Travelers and pilgrims in the Principality of Polotsk and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. As is known from historical sources, even in ancient times, our distant ancestors traveled to other countries. Detachments of the Krivichi as part of the squads of the Kyiv princes went to Constantinople, that is, to the Byzantine Empire, which was reflected in the annals. The Polotsk abbess Euphrosyne visited Jerusalem, describing this journey, some of the facts of which were used in worship. May, 23rd
1167 Euphrosyne died and her body was buried in Jerusalem. However, when Jerusalem was captured by Sultan Saladin on October 2, 1187, the relics of the holy abbess of Polotsk were transferred by Russian monks to Kiev and laid in the Near Caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, where they remained until October 1910. Then they were solemnly transferred to Polotsk Spaso-Efrosinevsky monastery. Efrosinya Polotskaya - the first Belarusian woman who was enlisted Orthodox Church to the saints. N.K. Radzivil (Orphan) (1549-1616) - statesman and military figure of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, philanthropist, writer, traveler - in 1583 made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, visited Crete, Cyprus, Syria, Palestine, Egypt. N. Radzivil spent two weeks in Jerusalem, made generous donations to the city. To the Holy Sepulcher, he presented a goblet and a patina of gold (golden ribbon), they were embossed with the coat of arms and the name of the prince. In Bethlehem, where Christ was born, the prince decided to allocate 125 ducats from his income annually: 100 for the needs of the Bernardine monastery in Jerusalem and 25 for the lamp burning at the Holy Sepulcher all the time. Visitors testify that the lamp is still burning today, as a reminder of the generous prince.

The fact that both foreigners and subjects of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania traveled across the Belarusian lands is evidenced by separate articles of the Law Code of Casimir IV (1468), which protected the rights of foreign citizens, travelers and merchants.

The legal protection of those traveling through the lands of the state was enshrined in the basic law - the Charter of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1566).

Undoubtedly, in subsequent years, pilgrimages, trips, travels of the inhabitants of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania to various countries, although no written sources have been preserved or found that tell about these events.

The development of tourism in the Belarusian lands during their inclusion in the Russian Empire. Tourism as a collective phenomenon begins to emerge on the territory of Belarus in the 19th century, and this is due to the mass appearance of such a means of transportation as a bicycle.

The first bicycle in Belarus appeared in Vitebsk in the 70s. XIX century, and in 1894
70 Belarusian cyclists were members of the Russian Society of Tourist Cyclists, which had branches in six largest Belarusian cities. In 1894 in Vitebsk, and in 1896 in Minsk, the first cycling competitions were held, contributing to the popularity of bike rides.

The Belarusian branches of the Russian Society of Cyclists-Tourists carried out long-distance tourist trips, which were of great importance for the study of their native land and testified to the expansion of the geography of trips.

Thus, in 1894, a group of cyclists-tourists made a bike ride along the routes: Brest - Kobrin - Verkholesye - Brest (length 130 versts) and Brest - Staraya Zhabovka - Kamenets - Litovsk - Chernivtsi - Brest (length 132 versts). The surviving description of the routes testifies to a wide range of issues studied by cyclists on the way.

At the beginning of the XX century. public education authorities began to pay attention active methods teaching, connection of theory with practice. In May 1916, a congress on extracurricular education was held in Mogilev, at which a decision was made obliging educational institutions to make extensive use of military gymnastic exercises, excursions and trips in extracurricular activities.

Nevertheless, excursions and tourism in the conditions of tsarist Russia did not become massive. The outbreak of the First World War and the occupation of a significant territory of Belarus stopped this process altogether.

Development of tourism in the BSSR. After the October Revolution of 1917, the Bolsheviks began to create their own system of physical education, sports and tourism.
In 1923, following the example of the RSFSR, the Supreme Council of Physical Culture was established in Belarus, which led the work on the physical education of the civilian population.
By the beginning of 1924, provincial and district councils of physical culture were created and at the same time the old wood-revolutionary societies and clubs were dissolved. Since 1925, the training of physical education instructors began, who knew the methodology for conducting hikes and excursions, and since 1928, with the opening of a technical school of physical culture in Minsk, they began to systematically train qualified specialists in various sports, including tourism.

In 1931, at the initiative of the Komsomol, a sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR" was introduced, and in 1934 - "Be Ready for Labor and Defense" for youth. These complexes were the basis for the work of all sports organizations. These complexes included (along with the standards for various sports) hiking as necessary condition to receive TRP and BGTO badges.

According to the resolution of the Central Committee of the CP(b)B, in January 1931, the Organizing Bureau of the Society for Proletarian Tourism and Excursions of Belarus (OPTE) was organized, as a result of which, by the end of the year, there were already about 10 thousand members of the OPTE in ten cities of the republic. The main routes of all-Union significance were determined: agricultural (Orsha - Zhodino - Minsk); industrial (Borisov - Rechitsa - Gomel); local history (Vitebsk - Orsha). By the end of the year, 464 people walked along the routes of industrial importance, 215 people - agricultural, 715 people - local history. In total, 1394 people took part in the campaigns, or
14.3% of all SPTE members.

Over the next year, out of 75 administrative districts of the republic, OPTE organizations were formed in 24, numbering 30 thousand people in their ranks. According to the social composition, 45% of them were workers, 38.5% - students, 11.5% - employees, 5% - collective farmers. More than 50% of the members of the OPTE were members of the Communist Party.

On February 5, 1932, the 1st All-Belarusian Congress of Proletarian Tourism and Excursions was held in Minsk, which was attended by 117 delegates. However, the congress was purely propaganda in nature and did not contribute to the revitalization of the activities of the OPTE.

Already in 1933, the Decree of the Secretariat of the CEC of the BSSR noted the insufficient work of the SPTE. The entire leadership of the Belarusian SPTE Council was replaced. However, this did not give the desired results, since the main reasons for the shortcomings were the lack of a material base, an extremely difficult financial situation.

In connection with the circumstances, the Presidium of the Central Council of Trade Unions of Belarus on March 9, 1935 adopted a resolution "On the organization in Minsk of the All-Belarusian office for records for long-distance excursions." In this regard, a decision was made on the inexpediency of the existence of the Belarusian SPTE. The Presidium liquidated it, transferring the management of tourist and excursion work to sports and trade union organizations. This reorganization had one goal: to improve the work of tourism development, while excluding amateur tourism. It was in this connection that the question of creating tourist clubs arose.

It should be noted that during the years of the pre-war five-year plans, tourists took an active part in the propaganda of socialist construction, the policy of the party and government. The main tourist slogans were: “Proletarian tourism is a form of class struggle”, “Proletarian tourism is the path to socialist culture”, “If you want to know your country, be a tourist”. In 1931 a trip of tourists was held under the slogan "For raw materials for the five-year plan", and in 1932 - "Let's create a raw material base for machine tools of the second five-year plan."

However, the tasks solved by the local bodies of the SPTE were far from tourism. For example, the Orsha District Council of the OPTE in 1932 held three meetings of the Presidium, at which the following issues were considered: about the sowing campaign and the participation of a tourist organization in it; sending brigades to the sowing season; on participation in the implementation of the five-year loan, etc.

By the 30s. include the first Belarusian publications on tourism. In 1931, the following were published in Minsk: the brochure "Excursion to the Factory", in 1932 - the manual by V.A. Samtsevich "Tourists - for learning the history of the Gramadzian War", "Pa Belarusian Prastors" - a joint publication of the Minsk District Society of Local Lore and School No. 20 Minsk. Work began on compiling an excursion guide for the BSSR.

Issues of the development of Belarusian tourism were covered in the magazines "Our land", "Savetskaya kraina". They described such educational tourist routes in Belarus as “Six excursions around Mogilev”, “Natural excursions around the Smolevichi region”, “Cultural and historical excursion Borisov - Staro-Borisov - Studenka”, “Local history travels”, etc. Magazines “Aveta "and" Kamunistychnae vykhavanne "published materials on children's tourism.

In 1931, in connection with the creation of the OPTE in the schools of the republic, the organization of circles "Young friends of the society of proletarian tourism and excursions" began. The excursion bureau of the People's Commissariat of Education of the BSSR provided assistance to schoolchildren-tourists in organizing tourist and local history work (preferential tickets for travel by rail, food coupons, etc.). In 1933, many Belarusian schools actively participated in the All-Union competition for the best tourist group. In the same year, a group of pioneer tourists from Osipovichi, in accordance with an agreement between the Belarusian Council of the OPTE and the Institute of Geology of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences, carried out tourist and search work along the route Osipovichi - Lochina - Podemnoe - Novoselki - Svisloch with the selection of discovered minerals. 24 pioneer tourists (13–16 years of age) took part in the campaign under the guidance of the teacher of natural history and chemistry A. Nemtsov. As a result, more than 20 mineral deposits, mainly building materials, were discovered.

In 1936, the first tourist and excursion base was opened in Minsk, designed to serve 1,100 schoolchildren per season. To help the leaders of tourist groups in Moscow, a "Handbook for the leaders of the circles of young friends of the OPTE" was published.

During the years of the pre-war five-year plans in Belarus, although to a lesser extent than in other regions Soviet Union developed tourism and excursion business. However, due to the ideological orientation, strong party tutelage and overorganization, frequent restructuring, the tourist movement has not gained wide scope. According to the party leadership of the republic, pre-war Belarus was considered unpromising for the development of tourism.

During the years of war and occupation, of course, tourist and excursion work completely stopped. Many tourist facilities were burned and destroyed, inventory was destroyed and looted. Only the Republican Committee for Physical Culture and Sports suffered damage amounting to 1,530 thousand rubles (in pre-war prices).

The origin of the tourist movement in Belarus was slow and contradictory, being completely dependent on the party and state bodies that determined its form and content.

In June 1944, the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR adopted a resolution on the resumption of work and the provision of assistance primarily to the committees on physical culture and sports. The restoration of state bodies for the management of physical culture and tourist traffic was carried out as the territory of the republic was liberated. By the end of 1944, all regional and 84 (more than 50%) district committees for physical culture and sports resumed their work.

By decision of the government of the BSSR in 1944, the State Order of the Red Banner of Labor Institute of Physical Culture and the Minsk College of Physical Education began to work, which began training specialists, including those in tourism. Voluntary sports societies began to function.

In 1957, for the organization of local and international excursions, the Minsk Excursion Base of the Central Tourist Administration of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions was created at Belsovprof, later (1959) transformed into the Belarusian Tourist and Excursion Administration (BTEU) of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, which developed the “Regulations on the Belarusian Tourist and Excursion Administration of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions” , which envisaged as its main task the implementation of tourist and excursion work on the territory of the BSSR in order to promote socialist construction and familiarize workers with the economy, geography, natural resources of the country, the history and culture of the peoples of the USSR, the heroism of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, as well as promoting the development of mass tourism and excursions as a means of instilling Soviet patriotism and organizing cultural recreation for the working people. The BTEU of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions was entrusted with the functions of promoting tourism, mountaineering and excursions; organization of tourist, climbing, walking, automobile, skiing, water, mountain and other trips; construction and maintenance of tourist and excursion bases; publications of tourist literature, reference books, guidebooks; organization of courses and seminars for the training of personnel for tourist and excursion work.

Until 1958, there was no own material base for the development of tourism and excursions in the republic, and almost all work in this direction was limited to organizing excursions.

On June 8, 1959, in accordance with order No. 24 for the BTEU of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, in the village of Stepeneva, the former Molodechno region, the following were opened: the Naroch camp site with a staff of 21 people per 200 beds per shift; tourist center "Braslav Lakes" in Braslav with a staff of 11 people per 100 beds per shift. In May 1961, in the village of Gonoles, Minsk region, on the Zaslavsky reservoir, the tourist center "Belarus" began to work with a throughput capacity of 100 people in one shift.

Thus, three bases functioned in the BSSR: "Naroch", "Braslav Lakes" and "Belarus".

In these camp sites, during the summer recreational period, tourists carried out trips along combined routes: some went on foot, and some sailed in boats. The duration of the routes is up to 10 days, the number of tourists in groups is up to 20 people.

It should be noted that the only hostel that worked in winter period, was "Braslav Lakes", which has the ability to provide ski trips to 350 vacationers at the same time. In addition to tourists who came on vouchers for 10 days, on weekends the base was visited by up to 200 people who wanted to actively relax. This was facilitated by the fact that, in agreement with the Office of the Belarusian railway on weekends and public holidays a special train departed from Minsk to Belarus station. It had a wardrobe, a buffet, a dining car. In the evening the train returned to Minsk.

In 1961, there were 36 summer tourist recreation camps organized by industrial enterprises and higher educational institutions in the republic, in which 31,200 people rested. 176,628 people participated in weekend trips, 17 tourist equipment rental points worked.

Since 1961, the first tourist clubs have been operating in the republic. They were created at the Gomel and Mozyr Pedagogical Institutes, at the Belarusian Institute of Railway Engineers, at the Vitebsk and Grodno Krasnoye Znamya DSO and at the Minsk Spartak DSO. These six clubs were mainly engaged in organizing and conducting amateur tourism. They also had tourist equipment rentals.

On July 20, 1962, in accordance with the decree of the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions “On the further development of tourism”, the BTEU was reorganized into the Republican Council for Tourism, and a governing council for tourism was elected and approved in the amount of 55 people. The main task of the presidium was to create local tourism bodies: regional tourism councils, city (district) tourist clubs and tourist sections in sports teams. By the end of 1962, regional tourism councils were established in all six regions, there were 8 tourist clubs, 31 tourist bases and 22 houses of fishermen and hunters, about 12 thousand people were engaged in 254 sections.

In July 1962, the Belarus tourist train made its first trip. The route passed through the Baltic republics and the RSFSR. For 20 days of travel the train traveled about 3 thousand km through the territories of the Lithuanian and Latvian republics, visited Estonia, Leningrad, Moscow, Vyborg, Smolensk. The route of the tourist train was drawn up in such a way that tourists traveled at night, and during the day they made excursions, got acquainted with the sights of cities, and rested.

On June 8, 1964, the Belarusian Council for Tourism and Excursions, together with the collegium of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized and Vocational Education of the BSSR, adopted a resolution “On the state and measures to improve the work on the mass development of tourism among students and students of vocational educational institutions of the Byelorussian SSR”. Tourist sections were created in all universities and technical schools, and tourist clubs were formed in large institutes.

Guided by this resolution, the Department of Physical Education and Sports of the Minsk State Pedagogical Institute. Gorky in September 1965 decided to introduce a sports specialization in tourism for students of the institute. The following year, by decision of the administration and the party organization of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. Gorky on general meeting tourist sections and the tourist asset of the institute, the tourist club "Horizont" was created, which did a significant job in developing tourism among students.

The increase in the influx of tourists was facilitated by the resolution adopted in June 1965 by the Belarusian Council for Tourism and Excursions together with the Board of the Ministry of Automobile Transport of the BSSR "On the organization of transportation of tourists in the BSSR by passing vehicles using the "Hitchhiker" system.

In accordance with the decision of the Bureau of the Minsk City Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus dated March 17, 1965 and the decision of the Presidium of the Belarusian Republican Council of Trade Unions dated March 31, the Minsk City Excursion Bureau under the Belarusian Council for Tourism and Excursions began to function. In 1966, excursion bureaus were established in all regional centers, as well as in Bobruisk, Mozyr, Polotsk and Orsha.

With the introduction of Hitchhiking, up to 10 thousand tourists of the republic could use vehicles annually, and the annual profit amounted to 4-5 thousand rubles.

In October 1967, the Belarusian Council for Tourism and Excursions, together with the State Committee for Nature Protection, adopted a resolution "On the participation of tourists of the republic in environmental protection activities." The resolution was sent to all tourist clubs, local committees of the Komsomol and large sections of tourism.

In connection with the transition of workers to a five-day working week, the excursion bureau developed a number of new one-, two- and three-day long-distance routes to Brest, Orsha, Vilnius, Chernigov, Pushkin Hills, etc. In 1968 alone, the bureau organized 25 tourist trains, including each of which made excursions on average 410 people, which allowed more than 10 thousand working people of Belarus to visit various places in the Soviet Union.

An important role in the popularization of tourism was played by tourist rallies, in which Belarusian tourists-athletes took an active part. So, in 1968, at the IV All-Union Gathering of Hiking Tourists in Kyiv, the Belarusian team won first place in the mass competition in military-applied types of tourism. In addition, the team won four second and six third prizes in various types of competitions and competitions. The Belarusian team was represented by 100 best sportsmen-tourists. The successful development of tourism in the republic is also evidenced by the participation in the work of VDNKh in 1968 of the Belarusian Republican Council for Tourism and Excursions, which was awarded a diploma of the exhibition for organizing mass tourist trips.

Successes in the development of republican tourism in these years are associated primarily with the expansion of the material base. In the 1968 season alone, twice as many stationary bases operated in the republic as in 1967. The Sozh and White Lake camp sites, as well as the Brestsky campsite, began to operate. In addition, rented camp sites "Brestskaya" and "Minskaya" were organized, serving all-Union routes No. 369, 370 (through Belarus and Lithuania), as well as nine camp sites on the Black Sea coast of Crimea and the Caucasus.

In May 1969, the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions adopted a resolution
"On measures for the further development of tourism and excursions in the country." A month later, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus, the Council of Ministers of the BSSR and Belsovprof developed and issued a regulation “On ways to further develop and strengthen the material base of tourism, improve the quality of tourist and excursion work”, which actually duplicated the union one. During these years, joint activities of tourist and other public organizations began to be practiced.

Thus, the development of tourism and excursions relied on a wide network of cultural and historical sites and monuments.

About 13,000 historical and cultural monuments have been registered on the territory of Belarus, of which about 7,000 are under state protection. According to BELNIIP estimates of urban planning, it is possible to use about 1.8 thousand objects.

The popularization of tourism in the republic was facilitated by the resolution of the Presidium of the Belsovet for Tourism and Excursions and the Presidium of the Board of the Knowledge Society of the BSSR “On Strengthening the Promotion of Tourism and Excursions among the Workers and Improving Lecture Work in Tourist and Excursion Institutions”, adopted in August 1970.

In the same year, the second reader's conference was held in Minsk, organized by the magazine "Tourist". The results of the conference testified to the interest of the readership in the problems of tourism and excursions in Belarus.

In the post-war years, it began to revive and amateur tourism. The first campaigns were carried out in 1951–1956. groups of students and teachers of the Belarusian State University. IN AND. Lenin, Minsk Medical and Belarusian Polytechnic Institutes. For the first time in the republic, tourist sections were organized in these universities. Subsequently, tourist clubs began to be created here, the number of which began to grow rapidly.

Significant assistance in the organization of amateur hikes was provided by the reference book "Amateur tourist routes in Belarus" (Minsk, 1953), compiled by teachers of the Belarusian State University. IN AND. Lenina V.A. Dementiev and A.Kh. Shklyar. Routes were developed in the book: Brest and Central Polissya; Brest - Belovezhskaya Pushcha; down the Pripyat; Naroch lakes; Orsha - Vitebsk; Braslav lakes.

The widespread development of amateur tourism created a number of organizational and economic problems that could not be solved by public organizations. This necessitated the organization of a single center of public tourism movement - the Tourism Federation of the BSSR, established in February 1977, which was tasked with bringing the amateur tourist movement in line with the existing rules for organizing and conducting amateur tourist trips across the territory of the USSR. The main direction of tourist work was the organization of trips to places of revolutionary, military and labor glory of the Soviet people, which originated in the 50s. and turned into a mass patriotic movement, into a means of military-patriotic education of youth.

Thus, in the post-war period, under the leadership of the trade unions, a tourist-excursion base of Belarus was created, tourist bases, campsites, summer health camps, tourist clubs were opened, tourist trains were organized, and special literature was published.

Simultaneously with the adult developed and children's tourism. In the 1945/1946 academic year, the Republican Children's Tourist and Excursion Station of the Ministry of Public Education of the BSSR was organized in Minsk. The station organized tourist competitions for schoolchildren, prepared teams for participation in all-Union tourist competitions, etc. Later, such stations were created in Mogilev (1946), Vitebsk and Grodno (1951), Brest (1953), Gomel (1957), Minsk (1960). ).

All tourist and excursion work with pioneers and schoolchildren was concentrated in the network of tourist clubs, circles of young travelers, schools, palaces of pioneers, at children's tourist and excursion stations and bases.

In the 70s–80s. tourist traffic was predominantly extensive. However, stagnant phenomena in the economy began to affect tourism. Since 1989, the number of those involved in tourism and excursions has significantly decreased, which indicated the emergence of a crisis in the tourist movement.

With the collapse of the USSR, the former tourist-excursion system actually ceased to exist. The period of formation of national tourism, the emergence of the tourism business began.

Tourism in the Republic of Belarus. The impetus for the unification of the tourist business of Belarus was the fair "Tourbusiness-94" held from December 7 to 10, 1994 in Minsk. In the process of its work, an initiative group of professionals was formed, which decided to create the Belarusian Association of Travel Agencies in the republic. To establish it, on January 28–29, 1995, a congress of the Belarusian Association of Travel Agencies was held in Minsk, in which more than 100 representatives of the travel industry from 80 travel companies took part. The governing bodies of the association were elected and the charter was adopted.

The state body responsible for the development of foreign tourism in Belarus was the Department of International Tourism of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the Republic of Belarus. However, due to the small number (the entire staff was 10 people) and the absence of its branches in the regions, it could not cope with the tasks assigned to it.

On November 10, 1995, the President of the Republic of Belarus issued Decree No. 456 on the reorganization of the Sports Committee of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus. This body was entrusted with the task of organizing all tourism activities in the republic.

A special group of competent specialists was created in the Ministry of Sports and Tourism to develop State program development of tourism in Belarus. It was based on three themes from the international program "European Cultural Routes" - "Roads of the Vikings", "Baroque" and "Monasteries", which will subsequently be presented for discussion by the European tourist community. For the development of foreign tourism, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated October 1, 1996, the National Tourist Concern "Belintourist" was established, which is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism and manages enterprises and organizations of this concern in the field of sports and tourism.

However, in the current economic conditions the problems of development of tourism and excursions cannot be solved only with the help of state bodies. Therefore, in December 1996, a founding conference was held to create the Belarusian Tourism Federation, which decided to create the BFT. The governing bodies were elected - the board, including representatives of the regions of the republic and all types of tourism activities, the presidium of the board of 13 people and the president. The main tasks of the federation are the creation of national parks as a type of tourism, the training of specialists for the future infrastructure serving different types tourism, museums, etc.

Conditions are being created for the development of excursions. Thus, in September 1996, the Association of Tour Guides and Guide-Translators was established at the Faculty of Geography of the Belarusian State University, a charter was adopted, and a board headed by the president was elected. In the same year, the first admission to the higher school of guides was held at the Faculty of Geology of the Belarusian State University, which trains methodologists, guides, leaders of tourist groups, and in the future - guide-interpreters.

Recently, the main types of tourism in Belarus are international, sports and amateur. There are also children's and youth tourism, which is managed by the Republican Center for Children's and Youth Tourism and Excursions.

As for commercial tourism, more than 500 economic facilities have licenses for the right to engage in such activities in Belarus, 498 companies have received licenses to send groups abroad, 197 companies to receive foreign tourists and 90 companies to provide excursion services to citizens of the republic.

Thus, having gone through a complex and contradictory path of development, tourism in the Republic of Belarus actually begins new stage in their activities in the new historical conditions.

Great importance for the development of inbound tourism has a service for tourists. At present, five hotels in the republic have an international category, qualification by stars. The hotel Minsk, opened in December 2002 after reconstruction, was assigned the category of a four-star hotel, a three-star hotel - the hotels Tourist, Orbita, the hotel of the International Educational Center IBB, located in Minsk, as well as the hotel Naftan in Novopolotsk . The hotel complex "Jubilee" belongs to the category "Higher A", another 11 hotels to the category "Higher B". In total, in 2003, 261 hotels functioned in the republic,
2 motels, 1 campsite and 12 other types of accommodation, their simultaneous capacity was 23.6 thousand places. Compared to 2002, the average occupancy of accommodation facilities increased from 3.6% to 38%.

As promising areas for the development of inbound tourism in Belarus, it is envisaged:

– organization of tours to places of important historical events and places of activity of prominent historical figures Belarus and neighboring countries - Poland, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine;

– familiarization of foreign citizens with outstanding monuments of Belarusian stone and wooden architecture, folk art and life.

Review questions

  1. The origin of cycling tourism in Belarus at the end of the 19th century.

2. The activities of the Society of proletarian tourism and excursions in Belarus.

3. The contribution of the tourist base "Naroch" in the development of amateur tourism.

4. Features of the organization of winter recreation for workers at the tourist center "Braslav Lakes"?

5. Tourist train "Belarus" in 1962 and its route.

6. Student tourist club "Horizon".

7. Tourism under the leadership of the Society of Proletarian Tourism and Excursions in Belarus.

8. Tourist activity in the 30s - 40s in Belarus.

9. What characterizes the 50-80 years?

10. Tourism in the Republic of Belarus after independence.

Travelers and pilgrims in the Principality of Polotsk and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. As is known from historical sources, even in ancient times, our distant ancestors traveled to other countries. Detachments of the Krivichi as part of the squads of the Kyiv princes went to Constantinople, that is, to the Byzantine Empire, which was reflected in the annals. The Polotsk abbess Euphrosyne visited Jerusalem, describing this journey, some of the facts of which were used in worship. May, 23rd
1167 Euphrosyne died and her body was buried in Jerusalem. However, when Jerusalem was captured by Sultan Saladin on October 2, 1187, the relics of the holy abbess of Polotsk were transferred by Russian monks to Kiev and laid in the Near Caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, where they remained until October 1910. Then they were solemnly transferred to Polotsk Spaso-Efrosinevsky monastery. Euphrosyne of Polotsk is the first Belarusian woman who was canonized by the Orthodox Church as a saint. N.K. Radzivil (Orphan) (1549-1616) - statesman and military figure of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, philanthropist, writer, traveler - in 1583 made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, visited Crete, Cyprus, Syria, Palestine, Egypt. N. Radzivil spent two weeks in Jerusalem, made generous donations to the city. To the Holy Sepulcher, he presented a goblet and a patina of gold (golden ribbon), they were embossed with the coat of arms and the name of the prince. In Bethlehem, where Christ was born, the prince decided to allocate 125 ducats from his income annually: 100 for the needs of the Bernardine monastery in Jerusalem and 25 for the lamp burning at the Holy Sepulcher all the time. Visitors testify that the lamp is still burning today, as a reminder of the generous prince.

The fact that both foreigners and subjects of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania traveled across the Belarusian lands is evidenced by separate articles of the Law Code of Casimir IV (1468), which protected the rights of foreign citizens, travelers and merchants.

The legal protection of those traveling through the lands of the state was enshrined in the basic law - the Charter of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1566).

Undoubtedly, in subsequent years, pilgrimages, trips, travels of the inhabitants of the GDL to various countries were made, although written sources telling about these events have not been preserved or found.

The development of tourism in the Belarusian lands during their inclusion in the Russian Empire. Tourism as a collective phenomenon begins to emerge on the territory of Belarus in the 19th century, and this is due to the mass appearance of such a means of transportation as a bicycle.

The first bicycle in Belarus appeared in Vitebsk in the 70s. XIX century, and in 1894
70 Belarusian cyclists were members of the Russian Society of Tourist Cyclists, which had branches in six largest Belarusian cities. In 1894 in Vitebsk, and in 1896 in Minsk, the first cycling competitions were held, contributing to the popularity of bike rides.

The Belarusian branches of the Russian Society of Cyclists-Tourists carried out long-distance tourist trips, which were of great importance for the study of their native land and testified to the expansion of the geography of trips.

Thus, in 1894, a group of cyclists-tourists made a bike ride along the routes: Brest - Kobrin - Verkholesye - Brest (length 130 versts) and Brest - Staraya Zhabovka - Kamenets - Litovsk - Chernivtsi - Brest (length 132 versts). The surviving description of the routes testifies to a wide range of issues studied by cyclists on the way.

At the beginning of the XX century. public education authorities began to pay attention to active teaching methods, the connection of theory with practice. In May 1916, a congress on extracurricular education was held in Mogilev, at which a decision was made obliging educational institutions to make extensive use of military gymnastic exercises, excursions and trips in extracurricular activities.

Nevertheless, excursions and tourism in the conditions of tsarist Russia did not become massive. The outbreak of the First World War and the occupation of a significant territory of Belarus stopped this process altogether.

Development of tourism in the BSSR. After the October Revolution of 1917, the Bolsheviks began to create their own system of physical education, sports and tourism.
In 1923, following the example of the RSFSR, the Supreme Council of Physical Culture was established in Belarus, which led the work on the physical education of the civilian population.
By the beginning of 1924, provincial and district councils of physical culture were created and at the same time the old wood-revolutionary societies and clubs were dissolved. Since 1925, the training of physical education instructors, who know the methodology of hiking and excursions, began, and since 1928, with the opening of a technical school of physical culture in Minsk, they began to systematically train qualified specialists in various sports, including tourism.

In 1931, at the initiative of the Komsomol, a sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR" was introduced, and in 1934 - "Be Ready for Labor and Defense" for youth. These complexes were the basis for the work of all sports organizations. These complexes provided (along with the standards for various sports) hiking as a necessary condition for obtaining the TRP and BGTO badges.

According to the resolution of the Central Committee of the CP(b)B, in January 1931, the Organizing Bureau of the Society for Proletarian Tourism and Excursions of Belarus (OPTE) was organized, as a result of which, by the end of the year, there were already about 10 thousand members of the OPTE in ten cities of the republic. The main routes of all-Union significance were determined: agricultural (Orsha - Zhodino - Minsk); industrial (Borisov - Rechitsa - Gomel); local history (Vitebsk - Orsha). By the end of the year, 464 people walked along the routes of industrial importance, 215 people - agricultural, 715 people - local history. In total, 1394 people took part in the campaigns, or
14.3% of all SPTE members.

Over the next year, out of 75 administrative districts of the republic, OPTE organizations were formed in 24, numbering 30 thousand people in their ranks. According to the social composition, 45% of them were workers, 38.5% - students, 11.5% - employees, 5% - collective farmers. More than 50% of the members of the OPTE were members of the Communist Party.

On February 5, 1932, the 1st All-Belarusian Congress of Proletarian Tourism and Excursions was held in Minsk, which was attended by 117 delegates. However, the congress was purely propaganda in nature and did not contribute to the revitalization of the activities of the OPTE.

Already in 1933, the Decree of the Secretariat of the CEC of the BSSR noted the insufficient work of the SPTE. The entire leadership of the Belarusian SPTE Council was replaced. However, this did not give the desired results, since the main reasons for the shortcomings were the lack of a material base, an extremely difficult financial situation.

In connection with the circumstances, the Presidium of the Central Council of Trade Unions of Belarus on March 9, 1935 adopted a resolution "On the organization in Minsk of the All-Belarusian office for records for long-distance excursions." In this regard, a decision was made on the inexpediency of the existence of the Belarusian SPTE. The Presidium liquidated it, transferring the management of tourist and excursion work to sports and trade union organizations. This reorganization had one goal: to improve the work of tourism development, while excluding amateur tourism. It was in this connection that the question of creating tourist clubs arose.

It should be noted that during the years of the pre-war five-year plans, tourists took an active part in the propaganda of socialist construction, the policy of the party and government. The main tourist slogans were: “Proletarian tourism is a form of class struggle”, “Proletarian tourism is the path to socialist culture”, “If you want to know your country, be a tourist”. In 1931 a trip of tourists was held under the slogan "For raw materials for the five-year plan", and in 1932 - "Let's create a raw material base for machine tools of the second five-year plan."

However, the tasks solved by the local bodies of the SPTE were far from tourism. For example, the Orsha District Council of the OPTE in 1932 held three meetings of the Presidium, at which the following issues were considered: about the sowing campaign and the participation of a tourist organization in it; sending brigades to the sowing season; on participation in the implementation of the five-year loan, etc.

By the 30s. include the first Belarusian publications on tourism. In 1931, the following were published in Minsk: the brochure "Excursion to the Factory", in 1932 - the manual by V.A. Samtsevich "Tourists - for learning the history of the Gramadzian War", "Pa Belarusian Prastors" - a joint publication of the Minsk District Society of Local Lore and School No. 20 Minsk. Work began on compiling an excursion guide for the BSSR.

Issues of the development of Belarusian tourism were covered in the magazines "Our land", "Savetskaya kraina". They described such educational tourist routes in Belarus as “Six excursions around Mogilev”, “Natural excursions around the Smolevichi region”, “Cultural and historical excursion Borisov - Staro-Borisov - Studenka”, “Local history travels”, etc. Magazines “Aveta "and" Kamunistychnae vykhavanne "published materials on children's tourism.

In 1931, in connection with the creation of the OPTE in the schools of the republic, the organization of circles "Young friends of the society of proletarian tourism and excursions" began. The excursion bureau of the People's Commissariat of Education of the BSSR provided assistance to schoolchildren-tourists in organizing tourist and local history work (preferential tickets for travel by rail, food coupons, etc.). In 1933, many Belarusian schools actively participated in the All-Union competition for the best tourist group. In the same year, a group of pioneer tourists from Osipovichi, in accordance with an agreement between the Belarusian Council of the OPTE and the Institute of Geology of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences, carried out tourist and search work along the route Osipovichi - Lochina - Podemnoe - Novoselki - Svisloch with the selection of discovered minerals. 24 pioneer tourists (13–16 years of age) took part in the campaign under the guidance of the teacher of natural history and chemistry A. Nemtsov. As a result, more than 20 mineral deposits, mainly building materials, were discovered.

In 1936, the first tourist and excursion base was opened in Minsk, designed to serve 1,100 schoolchildren per season. To help the leaders of tourist groups in Moscow, a "Handbook for the leaders of the circles of young friends of the OPTE" was published.

During the years of the pre-war five-year plans in Belarus, although to a lesser extent than in other regions of the Soviet Union, tourism and excursion business developed. However, due to the ideological orientation, strong party tutelage and overorganization, frequent restructuring, the tourist movement has not gained wide scope. According to the party leadership of the republic, pre-war Belarus was considered unpromising for the development of tourism.

During the years of war and occupation, of course, tourist and excursion work completely stopped. Many tourist facilities were burned and destroyed, inventory was destroyed and looted. Only the Republican Committee for Physical Culture and Sports suffered damage amounting to 1,530 thousand rubles (in pre-war prices).

The origin of the tourist movement in Belarus was slow and contradictory, being completely dependent on the party and state bodies that determined its form and content.

In June 1944, the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR adopted a resolution on the resumption of work and the provision of assistance primarily to the committees on physical culture and sports. The restoration of state bodies for the management of physical culture and tourist traffic was carried out as the territory of the republic was liberated. By the end of 1944, all regional and 84 (more than 50%) district committees for physical culture and sports resumed their work.

By decision of the government of the BSSR in 1944, the State Order of the Red Banner of Labor Institute of Physical Culture and the Minsk College of Physical Education began to work, which began training specialists, including those in tourism. Voluntary sports societies began to function.

In 1957, for the organization of local and international excursions, the Minsk Excursion Base of the Central Tourist Administration of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions was created at Belsovprof, later (1959) transformed into the Belarusian Tourist and Excursion Administration (BTEU) of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, which developed the “Regulations on the Belarusian Tourist and Excursion Administration of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions” , which envisaged as its main task the implementation of tourist and excursion work on the territory of the BSSR in order to promote socialist construction and familiarize workers with the economy, geography, natural resources of the country, the history and culture of the peoples of the USSR, the heroism of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, as well as promoting the development of mass tourism and excursions as a means of instilling Soviet patriotism and organizing cultural recreation for the working people. The BTEU of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions was entrusted with the functions of promoting tourism, mountaineering and excursions; organization of tourist, climbing, walking, automobile, skiing, water, mountain and other trips; construction and maintenance of tourist and excursion bases; publications of tourist literature, reference books, guidebooks; organization of courses and seminars for the training of personnel for tourist and excursion work.

Until 1958, there was no own material base for the development of tourism and excursions in the republic, and almost all work in this direction was limited to organizing excursions.

On June 8, 1959, in accordance with order No. 24 for the BTEU of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, in the village of Stepeneva, the former Molodechno region, the following were opened: the Naroch camp site with a staff of 21 people per 200 beds per shift; tourist center "Braslav Lakes" in Braslav with a staff of 11 people per 100 beds per shift. In May 1961, in the village of Gonoles, Minsk region, on the Zaslavsky reservoir, the tourist center "Belarus" began to work with a throughput capacity of 100 people in one shift.

Thus, three bases functioned in the BSSR: "Naroch", "Braslav Lakes" and "Belarus".

In these camp sites, during the summer recreational period, tourists carried out trips along combined routes: some went on foot, and some sailed in boats. The duration of the routes is up to 10 days, the number of tourists in groups is up to 20 people.

It should be noted that the only tourist center that worked in the winter was Braslav Lakes, which has the ability to provide ski trips to 350 vacationers at the same time. In addition to tourists who came on vouchers for 10 days, on weekends the base was visited by up to 200 people who wanted to actively relax. This was facilitated by the fact that, by agreement with the Belarusian Railway Administration, on weekends and holidays, a special train was sent from Minsk to the Belarus station. It had a wardrobe, a buffet, a dining car. In the evening the train returned to Minsk.

In 1961, there were 36 summer tourist recreation camps organized by industrial enterprises and higher educational institutions in the republic, in which 31,200 people rested. 176,628 people participated in weekend trips, 17 tourist equipment rental points worked.

Since 1961, the first tourist clubs have been operating in the republic. They were created at the Gomel and Mozyr Pedagogical Institutes, at the Belarusian Institute of Railway Engineers, at the Vitebsk and Grodno Krasnoye Znamya DSO and at the Minsk Spartak DSO. These six clubs were mainly engaged in organizing and conducting amateur tourism. They also had tourist equipment rentals.

On July 20, 1962, in accordance with the decree of the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions “On the further development of tourism”, the BTEU was reorganized into the Republican Council for Tourism, and a governing council for tourism was elected and approved in the amount of 55 people. The main task of the presidium was to create local tourism bodies: regional tourism councils, city (district) tourist clubs and tourist sections in sports teams. By the end of 1962, regional tourism councils were established in all six regions, there were 8 tourist clubs, 31 tourist bases and 22 houses of fishermen and hunters, about 12 thousand people were engaged in 254 sections.

In July 1962, the Belarus tourist train made its first trip. The route passed through the Baltic republics and the RSFSR. For 20 days of travel the train traveled about 3 thousand km through the territories of the Lithuanian and Latvian republics, visited Estonia, Leningrad, Moscow, Vyborg, Smolensk. The route of the tourist train was drawn up in such a way that tourists traveled at night, and during the day they made excursions, got acquainted with the sights of cities, and rested.

On June 8, 1964, the Belarusian Council for Tourism and Excursions, together with the collegium of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized and Vocational Education of the BSSR, adopted a resolution “On the state and measures to improve the work on the mass development of tourism among students and students of vocational educational institutions of the Byelorussian SSR”. Tourist sections were created in all universities and technical schools, and tourist clubs were formed in large institutes.

Guided by this resolution, the Department of Physical Education and Sports of the Minsk State Pedagogical Institute. Gorky in September 1965 decided to introduce a sports specialization in tourism for students of the institute. The following year, by decision of the administration and the party organization of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. Gorky, at the general meeting of the tourist sections and the tourist activists of the institute, the tourist club "Horizon" was created, which did significant work to develop tourism among students.

The increase in the influx of tourists was facilitated by the resolution adopted in June 1965 by the Belarusian Council for Tourism and Excursions together with the Board of the Ministry of Automobile Transport of the BSSR "On the organization of transportation of tourists in the BSSR by passing vehicles using the "Hitchhiker" system.

In accordance with the decision of the Bureau of the Minsk City Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus dated March 17, 1965 and the decision of the Presidium of the Belarusian Republican Council of Trade Unions dated March 31, the Minsk City Excursion Bureau under the Belarusian Council for Tourism and Excursions began to function. In 1966, excursion bureaus were established in all regional centers, as well as in Bobruisk, Mozyr, Polotsk and Orsha.

With the introduction of Hitchhiking, up to 10 thousand tourists of the republic could use vehicles annually, and the annual profit amounted to 4-5 thousand rubles.

In October 1967, the Belarusian Council for Tourism and Excursions, together with the State Committee for Nature Protection, adopted a resolution "On the participation of tourists of the republic in environmental protection activities." The resolution was sent to all tourist clubs, local committees of the Komsomol and large sections of tourism.

In connection with the transition of workers to a five-day working week, the excursion bureau developed a number of new one-, two- and three-day long-distance routes to Brest, Orsha, Vilnius, Chernigov, Pushkin Hills, etc. In 1968 alone, the bureau organized 25 tourist trains, including each of which made excursions on average 410 people, which allowed more than 10 thousand working people of Belarus to visit various places in the Soviet Union.

An important role in the popularization of tourism was played by tourist rallies, in which Belarusian tourists-athletes took an active part. So, in 1968, at the IV All-Union Gathering of Hiking Tourists in Kyiv, the Belarusian team won first place in the mass competition in military-applied types of tourism. In addition, the team won four second and six third prizes in various types of competitions and competitions. The Belarusian team was represented by 100 best sportsmen-tourists. The successful development of tourism in the republic is also evidenced by the participation in the work of VDNKh in 1968 of the Belarusian Republican Council for Tourism and Excursions, which was awarded a diploma of the exhibition for organizing mass tourist trips.

Successes in the development of republican tourism in these years are connected, first of all, with the expansion of the material base. In the 1968 season alone, twice as many stationary bases operated in the republic as in 1967. The Sozh and White Lake camp sites, as well as the Brestsky campsite, began to operate. In addition, rented camp sites "Brestskaya" and "Minskaya" were organized, serving all-Union routes No. 369, 370 (through Belarus and Lithuania), as well as nine camp sites on the Black Sea coast of Crimea and the Caucasus.

In May 1969, the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions adopted a resolution
"On measures for the further development of tourism and excursions in the country." A month later, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus, the Council of Ministers of the BSSR and Belsovprof developed and issued a regulation “On ways to further develop and strengthen the material base of tourism, improve the quality of tourist and excursion work”, which actually duplicated the union one. During these years, joint activities of tourist and other public organizations began to be practiced.

Thus, the development of tourism and excursions relied on a wide network of cultural and historical sites and monuments.

About 13,000 historical and cultural monuments have been registered on the territory of Belarus, of which about 7,000 are under state protection. According to BELNIIP estimates of urban planning, it is possible to use about 1.8 thousand objects.

The popularization of tourism in the republic was facilitated by the resolution of the Presidium of the Belsovet for Tourism and Excursions and the Presidium of the Board of the Knowledge Society of the BSSR “On Strengthening the Promotion of Tourism and Excursions among the Workers and Improving Lecture Work in Tourist and Excursion Institutions”, adopted in August 1970.

In the same year, the second reader's conference was held in Minsk, organized by the magazine "Tourist". The results of the conference testified to the interest of the readership in the problems of tourism and excursions in Belarus.

In the post-war years, it began to revive and amateur tourism. The first campaigns were carried out in 1951–1956. groups of students and teachers of the Belarusian State University. IN AND. Lenin, Minsk Medical and Belarusian Polytechnic Institutes. For the first time in the republic, tourist sections were organized in these universities. Subsequently, tourist clubs began to be created here, the number of which began to grow rapidly.

Significant assistance in the organization of amateur hikes was provided by the reference book "Amateur tourist routes in Belarus" (Minsk, 1953), compiled by teachers of the Belarusian State University. IN AND. Lenina V.A. Dementiev and A.Kh. Shklyar. Routes were developed in the book: Brest and Central Polissya; Brest - Belovezhskaya Pushcha; down the Pripyat; Naroch lakes; Orsha - Vitebsk; Braslav lakes.

The widespread development of amateur tourism created a number of organizational and economic problems that could not be solved by public organizations. This necessitated the organization of a single center of public tourism movement - the Tourism Federation of the BSSR, established in February 1977, which was tasked with bringing the amateur tourist movement in line with the existing rules for organizing and conducting amateur tourist trips across the territory of the USSR. The main direction of tourist work was the organization of trips to places of revolutionary, military and labor glory of the Soviet people, which originated in the 50s. and turned into a mass patriotic movement, into a means of military-patriotic education of youth.

Thus, in the post-war period, under the leadership of the trade unions, a tourist-excursion base of Belarus was created, tourist bases, campsites, summer health camps, tourist clubs were opened, tourist trains were organized, and special literature was published.

Simultaneously with the adult developed and children's tourism. In the 1945/1946 academic year, the Republican Children's Tourist and Excursion Station of the Ministry of Public Education of the BSSR was organized in Minsk. The station organized tourist competitions for schoolchildren, prepared teams for participation in all-Union tourist competitions, etc. Later, such stations were created in Mogilev (1946), Vitebsk and Grodno (1951), Brest (1953), Gomel (1957), Minsk (1960). ).

All tourist and excursion work with pioneers and schoolchildren was concentrated in the network of tourist clubs, circles of young travelers, schools, palaces of pioneers, at children's tourist and excursion stations and bases.

In the 70s–80s. tourist traffic was predominantly extensive. However, stagnant phenomena in the economy began to affect tourism. Since 1989, the number of those involved in tourism and excursions has significantly decreased, which indicated the emergence of a crisis in the tourist movement.

With the collapse of the USSR, the former tourist-excursion system actually ceased to exist. The period of formation of national tourism, the emergence of the tourism business began.

Tourism in the Republic of Belarus. The impetus for the unification of the tourist business of Belarus was the fair "Tourbusiness-94" held from December 7 to 10, 1994 in Minsk. In the process of its work, an initiative group of professionals was formed, which decided to create the Belarusian Association of Travel Agencies in the republic. To establish it, on January 28–29, 1995, a congress of the Belarusian Association of Travel Agencies was held in Minsk, in which more than 100 representatives of the travel industry from 80 travel companies took part. The governing bodies of the association were elected and the charter was adopted.

The state body responsible for the development of foreign tourism in Belarus was the Department of International Tourism of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the Republic of Belarus. However, due to the small number (the entire staff was 10 people) and the absence of its branches in the regions, it could not cope with the tasks assigned to it.

On November 10, 1995, the President of the Republic of Belarus issued Decree No. 456 on the reorganization of the Sports Committee of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus. This body was entrusted with the task of organizing all tourism activities in the republic.

A special group of competent specialists was created at the Ministry of Sports and Tourism to develop the State Program for the Development of Tourism in Belarus. It was based on three themes from the international program "European Cultural Routes" - "Roads of the Vikings", "Baroque" and "Monasteries", which will subsequently be presented for discussion by the European tourist community. For the development of foreign tourism, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of October 1, 1996, the National Tourist Concern "Belintourist" was established, which is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism and manages enterprises and organizations of this concern in the field of sports and tourism.

However, in the current economic conditions, the problems of developing tourism and excursions cannot be solved only with the help of state bodies. Therefore, in December 1996, a founding conference was held to create the Belarusian Tourism Federation, which decided to create the BFT. The governing bodies were elected - the board, including representatives of the regions of the republic and all types of tourism activities, the presidium of the board of 13 people and the president. The main tasks of the federation are the creation of national parks as a type of tourism, the training of specialists for the future infrastructure serving various types of tourism, museums, etc.

Conditions are being created for the development of excursions. Thus, in September 1996, the Association of Tour Guides and Guide-Translators was established at the Faculty of Geography of the Belarusian State University, a charter was adopted, and a board headed by the president was elected. In the same year, the first admission to the higher school of guides was held at the Faculty of Geology of the Belarusian State University, which trains methodologists, guides, leaders of tourist groups, and in the future - guide-interpreters.

Recently, the main types of tourism in Belarus are international, sports and amateur. There are also children's and youth tourism, which is managed by the Republican Center for Children's and Youth Tourism and Excursions.

As for commercial tourism, more than 500 economic facilities have licenses for the right to engage in such activities in Belarus, 498 companies have received licenses to send groups abroad, 197 companies to receive foreign tourists and 90 companies to provide excursion services to citizens of the republic.

Thus, having gone through a complex and contradictory path of development, tourism in the Republic of Belarus actually begins a new stage in its activities in new historical conditions.

Of great importance for the development of inbound tourism is the service of tourists. At present, five hotels in the republic have an international category, qualification by stars. The hotel Minsk, opened in December 2002 after reconstruction, was assigned the category of a four-star hotel, a three-star hotel - the hotels Tourist, Orbita, the hotel of the International Educational Center IBB, located in Minsk, as well as the hotel Naftan in Novopolotsk . The hotel complex "Jubilee" belongs to the category "Higher A", another 11 hotels to the category "Higher B". In total, in 2003, 261 hotels functioned in the republic,
2 motels, 1 campsite and 12 other types of accommodation, their simultaneous capacity was 23.6 thousand places. Compared to 2002, the average occupancy of accommodation facilities increased from 3.6% to 38%.

As promising areas for the development of inbound tourism in Belarus, it is envisaged:

- organization of tours to places of important historical events and places of activity of prominent historical figures of Belarus and neighboring countries - Poland, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine;

– familiarization of foreign citizens with outstanding monuments of Belarusian stone and wooden architecture, folk art and life.

Review questions

1. The origin of cycling tourism in Belarus at the end of the 19th century.

2. The activities of the Society of proletarian tourism and excursions in Belarus.

3. The contribution of the tourist base "Naroch" in the development of amateur tourism.

4. Features of the organization of winter recreation for workers at the tourist center "Braslav Lakes"?

5. Tourist train "Belarus" in 1962 and its route.

6. Student tourist club "Horizon".

7. Tourism under the leadership of the Society of Proletarian Tourism and Excursions in Belarus.

8. Tourist activity in the 30s - 40s in Belarus.

9. What characterizes the 50-80 years?

10. Tourism in the Republic of Belarus after independence.

Belarusian tourism: trends and prospects

Oksana VERNIKOVSKAYA, Leading Researcher of the Research Economic Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, Candidate of Economic Sciences How important it is sometimes for successful development to form the image of the country. This is evidenced by the experience of Turkey, Chile, Finland, Ireland, Russia with the Winter Olympics in Sochi, and now Rio de Janeiro. A successful strategic direction of marketing in Belarus may well be the promotion of domestic tourism products. An illustrative example of his presentation is the publication of the results of a survey by the British travel portal Travel Mail of the top 10 list, which included Belovezhskaya Pushcha, and Belarus itself was recognized as the most favorable for visiting in 2009. The National Library of Belarus was included in the list of 50 unusual architectural buildings. Can these and other objects attract foreign tourists and what are the prospects for tourism development?

Tourist infrastructure of Belarus and its use

In terms of tourism, Belarus has a number of advantages compared to other countries. Among them: proximity to Western Europe, Scandinavia - a tourist market with high financial potential; neighborhood with the Baltic countries, Russia and Poland - an important resource for the development of cross-border tourism; ancient history and original culture (15 thousand objects of historical, cultural and architectural significance, of which 4.8 thousand are of national importance); preserved natural potential (vast forests, many water areas, natural healing resources, rich biological and genetic diversity).
At the same time, the effective development of the tourism sector is impossible without an extensive infrastructure, which includes hotels and similar accommodation facilities, health resorts and health organizations, various cultural, art and sports facilities. Back in the early 90s. less than 5% of the many historical and natural sites in Belarus were used for tourism purposes. Until 2002, there was no advertising of the Belarusian tourist product abroad. The material and technical base of tourism was 70-80% in need of reconstruction. The hotel industry has not applied an international standard that characterizes the level of service. The number of sanatoriums, boarding houses and rest houses decreased. There was no legal framework regulating the relationship between tourists, travel companies and the state.
Behind last years significant changes have taken place in the development of tourism infrastructure in the republic: the number of new comfortable hotel complexes, sanatoriums, recreation centers, etc. has increased; the hotel fund is reconstructed and updated according to generally recognized world standards. For 2000-2008 the number of tourist accommodation and recreation facilities increased by 50 units. In 2008, 222 new and reconstructed tourism facilities were put into operation (2 times more than in 2007), 381 billion rubles were spent. capital investments. As of January 1, 2009, there were 312 hotels in Belarus with a one-time capacity of over 24,000 beds. According to one of them they have the category "five" and "four stars"; 12 - "three", the rest - the highest and other categories. According to the forecast, in 2010 the one-time capacity of the hotel stock will increase to 25 thousand beds. In 2008, more than 1.5 million people were served in hotels, mostly (1.2 million) citizens of the Republic of Belarus.
Most of the hotels are state-owned (67.3% of the total), a third are private (31.4%), the rest are foreign (1.3%). All of them differ in the level and cost of the services provided. During the analyzed period, the average annual occupancy of hotels increased by 10% and in 2008 reached 52%.
The second attractive resource for the collective placement of citizens are sanatoriums, health resorts and other organizations. For 2000-2008 their total number was reduced by 3 units. However, the number of sanatoriums increased by 7 units, which indicates the preservation of the material and technical base for the improvement of the population. According to 2006 data, the one-time capacity of sanatorium-resort and health-improving organizations amounted to 42.9 thousand places. In 2000-2008 the number of tourists increased by 1.2 times.
Citizens from Germany, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania come to Belarusian sanatoriums to improve their health. But the main group is Russians (about 70%). Their interest is due to several reasons: attractive nature, peaceful political situation in the country, the quality of Belarusian food, affordable prices, modern medical facilities, good service.
The rich natural potential is concentrated on the territory of the reserve and four national parks (NPs). Their total area in 2008 amounted to 696 thousand hectares (3.4% of the country's territory), which is 0.4% more than in 2000. In 2000-2008 the number of tourists who visited these sites increased by 3.9 times, including foreign tourists by 24 times. Intensive use is made of the infrastructure for the organization of hunting tourism, the proceeds from which annually increase: in 2005 - 895.6 million rubles, in 2006 - 1167.2, in 2008 - 2004.4 million rubles.
Thanks to the declarative principle, the minimum tax reporting, the opening of preferential credit line Belagroprombank began to actively develop the agroecotourism infrastructure. For 2006-2008 the number of farmsteads increased from 34 to 474. In 2008, these facilities were visited by 39.1 thousand people, of whom predominantly (98.6%) were residents of the CIS countries. It is gratifying that this type of recreation is preferred by Belarusians (95.3% of the total), as well as Russians (3%), Germans (0.3%), Poles (0.3%), Ukrainians (0.2%).
The development of tourism in the country is facilitated by an increase in the length and branching of the road network common use with a hard surface, as well as the development of roadside services. Currently, there are more than 984 trade, service, hotels and similar accommodation facilities operating on roads (in 2008, the growth was 116.8% in comparable prices).

Dynamics and problems of tourism development in the Republic of Belarus

The created infrastructure should contribute to the dynamic development of tourism. However, the global financial and economic crisis has made its own adjustments to the pace of its development. The reduction of tourist flows in Russia was already observed in 2008. At the end of the year, the volume of departure of Russian citizens fell by a third, employment in the tourism sector decreased by 15%. In Belarus, the situation is somewhat better, although the overall statistical indicators are largely influenced by transit tourist flows. It is clear that in difficult economic conditions, first of all, spending on tourism and recreation is reduced. An analysis of the distribution of monetary expenditures of the population of Belarus for sanatorium, tourist and excursion services and services of cultural institutions showed that in 2000-2008. they began to spend less on the purchase of sanatorium vouchers (the share in the total volume of services decreased from 3 to 0.9%, while tourism and excursion services increased from 1.2 to 3.7%). The latter are preferred by the largest part of the population with average and higher incomes, which confirms the global trend: people are more and more inclined to consider travel an integral part of their lives and spend more time and money on them.
For 2000-2007 the number of departures of citizens of the Republic of Belarus outside the country increased by almost 1.6 times, including for tourism purposes - by 1.1 times, with private visits - by 2.4 times, as service personnel - by 1.9 times. In the crisis year of 2008, 1.2 million fewer Belarusians went abroad than in 2007.
In 2008, our compatriots used the services of travel agencies 3.4 times less than in 2000 and 1.4 times less than in 2007. When choosing trips abroad, the population of the country focused mainly on quality and prices. From organized tours, Belarusians choose trips to Ukraine, Greece, Turkey, Thailand, i.е. countries with traditional seaside holidays and liberal prices for tourist services.
At the same time, the growth dynamics of inbound tourism looks more impressive. The Republic of Belarus accepts citizens from 27 countries of near and far abroad. In 2008, the number of foreign citizens who visited our country remained at the level of 2007 - 5.3 million people. However, compared with 2000, the flow of foreign tourists increased by 2.6 times. Foreign citizens began to come to Belarus by 2 times more on official business, more than 3 times to visit with private visits, almost 3 times as service personnel, and for tourism purposes, trips decreased by 5 times. Thus, there is a decrease in tourist visits for educational purposes and an increase in the number of business tourists.
The volume of inbound tourism organized by travel companies increased in 2000-2008. 1.5 times. It is expected that in 2010 the increase in the number of tourists who visited our country will be 140.4%, and those who left - 86.8% compared to 2008.
However, the analysis of tourism development indicators showed that more tourists leave Belarus than enter. Despite the positive dynamics of the balance of payments indicators for the “travel” items, the amount of money brought to our country by foreigners is almost 2 times less than that taken out. At the same time, these indicators are affected by the imperfection of accounting for export-import transactions. The main shortcomings of published statistics are the lack of information on the volume of tourist services, expressed in tour days, overnight stays; indicators characterizing the intra-annual dynamics of tourism development and some others.
There are also factors hindering the development of inbound tourism to the Republic of Belarus:
a small number of tourist class hotels (2-3 stars) with a modern level of comfort and a range of services, as well as a higher class (4-5 stars) for business tourism; slow development of roadside services;
discrepancy between the quality of the tourist product and its price, which is comparable to that offered in Turkey, Montenegro, and higher than in Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine at a lower level of quality;
insufficiently complete information and advertising of the Republic of Belarus as a country rich in tourism resources;
complex procedure for issuing visas and their high cost for citizens of foreign countries ( individual countries, having felt the outflow of tourists, are already ready to reduce the cost of visas);
imperfection of the management of the tourist complex, in particular, the status of tourist and recreational territories has not been legally regulated;
lack of practice of creating favorable conditions for investment in tourism infrastructure;
low level of personnel training and lack of experience in quality service in market conditions, lack of specialized scientific institutions in the field of tourism.

Perspective directions of tourism development in Belarus

Taking into account the preferences of the tourist audience, the emerging market conditions and all favorable factors and conditions, in our opinion, it is possible to develop a diversified competitive national tourism product, including different kinds tourism and recreation to attract foreign visitors: educational, ecological, health, ethnic, hunting, sports, transit, business and religious (pilgrimage) tourism, agritourism, etc.
Thus, the development of ecological tourism in Belarus should be directed mainly to foreign tourists, since foreign demand is based on cognitive and psycho-emotional needs. For the development of this direction, specially protected natural areas are preferred, each of which has its own characteristics. Nature conservation institutions offer the organization of hiking trips to untouched corners of nature, photo hunting for rare animals and birds in natural conditions, acquaintance with the flora and fauna of swamps. Recommendations for the development of ecological tourism, approved by order of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus dated July 28, 2008 No. 174, in addition to those noted, define: hiking, skiing, cycling and water trips, excursions to the places of growth of berries, mushrooms and medicinal plants, historical, cultural and manor-park complexes, fishing tours, visits to nature museums, enclosures with wild animals.
The presence of a developed hydrographic network allows the development of water tourism. Recently, monuments of hydraulic engineering construction of the 18th-19th centuries have been restored and transformed into popular tourism objects: the Augustow, Dnieper-Bug, Oginsky canals, the Berezinsky water system. Taking into account the geographical location of the navigable rivers of Belarus, the development of this type of tourism is envisaged on the Dnieper-Bug Canal and the Pripyat River from Brest to Mozyr, on the Berezina, Dnieper, Sozh Rivers from Borisov to Gomel.
Promising for development are such specific types of tourism as medical, educational, scientific, event. Their goals are to provide quality and relatively inexpensive services in the field of dental care, language education, scientific activities (seminars, conferences, consultations), culture (celebrations on important dates, festivals, etc.).
The sustainable development of tourism is a long-term process that requires progressive, competent decisions in the short term. This requires: development of recreational and excursion programs; implementation of acceptable service standards; the formation of certain traditions of hospitality; introduction of innovations and wide use of information technologies; development of a marketing strategy in the field of tourism; creation of a modern infrastructure for hotel and sanatorium-resort facilities; improving the pricing policy when creating a Belarusian tourist product that can compete with neighboring states; further development of the tourist complex management system and regulatory framework; improving accounting in the field of tourism; changing the content and structure of education and science in the tourism industry.
In general, tourism, which develops sustainably, allows you to increase income national economy, to stimulate the development of other industries, to improve the health of the population, to develop the infrastructure of resorts and health-improving areas, to preserve cultural heritage and natural healing resources.

The development of tourism in any country, region depends on a whole range of factors, conditions and resources. The clear winners are those countries that have the sea and mountains. Despite the fact that Belarus does not have these significant tourism resources, it has a number of advantages compared to other countries. Among them: proximity to Western Europe, Scandinavia - a tourist market with a very high financial potential; proximity to the Baltic countries, Russia, Poland is a serious resource for the development of cross-border tourism; ancient and rich history, original culture; rich natural potential.

In the Republic of Belarus in recent years there have been significant changes in the field of tourism infrastructure: the number of new comfortable hotel complexes has increased; work is underway to reconstruct and update the existing hotel stock in order to increase its comfort and bring it to world standards.

Among the main trends in the development of domestic tourism can be noted:

  • 1 formation of tourist zones on the territory of the republic, interconnected with a system of recreation areas and resorts of local and republican significance, a network of urban and rural settlements;
  • 2 increase in the number of tourist centers in the republic;
  • 3 development of educational tourism in the republic on the tourist and excursion potential of tourist centers and cultural and historical sites;
  • 4 development of sports and health tourism in the existing recreational system of the republic;
  • 5 development of amateur tourism;
  • 6 further expansion of the material and technical base of tourism.

One of the priority tasks of the concept of the State program for the development of tourism in the country for 2016-2020 is investment in the tourism industry, including the construction of roadside service facilities, collective and individual accommodation facilities, camper parking.

It is planned to develop such types of tourism as cultural, educational, ecological, hunting, business (MICE-tourism), caravanning (travel with accommodation in motorhomes) and automobile tourism, recreational and health-improving (SPA tourism). In addition, attention will be paid to the medical, sports direction (including fan tourism), as well as religious, cross-border and agroecotourism.

It is planned that by 2020 tourist arrivals (business, tourism, private trips) will increase to 5.1 million people. And income from the export of tourism services will increase 1.6 times and reach the volume of 460.0 million dollars.

An increase in the one-time capacity of hotels and similar accommodation facilities is also expected - 1.2 times (up to 38.0 thousand beds). The total revenue from the provision of tourism services to tourism entities will increase by 3 times and amount to 12,000 billion rubles.

"A set of measures is envisaged to promote and develop the image of the Republic of Belarus as an attractive tourist region, which will make inbound and domestic tourism a profitable component of the country's economy," the creators of the concept say.

Among other things, it is planned to develop social tourism, that is, to meet the needs for tourism services of certain categories of the population - the elderly, children and adolescents, people with disabilities.

The marketing policy, as before, will be based on the "themes of the year" and is designed for tourists from Western Europe and BRIC countries. Another direction is the development of air communication with Belarus, attraction of new budget air carriers and modernization of existing airports.

A necessary condition for increasing the export of tourism services will be quality control in tourism in accordance with international standards for the level of tourism infrastructure and services.

Work will continue on the introduction of the TAX Free system in trade facilities. Also among the tasks in the field of tourism for 2016-2010 are quality control in tourism in accordance with international standards, participation in international tourism fairs and the opening of information centers in the regions of the country.

As for the improvement of the regulatory framework in 2016-2020, special attention will be paid to the development of documents aimed at developing inbound and domestic tourism, attracting investments, and stimulating the development of agroecotourism.

It is planned to harmonize the legislation in the field of tourism in the Common Economic Space of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan, as well as in accordance with the recommendations of the UNWTO. The improvement of the legislation of the CIS countries will continue.

It is also proposed to improve the methodology for collecting statistical information through the introduction of an auxiliary (satellite) account in tourism. This will provide reliable data on the total contribution of tourism to the domestic economy (its share in GDP, employment, investment, budget revenues) and will serve as a weighty argument for attracting public and private investment in this area. It is planned that by 2020 tourist arrivals (business, tourism, private trips) will increase to 5.1 million people, income from the export of tourism services of tourism entities will increase 1.6 times and reach $460 million. The one-time capacity of hotels and similar accommodation facilities by 2020 should increase by 1.2 times to 38 thousand places, the revenue received from accommodation should increase by 1.5 times and amount to 2.2 trillion. white R. It is assumed that the revenue from the provision of tourism services to the subjects of tourism activities will increase 3 times and amount to 12 trillion. white R.

It is difficult to provide data on the number of domestic tourists, so the most accurate data are on the volume of paid services provided to the population in the field of culture, tourism and recreation. On the one hand, these data demonstrate a steady increase in sales of travel and related services. In 2009-2014, their volume in absolute terms in Belarusian rubles increased by 3.8 times. However, over the same period, the Belarusian ruble depreciated almost 4.8 times against the US dollar, which seriously reduces the interest of Belarusian entrepreneurs in providing tourism services for Belarusian tourists and travelers within the country.

The problem is the small share of the actual "tourist services" (tourist and excursion services, hotels and similar accommodation facilities, health resorts) in the total volume of paid services to the population in the field of culture, tourism and recreation. In 2009, this indicator amounted to only 6% of the total volume of paid services to the population in the field of culture, tourism and recreation. In 2014 - about 8% of the total volume of paid services to the population in the field of culture, tourism and recreation. Taking into account the difficult economic situation of the republic in recent years, the growth in the share of “domestic tourism services” in the total volume of services in the field of culture, tourism and recreation, as well as the increase in the number of trips of citizens of the Republic of Belarus abroad, show the growing importance of tourism needs for modern Belarusians. This opens up good prospects for the development of domestic tourism.

Domestic tourism needs foreign investment, but for this it is necessary to develop clear rules of the game in the tourism market for all participants. It is possible to attract foreign investors with more favorable business conditions than in neighboring countries. First of all, the government plans to make land plots for construction more accessible, as well as to prepare a package of investment projects.

The country has adopted an Investment Code, the provisions of which are aimed at stimulating investment activity, its state support, as well as protecting the rights of foreign investors in the republic.

Belarus has established a Foreign Investment Advisory Council, whose work is focused on improving the investment climate. A national agency for innovation and investment is also being created. There are six free economic zones with preferential operating conditions.

Great attention is paid to the formation of a competitive and rationally functioning banking sector that enjoys the confidence of the population and meets the needs of the real sector of the economy. It should be noted that the government has stepped up efforts to provide foreign banks with the opportunity to expand their activities in Belarus (today there are 9 banks with 100% foreign capital operating in the Republic of Belarus).

Priority zones for tourism development at the national level are Brest-Kamenetsk, Baranovichi-Slonim, Grodno, Novogrudok-Nesvizh, Minsk-Molodechno, Narochansko-Postavskaya, Polotsk-Ushachsko-Lepelskaya, Vitebsk-Orshanskaya, Bobruisk-Mogilev and Turov-Mozyr tourist and recreational zones. Favorable prerequisites for their development is that almost all of them are located in the area of ​​influence or at the intersection of existing and prospective trans-European communication corridors and are concentrated around the main centers of tourism infrastructure. Tourism development trends in the Republic of Belarus are clearly demonstrated by tourism statistics. According to the WTO recommendations, tourism statistics are carried out in two major sections: statistics of tourist flows and statistics of tourist income.

An analysis of the main trends in the conjuncture of foreign markets and their influence on the determination of industry priorities can be traced through the structure of the tourist flow to the Republic of Belarus. The table shows the main export markets for tourism services. However, it should be taken into account that these data include only organized tourists, and do not include persons visiting Belarus for personal and business purposes. In other words, these data do not fully reflect the structure of markets upon entry into Belarus. For a more complete picture, information is needed about crossing the state border, as well as the purpose of travel.

Tourism in Belarus:

opportunities and prospects

Belarus is a country in the heart of Europe

Belarus is located in the very heart of Europe. In terms of the area it occupies (207.6 thousand sq. km), it surpasses the Netherlands, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. You love to travel, discover new countries, meet new people and collect vivid impressions, but is Belarus still terra incognita for you, a white spot on the map of Europe? It's time to correct this unfortunate omission. Let's get acquainted!

In the Middle Ages, the lands that are part of modern Belarus were called the Land of Castles. Today, most often it is called "blue-eyed", the country of a thousand lakes. And thanks to the forests, which occupy a third of the country's territory, and the unique marsh complexes, it is also the "lungs of Europe".

Belarus attracts travelers with its unique nature, the beauty of which, although not striking, but penetrates into the soul gradually and forever. Belarusian rivers carry their waters calmly and majestically, inhaling the coniferous smell of a pine forest. You can relax not only with your body, but also with your soul. In Belarus, corners of untouched nature have been preserved, where no human has yet set foot, but where animals and birds that have long disappeared from European forests feel very comfortable. It is not for nothing that Belarus is already well known in the world among eco-tourism enthusiasts, biologists, photographers and birdwatchers.

For centuries Belarus has been a "crossroads" of numerous trade routes. Here, in a literal sense, east and west, north and south met. The geographical position of Belarus made it open to the influences of other cultures. Perhaps, it was precisely because of this that one of the main features of the Belarusian character was formed - tolerance, tolerance for other religions, beliefs, and views. One has only to come here, and you yourself will appreciate the cordiality and hospitality of the Belarusians. You may not be greeted with Hollywood smiles, but as soon as you enter into a conversation, you will be pleasantly surprised by the warmth and ease of treatment characteristic of Belarusians. Guests are loved here and always ready to help.

There are seven main tourist bases in the republic:

- "Belarus" - near Minsk, on the Zaslavl reservoir;
- "Lake Naroch" - on the lake of the same name, the largest in Belarus;
- "Braslav Lakes" - on Lake Drivyaty;
- "Vysoky Bereg" - in the upper reaches of the Neman, not far from the Stolbtsy station;
- "Dnepr" - in Mogilev, on a steep Dnieper ravine;
- "Sozh" - near Gomel on the banks of this river;
- "White Lake" - near Brest, near the lake with the same name.

You ask: "What is tourism in Belarus?"


Unique untouched nature

Surprisingly gentle, like watercolors of a talented artist, landscapes, crystal clear rivers and lakes, sonorous pine forests filled with bird discord. Belarus is ready to open to its guests one of the last wonders of the world - a miracle of virgin nature.

A third of the country's territory is occupied by forests, and the whole of Belarus is penetrated by a dense network of rivers and lakes. There are especially many "blue beads" in the north and north-west of the republic. Belarusian swamps have become a paradise for fishermen and birds.

Many of the representatives of the local flora and fauna are listed in the Red Book, and the swamps themselves, for the huge amount of oxygen they produce, have been dubbed by journalists around the world as "the lungs of Europe."

Visit the oldest biosphere reserve in the republic - "Berezinsky", and you will see with your own eyes thickets of black alder growing right in the swamps, nesting places of rare birds and, finally, the ancient route "from the Varangians to the Greeks". Floodplain floodplain meadows, bitter aroma of herbs, and most importantly - a unique opportunity to watch birds close up are waiting for you in the Pripyatsky National Park, which is located in the center of the Polessky lowland.

Imagine that you are in a forest that is almost 900 years old! You can do this not in dreams, but in reality, by looking into Belovezhskaya Pushcha, included in the UNESCO List in 1992 World Heritage of Humanity. This is a real primeval forest, and the trees growing here still remember the princes of Kievan Rus. Among the primeval thickets, you can meet the black stork, white-tailed eagle, gray owl, listed in the Red Book. Bialowieza bisons are famous all over the world. It is here that the largest population of these mighty giants lives.

Whether you like comfort or prefer to live in a tent, you can always choose how to relax. You can stay in a comfortable hotel or in a guest house on the territory of the national park. And then, for walks along quiet forest paths, you will receive a kind of bonus - all kinds of entertainment: from a bathhouse to hunting, from excursions to fishing.

And you can go to camping trip by horse, kayak, raft or on foot. The quiet splash of coastal waves, the heady aroma of barbecue, songs with a guitar by the fire ... What could be better?


Original cultural heritage

Like ice and fire, the cultures of the West and the East converged in Belarus. This strange alliance had an amazing effect on the face of our country. Here, the Byzantine style, characteristic of Russia, and the Gothic style, which came from Western Europe, adjoin, baroque, classicism and modernity are intricately intertwined.

Every traveler is looking for something in a foreign country that he will not see at home. For many tourists, these are monuments of Gothic architecture: spiers rising to the sky, lancet windows, arches-ribs ... Like a fabulous mirage, in the small town of Postavy, above the Myadelka River, the Church of St. Anthony of Padua, built in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, seems to soar. You will only find such beauty in France!

And how about plunging into the real Middle Ages? To feel its spirit, to catch the unique aroma exuded by past eras? Mir Castle, built in the 16th century, awaits you. Stroll around the cobbled courtyard, climb the narrow spiral staircase to the watchtower, look out into the street through the loophole - and you will never forget the delight of contact with the distant past.

Mysterious and beautiful, each in its own way, castles in Nesvizh, Novogrudok and Lida. Time itself bewitches in them, beckoning with revelations of medieval mysteries.

When traveling around Belarus, be sure to take a look at the 16th-century fortified temples in Synkovichi, Murovanka, Kamayakh. In their harsh appearance, reflections of struggle and bloody battles. Wooden churches; in Zhirovichi, Slutsk, Dudy - they keep the spirit of Orthodoxy, they bring peace and tranquility. The unique luxury surprises the ancient Catholic churches in Ishkoldi (XV century), Vselyub (XV century), Nesvizh (XVI century).

But maybe you would like to see something familiar and close? Then turn to Polotsk! Polotsk and Novgorod Sophia are sisters, similar, like two peas in a pod. Independence Avenue in Minsk will surely seem familiar. After the war, it was completely rebuilt from ruins, and, quite possibly, in the near future it will be included in the UNESCO List as a vivid example of the urban development of the Stalinist era.

Belarusian traditions and national holidays will swirl you in a whirlpool of fun and joy. Belarusians are rightfully considered the most tolerant nation, hospitably hosting guests

During its centuries-old history, the Belarusian people have created a unique original culture. Traditional folk holidays and rituals are combined with Christian traditions, forming a unique harmonious synthesis.

Most of the population of Belarus are Christians. The main holidays of Christianity are Christmas and Easter, which are celebrated twice: according to the Orthodox and Catholic religious calendars.

Christmas is celebrated solemnly, observing many traditions and rituals. On this day, everyone has fun, go to visit each other. The most famous Christmas amusements are outrages. An indispensable attribute of the Christmas holidays is an elegantly decorated Christmas tree.

On the Christmas holiday there is such a sign: having gone on a visit, a man should enter the house first, contrary to the usual rules of etiquette. If a woman enters the house first, she will bring misfortune, illness and trouble to the owners of the house.

Easter is a celebration of the victory of life over death, light over darkness. On the eve of Easter, the house is cleaned, put in order, a wide variety of dishes are prepared, eggs are painted and Easter cakes are baked. Easter food on Great Saturday is illuminated in churches. At the festive table, first they eat a piece of the illuminated boiled egg, Easter cake, and only then - all the cooked dishes. On Easter days, as well as on Christmas, believers visit each other, sing songs, and dance. The peculiarity of Easter is the walking of the drawers. The family, to which the volocheniks come, treats them with festive dishes, painted eggs, Easter cakes, sweets.

Along with Christian ones, Belarus also celebrates folk holidays that came from pagan traditions. First of all, this is Kupala and Shrovetide, which are accompanied by folk dances, songs, games and traditional ceremonies.

On the night of July 6-7, Belarus celebrates the most ancient ritual holiday - Kupala, which is dedicated to the pagan god of the Eastern Slavs - the god of all earthly fruits Kupala. One of the main activities of this holiday is the search for the mythical paparazzi. Whoever finds a flower will be lucky all year long, and can ask for the fulfillment of any desire. On Kupala they sing, dance, jump over the fire, thereby people get rid of various misfortunes and diseases. And at the end of the Kupala night, it is customary to swim. There is a belief that bathing, like Kupala dew, has healing powers.

Maslenitsa is a rite of seeing off winter and welcoming spring. Mass festivities with folk music and dances in national costumes are organized on Maslenitsa. Pancakes are an indispensable attribute of the holiday. Since pagan times, pancake has been a symbol of the sun. It was believed that pancakes are eaten to the glory of spring, the fertility of the earth.

The celebration of the New Year is truly popular. Even before the celebration, all the cities of Belarus are transformed: festive lights are turned on, elegant New Year trees appear on the squares, fairs and exhibitions work, a theatrical procession of Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens takes place.

Traditional Belarusian culture is inextricably linked with handicrafts. Woodcarving, pottery, embroidery; this is far from all that our ancestors succeeded in. Interestingly, the relic of Belarusians; Slutsk belts; only men wove, and they themselves wore them and helped to tie the owners. It was believed that if a woman's hand touches the precious threads of the belt, the fabric will fade, and the belt can be immediately thrown away. You can look at the work of modern masters in some villages or in the museum complex of ancient folk crafts and technologies of Dudutki.

Therefore, the best reminder of Belarus will be small souvenirs - a woven and embroidered towel, a piece of straw or a linen tablecloth, or maybe beaded felt boots that will warm you in bad weather.

While in our country, be sure to ask to speak with you in the Belarusian language, listen to the melody of its sound, polished for centuries. After all, it is not without reason that the Belarusian language, according to many scientists, is considered one of the most melodic languages.


Unique national cuisine

Fragrant pork stewed in pots with sour cream and mushrooms, pike fish soup, potato dumplings with cracklings and fried onions - all this is Belarusian national cuisine!

It is generally accepted that potatoes are the most important thing on the Belarusian table. Fried and boiled, stewed and mashed, it acts as a side dish and as a main dish. Even a non-lover of this vegetable will not be able to refuse Belarusian potato pancakes and potato pancakes with sour cream - they are so appetizing and fragrant!

But potatoes have not always enjoyed such honor. Back in the 17th century, it was grown as an exotic, and the ladies decorated their hats with the flowers of this plant. And only at the end of the 19th century, potatoes appeared on peasant farmsteads and tables. Until that time, Belarusians preferred boiled beans with garlic and linseed oil.

Do you share vegetarian tastes? Then pay attention to dishes from pork, which occupies a special place in Belarusian cuisine. In the villages, a tradition has been preserved: at the beginning of winter, slaughtering a pig and making sausages, salting lard and making polendvitsa - dried salted meat.

The most satisfying meat dish- machanka. These are pieces of pork or sausage, first fried and then stewed in a pot with sour cream. They eat machanka with pancakes or pancakes, which they dip directly into the pot.

By the way, the ancestors of modern Belarusians were big jokers. In winter, the gentry went to visit each other and "stayed" until all the supplies were eaten. It was then that the owner cooked a full dish of crayfish, on the bottom of which he lowered two live arthropods, after wiping them with vodka, from which the crayfish turned red and temporarily lost their mobility. When the guests reached the bottom of the plate, the “drunk” crayfish just started crawling again, frightening the eaters to hiccups. However, this tradition has long been forgotten, so if you are served crayfish with beer, eat them boldly!

But krambambula, a drink invented by the gentry about 200 years ago, Belarusians have not forgotten and still drink with pleasure. This is a strong alcohol infused with spices. A great addition to any table will be krupnik (a mixture of infusion medicinal herbs, alcohol and honey). If you are a supporter of a sober lifestyle, try Belarusian kvass made from natural birch sap, it will give vigor and strength.


Rich cultural life

Walking through numerous Belarusian museums and exhibitions can be turned into an exciting attraction, the essence of which is the search for the most original work. And your discovery can be both a splash of young talent and the work of a venerable author.

There are more than 140 museums in the Republic of Belarus. Some preserve history in arrowheads and clay potsherds, ancient jewelry and manuscripts, others store works of art for posterity.

Memories of a bitter period for the country, common with Russia, are collected in the Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War In Minsk.

The works of famous artists and sculptors - Napoleon Orda, Chaim Soutine, Ferdinand Ruschits - are stored in the capital's National Art Museum.

In Brest, you will have a rare opportunity to look into the past a thousand years ago! After all, the museum "Berestye" is nothing more than a preserved and accessible for inspection urban settlement of the 10th - 13th centuries.

Do not neglect small expositions and exhibitions. Sometimes they best reflect the original culture of Belarus.By the way, the city streets themselves can be considered exhibition halls. Metropolitan sculptures - postman, girl with an umbrella and a lady with a dog are well known to lovers. It is customary to make romantic dates near them.

Maybe you want to touch the mystery of creativity? Travel to Vitebsk. In the picturesque suburbs of the city, the estate of the outstanding artist Ilya Repin has been preserved, here he worked away from the hustle and bustle

What if a great talent is hidden in you? Feel free to pick up a brush and try your hand!For fans of Melpomene, numerous theaters light up the lights in the evenings. Sparkling performances delight the National State Academic Drama Theater. Yakub Kolas in Vitebsk and the National Academic Theater. Yanka Kupala in Minsk, and the capital's Film Actor Theater surprises the viewer with poignant philosophical performances, often with only one actor on stage. The most famous theater in the country is the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre, whose artists have won tremendous success, both among domestic and foreign audiences.

You can remember your childhood and go to the circus. funny clowns and trained little animals, flexible gymnasts and dexterous magicians will not let you get bored. Circuses work in Minsk and Gomel.

Of course, talking about performances and circus performances, about the play of artists and directorial finds is a thankless task. As they say, it is better to see once ...


Wide opportunities for active tourism

Are you tired of the monotonous work and gray days? The hustle and bustle of the big city presses on you, and you want to feel the freedom and joy of movement again, as if in childhood?

Belarus invites you to the world of active tourism! The unique delight of a date with height and flight will be presented to you by the ski resorts "Logoisk" and "Silichi", which are located near Minsk. Because of the hilly landscape, the locals call this region "Little Switzerland". The European standards of the complexes will delight skiers and snowboarders, both professionals and beginners. Here at your service: a skating rink, gyms, tennis courts, a bathhouse, rental of mountain bikes, ATVs, roller skates, roller skis, as well as picnics in the forest, with barbecue, baked potatoes and other delicacies.

High descents don't impress you? Then welcome to a journey along ecological paths. In the Narochansky National Park, the walking route to the Blue Lakes reserve is especially popular. The view from the observation deck to two cornflower blue lakes - Glublya and Glubelka - will not leave anyone indifferent. On the Braslav Lakes, you can admire the amazing landscapes from the Mayak mountain, taste the water from the healing forest spring, watch rare birds and animals. There are ecological trails in the Berezinsky Reserve and in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Hiking under the canopy of centuries-old trees will help you feel the peace and joy of life.

For those who want to see as much as possible in one trip - rides on bicycles or horses. Winding forest paths woven in an intricate pattern, narrow bridges thrown over rivers and streams, small Belarusian villages - this is the bouquet of impressions that you can collect.

If you are an experienced swimmer, you can go kayaking and rafting. The expanses of the Braslav Lakes, Naroch and Svityazi are open to you, and the conquest of the rivers - Pripyat, Neman, Dnieper, Sozh and Bug - will be an event that you can then proudly tell your friends about.

Belarus is a sports country. We have traditionally developed such winter views sports like freestyle, biathlon and ski jumping. European and international competitions constantly attract the attention of many sports fans. And in 2014 Belarus will hostIce Hockey World Championship.


National parks and reserves

The beauty of the pristine Belarusian nature with its unique healing springs of mineral water and therapeutic mud invariably attracts tourists.

The forests of our country, located in the center of Europe, occupy 1/3 of the territory, and the Belarusian swamps are rightfully considered the "lungs" of Europe, as they produce a significant amount of oxygen.

National parks of unique beauty"Belovezhskaya Pushcha" , "Braslav lakes", "Pripyatsky", "Narochansky" and Berezinsky State Biosphere Reserve is the pride of our republic. They are home to more than 70 species of animals and about 300 species of birds, some of them are unique.

Fascinating trips on foot or by car, by boat or by helicopter will open to you the rich and diverse world of plants and animals in their natural habitat, and excursions along ecological trails will allow you to learn more about the ecology and biology of natural complexes.

There are 4 national parks in Belarus: Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Pripyatsky, Narochansky and Braslav Lakes.

The first stateNational Park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" - one of the oldest nature reserves on the planet, and now there are places in it where no human foot has set foot. The world's largest population of Europe's largest mammal, the bison, lives here. 2 thousand giant trees grow. Some of them appeared even before the discovery of America by Columbus!

Pripyatsky National Park was created with the aim of preserving in its natural state a unique landscape for the Belarusian Polissya. Here, vast open meadows coexist with entire skeletons of shrubs, swampy lowlands with areas of light forest, numerous oxbow lakes with sand dunes. national park has the international status of a key ornithological area.

Territory has a complex landscape structure. Mosaic landscapes, the beauty of lake basins interspersed with meadows and swamps give the park a special charm and originality. The pearl of the region is Naroch - the largest lake in our country (80 km2), framed by sandy beaches and centuries-old forests.

Braslav Lakes National Park was established in 1995 in order to preserve unique ecosystems, to effectively and more fully use the recreational opportunities of the natural resources of the Braslav region and the natural complex of the Braslav group of lakes.

The main treasure of the National Park is the lakes. The landscapes of the complex basins of the lakes Strusto, Snuda, Nespish and Nedrovo are distinguished by their special beauty. On Lake Strusto, there is the second largest island in Belarus, Chaychin Island, which has an internal reservoir.


Castles, fortresses and towers

Belarus is a country of castles. Her memory keeps many memories of battles and truces, because the largest trade routes passed through the Belarusian lands, and these territories were a “tidbit” for neighbors. Of course, all this predetermined the appearance of objects of defensive architecture.

Since ancient times, traditional Slavic fortifications have been known - settlements, which were the forerunners of the first castles. Already in the XIII century, the first stone fortifications appeared. An example of this is the Kamenets Tower, which has been rising on the western border of Belarus for more than 7 centuries.

But the mass construction of stone castles began in the XIV - XV centuries. It was then that castles were built in Novogrudok, Grodno, Lida, as well as temples - fortresses in Synkovichi, Kamaiy, Malomozheykovo.

The Renaissance brought grace and originality to military architecture. Now the castle was not just a defensive structure, but the residence of the owner. So, Mir Castle and Nesvizh Palace and Castle Complex still retain the spirit of the Renaissance.

At the beginning of the 19th century, impregnable fortresses were built in Brest and Bobruisk. Even a century later, in the early days of the Great Patriotic WarBrest Fortress for a whole month held back the onslaught of the Nazi troops.

Admire the pearls of defensive architecture in the history of our blue-eyed Belarus!


Palaces and estates

Belarus is a country where the cultures of the West and the East intertwine. Polish gentry, Russian nobles, Belarusian noble families lived here. Palaces and estates have survived to our time: Sapegov , Rumyantsev and Paskevich , Czapskikh, Tizengauza ... In their luxurious palaces, rich estates and estates, erected by famous architects, the spirit of enlightenment soared, the most educated people met. The pride of the hosts was painstakingly collected collections of paintings, weapons, antiquities, rich libraries, greenhouses with rare plants for our latitudes.

We invite you to take a look at the original architecture of the “family nests”, take a walk along the shady alleys of ancient parks, fill your soul with the light of History and keep the memories of your meeting with Belarus for a long time!


Hunting and fishing

Geography has prepared Belarus a special place in hunting Europe. The primordial nature of the surrounding forests and swamps, the excitement of tracking down and chasing the beast, the euphoria of a successful shot, the joy of the opportunity to take home a valuable trophy - all these invariable attributes of a real hunt can be fully felt when you come to Belarus, the hunting grounds of which occupy 18 million hectares.

Hunting traditions have developed on Belarusian soil over the centuries. Forests and forests preserved from the Middle Ages remember the sounds of magnates and kings hunting. Soviet and foreign statesmen came to hunt in protected areas more than once. Today, there are no social prohibitions for hunting in Belarus: any capable adult person who has the appropriate certificate can go out with a gun or dogs on a wild boar, roe deer, deer, wolf and fox, waterfowl (more than 20 species of game animals and about 30 species of birds) on the right to hunt, issued by the state body.

The Germans come to the Belarusian forests for a large animal - an elk or a red deer. Italians prefer waterfowl. Russians come to Belarus in the summer to hunt wild boar on the grass - this type of hunting in Russian Federation belongs to the prohibited category.

Among the preferences of subjects of the British crown - hunting for foxes and wolves. The fox, as well as the wolf, are considered undesirable animals in the Belarusian forests and the hunting regulations for them are one of the most liberal, in particular, in some cases it is allowed to use a rifled hunting rifle with a muzzle energy of more than 1000 joules, optical sights, night vision devices, traps. Belarus has seriously thought about allowing the hunting of bears and lynxes. You can try your luck in sports hunting for birds (duck, capercaillie, hazel grouse, black grouse and woodcock). The main routes of birds returning from the south pass through Belarus. These paths almost completely "overlap" the territory of the republic. In the summer-autumn season, the main prey of hunters is the mallard. In addition to it, in the hunting grounds of Belarus there are gray ducks, shovelers, crackers and whistles, crested and red-headed ducks.

Demonstration hunting farms are being created in Belarus, where there is all the necessary infrastructure - stationary and temporary towers for trophy hunting, comfortable hunter's houses, dog enclosures, professional huntsmen. Also the chance to taste the food. national cuisine, which local craftsmen will prepare from freshly caught game.

The hunt does not end with a successful shot. Belarusian legislation allows the export of hunting trophies from the country, without which the memory of an unforgettable tour will not be complete enough.

Belarus is even more interesting for an avid fisherman: a variety of fish species, unique natural conditions, more than 10 thousand of the cleanest lakes, about 20 thousand rivers - there is where to turn around and deploy fishing tackle. The organization of sports, amateur and underwater fishing is carried out in national parks and fish farms of the republic. Belarusian health resorts, tourist bases and owners of hospitable rural estates invite you to go fishing. In Belarusian reservoirs, anglers are waiting not only for roach, perch and ruff, but also for catfish, pike, bream, pike perch, eel. Only in the reservoirs of the Belarusian Poozerie there are relic lake fish species of the ice age.

Anyone can fish in Belarus. For amateur fishing, it is allowed to use fly fishing, float and bottom fishing rods of all systems, spinning rods, circles, tracks, vents, spearguns and pistols for spearfishing, nets and lifting nets for catching fish used as bait.

Take an unforgettable journey along the Belarusian rivers and lakes, which have delighted fishermen for centuries not only with their picturesque landscapes, but also with rich catches.



Active tourism is popular in Belarus, because this type of tourism is the easiest way to health. Only a few hours of travel and simple equipment separate us not only from living beauty, but also from finding harmony and tranquility.

A lot of interesting routes are offered to residents and guests of Belarus who prefer outdoor activities. You can go on horseback and bicycle trips to the most picturesque places in the country. Those who prefer active recreation on the water will be interested in rafting along the beautiful Belarusian rivers in kayaks or rafts. And fans of extreme air recreation can go on a helicopter flight, feel the beauty of aerobatics on an airplane or make a parachute jump.

The most common and most accessible form of tourism is hiking. Specially designed tourist routes pass through the reserves and national parks of Belarus, which take into account the minimum human impact on nature. Special floorings are being built, along which tourists pass, so as not to violate the inviolability of swamps and forests. Berezinsky Reserve equipped with an ecological trail, where it is possible to get acquainted with various types natural forests and swamps, as well as with the inhabitants of the forest.

According to the Nationalpark "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" there are various hiking trails where you can get acquainted with the natural systems of the Pushcha in their natural state and look at wild animals in enclosures.

Today, one of the most popular types of tourism in Belarus is water tourism. Rafting on rivers and lakes, you can not only enjoy the changing coastal landscapes, but also see many of the main attractions of the country. Water routes run both from East to West and from North to South.

Particularly attractive natureNational Park "Narochansky" . The water surface of the largest lake Naroch in the republic (80 sq. km) attracts lovers of water walks. An interesting and exciting kayaking route along the rivers Naroch and Viliya begins from its banks.

The traditional region of water tourism isBraslav lakes . The national park offers visitors a variety of one- and multi-day hiking trails.

By National Park "Pripyatsky" you can make a fascinating ornithological route on boats and kayaks with the possibility of photo hunting.

On the waters of the Berezina River, which flows along the northern outskirts of the Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve, you will take a tour of the historical segment of the route "from the Varangians to the Greeks" - the ancient water trade route from the Baltic to the Black Sea, along which in the IX-XII centuries. trade was taking place. The natural-ecological route also passes through the Belarusian Polesie.

You can also make a trip on a pleasure boat or kayaks along the Polessky radioecological reserve.

Belarusian roads are good for cycling. This type of movement allows you to fully experience freedom and get closer to nature. In addition to fascinating routes around the country, cycling routes from Germany and Poland to Russia and the Baltic states pass through Belarus. Bicycle tourism is perhaps the most informative of all types of tourism - in one trip you can visit cities, forests, mountains, rivers and lakes. During the trip, you will see picturesque villages with beautiful, traditional architecture, ancient small towns, historical sites, corners covered with legends and poetry, get acquainted with traditional folk culture.

Today in Belarus there is a revival of equestrian tourism. Equestrian tourism is a pleasant physical activity, as well as a wonderful emotional release, an opportunity to feel closer to nature. Sitting on a horse, you can see the world around you better and breathe fresh air easier! Horseback riding and horse riding services are provided by rural estates hosting tourists and equestrian clubs. Each horse route has an instructor who can take care of everything.

It is when we are alone with nature that we can simply be ourselves. A change of scenery will help to completely move away from any everyday worries and problems. Real rest is your mood, your emotions, your feelings that you acquire and with which you return home.


Treatment and recovery

The intense rhythm of life, which requires great physical and mental strength, the worries and problems of the surrounding everyday life, lead to the fact that we feel tired and irritable. Sanatorium recovery will help you get rid of everyday worries and regain faith in your strength and health. For people who want to spend a vacation with health benefits, there are many proposals in Belarus for organizing recreation and health improvement in sanatoriums and health resorts.

Belarusian sanatoriums are located in the most picturesque corners of the country - in pine forests, on the banks of rivers and lakes, where nature itself is healing. The temperate continental climate of Belarus, with mild and humid winters and warm summers, encourages rest and recreation here all year round.

Belarus has a variety of resources for the development of health tourism. A complex of climatic and natural healing factors presented by sources mineral waters four types and deposits of therapeutic mud, contributes to the treatment of a number of diseases.

Some health resorts can organize a full-fledged family vacation with the possibility of recovery. The sanatorium and resort base of Belarus is widely represented by sanatoriums, including children's ones, located both on the territory of the republic and abroad. The main profiles of treatment in Belarusian sanatoriums: diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, musculoskeletal system and musculoskeletal, nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, gynecological diseases and diseases of the circulatory system.

An integral part of sanatorium recovery is therapeutic (dietary) nutrition. Health resorts of Belarus not only offer diet food corresponding to the disease, but also specially develop a menu, taking into account the tastes and wishes of vacationers.

Each health resort took care of the comfortable accommodation of its guests in cozy cottages and well-appointed buildings. Luxe, junior suite and standard rooms are waiting for you.

Vouchers to Belarusian sanatoriums are sold for any convenient time: for a weekend, a week, a decade. Many sanatoriums have the opportunity to visit for any number of days, however, in summer, some sanatoriums have a certain schedule of arrivals, so you should take care of purchasing vouchers in advance.

Each resort has its own microclimate. Whether it is the air saturated with negative ions due to the mixed forests located in the immediate vicinity of a fast river, or surprisingly clean due to the smell of pine forests along the shores of a calm lake, everything makes this natural factor curative.

Health resorts pay great attention to organizing leisure activities for vacationers. On the territory of the sanatoriums, open children's, sports and dance grounds are equipped, beaches are equipped. During recovery, you can visit a sauna or a real Russian bath with a broom, a swimming pool or an aqua park. At your disposal there will be a solarium, a gym, a beauty parlor.

As a rule, each sanatorium has a rental point for sports and tourist equipment and equipment. Cycling and hiking routes, photo hunting are being developed. A variety of educational excursions on buses and ships to the monuments of the historical, cultural and natural heritage of Belarus are offered.

If the measured life of the sanatorium is not to your liking, you can improve your health by combining procedures with active pastime at the country's tourist and health complexes. Here, during your vacation, you will be offered exciting trips on foot, on a horse, bicycle or boat.

The harmony of natural healing factors and a powerful medical and diagnostic base equipped with modern medical equipment, clean air, lakes and rivers, beaches, swimming pools and sports grounds, exciting excursions set you up for rest and recovery.

Experienced specialists, excellent balanced nutrition and a set of procedures offered in Belarusian health resorts help to improve health, get rid of ailments, restore efficiency and get a charge of vivacity and good mood.

Health improvement in Belarus is not only a combination of decent quality and reasonable price, it is an exquisite combination of traditions and modernity.



Belarus is one of the most interesting places in Europe. Visiting our country, you can not only have a good rest, but also discover something new. Here everyone will find something for themselves. A wide variety of interesting excursion routes around the country will not leave anyone indifferent.

Hiking and cycling trails are perfect for families. During exciting trips around Belarus, you can see numerous natural monuments, visit protected areas andnational park attractions . Some excursion routes involve visiting places where the battles of wars raged. Others will give you the opportunity to collect a herbarium of the most amazing plants.

Water and horse travel will certainly be appreciated by the young and energetic. The routes are interesting, full of sightseeing objects and pass through the most picturesque places of Belarus. Good impressions from communicating with the picturesque nature and the unique charms of our region, rafting down the rivers or riding a horse, will remain in your memory for a long time!

Well, if you just need adrenaline, extreme trails have been specially developed for you, to overcome which you will need dexterity, courage and skill. No route is alike, but all of them guarantee outdoor adventures, active recreation and a lot of positive emotions!

Discover the unique and diverse Belarus!



