Medicinal walker is herbaceous plant from the Cabbage family, very often used in folk medicine. In this article we will consider the description of this plant, as well as its main properties and scope.


The gulyavnik officinalis is a representative flora found quite often in nature. You can meet him not only on the slopes of mountain peaks and meadows, but also in fields, vegetable gardens, and simply on roadsides. Its stem is branched, and the leaves are oval in shape. It is also very important to pay attention to the inflorescence. The gulyavnik officinalis has many very small yellow flowers.

Such a plant is quite common throughout the world. If earlier it could only be found in North Africa and Europe, now it has spread throughout the world. Many people consider it a weed, because it really looks like a weed. But this is far from true.

In fact, this herb is a very valuable plant used in medicine, because it simply has an incredibly large number of useful properties. The Native American tribes used the gooseberry to prepare various dishes. It was consumed fresh, and a variety of hot dishes were prepared from it. In addition, the leaves can be fried or added to a salad.

IN modern world This plant is cultivated in many countries and used for medicinal purposes. The medicinal walker, the photo of which you can see in this article, contains many substances that are incredibly valuable for human health, therefore it is used in traditional and folk medicine.

Collection and storage rules

The most optimal period for collecting greenery is summer season. The plant will bloom from mid-May to early November. Please note that if you are harvesting for the winter, then during the drying process, this plant will lose almost all of its healing properties. Therefore, it is best to use it fresh. Be very careful when picking up the medicinal goulyavnik. The photo will help you determine how the plant looks after all. After all, there is a risk of picking another herb that will act poisonously on the human body.

So, if you still decide to dry this plant, you need to do it correctly. Only in this way will the maximum amount of useful substances be preserved in it.

Only the ground part of the grass is used. At the same time, it should be dried in a fairly cool and dry place, away from ultraviolet radiation. Already dried plant should be contained only in a glass jar. And keep in mind that you can store it for no longer than twelve months, otherwise it will lose all its healing properties. But it is best, of course, to use freshly cut greens.

What are the beneficial properties of the plant

Grass walker is very valuable thanks to useful elements included in its composition. Here you can find essential oils, useful glycosides and flavonoids, as well as oleic acid, many vitamins and minerals.

In ancient times, this plant was used by singers to restore the voice. In this case, the therapeutic effect occurred within a couple of days. Also, scientists have proven that the remedy has expectorant, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and astringent effects.

Also, the upper part of the plant is used for the treatment of respiratory organs. However, unfortunately, the herb has not been proven to have an antibacterial effect.

They use the drug walker, the description of which you can find in this article, and women for cosmetic purposes. In many countries, skin care products based on this plant are produced. Such cosmetics are great for mature skin, as they can fight the signs of aging.

Do not forget that this representative of the plant world is able to restore his voice. Stage workers and smokers should think about this. To do this, you need to prepare an infusion and gargle with it several times a day.

Food use

Most often, gulyavnik is used in cooking as an aromatic additive to various dishes. It can be used both fresh and dried. The leaves have a very unusual bitter taste and pleasant aroma. Many people say that the taste of the plant is very similar to cabbage. Therefore, it can be added to various salads as a complete ingredient. However, in order for the taste of the salad to be mild, it is recommended to add homemade sour cream to it.

Dry leaves of the golavnik are very popular, as they can be added to meat and fish dishes. This seasoning will give your dish a very unusual and original taste.

In fact, here you can turn on your imagination and conduct many experiments. Gulyavnik can be used for cooking many dishes not only as a spice, but also as a full-fledged ingredient.

Medicinal walker: application

From the walker at home, you can prepare healing infusions and use them to treat the respiratory and excretory systems. To do this, take twenty-five grams of a fresh or dry plant and pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse the prepared remedy for several hours and only after that you can use it. Take one tablespoon three to four times a day. However, be prepared for the fact that such a medicine does not have a pleasant taste. Therefore, it is allowed to add a spoonful of honey or jam to it.

Such an infusion can also be taken to treat diseases of the digestive system. However, in this case, drink a third of a glass of liquid at a time. The tool restores internal organs and also improves appetite.


Incorrect use of such an herb can cause serious harm to your health. First, check if you have hypersensitivity to this component, and only then begin treatment. In no case do not increase the dosage, otherwise it can lead to poisoning of the body.

Also, this remedy should not be taken by pregnant and lactating women, children under the age of seven. In any case, do not self-medicate and consult your doctor.

Walker - have you heard of such a medicinal plant? If not, then perhaps you know its other names - singing grass, yolk, pig grass, secret mustard. The modern pharmaceutical industry is highly developed today, and this is a fact. It’s easier for us to go to the pharmacy, buy saving pills, take a sip and not bother about which medicinal plant will help with the ailment that has arisen.

Methods and methods of therapy for various diseases that were used hundreds of years ago are a thing of the past. Today, people simply do not trust folk methods. and in vain. But before, everything was different. Mankind believed in the healing power of plants and successfully applied folk remedies. Let's get to know healing properties and the benefits of a plant with such a mysterious name.

Adherents of non-traditional methods of treatment have long appreciated the plant and use it for a variety of purposes. The wide use of the walker is due to its rich and unique composition. The ground part is rich:

  • tannins;
  • thioglycosides;
  • flavonoids;
  • carotene;
  • cardenolides;
  • ascorbic and oleic acids;
  • gray;
  • myrosin and sinigrin (form essential mustard oil);
  • fatty acids and oils: stearic, arachidic, linoleic.

Herbal preparations have a lot of healing properties. Numerous studies have shown that the plant has: anti-inflammatory, expectorant, diuretic, immunostimulating, tonic, wound healing, antiscorbutic and astringent effects.

Yellowberry-based formulations are effective in combating diarrhea, liver pathologies, diabetes, gastritis, pancreatitis, scurvy, tonsillitis, laryngitis, asthma, bronchitis, stomatitis, scabies, tuberculosis, cough, urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis, amenorrhea.

Recipes of centuries-old medicines

There are a lot of recipes for drugs from the plant. Here are a few of them.

1. Mix in equal proportions the leaves of the gulyavnik with wintergreen, mistletoe, licorice, heather, centaury, eryngium, wormwood, celandine and lucid. All ingredients should be dried and chopped in advance. Brew two tablespoons of the collection in three hundred milliliters of freshly boiled water. Leave the product to stand warm for two hours. Drink ½ cup of strained drink three times a day. This remedy is effective in the fight against amenorrhea. The duration of the therapeutic course is three months.

2. Representatives of the strong half of society, suffering from prostatitis, such a recipe is suitable. Combine in equal proportions the yolk with lingonberries, birch leaves, valerian, celery, horsetail. Steam 30 grams of the mixture in half a liter of boiling water. Place the container on the stove, boil the composition. After cooling, filter and drink 50 ml of the drink four times a day. The duration of the treatment course is eight weeks.

3. Combine songweed foliage with cuff, heather, nettle, and juniper berries. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture in 500 ml of boiling water. Set aside the composition in heat for three to four hours. Consume 100 ml of filtered drink three times a day for 30 days. This drug is effective in the treatment of chronic pyelonephritis in remission.

4. For those who are faced with urethritis and cystitis, the following effective remedy will help. Mix in equal proportions with tribulus, celandine, harrow, hop seedlings, kidney tea, coriander. Brew 30 g of the mixture in 300 ml of boiled water. Remove the composition in heat for an hour. Drink a quarter cup of the filtered potion four times a day. The duration of treatment is a month.

5. Pour 50 g of dry yellow grass into glass jar. Pour the raw material with medical alcohol - 200 ml. Close the container tightly and set aside in a cool dark place for a week. Consume thirty drops of the filtered tincture diluted in a small amount of water three times a day. This tincture, in addition to helping to cure laryngitis, helps in preventing the development of scurvy.

7. Brew three tablespoons of the ground part of the walker in 200 ml of boiled water. Infuse the composition for three hours. Use a filtered infusion for the treatment of throat pathologies. Take 20 ml of the drug five times a day. In order to improve the taste characteristics and increase the therapeutic effect, you can add a little natural honey.

8. Grind the grass, then pour a tablespoon of raw materials with boiling water - 300 ml. Insist on a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Strain and drink 100 ml of the drug twice a day. This composition will help in the fight against disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

9. The juice of the plant is recommended for the treatment of abscesses, ulcers, pathologies of the upper respiratory tract, scurvy and diseases of the urinary system of an inflammatory nature. It is necessary to cut the ground part of the plant finely, and then pour it with boiled cooled water in a ratio of 1: 1. Squeeze out the juice after an hour. Use 20 ml of the drug four times a day for these pathologies or lubricate problem areas of the skin with abscesses and ulcers.

Revelant grass is used with medicinal purposes not a decade. During the time when people learned about its healing properties, many recipes for effective medicines for a variety of pathological conditions and diseases have been created and improved. If you want to achieve the maximum or exceptionally positive result from the use of a particular remedy, you should adhere to several important recommendations.

  1. Before you start taking the medicine, make sure there are no contraindications.
  2. Do not use traditional medicine formulations as the main method of treatment. Preparations from herbal ingredients, of course, are effective and will help in the treatment of the disease, but only if they are used as an auxiliary method.
  3. Adhere to the proportions indicated in the prescriptions during the preparation of medicines, and while taking the indicated dosages.
  4. Pass full course treatment, if applicable.
  5. Do not abuse formulations, do not increase the dose on your own, and do not prolong the course of therapy.
  6. Do not take unnecessary breaks in therapy.

Botanical description and photo of the plant

Gulyavnik is a biennial herbaceous plant belonging to the genus Gulyavnik and the Cabbage or Cruciferous family, reaching a height of fifty or more centimeters.

The yellow is endowed with erect, splayed-branched stems covered with dense hairs, cuttings leaf-pinnately dissected unevenly serrated, with a larger triangular apical lobe lower and sessile small spear-shaped lanceolate or arrow-shaped upper leaves, yellowish small flowers collected in rare spike-shaped elongated brushes.

Secret mustard fruits are subulate pods. Flowering occurs at the end of the spring period, and the fruits ripen by autumn. America, Europe, North Africa, Russia, Siberia, Far East - habitats. Roadsides, landfills, vegetable gardens, fields - places of growth.

Collection and preparation of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, use the ground part. The most valuable and curative is the fresh golavnik. The collection of raw materials is preferably done in the summer.

The aerial part is cut off with scissors or a sickle. Stems, leaves, fruits and flowers should be thoroughly dried after collection. To this end, the grass is laid out in a thin layer on paper or tarpaulin and dried in a shady place.

The dried plant is placed in cardboard boxes or paper bags and stored in a dry place with sufficient ventilation. Above-ground parts can be stored and used throughout the year.

Some interesting history

About the miraculous properties of the medicinal gulyavnik, it is also called yellow, singing and pig grass, mankind has known since ancient times. In ancient times, grass juice was used by speakers and singers who lost their voice or wished to increase its power. The plant was used in the fight against fever and fever.

During the Renaissance, the walker became popular in France and England. Representatives of the beautiful half of society believed in the anti-aging properties of yellow, so they used it for cosmetic purposes. Actors and singers took grass syrup to restore their voices. Ordinary people used drugs for the treatment of various ailments, as well as for preparing salads and first courses.

The French folk name for the plant is "herbe au chantre" - singing herb, and the English "hedge mustard" - secret mustard. Tibetan monks treated food intoxication with the plant.

Application in medical practice and cooking

Gulyavnik does not belong to pharmacopoeial herbs, but this does not mean that the plant is not medicinal. Many adherents of non-traditional methods of therapy use it to cure a variety of pathologies, including scurvy, pancreatitis, colds, gastritis. The herb is prized by medicine men for its diuretic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, antiscorbutic, and astringent properties.

The yolk has wide application in cookery. It has a burning, somewhat bitter taste, pungent and spicy aroma. Young, tender grass is similar in taste to arugula. Salads are made from a fresh plant, and they are also used as a spicy additive during the preparation of pizza, hamburgers and sandwiches.

Over time, the greens become rough and spicy, so it should be cooked. Yellow is an excellent alternative to spinach, it is added to first courses, sauces, stewed with vegetables and meat. The seeds are similar in taste to mustard, they are ground to a paste, and an analogue of mustard is prepared.


The walker is very efficient and useful. But before you start taking the drug from it, do not forget to consult a doctor and make sure there are no contraindications. Do not give formulations to small children. It is not recommended to take drugs during pregnancy, breastfeeding and individual intolerance. The use of drugs is contraindicated for people suffering from acute pyelonephritis, arrhythmia and hypertension, as well as gallbladder ailments.

Before using this or that drug for the treatment of a particular ailment, consult your doctor about its appropriateness and usefulness in your case.

In other cases, when used correctly, drugs will bring exceptional benefits to the body and help in curing a particular pathology.

Medicinal gulyavnik, Hedge-Mustard(English) hedge mustard) is found everywhere as a weed in fields, vegetable gardens, wastelands, and roadsides. It grows in the European part of the CIS, the Caucasus, Siberia, the Far East, Europe and the USA. Widely used by the American Indians as a medicinal and food plant.

The plant contains glycosides, essential oil, vitamin C, cardenolides, tannins, flavonoids, thioglycosides containing sulfur, carbohydrates, vitamins, trace elements.

The use of the drug gulyavnik in cooking

The gulyavnik officinalis is used fresh or dried for salads or seasonings for meat and fish dishes.

As salad greens, gulyavnik has long been prepared and eaten by the American Indians of the Cherokee (eng. Cherokee). (Hamel, Paul B., Mary U., Chiltoskey 1975 "Cherokee Plants and Their Uses", A 400 Year History. Sylva, NC Herald Publishing Co. (p. 46))

Navajo Indians used the seeds of the Navajo Indians to make soup or stew. (Elmore, Francis H. 1944 "Ethnobotany of the Navajo" - "Ethnobotany of the Navajo", Sante Fe, NM. School of American Research (p. 50))

The leaves fried in fat were eaten by the American Indians of the Tubatulabal tribe. (Voegelin, Ermine W. 1938 "Tubatulabal Ethnography. Anthropological Records" - "Tubatulabal Ethnography. Anthropological Records" 2(1):1-84 (p. 16))

It is widely cultivated throughout Europe, where its edible leaves and seeds are used. It is widely used as a condiment in Northern Europe (Denmark, Norway and Germany).

The leaves have a bitter taste and taste like cabbage and are used in salads or for sourdough in jars. The seeds are used to make European mustard paste.

The use of the drug in medicine

The above-ground parts of the plant are used for the treatment of diseases. respiratory tract, and in ancient times, the herbal preparation was considered to have antitumor properties. Used in the form of infusion, juice, dry herb tea.

Research medicinal properties The study conducted in Rome (Italy) at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Rome, revealed the absence of antibacterial activity of the extract of the terrestrial part of the plant, however, its antimutagenic activity against Escherichia coli was significant and was recommended as requiring further more detailed study. (J Ethnopharmacol. 2010 Feb 17;127(3):731-6. Epub 2009 Dec 5. "Pharmacological and phytochemical studies of Sisymbrium officinale Scop. extract." Di Sotto A, Vitalone A, Nicoletti M, Piccin A, Mazzanti G. source)

In France it is considered effective tool anti-wrinkle (for aging, withering skin), oils and creams are created based on the gulyavnik (French Le sisymbre officinal).

Walker officinalis is also indicated for sore throats in smokers. In inflammation and catarrh of the larynx, pulmonary catarrh, especially to combat snoring. the best way to use the plant is considered to be used in the form of rinsing with a concentrated decoction.

The use of the drug in folk medicine

Sisymbrium officinale) has long been used to treat lung diseases in America, Europe, Western Siberia, the Volga region and Altai. In Tibetan medicine, it is used to suppress the symptoms of food poisoning.

It has a diuretic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect, is used for, including chronic, liver diseases. An infusion of a walker is used for pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and asthma.

In folk medicine, it has been used for sore throats, hoarseness, and loss of voice. Therefore, one of the French folk names, widely used for gargling by singers and artists, is a medicinal walker - "singer's grass" (English singer "s plant).

Herbalists in England used the sap and flowers of the plant as an expectorant for bronchitis, as well as for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and also as a rejuvenating agent. (Howard, Michael. Traditional Folk Remedies - Howard, Michael. "Traditional Folk Remedies" (Century, 1987), p. 153)

Attention! Caution must be exercised in the use of the drug - an overdose can cause poisoning. It is not recommended to use the walker for diseases of the gallbladder, during pregnancy, lactation, children under 7 years of age.

Excessive doses can affect the heart. (Bown. D. Encyclopedia of Herbs and Their Use. 1995.) The dried plant is practically ineffective, it is recommended to use only freshly picked ones. (Chiej.R. Encyclopaedia of Medicinal Plants. - "Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants" 1984)

Mode of application:

Infusion - 1 teaspoon of herbs per glass, insist for 20 minutes. Take 3-4 cups daily, after meals.

Synonyms: Sisymbrium officinale var. officinale, syn. Crucifera sisymbrium E.H.L. Krause, Chamaeplium officinale (L.) Wallr, Erysimum officinale L., Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop. var. leiocarpum DC.

Regional folk names of the drug walker: Italy - Erba cornacchia comune, England - Hedge mustard, USA - Hedge mustard, France - sisymbre officinal, Germany - Weg-Rauke, Spain - Erisimo (hierba de san alberto), Portugal - rinchao.

Botanical characteristics of the walker

Gulyavnik is a one-, rarely biennial herbaceous plant. Its height reaches 15–50 cm, the stem is erect, splayed, branched, round. Basal leaves pinnately dissected, with oblong-ovate toothed terminal feathers. The upper leaves are small, sessile, lanceolate, serrated, spear-shaped (sometimes arrow-shaped).

The flowers of the plant are small, pale yellow. They are characterized by the presence of four petals up to 4 mm long, six stamens and one pistil. Flowers are collected in spike-shaped brushes. The pods of the golavnik are closely adjacent to the stem. The plant bears fruit with fluffy lanceolate-awl-shaped pods, the length of which is 10-15 mm. The seeds are about 2 mm long, reddish-brown in color and angular in shape. The seeds are poisonous.

The flowering of the plant begins in May and ends in November.

The gulyavnik grows in the European part of Russia, in the Far East, in the Caucasus, in Siberia. It can be found as a weed along roadsides, in gardens, at buildings, in vegetable gardens and fields - in all places where weeds grow.

Useful properties of the walker

Gulyavnik is a medicinal plant, it is used in folk medicine.

For the preparation of medicinal infusions and decoctions, all parts of the plant are prepared: flowers, leaves, stems and pods are used. It is worth noting that the grass is not dried, but used fresh. Collect it during the flowering period.

The gulyavnik in its composition contains substances whose presence explains the healing capabilities of the plant. Tannins, cardenolides, flavonoids, thioglycoside glucobrassicin, glycosides were found in the aerial part. Essential mustard oil, palmitic, eicosenoic, arachidic and oleic acids, vitamin C were found in the seeds.

Walker application

Gulyavnik for the treatment of a number of diseases is used by traditional healers in many countries. It is worth noting that the herb is used exclusively in traditional medicine.

Since ancient times, bronchial asthma, laryngitis, lungs, secretory insufficiency, inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, as well as general weakness of the body have been treated with infusions and decoctions based on the walker.

Infusions were also used externally: for the treatment of wounds, the treatment of abrasions, stomatitis, catarrhal, bruises, and even.

The gulyavnik has pronounced anti-inflammatory, expectorant, diuretic, astringent properties, and is also recognized as an effective tool for increasing appetite.

There is an opinion that infusions from the walker help to cure cancer.

Recipes for infusions and decoctions from gulyavnik

Recipe number 1: 1 tablespoon of raw materials (grass of the walker) must be poured into a container and pour 250 ml of boiling water. The resulting mixture should be infused for 2 hours, then carefully strain. Honey is allowed. Reception schedule: 1 tablespoon 20-30 minutes before meals 4-5 times a day. The product should be taken warm. This infusion is prescribed for the treatment of hoarseness of the voice, respiratory tract (bronchitis, bronchial, tuberculosis), with scurvy, problems with urination,.

Recipe number 2: you need to take fresh, carefully chopped leaves of the gulyavnik, pour an equal amount of water, leave for 1 hour and squeeze the leaves. The resulting juice is recommended to drink in sips throughout the day, 50–100 g per day. It is prescribed as an effective diuretic and expectorant.

Loesel's walker

Loesel's walker is annual plant cruciferous family. Single erect stem with hard pubescence, can reach a height of 1 meter. The leaves are alternate, pinnately incised or pinnately divided, also covered with hard pubescence. The flowers are yellow in color and collected in a long panicle. The fruit is a pod, the seeds of which can be colored red-brown or yellow.

Whole plant blooms summer period from May to September, bears fruit - from June until late autumn.

The natural range of Loesel's walker is the entire territory of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Caucasus, Europe, Mongolia, Central Asia, the Far East and Iran. This type of walker grows in meadows, on the banks of rivers, lakes and reservoirs, along roads, in wastelands.

Infusions and decoctions from Lozel's gulyavnik do not have any effect on the body. healing action therefore, this plant is not used in folk and traditional medicine. Due to its unpretentiousness in cultivation, Loesel's walker is successfully used as food for herbivores.

Walker high

Tall gulyavnik is a one- and two-year-old plant of the cruciferous family. A rough single stem in the lower part is covered with hard pubescence, reaches a height of 20 to 80 cm. The lower leaves are pinnatipartite, the upper ones are pinnately dissected. The flowers are numerous, painted in pale yellow, collected in brushes. The fruit is a pod 5–8 cm long. The seeds are small (length 1–1.2 mm) brown.

The high golavnik blooms throughout the summer period (from June to August), bears fruit in July-September.

The natural range of the high walker is almost the entire territory of Russia (except for the northern regions), Ukraine, Belarus, Western Siberia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and Moldova. The plant prefers to grow in soil rich in nutrients(including saline). This species is distributed almost everywhere - it is found on roadsides, wastelands, river banks, vegetable gardens, meadows, etc.

The tall gulyavnik is successfully used as a fodder plant for herbivores.

Contraindications to the use of the walker

A decoction of a golulav officinalis should be used with extreme caution for pyelonephritis, in the stage of exacerbation and individual intolerance.

Expert editor: Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna| Phytotherapeutist

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

Along the roads, in wastelands, vegetable gardens of the European part of the CIS, Siberia, the Caucasus, Far East, USA there is a high (up to 60 cm high) annual, less often biennial herbaceous plant with lowered stems.

From May to September, he has small "dissected" flowers with pale yellow petals, each of which contains 4 more flowers arranged crosswise. Its fruits have the form of elongated pods, forming spike-shaped brushes with small, yellow seeds.

Application and medicinal properties

This unpretentious plant is a medicinal plant from the family of cruciferous, cabbage, growing in weedy places, has absorbed the power of nature and has long endowed people with the healing properties of its stems, leaves, flowers and pods. They are harvested in the summer, dried, after which you can feel the strongly pronounced aroma of cabbage. From this raw material, various medicinal tinctures for alcohol and syrups with excellent characteristics are then prepared.

It was widely used by the healers of Ancient Greece, and the American Indians also used it as a food plant. Medicinal walker was very popular among speakers who have to strain their voice during a speech, and it is not for nothing that in France it is called the grass of vocalists. After all, he is able to return the voice in cases of its loss (aphonia). To do this, gargle 3-4 times a day. useful infusion, prepared according to the following recipe: pour 5 g of dried herbs into 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. And with pneumonia, laryngitis, pharyngitis, scurvy, such an infusion is used orally 4 times a day. In addition, you can use an alcohol tincture of a walker (200 ml of 70% alcohol per 50 g of fresh grass) and drink up to 40 drops per glass of water 3-4 times a day.

The juice of the plant, mixed in equal parts with water, is an excellent expectorant and is often used in folk medicine.

Young fresh leaves can be used for external treatment of catarrhal angina, stomatitis, ulcers and open wounds, as well as added to salads, vinaigrettes, broths, vegetable soups.

Very effective drug gulyavnik in the treatment general weakness, chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency, colds, elimination of irritation of the nasopharynx, hoarseness.

Its infusions, decoctions are also a good diuretic, astringent, appetite stimulant, anti-inflammatory agent.

The cardenolides present in the seeds can have a stimulating effect on the heart muscle, like the alkaloids of this medicinal herb like foxglove.


Along with all the advantages of this plant, it should be borne in mind that the drug is not recommended for the treatment of children and its overdose in adults is unacceptable in order to avoid arrhythmia and slow heart rate.
