Our skin is elastic. This allows it to stretch well, and then take its original shape. Unfortunately, with age, the elasticity of the skin is lost, so wrinkles and stretch marks form on the face and body of a person. Women are especially sensitive to this process. Still would! After all, each of us so madly wants to stay young and attractive for a long time.

Modern means cosmetology and medicine are partly able to solve the problem of reducing skin elasticity, but a lot also depends on the person, for example, on his habits, on the amount of water he drinks per day, on the work of the body as a whole. Know that if a person smokes, his skin will quickly lose elasticity, become yellow and dry. Also, prolonged exposure to the sun is not entirely harmless to the skin. If you recover sharply, stretch marks will appear on the skin, and a sharp decline weight by 100% will ensure the appearance of ugly folds.

It is important to know that the elasticity of the skin is primarily provided by moisture.

Inelastic often feels dry and tight, and is exacerbated in winter due to the dry air of heated rooms. In this case, a real lifesaver can be a moisturizer. There are several requirements for it. First, it should not be too greasy. This will definitely not add moisture to the skin, and secondly, it must contain special substances, such as, for example, soy extract, collagen, and also vitamin A, which will help moisturize the deepest layers of the skin, coenzymes.

However, no cream can be compared in effectiveness with water, which needs to be treated as often as possible on the skin. True, there is one caveat, in order to achieve a positive effect, the skin must retain moisture well. This ability can be increased by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. You can take special vitamins for skin elasticity, such as vitamin C, which is involved in the process of creating collagen and cartilage tissue, vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties. However, it must be remembered that they must be taken without exceeding the indicated dosage, and the effect will come only with prolonged and regular use.

Widely used in cosmetology to maintain skin elasticity, various oils. They have such properties that anyone, even a very expensive cream, can envy. One of the most common is almond oil, rich in this remedy for a long period of time will return the skin to youth and freshness.

Like its sister apricot, it is quite famous in the cosmetics industry. These products increase skin elasticity, help relieve inflammation, have a brightening, softening and tonic effect. For example, avocado oil perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, especially in the area around the eyes. And for any type of skin, oil from which will be especially valuable for people who are predisposed or already suffering from rosacea is suitable. Castor and fragrant are effective for improving skin elasticity. It should be noted that all of the above products are called basic. That is, they can be used both separately and create aromatic and healthy compositions based on them. essential oils. You can add them to shampoo, face or body cream, soap.

Restoring skin elasticity is a long and laborious process. However, there are cases when all means are powerless against loss of elasticity, except for plastic surgery. This applies to stretch marks and folds after rapid weight loss. Therefore, all nutritionists warn that weight should be lost gradually, while including buckwheat porridge in your diet, which contains a lot of such a substance as rutin.

Carrots, cabbage, fresh herbs and cucumbers will provide the body with silicon, but oatmeal, red meat and liver will fill the body with iron. will give the use of foods rich in selenium - tuna, sardines, liver, eggs and garlic. In addition, seafood is rich in zinc, which our body needs. It is also found in wheat bran, pumpkin seeds, cocoa, yeast, mushrooms, and nuts.

For a second, imagine the springs inside a sofa or bed - they may well play the role of a simplified model of the collagen skeleton of our skin.

    Together with another protein, elastin, collagen forms voluminous spirals.

    They, in turn, are firmly woven into tight "braids" - collagen fibers.

    Over the years, the grip of the "braids" weakens, the spirals become brittle.

    And the skin that has lost its support suffers from a loss of tone and elasticity and gradually becomes covered with wrinkles.

To check if you have a collagen deficiency, do this test. Pinch the skin on the eyelid. If it immediately smoothes out, everything is in order. If not, you need to take action. After all, with age, starting from the age of 30, the production of collagen gradually decreases. However, other factors also influence this.


In the premenopausal period, the amount of estrogen, a hormone that regulates, among other things, the production of collagen, decreases sharply. The result is predictable: the skin quite dramatically begins to look a few years older.

Scientists are still arguing which of the enemies of collagen is stronger - deadlines, lack of sleep, chronic stress or bad habits (tobacco, alcohol). © iStock


For the production of collagen, the body needs amino acids, it extracts them from food. If there are not enough amino acids, the construction of proteins is “frozen”, and the skin becomes loose and loses its tone.

Lack of sleep and stress

Scientists are still arguing which of the enemies of collagen is stronger: deadlines, lack of sleep, chronic stress or bad habits (tobacco, alcohol). In fact, all these factors are equally harmful.

sun and solarium

Excess ultraviolet radiation provokes the formation of free radicals. And these particles can also destroy collagen fibers.

How to increase the elasticity of the skin of the face

A lot depends on daily care: The skin needs to be cleansed, moisturized and protected regularly. Only the details change depending on the age.

At 20

Enough basic care. For cleansing, select a product by skin type -, or. Moisturizing is also necessary, including for oily skin(a light texture with a matting effect is suitable).

Young skin should be protected mainly from excess ultraviolet radiation: this will help prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

At 30

The rate of cell renewal and collagen production decreases - the first wrinkles appear, the skin loses its elasticity. Use cleansing products with an exfoliating effect, for example, with AHA acids: they remove dead cells and activate regeneration. In terms of protection and hydration, the cream should contain:

    antioxidants that protect the skin from the effects of free radicals;

    active ingredients that improve regeneration.

At night, you can apply products with retinol, which stimulates the production of collagen.

At 40

Excess ultraviolet radiation can provoke the formation of free radicals. © iStock

The synthesis of estrogen has already been reduced, so the skin is less elastic and firm, wrinkles become deeper. For cleansing, use mild products, for daily care, choose anti-aging creams with the effect of moisturizing, sun protection and oxidative stress.

If the skin looks flabby, a cream with peptides that stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin will help.

At 50

Signs of the times: ptosis (sagging skin), wrinkles deepen, pores become more visible. Cleanse your skin gently with gentle, soap-free products, and use exfoliants once a week to stimulate cell renewal.

To increase elasticity, serums with peptides are useful. Apply to damp skin after cleansing, before using cream.

How to increase the elasticity of the skin of the body


Algae, mud, chocolate - alternate them or conduct a course of 10-20 sessions every six months. If for some reason the salon does not fit into your life, buy professional blends and do body wraps at home.

Procedures with temperature changes

Contrasting douches or showers activate blood circulation, improve nutrition in cells and start renewal processes. As a result, the skin becomes more elastic.

Such procedures are not indicated for people with reduced immunity or chronic diseases. Health should be practically perfect.


Improves microcirculation, and hence the nutrition of cells and tissues. You can do self-massage using products with a draining effect and / or based on essential oils.

Massage improves microcirculation, and hence the nutrition of cells and tissues. © iStock

Physical exercise

Any outdoor activity enriches cells with oxygen and improves skin nutrition. For inner surface hips, exercises such as lunges, jumps, "bike" are effective. If we talk about the inner surface of the hands, where the skin often sags, they will help:

  • push ups;


    "propeller" for hands.

Salon procedures

    Classic manual massage is the number one tool. Perhaps, nothing better has been invented so far.

    hardware methods. Microcurrents, ultrasound therapy, radio wave lifting are aimed at enhancing collagen production and normalizing natural recovery processes.

    Injections of native hyaluronic acid (biorevitalization). Start regeneration processes.

Overview of products for skin elasticity

Products for skin elasticity after 30

Tool name

Active ingredients


hyaluronic acid, galanga extract

Stimulates the processes of renewal, activates the production of collagen, makes the skin soft and supple.

rose and blackcurrant oils

Moisturizes and soothes dry, sensitive skin, relieves the feeling of tightness.

thermal water, caffeine, adenosine

Improves the microrelief of the skin, visibly reduces wrinkles, fights the aging process, making the skin supple.

jasmonic acid derivatives, adenosine

Increases elasticity, reduces wrinkles, evens out complexion, gives radiance to the skin.

Beauticians under the elasticity of the skin understand its ability to resist mechanical stress. This indicator is also called skin turgor or elasticity.

The degree of skin elasticity can be assessed independently, without seeking help from specialists. The simplest test is done by any woman when she critically evaluates her appearance in front of the mirror. If the wrinkles and folds that form on the face during a conversation, or on the arms in the folds, are easily straightened out without leaving a trace, then we are talking about good turgor or skin elasticity.

Elasticity can be assessed using a more "complex" test. With your thumb and forefinger, grab a fold on the skin about one and a half to two centimeters, pull it back, and then release it. According to the speed with which the skin will fall into place, how dense the skin seemed in the fingers, whether there were traces on it and how quickly they straightened out, elasticity is assessed.

With good elasticity, no traces remain, the skin is dense, elastic to the touch. So you can evaluate the elasticity on the inner surface of the arms, on the abdomen, hips, neck. And the face is evaluated visually - the less wrinkles, the higher its elasticity.

What influences?

The condition of the skin, its elasticity is influenced by many factors: gender, age, the state of the endocrine and nervous systems, the quality of blood circulation and lymph movement, the state of subcutaneous tissue and colloids. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, endocrine, digestive organs adversely affect the elasticity of the skin.

Many factors, such as gender and age, are beyond our control. Therefore, we are doomed to the fact that with age, the state of elasticity worsens. However, different women at the same age look different, some have more elastic skin, while others age faster.

Let's talk about the reasons for the decline

In addition to objective reasons that we cannot influence, there are a number of subjective reasons that reduce skin elasticity. Among these, smoking should be put in the first place. A woman who smokes always looks older than a non-smoker, other things being equal. Smoking not only impoverishes the skin, but also poisons it, causing it to wrinkle prematurely.

Another important negative factor is ultraviolet radiation. Fans of excessive tanning, including under artificial lamps in solariums, will quickly feel that their skin has lost its elasticity. The combination of smoking plus a love of tanning greatly increases the risk of premature loss of elasticity.

Sudden weight loss almost always leads to a decrease in skin elasticity. Moreover, the more mature the weight loss occurred, the worse the elasticity and the more pronounced negative consequences.

How to raise?


Among the factors that positively affect the elasticity of the skin, water should be noted in the first place. The high degree of hydration of the skin allows you to maintain elasticity for as long as possible.

Witty beauticians usually in this case recall raisins. What happens if raisins are thrown into water? It will not turn into grapes - you should not expect miracles, but it will be smoother than dried raisins.

Therefore, the main task for maintaining the elasticity of the skin is its hydration. Beauticians insist that moisturizers are more effective than greasy creams (remember that water will straighten raisins faster than fat).

Among moisturizers, the modern industry offers moisturizers with miraculous properties to retain moisture on the surface of the skin for as long as possible due to the creation of a thin film. Such creams create the opposite effect: they disrupt the subcutaneous water-lipid balance, which in the long term dries the skin even more.

Beauticians advise not to use such super-moisturizers. If a woman has reached an age at which conventional moisturizers do not help, creams containing hyaluronic acid, collagen, coenzymes should be taken. These components of creams not only moisturize the skin, but also allow moisture to be retained inside the epidermis.

It is worth digging even deeper, and saturate the body with moisture - drink more clean drinking water.


When it comes to the skin, by nutrition we usually mean nourishing cosmetic products: creams, masks. But external care products give, at best, a short-term effect. The skin is part of the whole organism, and it is impossible to achieve its good condition only by external means. The skin should also be nourished from the inside, saturating it with the necessary components, vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin C can help solve the problem of loss of skin elasticity, since ascorbic acid is involved in the synthesis of collagen and cartilage. Collagen is the most important component of the skin, responsible for its elasticity. Loss of collagen and leads, by and large, to a decrease in elasticity.

The antioxidant properties of vitamins A and improve the skin's ability to restore elasticity. These vitamins are good for internal use as well as for outdoor. If you add a few drops of Aevit to a regular cream, then its use will improve skin elasticity. When taking vitamins A and E orally, it should be remembered that their excess can provoke the growth of neoplasms.

Silicon, selenium, iron, potassium are just a small part of the minerals that, to one degree or another, affect the degree of skin elasticity. It is not necessary to take mineral-vitamin complexes all the time, it is enough to drink them in courses and eat properly and regularly, providing your body with everything necessary for cell regeneration and collagen synthesis.

Home procedures

Good results for improving the elasticity of the skin give physiotherapy. The simplest of them is contrasting showers. This procedure stimulates blood circulation, improves skin condition, including its elasticity. Taking a contrast shower to improve the skin on the body, you can also pour over your face - the skin on your face will also noticeably tighten.

Useful for improving skin elasticity massage. However, cosmetologists warn of the need to approach facial massage with great care. By regularly massaging the buttocks and thighs, we will definitely improve the condition of the skin in these places, even if the massage is not done very skillfully - the skin here is quite rough.

With an illiterate massage on the face, it can worsen its condition by stretching the skin, carrying out manipulations outside the lines. Therefore, if the buttocks can be massaged on their own, then it is better to entrust the face to a professional, otherwise you can stretch the skin with inept hands - reduce its elasticity.

Professional treatments

Beauty salons offer a lot of professional ways to restore skin elasticity. Injection - when various drugs are injected under the skin that improve skin turgur. Less traumatic - when the skin is exposed to pressure, temperature, light or electric currents.

Such procedures are called lifting - tightening. When choosing a procedure, you should take into account not only the state of your wallet and the advice of your friends, but also the recommendations of a specialist - everyone has their own skin condition: what is good for one type may not benefit another.

Lifting procedures usually maintain a certain effect for 6-9 months, during which you should carefully monitor the condition of the skin, eat right, avoid weight fluctuations, avoid sun rays and smoking.

Berestova Svetlana
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The appearance of the skin directly depends on the normalization of moisture in the tissues of the dermis and the whole body, maintaining the elasticity and firmness of the skin, and ensuring the necessary tone of the muscular frame of the face. Tightness, elasticity and firmness, fullness - everything is provided by maintaining turgor, that is, moisture in the tissues. The term "turgor" is actively used by cosmetologists to determine the level of moisture in the skin. In addition, turgor indicates the presence of tension in the intracellular space. What is turgor, what is the relationship between turgor, elasticity, firmness and skin tone, we will consider in this article on the site.

What does the term "turgor" mean?

Usually the word turgor" is used in tandem with the words "skin", "face", "tissues". Tissue turgor is a certain resistance of the cell membrane, which is created by pressure in the intracellular space. Due to turgor pressure in the cells, there is a natural blockage of dehydration of the whole organism and skin in particular.

In cosmetology, turgor is understood as the tone, elasticity and firmness of the skin. Although in fact, it is elasticity, firmness and firmness that depend on skin turgor.

While maintaining an optimal level of fluid in the skin cells, resistance to gravitational and age-related changes is ensured. When cells age and wither, skin turgor decreases. And vice versa, when turgor decreases under the influence of non-age factors (ultraviolet radiation, bad habits), skin turgor begins to decline rapidly even in a young body.

How to check skin turgor:

With two fingers, pull the skin on the face or on another part of the body, fix for 2 seconds and release. If the skin evenly returns to its original position, the turgor is in order and the skin is not in danger. In the case of low turgor, the skin will not be able to quickly return to the desired position, it will sag, thin and wrinkle.

Causes of a decrease in skin tone and turgor

In the female body, the condition of the skin depends on the level of estrogen hormones. Hormones control cells - fibroblasts, responsible for the production of elastin, collagen and hyaluron. With a stable hormonal background in the skin, the fluid level normalizes, the skin looks toned, firm and elastic. Therefore, the first reason for the decrease in skin turgor is considered to be a drop in the production of estrogen hormones in the direction of decreasing or increasing its amount.

An important role in maintaining the elasticity of the skin is played by the level of moisture in the skin tissues. This is due to the vital activity of cells: as fluid enters the cell, the cytoplasm moves closer to the walls and forms pressure inside the cell. This pressure keeps moisture inside, preventing drying out. Through sweating through the skin, up to half a liter of water per day can be excreted from the body. In addition, the skin rapidly loses moisture when the air in the room is too dry, active ultraviolet radiation, and the constant operation of electrical appliances.

To ensure the proper level of moisture in the dermis, required amount hyaluronic acid. This acid is indispensable for cell regeneration and maintaining fluid in the skin. This substance is able to bind water molecules and evenly distribute them in tissues. Also, hyaluronic acid stimulates the production of collagen, which is necessary for successful skin resistance to pressure or stretching.

Hyaluronic acid rapidly leaves the tissues under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, which negatively affects the skin, drying it out. In addition, the production of hyaluron in the skin decreases with constant stress, malnutrition, lack of movement, and the presence of bad habits. From the age of 25, the body gradually decreases the production of hyaluronic acid, and with it collagen and elastin.

What is needed to restore the elasticity and firmness of the skin?

  1. Skin nutrition: cold and hot shower, taking a bath with aromatic oils (rose, myrrh, pine, sandalwood, mint, frankincense, nutmeg), washing with cool water.
  2. Drinking enough fluids, including clean unboiled water.
  3. Use of protective equipment in case of active solar radiation (especially in summer).
  4. Carrying out 2 times a week massage and gymnastics for the face. In this process, it is important to start the blood supply to the skin cells and strengthen the facial muscles.
  5. Eat vitamin complexes, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  6. News healthy lifestyle life - physical training, hardening of the body, adherence to the regime of the day and food intake.

Together with a cosmetologist, find out the reasons for the decrease in turgor, elasticity and firmness of the skin. The specialist will recommend the necessary preparations, cosmetic procedures and other means to normalize turgor, stimulate the production of necessary substances in order to restore tone and fullness of forms.

Skin elasticity(elasticity, tension, turgor) - the ability of the skin to resist mechanical stress. This ability is provided by the state of the elastic elements of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, water-salt composition, the state of colloids, their hydrophilicity, the degree of blood supply and lymph circulation, which, in turn, depends on many factors: age, gender, the state of the nervous and endocrine systems, gastrointestinal intestinal tract, cardiovascular system, metabolic processes, etc.

About skin turgor can be judged to a certain extent by the results of examination of the skin of the face, neck, hands and other parts of the body. With normal turgor, the skin is even, smooth. The folds that form when talking, smiling, moving in the joints of the hands are easily straightened. A clearer picture of turgor is obtained by palpation examination by capturing the skin-fat fold on the back of the hand, abdomen, cheeks and other places.

Captured big and with the index fingers, the fold is slightly compressed for 1-2 s and slightly pulled back. The density of the fold is evaluated, its elasticity - resistance to compression, speed of spreading after taking the fingers away. With good turgor, the skin fold is easily grasped, it is moderately dense, elastic, after releasing it easily and completely straightens out, there are no fingerprints on the skin. This state of turgor is considered normal, and the doctor concludes: "Skin turgor is preserved."

Skin turgor- the tension of the skin-fat fold, may be increased and decreased. In a healthy person, an increase in turgor is not observed, a decrease is possible with prolonged fasting, restriction of fluid intake, prolonged stay in conditions high temperature environment. At the age of 55-60 years, skin turgor also decreases: skin wrinkling increases, many small wrinkles appear on the face, neck, back of the hands and other places, the skin becomes thinner, its transparency on the back of the hands increases.

Such leather very easily captured in folds, easier and more significantly delayed, poorly returned to its original position, the fold straightens out very slowly.

In a healthy person skin turgor may decrease depending on the degree of fatigue and exhaustion after heavy physical and emotional stress, stressful situations. For these reasons, the so-called “sagging face” arises - the skin turns pale, an earthy hue appears, the wrinkling of the skin on the face increases, facial features are sharpened, the eyes become “sunken”. This also happens with prolonged fasting, with acute and chronic debilitating diseases, intoxication, diarrhea, vomiting, malabsorption in the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and infectious diseases.

dense, tense skin that is not captured in a fold is possible with its swelling for many reasons (inflammation, trauma, impaired blood and lymph circulation, endocrinopathy, allergies, etc.). With inflammation, trauma, the skin is painful. The skin becomes dense, painless, not gripping into the fold with the intensive development of the connective tissue after a burn, injury, with scleroderma.
Excessive stretching of the skin when pulling back the skin fold, it is observed in cases of congenital weakness of the connective tissue (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome).
