Flies are the most common and annoying insects that live side by side with humans. Getting rid of them sometimes becomes a real problem, and often you can not do without special tools, one of which is a fly trap. Of course, you can buy it, but it's easy to do it yourself.

Is it necessary to fight flies and why

These insects not only bother with their buzzing - their neighborhood is much more dangerous than it might seem. Flies are carriers of pathogens of various diseases - intestinal infections, eye diseases, tuberculosis. Also, on their paws, they often lay eggs of worms on the products they sit on. That is why the fight against them indoors is an important task for ensuring sanitation and maintaining human health.

The main types of traps, their effectiveness, advantages and disadvantages

One of the most versatile means for exterminating unwanted neighbors is a fly trap. With your own hands, you can make many options for its execution from improvised materials.

The simplest is from a plastic bottle with sweet bait (it also helps against wasps)

Trap out plastic bottle

Ease of manufacture is its main advantage. To do this, you need one empty plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5–2 liters.

In order to make a trap, you need:

The disadvantage of this flycatcher is that a small part of the insects can leave the trap, and you also need to constantly change the bait with the caught flies. Fermented bait can smell bad.

Glass jar option

The principle of catching a flytrap from a glass jar is the same as in the bottle version.

It is made as follows:

  1. In a jar with a volume of 0.5 to 3 liters, put fruit or pour sugar-containing liquid.
  2. Insert the funnel for pouring liquid with a narrow end into the neck of the jar and secure it with tape.
  3. Place the trap where you want to catch the insects.

The effectiveness of this flytrap is comparable to that of a bottle trap. Periodically it is necessary to change the bait and remove the caught insects.

Analogue from any container and cling film

For the manufacture of this flytrap is used Plastic container any shape - round or square. The trap is done like this:

The principle of operation of the trap is the same as the previous ones. Some flies may leave the trap, and its effectiveness will depend on how attractive the bait is to the insects.

Household adhesive tape

The advantage of this trap is that the flies do not need to get inside closed space, which scares some insects, so its effectiveness is higher than the previous options presented. You can make it yourself as follows:

  1. Mix 2 parts pine resin with 1 part linseed oil and a small amount of sugar syrup.
  2. Cut strips of plastic film 3-4 cm wide.
  3. Apply the prepared adhesive mixture with a brush to the tapes.
  4. Hang traps in the room where you want to destroy insects.

One of the disadvantages of adhesive tapes is their poor aesthetics.

"People's" insect repellers - plastic bags with water

A simple, albeit somewhat controversial fly protection solution. In order to make such a repeller, you need the following:

The inventor claims that this device can be compared in efficiency with mosquito nets, but this is a rather controversial issue.

Velcro pendant from CD

To make this trap, you need the following:

The disadvantage of this flycatcher is that it is periodically necessary to clean the disk of flies, lubricate it with an adhesive base and send it to the freezer.

How to make an electric fly trap

For the manufacture of this category of traps, you must have electrical skills. In addition, you need to have a list necessary materials, which will not be in every home.

Electric landing net: manufacturing instructions

The principle of operation of this electric trap is based on the belief that flies will fly to the light of the lamp, however, even professional flytraps using lamps to lure turn out to be more effective against mosquitoes, while flies, according to user reviews, often bypass the trap.

To make this flytrap, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Pliers;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Scissors for metal;
  • A small electric motor from the player;
  • Ordinary light bulb with a cartridge;
  • Pair cans with different diameters;
  • Aluminum or tin strip 20x100 mm in size;
  • 2 washers made of plastic;
  • Epoxy resin with a thickener;
  • metal strips;
  • Screws and bolts M4;
  • Round base made of wood;
  • Nylon stocking;
  • rubber ring;
  • The power source is a pair of AA batteries.
As you can see, this device is not the latest invention, but also Soviet

You need to make a trap as follows:

The disadvantage of this trap is the complexity of its manufacture and low efficiency for catching flies in comparison with other traps.

Electric shock flytrap

To lure insects in this flycatcher, the light of a lamp is also used, which in practice is far from always effective against flies. To make it, you will need the following materials:

  • Bulb housekeeper;
  • Ordinary finger battery or "Krona".
  • high voltage module.
  • aluminum wire.

The electric shock is made as follows:

  1. Disassemble the housekeeper and drill two holes opposite each other on the sides of the plastic base.
  2. Insert an aluminum wire into each hole and wrap it around the body.
  3. Connect one of the wires that come out of the neon lamp with the end of the wire.
  4. Connect the remaining two contacts of the neon bulb to the high-voltage module.
  5. Connect the high voltage module to the batteries through the switch button.
  6. Fix the module and batteries on the bulb body with electrical tape.
  7. Turn on the device - insects attracted by light when touched aluminum wire will be amazed electric shock.

The disadvantage of this trap is that it is also unsafe for a person if, inadvertently, touching a bare wire, it also has low efficiency compared to traps that use sugar-containing substances or pheromones as bait.

Plants that are eaten for flies

Predatory plants are quite an exotic way to catch flies, but they can still help get rid of a few annoying insects. Most often in room conditions the following species are grown:

Industrial traps for rooms and garden

There are also industrial versions of fly traps.

  • Aeroxon. glue trap, which composition of a bait includes environmentally friendly ingredients.
  • DELUX AKL-31. A trap whose principle is based on attracting insects with ultraviolet light. Flies flying up to her are struck by an electric shock. Although the manufacturer positions it as a universal device against mosquitoes, mosquitoes and flies, the latter rarely become trophies of this trap.
  • FC001. A mechanical trap, inside which it is necessary to insert a tablet with an attracting substance, which includes synthesized (Z) -9-Tricosin - a pheromone secreted by flies to attract individuals of the opposite sex during mating. The action of the tablet is very long - 2-3 tablets may be enough for one season.

Professional traps vary in cost, and they are also superior in convenience and efficiency to home-made options.

The cutest option is the Australian bollard trap

This trap can be used outdoors - for example, near the dining table under a canopy in the country, as its trapping capacity is quite high, and maintenance operations are extremely rare.

Outwardly, the flycatcher looks like a bedside table from wooden frame with small legs, covered on all sides with a fine mesh, under the bottom of which a saucer with a sugar-containing liquid is placed. The secret of catching flies lies in the pyramidal shape of the mesh bottom of the trap, in which there is a hole. As a rule, having satiated, the flies fly up, not paying attention to the transparent mesh.. As a result, insects enter the flycatcher through a hole in the bottom.

For the manufacture will require the following materials:

The process of making a flycatcher is as follows:

  1. From wooden planks, assemble the frame in such a way that the whole structure stands on legs about 5 cm high, attach the upper part to the canopies and equip it with a hook.
  2. Wrap all sides except the bottom metal mesh.
  3. To make a pyramidal bottom of the trap from the mesh, connecting the seams of the mesh with metal screws, you can also use staples for a furniture stapler for this.
  4. At the top of the pyramidal bottom, cut a hole 2 cm in diameter so that the flies enter the trap through it.
  5. Lubricate all joints between the mesh and wooden planks with sealant.
  6. Place the trap in the required place, after placing a saucer under it with an alluring liquid - sugar syrup or jam. Industrial fly attractants can also be used.

The advantage of this flytrap is that maintenance is rare, because sometimes it is only necessary to release the flies from the trap, and also to replace the attracting liquid in the saucer.

Prevention of the appearance of flies in the house

In order for the flies not to annoy, it is necessary to constantly adhere to preventive measures that prevent their appearance:

By following these preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the number of annoying insects. It is also recommended to install traps even in rooms where the number of insects is negligible.

Take an empty soda bottle. You can use an unwanted bottle or buy a new one on purpose. Make sure there is no liquid left in the bottle and rinse it with warm water.

Cut off the top of the bottle. For this you will need scissors. Pierce a hole in the bottle with the tip of scissors (closer to the middle).

  • After piercing the hole, insert scissors into it and cut the bottle across. Cut off the top completely so that you have two parts - the top with the lid and the long bottom.
  • Try to cut as evenly as possible, otherwise the neck will not hold when you turn it over.
  • You can remove the top with a sharp knife, but try not to cut yourself. If you are making a trap with children, it is best to use scissors.
  • Turn the bottle over. Insert inverted neck. If you cut it carefully, it will go all the way in.

    Connect the edges. The easiest way is to do this with a stapler 3-4 times along the entire diameter, leaving approximately the same distance between the staples.

    • If you are making the trap with children, staple the two pieces together yourself. If you don't have a stapler, there are two more ways to join the edges.
    • You can use tape or duct tape, but the material must be waterproof. Wrap the edges with tape 3-4 times.
    • You can also use super glue or regular glue, but it should also be water repellent. First, apply a little glue to the edges of the bottle, and then insert the inverted neck inside. Use your fingers to push it down and press the edges. Keep the edges connected until the glue dries.
  • Make a mixture of sugar and water. Pour five tablespoons of sugar into a saucepan. Put the saucepan on the stove. Spread the sugar evenly so that it completely covers the bottom.

    • Pour in enough water to cover the sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil.
    • Mix well. When the sugar dissolves in water, you will have a sweet liquid, but if the water boils, you will get syrup, that is, a more concentrated bait. Let the liquid cool slightly.
  • Spoon the liquid into the neck of the bottle. Try to coat the edges of the neck so that the flies stick to the sugar at the very entrance to the bottle.

    Use other baits. You can cut the apple and push the pieces into the neck. A piece of meat or a few tablespoons of aged wine is also suitable. You can simply mix water with sugar or honey.

    Add vinegar. If you decide to use liquid bait, add a few tablespoons of vinegar, preferably white. This will repel bees and other unwanted insects.

    Put the bottle in the sun. This will speed up the decomposition of the meat and make the bait more attractive to flies. This will also allow the liquid to evaporate, resulting in a substance that will attract insects. Praise yourself for a job well done.

    Summer is the favorite time of the year for most people in our country. But there are also a few unpleasant moments that appear with the advent of warm days. And one of these moments is the invasion of flies and mosquitoes. They buzz unpleasantly and spread various diseases.

    How to get rid of these harmful insects? Can be purchased at the chemical store. But chemistry in our life and so abound. There may be allergies to various aerosols, especially in children. Therefore, many prefer homemade devices.

    The main types of homemade traps

    Lures. The principle of baits is to lure the fly into an enclosed space from which it cannot escape.

    Poison traps are similar in design to regular baits, but their purpose is to kill insects, not just to lure.

    Electric shockers and electric nets. Shockers kill insects with an electric discharge. Nets attract flies with a bright light, and then drag them into a trap with a makeshift fan.

    Let's take a closer look at how you can make the most common fly traps with your own hands.

    Plastic bottle

    This is the easiest fly trap to make. It is necessary to cut off the upper part, and pour a couple of glasses of water with honey diluted in it into the lower one. Mix properly.

    Can be applied Alternative option bait - liquid jam, compote or beer. Turn the top of the bottle upside down and place it in the bottom.

    The neck should be several centimeters above the water level. This design will not allow the pest to get out.

    Glass jar with funnel

    We take a medium-sized jar and place the bait inside (the options from the first example will do). Place a funnel on the neck of the jar. You can start operating.

    Both of these traps can be turned poisonous by adding insecticide to the liquid bait.

    Plastic container

    This do-it-yourself trap option is suitable for fruit flies (another name is fruit fly), because they are small in size and, accordingly, will easily crawl into small holes.

    We put in a container favorite treat Drosophila - spoiled fruits. We cover cling film so that it fits snugly to the edges, and we make several holes in it.

    Instead of a container, you can use a glass. Basically, for fruit flies any trap will be effective if there are spoiled fruits as bait.

    Trap for giving

    If you are not lazy and spend a couple of hours of time, you can create it yourself effective trap for flies, which was used by European colonialists when moving to Australia. She's different large sizes and high efficiency.

    To make an Australian fly trap, we need wooden blocks, a fine-mesh metal mesh, small cloves or a construction stapler, thin wire.

    From the rails we make a frame in the shape of a cube. If you have an unnecessary stool with a square base, just remove the seat from it - and the base for the trap is ready. We cover the side walls of the frame with a mesh and fix it with a stapler.

    From above, you need to build a mesh cover so that it is convenient to get the catch. Next, we make a pyramid from the grid. Cut out four isosceles triangles (the base of the triangle is equal to the length of one side of the cube). We connect the sides of the triangles with a wire.

    Cut off the top of the pyramid to make an "entrance" for the flies. We fasten it along the perimeter of the bottom with a cone inward. Such a trap will be especially effective in the country, where there are a lot of insects. Under it you need to put a fragrant bait and wait.

    The fly flies to the bait, and after eating, it tries to fly up and gets inside. A fly does not guess to fly out through a small hole. Her fate is sealed.

    Velcro trap

    To create such a trap, we need thick paper, liquid rosin, sweet liquid and castor oil. Cut the paper into strips of suitable width and length. We mix all the ingredients, heat it up and apply the composition on paper.

    If necessary, we make a loop of thick thread. Velcro is ready. Instead of this composition, you can use purchased glue from insects and rodents.

    Another version of Velcro is a CD covered with an adhesive base. It is necessary to tie a loop to the disk, apply jam or honey to the surface and put it in the freezer to make the composition more viscous.

    Trap with ultraviolet flashlight

    Velcro can be made in a more complex design. For its manufacture, you will need any unnecessary can, for example, a can.

    We glue the outer surface with electrical tape, and then remove it so that a sticky layer remains on the surface. Attach a flashlight inside. Insects attracted by the light will stick to the jar. The option is suitable for individuals of small size.

    stun gun

    We will need a high-voltage module, an energy-saving light bulb (preferably a spiral shape), a battery, a switch, electrical tape, glue. We disassemble the light bulb into components. We get a lid and a flask. We don't need a plinth.

    IN plastic cover cut a hole into which we pass the switch. We thread the module itself into the cap and solder it to the switch, the switch to the battery. We attach the module to the cover using hot glue.

    The battery can be fixed with electrical tape. We drill two holes in the cone, into which we pass a piece of aluminum wire. We wrap each around the flask so that they do not touch. We cut off the excess.

    At the base of the bulb from the inside, we see two wires. We connect one of them to the end of the aluminum wire. There are two free contacts left inside the bulb: the second end of the wire and the “native” wiring from the light bulb.

    We connect a high-voltage module to these contacts. We put a lid on the flask. The shocker is ready. It must be hung in a place of accumulation of insects.

    electric net

    Necessary elements for creating an electric net: a small motor (10-20 W), a light bulb, two tin cans of different diameters, a battery, a round flat board, an aluminum plate (2 by 10 cm), two metal strips, clamps (screws, screws, epoxy glue , rubber ring), nylon bag.

    We cut out the blades from an aluminum plate and bend them, as for a fan. We make a hole in the center, put the blades on the motor shaft. Fix with glue.

    Fasten the bulb holder with screws to the plank. We connect the cartridge to the motor starter. We place the structure in a jar of smaller diameter and fasten it with screws so that the blades are a couple of centimeters below the edge of the jar. The base of the cartridge must be covered with a second can.

    We put a nylon bag on the bottom of the device and fix it with an elastic band. We connect the battery. Ready. Of course, electric fly traps are more difficult to implement, but their effectiveness is quite high.

    You can give preference to one of the types, or you can use several different homemade traps at once. An integrated approach will be more effective. However, when using any insect repellent, do not forget to keep clean and remove food from the table in time.

    DIY fly traps photo

    To deal with them, the same methods are used.

    First of all, it is necessary to find the source of their distribution and get rid of it, most often it is stored at room temperature. fruits or vegetables, and garbage bag.

    If there is no effect for several days, it is necessary to use certain methods:

    1. clean the whole apartment;
    2. get rid of leftover food, wash pet dishes regularly, wash out the trash can, scrub kitchen cabinets thoroughly with an alkaline solution;
    3. turn on the insect fumigator;
    4. smear the adhesive tape with fruit juice and use for its intended purpose;
    5. lean the mosquito plate against the window, when heated, they will destroy pests;
    6. collect insects with a vacuum cleaner from the source from the distribution, immediately take the bag of garbage out into the street;
    7. handle sewer drains chemicals, pour soda into the drain first, then vinegar, after the reaction is completed, turn on the water and clean the drain.

    If you live near a garbage dump, you need to hang a net on the windows through which insects cannot enter the room.


    On sale you can find ready-made fly traps, they are highly efficient, main manufacturers: Aeroxon, raptor. The principle of their operation is that insects flock to the smell of the liquid and stick to the inside of the structure, while the outside of the trap remains clean.

    There are also natural trap flowers, for which insects serve as food, they are absolutely safe for humans, do not differ in large sizes and do not require special care. The process of closing and opening a flower during prey capture is also very interesting to watch.

    DIY traps

    The easiest way to get rid of midges is an empty bottle with a fairly narrow neck, where you need to pour a little mixture of fruit juice and soapy water.

    1. The solution should be poured into several jars with a wide mouth, put in places where insects accumulate.
    2. Drosophila will fly to the smell emitted by the solution, but if they enter the container, they will not be able to get out of it due to the lack of a film on the surface of the water.
    3. The solution must be topped up as it dries.

    Such a simple technique allows you to get rid of pests, but it takes more time.

    There is a high probability that the insects have already laid their larvae in a secluded place, the process of getting rid of them can take a week.

    It must be borne in mind that midges can appear even as a result of a piece of apple accidentally left on the table.

    The principle of operation is the same, but in this case you only need kvass, juice, or rotten fruit pieces of vegetables or fruits. Can be used as a container old mug or glass jar .

    1. 1/4 of the container must be filled with bait;
    2. the inlet must be closed with a paper funnel;
    3. flies should fly in from the wide end, but they will no longer be able to find a narrow hole.

    If midges appeared at the end of summer, they will help get rid of them watermelon or melon.

    1. Fruit slices must be placed in a bulk bag and left overnight in the kitchen.
    2. The bag should not have holes, but it should be open for insects to enter.
    3. In the morning, you need to close it with a sharp movement and take it to the trash.
    4. If after that midges begin to fly in the kitchen again, then the insects have laid larvae, from which new individuals have hatched.

    Drosophila in indoor plants

    Quite often, fruit flies curl around flower pots, they are attracted to rotting leaves and wet soil. Sometimes the cause of the spread of midges is soil contaminated in the store, in the presence of such doubts the soil must be kept in the oven before use.

    Plant it is not recommended to transfuse, fallen flowers and leaves must be thrown away. A match, which must be stuck into the soil with a painted end, will also help reduce the number of insects. If midges are found in a pot of flowers, it is also recommended to water the plant with an insecticide that is harmless to it, the action of the drug is aimed primarily at the destruction of midges and their larvae.

    Dichlorvos is considered the most extreme measure to get rid of midges; it is not recommended to be indoors during the disinfection period.

    Folk methods

    People over the years have also figured out how to deal with fruit flies. Fighting with these methods is not difficult, but at the same time very effective.

    • fern leaves, elderberry And tansy spread out in all rooms, midges will fly away because of an unpleasant smell for them;
    • Tansy is prohibited for use in weak vessels of the brain, it can cause headaches in patients.

    • kerosene, turpentine - it is recommended to add to water when washing floors or windows;
    • tomato seedling, eucalyptus, geranium- the flies will fly away because of the unpleasant smell;
    • laurel oil- it is recommended to use it for rubbing window frames and shoals.

    - an insect that, under favorable conditions, is capable of rapid reproduction and development. About how many Drosophila live and what kind of them - read on our website.


    In order to prevent the appearance of mold and rot, at least once a week, it is necessary to check and inspect food stored outside the refrigerator. The reproduction rate of fruit flies is very high, if the source of their distribution is not eliminated in time, their number will increase rapidly.

    It is also necessary to throw out garbage in a timely manner, do not leave fruits and vegetables out of the refrigerator for a long time.

    Fruit flies most often occur near decaying foods, especially in the kitchen, big problems can arise if the house is located near the trash can. To get rid of them, it is recommended to use traps that you can make yourself.

    It is very important to monitor the cleanliness of the room, regularly throw out garbage, and do not leave food for a long time at room temperature. In extreme cases, dichlorvos can be used, if midges are wound up in plants, they must be treated with insecticides. Compliance with these rules is the answer to the question of how to breed fruit flies once and for all.

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    Fly traps are easy to make yourself, and below are instructions for making the most simple and convenient devices for killing these insects. But in the fight against flies, it is important to take into account their habits and nutritional characteristics, so we will first pay attention to this issue.

    A do-it-yourself fly trap is profitable and practical. Homemade traps will significantly save the funds spent annually on protection against ubiquitous insects. It is not difficult to make them, and in terms of efficiency they are not inferior to purchased ones.

    In the manufacture of bait traps, it is necessary to take into account that different types flies prefer different foods. There are flies that feed on:

    • Plant food. They are attracted by the smell of fermented jam, spoiled fruit, honey, kvass, beer, sugar. Such flies often fly in flocks in the garden during the fruiting period. fruit trees, but they often appear at home. These are various fruit flies and flies, such as fruit flies, suckers.
    • Animal food and excrement. We are talking about dung and carrion flies. They flock to rotting meat, fish or manure, circle the butcher sections of food markets, fly into livestock buildings and street toilets.
    • Blood of humans and warm-blooded animals. These are predatory, horseflies and gadflies. The period of mass summer of these flies is observed in August, at this time they join the main stream of summer midges, joining midges and mosquitoes, and cause extreme discomfort to animals and people.
    • Food of any origin. These are mainly synanthropic flies, which are capable of almost all year round live in human habitation. The most common representative is a house or house fly. She loves sweet food, meat, dairy products and fish, but does not disdain bread crumbs. It is unable to bite through human skin, but willingly licks sweat, particles of dead epidermis and blood from wounds.

    It is also important to take into account that flies are very nimble, mobile and do not linger for a long time on any one object. Therefore, the trap must be able to contain or destroy the fly, even if it touches it only for a moment.

    Homemade duct tape or flypaper

    Such a tape is effective against all types of flies, but omnivorous and herbivorous species are especially well caught on it. Other winged insects, including mosquitoes and midges, stick to the tape in large part because they choose it as a resting object. Knowing about the preferences of flying insects to sit on ceilings and chandeliers, sticky tapes it is better to hang at the top of the rooms.

    To make adhesive tape you will need:

    1. Thick paper, cut into long strips 4-6 cm wide. Attach a loop to one end of the strip, for which it will be convenient to hang the trap.
    2. Rosin - 200 ml.
    3. Castor oil - 100 ml.
    4. Turpentine - 55 g.
    5. Granulated sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
    6. Water - 4 tbsp. l.

    From water and sugar, you need to boil the syrup, bringing it to a yellowish-brown color. When the syrup has cooled down a little, add rosin, turpentine and castor oil to it, mix everything thoroughly. Then soak strips of paper with this mixture and hang traps in the places where flies are most concentrated - in the kitchen and veranda, above the entrance to the house and window openings, in the toilet.

    The tapes will attract flies by their smell, as well as the opportunity to sit on a surface that is comfortable for insects. These devices remain sticky for a long time, so you need to change them as they fill with insects.

    The given composition of the sticky bait is very effective, but if the house has only sugar from all of the above, you can get by with sugar syrup. The main thing is to make it so thick that the flies stick to it well.

    Bottle trap for flies and fruit flies

    This is a closed type trap, but it will also attract insects with a sweet smell and catch on a sticky substance. To make it, use a regular plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5-2 liters from under water or soda.

    1. The upper third of the bottle must be cut off, pour 200-300 ml of viscous sugar syrup into the bottom of the lower part. You can add a little honey, beer or fruit juice, fermented jam to the syrup. The consistency should be viscous enough so that the insects quickly drown in it and have no way to get out.
    2. Insert the cut off top of the bottle into the bottom with the neck down, without the cap. Fasten the two parts with a stapler or tape.
    3. In order for flies and flies to get into the bottle more actively, its edges should be lightly greased with sweet syrup and placed where insects fly most often.

    If the trap is going to be placed outdoors, it is better to add a little white vinegar to it to scare away honey bees and thereby protect them from death.

    Instead of a plastic bottle, you can use a glass jar and a funnel. The principle is the same: pour a little sweet viscous liquid into the jar, insert a funnel into the jar with the end down, and change the bait from time to time.

    Trap for flies and midges

    Small midges that appear in the apartment in the summer (and sometimes in other seasons) are, as a rule, fruit and wine flies. They start up in the apartment when food suitable for them appears in it - rotting fruits and vegetables, fermented jam.

    At home, the easiest way to make such a fly trap:

    1. Take a glass, pour some red wine, kvass, beer or fermented jam into it. For a better effect, you can add a slice of any spoiled fruit.
    2. Cover the top of the container with a film - food or polyethylene is suitable. The film must be stretched so that it forms a flat surface on the neck of the container. Tape or rubber band will help to fix the film in this position.
    3. Make small holes in the film layer. It is best to pierce them with a toothpick.

    The trap for midges is ready. Put it in the place where they most often appear, and change the bait as the container fills with insects. Through the holes, the flies will penetrate inside to the bait, stick to it and sink, but they will not be able to get out.

    Outdoor fly trap

    This trap is effective against dung and blood-sucking flies, mosquitoes and other midges. You can place it on adjoining territory, next to the outdoor toilet, chicken coop, barn.

    How to do:

    1. Take a metal can of 1-5 liters, for example from paint. Make a large hole in the form of a window with a knife or metal scissors on its side, and close this window with a fine-mesh metal mesh. Secure the mesh with wire.
    2. Fix a low-power light bulb on the lid of the jar, bring the electrical wire out. Use an extension cord if the outlet is far away.
    3. Prepare a poisonous solution to kill flies: in 100 ml of water, add 3 g of agit or other insecticide for flies, a few drops ammonia and lactic acid. Treat the entire body of the trap with this solution, and put a piece of meat inside.

    Lactic acid mimics the body odor of humans and animals, thereby attracting flies. Meat spoiled after a while will also exude an attractive smell for flies. And in the composition of agit there are substances that attract flies - pheromones.

    The light bulb will additionally attract insects at dusk. They will sit on the body of the trap and receive a lethal dose of poison.

    Trap from a jar and an ultraviolet flashlight

    This remedy is relatively effective against all types of flying insects.

    For manufacturing you will need:

    The jar can be wrapped with adhesive tape with the sticky side out, or you can transfer the adhesive layer to the very surface of the jar.

    In the second case, the outer side of the jar should first be wiped with a cloth soaked in alcohol, vodka or cologne to degrease the surface. After that, you need to wrap the jar with adhesive tape with the sticky side inward, without touching the glass surface with your fingers, and expose it to the sun for 2-4 hours. After this time, the tape must be carefully removed. The adhesive layer will remain on the jar. The first option is certainly simpler, but the second is more effective.

    Place a UV flashlight in the prepared trap and set the trap in the place where the flies fly most often. Insects attracted by the light will land on the surface of the jar and stick to its surface.

    How to increase the effectiveness of traps

    The probability of the rapid disappearance of flies will increase if traps are used different types. To catch more flies, it is better to make several traps and place them in different places in the apartment (or garden).

    Important: flies should not be able to intercept a piece of food outside the trap. The effect will be much greater if the fly bait food is the only one available. Therefore, all food should be put away in cabinets and a refrigerator, and fruit droplets, if we are talking about a garden, should be taken out of the garden and buried.

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