"Standard of professional activity of a teacher" - School development program. Standard requirements for teacher training. Knowledge of specific techniques. Ability to design a psychologically safe and comfortable educational environment. Recommendations. Regulations. Functions of the professional standard of the teacher. Be able to build educational activities.

"Teacher-teacher" - when assessing well-being in 57.6%, in assessing activity - in 66.4%, bad mood - in 68.2% of teachers. "Ours is more important than mine." The young teacher is most often left to the mercy of fate. Gender indicators. It seems that the curriculum is of no interest to anyone. Teachers: Somatic health and the role of the teacher.

"Modern teacher" - Pedagogical professionalism. Conduct form. Components of pedagogical technology. The personality of the teacher in the traditional system of education. The problem of the teachers' council. The main elements of the teacher's personality. Performance indicators learning activities. Professionalism and pedagogical skill of a modern teacher.

"Problems of introducing the professional standard of the teacher"

The introduction of the professional standard of the teacher is provided for by the federal state educational standard and involvescomprehensive cooperation of all participants in the educational process.

The relevance of the introductionthe professional standard of the teacher is due to the inefficiency of the previously existing formal functional duties that do not meet the spirit of the times. The professional standard of the teacher, which should replace the documents that have so far regulated his activities, is intended, first of all, to liberate the teacher, to give a new impetus to his development. This document, being a practical tool for reforming the domestic education system, gives a clear definition of the role and place of the teacher, indicates his resources and opportunities.

In our opinion, for the successful implementation of the standard of the teacher, it is necessary to implement the pedagogy of cooperation, as a factor that unites the participants in the educational process and at the same time puts everyone in a subjective position in education, training and development. This cooperation is carried out in several directions.

First of all, this is the integrative cooperation of teachers of an educational organization, which can be implemented through

    search, systematization and development of optimal means that contribute to the implementation of the tasks of modernizing education, achieving the planned results of the Federal State Educational Standard and introducing a professional teacher standard

    development and testing of methods, didactic tools of an innovative type on the subject in classroom and extracurricular activities

    organization of conferences, briefings, competitions, master classes

    dissemination of pedagogical experience.

No less important, in our opinion, is the integrative cooperation of teachers at various levels of education. First of all, the increase in the effectiveness of the formation of professional and multicultural competence of students of pedagogical specialties in universities deserves attention. The multicultural competence of future teachers is a value-semantic professional-personal property that integrates systemic scientific knowledge, creative skills, experience, motives and values, characterizing the ability and readiness of the future teacher to implement functional cooperation.

The problem of cooperation between teachers of general, additional and vocational education deserves special attention, as this will most effectively increase the level of the teacher's competences, as required by the professional standard of the teacher:

    implementation of educational opportunities various kinds child's activities (educational, playful, labor, sports, artistic, etc.)

    development in students cognitive activity, independence, initiative, creative abilities, the formation of a civic position, the ability to work and live in conditions modern world, the formation of a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle among students

    cooperation with others teaching staff and other specialists in solving educational problems

    development (together with other specialists) of programs individual development child

    planning a specialized educational process for a group, class and / or individual contingents of students with outstanding abilities and / or special educational needs.

The complex cooperation of participants in the educational process in the implementation of the professional standard of the teacher also provides for network cooperation. Everyone knows the new requirements for modern school, including such items as the updated content of education, the integration of information and communication technologies in the educational process, the use of new digital educational tools, electronic media libraries. At present, the network activity of teachers is one of the most pressing topics related to informatization processes in the education system. Online communities of teachers new form organization of professional activity in the network, it is a group of professionals working in the same subject or problematic professional activity in the network. Participation in professional network associations allows teachers living in different parts of the same country and abroad to communicate with each other, solve professional issues, realize themselves and improve their professional level.

Upper Mamon Lyceum carries out networking in various directions, and one of them is the exchange innovative experience, incl. on the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard and the introduction of a professional teacher standard.

The professional standard reflects the structure of the teacher's professional activity: the education, upbringing and development of the child and is designed to help the teacher in solving new problems facing him, because education is the most accurate indicator that determines the state of modern society.


    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 22, 2013 No.

23 "On the Rules for the development, approval and application

professional standards"

    Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated

December 2012 No. 273;

    "National Strategy for Action in the Interests of Children for 2012-2017" (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 2012 No. 761)

"On the approval of the professional standard" Teacher

(pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary

general, basic general, secondary general education)

(educator, teacher).

    Frolov Yu.V. The professional standard of a teacher in terms of a competency-based approach / Handbook of the Deputy Director of the School, No. 6 (June), 2009.

    Methodology for assessing the level of qualification of teaching staff /

ed. V.D. Shadrikova, I.V. Kuznetsova.M., 2010

The last decades are characterized by constant transformations in the education system of the Russian Federation: humanization, modernization, profiling, optimization, the introduction of unified state exams ... In October 2009, by order No. methodological basis which are the fundamental core of the content of general education and the system-activity approach, which determined the new kind educational results - meta-subject and personal competencies of students. In the 2015/2016 academic year, all fifth-graders are primary school graduates who studied in a new way. federal standard. Four (or more) years of teaching primary school learned to work in new conditions, many had to reorganize, change the style of communication with schoolchildren, master modern educational technologies, new ways and means of teaching. How does a teacher today assess his readiness to implement the basic educational program of primary general education in accordance with the GEF IEO?

43 teachers from thirteen educational institutions of five municipal districts of the Republic of Karelia and two educational institutions of the Leningrad and Murmansk regions took part in the survey conducted by us in order to get an answer to the above question; 5 respondents are deputy directors for academic or educational work, 36 teachers work in rural schools. Five teachers are young specialists (they have up to three years of teaching experience); almost 47% of the teachers surveyed - 20 people - have more than 20 years of experience (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Distribution of teachers who took part in the survey,

by teaching experience

Most of the teachers (38 people) were trained in advanced training courses on various issues of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, demonstrated a good command of the basic concepts of the standard. The questionnaire also included four open-ended questions. We present an analysis of the responses received.

1. What, in your opinion, is the readiness of a teacher to work on the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education (indicate no more than 5 most important, in your opinion, readiness criteria)?

The various answers received to this question can be divided into four groups and, accordingly, four criteria for the readiness of teachers to work in new conditions can be identified (Fig. 2):

- teacher motivation : desire for self-improvement, the ability to learn, the desire for professional growth, activity in self-development, overcoming stereotypical activity strategies, advanced training;

- legal awareness: knowledge of the content of the standard, regulatory documents, including those regulating the introduction of the standard, inclusion of modern terminology in the teacher's active dictionary;

- possession of modern pedagogical technologies (separately named: system-activity approach, student-centered learning, problem-based learning technology, technology educational project, collective way of learning, information and communication technologies);

- knowledge of the psychology of the modern student(possession of knowledge of personality psychology, developmental psychology, pedagogy of cooperation, the theory of learning activities, the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice).

Rice. 2. Criteria for the readiness of a primary school teacher

to work on the Federal State Educational Standard

Thus, according to teachers, the most important criteria for readiness to work according to the new standard of primary general education are the desire to work in new conditions and the possession of pedagogical technologies that allow achieving results that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

2. What difficulties do you experience in connection with the work on the GEF IEO?

An analysis of the answers to this question of the questionnaire allows us to identify the following difficulties for teachers (Fig. 3):

- psychological(“it’s hard to move away from the old school”, “it’s hard to rebuild yourself to meet the new tasks of the standard”);

- theoretical(“misunderstanding of meta-subject and personal learning outcomes”, difficulties “in planning personal educational outcomes”, “when assessing / tracking meta-subject learning outcomes”, “in determining a specific universal learning activity that is updated in the learning situation”, ignorance of the types and methods of evaluating a student's portfolio );

- technological(development technological map lesson, analysis of the effectiveness of the lesson, technologies for working with children with disabilities, conducting design and research (project) activities, etc.);

- organizational(a large amount of work: preparation for the lesson, analysis of the lesson, systematic monitoring, documentation);

- external(low motivation of students, low competence of parents, inability for parents to purchase the entire set of workbooks, incomplete equipment of the classroom with equipment: there is no computer, multimedia projector or interactive whiteboard).

Rice. 3. Difficulties of teachers associated with work according to the new standard

primary general education

Comparison of the answers to the first two questions leads to the conclusion that teachers understand the importance of using in the educational process active methods learning, but at the same time have difficulty in applying some modern technologies. It should also be noted that most of the difficulties are related to organizational issues. Our experience of communicating with primary school teachers suggests that they consider the need to fill out too much documentation to be the most negative thing in their work.

3. What help would you like to receive in overcoming these difficulties?

Teachers in their answers indicated the form of advanced training or the subject of providing them with methodological assistance. So, among the named forms: seminars, round tables, individual consultations, workshops, master classes, meetings of methodical associations, public lesson. Teachers express a desire to strengthen the practical orientation of advanced training courses. The following issues are in demand for active discussion:

Drawing up the main educational program (initial level of the educational institution);

Drawing up a technological map of the lesson;

Analysis of the lesson from the standpoint of modern requirements;

Drawing up work programs for educational subjects;

Organization of extracurricular activities of students;

Methodology of project activity;

Organization of educational work;

Class teacher report form;

Starting diagnostics of meta-subject and personal learning outcomes;

Processing the results of diagnostic studies using computer technology;

Accompanying correctional education of children with disabilities;

Working with an interactive whiteboard.

4. What competencies of graduates of a pedagogical university, future primary school teachers, are formed, in your opinion, insufficiently?

Approximately a third of the teachers surveyed did not answer this question. The answers of the rest of the respondents indicate the insufficiency of the formation of the following competencies of future primary school teachers:

Information competence - 3 people;

Ability to learn independently - 4 people;

Reflective-analytical skills - 3 people;

Organization of work with gifted students - 2 people;

The ability to build subject-subject relationships - 2 people;

The ability to develop an individual route for the student - 1 person;

Ability to work with parents - 1 person;

Ability to work with school documentation - 4 people;

The ability to unite in a professional team, to act collectively - 2 people;

ICT competence - 3 people;

Ensuring the protection of life and health of children in the educational institution - 1 person;

Work in extreme conditions countryside- 2 people.

Although the list of unformed competencies is quite extensive, each of them is mentioned only by 1-4 teachers out of 43 respondents. This gives grounds to believe that the answers are purely subjective and reflect the individual difficulties of the primary education teacher.

Positive dynamics in results at any level of education cannot be achieved without changing the teacher himself. In this regard, the introduction of new standards of higher professional education in the direction of "Pedagogical education" and the development of the Professional Standard of the teacher seem to be timely.

It cannot be assumed that the professional standard appeared unexpectedly and is something completely new. Suffice it to recall the “professiograms of a teacher” developed in the last decades of the 20th century. under the direction of V. A. Slastenin. The main requirements for a teacher were also described in job descriptions.

February 15, 2013 on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation was published and offered for public discussion Draft professional standard of the teacher. The professional standard of a teacher is a document that includes a list of professional and personal requirements for a teacher, valid throughout the Russian Federation [ , p. 8]. This document indicates the main "terms and definitions in relation to the teacher" [, p. 8]. Some of these definitions cause us doubts and questions.

1. Professional competence - the ability to successfully act on the basis of practical experience, skills ( one? what?) and knowledge in solving professional problems. The qualification of a teacher is formed from professional competencies.

Since the standard is a means of "selection of teaching staff in educational institutions", the selection is carried out on the basis of the teacher's qualifications, and qualifications depend on professional competence (based on practical experience), a young specialist who does not have such experience, as a result, cannot be accepted to work. However, the same document states that there is no requirement for practical experience when hiring a teacher.

2. The qualification of a teacher reflects the level vocational training teachers and their willingness to work in the field of education. ( Is this a definition?)

3. Professional ICT competence: qualified use of ICT tools common in this professional field in developed countries in solving professional problems where necessary. (Each teacher himself should organize monitoring in order to determine the ICT tools that are common in developed countries?)

4.Audit: systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and their objective evaluation in order to establish the degree of compliance with the requirements. ( If this is the definition, then there is a vicious circle error.)

In our opinion, inaccuracies in the definition of the key concepts of the standard can lead to their ambiguous interpretation, and, as a result, the standard will not be able to play the role of an “objective measure of a teacher’s qualifications”, a means of “selecting teaching staff in educational institutions” [ , p. 5]. The achievement of such a goal of applying the standard as “to ensure the necessary awareness of the teacher about the requirements placed on him” is also in doubt [ , p. 7].

It should be noted, however, that in the Professional standard "Teacher (pedagogical activity in preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)", approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. , introductory sections (scope, purpose of application, terms and definitions in relation to the teacher) are absent. In this we see, in our opinion, the lack of continuity between the project under discussion and the approved document. Despite the numerous critical reviews that have appeared in the media, as well as the above comments, there is certainly a sense in the introductory explanations. Their absence entails the need for explanatory work regarding the meaning, meaning, ideology of the standard, the terminology used in it, etc. on the part of managerial personnel or teachers of the advanced training system for educators. Obviously, the interpretation will be ambiguous, and in this case, the meaning of the very concept of a standard (from the English standard - sample, norm) is blurred as a document that establishes a set of norms, rules, requirements for the object of standardization (Encyclopedic Dictionary).

In the Teacher's Professional Standard:

The generalized labor functions (GTF) are prescribed: A - Pedagogical activity for the design and implementation of the educational process in educational organizations of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education; C - Pedagogical activity in the design and implementation of basic educational programs;

The labor functions (TF) as part of the general labor market and the corresponding skill level are prescribed;

Each labor function is spelled out in terms of labor actions, necessary skills and necessary knowledge, which determines the need for assessing professional competence, including the professional activities of a teacher;

New is the requirement for pedagogical activity, the teacher's knowledge of the implementation of programs of primary general education;

The list of necessary knowledge in all labor functions of the Professional Standard of a Teacher has been significantly expanded in comparison with the Unified Qualification Directory for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2010 No. 761n (EKS);

Particular attention in the Professional Standard of the Teacher is paid to the psychological and pedagogical support of the learning process, knowledge of the socio-psychological characteristics of the child's personality, patterns of development, the laws of periodization and developmental crises, the basics of psychodiagnostics, etc., as well as the possession of methods of psychodiagnostics;

The following modules are highlighted in particular: “Subject learning. Mathematics”, “Subject Education. Russian language".

The professional standard of a teacher is an open document, since it is expected that in the future its scope will be expanded to additional specialties, in particular, a teacher-psychologist, tutor, etc.

An expanded list of requirements for the knowledge and skills of a primary school teacher, set out in the standard of the teacher, makes it possible to present new requirements for his professionalism. In particular, the teacher should: ensure the formation and development of universal educational activities for younger students, organize extracurricular activities, form meta-subject competencies, implement an activity-based approach to learning, plan an individual educational route, develop individual program student development, etc.

The named skills of the teacher are relevant and meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education. Obviously, they should be formed by the future teacher in the process of studying at the university.

Currently, training in the profile " elementary education” can be implemented within the framework of direction 44.03.01 “Pedagogical education” and implies that graduates receive the qualification “academic bachelor” or “applied bachelor”. The question arises to what extent the relevant standard for the preparation of a bachelor in the profile "elementary education" is consistent with the requirements of the Professional Teacher Standard for a primary school teacher. Since the specification of labor actions, as well as the necessary skills and knowledge of the teacher, should automatically entail a change in the standard of teacher training, in order to answer the question posed, we will conduct a comparative analysis of labor actions formulated for generalized labor functions in the Professional Standard of the Teacher, and professional competencies identified in the project Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of training 44.03.01 "Pedagogical education" (level of higher education - bachelor's degree, qualifications - academic bachelor, applied bachelor), the approval of which has been postponed for two years already (see table).

Comparison of labor activities and professional competencies

Labor function labor actions General professional and professional competencies
A. Pedagogical activity for the design and implementation of the educational process in educational institutions of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education GPC - general professional competencies,

PC - professional competencies for academic bachelors,

PPK - professionally applied competencies for applied bachelors


General pedagogical function. Education

Development and implementation of programs academic disciplines within the framework of the main general education program
Carrying out professional activities in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education, primary, basic and secondary general education Readiness for professional activity in accordance with the legal documents of the field of education (OPK-4)
Participation in the development and implementation of a development program for an educational organization in order to create a safe and comfortable educational environment Ability to design educational programs(PC-8). Readiness to ensure the protection of life and health of students (OPK-6)
Planning and conducting training sessions Willingness to implement educational programs in the subject in accordance with the requirements of educational standards (PC-1; PPK-1)
Systematic analysis of the effectiveness of training sessions and learning approaches
Organization, monitoring and evaluation of educational achievements, current and final results of mastering the main educational program by students
Formation of universal learning activities
Formation of skills related to information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT)
Formation of motivation for learning
Objective assessment of students' knowledge based on testing and other control methods in accordance with the real learning opportunities of children

educational activity

Regulation of student behavior to ensure a safe educational environment Readiness to ensure the protection of life and health of students (OPK-6)
Implementation of modern, including interactive, forms and methods of educational work, using them both in class and in extracurricular activities
Setting educational goals that contribute to the development of students, regardless of their abilities and character The ability to carry out training, education and development, taking into account social, age, psychophysical and individual characteristics, including the special educational needs of students (OPK-2)
Definition and adoption of clear rules of conduct by students in accordance with the charter of the educational organization and the internal regulations of the educational organization
Design(?) and implementation of educational programs The ability to solve the problems of education and spiritual and moral development of students in educational and extracurricular activities (PC-3; PPK-3)
Implementation of educational opportunities for various types of activities of the child (educational, playful, labor, sports, artistic, etc.)
Designing situations and events that develop the emotional and value sphere of the child (the culture of experiences and value orientations of the child) The ability to solve the problems of education and spiritual and moral development of students in educational and extracurricular activities (PC-3; PPK-3)
Assistance and support in organizing the activities of student self-government bodies
Creation, maintenance of the way, atmosphere and traditions of life of an educational organization
Formation of tolerance and behavior skills in a changing multicultural environment
The use of constructive educational efforts of parents (legal representatives) of students, assistance to the family in solving issues of raising a child

Development activities

Identification in the course of observation of behavioral and personal problems of students related to the peculiarities of their development
Grade parameters and design psychologically safe and comfortable educational environment, development of prevention programs various forms school violence Ability use opportunities of the educational environment… (PC-4, PPK-4)
Application of tools and methods for diagnosing and evaluating indicators of the level and dynamics of a child's development
(PK-2; PPK-2)
Development and application of psychological and pedagogical technologies (including inclusive ones), necessary for targeted work with different contingents of students: gifted children, socially vulnerable children, children in difficult life situations, migrant children, orphans, children with special educational needs (autistic children, children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, etc.), children with disabilities, children with behavioral deviations, children with addiction Ability to use modern methods and technologies of training and diagnostics
(PK-2; PPK-2)
Providing targeted assistance to students The ability to provide pedagogical support for the socialization and professional self-determination of students
Interaction with other specialists within the framework of the psychological-medical-pedagogical council Willingness to interact with participants in the educational process (PC-6, PPK-5)
Development (together with other specialists) and implementation together with parents ( legal representatives) individual child development programs Willingness to interact with participants in the educational process (PC-6, PPK-5). The ability to design individual educational routes for students (PC-9)
Mastering and adequate application of special technologies and methods that allow to carry out correctional and developmental work
The development of students' cognitive activity, independence, initiative, creativity, the formation of a civic position, the ability to work and live in the conditions of the modern world, the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle among students The ability to organize students' cooperation, maintain activity and initiative, students' independence, develop their creative abilities (PC-7, PPK-6)
Formation and implementation of programs for the development of universal educational activities, models and values social behavior, behavioral skills in the world of virtual reality and social networks, the formation of tolerance and positive patterns of multicultural communication
Formation of a system for regulating the behavior and activities of students
B. Pedagogical activity in the design and implementation of basic educational programs

Pedagogical activity for the implementation of programs of primary general education

Design educational process on the basis of the federal state educational standard of primary general education, taking into account the peculiarities of the social situation of the development of a first-grader in connection with the transition of the leading activity from play to learning readiness implement educational programs in the subject in accordance with the requirements of educational standards (PC-1; PPK-1)
Formation in children of the social position of students throughout the education in primary school
Formation of meta-subject competencies, the ability to learn and universal educational activities to the level necessary for the development of educational programs of basic general education
An objective assessment of the successes and opportunities of students, taking into account the unevenness of the individual mental development of younger children school age, as well as the peculiarities of the dynamics of the development of educational activities of boys and girls
Organization of the educational process, taking into account the uniqueness of the social situation of the development of the first grader
Adjustment of educational activities based on the data of monitoring educational results, taking into account the unevenness of the individual mental development of children of primary school age (including due to differences in age, conditions of preschool education and upbringing), as well as the peculiarity of the dynamics of the development of boys and girls
Carrying out in the fourth grade of elementary school (in cooperation with a psychologist) measures to prevent possible difficulties in adapting children to the educational process in basic school

Even allowing ourselves some liberties in a comparative analysis of the teacher’s work activities and the professional competencies of a bachelor of pedagogical education (we did not look for an absolute match of the wording in the above documents, but highlighted the fundamental differences in bold), we are forced to state that a university graduate in the direction of “Pedagogical education” is unlikely to whether he will be ready to perform labor functions in full. In fairness, it should be noted that among general professional competencies, it is indicated readiness for psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process(OPK-3). Such broad competence is able to ensure the performance of almost any labor function. However, the meaning of the Professional Standard is seen precisely in prescribing specific actions of the teacher. Performing many actions such as:

Systematic analysis of the effectiveness of training sessions and approaches to learning;

Organization, monitoring and evaluation of educational achievements, current and final results of mastering the main educational program by students;

Formation of motivation for learning;

Assistance and support in organizing the activities of student self-government bodies;

Creation, maintenance of the way, atmosphere and traditions of the life of an educational organization;

Formation of tolerance and behavior skills in a changing multicultural environment;

Mastering and adequate application of special technologies and methods that allow to carry out correctional and developmental work;

Formation of meta-subject competencies, the ability to learn and universal educational activities to the level necessary for the development of educational programs of basic general education;

Adjustment of educational activity, based on the data of monitoring educational results, taking into account the uneven individual mental development of children of primary school age, as well as the peculiarity of the dynamics of the development of boys and girls, and a number of others, is not provided (see table) by the professional competencies of the future primary school teacher (in according to the professional standard - teaching staff of primary education).

On the other hand, some professional competencies, in particular those related to the implementation of such activities as cultural and educational, project or research (for example, PC-12 - the ability to manage the educational and research activities of students), which are also focused on the undergraduate program, are not reflections in the list of labor actions of the teacher.

Federal Law No. 122-FZ dated May 2, 2015 “On Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Articles 11 and 73 federal law“On Education in the Russian Federation” will come into force on July 1, 2016. From this date, within 1 year, the Federal State Educational Standards of vocational education must be brought into line with the Professional Standards in terms of the requirements for learning outcomes. Part 7 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “The Law on Education in the Russian Federation” will be set out as follows: “Formation of the requirements of the federal state educational standards of vocational education to the results of mastering the basic educational programs of vocational education in terms of professional competence is carried out based on relevant professional standards (if any). Consequently, there is time to realize the close relationship between the two standards - the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of "Pedagogical Education" and the Professional Standard of the Teacher - there is. It is important that updated documents appear in advance, so that universities are not forced to implement their main educational programs without appropriate standards, as is currently the case with the preparation of applied bachelors.


  1. Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees. URL: (accessed 06/11/2015).
  2. Draft concept and content of the teacher's professional standard. URL: http://minobrnauki.rf/documents/3071 (accessed 06/10/2015).
  3. The project of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of preparation 44.03.01 "Pedagogical education". URL: (Accessed 06/14/2015).
  4. Professional standard "Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)". URL: (accessed 11.06.2015).
  5. Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education. URL: http://minobrnauki.rf/documents/922 (accessed 06/01/2015).
  6. Federal Law No. 122-FZ dated May 2, 2015 “On Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Articles 11 and 73 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation””. URL: (date of access: 06/16/2015).

1. Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees. URL: (accessed 06/11/2015).

2. Draft concept and content of the teacher's professional standard. URL: http://minobrnauki.rf/documents/3071 (accessed 06/10/2015).

3. Draft Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of preparation 44.03.01 "Pedagogical education". URL: (Accessed 06/14/2015).

4. Professional standard "Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)". URL: (accessed 11.06.2015).

5. Federal state educational standard of primary general education. URL: http://minobrnauki.rf/documents/922 (accessed 06/01/2015).

6. Federal Law No. 122-FZ dated May 2, 2015 “On Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Articles 11 and 73 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation””. URL: (date of access: 06/16/2015).
