The list of states bordering Russia consists of 18 countries. Neighbors to the west are the Scandinavian states represented by Norway and Finland. A little to the south is the border with the Baltic states, which include Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine and Poland are also located there. In the south - the Asian republics, Azerbaijan and Georgia. In the eastern part it is Japan and the USA. The north of the country is the coast that washes the ocean. Russia also neighbors South Ossetia and Abkhazia, which are only partially recognized. Border security is regulated by the special border service of the Russian Federation, as well as by the air defense and navy. Their closure is due to relevant requirements. Control is carried out by border guards. The location of customs points is extremely relevant.

The total length of the Russian border

Russian Federation is the largest country, occupying almost half of the mainland (Europe and Asia). The border of Russia defines the limits of the state. Its total length is 60932 kilometers, which exceeds the length of the equator line by about one and a half times. On the map you can see that the border of Russia runs along the Arctic Ocean. The eastern border is represented by the Pacific Ocean. The south is countless forests and steppes, and the west is the East European Plain.

Land borders of the Russian Federation

The land borders are over 22,000 kilometers long. 7615 km stretch along rivers and lakes. Countries bordering Russia on land are represented by 16 states, with the exception of Japan and the United States. After Kazakhstan (7512 km), the longest border is China with a length of 4209 kilometers, most of which is occupied by the Amur River, followed by Mongolia (3484 km), Ukraine (2093 km), Belarus (1240 km). The shortest neighboring gap between the Russian Federation and the DPRK: its length is only 17 kilometers.

The world map shows that the Russian-Kazakh border is the longest. It extends directly over land for almost 6,000 kilometers, and along rivers and lakes for another 1,600 kilometers.

Russia borders China for the most part across the Amur. A slightly less extended interstate line between the Russian Federation and Mongolia. The length of the border with the Caucasian states is approximately 1,000 kilometers. Among the neighbors, Azerbaijan and Georgia are fully recognized. The western border of Russia is very extensive. The longest line here is with Finland.

Maritime borders of the Russian Federation

Russia's maritime borders stretch for more than 38,800 kilometers, which exceeds the land line between 16 states. The water (sea) boundary passes between the Russian Federation and the USA with Japan. Russia and Japan are separated by numerous straits on different sides from the Kuril Islands to the Asian island of Hokkaido. The Bering Strait connects the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug with the United States.

Territorial disputes

For many years of its existence, the border of the territories of Russia has repeatedly undergone significant changes. History knows both a number of settled disputes at the moment, and open ones so far.


The history of the line between the Russian Federation and the PRC is quite long. At the beginning of the last century, the border between Russia and China was much longer, since Mongolia was part of the latter. In the 1950s, the Soviet Union sent maps to the PRC with its own vision of the line between the countries, which received no comments from the Chinese side. However, in the mid-1950s, territorial disputes began to appear, resulting in a conflict on the CER, which ended in the defeat of the PRC troops, as well as a conflict on Damansky Island, which ended in the transfer of territory to China. The complete demarcation of the borders between the Russian Federation and the PRC was accomplished only in 2005. By decision of both sides, approximately 337 square kilometers of territory was transferred to China.

The South of Russia has long raised many questions. The border with Azerbaijan stretches for 327 kilometers. It was finally established after the signing of a joint agreement in 2010, when the parties exchanged instruments of ratification. But earlier, various disputes arose between the states, which for a long time could not be resolved. In the early 1950s, the capital instructed to begin the construction of a hydroelectric complex for Azerbaijan on the territory of Dagestan. After the collapse Soviet Union the territory was given to the southern neighbor, although it was located within Russia. In the early 1990s, the question of defining clear boundaries again became acute. The location of the current borders is not disputed.

The Russian-Estonian border is far from being the longest, however, it also caused a lot of controversy in its time. So, for example, Estonia wanted to get one of the districts of the border Pskov region and the right bank of the Narva. In the middle of the "zero" states confirmed the previously established border of the times of the USSR. It was also planned to transfer a small area to Estonia in exchange for receiving other territories, but the parties did not decide on the requirements. For several years, the issue of defining borders hung in the air, and only in 2014 did the parties sign an agreement on the absence of mutual claims.

After the collapse of the USSR, another Baltic republic, Latvia, also claimed some territories of Russia. The country's leadership wanted to get the Pytalovsky district, located in the Pskov region. However, the demand of the Baltic state was not accepted, and after the signing in 2007 of an agreement defining the borders between the countries, this conflict was settled.

Currently open

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has not subsided so far, which is why the issue of the border between the two states is still relevant. In 2014, Russia took an important political step in the form of the annexation of the Crimean peninsula. The Ukrainian side considers this territory occupied by the Russian Federation, however, the Russian Federation has defined the borders of its state within the peninsula. The extended segment has a length of approximately 735 kilometers. After the region became part of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, which does not recognize its belonging to Russia, introduced a specific law creating a special economic zone on the territory of the peninsula. The contour section of the border is still controversial, the outlook looks vague, and there is a border checkpoint on the territory of continental Ukraine.

Disagreements between Russia and Japan regarding the ownership of the Kuril Islands have been going on for more than one year. One of the results of the Second World War was the annexation of the Kuriles to the Soviet Union. However, Japan disputes the ownership of the three largest islands (Iturup, Shikotan, Kunashir), as it believes that their accession had no legal basis. In turn, Russia insists on the rightful possession of the southern Kuriles. At the moment, the issue remains open, which prevents the signing of a peace treaty between the states. Now it is difficult to predict when the tense period will begin to pass.

Boundaries of exclusive economic zones

position in the form federal law indicates that the exclusive economic zone is an area of ​​the sea and adjacent objects that are located outside the boundaries of the territorial waters of the country. A special legal regime applies to such an area. In addition, the law refers to the EEZ a number of islands of the state that are not suitable for people to live on. The law emphasizes that the border of the EEZ is just over 370 kilometers from the lines that are the starting point for the width of the territorial waters.

Within the limits of exclusive economic zones, exploration, care for nature and the use of appropriate resources are carried out. It is also allowed to establish research centers and laboratories on such territory. The state carefully controls how many fish are caught, for example. Thus, in the event of a threat of extinction of a particular species, local law allows a ban on the capture and sale of such natural resources.

In a number of seas, Russia has EEZ borders. They pass between the Russian Federation and Norway, Turkey, Japan, the USA, Ukraine and other countries. Representatives of neighboring states should take into account Russia's priority right to perform certain actions on the territory of the exclusive economic zone.

Border population and cooperation

All border territories of the Russian Federation perform special functions. They are home to over 50 different nationalities. In total, almost 76% of Russia's territory is located in border regions, where one third of the country's population lives. The population of the districts located on the border is over 100 thousand people. Many of them are important components in the implementation of cross-border cooperation.

State interest in this type of cooperation is manifested in a number of areas:

  • trade;
  • processing of raw materials;
  • formation of joint ventures;
  • improvement of transport communication;
  • rational use of natural resources;
  • construction;
  • education;
  • etc.

The countries with which Russia borders determine the success of relations between states. Cross-border cooperation is designed to improve the condition of these territories, as well as to strengthen relations between neighboring states. The intersection of common needs for cooperation is largely determined by the similar characteristics of countries in terms of the legal system, the level of socio-economic status and the general proximity of peoples. Accordingly, non-compliance with these conditions threatens to become a serious barrier in relations between states. In this regard, it is really important for Russia who to border with.

In addition to the undeniable advantages of cross-border cooperation, it is necessary to highlight certain risks arising from the incorrect operation of the identified areas. These include:

  • the transition of people from border areas;
  • the threat of the emergence of radical nationalism;
  • terrorist threat;
  • illegal migration.

All this can happen if you approach the issue of cross-border cooperation superficially and negligently exercise control over it. Unfortunately, many border territories of Russia are not in the best condition now. This is evidenced by the development indicators of the selected territories, which are 70-90% inferior to the national average. The amount of investments, incomes of the population are seriously inferior, there are unprofitable enterprises. Therefore, Russia should carefully study the international Foreign experience(in particular, pay attention to the West) in the field of cross-border cooperation, since it is he who is able to lead the lagging regions out of the current situation.

At the moment, cross-border cooperation in the Russian Federation is carried out through the creation of special economic zones. They attract financial resources to the respective regions, as they have a special legal status. After the adoption of the law on the SEZ in 2005, six such zones were created (the city of Zelenograd, etc.), concentrated in the central and northwestern parts of the country. Later, special economic zones appeared in Siberia and the South. With whom and where Russia borders, determines the direction of such zones. Every year their number is growing, which, of course, has a positive effect on the development of cross-border cooperation and allows you to have more prospects in the economic sphere.

The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world in terms of territory, it also has the largest length of state borders.

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They connect the Russian Federation with 18 other countries by sea, rivers, lakes and land. It is the state borders that determine the limit of the sovereignty of the Russian Federation. Sometimes their location causes quite a lot of controversy.

Important nuances

Occupying the first place in the world in terms of area, Russia also has the largest number of neighboring countries.

The borders of the Russian Federation are also very long. Their total length, taking into account the territory of Crimea, is about 61.5 thousand kilometers, about 38 thousand km are sea borders, and another 7.6 thousand km are river and lake borders.

Russia holds the record for the number of countries sharing a common border with it. The entire Federation has a state border with 18 countries.

But 2 of them are the partially recognized republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The Russian Federation recognizes their independence, but most countries in the world still consider them part of Georgia.

By land

Russia has land borders with most of its neighbors. In the west, with Poland and Lithuania, it exists only near the Kaliningrad region, which is a Russian semi-exclave and is not connected to the main part of the country by land.

The longest land border between Russia and Kazakhstan. Exclusively on land, the Russian Federation borders only on Georgia after the separation of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

All land borders can be crossed only through special checkpoints and with the obligatory passage of passport control. The exception is the Russian-Belarusian state border.

Only in the sea

Russia has exclusively maritime borders with the United States of America and Japan.

With a number of other states, there are both land and sea. The maritime boundary is determined at a distance of 22.2 km from land or inland sea waters.

The border with the United States passes through the Bering Strait, and its length is only 49 km.

The Russian-Japanese border runs between Sakhalin, as well as the Kuril Islands and the island of Hokkaido (Japan) through several narrow straits.

By water and by land

Russia borders, at the moment, both by land and by land with various states. Many of them appeared only after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The longest along the rivers is the Russian-Chinese. Of the 4,209.3 km of its length, more than 3,500 km fall on rivers and lakes.

Consider with which countries Russia has a border by water and land:

  • Norway;
  • Estonia;
  • Latvia;
  • Lithuania;
  • Finland;
  • Belarus;
  • Ukraine;
  • Poland;
  • Georgia;
  • Abkhazia;
  • South Ossetia;
  • Mongolia;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Azerbaijan;
  • DPRK.

The shortest border is the Russian-North Korean. It does not pass directly on land, 17.3 km of it falls on the Tumannaya River, and another 22.1 km on the Sea of ​​Japan.

Features of the states in the Caucasus

After the collapse of the USSR, internal conflicts began in many new states, which often have not been resolved to this day.

And in some cases, the situation has become completely ambiguous. This concerns, first of all, partially recognized states.

Russia recognizes the following republics that were formerly part of Georgia:

  1. Abkhazia.
  2. South Ossetia.

After Russia recognized the independence of these republics, diplomatic relations were established with them, and citizens of the Russian Federation were given the opportunity to enter their territory without a visa, including with “internal” Russian passports.

Most other countries in the world do not recognize these new countries. Georgia considers them temporarily occupied territory.

If a person who wants to enter Georgia has a stamp on his/her visits to South Ossetia or Abkhazia, serious problems arise. He may be fined, not allowed into Georgia, or even arrested.

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Disputed territories

Most of the issues regarding the disputed territories, which arose quite a few after the collapse of the Soviet Union, were nevertheless settled during the negotiations.

In some cases, the Russian Federation made concessions, and some countries abandoned their claims.

Consider what issues were settled regarding the disputed territories:

Azerbaijan The question was about the border on the Samur River. It was settled in 2010 through certain concessions to Russia. The border shifted from the Azerbaijani coast to the middle of the Samur hydroelectric complex, and the division of water resources began to be made in equal shares
Estonia The territorial dispute with Estonia regarding the Pechora district of the Pskov region was resolved only on the second attempt in 2014. Countries simply renounced all territorial claims to each other
Latvia In 2007, when signing the treaty, Latvia renounced territorial claims to the Pytalovsky district of the Pskov region
PRC Disputes with China over the border have been going on since the days of the Soviet Union. Questions on them were closed in 2005 due to concessions from the Russian Federation. The area of ​​China increased by 337 square kilometers as a result.

At the same time, there is still a territorial dispute with Japan. She insists on the transfer of 4 South Kuril Islands, considering them her Northern territory. The Russian Federation does not recognize the claims of the Japanese side.

The dispute has been going on since the end of the Second World War and prevents the conclusion of a peace treaty between the countries.

Another open dispute concerns the Republic of Crimea, located in the southwest of the Russian Federation. In 2014, after the all-Crimean referendum, it became part of Russia, which from that moment considers it to be its subject of the federation.

Ukraine does not recognize the secession of Crimea and considers it a "temporarily occupied territory."

At the moment, on the part of Russia, a state border has been unilaterally established between Crimea and Ukraine, and on the part of Ukraine, an administrative border between the Kherson region and the free economic zone of Crimea.

Due to the difficulties in the political relations between the two countries, the solution of this territorial dispute at the moment has become virtually impossible.

Russia shares its borders with 16 sovereign nations.

Russia borders more countries than any other country in the world, with a total of 16 countries sharing its long land border. Countries with which Russia shares its land border include North Korea, China, Norway, Finland, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Poland, Georgia, Mongolia, Latvia, Estonia, Azerbaijan, Belarus and Lithuania. Two other countries whose sovereignty is partially recognized also share a land border with Russia: Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The length of Russian land is about 12,577 miles, which is the second longest in the world and exceeds the length of only China's land border.

Russia's three longest international borders


Kazakhstan is located south of Russia. The Kazakh-Russian international border is the longest land border shared by Russia, with a total length of 4,254 miles. The border is also the second longest international border in the world, only surpassed in length by the border between Canada and the United States. The border was first marked in 1930 and has remained unchanged ever since. However, it was only after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 that the border was officially recognized as an international border. The Trans-Siberian Railway crosses the border at border crossings near the city of Petropavlovsk.


The border is Russia's second longest international border, at 2,615 miles. The border consists of two sections: a longer eastern section about 2485 miles long and a western section about 60 miles long. The earliest demarcation of the border was made in the 17th century by the 1689 Treaty of Nerchinsk between the Qing Empire and the Russian Empire. Other subsequent treaties were signed between the two empires in the 19th century. The two countries had numerous territorial disputes regarding the definition of the border, but they used diplomacy to resolve all of them. All 26 border crossings of the Sino-Russian border are located in the eastern part of the border. Three of these border crossings are railway. The western section covers the outlying regions of both countries, with low population and therefore no border crossings. However, the two countries are planning to build a gas pipeline that will cross this section of the border. Persons detained for illegally crossing the border must be referred to the authorities of their countries within seven days.


Mongolia has a long land border with Russia, which is 2,165 miles long. The border is the third longest international border in Russia. The easternmost and westernmost edges of the border are marked with dots connecting China, Russia, and Mongolia. Two three points were established as a result of an international agreement signed by three countries in 1994. The border was first established in the 18th century as a result of the 1727 Treaty of Kyakhta between the Qing Empire and Russian Empire. Mongolia was at that time part of the Qing Empire. After the decline of the Qing Empire in the early 20th century, Mongolia was established as a Russian protectorate. The border was retained after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

What countries borders Russia?

StateLength of border with Russia (km)
1 Kazakhstan7,512.80
2 China4,209.30
3 Mongolia3485
4 Ukraine1,925.80
5 Finland1,271.80
6 Belarus1239
7 Georgia875,5
8 Azerbaijan372,6
9 Estonia294
10 Latvia270,5
11 Lithuania266
12 Abkhazia255,4
13 Poland204,1
14 Norway195,7
15 South Ossetia70
16 North Korea17

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Russia is a huge state in terms of territory. Frontiers pass both by land and by sea. I would like to recall in detail who borders on Russia, because our neighbors are a lot of states.


Russian border guards have to work quite hard to protect state borders, because the total length of the country's borders (don't be surprised!) Is more than 62 thousand kilometers. Note that the land border is shorter than the sea border, and is 24,625 km. The maritime frontiers, respectively, stretched for 37,736 km.

What countries does Russia border on by sea?

So, let's first consider the sea border of our country, which protects against intruders and saboteurs navy. In the north, the border of Russia (with some exceptions) runs entirely through the waters of the Arctic Ocean, affecting the Baltic Sea. Who borders Russia in the north? On the Barents Sea, you can sail from Arkhangelsk to the Norwegian island of Svalbard. The northern coast of Russia is also washed by the Kara, East Siberian, Chukchi and Laptev seas. Navigation along them is very difficult, but this does not create any particular inconvenience in communication between countries, since only a formal border with the North Pole passes here.

The Baltic Sea, although relatively small, provides a sea route from Russia to Sweden, Poland, the Baltic countries, and Finland.

Maritime eastern border

In the east, unlike the northern borders, the seas do not freeze, so maritime trade with neighbors is very active. And who borders on Russia along the Bering, Okhotsk and Japanese seas? Powerful economically developed states: USA and Japan. It is with these partners that maritime trade in this region is mainly carried out. The length of the border with Japan is 149 kilometers, and with the United States only 49 kilometers. From the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, you can sail to the port of Sapporo (Hokkaido, Japan) through the relatively small La Perouse Strait.

On this section of the border, Russia has a territorial conflict, that is, it is impossible to talk about a complete legally formed border. We are talking about the fate of the Kuril Islands (Japan also claims them). This dispute has been going on since 1945, when the USSR defeated Japan in the Soviet-Japanese War. As such, the peace treaty at the end of World War II was not concluded, so this territorial issue has yet to be resolved.

Western land border of Russia

The states bordering Russia in the west are mostly former Soviet republics. The longest part of the border in this section is Ukrainian. We are talking about 2245 kilometers. On the Russian side, Ukraine adjoins the territories of the Bryansk, Kursk, Belgorod, Voronezh, Rostov regions, as well as Krasnodar Territory. Which regions of Ukraine border Russia? There are many such regions, namely: Lugansk, Kharkiv, Sumy, Chernihiv and Kiev regions. In connection with the well-known events on the territory of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, problems arose again, because control over the border with the Lugansk region of Ukraine became more complicated.

The border with Belarus is 2 times less in length than the Ukrainian section, and amounts to 1239 kilometers in numerical terms. If you specify by region, then from Russia you can enter the territory of the allied Belarus from the lands of the Bryansk, Tver, Pskov, Smolensk regions.

In the northwest there is a land border with Latvia (270 km) and Estonia (466 km). The uniqueness of this part lies in the fact that it is possible to get from the Kaliningrad region to the territory of other regions of Russia by land only through the countries of the Schengen zone (the Baltic countries already have a visa-free regime with Europe, as they are members of the EU).

Asia: who borders Russia on land?

The only Asian land neighbors of Russia from Asia were the states, huge in size, but different in population density: Mongolia and China. It is this part of the land border that is very long, because the junction with the territory of China lasts 4209 km, and with Mongolia - 3485 km.

You can enter China from the following regions of the Russian Federation: the Republic of Altai, the Chita, Amur, Khabarovsk regions, the Jewish Autonomous Region and Primorsky Krai. If you are traveling to Russia from Mongolia, your path may pass through the republics of Altai, Tuva, Buryatia, as well as through the Chita region.

With Kazakhstan, Russia has a land border, probably the largest. This Republic has always been associated with the Asian world, but recently this axiom has begun to be questioned, because the national football team and club teams of this country take part in European cup tournaments. Therefore, the border with Kazakhstan is most likely European. By the way, the Russian Federation has very close economic ties with this state within the framework of the Customs Union, so the movement of vehicles at checkpoints is very active.

But that's not all!

What countries borders Russia on land in the north? It was said above that the northern part of Russia is mainly cold seas. But there are also land sections of the border with the Scandinavian countries. For example, common area the border with Finland is 1325 km., and with Norway - 219 km.

The southern neighbors of the Russian Federation are the former components of the USSR: Georgia and Azerbaijan. It is problematic to protect the inviolability of Russian territory from encroachments from the lands of these states due to the geographical features of the mountainous terrain of the Caucasus.

In this article, we looked at who borders on Russia. The advantageous geographical position of our country on the world political map is emphasized by two points:

  1. The Russian Federation is located at the junction of two continents: Europe and Asia.
  2. There are common borders with more than 10 states.

The Russian Federation is a huge country, ranking first in the world in terms of area occupied by the territory. The states bordering Russia are located on all sides of the world, and the border itself reaches almost 61 thousand km.

Border types

The border of a state is a line that delimits its actual area. Territory includes land, water, underground resources, and airspace within a country.

In the Russian Federation, there are 3 types of borders: sea, land and lake (river). The sea border is the longest of all, it reaches about 39 thousand km. The land border has a length of 14.5 thousand km, and the lake (river) - 7.7 thousand km.

General information about all states bordering the Russian Federation

With which states does the Federation recognize its neighborhood with 18 countries.

Name of states bordering Russia: South Ossetia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Abkhazia, Ukraine, Poland, Finland, Estonia, Norway, Latvia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, United States of America, Japan, Mongolia, China The countries of the first order are listed here .

Capitals of states bordering Russia: Tskhinvali, Minsk, Sukhum, Kiev, Warsaw, Oslo, Helsinki, Tallinn, Vilnius, Riga, Astana, Tbilisi, Baku, Washington, Tokyo, Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Pyongyang.

South Ossetia and the Republic of Abkhazia are partially recognized, because not all countries of the world have recognized these countries as independent. Russia did this in relation to these states, therefore, approved the neighborhood with them and the borders.

Some states bordering Russia argue about the correctness of these borders. For the most part, disagreements appeared after the end of the existence of the USSR.

Land borders of the Russian Federation

The states bordering Russia by land are located on the Eurasian continent. They also include lake (river). Not all of them are protected today, some of them can be crossed without hindrance, having only a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, which is not always checked without fail.

States bordering Russia on the mainland: Norway, Finland, Belarus, South Ossetia, Ukraine, Republic of Abkhazia, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Mongolia, People's Republic of China, North Korea.
With some of them there is also a border by water.

There are Russian territories that are surrounded on all sides by foreign states. These sites include the Kaliningrad region, Medvezhye-Sankovo ​​and Dubki.

You can travel to the Republic of Belarus without a passport and any border control on any of the possible roads.

Maritime borders of the Russian Federation

What countries borders Russia by sea? A maritime boundary is a line 22 km or 12 nautical miles from the coast. The territory of the country includes not only 22 km of water, but also all the islands in this sea area.

States bordering Russia by sea: Japan, United States of America, Norway, Estonia, Finland, Poland, Lithuania, Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, North Korea. There are only 12 of them. The length of the borders is more than 38 thousand km. Russia has only a maritime border with the USA and Japan; the dividing line with these countries does not pass by land. There are borders with other states both by water and by land.

Settled disputed sections of the border

At all times there have been disputes between countries over territories. Some of the disputing countries have already agreed and are no longer raising the issue. These include: Latvia, Estonia, People's Republic of China and Azerbaijan.

The dispute between the Russian Federation and Azerbaijan occurred over a hydroelectric complex and water intake facilities that belonged to Azerbaijan, but were in fact in Russia. In 2010, the dispute was resolved, and the border was moved to the middle of this hydroelectric complex. Now the countries use the water resources of this hydroelectric complex in equal shares.

After the collapse of the USSR, Estonia considered it unfair that the right bank of the Narva River, Ivangorod and the Pechora region remained the property of Russia (Pskov region). In 2014, the countries signed an agreement on the absence of territorial claims. There were no significant changes to the border.

Latvia, as well as Estonia, began to lay claim to one of the districts of the Pskov region - Pytalovsky. The agreement with this state was signed in 2007. The territory remained in the ownership of the Russian Federation, the border did not suffer any changes.

The dispute between China and Russia ended with the demarcation of the border in the center of the Amur, which led to the annexation of part of the disputed territories to the People's Republic of China. The Russian Federation transferred 337 square kilometers to its southern neighbor, including two plots in the region and Tarabarov and one plot near Bolshoi Island. The signing of the agreement took place in 2005.

Unsettled disputed sections of the border

Some disputes over the territory are not closed to this day. It is not yet known when the contracts will be signed. Russia has such disputes with Japan and Ukraine.
The disputed territory between Ukraine and the Russian Federation is the Crimean Peninsula. Ukraine considers the 2014 referendum illegal and Crimea occupied. The Russian Federation established its border unilaterally, while Ukraine issued a law establishing a free economic zone on the peninsula.

The dispute between Russia and Japan is over the four Kuril Islands. The countries cannot come to a compromise, because both believe that these islands should belong to her. These islands include Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan and Habomai.

Borders of the exclusive economic zones of the Russian Federation

An exclusive economic zone is a strip of water adjacent to the border of the territorial sea. It cannot be wider than 370 km. In this zone, the country has the right to develop the subsoil, as well as to explore and preserve it, to create artificial structures and use them, to study the water and the bottom.

Other countries have the right to move freely through this territory, build pipelines and otherwise use this water, while they must take into account the laws of the coastal state. Russia has such zones in the Black, Chukchi, Azov, Okhotsk, Japanese, Baltic, Bering and Barents Seas.
