1. Greenhouse house

Greenhouse from window frames.
From window frames you can build charming houses that will help not only provide plants with comfort, but also become a stunning decoration for your summer cottage.

2. Dome

Greenhouse made of wood and polyethylene.
A large polygonal greenhouse, the frame of which is built of wood covered with ordinary oilcloth. Despite the complexity of manufacturing, such a domed design has an attractive appearance, stability and excellent illumination.

3. Plastic cap

Cap from a plastic bottle.
A mini greenhouse that can be made from an ordinary plastic bottle by simply cutting off the bottom from it. Such a greenhouse is best suited for cucumbers and zucchini, as these plants do not tolerate transplantation well and spend a lot of effort on adaptation. At the beginning of the landing, the cap should be covered with a lid; later, when the daytime temperature reaches twenty degrees, the lid should be removed, and later the bottle should be removed altogether.

4. Caskets

Greenhouses made of wood and window frames.
Of four boards and window frame you can make an original small greenhouse for flowers and plants. First, the lid from the window frame should be kept closed, and when the plants grow and get stronger, fold it back.

5. Foldable design

Folding greenhouse made of pipes and polyethylene.
A convenient practical folding greenhouse that can be made from PVC pipes small diameter and ordinary polyethylene.

6. Umbrella

Greenhouse from an umbrella.
A small greenhouse made from wooden barrel and an old oilcloth umbrella or a conventional umbrella frame covered with polyethylene.

7. Cozy tent

Greenhouse tent.
A greenhouse-tent, which can be built from a children's tent, equipping its walls with oilcloth or polyethylene inserts, or buy a ready-made film greenhouse tent. The advantages of this design are its compactness and mobility.

8. Plastic house

Greenhouse from plastic bottles.
Plastic bottles can make a wonderful open or closed greenhouse. The creation of such a greenhouse does not require large expenses and special skills, and you yourself determine the size and design of the structure.

9. Lifting cover

Greenhouse with lifting roof.
The original greenhouse with a lifting lid, made from wooden planks, thin PVC pipes, polyethylene and metal chains. This design is quite simple to build and very convenient to use.

10. Flowerbed

Homemade greenhouse.
A small greenhouse, the creation of which will require wooden frame desired size, two thin plastic pipes and a piece of oilcloth. The beauty of this design is that when the plants get stronger and the night temperature rises, the oilcloth can be easily removed and thereby turn the greenhouse into a neat flower bed.

11. Mini house

Mini greenhouse for flowers.
An adorable greenhouse made from plastic CD boxes is perfect for growing indoor plants and will be a magnificent decoration of the balcony.

12. Pallets

Small pallet greenhouse.
A small greenhouse can be easily built from old pallets and plastic wrap. Such a greenhouse is great for growing seedlings or indoor flowers.

13. Container

Greenhouse in a plastic container.
From the usual plastic container you get an excellent greenhouse, which is suitable for growing seedlings on the balcony.

14. Reliable boxing

A tiny greenhouse made from a disk container.
A miniature greenhouse made from a tall disc container that will protect a small indoor flower growing on the balcony, from cold and dampness.

15. Roof

Greenhouse from window frames and wooden boxes.
Wonderful design in the form small houses from wooden boxes and window frames, which is best suited for growing flowers and small plants.

16. Capital construction

Large greenhouse made of wood and polycarbonate.
A large and reliable polycarbonate greenhouse attached to a wooden frame, which, despite the difficulties of construction and some investments, is perfect for growing any crop and will last for many years.

For a serious gardener, the presence of a greenhouse pavilion on the site is mandatory. But for the construction of a stationary structure, not everyone has the place or resources, so a mini-greenhouse is an ideal way out - a simple and effective shelter for plants that can be easily assembled from available materials.

For all their simplicity, these structures provide an optimal microclimate for plants planted in them and allow not only growing seedlings, but also getting an early harvest.

If you ask a layman who is not privy to the secrets of building closed ground structures, how greenhouse shelters differ from greenhouses, then most likely you will hear in response - small in size. But this is not entirely true. Among them, there are indeed mini-greenhouses suitable only for growing seedlings, but this is only one small group.

A small shelter in the country can be built independently

The main difference between these two species lies in the way the microclimate is formed under the shelter.

If in the greenhouse the microclimate and biorhythms of plants are close to natural, then a humid warm climate is formed in the greenhouse, saturated with oxygen during the day and carbon dioxide at night. The soil serves as the main source of nutrition, therefore it is quickly depleted and needs regular fertilization. Plants in greenhouse conditions grow intensively due to the rapid accumulation of plastic reserves.

A polycarbonate greenhouse can be compared to a small greenhouse.

  • for thawing and warming the beds in early spring;
  • growing seedlings;
  • distillation of early greens and radishes;
  • early planting of crops with a long vegetative period;
  • protection of plants in the garden from late frosts;
  • acceleration of fruiting;
  • getting several harvests per season;
  • creating an optimal microclimate for heat-loving crops.

Types of greenhouses for beds

Mini-greenhouses for beds are very easy to build yourself. To do this, it is enough to choose a covering material - a film, agrofibre, polycarbonate or glass, prepare supports and correctly orient the entire structure.

Ground covers for insulation

Beds under agrofibre warm up faster

One of the annoying problems of the gardener is the discrepancy between the timing of warming up the soil and the timing of sowing crops. This can be easily corrected with the help of soil shelters. This is done as follows: after the snow melts on the site, the beds are covered with a greenhouse film or agrofibre.

The soil under the shelter warms up 10-14 days earlier, and the temperature under the film is 10 ° C higher than the ambient temperature, which allows you to plant seedlings, sow greens or seeds earlier vegetable crops when the weather hasn't settled yet.

The simplest tunnel shelter on arches

Tunnel shelter on arches

This small greenhouse of the "Snowdrop" type is easy to build from improvised means - agrofiber, PVC film or polyisopropylene. Suitable for growing seedlings, forcing greenery and for early planting in the ground. Arches are used as supports, which can be made of thick steel wire, galvanized profile, metal-plastic pipe or long rods.

How to make a homemade mini-greenhouse with your own hands:

  1. Prepare a site for construction. If necessary, lay compost or manure under the bed, pour 30-40 cm of fertile soil on top. It is better to make the width of the beds 0.6-1 m, length - 2.5-3 m, orientation - from north to south. Along the perimeter, you can protect the bed with boards so that the earth does not slip.
  2. Depending on the length of the ridge, prepare 6 or 7 pieces of pipes about 2 m long and 12-14 pegs (50 cm) for hammering into the ground and fastening the arches. If there are no pegs, then it is better to take pipes half a meter longer in order to securely fix them in the ground.
  3. Bend pipes into arcs up to a meter high. You can make a special template on the board or use a large iron barrel suitable diameter.
  4. On the long sides of the future twinkling greenhouse, drive in pegs every 50 cm. Fix arches on them (or stick arcs into the ground 25-30 cm below the soil level).
  5. Install a connecting bar on the arches or simply tie the arches together with a cord or wire.
  6. Fix the film or agrofibre. You can use clips or just tie.
  7. On the north side, collect the hanging end of the covering material, pull and fasten, on the south you can leave it free.
  8. Fix the film on the soil around the perimeter. It is better to take stones for this, and not to sprinkle with earth, since from time to time you will need to lift the film to access the plants.

Approximate installation scheme for an arched tunnel-type greenhouse

Box with transparent lid

Cassette mini-greenhouse is ideal for growing seedlings and early radishes. A box with a height of 40-50 cm is made for it from boards, the width and height of the frame are chosen according to the size of the upper shelter. For early sowing of seeds into the soil, it is recommended to choose soil in the box to a depth of 40 cm and fill the hole with biofuel. The fertile layer is 20 cm of ordinary soil. For pallets with peat tablets, it is better to make the frame small - 0.5 m * 1 m.

Cassette greenhouse with peat tablets

For the cover, you can take old window frames or tighten the top with a film (or better, with agrofibre). You can also use thick glass or triplex, but in this case you need to ensure that the edge is sealed or carefully sanded. After seedlings under cover, you can grow young greens - onions on a feather, herbs, watercress.

It is better to orient such a structure from south to north.

Modification of a cassette greenhouse - a box with a transparent lid. Its difference is that the upper frame is set at an angle with respect to the soil surface. They are arranged along the length from east to west, the southern side of the frame is usually twice as low as the northern one. The dimensions of the box are arbitrary, and for better illumination of plants, it can be made of polycarbonate roof.

Drawing of a wooden greenhouse under glass

Butterfly house - a convenient portable shelter

A mini-greenhouse like a "house" or "butterfly" is suitable not only for growing seedlings. Depending on the height, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cabbages, cucumbers and other vegetables can be planted in it to obtain early harvests. You can assemble such shelters from improvised materials - boards, slats, films, agrofiber, polycarbonate.

Butterfly greenhouse scheme

The easiest way to make such a design is to mount a frame of slats and cover it with a film or sheathe it with polycarbonate. Under polycarbonate, the frame can be assembled from a galvanized profile.

A distinctive detail of this type of greenhouses - the gable "roof" is made movable on both sides. This makes it easier to ventilate and care for the plants.

Cucumbers in the greenhouse "house" under the film

To grow cucumbers, you need a mini-greenhouse of a slightly different design:

  1. At the chosen place, prepare a bed for two rows of plants and make wooden harness. Such a "house" can be arranged on the south side of the house, but the seeds in it must be sown in one row.
  2. Fasten the racks for the side walls on the harness. The height of the central pillar is 1.5 meters.
  3. Connect the central racks with a longitudinal bar. Twine for gartering cucumbers will also be attached to it, so you need to make it strong.
  4. Sew up the sides with film, glass or polycarbonate.
  5. A removable roof can be made in the form of a frame with sheathing, or a film, which, if necessary, is simply rolled up and tied up.

Original solutions for country beds

Home greenhouses are not only a significant help for the gardener, but also a way to realize their creative ambitions. These designs once again prove that a thrifty owner will find use even for a piece of straw or the remnants of a film.

Straw-protected crops

Greenhouse made of straw and window frames

In horticulture, straw is often used for mulching beds and as a material for insulation. perennials in winter. In this design, straw bales act as building material for the box. Due to the properties of straw, it is good to retain heat and moisture.

The air under the glass warms up quickly, and the plants get a head start in two to three weeks. Window frames or polycarbonate are used as a cover.

Straw bales and frame with film - efficient design

Film protective umbrellas

Late frosts are a serious threat to the crop. Sometimes you have to literally save the beds from death - to spud all the plants or urgently cover especially valuable specimens with straw. But the problem can be solved in another way.

Individual "umbrellas" of two arcs and a piece of film or agrofiber are able to protect against frost. The arches are fastened with construction tape, the film is fastened with clips.

The same devices can be used for glasses with seedlings during the hardening period - during the day the plants are hardened, and at night they are securely hidden from hypothermia.

Two arcs and agrofibre will save you from frost

Old plastic barrel - in business

If the farm has an old plastic barrel of 200 liters, then in half an hour you can build a roomy greenhouse mini-greenhouse. You can grow seedlings, herbs, even mushrooms in it. The design retains heat and moisture well. In addition to the barrel, you will need construction scissors, film and construction tape. Detailed instructions look at the video.

Grids and pallets - an excellent frame

The frame for the simplest tunnel shelter can be assembled in an hour from waste materials. Grids, pallets, regular slats or thin boards will come in handy. The finished sections are fastened with adhesive tape and covered with agrofiber. The soil in the beds warms up quickly, and seeds can be sown.

Sections are held together with adhesive tape.

Under such a roof, the soil warms up quickly

The use of wood helps to avoid any negative - it does not rust, does not emit chemical substances, does not react with fertilizers and herbicides.

Second life for old refrigerators

Good mini-greenhouses are obtained from old refrigerators, which are easy to get in landfills or from neighbors.

The engine, cooling system and door are removed from the body. The lid is made of glass or polycarbonate. Refrigerators keep temperature and humidity well, so an ideal microclimate is created inside. The only other thing you need to worry about is the drainage holes under the ground, because without them, excess moisture will lead to rotting of the roots and death of crops.

Greenhouses from old refrigerators in the country

Polycarbonate for mini structures

Small polycarbonate greenhouses are light, durable and comfortable. From this material it is easy to build almost any model of a mini-shelter. The only drawback is that such construction can be expensive. But it is not necessary to buy specially whole sheets. You can use the pieces left after the large-scale construction of a gazebo or greenhouse.

In addition to polycarbonate, you will need material for the frame (rails or galvanized profile), screws and a suitable scheme.

Scheme of a simple polycarbonate greenhouse

Polycarbonate box

Small greenhouses for the apartment

For a keen summer resident, the garden season begins in February. And it does not matter that the entire area is covered with snow - seedlings can also be grown on the windowsill. And small homemade greenhouses made from improvised materials will help in this.

Trays for peat tablets

The popular peat pellet trays can be bought, but it's cheaper to make your own from an egg tray and plastic containers(bottles or boxes for cakes). Water the seedlings in tablets through the pan.

Operating procedure:

  1. Drill a hole for drainage in each recess of the tray.
  2. Choose a suitable plastic packaging (tray and cap). If there is no large container, then the egg tray can be cut. You need to drill several holes in the cap for air exchange.
  3. Put a peat tablet in each cell and water it.
  4. After 10 minutes, the tablets will swell and seeds can be sown in them.
  5. Place the seed trays in trays and close.

The egg tray will replace the peat tablet tray

If there is no suitable container, then the cap for a mini-greenhouse can be made from plastic plastic bottles:

  • Carefully cut transparent bottles.
  • From the panels cut out 5 rectangles for the box (do not forget the allowances for gluing). Choose the size so that the tablet tray fits freely inside.
  • Glue the box cap with tape.
  • Use a tray as a pallet.

plastic box

Cake or cookie containers can also be used to grow seedlings. Holes are drilled in the walls for drainage and ventilation, the soil is filled up - and the mini-greenhouse is ready for sowing.

Mini greenhouse made of plastic containers

Plastic bottles as greenhouses

Waste material - plastic bottles, in the skillful hands of a gardener often turn into useful gadgets. In addition to irrigation devices, mini-format greenhouses are often made from plastic containers.

Method 1. Greenhouse-glass for seedlings:

  1. Cut two bottles in half
  2. Put the upper part into the lower glass of the first bottle and fill with soil.
  3. Sow the seeds and close the bottle with the second top.
  4. Don't forget the drainage holes.

Growing in a bottle

Method 2. Seedlings in bottles:

  1. Cut a bottle of 6-10 liters lengthwise, leaving the thread intact.
  2. Drill holes in both halves
  3. Fill the bottom with soil and sow the seeds.
  4. Close and seal the cut with tape.

Plastic bottle greenhouse

Home mini-greenhouses are a good alternative to industrial polycarbonate and tunnel structures. It is easy to build them, and you can use them both in the apartment and in the beds, so show your imagination and be creative, then your harvest will always be rich.

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1.06.2015 | 4621

Pallets - wooden pallets, which are used in the transportation of goods, are now widely used in the arrangement of summer cottages. It is hard to even imagine how wide and boundless the scope of their application. The secret of their popularity is easily explained by the fact that they successfully combine strength, environmental friendliness, affordability and low cost.

Ideas for using pallets in the country

Let's take a look at a few original variants the use of wooden pallets, which can be easily implemented when decorating your suburban area.

Platform arrangement

raised platformperfect option design of a recreation area on a site with uneven terrain. It helps out very well if the site is located on loose and impassable soil with a high level of groundwater, on which water accumulates after rains.

To equip the platform, we first fill the platform with rubble or sand, and on top we lay treated with a moisture-repellent composition or oil paint pallets. To fix the pallets in the desired position, creating a single flat surface, we use wedges and bricks. fasten individual elements between themselves it is possible with the help of boards laid and "planted" on self-tapping screws along the seams of the platform.

garden furniture

Wooden pallets can serve as an excellent basis for the manufacture of cabinet garden furniture: armchairs, sofas, benches, tables, bedside tables ...

From a pallet standard size 120x80 cm can be quite functional table. Enough to clean up wooden surface sandpaper and varnish it. It remains only to fasten the furniture wheels to the prepared pallet, and arrange the work surface with an MDF panel or glass.

With just one pallet, you can organize working space on summer kitchen or in a shed. It needs to be hung on the wall, and niches should be used to store kitchen utensils and tools. Some craftsmen have adapted pallets as shoe racks and clothes hangers.

Lovers of outdoor recreation will certainly enjoy sun loungers And beds assembled from several pallets fastened together. The height of the bed is easy to adjust by "building up" the legs or by installing pallets in two rows. It remains only to put a mattress of the appropriate size and enjoy a pleasant rest in the shade of trees.

Taking as a basis the principle of assembling the bed frame, we can build and sofa. To equip its back, we install the pallets vertically, and the seats - horizontally.

If there are four-legged pets on the site, you can also please them by building comfortable furniture from wooden modules. sunbeds.

vertical vegetable garden

The garden design trend allows you to create a real picturesque corner within one square meter. Racks for growing variegated flowers, herbs, herbs and vegetables can be built from the same pallets. Horizontally fixed wooden planks make beautiful green screens.

To arrange vertical beds, we clean the pallets, and then cover them with varnish based on drying oil. On the reverse side we nail a non-woven fabric or mesh. We fill the cells with earth and plant plants.


If you give the pallets a vertical position, the wooden plane turns into a screen. By installing several of these screens end to end to each other, we get an excellent fence.

Knowing the width of the structure and the perimeter of the fenced area, it will not be difficult to calculate the required number of blanks. To give strength to the structure, it is better to use as supporting pillars metal pipes. The height of the fence can be easily adjusted by the number of pallets. The surface of the fence itself can be painted, and its upper part can be decorated with carved elements.

Using vertical walls made of pallets, you can visually divide a large area into zones and decorate old and unsightly walls of buildings.

Decorative fences, stairs, platforms, garden furniture… This is far from full list options for crafts from pallets. Show some imagination by giving " new life"old things, creating original and functional items for your site.

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Greenhouses and greenhouses are the most important buildings on suburban area. It can be both finished metal and wooden structures from the manufacturer, as well as small structures made from improvised materials, created by oneself. Moreover, the second option is more preferable for most summer residents due to the low cost and the ability to build a structure of a suitable size.

Improvised materials for building greenhouses with your own hands

Before considering improvised means, it should be noted that these are inexpensive and affordable materials that can be found in the public domain without spending extra money.

Some of them are in almost every suburban or summer cottage, others can be found and redeemed from neighbors. Usually, these are materials and structures left after the repair of the house, which are simply stored as unnecessary.

Improvised materials are suitable for the construction of small greenhouses and greenhouses. It will be possible to grow cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables in them. Their service life does not exceed 3-5 seasons, but their cost is ten times lower than that of ready-made options from the manufacturer.

dry branches

Greenhouse from dry hazel branches

Dry branches are the most available material for the manufacture of arched greenhouses. The branches remain after pruning two and three-year-old trees growing on the site or along the roads. It is ideal if hazel and mountain ash branches are used for the construction. In other cases, birch, aspen or willow branches are suitable.

Vine harvesting is recommended in late February or early March, until there is an active movement of juice along the trunk and branches of the tree. To cut the branches, you will need any convenient ax and a sharp knife. The optimal size of the workpiece is a branch with a cross section of 2–2.5 cm and a length of 3 m.

Before using the branches, it is necessary to remove the bark from them, trim the knots and other protrusions. It is better to start the construction of the greenhouse on a sunny day without strong gusty winds. This will allow you to securely and thoroughly fix the branches to wooden or metal supports. As a material for vertical supports, you can use an edged bar 40 × 40 mm or reinforcing bars with a cross section of 16–18 mm. The length of the workpiece for support is 50–60 cm.

If wooden supports are taken for the construction of the greenhouse, then the lower part of the workpiece must be treated with machine oil or bituminous varnish. Blanks for supports are driven into the ground to a depth of 30–40 cm in increments of 1.2–1.4 m. After that, dry branches 3 m long are tied to them, which are bent to form an arch of the desired height.

To assemble a greenhouse from branches, steel wire or strong plastic clamps are used.

To fix the branches in the lower and upper parts, a metal wire is used. To increase the strength and stability of the structure at the top of the arc, one long or several short branches are fixed along the length of the entire greenhouse. If the amount of stocked material allows, then the strapping can be done with a certain step. For example, at three points of the arc every 50–70 cm.

A polyethylene film with a thickness of 150–200 microns is used as a covering material. Before stretching the film, arcs from branches can be treated with a wood preservative. To fix the film, plastic clips or special clips for the film are used. They can be purchased at the agricultural store. During operation, periodic inspection of the arched frame should be carried out. If any arch is leaky, then it is replaced with a new one from a similar material.

The advantages of arched greenhouses from branches include simplicity of design and high maintainability. If necessary, the support frame is quickly updated with new branch arcs. The main disadvantage is the low power of the frame, but it can be improved by erecting structures of low height with a reduced step between the supports. Service life - 2-3 years.

Plastic container

Greenhouse made of plastic containers with a volume of 1.5 l

Plastic bottles are one of the unusual materials that can be used to build greenhouses and greenhouses. Due to the low weight of plastic containers, it does not require the construction of a particularly strong frame for its fastening. It is enough to use an edged board or wooden blocks.

The advantages of greenhouses from plastic bottles include:

  • the design of a solid plastic container or individual plastic pieces will let in a lot of sunlight;
  • if you follow the material fastening technology, then the greenhouse will have high tightness;
  • the structure does not need to be disassembled - plastic can withstand negative temperatures without losing its strength;
  • the building has high thermal insulation qualities. This makes it possible not to mount additional sources heating;
  • hotbeds and greenhouses from plastic containers are quickly mounted. Assembly does not require the use of special equipment.

With timely repairs, such a building will stand for 5-7 years or more. At the same time, planting crops can begin as early as March. Often even in November - December in the greenhouse is preserved heat sufficient for growing parsley and other herbs.

Among the disadvantages of greenhouses made of PET bottles, one can single out the fragility of the connecting nodes. Usually, nylon thread, fishing line, metal staples and slats are used for connection.

Therefore, during operation, periodic inspection of the structure should be carried out. And it should also be remembered that plastic is weakly resistant to mechanical and shock loads.

Soil bags

Greenhouse made of bags of earth and wooden beams

Bags of earth are often used for the construction of enclosing and protective structures. This unusual technology was invented in the 80s by the architect Nadere Khalili, who used sandbags and earth to build residential buildings.

For erection, polypropylene bags of 50 kg are used, densely packed with moist earth. The bags are stacked on top of each other in rows, forming the walls of the building. Under their own weight, the bags settle, which gives the structure strength and solidity. When building a greenhouse, the method is very often used when part of the wall is buried 30-70 cm deep into the ground.

When arranging the supporting base, a similar approach is used - bags filled with crushed stone of fraction 20–40 are laid around the perimeter of the future greenhouse. For the construction of a solid foundation, it is recommended to lay at least 2-3 rows. The first row should be the widest. For example, 2-3 bags wide, stacked side by side. The second and subsequent rows are narrower and narrower until a strong and stable structure one or two bags wide is formed.

The process of building the walls of a greenhouse from bags of earth

To form a frame that acts as a roof structure, a trim bar and steel reinforcement are used. If the heifer from the bags will not be buried in the ground, then a support frame should be assembled from a wooden block 50 × 50 or 50 × 70 mm, to which arcs of reinforcement will be attached.

If the walls of the greenhouse are deepened into the ground, then instead of the frame, you can assemble a central support along the length of the entire greenhouse from a similar material. It will support rebar or pipe arches anchored in the ground. As a roofing material, it is better to use a dense or reinforced polyethylene film.

TO competitive advantage greenhouses from bags include the following:

  • simple construction technology;
  • strong and reliable design;
  • durability and maintainability;
  • low cost.

The design does not have significant drawbacks, but it is better to use this type of greenhouse for growing heat-loving plants that do not need a lot of sunlight. For example, for growing cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers.

wooden pallets

In sufficient quantities, wooden pallets will allow you to build a greenhouse of any size. This will require euro pallets 1200 × 800 mm, which must be disassembled into boards. The resulting material can be adapted for the construction of an arched, shed or gable greenhouse.

For example, dismantling one euro pallet, you can get 6 boards 1200x145x22 mm, 2 boards 1200x100x22 mm and 3 boards 800x145x22 mm. And there will also be 9 bars that can be used to make load-bearing supports. In addition to pallets for making a greenhouse, you will need to find or purchase wooden bars 50 × 50 mm. They are needed for the manufacture of racks of the support frame, to which the boards obtained by disassembling the pallet will be attached.

Another option for a pallet greenhouse is shown in the diagram below. This is a building with a gable roof, completely assembled from boards from pallets. To assemble the base and side racks, a board 1200 × 145 mm is used, which is fastened with a steel bar and a corner.

Scheme of the device of the greenhouse from boards from pallets

Vertical posts are made from boards 1200x1000 or 80x145 mm, fitted to the desired dimensions. To assemble the rafters, two wide boards are used, overlapped with self-tapping screws and planks. On average, 12–15 pallets are required to make a 4 × 2.5 × 2 m greenhouse.

If there are not enough pallets to build a full-fledged frame, then steel mesh can also be used to build it. This will strengthen wooden frame giving it rigidity. To cover the roof, a polyethylene film with a thickness of 150-200 microns is used.

The advantages of greenhouses from pallets include the following:

  • speed of installation and simplicity of design;
  • the ability to quickly dismantle for storage;
  • strength and reliability;
  • low cost and availability.

Structurally, their pallet greenhouses are not ideal, but as a temporary solution, this is one of the the best options. Especially if you need a durable construction for several seasons.

old window frames

Gable greenhouse from window frames

Wooden window frames left after the repair of an apartment or house are well suited for the construction of small and medium-sized greenhouses with a shed or gable roof. The construction of the frames is quite strong and reliable, which allows you not to disassemble the greenhouse for winter period. The period of use of greenhouses from frames is not limited summer season. With proper sealing, vegetables can be planted from March to December.

For the manufacture of greenhouses, it is optimal to use frames of the following sizes:

  • single frame - 758 × 1588 and 870 × 1460 mm;
  • double-leaf frame - 1123 × 1588, 1170 × 1460, 1470 × 1460 and 1523 × 1588 mm;
  • three-leaf frame - 1770 × 1460, 1933 × 1588, 2070 × 1460 and 2133 × 1588 mm.

These are typical sizes of window frames that were most often used for glazing houses in the 60s and 70s. In fact, the frames found may differ slightly in size, but the main thing is that they are intact and without broken glass. Single-leaf frames are better suited for installation on the end walls and roof of the greenhouse, as they have a smaller width. Large two-leaf and three-leaf frames are installed from the side walls of the structure.

To build a greenhouse, you can take two fundamentally different schemes which are shown below. The first schema is shed greenhouse from frames different sizes. The second is a gable greenhouse made of double-leaf frames. For sheathing the side walls, a dense polyethylene film 200 microns thick or an analogue with a reinforcing mesh is used. For the manufacture of the frame in both cases, an edged bar 50 × 50 or 50 × 70 mm is used.

Scheme of a single-pitched and double-pitched greenhouse from window frames

Before the construction of the greenhouse, the frames are sorted by size and restored. Sanded from the surface of the frames old paint, a wood preservative and a new paintwork are applied. If the frames used vary greatly in size, then during installation they are aligned with the upper horizontal guide of the frame. The remaining space is covered with a film or sewn up with a board.

Among the advantages of greenhouses from window frames are:

  • simple and durable design that can withstand high mechanical stress;
  • high thermal insulation qualities of the building;
  • high light transmission due to the large number of glasses;
  • aesthetically pleasing appearance. If desired, the structure is easily decorated with special paints and coatings for wood;
  • long service life and maintainability.

When operating greenhouses from window frames, one should be careful, since glass is a fragile material, and its replacement is a very labor-intensive process. In addition, the construction technology is not simple - you will need the ability to pour a supporting foundation of concrete and build a supporting frame from a wooden beam or board. But ceteris paribus, greenhouses made of frames are more profitable than ready-made analogues made of polycarbonate.

steel mesh

Greenhouse made of steel mesh, edged boards and pipes

Steel mesh - inexpensive material for the construction of arched greenhouses. As a rule, a welded or plastic mesh with different cell sizes is used. Sometimes you can use a chain-link mesh, but then the installation will require the construction of supports or the use of welding.

Mesh greenhouses are quickly erected. The construction will require a minimum of tools: a shovel, a hammer, a hacksaw for wood, scissors for metal. The design of the greenhouse consists of protective boards, to which the mesh is attached using steel brackets.

Edged boards 6000x200x20 or 3000x200x20 mm are used for the manufacture of boards. The boards are adjusted and knocked together into a box according to the length and width of the greenhouse. Corner connections additionally reinforced with a galvanized corner. Before installing the box, it must be treated with a wood preservative or bituminous varnish.

To attach the mesh to the arcs of pipes or fittings, aluminum wire, electrical tape or plastic clamps are used. The end walls of the greenhouse are covered with a reinforced film.

Gallery: greenhouses from various improvised materials

Greenhouse from dry birch branches Greenhouse from old wooden frames PVC pipe greenhouse Greenhouse made of window frames and reinforced polyethylene Underground greenhouse with a gable roof made of wood and polyethylene

Preparation for construction - sizing and drawing

The dimensions of the greenhouse directly depend on the amount of the material from which the structure will be built. For example, materials such as mesh or vine are best not used to build tall arched greenhouses. Optimal dimensions for these greenhouses - length 3–5 m, width 2.5–3 m, height 1.8–2 m. If the greenhouse is higher, then the structure will turn out to be very unstable. Larger widths may require the construction of additional supports inside the greenhouse. Window frames or plastic pipes are suitable for building any greenhouse.

In our case, we will build a greenhouse from plastic containers and edged bars. It will be a reliable and durable design with high light transmission. Before construction works should draw up a drawing of the future structure. To do this, you can use plain paper and a pencil. If possible, you can use computer programs for modeling.

On the drawing, it is necessary to schematically depict the structure of the greenhouse, including the supporting base, end and side walls, roof and doors. Next to each element is the size. And you should also list the material that will be used in the work.

Drawing frame gable greenhouse 6 m long

Above is a diagram for a gable greenhouse 6 × 3.5 × 1.6 m. The height is measured along the side wall without taking into account the roof. The step between the vertical guides of the frame is 1 m. If necessary, the size of the greenhouse can be reduced - this will reduce the amount of material required.

IN step by step technology, which will be described below, we will build a greenhouse from bottles 4 m long, 2.5 wide, 2 m high. Taking into account these dimensions, the material will be calculated.

After drawing up the drawing, you can proceed to the selection of a place for construction. It is optimal if it is a well-lit piece of land on the south or southeast side. The land under the greenhouse must be dry and clean. If desired, part of the soil can be removed (30-40 cm) and replaced with new, brought from places with more fertile soil.

Transparent and colored PET bottles 1.5 l

To build a greenhouse from plastic containers, you will need transparent or colored bottles with a volume of 1.5, 2 or 2.5 liters. If possible, you can use a container with a volume of 5 liters, which is usually used for pouring water. Volumetric bottles will create stronger and thicker walls. In turn, this will increase the thermal insulation qualities of the structure.

When choosing a container, inspect it carefully. It is important to make sure that each bottle is intact, without punctures, holes or cuts. It is better not to use bottles made of thin plastic, as the greenhouse will not be as durable. It is optimal if the container is intended for food products. This ensures that the product is manufactured in accordance with GOST.

If the container will be bought in addition, then when choosing, carefully check the cost at retail and wholesale. If you wish, you can compare the cost of bottles of various sizes and calculate which container is more profitable to buy. The average cost for a 1.5 liter PET bottle varies from 7 to 9 rubles.

Calculation of the required amount of material

A wooden beam 20 × 20 cm is well suited for the construction of a supporting base

After determining the dimensions of the greenhouse and selecting containers for its construction, you can proceed to the calculation of the material. A standard 1.5 l bottle has a height of 320 mm and a diameter of 92–95 mm. Taking into account these parameters, it is possible to make an approximate calculation of containers for a greenhouse.

To build a greenhouse 4 × 2.5 × 2 m, the following material will be required:

  • plastic containers - 700–750 pieces based on standard bottle parameters. If a 2 liter container is used, then about 600 bottles are needed;
  • edged board - 20x200x6000 mm in the amount of 4 pcs;
  • wooden beam ok - 50x50x3000 mm in the amount of 12 pcs;
  • wooden beam - 20x20x6000 mm in the amount of 3 pcs;
  • roofing material - a canvas 8–10 m long;
  • kapron thread - from 1 mm thick, 5–7 coils. If possible, you can use a thick fishing line.

As fasteners for assembling the greenhouse, you will need galvanized brackets, self-tapping screws and nails 70 mm long.

List of tools for work

Edged board and wooden block for the construction of the supporting frame of the greenhouse

To build a greenhouse from plastic bottles, you will need a tool such as:

  • construction knife;
  • sharp awl;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • sewing machine;
  • tape measure 5 m long;
  • bubble level.

Step-by-step instructions for building with a photo

There are many options for building a greenhouse from plastic containers, but we recommend using only two of them. The first method involves the installation of solid plastic bottles in the space between the support frame. The second - plates are cut out of the bottle, which are sewn into a single canvas and mounted on a support frame.

Greenhouse from solid plastic bottles

The sequence of actions for the construction of a greenhouse from a solid container is as follows:

  1. The weight of a greenhouse made of wood and plastic bottles will be small, so it makes no sense to build a concrete strip base. To equip the supporting base, you can use brick, foam blocks or wooden beams.

    Bearing base for bottle greenhouse

  2. In our case, we will lay a wooden beam 20 × 20 cm. The length and width of the future greenhouse are marked at the selected location. Soil is removed along the perimeter to a depth of 10 cm. The width of the trench is 20 cm.
  3. The beam is marked along the length and width of the greenhouse. You should get two short and long blanks. For their fastening, galvanized nails are used, which are driven 4 pieces into each end. After that, a roofing material is laid at the bottom of the trench, and an assembled wooden base is placed on it.
  4. The marking and adjustment of blanks for vertical racks is carried out. To do this, a wooden block 50 × 50 mm is marked taking into account the height of the greenhouse. Vertical posts are attached to the base with a galvanized bracket and self-tapping screws.
  5. A horizontal rail 4 m long is mounted on vertical racks. Similar actions are carried out to assemble the second side and end walls. On one of the end walls, a place is provided for a doorway.

    Before installation, the bottom must be cut off from each bottle.

  6. Next, the blanks for assembling the roof are marked and sawn off. To do this, you need 4 blanks for assembling the pediment and a long blank for connecting them. The assembly is carried out by the butt-to-butt method at an angle. At the junction, a steel corner is also mounted in shape. 2 horizontal and 4 vertical guides are mounted in the same way.
  7. For wall cladding with plastic containers, you will need to prepare bottles. The bottom is carefully cut off from each product. It is better to make a cut in the place where the bottle expands. This will ensure a tighter fit of the products to each other.

    Vertical rows are formed from plastic containers, which are mounted between the racks of the frame

  8. To assemble the first row, the bottles must be put on top of each other so that the structure has sufficient strength and the bottles do not fly out. After that, the first row of bottles is placed on the support frame and screwed to the corner vertical post.
  9. The assembly of subsequent rows occurs in a similar way. For this, a nylon thread or fishing line 2–2.5 m long is taken. Bottles are strung on it according to the scheme described above. Before installation, the fishing line is stretched, and the assembled row is placed on the base. For fastening, a nail is driven into the upper horizontal beam, on which the thread is wound with force.

    If necessary, the roof can be assembled before installation on the supporting frame

  10. For roof sheathing, instead of fishing line, it is better to use a thin round rail or a strong vine without bark. Bottles are strung on the rail until a solid structure is formed. The assembled rows are mounted along the entire length of the roof. If desired, as roofing material you can use plates from bottles. After sheathing, the roof is covered with a dense polyethylene film.
  11. To assemble the door, an edged board is used, from which a frame of the required size is knocked together. When assembling, it should be borne in mind that if plastic containers are used for sheathing, then it is desirable that a whole number of rows fit into the frame. The door is hung on stainless steel hinges.

Greenhouse made of plastic plates

Stages of manufacturing plates from plastic containers for greenhouse cladding

In order to complete the sheathing of a gable greenhouse plastic plates required:

When sheathing the greenhouse, try not to overtighten the canvas from the plates. This can lead to the fact that the seam under wind load will disperse, and the canvas will deform. For hardening, each seam can be treated with a thin layer of sealant for outdoor use.

To provide reliable protection greenhouses from the processes of decay, mold and insects, all wooden parts of the structure are treated with a glazing antiseptic for wood. This special composition water or oil based.

For application, any convenient paint brush is used. The number of applied layers depends on the density and dryness of the wood. In most cases, 2-3 coats are sufficient. The average service life of a protective coating is 2–3 years. When re-applied, the wooden frame is first cleaned of dust and dirt, and only then treated with an antiseptic.

Door trim, in addition to the main material, can be made using ordinary plastic film or any other covering material. If a greenhouse is being built in a region where strong gusty winds are observed, then the supporting base of the structure should be sunk into the ground to a depth of 30–40 cm.

16 original greenhouses that you can make with your own hands from available materials

The main and unconditional advantage of each of them is that it is made exclusively from available materials.

1. Greenhouse house

From window frames you can build charming houses that will help not only provide plants with comfort, but also become a stunning decoration for your summer cottage.

2. Dome

A large polygonal greenhouse, the frame of which is built of wood covered with ordinary oilcloth. Despite the complexity of manufacturing, such a domed structure has an attractive appearance, stability and excellent illumination.

3. Plastic cap

A mini greenhouse that can be made from an ordinary plastic bottle by simply cutting off the bottom from it. Such a greenhouse is best suited for cucumbers and zucchini, as these plants do not tolerate transplantation well and spend a lot of effort on adaptation. At the beginning of the landing, the cap should be covered with a lid; later, when the daytime temperature reaches twenty degrees, the lid should be removed, and later the bottle should be removed altogether.

4. Caskets

From four boards and a window frame, you can make an original small greenhouse for flowers and plants. First, the lid from the window frame should be kept closed, and when the plants grow and get stronger, fold it back.

5. Foldable design

A convenient, practical folding greenhouse that can be made from PVC pipes of small diameter and ordinary polyethylene.

6. Umbrella

A small greenhouse made from a wooden barrel and an old oilcloth umbrella or an ordinary umbrella frame covered with polyethylene.

7. Cozy tent

A greenhouse-tent, which can be built from a children's tent, equipping its walls with oilcloth or polyethylene inserts, or buy a ready-made film greenhouse tent. The advantages of this design are its compactness and mobility.

8. Plastic house

Plastic bottles can make a wonderful open or closed greenhouse. The creation of such a greenhouse does not require large expenses and special skills, and you yourself determine the size and design of the structure.

9. Lifting cover

The original greenhouse with a lifting lid, made of wooden boards, thin PVC pipes, polyethylene and metal chains. This design is quite simple to build and very convenient to use.

10. Flowerbed

A small greenhouse, which will require a wooden frame of the desired size, two thin plastic pipes and a piece of oilcloth. The beauty of this design is that when the plants get stronger and the night temperature rises, the oilcloth can be easily removed and thereby turn the greenhouse into a neat flower bed.

11. Mini house

This charming greenhouse made from plastic CD boxes is perfect for growing indoor plants and will be a great balcony decoration.

12. Pallets

A small greenhouse can be easily built from old pallets and plastic wrap. Such a greenhouse is great for growing seedlings or indoor flowers.
