Weight loss up to 14 kg in 4 weeks.
The average daily calorie content is 920 kcal.

Do you want to lose extra pounds without starving and eating delicious food? The presidential diet, which is also called the lifelong diet, will come to the rescue. This technique was developed by an American cardiologist from Florida, Arthur Agatston; it helps to lose fat without harming health. The presidential diet has been successfully tested by people all over the world, and even President Clinton and his family. Because of what, in fact, the technique received such a “trump card” name.

Presidential Diet Requirements

The main feature of the presidential methodology is the observance of the carbohydrate-fat balance in the daily menu. The basis of nutrition in the stage of active weight loss on this diet are protein foods: lean meat, lean fish (salmon, flounder, pike perch), seafood and seaweed, cheese, nuts. After all, it is known that by limiting the intake of carbohydrate foods into the body, it begins to actively burn its own fat reserves, due to which the figure is transformed.

A distinctive feature of the presidential diet is three-phase power. First phase- preparatory. It lasts two weeks. As a rule, up to 6-7 unnecessary kilograms run away during this period. Now you need to eat fractionally 6 times a day in small portions. The menu can be compiled at your discretion, trying to eat more healthy and low-fat food. Be sure to refuse: semi-finished products; sweet and confectionery products; products containing white flour; fruits and berries; croup; fatty meat, fat; milk, cheese and other dairy and sour-milk products with a high percentage of fat content; potatoes, corn, carrots; fast food products and various high-calorie foods. From liquids, give preference to clean water. Do not add sugar or other high-calorie additives to tea and coffee.

Second phase lasts until the time when you see the desired number on the scales. If you lost weight to the required weight already in the first phase, then skip this one and go straight to the third phase. During the second stage of the presidential diet, you can gradually return to the diet: buckwheat, rice (preferably brown), oatmeal; fatty milk and sour milk; berries and fruits (just do not need to eat bananas and watermelon yet); potatoes; hard pasta and wholemeal bread. Try to eat smaller meals and don't overeat.

When the scale pleases you, move on to third phase, which is desirable to adhere to as long as possible. Now you can eat whatever you want, but as little as possible allow yourself semi-finished products, fatty and fried foods, any food and drinks where there was a place for sugar. At all phases of the presidential diet, sports and an active lifestyle are welcome.

Presidential Diet Menu

An example of a weekly diet of the first phase of the presidential diet

Breakfast: boiled egg; cup tomato juice; a piece of steam or boiled beef.
Lunch: a saucer of fat-free cottage cheese mixed with tomato slices and seasoned with herbs; tea.
Lunch: boiled chicken fillet with ground walnuts, garlic, parsley and olive oil.
Snack: salad of cottage cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs.
Dinner: Grilled flounder with steamed broccoli and a small salad of non-starchy vegetables.
Second dinner: 2 tbsp. l. low-fat cottage cheese with lemon zest.

Breakfast: casserole, the ingredients of which are cottage cheese, chicken egg, tomato; tea or coffee.
Lunch: low-fat cottage cheese.
Lunch: steam chicken breast without skin; cucumber and lettuce leaves.
Afternoon snack: cabbage stewed in the company of mushrooms.
Dinner: green beans boiled; salad of cabbage and kelp.
Second dinner: low-fat kefir (glass) or a little cottage cheese.

Breakfast: boiled or fried chicken egg in a dry frying pan; a glass of tomato juice; boiled or baked beef fillet; coffee Tea.
Lunch: a piece of hard cheese with minimal fat content (preferably not very salty).
Lunch: boiled squid and cucumber and tomato salad.
Afternoon snack: mashed potatoes from any vegetables.
Dinner: cabbage stewed with mushrooms and a portion of salad, which contains boiled beets, walnuts and garlic; tea.
Second dinner: a little cottage cheese with pieces of citrus.

Breakfast: omelet from two eggs, greens and milk; A glass of tomato juice.
Lunch: cottage cheese with tomato slices.
Lunch: a salad of white cabbage and green onions; steam or boiled beef.
Snack: cottage cheese (you can, like for lunch, with tomatoes).
Dinner: stewed flounder and cauliflower
Second dinner: cottage cheese

Breakfast: omelet from one chicken egg, pieces of beef and tomato.
Lunch: cottage cheese with any ground nuts; Tea coffee.
Lunch: Greek salad.
Afternoon snack: a piece of hard cheese and a tomato.
Dinner: boiled shrimp and a couple of fresh cucumbers.
Second dinner: a glass of kefir or a little cottage cheese.

Breakfast: cottage cheese baked with cheese and tomato; tea or coffee.
Lunch: a piece of cheese of minimal fat content and a couple of walnuts.
Lunch: salad of boiled squid, cheese, tomatoes, herbs and garlic.
Snack: cottage cheese and cherry tomatoes.
Dinner: steam chicken fillet; white cabbage salad with herbs.
Second dinner: 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese; tea.

Breakfast: omelet from 1-2 chicken eggs and a handful of mushrooms; a glass of pumpkin juice.
Lunch: cottage cheese with parsley.
Lunch: steamed kelp with broccoli.
Snack: salad of cottage cheese or low-fat cheese, tomato and a few nuts.
Dinner: a piece of boiled beef; tomato or broccoli.
Second dinner: a small amount of cottage cheese with lemon zest or a glass of empty yogurt.

Note. In the second week of the presidential methodology, you should eat about the same.

An example of a weekly diet of the second phase of the presidential diet

Monday Friday
Breakfast: a glass of fat-free or 1% kefir; small apple; coffee Tea.
Lunch: orange.
Lunch: Caesar salad.
Afternoon snack: about 100 g of cottage cheese; tomato or cucumber.
Dinner: boiled fish and stew from any vegetables.
Second supper: cottage cheese, to which some nuts are added.

Tuesday, Saturday
Breakfast: oatmeal with low-fat milk; orange; coffee Tea.
Lunch: boiled egg.
Lunch: baked fish fillet; vegetable non-starchy salad; a piece of bread; tea.
Afternoon snack: a glass of empty yogurt; pear or apple.
Dinner: boiled lean meat; slice of bread and vegetable salad.
Second dinner: low-fat cottage cheese (2 tablespoons) and a slice of dark chocolate.

Wednesday, Sunday
Breakfast: boiled egg; a slice of bread and a glass of tomato juice.
Lunch: up to 100 g of cottage cheese; Tea coffee.
Lunch: boiled chicken fillet; salad of tomatoes and cucumbers; a couple of whole grain crackers.
Snack: a piece of low-fat cheese and half an apple.
Dinner: baked chicken breast and non-starchy vegetable salad; Cup of tea.
Second dinner: baked or raw apple.

Breakfast: a glass of low-fat yogurt; pear.
Lunch: cottage cheese with half a tomato; Tea coffee.
Lunch: boiled turkey; a couple of tablespoons of buckwheat porridge; cucumber or tomato.
Snack: cottage cheese in the company of a handful of nuts and apple slices.
Dinner: boiled fish fillet; vegetable side dish from non-starchy products; slice of bread.
Second dinner: about 70-80 g of low-fat cottage cheese with a mix of any berries.

An example of a weekly diet of the third phase of the presidential diet

Monday Friday
Breakfast: boiled egg; oatmeal cooked in milk with the addition of nuts; tea or coffee.
Lunch: a couple of bread or cookies; tea.
Lunch: a bowl of vegetable soup; grilled lean meat; tomato; slice of bread.
Afternoon snack: tomato and cucumber salad.
Dinner: fish fillet baked with vegetables.
Second dinner: cottage cheese with berries or a glass of milk (kefir).

Tuesday, Saturday
Breakfast: half a glass of berries seasoned with low-fat yogurt; tea or coffee.
Lunch: a sandwich made from a slice of bread, lean ham or meat and greens.
Lunch: okroshka cooked on kefir.
Lunch: vegetable salad.
Dinner: brown rice (a couple of tablespoons boiled); shrimps; if desired, a glass of wine (preferably dry).
Second dinner: a glass of curdled milk and a pear.

Wednesday, Sunday
Breakfast: an omelet from a couple of chicken eggs and a tomato; a piece of bread and tea.
Lunch: apple.
Lunch: 2 bread and lean ham sandwiches; Tea coffee; 2 slices of melon.
Snack: 2 boiled potatoes in the company of greens.
Dinner: baked lean meat; salad (tomato, cucumber, bell pepper).
Second dinner: kefir and a handful of berries.

Breakfast: a couple of squash fritters; tea or coffee.
Lunch: peach.
Lunch: a bowl of vegetable soup; boiled or baked lean meat; tea; apple.
Snack: vegetable salad, lightly sprinkled with vegetable oil.
Dinner: boiled fish and a couple of tomatoes.
Second dinner: a glass of yogurt and 2-3 walnuts.

Contraindications to the presidential diet

  • The presidential diet, when compared with other weight loss methods, has much fewer contraindications.
  • So, resorting to it for help is not worth it only to pregnant and lactating ladies, children and the elderly.
  • It is better not to go on diets for weight loss and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Benefits of the Presidential Diet

  1. The Presidential Diet has many benefits. It has been scientifically proven to reduce blood sugar to normal levels when followed.
  2. Saturated fats in the method are proposed to be replaced by vegetable oils. This reduces the risk of heart disease and other serious diseases.
  3. Fractional meals maintain a constant feeling of satiety. The diet of presidents, in general, adjusts the body to work properly and contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, thereby minimizing the likelihood of weight gain in the future.
  4. The method provides for a varied and nutritious diet. If you make the menu correctly, you can provide the body with a complex of necessary components.

Disadvantages of the President's Diet

  • Note that most nutritionists do not support such a rapid weight loss, which is promised in the first phase of the presidential diet. Weight loss is considered normal - no more than one and a half kilograms per week. Here they are much more significant.
  • In order for excess weight to go away forever, you need to abstain from the use of harmful, but such beloved, products all your life. Many eating habits will certainly have to be changed. You need to work on yourself!

Re-running the presidential diet

If you feel comfortable, but want to lose more weight, you can return to the first phase of this technique when you wish. The third phase is recommended to be made for life. Then the excess weight will not return to you again.

What is the presidential diet? This is a diet that not only helps keep the body normal, but also maintain heart health. The main disease from which this diet saves is atherosclerosis of the vessels. She helps people

What is the presidential diet? This is a diet that not only helps keep the body normal, but also maintain heart health. The main disease from which this diet saves is atherosclerosis of the vessels. She helps both the people of retirement age and young people. This diet is spread all over the planet and is in great demand.

The diet was developed by the American Arthur Agatson. Named Presidential because it has been observed by the Clinton family ever since Clinton was president.

It is designed for long-term adherence, and ideally for life-long lifestyle changes. But, in the end, the result fully justifies the expectations. Restrictions associated with the diet are rather difficult to endure only at the beginning - during the period of adaptation. A feature of the presidential diet is that it is necessary to get rid of sugar and unhealthy fats from the daily diet. The most difficult is the first two weeks. At this time, the human body is reorganized to new form nutrition, as it ceases to receive sugar and harmful products. During these two weeks, a person loses up to six kilograms in weight.

Compliance with the presidential diet proceeds in three stages.

Stage one.Diet with strict adherence to the diet - duration two weeks, weight loss - six kilograms;

Second phase.Long-term diet - until you get the result you planned;

Third stage.Lifestyle change. You can eat almost everything, with the exception of flour products, potato dishes, white rice dishes and high-calorie sweets.

The first stage is the shortest - two weeks, but they are the most difficult. At this stage, you need to stop eating absolutely all flour products, potatoes, rice, any sweets, as well as fruits and juices. You will have to change all the above products for any meat, turkey chicken, seafood, eggs, nuts, fish and cheese, but taking into account the fact that the fats contained in all these products should be minimal. The presidential diet suggests using these products in steamed, boiled and baked forms. Dairy products can only be consumed if they are low fat. Vegetables and herbs can be eaten in any quantity and variety.

An important condition of the presidential diet: meals three times a day, plus two snacks. Even dessert is allowed after dinner.

First day

For breakfast:

Eggs (hard-boiled) - two pieces;

Lean meat (any) - two pieces;

Tomato juice - 1 glass;

Coffee with milk (fat-free).

Snack (or second breakfast):

Cottage cheese without fat - 70-80 grams;

Tomato - ½ part;

Greens - in any quantity and variety.

For lunch:

Caesar salad (without adding croutons). A recipe that consists of: chicken breast, lettuce, nuts, garlic, citric acid and vegetable oil.

Snack (or afternoon snack):

Tomato salad with cucumbers;

Cottage cheese without fat - 120 gr..

For dinner:

sea ​​fish;

Garnish - broccoli or cauliflower, which must be steamed;

Salad: tomatoes, Bell pepper, greens and cucumbers.

Dessert (or late dinner):

Fat-free cottage cheese, seasoned with lemon zest.

Second day

For breakfast:

Fried eggs with the addition of tomatoes;

Fat-free cheese - one piece;

Tea without added sugar.


Tomato juice or vegetable juice - 1 cup;

Low-fat cheese - 100 gr.

For lunch:

Chicken - brisket (steamed or grilled);

Garnish - cucumber, as well as greens.


Mushrooms (oyster mushrooms or champignons);

Vegetable salad or cabbage.

For dinner:

Garnish - vegetables;

Lean fish;

Cabbage salad.


Cottage cheese (fat-free sprinkled with cocoa).

The President's Diet - Day Three

For breakfast:

Soft-boiled egg;

Lean meat - two pieces;

Decaffeinated coffee.


Vegetable juice - one glass;

Fat-free cottage cheese or fat-free cheese.

For lunch:

Tomato juice - one glass;

vegetable stew;

Salad tomatoes with cucumbers;

Lean fish.


Low-fat cheese or low-fat cottage cheese.

For dinner:

Vegetables (steamed or grilled);

Steamed zander fillet.


Low-fat cheese or low-fat cottage cheese.

Fourth day

For breakfast:

Omelette, recipe: two eggs, skimmed milk, herbs;

Tea without added sugar;

Vegetable juice - 1 glass.


Low-fat cheese or low-fat cottage cheese;

Tomato - ½ part.

For lunch:

Lean meat (boiled);

Salad of greens and leaves or vegetable salad.


Fat-free cottage cheese - 100 gr.;

Sliced: ½ part of a tomato and ½ part of a cucumber.

For dinner:

Sea fish (boiled);

Cauliflower garnish;

Vegetable salad.


Lemon-based mousse.

Fifth day

For breakfast:

Eggs (soft-boiled) - two pieces;

Lean meat - two pieces or lean poultry - two pieces;

Caffeine-free coffee.


Tomato juice - 1 glass;

Fat-free cottage cheese or low-fat cheese.

For lunch:

fish soup;

Greek salad". Recipe: olives, tomatoes, herbs, cheese, cucumbers, onions.


Cottage cheese low-fat;



For dinner:

Chicken breast (steamed or grilled);

Garnish - vegetables (steamed or grilled);

Cucumber salad.


Lemon mousse.

Presidential Diet - Day Six

For breakfast:

Bacon - two pieces;

Soft-boiled egg);

Coffee (with skimmed milk that does not contain caffeine) or herbal tea.


Tomato juice - 1 glass;

Cheese with a fat content of not more than eight percent fat content or cottage cheese, the fat content of which does not exceed eight percent fat content.

For lunch:

Soup with asparagus;

Salad. Recipe: lettuce, tomatoes, garlic, chicken, cheese, vegetable oil.


Low-fat cottage cheese - 120 gr.;

One tomato.

For dinner:

Fresh fish (grilled or steamed);

Garnish (grilled or steamed vegetables);

Vegetable salad with dressing.


The cheese is fat free.

Seventh day

For breakfast:

Omelet with the addition of mushrooms, as well as greens;

Tea without sugar.


Vegetable juice - 1 glass;

Fat-free cheese - 100 gr.;


For lunch:

Fish baked;

Cauliflower, seasoned with sauce (low-fat) or vegetable oil.


Fat-free cottage cheese - 100-120 grams;

One tomato;


For dinner:

Grilled meat;

Garnish - vegetables and herbs.


The cheese is fat free.

During the second stage, all the efforts of the presidential diet are aimed at the planned weight loss. The duration of this stage has no time limits. Everything will be completed only when the result is obtained, to which all efforts were directed at the second stage. During this stage, foods such as fruits, cereals, wholemeal bread, and potatoes are gradually added to the diet over two weeks.

It is important during the second stage: do not exceed the norm and do not make potato and porridge dishes the main ones in the diet, and also eat as little bread as possible.

For breakfast:

Strawberries (fresh);

Oatmeal with walnuts;

Decaffeinated coffee without sugar or tea without sugar.


Hard boiled egg);

Vegetable salad with olive oil.

For lunch:

Ragout with chicken;

Vegetable soup.


Low-fat cheese;

Pear (fresh).

For dinner:

Salmon (fillet) with vegetables and spinach.


Grapefruit or apple.

At the last, third stage, it is desirable to maintain the diet of the previous stages for a long time. The most acceptable option is to eat like this for life. The result will be a long-awaited beautiful figure, as well as a wonderful state of health!

Before you go on the presidential diet, consult your doctor!

In the world, the diet of the American cardiologist Arthur Agatston is considered the most useful, effective and tasty. She is better known as "The South Beach Diet" and is now often referred to as "presidential diet"- The Clinton family has recently become her fans.

Presidential Diet equally good for weight loss and for protecting the heart and blood vessels from atherosclerosis. And to understand how effective it is, just look at how Bill and Hillary have changed recently.

Despite the fact that this diet is for life, your life will not become bland and tasteless. The products will be varied, you just need to give up some harmful fats and sugar. And in order for the farewell to sugar not to be very bitter, it is necessary to go through a trial period lasting two weeks. This is the first phase of the diet, during which you will not only lose 3 to 6 kilograms of fat, but also set your metabolism in the right way and lose your addiction to sweets. Sugar will become an optional product for you. How to achieve this?

We print diet for presidential diet using products sold in Russia. Believe me, it was not easy to adapt the diet to our nutritional specifics - we have a small assortment of some products. For example, in the West there are many low-fat cheeses, but in Russia they are sold rarely and not everywhere. But there is a way out - they can always be replaced with low-fat cottage cheese.

For two weeks you will need to hold out not only without sweets (sweets, cakes, ice cream, etc.), but also without any products with sugars. Hidden sugars hidden in the mass of industrial products are also prohibited. Read their composition carefully: sugar, glucose, fructose, sucrose, dextrose, glucose syrup are all code names for Sugars. For two weeks, you need to give up fruits, berries and juices from them - these healthy foods contain fructose. At this time, any alcohol is prohibited, even weak and bitter. You can not eat products made from flour, potatoes and cereals, including bread and pasta. Eliminate prepared meals that contain starch. Avoid all fatty foods as well.

Then you will return to many of these products, but in the 1st phase they are absolutely prohibited. All these restrictions will not seem very strict to you, because you will eat six times a day. In addition, portions will not be homeopathic at all, and the set of products is very diverse. Lean meat, chicken breast, turkey, fish are suitable (it is better to make them boiled, steamed, but not fried). You can eat eggs, low-fat cheeses, cottage cheese and nuts. And you can even overeat vegetables and herbs. Make salads more often, preferably with real olive oil, but native sunflower oil is also suitable. Dairy products are allowed only fat-free. Naturally, sacrifices will also be required - some dishes are best cooked at home and taken to work, you are unlikely to be able to find them in a buffet or canteen.



1st breakfast

1. A glass of tomato juice.
2. Hard boiled eggs, 1-2 pcs.
3. Two pieces of any lean meat.
4. Coffee with skim milk.

2nd breakfast

70-80 grams of fat-free cottage cheese (fat content not more than 8%) with half a tomato and herbs.


Caesar salad (but without croutons): chicken breast, lettuce, garlic, nuts, citric acid, vegetable oil.

afternoon tea

Fat-free cottage cheese (120 grams) with about the same amount of tomato and cucumber salad.


1. Any sea ​​fish with a side dish of cauliflower or broccoli. It's better to cook it as a couple.
2. Salad of tomatoes, cucumbers with herbs. You can add sweet pepper.

late dinner

Low-fat cottage cheese (fat content not more than 8%). You can sprinkle it with lemon zest.


1st breakfast

1. A glass of tomato or any vegetable juice (buy only juice without sugar).
2. Fried eggs with tomatoes.
3. A piece of fat-free cheese.
4. Tea without sugar. 2nd breakfast

2nd breakfast

Any low-fat cheese, such as "homemade", or cottage cheese (fat content not more than 8%), 70-80 grams.


Chicken breast with cucumber and herbs as a side dish. It is better to cook on a steam or on a grill so that fat does not accumulate.

afternoon tea

Mushrooms or cherries with cabbage. Can be replaced with vegetable salad.


1. Lean fish with vegetables.
2. Cabbage salad. late dinner

late dinner

Low-fat cottage cheese. Can be sprinkled with cocoa powder.


1st breakfast

1. A glass of tomato juice.
2. Soft-boiled egg.
3. Two pieces of any lean meat or poultry.
4. Decaffeinated coffee.

2nd breakfast

Any cheese with a fat content of up to 8% (fat-free mozzarella or ricotta). Curd will do too.


Low-fat boiled fish with a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers.

afternoon tea

Vegetable stew.


1. Lean meat with mushrooms.
2. Vegetable salad.

late dinner

Low-fat cottage cheese (fat content not more than 8%) or Domashniy cheese.


1st breakfast

1. A glass of any vegetable juice (buy only juice without sugar).
2. Omelet from two eggs and skimmed milk with herbs.
3. Tea without sugar. You can use sweeteners.

2nd breakfast

70-80 grams of cheese with a fat content of up to 8% with half a tomato. You can use cottage cheese.


Lean boiled meat. As a side dish - any leaf salad or vegetable salad.

afternoon tea

Half a glass of low-fat cottage cheese and the same amount of chopped tomatoes and cucumbers.


1. Boiled sea fish (flounder, pike perch, salmon) with a side dish of cauliflower or broccoli.
2. Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet pepper, greenery.

late dinner

Low-fat cottage cheese.


1st breakfast

1. A glass of tomato juice.
2. Soft-boiled eggs, 1-2 pcs.

4. Decaffeinated coffee. Available with sugar substitute.

2nd breakfast

Low-fat cheese or cottage cheese (8%).


Greek salad(tomatoes, soaked cheese or feta cheese, onions, olives, herbs).

afternoon tea

Low-fat cottage cheese with tomatoes and herbs.


1. Chicken breast with vegetable garnish. It's best to steam or grill.
2. Cucumber salad with vegetable oil.

late dinner

Low-fat cottage cheese (no more than 8%).


1st breakfast

1. A glass of tomato juice.
2. Omelet from 1-2 eggs.
3. Two pieces of lean meat or poultry.
4. Decaffeinated coffee with skim milk. You can add a sugar substitute.

2nd breakfast

Any cheese with a fat content of up to 8% (50-75 grams) or cottage cheese.


Chicken salad, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, garlic and vegetable oil.

afternoon tea

Fat-free cottage cheese (120 grams) with tomato.


1. Steamed or grilled fish with a vegetable side dish.
2. Cabbage salad.

late dinner

Low-fat cottage cheese.


1st breakfast

1. A glass of any vegetable juice (no sugar).
2. Omelette with herbs and mushrooms.
3. Tea without sugar.

2nd breakfast

Any cottage cheese or cottage cheese (fat content not more than 8%), 70-80 grams. You can add greens.


Cauliflower or broccoli cooked in a double boiler. It is possible with vegetable oil or low-fat sauce.

afternoon tea

Low-fat cottage cheese with herbs and tomatoes.


1. Grilled meat with vegetable garnish.
2. Salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers and herbs.

late dinner

Low-fat cottage cheese (no more than 8%


First phase presidential diet lasting 2 weeks is coming to an end. But to consolidate success, you can extend it for another week.

You will eat as often as before. But you can add a lot of goodies to your diet. For some, the main gift will be a piece of bread, someone missed porridge or fruit, and someone yearned for a glass of good wine. All of this you can now eat and drink. Of course, these dishes are introduced gradually and moderately. If in a week you don’t lose from 500 grams to a kilogram, then you overdid it and the number of these carbohydrate foods should be reduced, bringing the menu closer to the first phase. The second phase can take a very long time until you reach the weight that you dreamed about (but keep in mind: even in dreams you need to be realistic). Having made the dream a reality, you can move on to the third and lifelong phase.

What can you eat now and how much? Kashi - you can, but not all, and it is better not to abuse them. You only need healthy carbohydrates, so choose cereals from whole grains (buckwheat, oatmeal), and not from crushed and not fast food. Eliminate semolina, and rice and potatoes should be very rare guests on your table. Pasta is best made from durum wheat. One serving of any of these products is 100-150 grams in finished form.

A similar approach to bread: whole grain or coarse grinding - you can, from ordinary flour and the highest grade - no. Bread is introduced piece by piece and not at every meal. We do not combine bread with cereals, pasta and potatoes. In no form should you consume sugar and starches. Try to cook without salt.

Fruits and berries should be on the menu every day. Despite the fact that they have fructose and other sugars, they are useful. If you really want juice, then dilute it with water: there are no less sugars in them than in soda. Exceptions are tomato and vegetable juices. Drink as much mineral water and just water as you like. You can tea without sugar (do not forget about green, it is healthier than black). From alcohol, natural wine is allowed, first 2-3 glasses per week. Wine is only dry, everything that is sweeter is not for you. Bitter beer - too, it has a lot of sweet sugar.


1st breakfast

1. A glass of kefir (fat content 1%) with half an apple or pear.
2. Coffee with skim milk.

2nd breakfast

A small orange or tangerine.


Chicken salad: chicken breast (100 g), lettuce, garlic, nuts, citric acid, vegetable oil. Now you can add croutons to it (preferably from wholemeal flour).

afternoon tea

Cottage cheese "home" 4% fat (100-120 g) with a salad of tomato, cucumber, herbs and garlic.


1. Any fish, steamed or baked (100 g), with a vegetable side dish and a slice of wholemeal bread.
2. Salad of tomatoes, onions and herbs.

late dinner

Low-fat cottage cheese (100 g) with nuts.


1st breakfast

1.1/2 cups of oatmeal per cup of skimmed milk.
2. A small orange.
3. Coffee without caffeine and without sugar.

2nd breakfast

Hard-boiled egg.

Any boiled or fried fish (100 g) with a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs. Wholemeal or grain bread, 1 slice.

afternoon tea

Low-fat yogurt (or cottage cheese) with a small pear.


1. Lean meat (100 g) with a side dish of zucchini, a slice of grain bread.
2. Salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs and garlic.

late dinner

Low-fat cottage cheese with 1-2 slices of chocolate (preferably bitter without sugar).


1st breakfast

1. A glass of tomato juice.
2. Soft-boiled egg, a piece of grain bread.
3. Decaffeinated coffee.

2nd breakfast

Fat-free or low-fat cottage cheese, 100-120 grams.


Lean meat (100 grams) with a slice of grain bread, chopped vegetables and herbs.

afternoon tea

A sandwich with a slice of low-fat cheese and half an apple.


1. Low-fat chicken (breast) with buckwheat (1/2 cup).
2. Vegetable salad.

late dinner

Baked or fresh apple.


1st breakfast

1. A glass of low-fat drinking yogurt without sugar (or low-fat kefir).
2. Medium pear.
3. Tea without sugar. May be with sweetener.

2nd breakfast

70-80 grams of any cheese with a fat content of up to 8% with half a tomato.


Low-fat boiled turkey meat (100 grams) with buckwheat (1/2 cup in water) and a vegetable side dish. 1 piece of bread.

afternoon tea

Low-fat cottage cheese (100 grams) with a few nuts and half an apple.


Boiled flounder with vegetables and a slice of bread.
Salad of fresh vegetables and herbs.

Late dinner

Low-fat cottage cheese with a handful of berries (can be frozen).


1st breakfast

1. A glass of kefir 1% fat.
2. Medium sized pear.
3. Tea without sugar.

2nd breakfast

Medium sized apple.


Greek salad (tomatoes, soaked cheese or Feta cheese, onions, olives, herbs). You can add croutons.

afternoon tea

A sandwich with low-fat cheese, tomato and herbs.


1. Chicken (100 grams) with vegetable garnish and grain bread.
2. Tomato salad with garlic and vegetable oil.

late dinner

Half an orange or tangerine with 50 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, or a glass of dry wine with low-fat cheese.


1st breakfast

1. Boil 1/2 cup of buckwheat in water, pour skim milk over it.
2. Medium sized apple.
3. Decaffeinated coffee.

2nd breakfast

3/4 cup low-fat kefir.


Fried sea fish (100 grams) with a vegetable side dish and a slice of grain bread.

afternoon tea

Vegetable stew with eggplant and / or zucchini in vegetable oil.


1. Lean meat (100 grams) with a small baked potato (no bread!).
2. Salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and herbs.

late dinner

A small pear with 50 grams of "homemade" cottage cheese (fat content 4%).


1st breakfast

1. 1 egg scrambled eggs with spinach or tomato.
2. 1/2 grapefruit.
3. Tea without sugar.

2nd breakfast

Low-fat cheese (up to 8%) - 75-100 grams. You can low-fat cottage cheese - 100-120 grams.


Lean meat garnished with cauliflower and/or broccoli. With vegetable oil (preferably olive) or with 1-2 tbsp. l. low-fat and unsweetened sauce. A piece of wholemeal bread.

afternoon tea

Fat-free yogurt (100 grams) with half a small apple or pear.


1. Grilled chicken breast (100 grams) with a side dish of mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms).
2. Salad of fresh vegetables and herbs.

late dinner

Low-fat kefir (1/2 cup) with a handful of berries (can be frozen).


In fact, this is a nutrition program for the rest of your life. It will help maintain normal weight and a healthy state of blood vessels and heart.

Food again becomes familiar to us - four meals a day, and in the 3rd phase there are practically no forbidden foods. But you must remember that now your metabolism has recovered and you look at foods differently: the sweet taste created by sugar has lost its value for you, you are becoming a gourmet, and now you like other tastes - more complex and varied. So, products with sugar should be a very rare guest on your table.

Instead of regular bread, eat wholemeal bread more often, with the addition of bran or cereals.

Stay true to low-fat meals, especially from animals. Buy meat, poultry, vegetables, fruits, and not ready-made dishes from them (sausages, canned food, jam) or semi-finished products (dumplings, sausages, etc.). Don't overuse salt. Drink as much water as you want, tea and coffee without sugar (possible with sweeteners) - 2-3 cups a day, fruit and berry juices without added sugar - 1 cup (whole fruits and berries are better).



1. Oatmeal cooked in a glass of skimmed milk with 1 ground walnut.
2. Soft-boiled egg with a slice of 8-grain or wholemeal bread.
3. Coffee with skim milk.


1. Vegetable soup.
2. 100-120 grams of lean meat, grilled or steamed with tomato and a slice of bread.


1. 120-150 grams of baked sea fish with the juice of half a lemon, onions and herbs. Garnish of vegetables.
2. Salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, herbs with vegetable oil.

late dinner

To 70-80 grams of cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 8%, add half a glass of low-fat milk and half a glass of any fresh berries.



1. 1/2 - 3/4 cup blueberries, raspberries or other berries with a glass of yogurt or 100-150 grams of cottage cheese with a slice of whole grain bread or wholemeal flour.
2. Tea without sugar (possible with low-fat milk).


1. Okroshka on low-fat kefir.
2.Sandwich with bacon without fat.


1. Fresh vegetable salad with vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream (1-2 tomatoes, cucumber, onion or garlic, herbs).
2. Shrimps with rice (100-120 grams of peeled shrimp and 50 grams of boiled rice).
You can drink a glass of dry white wine.

late dinner

Pear with a glass of curdled milk.

Such nutrition will help you maintain the weight that you have reached and that you are comfortable with. Your body will function perfectly: thinking is clear, the heart works like a clock, the vessels remain elastic, and there is no harmful load on the liver and pancreas. This is due to the minimum consumption of unhealthy fats and easily digestible carbohydrates and a decent amount of the most useful products. Fish will provide you with a sufficient amount of omega-3 acids, and vegetables, fruits and berries - with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other biologically active substances.

The above diet is focused on foods that are common at this time of the year. But it can be endlessly diversified and adapted to any season, replacing dishes and products with similar ones. For example, all fermented milk products (taking into account fat content), cottage cheese and "homemade" cheese, almost all vegetables and fruits are interchangeable (when fresh gifts of nature become unaffordable, feel free to switch to frozen ones). You can change tea and coffee, meat and poultry dishes, fish and seafood, etc. If you violate the nutrition program and the weight starts to increase, return to the menu of the first phase for 1-2 weeks. Such "repetition of the past" is only useful.



1. Apple or pear.
2. Omelette with tomato and herbs and a slice of 8-grain bread.
3. Tea without sugar with skim milk.


1. Two sandwiches with low-fat ham and cheese (wholemeal bread).
2. Watermelon or melon (1-2 slices, can be replaced with peach, 2-3 apricots or any other fruit).


1. Salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, herbs with vegetable oil.
2. Meat (fried entrecote) with potatoes baked with herbs (two medium potatoes, 150-170 grams each).

late dinner

Half a glass of any berries with kefir.



1. Pear or peach.
2. Pancakes from zucchini (Grate a small zucchini and drain the liquid, mix with an egg and two tablespoons of flour).
3. Coffee or tea without sugar.


1. Vegetable vegetarian soup.
2. A piece of lean meat (90-100 grams) with a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs.
3. Apple


1. Fried fish (150 grams) with any vegetable side dish and a slice of grain bread.
2. Fruit salad (150-200 grams) or 1-2 slices of watermelon. Men can drink 1-2 glasses of dry white wine, women - 1 glass.

Late dinner:

Yogurt with 1-2 chopped walnuts.



1. Any fresh berries (1/2-3/4 cup).
2. Cheese "homemade" or cottage cheese (4% fat) 3/4 - 1 cup. For taste, you can sprinkle with cinnamon, cocoa powder or lemon zest.
3. Coffee or tea without sugar (possible with low-fat milk).


1. Fresh vegetable salad.
2. Steamed chicken breast with a vegetable side dish and a slice of bran bread.


1. Salad of leafy vegetables (lettuces, cabbage, onions, greens, vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream) with a slice of grain bread.
2. Fried meat (100-130 grams) with a side dish of buckwheat or rice.

late dinner

Berries with milk.



1. Peach or 2-3 apricots.
2. Soft-boiled egg with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of low-fat mayonnaise and a salad of tomato and herbs. Slice of 8-grain bread.


1. Vegetable salad with herbs.
2. Peppers, stuffed minced meat with rice. A piece of bread with bran.


1. Red pepper salad with olive oil.
2. Fried sea fish with a side dish of cauliflower with a slice of grain bread.

Late dinner:

Half a banana with a glass of yogurt.



1. Half a glass of berries.
2. Curds without sugar (1-2 pcs.).
3. Coffee without sugar with skim milk.


1. Low-fat vegetable soup with meat (50 g).
2. Chicken or turkey breast (100 g) with a side dish of zucchini and eggplant and a slice of grain bread.


1. Red pepper salad with olive oil.
2. Boiled fish with a side dish of steamed fresh vegetables with a slice of grain bread.

Late dinner:

Half a slice of melon with a glass of yogurt (you can use a mixer to make mousse).

To date, one of the most delicious, healthy, and most importantly effective diets is the unique development of the American cardiologist Arthur Agatston. Most often, this diet can be found under a different name - "South Beach Diet". But after the Clinton family became her fans, the second name was strictly assigned to the diet - Presidential.

The diet has proven itself not only as an excellent means of getting rid of excess weight, but also as a prevention and heart disease. You can evaluate its effectiveness by looking at Hillary and Bill, who have grown prettier lately.

It is important to note that the presidential diet is a lifelong one. However, following a diet will not make your life tasteless and insipid. The diet is very diverse, only the rejection of sugars and certain types of fats is required. For a smooth transition to the new menu, the diet provides for two weeks of preparation - this is the 1st phase of the presidential diet, which guarantees getting rid of 3-6 kilograms of fat. During this period, a restructuring takes place, the body weans off the constant intake of sugar, the addiction goes away.

Tailor the President's Diet to Russian market very difficult due to restrictions in products, but possible. For example, the acquisition of low-fat varieties of cheese in the West is not difficult, but in Russia they have to be replaced with low-fat cottage cheese.

The first phase requires the rejection of only sweets and all sugar-containing foods (ice cream, cakes). It is necessary to carefully study the composition of products in stores and exclude everything that contains the code names of sugars:

  • glucose syrup;
  • sucrose ;
  • glucose ;
  • fructose.

The first phase prohibits the use of any alcoholic beverages (even weak and bitter). All cereals, potatoes, flour, bread and pasta. You can not eat and starchy ready-made meals. Fatty foods are taboo.

After the first phase, it will be possible to return to many of the above products, but the first two weeks of the presidential diet require a complete rejection of them. You may not even notice these strict restrictions, because. six meals a day from a variety of products are provided.


The first phase lasts 2 weeks, and can be extended for another week if necessary. You need to eat during this period with the same frequency as before, however, it will be possible to add various goodies (fruits, cereals, bread, good wine, etc.). New products should be introduced gradually.

In the second phase, you can eat cereals, but not all in a row. It is better to give preference to oatmeal, buckwheat porridge, and it is strongly recommended to abandon instant cereals.

Semolina porridge is prohibited, and potatoes and rice can only be eaten as an exception. A serving of any product should not exceed 150 grams in a ready-made form.

A similar approach applies to bread products. Coarse and whole grain varieties are allowed, while products made from ordinary flour and premium flour are prohibited. Starch and sugar are prohibited, it is recommended to limit salt intake.

Every day, fruits and berries should be present in the menu, despite the high content of fructose in them. Juices are recommended to be diluted with water. It is better to limit the water regime to the use of plain water and tea. Of the teas, it is better to give preference to green tea, and always without the addition of sugar. On holidays, you can drink a small amount of natural dry wine. Bitter beer is prohibited due to its high sugar content.

The third stage is a kind of nutrition program for life. Thanks to the new menu, you can maintain your weight and protect your heart and blood vessels. Meals become quadruple and practically do not contain prohibited foods. At this stage, after passing through the first and second phases, sugar loses its taste value for you, which eliminates sugar cravings.

From bakery products, it is better to give preference to products made from wholemeal flour with the addition of cereals and bran. Meals should still be low in animal fats. It is not recommended to use ready meals, semi-finished products (sausages, dumplings, etc.). Salt can be added to dishes, but in moderation. Water should be drunk as much as the body requires. Sugar is still banned, but sweeteners are allowed.


This nutrition system allows you to keep your weight in a comfortable range for you. All organs and systems will function at the proper level: thinking will be clear, the vessels will be clean and without, the heart will be rhythmic, the liver and pancreas will be free of slagging and congestion.

This effect is achieved through the minimum consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates and unhealthy fats, as well as through the use of products that are healthy for the body. Fish enriches the body with omega-3-saturated acids; berries, fruits and vegetables - minerals and useful trace elements.

Approved Products

Can be consumed lean varieties meat, turkey, chicken breast, fish. Meat can be boiled, steamed, but not fried. It is allowed to eat low-fat varieties of cheeses, eggs, nuts and cottage cheese.

Greens and vegetables are unlimited in quantity. Salads can be dressed not only with olive oil, but also with sunflower oil. All dairy products must be strictly fat-free. Dishes need to be cooked by yourself, hardly catering take care of your health.

Table of allowed products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal
vegetables2,5 0,3 7,0 35
horseradish3,2 0,4 10,5 56
nuts15,0 40,0 20,0 500
brynza cheese (from cow's milk)17,9 20,1 0,0 260
mozzarella cheese18,0 24,0 0,0 240
parmesan cheese33,0 28,0 0,0 392
ricotta cheese11,0 13,0 3,0 174
cheddar cheese23,0 32,0 0,0 392
tofu curd8,1 4,2 0,6 73
pork16,0 21,6 0,0 259
beef18,9 19,4 0,0 187
chicken thigh17,3 15,3 0,0 211
chicken fillet23,1 1,2 0,0 110
chicken eggs12,7 10,9 0,7 157
fish18,5 4,9 0,0 136
olive oil0,0 99,8 0,0 898
cocoa powder24,2 17,5 31,9 374
lemon juice0,9 0,1 3,0 16

Wholly or partially restricted products

Everything sweet (sweets, ice cream, cakes, etc.) and all sugar-containing products fall under the ban.

It is worth paying attention to the composition of industrial products, focusing on hidden sugars (fructose, dextrose, sucrose, glucose syrup). Within two weeks, you can not eat berries, fruits and juices from them due to the high content of fructose.

It is necessary to exclude all alcohol-containing drinks and products from potatoes, flour, cereals (including pasta and bakery products). Fatty foods are prohibited.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal
potato2,0 0,4 18,1 80
corn3,5 2,8 15,6 101
carrot1,3 0,1 6,9 32
fruits0,8 0,3 11,5 56
buckwheat4,5 2,3 25,0 132
semolina10,3 1,0 73,3 328
oat groats12,3 6,1 59,5 342
corn grits8,3 1,2 75,0 337
pearl barley9,3 1,1 73,7 320
Wheat groats11,5 1,3 62,0 316
millet groats11,5 3,3 69,3 348
barley groats10,0 1,3 71,7 324
barley grits10,4 1,3 66,3 324
pasta10,4 1,1 69,7 337
chocolate sweets4,0 39,5 54,2 569
fruits in chocolate0,8 15,6 11,0 179
yoghurt cake with cranberries2,5 10,1 35,4 240
yogurt4,3 2,0 6,2 60
* data are per 100 g of product

Menu (Meal Schedule)

Sample menu for the week


  • tomato juice (1 glass);
  • 1-2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • lean meat (2 pieces);
  • coffee with skimmed milk.
  • fat-free cottage cheese (70-80 grams) with the addition of greens and half a tomato.
  • salad of chicken breast, nuts, lettuce, garlic with citric acid and vegetable oil.
afternoon tea
  • fat-free cottage cheese (120 grams);
  • salad of tomatoes and cucumbers (no more than 120 grams).
  • steamed sea fish;
  • for garnish - broccoli or cauliflower;
  • salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs, sweet peppers are allowed.
Second dinner
  • low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of lemon zest.








Summer salad of parsley and green onions

Main components:

  • a bunch of parsley (2 pcs.);
  • green onions (4-5 stalks);
  • salt (to taste);
  • vegetable oil;
  • lemon (1 pc.).

Peel the green onions, sort out the parsley, rinse well, chop finely, add salt to taste and let it brew for 10 minutes. Peel and pit the lemon, cut into small pieces and season everything with vegetable oil, mixing the resulting salad thoroughly. Serve with cold boiled fish or meat.

In the event of a breakdown

Disruptions are unacceptable, because. The presidential diet is a kind of lifestyle. If there has been a breakdown, then most likely you are mentally not ready to switch to a new, lifelong diet. When you are ready, feel free to start with the first stage of the presidential diet.

Getting out of the diet

There is no such way out of the presidential diet, because. it is for life.


The diet has practically no contraindications, only in the presence of serious diseases it is recommended to refrain from the proposed diet.

For children

The President's Diet is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

During pregnancy and lactation

You should not start the presidential diet on time. If the presented diet has already become your way of life, then continue it. The situation is similar with breastfeeding.

Advantages and disadvantages

Important conditions

When preparing meals on your own, it is important to remember all the restrictions and prohibitions: use flour and potatoes as rarely as possible, carrots and beets should also be limited due to the high sugar content.

If possible, it is better to refuse vermicelli and cereals. You can not add ready-made seasonings and bouillon cubes. The first courses should not be too fatty, it would be better if they are vegetarian or fish with the addition of mushrooms, vegetables and herbs.

Soups should be fat-free, for this, after cooking, the pan must be placed in the refrigerator, and then removed from the top bad fats in the form of a film.

The presidential diet will be more effective if you additionally load yourself with physical exercises, gymnastics, and cardio training. Gradually, such a diet and lifestyle will become familiar to you.

Agatston's presidential diet is best known for being the former president of the United States, Bill Clinton, who lost weight thanks to it. After the American press wrote about his success in losing weight, many people became aware of it.

The creator of this nutrition system is cardiologist Arthur Agatston from Miami. The doctor laid out his system in a book that millions of people around the world have turned to.

Nutrition principles

Dr. Agatston's Presidential Diet consists of three stages, each of the following has fewer restrictions:

  • Eat only "good" carbohydrates, such as vegetables and whole grains.
  • Choose unsaturated fats from plants and fish.
  • On a diet, you should not be zealous with proteins, especially with dairy products.
  • Portions do not need to be weighed. You need to eat enough to satisfy your hunger.
  • Never forget breakfast. It raises blood glucose levels, which decrease at night. The first meal in the morning helps to avoid attacks of hunger during the day and suppress appetite and desire to eat sweets.
  • The diet allows you to drink water, vegetable juices, coffee and decaffeinated teas such as rooibos.

Phases of the presidential diet

1 phase

It will take 2 weeks, during which weight loss can be from 4 to 6 kg.

It is necessary to organize 6 meals a day - 3 main and 3 snacks.

You can eat:

  • vegetables;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • eggs.

It is necessary to part with sweets, fruits, bread and potatoes, as they contain easily accessible carbohydrates that cause “glycemic swings”. These foods cause an uncontrollable feeling of hunger and lead to the accumulation of excess carbohydrates in the form of fat.

If you feel like you can't eat without bread or potatoes, try making a vegetable quiche or savory muffins - a good substitute. It is better to completely exclude a late dinner.

2 phase

You need to follow the diet until the desired weight is reached.

  • meat - it can be tenderloin (pork and beef), ham, boiled lean pork, veal leg, veal schnitzel;
  • skinless poultry - turkey or chicken chicken breast;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • cheese - processed cheese, blue cheese, cream cheese, tofu, low-fat cheeses;
  • whole eggs or only protein;
  • nuts - pistachios, walnuts, peanuts;
  • fats - olive oil, peanut butter;
  • vegetables - eggplant, broccoli, zucchini, white and red beans, peas, white and cauliflower, mushrooms, cucumbers, tomatoes, turnips, celery salad, lentils, spinach, asparagus;
  • sweets, no more than 75 kcal per day: dark chocolate, sugar-free chewing gum, sugar-free cocoa;
  • spices;
  • vegetable broths;
  • aromatic oils and spices without added sugar.

The second phase prohibits the following products:

  • fat meat;
  • bird - goose, duck;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • fatty cheese;
  • yogurt, kefir, ice cream, milk, soy milk;
  • some vegetables - beets, carrots, potatoes, corn;
  • grain products, including all types of rice, flour products, bread;
  • all fruits;
  • alcohol, coffee, tea, fruit juices, soft drinks.

This phase continues for as long as you want.

Then you can include in the menu:

  • peaches, blueberries, grapefruit, kiwi, mangoes, apples, pears, apricots, including dried ones, oranges, plums, cherries, strawberries, grapes;
  • fruit-flavored milk yogurt with low fat content;
  • cereals, cereals with a high fiber content, such as wheat bran, cereals, wild rice, whole grain pasta and pasta;
  • green pea;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • red wine.

However, the following foods should be avoided:

  • bananas, watermelons, canned pineapples, fruit juices, raisins;
  • beets, carrots, corn, potatoes;
  • white flour bread, corn flakes, biscuits, including rice, white rice;
  • jams;
  • ice cream.

3 phase presidential diet

This phase maintains the effect achieved in the first two phases. This is a nutrition program for a lifetime. Now you can not eat according to the tables. According to the creator of the diet, your body is already accustomed to healthy lifestyle life, and you learned to compose correct menu, you can eat anything, but you must adhere to moderation. Set your own thresholds. This is enough to not gain weight again.

However, if you are not able to resist sweets, ice cream, hamburgers, pizza, you can always go back to the first phase. Well, if this does not happen to you very often. Each new attempt will be more difficult: the diet seems even more monotonous, and the pace of weight loss is slower.

Agatston diet menu for 7 days

Dishes for breakfast:

  • spinach quiche, a glass of vegetable juice, decaffeinated coffee or tea;
  • 2 eggs fried in a little olive oil, 2/3 cup tomato juice, decaffeinated coffee or tea
  • herring with green bean salad, a glass of juice, coffee or tea;
  • scrambled eggs with meat and herbs, 2/3 cups of tomato juice, coffee or tea;
  • scrambled eggs with mushrooms, a glass of vegetable juice, decaffeinated coffee or tea.

Dishes for the second breakfast:

  • piece of boiled turkey and green onions or a narrow strip of pepper;
  • half a pack of fat-free cottage cheese;
  • a piece of cheese.

Diet menu for lunch:

  • pieces of fried chicken breast, about 100 g, with salad;
  • boiled or baked fish with stewed vegetables;
  • mushroom soup, grilled beef tenderloin, lettuce salad, cucumbers, green peppers and a few cherry tomatoes dressed with a little olive oil, vinegar and salt;
  • chicken salad: cut half of the boiled chicken breast into cubes, mix with soy sprouts and chopped onions, pour over with olive oil and vinegar;
  • salad with tuna, radish and cucumber dressed with olive oil and lemon juice dressing.

Meals for afternoon tea:

  • celery with triangles of cream cheese;
  • a piece of smoked salmon, cucumber;
  • 100 g fat-free cottage cheese;
  • 2 slices of low-fat mozzarella cheese and 2 slices of tomato, drizzled with balsamic vinegar and olive oil;
  • pepper and a slice of cheese wrapped in lettuce leaves.

Dishes for dinner:

  • grilled salmon (about 150 g), steamed asparagus, lettuce, cucumber, green peppers and tomatoes;
  • baked chicken breast, baked eggplant with pepper, lettuce ( leafy vegetables, cucumbers, peppers and cherry tomatoes);
  • steak or boiled piece of meat, steamed broccoli or cauliflower;
  • fried chicken with boiled spinach, salad;
  • grilled trout with vegetables - cut small zucchini, pumpkin and pepper into slices, pour over with olive oil and bake in the oven at 220 ° C);
  • roast veal and salad - lettuce, cucumber and green pepper with olive oil, vinegar, spices.

No reasonable nutrition program can require reconciliation throughout life if the feeling of hunger is constantly present. Dr. Agatston's presidential diet allows dessert after dinner, you can also drink water, tea, coffee.

Disadvantages of the Agatston Diet

The principles of the presidential diet at first glance may seem quite accessible. No need to count calories or starve. However, there are defects in the diet. A sharp decline consumption of carbohydrates can lead to an imbalance in the carbohydrate balance in the body. This leads to fatigue and weakness. In rare cases, this can lead to depression.

The biggest problems can arise at the first stage. Due to the fact that the Agatston diet eliminates the consumption of dairy products, there may be a lack of calcium in the diet. Deficiency of this element can cause neurological problems, problems with bones, increasing their fragility.

The second phase of the presidential diet should be followed for as long as necessary to achieve the weight you need. Slowly bring back foods that are higher in sugar, such as grains, fruits, and brown bread. This will reduce the negative impact of a low-carbohydrate diet.

The diet also changes the functioning of the kidneys. With her, you must definitely quit smoking if you smoked before. In addition, you should take vitamins and minerals - especially A, D, C and B, potassium and iron, which is very important because of their participation in the formation of hemoglobin. You also need to drink two liters of water a day.

It should also be noted that this diet is not a panacea that can benefit everyone.

There are a number of contraindications, including: low blood sugar, diabetes, high cholesterol. Before using it, you should consult with your doctor.
