Hearing the word "milk thistle", many people do not even always understand what it is about. Meanwhile, it is very useful plant, the unique composition of which makes it very valuable for human health. Why not learn more about the benefits of milk thistle and its wonderful properties for the treatment and prevention of various diseases? Everything you need to know is collected in this article.

Milk thistle is popularly known under such names as "thistle", "burdock" or "tatar". It is a plant with spiky leaves and fluffy pale purple flowers that grows everywhere like a weed. Children usually like to play with burdock seed baskets, clinging them to each other on clothes and even on hair.

Medicinal seeds are considered mainly milk thistle. Scientists have identified more than 200 different substances in their composition, each with its own individual effect. In combination with each other, they form a whole complex for fortifying the body, as well as its healing and purification. What are these substances?


This is the collective name for a group of flavolignans that:

  • contribute to the destruction of free radicals;
  • have an antitoxic effect on the entire body;
  • act as antihistamines;
  • are hepaprotective for the liver.

In the fruits of milk thistle, the content of silymarin reaches 3%, it is also found in its leaves, stems and roots.


Milk thistle contains many vitamins that our body cannot do without:

  • - retinol;
  • - tocopherol;
  • - ascorbic acid.

There are other vitamins in milk thistle, the beneficial effect of which is determined by their interaction with each other.


The mineral composition of milk thistle is very rich, it includes:

  • copper;
  • manganese.

The correct ratio of trace elements in the body ensures its healthy functioning.

Other substances

Among the many active substances contained in milk thistle, we can name:

  • lignans;
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oils;
  • saponins;
  • proteins;
  • fixed oils;
  • resins;
  • mucus.

Each of the listed substances is indispensable for humans, we all need them in a certain amount.

About the beneficial properties of milk thistle

Given the content of nutrients in various parts of the burdock, we can summarize by summarizing its beneficial properties for the body. Milk thistle is capable of:

  • restore damaged liver cells;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • heal wounds;
  • remove toxins;
  • strengthen the immune barrier;
  • reduce susceptibility to allergens;
  • prevent fluid retention;
  • have a mild laxative effect;
  • slow down the action of cancer cells;
  • slow down the aging process;
  • clean the skin from rashes;
  • increase the strength of blood vessels;
  • increase lactation in mothers.

It is already clear that it is worth learning more about milk thistle, because its benefits are obvious in theory. It remains to personally try it in practice.

Fight diseases with milk thistle

The tendency to disease makes people look for a cure in everything that surrounds them. So in milk thistle, first of all, people see a remedy for various diseases. Who is able to cure an ordinary thistle? Below is the list:

  1. Food poisoning (including mushrooms, alcohol), toxicosis in women, intoxication of the body due to the ingestion of toxic substances (drugs, heavy metals, poisons due to insect bites). Milk thistle is able to literally draw in everything harmful, like a vacuum cleaner, and remove it from the body. Burdock will also help to avoid the consequences of adverse environmental conditions.
  2. Liver diseases - hepatitis, cirrhosis, traumatic injuries, organ degeneration. The liver controls the body's metabolism. This function is disrupted when its cells die. Milk thistle performs the function of a hepaprotector, that is, it stimulates the formation of new cells, thereby as if building up the missing parts of the liver.
  3. Obesity, diabetes. Spotted milk thistle helps to reduce weight due to its cleansing function, as well as the ability to establish metabolic processes and restore hormonal balance. In diabetes, it lowers blood glucose levels.
  4. Recovery period after cancer treatment. In this case, the cleansing action of milk thistle is simply necessary to remove radioactive products after irradiation and chemistry.
  5. Skin diseases - dermatitis, psoriasis, alopecia, acne, vitiligo, cosmetic problems. Most of these conditions are caused primarily by a decrease in immunity - local or general. Burdock preparations have a general strengthening effect, remove inflammation, cleanse and tighten the skin, rejuvenating it.
  6. Secondary diseases that have developed as a result of blood poisoning with toxic substances are arthritis, arthrosis, gastrointestinal diseases, and cardiovascular pathologies. Purifying the blood, milk thistle blocks the development of these diseases.

Milk thistle should not be regarded as a miracle cure for all ills, but it has a good healing effect, so it can be used as an adjunct treatment.

Uses for Milk Thistle

The beneficial properties of milk thistle, revealed in the course of its research by medicine, prompted pharmaceutical companies to engage in its industrial production. To date, three pharmacy forms are known in which burdock is produced - this is milk thistle meal, oil and extract.

Shrot, or milk thistle flour is a product obtained after grinding its seeds. It is a natural dietary supplement that can be used by people of all ages. The supplement is taken three times a day before meals, 1 teaspoon, and washed down with plenty of water. Feedback from patients and doctors who observed them made it possible to form an optimal regimen for taking the drug - the course lasts 40 days, then a 20-day break, then repeats again for 40 days. There can be no more than 4 such courses per year.

From the meal, you can prepare a tincture for alcohol. To do this, pour 50 grams of milk thistle powder into 0.5 liters of vodka and insist. It turns out milk thistle extract alcohol based. You need to take 20 drops of tincture before meals. Children can prepare milk thistle extract in water, but it is stored much less, so each time you will need to prepare fresh. The pharmacy has a ready-made extract in the form of tablets.

Milk thistle oil used mainly in cosmetology. The active components of the oil determine its therapeutic effect. The oil can be applied to the skin, added to meals, or taken as a capsule orally. If pure oil is taken orally, then this should be done three times a day, 5 ml each, always before meals for better absorption. The course is 3-4 weeks of admission, followed by a 1-2 week break, then you can repeat.

Many people at least once in their lives have heard of such an amazing thing as milk thistle. This flower is found wild near water bodies, on the outskirts of roads and vegetable gardens. But many gardeners and summer residents, not knowing about it healing properties ah, just uprooting and destroying an amazing plant. But it is recognized by official medicine as a means for the treatment of other organs. In this article we will talk about what they drink milk thistle from and what medicinal properties and contraindications have its seeds, leaves, flowers and oil.

What it looks like and where it grows

Milk thistle is also called "Saint Mary's thistle". This herbaceous annual (rarely biennial) plant reaches an average height of 100-110 cm, has a branched erect stem with basal leaves. The leaves are large, some of them reach 80-90 cm in length and 30-35 cm in width. The flowers are collected in large spherical baskets, painted in purple or pink-violet.

Milk thistle fruits are tufted achenes that have an obliquely truncated base. This plant does not have a pronounced smell, but the taste of flowers, shoots and seeds is slightly bitter. Thistle in middle lane Europe blooms throughout the summer.

Did you know? Milk thistle decoctions were prepared by the ancient Greeks about 2000 thousand years ago.

The Mediterranean countries (Egypt, Turkey, the mountainous regions of Italy, Portugal, Albania) are considered to be the birthplace of this medicinal plant. However, milk thistle is widely distributed throughout the world, often found even in Australia and Central Africa. In the CIS countries, thistle can be found as a wild plant almost anywhere: on the outskirts of roads, in vegetable gardens, near rivers, gardens and parks. This plant is one of the most aggressive weeds, so gardeners are forced to spend a lot of effort every year to fight it. On the territory of Russia and Ukraine, milk thistle is grown in order to obtain medicinal raw materials. It is known that cultivated thistle crops occupy about 10 thousand hectares of land in Russia, and about 5 thousand hectares in Ukraine.

Chemical composition

Recent scientific studies have shown that milk thistle contains over 200 different components that the human body needs to function properly. These components are presented in the form of vitamin compounds, macro- and microelements, silymarin. The latter substance plays a colossal role in maintaining the function. Silymarin began to be studied during the Second World War: it was then that this complex substance was found to be able to restore the membranes of liver cells. Moreover, practically no other chemical compound exhibits such an effect.

The composition of milk thistle contains the following indispensable for human body components (indicated in mg/g):

  • - 9,3;
  • - 0,08;
  • - 16,6;
  • copper - 1.18;
  • - 0,15;
  • - 0,09;
  • - 0,71;
  • - 22,8;
  • - 4,3;
  • boron - 22.4.
In addition to the above, vitamins A, K, E, D, F and vitamins of group B were also found in milk thistle. It should be noted that the beneficial substances listed above are far from a complete set of all those components that can be found in the wonderful thistle plant.

Medicinal properties

Milk thistle contains a huge storehouse of substances beneficial to human health. For the first time, pharmaceutical scientists from Munich undertook to study the composition of this plant for useful substances. They found a huge number of components in the composition of the thistle, among which there was silymarin. Silymarin is able to bring the following benefits to the human body:

  • protect against exposure to various toxic and poisonous substances (decomposition products of alcohol, antibiotics, pale grebe);
  • have an antioxidant effect on the entire body;
  • regenerate and strengthen liver and gallbladder cells;
  • protect against exposure to the body of allergens of various nature.

Important!It is necessary to use milk thistle oil or meal only as prescribed by a doctor, because overdoses increase the risk of side effects.

Imagine what a huge benefit this plant can bring to the body if we listed above positive traits only one component out of 200 existing nutrients. Experts note that milk thistle has the following medicinal properties:

  • minimizes damage to cells and intercellular substance when the body is exposed to background radiation (chemotherapy, poor ecology);
  • helps in the fight against lipid damage to the liver;
  • contributes to the treatment of hepatitis, alcoholic cirrhosis, fibrosis;
  • eliminates liver failure, which manifested itself against the background of prolonged and uncontrolled use of steroid drugs;
  • reduces the level of "harmful" in the blood. And this helps to improve blood circulation and prevent thrombosis (the risk of occurrence and is minimized);
  • lowers the risk of developing the cervix, breast, prostate, liver and kidneys;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels, which is why it is an indispensable tool for improving health in type 1 and type 2 diabetes;
  • prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease;
  • rejuvenates the body, promotes the regeneration of epidermal cells;
  • improves digestion, stimulates the digestive tract.

I would also like to add that doctors recommend using milk thistle oil for lesions or pathologies of the skin (dermatitis, eczema). It, like any other drug, can bring both benefit and harm to the body. Therefore, before taking it, it is better to consult a doctor.

Pharmaceutical preparations based on milk thistle

Four types of thistle-based preparations can be found on the pharmacological market: oil (packaged in bottles or capsules), extract, powder (meal), seeds and fruits of the plant. Each of these drugs has an individual effect on the body and has different indications and methods of application. Thistle-based preparations also have side effects and contraindications, so it is better to consult a doctor before using them.

Application in various fields

Milk thistle has found wide application in various fields of human activity: in,.

In medicine

In official medicine, milk thistle oil, meal, extracts, alcohol tinctures and herbal teas are used to treat various diseases. Dried mature fruits of the plant are used as raw materials for these products. Thistle-based preparations have a good choleretic effect, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, protect liver cells from the negative effects of various toxins.

Did you know?In 809, King Ahij created the Order of the Thistle, which symbolized love for this beautiful plant.

Milk thistle oil contains a large amount of silymarin, so it is recommended to take it for the treatment of liver diseases, with lesions of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, and with diseases of the skin. Since the oil of this plant has practically no contraindications (there are rare cases of individual intolerance to the components of the body), it is also recommended to use it for the prevention of diseases with increased stress on the liver (frequent consumption of alcohol, fatty foods).

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, only milk thistle oil is often used. Due to the huge concentration of nutrients in its composition, the benefits of such oil are undoubtedly great:

  • helps protect the skin from drying out and dehydration, prevents peeling of the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • soothes sensitive and irritated skin;
  • improves the elasticity and firmness of the skin, contributes to the normalization of skin color;
  • prevents acne, protects against the manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • helps to normalize the work of the skin sebaceous glands;
  • with constant application of thistle oil to the skin, blood circulation in the upper layer of the epidermis improves. This property helps to protect against the appearance.
Oil from this amazing plant also very useful for and . It helps to strengthen, gives them a natural shine. Doctors recommend using this remedy for men who have early age started having problems with .

In cooking

Milk thistle is used in cooking for dietary purposes. You can eat all parts of the plant, even the roots. But with young shoots, before use, it is necessary to carry out some manipulations in order to remove unpleasant bitterness. It is best to soak them for a day, then you can add them to salads and soups.

Important!Milk thistle is forbidden to use in any form for mental disorders and epilepsy.

The roots of the plant are thoroughly washed out, and then boiled a little. Then they can be fried or eaten boiled. Thistle flowers are an excellent seasoning for a variety of dishes. They are collected from the middle to the end of summer, dried, then crushed. Moreover, the flowers will turn out delicious and fragrant, especially if you add a little freshly picked to it.

Folk recipes

Due to its extensive healing properties, milk thistle has found wide application in. Our ancestors have long treated poisoning, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and liver with tinctures and decoctions of this plant.

For constipation

Thistle is known for its laxative effect, so it is advisable to take it with. To get rid of such a problem, you need to purchase meal in a pharmacy and make a tincture out of it: 1 tsp. meal pour 100 grams of boiled water, leave for 30-40 minutes. It is necessary to drink before meals or during meals. The laxative effect will appear after 1.5-2 hours.

With hemorrhoids

Thistle tinctures and tea help cleanse the blood of harmful and toxic substances, and also strengthen the walls of arteries and blood vessels. It should be noted that thistle oil or meal can also be used for varicose veins. During meals, you need to add 1/2 tsp to food. oil or 1-2 tablespoons of meal (you can dry powder).

For joint pain

If joint pains torment every day, it is necessary to drink juice from leaves of thistle or tincture from its roots. The juice has a bitter taste, so it can be consumed with honey or diluted in water. Experts recommend taking 1-2 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed juice every morning on an empty stomach. Squeezed juice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days, since after that it loses some of its beneficial properties.

Milk thistle root powder can be brewed and consumed in cases of severe pain. 1-2 tbsp. l. powder should be poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 20-30 minutes. Consume 2-3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

In inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to use a tincture of milk thistle seeds. Before preparing the tincture, it is necessary to grind the seeds well. Then pour one teaspoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. It is necessary to use this tincture three times a day half an hour before meals, 1/3 cup.

For liver diseases

Liver diseases can be treated with a decoction of thistle roots. The roots must be thoroughly dried and crushed. 1 st. l. roots is poured with a glass of boiled water and infused for about 30 minutes. Drink 50-70 g of decoction 20-30 minutes before eating. With liver diseases, a decoction of thistle seeds will also come to the rescue. Everything is prepared in the same way as in the previous case, only 2 times less raw materials are added.

For the prevention and treatment of liver diseases, you can regularly drink tea from the leaves and shoots of milk thistle. It is prepared very simply: a dessert spoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for literally 3-4 minutes. You can drink this tea 2-3 times a day.

Collection, preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials

For medicinal purposes, all parts of milk thistle are used: roots, leaves, shoots, flowers and seeds. It should be noted that it is the seeds that are the most valuable part of the plant. Meal, oil and herbal teas are prepared on their basis. It is necessary to start collecting seeds in August, in more southern regions - in September or October. You can find out that the seeds are already ripe by the yellow baskets from which "parachutes" fly out. Seeds must be cut carefully, preferably with a pruner.

Did you know?The Greek herbalist Dioscorides treated many diseases with thistle, as he considered this plant to be holy and omnipotent.

Thistle flowers, leaves and shoots can be collected throughout the summer. It is better to dig up the roots of the plant a few days before the onset of frost, when the leaves and stem are already dry. Before postponing collected material to save, it must be thoroughly dried. You can do this in the sun or in the attic. Ready seeds can be stored in a dry place for three years. Roots, leaves and shoots are stored for only a year.

Contraindications and side effects

Subject to the dosages and norms of taking side effects from any preparations based on milk thistle, there should not be any. In some cases, patients complain of pain in the right hypochondrium and diarrhea (but this is more likely in cases of overdose and / or a long course of treatment). Some people may experience an allergic reaction to the components of this plant.

Among the contraindications to the use of thistle, the following should be highlighted:

  • acute gallbladder disease;
  • and lactation;
  • individual intolerance to the body of the components of the plant.

Milk thistle is a valuable plant that has found its application not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology and cooking. Based on it, many types of medicines are made that help people heal more than a dozen common types. But, despite all this, before using this plant in medicinal purposes it is best to consult a doctor.

Milk thistle is a very valuable plant that is actively used to improve metabolism, to treat liver diseases, as well as for various poisonings. To get the most benefit, you need to know how to properly use milk thistle for health purposes.

What is milk thistle?

Milk thistle is a rather undemanding plant. It grows almost everywhere. The shrub can be found in yards, in wastelands, in fields, on roadsides, on the border of the steppes with the forest belt. The second name of milk thistle is tartar. The plant belongs to the thistle family, has prickly stems that can reach a height of 2 meters.

People have learned to use the medicinal properties of milk thistle for a long time. The benefits of the plant for human health are mentioned in the ancient Greek treatises of the doctors Pliny the Elder and Dioscorides.

In ancient Greece, milk thistle was actively used to treat people who had been bitten by poisonous animals (snakes, spiders and other insects). IN Ancient Rome with the help of this plant, liver diseases, gallbladder diseases and even melancholy were treated.

When the widespread struggle with witches and healers began in the world, much knowledge about useful qualities the thistles were lost. However, even this did not prevent medieval healers from using plant seeds in their practice. So, in Europe in the Middle Ages, they were the main medicine for the treatment of hepatitis.

Modern medicine does not bypass milk thistle with its attention. It is actively used to treat diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Not only the seeds, but also the roots and leaves of the plant have therapeutic properties. They are used to renew the cells lining the bile ducts, to improve the outflow of bile, to increase the filtering ability of the liver, in the complex treatment of hepatitis.

The complex biochemical composition of milk thistle determines the medicinal effect of the plant. For the first time, scientists from the Institute of Pharmacy, located in Munich, took up the study of the components that make up milk thistle seeds. It was possible to scientifically confirm that milk thistle seeds are a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals and beneficial acids. There are more than 200 of them in the composition of the seeds.

At the same time, the most important discovery was made: a substance such as silymarin is present in the milk thistle seed. It is very useful for the recovery and normal functioning of hepatocytes (human liver cells).

Silymarin combines at once a whole group of useful substances called flavonolignans, including:


  • Silidian;


Silymarins have the following beneficial effects for the human body:

    Silybin promotes the production of enzymes that have a destructive effect on free radicals (antioxidant effect).

    Silymarins act as an antidote for poisoning the body with alcohol, poisons, antibiotics, pale grebe (protective effect).

    Silymarins help reduce inflammation in the body, help it remove toxins faster (anti-inflammatory effect).

    Due to the stimulation of the processes of regeneration of liver cells, there is a decrease in the severity of allergic reactions (anti-allergic effect).

    Silymarins help to strengthen, restore and regenerate damaged cells of the liver and bile ducts (restorative effect).

Milk thistle contains about 3% silymarin. It is present in the stems, roots and leaves of the plant, however, its concentration there is much lower.

Silymarin is not the only beneficial ingredient found in the seeds and other parts of milk thistle.

In addition to it, the plant contains components such as:

    Vitamins of group B, ascorbic acid, vitamins E, D, K.

    macro and micronutrients.

    Fatty acid.

With the help of milk thistle, you can not only treat, but also prevent various diseases, including:

    Diseases of the hepatobiliary system: hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, liver cirrhosis, cholelithiasis.

    Diseases of the digestive system. Treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines becomes possible due to the renewal of liver cells. As a result, taking milk thistle has a positive effect on the course, colitis, pancreatitis, hemorrhoids, and.

    Allergic diseases. It is possible to reduce the severity of allergic manifestations by cleansing the liver of toxins.

    Dermatological diseases. Very often, skin pathologies are caused by disorders in the liver. If it does not cope with its functions, then this will certainly affect the condition of the skin. It is through them that the body will try to get rid of toxins, resulting in problems such as: acne and allergic rashes.

    Treatment of food, alcohol and drug poisoning.

    Treatment of intoxication with heavy metals (industrial poisoning).

    Treatment of drug poisoning.

    Treatment of poisoning caused by the poison of animals and plants. You can use milk thistle for spiders, snakes, arthropods, when the poison of mushrooms enters the body.

What happens to the liver during poisoning of the body?

The liver is an organ that is responsible for cleansing the body of toxins, takes part in the process of digestion and metabolism. All these three functions are life-determining for a person. The entire liver is permeated with a vascular network, through which 1.5 liters of blood passes and is filtered in just 60 seconds. Such hard work of the liver is necessary to ensure the normal functioning of the whole organism as a whole. If the liver refuses to work, the person dies in a few days.

When the liver cells do not function to their full potential, toxins and other harmful substances get into the blood and with its current are carried throughout the body. As a result, cardiovascular pathologies develop (), the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, bones and joints (and arthritis) suffer.

The modern world is not only about electricity and comfortable life. People pay for amenities chronic poisoning. Every day a person living in a large city receives poisoning from industrial emissions, from automobile exhausts. No less affected are rural residents, who are just as regularly exposed to harmful herbicides.

Moreover, the vast majority of the adult population periodically poisons themselves with ethanol. This also includes the regular use of antibiotics. Already since childhood, the human body receives poisoning in the form of vaccinations.

As a result, all residents modern world need to take milk thistle. This is especially true for such categories of citizens as:

    People working in hazardous industries.

    People living in industrial areas.

    People employed in agriculture.

    People who abuse alcohol (it will be useful to take milk thistle after each major feast or holiday).

    Overweight people with metabolic disorders. Milk thistle is an excellent natural remedy for weight loss.

The liver is the organ that has the ability to regenerate. Even with the removal of 70% of the organ tissue, the liver is able to function and grow in just a few weeks to the size the body needs. The rate of recovery directly depends on whether there are for this purpose in the body " Construction Materials". It is milk thistle that is able to provide the components necessary for the liver, which will allow it to regenerate faster.

Due to the fact that milk thistle is widely distributed throughout the world, a person has the opportunity to obtain high-quality and inexpensive raw materials from it.

Milk thistle is available in the following dosage forms:

    Schrot (powder).

    Oil in capsules or bottles.

    Milk thistle extract.

To obtain a powder, the seeds are dried and ground. Only mature seed is suitable for the manufacture of a medicinal product. You can prepare such a powder yourself at home, or you can purchase ready-made meal in a pharmacy.

Milk thistle powder is used not only to treat diseases of the liver and digestive organs, but also to reduce body weight, to reduce the level, to reduce the severity of varicose veins.

The benefits of milk thistle powder are recognized not only by folk, but also by official medicine. The dosage for an adult is one teaspoon 3 times a day. The powder must be taken before meals. Children under 12 years of age are prescribed 1/2-1/3 teaspoon of the powder.

Since milk thistle powder does not have a bitter taste, children do not refuse to take it. The powder should be taken with water. If the child has not reached the age of 2-3 years, then milk thistle can be mixed with any drink or added to porridge.

The use of milk thistle oil for medicinal and cosmetic purposes

To obtain milk thistle oil, mature seeds of the plant are required. It is used to speed up the healing process of various wounds and burns. Cold-pressed oil is considered the most effective, since raw materials are not heated to obtain it, which does not provoke oxidation processes. Therefore, such oil will contain the maximum of useful substances available in the plant.

The oil is available in capsules and bottles. It contains B vitamins, vitamin D, A, E, K, omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids, chlorophyll, silymarin, magnesium, selenium, zinc and manganese. It is thanks to this composition that you can achieve the maximum medicinal and cosmetic effect.

Benefits of milk thistle oil:

    The oil is actively used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. With and with erosion, it is applied to a swab and injected inside.

    Milk thistle oil is used in complex therapy ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

    It is useful to take oil inside with sclerosis, as it helps to increase the elasticity of blood vessels.

    The oil is used in the treatment of psoriasis and acne.

    With the external use of milk thistle oil, it is possible to prevent the aging process of the skin, increase its elasticity, reduce spider veins and cellulite.

Oil is consumed 30 minutes before meals, a teaspoon 2 times a day. Thus, it is possible to achieve its maximum absorption by the body. Treatment should continue for 3-4 weeks, after which it is necessary to take a break for 7-14 days, and then the course can be repeated.

Milk thistle oil can be used as a prophylactic against many diseases. To do this, it is added to soups, cereals, salads and other dishes are seasoned with it. It is important to add oil to already cooked food, as this will avoid heating it.

It is convenient to use milk thistle oil in capsules. Such a dietary supplement can always be at hand. One capsule contains 300 mg of oil. The capsule shell consists of gelatin. The dose for an adult is 3-4 capsules, you need to take this amount 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 1-2 months.

Milk thistle oil can be harmful only under the condition of individual intolerance to silymarin, which is part of it.

Milk thistle extract for tincture preparation

Milk thistle extract is a selection of beneficial components from the plant. Alcohol or water can be taken as a basis. To prepare an alcohol tincture, you need 0.5 liters of vodka and 50 g of powder. Take the resulting tincture half an hour before meals, 20 drops.

Milk thistle extract is available in tablets and capsules.

These are drugs such as:

    Carsil Forte (80 tablets per pack). The drug is produced in Bulgaria. One capsule contains 90 mg of silybin, one tablet contains 35 mg of silybin.

    Gepabene (30 capsules per pack). Each capsule contains 50 g of silybin and a choleretic component.

    Silimar (30 tablets). The drug is produced by a Russian manufacturer, each tablet contains 70 mg of silybin.

    Legalon (60 capsules). Each capsule contains 140 mg of silybin, which corresponds to a single dose for an adult.

An adult needs 400-420 mg of silybin per day. This dose should be divided into 3 doses.

The instructions for use list those diseases for which milk thistle can be taken. Since the substances that make up the seeds will have a choleretic effect, a person may experience a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

If discomfort occurs, the dose of the drug should be reduced. If the pain is sharp, or the general well-being of a person worsens, you should stop taking milk thistle. Most often, this indicates that the recommended dosage was not followed during treatment.

If the patient has severe pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, then small doses should be taken with milk thistle. The initial dosage should be a few grams (drops). Take the drug once in the morning, 30 minutes before meals. If no pathological reactions occur, then after 3 days the dose can be increased. Gradually bring it up to 1/3 spoon 2-3 times a day.

Milk thistle should be offered with caution to people suffering from mental disorders and patients with shortness of breath, as the risk of an asthma attack increases.

Contraindications to taking milk thistle are:

    Pathology of the biliary tract in the acute stage. Since milk thistle-based preparations contribute to the choleretic effect, this can lead to an excessive load on the biliary tract. As a result, the patient may develop internal bleeding.

    Childbearing and breastfeeding. Taking milk thistle can cause premature labor or miscarriage. You should not take preparations of this plant during lactation, as toxins excreted from the body will penetrate into breast milk, and then into the baby's body.

Milk thistle is a valuable plant that allows you to get rid of many diseases, products based on it are widely used not only for medicinal, but also for cosmetic purposes. However, it is advisable to consult with a specialist before taking preparations with milk thistle.

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

Milk thistle is a medicinal plant, a tall herb with large purple flowers, somewhat reminiscent of asters. This herbaceous plant it is used in the treatment of various diseases, it is eaten, while milk thistle is most effective for the liver, how to take the powder, it is necessary to make out what diseases of the digestive tract it is best to use.

Milk thistle is quite common today, which is also found in the European part of Russia, Siberia, and most of the CIS countries. Almost all parts of the plant can be used to treat various diseases, especially milk thistle seeds. Based on the plant, a powder is made for oral administration for various pathologies.

The herbaceous plant is used not only in folk medicine, the conservative also recognizes the effectiveness of milk thistle in the fight against many pathologies. It can be recommended as an auxiliary treatment, an effective addition to the main one. In particular, it is used to treat liver damage at home. However, before starting therapy, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

Substances contained in the plant contribute to the restoration of normal metabolic processes in the liver, have the effect of a hepatoprotector. In addition, they restore the circulation of bile, the work of the pancreas, and have a complex positive effect on the state of the digestive tract. Milk thistle helps to protect the liver from the effects of various toxins, and helps cleanse the liver.

In the treatment of fatty liver hepatosis, milk thistle helps restore liver cells and their normal functioning, but it is worth remembering that in severe pathologies, you need to combine folk treatment with conservative therapy. In difficult cases, it will be too difficult to cope with milk thistle alone.

For the treatment of liver pathologies, the plant extract can be used in different forms, also use other products based on this variety of thistle. In addition, plant extract is often used in various hepatoprotective tablets, while it is easier to comply with the dosage when used. You should definitely pay attention to herbal medicines based on milk thistle.

There are several ways to use milk thistle for liver disease. It is worth remembering that for the best effect, the grass must be taken in courses, it is undesirable to take breaks in using the product. In addition, you should not warm up the liver during cleaning, especially if there are pathologies accompanied by an inflammatory process.

Also, during the course of treatment, you must follow the rest of the doctor's recommendations, usually for liver diseases, a light diet is prescribed, which allows you to remove the load from the organ, which contributes to its speedy recovery. The correct way to take milk thistle is as follows.

  1. Milk thistle powder. How to drink meal? Usually it is taken one teaspoon twenty minutes before a meal, washed down with mineral or plain water. The powder can be purchased at a pharmacy or made independently by grinding the seeds of the plant. This is the easiest recipe to use liver powder.
  2. Tea. You need to take one tablespoon of a dried plant or seeds, pour half a glass of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour, then strain and dilute a little with water. You can add honey, mint to this drink to increase the beneficial properties.
  3. Decoction. From the seeds of the plant, you can prepare a decoction, which also has a positive effect on the state of the liver. You need to take 30 grams of seeds and half a liter of water. The seeds must first be ground to a powder state, for this it is best to use a coffee grinder. Powder needs to be poured hot water and put on a slow fire. Keep it until the volume of water is reduced by half. The decoction should be taken one tablespoon several times a day.

These are the main ways to treat various liver diseases with milk thistle powder. The course of treatment usually lasts several weeks, but it is worth remembering that each case is individual, so the duration of therapy can be adjusted.

This plant contains many useful vitamins, minerals and other elements that help in the fight against many pathologies, raise immunity, and improve well-being. Milk thistle can help in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, but it is most effective in the fight against diseases of the liver and pancreas.

Milk thistle has a high content of various vitamins of groups B, D, K, E, which contribute to the normalization of the condition of the skin, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, blood circulation. The plant has a positive effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

Important! However, it should be borne in mind that this plant cannot replace the full-fledged treatment of pathologies, it is necessary to choose the appropriate conservative treatment and be observed by a specialist.

In addition, the plant contains various fatty acids, other substances that positively affect the state of the body. Thanks to his chemical composition, milk thistle has a hepatoprotective and choleretic effect, contributes to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. The hepatoprotective properties include the medicinal properties of milk thistle for the liver, this remedy helps to cope with comorbidities, the powder can be used for cholecystitis and other similar disorders.

The seeds of the plant have a rejuvenating effect, help improve skin condition. Sometimes milk thistle extract is also added to various skin care products. In addition, the herbaceous plant is used to treat diseases of the pelvic organs in men and women, it helps to reduce the activity of inflammatory processes, restore reproductive function in various pathologies.

In addition, due to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body and the work of the digestive tract, milk thistle helps with diets, it helps to reduce weight. If you use products based on this plant during weight loss, this process will be easier.

One of the most common plant-based products is a powder that is used in most cases, usually taken orally. Also, tea, decoctions, infusions are prepared on the basis of milk thistle. It is worth considering all the main uses medicinal plant, you need to choose the most suitable one based on the individual characteristics of the course of the disease and possibilities.


Despite all the advantages of using milk thistle, do not forget about a number of contraindications. You should not use plant-based products in the presence of individual intolerance, if an allergic reaction occurs during the use of milk thistle powder, you must stop using the drug.

It is also not advised to be treated with this herbaceous plant for serious circulatory disorders, for severe pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, different types peptic ulcer. In such a state, milk thistle can provoke a worsening of the condition.

In addition, it is not advised to use it during pregnancy, since, due to its properties, the herb can provoke a miscarriage and other similar disorders. There are no restrictions on use during lactation. Herbal preparations should be given to children with caution.

Important! It is advisable not to start treatment with milk thistle in children under the age of twelve, if this is required, a specialist should first be consulted.

It is also worth remembering that the constant use of milk thistle without interruptions can also lead to unpleasant consequences, so even with long courses, it is necessary to take breaks in therapy. If during treatment the condition begins to worsen, therapy with this herb should be discontinued.

In medical literature, milk thistle is called milk thistle, in the people - a prickly healer. All because it is covered with thorns. For medicinal and cosmetic purposes, the plant began to be used in 1968. But the benefits and harms of milk thistle are still a mystery to many.

What does milk thistle look like and where does it grow?

Milk thistle is a herbaceous plant that lives for 1 or 2 years. Its height ranges from 60 to 150 cm, some representatives reach human height. Large, wrinkled leaves of milk thistle are held on a thick trunk.

Thistle flowers are purple in color, collected in spherical baskets. At the top of the fruit of the plant, you can see a small crest. The base of the fruit is rounded, and the top is beveled in the form of a cone. The surface of the plant is uniform, smooth, brown or black. Sometimes the fruit is covered with spots with a lilac tint.

The plant blooms in summer. Milk thistle has grown widely throughout the world:

  • in the countries of Central Asia;
  • North and South America;
  • Britain;
  • in southern and central Africa;
  • Western and Eastern Europe.

Therefore, almost the whole world will appreciate the benefits of a medicinal plant. On the territory of Russia, it can be found in the Caucasus, the south of Western Siberia and the European part of the country.

The chemical composition of milk thistle

The fruits of the plant contain large amounts of flavonoids and flavolignans. Alkaloids, organic acids, vitamin K can also be found in them. Oil makes up from 16 to 28% of all substances. Milk thistle fruits are rich in protein. Almost all the useful properties of the plant are due to flavolignans.

Why milk thistle is useful

The benefits of milk thistle seeds for the body are undeniable. They do the least amount of damage. Milk thistle is widely used in folk medicine, cosmetic practice, for weight loss. The article will consider only the most pronounced beneficial effects of the plant:

  • strengthening and increasing the tone of the vascular wall;
  • improvement of the immune system;
  • antioxidant effect - reducing the activity of free radicals harmful to the body;
  • prolongation of youth;
  • improved liver function;
  • acceleration of the formation and excretion of bile;
  • reduction of irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diuretic and laxative effect;
  • lowering blood sugar levels;
  • promotes rapid healing of small wounds;
  • reduction in the severity of the inflammatory process.

For women

For the beautiful half, milk thistle will bring a lot of benefits and a minimum of harm. The plant is used to treat uncomplicated gynecological diseases. Milk thistle will help women who suffer from decreased sex drive.

Girls who want to lose weight will appreciate the seeds of the plant. Masks, scrubs, oils based on milk thistle will improve the condition of the skin, add shine to the hair.

For men

The strong half of humanity has a greater propensity to drink alcohol than women. Therefore, they will appreciate the beneficial hepatoprotective property of milk thistle. The plant protects hepatocytes (liver cells) from the harmful effects of ethyl alcohol.

Men working in hazardous industries are advised to take regularly medicines based on milk thistle. It will protect the liver from exposure to chemicals.

The plant accelerates the metabolism of the cells of the whole organism. This useful property provided the use of milk thistle in the complex therapy of impotence. The plant is also effective for the treatment of hemorrhoids, constipation.

For children

Medicinal mixtures based on milk thistle, like any other medicinal preparation, are given to children only with the permission of the pediatrician and under his control. The recommended age to start taking the drug is 12 years. Children's body younger age not fully formed, and therefore the plant can act unpredictably.

An older child is given decoctions or infusions of milk thistle in order to increase immunity, prevent the development of acute viral respiratory infections (ARVI). In addition to the prevention of SARS, the plant is effective for constipation, liver problems, and skin inflammation.

Can milk thistle pregnant and lactating

Although there is evidence of the benefits of milk thistle for toxemia of pregnant women, doctors do not recommend taking a medicine based on milk thistle for expectant mothers. The plant has one useful property - the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body. But for the fetus, a fast metabolism can do a lot of harm. The risk of malformations of internal organs is high.

Lactating women should also forget about milk thistle. The plant will enter the newborn with breast milk, which can be harmful to his health.

Important! During pregnancy, it is necessary to minimize medication and consult an obstetrician-gynecologist if there is a need for medication.

What does milk thistle treat?

Due to the rich composition of the plant and the great benefits of milk thistle herb, it has proven itself for the treatment of such pathological conditions:

  1. Gallbladder dysfunction: dyskinesia (bile retention or too rapid excretion), cholecystitis.
  2. Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), cirrhosis (growth of connective tissue in the organ).
  3. Alcohol intoxication, poisoning with chemicals or medicines.
  4. Dermatoses (skin diseases): psoriasis, acne, baldness.
  5. Diabetes mellitus with mild course.
  6. Joint diseases: arthritis, rheumatism, arthrosis.
  7. Atherosclerosis, hypertension.
  8. Haemorrhoids.
  9. Radiculitis.
  10. Obesity.

Features of the use of milk thistle

Milk thistle should be used wisely in order to achieve the effect, to get the maximum benefit and the minimum harm. The plant is drunk in long courses, lasting several weeks, months.

For weight loss

There are several effective recipes with milk thistle for weight loss. The first involves the use of plant seeds, which are ground in a blender. They are taken in 1 tsp. 4 times a day before meals with plenty of water.

The second recipe is more complicated, you will also need milk thistle seeds to prepare the mixture:

  1. The seeds are ground in a blender.
  2. 30 g of powder is poured into 0.5 l of water.
  3. Boil over low heat until half of the water has evaporated.
  4. Allow the mixture to cool.
  5. After cooling, add 0.25 of water.
  6. Take orally 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.

With diabetes

Milk thistle will not be able to completely cure the disease, but it will significantly reduce unpleasant symptoms in the early stages. The most effective is a decoction based on milk thistle. To prepare it, you need to take 3 tbsp. l. crushed seeds and 500 ml hot water. The recipe is presented below, in the section on milk thistle decoction.

With pancreatitis

Milk thistle improves the secretion of enzymes by the exocrine glands, due to which it is used in the treatment of pancreatitis. Decoctions, infusions, teas and other dosage forms with this plant are used only during the period of remission of the disease. That is, when the symptoms of pancreatitis (abdominal pain, diarrhea) do not make themselves felt. During the period of exacerbation, the most sparing diet is recommended.

For gastritis and stomach ulcers

For the treatment of gastritis, ulcers of the stomach and intestines, milk thistle tea is drunk. It should be taken hot, slowly, in small sips. Drink milk thistle 250 ml in the morning and evening. It is more expedient to drink tea based on a plant after eating, so as not to irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

In what form can milk thistle be used

The medicinal properties of milk thistle are multifaceted. Several medicinal forms of the plant have been invented, each of which has useful properties for a certain pathology. Milk thistle can be taken as:

  • powder;
  • juice;
  • decoction;
  • tinctures;
  • syrup;
  • tablets or capsules.

Milk thistle powder

The benefits of milk thistle seed flour for the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract are great. To get rid of a cough, it is recommended to brew the powder. Take 0.5 tsp. raw materials and 500 ml of water. Infuse the mixture for 5 minutes. The medicine is taken 4 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely.

To cleanse the intestines, powder from the root of the plant is taken in dry form, 1 tsp. 3 times a day. It should be washed down with kefir, which increases the effectiveness of milk thistle.

milk thistle juice

Juice is squeezed from fresh milk thistle leaves. Take 3-4 large sheets. The resulting juice is fixed with 70% ethyl alcohol. For 1 liter of juice, you need to take 50 ml of alcohol. store healthy juice in a refrigerator.

Drink milk thistle extract 3-4 times a day. The plant is suitable for patients with diabetes, gastritis, pancreatitis in remission.

milk thistle tea

Milk thistle tea will benefit from inflammation of the stomach and intestines, colds, varicose veins. It will not be difficult to prepare it: 1 tsp. seeds pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist 15 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. hot milk thistle drink morning and evening.

Decoction of milk thistle

A decoction of the plant will reduce pain in sciatica, arthritis, and eliminate diarrhea. Rinsing will help with toothache. To prepare a decoction, you need to take the root of the plant or buy ready-made powder in a pharmacy:

  1. A mixture of powder and water is heated in a water bath.
  2. Boil for 20 minutes, stirring constantly.
  3. The mixture is filtered through several layers of gauze.
  4. Let cool.
  5. Decoction drink 10 g 3 times a day after meals.

Milk thistle tincture

To prepare the tincture, take 50 g of powder and pour 0.5 liters of vodka or moonshine. Insist 14 days in a dry, warm place. Take the medicine 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day, 20 drops, with a glass of plain water.

In addition to all the beneficial properties of milk thistle, the tincture has an antiseptic effect due to alcohol.

milk thistle syrup

The medicinal properties of milk thistle syrup for the liver are undeniable. It is used in the complex treatment of inflammatory diseases of this organ. Ready syrup is bought at a pharmacy.

Take 1 tbsp. l. 1-2 times a day during meals. The course of treatment is 4-6 weeks. Can be taken 3 times a year.

Milk thistle capsules and tablets

Milk thistle capsules are wrapped in a shell. They improve the functioning of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, reduce excess weight. The advantage of milk thistle capsules is high dosing accuracy.

How to use milk thistle medicinally

Dosage forms based on milk thistle are effective when taken orally and locally lubricated on affected areas of the skin. They bring the greatest amount of benefit in the diseases presented below.

Wound healing compress

Compresses contribute to the rapid healing of the skin after minor burns, wounds. For their preparation:

  1. You need to take a tincture or decoction of milk thistle.
  2. The gauze folded in several layers is abundantly moistened in the decoction of the plant.
  3. Apply to the affected area and apply a sterile bandage on top.
  4. Fix with plaster.

Milk thistle for poisoning

Milk thistle has benefits for cleansing the intestines, which is why it is recommended for the treatment of poisoning. 1 st. l. plant powder is washed down with a glass of kefir. The procedure is repeated 5 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely.

Decoction for sciatica and arthritis

A decoction of milk thistle will reduce the severity of the inflammatory process and reduce pain in sciatica and arthritis. Moreover, it can be taken both inside and applied as a compress on the back or the affected joint. 10 g of decoction of the plant is taken 3 times a day after meals.

Remedy for varicose veins

With varicose veins, tea or a decoction of milk thistle will help. I drink 2-3 tbsp. per day for the purpose of prevention and 5 tbsp. per day for the treatment of varicose veins. The medicine will strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their tone.

Infusion to improve liver function

The benefit of milk thistle for the liver lies in its antioxidant, regenerating properties. The plant is able to protect the body from the toxic effects of alcohol, chemicals, and medicines. You can take milk thistle in any of the forms listed above by mouth.

Attention! Milk thistle will not be able to completely cure and remove the cause of the disease, it will only improve liver function and eliminate symptoms.

Tincture for diseases of the joints, ulcers and purulent wounds

Thistle root juice and tincture are effective in severe pain in the joints. They promote wound healing and attenuation of purulent inflammation. Take the medicine 3 times a day before meals. If a person suffers from a stomach ulcer, you should drink the tincture after eating.

The use of milk thistle in cosmetology

Milk thistle is widely used to create oils, scrubs, masks. All thanks to the benefits of the plant for cell regeneration, accelerating metabolism.

For facial skin

Milk thistle gives the skin smoothness, elasticity and a healthy glow. These beneficial properties will please all women over 40 years old, because the plant is able to smooth out wrinkles and prolong youth. Masks based on it are suitable for girls and guys suffering from acne. The plant brightens the skin, therefore it is recommended for people with age spots.

It is believed that if milk thistle oil is applied to the skin before sun exposure, it will prevent sunburn. The plant does not just prevent damage to the skin. Silymarin, which is present in the composition, suppresses carcinogenesis, that is, the degeneration of healthy cells into malignant ones. Therefore, regular ingestion of the plant or lubrication of problem areas will prevent the development of a cancerous tumor.

For hair

Due to the mass of useful properties of milk thistle seeds, oil is actively extracted from them. Masks based on it moisturize the scalp, but do not make it fatter. They are recommended for girls with damaged hair after a perm. Here is a recipe for an effective milk thistle mask:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. gelatin and mix with warm water. It turns out a thick mass.
  2. Add 1 yolk to the mixture chicken egg, mixed.
  3. 1 st. l. milk thistle oil and 0.5 tbsp. l. hair balm is added to the mixture.
  4. The resulting mask is applied to the roots of the hair, trying not to get to the ends.
  5. Keep for 1 hour, then wash off with shampoo under warm water.

Milk thistle harm and contraindications

Much has been said about the beneficial properties of the plant for adults and children. Indeed, benefit and possible harm milk thistle for the human body are incommensurable. But there are conditions in which it is not recommended to use it. These include:

  • depressive and anxiety disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • severe cardiovascular disease;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • hypersensitivity to substances that are part of milk thistle;
  • appendicitis;
  • increased concentration of potassium and phosphorus in the blood.

Attention! Reception of milk thistle for children under 12 years of age should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Collection, harvesting and storage of milk thistle

Seeds of the plant are harvested in August-September. When a yellowish fluff appears at the top of the seed, it means that it is mature. The roots are harvested after collecting the seeds, that is, in the fall. Then the milk thistle leaves are harvested.

Parts of the plant are kept dry. They are laid out in one layer under the sun's rays. The surface must be even. Milk thistle roots are pre-crushed.

Milk thistle is stored in hermetically sealed packaging, without contact with sun rays, in a dry and warm place. It is best to take a glass container, a cardboard box or a cloth bag.


The benefits and harms of milk thistle are incommensurable. It has a lot of healing effects. Her harmful properties appear only in the presence of contraindications. An overdose of the plant also adversely affects the body. To get the maximum benefit and minimum harm, you should consult a doctor.
