Finnish scientists figured out why Russian women prefer husbands from Suomi

The University of Eastern Finland has published a new dissertation whose author, Master of Social Sciences Pirie Pellänen, interviewed 16 Russian women living in Eastern Finland with their Finnish husbands to find out why Russian women seek spouses in Suomi. At the same time, the researcher compared the family structure and relations on both sides of the border - in the Finnish province of North Karelia and in the Karelian Republic of the Russian Federation.

The main meaning of their lives Russian immigrants who participated in the study called the family, motherhood and raising children.

The researcher concluded that in such families, women take on more responsibility for children than fathers, but at the same time recognize that their Finnish husbands are more involved in Everyday life their children compared to Russian men. “The results show that a Finnish man, as a husband and father, is more caring and active than a Russian man,” says Pirie Pellänen.

Every year in Finland there are about 4 thousand intercultural marriages, of which every third is between a Finn and a Russian woman. Geographically, the highest concentration of such families is in the south and east of Suomi, in regions close to the Russian border.

As the number of mixed marriages grows, scientists increasingly make them the subject of study, exploring similarities and differences in communicative behavior, ways to overcome cultural differences, etc.

In 2008, a book by Russian and Finnish specialists "Russian and Finnish communicative behavior" was published.

Finnish researcher V. Savoila writes that “almost all Russian traditions, the understanding of which was difficult for me, after all, are not so strange after all. Very often, “strange” things are only the result of ignorance, the presence of stereotypes and prejudices.”

Her Russian colleague S. Sergeeva claims that “it is difficult to imagine complete mutual understanding in a conversation between a Finn and a Russian. The point is in the peculiarities of communicative behavior, communicative culture. She also refers to such features as handshakes, accepted in Finland for both sexes, and in Russia considered a “daily ritual” of men, the appeal to “you”, common in Russia and not common in Finland, the volume of conversation and the manner of its conduct. “A Russian person imagines a dialogue as a conversation over a cup of tea, with a discussion of all topics that concern him. For Finns, this is just a regular coffee break, more in silence than in conversation, her article says. - Finn will never try to find out what is in your soul, rather, on the contrary, he will try not to notice that a person is upset about something or, conversely, happy about something. A Russian person, on the other hand, will often even ask a stranger what happened to him, try to help and tell that in his life, or in the life of his acquaintances, or in the life of acquaintances of his acquaintances, there was a similar situation. The Russian will certainly give advice on how best to proceed, and will tell everything that he thinks about this.”

Among Russians, according to the researcher, the culture of conversation is “not to support, but to conduct an active conversation, avoiding awkward silence. The conversation is lively, using a large number of interjections, gestures and quite loudly. The Finns, looking at such a conversation, think that the Russians are quarreling, and it is possible that things can come to a fight.” At the same time, “if the Finn nevertheless decided to talk to someone, then the dialogue proceeds as follows: one speaks quietly, monotonously and unemotionally, the other listens quietly and unemotionally, then vice versa. It is not customary for Finns to interrupt the interlocutor and clearly express their emotions or object to the interlocutor. It is believed that first you need to listen to everything that the interlocutor wants to tell, then hold a short pause and only then agree with what he heard or remain silent.

Scientists also find a difference in the sense of humor of Russians and Finns: “A Russian can call himself a fool more than once a day and tell anyone, whether it’s a neighbor on the porch or a lost tourist, that in this country of fools, the devil himself will break his leg,” but in At the same time, “Finns do not know how to laugh at themselves and rarely allow irony towards themselves or their country. They are very patriotic and treat their country and everything with great respect. Finns have no place for irony in such things.”

A significant, according to scientists, the difference that Russian wives of Finnish husbands have to overcome, is in the traditions of hospitality. The same S. Sergeeva recalls: “In Finland, even visiting guests does not occur without a preliminary call, the answer to which can be not only “yes”, but also a categorical “no”. For Russians, this is an unusual phenomenon. But unexpected guests who come at the most inopportune moment can be a common occurrence. If in Russia it is customary to go on a visit with gifts and treats to the table, most often with alcohol or sweets, then “in Finland they come with bread or a pack of coffee, but you can come to visit empty-handed.” “In Russia, it is customary to be hospitable, even if there is no time, mood or money to receive guests,” the researcher notes. Everything that is at home is put on the table. And if there is nothing, then the owner quickly runs to the store and buys so much food “for tea” that they will eat it for the next two days. In Finland, such hospitality is considered superfluous. It is enough to put as much food on the table as the guests can eat.”

- a simple Finn suits a Russian woman only when she wants to move to Finland for permanent residence;

- Russian women look cheap and tasteless, and all over the world, Finns are considered beautiful, smart and independent, they will find others if they don’t suit a Finn;

- since Russian men drink, women need foreigners;

- Russians behave decently while drinking abroad, while Finns always behave obscenely when drunk; Russian tourists go to see the sights, and Finns - often to drink and go to prostitutes;

- Russians often think that Finland has a dry law, but for the Finns, Russia is a country of free vodka, where you can drink even at work.

According to scientists, portrait of a Finn through Russian eyes looks something like this: “tall, fair-haired, strong people, silent, unemotional, very reluctant to get along with other people, do not like to have fun, laugh, do not know how to be ironic, too serious, think slowly, avoid a direct look, do not make compliments, are tactful, but cold, law-abiding, always interested in what people think or say about the Finns in the world ... "

Approximately the same assessment is given to the Finns and other foreigners. For example, the author of the popular book From Finland with Love, German TV presenter Roman Schatz, writes about them this way: “They don't look you in the eye. Never greet strangers. They hate talking. They don't interrupt you, as if they don't listen to you at all. In response to your compliment about their clothes, they will tell you how cheaply they bought these rags. Smile at a passer-by and you'll be seen as a religious fanatic, or a drug addict, or a gay man, or a street vendor who's going to sell them some kind of oriental carpet, or most likely both.

You do not believe me? Well, try to go to some department store and ride the elevator. Smile, chat, look people in the eye. Their heartbeat will certainly increase and perspiration will appear.

Don't know where to meet the man of your dreams? Maybe it's time to expand the search area? Our editor at personal experience appreciated the hot Finnish guys.

Dating in Finland

On the way to Finland: my acquaintance with a well-read Finn

This fall I was overtaken by a creative crisis. I didn't know what to write about. , men, methods of seduction - everything seemed banal and hackneyed.

To give me inspiration, the editors of urgently decided to send me on a press tour to Finland. The official goal was: to admire all the beauties of the city of Helsinki, and the secret mission was to check how things are with men there. How hot are Finns? How promising are acquaintances with them and is it possible to find suitors among them?

The study began already on the train. The road to Helsinki took about 14 hours. This time was enough to make a pleasant acquaintance with a very interesting and educated Finn. He was in his early 40s, spoke excellent English and had a great sense of humor. When he found out that I was Russian, he immediately started talking about Russian classical literature, demonstrating such erudition and outlook that I was even a little confused ...

It is easy to make acquaintances on the train, and it is even easier to get close, since there is nothing more to do on the road anyway. True, there is an element of luck and surprise. After all, you never know who will be your companion: a well-read foreigner, a witty traveler, or a compatriot shrouded in alcoholic vapors.

However, in December, a new high-speed Allegro train will be launched on the Peter-Helsinki route, which will fly from one end to the other in 3.5 hours. Thus, by investing from 84 to 134 euros in a ticket, you can find yourself in the company of a successful businessman ...

Dating in Finland

Casinos in Finland: hunting grounds for dating

Arriving in Helsinki, a group of journalists and I went to a five-star boutique hotel, which was a ten-minute walk from the station, in the heart of the city.

Before we had time to unpack our things and enjoy the gigantic room (refined and cozy - just what you need for a night of love), we were invited to lunch.

Gobbling up seafood, cream soup, the most delicate organic meat on both cheeks, I did not forget to make eyes at the chef. He also turned out to be a merry fellow (it seems that an excellent sense of humor and sociability is a national Finnish feature) and poisoned a lot of funny stories about the dishes served.

In the evening we went to Grand Casino Helsinki. Casinos are great hunting grounds for girls intent on finding and defeating a successful man. In Finland, the casino is very different from what we are used to. First, a significant part of the casino profits goes to charity. Therefore, when losing, the players basically shrug their shoulders philosophically: "It's for good." Secondly, Grand Casino Helsinki with its aristocratic facade and interior, as well as a chic show program, is more like a cultural center where people gather to chat.

Having carefully studied the male contingent of the casino, I came to the conclusion that there are more than enough worthy gentlemen to meet here. there were at least twice as many as women! All visitors were beautifully dressed and disposed to communicate.

And although there were many foreigners in the casino (especially from Asian countries), the Finns still seemed to me the most attractive. In addition to their easy nature, friendliness and openness, most of them have very pleasant and inviting faces and smiles, although Finns cannot be called classic beauties. Everyone speaks English, and many speak Russian (by the way, when Finns speak Russian, they do it very cleanly and competently, almost without mistakes!).

Dating Finnish ice hockey players

Rules for Dating in Finland: No Hint of Eating

In general, there are no special rules for dating Finns. You can just sit down at the game table to the gentleman you like and ask: “Which is better, four of a kind or a full house?”. Or even start a conversation about some trifles.

Over a game of poker (the casinos gave excellent master classes in Russian, and I finally learned how to play) I noticed that a group of bright, athletic men entered the hall. Catching my glance, the croupier smiled: “These are famous Finnish hockey players. They came to see our show program.”

If I were a single girl, I would have screamed at this moment: “Jackpot!”. In Russia, to get a famous hockey player as a boyfriend, you have to be at least Victoria Lopyreva. In Finland, hockey players, as if nothing had happened, walk among ordinary people. And getting to know them is not difficult.

I already wanted to rush into the attack, or at least just chat with sports stars, but I was distracted by the presentation of Tillander jewelry. The only thing that can distract a girl from men is diamonds. I tried on a ring with white and pink diamonds for 35,000 euros and realized that life was a success.

The evening ended at the Teatteri nightclub. But men came to the club mainly with a company or with girls. And I concluded that, unlike us, they go to nightclubs not so much to get acquainted, but just to chat. There is no hint of eating - only civilized communication (the music in the club is much quieter than in our establishments - you can talk without straining your voice).

According to the latest summer rating, Finnish women consider 6 Finnish men the most attractive and desirable: 1. Elastinen(Elastinen) - musician, rapper. The universally recognized favorite of women in all polls.

So, in a recent poll, it was presented to choose from 45 candidates voted for him unanimously - 6,575 votes.

2. Tommy Liimatainen (Tommy Liimatainen) - recording studio director Hype Records' (Hype


3.Mikko Koivu

hockey player, center forward "Lviv".

4. Mikko Leppilampi - a young and promising actor, now also a singer.

5. Aku Hirviniemi (A ku Нirviniemi ) is also a young actor.

6. Michael Monroe - singer, musician. Unusually popular person in the country. His women appreciate for amazing sexual energy.

This is when I was young:

this is a couple of years ago, now the singer is 52 years old

And this is Finnish humor:

As the survey showed, Finns value cordiality, gentleness, responsibility and the ability to bypass "sharp corners" in a man.And the most desirable male trait that causes attraction is romance.

However, how many people have so many opinions. Many women I know did not agree with this state of affairs, it was decided to conduct their own "private" survey.

In total, 60 Finnish women expressed their opinion, we agreed to expand the geography and take a look at all the famous men.

It revealed:

the undisputed favoriteJohnny Depp. He is out of competition, he is like good wine, only more beautiful with age

Next, the "brilliant five":

1.Ville Valo ( VilleValo) - "a man with an angelic face and a devilish look."

And here, at home.

2. Jonne Aaron ( JonneAaron group Negative( Negative) - I like the "pronounced Scandinavian appearance" 3.Sir Chrismus ( SirChristus, real name JukkoMikkanen) - musician, guitarist

4. Lauri Yulonen (LauryYlö nen). By all accounts, he has a specific Scandinavian appearance, "lavishly spiced with feathers in his head."

He has an unusually sexy voice, for which the Finns forgive him for his short stature.

5. Lorenz Beckman ( Lorenz Backman) is an actor, a model of elegance and aristocracy.

and here he is, together with the fins, "celebrities" - in the sense of popular divas

Also selected were:

6. Valteri Filppula (ValteriFilppula) is a Finnish ice hockey player. (It is also presented in the thumbnail of our article)

7. Kimi Raikkonen is a Finnish racing driver.

8. May Chemical Romance (MyChemicalRomance), Gerard Way is an American, he was voted by a lover of emo style)

According to the contract, it is not photographed separately, it is, of course, in the center

9. Michael Hutchence - Australian singer, musician, who tragically died in 1997.

10. Rupert Friend is a British actor and screenwriter. 11. Paul Newman - American actor, director, producer. Died in 2008. 12. Mikael Ranlund (MikaelGranlund) - Finnish ice hockey player
13. Jim Morrison - American singer, poet, songwriter, lead singer of The Doors, died 1971. 14. Billy Armstrong is an American musician, singer, guitarist, songwriter, and record producer. 15. Kurt Cobain (Nirvana) - vocalist, died in 1994.

In general, you noticed, Finnish hockey players are very sexually attractive to Finns.

And of course, let's not forget, the famous Finnish dance group was not included in the list. hunks They are also out of competition. The most coveted, the most desired.


Well, that's probably enough...

The Finns are also very proud of the fresh news that the famous Perez Hilton has now chosen a 21-year-old as her boyfriend Rivera Viiperi whose mother is Finnish.

An interesting thing is the rating. When the debate about who the sexiest and most charming of the famous men died down, it turned out that, in fact, my Finnish female respondents for their loved ones would like a muscular dark-skinned brunette, 175-185 tall! Here is Lauri Ulyonen for you.)

Finnish women love to travel to Madeira, where romance is easy, and are increasingly marrying Asians and blacks. Apparently in retaliation to them, or maybe for some other reason, but Finnish men look with pleasure in the direction of dark-eyed brunettes, long-haired, ruddy and, preferably with slim waist and curvaceous thighs. As a small survey showed, apart from Russian, or rather Slavic-Eastern (this is out of competition) beauty (Ukrainian, Polish, Moldavian), Jewish, Spanish, Caucasian and Asian beauty is highly valued here.

In this "situation" it is interesting to look at the samples female beauty in the understanding of the Finns - men. About those whom men called immediately, without thinking, "on the machine" read in the next issue.

Finnish Man Statistics

Finnish men are like the dream of many women, more about this here:

True, there are not enough of them ...

The male population in the country is only 2 million 666 622 people,

- active age (from 20 to 65 years) - 1,870,221, among which the largest age group is from 55-60 years.

- men after 65 - 357,811 people,

– young Finns approximately 438,630

The average age of a Finnish man is 40 years old (women 43 years old).

For some reason, most men were born in 1948 - 42,000 people, they are now 66 years old.

In general, more boys are being born steadily in the country, in the last couple of years - 105 boys per 100 girls.
Finnish women are quite satisfied with this “male alignment”, their number and age gradation is approximately the same as for men:

2 760 052 women, of which the bulk of those who are 55-60 years old.

Men here live a little less than their northern girlfriends - an average of 75 years (women - 82 years).

There are also male centenarians: in 2013, there were 100 centennial men in the northern country! If you remember that there are only 2 and a half million Finnish men .. not so bad!

You can learn more about Finnish wonderful men here:Finnish man in detail

In short: the average family, sports-oriented and low-drinking 77-year-old Finn built a house, planted a garden, raised two or three children.

And if not? Do you know other Finns? Of course there are, there are bad Finns! Unfortunately, it is they who, first of all, bring the distorted Finnish culture to the masses of the border cities: Vyborg, Petrozavodsk, St. Petersburg and others, organizing a “separation to the fullest” there. This is a special caste of Finns, which cannot be called typical, but one should not forget about this category of the Finnish male population. Although their age, according to statistics, is very short.

A little sad.

The main cause of death for sentimental Finns is the heart. Mortality from cardiovascular disease among men in Finland is the highest in Europe. Cancer is the second largest cause. In Finns, more often - cancer of the lungs and trachea.

Well, those descendants of the Vikings who consider themselves to be a breed of cocky warriors most often die from an accident "under the degree", making up the third group of causes of death.The stereotype that all Finns are drunkards is an exaggeration, although the realbase exists.

1 out of 3 men on Wednesday d his age dies from alcohol.

Terrible figures are obtained because the Finn, just the one, “one of the three”, having started drinking, will not be able to stop, and will leave this world literally in 5 years of active abuse.

Alcoholism worries the Finnish state, the men themselves

concerned about other issues:

  • Loneliness - afraid of him 54%
  • not finding a job or losing one (31%)
  • inability to pay the loan-7%

Work for Finns is second only to family. Male unemployment in the country is very high at the age of 18 to 24, but at the age of 35-44 it is minimal, men, despite feminism, are quietly ousting women from leading positions, although they win back all the points when they reach the age of “45+”, and after 50, Finnish men are again at risk of being unemployed.

Anton Neverov, Helsinki, material prepared for Finland and I, use on other sites are prohibited.

Marry a Finn or how to make a happy marriage in Finland

Finland, or Suomi, is a distant and mysterious country in the north of Europe, attracting attention with its originality and dissimilarity to others. Its magnificent nature, pristine lakes and bewitching landscapes attract tourists here, ancient buildings and sights attract romantics and adventurers. This is the country of Santa Claus, magical gnomes and fairies. If you decide to marry a Finn and stay in Suomi, you will feel the amazing spirit of the New Year's fairy tale inherent in this amazing state.

Many people want to get married in Finland. Firstly, it is a prosperous country with a good standard of living, high social security of citizens and a calm, comfortable life. In addition, women are attracted to the amazing character traits of Finnish men, making them ideal life partners. Probably no other country in the world will give you as many impressions as Finland, acquaintances, men who live here.

Many women looking for a husband on dating sites think about whether marrying a Finn is good or bad. One thing can be said: here you should not look for happiness for those who are tuned in to windy, short-term relationships. Finn is reliable and stable. No wonder there are so many anecdotes about the representatives of this nation. Every Finnish man is as solid as a tank, in which it is safe and nothing is scary. Yes, the mentality of a Finnish man often does not allow him to show his feelings, shower his beloved with millions of roses and sing serenades under the window. It is important for a Finn to prove his love in deeds, not in words. Finnish men are those people for whom the main thing is that all family members are well dressed, well fed and have everything they want. And then romance and beautiful words. This is also valued when choosing a man, when the goal is to marry a foreigner, but it is not yet clear from which specific country.

Every Finnish man deeply appreciates the concept of family and marital relations. This is a real earner, perceiving his wife as the mistress of the hearth. Hot Finnish guys are generous and generous, and to those they love, they become attached with all their hearts. Even if acquaintance with men from Finland did not grow into a romantic relationship, be sure that you will find a true and devoted friend.

Finns have an amazing property - they know how to be friends. By marrying a Finn, you will learn that the main thing in this marriage is partnership and sincerity. A husband from Suomi is unlikely to deceive you even in small things. These people are distinguished by simplicity and truthfulness, it is easier for them to tell the truth than to invent something.

Any acquaintance with Finnish men will prove to you that the inhabitants of Suomi are simple and natural. They do not have the stiffness or sugariness that is a mental trait of some other nations. Finns are a little shy, sentimental and laconic. Many people think that I will meet a man from Finland, and he will write long letters with declarations of love. This is not entirely true. The maximum that a Finn in love will allow himself to show is to write short message, which is unlikely to convey what a hurricane is raging in his heart.

Among our compatriots, dating Finland men over 50 has now become very popular. The fact is that the Finns are not looking for young nymphets, preferring a life partner of equal age. In Finland, it is generally accepted that life after 50 is just beginning. Older people lead an active lifestyle, travel, work and play. Many older men dream of finding their soul mate, who would become a reliable friend and ally. On most sites offering dating men in Finland, it is easy to find thousands of profiles of older Finnish men who want to find their destiny.

If you dream of finding a true friend and beloved man in one person, Finland and Finnish men will be for you. the best choice. Become happy in Suomi!
