In cooking, rosemary has long been known for such an exquisite spice, because it is often used to create salads and meat dishes, giving the dish an elegant and mouth-watering aroma.

However, the use of rosemary is not limited exclusively to the kitchen, but is quite acceptable in a place such as a home first aid kit, where it can easily replace any antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Experts recommend it to improve brain activity for all people of the age category, because carnosic acid, which is part of it, significantly activates the brain, improves memory and inhibits the development of Alzheimer's disease.

In addition, this representative of the flora has found application in cosmetology, with the help of which you can take care of hair and skin. From this article you will learn about the composition, useful properties and contraindications of rosemary, its use at home and contraindications.

In many ways, the benefits of a plant are determined by the substances it contains, so let's consider the extensive characteristics of the essential oils that are contained in the spice and make it an indispensable assistant for those who monitor their health.

Useful properties and contraindications of rosemary

It is historically recorded that the beginning of the use of rosemary dates back to Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. Grass was an invariable attribute for many religious actions, it was burned in temples, making a sacrifice to the god. According to one legend, Zeus himself sits on his throne in a crown of rosemary, which protects him from heavy thoughts.

A little later, during the Middle Ages, rosemary did not lose its relevance, and it was already set on fire in majestic Christian cathedrals to protect holy places from the intrigues of demons and evil spirits. It was at this time that this herb was accidentally eaten in one of the monasteries, and the monks considered that there was no better seasoning in the world.

Rosemary has been known in the East since biblical times. With the help of its fragrant smoke, they cleansed the energy of housing and a person who survived severe hardships. The healers of those years believed that he was able to protect against such a terrible disease as the plague. It was also used for more prosaic purposes as a remedy for weak memory and impotence. He has always stood in line with such common doctors of the "green world" as lemon balm, mint, thyme and sage. It has not lost its significance in our time.

What is it, a description of the plant

In botany, this herb is usually called common or medicinal rosemary, and it belongs to the genus of evergreen plants Rosemary, which are part of the larger Lamiaceae family. In Russian-speaking countries, a plant is not differentiated separately as another species, and each of them has one name for two.

Rosemary officinalis ( Rosmarinus officinalis) , which will be discussed, is an evergreen shrub belonging to the Yasnotkov family, loves warmth very much. This evergreen representative of the flora in comfortable conditions is able to reach a height of more than 1.5 m. Look at the photo of the plant:

Where it grows It grows wild on the Mediterranean coast, the shrub is cultivated in the Crimea. Can also be grown at home. Under natural conditions, it grows up to 25 years.

The leaves on its branches are narrow, painted in grayish- green color. The petioles on the leaves are short, and the already narrow plates themselves have a wrapped edge, so they look like coniferous, but thick needles.

The flowering of the medicinal shrub occurs at the end of winter and the beginning of spring, then the plant is covered with small flowers from a bluish tint to blue-violet. In some regions it may bloom until November. The labial corollas of flowers are collected in a false raceme inflorescence, in which there are usually 5-6 flowers. At the end of flowering, the fruit is tied, a nutlet, brownish in color.

It is important to know that it is at this time that rosemary is most suitable for collecting raw materials for medicinal purposes.

Harvesting plant leaves

special healing power young leaves of rosemary have, shoots with them are cut off in early spring during flowering, and dried, laid out in a thin layer on a canvas cover, while it is necessary to ensure that there is a fresh air flow in the room.

After the first couple of days, when the collected raw materials dry out, it is necessary to carefully separate the leaves from the stems. The stems are discarded, and the leaves continue to dry out in a ventilated area.

Chemical composition

In its rich composition, the plant is like a small first-aid kit, including useful essential oils: eucalyptus oil, camphor and verbeon, alpha-pinene and borneol. The oils give the plant a pleasant refreshing-spicy aroma with camphor hues, vaguely reminiscent of the smell of pine.

The presence of alkaloids (including rosemarycin), rosmarinic acid, tannins give the leaves some bitterness. And the therapeutic effect is also enhanced by the content of flavonoids luteolin and apigenin. The composition of the leaves includes vitamins and minerals, which are presented in the table.

The concentration of oils in the leaves varies depending on the region of growth and the season. The highest concentration up to 1.2% is observed during the flowering period of the shrub and during the period of full ripening of the fruit. And the table below shows the nutritional value and calories:

Beneficial features

The healing properties of rosemary are manifested due to the rich composition. The presence of antioxidants gives this plant an important property that inhibits the aging of the body. After all, antioxidants destroy free radicals that cause oxidative processes in the body, degeneration and mutation of cells.

Scientists identify several features characteristic of this plant, which are expressed in the effect:

  • bactericidal and analgesic,
  • tonic and antiseptic,
  • choleretic and antispasmodic,
  • balsamic and antirheumatic,
  • hypotensive and diaphoretic,
  • diuretic and sedative.

The people are widely known for the beneficial properties of rosemary herb tinctures, which are prepared from freshly cut leaves of this plant.

Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Tinctures are used to increase appetite, to improve the functioning of the digestive system and with bloating and flatulence, reducing colic.

Seasoning in the form of dry leaves not only improves the taste of food, but also helps in curing stomach problems. Antibacterial properties help to cope with the bacterium N. pylori, which provokes stomach ulcers.

The spice is especially useful when eating heavy meat food. Its presence in food improves intestinal motility and reduces the likelihood of constipation.

Caring for the liver. Hippocrates wrote about the treatment of the liver with this herb. In addition, the plant stimulates the secretion of bile, relieves spasmodic pain.

The substances contained in the leaves have a beneficial effect on the production of enzymes in the human body, which can cleanse the liver and kidneys of harmful toxins that accumulate in these organs. It is no coincidence that in some Latin American countries this spice is used to treat stomach ulcers and cleanse the liver.

Help for the heart and blood vessels. Doctors have long known that preparations based on rosemary increase arterial pressure, increase the heart rate and generally tone the entire body. There is an activation of blood microcirculation and the removal of spasms in the vascular walls. The property of improving blood circulation is useful for relieving dizziness at low pressure.

Strengthening the nervous system. Fragrant herb strengthens nervous system future women in labor, neurotics and children. It is used in the fight against chronic insomnia, the effects of various stresses and increased anxiety. A beneficial effect on the nervous system has also been used in rosemary baths.

Improves brain function. But not only that, the active substances that make up the leaves activate the neurons of the brain. These substances include carnosic acid, which contributes to the establishment of neural connections, which significantly activates memory. Resulting in:

  • improves memory and attention,
  • speed of reaction of brain activity.

Japanese scientists have confirmed the effect of spices on the preservation of neural connections. The presence of carnosic acid puts the plant on a par with drugs used to treat memory-destroying Alzheimer's disease. It has been experimentally proven that even healing breath aroma of this plant, activates the brain. Watch the video: Rosemary to improve brain function.

People who took part in the experiment coped with the tasks faster, remembered the information received better. Therefore, experts recommend that people over 50 must include this spice in their diet to improve brain function.

Seasonal and colds. Antiviral properties allow you to cope with the manifestations of influenza, respiratory diseases. To do this, you can take tea with rosemary leaves and breathe it in pairs to relieve the severity of asthma attacks or stop the inflammatory processes of respiratory diseases. She can also gargle in cases of sore throat.

External preparations of the plant are used to relieve pain of a rheumatic nature. That is, rosemary is an ideal natural remedy against diseases, both physiological and psychological.

Universal application recipes

The recipes described below can be useful for healing and treating all diseases. Only the leaves should be applied dry, not fresh.

Infusion prepared from a tablespoon of raw materials, filled with 500 ml of boiling water. Insist warm, you can wrap with a towel for 30 minutes. But it is necessary to store the ready and cooled infusion in a cold place and take two tablespoons several times a day.

rosemary tea to strengthen the immune system, you can drink during flu epidemics, after viral infections and other past illnesses. A teaspoon of dry raw materials is poured into 500 ml of boiling water and a field of 15-minute infusion is drunk in small portions twice a day.

Rosemary oil properties and uses

Special mention deserves the essential oil, which is obtained from rosemary by steam distillation. The highest quality oil is obtained only from young shoots with leaves, which are sometimes used in this process along with the roots. The quality of an essential oil can be determined by two indicators:

  • it is colorless, or slightly yellowish;
  • has a persistent aroma and fluidity of the liquid itself.

The essential product is characterized by analgesic and antiseptic properties, anti-inflammatory and stimulating, rejuvenating, and it is also used as an aphrodisiac.

With constant use, it helps to cleanse and release the body of toxins, improve the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, normalize pressure, strengthen immunity, activate blood circulation, improve hearing, and sharpen the sense of smell.

For prophylactic purposes, it is used to prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

For hair and skin. The oil is used for cosmetic purposes for skin and hair care. It has a beneficial effect on problem skin, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminating fat, promotes cell regeneration, accelerating cell renewal.

This feature is used to heal cracks and small wounds, to activate hair growth and their treatment.

Where is the oil used? Oil, like prepared drugs from the leaves, is used to treat constipation, colitis, gastroenteritis, and flatulence. It is used in the treatment of colds.

  • To relieve muscle pain, it is used in inflammatory processes of the joints, rheumatic.
  • It helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, so it is useful for varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
  • Externally, oil heals purulent wounds, burns, boils, bruises.
  • To relieve headaches and relax, just rub the oil on your forehead, temples and neck.
  • Its anti-nausea property is useful, it is enough to inhale the aroma of oil in the morning for several minutes.
  • Used for aromatization of baths, for which they take 5 drops of oil per bath.

The oil is used in aroma medallions, for compresses, rubbing, massage and as a remedy for itching, burning, swelling from bites.

Read the article: for health, Cleopatra's bath.

Ether is ideally combined with the smells of myrtle, lavender, cardamom, verbena and peppermint. In homeopathy, such fragrance compositions are used to achieve a state of relaxation and eliminate the effects of panic attacks, as well as in diseases such as migraine.

In cosmetology, rosemary herb essential oil is one of the most effective means for skin and hair care. Its restorative and corrective effects on collagen and hair shine are appreciated by most professional cosmetologists. In addition, it is able to qualitatively and for a long time get rid of the rash, which is caused by a glut of hormones in adolescence.

Using rosemary as a spice

Inflorescences and fresh rosemary leaves are traditionally added to gourmet dishes. If you tear off a leaf from a still “living” plant and try it, you can feel a slight bitterness, while the aroma will vary from saturated with pine needles to notes of elegant lemon and eucalyptus. The very first to use rosemary as an aromatic seasoning in cooking was a chef from France, so the spice became an indispensable component in such a well-known culinary mixture as “Herbs of Provence”.

As for the specific use of the spice obtained from this herb, it goes well with almost any type of meat, adding piquancy to it and increasing the appetite of the dish.

Gourmets advise adding rosemary to the preparation of the marinade, in which rabbit meat, lamb and pork are soaked. One of the significant advantages of the plant is that it does not lose its tart smell even as a result of long and intensive heat treatment.

This fact makes it possible to use it in hot dishes. The seasoning is part of exquisite sauces and soups, it is also ideal for creating a contrast in dishes where the main element is cheese. It is acceptable to use rosemary in desserts, which from this become twice as tasty.

Rosemary herb is most optimally combined with such products:

  1. Fish - European cuisine traditionally uses plants to make various sauces that are in harmony with seafood dishes.
  2. Vegetables - experienced housewives know that with the help of rosemary, you can eliminate the increased bitterness or acidity of the ingredients included in classic salads.
  3. Fruit - freshly cut leaves are added to various mousses or ice cream.
  4. Oil - young shoots soaked in olive oil create an amazing composition of taste.
  5. Meat is a great combination, and guests will remember the aroma of such a dish for a long time.

Not everyone knows that seasoning is also added to tea blends, creating an amazing drink in terms of its tonic effects. With the help of this representative of the flora, it is possible to aromatize not only vegetable oil, but also salt.

The substances found in the shoots and leaves of the grass, due to their antioxidant properties, are ideal natural preservatives for most foods.

Such a popular dish from distant Georgia as Satsivi (boiled chicken with spices and walnuts in a spicy sauce) is traditionally prepared with the addition of rosemary.

Some subtleties of application

Like any other spice, rosemary, if used improperly, turns from an assistant in creating a culinary masterpiece into an enemy that is fraught with the fact that it will give the dish an overly intrusive smell. In addition, if you overdo it with rosemary, then after a person tries such a dish, a burning sensation and discomfort will appear in his mouth.

Therefore, remember that it is permissible to add a couple of fresh leaves or flowers to salads and tea, but no more. Add herbs to meats and salads based on your own preferences or carefully follow the recipe.

As for medicinal use, remember that with steam inhalation it is necessary to add to 1 liter hot water 1 tsp crushed rosemary, while the treatment itself should not exceed 6 minutes.

If you overdo it over time, then instead of healing you get a chemical burn. Essential oil, which is used for thermal compresses, must be taken fresh, while remembering that one compress needs 3 drops, but no more, and keep for about half an hour so as not to burn the skin.


Most of the contraindications do not apply to rosemary in the form of seasoning or fresh raw materials, but to essential oil. This is due to the fact that the ether is in any case a concentrate of the substance, so it is easy for them to get burned if used improperly. Based on this, rosemary essential oil, unlike fresh leaves, is not suitable for pregnant women, as well as children. preschool age and those who are characterized by increased sensitivity of the skin.

Doctors note that the plant is capable of provoking intense muscle contractions, which means that it is prohibited for epileptics and those who suffer from convulsive syndrome. It should also be taken into account that the ether from this herb, in the case of active inhalations, can provoke pressure surges. It follows that hypertensive patients and diabetics need to use it very carefully. Remember, the ether that is applied to the skin, and then came under direct Sun rays causes severe burns.

How to grow rosemary at home

Under natural conditions with cold low temperatures, rosemary will not survive, because this plant is thermophilic. But it is unpretentious, therefore, in our conditions, the spice is grown at home in flower pots. There are two ways to grow a plant: from cuttings or from seeds. And here is a video: How to grow rosemary at home.

Grow from cuttings. To do this, you will have to buy a young bush of rosemary in a garden store. And then, by layering, root a branch or another. Or cut several cuttings, 7-9 cm long, moisten one end with a root growth stimulator and plant in the soil.

Grow from seed. You can also buy seeds. At the end of February, at home, they must be placed on the surface of moistened soil, lightly pressing down with the palm of your hand. Do not sprinkle with earth, but cover with glass or film and put in a cool place (5-7 degrees Celsius) for a month. After transferring to the room and waiting, after three weeks, shoots should appear.

The soil should be slightly moist, but not waterlogged. And the temperature is in the range of 10-12 degrees.

Rosemary - amazing plant, the beneficial properties of which people have successfully used from antiquity to our times. It has found its application in cooking, medicine, and cosmetology. If you responsibly treat its consumption and remember contraindications, then the plant will give both health and beauty.
Good health to you, dear readers!

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The healing qualities of an evergreen perennial, its aroma has been valued since ancient times. Depending on the varieties of rosemary, notes of lemon, pine, tenderness of the sea are mixed with the aroma of eucalyptus, camphor. Grass bushes are found in nature, on the Mediterranean coast, in the nearby mountains, forests. The plant is valued and grown for the sake of decorative flowers, but more for the use of spices in food and in medicinal purposes.

The evergreen perennial rosemary is translated from Latin as dew of the sea, the plant is a member of the Lamiaceae family. Upright shoots of grass reach a height of 0.5 to 2 meters. They are densely leafy. The linear leaves of the leathery type are 1.5-3 centimeters long. The plates are narrow with curved edges. Above, the needle-like leaves are shiny, green, dark or light in tone, and pubescent below. Foliage is located on dark gray shoots oppositely.

In the active period of life, the bushes are covered with small flowers, collected in dense purple panicles, less often white. In the second half of summer, the plant produces seeds, small, brown.

The main biological qualities of spicy culture include it:

  • drought tolerance;
  • exactingness to light;
  • increased sensitivity to low temperatures;
  • resistance to diseases and pests.

Although rosemary prefers to grow in permeable soils, it also tolerates dry, sandy, gravelly soils. Bushes are planted on the slopes for landscaping and fixing the soil.

Flowering ornamental perennial lasts 3-4 weeks, starting in April. Seeds can be collected at the end of summer.

Rosemary is used on the southern slopes of the garden, free from weeds. During the growing season, he needs top dressing. From the second year of life, plantings of fragrant spices are fed in the fall with superphosphate, and in the spring with ammonium sulfate at the location of the root system of the culture.

The spicy grass is harvested in July-August, when the plantation is 3-4 years old. Essential oil is extracted from shoots and leaves. harvested leaves dried in the shade under a canopy and added to drinks, dishes. Dry grass can be stored for up to 3 years.

Useful properties of the plant

As part of the leaves and tops of flowering shoots of the semi-shrub, essential oil, which is part of medical preparations. Consisting of pinene, camphene, cineole, camphor and other substances, it is used for the manufacture of perfumes, alcoholic beverages.

An infusion of perennial leaves helps to cope with:

  • colds;
  • violations of the functions of the gallbladder;
  • spasms in the intestines;
  • lack of milk in nursing mothers;
  • neuralgic and rheumatic pains.

The herb is added to smoking blends to relieve asthma attacks. External use of leaf infusion is necessary to fight inflammation oral cavity and throat, boils, pimples. The solution is added to baths for neuritis, inflammation of the genital area in women and men.

In cosmetology, grass is used to improve the condition of the skin and hair. It is effective for hair loss.

As part of spicy compositions, the plant is necessary in order to flavor poultry dishes, sauces. Add herbs to tea.

Types of rosemary

Under natural conditions, there are several varieties of evergreen perennial. But two types are used in indoor floriculture and horticulture: medicinal, or ordinary, rosemary and prostrate.

Rosemary officinalis

This herb is the most common. Upright bushes, reaching a height of 1.5-2 meters, with dense narrow leaves are found in gardens, in pots on windowsills. Common rosemary, or medicinal rosemary, is grown for consumption as a spice. Its leaves and shoots are valuable as they are used in folk remedies for the treatment of diseases. And the essential oil secreted from parts of the plant perfectly tones, helping to prolong youth, recover from illness.

The medicinal herb is used as decorative design summer cottages, gardens. Bushes are covered in spring with panicles of blue, purple, pink and white inflorescences. The specific aroma of plants attracts beneficial insects.

rosemary prostrate

You can meet a sprawling shrub with a spherical crown in the southern regions. Shoots no more than 70 centimeters in length grow so much that they extend 1.5-2 meters. Thin as needles, the leaves of this species have the peculiarity of changing color from light green in spring to a bluish tint in autumn.

Due to the ability to grow, the shrub is used to create a hedge or designate zones on the territory of a country house.

rosemary varieties

Breeders have bred new varieties of rosemary perennials that adorn gardens and homes. Outwardly, you can’t immediately distinguish one variety from another, but they still differ in the area of ​​​​the leaf plate, its color, shape and shades of flowers. Most varieties are rosemary officinalis.

Rosemary Corsican Blue

The evergreen perennial Corsican Blue has a powerful root system that penetrates 3-4 meters deep. Opposite leaves are grey-green in color. small flowers blue color are collected in dense panicles. The flowering of the variety begins in late April - early May and continues for 20 days.

This plant variety is used for medicinal purposes. It is planted in flower beds, borders are made out. A shrub is suitable for fixing the slopes of the reservoir. It is preferable to plant a plant on sandy, gravelly soils. The perennial is afraid of areas with acidic and marshy soil.

Rosemary Blue Winter

An ornamental semi-shrub variety valued for its blue-green needle-like leaves. The plant has winter hardiness, enduring frosts down to minus 17 degrees. Rosemary is actively used for fragrant gardens, where lemon balm, chamomile, and mint grow along with the spice. You can apply gray-green shoots with purple flowers in the form of single compositions on the lawn. Perennial serves as a backdrop for rose bushes, peonies.

Rosemary Crimean

Back in the 19th century, workers in the Nikitsky Garden of the Crimean Peninsula began to cultivate rosemary. The semi-shrub begins to bloom in February. At this time, the leaves and tops of the shoots are harvested. A plant about 1 meter high is covered with leathery leaves in the form of gray-green needles. They exude an incomparable aroma that combines the smells of the sea, freshness, lavender.

In the Crimea, you can find rosemary bushes on rocky slopes, in the design of discounts, borders. For medicinal purposes, rosemary plantations are planted, located in the sunny places of the peninsula.

The variety is afraid of even a slight drop in temperature, so for the winter it is better to bring fragrant bushes into the room.

Rosemary Tenderness

A decorative flowering perennial has thin needles of leaves up to 3-4 centimeters long. By autumn, the green color of the leaves is transformed into a gray-blue. A variety of plants in April appear brushes of blue, delicate flowers.

Shoots grow successfully in the garden, but in regions with cold winter conditions of an apartment, a house are suitable for them. Herbaceous culture loves sunny places with good ventilation of fresh air.

For growing crops in containers, ceramic flowerpots filled with nutrient soil mixture are chosen.. The acidity of the soil should be neutral or slightly alkaline.

Rosemary Dewdrop

The perennial variety belongs to the medicinal species of a spicy plant. Reaches technical maturity 63-65 days after germination. The shoots of the plant are densely covered with foliage, the height of the stems reaches no more than 40 centimeters. Leaves with a high content of essential oils are dark green in color, linear-lanceolate in shape.

The variety is suitable for growing in pots. The total weight of green mass reaches 50 grams from one bush.

Rosemary White

A rare species of plant with white inflorescences. During the growing season, a flowering shrub with a height of 0.5 to 1 meter can become a real decoration of the garden. The beauty of the perennial, its snow-white inflorescences, is set off by the bright green of needle-shaped leaves. The variety belongs to medicinal rosemary. Its leaves and shoots are infused and used to enhance vital energy and strength.

Rosemary Ampelny

The prostrate form of a flowering shrub is represented by an Ampelous perennial. Container-grown shoots of the plant twist, fancifully hanging along the wall from the pot. You can use a waterfall of twisting branches covered with green long and narrow leaves to create a "living" wall. Decorate the ampelous look of rosemary and rocky gardens.

Since the variety does not tolerate even small frosts, it is better to grow it indoors.

Rosemary Biryusa

The densely leafy shoots of an evergreen shrub will become a true decoration of the garden and home. A perennial subshrub will always keep leaves fresh, glossy, with curled edges. Honey inflorescences on erect shoots appear in March, again - in September. small flowers located in the axils of the upper leaves and have color scheme from light blue to purple.

This fragrant seasoning is the hallmark of Italian and Provencal cuisine. What else is rosemary good for? Beneficial features This fragrant herb is very wide, not for nothing that its official name has the prefix "medicinal". It is a good antiseptic, has a tonic effect, improves memory and helps with many diseases.

Fragrant healer

Rosemary is a good antispasmodic. Due to this property, it helps with spasms of the gastrointestinal tract and bile ducts, urinary tract, and peripheral vessels. Rosemary is indicated for people with cerebrovascular accidents.

Immunostimulating properties make rosemary an additional support for the body during illnesses and after surgeries, as well as during stress and overwork.

Improves the periodic use of rosemary memory and attention. Helps to get rid of depression, headaches and insomnia. It is indicated for women with menstrual irregularities.

The anti-inflammatory properties of rosemary help with colds and sore throats. It relieves inflammation on the skin, promotes wound healing. Improves the condition of patients with radiculitis and arthrosis.

Important! Rosemary should not be consumed during pregnancy. It is also not advisable for young children to try rosemary. Among the contraindications are epilepsy, hypersensitivity of the skin, allergy to this plant and hypertension. People prone to a sharp increase in pressure may even begin to have seizures.


How to use rosemary? Application is possible both inside and in the form of rubbing and baths. Rosemary essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy and cosmetology. It is used in aroma lamps to achieve a tonic effect. In addition, it is considered strong (by the way, like many other essential oils -,). Essential oil is also included in the composition of masks for skin and hair.

Rosemary is usually drunk in the form of decoctions, infusions and teas. Here are a few ways to prepare healing liquids:

To prepare a decoction, take two teaspoons of dried rosemary in a glass of water. Boil the drug for 15-20 minutes. Take as a general tonic in a teaspoon before meals.

Rosemary infusion is made in the same proportions. Steamed with boiling water, rosemary "rests" for half an hour, then the infusion is drunk in several doses. Helps with flatulence.

Decoctions and infusions of rosemary are also used to gargle with sore throat and gum disease. Lotions with rosemary will help from boils. And for women with vaginal leucorrhoea, traditional medicine advises douching with rosemary infusion.

Such a collection will help from depression and nervous disorders: you can use the following recipe: we take dried rosemary and leaves in equal proportions. We take a spoonful of the mixture in a glass of boiling water and steam for about half an hour. It makes a delicious soothing tea.

Patients with rheumatism and sciatica are advised to take rosemary baths. Boil 50 g of rosemary leaves in a liter of water. Let stand for half an hour. Strained broth is added directly to the bath.

The best seasoning for meat

Both fresh and dried leaves are used in cooking. But do not overdo it with this spice in your dishes. It has a very strong taste and smell. Rosemary is a spice that can drown out the taste of other ingredients.

But this property makes rosemary indispensable in dishes of lamb, rabbit meat, as well as a variety of game. It will beat off the specific taste of such meat and add a touch of noble taste. Alternatively, toss a few sprigs of rosemary on the charcoal grill, and the kebab or barbecue will take on a pleasant aroma.

In general, rosemary is a seasoning that is ideal for any kind of meat and poultry. Interestingly, it tolerates heat treatment well, so feel free to add it at the very beginning of the cooking process. For example, you can bake a bird deliciously if you first wrap it with rosemary sprigs. It is even believed that seasoning can reduce the formation of carcinogens.

Both marinade and salad

Rosemary is appropriate in the preparation of brines and marinades for preserving vegetables and mushrooms, you can add a little seasoning to sauerkraut. Any mushroom dish will only sparkle if you add rosemary. It is also good as an addition to stewed vegetables - potatoes, tomatoes, beans, cabbage, including cauliflower, and so on.

Use it in salads, sauces, soups and even pastries. Rosemary combines wonderfully with other spices, is included in the bouquet of Provence herbs. Exception - . In one dish with rosemary, it is not appropriate. At the same time, seasonings are quite interchangeable.

Ready for an Italian party? You can't do without rosemary. Italians traditionally add this spice to pizza, focaccia and sauces. Good advice: Place a sprig of rosemary in a container of vinegar or olive oil. The plant will easily give up its aroma, and you will get an excellent fragrant oil (vinegar).

Growing rosemary on a windowsill

Complain about this wonderful plant and flower growers. A neat bush will not only fill the house with a pleasant aroma, but also delight in the warm season with beautiful purple flowers. In addition, the hostess will be able to add freshly picked fragrant rosemary to the dishes at any time. Growing this plant at home does not require much effort and time.

If someone you know is already growing rosemary, you can take a cutting from an adult plant and simply root it. If not, we go for the seeds. Suitable flower pot of medium diameter, 12-15 cm deep. Rosemary prefers dry, neutral or slightly alkaline soil. Be sure to take care of drainage.

Plant rosemary seeds better in spring- in February-March. They are placed not very deep in moist soil, tighten the top of the pot with a film and put it in a cool place for two weeks. It is worth periodically airing to avoid moldy soil. If, on the contrary, the earth has dried up, you need to irrigate it from a sprayer. After two weeks, the pot is placed in heat, after which the seeds germinate for 10-13 days.

How to care for rosemary?

In general, this is quite unpretentious plant. In summer, he feels great on a well-lit southern window, in winter he can withstand temperatures up to +10 in the room. The main condition for the well-being of the plant in your home is frequent airing. If it is not possible to open windows in winter, arrange a rosemary bush periodically with a light breeze using a fan.

Rosemary does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. Even in summer, watering should be moderate. In winter, water the plant only when the earth ball dries well.

Experienced flower growers advise maintaining the height of the bush at about 40–60 cm. You can form it by periodically cutting the branches to the desired length.

Of course, a plant in a pot is different from a plant grown in open ground rosemary. Useful properties and taste in this case become poorer. But it is quite possible to use such a plant both for food and for medicinal purposes.

Important! If you use the leaves for food, refrain from using mineral fertilizers. This can harm your health. It is quite possible to feed the plant by adding compost or humus to the pot a couple of times a year.

Treatment folk methods to this day is considered effective way getting rid of ailments. To date, rosemary is one of the ten useful plants that safely affect the body. This is due primarily to the high content of flavonoids, which can affect the heart muscle and central nervous system. Rosemary-based preparations are recommended for depression.

Medicinal properties

If we consider the beneficial properties of this medicinal plant in medicine, then the following can be noted with confidence:

  • A positive effect on the musculoskeletal system, as well as on human joints.
  • Rejuvenating effect on the skin of the face and body.
  • Healing properties on fresh wounds.
  • Application in cosmetology and hair care.

To date, recipes for the use of medicinal essential oils to stimulate the growth of hair follicles, as well as the prevention of baldness, are known. If you have problems with the respiratory apparatus, dry cough - then useful rosemary can quickly cure you of this ailment. With antiseptic properties, medicinal plant quickly kills all microbes in the body, and also allows the body to get rid of the chronic and barking disease as quickly as possible. The medicinal properties of a useful plant have been known since the time of Plato and Socrates. There are no contraindications.

Skin problems can also be resolved with this herb. For psoriasis, medicine advises using both fresh rosemary and powdered rosemary. If you have a plant growing in your garden, then it is likely to use it for bathing. Alternatively, you can use a healing lotion to wipe the inflamed areas of the skin. Medicinal properties will help remove inflammation and acne.

In cosmetology and hair care, therapeutic masks and decoctions are used for hair growth and health. In order for your hair to have a healthy shine and health, you need to brew 3 tablespoons of medicinal rosemary and leave for about 3 days. The prepared decoction should be rubbed into dry scalp.


The following contraindications to the use of rosemary are observed:

  • 1. Pregnancy. The plant is able to increase the period of intoxication and cause uterine contractions;
  • 2. The period of lactation and breastfeeding;
  • 3. Epilepsy. In order to avoid seizures and deterioration of health, it is also not recommended for use;
  • 4. Individual intolerance;
  • 5. Hypersensitivity to antioxidants;
  • 6. Frequent convulsions.

In order to avoid an allergic reaction or a negative effect on the body, it is not recommended to use rosemary on its own. Before use, you should consult your doctor and prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.

The use of rosemary in traditional medicine

In order to get rid of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal system, you should use infusions and healing teas from rosemary. It is necessary to brew a few tablespoons of dry extract at night, then consume in small portions during the day. You can buy dry mix at any pharmacy in your city. In diseases of the pancreas, the use of decoctions and infusions from herbal extract should be minimized.

In ancient times, a mixture of rosemary and rosehip was used to increase immunity. Such a decoction not only increased the body's resistance to various viruses, but also helped to increase hemoglobin in the blood. With various nervous shocks and exhaustion, it is recommended to drink half a teaspoon of infusion in the morning on an empty stomach.

To gain male strength, it is worth adding the dried plant to food or drinks. An increase in potency occurs due to the content of high doses of aphrodisiac in the herb.

Essential oil

Medicinal rosemary oil for hair application and medicinal properties widely known today in medicine. To improve the quality of the hairline, it is recommended to comb your hair daily using oil. To do this, apply a small amount of essential oil to the comb and carefully comb the hair. To enhance the effect and shine of the hair, you can use a mix of oils: rosemary and mint or tea tree and rosemary essential oil. There are no special contraindications for use.

To strengthen the hair roots, experts and famous trichologists recommend using rosemary essential oil as part of healing masks. As a means for daily care, you can use a balm or conditioner. If you do not use balms, you can add essential oil to your shampoo. side effects and there are no contraindications. The only exception is sensitive scalp.


Rosemary seasoning knows where to add every housewife. To enhance the taste of dishes, it is recommended to use a pinch of a dry mixture of herbs in combination with lemon juice. In order for meat or fish to be juicy, experienced chefs recommend preparing marinade using this plant. Keep the meat for three hours, and it is better to leave to marinate overnight. To prevent metabolic disorders, you should not use the herb along with bay leaf. No contraindications were found.

Tea for weight loss

Many women know firsthand about the healing properties of this herb and actively use it not only in cooking everyday dishes, but also as the main component in losing weight. To lose the hated kilograms, nutritionists recommend drinking brewed tea with rosemary and cinnamon. It is necessary to observe the proportions - 1: 4. To enhance the taste, you can add half a teaspoon of honey. It is worth remembering that this is not ordinary tea, so do not exceed the allowable dosage.

Contraindications to the use of tea for weight loss:

  • Pregnancy;
  • gastrointestinal infections;
  • Seizures of epilepsy.

The use of rosemary in cosmetology

Clay mask with rosemary for the face is used to cleanse and restore an even skin tone. White clay is perfect for this mixture, but if one is not available, blue or black can be used. Mix three teaspoons of dry powder with one teaspoon of essential oil or dry rosemary extract. The product has an ideal composition, restores overdried skin and restores freshness and shine.

Cultivation and care

If opportunities allow, you can useful plant independently on open ground or under a film in a greenhouse. First of all, it is worth remembering that the plant grows best on loose and moist soil. Landing takes place in early spring or late autumn. It is not recommended to plant a useful plant next to flowers or trees that bear fruit. It is important to remember that the plant is rather capricious, and also loves space and timely care.

It must be remembered that outdoor rosemary will need a constant supply of air and water. Planting is done either vegetatively using cuttings or seeds. Planting a plant is best done in September, then the harvest can be expected in March.

Growing rosemary in an apartment does not require much effort. Contrary to popular myth, landing medicinal herb possible at home. For planting in a pot, you only need a couple of seeds and weekly weeding of the soil cover. Can use a little organic fertilizers, which will help accelerate growth and increase the concentration of plant nutrients.

Irina Mart

Rosemary - cultivation, properties, application

  • 30.05.2016
  • medicinal plants
  • Irina Mart
  • 2004

- a magnificent spicy aromatic plant, one of the types of which is rosemary officinalis. In addition to using it as a spicy herb, it is very decorative. This evergreen shrub with thin, needle-like leaves, grows wild on the Mediterranean coast. During flowering, it is strewn with lovely lilac flowers. In translation, "rosemary" means "sea freshness." The ancient Romans called it sea dew, believing that coastal waves give it delicate flowers such a shade.

Rosemary properties

It has a spicy, slightly coniferous smell and a bitter taste. Thanks to its essential oils, it is widely used in cooking and aromatherapy. As a spice, it is widely used in Africa, India, and Russia.

Rosemary - medicinal plant. It is believed that adding it to food improves digestion, relieves nervous tension, improves cerebral circulation, has a beneficial effect on memory and vision, and helps fight colds.

IN Ancient Rome magical properties were attributed to him, and even rooms with seriously ill people were fumigated. It was believed that the fresh smell of essential oil drives away diseases and all evil. The tradition of presenting sprigs of rosemary to newlyweds as a symbol of prosperity has remained to this day in some countries.

Internal application. Water infusion is used for nervous disorders, menopause, impotence and stomach cramps.

Outdoor application. It is used for neuritis, thrombophlebitis, rheumatism, and also as a wound healing agent.

Application of rosemary

In cooking- as a spice. Great for fish and meat products, as well as mushrooms. It is added to soups, salads, marinades and pastries. Rosemary is used to flavor the oil. To do this, you need to place a few leaves of rosemary in a clean bottle and fill it with any vegetable oil. Then the bottle must be tightly closed and put away in a dark place. After 2-3 weeks, the oil is ready. It turns out natural flavor which can be used in cooking.

The external use of rosemary essential oil is very diverse. For example, rosemary oil is known to be an ideal massage oil for stress relief. It is easy to prepare at home. 5-7 drops of essential oil mixed with 10 ml vegetable oil. Such a massage effectively relieves stress, and is also used for arthritis, myalgia and rheumatic pains.

Compress with rosemary oil helps:

  • for minor burns
  • with inflammation
  • when treating abrasions

The compress can be prepared by dissolving 5-7 drops of rosemary oil in a bowl of hot water. Then you need to dip a piece of cloth into the water and apply a compress.

Very efficient and rosemary baths. 7-10 drops of rosemary in a bath of water will relieve the condition with:

  • stress
  • Overwork
  • Before menstruation

Very efficient and rosemary inhalation. Mixed with eucalyptus and mint, it is an excellent remedy for asthma, bronchitis and coughs. Soothes an irritated throat and improves well-being.

It has been noticed that regular fumigation of a room with essential oil improves memory, puts thoughts in order, and helps with constant mental overstrain.

Internal application rosemary essential oil strengthens the heart and liver, lowers cholesterol and promotes the onset of menstruation. To do this, you need to drip 2-3 drops of essential oil into 1 tsp. honey and drink a glass of herbal tea.

In cosmetology rosemary essential oil used as an anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antibacterial agent. Rosemary is part of the care products for oily and problematic skin faces. It reduces the increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores and evens out the skin.

If you add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to the cream, it will help soften the skin and lift its tone.

Rosemary applied and for dry skin care. It regenerates and softens rough skin, improves elasticity.

Means for removing scars, scratches and scars from the skin, as well as anti-cellulite products, must contain rosemary essential oil.

Adding a few drops of rosemary oil to hair masks strengthens the roots, prevents hair loss and dandruff. You can make your own hair oil by taking almond oil as a base and adding a few freshly picked leaves to it. Insist 2 weeks. This oil should be applied to the roots for 10-15 minutes.

Water of the Hungarian Queen

You may have heard of this miracle cure. The fame of him has not ceased for many centuries. This rejuvenating tonic helped Queen Erzsébet of Hungary keep her youth up to 70 years. It was rumored that already at an advanced age, the queen looked so magnificent that she even seduced the Polish king.

The main miraculous component of this aromatic water was rosemary. It has had a reputation for hundreds of years as a remedy for gout.

Water of the Hungarian Queen has a morning aroma, very invigorating, and in the modern interpretation is used mainly as a refreshing summer perfume. Some sources say that rose oil was also part of the water. However, rosemary was the main ingredient.

"Hungarian water" can be used as a facial tonic, as well as rubbed into the scalp.

Here is one option preparation of "Hungarian water"(concentrated version - per 100 ml of alcohol):

  • Em. rosemary 26 drops
  • Em. lemon 12 drops
  • Em. lemon balm 12 drops
  • Em. mint 2 drops
  • Em. roses 0.5 drops
  • Em. neroli 0.5 drops

Mix essential oils, add them to alcohol. You can add orange blossom water. Shake everything properly. Put insist. The mixture must be shaken first daily (5-7 days), then once a week.

Growing Rosemary

Although rosemarymediterranean plant, in our country they have already learned how to grow it. Success is guaranteed if you follow the basic rules:

  • Rosemary loves light and warmth. Therefore, a landing site must be chosen appropriately.
  • It does not tolerate frost at all. Landing in the ground is possible only after the final passage of the night cold.
  • soil for rosemary should be calcareous, loose and light. It is difficult to take root in acidic or fatty soils.
  • Rosemary loves moisture. But it does not tolerate waterlogging.
  • If you are growing rosemary in a pot, it is advisable to turn it periodically around its axis so that the course grows evenly.

Rosemary is grown in 4 ways: by cuttings, layering and dividing the bush. The depth of sowing when sowing in the ground is 1.5 cm. Shoots appear in a month. To speed up this process, pre-soak the seeds. A bed with sown seeds should be covered with a film. This will protect the soil from drying out and possible frosts. Regular garden care - regular watering, loosening, weed removal.

Growing seedlings from seeds- most best option. Seedlings can be sown in February-March, and planted in the ground after the onset of stable heat.

In open ground, seedlings should be planted at a distance of 50-60 cm if you plan to grow shrubs (with subsequent shelter for the winter). If you want to grow rosemary for greenery, it is enough to plant them at a closer distance - 10-15 cm.

Propagation by cuttings. Young shoots 8-10 cm are cut from the bush around the end of June. Then they are stuck at an angle into the ground by about half. The stalk should be previously exposed and processed in "Kornevin" or any other similar agent. Cuttings root fairly quickly.

You can do it differently. Peel a 10-centimeter stalk from the lower leaves and place in a dark glass vase with water. Add a couple of pills activated carbon. After about 2 weeks, roots will appear, after which you can plant in a pot.

If you have rosemary in a pot, repot it regularly. If you see that the plant does not get drunk after watering (water immediately drains), this means that the pot is full of roots. So the plant needs to be transplanted urgently.

You also need to pinch the tops at the points of growth. So the plant will be more bushy.

If you grow rosemary outdoors, then it must be well covered before wintering. When it snows, add more snow. But in a harsh winter, the plant can still die. Therefore, the best option is to dig up the plant and transplant it into boxes, and then place it in the basement.
