Last year, the famous TV presenter and journalist Dana Borisova disappeared from the field of view of her fans. A very popular blonde in her time, the star of the "Army Store", was dumbfounded by the sudden death of her producer and friend, 29-year-old Tima Brik, and stated that she did not want to return to television as a presenter.

Dana Borisova recovered from drug addiction: the influence of family and work in the drug addiction of the star

For five years, the father of Dana's daughter, a businessman, Maxim Aksenov, who never became her official spouse, did not show much interest in the child. The TV presenter had to raise her daughter herself, investing financial and mental resources in this process, the 1rre website writes. In addition, according to her statement on one of the TV shows of the central channels, she was oppressed by the role of a careless and stupid journalist assigned to her, which she had to play in front of the cameras on the orders of the air customers. Attending various social events, she relieved stress with wine and did not notice when it turned into addiction.

Later, in one of the TV shows, Dana's mother, Ekaterina Ivanovna, announced to the whole country that her daughter was suffering from drug addiction and asked for help and assistance in treating the TV presenter. Borisova herself is offended by her mother and is sure that she could have found another way to influence her, and not make it public in this way.

Dana Borisova recovered from drug addiction: rehabilitation of a TV presenter on Koh Samui

Dana Borisova's return to a healthier lifestyle was helped by a rehabilitation course at a clinic in Thailand, where all conditions were created for people who suffer from alcohol and drug addiction. According to Dana, at first she could not sleep and completely relax, there were periods of despair and protest against isolation. People staying in the clinic are not allowed to use the telephone and other means of communication, all patients live according to the established regime in the territory allotted to the institution, attend trainings and receive psychological assistance, adhere to the menu of healthy and wholesome food are cleansed physically and spiritually. The help of a psychologist, staff support and self-improvement helped the TV presenter to realize her problem and take the path of correction.

Dana Borisova recovered from drug addiction: return to normal life after treatment

After the rehabilitation period, Borisova returned to Moscow, where she had to face a number of other problems. The difficult financial situation forced the woman to change her apartment, get rid of old unnecessary things, and talk about her treatment on a TV show. Moreover, the TV presenter, who went from denial to recovery, expressed a desire to help her colleagues who are confused and unable to find a way out on their own. In particular, she helped singer Yevgeny Osin, who was at an advanced stage of alcoholism, being in severe depression, get into the same clinic and begin his path to recovery.

Dana Borisova recovered from drug addiction: Dana Borisova's desire to get her daughter back and gratitude for her support

The most severe emotional wound for Dana in the days after the treatment was the inability to communicate with her daughter Polina, who was protected from her mother by the relatives of her former common-law spouse. According to the TV presenter, the daughter is set against her, they are not allowed to see each other, and the mother is lonely and sad without her girl. In this difficult period for her health and psyche, she has to sue Maxim Aksenov for the right to see her child.
Recently, Dana posted a photo on her social network, in which she is captured before and after treatment on Koh Samui. With the naked eye, you can see the difference and transformation of a 41-year-old woman who dreams of meeting a new love in her new sober life, getting her daughter back, living in harmony and tranquility. She thanked her subscribers and fans for their support and friendship, assured that she had become stronger, although she began to smile less.

Most of all, now Dana Borisova is afraid to return to old life and start using alcohol and drugs, because it is extremely difficult to leave the hell of an unclear consciousness. Everyone has difficult times in life. It is very important that at such moments there are close caring people who will help and forgive mistakes.

Recently, celebrities have begun to save each other from alcohol and drug addiction. The movement was pioneered by 41-year-old Dana Borisova, who was sent to a rehabilitation center on Koh Samui, Thailand, where she spent five months.

The VIP center for the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction "Sabay" became popular with the easy filing of Andrey Malakhov, who offered to send Dana there. Channel One spent more than a million rubles on the rehabilitation of the former host of the Army Store - a month of stay in the center costs 200-250 thousand rubles, which is about 8,000 rubles a day. During this time, Dana was supposed to be taken out of depression and instilled in her thoughts about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Whether the rehabilitation was effective, time will tell. In the meantime, Dana is happy to give interviews, telling how she “became stronger” and actively helps other celebrities who are also in trouble. For example, she persuaded Chris Kelmi and Evgeny Osin to come to the rehabilitation center for alcoholics. And last week she announced that she had become the face of a psychological recovery center.

To understand how therapy takes place in the Thai center, just look at the schedule of events on the official website. It has everything for a happy life of the patient: shopping, spa treatments, boxing, game therapy, English language, movies, chef's meals, yoga, swimming, and a daily meditation item. Once a day, the patient can listen to a lecture on healthy way life, talk with a psychologist and make an entry in a personal diary on the topic “How my life is changing.”

Dana even started writing a book in Thailand called "Obsession", where she admitted that she first tried illegal drugs at the age of 16.

« Mom, who worked in an ambulance, brought phenazepam and told me: “You sleep so badly ... (And I already worked as a TV presenter.) Drink them and you will be rested.” Since then, I have been constantly drifting away from reality. Maxim saw how handfuls I always drank them, and this infuriated him. All my relationships ended because of pills. In only 2 years that I was pregnant and breastfeeding, I did not drink a single one. Then alcohol and drugs joined them. Pills have always been evil number 1 and at the same time salvation. I couldn't live without them, it was an obsession....", says Borisova

There is also an Orthodox priest in Thailand who helps patients cleanse themselves of sins, as well as an equestrian instructor, a meditation coach, in a word, everyone who can distract addicts from thoughts about illegal drugs.

However, not everyone recognizes such a system as useful, there are also negative reviews about the clinic. The Thai rehabilitation center also has opponents, for example, State Duma deputy Nikolai Valuev, who published information about the true activities of Dana Borisova’s savior Nikita Lushnikov on his website: “I I consider cooperation with the Center for Healthy Youth charitable foundation to be my mistake and I do not regret at all that I cut off all possible contacts with this organization».

According to Valuev, the declared activities of the Central Health Museum outwardly look wonderful and are carried out with the involvement of many famous personalities - domestic artists, doctors and even politicians, but the reverse side of the work of the foundation is the introduction of all these people, as well as their wards, into deep error by hiding real ties with the neo-Pentecostal religious organization "Kingdom of God", whose headquarters is located in Ukraine.

In the end, due to the provision of false information about the activities of the CPM, Nikita Lushnikov was removed from work in the State Duma. But he did not stop his activities.

Indeed, many popular people are connected with the activities of the Center for Healthy Youth. For example, TV presenter Alexei Lysenkov, Ksenia Rappoport, Pavel Derevyanko, Vera Brezhneva actively help him ... Thanks for the active life position The TsZM organization was issued by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

But the most zealous defender of Lushnikov was TV presenter and journalist Andrei Malakhov, who, by virtue of his profession, simply could not help but know about the strange past of the drug addict rescue group. He continues to promote the activities of the organization with a tarnished reputation and involve unfortunate artists in it, writes

The trouble does not ask how high or low the status of a person in society, what is his financial situation. Anyone can become a victim of drug addiction and see themselves at the very "bottom" as happened with the popular TV presenter, successful actress, famous person Dana Borisova. Fortunately, friends came to her aid, the trustee Nikita Lushnikov, a rehabilitation center in Thailand with first-class specialists. They did not allow Dana to repeat the tragic end of her friend Tima Brik, who died at the age of 26 from an overdose.

Can a drug addict recognize his problem in order to take the first step towards his salvation? Unfortunately, it is not always possible to come to this on your own. It was thanks to people who were not indifferent to her fate that Dana Borisova ended up in a Rehabilitation Center in Thailand, where professionals came to her aid: doctors, psychologists. Hope for Dana's recovery appeared first of all among relatives and friends. As for the actress herself, for a long time she could not believe in the reality of what was happening and realize her problem.

The story of Dana Borisova is typical of a young woman who has gone through a personal drama. Marriage for love, the birth of a child, divorce from her husband. It was not easy to get over a breakup with a loved one. Caring for her daughter Polina, professional demand, a wide circle of friends, it would seem, compensated for a failed marriage. Unfortunately, everything turned out to be much more difficult for Borisova. Mental trauma made itself felt with a feeling of emptiness, a sense of fear, terrible moments of despair. She tried to smooth out this negativity by drinking alcohol, and then drugs.

Everything secret becomes clear: bright beautiful blonde in front of the eyes of the whole country was losing its charm and charm. The changes affected not only appearance, but also behavior: she became conflicted, irritable, scandalous. The worst thing is that everything happened in front of a 9-year-old daughter, who often saw her mother insane. After the girl discovered that her mother was hiding white powder in the house, she turned to her grandmother for help. Ekaterina Ivanovna guessed the reasons for her daughter's strange behavior. Having found confirmation of her guesses, the woman sounded the alarm. She turned to the host Andrey Malakhov for help, who had already saved many VIPs by sending them to Nikita Lushnikov's rehabilitation center for treatment.

Revelations of Dana Borisova about undergoing rehabilitation in Thailand

The miracle happened on April 29th. After recording the program "Let them talk," a group of Dana's friends went to her house. They had to deceive Borisov by voicing an offer to urgently go to Thailand as a host on a reality show. She agreed, not immediately suspecting deceit. In fact, the true purpose of the trip was the rehabilitation of Dana Borisova in Thailand. When the girl arrived in a foreign country, she was confronted with a fact: she needed to be treated. For a while she could not understand her problem, refused to eat, was not going to take treatment, did not want to attend group therapy. But at some point, an individual conversation with a psychologist became a turning point in her life. It happened on May 9, the day that the girl calls her second birthday. After realizing the problem, she realized the importance of her stay in the clinic and set herself up for recovery.

After several weeks of rehabilitation, Dana Borisova flew to Moscow to Andrey Malakhov on Let Them Talk. Now it was a completely different person: her eyes shone with optimism, she spoke about her problems directly and without concealment. Realizing the horror of what happened to her in last years, Dana analyzed her past state, an ugly deformation of consciousness, she soberly and critically assessed her actions. The young woman admitted that she saw her “bottom” in the eyes of her daughter and does not want to return to her past life under any circumstances. The peak of indignation in the hall was the appearance of stylist Ray Samedov, who supplied the girl with drugs. As it turned out, he took Dana's passport, driving license, documents for the car and the vehicle itself. In this episode, the audience saw the real Borisova, who managed to give a decisive rebuff to the drug dealer.

In the TV studio, together with relatives, friends, acquaintances, Dana was supported by Nikita Lushnikov, one of the founders of the Healthy Youth Center charitable foundation, now the head of the board of NAS. On "Let them talk" he was invited as an expert on addiction issues. Dana Borisova and Nikita Lushnikov spoke on the program: she with her emotions and revelations, he is like a trustee of a stumbled TV star, who, we hope, will return to her fans in the near future as beautiful, healthy and energetic as before. The country loves Dana for her sincerity, honesty, openness and is waiting for her in a new role. Soon, the former TV presenter will head the Dana Borisova Rehabilitation Center in Thailand. Her case is an example of physical and spiritual healing and will inspire and support all those who have made the decision to be free from destructive addiction.

Let them talk - Dana Borisova interrupted treatment in a Thai drug clinic on June 21, 2017

The famous TV presenter Dana Borisova, who is undergoing drug addiction treatment at the Thai Rehabilitation Center, flew to Moscow to share her revelations, feelings and emotions. Nikita Lushnikov, founder and former president of the Center for Healthy Youth, acted as an expert on addiction issues and Dana's trustee.

Rehabilitation center where Dana Borisova is being treated

Photo by @danaborisova_official

The program, in which she spoke about the problems of her daughter, was recorded two days before the broadcast.

“On the program, we realized that we couldn’t allow Dana to see this without being in the clinic, or at least under a dropper,” Andrey Malakhov admitted in the studio of the “Let them talk” program, “so after the recording we went to the apartment where Dana lives. In order to somehow motivate her, they came up with a story about the fact that she would become the host of a new reality show on Channel One about patients with anorexia. Then they took Dana's passport to buy a ticket to Thailand to a rehabilitation clinic under the auspices that the girl was going to star in a reality show.

The next morning, Dana was in a good mood, however, she complained that "such a festive day, but I'm not wearing makeup."

“They collected things that they were,” the girl confided, “most importantly, I took shampoos and hair masks - I’m a fan of this. To be honest, I still don’t believe what is happening, it seems to me that this is some kind of hoax. When I get on the plane, then I will believe.

In his program, Andrei Malakhov said that on the first day in the Thai rehabilitation center, Dana behaved freely, got acquainted with the rules of conduct and the daily routine of the center, and prepared for a reality show.

“After the hardest flight, we are ready to start our project,” the girl said to the camera.

On the second day, Dana's mood changed, she was somewhat depressed and, looking at the camera, admitted that she had problems.

- It was a terrible day for me. My phone was taken away - it was very cruel for me. I am very weak because I have not eaten anything since the day they took Polina (the daughter of a TV presenter). I just wanted to lose weight a little at first, and then I got carried away, and now I physically can’t eat anything, so I’m very exhausted. In addition, I have terrible phobias: in the last couple of months I was afraid to leave the apartment, drive, I was afraid to see people in stores.

The second night in a rehabilitation clinic in Thailand was very difficult for Dana Borisova.

“Oh, it was a terrible night,” the girl admitted. - I gave up almost all my sleeping pills, so I wandered around the house, bothered everyone, knocked on the doors, prevented everyone from sleeping. I had thoughts of going outside with my suitcase, but the door turned out to be locked - naturally, no one let me go anywhere at night. I sat on the bare floor for a long time, froze myself there everything was good ...

On the sixth day, Dana found out that she was not acting in any reality show. For her, this was a great disappointment, but after the TV presenter admitted that there is one very important point, which helps her come to terms with the situation and, being in a rehabilitation center, fight addiction.

- The most important thing that motivates me now is my daughter. Now I am filming here in this project only to show that I am not such a finished person and that I am capable of more. This is solely for the sake of my daughter ... But I'm worried that this project will never go on the air, and therefore, honestly, I don't give my best.

“Dana, everything will be aired,” Andrey Malakhov, the host of the “Let them talk” program, said at the end of the program. - And even if this is not a reality show about girls who suffer from anorexia, today the whole country is watching you. And this is your show. Many believe in you, many doubt. And I personally believe. I believe that everything should work out for you, because I have known you for too long and remember you as that happy and cheerful girl who came to Moscow to conquer it ... Therefore, take care of yourself, we are with you.
