The key to his sexual behavior is impulsivity. He should learn the reciprocity inherent in a true union. He is intolerant of opposition to any of his sexual fantasies.
Don't try to tease him. If you promised something, it is better to fulfill it. If you do not intend to go to bed with this man, spend the evening watching your TV. Aries doesn't like being played with. If you're not ready for the latest sexual tricks you've only read about in books, stay home and knit. Everything that gives away the routine causes Aries boredom, bordering on hysteria. To please Aries in bed, you will have to use your imagination, overcome all complexes.
He won't worry about the consequences. When he wants you, everything else falls aside. If you have entered into a relationship with Aries, set up a spiral or diaphragm in advance. Or be sure to take birth control pills. He may have a condom somewhere, but don't expect him to use it.
Get ready for him to take the lead. You can offer something, but by accepting your ideas, Aries will go further and develop them. For example, if you ask him to kiss your nipple, don't be surprised if he soon licks your navel, touches your clitoris or perineum with his tongue. Be prepared for any surprise. His unbridled nature loves everything shocking and forbidden. Aries men are pioneers, leaders who love to lead the parade. They don't object. Favorite positions change over the years, but at any age, Aries retains a youthful spirit. He prefers positions that emphasize his dominance.
He will not stop at sadism.
For example, he will not be satisfied with ordinary oral sex. Be prepared for him to pull your hair, pinch your nipples, stick his dick too deep into your throat, causing discomfort. If you are able to enjoy such behavior, accept it without complaint, as this will enhance the enjoyment of Aries.
Aries Favorite Position: You are on your knees, leaning forward. In this case, it can enter the vagina or anus. It might surprise you! Whatever decision Aries makes, he will look to you for help. This basic position has a lot of variations - a woman can lean on a chair, sofa or bed, stand on her feet, leaning forward and holding onto furniture for stability, while Aries will penetrate her from behind.
In another position, in which the man is over the woman, you lie on your back on the floor or bed, and the partner lifts your buttocks with his hands and, kneeling, inserts the penis into the vagina or anus.
An elderly Aries finds that he is no longer as strong as in his youth. A tactless remark uttered at the wrong time will lead to temporary impotence. It will be an exceptionally strong blow for Aries. He will react to him in his usual aggressive manner, probably starting a dozen flirtations and affairs with women half his age. He will try to prove that he has not lost his manhood. And if he fails to do this, he will suffer a serious crisis.
When Aries is in his prime, beware of his aggressiveness and tendency (remember, I'm only describing tendencies) to enjoy the pain he causes. He will enter a woman without waiting for her to be ready, in order to enjoy, feeling her shudder. Engaged in oral sex, he is able to show cruelty. Don't be surprised if he bites hard on your clitoris during cannilingus.
He can, during copulation, use a whip and a cane. He especially likes to hit a woman on the buttocks - and not only with his palm. He will use a hairbrush, a table tennis racket, a bamboo cane. If Aries finds a masochist, he will not rest until her buttocks are strawberry red and her cheeks are wet with tears. Pleading for mercy will only push him to more brutality - and more powerful orgasms. The louder the screams and moans that he hears, the more he likes what is happening. Sometimes he can leave scars from the whip on the partner's body. Its goal is submission.
If Aries has in cash to purchase "equipment", he will equip private room chains attached to the wall. Having chained the woman's hands and feet with shackles, he will be able to bite and pinch her nipples, take possession of her as he pleases. A few lashes will usually overwhelm any resistance.
One Aries I know loves to play horse. The woman is on all fours, the rope replaces the reins and the bit. He enters the partner from behind through the anus. She slowly moves forward, and he periodically sharply upsets her with a rope.
Of course, other signs of the zodiac affect Aries in different ways, and men born under this constellation are subject to very different extremes. But they always remain extremists. Beware girls! Having met a "pure" Aries, be prepared to flee if his sexual needs seem unbearable to you.
Or stay with it and enjoy. It all depends on you and your sign.
How to Cope with an Aries? Ask him to switch roles. Then you can say, "Look, we don't want to hurt each other, right?"
Group sex doesn't shock an Aries. The more participants, the more fun. I vouch that the exchange of wives among the neighbors was first started by the Aries man. He likes to demonstrate his sexual art, and he will always make too bold proposals that seem crazy to others. There is only one exception. He will not agree to the role of a passive partner in anal sex. Aries will do this not because it seems indecent to him - he will see in such a position a threat to his “masculinity”. In the end, this is what "fags" do.
Many men born under the sign of Aries are sadistic.

Yana Volkova

Even a man will envy the characteristics of an Aries woman according to the sign of the zodiac. After all, the character of the Aries girl contains many classic male traits- assertiveness, ambition, straightforwardness, vanity and independence. Pity from the young lady-Aries can not wait. She is easily oriented in innovations and innovations. Works great in a team. And he never looks at a situation or a problem, "like a ram at a new gate." This is because she copes with problems herself and does not expect help from men. Wonderfully builds a career, not shunning "to go over their heads."

The Aries girl is inherently cheerful

But a woman is still a woman. This means that the Aries girl is characterized by cheerfulness, striving for the ideal, initiative and amazing femininity.

Lamb takes care of herself, loves to look good

Shortcomings in appearance easily compensates for makeup, hair and innate charm. Easily convinces others that she is "the most charming and attractive."

Compatibility of Aries women with other zodiac signs: “I am all fire! I'm taking care of myself!"

The Aries woman is such a bright personality that at the first stage any man will be interested in her. But the Sheep is not so simple and supportive. Exactly she has to choose who is most suitable in love and marriage.

Aries Passion boils, but the mutual stubbornness of the partners makes it difficult to find compromises.
Taurus The Aries girl often puts pressure on her partner with her assertiveness. The young lady should slow down and make concessions, otherwise a gap is inevitable.
Twins Rare and unfortunate compatibility. Partners do not find the desired qualities in each other. The Gemini is too passive and independent for the Sheep.
Cancer Good sign compatibility. Aries is able to pick out an arthropod from its shell and make it be much more active. If Cancer gets used to the way of life set by the partner - advice and love.
a lion Ideal relationship! The war of ambitions does not interfere, but on the contrary, pushes the couple to development and improvement. Aries and Leo strive to meet their own high standards and the expectations of a loved one in marriage.
Virgo The conservatism of the Virgo man slows down the Aries desire to develop. But if the Sheep takes organizational matters into their own hands, both will benefit in this relationship.
Scales Stormy relationships - passion, love, scandals, tantrums. The Aries woman is often unhappy with her partner's financial problems. She proves superiority in relationships. The Libra man is offended by this behavior. Sheep need to learn to yield.
Scorpion Incredibly passionate union. Scorpio and Aries are perfectly compatible in bed. Emotional showdowns are not rare, but love is much stronger than conflicts.
Sagittarius Controversial relationship, where from love to hate is one step. The Sagittarius man is overly loving, which infuriates the jealous Aries girl.
Capricorn Relationship equal people married. The Capricorn man is used to walking towards the goal slowly but surely. Aries should be patient, but the result will please her.
Aquarius Relationships can have a bright start, but just as quickly fade away. Aries does not see in the Aquarius man the qualities she needs: purposefulness and initiative.
Fish The rich imagination of Pisces and his creative nature attracts a romantic Sheep. But the male ability to slowly go with the flow all his life leads to a break in relationships. Too active Aries does not accept such behavior.

Aries woman in bed is the most fiery of the signs

Passionate Essence of the Sign of Fire awakens feminine energy and makes the Aries girl sexually attractive to the opposite sex. But she will not immediately agree to satisfy her partner.

In sex Sheep:

  • determined to enjoy itself,
  • ready to experiment
  • not too sentimental and puts passion above other feelings.

The Aries girl has the passionate essence of the Fire Sign.

This woman is ready to make love, anywhere and anytime. As a mistress, she does not require long foreplay or special romance.

Her willingness to immediately get down to business sometimes confuses and repels fans of long intimate games.

The ideal man in bed for Aries is Scorpio. Their compatibility is so high that the couple will indulge in love pleasures in the most unexpected places. If you meet a couple at an interesting activity in your stairwell and start to scold them for inappropriate behavior, ask for a laugh who they are according to the horoscope. Most likely, this will be Aries and Scorpio.

How to win over an Aries girl - one step forward and two steps back

The Aries girl is an example of an independent and self-sufficient woman. She tries with all her might not to obey even her beloved man. Both morally and financially. To fall in love with yourself and conquer the obstinate Lamb can, at least, her equal in intelligence and status man. Last but not least is the appearance of the partner.

It is unlikely that Aries spending a lot of money on personal care will pay attention to an untidy man in dirty shoes.

Ideally, an Aries woman needs a man who will serve as her role model. Best Compatibility in a relationship with this girl with a Leo man. His desire to climb up the social ladder and high moral principles like Aries and make her develop herself.

Aries woman is not seduced by luxurious gifts

An Aries woman cannot be seduced by luxurious gifts and grand gestures if she does not feel sincerity and passion from a partner. The young lady will buy all the expensive trinkets herself if she feels the need. She can only like a real interest in her own person and the care of her beloved man. But only after she will be interested in his personality first. And here, most likely, the rule will work, “the less we love a woman, the more she likes us.” A worthy, but shown indifferent man himself, imperceptibly to himself, will become the goal of the Aries girl.

How to understand that an Aries girl is in love? She'll tell you about it after a stormy night

An Aries in love is unlikely to stagnate and coquettishly lower her eyes to the floor. She liked a man will notice her interest almost immediately. Some representatives of this sign are so straightforward that they can take the initiative even in the most intimate moments. However, this does not mean that she needs the chosen man like air.

If Aries does not feel the necessary feedback from her partner, she will not suffer for long, but will simply find new item adoration

It will definitely not be possible to return the location of this woman after betrayal and betrayal. Jealousy and possessiveness of Aries have become a byword.

Aries in love generous and loves to give a partner gifts. But she does this, rather, to emphasize her own status. Often selfishness prevents her from listening to the true desires of her beloved.

A gift for an Aries woman - a sword for a warrior

To win the favor of Aries a sincere present, it is not necessary to give an expensive and valuable thing. A woman will not appreciate such a gift if it does not correspond to her personal interests or hobbies. Aries likes things that will make her even more beautiful:

  • quality cosmetics,
  • fashion perfumery,
  • brand clothes,
  • exclusive accessories.

Aries woman likes things that will make her even more beautiful

Aries belongs to the type of women who will wear expensive underwear even for a visit to their beloved granny. It is important for them to feel beautiful everywhere and always.

Perfect as a gift item that support the Aries hobby. Whether it's a yoga mat, riding boots, a catalog of new paintings or an embroidery kit.

It is important for a woman to feel that the present was chosen personally for her and with the thought of her.

The only exception is travel. Aries are so inquisitive that they are ready to go on a trip even to those places that they have never heard of.

Aries woman is practical,
Loving, selfish.
Obedience is unaccustomed.
To keep pace with fashion, she walks.

Control desires -
There is no such understanding.
And make every effort
To fulfill them immediately

February 11, 2018, 10:17

At the same time, even in the heat of passion, they never forget about their loved ones; in their life there are many ties held together by a purely physical, and not spiritual attraction.

Militant Aries (this also applies to the fairer sex) do not wait until someone chooses them: they make the choice themselves. Sometimes their attempts to attack are modest and even shy, but more often they take such an offensive that they do not even let the objects of their passion come to their senses. In general, the behavior of Aries in sexual sphere, as in everything else, is unpredictable.

Aries do not recognize long preludes, and the sexual intercourse itself in their performance does not last long. People of this zodiac sign do not try to hide their feelings and sensations, in the most intimate moments they do not skimp on sighs, groans and exclamations. Excitation makes Aries forget about the remnants of decency.

Of course, the erotic horoscope of Aries outlines only the main trends; the characteristic features of behavior can be strengthened or, conversely, softened by various factors, but not a single Aries will voluntarily surrender the role of the winner, which is important for him even in the intimate sphere. If in its other manifestations, not related to sex life, Aries is aggressive, domineering and unpredictable, it is logical to assume that his behavior in the bed of love will be even more spontaneous and irrepressible.

Erotic horoscope: Aries man

The desire to dominate is most clearly manifested in the men of this sign. To lure a woman into bed, Aries can resort to all sorts of tricks and even deceit, but since, alas, he is not a master of intrigue, such "manoeuvres" more often cause trouble and misunderstanding than a means to achieve the goal. It often happens that the intimate process itself is more important and interesting for Aries than its outcome. Aries man in bed, directly during intimacy, can be unrestrained and rude, it is difficult for him to control himself. Has a penchant for sadism. Aries partners need to know that pleasure for them can be associated with pain.

The rich imagination of Aries men generates a wide variety of sexual fantasies, and they tend to seek their realization from their partners. At the same time, the Aries man does not accept the attempts of a woman to pull over the role of the main character; in this show, he should be both the director, and the director, and the main actor. Even in moments of passion, he can show irritation and irascibility if he is hindered in this.

The Aries man is a lover who reacts very sharply to any comments about his merits and abilities. If a woman happens to "blurt out" something wrong at the moment of intimacy, her partner can instantly turn into an impotent, after which he can throw himself into a whirlpool of random relationships to prove to himself that there is still gunpowder in the powder flasks. During this period, any unsuccessful attempt can cause a severe nervous breakdown for the Aries man.

Erotic horoscope: Aries woman

Such a lady knows how, if she wants, to look seductive in the eyes of the stronger sex. Her position in intimate relationships cannot be called altruistic: she is focused primarily on satisfying her own needs, she behaves selfishly with men. At the same time, she strives to make the relationship with her partner as close to ideal as possible (in her understanding, of course) - even if only for one evening.

Once in bed with an Aries woman, a man will undoubtedly feel her powerful, but at the same time unsophisticated, not covered by conventions, almost primitive sexual energy. The stronger sex is impressed by the willingness of Aries partners to have sex anytime and anywhere. They will not be embarrassed by intimate dates in places where other women would never allow themselves such liberties.

In bed, the Aries Woman does not require a long foreplay from her partner; she often bypasses the stage of candles, champagne and other romantic tenderness. She is not against the realization of a man's erotic fantasies, she is always ready to offer her own script and even go for experiments. This incredibly sensual, passionate and at the same time feminine creature is able to experience sincere pleasure in bed, and what the partner is experiencing at this time is secondary for her, although she is ready to give him maximum pleasure.

For personal life Aries women are characterized by a large number of short-lived, but very stormy relationships. The reason for the possible lack of complete satisfaction from sex, the erotic horoscope of Aries women calls the inconsistency of their desires: on the one hand, they do not want to obey anyone even in bed, and on the other hand, they dream of seeing a powerful and strong partner next to them. Among the love affairs that befell the Aries woman, very dramatic and even tragic episodes happen.

Erogenous zones of Aries

Ruled by this zodiac sign human body is the head, in particular, the face. It is this part of the body that is the erogenous zone of Aries. Touching, gently stroking the scalp quickly brings them into a state of excitement, and representatives of both sexes react equally passionately to this. Aries women are madly in love when they do all kinds of manipulations with their hair - combing, stroking, making an artistic mess on their heads. Aries men enjoy the gentle massage of the scalp and experience pleasure when they finger their hair. They are very fond of getting their hair cut.

The most erogenous zones of Aries on the head are the eyes, lips and ears. Men are very turned on by the lightest kisses on the eyelids and light biting of the ears. Both men and women are greatly aroused when their lips are stroked with fingertips.

Head massage for Aries is a combination of pleasant and useful. Such manipulations can alleviate the headache that often plagues these people. AND " by-effect"not bad - they set up Aries for love games. The effect on the skin in this case involves the application of a certain effort, but within reasonable limits.

If we are talking about gender equality, then with such a woman as an Aries. This emancipated lady is a vivid example of independence, strength and courage. She is so different from the ladies who cannot screw in the light bulb themselves or drag the bag to the car, who are afraid of mice and are used to getting protection from the stronger sex!

What can I say, the very wording “stronger sex” infuriates the Aries lady - she herself is no weaker, and can compete with any man. This woman loves life, does not need protection and achieves everything herself. But this does not make her rude and masculine - on the contrary, she is feminine, self-confident and very attractive. But it is not easy to win her heart, and to subdue oneself is completely unrealistic. She is the first and main, does not bend and does not yield, and will never put up with the second positions.

A self-confident and strong Aries woman in love is not at all a naive and loving person. She keeps everything under control, including her emotions. She does not succumb to illusions and does not believe in miracles, but if she meets a worthy man, she will be able to make him happy. The woman of this sign does not fool with coquetry and changeable character, does not hint and does not give illusory hopes. She is straightforward, proactive and very honest.

Aries woman in bed - perfect lover for those who do not like monotony and boredom. She knows how to manage, but she can obey if she wants. A passionate, resourceful and very brave lover who knows no taboos and is ready to experiment. And in marriage, a woman of this sign is an enviable wife and mistress. She is not a homebody and does not waste time on empty classes - she will have time for everything, build a career, put things in order in the family, she will cope with problems herself and at the same time not overwork.

Sexuality of Aries Woman

Aries - the most active, impulsive, impatient and ambitious zodiac sign. It doesn't matter what gender Aries got at birth. Men and women of this sign equally love life and the pleasures that it brings. If suddenly this life decides not to indulge Aries too much with pleasures, they will snatch them from her by force, and they will still enjoy those benefits, without which they cannot imagine their existence.

The Aries woman is used to acting decisively. In pursuit of a dream, she often becomes aggressive. In an effort to unconditional domination, may resort to violence and aggression. Aries is a born leader, the main thing for which is recognition and glory. All these leadership qualities make the love-sexual life of Aries stormy, eventful and interesting.

In relations with the opposite sex, Aries is capable of many follies, often doing stupid things, resorting to deceit and deceit. Aries loves to be admired and presented to the skies. If he feels a similar attitude towards himself from his partner, he becomes romantic and sentimental. Enough of this mood, he really, not for long. A partner who has completely submitted to Aries quickly gets bored with him, as it deprives him of the need to achieve his goal.

At good choice life partner Aries gains self-confidence, and in marriage finds peace. An Aries marriage can be very happy if its partner remembers a few rules and always follows them. So, if you got an Aries as your spouse, remember:

  • Tirelessly admire your partner, do not spare words of praise for her;
  • Surprise an Aries sometimes and make her a little nervous by giving minor reasons for jealousy. Do not show your spouse that you are completely subdued by him;
  • Aries does not like people who are too powerful and loves when they obey him, fulfilling his slightest whims. Combining humility and disobedience to the spouse of Aries will be extremely difficult.
  • In most cases, Aries is an exemplary family man. Do not be too annoying, do not limit the freedom of your spouse, watch your appearance and idolize Aries. In return, he will give you his boundless love and loyalty.

Too amorous Aries in their youth can break a bunch of firewood, which they will sincerely regret later. In no case should parents of young Aries resort to categorical prohibitions. It is much more effective to gently guide the teenager's actions in the right direction with advice and understanding. Aries quickly get bored with submissive partners. To push away, to ignore Aries is to add heat to the fire. His passion from this will only intensify and may even become obsessed.

Aries are incredibly capricious lovers, striving to ensure that all their whims are instantly satisfied. Both in men and in women of this sign there is too much ostentation, they love to brag, and even in bed they are flattered by applause and ovations.

Aries can be called ardent lovers, but not heroes - lovers. Aries people consider themselves superior to everyone else, which means they are smarter, more experienced, more beautiful, etc. That is why representatives of this sign do not consider it necessary to learn the tricks of good sex through books, films and advice. The primary and main task of Aries is to subjugate a partner, that is, to get his consent to go to bed. When this goal is achieved by him, dismiss Aries from preludes and caresses on his part. He expects initiatives from a partner. And please, fulfill all his whims, and then do not forget to tell Aries 20 times what a wonderful lover he is. After that, he will almost certainly want to meet with you again. And God forbid you, at least with a sigh, hint to Aries on his sexual failure, selfishness or inexperience! At best, you will lose it forever. At worst, he will take revenge on you in any way convenient for him. Breaking the high self-esteem of Aries is almost impossible.

Only if Aries selflessly and sincerely loves a partner, he can give up his basic principles regarding bed. Impulsivity, selfishness and pride recede into the background and Aries is able to deliver true pleasure to a partner.

Text: Sasha Gluvein

The constellations under which we were born can influence our character and choice of partner. the site presents a series of articles in which it will talk about representatives of all signs of the zodiac.

Not worth considering this article as the ultimate truth. "Ideal" representatives of any sign of the zodiac, 100% suitable for the above description, do not exist in nature, just as there are no phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic and sanguine people in their pure form. However, it is quite possible to get a general idea of ​​who you need. In no case do we urge you to destroy an already established relationship, if it suddenly turns out that, according to this text, you are not suitable for each other.

Woman - Aries

She is not so easy to understand. She gives the impression of a self-possessed, cold-blooded person, sometimes it seems that she treats men with some prejudice. But this is just an appearance, because the Aries woman is a real actress: charming, controversial, temperamental and unpredictable. She changes her roles so quickly that if her interlocutor turns out to be a person with an insufficiently fast reaction rate, then after a while he will surely feel that his head is spinning.

Her speech is impulsive, often in her mind, then in her tongue, Aries does not bother to think first and then speak, therefore she cuts the truth in the face.

Women - Aries, as a rule, have no time to be bored. These tomboys in a skirt choose activities that allow them to enjoy themselves on a physical, bodily level: tennis, sailing, snowboarding, Pilates, sex, finally!

Aries is in love... with love, she is naturally romantic and considers sex one of the most enjoyable aspects of life. From her lover, she expects, first of all, sex, and not paternal care and guardianship, she does not need a second father.

Do not rush to accuse the "Lamb" of frivolity - despite the fact that spontaneity and adventurism are in her blood, she is not at all windy. Among Aries, every second idealist, every third is a philosopher, but these qualities do not prevent them from making decisions. If she says “Come on!”, then this is exactly what she means, this trait attracts men to her.

The key to Aries' heart is flattery, she can endlessly listen to compliments addressed to her, especially if they are addressed to her body. It is not in the nature of Aries to walk past the mirror and not admire yourself. "Lambs" make up very moderately, believing that, by and large, their appearance does not need to be corrected.

They do not feel the need for useful, practical gifts, the main thing for them is emotions. Aries will be delighted with some silk pajamas, but will still continue to sleep in Eve's costume, because it is more comfortable for the body.

The man who marries her will have to be content with the role of Deputy Boss or prepare for a hundred-year war in which there will be no mercy. Due to the need to be independent and the inability to stay at home, the Lambs often have problems in their marriage. If she is jealous, then hurt pride and offended pride speak in her, rather than a sense of ownership. Aries feel absolutely unhappy if they quarrel with husbands or lovers. However, they themselves are able to bring anyone "to the handle."

The Aries woman is convinced that money is meant to be spent. She likes to throw money left and right, overspending does not scare her. "Lamb" is sure that if finances sing romances today, then tomorrow they will definitely perform a life-affirming march.

There are many optimists among Aries who manage to maintain their cheerfulness until old age rejoicing in every new day in the morning.

Aries in bed

Erotic, passionate, sexy - if she gives herself to a man, then she does it, first of all, in order to enjoy herself, the partner will get an honorable second place.

"Lambs" do not consider the bedroom the only suitable place for sexual fun and are not averse to having sex in the back seat of a car or office sofa. She is not attracted to long preludes, if the Aries Woman is lusty, then even before the candles go out and the last bars of the romantic melody sound, her man will be lying on his back, and she will be in the “Rider” position on top.

She needs a worthy lover to match - strong, hardy, who can curb her aggressiveness and help her see the sky in diamonds. If a man does not suit the “Lamb” in bed, she will prefer to find another, because she can hardly imagine her life without sex “at the highest level”.

She is a leader in love games and prefers to make love in the “Woman on Top” positions in order to control the process herself, setting the pace and rhythm of movements. On the way to orgasm, she prefers not to restrain her emotions - she screams, moans, scratches .... Aries often leave their "marks" on male bodies.

Their desire to dominate sometimes pushes Aries to BDSM, one of the typical erotic fantasies is a man who is forced by a Mistress with a whip to do cunnilingus.

What kind of man does she need

Boring to a dislocation of the jaw of a couch potato or a “stuck up” sissy - a woman - Aries is clearly not a couple. She needs a real "Energizer" with the makings of a leader.

Aries fit

“Like attracts like” - according to this principle, a woman - Aries is wonderfully suited to a man - Aries. Yes, from time to time they will “butt” with each other, there will be noisy showdowns, but then the turn of sweet reconciliation in bed and family idyll will definitely come.

Another wonderful option is a Leo man, their romance will be so passionate, passionate that the sparks that slip between these two will be visible to the naked eye. Between these two real feelings are possible - deep and tender. It is enough for “Lamb” to gently scratch the defenseless belly of the king of beasts (both literally and figuratively) to keep him on a short erotic leash.

A man - Sagittarius can compete with a woman - Aries in terms of craving for diversity, so they are unlikely to ever be bored together. When it comes to sex, you can't wish for a better couple, they are made for each other. If, nevertheless, a certain feeling of “satiation” appears, then a fresh wind of change will help correct the situation.

The Taurus man is also a good match for Aries, only a spoonful of jealousy in a barrel of love can ruin a relationship - because of it, the “Lamb” engagement ring may seem like a link from a hard labor chain. He is the perfect partner for a one night stand.

With a man - Scorpio, the Aries woman twirls as she wants, he often feels like her favorite toy, which is kissed and hugged, then thrown into a corner. Despite these feelings, Scorpio will still be drawn to Aries. And she, playing with his love, one day may feel irreplaceable, and .... will remain with him.

Aries don't fit

For a happy life with Aries woman men - Libra they love themselves too much, and she is not at all impressed by their cowardice and prudence.

Man - Virgo a sense of intimacy, rituals and routines are extremely important - so this romance is doomed, because you should not demand discipline and obedience to the rules from a woman - Aries.

The Gemini man is a little afraid of the “Lamb”, although he considers her a very attractive person, her desire to openly demonstrate her feelings and emotions scares him.

Cancers and Capricorns seem too boring and slow to impulsive Aries.

Although the Pisces man is energetic, his energy is directed absolutely in the opposite direction to Aries - in this case, we are not talking not only about a novel, but even about the most platonic friendship.

Aquarians, just like Aries themselves, are prone to flirting on the side and “walking to the left”, so even under other favorable circumstances, it is unlikely to do without mutual reproaches of infidelity, and the secret will certainly become clear.
