The horoscope can give you helpful advice, which will help you achieve success in both love and business. In the process of building a long-term relationship with a certain partner, a lot depends on the degree of your compatibility.

Snakes are cold-blooded and prudent. You are very smart and use your outstanding intellectual ability to achieve your goals. You carefully analyze each situation. You are a real thinker who loves to discuss art, as well as political and philosophical topics. You are surrounded by an aura of mystery that attracts people to you. In addition, you have natural magnetism, and many women simply cannot resist your charms. You take care of yourself and always dress well. You are charming and incredibly sexy. You prefer not to show your true feelings and emotions and skillfully hide them under the shell of a detached image.

You have a great tongue, you are a born negotiator, besides, you have outstanding speaking skills. You do not strive to become the center of everyone's attention, and at the same time you are a real master of public speaking. You need a partner with similar intellectual interests and demands. You need a woman with whom you can have exciting conversations on any topic. People around you admire your financial ingenuity and ability to plan a budget. Even though you always try to buy yourself expensive designer clothes, you don't tend to overspend. Your secret is that you work hard and save money to buy the luxuries you want. You will never go beyond your budget.

Snakes are very passionate lovers. Despite the cold and detached image, in a relationship you are able to show violent emotions and unbridled passion. You are incredibly jealous. You need a devoted partner who can remain faithful to you.

The Rooster Woman, in principle, suits you as a romantic partner. She also loves expensive, sophisticated and stylish things, however, unlike you, the Rooster woman uses her appearance to attract everyone's attention. She prefers a more flashy and extravagant style of clothing. This woman loves to show off in public, attracting the eyes of everyone around her. Roosters are talented and optimistic, they have inexhaustible reserves of energy and incredible creativity. You sincerely admire the organization of this lady: she is never late for meetings and does not miss deadlines various projects, despite the fact that she tends to take on twice as many responsibilities as most of the people around her.

The Rooster woman has a lively and sharp mind that makes you related to her and causes your sincere respect. Both of you have the most powerful motivation for action, and your connections will help your Rooster partner to realize her plans and achieve all the goals that she has set for herself. Your life partner admires your abilities and talents. She will gladly become the center of everyone's attention and will be able to make a favorable impression on your friends and business partners. You both think with your head, not your heart, so your relationship is likely to be fairly calm. You are not characterized by frequent mood swings, neither of you has a habit of rushing from one emotional extreme to another.

Frankly, you very often use people for your own purposes. As soon as you confess your love to the Rooster woman, she will be able to completely trust you, but until this moment you behave like a real heartthrob. Slow down the pace, you should not confess your love to your chosen one until you are 100 percent sure of your feelings. The Rooster Woman is quite suitable for you as a partner, and you do not want to lose her. You have many common interests, and your talents and abilities perfectly complement and balance each other.

The compatibility of the Rooster and the Snake in love and marriage is very favorable. The partners have similar aspirations and values. There will be practically no conflicts and quarrels in their relationship, because their characters have many of the same qualities. Even the fact that more serious men than the Rooster are suitable as companions for a woman born in the year of the Snake will not play a role. But lovers live well together.

In this alliance, partners help each other further develop each other's strengths. They contribute to the disclosure of the potential and opportunities of their other half. The woman adheres to conservative views on life. The eccentricity, brightness and courage of her companion motivate her to be creative and optimistic about what is happening. They look at the world from different angles, so they are interested in each other. Lovers can always find a topic for conversation. Calmness, thoughtfulness, lack of haste, characteristic of the Snake woman, are successfully combined with the haste and optimism of a man born in the year of the Rooster. The characters of the lovers harmonize wonderfully and smooth out the negative qualities of the partners.

Rooster Man and Snake Woman: General Compatibility

The Rooster man has any life case always have a clear plan of action

Mutual understanding that is established between partners contributes to the creation of a reliable and happy family. The lovers complement each other perfectly. They feel their companion, which not all signs can boast of. Remarkably, both do not get along well with other partners. But it is in such a union that they are able to reach unprecedented heights. No matter what happens, in any life circumstances they feel good together. They are drawn to each other. At the same time, such a desire to be together does not disappear over time.

The compatibility of the Rooster man and the Snake woman is also manifested in the fact that they prefer not to show their feelings in public. But in private, they manifest themselves as passionate and sensual lovers. When they work together, they do everything for the best. A man born in the year of the Rooster has excellent planning and strategizing abilities. He conceives goals, and his companion, who has a talent for tactics, finds great solutions to achieve what you want. Both strive to occupy a significant position in society and be financially secure and independent. To achieve joint goals, they will make every effort. At the same time, they are interchangeable and can always count on the support of a partner.

The most important life priority for both are family values. They take this issue seriously. Both analyze in detail the properties and actions of each other before they decide to start a family. It is this approach that becomes an excellent foundation for their relationship. Lovers do not even need to change in order to be close. Of course, difficulties will arise in this union, but major quarrels and conflicts will bypass them.

In the domestic sphere, there will also be no disagreements between lovers, because both are very fond of order. But at the beginning Serious relationships partners may still face some difficulties. They will relate to how it is necessary to keep order. But the couple will quickly come to an agreement on this issue.

The Rooster man is a very interesting and extravagant person. He is attractive in appearance and knows how to make the right impression on others. But such a delightful and seductive handsome man is not taken seriously by many, because he rarely seeks a long-term relationship. He is sociable, open, always comes to the rescue. However, it is quite conflicting. He has a restless disposition, and he often brings problems and troubles to the Rooster man. The wisdom inherent in the Snake woman will help to find balance in the relationship of the spouses.

A man born in the year of the Rooster likes to make a strong impression. He needs to be constantly admired. His companion, on the contrary, does not need it. She has enough self-confidence. She knows she looks great. A woman should come to terms with the weakness of her other half. The snake is very smart and will help everyone respect her chosen one. After all, he loves to work. He has good abilities. Often he does not experience material problems. His chosen one next to him feels like stone wall. This is what a woman born in the year of the Snake strives for.

The snake has mystery, charm, intelligence and practicality. In relations with a partner, she shows such qualities as wisdom and foresight. However, sometimes it can not control itself and roll up scandals with or without cause. A rare man perceives such behavior adequately, but her chosen one is able to treat any of her antics quite calmly.

From a woman born in the year of the Snake, it is impossible to tear off an admiring glance. She is beautiful and attracts with incredible force. A man born in the year of the Rooster simply cannot resist her. He himself is amazingly attractive and charismatic. Without a doubt, he is able to attract the attention of this amazing person. The romance between them develops rapidly and is filled with passion.

Rooster Man and Snake Woman: Marriage Compatibility

The Snake Woman is very jealous and it would be better not to give her a reason

At the beginning of a relationship, partners travel a lot, go to various places where they get vivid impressions. Each of them needs new sensations and emotions. Over the years, they prefer a quiet family life and do not travel so often anymore. Spouses love to talk with each other, and are always able to find a topic for conversation. They admire each other and trust their other half. Everyone can be extremely frank with a partner, because both are confident that they will be understood and supported.

Material issues provoke quarrels. The Snake Woman loves to save money, which is not at all typical of her husband. He earns easily, but easily spends every penny on cute but useless things. Often there are situations when he does not have money at all. The irresponsibility of a spouse in the financial sphere unbalances a woman born in the year of the Snake.

In addition, the Snake woman is very jealous. But her companion himself gives reasons for this. She seeks to control her lover. He's too free-spirited. For him, the desire of his wife to manage him is very unpleasant. The Rooster man perceives such behavior as a kind of burden. The more efforts in this direction will be on the part of the spouse, the more time a man born in the year of the Rooster will spend outside the home. Among other things, he can have a mistress.

However, partners easily cope with troubles and come to a compromise. A woman prefers calm and more serious men, but she is truly happy with her chosen one. The Rooster man makes their life rich. He is active and cheerful. He has many new ideas. And he does not allow his wife to relax. In marriage with such a man, a woman born in the year of the Snake becomes sensual and open. She will teach her husband to speak beautifully. But jealousy eats her up. For this reason, a man will have to regularly prove that other women are indifferent to him.

Rooster Man and Snake Woman: Compatibility in Love

The intimate life of the Rooster man and the Snake woman is filled with harmony, understanding and romance. But the couple will need some time to come to such a relationship. At first, there will be some difficulties in sex. The Snake Woman is too cold. She does not understand the violent manifestation of feelings. The snake is opposed to experiments. She should understand that change can bring pleasure to both.

A man likes to impress. In this regard, he is constantly in search of new ways to satisfy fantasies. Over time, a man will be able to stir up his partner and teach her to enjoy intimacy. Then mutual understanding will be established between the spouses. They will be able to satisfy all the requests of each other, which will further increase the compatibility of the Rooster and the Snake in love.

Mutual respect for each other will make the marriage of the Rooster and the Snake happy for many years.

In this union, everything is fine from the very beginning. Both love and appreciate each other. To increase the compatibility of the Snake woman and the Rooster man, it is necessary that the spouses respect each other and refuse the various temptations that arise in their lives. IN more this refers to a man born in the year of the Rooster. He has many female acquaintances. And his beloved is extremely jealous, for which there is reason. He should forget about other women, as betrayal will lead to a break. Finding such a suitable partner for both is unlikely to succeed.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps you have been tainted with money. This amulet will help to remove lack of money

According to Chinese horoscope, each year in the twelve-year cycle corresponds to a certain animal.

Find out which animal, according to the Chinese horoscope, patronizes the year in which your lover was born or can tell a lot about the prospects for your relationship with your partner.

Let's say if you were born in the year of the Rooster, then which partner is right for you?

Rooster and Snake, compatibility in Chinese mythology

First, let's talk about the compatibility of the couple - the Rooster and the Snake. The compatibility of these two signs is the best combination for both partners. A couple where a man was born in and a woman in the year of the Rooster will always be happy.

It is easy to achieve harmony in the relationship between the Rooster and the Snake. The compatibility of this couple is great for creating strong family ties. Both are kind to like to maintain comfort in the house.

A woman in such a union will give her partner her loyalty, care and warmth. She is an independent person, she will help and support her partner in everything. It is even possible to create a family business, a solid foundation for which will be mutual understanding, respect and the sharp mind of both partners.

The Snake man in such a union will be able to fully reveal all his abilities and talents, since the woman next to him will help him overcome his strength.

Both the Rooster and the Snake do not like to take unnecessary risks. Compatibility in this regard is also complete. In such a relationship there will be no sharp, unpredictable moments, everything will develop calmly and in the right direction. Both are able to reason sensibly and logically approach the solution of all problems.

Communication in a pair of Rooster and Snake will also be harmonious and will give them pleasure, since they are connected by common interests and their goals are similar. This union is built on the principles of equality, there is no leader and follower.

A male snake will give a woman care, attention, and protect her from trouble. The main thing in the relationship of this couple is to maintain trust in each other.

Another good combination for a woman born in the year of the Rooster, this is a man who was born under the auspices of the Ox.

Let us dwell in more detail on the aspects of relations in a pair of Rooster and Ox. Their compatibility is also pretty good for creating a stable relationship. Both partners are quite loyal in Partner-Ox does not really like communication and noisy companies, but he should not limit his beloved - Rooster in the possibilities of communication. At some points, partners may not understand the point of view of the other, there may be slight disagreements. But in general, this will not significantly affect the relationship between the Rooster and the Ox. The leader in such an alliance will be the Ox man. A woman will have to come to terms with this and take it for granted. However, this is quite acceptable for a lady born under the sign of the Rooster. The Ox will create a solid foundation for relationships, including financially. A woman is likely to be the keeper of the family hearth and home comfort.

And, finally, the most unfortunate combination for a Rooster woman in a relationship is a partner born under the sign of the Cat. In a pair of Cat and Rooster, compatibility is minimal. These relationships are more suitable for not very close acquaintances. Even friendly relationships will always be in a tense state, as compromises must always be found, not to mention romantic relationships. These personalities are too different to be together. To somehow have to learn to accept each other as they are with all the shortcomings. Only in this case it is possible to achieve harmony in everything. It takes a lot of work and perseverance to keep a relationship going.

The relationship between the Snake and the Rooster can be quite successful. The Snake man will seem like a knight to her, and she will feel like a princess. These relationships will be complementary in many ways, especially if everyone has common views and motives in life. Both love communication, luxury and a home where it is safe and peaceful.

No matter who these signs are to each other, they are ideal companions, family members and lovers. The accuracy and attention to detail of the Rooster woman is perfectly complemented by the frugality and organization of the Snake.

Despite the jealous nature of the man, this will not be a problem in this union, since the Rooster woman is a very sure sign and will not give a reason not to trust her. This couple will be devoted friends and lovers.

The Snake man is smart and collected. Despite his passion for romantic relationships, his head always rules his heart and he will not let his emotions make important decisions. This man never loses control of his emotions and can appear cold and distant. His confident composure often becomes attractive to women. He seems mysterious and able to control the situation. Does not panic even in critical situations.

This man pursues wealth and success. Talented enough to succeed in business. He knows how to manage money and believes in saving, at least until he saves up for expensive things that he loves.

Snake and Rooster great option for each other. A woman will share her man's fine taste in clothing, although she herself likes to dress to attract attention. Her clothing style will be much brighter. This woman loves to be looked at and paid attention to. She is creative, talented and optimistic. Very organized and will admire his tact in the business field. Able to take on more responsibility than many other signs.

Her quick thinking will command respect from a man. Both can help each other achieve their goals and dreams. The Rooster woman will also appreciate the man's ability to attract business contacts. This couple thinks with their head, not their heart, so the relationship promises to be very calm with a minimum of impulsive actions.

Admittedly, you both have a habit of using people for your own purposes, all of which can hurt trust and relationships. This is an alliance in which everyone should be more careful and not jump into the pool with their heads until you are ready. In general, you are perfect for each other and do not want to lose such a valuable person. Your interests are similar, and the qualities are perfectly balanced.

There are couples with good compatibility in love, friendship, sex and marriage. A pair of Snake and Rooster is harmonious. They are able to understand each other, which other signs cannot always. After all, both the Rooster and the Snake are not the easiest partners. They cannot build a full-fledged relationship with most of the signs of the horoscope. In such a combination, incredible opportunities open up for the couple - they feel good together in any situation. This beautiful quality is given to them by the Stars. Unfortunately, there are not many such couples, but if you recognize yourself in it, then thank the hosting. Your love will be the example for all.

Eastern horoscope about a pair of Rooster and Snake

Harmony in relationships is what each of us strives for. This is an absolutely normal desire to get compatibility in spirit, soul, love and ideas with your soulmate partner. Not everyone succeeds, because the world - tricky thing. What matters is the combination of your zodiac signs, Eastern horoscope. It's hard to predict who exactly you will meet on your way, who you will fall in love with.

Often the Stars send us not the most successful partners, but do not be upset - this is an invaluable experience that will help you understand later, when you meet the right person, what should not be done in a relationship. Compatibility and love are important, because without this, people will soon become very uncomfortable together. Passion, sex, money will not keep a person who feels bad about you.

A couple of Rooster and Snake is very interesting. It seems that the Snake lures the Rooster into its trap, from which there is no way out. But, in fact, everything is not so. They are drawn to each other, this attraction does not go away over the years. The horoscope advises such a couple to definitely try to be together, even if they doubt. They have excellent chances of getting happiness in marriage, living together, having wonderful children.

Rooster man, Snake woman

The Rooster man loves to be admired. This Attractive man which can please both women and men. He is open, sociable, always ready to help. On the other hand, he is always ready for open conflict. It is not for nothing that cockfights are one of the most cruel.

These beautiful bright birds are prone to fighting. Rarely comes into confrontation with his beloved. The Rooster man already knows how to win the heart of a woman. His compatibility with other signs is not always great, because few people take this handsome man seriously, he is not always set for a long relationship.

The Snake woman knows how to enjoy life. She is self-confident, although she does not shout about it, she is wise. It is generally difficult to build a relationship with her, because she already knows exactly what she wants, and most partners are just getting ready for a serious step. The snake loves successful, handsome men. They can only be a pleasant romance, but more often things go further.

Love, marriage, relationship

In a marriage based on mutual admiration, the Rooster feels very happy. He knows that he can tell his beloved about everything. Their family life develops successfully, because the couple has an initial compatibility of characters. A man and a woman experience all the most turbulent moments together. The beginning of a life together is full of travels, wanderings, trips to interesting places.

Both need sensations, emotions that can only be obtained in a new place. After 3-5 years, they appreciate their home and the peace in it more. Yes, they are still interested in conquering new countries and cities together, but less often than before. The Rooster and the Snake find support and support in each other. They always have topics for conversation, even after many years of living together.

In this marriage, everything is initially good. Both are ready to take responsibility for joint happiness. A man usually thinks, maybe he should go left. Most often this does not happen, because he does not want to lose a woman like the Snake.

But, this does not prevent him from flirting cutely. As long as that's the case, don't worry. Treason will destroy that couple, that's what the Rooster needs to know about. The snake is in a more vulnerable position here, so don't mess things up.

Snake man, Rooster woman

The Snake man is a wise interlocutor beyond his years. A certain sadness, longing for the past days is already reflected in his eyes. Although he may still be very young, you can feel the life experience in him. He knows how to pour - a woman for one night or for life got in his way. In any case, he will not miss his. The snake knows how to win a beautiful stranger or achieve love.

“The snake man is a rather secretive person who seems confident, ambitious and strong in appearance. Inside, such a person is vulnerable and emotional. In their youth, snake men often have short-term romances, they are in no hurry to be faithful to their chosen one, and all the time they expect something more from life. However, with age, this passes, and the snake begins to need comfort and constancy.

The Rooster woman can look very fussy. This repels someone, because she is constantly busy with something, in a hurry. It can be very difficult to calm her down and involve her in joint activities. She likes to plan the week ahead, to fulfill her plans and mark the done things with crosses. She does the same with love.

The Rooster woman is not deprived of the attention of the strong half, because she definitely will not be bored with her. She is chosen by strong signs that are able to cope with her irrepressible energy.

The couple's horoscope invites them not to waste time, but to have children

Love, marriage, relationship

Compatibility in marriage becomes even stronger. The Snake man will soon understand his partner, study her tastes and desires. It is much easier to live this way if you know who is in front of you. The rooster also loves her husband's soul.

Their marriage is initiated by women more often than men. A woman here values ​​her status very much, she is proud of it. A divorce would be a real shock for her, a terrible loss, so a woman would be an ideal wife in such a pair.

In marriage, the Snake does everything possible to ensure that the family is provided with everything necessary. He plans trips, expenses for a long time, does not skimp on money. This is a quality union that combines love, respect, the desire to be together. They are harmonious in relation to each other.

If your partner is a Snake, then you should always be on your guard. He is quiet, smiling, but behind your back he can turn his own affairs. This man will never talk about personal life before marriage - it is better to forget about it, otherwise cause his irritation.

The compatibility of the Snake and the Rooster is high, but the Rooster knows how to spoil everything with his excessive fussiness. Yes, she is very proud of her marriage, position, especially if her husband occupies a prominent position, is a famous person.

Here misunderstanding may arise - the Snake takes this pride for the mercantile inclinations of the partner. This upsets him, embarrasses him, now she is no longer so good for him. Avoid such situations understanding for each other's feelings.
