Sometimes you really want to pamper your family and friends with some a beautiful thing made with your own hands. "Infinity Mirror" is perfect would be better suited for this purpose. If you really want, you can get not only a beautiful, but even a stylish and, if desired, multifunctional thing.

DIY infinity mirror

All you need for this is a minimum of parts and good perseverance, and some materials.

  1. Mirror
  2. Translucent mirror (spy mirror, Gesel mirror)
  3. Aluminum or plastic profiles
  4. power unit
  5. Controller for LED strip
  6. Metal or wooden frame (baguette)
  7. Double-sided tape
  8. Masking tape
  9. Old newspapers
  10. Spray can of black paint

Most people have gone through “Christmas fortune-telling”, and quite often there was a fortune-telling when it was necessary to make a tunnel from two mirrors in which a candle flame would be reflected and then read the challenge to the “betrothed” and sit and wait for him to look out from this corridor. This is the corridor you and I will need to build.

First of all, you need to think about the shape and size.

Shapes with straight lines it will be easier to make (including the frame).

Ask a “familiar” glazier (if you are not confident in your abilities) to cut a mirror and a translucent mirror to the required dimensions.

The better the reflection of the mirror and the spy mirror, and the better the transparency of the spy mirror, the better. If it is not possible to find a translucent mirror, then you can take regular glass and film for tinting car windows (the preferred option) or, at worst, reflective film in hardware stores.

Next you will need a profile. If you want strict and clear lines, then an aluminum profile is perfect for this purpose.

If you want to experiment with shapes, then you can stop your gaze at the cable channel for wires. Its advantage is that it is: more affordable, if desired, you can make almost any shape from it, you can immediately hide wires in it, it has very precise dimensions in width and depth (you will get parallelism of the mirrors), it is easy to process.

Can be used wooden slats, but they must be of very precise dimensions along the entire length and preferably use “dead” wood that will not respond to changes in temperature and humidity.

Glass preparation.Wash the glass thoroughly first, wipe dry so that no streaks are visible, then take a weak soap solution, moisten the glass with it, tear off the protective coating of the film and use a special felt “spatula”, trying not to scratch the film, remove air bubbles between the glass and the film. The outside of the film can also be moistened with soapy water. When all the bubbles are “kicked out”, let the product dry for about a day. Then thoroughly rinse the soap solution from the surface of the film and wipe dry, being careful not to leave any streaks.

Making an “infinity mirror”

Let's get started. All work is done on a mirror. Once you have decided on the shapes and sizes, do the following:

Note: instead of an LED strip, you can use stenciled glass and objects, such as in the picture below.

What do you need to know?

Each reflection is at least twice as weak as the previous one. This means that the brighter the light source, the deeper the tunnel.

The closer the mirrors are to each other, the denser the tunnel glows, but it becomes shorter.
The fewer reflective surfaces there are inside the mirrors, the more, when turned off, this device resembles a regular mirror or a dark mirror (depending on which translucent glass you choose: one-way or two-way.

The brighter the light source, the more reflections we get, the deeper the tunnel.
To let your imagination fly, just write the query “Infinity mirror” in Yandex or Google search engines in “Pictures”. And you will understand that your creation can be unique if you just want it.

Hi all!
I’m new here myself, I finally decided to register and this is my first post, so I apologize if anything is wrong.

In this post I will tell you how to do mirror with infinity effect at home, I would like to point out right away that it is not from wooden frame or some other rubbish, but an adequate, presentable mirror that will look good and can be made at home.

At the end, I will write down how much all the materials cost and what the cost of such a mirror is.

What is required for production

To begin with, we will need two glasses measuring 50 x 50 cm and 4 mm thick. If you bought glass without edge treatment, then the sharp edges and corners can be treated with regular sandpaper. We will also need architectural mirror film up to 15% light transmission, in my case there was a film with 8% light transmission.


We cover one glass with film on one side as shown in the photo, this will be the front glass of the mirror.

We cover the second glass with film on both sides, but on one side we retreat 1.3 cm from the edge and cut the film along the contour of the glass along a ruler as in the photo, this will be the rear glass of the mirror.

This indentation will be useful for attaching the aluminum profile, but before that the profile needs to be cut into equal 4 parts of 47 cm each. I bought a 2-meter profile measuring 2 x 1.5 cm and cut it into 4 parts.

It is also necessary to file the sharp corners of the profile.

Then we treat (wipe) the edges of the glass and the profile with white spirit and let it dry.

Next we need a two-component adhesive for glass and metal.

We lubricate one stack of each profile with it as in the photo.

And we glue the profile to the rear glass of our mirror on the previously freed part of the glass from the film in such a way that the hollow part of the profile looks outward as in the photo:

Next, we make a hole for the passage of the LED strip.

I prepared an LED strip with a controller in advance, I won’t go into detail on this, since the post turned out to be too long, and you can buy a ready-made strip with a controller and not solder anything.

We insert and glue the tape along the inside of the frame of our mirror.

Next, we will need a special double-sided tape for fastening mirrors and glass, sold at a hardware store.

We glue it along the top of the profile and press the front glass.

I prefer the tape because in the event of some kind of malfunction of the diodes, I could crawl with a stationery knife between the top cover of the mirror and the profile, cut the tape and eliminate all the faults, which cannot be done in the case of glue.

The mirror is almost ready, all that remains is to attach it to the wall, this is done using mirror fasteners, also sold in a hardware store. We cut the film along the contour of the fasteners from the back wall of the mirror and treat the glass with white spirit
The fastener has a strong adhesive area on the reverse side.

We process the area.

We press the fasteners onto the mirror.

Every owner wants to add a touch of originality to their interior. And everyone has their own methods for this. Some people come up with original design rooms, thanks various forms ceiling and walls, while others opt for One of these interior items that will catch the admiring glances of your guests will be a table with an infinity effect.

What is the secret?

The infinity effect is achieved through the use of LED technology. They are the ones who can decorate your home, and in some cases even change it beyond recognition. A table with an infinity effect, the photo of which is presented in this article, is a modern, innovative piece of furniture that can change the idea of ​​design of even the most notorious skeptic.

The secret of visual infinity is hidden in the use of LED backlighting, and color solutions there can be a huge variety. It is this that is built into the space between the reflective surfaces. As a rule, the top mirror is translucent so that the radiation from the LEDs is visible to others.

To control the backlight, use a special remote control or, if you made a table with an infinity effect yourself, an on/off button.

Where can the table be used?

The use of tapes is absolutely safe for human health and the environment, so the table with the infinity effect can be located anywhere. In addition, such lamps are famous for their durability and efficiency. A product with a tunnel effect will serve you for quite a long time, thanks to its reliability and ease of use. This table can be seen in:

  • modern apartment;
  • country house;
  • nightclub, bar or restaurant;
  • hotel;
  • office.

How to make an infinity table yourself

The price for such a piece of furniture is not encouraging, and the purchase is not always affordable for the average resident of the country. However, to get unusual thing It's possible if you know how to use tools. Just make a lighted table yourself.

To do this you will need the following materials and tools:

  • boards for the table;
  • mirror and glass (the latter can be replaced with a translucent mirror);
  • LED Strip Light;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver

All wires are mounted in the table legs.

First of all, you need to develop a drawing, taking into account all the dimensions of the future piece of furniture. From MDF (or wooden planks), mirrors need to be made according to your calculations. There should be 3 wooden templates with an internal hole, one of which has a larger internal diameter by approximately 1 cm. This is where the LED strip will be located. The resulting blanks need to be glued together, not forgetting to insert one mirror between the two lower templates. Then you need to carefully smooth all sides and corners.

Next you need to attach the cover. It would be better if it was removable. This will provide access to electricity. This cover for the future table can be decorated to suit your interior. You can paint it or decorate it in any other way.

In the opening of the table cover it is necessary to drill holes that are necessary for attaching the LEDs. Now you can insert the tape into this opening and secure it in a way convenient for you. The best option would be to use glue, the effectiveness of which you will be 100% sure of.

Now you should cover it all with a second mirror, translucent.

All wires are routed through the table legs. To do this, they must have a wide cross-section and through holes.

As a conclusion

To enhance the effect or make it more original, you can put absolutely any object between two mirrors. This is done to ensure that the infinity table fits perfectly into the overall concept of your room.

In addition, you can safely combine LEDs of different shades. Connecting pieces of tape is not difficult even for an inexperienced craftsman.

A similar effect can be used not only to make a table, but also to decorate doors or any other surfaces. A table with an infinity effect, made with your own hands, can be just the beginning.

Order a sample

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You can make your interior stylish and unusual with the help of an infinity mirror, which creates a visual illusion and amazingly transforms the room.

Thanks to the tunnel effect, such a mirror expands the space and amazes the imagination with its bottomless depth. Moreover, the darker the room, the more mysterious the volumetric reflection will look, lost in the twilight.

The cost of a tunnel mirror depends on its size:

Size(mm) 600 x 800 700 x 700 800 x 800 900 x 900 900 x 1000 your size
Cost, rub.) 19200 19600 25600 32400 36000 Great Dane

Such a decoration will look very impressive in a club, hotel, bar and any other establishment where all the most original and fashion trends design.

Infinity Mirror will give any interior an ultra-modern look and fit perfectly into the futuristic style. With its help you can transform a wall, ceiling, bar counter or countertop. This is one of the most spectacular and fashionable ways to enliven and visually expand a room.

The appearance of reflection depth, that is, the effect of an infinity mirror, is created using bright LED backlight and multiple reflection of light in two parallel mirror surfaces.

How is the "infinity" effect achieved?

Mirrors have different transmittance and reflection coefficients. On the back wall there is an ordinary mirror with a reflection coefficient of 100%. The front part of the mirror is one-way glass, through which only 50% of the light passes and is reflected. LEDs are placed along the perimeter between these two parts.

Thus, infinity mirror effect is that you can see each multiple reflection of a light source, but the brightness of each subsequent image is reduced by 2 times. The observer sees an endless cascade of lights receding into the darkness. The backlight can be single-color or multi-color at the request of the customer. The thickness of the mirror panels varies from 5 to 10 centimeters, creating the appearance of bottomless depth.

The infinity mirror "Tunnel" is equipped with adjustable backlight brightness using a remote control. The brighter the light, the stronger the illusion of depth. When the backlight is turned off, the device looks like this. You can change the lighting modes and color transitions, and some models have a “music” mode, in which the LEDs blink in time with the music playing.

Using an unusual mirror in interior design.

The shape, size and design of this unique decorative item are chosen individually and are limited only by the customer’s imagination. You can experiment with the infinity mirror effect by placing one shape into another (for example, a circle into a square or vice versa) and thus complicating the optical illusion. Such experiments will be of particular interest to designers who are ready to turn the most daring ideas into reality.

By purchasing this product, you will add a touch of novelty to your home and will definitely be satisfied. You can purchase this stylish item not only for yourself, but also as a gift to loved ones or work colleagues. Such a pleasant surprise will amaze your friends and will be remembered for a long time.

To order a Tunnel mirror, you just need to select its size, shape, number and color of LEDs, type and shade of frame (wood or metal), features for adjusting brightness and level of reflection depth, as well as installation location (wall, ceiling, countertop or even floor).

You can purchase an unusual mirror on ours. We professionally manufacture and process glass products and offer our customers elegant, exclusive products that combine beauty and excellent quality. Our factory has high-precision equipment at its disposal, which allows us to carry out work quickly and without the slightest defect.

  • spy glass with titanium coating
