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Since ancient times, morality has been the subject of study by various researchers. People have long understood that such a structure in the human personality is largely responsible for the worldview, the orientation of the personality itself, human activity, determines social consciousness and regulates to the greatest extent public life. However, so far all research has focused on two significant areas.

This, Firstly, the theory of morality (questions of the definition of morality, its structure, spiritual and philosophical aspects and problems of manifestation in a particular society),

A, Secondly- study of the morality of young people (schoolchildren, students, preschoolers), as the greatest value from the point of view of the future structure of society.

There are no studies of the morality of various peoples, and this does not ultimately answer the questions of global morality, its representation in general, and also conduct comparative analysis, build a map and discover the sources of morality and immorality in the world.

In this article, we will fill this gap, which will make it possible to answer speculative questions, such as the "decaying West" and "Russian spirituality", to dispel the myth that "all people are good."

From the point of view of the current global crisis (political, economic, environmental) and assuming the primacy of morality in relation to the social order, let's try to understand which nations are the hope of the global society for a brighter future.

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I. H human morality

This chapter is a brief philosophical essay. If you are interested in the study itself and the conclusions, you can skip it.

This, so to speak, aspect of the human personality has many definitions. And, as a result, confusion in understanding.

Let's make a reservation right away that our understanding is most consistent with the definition of the Ozhegov's Dictionary ( Moral - Inner, spiritual qualities that guide a person, ethical standards; rules of conduct determined by these qualities. Dictionary Ozhegov, "Az", 1992).

That is, morality is a certain information structure in a person's personality, consisting of elements-transformers that allow you to form a certain attitude to the information received in the categories of good / evil, honest / dishonorable, merciful / cruel, love / indifference, happiness / loneliness (in the understanding of happiness as a state of a part of the world and society; C. PART. E - together with a part of being / being). In accordance with this attitude, a person builds his own picture, a reflection of the world in his mind, and this reflection determines his thinking and behavior. That is, figuratively, morality is an internal mirror, thanks to which the whole world, the absolute (or God for believers) is reflected inside a person.

It can be a crooked, broken, cloudy mirror that gives an incorrect picture and puts a person on the path of illness and death, or a holistic, full-fledged, clear and durable mirror that makes it possible to build life in full accordance with the cosmic moral principle (in line with God's providence), being the basis of the moral health of the individual and society, the cause of their immortality.

From the point of view of the health of society, it is possible to single out only one objective category, good / evil, as most reflecting the orientation towards the survival of society or its decay and death. This category is well known and is understood by individuals in a broad sense as love for their society (and not necessarily in a religious context!).

Due to this, the very concept of morality is often used as a measure of itself, that is, it is not the structure that is understood, but the measure of this structure. Allegorically, this is the quality of that very mirror of the world. It is good - "good" or low-quality / bad - "evil". In this sense, one can speak of moral and immoral people and nations. Depending on the context, we will also use such an understanding of morality as a measure of good or evil.

II. ABOUT morality score

As can be understood from the interpretation of morality, in order to evaluate it for the whole society, you need to know what is healthy / useful (good) for society and to what extent it is present. For evaluation, one can, for example, evaluate the average morality for all members of society. The social network VKontakte offers an excellent tool for this - a survey on the topic life position.

Kindness and honesty (DH)

Power and wealth (WB)

Mind and creativity (UK)

beauty and health (KZ)

Courage and perseverance (SU)

Humor and love of life (SOUTH)

By and large, we will be interested in 2 groups of values. The first is DH and VB, the second is UK, KZ, SU and SOUTH. By choosing one or another group of respondents, one can understand what percentage of people consider this or that value to be the most important and which values ​​are, accordingly, less important. It is obvious that the chosen value will also be correlated with what qualities a person himself develops in himself, that is, it will simply reflect the morality of the person himself.

The first group will be of the greatest interest to us.

Firstly, you can immediately estimate the percentage of people with dominant kindness (and related values ​​- honesty, mercy, etc.).

Secondly, one can also estimate how many people have deeply vicious morality or, in other words, are immoral. To do this, keep in mind that the values ​​of the second group do not contradict kindness and honesty.

People with such dominant values ​​can be regarded simply as deluded - they do not understand the primacy of their own and public moral health in relation to beauty, physical health, intelligence and creativity, humor, etc.

The choice of power and wealth is strongly contrary to kindness and honesty. And important not by itself the presence of a desire for power and money, namely the definition of these values ​​as paramount. Most evil people don't say they are evil. They argue that the concepts of good and evil are vague, there is no line between them, and you need to take care of your own benefit, while your own benefit is reduced to material values ​​and obligations.

But the primacy of these values ​​always contradicts the focus on humanity - kindness, honesty and morality in general. To simplify, the individual, as well as society, always faces the question - to spend money on a person, his real interests (kinship, family, love, upbringing, life and health) or keep this money in a piggy bank (officials and oligarchs, elites in case of society).

Orientation to morality always contradicts the orientation to material values ​​and is opposite to the position of the supremacy of these values. The most important thing here is not a person's high appreciation of material wealth and power as such, but putting them at the forefront, the conviction of their greater importance than kindness, the willingness to sacrifice one's humanity for them. In other words, headship power and wealth is the opposite of goodness and morality, that is, immorality and evil.

Let's estimate morality on the basis of the available data. Firstly, we introduce such a concept as belief in kindnessU ) . Obviously, for many people, kindness and honesty are the most important, but they are not very sure of this, it is easy to shake their convictions and they will decide that the main thing is intelligence or beauty, and there are those who are absolutely convinced of the primacy of good and all their lives build on that confidence. Strictly speaking, this conviction will be a measure of the morality of a single person, and the final sum for all individuals will reflect the morality of the whole society ( L common):

L total = sumU = N dh*U Wed(N dh - the number of people with values ​​DH and U av - average conviction)

Here we have neglected the morality of people with values ​​other than DH, since we estimate the morality of the second group at about 0, and the average morality of WB is negative, but Nwb is almost always much less than Ndh.

The lower the average belief in kindness, the higher the probability of the appearance of evil people, that is N wb~1/U cf (N wb - number of people with WB core values ).

As a result, to assess the morality of society, we have: L total~N dh/N wb.

IN Appendix 1 a table with data on the life position of people from various countries and cities, a profile of kindness and an assessment of the morality of the respective societies.

III. ABOUT writing results, errors and corrections

Annex 1 contains the following columns:

1. Name of the country/city or some sample.

2. The number of registered in VKontakte.

3-8. The number of those who chose, respectively, DCH, SOUTH, SU, UK, KZ, WB.

9. Coefficient of kind people - the percentage of HC in relation to the sum of those who chose at least something as a value for "The main thing in people":

Kdch=100%*N dh/ (N dh+N south+N su+N uk+N su+N wb)

This parameter determines how many percent of good people in society.

10. Measure of morality ( L), defined as the ratio N dh/N wb. In itself, this ratio, among other things, has a simple, understandable and important meaning as the number of good people for one evil one.

11. Also, for greater ease of perception, we have introduced the following gradation of the morality of societies:

Highly moral (L>35)

Moral (25>L>35)

Low moral (15>L>25)

Immoral (L<15)

The first block of rows is country data, the next one is some major cities. The third block is the study of the cities of the leaders of morality and immorality. The fourth block is the study of morality, broken down by age categories.

From the presented data, one can immediately understand that, with the exception of isolated cases (Colombia and Argentina), the vast majority of societies of countries and cities choose PM. That is, all the people of our planet, regardless of faith, skin color and place of residence, are mostly kind.

This probably reflects the objective property of human morality - the desire for goodness and the values ​​with which it is associated - love, mercy and compassion, honor and honesty ... in general, to what is meant by humanity. This shows the ratio of good people. The primacy of other values ​​in total, as a rule, is chosen by no more than half.

WB, as opposed to DC, is chosen, as a rule, by a few percent. Statistics inexorably opposes these 2 categories of public choice, which confirms the correctness of the concept of morality assessment that we used.

The next aspect is measure of morality.

The first thing that can be stated is the significant heterogeneity of morality by geographical location. The morality of neighboring countries may differ significantly, as in the case of Moldova and Romania. This is the most egregious example. The morality of these peoples differs as much as 4 times(L are 45 and 11.7 respectively)!

We believe this indicates a fundamental difference in outlook the peoples of these countries.

Also, for example, the morality of Brazil and Argentina differs by 2 times (25.7 and 13.2, respectively). In addition to the heterogeneity of neighboring countries, there is also heterogeneity within countries.

For example, the generally not very moral Great Britain (L = 21) has a completely immoral capital (L = 9.6)!

You can also note the trend of decreasing morality in large cities. So, for example, in general, highly moral Russia (L = 36.7) has low moral large cities of Moscow and Vladivostok (the morality of both cities is about 22).

It is also necessary to clarify the following point. It can be assumed that for non-Russian countries, the sample on VKontakte may be unrepresentative.

Well, really, maybe the same USA turned out to be immoral not because they have an immoral society, but mainly due to Russian-speaking immoral migrants who have a profile on VKontakte?

To assess the possible effect at the end of the table in Appendix 1, we conducted an analysis for Americans with popular American names that are practically not found in Russians (John, Paul, Michael, James, etc. for men and Amanda, Lisa, Amelia, etc. for women ). As can be seen, the obtained coefficient of kindness and the measure of morality do not differ much from those for all respondents of this gender:

For male Americans with given names, L = 9.6

For all US men L=7.4

For American women with the given names L = 15.4

For all US women L=14.8

The effect may introduce a small error for L, which is small enough for the estimates in our study. The difference is especially large for men (9.6 versus 7.4), which can be explained not only by the small amount of data, but also by the low morality of the Russian inhabitants of America.

Another point is to check the representativeness of the sample for those who chose some parameters in their questionnaire. It may turn out that the distribution of moral attitudes affects the fact of filling out the questionnaire in this area.

To check, our assistants interviewed 100 people in Moscow and Kyiv with a specific sample by gender and age. We compared the data (the end of Appendix 1) with those offered by VKontakte, and it turned out that they coincide with an error of 6% for DCH, 10-20% for SOUTH, UK and SU and a large error for KZ and WB, because according to them little data.

Approximately the same comparative picture is observed for Kyiv (apart from a large difference in the South, which can also be explained by an outlier due to a small amount of data). From this we conclude that our method estimates morality with the help of social network data is correct, and it is possible to extrapolate VKontakte data to the whole society.

The next error is related to the age distribution of those who completed the world view. Morality strongly depends on gender and, as will be seen below, on the age of the respondents. Age distributions vary greatly from country to country.

In addition, VKontakte users themselves are predominantly young, so, strictly speaking, L more reflects the morality of a young and active population. To correct for this effect, we built an estimate of the morality of "youth" (people 19-30 years old).

As will be seen below, the morality of this group for the selected country is minimal and approximately the same for different ages within the group itself.

It is more appropriate to use such an assessment as a comparative characteristic of morality, although the error associated with the age distributions of residents of different countries is still not eliminated (in the case of distributions like the countries of the Russian World, the average ratio N dh / N wb will be one and a half times more than in the case averaging only for young people). Therefore, we simply compared the morality of the "youth" (L m) with the morality of all respondents in the country (L) and adjusted the moral rating in case of a large difference (|L -L m|/L more than 20% or more than 15% and at the same time L is on the verge of rating).

Data on the morality of young people and Lm are presented in columns 2-4 of Appendix 2. As a result, the rating for a number of countries was adjusted (the final morality ratings are indicated in this article, taking into account this adjustment). So, the following countries turned out to be corrected: Bulgaria (moral instead of highly moral), Serbia, Norway, Iran (low moral instead of moral), Great Britain and Mexico (immoral instead of low moral) and, finally, Kyrgyzstan, which, on the contrary, turned out to be more moral - moral instead of low moral, as was evaluated at the beginning.

And the last amendment is related to the gender distribution of the respondents. As can be seen from the comparative analysis at the end of Appendix 1, the morality of men is on average 2-2.5 times lower than the morality of women, which can be explained by a much stronger involvement in the cults of money and power compared to women due to their classical role as a provider.

Together with the age distribution, the gender distribution further complicates the task. Not only morality depends on gender, but also the number of respondents (the number of women who filled out the worldview differs from that of men).

In order to get an adequate assessment of morality, it is necessary to separately calculate N dh and N wb for men and women, and the final assessment of morality will be equal to (L husband + L wives) / 2, where L husband and L wives are morals evaluated separately for men and women.

In Appendix 2, we calculated the morality of countries, taking into account gender and for a group of young people (19-30 years old) - columns 5-9. The change in the assessment for most of the countries turned out to be insignificant, for some it is not possible to make an assessment due to the small amount of data (such data were not taken into account).

As a result, the rating of several countries was adjusted. Great Britain, Australia and Turkey changed their rating from immoral to low moral, the rating of China, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia, which turned out to be highly moral (although Armenia is on the border of the rating), was radically overestimated. Azerbaijan has become moral (on the border of the rating). All ratings in the paper are subject to these amendments. Their final values ​​are given in Appendix 2 (column 10).

IV. AND sources of morality and immorality

Based on the presented data, the whole world can be divided into zones and sources of morality, zones/sources of immorality. As expected, the zones of high morality are the countries of the Russian World (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus), the countries of Asia adjacent to the Russian World (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and China), the countries that are the pillars of Christianity (Italy and Greece), as well as Moldova and, possibly, Armenia and Belgium (estimates for some countries are rough, as there is little data from VKontakte responses).

In general, such countries are moral - Europe (France, Germany, Spain, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Latvia, Finland), Brazil, Japan, Azerbaijan. Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Norway, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia, Georgia, Turkey, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, Nigeria are low moral.

And, finally, the following countries are immoral - the USA, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Romania, India, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, led by the leader of immorality Israel (L = 6.7). Regarding Israel, it is necessary to note some nuance that is not observed in other countries - a large number of registered people aged 70+ years and WB as chief in people. This is probably a joke, reflecting the "greedy old Jews" stereotype.

However, even if we take them into account and discard them (with the help of the age structure, only ages younger than 50-60 years old can be taken into account), then the morality of Israel will still not change much (L ~ 8.6), but will approach that of the United States, so it would be correct to consider the leader of immorality not Israel, but Israel + USA.

Also, in search of the actual sources of morality and immorality, we explored the settlements of the leaders of the rating of Kazakhstan and Israel. All the results are presented in the table of Appendix 1. Here I would like only to note the final conclusions.

The most moral area in the world turned out to be the border between Kazakhstan and Russia. The most moral city found was Petropavlovsk(L=85). This city is located in the very north of Kazakhstan almost on the border with Russia, 2/3 is inhabited by Russians and was originally a fortress on the southern borders of the Russian Empire. The city of unprecedented morality and culture is named after Saints Peter and Paul and for a long time was a regional administrative center under the USSR.

The most immoral, prominent even against the background of other cities in Israel, turned out to be Jerusalem(L=3). The population of Jerusalem has an extreme number of evil people (one in 3 good people) and is absolutely immoral in relation to the rest of the societies of our planet.

In general, from the geographical structure of morality, one can single out a tendency for morality to fall when moving away from the east of Asia, the Russian World and the "pillars of Christianity" (Italy, Greece) and approaching the countries of the Middle East and Africa.

It also turns out wicked or immoral population of continents except Eurasia ( the Americas, Australia and Africa).

V. e moral evolution

Finally, we examine the structure of morality by age categories. We distinguish a number of age groups: up to 14 years, 15-16, 17-18, 19-21, 22-25, 26-30, 31-35, 36-40, 41-45, 46-55, 56-65 years respectively. For these age categories, we similarly evaluate the coefficient of kindness and morality for Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the USA, Israel, etc. We are especially interested in assessing morality.

First what can be seen is a sharp drop in morality in children as they approach adulthood. Before the age of 20, morality drops by about half. This effect is observed in all countries studied and, presumably, explained by destructive propaganda that affects children and adolescents in the process of personality development. First of all, this is propaganda of the cult of money and power, obviously.

Second moment it the growth of morality among older people, observed in the countries of the Russian World and absent from the US.

The lowest morality of Russians is observed at the age of 22-25 years and evenly increases with age (about 2 times by the age of 50).

This effect is completely absent in the USA! The morality of Americans over 25 years old fluctuates between 8-10 for all studied age categories and practically does not change during adulthood.

Even stranger is the case of Kyrgyzstan, where morality, on the contrary, grows by the age of 19, and after 25 years it falls...

However, in many other countries, including immoral ones (for example, Israel), the effect of the growth of morality in adulthood is still observed. Therefore, we can conclude that, as a rule, a person’s morality undergoes significant transformations during life - it falls by half to 22-25 years and then grows back to old age.

On September 13, 2011, the Church of Scientology in Moscow hosted a round table on "How to Create a World Based on Trust, Honesty and Competence", organized by the public movement "The Way to Happiness".
State and public figures, representatives of diasporas, teachers and businessmen, educators and lawyers took part in the discussion of the problem of the revival of morality lost by society.

The author of this question was the Way to Happiness movement, which aims to spread the sound principles described in L. Ron Hubbard's The Way to Happiness. The book contains 21 instructions and is the first non-religious moral code based on common sense. It has nothing to do with any religion. At its core, it is a guide, a map, a navigator in the life of every person. The instructions are presented in the book in an accessible, far from edifying language and, in addition, contain explanatory examples that lead to greater understanding.

It was proposed to restore the decline of morality by popularizing the code and the instructions described in it. As the author, L. Ron Hubbard, wrote: “All you need to do is keep the flow of The Way to Happiness in society. And, like oil that calms the raging waves, peace will spread further and further.

This project was supported by a special guest of the meeting - Babushkin Andrey Vladimirovich, Chairman of the Committee "For Civil Rights", member of the Public Council at the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow. In his speech, he raised the problem of crime and its connection with the decline of morality, morality and educational level in society. Andrei Vladimirovich noted the absence of a program, with the exception of one that does not impose a worldview on a person, but suggests that he himself comprehend his past and consciously accept a social type of behavior for himself.

An additional argument in favor of the "Road to Happiness" was the speech of Galina Vladimirovna Stroeva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. The statistics she voiced clearly showed the guests the effectiveness of using the book The Way to Happiness in working with prisoners.

At the end of the meeting, the participants received a briefing on the moral code from Sultanov Aidar Rustemovich, one of the best lawyers in Russia, who won more than one victory in the Constitutional Court, as well as in the European Court of Human Rights. Author of more than 90 scientific articles and papers, leader of the group "The Way to Happiness" in Nizhnekamsk since 1996, and among other things - the best lecturer on the "Way to Happiness" in Russia and Europe. He tried to give a more complete understanding of not only the title of the book, but the code as a whole.

The organizers tried to make the participants a little happier with the help of a film based on the book The Way to Happiness. Some episodes were shown during the meeting itself, and they will be able to watch it in full at home - each of them was presented with a DVD with a video film and a couple of brochures.

I. Causes of the current state of society.

Modern society is in a global crisis. It manifests itself in any area: political, economic, agriculture, health, family, human relationships and in other areas. The primary cause of any crisis is the decline or lack of morality, both of individual members of society and of society as a whole.

Moreover, the moral aspect is laid down in the Constitutions of almost all countries, the moral foundations are present in every philosophical doctrine, in every leading religion in the world. However, there is a huge gap between "theory" and "practice".

What is the reason? We see it in the absence of elementary knowledge about the laws of the universe and, due to ignorance, in the substitution of the basic concepts that underlie the construction of any evolving society.

Modern society is not so much evolving (in certain areas) as degrading as a whole. This is a consumer society, in which exorbitant desires, which lie mainly in the sphere of material goods, and the thirst for pleasure are inflated. Profit becomes the main priority of people, and elementary concepts are interpreted with the opposite meaning.

Comparing the understanding of basic concepts in a consumer society and in a highly moral society will help to see a way out of the global world crisis that has engulfed all countries of the world.

II. Basic concepts that exist in a consumer society and in a highly moral society.

The concept of "God". In a consumer society, this concept is used to control and manipulate the masses through the institution of religion. Often the worship of God is formal, associated only with the observance of rituals.

Objectively, God is the Supreme Law that governs the Universe. Everything is subject to this Law. Following it allows the individual to develop spiritually and morally.

The question of the existence of God is gradually moving from the field of religious and philosophical reasoning to the field of scientific research.

So, in the world there are a large number of fundamental physical constants (gravity, electromagnetic force, nuclear interaction, the ratio of the Earth's radius to the distance to the Sun, and others). The results of research by mathematicians, physicists and astrophysicists from around the world - V. A. Nikitin, S. Weinberg, R. Breuer, F. Dyson, D. Polkinhorn, W. Herschel, D. Gene and others - indicate that the slightest change in any of them would lead to the destruction of the universe. Scientific research in this area allowed scientists to conclude that there is a Supermind that controls the Universe.

The greatest physicist of the 20th century, Arthur Compton, Nobel Prize winner, says: “Faith begins with the knowledge that the Supreme Intelligence created the Universe and man. It is not difficult for me to believe this, because the fact that there is a plan and, therefore, Reason is irrefutable. The order in the universe, which unfolds before our eyes, itself testifies to the truth of the greatest and sublime statement: "In the beginning - God."

Similar statements were voiced at different times by: Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, D. Watson and F. Crick, Russian professor P.P. Garyaev and many other scientists of the world.

The concept of "Physical world". In modern society, there is an idea that there is only the physical world that can be seen, touched, studied, decomposed into its component parts, therefore all activity is limited to this world.

However, scientists have shown that the physical world is just the tip of the iceberg. Nobel Prize winner, Italian physicist C. Rubbia, claims that visible matter is only one billionth of the entire universe. The universe is much wider, and scientists are providing evidence for new levels of life in it. The discovery by the Russian scientist S.V. Zenin of the information-phase state of matter, the development by the English physicist D. Bohm of the theory of the holographic Universe, the discoveries of Russian scientists G.I. Shipov and A.E. Akimov in the field of the theory of physical vacuum and torsion fields testify to the multilevel nature and the existence of a reasonable control of the Universe.

The concept of "Man". In a consumer society, a person is considered as part of the material world. It has a “beginning” (birth) and an “end” (death) – just like any object or process of the physical world has its origin and destruction. And since, according to the ideas of the majority, a person lives once, then one must live one's only life in the enjoyment of all its benefits. It is impossible to become perfect in one life, so there is no point in striving for high morality, which provides for internal limitations and self-discipline.

However, if we take into account that the Universe is the most complex multi-level system of existence of different planes of being, therefore, such a complex living organism as a person is also multidimensional. Computer GDV-graphy technologies developed by K.G. Korotkov and based on the Kirlian effect, clearly show that a person has an energy component - a biofield that reflects his thoughts and feelings.

In addition to the mortal part, a person also has an immortal part, which evolves over many incarnations. During many of his lives, a person accumulates experience, develops his best qualities, and, according to the causal relationship, reaps the consequences of his actions, committed not only in one life, but in all previous existences. If a person knew that he lives more than once, he would think deeply before committing an immoral act. He would understand that if he offended and humiliated, deceived and killed someone in a previous incarnation, then in a subsequent rebirth he himself would be offended and humiliated, deceived and killed.

The scientific approach to the study of reincarnation, which has been developing since 1960, the organization in 1980 of the International Association for the Study of "Past" Life Therapy, which includes scientists from Great Britain, Germany, the USA, Russia and other countries, made it possible to document thousands of cases of memories of past lives. For example, an American doctor, Professor I. Stevenson, studied 3,000 cases of children's memories of past lives for 40 years.

Teaching in kindergartens and schools of only two laws of the universe: on the causal relationship and on the rebirth of the immortal part of a person - in one or two generations would radically change society and direct it along the moral path.

Having considered the three main concepts in detail, all the rest (together with the first three) are placed in a table for clarity and brevity.

The ideology of the consumer society The ideology of a moral society
This concept is used to control and manipulate the masses through the institution of religion. Often the worship of God is formal, associated only with the observance of rituals. The supreme law that governs the universe. Everything is subject to him. Following it allows the individual to develop spiritually and morally.
physical world
There is only the physical world, and all the activities of society are limited by it. The physical world is “the surface of the iceberg”. The entire universe is much larger.
Mortal. It is considered as a biorobot, the main labor resource, a "cog" in the state system. In addition to the physical body, it has an immortal part that evolves over many incarnations.
Assumes inequality racial, property, religious and others. Considers humanity as a brotherhood of peoples.
It manifests itself in non-observance of the Higher Law. Permissiveness, abuse to satisfy desires and receive pleasure. Conscious need to follow the Higher Law that exists in the Universe. Unlimited freedom to act within the limits of this Law.
Keeps the masses in obedience, follows the political situation, generates corruption and the struggle for power. Positions are bought. Power is an honorable duty. The best representatives of society occupy leadership positions in accordance with their moral qualities.
They act as a means of control, manipulation, control, enslavement. Finance is a temporary phenomenon at a certain stage in the development of society (as an equivalent of exchange, a means of accounting and distribution).
Way to make money. Labor is the highest joy, a way of creative self-realization of a person.
A means of struggle for power, control, wealth and natural resources. World without wars. Implementation of the principle of non-violence in international, social and interpersonal relations.
Medicine, healthcare
Treatment and medicines are used as a means of profit. There is no interest in the person being healthy. The goal is the health of every person. The basis of health is harmony with Nature.
Education, upbringing
A means of reproduction of the labor force and education in citizens of the qualities necessary for the state. Each person should receive the most versatile education, as a means of revealing the inner potential of the individual.
mass media
Source of manipulation of mass consciousness. Fulfill the social order of those in power. Contribute to the stupidity of the population. Contribute to the expansion of the horizons of each member of society. Expand and deepen knowledge.
Reflects the immorality of society. It gives examples of high morality and morality, elevates the consciousness of people.
The science
Serves the interests of financial elites. Scientific discoveries are used for profit, for military purposes. He studies the laws of construction of the Universe and helps mankind to follow them. All scientific achievements and developments are aimed at improving human life.
Degeneration of the family: same-sex marriages, incomplete families, sexual perversions. The backbone of society and the state.
Free time
Used for pleasure and entertainment. Used for education and self-improvement.

Oleksandr Suprunyuk heads the business community of the Khmelnytsky region. It was in this environment that a few years ago the idea of ​​​​creating "Vilny Prostoru" was born, with the help of which business intends, no less, to build a highly moral society.

- Alexander Alekseevich, briefly tell our readers what the idea of ​​"Vilny prostor" is.
- Like all entrepreneurs, I myself suffered from corrupt controllers and inspectors, I tried to pay off, but at one fine moment I realized: no matter how much you feed the officials, their appetites will only grow. I started thinking about how else you can protect yourself from arbitrariness. I found several like-minded people with whom we decided to defend ourselves collectively, within the framework of the law. Mutual assistance proved to be effective. Legal experience has come, an organization of a hundred people has grown around us, cells have appeared in other districts and in neighboring regions.
But then it became clear that the public organization could not solve all the problems, because the district official, even if he wanted to, was not authorized to solve many issues. We created an all-Ukrainian assembly of public organizations - an entrepreneurial structure, organized the Tax Maidan. There was an idea to organize self-defense throughout Ukraine.
But again we saw that entrepreneurs themselves are not able to correct the unhealthy situation in the country. Because many problems have something in common with each other and they need to be solved comprehensively, it is necessary to create broader associations, not only entrepreneurial ones. That's when the idea of ​​"Vilny prostor" was born. The understanding has come that the more moral the society, the less energy-intensive it is. That is, being a decent person is economically beneficial, a society of decent people is economically more prosperous, compared to the one we have, in which there is a total plunder of everything that can be stolen.
And not only officials. Entrepreneurs are not angels either...
– Yes, they are the same people as the whole society. It's not pensioners who give it weight, it's entrepreneurs who give it weight. Low-quality goods are also produced by entrepreneurs. Although they cannot be called entrepreneurs, they are criminals. There were cases when we defended an entrepreneur from inspectors, but it turned out that he did not pay salaries to employees, traded in spoiled products, and the like. We immediately exclude such people from our ranks. We unite only decent people. And we unite around moral values, and not around any leaders. We are guided by the principle of self-organization of people. Our like-minded person is a free person who has overcome his fear, is ready to fight for his rights and wants to live in a society of the same decent people, creates a “free space” around him. When other free people become next to him, their “free space” becomes larger. In this way we want to create a free society, a society of decent people.
- It turns out?
– I can talk about my own six-year experience. "Vilniy prostir" around me is no longer limited to the protection of entrepreneurial interests. With other free people, we jointly organize leisure, help each other in work and in life. If someone lacks money for something, we do not turn to banks. In our "space" people are ready to help each other financially. Of course, we are not talking about interest or terms of repayment of money. That is, we have already put into practice pockets of "free space" and we hope that this experience will be implemented in other regions.
“You are a threat to the very existence of the banking system.
It would be nice if we buried her.

Annotation. The article discusses the causes of the global crisis of modern society associated with a low level of morality. The understanding of basic concepts in a consumer society and in a highly moral society is compared. The ways out of the crisis state of modern society, presented in the "Doctrine of high morality", are considered, the role of the social movement to overcome the crisis state of society is shown.

Modern society is in a global crisis. Every day, media reports come in about political confrontation and military conflicts, terrorist attacks and environmental, man-made disasters, the bankruptcy of not only individual companies, but entire countries. And there seems to be no end to it. What's the matter? What is at the heart of this global crisis? The answer to these questions should not be sought in economics or politics. The roots of the crisis are much deeper - in the sphere of the spiritual and moral life of society and each individual.

In what case does it become possible for a person to pour waste with toxic substances into water bodies; produce products with unhealthy components and counterfeit medicines that cannot help a person in a difficult situation; to bomb civilian targets, knowing in advance that there are civilians, children? There is only one answer - in the case of a low level of morality. This is precisely the main reason for the global crisis, which has engulfed almost all countries of the world and all aspects of society.

The ideology of the consumer society, when the main value is money and power, leads to the substitution of universal human values ​​that were professed in different eras, among different peoples, with false values, to a distortion of the basic basic concepts. In a society dominated by the ideology of consumption, exorbitant desires are inflated, lying mainly in the sphere of material goods, the thirst for pleasure. Profit becomes the main priority of people, and elementary concepts are interpreted with the opposite meaning. As a result, modern society is not so much evolving (in certain areas) as degrading as a whole.

Famous historians, political scientists and politicians V.E. Bagdasaryan and S.S. Sulakshin in his monograph considers the value factors that strengthen the Russian state, and also identifies factors that have a devastating effect on it, the so-called anti-values, which are focused not on the strengthening and life of any state, but, on the contrary, on its weakening and even death.

The conclusion reached by the authors is disappointing: “... Russia at the beginning of the 21st century. is in a state of not just a crisis, but a civilizational catastrophe. The erosion of the country's values ​​is one of its factors. Many of them have reached historic lows. The way out, respectively, is seen in the development of the vital potentials of the country, which ... correspond to the highest values ​​of the state.

And this is understood not only by scientists and politicians. More and more ordinary people, citizens of Russia and other countries, understand the importance of raising the level of morality in society, considering this process as an effective mechanism for the evolutionary development of society. There is a trend of more and more active involvement of Russians and citizens of other countries in actions aimed at the revival of morality in the world, overcoming the magic of anti-values. One such example is the activity of the International Public Organization “FOR MORALITY!”, which includes participants from 50 countries of the world. Members of the Movement “FOR MORALITY!” they do not just start with themselves and strive to lead a moral lifestyle, they meet people, talk about the problems of morality in society, and also try to include the leadership of their countries in solving this problem. In particular, the participants of the Movement developed a policy document "The Doctrine of High Morality" (hereinafter referred to as the Doctrine), which is a look at the causes of the current state of society, defines the main value orientations, defines basic concepts, and suggests ways out of the ideological crisis. The doctrine contains the concept of the ideology of a highly moral society, which can serve as the basis for the formation of state policy, the improvement of the legal field, as well as for the development of targeted programs in the field of improving morality.

The existing deformations in the spiritual and moral sphere are clearly manifested when comparing the understanding of the basic concepts such as God, man, the physical world, society, freedom, power, and others presented in the Doctrine. Considering them will help, in our opinion, to see a way out of the current crisis situation.

The concept of "God". In a consumer society, this concept is no longer perceived as a source of absolute values ​​that determine a person's entire life. Instead, fetishism is implanted - religious worship of material values, the cult of money dominates. The psychology of "fast food" is also manifested in matters of faith. Often the worship of God is formal, associated only with the observance of rituals.
Objectively, God is the Supreme Law that governs the Universe. Everything is subject to this Law. Following it allows the individual to develop spiritually and morally.

The question of the existence of God is gradually moving from the field of religious and philosophical reasoning to the field of scientific research. So, in the world there are a large number of fundamental physical constants (gravity, electromagnetic force, nuclear interaction, the ratio of the Earth's radius to the distance to the Sun, and others). Research results of mathematicians, the Problem of Morality and the global crisis of the society of physicists and astrophysicists from different countries of the world - I.L. Rosenthal, V.A. Nikitin, S. Weinberg, R. Breuer, F. Dyson, D. Polkinhorn, D. Barrow, F. Tripler, D. Jean and others - indicate that the slightest change in any of them would lead to the destruction of the Universe. Scientific research in this area allowed scientists to conclude that there is a Supermind that controls the Universe.

The greatest physicist of the 20th century, Arthur Compton, Nobel Prize winner, says: “Faith begins with the knowledge that the Supreme Intelligence created the Universe and man. It is not difficult for me to believe this, because the fact that there is a plan, and therefore Reason, is irrefutable. The order in the universe, which unfolds before our eyes, itself testifies to the truth of the greatest and sublime statement: "In the beginning - God."

Similar statements were made at different times by: Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Charles Darwin, K. Flammarion, N.I. Pirogov, Jules S. Duchesne, F. Crick, A.D. Sakharov, P.P. Garyaev and many other scientists of the world.
The concept of "Physical world". In modern society, there is an idea that there is only the physical world that can be seen, touched, studied, decomposed into its component parts, therefore all activity is limited to this world.
However, scientists have proven that the physical world is only the “tip of the iceberg”. Nobel Prize winner, Italian physicist C. Rubbia, claims that visible matter is only one billionth of the entire universe. The universe is much wider, and scientists are providing evidence for new levels of life in it. The discovery by the Russian scientist S.V. Zenin of the information-phase state of matter, the development by the English physicist D. Bohm of the theory of the holographic Universe, the discoveries of Russian scientists G.I. Shipov and A.E. Akimov in the field of the theory of physical vacuum and torsion fields testify to the multilevel nature and the existence of a reasonable control of the Universe.
The concept of "Man". In a consumer society, a person is considered as part of the material world. It has a "beginning" (birth) and an "end" (death) - just like any object or process of the physical world has its origin and destruction. And since, according to the ideas of the majority, a person lives once, then one must live one's only life in the enjoyment of all its benefits. It is impossible to become perfect in one life, so there is no point in striving for high morality, which provides for internal limitations and self-discipline.

However, if we take into account that the Universe is the most complex multi-level system of existence of different planes of being, therefore, such a complex living organism as a person is also multidimensional. Computer GDV-graphy technologies developed by K.G. Korotkov and based on the Kirlian effect, clearly show that a person has an energy component - a biofield that reflects his thoughts and feelings.

In addition to the mortal part, a person also has an immortal part, which evolves over many incarnations. During many of his lives, a person accumulates experience, develops his best qualities, and, according to the causal relationship, reaps the consequences of his actions, committed not only in one life, but in all previous existences. If a person knew that he lives more than once, he would think deeply before committing an immoral act. He would understand that if he offended and humiliated, deceived and killed someone in a previous incarnation, then in a subsequent rebirth he himself would be offended and humiliated, deceived and killed.

The scientific approach to the study of reincarnation, which has been developing since 1960, the organization in 1980 of the International Association for the Study of "Past" Life Therapy, which includes scientists from Great Britain, Germany, the USA, Russia and other countries, made it possible to document thousands of cases of memories of past lives. For example, an American doctor, Professor I. Stevenson, studied 3,000 cases of children's memories of past lives for 40 years.

Teaching in kindergartens and schools of only two laws of the universe: on the causal relationship and on the rebirth of the immortal part of man - in one or two generations would radically change society and direct it along the moral path.

Having considered in detail the first three concepts, we will consider the rest briefly.
"Society" - in a consumer society, racial, property, religious and other inequality is assumed. In a highly moral society, humanity is a brotherhood of peoples.
"Freedom" - in a consumer society is manifested in non-observance of the Higher Law. Permissiveness, abuse to satisfy desires and receive pleasure. In a highly moral society, freedom is a conscious need to follow the Higher Law that exists in the Universe. Unlimited freedom to act within the limits of this Law.

"Power" - in a consumer society, power is aimed at keeping the masses in obedience, follows the political situation, generates corruption and the struggle for power. Positions are bought. In a highly moral society, power is an honorable duty. The best representatives of society occupy leadership positions in accordance with their moral qualities.
"Finance" - in a consumer society they act as a means of control, manipulation, control, enslavement. In a highly moral society, finance is a temporary phenomenon at a certain stage in the development of society (as an equivalent of exchange, a means of accounting and distribution).

"Work" - in a consumer society is a way to earn money. In a highly moral society, work is the highest joy, a way of creative self-realization of a person.
"Wars" - in a consumer society, this is a means of fighting for power, control, wealth and natural resources. In a highly moral society - a world without wars. Implementation of the principle of non-violence in international, social and interpersonal relations.
"Medicine, health care" - in a consumer society, treatment and medicines are used as a means of profit. There is no interest in the person being healthy. In a moral society, their goal is the health of every person. The basis of health is harmony with Nature.

"Education" - in a consumer society, a means of reproducing the labor force and educating citizens of the qualities necessary for the state. In a moral society, each person should receive the most versatile education as a means of revealing the inner potential of the individual.

"Mass media" - in a consumer society, this is a source of manipulation of mass consciousness. Fulfill the social order of those in power. Contribute to the stupidity of the population. In a moral society - contribute to the expansion of the horizons of each member of society. Expand and deepen knowledge.

"Art" - in a consumer society is seen as a commercial product of mass consumption. Reflects the immorality of society. In a highly moral society, it gives examples of high morality and morality, elevates the consciousness of people.

"Science" - in a consumer society serves the interests of financial elites. Scientific discoveries are used for profit, for military purposes. In a moral society, science studies the laws of the construction of the Universe and helps humanity to follow them. All scientific achievements and developments are aimed at improving human life.

"Family" - in a consumer society, there is a degeneration of the family: same-sex marriages, single-parent families, sexual perversions. In a moral society, the family is the backbone of society and the state.
"Free time" - in a consumer society is used for pleasure and entertainment. In a moral society, it is used for education and self-improvement.
The authors of the Doctrine of High Morality believe that the revival of morality should become a national program, a national ideology, promoted at all levels, in all possible ways. Only in this case is it possible to overcome the global moral crisis of modern society.

States built on moral principles have always had a social, economic and political advantage, which led them to prosperity and prosperity. Therefore, the only way out of any crisis is to raise the morality of the people. When a person becomes more and more moral, he himself automatically begins to reject what is immoral.

Now modern media are adjusting to the lowest desires of people, promoting low standards: rudeness, smoking, violence, sexual abuse and perversion, and others. The problem of morality and the global crisis of society However, the state found the strength at the highest level to start a campaign against smoking and alcoholization of the population. The next step should be the penetration on TV screens, on the radio, on the pages of publications of higher, more moral, beautiful examples of art and culture, which should gradually oust (not by prohibition) vulgarity, rudeness and violence from the consciousness of the people, and therefore from all areas of state life. It is necessary to settle in the minds of the people the understanding of God as the Highest Moral Law that exists in the Universe. It is necessary to promote moral concepts at the state level, such as honor, sincerity, kindness, modesty, benevolence and others. Russia must become a stronghold of morality in the world!

1. Bagdasaryan V.E., Sulakshin S.S. The highest values ​​of the Russian state. / Series "Political Axiology". Scientific monograph. - M.: Scientific expert, 2012. - 624 p.
2. A. V. Bychkov, T. N. Mikushina, M. L. Skuratovskaya, and E. Yu. "The Doctrine of High Morality"
