The key to his sexual behavior is impulsivity. He should learn the reciprocity inherent in a true union. He is intolerant of opposition to any of his sexual fantasies.
Don't try to tease him. If you promised something, it is better to fulfill it. If you do not intend to go to bed with this man, spend the evening watching your TV. Aries doesn't like being played with. If you're not ready for the latest sexual tricks you've only read about in books, stay home and knit. Everything that gives away the routine causes Aries boredom, bordering on hysteria. To please Aries in bed, you will have to use your imagination, overcome all complexes.
He won't worry about the consequences. When he wants you, everything else falls aside. If you have entered into a relationship with Aries, set up a spiral or diaphragm in advance. Or be sure to take birth control pills. He may have a condom somewhere, but don't expect him to use it.
Get ready for him to take the lead. You can offer something, but by accepting your ideas, Aries will go further and develop them. For example, if you ask him to kiss your nipple, don't be surprised if he soon licks your navel, touches your clitoris or perineum with his tongue. Be prepared for any surprise. His unbridled nature loves everything shocking and forbidden. Aries men are pioneers, leaders who love to lead the parade. They don't object. Favorite positions change over the years, but at any age, Aries retains a youthful spirit. He prefers positions that emphasize his dominance.
He will not stop at sadism.
For example, he will not be satisfied with ordinary oral sex. Be prepared for him to pull your hair, pinch your nipples, stick his dick too deep into your throat, causing discomfort. If you are able to enjoy such behavior, accept it without complaint, as this will enhance the enjoyment of Aries.
Aries Favorite Position: You are on your knees, leaning forward. In this case, it can enter the vagina or anus. It might surprise you! Whatever decision Aries makes, he will look to you for help. This basic position has a lot of variations - a woman can lean on a chair, sofa or bed, stand on her feet, leaning forward and holding onto furniture for stability, while Aries will penetrate her from behind.
In another position, in which the man is over the woman, you lie on your back on the floor or bed, and the partner lifts your buttocks with his hands and, kneeling, inserts the penis into the vagina or anus.
An elderly Aries finds that he is no longer as strong as in his youth. A tactless remark uttered at the wrong time will lead to temporary impotence. It will be an exceptionally strong blow for Aries. He will react to him in his usual aggressive manner, probably starting a dozen flirtations and affairs with women half his age. He will try to prove that he has not lost his manhood. And if he fails to do this, he will suffer a serious crisis.
When Aries is in his prime, beware of his aggressiveness and tendency (remember, I'm only describing tendencies) to enjoy the pain he causes. He will enter a woman without waiting for her to be ready, in order to enjoy, feeling her shudder. Engaged in oral sex, he is able to show cruelty. Don't be surprised if he bites hard on your clitoris during cannilingus.
He can, during copulation, use a whip and a cane. He especially likes to hit a woman on the buttocks - and not only with his palm. He will use a hairbrush, a table tennis racket, a bamboo cane. If Aries finds a masochist, he will not rest until her buttocks are strawberry red and her cheeks are wet with tears. Pleading for mercy will only push him to more brutality - and more powerful orgasms. The louder the screams and moans that he hears, the more he likes what is happening. Sometimes he can leave scars from the whip on the partner's body. Its goal is submission.
If Aries has in cash to purchase "equipment", he will equip private room chains attached to the wall. Having chained the woman's hands and feet with shackles, he will be able to bite and pinch her nipples, take possession of her as he pleases. A few lashes will usually overwhelm any resistance.
One Aries I know loves to play horse. The woman is on all fours, the rope replaces the reins and the bit. He enters the partner from behind through the anus. She slowly moves forward, and he periodically sharply upsets her with a rope.
Of course, other signs of the zodiac affect Aries in different ways, and men born under this constellation are subject to very different extremes. But they always remain extremists. Beware girls! Having met a "pure" Aries, be prepared to flee if his sexual needs seem unbearable to you.
Or stay with it and enjoy. It all depends on you and your sign.
How to Cope with an Aries? Ask him to switch roles. Then you can say, "Look, we don't want to hurt each other, right?"
Group sex doesn't shock an Aries. The more participants, the more fun. I vouch that the exchange of wives among the neighbors was first started by the Aries man. He likes to demonstrate his sexual art, and he will always make too bold proposals that seem crazy to others. There is only one exception. He will not agree to the role of a passive partner in anal sex. Aries will do this not because it seems indecent to him - he will see in such a position a threat to his “masculinity”. In the end, this is what "fags" do.
Many men born under the sign of Aries are sadistic.

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Aries SEX LIFE of a woman, intimate environment and favorite positions to satisfy

She will not keep you in the dark about her intentions for long, and in the field of sex they will turn out to be delightful. Here her secret fantasies flourish, bringing erotic delight. In general, this is a sensual, feminine and passionate person. Surrendering, she thinks more about her pleasure than about yours.
They are ready to make love in any acceptable place. The back seat of a car, a couch in an office, or a motel room will suit her. When it's wound up, don't expect preludes and halftones. Once in the intimate twilight, near the included player, from the speakers of which gentle music flows, immediately lie on your back, pulling down your trousers. In a hurry to get down to business, she will not completely undress. The Aries woman knows not only what she wants, but also how to get it. Once in her field of vision, the unfortunate male is at the mercy of the elements.
Proper handling of an Aries woman requires a man to be firm, ready to fight back. Don't let her push you around. However, taking the reins in your hands, you will have to show class.
Her appetite is insatiable, she reminds wild beast, and she needs a partner who can answer the call. If an Aries woman does not find sexual satisfaction, she will leave you. A husband or lover trying to follow his own less stressful schedule will see his partner less and less. She has too much room for her own gratification to be satisfied with a lazy lover.
She likes to take the initiative in sexual intercourse, to be a commander. If both partners are lying, she usually ends up on top. If they make love in a chair or on a chair, Miss Aries will ride the man or sit on his lap. If a lover lies on top of her in bed, she will eventually turn him over onto his back. Her motto is submission. She wants to single-handedly direct the movement towards orgasm.
Be prepared for her to scream, moan, scratch and bite you. If you are not afraid of scars, give it free rein. But first, check the length of her nails. An Aries woman likes things with sharp edges, so she can have long, pointed nails. You don't want your bed to look like a blood-drenched battlefield!
Although the Aries woman is jealous, wounded pride comes first, and not a sense of ownership. Most likely, she will survive many short but stormy romances, since she is distinguished by her straightforwardness, stubbornness and the sexual appetite of the beast. She becomes completely unhappy when there is no man in her life or when she quarrels with her "first number". Quarrels can be frequent - I have already said that the Aries woman has an unrestrained character and hasty judgments. She is able to make her husband or lover unhappy.
The Aries woman carefully chooses a father for her children. She will reject a sexy truck driver or a grocer in favor of a boring engineer or lawyer. When making love, she gives all her best, because she gets great pleasure from sex. She takes a healthy interest in her own pleasures, and is therefore receptive to anything that gives her extra joy. This sign controls passions, due to which the Aries woman is able to throw out almost anything in a sexual impulse.
She loves to do shocking and illicit things. The rejection of boredom, which so easily captures the Aries woman, is primarily manifested in sexual life. This can lead to sexual sadism. The Aries woman is inclined to use leather belts or a whip to subdue a man. An extravagant woman in boots with pointed heels, rubber underwear, leather gloves, etc. usually turns out to be an Aries, which is turned on by such equipment. She will trample her lover, hurting him, whip him with a whip, force him to cannilingus (in any case, in the world of her fantasies, this will look like coercion). Her goal is to humiliate a man, to get complete satisfaction without giving him anything in return. She will tease him with her body, and the reward for the reaction for him will be a blow with a cane or a burning whip. This relationship of the "slave-master" type brings her to numerous orgasms.
She is able to go further by tying a strong rope to her partner's testicles and pulling it for her pleasure. She can fasten the second rope to the penis. The manipulation of two ropes will cause pain, which will give the Aries woman the greatest pleasure. Perhaps she would strap an artificial penis to her thighs and enter the man from behind, simultaneously using ropes, whips, and other weapons. Putting on spurs, she will saddle a partner standing on all fours. Sending a man forward, will plunge spurs into his body. Wanting to stop him, he will pull the reins (a rope passed through his mouth). Since she can wrap her legs around her partner's torso, the spurs will pierce the skin dangerously close to the genitals.
To enhance the image of the desired female, she will go to extremes, choosing a sexy outfit. Her most modest costume consists of a black lace sash with long black stockings and a bra with nipple holes. She wants to make a man die of desire.
If she finds the evening or weekend spent with you sweet, you, the lucky one, will be invited again. However, I recommend that you replenish your arsenal with something new, fresh. Otherwise, you will lose one of the most interesting sexual partners in the entire Zodiac.

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WOMAN Aries sex life and favorite poses of the Kamasutra

Aries woman is sometimes difficult to figure out. She seems distant, cold, sometimes even malevolent, and you might think that she doesn't like men at all. However, this does not mean that she is not interested in you.
What's the matter here? All this is a performance. She makes you think she is like that and at the same time constantly remembers that in fact she is completely different.
She is an actress to the tips of her nails, changeable, charming, controversial and temperamental, able to switch "emotional gears" with incredible speed, while leaving a slow man in a cloud of dust. He is forced to reckon with her rapidly changing desires. The Aries woman has a boneless tongue, she often speaks without weighing her words. Her dynamic nature will make any man step up his game.
If you don't keep up with her, she will flare up. A person with such a temperament would do well to be pasted over with red labels with the inscription "Beware!" She is swift in judgment, sometimes cruel, capable of inflicting a wound with involuntarily escaped words.
If she starts up, be careful. This woman can scream and scratch you until you bleed. She is a raging tigress, which can only be tamed by satisfying her passion. If you are not confident in your abilities, stay away from her. It is not suitable for amateurs or men with a weak heart.
She tends to dominate, to impose her opinion on others. She will push you around, her assertiveness can cool your initial attraction. But if you had enough gunpowder to withstand the frontal attack of the Baran and fight back, accept my congratulations! You will find that the reward is worth the effort.
Aries women are usually playful. They appear fearless, even desperate, and enjoy physical activity. Skiing, tennis, sailing, sex - they do all this with great pleasure, enjoying the possibilities of their body.
She is in love with love itself, has a romantic nature, accepts sex as one of the joys of life. But her approach is straightforward, so don't try to play the role of a father. Miss Aries is looking for a lover, not a father. She is a passionate, loyal, sentimental and sober partner.
Although she seems impulsive, adventurous, lively, you should not consider her a fluffy tail. She often turns out to be an idealist and a thinker, but do not expect "reasonableness" and caution from her. She rushes forward without looking back. Therefore, women born under this sign attract men. Miss Aries is always in the thick of things, she constantly pushes others.
She is admirable in many ways and loves compliments. Flattery will allow you to get everything from her. She loves to hear praise for her body, it is difficult for her to pass by the mirror without re-evaluating her appearance. She does not impose too bright makeup, considering herself beautiful without it. Your gift to the Aries woman should be practical and exciting at the same time. You can give her sexy lingerie or a sheer nightgown, although she prefers to sleep naked. She likes to feel the sensuality of her body.
The Aries woman enjoys the attention of the crowd she attracts. She always considers herself free, and only an outstanding man can drag such a Sheep into the corral. He will need a lot of energy to keep up with his chosen one. Marrying Aries, a man will have to recognize his subordinate position or enter the Hundred Years War.
In marriage, an Aries woman faces problems. Usually they are associated with her independent appearance and extravagance. The Aries woman believes that money is there to be spent. They flow between her fingers. She is convinced that if she does not have them today, they will definitely appear tomorrow, and is not inclined to worry about the future. One financial viability of the husband is not enough to cope with the problems generated by Aries. This can become a burden for a person of good soul.
Women born under this sign do not lose their fire over the years. They can slow down a little, but they always outperform their sisters born under other signs. They are incorrigible romantics, and although time somewhat curbs them, they are always ready to rush forward. They are optimistic about tomorrow and are sure that it will be better than yesterday.
A man who connects his life with Aries should be ready for conflicts, reckless spending, frantic love battles, jealousy, adultery, intolerance, selfishness and irascibility.
However, the influence of other planets can make the Aries woman the ideal of femininity. You should know her whole birth chart before you decide on a serious relationship - and most importantly, before she has serious views on you!
Do not doubt: it is strongly feminine.

Which woman is better in bed? opinion of men about the best lover according to the signs of the zodiac. Vote for your zodiac sign

Aries MAN sex life and favorite poses of the Kamasutra

If your friend, lover or husband was born under the sign of the Ram, you probably already know that he is assertive, energetic and has a restless nature. He does not go, but rushes like a hurricane. He may be impractical and impulsive, but he is endowed with imagination and energy. He works miracles. When you go on a date with an Aries, you cannot predict where you will end up. But in any case, it will be exciting. You probably know that such a man can be generous today and stingy tomorrow. He can drive you crazy, but you like it.
Why? A man born under the sign of Aries radiates sex. He is imperious, neglects rules and conventions. In bed, he is not interested in the missionary position, when a man is over a woman. (More often than not, it doesn't come down to bed. The Aries man loves to have sex on the roof of a car, in a speeding boat or a crowded bus!)
You will experience the delight and pleasure that you wanted to receive, and something that you cannot stomach. You will forget about boredom, but it will seem to you that you are playing croquet with live grenades. At any moment you can be deafened by an explosion.
He is jealous. He wants to own you entirely, but you will not receive him in indivisible ownership. Aries can jump from bed to bed, but he requires fidelity and constancy from a woman. If she steps aside, it will ruin love. He is jealous of everyone - from his closest friend to the TV repairman.
Do not tell Aries that you need time to think everything over - he wants to hear only one word from the girl: yes! Don't worry about what happens next. Feeling dignity will not allow him to bow out immediately after the victory. Having dragged you into the bedroom, he will not allow you to take off your clothes yourself. He'll probably rip it off with my own hands. He can't wait to get started. But he will not disappoint you and will not bore you. Most likely you will remember this night for a long time.
You can deter an Aries by praising him for his skill - he is defenseless against flattery unless the insincerity is too obvious. But remember: the Aries man is not stupid. He is simply so in love with himself that almost all flattery seems to him a belittling of his merits.
If you prefer a quiet, domestic life, Aries will not suit you. Aries is a pioneer, always looking for something new. However, behind the spectacular facade, you can see the amusing vulnerability of a boy in need of maternal care. A woman who can penetrate an impeccable mask will be able to win his heart. He will be faithful, sincere and gentle with his beloved.
He is endowed with a developed sense of humor, he likes women who have not only beauty, but also intelligence. He himself is smart and wittily ridicules the pretense and insincerity of other people.
He is a capable administrator, direct but able to get his way. He is able to earn a lot of money, but is not so successful in keeping it. He is too extravagant and believes that spending money is a way to demonstrate his power.
It's not easy to keep him. But you will want to do it.

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Relationships of Aries with other signs:

ARIES harmony and kamasutra love poses for aries

ARIES and ARIES. This is a volcano with two craters, and one of them is always active. And then, you see, both work at once. But with violently manifested passions, cooling quickly sets in, fatigue with each other. In bed, they behave like children: everyone pulls the blanket over themselves, then they quarrel, then they make peace, they swear again and share their favorite toys. And this passionate clarification of the relationship of everyone is quite sexually satisfying ...
ARIES and TAURUS. There is little harmony in this couple. Aries seems to Taurus to be a lightweight and naive idealist, and Taurus annoys Aries with their slowness and conservatism. One manifests itself violently and demandingly, while the other sways until he says his sacramental “Mu” ... But Aries warms Taurus with his fire, and Taurus teaches Aries to love - not galloping through Europe, but slowly, tasting and savoring.
ARIES and GEMINI. Their union is like a bright, adventure novel, both are impulsive and mobile, always ready for exploits, easy-going. Sexually feed each other: Aries - with their passion, and Gemini - with liveliness and playfulness. They often have a feeling of brotherly love, they are both lovers and friends. Aries is satisfied with the twin ease of character, and he extinguishes Aries irritation with smart words and sweet speeches ...
ARIES and CANCER. Despite the strong physical attraction, disharmony quickly arises in this couple. Aries very unceremoniously suppresses the spiritual impulses of Cancer, which is always a prisoner of its feelings and habits, on the other hand, the hot and dynamic nature of Aries stumbles over the passivity of the cancer, which seeks to tie, hold, curb. But Cancer suffers most of all, which is stunned by the Aries energetic pressure and its sensual underdevelopment is driven to despair, because the main emotional gamut of Aries comes down to two states: “Hurrah!” and "oh!"...
ARIES and LEO. They have a lot in common both in temperaments and in characters and mores. They turn each other on with the immediacy of feelings, their love is a fascinating game, fireworks, brilliance. But this brilliance, alas, is ostentatious, for the sharpness, rudeness and arrogance of Aries offend the nobility of Leo, which is most clearly manifested in eroticism. But this couple finds sexual harmony if Leo condescendingly observes the extravagance of Aries, and he is amused by Leo's impressiveness and secularity.
ARIES and VIRGO. At first, Virgo likes Aries. He expects that she will share a fiery impulse with him, and Virgo begins with curiosity, but calmly enough to analyze his feelings and behavior, which acts on Aries like a bucket cold water. With a cold, prudent Virgo in a hot, sincere Aries, even friendship is unlikely, and in sex, irritation quickly replaces passion. Virgo at full gallop can easily knock Aries out of the saddle with just one phrase: “Darling, today you forgot to wash your feet before eating ...”
ARIES and LIBRA. This is a meeting of two antipodes, and between them there is a strong mutual attraction of opposites. Aries acts, advances, destroys everything old, and Libra smooths everything out, brings harmony and, against the backdrop of Aries rudeness, is an example of good tone and refined manners. But the ardor of a sincere Aries is extinguished by the power of thought and the logic of Libra, and sexual harmony does not develop due to Libra's spiritual callousness - they are good harmonists, but they only sing out of tune ...
ARIES and SCORPIO. These two can become either passionate lovers or implacable enemies. They have a strong sexual attraction to each other, which can only be preserved by freedom and independence - only in the flight of free love, their passion and fury in sex cross all the boundaries of reason, but lead them to the heights of bliss. And any domestic relationships immediately make Scorpio a passionate owner, and Aries a sacrificial lamb ...
ARIES and SAGITTARIUS. Their relationship is harmonious, they understand each other well, both are dynamic, hot and not burdened by attachment to everyday life, and often their love arises at first sight. They are fascinated by the process of hunting each other, the game of conquest and the moment of possession of prey. And they immediately lose interest in each other in order to start hunting again. And again Sagittarius takes the path, and again Aries believes that he is hunting - and both again become victims of their passionate passion for each other ...
ARIES and CAPRICORN. Temperament, character traits, mores and rhythms of life for both are so different that Capricorn in this case is like a rock, at the foot of which the raging waves of Aries passions are constantly beating. The impulses and desires of Aries are shattered by the pragmatism of the hardheaded Capricorn. The inner coldness of the Capricorn soul always stops the heated Aries at full gallop. Their intimate life full of inadequate reactions to each other: found a scythe on a stone ...
ARIES and AQUARIUS. They can be happy together if a strong Aries does not try to suppress the equally bright personality and originality of Aquarius. Aries is attracted by Aquarian adventurism, his willingness to experiment and change, and Aquarius is captivated by Aries' honesty and sincerity. But Aries must be shepherded, otherwise he runs wild and falls into an indomitable rampage, and Aquarius himself - who would shepherd, for he is always preoccupied with his precious freedom. Their sexual life is full-blooded only at the first stage of acquaintance, when they are connected by novelty and the severity of the relationship. And after a stormy and impetuous beginning, there comes a cooling of feelings, an insight of the soul and a protest of the body ...
ARIES and PISCES. Only the sexual sphere unites them, emotionally they live different lives. The spiritual subtlety of Pisces, its vulnerability and impressionability is not clear to the straightforward, frank and often cynical Aries. The soft and gentle fish heart cannot adapt to the Aries character. For an ardent Aries, Pisces is too passive and unpretentious in satisfying his passion. And for Pisces, love for Aries is just a fast-flying comet, flashing in an instant and disappearing again in the chaos of her life ...

Kamasutra love poses on the edge of the bed, man enter woman from behind

24. This position is similar to the previous one, except that after the introduction of the penis, the man lifts one leg of the woman and, holding it with his hand, takes it to the side, putting his knee on the bed with his foot up. This gives a wonderful effect due to the angle of the partner's vagina.

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I am a woman and I want to try everything, but more good things. I like to possess a man and feel like a man owns my body. All men have individuality, some are boring in bed, some are too assertive. I like to change partners and compare advantages and disadvantages. I decided to talk about my love affairs from the point of view of the signs of the zodiac.


Taurus was my eighth partner, before that there were two Capricorns (4 and 5), two Cancers (2 and 7), Pisces (3), Aquarius (6) and my first male-boy (unfortunately I don’t know who according to the Zodiac).

I started with Taurus, from this man I decided to compare men according to the sign of the zodiac.

Acquaintance with Taurus (I will call him Taurus, and not by name) took place corny on the train, I often ride on business trips, and sometimes when asked where a hotel is in your city, men offer to spend the night in their apartment. Taurus was different. I myself was returning home from a business trip, and the man was driving to a foreign city. And I, as a hostess, offered to stay with me for the night.

The man seemed to refuse. But I insisted and, as if jokingly, said that I wouldn’t pester him at all and that I wasn’t inviting him for this in order to drag him into bed. Word for word, we joked on this topic for a long time, and if it weren’t for the imminent arrival at the station, we would have joked. that would fuck in the same place on the train.

We got home only in the evening. There was almost no food at home, a little wine, a can of pineapples and a bachelor's scrambled eggs, all that could be offered. When I showed the man his bed, and took out the linen from the closet, the man hugged him from behind, put one hand directly on his chest, the other lay on his lower abdomen, I didn’t twitch, but he simply asked:

Or maybe you will drag me into bed?

Well, this requires arguments or desire ...

A man and a woman together in the same room, is this not an argument ?, but the desire sometimes comes too late, not to miss the opportunity, - with these words, my Taurus kissed my neck.

I am a weak woman and you want to take advantage of my defenselessness?

No, I never take advantage of a woman's defenselessness, I just want to save on linen if we sleep together, to wash one set of bed linen less.

Then remove your hands and step into the bathroom, the linen will be cleaner from a clean body.

Taurus lowered his hands, let go of my chest and with a sigh, taking a towel from my hands, went to the bathroom.

I went to my room, quickly got rid of my clothes, put on a dressing gown over my completely naked body and, wasting no time, rushed straight to the bathroom.

The man was lying in the bathroom under a layer of foam, and I asked:

Are water saving arguments accepted? Two people can not only share a bed, but also take a bathroom…..

We were sitting in the bathroom, Taurus hugged me from behind, lathered piles, and I felt with my back how his desire rises ... ..

There were no favorite poses for my calf, we found out later. It was as if he didn’t intend to insert a woman between her legs, all the desire came from the woman, all the inconvenience of copulation in the bathroom was hidden by the fact that the man did not get confused to put me in an uncomfortable position, He just enjoyed touching the woman’s body with his hands, and his touch was pleasant. Sitting on top of his chest, I offered my stomach for kisses. In the bathroom, it was not possible to sit on the man's face, it would be quite inconvenient to do cunnilingus in this position.

This is what we did when we got into bed. At first I was on top and as a rider sat on his face, the tongue and mustache of the calf did their job, everything brought me closer to the first orgasm, everything happened so quickly and brightly, I somehow forgot and finished without worrying about the fact that there was a living creature under my vagina that a man can choke on my passion….

When we both caught our breath, I, like a decent woman, after the pleasures received, repaid my partner, my partner with a great blowjob (so it seems to me). He wanted it to be in 69 but my pussy wanted to rest first.

Taurus lowered his legs from the bed and put his slightly sagging penis for female caresses, I settled down between his legs and immediately proceeded to a deep blowjob.

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Pisces kamasutra for zodiac signs

Pisces woman sex life and favorite poses of the Kamasutra

Ruled by Neptune, the planet of beauty and mystery, she is extremely feminine, sensual, has a subtle intuition and the gift of empathy. She never stands aside. The Pisces woman worries about others, acutely perceiving the inner state of a person, and not his mask. Don't try to fool her. She has the magical ability to see the true state of affairs.
Due to her unusual sensitivity, she is drawn to various forms occult and can become a palmist, seer, spiritualist and medium. Experience convinced this woman that her "epiphanies" were justified in a supernatural way. Some astrologers believe that those born under this sign have the souls of the people of the future, who have appeared in the present and have knowledge of the future. Perhaps this is a fantasy, but there is no doubt that men and women born under the sign of Pisces are endowed with a rare gift of clairvoyance.
The mysterious appearance of the Pisces woman can be deceiving. She has an alluring mystery that invariably attracts men to her, but you can rely on her. She is able to stick to her life partner like a bath leaf.
The Pisces woman needs constant expressions of love. In return, she will repay the man with extraordinary and genuine sensuality.
This sign emphasizes not activity, but the tendency to dream and hope. The Pisces Woman hides from a warlike world filled with conflict and competition. In the struggle for power, she uses cunning. She has an uncanny knack for getting along with people - especially those who are influential and powerful. The Pisces woman seems naive and helpless, so she awakens in men the desire to protect her. Wanting to take advantage of the help of the person whose support she needs, she will seduce him without hesitation. The Pisces woman knows how to use her body to achieve the desired result.
She falls in love easily and often flirts with the wrong man instead of looking for the right one. Even if she is happily married, the strong sexual instincts of a woman born under the sign of Pisces will push her towards extramarital affairs. The changeable passions of such a woman are usually sincere, and the manifestations of love are subtle, refined and charming.
As a rule, she marries a soft, not too sexy man. With such a person, she feels at ease. However, she will secretly dream of another lover who combines the qualities of Lord Byron and a Saracen pirate, a tough and energetic hero with a romantic aura. She wants this imaginary suitor to take her away from her boy husband.
Pisces sometimes like to tease men, they willingly use female tricks to attract the attention of a new person. Thus, they are convinced of their own sexual attractiveness. The Pisces woman is often afraid of the man she has “brought on” and hides from him at the last minute. However, sexual contact is possible if she has lured into her net a male boy who is not afraid, or if she is dealing with a powerful person whom she wants to use in some way.
She is an actress who can play any role. She can play her so convincingly that you won't be able to tell the mask from her true face. With such a gift and a penchant for living in the world of her own fantasies, she has every chance of making a successful career in the theater.
She can be happy only by finding in real life place for your sexual fantasies. This need often leads her to various sexual sects. You will also find Pisces women among fashion models, strippers, erotic artists, porn writers. Some Pisces women become prostitutes. They believe that they are serving humanity by bringing sexual satisfaction to men who are unable to find it in other ways!
However, the Pisces woman can become a good and loving wife, she has an amazing ability to make others happy. A good housewife, she loves children, although sometimes she overindulges them. She skillfully cares for the sick - many Pisces women become excellent doctors and nurses.
Unfortunately, some natural perversion forces her to choose the wrong men again and again. Sometimes she seems doomed to disappointment in matters of the heart. This can be dangerous because her sensitive psyche can't stand long periods of stress and depression. They can bring her to the brink of a nervous breakdown.
She is impractical and poorly versed in financial problems. She gives people gifts to earn their favor, which she desperately needs. She is attracted to weak people: she feels their need for understanding and help. She is ready to render a service to anyone who turns to her, provided that her efforts are appreciated. She makes very high, often unrealistic demands on her loved ones and will trust her friends until circumstances force her to change her attitude. Then beware - she can become vindictive.
Being extraordinarily sensitive to others, he inadvertently creates a powerful field of attraction around him. Warm-hearted and sympathetic, he sees people not as they really are, but as he wants to see them. He has a strong attraction to sensual women, especially those of a domineering nature. He idealizes his beloved and will tolerate her outrageous behavior, because he considers his chosen one to be sinless.
He is constantly attracted by change and new joys, but most of all he strives for emotional stability. He always dreams of something impossible. He is convinced that love should not only be romantic (with walks under the moon, bouquets of roses and poetry reading), but also give a person a home, a sense of peace and security. Sex for the Pisces man is an intimate and private occupation, a reward for a long search for happiness.
Don't count on his loyalty. Constancy is not among its virtues. He is too susceptible to temptations and easily influenced. He will convince himself for a while that the beloved exactly matches his ideals. Then, under the influence of a new magnet, the arrow of the emotional compass of the Pisces man will rapidly turn in the other direction.
How to live with a person who is so strongly influenced by momentary moods? Be especially gentle with his changing feelings, and most importantly, be always ready to give him your stabilizing support. unconditional love. For him, love is the stars in the endless sky. You must turn it into a roof over his head. If you become a source of peace for him, he will repay you a hundredfold. He needs peace of mind.
He is not one to be easily led to the altar. If the woman manages to do this, sooner or later the Pisces man will direct his shifty gaze to another object. For him, love is a road that leads not only to the church, but also to the court, where divorce cases are considered. He disrespects the marriage vows taken both by himself and by the woman he likes.
He is a sensual, intelligent and creative person. This delightful companion loves to travel first class. He tends to overspend, spoil you and himself, not thinking about tomorrow and not paying attention to costs. He will shower you with expensive gifts - perfumes, luxurious outfits, furs.
Because of his impressionability, he easily adopts the opinions and habits of other people. If his buddy is a drunk, securely lock the bar.
With favorable influences, the sensitivity of the Pisces man becomes his dignity. He can be a charming idealist, capable of self-sacrifice. He realizes his powerful creative potential in literature, music or painting, but not in business. This is due to the fact that he prefers to work alone and does not like to overexert himself. In most areas of human activity, to achieve success, you need to work without sparing yourself. Pisces intuitively choose the easiest path. They lack the practicality, organizational skills and energy of a brilliant administrator. They feel best in the creative field, in advertising, public relations, art - wherever the ideas themselves are more important than their careful implementation. The Pisces man is one of those who prefer to reflect rather than realize themselves in business. He is always procrastinating, postponing any action until tomorrow.
Possessing eloquence, he never calls a spade a spade. He uses his skillful wording to refrain from making clear statements. He rarely offends those around him, but they never know his true attitude towards them. This person is hard to figure out. In the end, you will understand that this is due to his lack of strong convictions. When listening to you, he usually imitates interest and attention, but his thoughts are focused on something else - most likely, on dreams that he sees in reality. You won't be able to notice it. He is too skilled an actor, able to pose as the best listener in the world.
Under adverse influences, a Pisces man can become addicted to drugs, alcohol, and become a victim of other vices. He easily succumbs to dangerous temptations, changes one weakness for another.
Usually he lacks self-confidence, he needs the support of loved ones.
When courting, he will show slowness and care. He prefers to enjoy a variety of foreplay options and is in no hurry to take the bull by the horns. For him, the prelude is an important part of the game.
Thanks to his patient approach, he deserves the title of a true artist of love. He has one drawback - he tends to drag out the preliminary stage. You may need to spur it on. He can get so carried away by the joys of foreplay that he forgets about the orgasm! In my astrological practice, I often encounter women complaining that their Aquarius partners keep playing so long that orgasm is achieved without penetration. It's not that these men are incapable of serving the main course - they just can't bring themselves to do it!
However, if the Aquarius man is wound up and "gained momentum", he will prove himself as an inventive lover with amazing stamina. He will bring you to an orgasm that brings true satisfaction. You have no more chance of distracting him from the main task than you can force the river to change course.
A woman who knows what she wants is able to move Aquarius to literally anything. The main thing is to choose the right approach. I was once approached by a woman whose lover was born under this sign. Her problem: her partner refuses to do cannilingus. I advised her to generously smear the genitals with honey. The recipe worked - Aquarius is, in principle, prone to oral sex. However, being, like all Aquarians, a lover of novelty, this person wished to use new products every time - from strawberry jam to jasmine oil!
Representatives of this sign are eager to try the newest and most exotic ways of love. "Sexy thimbles" are invented for Aquarians. The same can be said for gloves. various materials, for example, furs intended for erotic massage of sensitive parts of the body.
For Aquarius, love is a game, and he rarely performs the same scene twice. He is a true researcher of sex, studying with interest all the books devoted to this topic. He is one of those enthusiasts who will read the Kama Sutra from cover to cover and try at least once all the positions described there. If a woman offers to make love in a threesome, he will readily agree. And he will make sure that all participants experience at least two orgasms - once during oral sex and the second time during genital. In a week he will bring two friends and make love in the company of four people!
He quickly gets bored with one position, he loves complicated variations, for example, one in which a man holds a woman by her legs, like a wheelbarrow, and she puts her head on the floor. Sometimes his experiments lead his partner to new heights of ecstasy, in other cases she experiences discomfort, disappointment and pain. Unfortunately, Aquarius cannot be stopped by telling him that his actions are immoral or bordering on insanity. Those born under this sign are very tolerant, have broad views, for them there is nothing unacceptable.
Among the favorite toys of Aquarius is the "Japanese box". It is equipped with two wires connected to the electrodes. One of these plates is fixed at the base of the penis, the second is inserted into the anus. High frequency impulses contribute to a long erection. As the frequency increases, powerful ejaculation will occur, which will bring great pleasure - or seem like torture.
Being an experimenter, Aquarius often turns out to be bisexual. In heterosexual relationships, he prefers everything exotic and unconventional. Men born under this sign willingly use French condoms that lengthen the penis. Don't be surprised if Aquarius pulls out a condom topped with a dragon's head with its tongue sticking out. His passion for the exotic is boundless.
In sex, he can focus on himself, which sometimes leads to a violation of physiological functions - delayed orgasm, impotence. To a large extent, he enjoys the victory, and the act itself fades into the background.
His craving for novelty and insatiable curiosity provoke more dangerous sexual deviations like sadism. When Aquarius starts playing with matches, quickly get dressed and run away.

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Everything will be as he wants. And he wants not so much sex as theatrical effects and proof of his own power.
With theatrical effects, everything is harmless enough. Aries will make a lot of noise: screaming, moaning, talking. And his favorite thing (which he finds terribly original) is sex in a car, plane, bus and other means of transportation, and preferably at full speed. Clothes torn to shreds and sex on a chandelier is also his style - he can’t humanly. But it is effective and memorable.

There will be no long preludes, he is also not capable of prolonged sexual intercourse, but 2-3 short ones are easy. Passionate and very fast. Group sex? Yes with pleasure! In sex, Aries is more interested in himself, and not in his partner, therefore, the more spectacular the picture, the better. Most likely, one of the rams also came up with the idea of ​​exchanging wives.

Of course, you can take some initiative, just don't be surprised if it turns into something completely unexpected. Innocent coquetry can turn into sex in the same place (and it, by the way, can turn out to be public and very crowded), and the offer to kiss the clitoris will lead to the fact that he will bite you. So, if you don't know your Aries well enough yet, be careful with your initiatives.

If you come across an Aries, for whom the main thing is to prove his power, you have problems. When he is crossed, he gets irritated. He likes to shock, feel complete power and inflict pain. Prone to sadism, rudeness and violence. If his sexual fantasies do not excite you in any way, it is better to end this relationship immediately. The words “no”, “don’t”, “not there” Aries still does not understand.
If you are prone to masochism and feel great in the role of a victim, then consider yourself lucky, Aries is just a godsend for you. But some precautions still do not hurt. Remove dangerous objects from the bedroom - if he spanks you with his hand, you might like it, but if he spanks you with a golf club, you probably won't. If you have long hair and you feel sorry for losing them - make a bunch. Keep the lubricant (intimate lubricant gel) always at hand, not in the bathroom and not in the nightstand (no one will let you run to them anyway), namely at hand. In the ram's bedroom, handcuffs, whips, and God knows what else can be found. Therefore, it is in your interests for the first date to take place on your territory, and then you will think and decide.

Whatever Aries does in bed, he expects humility, inexperience and even some complexes from his partner - the process of overcoming other people's complexes excites him. Well, of course, she is obliged to get unearthly pleasure and tell him about it. Any hint that the pleasure was so-so or that he is not the most gigantic sex giant in the universe will cause either the complete disappearance of an erection (perhaps not for one day) or a flash of rage. He is generally inclined to worry about his sexual abilities, and without any objective reasons for that.

When going on a date with an Aries, it is always (always!) worth having contraceptives with you. Otherwise, sex will always (always!) Be dangerous - Aries do not tend to think about the little things and worry about the consequences.
And do not be surprised if even those to whom you did not tell anything about it will know about your connection. Aries loves to brag about their sexual victories.

Erogenous zones and favorite positions
In Aries, in fact, everything is usually through the ass, but the main erogenous zones in him are concentrated, oddly enough, on the head and face. An unexpectedly violent reaction can even be caused by stroking the temples or forehead. It is also recommended to ruffle his hair (especially on the top of his head). Extremely sensitive earlobes. A light touch with your fingers on his lips can also produce a striking result. Light kisses of closed eyes will not hurt either.
And after all this exciting lyrics, hard sex will come. Aries, of course, is a famous inventor and improviser, but he also has his favorite poses.
1. Partner on all fours, he is behind.
2. The partner is on her back, he is on his knees and holds her buttocks.
Both of these positions Aries like so much because they allow you to make anal sex a complete surprise for you (you know, he loves to surprise). I repeat: keep the lubricant within reach, best of all - under the pillow.
Well, as for any actor, scenery is not indifferent to him. The more extraordinary and pompous they are, the more interesting the ram.

Seduction Tactics
Aries love smart and attractive women. To begin with, it is desirable to become just such.
It is easiest to meet a ram where there are a lot of people, where it is noisy, cheerful and fashionable (in the sense that the place should be considered fashionable, at least in this area). Aries are more than enough in extreme sports, among those who like to climb mountains or crawl through dungeons. They are no strangers to beauty, especially in avant-garde, extreme, out-of-bounds form. In general, all activities in which there is at least some intrigue, risk, physical activity and which, if anything, you can tell a girl and she will open her mouth in surprise, suggest the presence of a large number of rams.
It is very easy to calculate an Aries by taking a position near the mirror. Aries cannot indifferently slip past his reflection. He will stop, and his face at that moment will shine with delight. Of course, this can happen to anyone, but only an Aries is ready to do this ritual every five minutes.
With all this, Aries considers himself a reasonable, educated person. He likes it when women talk to him on intellectual topics. If you talk to him about something smart, he will take it as a sign of respect. Just don't argue with him (you know, it's useless). In order for your intellectual attempts to be useful, it is desirable to end the conversation, either by exchanging books / CDs, or by arranging a meeting to either exchange or go to the theater / exhibition / cinema together (not in the sense of a date, but in the sense of intellectual-friendly communication) . It is important for him that you have common interests.
Aries love sports. If he does not work out, then he is probably sick. Remember, you must share his interests.
Aries is curious. He is drawn to everything unbanal and extravagant. Dress in something brightly ridiculous and carry some nonsense (only confidently and with pathos) and he will pay attention to you.
Aries is a leader by nature. In order not to end up in a “two bears in one den” situation, relax and agree with him in everything.
Aries loves to play the superhero and everyone's savior. If you are not yet familiar with him or are very superficially familiar, you can load him with your problems, he will only be happy to save you.
Aries is not used to waiting. He himself may be late for a meeting, but if you are late for a date, it will ruin everything.
Aries loves attention and compliments. Rough flattery will not pass. Firstly, because he appreciates sincerity and senses falsehood very well. And, secondly, no matter what you tell him, he thinks of himself even better. But he will be pleased with sincere admiration.

How to drain
The simplest thing is to move to another city and change your phone number. But this option is unreliable - Aries loves to catch and catch up, and usually he succeeds.
In fact, the exit is in the same place as the entrance. Start doing what he doesn't like:
- to be late;
- to argue with him on any occasion;
- to question his intellectual abilities;
- make fun of his interests (only carefully, otherwise, it’s possible in the eye);
- try to re-educate him and dictate to him what to do;
- ignore him
- dress modestly;
- always be either bored or tired;
- go to bed with a book.
The last step is to take the ram to where you once picked him up - to a noisy, cheerful and crowded place, and, referring to fatigue and a headache, disappear. Most likely, he will find someone to entertain himself with. You know, there is no downtime for a ram.

And then he really gets married
The biggest problem of Aries is that first he marries an actress, and then he vomits and flies because she doesn’t know how to cook borscht and doesn’t want to iron shirts, and even disappears in her theater in the evenings. Although, if you look at the situation soberly, then this is not a problem for a ram, but for an actress. Aries will not drastically change their lives in connection with marriage. He is so selfish that he feels great with an unhappy, unsatisfied wife.
In household chores, Aries is useless - he doesn’t know how to hammer nails, but he doesn’t want to wash dishes - it’s not a man’s business.
He will not give a salary - he must control the financial flows.
He is not inclined to emotional attachment - he is a clinical egoist.
He expects care and obedience from his wife. If he doesn’t get it, he gets very angry, screams, swears, and maybe hit.
Sexual life in marriage can get even better over time. If you praise him, support him and fulfill his whims, over time he will gain self-confidence and even the craving for sadism will weaken. But he feels ideal only with a woman who is unsure of her sexuality.
If he is satisfied with the sex life in the family, he will not change. And if not, because of extramarital affairs, he does not feel remorse.
Elderly, financially successful Aries have a habit of “buying” young wives for themselves, not at all worrying that they are valued and tolerated only for money.
Aries does not dream of becoming a father, but if this happens, he will gradually get involved and even become an exemplary dad.

Aries, born from March 21st to 31st.
Outrageously sexy, charming and charismatic. The most beautiful of all rams. Crazy, aggressive and even noble in a way. Born leader and messiah. It has penetrating energy, is popular with women, and in all other areas of life it succeeds, even without special abilities, only due to energy and personal charm.
Favorite pastime - to beat show-off.
The weak point is discipline.
Important years: 15, 30, 45, 75.

Aries, born from 1 to 10 April.
Best of all, Aries knows how to create insurmountable difficulties for himself, and then, through inhuman efforts, overcome these difficulties. His life is not easy, hence the tendency to creative impulses and philosophical thinking. A little less self-centered and much more outgoing. Can be a good leader. Loving and sincere. The chances of marital fidelity are slim. A relationship that can last a long time is a mixture of true friendship and good sex.
Favorite pastime - to overcome difficulties; save and help (only if there are grateful spectators).
Weak point - a tendency to fanaticism (including religious) and susceptibility to dangerous bad habits.
Important years: 15, 19, 30, 35, 45, 57, 60, 76.

Aries, born from 10 to 20 April.
Thing in itself. All life is a struggle (with one's own complexes). In the course of the struggle (purely by chance) it can turn the whole world upside down. Shyness and isolation are combined with pride, a thirst for recognition and indecent self-esteem, and touching sentimentality and love for the fine arts - with the harsh cynicism of a pathologist. And as for the desire to rule and all sorts of wonderful whims, then in this he simply has no equal.
Favorite pastime - to buzz about the high.
The weak point is unhealthy fantasy and mental instability.
Important years: 15, 30, 36, 40, 60, 66.

Combination with the eastern (lunar) calendar.
ARIES-RAT. The most cunning of all rams, but at the same time the same ebullient and aggressive.
ARIES-BUCK. The most stubborn and ambitious, when he sees the goal, rushes to it without looking at the road. Better not get in his way.
ARIES-TIGR. The most adequate of all rams. Knows how not to scatter energy and almost always succeeds in life.
ARIES-RABBIT. The cutest. It may even seem white and fluffy, but it still remains a wild animal. Be careful with this bunny.
ARIES-DRAGON. The most complete and purposeful. Always very successful.
ARIES-SNAKE. The most cynical, secretive and muddy among the Aries. Can be very dangerous.
ARIES-HORSE. The most proud and unbridled. Sharp, direct, prone to outbursts of rage.
ARIES-GOAT. The most mercantile. He loves comfort, money and everything that they can give. In the end, he gets it all.
ARIES-MONKEY. The most unpredictable and unexpected, often talented.
ARIES-ROOSTER. The most insane and unrestrained. He creates problems, he solves them. He himself starts a dispute, he himself is the first to get into a fight.
ARIES-DOG. The most conscientious, devoted and honest.
ARIES-BOAR. The most positive, smart and friendly. Knows how to enjoy life.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs.
ARIES - ARIES: Bright, passionate, sparks in all directions. But not for long. But there will be something to remember. Marriage will most likely not grow together. No one has yet been able to be in charge next to a woman-ram, because this is not a woman, but a loaded KAMAZ. Aries does not know how to obey either, a tough struggle for power will begin, and both do not take prisoners. As a result, divorce and division of jointly acquired property. Usually, the instinct of self-preservation still works and such couples, having searched for a short time, safely scatter without reaching the registry office.
ARIES - TAURUS: Aries likes Taurus. Very. But Taurus from Aries usually falls into a deep shock and stupor. Well, how, being in his right mind, can he approve of the crazy ideas of an ram? And how can an Aries do without approval? Dead end. Sex can unite, but not for long. Although some people have enough time to get married. Only joint creativity or a common cause can truly unite them.
ARIES - GEMINI: An awl and a spindle make a great pair. The most valuable (in this situation) quality of twins is the ability to disappear in time. Aries always has someone to catch and something to achieve. Both are good. Aries pressure can even keep twins from cheating to an acceptable minimum. The idyll will last until the twins get tired of it. The marriage can be successful.
ARIES - CANCER: Powerful attraction and all-consuming passion. At the time of the novel, both completely drop out of life, score on friends, work, and so on. When the first wave of passion passes, it turns out that there is nothing in common between them. Further, either the cold war with attempts to psychologically trample on the opponent, or the usual one with throwing pans and domestic injuries. It is better to bypass the registry office. Marriage is possible only if both signs are atypical.
ARIES - LEO: They are so close that they can be not only lovers, but also partners. It all depends on the sheep. If he really loves the lion (and does not get tired of proving it) - the holiday will last forever. But if the lion feels that he is not loved enough, everything will end at the same moment. A marriage will be happy if both are successfully implemented outside the family.
ARIES - VIRGO: Virgo is an impregnable rock. Naturally, the ram must climb it. His pressure can strike the meager imagination of the virgin. But his penchant for sadism will quickly sober her up. In addition, the virgin sees through the ram, and therefore does not respect it too much. But for the sake of material gain or just stability, a maiden cannot endure such a thing. A happy union is impossible, and a long marriage is very possible. Only Aries must satisfy his sexual needs somewhere outside the home.
ARIES - LIBRA: It won't be easy at first. But if both really want to start a family and are even ready for some sacrifices, everything will work out. They complement each other, and passion successfully flows into friendship and partnership. Questions may arise about sexual compatibility and, in particular, about Aries fidelity. But even with all these questions, marriage can be almost perfect. The chances of success are greater if both are already old enough.
ARIES - SCORPIO: Scorpio is a blow to the ego of an Aries. Usually they can't be together for more than 5 minutes - then there's a fight. But if suddenly such an alliance arises, it will last a long time. Living together will not be a holiday: different habits, different friends. The main one will always be a scorpio. He easily manipulates the simple-minded ram, and if he has the tact to do it imperceptibly, both will be pleased. A successful career for both, independence and material wealth strengthen the marriage, and comfort and tranquility can destroy. There will be no problems with sex.
ARIES - SAGITTARIUS: Complete and total harmony. Both in the bedroom and outside. Aries can admire Sagittarius for a very long time (or even a lifetime). Both are not inclined to fanatical marital fidelity, but after all the forays to the left, they will return home with pleasure, and will hold on to each other to the last, because they still cannot find a better couple. Even their quarrels only inflame passion.
ARIES - CAPRICORN: Sexual compatibility on the face, but otherwise a complete failure. Capricorn stubbornly tries to re-educate Aries, Aries - to subdue Capricorn. Both are impossible - "I found a scythe on a stone." A short romance can happen, but since sex is a secondary matter for both, this will all end. And it won't bring much joy to anyone.
ARIES - AQUARIUS: Both are prone to unconventional sexual behavior. If they find sexual games that satisfy both, they will be happy. And the search itself promises to be interesting. In all other areas, the compatibility is absolute. Aries is the leader, Aquarius is the brain. An exciting romance easily develops into a happy marriage.
ARIES - PISCES: A very common, but not very happy union. Pisces have a fine mental organization and in order to be close to a ram outside the bedroom, they need a serious incentive. Most often, such an incentive is money, a joint business or common children. But it is always a sacrifice on the part of the fish. It is better to limit yourself to a short novel. Usually the sexual fantasies of Pisces revolve around hard, rough sex, and this is Aries' signature number.

The key to his sexual behavior is impulsivity. He should learn the reciprocity inherent in a true union. He is intolerant of opposition to any of his sexual fantasies.
Don't try to tease him. If you promised something, it is better to fulfill it. If you do not intend to go to bed with this man, spend the evening watching your TV. Aries doesn't like being played with. If you're not ready for the latest sexual tricks you've only read about in books, stay home and knit. Everything that gives away the routine causes Aries boredom, bordering on hysteria. To please Aries in bed, you will have to use your imagination, overcome all complexes.
He won't worry about the consequences. When he wants you, everything else falls aside. If you have entered into a relationship with Aries, set up a spiral or diaphragm in advance. Or be sure to take birth control pills. He may have a condom somewhere, but don't expect him to use it.
Get ready for him to take the lead. You can offer something, but by accepting your ideas, Aries will go further and develop them. For example, if you ask him to kiss your nipple, don't be surprised if he soon licks your navel, touches your clitoris or perineum with his tongue. Be prepared for any surprise. His unbridled nature loves everything shocking and forbidden. Aries men are pioneers, leaders who love to lead the parade. They don't object. Favorite positions change over the years, but at any age, Aries retains a youthful spirit. He prefers positions that emphasize his dominance.
He will not stop at sadism.
For example, he will not be satisfied with ordinary oral sex. Be prepared for him to pull your hair, pinch your nipples, stick his dick too deep into your throat, causing discomfort. If you are able to enjoy such behavior, accept it without complaint, as this will enhance the enjoyment of Aries.
Aries Favorite Position: You are on your knees, leaning forward. In this case, it can enter the vagina or anus. It might surprise you! Whatever decision Aries makes, he will look to you for help. This basic position has a lot of variations - a woman can lean on a chair, sofa or bed, stand on her feet, leaning forward and holding onto furniture for stability, while Aries will penetrate her from behind.
In another position, in which the man is over the woman, you lie on your back on the floor or bed, and the partner lifts your buttocks with his hands and, kneeling, inserts the penis into the vagina or anus.
An elderly Aries finds that he is no longer as strong as in his youth. A tactless remark uttered at the wrong time will lead to temporary impotence. It will be an exceptionally strong blow for Aries. He will react to him in his usual aggressive manner, probably starting a dozen flirtations and affairs with women half his age. He will try to prove that he has not lost his manhood. And if he fails to do this, he will suffer a serious crisis.
When Aries is in his prime, beware of his aggressiveness and tendency (remember, I'm only describing tendencies) to enjoy the pain he causes. He will enter a woman without waiting for her to be ready, in order to enjoy, feeling her shudder. Engaged in oral sex, he is able to show cruelty. Don't be surprised if he bites hard on your clitoris during cannilingus.
He can, during copulation, use a whip and a cane. He especially likes to hit a woman on the buttocks - and not only with his palm. He will use a hairbrush, a table tennis racket, a bamboo cane. If Aries finds a masochist, he will not rest until her buttocks are strawberry red and her cheeks are wet with tears. Pleading for mercy will only push him to more brutality - and more powerful orgasms. The louder the screams and moans that he hears, the more he likes what is happening. Sometimes he can leave scars from the whip on the partner's body. Its goal is submission.
If Aries has the money to buy "equipment", he will equip a separate room with chains attached to the wall. Having chained the woman's hands and feet with shackles, he will be able to bite and pinch her nipples, take possession of her as he pleases. A few lashes will usually overwhelm any resistance.
One Aries I know loves to play horse. The woman is on all fours, the rope replaces the reins and the bit. He enters the partner from behind through the anus. She slowly moves forward, and he periodically sharply upsets her with a rope.
Of course, other signs of the zodiac affect Aries in different ways, and men born under this constellation are subject to very different extremes. But they always remain extremists. Beware girls! Having met a "pure" Aries, be prepared to flee if his sexual needs seem unbearable to you.
Or stay with it and enjoy. It all depends on you and your sign.
How to Cope with an Aries? Ask him to switch roles. Then you can say, "Look, we don't want to hurt each other, right?"
Group sex doesn't shock an Aries. The more participants, the more fun. I vouch that the exchange of wives among the neighbors was first started by the Aries man. He likes to demonstrate his sexual art, and he will always make too bold proposals that seem crazy to others. There is only one exception. He will not agree to the role of a passive partner in anal sex. Aries will do this not because it seems indecent to him - he will see in such a position a threat to his “masculinity”. In the end, this is what "fags" do.
Many men born under the sign of Aries are sadistic.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Aries in bed - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Erotic horoscope Aries

Aries are people who lead an active sex life. Both the element of Fire and the influence of Mars are “guilty” of this. At the same time, even in the heat of passion, they never forget about their loved ones; in their life there are many ties held together by a purely physical, and not spiritual attraction.

Militant Aries (this also applies to the fairer sex) do not wait until someone chooses them: they make the choice themselves. Sometimes their attempts to attack are modest and even shy, but more often they take such an offensive that they do not even let the objects of their passion come to their senses. In general, the behavior of Aries in the sexual sphere, as in everything else, is unpredictable.

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Aries do not recognize long preludes, and the sexual intercourse itself in their performance does not last long. People of this zodiac sign do not try to hide their feelings and sensations, in the most intimate moments they do not skimp on sighs, groans and exclamations. Excitation makes Aries forget about the remnants of decency.

Of course, the erotic horoscope of Aries outlines only the main trends; character traits behaviors can be enhanced or, conversely, mitigated by various factors, but not a single Aries will voluntarily surrender the role of a winner, which is important for him even in intimate sphere. If in its other manifestations, not related to sexual life, Aries is aggressive, domineering and unpredictable, then it is logical to assume that his behavior in the bed of love will be even more spontaneous and uncontrollable.

Erotic horoscope: Aries man

The desire to dominate is most clearly manifested in the men of this sign. To lure a woman into bed, Aries can resort to all sorts of tricks and even deceit, but since, alas, he is not a master of intrigue, such “manoeuvres” often cause trouble and misunderstandings than means to achieve the goal. It often happens that the intimate process itself is more important and interesting for Aries than its outcome. Aries man in bed, directly during intimacy, can be unrestrained and rude, it is difficult for him to control himself. Has a penchant for sadism. Aries partners need to know that pleasure for them can be associated with pain.

The rich imagination of Aries men generates a wide variety of sexual fantasies, and they tend to seek their realization from their partners. At the same time, the Aries man does not accept the attempts of a woman to pull over the role of the main character; in this show, he should be both the director, and the director, and the main actor. Even in moments of passion, he can show irritation and irascibility if he is hindered in this.

The Aries man is a lover who reacts very sharply to any comments about his merits and abilities. If a woman happens to “blurt out” something wrong at the moment of intimacy, her partner can instantly turn into an impotent, after which he can throw himself into a maelstrom of casual relationships to prove to himself that there is still gunpowder in the powder flasks. During this period, any unsuccessful attempt can cause a severe nervous breakdown for the Aries man.

Erotic horoscope: Aries woman

Such a lady knows how, if she wants, to look seductive in the eyes of the stronger sex. Her position in intimate relationships cannot be called altruistic: she is focused primarily on satisfying her own needs, she behaves selfishly with men. At the same time, she strives to make the relationship with her partner as close to ideal as possible (in her understanding, of course) - even if only for one evening.

Once in bed with an Aries woman, a man will undoubtedly feel her powerful, but at the same time unsophisticated, not covered by conventions, almost primitive sexual energy. The stronger sex is impressed by the willingness of Aries partners to have sex anytime and anywhere. They will not be embarrassed by intimate dates in places where other women would never allow themselves such liberties.

In bed, the Aries Woman does not require a long foreplay from her partner; she often bypasses the stage of candles, champagne and other romantic tenderness. She is not against the realization of a man's erotic fantasies, she is always ready to offer her own script and even go for experiments. This incredibly sensual, passionate and at the same time feminine creature is able to experience sincere pleasure in bed, and what the partner is experiencing at this time is secondary for her, although she is ready to give him maximum pleasure.

For personal life Aries women are characterized by a large number of short-lived, but very stormy relationships. The reason for the possible lack of complete satisfaction from sex, the erotic horoscope of Aries women calls the inconsistency of their desires: on the one hand, they do not want to obey anyone even in bed, and on the other hand, they dream of seeing a powerful and strong partner next to them. Among the love affairs that befell the Aries woman, very dramatic and even tragic episodes happen.

Erogenous zones of Aries

Ruled by this zodiac sign human body is the head, in particular, the face. It is this part of the body that is the erogenous zone of Aries. Touching, gently stroking the scalp quickly brings them into a state of excitement, and representatives of both sexes react equally passionately to this. Aries women are madly in love when they do all kinds of manipulations with their hair - combing, stroking, making an artistic mess on their heads. Aries men enjoy the gentle massage of the scalp and experience pleasure when they finger their hair. They are very fond of getting their hair cut.

No video.

The most erogenous zones of Aries on the head are the eyes, lips and ears. Men are very turned on by the lightest kisses on the eyelids and light biting of the ears. Both men and women are greatly aroused when their lips are stroked with fingertips.

Head massage for Aries is a combination of pleasant and useful. Such manipulations can alleviate the headache that often plagues these people. AND " by-effect“not bad - they set up Aries for love games. The impact on the skin in this case involves the application of a certain effort, but within reasonable limits.

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Aries Man in Bed

The Aries man will never sit still. He perfectly understands that movement is not only life, but also the achievement of goals. The character is straightforward, quick-tempered, sometimes it even plays against him, as many problems can arise due to rash actions or decisions made. Despite this, the man of this sign is surprisingly trusting, open and prone to disappointment in the opposite sex. Since Aries are amorous by nature, their life is full of various love adventures. He devotes a lot of time to love interests, throws himself into them like into a whirlpool.

He makes a great lover. He knows how to feel his partner, guide her, be affectionate and gentle. He is not bad at experiments and new experiences, which brings him true satisfaction. This is a real heartthrob, from which no woman can remain indifferent. Although he is focused only on himself, he tries to make his chosen one also enjoy it.

His behavior in bed

In this area, he also prefers to take a direct approach and can be very sincere in his feelings. The bed rarely becomes a theatrical performance for him - here he does not play, but honestly talks about his feelings and desires. Therefore, his actions are understandable and quite easy to unravel. But he must be constantly praised, and this should be done only sincerely and without falsehood.

In the bedroom, Aries feels like the Lord of the Universe. Aries men literally personify passion and desire, they give themselves to this with their whole soul and body. A charge of energy and passion is enough for more than one day. True, there is still a small minus, it consists in the fact that a man behaves like an egoist and often forgets about the needs of his partner, caring first of all about getting pleasure himself.

But here, the main thing is to be sincere and tell him about it, because if you play up and say everything is fine, Aries will feel something is wrong and then the relationship and communication will end. They can't stand lies and pretense. When you don’t like something, you need to discuss it in a calm manner without tantrums and ultimatums. Discussing your relationship with a man of this zodiac sign, you will quickly and easily find a compromise that will suit both parties.

Relationship with a partner

This man tries to initially take a leading position and become the main initiator of intimate relationships. His partner must listen to all his orders, carry them out and follow him. However, this approach has its obvious advantages: he takes all the responsibility on himself, and you only have to enjoy his excellent skills of seduction. But at the same time, he needs your support.

The Aries man in bed always manifests himself brightly and emotionally, in the good sense of the word. Preference is given to women who do not have complexes, are self-confident and not shy, but simply will not look at others. He is well aware that there will be many problems with others, and in this area a man just wants to have fun.

What is your role?

He is unlikely to listen to moralizing and advice on how best to behave in bed. If you really want to change something, then you should speak softly and gently about your displeasure. He perceives any criticism very painfully, because he is a real winner, who must be the first and best in all areas of life. Therefore, it is best for you to relax and try to have fun.

It is also necessary to know the fact that Aries men value and protect their health, go in for sports and are quite demanding of their chosen one in this regard. In the circle of such people, you will not meet smoking and swearing girls. As practice shows, the companions of Aries have thin waist and chiseled figure.

The most important!

The girl will be lucky if Aries becomes a husband. All problems and questions will fall on his male shoulders. Such people include three concepts: husband, friend, lover. Wives are very happy with them. The main thing is to learn how to calm his ardor, and for this you just need a little love, affection and female wisdom, then the matter will remain small.

In an intimate relationship with him, a storm of emotions and passion awaits you. You will love his hot ardor, self-confidence and ability to handle women. But along with positive qualities, only a passive role awaits you and nothing can be done about it. Therefore, you will initially have to decide for yourself whether it suits you or not. However, you can always agree with him, but to do this, use a certain approach.

Aries Man with other Zodiac Signs

Aries woman, Aries man: love horoscope. Aries man in bed and in love

Aries never sit still. They are quite impressionable individuals who have the strongest willpower. They are individualists who are hard to miss. Aries will always give practical and wise advice. Perhaps this is the only representative of all the signs of the zodiac who believes that life revolves exclusively around him. What is an Aries man like in bed? What is an Aries woman like in sex? We will talk about this below.

Before considering what an Aries man is like in bed, let's first talk about relationships with the opposite sex. So, representatives of this sign are ready for love from the very beginning. early age. They tend to fall in love at first sight. It is safe to say that no woman can resist the charm of this man, especially at a time when he is embraced by warm feelings of love.

In rare cases, despair in a situation where their feelings are unrequited. Very quickly come to terms with reality and calm down.

How does an Aries man behave in bed? He loves when his whims are satisfied at all costs. Like a child, he strives to be applauded and considered a hero.

Aries men love to show off their advantages. Dedicated. This quality is inherent in them as long as the girl is interesting. If life is absorbed by routine and constancy, then soon there will be no trace of their presence.

Quite often, the Aries man resembles a caveman. He seeks to win a woman by any means, and when his needs are satisfied, he prefers to turn around and leave. In rare cases, representatives of this sign want to do something heroic or romantic for their woman.

Aries men do not like being restricted in their freedom. Women should take this fact into account in relationships.

Aries woman in love

What is the difference between an Aries woman and an Aries man? In bed, they behave differently, but when it comes to demonstrating talents and skills, then here they are absolutely the same. If she is in love, then the ability to control her desires is instantly turned off. Her feminine type wants to be satisfied this very minute. If she does not get what she wants from a man, then she immediately turns around and leaves.

A more developed type of Aries woman is devoted and romantic. These girls prefer to obey only intellectually developed men. In other cases, they like to dominate everything.

Marriage among Aries women is in last place. Marriages mostly break up due to temper and feelings of power. To save a relationship, an Aries woman should be more restrained and patient, otherwise the likelihood that she will forever be left alone is huge.

What is an Aries man like in bed?

His strong and sometimes imperious character is manifested in all respects. This applies to both serious relationships and intimate ones. To achieve his goal, he is ready to do anything, including betrayal and theft. Has the ability to create problems for himself where they usually do not exist.

What does an Aries man like in bed? Intimacy itself has no meaning for him. special significance, because all the forces are spent on achieving it. Answering the question about how the Aries man behaves in bed, it should be noted that he is quite rude and unrestrained in his desires. He wants to see a real tigress in a woman who will fulfill all his erotic whims, no matter what. Sometimes he does not pay attention to the feelings of his partner, which hurts her greatly.

If he did not like the first night, he will never think about serious relationship with this woman.

Paying attention to what kind of Aries man is in bed, it should be noted that he will not forgive himself if a woman even slightly hints at his sexual failure. He loves when a girl admires him and regularly demands the pronunciation of laudatory phrases in his direction.

In rare cases, an Aries man can be quite suspicious.

In this situation, sex turns into a real torture for his partner.

We can safely say that he will choose a woman as his wife who will constantly satisfy his sexual needs. If she gives him what he needs, then the likelihood that he will be a wonderful lover and husband is huge.

What is an Aries woman like in bed?

She is a real bearer of rigid principles, even some selfishness, which significantly affects her sexual inclinations. She strives with all her might to choose a man on her own, knowing how to present herself in society. At the same time, she creates an image of a charming and attractive woman.

In her sexual life, she is rather selfish, but not because she has a bad temper, but because of her great desire to get everything she wants from her partner. As in life, the Aries woman does not obey in bed, although it is in this situation that she, more than ever, needs a strong and powerful partner.

Quite often, she does not enjoy intimate relationships, since in the first place for her is the sexual pleasure of her partner. If he is satisfied, the Aries woman remains satisfied. It is thanks to this quality that many men fight for a place in her bed.

How to behave in bed with an Aries man?

What an Aries man in bed, we have already figured out, and now let's talk about how to behave with him. So, let's start with the fact that he is very picky about appearance your partner.

Therefore, this issue should be approached with all responsibility. For example, you can choose sexy lingerie that would emphasize the beauty of your figure. This will allow you to tune in the right way. In no case do not try to show your leadership in bed (if you are not an Aries woman), otherwise it may offend him.

It should be noted that the Aries man is quite active. He always strives for something new and unknown. That is why he should be offered variety in sex. The main thing in a relationship with Aries is to experiment and not be afraid of it. Representatives of this sign will always agree to an offer to have sex in a “wrong” place.

And with whom does the Aries man feel like a real hero in sex? A Scorpio woman in bed is the most ideal partner. In this sense, both signs have a real idyll.

How to behave in bed with an Aries woman?

In no case do not try to lead in a sexual life with an Aries woman. She won't forgive it. Like all women, she loves foreplay. Appreciates romance and sexuality in men. She will never make love to a man who she does not like externally. She loves being complimented and talking about her endless sexuality.


As you can see, Aries (both women and men) prefer leadership and dominance in bed. Sexual horoscope shows that love and sex for Aries are of equal importance. Their desires are carnal and mundane. Neither the woman nor the Aries man will regret the extinguished passion. They will search for a new goal without regret.

Erotic horoscope for Aries man

I like it because a man born under the sign of Aries radiates sex. He has a strong nature, intolerant of rules and conventions. This is a person who is not interested in the position "on top" in bed. (If he's still in bed!) The Aries man will love to have intercourse on the roof of a car, in a speeding boat, on a crowded bus!)

You will get the pleasure you expect, and perhaps a little more than you are able to perceive. It's a bit like playing cricket with real bombs. At any moment, something could explode.

He is jealous. He wants all of you, even if you can't have all of him. The Aries man is fickle, but he expects devotion and fidelity from you. He is jealous of everyone - from his close friend to the television master.

Don't tell him that you need time to think things through - he only waits for one word - "yes". And don't worry about what happens. His pride won't let him part with you just by spending the night. If he persuaded you to go into the bedroom, he will not allow you to undress yourself. He will rip your clothes off, he is impatient. But you will not be disappointed, and he will not bore you. Perhaps you will spend a night that you will not soon forget.

You can then say something nice to him - he is greedy for flattery. But remember: Aries is not stupid. He's just so proud of himself that he tends to believe flattery.

If you prefer a quieter, homely life. Aries is the wrong partner. He is an innovator. Although under the external brilliance of his nature, vulnerability is perceptible, the call of a little boy in need of his mother's care. Anyone who is able to consider this will win his heart. He will be devoted, sincere and attached to the person he loves.

He has a great sense of humor, he loves smart and attractive women. He is smart and resourceful, witty, hiding his attachment to others with the help of wit. He is a capable performer, persistent in moving towards the goal. He may be able to make a lot of money, but he is unlikely to be able to keep it. He is too fond of extravagance and believes that by spending money, he demonstrates strength.

Your task is to be able to maintain a relationship with him. But you yourself will want it.

Sexual characteristics of the Aries man

The key to his sexual behavior is his impulsiveness. He needs to understand that in a real sexual union it is necessary to give and take. He is intolerant of rejection of his sexual fantasies.

Don't try to tease him. If you promise something, then keep it. If you're not going to bed with him, stay at home and watch late-night TV shows. Aries don't play games. And if you're not ready for the unexpected love moments you've only read about in books, stay home and knit. Everything ordinary is boring to him. If you want to satisfy an Aries sexually, you must use your imagination.

He won't worry about the consequences. When he wants you, he wants you. If you have a relationship with such a person, always plan ahead and take care of contraceptives. Or remember to take the appropriate pill. He may have a condom, but don't expect him to use it. He will certainly develop further any of your ideas. For example, if you ask him to kiss his nipple, don't be surprised if he soon starts kissing his navel. Get ready for the unpredictable. His desires are directed towards the shocking and the forbidden. Aries are explorers. If he is crossed, he gets irritated. Poses depend on his age, but at any age he is young in spirit. He always prefers to dominate.

He will not stop at sadism either.

When the Aries man reaches middle age, he discovers that his potency is no longer the same as in his younger years. The wrong word at the wrong moment will lead to temporary impotence - this is a terrible blow. He will react in his usual aggressive manner, possibly flirting with women half his age. He will try in every possible way to prove that he is the man he has always been. And if he fails, a nervous breakdown is not ruled out.

Be wary of his persistence and his tendency (remember, I'm only describing tendencies all the time) to take pleasure in causing pain. He will enter a woman before she is ready for it, just to enjoy, feeling her wince in pain. In oral sex, he is rude.

He is able to complete sexual intercourse by beating. Its goal is submission. Naturally, the other signs in the constellation have different influences on the personality of Aries. And men born under this sign can be the exact opposite of each other. But they are extremists. So girls beware! If you meet a "pure" Aries, be prepared to run out the nearest door if his sexual needs are over the top. Or stay and enjoy. It depends on you and your sign.

One way to "tame" it is to use position 69. Then you can always say, "Look, we don't want to hurt each other, right?" The tendency to sadism is popular with men born under the sign of Aries.

Aries compatibility with other signs

ARIES - ARIES: In the case of sexual relations, the woman will dominate. Aries man will not be satisfied for a long time with the role of a subordinate. Everyone will try to become a leader, and this will create an atmosphere of quarreling. As a result, this means disharmony in the bedroom. Initially a promising connection. Bad prognosis for marriage.

ARIES - TAURUS: Aries wants to make love under the influence of feelings. Calculation Taurus, who rarely does something impulsively, will be annoying. If Taurus allows Aries to pave the way for themselves, they will discover new opportunities for sensual pleasure. Otherwise, it is difficult to strike the desired balance. Communication will cause serious friction. Mutual attraction is short-lived.

ARIES - GEMINI: This union can turn out to be delightful, since both are tireless, active, prone to learning. Aries' tendency to dominate is limited by Gemini's ingenuity, Gemini has no sexual prejudice, but their highly spiritualized energy may seek other ways to satisfy. The connection will continue as long as the Gemini skillfully maneuvers. Marriage can calm Gemini and be quite successful.

ARIES - CANCER: A powerful sexual attraction is common for these two signs. The problem is that when feelings are wasted, there is little left. Aries does not find sufficient satisfaction, and they may begin to quarrel over trifles. The mismatch of temperaments leads to increased incompatibility in bed. The weather forecast for this relationship is rough seas, and the marriage will almost certainly lead to a shipwreck.

ARIES - LEO: Aries and Leo are the same aggressive temperament. Their frank sexuality is in full accordance. Sexual relations are straightforward, without eccentric tendencies. But that doesn't mean they can't be fiery. Aries should flatter Leo about his physical potency. Leo should not upset Aries too much, limiting his innate tendency to dominate.

ARIES - VIRGO: The courage of Aries is likely to capture the imagination of the reserved Virgo. However, their sexuality is so different that it will take a lot of patience from both to get things going. Aries will be fascinated by Virgo's tact, restraint and self-control. Virgo may not approve of Aries' extravagant idea of ​​how to make love. Communication will be pleasant, but the chances of a successful marriage are fifty-fifty.

ARIES - LIBRA: Possibly a permanent relationship. The aggressiveness of Aries may not get along with Libra. Both are lovers of sexual pleasures, but Aries will probably try to go too far too fast. Libra tends to be idealistic and can become disillusioned. Aries and Libra must comprehend together the subtleties of sensuality. Physical union is possible only temporarily, like a bond, but not a marriage.

ARIES - SCORPIO: Sex can be stimulating or useless. Here are two directions in which events can develop. Both Aries and Scorpio have great physical energy and are prone to action. But both of them are independent and do not like control. Prolonged disagreements will put to the test the phenomenal ability to share passion and remain happy.

ARIES - SAGITTARIUS: Both are prone to conflict, so there will be plenty of them on sexual grounds. Aries optimism and a good sense of humor. Overcome the Sagittarius tendency to despondency and introduce a playful attitude towards love. Mutual understanding achieved in the bedroom can create a favorable atmosphere for relationships. Successful connection. Marriage will be closely related to the problem of physical satisfaction.

ARIES - CAPRICORN: Aries is restless, looking forward to the future, experimenter. Capricorn is more of a hypocrite. Capricorn may prefer one position for making love and even a certain time. He is more reserved. However, Aries can disrupt Capricorn's calculations by awakening a strong libido in him. If this happens, then marriage is preferable to a short relationship.

ARIES - AQUARIUS: The physical connection will be stormy and will bring a lot of new things. It is possible that Aries will dominate as Aquarius is more passive in nature. Aquarius will not give up, but will not accept the leadership of Aries if it is not in his interests. Aries needs tact to deal with this highly emotional dreamer. An unusual, eventful connection and - with good mutual understanding - a very prosperous marriage.

ARIES - PISCES: Aries will be intrigued by Pisces' subtle intuition in the bedroom. The live participation of Aries will help Pisces get out of a state of shyness. The fulfillment of Pisces' sexual fantasies can be highly arousing. Together they should be fun and pleasant. The prospect of a relationship or marriage is very good if they manage to overcome the difference in temperaments.

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Text: Sasha Gluvein

The constellations under which we were born can influence our character and choice of partner. the site presents a series of articles in which it will talk about representatives of all signs of the zodiac.

Not worth considering this article as the ultimate truth. "Ideal" representatives of any sign of the zodiac, 100% suitable for the above description, do not exist in nature, just as there are no phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic and sanguine people in their pure form. However, it is quite possible to get a general idea of ​​who you need. In no case do we urge you to destroy an already established relationship, if it suddenly turns out that, according to this text, you are not suitable for each other.

Woman - Aries

She is not so easy to understand. She gives the impression of a self-possessed, cold-blooded person, sometimes it seems that she treats men with some prejudice. But this is just an appearance, because the Aries woman is a real actress: charming, controversial, temperamental and unpredictable. She changes her roles so quickly that if her interlocutor turns out to be a person with an insufficiently fast reaction rate, then after a while he will surely feel that his head is spinning.

Her speech is impulsive, often in her mind, then in her tongue, Aries does not bother to think first and then speak, therefore she cuts the truth in the face.

Women - Aries, as a rule, have no time to be bored. These tomboys in a skirt choose activities that allow them to enjoy themselves on a physical, bodily level: tennis, sailing, snowboarding, Pilates, sex, finally!

Aries is in love... with love, she is naturally romantic and considers sex one of the most enjoyable aspects of life. From her lover, she expects, first of all, sex, and not paternal care and guardianship, she does not need a second father.

Do not rush to accuse the "Lamb" of frivolity - despite the fact that spontaneity and adventurism are in her blood, she is not at all windy. Among Aries, every second idealist, every third is a philosopher, but these qualities do not prevent them from making decisions. If she says “Come on!”, then this is exactly what she means, this trait attracts men to her.

The key to Aries' heart is flattery, she can endlessly listen to compliments addressed to her, especially if they are addressed to her body. It is not in the nature of Aries to walk past the mirror and not admire yourself. "Lambs" make up very moderately, believing that, by and large, their appearance does not need to be corrected.

They do not feel the need for useful, practical gifts, the main thing for them is emotions. Aries will be delighted with some silk pajamas, but will still continue to sleep in Eve's costume, because it is more comfortable for the body.

The man who marries her will have to be content with the role of Deputy Boss or prepare for a hundred-year war in which there will be no mercy. Due to the need to be independent and the inability to stay at home, the Lambs often have problems in their marriage. If she is jealous, then hurt pride and offended pride speak in her, rather than a sense of ownership. Aries feel absolutely unhappy if they quarrel with husbands or lovers. However, they themselves are able to bring anyone "to the handle."

The Aries woman is convinced that money is meant to be spent. She likes to throw money left and right, overspending does not scare her. "Lamb" is sure that if finances sing romances today, then tomorrow they will definitely perform a life-affirming march.

There are many optimists among Aries who manage to maintain their cheerfulness until old age rejoicing in every new day in the morning.

Aries in bed

Erotic, passionate, sexy - if she gives herself to a man, then she does it, first of all, in order to enjoy herself, the partner will get an honorable second place.

"Lambs" do not consider the bedroom the only suitable place for sexual fun and are not averse to having sex in the back seat of a car or office sofa. She is not attracted to long preludes, if the Aries Woman is lusty, then even before the candles go out and the last bars of the romantic melody sound, her man will be lying on his back, and she will be in the “Rider” position on top.

She needs a worthy lover to match - strong, hardy, who can curb her aggressiveness and help her see the sky in diamonds. If a man does not suit the “Lamb” in bed, she will prefer to find another, because she can hardly imagine her life without sex “at the highest level”.

She is a leader in love games and prefers to make love in the “Woman on Top” positions in order to control the process herself, setting the pace and rhythm of movements. On the way to orgasm, she prefers not to restrain her emotions - she screams, moans, scratches .... Aries often leave their "marks" on male bodies.

Their desire to dominate sometimes pushes Aries to BDSM, one of the typical erotic fantasies is a man who is forced by a Mistress with a whip to do cunnilingus.

What kind of man does she need

Boring to a dislocation of the jaw of a couch potato or a “stuck up” sissy - a woman - Aries is clearly not a couple. She needs a real "Energizer" with the makings of a leader.

Aries fit

“Like attracts like” - according to this principle, a woman - Aries is wonderfully suited to a man - Aries. Yes, from time to time they will “butt” with each other, there will be noisy showdowns, but then the turn of sweet reconciliation in bed and family idyll will definitely come.

Another wonderful option is a Leo man, their romance will be so passionate, passionate that the sparks that slip between these two will be visible to the naked eye. Between these two real feelings are possible - deep and tender. It is enough for “Lamb” to gently scratch the defenseless belly of the king of beasts (both literally and figuratively) to keep him on a short erotic leash.

A man - Sagittarius can compete with a woman - Aries in terms of craving for diversity, so they are unlikely to ever be bored together. When it comes to sex, you can't wish for a better couple, they are made for each other. If, nevertheless, a certain feeling of “satiation” appears, then a fresh wind of change will help correct the situation.

The Taurus man is also a good match for Aries, only a spoonful of jealousy in a barrel of love can ruin a relationship - because of it, the “Lamb” engagement ring may seem like a link from a hard labor chain. He is the perfect partner for a one night stand.

With a man - Scorpio, the Aries woman twirls as she wants, he often feels like her favorite toy, which is kissed and hugged, then thrown into a corner. Despite these feelings, Scorpio will still be drawn to Aries. And she, playing with his love, one day may feel irreplaceable, and .... will remain with him.

Aries don't fit

For a happy life with Aries woman men - Libra they love themselves too much, and she is not at all impressed by their cowardice and prudence.

Man - Virgo a sense of intimacy, rituals and routines are extremely important - so this romance is doomed, because you should not demand discipline and obedience to the rules from a woman - Aries.

The Gemini man is a little afraid of the “Lamb”, although he considers her a very attractive person, her desire to openly demonstrate her feelings and emotions scares him.

Cancers and Capricorns seem too boring and slow to impulsive Aries.

Although the Pisces man is energetic, his energy is directed absolutely in the opposite direction to Aries - in this case, we are not talking not only about a novel, but even about the most platonic friendship.

Aquarians, just like Aries themselves, are prone to flirting on the side and “walking to the left”, so even under other favorable circumstances, it is unlikely to do without mutual reproaches of infidelity, and the secret will certainly become clear.
