By the condition of the nails and skin of the hands, one can easily determine not only whether a person is neat, but also the state of health. If delamination of the nail plate is present, then appearance as a whole changes, the person becomes irritable and unsure of himself.

Violation of the nail plate due to its delamination into small scales leads to increased fragility, brittleness, rough surface and discoloration. Most often, the nails exfoliate either in the longitudinal direction. or in cross section. The reasons can be completely different: from improper hand care to health problems. To find out what exactly causes the changes, let's take a closer look at the causes of nail delamination.

Causes of delamination of fingernails

Conventionally, the causes can be divided into 3 categories: the impact of external and internal factors, as well as the psychological state.

External factors

  • Aggressive impact household chemicals. Daily use of cleaners and detergents leads to thinning of the nail plate. To avoid this, gloves should be worn when cleaning, and after washing the dishes, moisten hands and nails with a nourishing cream. In addition, acetone and the use of nail polish can also harm the nail. To avoid serious consequences, just let the nail plate rest and do not use cosmetics.
  • Hypothermia of the hands, as well as being in the sun without protective creams, can adversely affect the health of the nails.
  • Mechanical damage. Most often this is associated with the professional activity of a person.
  • Damage to the top layer of the plate due to improper removal of gel polish from natural nails with special tools (pusher, grinder or nail file).
  • Frequent nail extensions
  • Improper removal of artificial nails with a pusher can lead to mechanical damage to the nail plate.
  • With improperly selected shoes, toenails can become deformed and exfoliate.

Internal factors

  • A lack of iron in the body leads to a deterioration in the condition of the nails. Otherwise it is called iron deficiency anemia.
  • Violation of the digestive tract, biliary tract, kidney disease and endocrine system disrupt the metabolism of minerals and their distribution throughout the human body.
  • Improper diet or frequent diets. Due to the lack of vitamins and minerals, as well as proteins in sufficient quantities, worsen external state nail plate. Most often occurs in children. The menu should be correct.
  • Diseases of the skin and hands with such pathologies as red lichen, eczema, psoriasis, congenital epidermolysis, fungal diseases.
  • Hormonal failure of the body during menopause and in adolescence.
  • Pregnancy. Due to the lack of certain minerals, in particular calcium, in women during this period, a sharp separation of the nail plate occurs.

Psychological reasons

  • The bad habit of biting nails when a person is under stress, knocking them on the table, bending the nail plate when thinking leads to damage and foliation of the nail.
  • Onychotillomania is a pathology in which a person destroys his own nails with the help of special tools.
  • Onychophagia is an uncontrolled condition in which a person bites their nails.
    Depression, nervous excitement

Treatment of exfoliating nails

Any treatment should begin with a visit to a dermatologist or mycologist. Thanks to research, it is possible to establish not only the cause, but also prescribe medication. It will be much easier and easier to cure the cause than to treat defects for a long time using expensive drugs and cosmetic procedures.

Important! Any treatment requires compliance with a number of rules, as well as time.

Most often, after identifying the true causes, doctors prescribe to drink a vitamin-mineral complex. Restoring the necessary nutrients in the body will help to fill their deficiency as soon as possible.

Proper balanced nutrition will also help to cope with the problem of brittle nails. Doctors recommend adding protein, calcium-rich foods to the diet, as well as increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables.

Treatment can be carried out using special procedures that are performed in salon conditions, or at home.

Salon procedures

Most often, masters in salons offer a number of procedures, after which the nails and skin of the hands will become truly healthy and well-groomed.

  1. Paraffin-procedure which improves blood circulation in the tissues. To do this, wax in a molten state is applied to the nails and skin of the hands, left for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Japanese manicure. This procedure is therapeutic due to natural remedies and rubbing, which after the first application will return a healthy and natural glow, as well as help get rid of delamination.
  3. Spa manicure. Thanks to a set of measures, including aromatherapy, the application of nourishing and firming masks, baths, hand massage and paraffin therapy, the treatment is not only fast, but as pleasant as possible.

Nail treatment at home

If the nails have ceased to shine with a healthy shine, and the delamination of the nail plate brings discomfort, then a number of procedures performed at home will help you forget about problems for a long time.

Treatment with professional means

  1. Hand cream. With daily rubbing a small amount of cream into the skin of the hands, as well as into the area of ​​​​the nail plate with light, massaging movements, it will help not only soften and moisturize, but also improve the condition of the nails. It is best to choose products on a natural basis, or make them yourself. To do this, take a few drops of aromatic oil and mix with sea salt. Soak your hands in this solution for several minutes and wipe with a paper towel. The oil will moisturize and add shine, and sea ​​salt with a high content of iodine will strengthen nails.
  2. Wax for nails. You can buy it at any pharmacy, the main thing is that it be bee. By rubbing into the nail plate, it will not only strengthen the nails, but also seal small cracks.
  3. Healing varnishes. The minerals and natural oils help to quickly rid the nails of delamination. A series of varnishes from FIONA, Eveline, Dance Legend is effective.
  4. Healing mud. The composition of such masks containing peat, silt or hilly components includes nutrients and minerals. It is enough to apply the mixture for 15 minutes, and then rinse with salted water.

Folk methods

  • Herbal masks. You can cook them from banana, potatoes, cabbage, carrots with the addition of sour cream or cream. Grind in a blender and apply on the skin of the hands and nails. After 15 minutes, rinse with water and moisturize with cream. Such procedures will fill the skin with nutrients, and the nails will get rid of excessive delamination.
  • Baths. IN warm water dissolve a few drops of nourishing oil, as well as lemon juice and sea salt. Nails will be strengthened after 2-3 such procedures carried out at home.
  • Massage with olive oil. It is enough to carry out the massage procedure daily, rubbing olive oil into the skin. This will not only moisturize it, but also improve the condition of the nail plate.
  • food gelatin. The use of gelatin will improve growth and relieve nails from delamination.

How to prevent nail deterioration

Following a number of rules, your nail plates will be smooth and beautiful:

  • use high-quality tools for manicure and pedicure, as well as properly use them;
  • cut nails only with sharp scissors, and then cut them from the side to the center with a file;
  • when removing varnish, it is important not to touch the top layer of the nail with special tools;
  • use only high-quality varnishes and removers to choose without acetone, preferably with nourishing oils;
  • eat right, keeping the balance of vitamins and trace elements;
  • in winter, wear mittens or gloves, avoiding hypothermia;
  • carry out cleaning in protective equipment;
  • moisturize your hands daily with cream or nourishing oil.

Observing simple rules care for the skin of hands and feet, as well as providing daily care behind nails you will be able to look magnificent and without salon procedures.

To date, the problem of stratification of nails, the treatment of which is mandatory, affects every third woman. Well-groomed healthy nails are considered an adornment of women's hands and a sign of good health of their mistresses. This problem is also found in men, but it is more painful for women. It is necessary to understand in detail what causes the stratification of nails, ways to restore and treat them.

The mechanism of formation and causes of exfoliating nails

Nails are horny plates located on the phalanges of the fingers and toes, performing a protective function. Their basis is considered to be keratin, which is responsible for strength, which is located in layers, in combination with particles of lipids and water. Healthy nails, due to structural layers tightly pressed against each other, have strength, shine and elasticity.

For certain reasons, tiny gaps appear between the layers of the nail plate, increasing in size over time. These dystrophic changes split its homogeneous structure into separate scales. The delamination can occur in the transverse and longitudinal directions.

The formation of exfoliating nails can signal some kind of independent problem or be a sign of a serious illness. Outwardly, they look very unattractive, have increased fragility, roughness, brittleness and dryness.

In order to successfully deal with this problem, the true cause of its occurrence must be established. To do this, you need to pay attention to nutrition, lifestyle, conduct medical examinations to identify certain diseases.

The most common causes of exfoliating nails are:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • negative impact hot water and household chemicals;
  • Not proper care and the use of cosmetics;
  • hidden diseases internal organs and systems;
  • mechanical damage;
  • professional activity;
  • lack of hydration of the body;
  • prolonged stressful situations, etc.

Stratification of the nails on the hands and feet often occurs due to an unbalanced diet, which results in a deficiency of nutrients in the body. Especially the nail plates suffer from a lack of calcium, magnesium, silicon and protein. Insufficient content of iron in human blood threatens the development of anemia, which immediately negatively affects their condition.

Exfoliating nail plates appear with a decrease in immunity, with endocrine diseases, thyroid pathologies, disorders in the gastrointestinal tract and other diseases.

If the cause of the splitting of the nails is identified, measures should be taken to eliminate it immediately.

The basis of the treatment of stratification of nails

Weak exfoliating nails on the hands and feet can be cured in various ways. The combination of several of them on the recommendation of a specialist gives an excellent result.

The fight against this pathology may include:

  • medical advice;
  • medicinal preparations;
  • folk remedies;
  • cosmetic procedures;
  • proper home care.

Before treatment for splitting nails, the doctor conducts a complete medical examination of the patient to find out the cause. If as a result of this a lack of vitamins C, D, B, biotin, zinc, iodine, selenium, iron is established, then a special course of treatment is prescribed. In this case, the multivitamins Vitrum, Perfectil, Biotin, etc. have shown their effectiveness. Depending on the condition of the nail plates on the legs and arms, biologically active additives can be prescribed: Fitofaner, Laval, Doppel Herz Active.

The use of topical vitamin preparations, produced in the form of ointments, gels, creams, will multiply the positive result of restoring the nail plates many times over.

When solving this problem, the attending physician pays special attention to the correct balanced nutrition of the patient. For healthy and beautiful nails, you need to regularly eat foods containing:

  • protein (chicken, turkey, beef);
  • calcium (dairy products, egg shells);
  • sulfur (cheese, cabbage, garlic);
  • selenium (brewer's yeast), etc.

Nutrition should be complete and balanced, excluding harmful or improperly prepared foods.

Problematic nails quickly restore their structure with frequent use of food or medical gelatin in the form of jellied dishes or dessert. For them, foods that contain vitamins D and A are useful. These include fish, vegetable oils, spinach and many other foods.

Hidden diseases of internal organs and systems revealed during the examination of the patient, one of the striking symptoms of which are exfoliating nails, require immediate treatment. To eliminate this pathology on an individual basis, it may be necessary to restore the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, consult a psychologist, and locally treat fungal diseases.

Elimination of the pathology of the nail plates by folk methods

Facilities traditional medicine help restore the exfoliating structure of the nail plates at home. They include a variety of simple procedures: masks, baths, compresses.

You can name some effective recipes for healing nails, which were used by our grandmothers:

  1. A solution of sea salt serves as an excellent strengthening agent.
  2. A mixture of apple cider vinegar, any vegetable oil and vitamin A, contributes to the rapid restoration of the damaged surface of the nail.
  3. Frequent rubbing cranberry juice into the nail plate helps to saturate it with essential nutrients.
  4. Antibacterial properties have a compress of warm vegetable oil with the addition of a few drops of iodine.
  5. Warm beeswax perfectly nourishes the nails and skin of the fingers.
  6. Massaging the cuticles with a soft brush using glycerin will help activate the blood circulation of the fingers and prevent the formation of cracks.
  7. Red pepper nail mask has good strengthening properties.
  8. Vitamins A and E, rubbed daily into each damaged nail, will help to significantly improve its condition.

After carrying out any procedures, a nourishing cream should be used.

Treatment of stratification of nails by a cosmetologist

Elimination of the problem of delamination of the nail plates in the beauty parlor should be carried out only after preliminary medical examination, excluding all kinds of serious diseases of the internal organs.

The cosmetologist can offer the client several effective procedures to get rid of delamination of toenails and hands. These include:

  • sealing;
  • use of therapeutic gels;
  • strengthening baths.

Nail sealing is carried out in a beauty salon. First, damaged nail plates are polished. Then a special paste is applied to them, saturated with various crystal minerals, vitamins, proteins, which protect against delamination and drying. Pasta retains its beneficial features within 2-3 weeks.

To strengthen the nails, the procedure with biological gel is popular. In its composition, it contains a protein that strengthens and builds nails. For their complete recovery with biogel, it is necessary to conduct a course of treatment. Do not allow direct contact of the specified composition with various solvents, detergents, alcohol.

Cosmetology offers all kinds of firming baths, the most popular of which are gelatin, paraffin, etc.

To improve the condition of the nails on the legs and hands will help special preparations - varnishes:

  • with silk proteins;
  • with iron and vitamin B5;
  • with argan oil, etc.

All of these remedies can be used as a base for regular varnish.

Home restoration of exfoliating nails

Doctors and cosmetologists can give detailed recommendations on how to properly restore damaged nail plates at home. Here are some of them:

  1. Compliance with hygiene requirements.
  2. Regular comprehensive medical examinations to assess your health.
  3. Making a proper balanced diet.
  4. Exclusion of traumatization of the nail plates.
  5. Proper processing of exfoliating nails: from top to bottom and from the sides to the center.
  6. Selection of ceramic or glass pedicure and manicure tools.
  7. Avoid using nail polish remover that contains acetone.
  8. Application of high-quality varnish for manicure or pedicure.
  9. Weekly release of the nail plates from any coatings for rest.
  10. Use protective gloves for any household work.
  11. Mandatory nourishment of the skin and nails with cream after a shower.
  12. Regular therapeutic masks in consultation with a specialist.
  13. Wellness massage with circular rubbing into the cuticles of any vegetable oil.
  14. Strengthening exfoliating nails with salt and iodine baths.
  15. Course intake of multivitamin complexes.
  16. The use of therapeutic varnishes, which contain moisturizers, proteins, vitamins, silk or nylon fibers.

Proper daily care of the nails of the hands and feet will prevent their delamination, drying and thinning.

Conclusion on the topic

Thus, following all of the above simple recommendations specialists, you can achieve a healthy and beautiful condition of your nails on your hands and feet.

Split nails are by far the most common problem among women. Meanwhile, we ourselves are to blame for the fact that the nails begin to exfoliate. What are the causes of stratification of nails and methods of treatment?

Causes of splitting nails.
The causes of splitting nails can be both internal and external. Among the internal causes, the main source of this nail disease is, oddly enough, an unbalanced diet, which leads to a deficiency in the body of the most important vitamins and minerals. Among the substances necessary for the body, calcium should be distinguished, due to the lack of which the nails exfoliate. The deficiency of this trace element should be replenished by the use of calcium preparations in combination with vitamin D and phosphorus, since the body does not absorb it in its pure form. In addition to vitamin preparations, the diet should include as many foods rich in this group of vitamins as possible. These products include: raw egg yolk, sour-milk products, seafood, butter, fish liver, cheese, nuts, fruits and most berries, cottage cheese. High levels of vitamin D in the liver of cod, mackerel, herring, halibut, and beef liver. Phosphorus and calcium can be found in large quantities in legumes, cottage cheese, white cheeses, apples, whole grains of wheat.

Lack of silicon and iron in the body also leads to the problem of nail delamination. To replenish silicon in the body, the diet should include green beans, parsley, bananas, currants, black bread, leeks, tomatoes, radishes, wholemeal flour, oatmeal.

With a lack of iron, drugs are prescribed to treat anemia. In addition, you should increase the consumption of meat, green vegetables, liver, egg yolk, legumes, dried fruits, greens. It is also useful to drink herbal infusions of burdock, sorrel and dandelion.

In order for the substances necessary to strengthen nails to be more easily absorbed by the body, you can drink brewer's yeast in the form of tablets. In its composition, brewer's yeast contains an important element that promotes the growth and strengthening of nails - selenium, which can also be found in garlic.

Another, external cause that contributes to nail delamination is the use of detergents without the use of protective gloves, which, in turn, dries out the nail plate. Other reasons include the frequent presence of hands, and, accordingly, nails, in water and poor-quality manicure. Causes of an external nature can be eliminated by using rubber gloves when doing homework. Only under this condition can therapeutic measures be carried out. As for manicure, it is better to do it in a professional salon with a specialist in their field. If you are used to doing a manicure yourself, you need to follow some simple rules. Use an acetone-free nail polish remover to remove nail polish residue. Be sure to give your nails a rest for a couple of days (that is, do not apply decorative varnish). Metal nail files should be abandoned in favor of nail files with a special coating, as they damage the nail, forming small cracks on it, which is especially pronounced when the nail file moves in different directions. Hence, in the process of giving the nails a certain shape (namely, semi-square or oval), the movements must be strictly one direction - from each edge to the center, otherwise cracks and breaks form.

For manicure of exfoliating nails, it is recommended to choose varnishes that have a strengthening effect. As a rule, such varnishes in their composition contain small inclusions of nylon or silk fibers, as well as minerals, vitamins, moisturizers, and proteins. Today, the market of cosmetic products presents a huge range of vitamin complexes designed specifically for problem nails.

Treatment of split nails.
The most popular in-salon strengthening procedure used for splitting nails is the so-called “sealing” of nails. The essence of this procedure is to alternately apply preparations to the nail plates, which include a large amount of vitamins and microelements, proteins and special “crystal minerals”, which protect the nails from drying out and delamination. The substances applied in this way remain in the nail plate for two weeks, while after the procedure, protective varnish can not be applied, although there are no restrictions on this.

Folk remedies for the treatment of stratification of nails.
The most effective and common way to strengthen nails at home is a salt bath. To prepare it, take a tablespoon of sea salt and dilute it in 500 ml of water at room temperature. In this composition, you should keep your hands for about fifteen to twenty minutes. After that, hands should be thoroughly wiped and applied with a nourishing cream. The treatment course includes ten such procedures, carried out every three days. A month later, the course should be repeated. For preventive purposes, a salt bath will be sufficient to do once a week.

Olive oil is an excellent nourishing agent for nails. It contains many useful substances for nails. An excellent procedure for nails is the application olive oil with a few drops of lemon juice. This procedure is best done at night, while wearing cotton gloves. It is effective to do this mask twice a week. Another effective home remedy for strengthening nails is an olive oil mask with iodine. To prepare it, take one tablespoon of olive oil and heat it in a water bath. Then add a few drops of iodine and mix thoroughly. The resulting mixture should be rubbed into the nail plate and cuticle, put on cotton gloves on your hands. This procedure is recommended to be done once every seven days, preferably at night.

In order to eliminate dryness, leading to delamination of the nails, it is necessary to nourish them with cuticle oil or cream. The tool must be applied directly to the cuticle, as this helps to improve the breathing of the nail plate, as a result of which the nails become stronger and gain elasticity.

Red pepper nail mask also helps to accelerate the growth of nails and strengthen them. To prepare such a mask, you need to combine a teaspoon of red pepper with a small amount of nourishing hand cream. The resulting mixture must be heated in a water bath, then applied with a sufficiently dense layer on the nails and left for twenty minutes. After that, the mass must be washed off. This mask is recommended to do every thirty days.

Vitamins A and E in liquid form will also serve as an excellent top dressing for your nails.

Observing not tricky tips, you can forever say goodbye to the problem of delamination of nails. All in your hands!

The female half of humanity has long been accustomed to the fact that you always need to look perfect. For girls, a huge amount of cosmetics has been invented. But there are beauty problems that are difficult to deal with. One of them is the stratification of nails.

It is impossible to identify the cause of such a deficiency for one or two times. You need to listen to your body and watch it. By the signals, the root cause of the bundle can be recognized. These are:

  1. Vitamins and minerals. The lack of important building and nutritional components provokes a deterioration in the condition of the nails. If negative trends are observed for a long time, then a metabolic disorder can be assumed.
  2. cosmetic products. The poor quality of the products used also harms the health of the nail plate. Even constant staining with varnish leads to negative consequences.
  3. Allergen. Sensitivity of the skin on the hands and the top layer of the nails can be the cause of delamination. Should be avoided too great influence chemical substances. Most of the chemicals are found in household detergents.
  4. Heart. Internal health problems such as heart disease can affect the nails. In this case, in addition to violations of the structure of the nails, there is a cyanosis of the plate or its lightening.
  5. Infection. The thinness of the nail is not the only sign of its weakness. Dense nails with transverse stripes are prone to delamination and crumbling. In this case, they signal the presence of an infection, or a past illness.
  6. Sugar. Signs of diabetes are white dots on the surface of the nails, their weakness. An increase in blood sugar leads to these symptoms. In children, such spots indicate a lack of vitamins.
  7. . The concave shape of the nail makes you pay attention to the amount of iron in the body. Its deficiency can lead to the development of anemia. Therefore, it is better to undergo a blood test.

What to do if the nails exfoliate?

Before you do anything, you should determine the cause of nail problems. Conventionally, they can be divided into external and internal. Therefore, the methods of struggle will be different.

Ways to help solve nail problems associated with internal diseases:

  1. Lack of “building” components. These are vitamins like calcium. To replenish the required amount of calcium in the body, it is necessary to increase in your diet such products as: fish, dairy products, different types cabbage (white and sea). For greater efficiency it is necessary to use a complex of vitamins and pure calcium. So the absorption of these nutrients will be better.

Important! Lack of iodine also affects the separation of nails. If it is not possible to get enough of this trace element from food, the doctor may prescribe the appropriate drug.

  1. Diseases. If the replenishment of vitamins did not help, then it is worth remembering the old and possible diseases. There is no need to self-diagnose here. It is better to go to the doctor and pass all the necessary tests. Having established and eliminated the disease, the problems with the nails will also end.

With most external causes, every woman is able to deal with herself. There are few of them:

  1. Protection. Influence chemicals should be completely ruled out. At wet cleaning or washing dishes, gloves should become an indispensable companion of hands. After any contact with water and detergents (for example, in a public toilet), a moisturizer should be applied. So the balance of substances can be restored.
  2. Care. Nails also need oils and creams. Every day you should massage the cuticle area and apply cosmetics. In addition, you can do baths or salon treatments for care and strengthening.

How to stop the process of splitting nails and restore their beauty?

A prerequisite for the restoration of nails is an integrated approach. Treatment of internal problems - diseases and beriberi - should not go separately from cosmetic procedures. You should also do external “polishing”. There are many methods of home “resuscitation” of nails:

  1. Trays. With strong delamination, baths should be used every day.

The video shows a recipe for strengthening nails with therapeutic baths. You can do this procedure at home. It is not expensive both in material terms and in time. Salt is the main ingredient. After the bath, it is recommended to use a moisturizer.

  1. masks. They do a good job of restoring the structure of the nail and the mask. When choosing such products, one should build on natural ingredients. Red pepper, for example, activates growth and strengthens nails.
  2. Paraffin therapy. Such a strengthening procedure can be done both by a professional and independently. The necessary ingredients (paraffin) are sold at the pharmacy. It is best to make paraffin masks closer to bedtime. As an additional activator, to this remedy, you can use a cream. It will moisturize and nourish the skin.

The relationship of stratification of nails on the hands and feet

Violations of the integrity of the nails can affect not only the hands, but also the legs. However, is there a connection between these processes and what are the features of the occurrence of problems with toenails? There are several of them:

  1. Uncomfortable and poor quality shoes. If the shoes put pressure on the nails for a long time, they begin to deform. This is the cause of delamination, crumbling and weakness of the nails.
  2. Fungus. It is also called onychomycosis. This problem needs only medical treatment. No other means can not remove the fungus.

Note! Do not buy any medicine in a pharmacy. You should visit a doctor who will prescribe the necessary drugs.

  1. vitamins. This point coincides with the root causes of weak fingernails. The lack of nutrients provokes disorders throughout the body. Therefore, if both the arms and legs exfoliate, most likely you need to change the diet and add vitamins to the diet.

How to avoid problems with toenails?

Based on the causes of weakness and violation of the structure of the toenails, several rules can be distinguished. They will help your feet always be with the perfect pedicure:

  1. Preventing fungal infections is quite simple. You just need to follow the rules of hygiene. You can not try on shoes in a store without disposable socks. Do not do fitness or yoga with bare feet. Rubber slippers should be used in public showers. Washing and cleaning of socks and slippers should be done daily.
  2. When choosing shoes, it is necessary to take into account how the foot is located in them. The toes should not interfere with anything and crush. It is better to buy products made from natural materials: leather, suede, nubuck.

Important! If the purchase is made from synthetic substitutes, it is worth remembering that the maximum time that you can wear such shoes is 4 hours a day. Exceeding this norm threatens with the occurrence of undesirable reactions of both the skin of the legs and nails. This is due to chemicals that are in contact with the surface of the nail for a long time and injure it.

  1. Care. Pedicure and care procedures should be done not only in summer, but also in winter. After all, saturating the nail plate with useful substances in the cold season, its appearance will always be healthy. Moreover, in winter, vitamin deficiency is felt more acutely.
  2. Cosmetics. Low-quality and counterfeit cosmetic products can harm both fingernails and toenails. Dangerous chemicals are often hidden in cheap products. Therefore, to monitor what is applied to the nails should be even in proven salons.

Careful and constant attention taking care of your feet is the most effective remedy. The main thing is that all these methods are completely inexpensive. And the benefits of following them are beautiful and healthy nails.

How to prevent splitting of fingernails?

Nail health problems can appear at the most unexpected moment. Therefore, it is worth carrying out constant prevention. It will help to forget about problems with nails forever. To do this, follow simple but effective rules:

  1. You can only trust the work with a manicure to a professional. The health of the nail plate will depend on the execution technique. So, a strong nail file can thin it.

An experienced master will be able to determine exactly which procedure is worth doing and which is not. After all, there are a lot of types of manicure now. For example, shellac for layered nails is more suitable than acrylic extensions.

  1. Self-creation of a manicure also requires skills. In addition to high-quality varnishes, it is better to choose a glass nail file - its surface injures the nail less. This includes the choice of abrasiveness. It should be as small as possible.

Problematic nails should not be cut from the corners to the central part and movements from top to bottom.

It is worth giving up on grinding - this can further disrupt the structure of the surface of the nail.

  1. In the list of regular procedures, you need to include various “sealing” of the nail. Beauticians have long used similar techniques to prevent the development of nail weakness. Therefore, finding such a procedure in the cabin will not be a problem.

Fingernails and toenails are equally an indicator of a woman's health. Quality care includes care for internal organs and protection from external stimuli. But regular care activities help to minimize the chances of developing a foliation of the nail plate.

Therefore, the main advice is not to forget about the right manicure and pedicure. And so that it does not turn into a routine, you should treat it as a holiday and a gift to yourself.

Toenails peel for a variety of reasons. There are external and internal influences that cause such dystrophic changes. It is useless to fight them without eliminating the causes, therefore, when the first signs of delamination appear, it is necessary to make an appointment with a dermatologist and develop a treatment strategy together with him.

Stratification of toenails is a sign of a pronounced clinical picture of stratum corneum dystrophy. It may indicate poor care of the toenails or the development of internal pathology. The body thus signals that there is a lack of protein (keratin) and vitamins.

Keratin is made up of amino acids. One of them contains sulfur. The level of this element ensures the hardness of the nail plate. The amount of amino acids determines the margin of safety. Each of us has a similar indicator different meanings. If the nails exfoliate, there is probably a lack of sulfur, chromium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium and calcium. Improper nutrition, which led to a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements, is the main cause of nail exfoliation.

The use of low-quality cosmetics, exposure to aggressive household chemicals dissolves fats, which are responsible for the elasticity of the nail plate. Women often use solvents to remove varnish coating. The toluene, acetone and formaldehydes included in their composition dehydrate the surface of the nail. Because of this, stratification can also begin.

Another reason is mechanical injuries, leading to the appearance of cracks and chips. There are different situations in which this can happen, but most often the symptom described appears in those who like to walk barefoot on the ground, work in the garden with open feet, wear tight, uncomfortable shoes that constantly create pressure on the toes.

Causes of detached toenails

The lower extremities are a paired organ that experiences a constant load. It affects bones, joints, muscles, tendons. Those who, due to their professional activities, are forced to stay on their feet for a long time often have problems with blood circulation. That is why plantar fasciitis develops, puffiness, corns, corns appear. Because of this, nails experience a lack of nutrition, so they lose their shine, become dull and brittle. To restore health, you need to try to reduce the load on the legs. For this it is useful:

  • increase the number of sitting breaks;
  • try to stand different surfaces(go to soft mats, then look for a solid hard base);
  • wear comfortable shoes, with varicose veins, be sure to wear compression stockings;
  • apply facilitating therapy (relaxing baths, massage, orthopedic insoles);
  • shed excess weight.

These measures are considered only as a prevention of delamination.

Causes of the defect associated with internal pathologies

If the stratification of nails occurs constantly, if proper care of the plates does not allow achieving positive results, the cause of structural changes in the stratum corneum is dysfunction of the internal organs. Brittle nails can act as a symptom of:

  • diabetes;
  • anemia;
  • fungal infection;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • hormonal disruptions.

Without treatment of the underlying disease, it will not be possible to eliminate the delamination of the nail plate.

Necessary treatment

What to do when plate dystrophy occurs? If the separation of the nails is not associated with negative external influences, it is important to seek help from a dermatologist and, together with him, try to identify the provocative factor of the separation.

At the first consultation, the specialist, using a special tool, examines the exfoliating nail, collects an anamnesis and takes a scraping from the affected area. Biological material is sent for microscopic examination. It allows you to confirm or deny the presence of a fungal infection. To assess the general condition of the body, the patient receives a referral for delivery general analysis blood. In the presence of chronic diseases or the detection of debut pathologies, narrow specialists are necessarily involved in the consultation. In order to obtain objective data, a spectral analysis is carried out to determine the level of trace elements and a blood test for hormones.

It is important at this stage to differentiate the bundle as a cosmetic defect from the symptomatic manifestations of psoriasis, eczema, lichen planus. The treatment regimen is developed on a strictly individual basis, taking into account the results of the examinations performed.

Professional treatment and traditional medicine recipes

If a lack of vitamins is detected, they can be replenished by taking vitamin-mineral complexes, dietary supplements. It is important that you adjust your diet. The lack of calcium and phosphorus can make up for the use of eggs, cottage cheese, nuts, seafood, soy, dried fruits. The lack of chromium is compensated by the inclusion in the diet of a large number of dried dates, fresh cherries and roasted seeds. Zinc can appear in the body through eating shrimp, seaweed, soy, garlic, seasonal berries and ginger. The norm of silicon is leveled by eating dishes made from beans. Bananas, parsley, any green salad and currant.

To eliminate anemia, the patient should take iron-containing drugs, eat more beef liver, spinach, dried fruits and chicken yolks.

When a fungal infection is detected, complex therapy aimed at destroying a pathogenic microorganism. For these purposes, systemic and local antifungal drugs are prescribed, and vitamin therapy is carried out to strengthen immunity. When diseases of the internal organs are detected, etiotropic treatment is carried out. Any patient also receives general recommendations.

Doctors advise:

  1. Avoid contact with any chemical reagents (with household chemicals, decorative varnishes and solvents).
  2. Eat properly.
  3. Sleep well.
  4. Avoid stress and strong feelings.
  5. Daily care for exfoliating plates. For these purposes, actively use traditional medicine.

Well help rubbing a solution prepared from sea buckthorn oil and lemon juice. The ingredients are mixed in equal amounts, the product is erased into plates. It is better to do this at night. To obtain a lasting result, it is enough to carry out the procedure three times a week.

Glycerin therapy demonstrates high efficiency. A mask is prepared from 20 grams of this component, 70 grams of water and 5 grams of alum. The finished mixture is applied in a thick layer on the affected nail plate and left for half an hour. After it is washed off, the stratum corneum is abundantly lubricated with a nourishing cream. Perfectly strengthens nails decoction of oats. It is prepared simply: a spoonful of raw materials is poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for half an hour. The finished product is used for baths.

The strengthening effect is exerted by the lotion of the solution, which contains the juice of kombucha, lemon, fresh currant and cranberry. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions.

To prevent relapses, it is important to try to exclude the effects of external irritants, regularly carry out soda or salt baths, and lubricate the plates with beeswax once a week before going to bed. Before using traditional medicine, be sure to test for allergies.

First aid

When delamination of the free edge, it is necessary to carry out manicure treatment:

  1. Soak your nails in a sea salt bath.
  2. Cut off the soft edge with sharp scissors.
  3. File a new cut with a fine-grained file.
  4. Lubricate the plate liberally with any vegetable oil(preferably olive).

If possible, you need to visit a beauty salon and perform the procedure for sealing the exfoliating nail. To do this, first a spa pedicure is performed, then therapeutic agents are applied to the nails, which contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. From above, all this is covered with a special protective coating (acrylic, biogel) and, at the request of the client, decorative varnish. Some salons may offer to “repair” a delaminated nail with fiberglass.

Additional treatment and prevention

The health of fragile and brittle nails must be constantly maintained. For this, it is useful for preventive purposes to use medical cosmetics - creams and oils, which contain allantoin, liposomes, panthenol, protein and vitamin C.

Once a week, soak your fingers in water in which sea salt was previously dissolved. It contains iodine, its effect has a positive effect. Every other day you need to massage the skin rollers. It helps to improve blood microcirculation.

Paraffin therapy procedures are considered useful. They must be carried out in strict accordance with the following rules. Pre-nails are washed with soap in cool water, then their surface is disinfected. A paraffin skin reaction test is performed. After the toenails are dipped in pre-molten paraffin for ten seconds, pulled out, dipped again (and so five approaches). The paraffin should harden, then the legs are wrapped in cellophane, socks are put on top. After half an hour, the compress is removed, the nail plates and the skin around them are abundantly lubricated with any nourishing cream.

It is important to provide the cuticle nutrients, treat it constantly with oils and creams. Such care improves blood flow in the tissues, stimulates the growth of a healthy nail. When visiting swimming pools, it is advisable to protect nails from chlorine with special coatings. To remove varnish, choose solvents that do not contain formaldehyde and toluene.
