The largest sporting event on the planet, the Winter Olympics, takes place regularly every four years, bringing together people from many countries. Spectacular competitions of masters of various sports on snow and ice attract the attention of the whole world for almost twenty days. How did the tradition of holding the White Games come about? How many winter Olympic sports existed before, and what is the program of these competitions now? Let's try to figure it out.

The emergence of winter sports disciplines

Most of the current winter Olympic sports originated in Europe. Initially, skiing and skating skills were practical in nature, making life easier for a hunter in ancient times. In the 19th century, in the Scandinavian countries, these disciplines were cultivated with might and main as sports - the region held its own "own" competitions, called the Northern Games. The tradition of skiing from the mountains and the prototype of modern luge sport originated in towns and settlements near the Swiss Alps.

How the Winter Olympics started

It is generally accepted that the very first White Games in history were held in the French town of Chamonix in 1924. However, historians and lawyers have not yet agreed on the true essence of this event.

Officially, the competition in Chamonix was called Winter Sports Week. They were considered a mere dedication to the upcoming Summer Olympics, which was to be held in Paris. 293 athletes representing sixteen countries of the world came to the specified Alpine town. However, the organizers of the competition had to face many obstacles in their path.

Many heads of sports unions did not take winter sports seriously, considering it nothing more than an advertisement for the resorts where the Games were to be held. The Scandinavian states (in particular, Sweden) opposed the holding of the Week, seeing these competitions as competitors for the Northern Games. In addition, many countries that considered alpine skiing, skating, bobsledding their own property, did not agree to delegate these sports "to Olympus".

The Winter Olympic Games, having not really taken place yet, were in jeopardy. However, the situation was saved by the intervention of Pierre de Fredy, Baron de Coubertin, thanks to whom the competitions were nevertheless held.

Pierre de Coubertin and his contribution to the history of the first Winter Olympics

The great Frenchman, who founded the modern tradition of the Olympic Games, managed to convene a special commission to decide on the organization of the competition. It included representatives from Sweden, France, Switzerland, Norway and Canada. Thanks to the personal charm and diplomacy of de Coubertin, the members of the commission, despite a number of significant differences between them, finally decided that the Winter Sports Week should take place.

De Coubertin argued that the tournament was meant to introduce the public to non-Olympic sports. However, the list of competitions of the Week was supplemented by figure skating and hockey, which were excluded from the program of the Summer Olympics in Paris.

Friction and endless agreement on a number of issues by the participating countries were overcome, and the Games in Chamonix were opened by French Prime Minister Gaston Vidal. The cunning politician hastened to publicly declare from the rostrum that the competitions are held under the full auspices of the IOC. However, the flag of the Olympic Games was not raised at the stadium. It was later installed in ski jumping and bobsleigh competitions. In addition, the flag of the Olympics was also at the podium, on which the winners were awarded. These moments (and a number of others like them) eventually became decisive for the recognition of the fact that the Games in Chamonix are in fact the first Winter Olympics.

Sports included in the program of the White Games in 1924:

  • hockey);
  • figure skating;
  • bobsled:
  • skates;
  • skiing (ski jumping and sprint).

Compulsory Winter Olympic Sports

The list of sports in the IOC program is constantly changing. The reason for making adjustments to it is the popularity and prevalence of this sport in the country hosting the Olympics. Last but not least is the interest of advertisers in a particular discipline.

So, here are how many winter Olympic sports are currently on the Olympic program:

  • hockey;
  • skiing (racing, biathlon, alpine skiing, ski jumping, freestyle);
  • biathlon;
  • short track skating and speed skating;
  • figure skating;
  • bobsleigh, luge, skeleton;
  • curling;
  • snowboarding.

This list will undoubtedly be updated in the future.

Winter Olympic sports no longer included in the program of the Games

While the IOC adds new disciplines to the list of Games, for one reason or another, it excludes some of the existing ones from it.

Here are the winter Olympic sports that are currently excluded from the program of the Games:

  • military patrol competitions (which became the prototype of modern biathlon);
  • special figures (the discipline of figure skating was presented at the Games only once);
  • icestock (German type of curling);
  • ski ballet (recently lost popularity, excluded since 2000);
  • Hockey with a ball;
  • sled racing;
  • horse ski towing (or dog towing);
  • speed competitions (alpine skiing);
  • winter pentathlon.

Winter Olympics 2014

At the last White Olympics, held last year in the Russian city of Sochi, all winter Olympic sports approved by the IOC were presented.

2014 turned out to be a happy year for Russia. The hostess of the Olympics managed to win in the team event, becoming the first both in the total number of medals (33) and in the number of gold medals won (13). The second in the medal standings was Norway (26 awards). Canada came in third with 25 medals.

The Sochi Olympics has been recognized as one of the largest and most ambitious projects in Russia over the past twenty years. The Olympic Park and the section of ski slopes in Krasnaya Polyana were built practically from scratch, the infrastructure of the entire region was significantly modernized.

Thanks to this, the famous Russian resort city has now gained fame as an international sports center and plays a big role in the life and economy of the whole country.

Summer Olympic sports include four times as many disciplines as winter sports. This makes them bigger and more spectacular. Athletes flock from all over the world to demonstrate their abilities and set new world records.

In order to receive an honorable and prestigious right to host a sports competition, candidate countries undergo a rigorous, phased selection. The country, which has the honor to host the Olympics, is thoroughly preparing for such an event: new stadiums, hotels, airports are being built. This is seven years.

Those sports that are in the program of the Olympic Games are at the highest prestigious level. In order to receive such recognition, the sports direction must be spread over all continents, have its own federation. Moreover, the International Olympic Committee has a rule:

One sport - one federation


This is a water sport that entered the first Olympics in 1896, immediately after the objection of the Olympic movement. True, for a long time it was considered exclusively male. Women were able to take part in it for the first time only in 1976.
A feature of rowing is that athletes in their boats move on the water surface with their backs. The composition of the teams is different: one, two, four and eight people. The last competitions in 2016 brought together 550 athletes.
The first mention of rowing as a sport dates back to the 25th century BC.


By historical standards, the sport is quite new. In the middle of the 19th century, the British military brought it from India. At first, a funny game was played without a net, just throwing a shuttlecock with rackets. Then we decided to divide the field with a grid, and improved the rules.
Already in 1934, the World Badminton Federation was created. Quite big competitions began to be held.
It has been included in the Olympic program since 1992. Before that, it remained a demonstrative view. Competitions currently include singles, doubles and mixed doubles.


This game received tremendous development in the United States, but did not have its own federation, which means it could not take part in the Olympics. Basketball players from the USA held demonstration games.
Since 1932, basketball has been included in the program of the Olympics, where athletes from the United States immediately picked up the palm. This country is always in the lead, and only sometimes loses first place in international competitions. Women only joined the Olympics in 1976, and are also permanent leaders.
Changes are periodically made to the rules of the game, the last ones were made in 2004. There are ten people on the court at the same time, five from each team. Everyone is trying to throw the ball into the opponents' basket.


For a long time, since 1904, baseball players have shown their level and skills in demonstrations. Show them what really happened. Quite complicated rules, an interesting platform consisting of numerous zones, professionals from different continents.
But the year 1992 came, and the athletes were included in official competitions and received their first medals. But something went wrong, in 2005 it was decided to remove baseball from the list of Olympic disciplines. True, in 2016 they returned back.


Boxing first appeared at the Olympics in 1904. It was an exclusively male sport for almost a hundred years, until 2012, when women appeared in the Olympic ring.
This sport can look for its origins on different continents, in all periods of human life. There are archaeological finds dating back 7,000 years or more, which make it clear that this is not an easy fight, but a duel between two athletes. IN ancient rome the fighters used special gloves. True, there was no division into weight categories. And the more powerful fighter had the advantage.
In modern sports, this misunderstanding has long been eliminated.

This view has

divided into two disciplines:

freestyle wrestling;

Greco-Roman wrestling.

Hand-to-hand combat, as an applied martial art, is rooted in the deep past. Its origins can be sought in primitive communities. In many cases it was related to survival. The man realized the advantage of his position. Using pre-learned methods of defense and attack. It is reliably known that Slavic schools of martial arts existed as early as the 3rd century BC.
It is not surprising that wrestling from the first Olympic Games immediately entered the main program. It has been the male species for over a hundred years. In 2004, women's freestyle wrestling was introduced in Athens.


Despite the apparent simplicity (race), it is this sport that includes

division into four disciplines:

bicycle motocross;

cycling races;

Mountain bike;

road bike.

Road cycling and track cycling have been part of the Olympics since the very beginning, and have always been part of the program, except for 1912.
At the end of the last century, inexpensive skating received such a wide range of athletes that in 1996 this type was included in the Olympics.
And in 2008, it was decided to add a discipline that became known as bicycle motocross.

Water sports


water polo;



synchronized swimming.

From the very beginning, only swimming in heats for various melts was approved, where 34 sets of awards are played. But water polo was added to the next Olympics, however, this discipline remained male until 2000. And to the next competition in 1904, diving was added.
So the formed trio of athletes “sailed” until 1984, when it became clear that it was time to add beauty to strength and speed. And synchronized swimming "floated" into water sports.


It was divided like this:


Beach volleyball.

When volleyball was first included in the list of the Olympic Games in 1964, there was no division. Athletes competed in closed areas separated by a net.
The need for separation came in 1996, when the International Beach Volleyball Council became part of the International Volleyball Federation, and got to the greatest games.


This is a tactical team ball game. When it first appeared in the Olympic Games in 1936, teams consisted of eleven players. Ten field and goalkeeper. Played 11x11. But by the next time it was decided to reduce the number of players in the team.
IN modern version began to play 7x7. And in 1976, women's teams joined the game.


Gymnastics is very popular and varied.

Divided into the following disciplines:




Artistic gymnastics for men was included in the first games. In 1928 disciplines for women appeared. This species plays 14 sets of awards.
Since 1984, rhythmic gymnastics has "burst" into the Olympics. This is purely feminine, very beautiful view sports and objects and without.
In 2000, trampolining appeared. Immediately introduced discipline for men and women. There are two sets of awards.


This sport has stood the test of time. Having existed only at the second and third Olympics, golf was excluded from the competition program. What scared the organizers of this game is unknown.
More than 100 years later, they tried to return it - it did not work out, they did not vote.
Now golf is back! In 2016, 112 years later, the Olympic medal draw took place in Rio de Janeiro. Set for women, set for men.

Rowing and canoeing

It is surprising that rowing was not included in the Olympic revival from the very beginning. Men managed to compete only in 1936, women waited another 12 years. In this form, a large number of awards are played, depending on the distance from two hundred meters to 10 kilometers. Kayakers represent singles, twos and fours. Konoe - singles and deuces.
In 1972, the discipline of rowing slalom was added to this sport.

Now the sport has the following division:

rowing and canoeing;

rowing slalom.


Men began to compete in this discipline for the first time in 1964, but four years later the decision was made to withdraw the sport. In 1972, everything improved and to this day, athletes of all weight categories play a large number of awards. Since 1992, women have joined the men.
This is a sport in which the founders of judo, the Japanese, are always in the lead, and by a wide margin. Some coaches seriously believe that the matter is in the genetic muscle memory.

Horseback Riding

This beautiful view unites

several disciplines:




Throughout the history of equestrian sports since 1900, changes and amendments, additions were made to the competition process, and even twice this type was taken out of the scope of the Olympics.
The first type, dressage, or as it is also called training, makes it possible to demonstrate all the talents of the horse. The second involves numerous overcoming of obstacles. Equestrian Eventing covers a range of skills. This is a very beautiful, spectacular and sincere sport, where man and animal are at the same time.


No wonder athletics is called the queen of sports. It brings together a large number of disciplines. Historical roots go back to the distant past, and some scientists are sure that they have established the birthday of athletics. They believe it is 776 BC. The path to athletics was paved by ancient Greek runners, throwers, and jumpers.
One way or another, this sport is always included in the program. Since the revival of the Olympic Games. At first, only men competed, but already in 1928, women's disciplines were introduced. 47 sets of medals are being played.

Table tennis

This game is played by singles and couples. In everyday life, you can often hear that table tennis is also called ping-pong.
The Olympic Games were already "walking" around the planet with might and main, when ping-pong was only being improved, until the middle of the last century. The game quickly spread throughout the planet and fell in love so much that in 1988 it was included in the Olympic Games.


The team game is a version of baseball. It is more popular with women, since the lighter version of baseball is less traumatic. They included him in the Olympics in 1996. But something went wrong. Ten years later, the International Olympic Committee decided to eliminate the game. Not everyone shared this opinion. The exception occurred by a margin of one vote. This is exactly the case when one vote decided everything. Let's just hope softball comes back.


Such competitions play as many as ten sets of medals. They pass on yachts different type. It is interesting that from the very beginning women competed with men on an equal footing and only in 1988 some disciplines were divided. The geographical position of the country does not always favor the development of this species. IN more it is common in countries with a mild climate and access to the sea.


Despite the fact that rugby is a fairly popular game, and at the time of the resumption of big games it was quite popular, it did not work out with the Olympics from the very beginning. There were few applications for all competitions. Two times the competitions were held, in general, between the two teams, which immediately, before the start of the match, made them winners. After 1924 it was decided to remove rugby from the biggest competitions in the world.
But now 92 years have passed and at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro there was a return of this popular game. Twelve countries volunteered to participate, both men and women.

Modern pentathlon

Pentathlon is another name for this versatile sport.

The sequence of disciplines may be different, but usually adhere to this:




running (athletics) plus pistol shooting.

Men began to compete in this form in 1912. Hungary and Sweden did very well. Women only joined in 2000.


A rather voluminous sport in which athletes compete in precision, with different weapons, at different distances from the target and in different positions. 15 sets of medals are played.
Included in the Olympics from the very beginning, but withdrew from the competition several times. Until 1968, only men competed, then women joined, and immediately covering all disciplines.


The fate of this sport at the Olympics is not easy. It all started well, since 1900 men and women competed successfully in different disciplines. Then archery was withdrawn from the competition. In 1920, there was an attempt to return archery, but something went wrong, and for the next 52 years this kind was bypassed.
In 1972, the International Archery Federation got involved, and did not lose. Since then, archers from dozens of countries have demonstrated their skills. Especially excelled in archery South Korea and USA.


The history of tennis cannot be called simple. The first Olympic tournament in 1896 pleased only men. Four years later, women entered the big courts. Everything was fine until 1924, when there was a conflict between the IOC and the tennis federation. The actions of officials led to the fact that tennis was excluded for a long 54 years. Weak attempts to return everything back were. In 1968 and 1984, demonstration tournaments were held as part of the Olympics. And only in 1988 justice, so to speak, triumphed.


Triathlon is an all-around. In 2000, he literally "entered", "ran" and "floated" into the program of the Olympic Games. The multi-sport race appealed to ambitious athletes. Despite the fact that the sport is completely new, more than fifty countries send their athletes to competitions.
Hardy guys and girls have to swim 1500 meters, run 10 kilometers, ride a bike 40 kilometers.


At first, taekwondo was a demonstrative sport and athletes could show their skills at several Olympics before they began to be awarded medals in 2000. It's amazing that this hasn't been done before. After all, 88 countries immediately actively joined the competitive process. The Korean martial art literally fascinated fighters on all continents.
Taekwondo has its own system of belts, which speaks eloquently about the level of its owner.


The ultimate goal is to raise the bar above your head. To date, these are two exercises: push and jerk. Once there was a third exercise - bench press, but it was removed.
At the first Olympiads there were no weight categories, this misunderstanding was eliminated later.
For a long time, only men represented this species, which, in general, is quite logical. But the girls did not stand aside here either, and in 2000 they were included in the competitive process.


This species has gained popularity since the first Olympics, and has never questioned its participation in the highest competitions. Already in 1924, women's disciplines appeared. Epee, rapier, saber - these are the weapons of fencers from 98 countries, which in different years wanted to show off their skills. The leaders in fencing for many years are the Italians and the French. True, at the last Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, the Russians pushed everyone aside, winning 7 medals of various samples, and took first place in the overall standings.


Football appeared at the Olympics in 1900. Millions of people around the world are ardent fans and fans of this team game.
Football was actually formed at the beginning of the last century. In 1960, the format of the competition was changed. Since then, football teams have been divided into four groups.
Until 1996, this sport was only for men. But now women's football teams are also fighting for medals.

Field hockey

The history of this sport at the Olympics began funny. In 1908, as soon as this event was included in the Olympic list, Great Britain fielded one team from each part of its kingdom. And despite the fact that Germany sent their champions, and France assembled a team of three clubs, the first four places went to Great Britain (England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland).
In 1912 and 1924, field hockey was not included in the program. All other years, athletes could participate in this sport by playing medals. In 1980, the first women's tournament took place.

Sports in the program of the Summer and Winter Olympic Games

Sports classification

The development of sports around the world has led to the emergence and development of many individual sports, of which there are currently more than 200. Each of them is characterized by its subject of competition, a special set of actions, methods of competitive struggle and competition rules.

The most common sports are included in the program of the Summer and Winter Olympic Games. Therefore, in the theory of sports, the "Olympic classification of sports" is mainly used. This classification is based on taking into account the main patterns of competitive and training activities in various types sports, as well as rather similar specifics of several sports. In this classification, sports are divided into six groups.

1 group- cyclic sports (track and field disciplines, swimming, rowing, cycling, skiing, speed skating, etc.)

2 group- speed-strength sports (track and field sports, throwing, sprint program numbers in various sports).

3 group- complex coordination sports (sports and rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, diving, etc.).

4 group- martial arts (all types of wrestling, boxing, fencing).

5 group- sports games (football, hockey, volleyball, etc.).

6group- all-around (cross-country skiing, athletics decathlon, modern pentathlon, etc.).

Summer olympic sports

The program of the modern Olympic Games includes 28 summer sports (41 disciplines). Two of them (golf and rugby) did not compete at the last Olympic Games, and for the first time after a long break they will be presented in the program in 2016. When classifying sports, the IOC follows the principle of "one federation - one sport". After the name of the sport, the name of the relevant international federation is indicated in brackets. The item indicates the sport, and the sub-item indicates the discipline.

Summer olympic sports.

1. Rowing (FISA)

2. Badminton (BWF)

3. Basketball (FIBA)

4. Boxing (AIBA)

5. Wrestling (FILA)

5.1 Freestyle wrestling

5.2 Greco-Roman wrestling

6. Cycling (UCI)

6.2 Cycle track racing

6.3 Mountain biking (Mountain biking)

6.4 Road cycling

7. Water sports (FINA)

7.1 Water polo

7.2 Swimming

7.3 Diving

7.4 Synchronized swimming

8. Volleyball (FIVB)

8.1 Volleyball

8.2 Beach volleyball

9. Handball (IHF)

10. Gymnastics (FIG)

10.1 Artistic gymnastics

10.2 Artistic gymnastics

10.3 Trampolining

11. Golf (IGF)

12. Canoeing (ICF)

12.1 Kayaking and canoeing

12.2 Rowing slalom

13. Judo (IJF)

14. Equestrian (FEI)

14.1 Dressage

14.2 Jumping

14.3 Eventing

15. Athletics (IAAF)

16. Table tennis (ITTF)

17. Sailing (ISAF)

18. Rugby (IRB)

19. Modern Pentathlon (UIPM)

20. Shooting (ISSF)

21. Archery (FITA)

22. Tennis (ITF)

23. Triathlon (ITU)

24. Taekwondo (WTF)

25. Weightlifting (IWF)

26. Fencing (FIE)

27. Football (FIFA)

28. Field Hockey (FIH)

Summer sports

1) Academic rowing is a cyclic sport, racing on water. One, two, four or eight rowers in a crew cover the distance in boats, being with their backs in the direction of travel (as opposed to rowing in kayaks and canoes).

2) Badminton is a game sport in which players are located on opposite sides of a court divided into two parts (court) of a certain size and throw a shuttlecock over the net with racket strikes, trying to win the match.

3) Basketball is a team sport in which players throw the ball into a "basket" (a metal ring covered with a net without a bottom) located at a height of 10 feet from the floor (a little over 3 meters).

4) Boxing is a fistfight between two athletes in the ring. Boxing should be done in special soft gloves weighing 8 ounces (about 227 g), striking the front and side of the head and torso of the opponent.

5) Wrestling is a single combat between two unarmed athletes using a set of specific techniques. The goal of the fight is to put the opponent on the shoulder blades (carcass) or win on points. The fight can take place both in the stance and in other positions, strikes are prohibited.

6) Road cycling race - a type of cycling race held on highways and roads with good coverage at high speeds, over long distances. No more than 200 athletes can participate in each race. A cycle track is a race on an artificial track in a circle.

7) Water polo - a team game with a ball on the water. It is conducted by two teams of 7 people on a rectangular water platform.

8) Volleyball is a team game in which two teams compete on a playing field divided by a net. The object of the game is to send the ball over the net to land it on the opponent's court and prevent the opponent from making the same attempt.

9) Handball is a sports game during which two teams strive to score from a distance not closer than 6 meters, the largest number of balls into the opponent's goal.

10) Golf is a sport game in which individual participants or teams compete by driving a small ball into special holes with clubs, trying to cover the allotted distance in the minimum number of strokes.

11) Rowing in kayaks and canoes - kayaks are rowed while sitting, with an oar with two blades, which is operated alternately from different sides. Canoes are paddled with a single-bladed oar, kneeling. Since the strokes are performed from one side, so that the single canoe does not move in a circle, but goes straight, at the end of the stroke it is necessary to perform a complex technical element - taxiing.

12) Rowing slalom is an Olympic sport that provides for the passage on a boat of sections of a mountain river or rough water with natural and artificial obstacles for a while.

13) Judo is a type of martial arts in which, along with throws, suffocating and painful holds on the hands are allowed. Athletes perform in kimono (loose jacket with a belt and pants) on special mats - tatami.

14) Equestrian - in dressage competitions, the rider and horse must perform exercises that are evaluated by the judges on a 10-point scale. The team championship is determined by the sum of the points of the three best team members out of four.

15) Athletics - athletes compete in the 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500, 5000 and 10,000 meters, marathon (42 km 195 m), 110 hurdles (women's 100) and 400 m, steeplechase - 3000 m steeplechase, 20 and 50 km race walk (men only), high jump, pole vault, long jump and triple jump, shot put, discus, hammer and javelin throw and all-around - decathlon for men and the heptathlon for women.

16) Table tennis is a game, the essence of which is tossing a special celluloid ball over a net stretched over a special table. The table measures 9 x 5 feet (2.74m x 1.525m) and is 30 inches (76cm) high.

17) Sailing - 9 classes of boats participate in the Olympic races, the races take place on a triangular Olympic track, the length of which is determined in accordance with ocean currents, prevailing wind directions, weather conditions and the number of competing vessels.

18) Swimming - a sport that consists in overcoming a competitive distance from 50 to 1500 m in a pool or open water with a certain style.

19) Beach volleyball is a game on a sandy court divided by a net, in which two teams located on opposite sides of the net throw the ball over it with their hands in order to land it in their own half and prevent the ball from falling in their own half of the court.

20) Diving is carried out from a springboard (1 m and 3 m) and a tower (5 m, 7.5 m and 10 m). The competition consists of a series of jumps, the winner is determined by the sum of points for each of 5 attempts.

21) Trampolining - Individual trampoline competitions for men and women - the competition includes preliminary and final exercises. The trampoline consists of a metal frame holding a springy net from which athletes push off.

22) Rugby is a contact team sport that originated in the 19th century in England. A rugby match is a competition between two teams. The main task of each of the opponents is to perform effective actions, that is, hitting the goal or bringing the ball into the opponent's end zone.

23) Synchronized swimming - feminine look sports, synchronized swimming requires a wide range of skills from athletes - horizontally and vertically move in the water, on the chest, on the back and on the side; combine different types of movements and movements into a single composition; have choreographic and acrobatic training.

23) Modern pentathlon - sports all-around, consisting of 5 disciplines: show jumping, fencing with swords, shooting, running and swimming. Athletes earn points based on the results of participation in each event.

24) Artistic gymnastics - 14 sets of Olympic medals are played in artistic gymnastics. The modern program of gymnastic all-around consists of: floor exercises, vaults, pommel horse, rings, parallel bars and crossbar exercises for men and exercises on uneven bars of different heights, on a balance beam, in vaults and floor exercises - for women.

25) Olympic shooting can be bullet and trap. Bullet shooting is carried out from pneumatic, small-caliber and large-caliber types of weapons.

26) Archery - the least hit by an arrow inner ring on a round target with a diameter of 1.22 m. Modern bows are made of fiberglass, arrows are made of aluminum and carbon fiber.

27) Tennis - a game with a ball and rackets on a special court (court 23.77 m long and 8.23 ​​m wide), divided by a net fixed at a height of 1.07 m. The mesh is stretched over poles of square and round section with a side and a diameter of not more than 15 cm.

28) Triathlon is 1500 m swimming, 40 km cycling and 10 km running around the stadium. There are no breaks between disciplines - therefore, triathlon is considered one of the most, if not the most severe sport in the world.

29) Taekwondo (“the way of the fist and foot”) is a modern Korean martial art based on Japanese karate. Its main difference from karate is a large number of kicks.

30) Weightlifting competitions include snatch and clean and jerk. Snatch is an exercise in which the lifter lifts the barbell from the platform to full arm length overhead in one movement. In the process of lifting the sports equipment, the legs can be apart or bent, the bar can slide along the hips and knees.

31) The aim of the swordsman is to stab the opponent and avoid the stab himself. The victory is awarded to the one who first inflicts a certain number of injections on the opponent in accordance with the rules or inflicts more such injections in a set period of time.

32) The essence of football is that 2 teams of 11 people each try to score a goal against the opponent's goal by kicking or heading the ball.

33) The essence of field hockey is for the players of two teams of 11 people in each to hit the ball into the opponent's goal with a club the most number of times and not let it into their own.

34) Rhythmic gymnastics is an Olympic sport in which female athletes compete in technical skill and expressiveness. complex movements body combined with the manipulation of objects to the music.

Olympic Games is the world's largest sports forum and celebration of sports. The modern Olympics are held once every four years. The Olympic Games are organized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) headquartered in Zurich (Switzerland). The Summer Olympic Games have been organized since 1896. The history of the Winter Olympics began in 1924.

Let's try to figure out what sports are included in the Olympic Games. A sport becomes an Olympic sport by adding it to the official Olympic program.

The inclusion of any sport in the Olympics program can be initiated by the following sports organizations:

  • International sports federation of a sport;
  • the National Sports Federation of a sport through the International Federation;
  • International Olympic Committee.

When deciding to grant the status of an Olympic sport, the International Olympic Committee analyzes a whole list of criteria that determine this affiliation:

  • there must be an International Sports Federation for a sport recognized by the IOC;
  • The International Sports Federation of a sport must recognize and implement the "Olympic Charter" as well as the World Anti-Doping Code;
  • the sport must be widely popular; competitions of various levels, ending with the world level, must be regularly held in this sport.

Olympic sport competitions are held at the following intervals:

  • among men in summer disciplines, tournaments must be held in at least 75 countries located on four continents;
  • for women in summer disciplines, competitions must be held in at least 40 countries located on three continents;
  • winter sport competitions must be held in at least 25 countries located on three continents.

Given the high competition in the struggle for Olympic status, when determining this status, entertainment, popularity among young people, the commercial component, etc. are also taken into account.

Summer olympic sports

The schedule of the Summer Olympics includes competitions in 28 sports, including summer and all-season disciplines. Competitions in Olympic sports are held in 41 disciplines. Consider these sports and disciplines.

It consists in conducting races on water. The distance is covered in boats by crews of one, two, four or eight rowers. At the same time, athletes sit with their backs in the direction of movement. The classic length of the distance is 2000 m.


In it, athletes are placed in opposite parts of the site (court), which is divided into two halves. The actions of the athletes are to throw the shuttlecock over the net with the help of rackets. The one who reaches a certain number of points first wins.


In it, in the "basket", which is suspended at a height of about 3 meters, the athletes throw the ball. Two teams of five athletes play. The team with the most points at the end of playing time wins.


They box in the ring with gloves specially designed for this. The winner is the one who scored the most points at the end of the fight, or ahead of time - due to a clear advantage, disqualification for violating the rules, inability or refusal of one of the fighters to continue the fight or knockout.


The fight takes place with the use of a set of certain technical actions. As a result of the struggle, it is necessary to put the opponent on the shoulder blades (carcass) or win on points.


Includes various types of racing on the track, road, cyclocross, figured cycling, veloball.

Water sports

These are disciplines related to the execution various activities in water. Among aquatic activities, first of all, swimming different styles and at different distances. In addition, such sports include water polo, diving and synchronized swimming.


This is a team match. Two teams compete on the playing field, which is divided by a grid. The task of the team is to send the ball over the net to hit it on the opponent's half of the court, preventing the other team from making the same attempt. There is a difference between regular and beach volleyball.

During the competition, athletes of two teams try to throw from a distance of at least 6 meters maximum number balls into the opposing team's goal.


A very popular sport that includes performing certain exercises both on gymnastic equipment and without them. Gymnastics includes such disciplines as sports and artistic gymnastics, trampolining.

A type of rowing in boats, kayaks and canoes in which the oars are not attached to the boat. Pass in different numbers of athletes and at different distances. In addition to rowing, this also includes rowing slalom.


A kind of martial arts, when athletes, along with throws, can perform suffocating and painful holds on their hands. Athletes compete in kimono on a platform called tatami.

A sport involving a horse and a rider, associated with the implementation of a specific program. IN this species includes such disciplines as dressage, show jumping and triathlon.


It is a sport associated with different types running, jumping and throwing various sports equipment.

This is a game confrontation between two or four athletes. The essence of the game is to throw a special celluloid ball over the net, which is stretched over the tennis table.


A kind of competition associated with the operation of small boats (yachts) of various designs in the format of an Olympic regatta.

The main goal of any of the athletes is to hit the goal or bring the ball into the opponents' scoring zone.

Modern pentathlon

The competition program includes five different activities: show jumping, sword fencing, shooting, running and swimming. Athletes receive points based on performance in all events.


A sport that has long been included in the list of the Olympics. In the program of the Summer Olympics, there are competitions in bullet and clay shooting. Bullet shooting is carried out from pneumatic, small-caliber and large-caliber types of weapons. Clay shooting is made from smooth-bore weapons with shot at cymbal targets.


Olympic discipline associated with the use of a sports bow. The goal of archery is to hit the smallest circle inside the target with an arrow. round shape size 1.22 m.


Game view, the competition of two rivals. Players use rackets and special balls. The playing field (court) is divided by a grid. Athletes in the game with the help of a racket send the ball to the opponent's side so that he fails to hit it or hit it in violation of the rules.


The most difficult discipline. The competition program includes a 1500 m swim, a 40 km bike ride and a 10 km run around the stadium. At the same time, gaps between different types are not provided.

Modern martial arts come from Korea. Its main difference from karate is that fighters mainly use kicks during the fight.


The weightlifting competition program consists of the snatch and clean and jerk. Snatch is an exercise in which the lifter lifts a projectile from the platform to full arm length overhead in one movement. The push consists of two separate movements - first, the projectile must be lifted from the platform and laid on the chest, slightly sitting down to push.


It is also one of the sports, competitions in which have been held for a long time. The task of the fencer is to make an injection to the opponent, while evading the injection himself. The winner is the one who first inflicts a certain number of injections on the opponent, taking into account the rules, or inflicts more such injections in a certain time interval.


One of my favorite sports. The essence of a football match is that two teams of 11 athletes each try to hit the other team's goal by kicking or heading the ball.

The essence of field hockey competitions is that the players of two teams of 11 athletes each hit the other team's goal with a ball with a stick as many times as possible and do not let it into their own.

Winter Olympic sports

During the Winter Olympic Games, athletes compete in 7 winter sports in 15 disciplines.


Cross-country skiing with guns over set distances, combined with prone and standing shooting at the firing lines.


The match is played by two teams of 4 people playing 10 ends, during each releasing 8 stones. The draw in curling looks like this: a player, shod in one sliding shoe, and the second non-slip, launches a stone from the starting block and disperses it on the ice.

Skating sports

Disciplines related to the performance of certain actions on the ice cover. These include figure skating, speed skating and short track.


Includes cross-country skiing, ski jumping, Nordic combined (cross-country skiing and ski jumping), alpine skiing, and snowboarding.

A winter Olympic sport representing downhill skiing along specially equipped ice tracks on a bobsled. The essence of luge is as follows. Men and women on single-seat sledges or double-seat men's crews go down the mountain in sledges along specially made tracks 800 - 1200 m long.


The players of each team, passing the puck with sticks, try to hit the opponent's goal with it the maximum number of times and not let it into their own.

Unlike winter, summer olympic sports have more variety. After all, not only those types of sports that can be held only in summer are presented here, but also all-season sports. In addition, the process of accepting new disciplines into the program of the Olympic Games is constantly underway.

It is throwing a shuttlecock (playing projectile) over the net with the help of racket strikes. The shuttlecock must touch the ground on the opponent's field. Both two people can play - against each other, and four people - two by two. It has been an Olympic sport since 1992 (XXV Olympiad, Barcelona, ​​Spain).

This is a team game. The goal of each team is to get the ball into the opponent's basket and prevent the opposing team from doing the same. Two teams of five play at the same time. Participates in the Olympic program since 1936 (XI Olympiad, Berlin, Germany).

This is a type of sports contact martial arts. Opponents strike each other with hands in special gloves. The goal is to deliver as many accurate blows to the opponent as possible, or to knock him down with a blow so that he cannot continue the fight for 10 seconds (knockout). A similar type of martial arts (fisticuffs) was in the program ancient olympic games. Modern boxing (English boxing) has become an Olympic sport since 1904 (III Olympiad, St. Louis, USA), and a regular participant in the Olympic Games program since 1920 (XII Olympiad, Antwerp, Belgium). The issue of participation in the Olympic Games of women's boxing was considered. The IOC issued a positive verdict, and at the XXX Summer Olympic Games in London (2012, UK), women boxers have already received their first Olympic medals.

This is a combat sport of two athletes. Various throws and tricks are allowed. Percussion technique is prohibited. The fight was on the agenda ancient olympic games. Then she was one of the components of the pentathlon (pentathlon). Depending on the restrictions and rules, Olympic wrestling is divided into Greco-Roman (classical), which has been participating in the Olympics since 1896 (I Olympiad, Athens, Greece), and freestyle, which has been included in the Olympic program since 1904 (III Olympiad, St. Louis, USA) - men, and since 2004 (XXVIII Olympiad, Athens, Greece) - women.

Cycling participates in the Olympic program from the 1st Olympiad. It is divided into types that were included in the Olympic program in different years. In addition, a 40 km bicycle race. is an integral part of triathlon.

  • Cycling highway. Race for long distances. 239 km. - men, 120 km. - women. The first race took place in 1896 (I Olympiad, Athens, Greece).
  • Cycling track. Race on an artificial track in a circle. It also differs in different types. There are women's (not in all types) and men's races. This type of competition was included in the program of all the Olympic Games, with the exception of the Olympics in 1912 (V Olympiad, Stockholm, Sweden).
  • Mountain bike. Another name is mountain bike. The Olympic sport has been since 1996 (XXVI Olympiad, Atlanta, USA) a variety called cross-country. This is a cross-country race consisting of a certain number of laps.
  • Bicycle motocross (BMX). Competitions are held on small bicycles with great maneuverability and the possibility of great acceleration. First presented at the 2008 Olympic Games (XXIX Olympiad, Beijing, China).

Team sport. Two teams of seven people participate, each of which strives to throw the ball into the goal of the opposing team. The entire game is played in a pool of water. It has been an Olympic sport since 1900 (II Olympiad, Paris, France).

Team ball game. The goal is to throw the ball over the net so that it touches the floor on the opponent's court. Each side is played by 6 people. The game has been included in the Olympic Games since 1964 (XVIII Olympic Games, Tokyo, Japan).

This is also a team game with a ball. The goal is to throw as many balls into the opponent's goal as possible. But at the same time, you can not stand up for the 6 meter line in front of the goal. Throws into the goal, for the most part, are made by hand. Each side has 7 players. The Olympic tournament was held in 1936 (XI Olympiad, Berlin, Germany). Then, there were demonstration performances in 1952 (XV Olympic Games, Helsinki, Finland). Handball has been constantly present at the Olympic Games since 1972 (XX Summer Games, Munich, Germany).

Competitions in boats on the water. The acceleration of the boat is given with the help of oars. Rowers sit with their backs in the direction of travel. Depending on the discipline, there may be one, two, four or eight rowers in a boat. In the Olympic program since 1900 (II Olympiad, Paris, France) - men, and since 1976 (XXI Summer Games, Montreal, Canada) - women.

This is a type of rowing on various types of boats. Rowers sit facing the direction of travel. Only men (singles and doubles) participate in canoe competitions. In kayaking competitions - men and women (singles, twos and fours). The types of competitions are sprint - a race along a flat track marked with buoys (a race on smooth water), and slalom - a race through a certain number of gates, and during the passage of the distance both the speed and direction of the water flow change. Sprint was first introduced in 1924 (VIII Olympiad, Paris, France), and has been an Olympic sport since 1936 (XI Olympiad, Berlin, Germany). Slalom was included in the Olympic program in 1972 (XX Summer Games, Munich, Germany), but has been constantly participating in the Olympics (the construction of the track is expensive) only since 1992 (XXV Olympic Games, Barcelona, ​​Spain).

Sports gymnastics.

This is a sport that includes several disciplines. Men compete in vaults, floor exercises, on rings, on horseback, on parallel bars, on the crossbar (horizontal bar). Women compete on balance beam, uneven bars, vault and floor exercises. Competitions among men at the Olympic Games have been held since 1896 (I Olympiad, Athens, Greece), among women - since 1928 (IX Summer Games, Amsterdam, the Netherlands).

Artistic gymnastics.

In this type of competition, various dance, acrobatic and gymnastic exercises are performed to the music. They can be performed both with objects (hoop, ball, rope, maces, ribbon) and without objects. It has become an Olympic sport since 1984 (XXIII Summer Games, Los Angeles, USA). So far, competitions are held only among women. But the appearance of men in the Olympic arena is not excluded.

It is a martial art that originated in Japan. In the 20th century, the sports direction of judo appeared, in which striking techniques are prohibited. At the Olympics, judo is presented as a combat sport. Judo has been leading its Olympic history since 1964 (XVIII Summer Olympic Games, Tokyo, Japan). Women have been participating in the Olympic Games since 1992 (XXV Olympic Games, Barcelona, ​​Spain).

This includes types of competitions where the interaction between the rider and the horse takes place. Three disciplines are represented at the Olympic Games. Dressage, overcoming obstacles (jumping) and triathlon, which is held for three days and includes riding in the arena, field riding and overcoming obstacles. Equestrian sport has been represented at the Olympic Games since 1912 (V Olympiad, Stockholm, Sweden).

This concept includes many disciplines. This includes running at various distances, walking, high jump, long jump, pole vault, triple jump, hammer throw, javelin throw, discus throw, shot throw, as well as several types of all-around events that combine different disciplines. In principle, athletics is considered the most massive sport. Unofficially, she is even called the "Queen of Sports". Athletics competitions have their roots in the ancient Olympics. Modern athletics has been present at the Olympic Games since their very beginning - in 1896 (I Olympiad, Athens, Greece).

Table tennis (ping-pong).

It is a sports game that consists in throwing a ball over a net on a game table. The goal is to create a situation where the opponent will not be able to hit the ball back to the opponent's field. Opponents can play one on one, or two on two. It has been considered an Olympic sport since 1988 (XXIV Olympiad, Seoul, Republic of Korea).

This sport includes racing on all modes of transport, where the driving force is the wind and sails. Yacht racing is part of the program of the Olympic Games. Sailing is included in the program of the Olympic Games in 1900 (II Olympiad, Paris, France). In addition to 1904 (III Olympiad, St. Louis, USA), he is present at all summer Olympics. Often, sailing competitions are held away from the host city of the Olympic Games - where there are suitable conditions for this.

This is a type of movement of a person in the water without touching the bottom. Competitions are held at various distances and different styles. It has been an Olympic sport since 1896 (I Olympiad, Athens, Greece) of the year. Women began to compete at the Olympics, starting in 1912 (V Olympiad, Stockholm, Sweden).

Beach volleyball.

Since 1996 (XXVI Olympiad, Atlanta, USA), Olympic beach volleyball tournaments have been held. Here, unlike classic volleyball, the team consists of two people, and the court is sandy. Points are awarded only when a team wins an innings.

The program of the Olympic Games was first presented in 1900 (II Olympiad, Paris, France). An Olympic sport has been considered since 1904 (III Olympiad, St. Louis, USA). Includes ski jumping and platform jumping. Both men and women participate. At the Olympics, competitions are now held in jumping from a 3-meter springboard and a 10-meter tower. During the jump, the athlete performs various acrobatic elements. Since 2000 (XXVII Olympiad, Sydney, Australia), synchronized jumps have been held in the same disciplines.

Trampoline jumping.

This discipline belongs to gymnastics. Athletes jump on a trampoline consisting of metal frame with a stretched net, and perform various gymnastic and acrobatic elements. In the program of the Olympic Games since 2000 (XXVII Olympiad, Sydney, Australia).

Includes elements of acrobatics, gymnastics and swimming. Although men competed at the end of the 19th century, it is now an exclusively "female" sport. Duos and groups compete at the Olympics. It has been present in the Olympic program since 1984 (XXIII Summer Games, Los Angeles, USA).

This sport consists of five disciplines, which each participant must pass. These are shooting (20 shots from an air pistol), fencing (1 minute on swords), swimming (200 meters freestyle), horseback riding (jumping), running (3000 m, start based on the difference in points in previous types) . The founder of the modern pentathlon is the great Frenchman - Pierre de Coubertin. This type of competition has been present in the program of the Olympic Games since 1912 (V Olympiad, Stockholm, Sweden).

Shooting competitions are held from pneumatic and firearms. Bullet shooting takes place in a shooting range, where athletes shoot at targets from rifled weapons. Bench shooting takes place on open ranges and is carried out from smooth-bore weapons at flying saucers-targets. Present in the program of the Olympic Games since 1900 (II Olympiad, Paris, France). Separate competitions for men and women began to be held in 1984 (XXIII Olympiad, Los Angeles, USA).

Individual and team championships are held. The first time this sport was presented at the Olympics in 1900 (II Olympiad, Paris, France). From 1924 (VIII Olympiad, Paris, France) to 1968 (XIX Olympiad, Mexico City, Mexico), archery competitions were not held at the Olympic Games, although the IOC recognized this sport as an Olympic sport in 1958. The reason for this break was the lack of unified competition rules. Competitions are held between men and women.

The goal of the game is the same as that of table tennis - in this case, to throw a tennis ball with a racket onto the opponent's playing field so that he cannot return it back. The game is played on a closed or open area and can be individual - one on one, or team - two on two. He was present in the program of the Olympic Games from 1896 (I Olympiad, Athens, Greece) to 1924 (VIII Olympiad, Paris, France), and then, starting from 1988 (XXIV Olympiad, Seoul, Republic of Korea) already constantly.

This sport requires fantastic endurance. The participant first swims for 1500 m, then rides a bike for 40 km, and then runs 10,000 m. There are no breaks between stages. Triathlon competitions at the Olympic Games have been held since 2000 (XXVII Olympiad, Sydney, Australia).

This is a kind of Korean martial art. At the Olympic Games, there is its sports version, which is being developed by the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF). In 1988 (XXIV Olympiad, Seoul, Republic of Korea), taekwondo was present at the Olympics as a demonstration sport, and since 2000 (XXVII Olympiad, Sydney, Australia) has been an Olympic sport. Competitions are held between men and between women.

It is a sport in which athletes compete in weight lifting. The two main exercises are push and snatch. Weightlifting has been present in the program of the Olympic Games since 1896 (I Olympiad, Athens, Greece), but at the Olympic Games in 1900 (II Olympiad, Paris, France), 1908 (IV Olympiad, London, Great Britain) and 1912 (V Olympiad, Stockholm, Sweden) there were no weightlifting competitions. Since 2000 (XXVII Olympiad, Sydney, Australia), women have been participating in the Olympiad program.

At the Olympic Games, individual and team championships are held. Men fence with sabers, rapiers and swords. Women fence with swords and rapiers. Saber and foil fencing has been included in the Olympic program since 1896 (I Olympiad, Athens, Greece), and in 1900 (II Olympiad, Paris, France) sword fencing was added here.

This sport needs no introduction - it is the most popular in the world. Football was the first team game included in the Olympic program. This happened in 1900 (II Olympiad, Paris, France). Since 1996 (XXVI Olympiad, Atlanta, USA), Olympic football tournaments among women have been held. It is noteworthy that the Olympic football tournament starts even before the official opening of the Olympic Games.

The game is to score as many balls as possible into the opponent's goal with a stick. It is forbidden to touch the ball with hands or feet (the goalkeeper is an exception). The number of athletes playing on the field in one team is 11 people. The surface of the field must be grass or artificial. Field hockey has been participating in the Olympic Games since 1908 (IV Olympiad, London, Great Britain). Women's tournaments have been held at the Olympic Games since 1980 (
