Spring has come, which means that a series of holidays, long weekends will soon begin, and there it is within easy reach until summer - the vacation season. Of course, thieves are on the alert at any time of the year, but it is in spring and summer that our houses become especially easy prey: at least, because all the windows are open in the heat, and at most, because apartments can be empty for months.

Bait for thieves

Not a single fake video camera or a dog barking simulator will scare away thieves if a huge home theater flickers invitingly in the window of your house, and you inform all the grandmothers on the bench about your upcoming vacation. Before using tips to deter thieves, you need to figure out what attracts them and make sure that your home does not have such lures.

  • Demonstration of well-being. Of course, curious passers-by will certainly envy your expensive equipment, which is visible from the window or through the fence, but, most likely, not only they will be interested in your well-being. Incidentally, this applies not only to household appliances or gadgets, but even the front door with chic upholstery will indicate that there is something to profit from inside.
  • Open window. For some reason, there is an opinion that before leaving, the main thing is to close the windows, but this rule does not apply to the window. But for an experienced thief, this small hole is enough to get into the apartment, so the open window looks like a real invitation.
  • According to statistics, it is the inhabitants who are most often theft. Why? Yes, because if people can afford to move to new house which means they are well off. In addition, the tenants have either not yet entered the neighboring apartments, or have not had time to get to know each other, so a stranger who opens the door will not arouse their suspicions.
  • Long tongue. Warn neighbors with whom you are in good relations, about leaving on vacation - well. Telling everyone and everyone that you recently bought a new laptop or your husband gave you a fur coat or diamonds for your anniversary is bad. Believe me, sooner or later this information will reach the ears of impious citizens, and you risk being left without a fur coat and without a computer.
  • Set an alarm. The most obvious and effective way to protect yourself is to install an alarm. Of course, this is not a cheap pleasure, especially if we are talking about a real alarm connected to the security post. If you cannot afford it, you can install a snag in the hallway: such an alarm will not cause a police squad, but it will scare away thieves with a loud noise and attract the attention of neighbors.
  • Make friends with your neighbors. By the way, about the neighbors. Get to know at least those who live with you on the same landing, and even better - with the residents of the upper and lower floors. When leaving on vacation, you can safely ask them to look after the apartment, and you will simply be calm, even just leaving for work. Remember that grandmothers have no equal in the matter of public safety, so use their vigilance to your advantage.
  • Reinforce windows and doors. Don't skimp on windows and doors. Ordinary plastic windows open even easier than wooden ones, so invest in good double-glazed windows and equip them with an external grill or special protective film if you live on the ground floor or near the fire escape. There should be two doors: both iron or iron and wood. Moreover, the latter should not be internal, but external, so that a “pleasant surprise” awaits the thief who starts hacking. Do not be lazy and replace standard locks with more complex and reliable bolts. Ideal if on inner door there will be a lock that opens and closes only from the inside without the help of a key.
  • Get a dog. Of course, this advice is only suitable for those who love animals and are ready to properly care for them. If you are ready to take responsibility for the dog, then this will also be an excellent protection against a thief. It is not necessary to buy a fighting or hunting breed - even a small poodle will make enough noise that the thief wonders if he should continue. Don't use an answering machine An answering machine is a very useful invention, except that it will let burglars know you're not at home. Turn it off during holidays and other long trips, or better yet, don't use it at all.
  • Make it harder for thieves to work. Even if thieves get into your apartment, there is a chance to save at least some of the property: do not store money and jewelry in easily accessible and obvious places, and even more so - together. An idea to note: jewelry can be stored not in a jewelry box, but wrapped in a yoga mat.

Reliable home protection: 6 key points

  • Set an alarm. The alarm is equally relevant for the apartment and for the house. If you live in a private house only in the summer, then you can turn on the alarm for the period when you are not there - it will be much cheaper.
  • Put up a dummy surveillance camera. And do it right. Let the camera look natural, and wires stretch from it to the house: this way the robbers will definitely doubt whether it is worth messing with your house. To be more convincing, find a model that will run on batteries or electricity and wink with a “red eye”
  • More light and noise. No thief wants to be seen, so they always act quietly and quickly, mostly under cover of night. Trees, walls, hedges and niches are their best friends, so you should turn light and noise into allies. Use outdoor lighting on the site, motion or heat sensors and loud sirens.
  • Use fake stickers.“Caution, angry dog!”, “Attention: video surveillance is underway”, “The house is under protection ...” and other stickers will become additional protection for your home, even if they do not contain a word of truth.
  • Create the appearance of presence. A suburban area can very easily give out a long absence of owners: an overgrown lawn, a riot of weeds in the garden, dry land in the flower beds. If you're away for a long time, pay the grandmother who lives across the street or ask your neighbors to occasionally water the beds, pull out the weeds, and mow the grass.
  • Buy a safe. If a country house is your only home, and you have nowhere to take expensive equipment, money and jewelry during the period of departure, this problem is solved by buying a safe. If possible, give the thieves extra difficulty and carefully hide the safe with valuables.

How to make a home protection system from thieves and robbers with your own hands? Management!

Do you go out to a country house only occasionally, and most of the time it is empty? Then be prepared for the fact that sooner or later thieves and robbers will be interested in them.

It's good when there is security in the holiday village and your house is connected to the central alarm console. And if not? If from protection - only a watchman who only sometimes bypasses the territory? Then it is better to take care of protecting the house or cottage yourself. Moreover, in just an hour and a half with the help of devices for " smart home» You can create a security system with your own hands.

We offer two methods of protection. The first will help scare off thieves. The second is to find out in time about the robbers' attempted intrusion and call the watchman, the local policeman or a private security company. The first method is based on the use of a starter kit based on Z-Wave wireless technology. And after installing it, you can easily implement the second method of protection by purchasing the necessary sensors. But first things first.

Protection system country house from intruders

Method 1. Create the effect of presence

A good way to scare off thieves is to simulate the presence of the owners in the house. Uninvited guests they will hardly dare to enter the room if they think that there is someone in it. What is the easiest way to create the effect of presence? It is necessary to make sure that in the rooms automatically, according to a given schedule, the lights turn on and off. And it is desirable to change the schedule from time to time. And if necessary, control the lighting manually without leaving the city apartment. How to achieve this? Creating the right system is easy:

Approximate connection time: 1 hour

What will be required:

1. Starter kit for remote control of lighting fixtures with a Philio PSC01 smart home controller and two devices for controlling floor lamps - Philio PAD01 overhead dimmers, which are inserted into a regular socket.

Z-Wave Dimming Lite Starter Kit

If you have already installed another smart home kit based on Z-Wave wireless technology in your country house, for example, a remote socket control kit, save money - buy only.

2. Floor lamps or other lighting fixtures with standard plugs. Power lighting device connected to a dimmer - up to 300 W.

3. Internet connection and Wi-Fi router. This device is not included. If your holiday village doesn't have a fixed internet connection, consider purchasing a mobile internet router with built-in Wi-Fi.

Let's start building:

If you have previously installed another smart home kit based on Z-Wave wireless technology in your country house, for example, a remote control socket set, and additionally bought dimmers, then immediately go to step 4.

1) Install the free Z-wave Home Mate program on your smartphone or tablet. For Apple mobile devices, it can be downloaded from itunes.apple.com, and for Android devices, from play.google.com. The Z-wave Home Mate version is suitable for Android tablet owners, the Z-wave Home Mate (Phone) version for smartphone owners.

2) Carefully read the instructions for the mobile app, Z-Wave controller and dimmers.

Instructions in Russian can be downloaded here:

It is more convenient to print them in advance so as not to read from the smartphone screen - your mobile device will be needed to complete the settings.

3) Connect the Z-Wave controller to the WiFi router. The procedure is simple. In short, launch the mobile application, scan the QR code on the back of the controller with your smartphone camera and enter the factory password and username specified in the instructions. Then go to the device list screen and click on the name of the controller. For details, see the Philio PSC01/PSC03 controller connection process manual. It will help you get the job done faster.

Important! After connecting, be sure to change the factory password of the Z-Wave controller. Changing your password is a standard security procedure for any smart device connected to the Internet.

4) Connect dimmers to the controller. To do this, select the “Include device” item in the application: for 60 seconds, the controller will enter the search mode for a new device. Then plug the new dimmer into an outlet. The controller will detect it and add it to the network. The name of the dimmer will be displayed in the general list of connected devices. Try turning on/off the dimmer through the app interface.

Important! When adding a new device for the first time, the controller must be at a distance of no more than 1 m from it. After successfully adding to the network, the dimmer can be connected to any outlet that is no more than 30 m away from the controller.

5) Connect the floor lamps to the dimmers and enter the program to control them in the Z-wave Home Mate application. You can read more about creating programs in the instructions for the application. Are you afraid you won't make it? If you are able to program, for example, a slow cooker or a bread machine, then do not worry, you can easily solve this problem too.

So, your thief deterrent system is ready to go. But we suggest not to stop there. Turn your cottage into a real fortress by purchasing wireless sensors for opening and closing doors and windows, video cameras and an alarm siren.

Method 2. We detect an invasion of a country house

The lighting control system will scare away most lovers of profiting from other people's things in country house. But an experienced attacker is more difficult to deceive. For example, by the absence of fresh footprints in the snow around the house and other signs, an experienced thief will still guess that the owners are not there, and try to get into the dacha. Then the second protection system comes into play. You have already done most of the work on its creation in the first stage - you installed the . It remains to add a few touches. Purchase and connect additional wireless devices to the Philio PSC01 controller:

1) Sensors for opening and closing doors and windows. Using the Z-Wave Home Mate program, they will signal an intrusion attempt to your mobile device. You just have to immediately call the watchman, the local policeman or employees of a private security company. The sensors are autonomous: from a 3-volt CR123A battery they will work up to two years. A special indicator will inform you that it is time to change the battery.

Sensors for opening and closing doors and windows

2) Alarm siren. It is worth working one of the sensors for opening and closing doors, and the device will beep. It is unlikely that an attacker will remain cool when he is taken by surprise by the sound of a siren with a volume of 110 dB. And if there are people near the house, the siren will attract their attention. The device is equipped with a battery, can be turned off by a timer and is programmed for six types of sound.

Alarm Siren Philio Multi-Sound Siren

3) Surveillance video camera for premises. This 720p device has day/night mode, infrared light and SD card recording. If you received a signal from the door opening and closing sensors on your mobile device, you can always check whether an outsider really got into the house. The device can be programmed to enable video recording. The camera connects to a WiFi router and a Philio PSC01 smart home controller. Connecting and setting up will be facilitated by a QR code that can be scanned with the built-in camera of a smartphone or tablet. This process is well illustrated by the video:

Using a QR Code to Connect Devices to a Smart Home Controller

3) Outdoor IP65. This 720p WiFi device can help you detect intruders even on your doorstep. It has been specially designed for outdoor installation and is IP65 rated. IR illumination with a range of 10 m will help to detect strangers in the yard even at night.

Outdoor surveillance camera for smart home

Important! Don't forget to change the factory passwords of the WiFi router, video cameras and Z-Wave controller! While creating security system this standard procedure is especially important.

Arriving at the cottage, deactivate the system using mobile application or . And when you leave, don't forget to turn it on again. You can always check if the system is active remotely, through the application.

Programming the system:

All additional devices are programmed through the Z-wave Home Mate application. The principle is simple and based on the logic of "if - then ...". For example, by selecting the necessary items in the menu, indicate that if the door and window opening sensor is triggered, the siren will turn on, and the camcorder will switch to recording mode. This process is described in detail in the instructions for the application.

The system can be gradually expanded - to buy additional sensors for motion, smoke, temperature, etc. - and depending on this, program combinations of operation. If there is no time to mess with the settings, then you can always turn to specialists. Just ask a question in the sections "" or "Need a consultation?" to "My Brownie". Our experts will help with advice, and if necessary, they will come to country cottage area and mount, configure and test your security system.

The only truly reliable thief protection is the absence of property. And if you are not yet ready to distribute good and go with a knapsack into the horizon, singing spiritual songs, then you should think: how to protect material values? In this review - 10 most unusual anti-theft devices and devices that, if not save you from theft, then at least pretty amuse thieves.

Case against thieves

A laptop is a wonderful thing, from the point of view of a thief: it weighs little, costs a lot. But thanks to small size laptops are so easy to disguise. For example, under ... yesterday's newspaper. Producers" Newspaper Notebook case" offer a choice of five different versions of "newspapers" from among those that even thieves will not covet.

It's not tasty

If your sandwiches cause not only hungry saliva in your colleagues, but also creeps to snatch them, then there is a way out. Bags with a very naturalistic image of mold will discourage office hunters for sandwiches not only criminal plans, but even appetite. However, so do you. Perhaps this method is too radical.

Baggage- such a tidbit for a thief that the suitcase thieves even stood out in a separate caste called "Maidan". Their work can greatly complicate the concept TravSAFE, which, when trying to snatch a suitcase from your hands, blows clouds of colored smoke and yells at the entire station if they try to tear the suitcase off the floor without your participation. The Thieves Guild is upset by this gadget.

leaky mug

Some people get very upset when someone drinks from their mug, taking advantage of the absence of an angry owner. For such cases, developed mug with stopper: leaving the mug, you just take the cork with you. This mug will protect you especially well from professional thieves: according to prison concepts, dishes with a hole are ... well, very bad.

Lightning from thieves

What kind of tricks did not come up with car owners in the hope of securing steel horses - but there is a Yuri Detochkin for any garage. What if you scare a thief? This goal is best served by a very impressive field of small lightning: few people dare even approach the car under protection Tesla alarms- although in reality, lightning is not at all dangerous.

It turns out that the theft of umbrellas is a common phenomenon even in the most civilized countries. means from thieves can become a plastic handle-handcuff, with which the umbrella can be attached to the wrist. This method will save the umbrella not only from thieves, but also from your own distraction.

broken wheel

Still, the leader in thefts in the European Union is bicycles. To protect them, an unusual wheel was invented that "breaks" when the key is turned. Broken spokes will scare off kidnappers, and indeed, you won’t get far on such wheels.

Paintball turret

My home is my castle, right? And if so, then the guns for defense! True, we (yet) cannot install artillery pieces in private homes, but the law does not seem to object to paintball guns. The automatic turret aims at the enemy and sprays them with colorful volleys. A thief hit by such a weapon can be easily identified even in a crowd of clowns.

Anti-thief socket

Best safe- not the one that is impregnable, but the one that is invisible. Let the dodgy schniffer try to break open the steel door, and money and valuables can be safely stored in ... an outlet.

cheapest camcorder

Perhaps the most useful and reliable anti thief gadget- it's still camcorder. But not simple, but fake. This is very economical, but the psychological effect is the same: well, what kind of idiot would steal under the nose of the camera?

This is where we will end our review, although the topic is far from being exhausted, and new ways of protection from thieves appear very quickly - however, a little slower than the criminals have time to steal our things.

Tens of thousands of thefts occur in the country every year. Statistics show that intruders get into an apartment in most cases by breaking the lock or by selecting a key, another popular way is through windows, vents and balconies, less often they use rough methods of breaking doors. The professionalism and resourcefulness of criminals is growing every day, and the number of thefts increases during holidays and school holidays. This is not a roundup of crime news and not an attempt to intimidate someone. We all know that forewarned means forearmed, so the most popular methods of burglary allow us to build the most effective strategy for protecting our own home and increase the security of the apartment and house. Consider the most effective ways to protect against theft, but looking ahead, we note that it is better to use several methods in combination.

No. 1. Protection of the entrance to the apartment

The most common way intruders get into an apartment is through the front door. Yes, resistant doors and locks are expensive, but such a purchase is clearly better than what can happen if you save money and purchase a flimsy door with a standard lock. We note right away that there are no doors and locks that are 100% secure - our main task is to install such a system that will take the attacker maximum time to open. The thief may quickly give up, risking being caught, or else be caught red-handed.

Protection front door is in two main ways:

No. 2. Choosing a secure door

The first thing to buy on the way to improving the security of an apartment is this. The best option - the door is made of steel, but to make it really difficult to break, deform or cut, you need to pay attention to a number of parameters:

It is better to install the door so that it opens outwards.- it will be harder to knock it out. door frame it is desirable to strengthen with steel squares or metal pins concreted in the ceiling, walls and floor. Another trick is to make an imitation that will scare away some thieves. It is enough to attach a sensor at the top of the door and run a wire from it to the junction box, nothing needs to be connected. The same effect can be achieved by simulating the presence of a security camera.

No. 3. Choosing a secure lock

The door is only half the battle. Even the most durable canvas will not help if the lock can be opened with a simple master key. For those who live in apartment building, a tricky lock is even more important than a solid door leaf, since few people dare to work as a grinder or a sledgehammer. There are no locks that cannot be opened, so it is worth choosing those that take the thief the maximum time to open. Based on this rule, on the front doors it is better to install two locks with different mechanisms. The longer the thief takes to open the locks, the more likely it is that someone will notice him, or that he will surrender on his own.

To date, the following are installed on the entrance doors:

Apartment security experts also advise using from the inside of the door chain. Provides additional protection bolt. The pupil on the door is also important, because it allows you to see what is happening on the landing.

To be as sure of your safety as possible, choose lock with keyhole protection from foreign objects. Even the most complex lock can be disabled by clogging it with small debris, and the door will be easy to open in the simplest ways.

No. 4. Alarm for apartment and house

The alarm is usually installed as an addition to other security systems. This is one of better ways to ensure the inviolability of your home, but even here it is not so simple, because the alarm must be smart and reliable enough so that the attacker does not know how to disable it.

Experts advise taking entire alarm systems and not being limited only to the sensor on the front door. To protect your home to the fullest, it is better to put burglary detectors for locks and doors, glass break detector And motion sensors. Place them on windows, doors, bars, walls and furniture.

Sensors detect movement or entry into the home different ways and are divided into infrared, microwave, seismic, acoustic, television and complex. The latter, of course, are the best.

When triggered, the alarm may emit loud noise, scaring away thieves and drawing attention to the apartment, is the simplest option. There are systems auto-dial alarms when the owner of the apartment receives a notification on the phone, but the best and at the same time the most expensive alarm option is console when the signal is received by a private or government security firm. In this case, its employees arrive at the place within a few minutes. You will have to pay for such an alarm not only during installation, but also every month to pay for the services of a security company.

No. 5. CCTV

Surveillance cameras cannot be named in an independent way security of the apartment. Rather, it is one of the most effective ways to increase this very security.

durable steel roller shutters they are able to reliably protect the windows of a country house and actually serve as an analogue of gratings, however, when buying, you should choose special burglar-resistant models. Their main plus is the possibility of evacuation through the window in case of fire, but in ordinary city apartments in our country, few people install shutters.

A great option for an apartment in a multi-storey building is glass armor by covering them from the inside. Transparency practically does not change, but the glass becomes resistant to impacts, will not break into small fragments, withstand the shock wave from the explosion and will resist Molotov cocktails. It will be very difficult to break such glass just like that or with a hammer. Depending on the film protection class, the window withstands a different number of impacts. Class B1 film ensures the integrity of the glass with 50 blows of a hammer or ax, B2 film can withstand up to 70 blows, B3 - and even more. Even if the glass is broken, the film retains its integrity and will prevent penetration to a certain extent. In addition, manufacturers today offer armored glass for double-glazed windows - they do not have to be improved.

In addition to armored glass, you can install armored frame with steel plates. Linings are installed at the junction of the glass to the frame, the most vulnerable area of ​​the window structure.

To guarantee the window can be protected anti-burglary fittings, which includes special loops, and other elements. WK1 fittings provide resistance to manual burglary attempts without special tools, WK2 fittings will withstand pliers or , and WK3 will protect against burglary with a crowbar or mount.

If the window is clearly visible from the outside, then in the evening it is better to close it, since the less information an attacker receives about the apartment, the better.

No. 7. We put the safe

The most valuable things are best stored not in mattresses and not among books - these are places that thieves know well. In case the attacker overcomes all obstacles, money, jewelry, securities and other important expensive things he will not be able to take, as there will be another obstacle ahead - a safe.

No. 9. Ensuring the security of a private home

Secure Separately standing house harder than an apartment in an apartment building. Here, of course, all the listed means work, but they should not be limited. To improve the security of a private house, it is worth taking a set of additional measures:

No. 10. How else can you protect the apartment?

To protect the apartment and the valuables stored in it from intruders, it does not hurt to follow these simple rules:

A large percentage of burglaries are carried out on a tip, so chatting on all sides about major expensive purchases or an imminent long-term departure is unnecessary. It is worth keeping valuables, if not in a safe, then in a safe deposit box, at least for the time of departure, since thieves know all the seemingly cunning and unpredictable places in the apartment where expensive things are usually hidden.
