September 1, 2017 topic class hour set by the teacher. Despite the fact that every year the Ministry of Education gives recommendations on what to talk about in class with children. Agree that September 1, regardless of the age of the student, is an important and special event.

The first of September is only nominally the first day of school, in fact, this is a holiday when children dress beautifully, buy flowers and go to the solemn assembly. It is clear that on September 1, serious lessons are not held in any school, but it should be noted that the school year has come, therefore, a solemn class hour is held.

In Soviet times, the first was always the Peace Lesson, today the topic is not strictly defined. Of course, many try to stick to the classics and conduct open lessons on this topic. What to tell the children? About how important it is to live in peace with each other and try to avoid war. Because peacetime is an opportunity to get an education, a happy life, and create a family. Children can be shown photographs from those parts of the world where given time military action is underway. Ordinary people and, of course, children suffer from the battles of states.

2. It's great if you can hold some competitions to develop the creative abilities of children. This approach is especially relevant and interesting for children aged 9-13 years.
3. As for older children, grades 7-8, you can talk with them about the rules of behavior, communication with peers and older people. Only the lesson should not look like a notation, you need to find a creative way to convey information to children, but at the same time not lose their attention.
4. In the 9th grade, you can safely conduct a lesson about readiness for a friend and defense. Children are already getting older and are thinking about what exactly awaits them in the future, what profession to choose. So, the teacher can safely discuss this topic, you can invite representatives of different professions to the lesson to talk about their work.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to conduct a class hour as a regular lesson. Plus, the school still smells of paint on September 1st. You can hold a lesson in the open air, on a sports ground, arrange a holiday or an event in a cafe, in a park, in nature. Great format for modern lesson Is it a conference or round table. You can also arrange an exhibition, a concert, hold a local KVN game. On festive table can be done

Knowledge Day is an all-Russian holiday dedicated to the beginning of the school year. The first trip to school is an exciting, solemn moment for children, parents and teachers. According to the tradition that has developed since Soviet times, the class hour on September 1, 2017/2018 is held on the theme of peace. The purpose of such a lesson is to introduce children to national, cultural and universal values, to form patriotism and respect for other peoples. The priority of peace on earth creates conditions for the acquisition of new knowledge and the realization of each person as an individual.

The concept, types and purpose of class hours

The classroom hour is a flexible form of communication between the teacher and students, when pupils are involved in a particularly structured activity that helps them form the correct system of relations to the surrounding space.

The class hour implements the functions:

  • educational: the acquisition by students of new knowledge that is not included in the curriculum;
  • orienting: the formation of a position to various phenomena of the surrounding reality;
  • guideline: application of acquired knowledge in practical life;
  • formative: the development of the habit of thinking about one's life, behavior, actions, the skill of fruitful communication and argumentation of one's own opinion.

Responsibility for the organization, preparation, implementation and results of such lessons is classroom teacher. The forms of activities are extensive and are determined by the age of the students, their individual psychological characteristics, experience and the choice of the teacher.

It can be:

  • discussions,
  • contests,
  • creative forms,
  • games,
  • trainings,
  • fun start,
  • excursions.

According to an old custom, the Day of Knowledge in Russian schools takes place in the form of a single class hour on September 1, 2017/2018, at which mutual congratulations are heard, school-wide news is reported, various creative teams and authoritative persons perform, and the necessary instructions are given.

Unified class hours are also held throughout the year with several classes of a similar age category on important topics:

  • life safety;
  • Traffic Laws;
  • recommendations for behavior before the holidays;
  • significant events in the life of the school.

How to plan classroom topics for the academic year

Themes class hours for September 1 and the current academic period in a recommendatory manner come from the Ministry of Education and structural divisions. Perhaps the governing bodies do not provide information, then school principals, based on the general concept educational institution, bring to the teaching staff on what important points pay attention in conversations with students. Teachers plan lessons, taking into account the full range of instructions.

The aspects studied in the peace lesson on September 1 vary depending on the age of the children. In elementary school, the same topic is used annually:

  • the concept of the Motherland and its distinctive signs;
  • ideas about peace and war;
  • humane attitude towards other people, animals, nature.

The teacher is free to choose the forms of conducting lessons at his own discretion. From 5th to 9th grade, topics become more difficult. Famous personalities of the city or district, specially invited to the holiday, are able to inspire with a positive example for excellent studies and leave a favorable mark on the soul of the child. For senior classes, deeper topics are chosen about the future profession, respect for elders, current problems of our time, and a healthy lifestyle.

The subject of class hours for 2017/2018 is developed individually by each teacher and covers a serious range of tasks of spiritual, moral, physical, social, civil, patriotic, intellectual education. The concepts adopted by the state must be taken into account. For example, the norms "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) or the declared 2017 - the year of ecology. As well as the recommendations of the governing organizations and the profile of the school.

According to a long-established tradition, the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 will be held in all Russian schools. On the day of the beginning of the new school year, boys and girls different ages they will sit down at their desks and carefully listen to the material prepared by the teachers, about how important it is to maintain a peaceful life on the planet and what contribution each person can make to this great cause, from a first grader and a high school student to adults.

The topic of the first lesson on September 1 for students in grade 1 elementary school it is better to choose the simplest and most understandable. It is appropriate to introduce the kids to the general meaning of the word "peace", talk about its main symbols and visually show them to the children in the form of bright, colorful posters. In addition to oral speech, you can show children a short video presentation. A visual video will help you concentrate on the topic and make it possible to better remember the information provided.

At the Peace lesson in high school, you can raise questions about the causes of wars on the planet and invite the children to discuss this topic. Let the students express their position and try to guess how best to avoid armed conflicts and what policy the state should pursue in order to prevent armed clashes on its territory.

With students of grade 11 during the Peace lesson dedicated to the Day of Knowledge, it is worth discussing such modern concepts as “terrorism”, “ Civil War"and" inter-racial conflicts. The teacher should tell his wards that all people on earth have equal rights and it is categorically unacceptable to encourage their infringement. It is necessary to convey to schoolchildren that it is impossible to show aggression towards representatives of another nationality or religion. For clarity, these speeches should be supplemented with videos about the consequences of terrorist acts and the monstrous losses that civil wars lead to.

End the event on an optimistic note. To do this, it makes sense to include a video for children dedicated to friendship between different states, a calm, prosperous life and family values. After all, only such concepts as love, mutual understanding and tolerance will help restore everything that the war destroys and preserve the beautiful, but such a fragile peace on the planet.

How interesting and informative to hold a Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 in grade 1 - ideas for a presentation

In order for the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 in grade 1 to be successful and to be remembered by the children for a long time, you need to prepare a script in advance and think through every detail. Do not stretch the event for too long. Toddlers who crossed the school threshold for the first time will find it difficult to concentrate and sit in one place for a long time. It is better to limit yourself to the standard duration of the lesson, then the boys and girls will not get tired and will listen to the teacher with great attention. To enhance visibility, you can supplement oral speech with a suitable thematic presentation. Seven-year-olds already perfectly perceive visual images and remember video information much better than text.

Examples of presentations for the Peace lesson on Knowledge Day in grade 1

    • "Why do we need peace"- Bright and impressive presentation. He talks in detail about the different meanings of the word "peace", describes its main symbols and shows how happily children live in those countries where there are no armed clashes. After watching the first graders think about what they personally could do for peace on the planet and share their impressions of the film with the teacher and classmates. This contributes to the establishment of a warm, friendly atmosphere and encourages further communication.

    • "Children of the Earth" is a musical presentation developed as part of the World Without War art project. The song about peace is performed by a combined ensemble of the most talented children living in different countries. With touching and tender lines, young artists urge adults to become kinder and gentler, stop all wars on earth and save the planet for future generations.

September 1, 2017 in elementary school - the topic for the first lesson of Peace in grades 2, 3, 4

Where did the tradition of holding a Peace lesson on Knowledge Day come from, you can talk with elementary school students on September 1, 2017. After all, not all children from grades 2, 3 and 4 know that on the first day of autumn in the distant 1939, one of the bloodiest modern wars began - the Great Patriotic War. It was in memory of this terrible event that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation recommended that every year a Peace lesson be held in schools and, in an accessible, understandable form, acquaint the younger generation with the darkest pages of the history of their people.

During the event, schoolchildren are told about the most significant battles of World War II and shown slides with destroyed European cities. By this example, children learn to understand how much grief and horror any armed conflict brings with it and how important it is for every person to do everything to never allow such events to happen again.

What is the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 in grades 5, 6, 7, 8 - ideas for holding an event

For students in grades 5, 6, 7 and 8, the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 can be built in the form of a debate. The teacher will tell his wards about countries where wars are taking place even now, and children, instead of going to school and gaining knowledge, hide in basements, fall asleep to the sound of exploding shells and do not know if tomorrow will come for them. Separately, it is worth noting what a huge number of human casualties a change of regime in a state entails and how irresponsibly large, strong powers sometimes act, for the sake of their own ambitions and strengthening domination, trying at any cost to subdue, and sometimes even wipe out, smaller ones. , weak countries.

It is quite natural that in such a conversation the question will arise of how to avoid armed conflicts and return peace and prosperity to every home on earth. The teacher's answer will be quite simple and elementary. In order for life on the planet to become better, you must first change yourself. By cultivating tolerance for other people's opinions, respect for a different religion or other state system, each person takes a small step towards a more comfortable, calm and enjoyable life not only for his family, but for all people on the planet. This is not an easy and long way, but if you turn off it, at some point a catastrophe will surely happen and people will die again. Therefore, people should cultivate in themselves such qualities as kindness, understanding and love. Only guided by these generally accepted human values, we will be able to preserve our beautiful planet for future generations and will never come with weapons to the threshold of the house of our brothers and sisters.

Peace Lesson September 1, 2017 in high school - a rough lesson plan

In high school, at the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017, it is worth touching on the versatility of the concept of “peace” and asking boys and girls to describe their feelings from this word. Let the guys tell what, in their opinion, “peace”, “war”, “conflict” are different and what associations they cause.

Additionally, we can discuss such a modern threat as terrorism. This terrible phenomenon imperceptibly penetrates peaceful cities and, at the most unexpected moment, takes the lives of innocent children and adults. The whole horror lies in the fact that because of terrorism people cannot feel confident even in those countries that do not conduct military operations and show tolerance for representatives of other confessions and nationalities.

At the Peace lesson, it is appropriate to talk about the fact that sometimes people themselves provoke the emergence of various conflicts, ranging from domestic to ethnic ones. The teacher must convey to his wards that it is in no case unacceptable to show aggression towards representatives of other nationalities, laugh at a different skin color or speak disrespectfully about the religious characteristics of other faiths.

After all, sometimes one thoughtless word can leave a deep imprint in a person’s heart, which in the future will give rise to resentment and a desire to take revenge. To prevent this from happening, you must definitely restrain your emotions and think very well before speaking.

You need to end the class hour on a high, optimistic note, for example, with the whole class to sing some beautiful song about peace and friendship between peoples. Or watch a video clip about civilian peacekeeping missions, where representatives different countries Together they bring medicines and humanitarian aid to states devastated by wars or victims of terrorist attacks. This will be a worthy finale of the Peace lesson and will show schoolchildren that together people can achieve a lot and even defeat the military threat.

Prepared by: class teacher 8-B class

Biktanova Rita Alfitovna



Lesson topic: "Lesson of Knowledge and Peace".

Lesson Objectives:

    Learn to care about others, help your comrades, respect their opinion;

    To teach children to live according to the laws of goodness and justice, to correlate their interests with the interests of their comrades;

    To educate, develop and increase the best qualities of a person: patriotism, citizenship, pride in one's Motherland, striving for peace.

Event progress.


First of September. On this day, all roads lead to school. Dressed up students, excited parents and teachers. This day in our country is a public holiday - the Day of Knowledge.

Dear Guys! I congratulate you on this great holiday for each of us - the beginning of a new school year!

Foliage is still green everywhere
But your head is spinning.
About school, all your thoughts on this day,
Although, getting up in the morning is still too lazy.
But the long-awaited bell will ring again,
And the class will begin, as before, the lesson.
May everything come true in your school fate,
The Day of Knowledge! Good luck with your studies!

The topic of our class today "Lesson of Knowledge and Peace!"


1 September is the day of knowledge. This day in our country is a public holiday - the Day of Knowledge.

Do you guys know that not all children in the world go to school on September 1st? In Holland, Norway and Sweden, the children have already been studying for a whole month - they went to school on August 1st. In India, the school year is in full swing. It started on April 1st. In Australia, students return to their desks on January 1st. And in the Republic of Costa Rica, on August 31, the last, not the first, bell rang in schools.


Officially, this holiday was established by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on September 1, 1984.


According to a good tradition, the first bell in the new academic year calls for a Knowledge lesson. He invites all the guys to a huge and mysterious world - the world of Knowledge. He recalls that everyone who crossed the threshold of the school today has become a year older.

On this day, I would like to wish you a festive mood, so that the next day it turns into a mood for study. And I suggest you take the lessons right away. Look at today's schedule.




2. Literature

3. Technology

Big change

4. Mathematics

5. Russian language

6. Physical education

As you can see, during this hour we have to do a lot - to spend six lessons and a big break. But the lessons today are unusual. For answers, instead of grades, you will receive tokens, which can then be exchanged for sweet prizes.

I suggest splitting into teams.

So, let's start the first lesson.OBJ lesson.


    Anyone who starts every morning with this action needs 2 times less time to get ready and tune in to a working mood and cheerfully sit through all the lessons at school. What is this action? (morning work-out )


    These substances are necessary for a person in negligible quantities. But without them, a person gets sick, gets tired quickly, impairs memory and attention, which leads to poor school performance. Their name comes from the Latin "life". What are these substances? (vitamins )


    Hardening is very important for human health. Tempering is important from childhood. A hardened child is rare and easily ill, does not miss classes, has a good mark in physical education. One of the types of hardening is swimming in the winter in the hole. What are these people called? (walruses ) And what are those who do it beyond the Arctic Circle called? (White bears )

And let's move on to the second lesson.Literature lesson.


Familiar lines. The first lines of poems that many know by heart are written on the board, and only the first letters of each word are written, and the rest are replaced by dashes. It is required to “restore” the first line, name the author and recite the poem (or part of it) by heart.

For example,

In d_ _ _ in _ _ _ _ _ d _ _ _ _ o _ _ _

(There are eight fractions in the house ... Sergey Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa”)

In the house of eight fraction one
At the outpost of Ilyich
There lived a tall citizen
Nicknamed "Calancha"
By the name of Stepanov
And by the name of Stepan,
Of the regional giants
The most important giant.

1. U_ n_ _ _ o_ _ _ _ _ d _ _ _ _ _

(Already the sky was breathing in autumn ... A.S. Pushkin)

Already the autumn sky was breathing,
The sun shone less
The day was getting shorter

Forests mysterious canopy
She stripped naked with a sad noise.

2. L_ _ _ _ g_ _ _ _ in n_ _ _ _ _ m_ _

(I love a thunderstorm in early May ... F. Tyutchev)

I love the storm in early May,
When spring, the first thunder,
As if frolicking and playing,
Rumbles in the blue sky.

3. B _ _ _ m_ _ _ _ n_ _ _ k_ _ _ _

(A storm covers the sky with darkness ... A.S. Pushkin “Winter Evening”)

The storm covers the sky with mist,
Whirlwinds of snow twisting,
Like a beast, she will howl
He will cry like a child...
Who is faster…

And the next, third lesson.Lesson Technologies.


Envelopes with identical parts made of colored paper are distributed. It is required to create an application from them. You have 2 minutes to complete the task.

Additional question - why an owl? (considered a symbol of wisdom, education)

The bell rings. Big change


Competition “Weak?!”

Each student presents his own action under the slogan “weak”. For each “weak” - 1 point, and for the most original - an additional point. You have 3 minutes to prepare for the competition.

The bell rings. The change is over.

And the next, the fourth lesson.Math lesson.


Task number 1. Who is faster ... The sawyer cuts the logs into meter-long pieces. Each cut takes 2 minutes. In how many minutes will he cut a 5-meter log?

(ANSWER: 4 2 = 8 minutes)


Task number 2. Who is faster ... Through four points, draw three segments so that you get a triangle.


Task number 3. Who is faster ... Do the calculations according to the scheme and write down the answer. For completing the task, you can get 2 tokens (quickness and correctness are taken into account).

The math lesson is over.

And the next, the fifth lesson. Russian language lesson.


How wonderful and friendly we all get! Perhaps it's because we are a very friendly class? What else is he??? Let's now compose his portrait using different adjectives. Your task is to name a few adjectives, the more interesting they are, the more meaningful and colorful the portrait will be. And so attention friends! - we call adjectives!

I substitute the named adjectives in the text.

Our _________ class has __________ g Hair, ______________ face, look a little _________. The clothes of students ________ ______ class are always ______, gait _____________, hairstyle _________. All _______________ students of ___________ class have __________________ backpacks, they contain _______________ textbooks and ______________ notebooks. Each ____________ student bought _____________________ diaries for himself in the new _______________ academic year.

Let's wish our ___________ class ____________ health, ____________ joy, _____________ days of success and _______________ solidarity!

Long live our eighth __________ class!

The Russian language lesson is over.

And the next, sixth and last lesson. PHYSICAL CULTURE lesson.


Pupils come out from behind their desks to line up. They are built by their teams.

    Line up by hair color from dark to lightest.

    Line up according to the size of the shoes from small to large.

    Line up alphabetically, according to the first letters of the names.

    Relay "Calculation in order": each team is calculated in order and the last one, having named the number, runs and stands forward, starting again the calculation. And the team makes the calculation until the guide becomes the first. He raises his hand up - the relay is over.


Motto: A world under a clear sky, a bright sun and a constellation of goodness!

SLIDE 18-23. (flip through the slides while reading the poem)

Dedicated to the children of Beslan...” – Shmyreva N.G.

On the first fine day in September
The children of Beslan went to school,
After holidays and summer worries
Meet friends and see you again.
Many children came for the first time
School to learn to read and write
They were accompanied by relatives and friends,
Everyone was happy, everything was sincere.
Everything started well and beautifully -
Everywhere flowers and bursting laughter,
Children are dressed in uniform, everything is cute ...
Joy and happiness in the eyes of everyone ...(click)
But, like a black, gloomy cloud,
Covered everything, closed the whole world -
Gang of terrible evil terrorists
Suddenly interrupted children's joyful laughter.
The earth sobbed from impotence and grief
And the blood of children was filled with everything.
The bandits were hiding behind the kids,
They put them on the windows like barriers.
Terrible were the hours and minutes,
Horror in the eyes of children, mothers...
Stop! Are you not people?
You've taken CHILDREN hostage!
How dare you, vile creatures,
Raise your hand to the holy country!
No, terrorists are the devil's children.
You are hated by all the people of the Earth!
We will not forget those who are not with us,
Those who died at the hands of the executioner.
Let's strive to live only in the world,
And we will not allow violence and evil!


And now, guys, let's remember all those who died 12 years ago (09/01/2004) in Beslan and honor their memory with a moment of silence.


A moment of silence.


Peace policy is the law of our country.

The question of peace is particularly acute now, when wars are going on.

So that the shadow of war does not eclipse the sun for us,
And so that for the happiness of all, to end it, -
Unite together people of the world
Even tighter, tighter and tighter.
People of good will are unanimous
We stand up against the forces of war as a wall, -
And we won't let anyone in the world
Plunge the globe into the abyss of disasters.

Peace in every home, in every country!
The world is life on the planet!
The world is the sun on our Earth!
The world is for adults and children!


Today, guys, we will make pigeons with you. The dove is a symbol of peace, a symbol of the struggle against war, violence, anxiety and tears.

Making pigeons. A stand is drawn up, which depicts a blue sky. Children attach their pigeons to the stand.

Guys! The tragic events in our lives are connected not only with the war. In peacetime, when you do not expect, trouble also happens.

    Showing the presentation "Rules of conduct in emergency situations"

    Showing the presentation "Personal safety rules in case of fire"

    Showing the presentation "Rules of the road"


Summing up the classroom:

Dear Guys! For 7 years that you have studied at school, you have become one family, one small country. Let's try all together to do everything possible so that in our team there are more successes and joys than sorrows. We must take care of others, help our comrades, respect their opinion. Live according to the laws of goodness and justice, correlate your interests with the interests of your comrades. Much depends on our friendship. Even, to some extent, peace on our planet.


Dear children, let me once again congratulate you on the beginning of the new academic year, on the Day of Knowledge!

I want to wish you good health, so that our meetings are not interrupted due to someone's illness, lateness and absenteeism, and wish you success in your studies.

On the first of September, in all schools of the country, smartly dressed children gather at a solemn line dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year and the Day of Knowledge. According to the established tradition, every year after this school-wide event, a Peace Lesson is held for students - September 1, 2017 will not be an exception. So, the first lesson on September 1 is a class hour, the purpose of which is to teach children the laws of goodness and justice, instill in them a sense of patriotism, pride in their homeland and the desire to live in peace. Choosing the topic of the first lesson on Knowledge Day, teachers proceed from the age of schoolchildren, covering the most relevant events in the world. For example, in elementary school (grades 1, 2, 3, 4) at the Knowledge Lesson, you can reveal the generally accepted meaning of the word "peace" and "war", tell students about the symbols of the state, recall riddles, poems and songs about peace. How to conduct the first Peace Lesson in the middle classes? With students in grades 5, 6, 7 and 8, it is better to build a lesson in the form of a dialogue, providing an opportunity for everyone to express their opinion on a particular issue, to discuss among themselves. High school students will certainly be touched upon by the topics of global terrorism or the depletion of natural resources - the most global problems modernity. To conduct a Peace Lesson, teachers make presentations in the form of slides, select videos and competitions, and children can prepare drawings, riddles or interesting reports on a chosen topic.

Peace Lesson September 1, 2017 - presentation for grade 1, ideas, video

The first time - in the first class ... For many, going to the first class is remembered for a lifetime, because it is in childhood that emotions are experienced extremely vividly and strongly. Crossing the threshold of the school, first graders find themselves in a completely different world - new faces, environment, routine and daily routine. Therefore, the Peace Lesson on September 1 becomes a lesson-acquaintance with classmates, a teacher primary school and school. What can be the subject of the first lesson on Knowledge Day - 2017? You can choose a variety of classroom topics for grade 1 students - “The history of our school”, “Famous graduates”, “Peace to the children of the whole world”. As a rule, at the Peace Lesson, the teacher reveals to the first graders the essence of the concept of "peace", talks about the importance of friendship between the peoples of the Earth, as well as the inadmissibility of war and violence. Of course, all this needs to be presented to children in a form accessible to their age, so the best solution would be a presentation - in the form of a slide show of thematic photographs, with the addition of poems and proverbs about the world, videos.

Presentation Ideas for Peace Lesson in Grade 1

When choosing a presentation topic for the Peace Lesson in Grade 1, it is important to convey to young listeners that peace is the most important and valuable thing on Earth. For their first lesson, children traditionally prepare drawings and pictures that the teacher can use for presentation. Thanks to modern technologies it is relatively easy to create a vibrant presentation on a computer - with video and sound. Such an interesting Peace Lesson on September 1, 2017 will be remembered for a long time by first graders and everyone present at this festive class hour.

Peace lesson in elementary school September 1 - for students in grades 2, 3, 4

The first lesson on September 1, 2017 for elementary school students is traditionally dedicated to two holidays - Knowledge Day and Peace Day. Students in grades 2, 3 and 4 can be told that the world is extremely fragile and the duty of every person is to protect this highest value on Earth. Speaking of peace, it is impossible not to touch upon the topic of war, as well as the reasons that prompt humanity to such cruel bloody conflicts. Traditionally, each Peace Lesson in primary or secondary school touches on the theme of the Great Patriotic War– in 2017 we celebrate its 72nd anniversary. In addition, even students in grades 2, 3 and 4 today heard about the war in Chechnya or the armed conflict in the East of Ukraine. Why do people start wars? Is it possible to resolve the issues that have arisen between the countries peacefully? With the help of presentations and thematic videos, the teacher will be able to answer these and many other important questions.

Conducting a Peace Lesson in 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade - ideas, videos

A classroom hour on the theme “Peace Lesson” for elementary school students is best spent in a playful way, according to the age of the children. So, it would be a great idea to prepare posters with poems and quotes. famous people about the world, thematic videos, presentations with slides and musical accompaniment. For better assimilation of the material in the first lesson on September 1 in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th grade, you can invite students to make a drawing or craft on a given topic with their own hands. For example, when revealing the theme of symbols of the world, the teacher gives the task - to make a white dove out of paper according to a pre-selected template. Students will then write a message about the world on their paper birds and attach them to a globe or world map. Thus, paper "pigeons" will become the heralds of peace and friendship between all peoples and countries of the Earth.

Peace Lesson September 1, 2017 - in grades 5, 6, 7, 8, video

For students of grades 5, 6, 7 and 8, Knowledge Day 2017 begins with a Peace Lesson, the purpose of which is to instill in the younger generation love for the Motherland, the ability to live according to the laws of goodness and justice, and the desire for peace. During the class hour, the teacher will tell about the history of the Knowledge Day holiday, officially established in 1984. When choosing materials for the lesson, you can pay attention to interesting historical versions of the origin of Knowledge Day - it is best to make a presentation with a video on this topic. Yes, students high school It will be interesting to know that September 21st has been declared by the UN General Assembly as the International Day of Peace. On this day all over the world cease fighting, and at exactly noon local time, a minute of silence is announced in each country, designed to honor the memory of all those who died.

Ideas for the Lesson of Peace - 2017 in 5, 6 7, 8 grades of high school, poems

Today's realities are such that many children know about the war not only from books of bygone years. Pupils of the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th grades of secondary school are already fully formed personalities with their own views on various events in the world. Therefore, it is so important to preserve peace on the whole Earth for them, the people of the future. interesting idea will be a discussion at the Lesson of Peace on the topic of modern armed conflicts, their causes and possible consequences for all mankind. What is the world? Schoolchildren express their opinion, and also read the poems learned by the class hour on the topic “Peace Lesson”.

Wherever you look -

Children, children, children!

All mankind is responsible for them!

But at night on all continents

Bombs toss and turn in hiding places.

There are so many of them on the planet -

The ground beneath them began to sag.

Where are they thinking of throwing them?

Wherever you throw -

Children, children, children!

Do not need many worlds -

We need only one.

In the fragrance of flowers

Calm and friendly.

Necessary for people

Friends, expanses, pages of books,

The wrinkles of our mothers

Children's fluffy eyelashes.

In labor, in the seething dream,

Unleashing the youthful forces

In struggle, in love - to the fullest

We will greedily enjoy the world.

So that the shadow of war does not eclipse the sun for us,

And so that for the happiness of all, to end it, -

Unite together people of the world

Even tighter, tighter and tighter.

People of good will are unanimous,

We stand up against the forces of war as a wall, -

And we won't let anyone in the world

Plunge the globe into the abyss of disasters.

Peace in every home, in every country!

The world is life on the planet!

The world is the sun on our Earth!

The world is for adults and children!

Class hour "Lesson of Peace" September 1, 2017 - in high school

In high school, the topic of the first lesson on September 1, 2017 is usually chosen as the most relevant - for example, “My future profession". For students in grades 9-11, the most important choice is ahead, which will affect the rest of their lives. Therefore, on Knowledge Day, you can organize a meeting of high school students with representatives of different professions and specialties who will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of their work. In order for the Peace Lesson to be remembered for a long time by high school students, it is important to organize the lesson correctly - to draw up a script or plan for a class hour. So, in grades 9-11, the efforts of school teachers should be aimed at educating the younger generation of patriotism and love for the Motherland.

Peace Lesson in 2017 for students in grades 9-11 - recommendations of the Ministry of Education

Many who studied at the time Soviet Union passed the norms of the TRP (readiness for work and defense), aimed at the patriotic education of citizens of different ages. Starting from 2014, the TRP "returns" - thanks to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the first lesson in the new academic year for senior classes (grades 9-11) can be held precisely on the topic of the TRP, because today work in this direction is extremely important for the state and in general as a whole.
