Since ancient times, our ancestors have been used in culinary and medical recipes for fruits, buds, and currant branches.

On a special account there were always black berries collected from a bush.

However, not everyone understands that the benefits of currant leaves are no less. In fact, the benefits (and harms) of currant leaf tea have been scientifically proven.

studying medicinal properties and contraindications of currant (black) leaves, scientists have found that vegetable raw materials help improve the condition of patients with diabetes mellitus, reduce the risk of malignant tumors.

It is known to be a good prophylactic against colds and flu. Daily intake 50 ml drink during the epidemic significantly reduce the risk of disease.

Medicinal properties of currant leaves

If you prefer natural medicines to synthetic ones, you will be interested in the benefits of currant leaves. The tool can be used internally and externally.

The plant has the following effect on the body:

Indications for use

With the help of a plant, you can help the body with serious diseases, as well as improve immunity.

The tool is shown with:

  • SARS, whooping cough, tonsillitis, influenza, bronchitis;
  • hypertension, cardioneurosis;
  • cystitis and pyelonephritis;
  • beriberi, loss of appetite;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • anemia;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • skin rashes.

Contraindications for use

From internal use should be abandoned when;

  1. peptic ulcer;
  2. gastritis;
  3. increased blood clotting;
  4. thrombophlebitis.

Such a contraindication, as individual intolerance to the body, concerns internal and external use.

Properly dried raw materials are enriched with vitamins, microelements, and other useful substances. This composition influenced the properties of currant leaves. Often use the collection of currant leaves and

For making drinks raw materials can be mixed with regular tea in equal proportions. Then the mixture is brewed (1 tablespoon of tea per 0.5 liters of boiling water) in a closed container.

Use the green parts of the plant and without additives. For 0.5 liters of boiling water take 1 tbsp. l. dry or 2 tbsp. l. fresh leaf. Insist 20 minutes. The benefits of tea from currant leaves will be appreciated by often ill people. It is also shown in the rehabilitation period.

Currant leaves during pregnancy

Preparations based on vegetable raw materials activate the work of the adrenal glands and remove uric acid. The tool is useful after the birth of the baby, it is suitable for bathing.

Currant leaves during pregnancy help:

  • increase hemoglobin;
  • normalize high blood pressure;
  • remove puffiness;
  • improve kidney function.

Cosmetic application

For washing healthy . To do this, dry raw materials (2 tablespoons) are poured with 0.5 boiling water and boiled for 2-3 minutes. The liquid is infused for 20 minutes.

For acne mask will help: 2 tbsp. l. mix dry raw materials with boiling water. Soak a napkin with gruel, put the mask on your face for 25 minutes.

The procedure is repeated daily. The course is designed for a month. After a 2-week break, procedures can be resumed.

When to collect currant leaves for tea

For medicinal and culinary purposes, both wild shrubs and cultivars are suitable. It is important that the bushes are not exposed chemical treatment from diseases and pests a month before collection. But before you dry currant leaves for tea, you need to properly collect them.

When to collect currant leaves for drying

For medicinal purposes it is better to collect raw materials during the flowering of the shrub. During this period, the green parts of the plant accumulate the maximum amount of nutrients. You can collect raw materials later. Do this after the dew dries, in dry weather. The leaves should be healthy, without traces of the fungus.

The collected raw materials are laid out in a thin layer on a baking sheet. Dry away from sunlight.

Finished medicine stored in resealable jars.

  1. To do this, they are dried for a day in the shade.
  2. The leaves dried along the edges are collected in small piles (5-10 pieces each), rolled into a sausage.
  3. The blanks are placed in an enameled container, covered with a moistened cloth and left in a warm place for fermentation.
  4. After 6–12 hours, the darkened mini-bundles are dried in an oven at a temperature of 100°C.

From them it turns out. If you decide to make a tincture on blackcurrant leaves, then you will need fresh raw materials.

Tincture on blackcurrant leaves

A fragrant tincture is obtained from the green parts of plants harvested in the spring. The raw materials are washed, dried, then put into a glass container, filling it almost to the brim.

Pour everything with vodka and insist 24 hours in a dark place at room temperature. The liquid is filtered and poured into a bottle. In the same way, moonshine is insisted on blackcurrant leaves.

Delicious, smelling of summer, the drink is obtained from berries and currant leaves. For this:

  • 500 g of berries are ground with sugar (100 g);
  • add 50 leaves;
  • pour all 1 l. vodka.
  • insist in a dark place for 3-5 weeks.

Now you know when to collect currant leaves for tea. Prepare this remedy and colds will not bother you.

The video will be a good addition to the article.

Summer is a unique time when you can enjoy fresh vegetables, fruits and fruits right from the garden. But, in addition to this, it is possible to prepare healthy greens for the winter and medicinal herbs. In this article, we will focus on how to dry raspberry and currant leaves.

To begin with, let's dwell on the undoubted benefits of these plants. Raspberry leaves have a diaphoretic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect; tea from them will become indispensable for colds, SARS, bronchitis, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Currant leaves, brewed in the form of tea, are a unique general tonic, because they contain biologically active and tannins, essential oils, vitamins and phytoncides. They have more vitamin C than even the berries themselves. Therefore, tea is used as a cleansing, diuretic, antirheumatic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and tonic agent.

How to dry raspberry and currant leaves

Let us now dwell on how to dry raspberry (currant) leaves. Since only properly prepared raw materials retain all their beneficial properties, trace elements and vitamins.

To achieve this goal, there must be mandatory compliance with a number of the following rules.

Firstly, you will definitely need to choose the right time to collect raw materials. Raspberry leaves can only be plucked when they have blossomed on the bush, but no later than the moment when the flowering has already passed and the fruit ovaries have appeared.

Secondly, best time days for collecting leaves is the so-called "middle" morning, when the dew has already disappeared, but there is still no bright sunlight. But the leaves must be dry, not after rain.

Thirdly, raw materials can be dried only under a canopy so that the grass does not burn out. But, at the same time, it must be very dry so that it does not rot and turn black.

How to store dried raspberry and currant leaves

In addition to these rules, you must follow the principles of storage of medicinal raw materials:

It should be stored in cloth and paper bags separately. But this - perfect option. In addition, it is permissible to transfer the leaves to ceramic or glass containers with a very tight lid.

The maximum shelf life of raw materials is two years, but no more.

Usually, leaves and currants are used to make decoctions, and are also added to teas. In addition to the unique aroma, they will be able to fill them with vitamins, trace elements and useful substances.

Currant berries are loved by both adults and children. Such an unpretentious plant is found on almost every garden plot as well as in the wild. Healing characteristics are known not only for ripe fruits, but also for currant leaves. For many decades, our ancestors used them to prepare healing infusions and fragrant teas. To make a currant leaf drink not only tasty, but also truly healthy, you need to clearly know all the rules for collecting, storing and using such raw materials. Let's talk about all these nuances in detail.

Beneficial features

The leaves of the currant bush contain an incredibly large amount of essential trace elements. The plant is especially rich in vitamin C - its content in leaves is almost 2 times higher than in berries (only 100 g of leaves of this vitamin is more than the human body needs per day). Vitamin C directly affects the intensity of the synthesis of connective tissue cells and collagen - an extremely important protein that ensures the elasticity and beauty of the skin, the density and strength of dental tissue. Therefore, currant leaves can have a beneficial effect on appearance.

IN chemical composition currant leaf contains the most important polyphenolic compounds that are necessary for the full functioning of the whole organism. These include:

  • flavonols;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • catechins and other elements.

They prevent the oxidation / destruction of healthy cells, having a beneficial effect on the body in the process of fighting and preventing cancer.

The natural antioxidants found in leaves help the body deal with toxic substances from the environment. Minerals contribute to the development and strengthening bone tissue and muscles, have a positive effect on the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Calcium / magnesium in the composition are useful for maintaining the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, and therefore serve to prevent a heart attack.

Another composition of the currant leaf allows you to use it as an effective natural remedy for the treatment and prevention of problems with blood pressure, vessels, as well as for the prevention of viral diseases. In addition, currant leaf tea will become an indispensable tool during the period of colds.

Ascorbic acid in the composition (together with other useful substances) helps to strengthen the body's natural resistance, restore vitality after a long illness, as well as increase the overall tone of the body, recharge with energy. Phytoncides are effective as an anti-inflammatory agent, so a currant drink is useful for a sore throat. Some experts compare the healing power of currant leaves with traditional medicines.

Often, currant green tea is strongly recommended for older people to drink, since such a drink is an effective preventive measure for Alzheimer's disease. It allows you to keep the brain in good shape and its activity. Also, a natural drink helps to normalize blood sugar levels.


Like any other product besides healing properties, currant leaves also have contraindications. If you have an individual intolerance to berries, then tea from the leaves should be consumed with great care. Such a drink should also be discarded by those people who suffer from increased acidity of the stomach, ulcers, gastritis. If you have thrombophlebitis, then currant tea should also not be drunk, because this may disrupt the function of blood clotting.

It is better for women during pregnancy/breastfeeding to postpone the intake of the drink, as there is a possibility of an allergic reaction or other unpleasant side effects.

Collection rules

To collect leaves that contain the largest possible amount useful elements, it is important to choose the right time for such an event. It is best to harvest the leaves during the flowering period of the bush. Then natural antioxidants, vitamin C, acids and other useful components will remain in the greens. Specific dates depend on the variety of black or red currant, as well as the region of your residence, because in southern regions the plant blooms much earlier than in the northern ones. But the time is quite universal - it is better to pick fresh leaves from 10 to 11 in the morning.

This time period is best for harvesting, because the greenery is no longer dewy, but at the same time it is not dried out by the afternoon sun.

Let's list a few more important rules that relate to harvesting currant leaves.

The listed rules are quite simple, but following them will allow you to prepare truly healing raw materials for currant tea.

How to dry and store?

It is important not only to choose the right greens for tea, but also to be able to dry and store them. This can be done in several ways.

Natural way

This is the most affordable option drying blanks for tea for the winter, since you do not need any special tools or investments for it. You just need to choose the right place for drying. It should be absolutely dry, warm, direct ultraviolet radiation should not penetrate into it. When the place is found, start preparing the greens. It should be washed only when absolutely necessary. Most often, it is enough to simply remove excess debris and twigs, if any.

Now select the substrate for the raw material. A natural fabric, such as cotton or burlap, is best suited for this purpose. Ordinary gauze, clean sheets will come in handy.

It is better not to use newspapers, as ink can be printed on currant leaves.

It is important to evenly spread the greens in order to achieve the best drying of each individual leaf. Do not forget to periodically turn the workpieces and make sure that mold does not appear on them. Rotting sheets should be removed immediately so that they do not infect the rest. Be sure to change the material or sheets that were used as the backing.

Checking the readiness of future tea leaves is quite simple. Take one leaf in your hand and see how quickly it breaks. Very fragile elements are a sure sign of the readiness of raw materials.

In the oven

This drying method is faster, but no more difficult than the previous one. Sort and then prepare the leaves, then spread them evenly on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Arrange the greens in such a way that each leaf does not touch the other. Now turn on the appliance to 100 degrees and heat it for 15 minutes. Then lower the temperature to 80 degrees and put the blanks in the oven. It remains to wait about 30 minutes, from time to time checking the degree of readiness of the greens. It should be checked by the same method - by examining fragility.

In an electric dryer

If you have such equipment in your house, then by all means use it. Most often, electric dryers are used to process fruits and vegetables, but they are also suitable for making tea from a currant leaf, especially if the device has a function for drying herbs. If there is no such function, you can simply set the minimum temperature. Lay out the currant leaves in an even layer (not too dense), then turn on the device.

The main advantage of this drying method is that you can be sure that you do not overdry the leaves. The same cannot be said for the oven or outdoor drying method. In addition, all the beneficial substances contained in the greens will definitely be preserved.

fermentation method

When you have just collected the leaves from the bush, they should be put on paper or gauze, and then left for about a day (at least 20 hours) in a dark and cool place, periodically turning the greens over. At the end of the specified period, take a few leaves, twist them until liquid appears. Then put the twisted greens in a glass container, cover the top with a clean natural cloth, which must first be moistened with water.

Leave the workpiece in warm room until the room is filled with a noticeable smell of currants. Until then, rewet the cloth if it dries.

Then you should chop the greens. To do this, use ordinary scissors or simply break the leaves with your hands. Then place them on a baking sheet with parchment paper, and then send them to an oven preheated to 90 degrees. Wait about an hour, after which the future tea will be completely ready for further storage and brewing.

You can also grind the dried leaves with a food processor, blender or coffee grinder. Finished raw materials should be stored in plastic or glass jar, container, or bag made of natural fabric. Paper bags made from a material without any ink or foreign elements are also suitable. Place the container with the crushed leaves in a dry and dark place where direct Sun rays. If even a small amount of water gets inside, it will provoke the decay of the raw material.

Currant leaves should not be subjected to too intense heat treatment, because in this way you can destroy useful organic compounds in the composition of greens and make tea useless.

Now you know everything about how to properly collect, dry and store currant leaves. Regular consumption of aromatic tea from them will improve your health and improve your mood! By the way, you can cook not only classic tea, which contains only currant leaves. It is possible to diversify the drink recipe by adding black or green tea, various berries and herbs, or leaves of other fruit plants.

As a bonus, consider a proven version of one of these recipes.

  • Take 1 part of dried and chopped raspberry and strawberry leaves, mix them with 2 parts of prepared currant greens.
  • Place them in a teapot, fill with boiled water, but not too much. hot water. For this amount of tea leaves, half a liter will be enough.
  • Steep the drink for 15-20 minutes

How to make tea from currant leaves, see the following video.

Currant is considered one of the most useful, vitamin-rich berries. It is effective for raising immunity, which is important in winter period. If you eat 50 grams of berries every day, you can provide yourself with a daily supply of vitamin C.

Bush currant leaves have no less unique properties. Tea prepared with the addition of this leaf is healthy and fragrant.


Servings: - + 5

  • currant berries 1 kg

per serving

Calories: 78 kcal

Proteins: 2.0 g

Fats: 0.4 g

Carbohydrates: 22.9 g

1 hour. 30 min. Video recipe Print

    Rinse the currants thoroughly, spread a thin layer on a paper or cotton towel and let dry. From time to time, the berries need to be mixed or slightly shaken so that all the moisture is completely gone.

    After 1 hour, transfer to special bags or plastic containers and send back to the freezer. As a result, you will receive a blank, as in the photo.

Recipe for freezing currant leaves

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Servings: 10

Energy value

  • calorie content - 2 kcal;
  • fats - 0 g;
  • proteins - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0.2 g.


  • currant leaves - 100 g

Step by step cooking

  1. Carefully sort out the currant leaves, remove debris and dry parts, leaving only whole green leaves.
  2. Rinse under running water and lay out on paper towels to dry completely.
  3. Cut into strips about 1 cm wide and fold into special resealable bags. Send to the freezer.

Now you will not wonder if it is possible to freeze currant leaves for the winter for tea.

Freezing Secrets

The main secret of the correct freezing of currants is the presence of freshly picked berries. From the moment it was plucked to freezing, no more than two hours should pass. The same goes for leaves. It is this pace that allows you to save a maximum of vitamins and minerals.

Before sending the currants to the freezer, it must be dried as much as possible after washing, otherwise the berries will turn out in ice. This method is very convenient. You can use the preparation for cooking compote in spring or at other times of the year or make jam by twisting the currants in a meat grinder with sugar.

Shelf life

You can store at a temperature of -18 and below for 1 year, at -10 it is desirable to reduce the shelf life to 5-6 months.

Storage container

The best option for freezing currants would be Plastic container, and for the leaves, a special tightly closed bag is suitable.

For harvesting according to the recipes proposed above, almost all varieties of currants are suitable: black, red, white. The main thing is not to miss the moment of fruit ripening in order to get the maximum of vitamins in an incredibly tasty and fragrant berry in winter.

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Gotta fix it

It would seem that with all the assortment of tea that is presented today in stores, we should have forgotten about herbal infusions a long time ago. But, nevertheless, they are still popular, and even many refuse industrial drinks, returning to what nature gives us. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to go to forests and fields in order to prepare fragrant raw materials. You can collect plant leaves in your own garden or from relatives and friends if you don’t have your own plot.

In any garden there is sure to be a blackcurrant. And this plant is already enough to stock up for the winter fragrant and useful blank for infusion. The main thing is not to forget about how to properly collect and dry currant leaves. Then all their properties will be fully preserved until the next harvest. You can even freeze future tea if there is nowhere to lay out the leaves to dry, and there is no place to store them later. Or even puzzled by fermentation, when there is a desire to get something new and it is absolutely not a pity for time.

Currant leaves do not just allow you to make amazingly fragrant tea. Such an infusion can help with colds (this plant contains a huge amount of vitamin C), prevent diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, normalize the condition of the oral cavity, and improve digestion.

photo:, ewastudio, ursolv, Rawlik
