At 32 weeks, pregnancy reaches the finish line. The term of childbirth is approaching, and the expectant mother begins to worry about questions. How will the birth go? Is everything okay with the unborn child? What are the doctors' forecasts for the upcoming delivery?

According to doctors, 32 weeks is a full 7 months and 3 weeks of pregnancy, since the obstetric month is 4 weeks. The due date is approaching, and the expectant mother has a lot more to learn about the baby. Questions asked by doctors are natural, because any mother worries not only for herself, but also for her unborn child.

Mom's Feelings

Changes in the female body by week 32 are becoming more and more obvious. Usually the baby at this time takes the right place in the mother's stomach and prepares for the long-awaited meeting with her. What sensations and pain syndromes does the expectant mother feel:

  • Heartburn. This is the natural state of a woman who is in a state of expectation of a baby. Increased secretion of gastric juice is caused by malnutrition. The expectant mother must adhere to strict rules diet food. By the end of childbirth, it is strictly forbidden to eat spicy, fried and salty foods. Also, some vegetables and fruits should be treated with caution, as they can increase the production of gastric juice and provoke the development of an allergic reaction.
  • Heaviness in the lower abdomen. When the baby takes the presentation to the bottom, the mother may experience a feeling of pressure on the lower abdomen. Hence the frequent urination and the constant desire to go to the toilet. For any occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen, be sure to consult a gynecologist.
  • Pain in the lower back. By the end of pregnancy, all the weight falls on the stomach and back, so lower back pain is a natural phenomenon observed in the expectant mother. Try to get plenty of rest to ease the pain.
  • Edema of the extremities. Ankles, face, and fingers may swell due to excess fluid in the body. It is recommended to consume less liquid.
  • Swelling of the mammary glands. This is natural - the body begins to produce breast milk. At the same time, a cloudy liquid begins to appear from the nipple - the future milk for the baby.

Weight, height of the child and other indicators

At 32 weeks, the weight of the unborn child is 1500-1800 grams. Height is usually 37-41 cm. The norm may fluctuate slightly in one direction or another. It depends on the genetic characteristics of the baby and his heredity.

The child has a natural weight gain. Vitamins obtained in the womb lay the foundation for his future health. During this period, the mother should improve her diet and give the unborn baby a full range of vitamins and minerals. Taking medications as recommended by a doctor should be mixed with eating fresh vegetables and fruits rich in fiber.

Ultrasound - indicators of the norm

At 32 weeks, the sex of the unborn baby is quite easy to determine. His genitals are well developed and can be seen with the help of computer research. On the screen, the outlines of the baby, his presentation, weight and height are clearly visible.

You need to know that it is at 32 weeks that the tactics of childbirth is determined. By this time, the baby should completely move to the mother's lower abdomen and take the correct position for natural delivery. Ultrasound readings should be normal, otherwise the obstetrician-gynecologist is obliged to prepare the expectant mother for a caesarean section. You should not be afraid of this - millions of women gave birth in this way and were able to raise more than one generation of healthy, fully developed children.

With the help of ultrasound, the doctor determines the location and thickness of the placenta, the degree of maturity and development of the lungs, the parameters of the baby and the exact date of birth. It is necessary to conduct an examination in time to exclude fetoplacental insufficiency. The interpretation of the ultrasound examination should be carried out by an obstetrician-gynecologist who is observing a pregnant woman.

The norm indicators during ultrasound are officially approved. The placenta should not lie lower than 72 mm. from the edges of the internal os. Its maturity is called the indication "1". Thickness - from 2.53 to 4.1 cm. The cervix should be 2.9 cm. The tone of the uterus should also be within allowable norms. Otherwise, the woman in labor will be offered to go to the hospital in order to reduce the tone and prevent premature birth.

Fetal heart rate

A normal fetal heart rate at 32 weeks pregnant should be at least 120-160 beats per minute. With the help of a stethoscope, the doctor listens to the CTG and counts the number of heartbeats of the baby within a minute. It can also be determined by ultrasound.

An experienced obstetrician firmly presses the stethoscope to the anterior abdominal wall. The heartbeat is heard depending on the location of the baby. If he lies head down and his back is turned to the right side, then heart beats can be heard in the right side of the woman's abdomen just below the navel. If there is a breech presentation with the back turned to the left side, then the best place will be the left half of the abdomen above the navel.

It happens that the baby lies transversely. In this case, the doctor looks at the results of the ultrasound and, by the location of the baby's head, determines the place to listen to the heartbeat.

Fetal movements

At the 32nd week of pregnancy, the baby is actively moving, giving mom signals that he will be born soon. Many women experience dizziness and a constant feeling of fatigue during this period of pregnancy. During the special activity of the baby, it is better for mommy to take a lying position and relax. If this is not possible, try to at least sit comfortably.

Often, pregnant girls observe a picture when the contours of the child's limbs clearly appear under the skin of the abdomen. Many parents watch this spectacle with emotion and try to guess what exactly the child put up.

Tremors in the abdomen by the 32nd week of pregnancy are unstable. Most often, the activity of the baby falls on the daylight hours, when the mother is actively moving, doing housework or walking in the fresh air. Sometimes a strong fetal movement can be felt late at night. Maybe the child is uncomfortable with the position in which the mother sleeps. Roll over to the other side or back. If the baby does not calm down, try slowly walking around the room or take a comfortable position in a chair.

Development of the baby in the womb

At the time of 32 weeks, the baby has a great activity of growth and physical development. Due to muscle and adipose tissue, body weight is added. On the ultrasound, the contours of the child are clearly visible, which already looks like a newborn. He does not have long to develop, until the upcoming birth remains 8 weeks. But by the time of birth, children are fully developed externally and are ready to plunge into this life with impatience and interest in everything new.

The baby's skin is pink and smooth. The hairline that covers the head of the baby is visible. The lower and upper limbs are bent and fit tightly to the body due to tightness in the mother's womb. They will begin active growth only after the baby is born.

By the end of the third trimester, the baby should assume a head-down position. This indicator is especially important for natural delivery. The doctor must look carefully at the position of the fetus to determine the path that the woman will follow during childbirth.

At this time, important organs of the future man, his endocrine and immune systems are formed. The mother's diet must necessarily contain protein for the formation of antibodies. This is a kind of protection against future seasonal colds and diseases associated with the endocrine system.

The most interesting thing is that it is this week that you can determine the color of the child's eyes. The pupils dilate, allowing the doctor to determine what the color of the eyes will be on an ultrasound. The correct mode of wakefulness and sleep is established: when the child sleeps, the eyes close, when awake, they open.

Is it possible to have sex?

This question can only be answered by a doctor who has seen you throughout your pregnancy. It all depends on the position of the child's body, its development and the course of pregnancy. Strictly follow the recommendations of the gynecologist during this period, because active sex life can lead to premature birth!

The intensity and frequency of intimacy directly depend on the well-being of the mother and child. You should take a good look at your feelings. Some women complain about the lack of sexual desire for a partner during the last trimester. Thoughts about the future baby occupy them completely, and the heaviness, constraint of their own body does not allow them to have an active sex life. Many people experience an increase in libido. They admit that the increase sexual desire to a partner has become much higher than it was before pregnancy.

In any case, it is up to the doctor you are seeing to decide this issue. If permission is granted, choose the correct position for intimacy. The baby is already large enough, so choose a position of the body in which the pressure on the fetus will be minimal. Optimal - on the side.

What does a child look like

The child is already quite developed and hears everything. He defines the mother's voice unmistakably. At these moments, voice contact with the mother is especially important - her native voice has a calming effect on the baby, normalizes his psychological state and lulls him to sleep. The emotional mood of the mother is also important: if the mother is calm, then the baby is also calm. Do not pay attention to small troubles and do not allow bad thoughts. Contemplate beauty more often and listen to music. Relax, do light yoga. All this is useful for psychological development your future baby.

Signs characteristic of the development of the child at 32 weeks of gestation:

  • Skin covers. They have a natural color. The face is smooth and not wrinkled
  • brain processes. They have 75% of the development of an adult. Head returns to normal size
  • Bones and muscle mass. The bones are compacted, the body becomes elastic and more mobile. Muscle mass increases as the fetus develops
  • Vision. If a child is exposed to light, their pupils will constrict.
  • Water. Every 3 hours amniotic fluid is updated. Their volume is 1 liter
  • Heart. The formation of the heart has already been completed. With a good course of pregnancy, the fetal heart rate is within the normal range

The child is very similar to a newborn. A basic set of sensations and character is laid. The condition of the baby in the womb depends on the mother, so follow the regimen and think about the pleasant moment when you can take the long-awaited baby in your arms.

Probably, it is not necessary to repeat that during the course of the entire pregnancy, the future woman in labor must strictly adhere to the recommendations of her attending physician. But during the third trimester, these rules must be observed in a special manner. It is the doctor who determines the condition of the woman in labor and gives advice on everything related to the mother and child.

The 32nd week of pregnancy is the time to actively prepare for the upcoming birth. The child hears and understands everything, reacts to touching the stomach. Connect dad to joint conversations about the future time when the baby is born. Dad's hand, leaning against the stomach, also creates an emotional mood in the fetus and contributes to the active development of brain processes.

Spend more time outdoors. Walk in quiet places, telling your baby about everything you see. In the summer, have a quiet picnic in nature, in the fall you can collect fallen leaves in the park. IN winter time walk close to home when the weather permits.

The room in which it is located future mom, must be clean. Spend daily wet cleaning. If it's hard for you, involve the next of kin in the housework. Ventilate the room more often and make sure that the air is fresh.

Watch your diet. Follow the diet prescribed by your doctor, because the health of the unborn baby depends on your nutrition. At 32 weeks pregnant, give up pork. Eat chicken protein, fresh fruit drinks. Vegetables and fruits that do not contain allergens are required. Fish speeds up the child's brain processes and helps strengthen his bones. Useful mineral water without gas, dried fruit compote and dairy products containing calcium.

Attend prenatal classes. There you will learn the main thing - the observance of breathing techniques during childbirth. This will help you at the moment when the child decides to be born. Proper breathing of a woman in labor during labor and delivery is the key to a successful delivery.

Experienced mothers often give practical advice nulliparous girls. If you are afraid of future childbirth and do not know how to behave correctly, listen to the recommendations of friends who have already gone this way. Of course, each case is individual, but still, all women in labor have similar feelings and moments.

Tune in emotionally for the upcoming birth. Do not think that you will be hurt and scared. Painful contractions, their frequency and time for each woman are individual. If you breathe correctly and listen to the obstetrician, the birth will take place in the optimal mode. Most importantly, you will soon see the moment when your baby is born. You can finally take him in your arms and hug him. This unique feeling will make you forget about all the fears and pain during childbirth.

Listen to yourself. You probably feel boundless love for your unborn child. Tell him about your feelings! Deep motherly love and care will give the baby a sense of calm and peace. At 32 weeks, the baby, hearing the calm and joyful voice of mommy, feels good and rejoices with you. Very soon you will fully experience the joy of motherhood.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 21 minutes


This record was checked by a gynecologist-endocrinologist, mammologist, ultrasound specialist.

You need to rest as much as possible. Try to lie down during the day. Perhaps now you feel clumsy and huge, and even tired. It's time to start attending courses for future parents. The child is fully formed, and his body has become proportional. And thanks to the fat layer, the baby looks chubby.

What does 32 weeks mean?

So, you are at 32 obstetric weeks, and this is from conception and from delayed menstruation.

Feelings in the expectant mother at 32 weeks

  • As the child grows, it presses on the internal organs, and this leads to such unpleasant sensations as shortness of breath and frequent urination. Some urine may come out when you run, cough, sneeze, or laugh;
  • Sleep has worsened, and falling asleep is becoming increasingly difficult;
  • The navel becomes flat or even sticks out;
  • The pelvic joints expand before childbirth, and you may feel discomfort in this area;
  • In addition, the lower ribs may hurt, because. the uterus presses on them;
  • From time to time you feel a slight tension of the uterus. If it lasts only a short time and does not cause pain, do not worry: in this way the body prepares for childbirth;
  • The uterus with the baby rises higher and higher. Now it is located between the sternum and the navel;
  • It is generally accepted that starting from the 32nd week your weight should increase by 350-400 g per week;
  • If you are cutting back on carbohydrates and dairy drinks and your weight is still gaining, you should tell your doctor. total weight body at the 32nd week is on average 11 kg more than before pregnancy.
  • This week, a growing belly will give you a lot of trouble. By this time, the baby has already rolled over with its head down, and its legs rested under your ribs. This can cause pain in the chest area if the child pushes unsuccessfully. Therefore, try to sit as straight as possible;
  • The problem may be fluid retention in the body, from which the veins swell, the ankles and fingers swell. Remove all rings if they begin to tighten, and do not wear tight clothing. Keep taking nutritional supplements, rich in vitamins and minerals: the child now especially needs this.

Reviews from the forums:


I have 32 weeks. Before pregnancy, she weighed 54, and now 57. How they gain 20 kg, I can’t understand!? I eat a lot and everything is delicious! Why is it so, the stomach is only growing!) Mom added 20-25 kg, sister at 5 months, and already added 10 and how to understand what is good and what is bad?


Hi! And we are at 32 weeks. I gained 11 kg by this time, the doctors put me on a diet in unison, once a week fasting days, no bread crumbs, only vegetables and fruits! And I myself know that I scored a lot, but, on the other hand, 11 is not 20. So, I’m not particularly worried. The other day they did an ultrasound, it was confirmed that we were expecting a girl. Moreover, a girl who is ahead of her development in all respects by 1.5 weeks. The doctor said that this means that it is possible to give birth 1-2 weeks ahead of schedule. We really hope for this, because we really want the child to be a lion cub according to the sign of the zodiac, like her husband. The perineal area hurts a lot, but it's okay. The doctor said that you need to eat more calcium and wear a bandage, especially since the baby has already turned her head down. There are also discharges, especially in the morning. The gynecologist advised to wash with some water with dissolved soda. Girls, the main thing - do not worry, think less about the fact that you may have any deviations. There is no pregnant woman who has all the tests in order, nothing pulls and nothing hurts. The main thing is to tune in to the best! And it’s easier for you, and childbirth will be easier. Good luck everyone and see you next week!


It’s 32 weeks, already to tears, I can’t lie down when I’m going to sleep. The kids, apparently, rest against the ribs, it hurts very, very much. As long as you lie on your side, it’s okay, but if you didn’t fall asleep in the first 10 minutes, that’s it, you need to roll over to the other side, everything is numb, the pain is tolerable, but still. I’ll cover myself with pillows, I’ve already tried everything - nothing helps! (I can’t sit or lie in one position for a long time, well, for a long time it’s relatively 10-15 minutes ...


We are 32-33 weeks, mother-in-law said today that her stomach has dropped. I had a lot of pressure a week ago. bladder, the baby was in a breech presentation. At the appointment, the doctor said that she rolled over, but I doubt it, well, on Thursday it will definitely show up there on an ultrasound! Kicks strongly sometimes even very painfully and frighteningly. I feel exhausted and tired, I sleep badly and I can’t do anything. In general, a complete old lady 100% ruin!


Like everyone else, we are also 32 weeks. We run to the doctor with tests, they didn’t send us for an ultrasound, but I insisted, and we’ll definitely go, a little later, I want to take my husband with me.) I don’t know how we spin, but we shove it for sure, especially if I lie on my left side, but on right, everything is calm (already lay him down)). So we are growing slowly, getting ready and waiting for September!)

Fetal development at 32 weeks

There are no global changes this week, but, of course. This week is just as necessary for your baby as the previous ones. Its length this week is about 40.5 cm, and its weight is 1.6 kg.

  • On final stages Pregnancy baby perfectly hears what is happening around. He recognizes the beat of your heart, familiar with the sounds of peristalsis and the noise of blood flowing through the umbilical cord. But against the background of all these sounds, the baby highlights the voice of his own mother: therefore, as soon as he is born, he will immediately trust you by voice.
  • The baby looked like a newborn. Now he just needs to put on some weight.
  • In the uterus, there is less and less room for "manoeuvres" and the child drops head down, preparing for the birth;
  • Interestingly, it is at 32-34 weeks that the color of your baby's eyes is determined. Although most blonde children are born with blue eyes, this does not mean that the color will not change over time;
  • The pupils begin to dilate and the type of sleep after birth is established: eyes closed during sleep and open during wakefulness;
  • By the end of the month, all babies are usually in their final birth position. Most children lie head down, and only about 5% are in the wrong position. In this case, a caesarean section is indicated so as not to damage the child during childbirth;
  • Your child's movements will peak this week. From now on, they will change in quantity and quality. Don't forget to keep an eye on his activity;
  • Your child has gained weight primarily from fat and muscle tissue since the last (past) month;
  • The immune system is being laid down: the baby begins to receive immunoglobulins from the mother and intensively form antibodies that will protect him in the first months of life;
  • The volume of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby is one liter. Every three hours they are completely renewed, so the baby always "floats" in clean water, which can be swallowed painlessly;
  • By the 32nd week, the skin of the fetus becomes light pink shade. Lanugo practically disappears, the original lubrication is washed off and remains only in the natural folds of the body. The hair on the head becomes thicker, but still retains its softness and remains sparse;
  • The work of the endocrine glands - the pituitary gland, the thyroid and parathyroid glands, the pancreas, the adrenal glands, the genital gonads - is improved. All these structures are directly involved in the metabolism and the work of all body systems;
  • Babies who are born this week are most likely to have trouble suckling at the breast. This also applies to children who weigh less than 1500 g at birth. Good and active sucking is a sign of neuromuscular maturity.

Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child

Photo of the fetus at 32 weeks

Ultrasound of the baby at 32 weeks

Photo of mother's abdomen at 32 weeks

Video: What happens at 32 weeks?

Video: Ultrasound at 32 weeks

  • In the middle of the day, try to place your feet on a hill more often. For example, put your feet on a chair and watch your favorite movie;
  • If you find it hard to fall asleep, then practice relaxation exercises before bed. Try falling asleep on your side with your knees bent and one leg propped up with a pillow. Do not worry if you still cannot fall asleep, this is a normal condition during this period;
  • If you have problems with involuntary urination, then do special exercises that strengthen blood vessels and muscles;
  • Start attending courses for future parents;
  • Be sure to hand over to make sure that you do not have anemia or troubles associated with the Rhesus conflict;
  • Try not to drink anything an hour before bed and go to the toilet before bed;
  • Now you can make a plan for childbirth, how you imagine this process, for example, who do you want to see next; whether you will anesthetize childbirth and a number of questions about medical intervention;
  • If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then you can safely continue an intimate relationship with your husband. You cannot harm your child because it is protected by the bladder, which is filled with fluid. Usually about danger sexual life the obstetrician or doctor warns, for example, if the placenta is low;
  • It's time to dream. Find a comfortable place for yourself, take a blank sheet of paper and a pen and write the title: “I want ...” Then write on the sheet everything that you want right now, starting each item with the words “I WANT ...” Write whatever comes to mind . During these months, you have accumulated so many desires, the fulfillment of which you put off "for later." Surely you write: “I want to give birth to a healthy, beautiful child!” Great, but what would you wish only for yourself?! Remember your most cherished, most secret desires. Now take a close look at what happened. And start doing them!
  • Surrounded by sweets, read with pleasure the book that you have long dreamed of reading;
  • Soak up in bed;
  • Go to a classical music concert, a new film screening, or a musical;
  • Theater is a great alternative to cinemas. Choose comedy performances and performances by comedians;
  • Get yourself cute outfits for the next two months and a wardrobe for your baby;
  • Treat yourself and your husband with different goodies;
  • Take care of choosing a maternity hospital;
  • Buy a photo album - soon lovely photos of your crumbs will appear in it;
  • Do whatever you want. Fulfill your desires with pleasure.

The most detailed weekly pregnancy calendar


Obstetricians emphasize that each stage of pregnancy is unique. Within forty weeks, numerous changes occur in the body of the mother and the growing fetus. The thirty-second week of pregnancy is no exception.

thirty second week

The term of 32 weeks of pregnancy corresponds to the eighth obstetric month. From conception comes the thirtieth week. Some women are confused about the different terms by which the development of pregnancy is measured. Often, when determining the duration of pregnancy, the concept of an obstetric week is used. The starting point is the first day of the last period before pregnancy.

In the obstetric month, unlike the calendar month, there are four weeks. That is why, according to the obstetric period, pregnancy lasts ten obstetric months.

Changes in the female body

As a rule, pregnant women for a period of 32 weeks begin to prepare for childbirth. Numerous changes occur in the body, gradually preparing for the onset of childbirth. In particular, the hormonal background is changing, there is a restructuring internal organs which is temporary. These changes are necessary for the successful birth of a child.

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, the hormones necessary for natural delivery begin to form in the blood. For example, relaxin causes specific changes in the ligamentous apparatus of the pelvis. Thus, the muscles acquire the necessary elasticity. This mechanism prevents the occurrence of injuries and damage to soft tissues.

Another substance that is synthesized at 32 weeks in the female body is the hormone prolactin. With an increase in its concentration, a woman notices soreness and an increase in the mammary glands. This mechanism ensures lactation after childbirth.

At the 32nd week of pregnancy, body hair growth sometimes increases. Male pattern hair growth is possible. This is caused by changes in the hormonal background. Usually this phenomenon is observed when expecting a boy.

After childbirth, the hormonal background gradually returns to normal, unwanted hair disappears. If the sign does not regress after childbirth, you should consult an endocrinologist.

weight gain

At each turnout, the weight gain of the pregnant woman is carefully assessed. This simple diagnostic method allows a specialist to assess the condition of the mother and the development of the fetus. It is also necessary for the woman herself to monitor weight gain.

By the 32nd week of pregnancy, the total weight gain is approximately 11 kilograms. With multiple pregnancies, weight gain may be more significant.

If a woman is overweight, the increase should be slightly less and vice versa.

Abdominal circumference

The belly at 32 weeks pregnant continues to grow. For many pregnant women, the belly button retracts inward as the size of the abdomen increases.

If the fetus is large, the stomach exerts a noticeable pressure on the diaphragm. This leads to a change in breathing. Some women report soreness and tenderness in the lower chest.

Mammary gland

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, the female body is actively preparing for lactation. During pregnancy, the hormones necessary for exercise begin to be synthesized. breastfeeding after the birth of a child.

At 32 weeks of gestation, colostrum may be secreted. This is a specific fluid secreted from the mammary gland to feed the baby in the first days after birth.

The properties of colostrum change over time. At first it is thick, but then it becomes watery. This feature of colostrum is provided by nature. Colostrum contains many trace elements for the full development of a newborn baby.

Decreased functioning of the immune system

A physiological decrease in immunity is necessary to prolong pregnancy. During pregnancy, immunity decreases several times. This mechanism prevents rejection of the growing organism immune system. Decreased immunity allows the mother's body not to perceive the fetus as a foreign object.

This necessary mechanism also has its downsides. The resistance of the female body is weakening. As a result, women at any stage of pregnancy are susceptible to viral and bacterial infections. That is why ARVI and various inflammatory processes are often recorded during pregnancy.

Pregnant women need to remember about the physiological decrease in immunity, to take the necessary preventive measures. For example, crowded places should be avoided.

Pathologies of the oral cavity

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, pathologies associated with the condition of the teeth and gums often occur and worsen. These pathologies are mainly caused by hormonal changes.


Thrush is often a companion of pregnancy. Changes in the hormonal background, for example, an increase in progesterone production, an increase in secretions provoke the development of a fungal infection. Frequent consumption of sweets, which are a breeding ground for Candida fungi, can cause thrush.

With thrush, itching, burning and curdled discharge appear. Their severity varies greatly. Treatment of thrush can be carried out at 32 weeks of gestation. Usually therapy involves the use of topical antifungal drugs. In order to prevent a fungal infection, special hygiene products may be prescribed.

Feelings and well-being

Thanks to the movements, the pregnant woman fully feels her child. The general state is also changing. Mood lability is noted due to hormonal changes. An increase in the concentration of estrogen in the blood leads to bleeding gums. Some representatives have toothache and the development of periodontal disease.

You can reduce manifestations by using rinses for oral cavity and special pastes. It is advisable to use funds based on medicinal herbs. It is also recommended to rinse your mouth with decoctions and infusions of calendula, chamomile, oak bark.

It is necessary to remember about systematic visits to the dentist and timely sanitation. Often during pregnancy, carious lesions of the teeth are observed, which is associated with insufficient intake of calcium in the body. In this case, the growing fetus "takes" calcium from the mother's teeth and bones to form the skeleton.

Mood lability

The pregnant woman and others note mood swings. Nervousness at 32 weeks of pregnancy is also associated with an upcoming birth and fears.

Changes in the hormonal background provoke a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness. Especially this sign is obvious in the daytime.

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, sleep disorders may occur. This symptom is more pronounced with increased anxiety. Many pregnant women complain of insomnia. For some, this phenomenon disappears only after childbirth.

Women who continue to work and study report a decrease in concentration and a decrease in memory. After a mental load, a headache may appear. In order to prevent overwork and headaches, doctors recommend more rest, to observe the work regime.

Discomfort in the abdomen

At 32 weeks of gestation, shocks along the lower edge of the arch of the ribs can be determined. These tremors can be quite painful. They are associated with the achievement of a significant size by the fetus and its active movements. By 32 weeks pregnant, most babies are head down.

To ease the discomfort caused by pushing, you can lean back on the back of a sofa or chair. This position provides the fetus with more space, and the well-being of the pregnant woman improves slightly. If you breathe easily and deeply, the child will calm down.

Soreness in the lower abdomen may be due to the expansion of the pelvic floor. This process is physiological and is associated with the upcoming birth.

Many women experience false or training contractions at 32 weeks pregnant. These contractions can also be recorded during CTG. Contractions, which are training, are intense contractions of moderate duration. False contractions appear due to the contraction of the walls of the uterus.

Training fights are not considered by specialists as a pathology. Their purpose is not completely clear to specialists. In general, false contractions do not indicate an imminent birth and cannot accelerate them.

However, attention should be paid to the duration and intensity of contractions. They should not intensify and be accompanied by secretions. Otherwise, you should immediately contact a specialist.


At 32 weeks of pregnancy, pain in the lower back often occurs. The symptom is more pronounced with a large fetus and a narrow pelvis. You can reduce soreness with the help of rest, wearing an orthopedic bandage. Prolonged standing or walking is undesirable. The choice of comfortable shoes is also essential.


At the 32nd week of pregnancy, the appearance of edema is not considered a rare occurrence. The reasons that lead to edema are:

  • physiological;
  • pathological.

The uterus, as it grows, begins to put pressure on the organs, in particular, the urinary tract. Thus, there is a decrease in the outflow of urine through the ureters. These changes can cause swelling. Edema appears on different areas body. Often the appearance of edema is noted in the legs. Sometimes swelling occurs on the face, for example, under the lower eyelids. With severe swelling, the oval of the face changes. The face is rounded, the folds are smoothed out.

Nausea and heartburn

The appearance of edema may be associated with a violation of the diet. In addition, malnutrition also causes unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. There is nausea and heartburn. Often, these symptoms can be eliminated by adjusting the diet. To normalize the condition, you should follow a diet, excluding fried foods. During pregnancy, squeezing of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract is noted, which causes heartburn and nausea. Heavy food causes disorders of the gallbladder and liver.

It is important to follow a diet for patients, having chronic cholecystitis and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. If there is no effect, you should contact a specialist.

Sometimes women at 32 weeks of gestation notice the onset of itching. As a rule, discomfort is due to hormonal changes. If itching occurs, you should consult a doctor, as this symptom may indicate diseases of the internal organs.

Violation of the gastrointestinal tract can provoke diarrhea and constipation. In this case, the doctor also recommends that proper diet. Food should contain the necessary vitamins and minerals. That is why a pregnant woman should pay attention to sufficient consumption of fruits, vegetables, dairy products. Preference should also be given to seafood and lean meats. In particular, dairy products have a beneficial effect on the condition of the intestines and contribute to the normalization of the stool.

Child development

The weight and height of the fetus corresponds to 1800 grams and 42 centimeters on average. If the pregnancy is multiple, the parameters are somewhat different. Usually the height and weight of twin children is different.

The head has an average circumference of up to 32.5 cm. The circumference of the abdomen is approximately 31.4 cm. The length of the thigh at 32 weeks of gestation is up to 6.3 cm, and the lower leg is up to 6 cm.

By the 32nd week of pregnancy, all organs are already formed and are only passing through. further development. The fetus already has eyelashes and eyebrows, the disappearance of lanugo is noted.

The child is active. In the presence of a sufficient amount of fluid, the fetus is in comfortable conditions for its usual activity.

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, there is an accumulation of subcutaneous adipose tissue. It is necessary for the survival of the fetus after its birth. Subcutaneous adipose tissue prevents hypothermia of the baby. It is known that children born prematurely often experience certain difficulties associated with thermoregulation.


Sometimes the pathologies that have arisen from the development of the fetus lead to an emergency caesarean section. Urgency measures taken associated with life-threatening maternal and fetal conditions.

The child receives all the substances he needs for development through the placenta, which contains blood vessels. The length of the umbilical cord differs in different indicators due to a variety of factors.

A short umbilical cord will not allow the fetus to adequately move through the birth canal. Usually, with a short umbilical cord, delivery is carried out by caesarean section.

If the umbilical cord is too long, it may wrap around the neck. The length of the umbilical cord affects the nature of the entanglement. Perhaps double and even quadruple entanglement. In this case, there is a need to assess the condition of the fetus, that is, additional diagnostics. The exclusion of oxygen starvation of tissues or hypoxia is essential. A woman may be hospitalized.

Sometimes the child spins on its own. However, this can happen with enough water. Large children rarely spin on their own.

Possible Complications

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, the development of various pathological conditions is possible. As a rule, with timely diagnosis, most of them can be corrected.

Low water and polyhydramnios

Intrauterine growth implies development in an aquatic environment. This environment is formed with the help of amniotic fluid. Experts have determined the optimal amount of amniotic fluid. Violation of this indicator can lead to the development of polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios.

The amount of water is determined by ultrasound and is called the amniotic fluid index or AFI for short. With a low rate, there is a significant risk of life-threatening pathologies for the fetus. However, an increase in the amount of water is also an unfavorable sign. When polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios are detected, diagnostics are necessary to determine their causes and appropriate treatment.

Short cervix

During a gynecological examination and ultrasound, doctors must determine the length of the cervix. The condition of the cervix affects the prolongation of pregnancy. It is known that in gynecological practice, various pathologies are constantly recorded, which are associated with shortening of the cervix. Shortening of the cervix is ​​dangerous because of the risk of preterm birth.

Shortening of the neck causes isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI). In the absence of treatment of ICI at 32 weeks of gestation, there is a threat of premature birth.

Correction of the pathological condition is carried out in various ways. Treatment is prescribed individually. Hormonal treatment is often recommended, for example, with the help of Utrozhestan.

For CCI, the insertion of a pessary can also be used. This is a special obstetric device that is installed in the vagina. The pessary is installed by a doctor.

A pessary can significantly reduce the risk of preterm birth. However, there are certain indications and contraindications for its use, which should be considered. After installing an obstetric pessary, a doctor's supervision and regular sanitation is necessary.


During pregnancy, various parameters are evaluated, including uterine tone. The active form of tone is dangerous for the development of serious conditions on the part of the fetus. Usually, with tone, among the recommendations is the exclusion of sexual activity. Intimacy is also contraindicated in shortening of the cervix due to the risk of its disclosure.

cork discharge

At 32 weeks of gestation, the cork may come out. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor due to the high risk of premature birth. Usually the pregnant woman is hospitalized for follow-up.

Mucus plug normally leaves a few days before childbirth. It has pink, brown or beige color sometimes includes streaks of blood. Perhaps its appearance for several days in a row.

Causes and consequences of premature maturation of the placenta

During pregnancy, it is important to control the maturation of the placenta, which contains many blood vessels. An abundant blood supply is necessary condition fetal development. Thanks to the placenta, the child receives the components for his growth.

With ultrasound using Doppler at 32 weeks of gestation, you can assess the nature of the blood flow through the main blood vessels. If the blood supply is disturbed, there is a threat of various pathologies from the development of the fetus.

The placenta performs several basic functions, including providing protection against infection and toxins. The placenta is distinguished by several stages of its development:

  • formation of the placenta from the second to the thirtieth week of pregnancy;
  • growth from the thirtieth to the thirty-third week of pregnancy;
  • maturity from the thirty-fourth to the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy;
  • aging from the thirty-seventh week of pregnancy until childbirth.

The placenta grows, increases up to thirty-six to thirty-seven weeks of pregnancy. With aging, the placenta may become thinner or not change. The degree of maturity of the placenta can be determined by ultrasound by analyzing the state of blood circulation, thickness and other factors.

In some cases, for up to 32 weeks, the second degree of placental maturity is detected, and the third - up to 34 weeks, while the fourth - up to 36 weeks of pregnancy progression. These phenomena are called premature aging of the placenta. This means that the gestational age does not correspond to the degree of maturity of the placenta.

Premature aging of the placenta can have adverse consequences. Fetoplacental insufficiency is often noted, in particular, at 32 weeks of gestation. There may be a violation of blood circulation in certain areas of the placenta. These conditions adversely affect the development of the child and can lead to premature birth.

There are many reasons for premature aging of the placenta at 32 weeks of gestation. Obstetricians call the most common causes of premature aging of the placenta:

  • underweight or overweight pregnant;
  • infections and inflammatory processes;
  • smoking;
  • pathologies associated with blood clotting disorders;
  • gestosis.

If there is a slight premature aging of the placenta at 32 weeks of gestation, the consequences are usually not observed. However, there is a need to study the uteroplacental blood flow. If there are no signs of impaired blood flow, no treatment is prescribed. Otherwise, medications are recommended.

breech presentation

By 32 weeks of gestation, most babies are in the correct head-down position. This is a physiologically advantageous position that allows the child to be born with minimal risk of injury. The rounded shape of the head facilitates passage through the birth canal.

However, sometimes a breech or transverse presentation may be noted. At 32 weeks, there is still a chance that the fetus will roll over on its own. For this purpose, the doctor may prescribe standing in the knee-elbow position. If there is no effect, delivery by caesarean section will be scheduled.

breech presentation characteristic of highly active children.

Analyzes and examinations

The main studies at 32 weeks include:

  • measuring the weight of a pregnant woman and assessing the increase in order to determine internal edema;
  • urinalysis, which allows to detect preeclampsia due to the protein content;
  • definition blood pressure to rule out hypertension.

The presence of protein in the urine in combination with high pressure at 32 weeks of gestation is a dangerous sign that may indicate the development of preeclampsia.

Norm indicators for ultrasound

Ultrasound is one of the most informative methods diagnostics. The advantage of this method is the absence of invasion. In the process of ultrasound, it is possible to assess the motor activity of the fetus and the development of internal organs and systems.

If 3 and 4 D ultrasound is performed, you can consider the baby's facial expressions and facial features. You can determine the speed of blood flow using Doppler. This method allows you to evaluate the functioning of the blood vessels that feed the fetus.

At 32 weeks pregnant, many women prepare for the upcoming birth. At this stage of pregnancy, it is already possible to collect a bag for the hospital. This allows the pregnant woman to feel more relaxed. Some representatives experience panic if the birth began earlier, and the necessary things have not yet been collected.

It is important to think in advance what may be needed in the hospital for both mother and child. First of all, clothes should be comfortable and comfortable. We should not forget about the personal hygiene products of the mother of the child.

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, as at any time, you need to remember about proper balanced nutrition. While some representatives seize the stress of the upcoming birth, others completely lose their appetite. At 32 weeks, the optimal ratio of fats, carbohydrates and proteins is still relevant. Useful seafood, lean meat, fruits, vegetables and lactic acid products. You should eat fractionally. Compliance with the drinking regimen is essential.

Limit salt should be with a tendency to the formation of edema. Puffiness is both external and internal. External edema can be suspected by clothing, rounding of the face. Often there is swelling of the legs. The greatest danger is internal edema, which can be seen by a sharp increase in weight. In combination with urine protein and high blood pressure, there is a risk of preeclampsia.

Salt in large quantities found in semi-finished products, canned food and salted fish. It is undesirable to buy ready-made food, it is better to give preference to homemade food.

It is better to quench thirst with plain water, fruit drinks and fresh juices, herbal infusions. In the morning, you can drink a cup of weak tea or coffee, preferably after diluting it with milk or cream. It is better to refrain from sweet carbonated drinks.

The course of pregnancy at 32 weeks is influenced by a positive emotional mood. Positive emotions and the absence of stress have a positive effect on the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus. To improve the overall emotional state, you can use breathing practices that are aimed at relaxation.

A positive effect on the health of the mother and fetus at 32 weeks of pregnancy walks in the fresh air. A significant amount of oxygen enters the bloodstream, which is the prevention of hypoxia. Moderate physical activity and fresh air have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of a woman, which during pregnancy is characterized by nervousness and tearfulness.

Intimate life at 32 weeks of pregnancy is not always prohibited. With a satisfactory condition of a woman and the absence of contraindications, intimacy is useful. This is an excellent muscle training before childbirth and a source of good mood. When installing a pessary, shortening the cervix, suturing and other pathologies that threaten premature birth, sexual activity is excluded.

Mom at 32 weeks pregnant

Any communication of parents with a child before and after his birth, if dad and mom are in a good mood or even if they are a little worried (but this is definitely not stress or conflict), has a developing effect. The more often communication occurs, the stronger the developmental effect.

Developmental communication with the Baby before birth is initiated by:

  • mother - as a rule, it is associated with the current mood, the desire to communicate with the Baby and feel like a mother, as well as if the Baby does not get in touch for a long time or hiccups. In the last weeks before the birth, mothers, especially when there is no one around, are happy to communicate with their children aloud, telling what they are doing or are going to do, discussing programs, news, etc. At the same time, the pronoun "we" often appears in their speech: "Let's go for a walk with you", "Isn't it time for us to have lunch?", "Dad will come soon, let's look out the window," etc. The kid becomes their main interlocutor - and the best listener in the world (it makes sense to learn this from him);
  • by the Kid himself, his active movements, movements and jerks, as well as somersaults - this feeling is difficult to convey in words (but you know what I'm talking about). The active actions of a son or daughter do not go unnoticed by the mother. The very first reaction is to put a hand on the stomach to the place that is closest to the epicenter of the Kid's activity, the second reaction is to cheer, console, scold the naughty with the help of words. This is incredible, but even without seeing their Baby, mothers are able to determine by his actions, their intensity and tension, whether they are associated with his good mood or discomfort;
  • dad - in the morning or when he comes home from work, as well as in the moments of evening rest or on a day off. Dads are big inventors! And they can do things that moms can’t do or don’t think of. For example, your husband may kiss a protruding back, fist or heel, but you cannot. He can put his ear and hear what the Baby hears inside you, as well as how he moves there, but you do not. Dad can speak affectionate words very close to the ears of the Kid, he can easily act out a theatrical performance with the help of improvised means (a book, a lighter, a spoon, a toy, etc.). Dad can grunt, bark and meow from the heart, and also (horror!) tell childish jokes. Dads know how to play hide and seek with the Babies and even... tickle them. And if the Kids could react to their father's actions, they would surely squeal with delight. Dad can "play up" the Kid and, tired, do something else or fall asleep. And you have to calm the naughty - and so all his life. But how nice it is to see that dad loves the child, and the child loves dad!

32 weeks pregnant: Future dad video
