In 2016, the Rosneft security service changed its head. Oleg Feoktistov, a former FSB general, headed such a serious organization. However, his activities were stained by several resonant scandals, after which Ural Latypov, a no less mysterious person, took his post.

Medvedev's visit to the Rosneft enterprise.

The former head of security at Rosneft was born in 1964. He went through the military machine of Afghanistan, commanded several special squads. Later, after graduating from the Academy of the Federal Security Service, he decided to continue his service in this organization.

From 2000 to 2002, under his leadership, there was a department of the FSB of the city of Sochi, where he met Igor Sechin, who, appreciating Feoktistov's zeal and managerial qualities, helped him take the post of head of the sixth department of the FSB's own security department.

Unofficially nicknamed "Sechin's special forces", this service was created with his ardent support. Since in those years Sechin just held the post of Deputy Prime Minister, and law enforcement agencies were under his supervision, the powers of the newly minted service were very, very broad.

Feoktistov's surname appeared on hearing much later, in 2014, but he then declared himself really loudly, taking a personal part in the high-profile detentions of a number of regional managers and officials from various law enforcement organizations.

During his career as a Chekist, Oleg Feoktisov could not help but acquire simply a huge number of enemies, and enemies not deprived of power and influence, and in the summer of 2016 some of the general’s employees were taken under arrest. As it became known from various news sources, the cause was the conflict on Rochdelskaya Street, which became the fuse of a long-smoldering confrontation between law enforcement agencies. The case raised a big fuss in the press, and while detailed circumstances were being clarified, many corruption schemes surfaced, and several high-ranking leaders were taken into custody. But even here Feoktistov managed to get out to his advantage. He retired on time to the reserve and in the fall of 2016, he took the post of vice president for security at Rosneft.

But he stayed in such a responsible and desirable post in the Rosneft security department for only six months, but, despite such a short period, he managed to declare himself here too. In October 2016, under his leadership, Aleksey Ulyukaev, who at that time held the post of Minister of Economic Development, was detained. Russian Federation. Taking advantage of his high official position, he prevented serious transactions of Rosneft, which was already gradually preparing to take over Bashneft, gradually buying up its shares. Ulyukaev demanded a bribe in the amount of two million dollars from the representatives of the corporation, on receipt of which he was taken on the night of December 15.

The case received an unusually wide public response, and due to the excessively high attention of the press to his personality, Oleg Feoktistov left Rosneft in March. It is known from the news that Sechin himself explained the departure of the head of security by the resumption of Feoktistov in the FSB apparatus, but later his name appeared on the list of candidates for a seat on the board of directors of the largest oil and gas corporation.

Dark horse - Ural Latypov

Feoktistov's place was taken by Ural Alfredovich Latypov, a former employee of the Prosecutor General's Office. In March 2017, Rosneft management appointed him head of the company's security department. To be precise, he remains to this day the acting chief.

Ural Alfredovich was born in 1972 in the city of Ufa. After studying at a secondary school, he entered the Belarusian State University and graduated in 1997. In parallel with his studies, he worked in the prosecutor's office until 2012, after which he abruptly changed the type of activity and switched to the Federal Drug Control Service.

For a long time, the news was circulating in the media that the reasons for his departure were by no means voluntary, and the reason for his dismissal was the excess of official authority in order to obtain personal monetary gain.

Despite all the incidents and the exaggeration of the reasons for his departure in the media in 2012, Ural Alfredovich became the deputy head of the Federal Drug Control Service in the Moscow Region, where Vasily Yurchenko was his immediate supervisor at that time.

The head of Rosneft in negotiations with partners.

According to a number of sources, after the transfer of Yurchenko to the Security Council of Rosneft, Latypov began a period that can be called the popular expression "walk your soul." Extortion from suspects and defendants, sheer corruption, the collapse of many criminal cases, lobbying for the interests of criminal gangs - Latypov managed to check in on all counts.

It is not surprising that such revelry attracted the participation of the FSB, the employees soon showed up at Ural Alfredovich with a search. Turning to Yurchenko for help, who helps him avoid problems, Latypov, under his patronage, soon got into the staff of the Rosneft security service.

After Yurchenko was replaced by Feoktistov, Ural Latypov began to think about how to curry favor with the new leader. He did it not too beautifully and in an original way - through notes, where he talked about how Yurchenko ignored the instructions of his superiors, did not observe subordination and passed important information directly to NK, through the head of their immediate superiors. The intrigues were crowned with success, and Yurchenko was sent on a business trip to Bashneft for a long time.

After Feoktistov left his post, the leadership of Rosneft began to think about who to put in his place. Most of the votes were in favor of the same Yurchenko, who not only knows all the duties necessary for this position and has the required experience, but, being seconded to Bashneft, managed to put her affairs in order, which was also a fat plus in his favor .

Latypov, realizing that Yurchenko would sooner or later become aware of his denunciations, decided to compromise the latter so that he could not be reinstated. He decided to do this with the help of another denunciation, where he described his informal conversation with Yurchenko. According to the document, Sechin allegedly decided to fire Kalinin and appoint him to a vacant position.

The denunciation to Kalinin has borne fruit. He teamed up with Latypov, and by joint efforts they were able to prevent Yurchenko from the post of head of the security service of Rosneft, which was later taken by Ural Alfredovich.


According to many sources, blackmail, denunciations, falsifications and forgeries - that's what Latypov was able to bring to the Rosneft Security Council. A well-known master of misinformation, who, through many hard-hitting memos, has achieved a significant position in a powerful corporation, Latypov, as various sources write, is still that “dark horse”.

In addition, as many former colleagues of Latypov say, he was very partial to drugs, and he was noticed more than once with dilated pupils and in a not very adequate condition.

How Latypov was able to achieve such success in his career is a mystery to many. An even bigger mystery remains how such, to put it mildly, not the most adequate person could get into the leadership of Rosneft, which today almost the whole world is literally looking at under a microscope. Such an appointment is not quite on time and out of place, and it is likely that in the near future the new head of the Rosneft Security Council will again appear in scandalous news.

Rosneft has replaced the head of the security service. This post was taken by Oleg Feoktistov, who worked in the FSB and supervised, in particular, the case of Nikita Belykh. Previously, Vasily Yurchenko, a native of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was responsible for security in the company.

FSB man

Oleg Feoktistov has been appointed vice president and head of the security service of Rosneft, according to the company's website. The report notes that Feoktistov graduated from the Academy of the FSB and previously "worked in the structures of the FSB."

Oleg Feoktistov was the deputy head of the internal security department (USB) of the FSB of Russia. in this position, he oversaw the detention of the heads of the Main Directorate for Economic Security and Anti-Corruption (GUEBiPK) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Denis Sugrobov and Boris Kolesnikov in 2014. According to RBC interlocutors close to the leadership of the FSB, Feoktistov also led operational support in the case of the former governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh, who was arrested in June on charges of taking a bribe.

At the end of August, Novaya Gazeta, citing sources that Feoktistov was one of the candidates for the post of head of the department, however, Sergei Korolev, who previously held this position and headed the department's Economic Security Service, lobbied for another candidate. As a result, Feoktistov was transferred to the office of seconded employees and was supposed to be seconded to PJSC Rosseti, sources told the publication.

Feoktistov was not appointed head of the CSS, since he is not a person from Korolev's team, close to the leadership of the special service. Korolev and Feoktistov had a difficult relationship, therefore, after being appointed head of the SEB FSB, Korolev preferred to get rid of a potential competitor by lobbying for another candidate, RBC's source noted.

As a result, Novaya Gazeta wrote, the USB was headed by the former head of the 2nd management service, Alexei Komkov, and the former head of the 1st service, Anatoly Filippov, became his first deputy.

Reshuffle in the FSB, which was carried out in the economic security service. The first test took place in May. Then, following its results, Viktor Voronin, the head of the “K” department, resigned. One of the reasons for conducting the inspection and for the subsequent dismissal of Voronin was the criminal case on smuggling, with which Voronin's subordinate, the head of the 7th department of the department "K" of the SEB FSB, Vadim Uvarov, turned out to be connected.

Changes in Rosneft

Vasily Yurchenko, who served as Rosneft's acting head of security for the past year, will become Feoktistov's first deputy, the company said.

Yurchenko is an honorary officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, follows from his biography on the website of the oil company. He graduated with honors from the Higher School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, later completed postgraduate studies at the Academy of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and became a candidate of legal sciences. From 1977 to 2011, Yurchenko served in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then until 2015 he headed the department of the Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN) in the Moscow Region.

Vasily Yurchenko became acting vice president and head of the Rosneft security service in August 2015. Prior to that, Nail Mukhitov was responsible for security in the company since 2012. As RBC sources familiar with the top manager, before joining Rosneft, he served as deputy head of the FSB's own security service. After leaving Rosneft, Mukhitov became an assistant to the head of the Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev.

In addition to Nail Mukhitov, in July 2015, another top manager of Rosneft, Rashid Sharipov, who headed the office of the head of the company, Igor Sechin, resigned. Instead, Sechin's apparatus was headed by Mikhail Grafinin, who previously oversaw the representative office of the oil company in Venezuela. Sharipov went to Transneft, where he holds the positions of vice president and member of the board of the company.

In April 2016, the post of Vice President for Economics and Finance of Rosneft was Svyatoslav Slavinsky, who joined the company in 2013 immediately after the purchase of TNK-BP. Slavinsky's three-year contract ended, a source close to the company explained to RBC. Slavinsky was replaced by Pavel Fedorov, who was the first vice president of Rosneft in 2011-2012, and later held a similar post at Nornickel.

In May, Rosneft Larisa Kalanda, who since 2006 has held the post of vice president of the company (first for legal issues and asset protection, since 2012 for interaction with authorities). Rosneft explained Kalanda's departure by the end of the contract and personal circumstances. Two RBC sources claimed that Kalanda was fired. RBC's interlocutors cited Kalanda's disagreements with Igor Sechin as the reason for this.

The text “How Rosneft’s Security Service Corrupted” published in December 2016 in The CrimeRussia led to a number of events, each of which is still shrouded in a fog of rumors and assumptions.

The above material said that Tyulenev Alexander Alexandrovich created a clear corruption system. Her tasks were mainly lobbying and obtaining a percentage for access to control over firms under the leadership of Tyulenev. Accordingly, Vasily Nikolaevich carried out all illegal activities through him.

After the publication of such information, there was a reduction in high officials:

  • and about. Vasily Yurchenko, Vice President for Security at RN;
  • Albert Trebunskikh, Deputy General Director for Economic Security of OOO NGK ITERA;
  • Mikhail Akzhigitov, who held the same post at RN-Inform LLC;
  • Vladimir Voyakin in the same position from RN-Moscow LLC.

There is an opinion that U. Latypov, whose reputation can hardly be called clean, had a hand in layoffs. To paint a complete picture of the tangled relationships within the largest oil company, let's go in order.

Ural Alfredovich Latypov

Until 2012, the hero of the article occupied the position of senior investigator of the Main Directorate for Supervision of the Investigation of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation.

Stories about Latypov, to put it mildly, are not few.

It is difficult to reliably find out the reason for the end of a career, because. there are several versions:

  1. Abuse of lobbying.
  2. The use of narcotic drugs.

The senior investigator changed his job “of his own free will”, and in the same 2012 he took the post of deputy head of the department of the Federal Drug Control Service in the Moscow Region. This area of ​​activity was under the control of Vasily Yurchenko and occupied a leadership position in solving serious crimes. According to colleagues and colleagues, the hero of the article tried not to stand out in the team and worked without attracting attention.

As soon as the general moved to the "RN" in 2015, he began to contribute to the internal collapse of the FSKN and established his own rules. According to some reports, that period can be marked by large-scale corruption, which spread not only to violators of the law, but also to colleagues, including future ones. For getting a job career and other manifestations of attention from the authorities, it was necessary to deposit a certain amount, varying depending on expectations.

There is information according to which colleagues were repeatedly made to understand the following: V. Yurchenko also has his share in such "frauds". It is difficult to develop any attitude to such reasoning, however, after the UFSKN, the hero of this section gets a place in the RN security department, which is headed by Lieutenant General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vasily Yurchenko.

Further, events unfold in an unpredictable direction: Ural Alfredovich, through denunciations of his "employer" and his discredit, approaches the vice-president of the personnel department, Yuri Kalinin. Further, he warns Kalinin about the upcoming resignation from the state corporation. Its reason should have been Yurchenko's slander against him about corruption in RN.

After the notification, Vasily Nikolayevich loses his post at Rosneft - it is occupied by Mr. Latypov.

And this is just the beginning of the story.

After the reins of government in the Security Council are transferred to the above-mentioned gentleman, the following persons join the company team:

  • Evgeny Yapryntsev;
  • Sergei Usevich;
  • Ruslan Sheyanov.

Their common characteristic is the common place of work, as well as a similar reason for dismissal: bribery.

There is an opinion: the new head of the Security Council returned to old habits and, together with his former colleagues, built a “machine” to influence the interests of the corporation.

Activities in the FSKN

In the biography of the General of Justice, one more point should be highlighted regarding the service in the drug control department.

Under him, the bribery machine was engaged in editing criminal cases: the article on the sale of narcotic drugs was corrected for possession, and this significantly mitigated the punishment, and in a couple even got rid of it.

Subordinates also took part in this system:

  • Igor Kotov - Deputy Head of the Investigative Unit;
  • Andrei Yudin is an investigator for especially important cases.

It was they who were detained by law enforcement agencies as suspected of receiving a large amount illegally - a bribe.

According to investigators, the above-named persons promised the violator of the law to influence the course of the trial for a symbolic contribution of 1 million rubles. After that, they “earned” another 1.5 million rubles by intimidating a witness. If he refused to fulfill the set condition, he could join the number of suspects. Only in 2015, Kotov and Yudin were caught red-handed, upon receipt of 1.2 million rubles.

During the interrogation, the defendants never mentioned the name of their boss in their testimony.

One could make an assumption: there is no connection between them, if not for the fact that he "helps" the families of his subordinates in the form of money. Every month he transfers about 200 thousand rubles to each family to their accounts, in general, he spends 500 thousand rubles a month, half a million rubles, on such provision.

GC "All people are equal" and the missing millions of rubles

In 2010, acting Andrey Votinov, General Director of the Tuapse Oil Refinery, together with the Tuapse deputy Alexander Firichenko, organizes the construction institution “All people are equal”. The latter becomes the director of the company and concludes an agreement with the refinery to sublease a plot of land in Tuapse for a rounded amount. The contract was concluded, the money was transferred, but the land was not used.

Votinov and Firichenko knew that the hectares of land specified in the contract belonged to the Krasnodar Territory, on the one hand, and were leased to a construction company, on the other. Moreover, it has already taken place construction works, therefore, "RN" could not use it.

Thus, the investigation believes that the damage to the oil and gas enterprise is approximately half a billion rubles, which literally evaporated. Andrei Votinov, who managed to rewrite the assets in the name of his sister Irina Poley, also disappeared. At the moment he is on the international wanted list. His accomplice had to spend a year and a half in a pre-trial detention center, after which, by decision of the court of the Krasnodar Territory, he was sentenced to house arrest.

And again Latypov

Ural Alfredovich hires his former colleague from the Bashkir procurator Yevgeny Yapryntsev to work in the oil and gas enterprise. According to some assumptions, an old acquaintance was supposed to provide him with maximum influence on the cause of the All People Are Equal Group of Companies.

To achieve this goal, Yapryntsev establishes contacts with the following persons:

  • Igor Babaev - First Deputy Prosecutor of Kuban;
  • Valery Kruglov - former deputy prosecutor of the region;
  • Andrei Alekseenko - Deputy Head of the Kuban Administration.

The means of influence was not new for Latypov and very traditional - an intricate network of bribes, contributing not only to the implementation of the plan, but also to the close convergence of all its "links".

Job sale

The workplace in the branches of the largest corporation after the appearance on the arena of Latypov turned into an expensive commodity, relentlessly profitable.

The management of the security department personally monitors the implementation of all payments: after a certain time, from 3 to 6 months, staying in a new place, the employee must “thank” the authorities in a significant way. Moreover, the manifestation of gratitude is not limited to one single time, but is repeated periodically.

If such conditions do not suit the "newcomer", then trusted persons of the system begin to deal with them. As a result of all sorts of checks, unexpected visits, and other things, it is possible to find compromising evidence on an unwanted employee. Further development of events is predictable - dismissal.

Note: the reliability of the data presented is difficult to determine definitively.


The participant in the cases described above denies any rumors about his criminal past and criminal present. In May of this year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs received a statement from the head of the Security Service "RN", which reported that for the first time its compiler personally discovered false information about himself on the Internet on July 28, 2017, while in the office of the NC "RN". The statement was an accusation of disseminating incorrect and false information northern equipment Google.

According to lawyer Alexander Ostrovsky, Latypov has every reason to seek help from the court: “The author of the article, Trushkov, claims that General of Justice Latypov may be involved in corruption crimes. Apparently, it was these facts that the head of the Rosneft Security Service considered slander and decided to contact the police ”- the electronic news portal“ Life ”

The accusation related to Google still defies explanation; some lawyers believe that the American service cannot have anything to do with this case.

Information about further development there are no events so far either on electronic sources or in the media: the Ministry of Internal Affairs and NK "RN" refuse to give any comments on the current situation.


Mr. Latypov is a vague person, surrounded on all sides by rumors and inaccurate information.

To date, the media and Internet resources provide readers with a motley material about this person, therefore, after reading it, everyone will create their own opinion about everything that happens in the company associated with this name.

On February 1, the President of Russia held a meeting on privatization issues with the participation of the heads of a number of state-owned companies, including NK Rosneft. Economists link the need to privatize the largest oil structure not only with the need to receive budget revenues from the sale of state-owned shares, but also to improve the quality of company management. IN last years production is steadily declining, the company is suffering losses, has repeatedly requested benefits and funds from the National Welfare Fund, that is, in fact, from funds for pension provision citizens. The "People's IPO" turned out to be a large-scale gamble - shares in ruble terms are now worth the same money as when placed, and the company's capitalization has fallen by almost three times.

Now all of Rosneft is worth half the money paid for the purchase of TNK-BP. If you call a spade a spade, it is now important for the state not to cash in on the sale of shares of an inefficient oil monopolist, but to get rid of its endless support as much as possible, for which the privatization process has been launched. Vladimir Milov, in a recent column in Forbes, stated the obvious thing - now Rosneft is controlled by the company's management, which is most interested in opposing privatization. But since direct sabotage of the president's instructions is impossible, the strategy of indirect actions is used.

At the end of August 2015, acting vice president - head of the security service of Rosneft, the former head of the Federal Drug Control Service for the Moscow Region was appointed Vasily Yurchenko. In October, Yurchenko was included in the board of the company. Of course, the new vice-president brought a team with him, squeezing out the subordinates of his predecessor, Nail Mukhitov, who for the most part were acting state security officers. The previous and current heads of the security service differ significantly in their background - very little is known about Mukhitov, before joining Rosneft, he served as deputy head of the internal security service of the FSB of Russia - the most closed division of the special service. Yurchenko has always served in the police, there are a lot of scandalous publications about him.

The image is also strikingly different - clearly biased negative publications about counterintelligence officer Mukhitov appeared immediately before his dismissal, apparently to create a pretext. The media wrote about Yurchenko for decades, starting with regional criminal chronicles and ending with federal news. So, Yurchenko began his service as a district inspector and was first dismissed from the Soviet police in 1984 from the post of deputy head of the BHSS department of the Zamoskvoretsky district. In addition to being fired, he also became a defendant in a criminal case. Subsequently, the case was dismissed and Yurchenko was reinstated in the police.

Yurchenko also became a defendant in a criminal case on the fact of appropriation - a German-made kitchen for $3,600, purchased with budgetary funds for the municipal police of the Southern District of Moscow, which he then led. During the searches, it was established that Yurchenko lives in a three-story mansion in the village of Krasny Put, Domodedovo District, which is illegally guarded by police officers. IOUs worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and unregistered weapons were also found. So, episodes of smuggling and illegal possession of weapons were added to the accusations of theft. By that time, Yurchenko served as deputy head of the Moscow police department.

The biography of Mr. Yurchenko was described in detail by the journalist of Moskovsky Komsomolets, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption Alexander Khinshtein in the sensational material “Pirouette on a Banana Peel”, according to which the hero then sued the newspaper. The article also mentioned the moral character of Yurchenko: his son was detained in a car that was wanted by Interpol as stolen, but was released at the request of the general, and the car was removed from the wanted list in Russia. A funny detail - numerous complaints to the presidential administration against Yurchenko were written by him ex-wife with the conclusion that "such people cannot serve in the police."

Nevertheless, Yurchenko managed to resolve his problems. The criminal case on the fact of smuggling a pistol from Georgia was closed, as Yurchenko testified that his leaders had committed the same act, that is, in fact, the accused testified against his superiors. After the closing of the criminal case, Yurchenko was restored to his former position through the court. However, the career of a scandalous policeman did not end.

In 2011, he was appointed head of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Moscow Region. During the years of the fight against drugs in the media, no significant successes of the general were noted. However, he did not completely disappear from the tabloids' field of vision - in 2012, Aram Gabrelyanov's Life News published information that in the already mentioned mansion in the village of Krasny Put, two guest workers from Tajikistan were detained for rape and robbery, who illegally lived in the general's house. At the same time, it was reported that the general prevented their detention and organized the persecution of the criminal investigation officers who were investigating the case.

In 2013, the name of the general was mentioned again in connection with an illegal armed raid by employees of the department headed by him on the chemical plant of OAO Voskresensk mineral fertilizers". The document signed by Yurchenko, on the basis of which the work of the enterprise was paralyzed, was recognized by the court as illegal, but this time no criminal case was initiated against persons who exceeded their official powers. In 2015, the activities of Mr. Yurchenko in the field of law and order ended and were immediately continued at Rosneft Oil Company, in connection with which it is obvious that he left the service in the Federal Drug Control Service precisely to transfer to an oil company.

Naturally, in order to demonstrate his own significance, Yurchenko immediately launched the most active actions in his newly occupied position, the main arena of which was the Tuapse Oil Refinery, a 100% subsidiary of Rosneft, which was undergoing extensive modernization. For the position of Deputy Director for Economic refinery safety Anton Grachev, who also previously served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was employed as the chief of police of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Rostov Region. Yurchenko and Grachev, with the involvement of the administrative resource of Rosneft, achieved the initiation of a number of criminal cases by the central office of the Investigative Committee of Russia against counterparties of the Tuapse Oil Refinery - LLC Graviton and LLC All People Are Equal. Director of the second company, municipal deputy from " United Russia» Alexander Firichenko is currently under arrest.

Experts familiar with the criminal case say that, in fact, Yurchenko and Grachev are carrying out a raider seizure of the property of the mentioned legal entities, allegedly in the interests of Rosneft Oil Company. Yurchenko, despite the high status of acting. vice president of the oil monopoly, personally flies to Krasnodar region to direct the actions of the investigation, which is formally headed by the investigator for especially important cases of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the NCFD V.V. Zakharov. This investigative unit is supervised personally by the Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Boris Karnaukhov and created to investigate cases against terrorists and members of illegal armed groups. However, in this case, Colonel-General Karnaukhov's subordinates are investigating cases related to the economic relations of business entities.

Vasily Yurchenko's henchman, Anton Grachev, also has an extremely negative reputation. He was dismissed from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Rostov Region as a result of an audit by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which established numerous violations of the law, distortion of performance indicators, creation of conditions for the commission of malfeasance, including falsification of evidence. During Grachev's leadership of the Rostov police, she was shaken by numerous scandals and crimes, including those directly related to Grachev - from removing him from a tree while intoxicated by the crew of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and ending with a fight with a deputy of the State Duma from the Communist Party faction Vladimir Bessonov in 2011. At the same time, in the case Grachev is the victim (!), And the deputy who held the meeting with the voters is the defendant, he allegedly beat the policeman, who is a candidate for master of sports in hand-to-hand combat. In 2015, Grachev worked for a short time in the representative office of the government of Sevastopol in Moscow - not the most good choice employee for a company already under sanctions.

By the way, Yurchenko’s device at Rosneft and gaining access to the company’s lobbying resources clearly helped Grachev too: criminal cases both in Tuapse and against Deputy Bessonov are being investigated by investigators from the central office of the Russian Investigative Committee, in direct contact with whose leadership Yurchenko and Grachev are now . Insiders close to the management of the Tuapse Refinery note that now the new heads of the security service have completely switched over to conclude all contracts and pay for them, citing the fulfillment of the personal instructions of the head of the corporation.

However, there is reason to believe that the vigorous activity of the two associates is motivated not only by the interests of Rosneft. So, Anton Grachev in Tuapse, at the expense of the company, rented a huge house for housing, which actually belongs to a certain Alexander Udovenko (Udav) - an "authoritative entrepreneur" who previously held the position of head of the Tuapse district police department and secretly controls the construction business in the area. As eyewitnesses say, Vasily Yurchenko, who flew in to supervise criminal cases in Tuapse, also visited this house. At a joint dinner, the issues of loading the construction capacities of Udovenko, consolidated since Olympics in Sochi .

Vasily Yurchenko personally supervises the investigation of criminal cases in Tuapse

President of Russia Vladimir Putin at a meeting on February 1, he noted that during the privatization of state-owned companies it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality of investors, their business reputation and work experience. Unfortunately, such requirements are not imposed on the management of Rosneft Oil Company, which oversees security issues, through whose hands hundreds of billions worth of contracts pass. Obviously, those forces that promoted Yurchenko and Grachev to the positions are well aware of the episodes of their biography, which clearly indicates their more significant role - giving the privatized asset the most unpresentable appearance.

Alexander Filatov

General unsinkable in water and other environments Vasily Yurchenko went through all the criminal cases, scandals and checks and surfaced as vice president OAO NK Rosneft

Lieutenant General Vasily Yurchenko is a well-known figure in security circles, and a very sad one at that. He belongs to the group of people whose name is only whispered by ordinary police officers, often wondering how this man is still working in law enforcement and why he is still not on the other side of the barbed wire.

For the first time, he flew out of the authorities with a bang on charges of corruption already in 1984. But later he returned. Then there were high-profile stories about the missing furniture for the police department, the act of installation of which was personally signed by Yurchenko, about the illegal storage and smuggling of weapons and ammunition, about the misappropriated millions of rubles, taken from an official from nowhere, which he happily loaned “at interest”.

For any other officer, any of these episodes would have meant the imminent end of a career, but not for Yurchenko - he continued to work, and even receiving one commanding position after another. For a long time no one dared to cross the general's road.

"Gaischnik" said:

You won't believe it, we are detaining one brat in a brand new Audi ... He is eighteen or nineteen years old - no more. "Punch" on the computer - the car is wanted through Interpol! We delay. And the kid laughs: look at my documents. Looked. Well Yurchenko, and what? We have at least Yurchenko, at least Supchenko. They took it to the department. Who knew that his dad was a general.


They also apologized. The whole department was on the ears. A day later, Yurchenko's car was removed from the wanted list.

If sixteen years ago someone had told the employees of the personnel inspectorate of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate that their “ward” would become a general, and not just a general, but a person who determines the entire personnel policy in the city, they would probably only twist their finger at the temple. Could not, just could not a person with a similar biography to make a career in Soviet times.

Times change...

In 1984, Vasily Yurchenko, deputy head of the BHSS department of the Moskvoretsky district, was dismissed from the authorities. This dismissal was preceded by a rather major scandal, which ended with the initiation of a criminal case against Yurchenko. He was charged with serious malfeasance. Using the current terminology, in corruption.

It should be noted that there have never been angels in the BHSS system. If a person was already fired, and in addition a case was initiated, the grounds for this should have been the most serious ...

What happened next, what forces saved Yurchenko - one can only guess. The case did not reach the court: it was stopped at the investigation stage. And soon Yurchenko was restored to the police. To do this, however, he had to leave Moscow - to the godforsaken Borzinsky district of the cold Chita region.

Metropolitan thing, former deputy chief central department was forced to vegetate as an ordinary district police officer. He didn’t have to choose: the way to Moscow was ordered for him for the time being ...

He returned to the capital only at the end of the 88th - an adjunct of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Now it's final.

Yurchenko was lucky. He graduated from his postgraduate course just in those days when the capital's police department was headed by a major specialist in high temperatures. The police, like the whole country, was falling apart right before our eyes, and in this democratic mess, no one cared about some former defendant who was fired six years ago.

In October 1991, Yurchenko became deputy head of the 41st police department for criminal investigation. Of course, not God knows what in comparison with the previous post in the capital, but our hero knew well the main principle of the Airborne Forces: the main thing is to gain a foothold in the bridgehead.

And then it went and went. Commanding positions flew one after another, like cards in the hands of a katala: the head of the duty unit of the Southern District Internal Affairs Directorate, the head of the municipal police of the Southern District, the deputy chief, the first deputy chief of the Central District Internal Affairs Directorate.

In October 1999, Yurchenko was transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the chief inspector of the personnel department. It was exactly at the height of the war between the city and the ministry.

In war, as you know, they grow up quickly. That is why already in February 2000, the former district police officer of the Borzinsky regional department became the chief personnel officer of the Moscow police. The fate of thousands of people now depends on the stroke of his pen.

“How can he work for you,” the employees of the Presidential Control Department were surprised when they got acquainted with the materials on Yurchenko. The heads of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate only smiled embarrassedly in response ... It was back in the old, "pre-general" times.

Employees of the Control Department took all the materials on Yurchenko from the Personnel Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Conducted a check.

In October 1996, the prefecture of the Southern District allocated three thousand six hundred dollars to the department of the municipal police, which was then headed by Yurchenko. With this money, the municipalities had to buy a set of German kitchen furniture"for the dining room." And they bought. However, she did not reach the department. Disappeared into empty space.

Instead of a chic oak kitchen, a couple of years later, the inspectors found only modest chipboard furniture with the lyrical name "Yaroslavna". It cost a little less than a hundred dollars.

“Vasily Nikolaevich, where did you disappear to German cuisine? - asked Yurchenko. He shrugged. I don't know. As if he forgot that it was he who in December 1996 signed the act of receiving and installing imported furniture. An act that has not been registered by anyone and anywhere.

The inspectors turned to the sellers, to the firm "Galant". Yes, - they answered there, - we really sold such furniture in the autumn of 1996. The customer's name was Vasily Nikolaevich, his phone number was 235-56-53.

It was not difficult to "break through" the number. It was the telephone number of Vasily Nikolaevich Yurchenko, head of the municipal police department of the Southern District Internal Affairs Directorate, who “refused to give experimental samples of handwriting and signature” ...

Searches were carried out at Yurchenko's house, at his dacha and in his office. The prosecutors were especially struck by his luxurious three-story cottage in the village of Krasny Put, Domodedovo District. The mansion was guarded by police officers.

You obviously can’t build one on a general’s salary. However, do not borrow money from the deputy head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. On the contrary, they borrow from him. In Yurchenko's safe on Petrovka, investigators seized 2 applications for the return of 150 thousand dollars to the general. The papers were dated 2005.

It is inconvenient to even somehow ask a person who is so easily throwing dollars about how he buys expensive furniture, makes European-style repairs ...

Apparently, it is precisely the innate shyness and other intellectual prejudices that explain the fact that Moscow Prosecutor Mikhail Avdyukov refused to sanction the arrest of Yurchenko. Motivation: the general follows all instructions of the investigation.

The person sitting on the frames must be holier than the Pope. Well, what a personnel officer, such personnel ...

From Khinshtein's article.

In July 2000, a criminal case was initiated against General Yurchenko under three articles at once: arms smuggling, illegal possession of weapons, and misappropriation of funds.

But ... the criminal case was hushed up and Yurchenko suddenly became a lieutenant general of the Federal Drug Control Service.

And there he excelled:

"Vasily Yurchenko's sixes, having not found anything forbidden at the chemical plant, demanded to find 4-6 illegal immigrants." Arbitration court Moscow declared illegal the actions of the head of the Office of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Moscow Region, who organized this summer a real armed raid with searches on the chemical plant OJSC Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers

Two rapists were detained in the house of the head of the FSKN MO. Workers who worked at the dacha of the main fighter against drugs in the Moscow region are suspected of rape. The Lieutenant General of Police stood up for them.

After the arrest of two rapists in country house 56-year-old lieutenant general Vasily Yurchenko has launched a pre-investigation check against two employees of the criminal investigation department: after complaints from a high-ranking officer, the police are threatened with dismissal.

A 32-year-old resident of the Domodedovo district, Olga Shch., came to the Domodedovo police department on 16 August. The woman said that the day before, two young men of Asian appearance robbed, severely beaten, and then abused her in the vicinity of the village of Krasny Put.

Immediately after the arrest of the suspects in relation to the operatives of the local UGRO, the investigation began to check whether they had exceeded their official powers.

Yesterday, acting officers gave their explanations to the investigators. Major Mikhail Pogolev, head of the aviation territorial police department, and lieutenants Dmitry Beznogov and Sergey Beyalt, who participated in the arrest.

Vasily Yurchenko was caught at a press conference, where he reported on the seizure of a 200-kilogram consignment of heroin in Bronnitsy. In a conversation with a correspondent, Yurchenko was extremely surprised to hear about the detention of rapists in his house.

Just now I learned from you, the first time I hear. I say it sincerely, - said the head of the Federal Drug Control Service for the Moscow Region. - I would know. You open America for me, I was on vacation, I left only on the 20th. I rested in Alushta, oh ... in Alupka. This is news to me!

Meanwhile, sources in the investigation assure that a complaint from Yurchenko about the actions of the police was indeed received, but not in writing, but in oral form.

Mansion of General Yurchenko

Secret sponsor of the FSKN general.

In the case of Lieutenant-General of Police Vasily Yurchenko, head of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation near Moscow, a corruption component was discovered - expensive lawyers are hired by unknown third parties to his department. Lawyers' fees of such a high level are significantly higher than the average market prices and average at least $ 500 per hour.

At the same time, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation reproached the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for poor control over the prevention of drug addiction and insufficient development of anti-drug programs and found violations worth 1 billion rubles in the work of the service in 2012-2013 - these are, in particular, violations of accounting for federal property, inefficient spending of budget funds and non-compliance with the Budget Code of the Russian Federation.

And now the general, who was under investigation several times, does not drown at all. Now, however, he has found himself a better-paid job .... but it is possible that he will “pop up” again in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Drug Control Service or somewhere else.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree "On the dismissal and appointment to a position in some federal state bodies", by which he dismissed the head of the Federal Drug Control Service for the Moscow Region Vasily Yurchenko, follows from the decree published on the official Internet portal of legal information.

“Release Lieutenant General of Police Vasily Nikolaevich Yurchenko, Head of the Department of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control in the Moscow Region, from his post,” the document says.

As specified on the website of the regional FSKN, Yurchenko headed the anti-drug agency in December 2011.

Now General Yurchenko - Acting Vice President - Head of the Security Service of OAO NK Rosneft.

In the internal affairs bodies, he went from a policeman to the first deputy head of the Department for Ensuring Law and Order in Closed Territories and Security Facilities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

In 2011, he was appointed head of the Department of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Moscow Region. October 2, 2015 - Appointed Acting Vice President - Head of the Security Service of OAO OC Rosneft.

Awarded the Order of Courage (2005), awarded the title "Honored Officer of the Internal Affairs Bodies". Awarded with the badge "Honorary Officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs".

He has a premium personalized firearm. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 2, 2013, he was awarded the Order of Honor. 04/28/2012 - awarded the rank of lieutenant general of the police.
