Have you thought about how we generally get fat? Well, that is, of course - eat a lot, a wider waist. But how does the body turn food into fat?

People are much less interested in this process than the reverse - the breakdown of fat, and in vain - because without understanding the other side of the coin it is difficult to get it.

We decided to talk about this amazing transformation in simple, understandable words and give a couple of important tips that will help you better understand your body and make it easier (yes, we veiled the word “lose weight” that way).

This article will be especially useful to those who believe that some specific macronutrients (for example, fat or carbohydrates), foods and meals are to blame for weight gain.

So let's go.

The first thing that is important and needs to be accepted: any macronutrients in large quantities contribute to gaining fat. Yes, even protein, if you eat more than you need, i.e. get more calories in a certain period of time than you can spend on energy needs.

The key to gaining fat is not what you eat, but how much. Many continue to stubbornly not believe in this, giving some arguments about the glycemic index or insulin. We want to once again recall the important points (briefly):

    glycemic index does not affect weight loss, it only affects blood sugar levels. If you eat a high GI food, it only means that after eating it, your blood sugar level will rise faster than when you eat equal portions of other carbohydrate foods.

    This does not mean that all the calories from it will inevitably go to fat, it only means what is written above. Only those people who have problems with this, such as diabetes, insulin resistance, etc., need to monitor the GI.

    Insulin is not the “fat-gaining hormone” as it has been dubbed on the internet. Insulin resistance is based on a) hypodynamia (a small amount of movement in life, which, by the way,), b) stable overeating, c) heredity.

    As you can see, both factors depend only on you. We create ourselves vicious circle for the body: we eat a lot of food, the body releases a lot of insulin. A lot of insulin + low activity = low cell responsiveness to it. Low cell responsiveness to it = high insulin resistance. High insulin resistance = diabetes and other troubles.

    We analyzed the whole process in detail in an article about, do not be too lazy to study.

    Protein is not directly stored as fat, but it does make you fatter. If you eat a lot of protein (it is generally accepted that by "a lot of protein" they mean more than 2 grams of protein for every kg of body), then you will spend less fat and carbohydrates.

    Here we will quote Lyle Macdonald, known to everyone who is losing weight and swinging, he explained these processes in an accessible way:

    “Protein will not be converted into fat and stored. But if there is a lot of protein, the body will use it for energy (rather than carbohydrates and fats). Which means that other nutrients will go into stocks.

    Which means that overeating protein will make you fat, just not directly, but due to the fact that all the fat eaten will go under the skin.

    Of course, protein is the highest at this, more incoming calories will go to the assimilation of food. So an excess of protein is less likely to make you fat anyway, but if the balance is exceeded, you will get fat.

    But not through the direct conversion of protein to fat, but through a decrease in the number of other nutrients burned.

  1. Sugar doesn't go straight to fat. A lot of people (you can’t even imagine how many people believe in this) think that if you have sugar, you will never lose weight and for no reason.

    Of course, otherwise it would be very sweet (yes, irony) and simple: well, just don’t eat it and you are guaranteed to lose weight. But does that happen? This question was asked by scientists and conducted a 6-week study of 2 low-calorie diets.

    The first diet consisted of sugars for 43% of the total calories. The second - only 4%. Significant differences in body weight loss or subcutaneous fat both diets were not.

    Everything again rests on the notorious calories, so there are a lot of them!

    Carbohydrates also don't go directly to fat.. Again, Lyle's quote:

    An excess of carbohydrates still affects your fat reserves, preventing you from burning the fat you eat during the day. That's why the excess daily allowance calories per 500 calories of fat or 500 calories of carbs makes you fat, they just do it for different reasons and different ways.

    An additional 500 calories of fat is simply deposited under the skin, 500 calories of carbohydrates make it so that all the fat eaten per day goes into reserves, because carbohydrates will be oxidized, not fats.

  2. However all of the above does not mean that any fat eaten goes to fat. More precisely, not quite so: daily, all dietary fat is deposited in fat cells after eating - it does not remain floating in the blood and does not burn out immediately after eating.

    But if you are on a diet, then fat is taken from the reserves to provide the body with the missing energy. But an excess of dietary fat is directly deposited in stocks.

    We need to eat fat, we really, really need it for the production of bile, cell membranes, etc.

So, imagine you ate something tasty and healthy. What will happen in your body after that? Teeth carefully grind food, and saliva wets it - this is necessary for convenient passage through the gastrointestinal tract and further splitting.

Saliva, by the way, contains enzymes (enzymes) that break down complex food components into simpler ones. Next, the food lump is sent to the stomach, which begins to contract in order to grind the food even more and mix it with gastric juice.

Pepsin, an enzyme that breaks down proteins into molecules that are made up of two or more amino acids called peptides, and hydrochloric acid help break down food, turning it into a liquid or semi-liquid substance called chyme.

It enters the initial section of the small intestine or the so-called duodenum (the place where gallbladder secretes bile). In order for fats to be more easily absorbed by the body, bile dissolves them in water.

Enzymes from the pancreas enter the duodenum and then break down sugars, fats and proteins. Now that everything has dissolved and is in liquid form, absorption occurs through the lining of the small intestine.

After all, all the nutrients disperse throughout the body. What happens to the former carbohydrates?

So, the resulting glucose enters the bloodstream, from where it goes either to (to the liver and muscles) or to the necessary needs of the body.

Fat also goes into the bloodstream, but then goes to the liver. Not all lipids are absorbed by the body, for example, peanut fats are not absorbed. The liver uses some fats to synthesize other essential substances (like cholesterol) and sends the rest to fat cells where they stay until they are needed.

Proteins break down first into peptides, then into simple amino acids, which are absorbed through the mucous membrane of the small intestine and enter the bloodstream. From here, some stored amino acids are used for the construction of various tissues necessary for the body.

It is quite difficult to achieve an excess of protein in the body (protein reserves in the body are about 10-15 kg. And even if you eat 200-300 grams per day, this is much less than what the body can store) and in any case, the protein will not processed into fat and stored.

“Excess” protein is not excreted from the body and does not rot in the kidneys, this is all stupidity. It's just that the body begins to use protein as energy, and other nutrients (fat and coal) will go into reserves.

An important essence that you need to take out of all this for your successful and excellent weight loss:

    If you eat more calories, no matter what macronutrients than you need, you will get fat.

    If you eat a lot of carbohydrates and low fat, then you will burn a lot of carbohydrates and little fat. Better eat less carbs (40-60% of your diet) and you will burn less carbs and more fat.

    A lot of protein does not equal weight loss. If you eat a lot of protein, you burn a lot of protein and little fat and carbohydrates); eat less protein and you'll burn less protein (and therefore more carbs and fat).

    Fat is stored and consumed every day, regardless of the calorie content of the diet, this is a constant. We only get fat if we store more fat than we use. We lose weight if the body burns more fat than it can store. And this is determined by the total calorie deficit during the day.

Important point: if you do not eat fat, then carbohydrates are converted into fat through de novo lipogenesis. This occurs when calories from fat fall below 10% of the total calories ingested throughout the day. For example, when on a 2500 meal we eat less than 250 calories from fat (less than 27 grams of fat).

In short, you will not deceive weight loss and your body. You need to eat all the macronutrients, distributing them so that you end up with a calorie deficit of 10-20%. Consuming one of the macronutrients (protein, fat or carbohydrates) will not give you extra points.

If a person eats more than his norm, he gets fat, regardless of the cheating with macronutrients. We highly, very strongly recommend that you read the book " Dietary nonsense“, which will help get rid of the false myths that poison life.

What's the point of following all these stupid but tough restrictions, doing what you don't want to do, if it doesn't work and it's been proven a long time ago?! After all, losing weight is very easy - you just need to listen to yourself, know how the body works, eat right and play sports for your pleasure.

But everything that is unnatural - carbohydrate-free diets, protein meal replacements, fasting - these are typical dietary nonsense that usually lead to serious disorders in the body, including anorexia, bulimia, colitis, gastritis, etc. Yes, and losing weight is not at all help.

Fats or carbohydrates: which is more harmful? The statistics are ruthless: a good half of Russian women are overweight. Numerous diets often contradict each other: some recommend giving up fats, others - carbohydrates. Stores sell fat-free foods that are high in sugar, or foods with sweeteners that are high in fat. This means that despite the abundance dietary products in stores, only our wallet is losing weight from them. And not ourselves. So who are the real enemies of our figure? What actually makes us fat?

For centuries, it was believed that "a man is what he eats." In other words, if you eat fat, you get fat. This makes a lot of sense: fats have 9 calories per gram, while carbohydrates and proteins only have 4 calories per gram. So, logic says that by reducing fat in the diet, you will inevitably lose weight. But is it really so? Moreover, as several studies show, low-fat / high-carbohydrate diets are ineffective for most people.

It's not the diet that's to blame, but the fact that reducing fat in the diet causes their place to be filled with simple starchy carbohydrates, such as white bread, potatoes, white rice, pasta. These carbohydrates satisfy hunger poorly or for a short time, which means that there is a tendency to overeat. As a rule, daily calorie intake also increases. At the same time, if you consume a small amount of simple carbohydrates with a reasonable amount of fat, the digestive processes slow down and the feeling of hunger does not come on longer.

Most diet experts are firmly of the opinion that "fat makes you fat." And if a person reduces fat intake, then he loses weight. And if, in addition to fats, he also reduces his calorie intake, then he loses weight even faster. This is illustrated by the example of many Asian countries such as Japan and China, where fat consumption averages less than 10% of the diet, and the percentage of calories derived from carbohydrates is high. At the same time, the level of obesity in these countries is very low.

Diets that contain less than 20% fat make a person feel hungry and dissatisfied and cause him to overeat at meals. The most effective diets are those in which from 20 to 35% of calories are obtained from fat (this is about 30-50 g of fat per day). But this figure is very individual, you will have to determine for yourself what percentage of fats in your diet will be optimal. And it doesn't have to be saturated fats or trans fats, which increase blood cholesterol levels. Your diet should be dominated by mono- and polyunsaturated fats contained in natural vegetable oils, oily fish, nuts, seeds and avocados. Just remember that even healthy fats are still very, very high in calories.

The fats we eat affect our health in various ways. There are several ways to divide fats into types, but the most famous of them is to classify them as "good" and "bad" for the body. Healthy fats are made up of nutrients that our body needs to stay healthy. Despite the fact that many of us believe that the daily diet is oversaturated with fats, in fact, scientists say that 90% of the population does not receive required amount fats. "Healthy" fats are also known as "fatty acids". Fatty acids are formed during the breakdown of fats and are used as an energy source for body cells. There are monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids. They are essential elements of any healthy eating, as they not only enrich the circulatory system of the body with oxygen, but also participate in the process of formation and functioning of new body cells.

Fatty acids also maintain the good condition of the skin, slow down the aging process, and contribute to the weight loss process.

There are several types of fatty acids: omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9. The human body can only produce omega-9 on its own, while omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids can only be obtained from food.

To maintain the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, general health, the amount of insulin in the blood and the health of the skin, it is necessary to maintain a balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, since these acids are complete opposites of each other. Too much of one or another fatty acid in the body can lead to complications.

As we said above, the human body cannot produce fatty acids on its own, they can only be obtained with food. Omega-3 is found in fish and fish oils, green vegetables, walnuts and hemp seeds. Omega-6 is found in grain oils (corn, wheat, etc.) and vegetable oils (such as sunflower). Studies have confirmed that the daily diet of most people is supersaturated with omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3, on the contrary, is present in the diet in insufficient quantities.

But it is important not only to balance healthy fats, but also to get rid of harmful ones. The so-called trans fatty acids (or trans fats) are precisely the bad fats. Bad fats are divided into saturated and hydrogenated fats.

Hydrogenated fats appear on product labels as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. On the packaging, they usually write "hydrogenated" (hydrogenation products) before the name of the oil. This means that unsaturated vegetable oils are heated to high temperatures and become saturated. In terms of effects on the human body, these fats are similar to natural saturated fats. These fats are used in the food industry to extend the shelf life of a product.

Trans fats in the modern human diet are the main culprits in the modern epidemic of cardiovascular disease and cancer. 8% of all calories in the diet of a modern person are trans fats, found in almost all types of industrially produced baked goods, sweets and other types of food: salad dressings, donuts, potato chips, baby biscuits, factory-breaded chicken and fish, and so on. Read labels and avoid anything made with margarine and containing "partially hydrogenated" fats and oils.

Saturated fats are found in meat, butter, milk, cheese, ice cream, egg yolks, chocolate, coconut and palm oil. Excessive consumption of these fats increases the level of so-called "bad" cholesterol, leading to obesity and cardiovascular diseases. If you're not a vegetarian, it's unlikely you'll be able to completely cut saturated fats out of your diet. However, you can significantly reduce them by eating lean meats and low-fat dairy products, as well as reducing your consumption of egg yolks.

Bad fats are bad for health - they interfere with the absorption of healthy fats. The human body absorbs harmful fats much faster and more efficiently than beneficial ones.

The best way digest healthy fats - eat foods containing monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Thus, it is possible to lower the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and increase the level of "good". Monounsaturated fats are found in nuts and olive oil, while polyunsaturated fats are found in salmon and fish oils.

All fats - both good and bad - contain quite a lot of calories - 9 calories per gram. Nutritionists advise - to avoid excess weight, unhealthy saturated fats in your diet should be replaced with healthy ones:

Purchase good non-stick cookware. By doing so, you will significantly reduce the amount of fat used in cooking. To reduce unhealthy fats, meat and other foods can be boiled, baked, grilled, or steamed. In baking recipes, replace 1/3 of the required butter or margarine with vegetable oil. The quality of baking from this practically does not deteriorate. Consume low-fat dairy, confectionery and meat products. Reduce your intake of egg yolks. If, for example, you are making a three-egg scrambled egg, you can safely throw out one of the yolks for the taste of the dish. Replace mayonnaise in sandwiches and salads with ketchup, vinegar, or mustard. Prefer olive oil any other

Or carbs?

Carbohydrates, especially those derived from sugar and white flour, have long been considered the main enemies of the figure. Carbohydrates were avoided because the glucose in them raises blood sugar levels too quickly. This level drops just as quickly, leaving an acute feeling of hunger and fatigue. Fats, on the other hand, were looked at rather favorably: it was believed that fats cause a feeling of satiety, due to which a person eats less, which means that he consumes fewer calories. Over time, it turned out that the effect of satiety from eating fat is greatly exaggerated. Much more satisfying than fat, protein, or high-fiber carbohydrate foods.

Do carbohydrates really turn into fat deposits?

This question brings us back to calories. It just so happened historically that Russian women consume too many "sweet" carbohydrate calories. Therefore, indeed, reducing carbohydrates in such a diet will help reduce weight, because, again, it will reduce the number of calories. But healthy eating experts never tire of reminding us that not all carbohydrates are equally harmful.

Carbohydrate opponents in the weight loss debate often forget that fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are also carbohydrates. But it would be unwise to reduce their consumption: it is these products that form the basis proper nutrition and most healthy diets. The fiber found in these foods is highly satiating, preventing excessive calorie intake. It is also absorbed more slowly, which means it helps maintain optimal blood sugar levels for a long time, preventing the feeling of hunger. Due to the large amount of fiber in these foods, you can eat quite a lot of them in one meal and at the same time also “understand” calories, i.e. lose weight at the same time.

Whether they're in the anti-fat or anti-carb camp, most nutrition experts agree that in order to lose weight, you need to cut calories first, and then find the right weight loss plan for you. In addition, the most healthy and beneficial are long-term, non fast diets, including as wide a variety of products of various food groups as possible.

Healthy eating is the key to health. However, while eating, not everyone thinks about it. But controlling the consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates helps not only to maintain a beautiful figure, but also protect yourself from certain diseases, including obesity.

However, not everyone knows that there are healthy fats, and carbohydrates, on the contrary, are harmful. Claims do not arise only to proteins. As we remember from biology lessons, it is proteins that are involved in the construction of connective tissue, regulate metabolism, carry useful substances through the blood, and also have a protective function. But then why do we need fats and carbohydrates, if proteins cope with the main functions?

What fats are good?

Thanks to fats, our hair and skin look healthy, and the body does not freeze in cold weather and does not overheat in the heat. True, there is one but. Not all fats are healthy, so before we look at the foods that are richest in them on the calorie list, let's take a closer look at this topic.

Structure of fats

As you know, lipids are a combination of glycerol and fatty acids - triglycerides. Each triglyceride molecule consists of a hydrocarbon chain and an acid residue. Such a chain may differ in length or in the number of bonds, depending on which saturated and unsaturated lipids are isolated. In addition, fatty acids are classified according to the number of atoms after which a double bond is formed. They are especially important for the body. In everyday terms, these are omega fats.

Healthy fats

In order for the body to function normally, it is necessary to consume fats containing unsaturated acids - omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9.

However, there are some rules and application features here. For example, omega 3 and omega 6 are considered interchangeable fats, but the latter should not exceed the established daily allowance. If you are in doubt how exactly to calculate it, then remember the easy way. Omega 6 lipids should be 4 times more in the diet than omega 3. This calculation is due to the fact that such healthy fats for the body can only be obtained from the outside, which means there is a risk of their overabundance. In contrast, omega 9 can be obtained from food or self-produced. What foods contain these fats? Now we'll find out.

List of fat sources

  • Most omega 3 fats are found in salmon, mackerel, herring, trout, squid, halibut, perch and carp.
  • They can also be found in beans, soybeans, spinach, broccoli and other dark green plants.
  • Present in soybean, grape seed, linseed, sesame, corn, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and oats.
  • Omega 9 is found in nuts, seeds, lard and avocados. A handful of hazelnuts or peanuts can saturate the body with the necessary norm.
  • The largest amount of omega 9 can be found in oils such as olive, apricot.

About the benefits of fats

Undoubtedly, each of these lipids has useful properties, otherwise it would be pointless to talk about them.

For example, the beneficial properties of omega 3 fats are to lower cholesterol levels, form brain cells, retinas, spermatozoa, cleanse blood vessels and restore their elastic properties. Also thanks to omega 3 normalizes arterial pressure and improves blood supply to the brain by preventing excessive blood clotting. Inflammatory processes are reduced, the risk of arthritis, atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke is reduced. With the use of omega 3, tissue and bone repair is noticeably accelerated, and some skin diseases are less acute. In addition, these lipids are an integral part of the diet for diabetes.

It is about omega 3 that they say that these are healthy fats for women. Why?

The benefits of omega 3 fats for women

Firstly, the use of these fats does not affect the figure in any way. But the improvement in the condition of hair, skin and bones becomes obvious. The body constantly needs these substances, so it does not have time to accumulate them, spending on its own needs. And secondly, omega 3 unsaturated fats are an excellent remedy for mood swings and depression, normalizing the functioning of the nervous system.

Useful properties of omega 6

Thanks to omega 6 saturated fats, dry skin decreases, cholesterol levels decrease, metabolism normalizes, brittle nails are eliminated, and brain activity improves. Clinical trials prove that these lipids are successfully used in the treatment and prevention of multiple sclerosis and diabetes. Also considered fatty acids are used in the prevention of gynecological and urological diseases, neurotic conditions and cardiovascular pathologies.

Benefits of Omega 9

Omega 9 fatty acid is in no way inferior to those considered in its useful properties that have a beneficial effect on the body. It can also prevent the development of diabetes by activating the action of cells to produce insulin. Thanks to omega 9, our body is able to resist various types infections and the development of immunity. Unlike the considered fats, omega 9 not only lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, but also has a high resistance, and, therefore, does not release into the body as a result of some chemical reactions.

It is worth noting that all the acids presented are contained in our great-grandmothers knew about its benefits. Many generations of children have been taking it for a long time as their main vitamin. But few people know how fish oil is useful for women.

However, like any other substance, they are not without the possibility of negative effects on the body.

So is it good or bad?

Fats that are good for the body can also cause damage to health if a number of conditions are not met.

For example, a lack of omega 3 is not as dangerous as its overdose. And although in practice this phenomenon is rare and difficult to implement, nevertheless, an allergy can become a minimal consequence, and an exacerbation of liver diseases can become a maximum.

The consequences of an excess of omega 6 in the body can be much worse than in the previous case. So, as a result of the excess content of this substance in the body, it increases, which means that there is a risk of developing a heart attack or stroke, and the development of blood clots is also possible. Also, the excess concentration of fatty acids threatens to increase the development of cancer cells. The minimum consequence of this is a decrease in immunity.

Despite the fact that omega 9 is designed to regulate metabolism, its excess in the body can lead to excess weight.

Therefore, before you start actively consuming these seemingly healthy fats, remember that moderation is important in everything.

Having touched on the topic of lipids, it is impossible not to talk about carbohydrates. Only in a bunch of healthy fats and carbohydrates can you organize proper nutrition.

Carbohydrates. Their benefits and harms

With carbohydrates, everything is somewhat simpler. There are complex carbohydrates and simple ones. Or, in other words, carbohydrates with a low glycemic index and with a high one. What is the difference?

Aimed at a rapid release of energy by increasing blood sugar levels.

Complex carbohydrates, getting into the body, break down for a long time, constantly feeding the body with energy.

They are found in many cereals, legumes, whole grain breads, and pasta hard varieties.

At the same time, remember that simple carbohydrates, when broken down, instantly turn into fat, so you can’t abuse them, otherwise it’s about slim figure you can forget.


Fats are only good when they are limited. daily rate. Any excess can not only adversely affect appearance, it and significantly affect health. Therefore, before getting excited about the described effect of eating omega fatty acids, think about what consequences their improper use can lead to.

Fats or carbohydrates: which is more harmful? The statistics are ruthless: a good half of Russian women are overweight. Numerous diets often contradict each other: some recommend giving up fats, others - carbohydrates. Stores sell fat-free foods that are high in sugar, or foods with sweeteners that are high in fat. And this means that despite the abundance of dietary products in stores, only our wallet is losing weight from them. And not ourselves. So who are the real enemies of our figure? What actually makes us fat?

For centuries, it was believed that "a man is what he eats." In other words, if you eat fat, you get fat. This makes a lot of sense: fats have 9 calories per gram, while carbohydrates and proteins only have 4 calories per gram. So, logic says that by reducing fat in the diet, you will inevitably lose weight. But is it really so? Moreover, as several studies show, low-fat / high-carbohydrate diets are ineffective for most people.

It's not the diet that's to blame, but the fact that reducing fat in the diet causes their place to be filled with simple starchy carbohydrates, such as white bread, potatoes, white rice, pasta. These carbohydrates satisfy hunger poorly or for a short time, which means that there is a tendency to overeat. As a rule, daily calorie intake also increases. At the same time, if you consume a small amount of simple carbohydrates with a reasonable amount of fat, the digestive processes slow down and the feeling of hunger does not come on longer.

Most diet experts are firmly of the opinion that "fat makes you fat." And if a person reduces fat intake, then he loses weight. And if, in addition to fats, he also reduces his calorie intake, then he loses weight even faster. This is illustrated by the example of many Asian countries such as Japan and China, where fat consumption averages less than 10% of the diet, and the percentage of calories derived from carbohydrates is high. At the same time, the level of obesity in these countries is very low.

Diets that contain less than 20% fat make a person feel hungry and dissatisfied and cause him to overeat at meals. The most effective diets are those in which from 20 to 35% of calories are obtained from fat (this is about 30-50 g of fat per day). But this figure is very individual, you will have to determine for yourself what percentage of fats in your diet will be optimal. And it doesn't have to be saturated fats or trans fats, which increase blood cholesterol levels. Your diet should be dominated by mono- and polyunsaturated fats found in natural vegetable oils, oily fish, nuts, seeds and avocados. Just remember that even healthy fats are still very, very high in calories.

The fats we eat affect our health in various ways. There are several ways to divide fats into types, but the most famous of them is to classify them as "good" and "bad" for the body. Healthy fats are made up of the nutrients our body needs to stay healthy. Despite the fact that many of us believe that the daily diet is oversaturated with fats, in fact, scientists say that 90% of the population does not receive the required amount of fat in the diet. "Healthy" fats are also known as "fatty acids". Fatty acids are formed during the breakdown of fats and are used as an energy source for body cells. There are monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids. They are essential elements of any healthy diet, as they not only enrich the body's circulatory system with oxygen, but also participate in the formation and functioning of new body cells.

Fatty acids also maintain the good condition of the skin, slow down the aging process, and contribute to the weight loss process.

There are several types of fatty acids: omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9. The human body can only produce omega-9 on its own, while omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids can only be obtained from food.

To maintain the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, general health, the amount of insulin in the blood and the health of the skin, it is necessary to maintain a balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, since these acids are complete opposites of each other. Too much of one or another fatty acid in the body can lead to complications.

As we said above, the human body cannot produce fatty acids on its own, they can only be obtained with food. Omega-3s are found in fish and fish oils, green vegetables, walnuts, and hemp seeds. Omega-6 is found in grain oils (corn, wheat, etc.) and vegetable oils (such as sunflower). Studies have confirmed that the daily diet of most people is supersaturated with omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3, on the contrary, is present in the diet in insufficient quantities.

But it is important not only to balance healthy fats, but also to get rid of harmful ones. The so-called trans fatty acids (or trans fats) are precisely the bad fats. Bad fats are divided into saturated and hydrogenated fats.

Hydrogenated fats appear on product labels as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. On the packaging, they usually write "hydrogenated" (hydrogenation products) before the name of the oil. This means that unsaturated vegetable oils are heated to high temperatures and become saturated. In terms of effects on the human body, these fats are similar to natural saturated fats. These fats are used in the food industry to extend the shelf life of a product.

Trans fats in the modern human diet are the main culprits in the modern epidemic of cardiovascular disease and cancer. 8% of all calories in the diet of a modern person are trans fats, found in almost all types of industrially produced baked goods, sweets and other types of food: salad dressings, donuts, potato chips, baby biscuits, factory-breaded chicken and fish, and so on. Read labels and avoid anything made with margarine and containing "partially hydrogenated" fats and oils.

Saturated fats are found in meat, butter, milk, cheese, ice cream, egg yolks, chocolate, coconut oil, and palm oil. Excessive consumption of these fats increases the level of so-called "bad" cholesterol, leading to obesity and cardiovascular disease. If you're not a vegetarian, it's unlikely you'll be able to completely cut saturated fats out of your diet. However, you can significantly reduce them by eating lean meats and low-fat dairy products, as well as reducing your consumption of egg yolks.

Bad fats are bad for health - they interfere with the absorption of healthy fats. The human body absorbs harmful fats much faster and more efficiently than beneficial ones.

The best way to absorb healthy fats is to eat foods that contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Thus, it is possible to lower the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and increase the level of "good". Monounsaturated fats are found in nuts and olive oil, while polyunsaturated fats are found in salmon and fish oils.

All fats - both good and bad - contain quite a lot of calories - 9 calories per gram. Nutritionists advise - to avoid excess weight, unhealthy saturated fats in your diet should be replaced with healthy ones:

Purchase good non-stick cookware. By doing so, you will significantly reduce the amount of fat used in cooking. Meat and other foods can be boiled, baked, grilled, or steamed to reduce unhealthy fats. In baking recipes, replace 1/3 of the required butter or margarine with vegetable oil. The quality of baking from this practically does not deteriorate. Consume low-fat types of dairy, confectionery and meat products. Reduce your intake of egg yolks. If, for example, you are making a three-egg scrambled egg, you can safely throw out one of the yolks for the taste of the dish. Replace mayonnaise in sandwiches and salads with ketchup, vinegar, or mustard. Prefer olive oil over any other

Or carbs?

Carbohydrates, especially those derived from sugar and white flour, have long been considered the main enemies of the figure. Carbohydrates were avoided because the glucose in them raises blood sugar levels too quickly. This level drops just as quickly, leaving an acute feeling of hunger and fatigue. Fats, on the other hand, were looked at rather favorably: it was believed that fats cause a feeling of satiety, due to which a person eats less, which means that he consumes fewer calories. Over time, it turned out that the effect of satiety from eating fat is greatly exaggerated. Much more satisfying than fat, protein, or high-fiber carbohydrate foods.

Do carbohydrates really turn into fat deposits?

This question brings us back to calories. It just so happened historically that Russian women consume too many "sweet" carbohydrate calories. Therefore, indeed, reducing carbohydrates in such a diet will help reduce weight, because, again, it will reduce the number of calories. But healthy eating experts never tire of reminding us that not all carbohydrates are equally harmful.

Carbohydrate opponents in the weight loss debate often forget that fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are also carbohydrates. But reducing their consumption would be unwise: these foods form the basis of proper nutrition and most healthy diets. The fiber found in these foods is highly satiating, preventing excessive calorie intake. It is also absorbed more slowly, which means it helps maintain optimal blood sugar levels for a long time, preventing the feeling of hunger. Due to the large amount of fiber in these foods, you can eat quite a lot of them in one meal and at the same time also “understand” calories, i.e. lose weight at the same time.

Whether they're in the anti-fat or anti-carb camp, most nutrition experts agree that in order to lose weight, you need to cut calories first, and then find the right weight loss plan for you. In addition, the healthiest and most beneficial are long-term, slow-paced diets that include as many different foods as possible from different food groups.

The cornerstone of the dietetics of our sport is this. Why cut calories? Fats or carbohydrates? Squirrels, of course, cannot be touched. Firstly, it is muscle food, and secondly, their energy intensity is too low. "Cutting" proteins does not give a significant gain in calories. Fats and carbohydrates are a completely different matter. Simple logic tells us that fats should go under the knife. In fact, why replenish the fat "bins" that we, on the contrary, are trying to empty with the help of fasting? We will have to fill the resulting calorie "hole" with carbohydrates. As a result, we get a diet with a high proportion of carbohydrates. It's called high carb. However, many professionals insist on a different type of diet - low-carbohydrate. Like, it works much better. Fats here are taken to a minimum, and carbohydrate deficiency is replenished by taking megadoses of protein. Nutritionists call this approach delusional. The fact is that the whole effect of such a diet is based on a reduction in the secretion of insulin by the pancreas, the hormone responsible for replenishing fat reserves. Usually, insulin is secreted in response to the intake of carbohydrates, but if there are few carbohydrates, then the pancreas "falls silent". But then, at the end of the diet, the "rested" gland takes up the production of insulin with tripled energy. As a result body fat not only return, but also come in abundance.

So who is right? Both approaches have obvious pros and cons, and both have both ardent followers and irreconcilable opponents (you will see this in the example of the theoretical duel between Chris Cormier and Mike Matarazzo, which we publish below).

Many low-carbohydrate diets are popular. All of them have one thing in common - they are built on the simple principle of simply limiting the daily intake of carbohydrates.

Benefits of low carb diets

The undoubted advantage of low-carb diets is that they do not really torment you with hunger. On the contrary, they suppress appetite, causing a feeling of fullness due to a relatively small amount of food. Why? The fact is that the lack of energy enhances the "burning" of fat. At the same time, by-products of "combustion" - ketones - are formed. When there are a lot of them in the body, the feeling of hunger is dulled. That's the whole secret.

Low-carb diets are popular with fasting dilettantes who track their progress with medical scales. One carbohydrate molecule "holds" 4 water molecules. It is clear that the lack of carbohydrates in the diet immediately affects the amount of water in the body. Already in the first days of carbohydrate starvation, the arrow of the scales shows a loss of 2-7 kilograms, but, alas, we are talking only about the liquid that has left the muscle tissue.

Cons of low carb diets

Carbohydrates are known to be rich in vitamins and minerals. Reducing the amount of carbohydrates eaten immediately creates an acute shortage of micronutrients in the body. Here are a few figures: the content of magnesium in the daily diet falls by 53%, vitamin B1 - by 73%, vitamin B6 - by 80%, calcium - by 80%, iron - by 69% and zinc - by 92%. It can be objected that, they say, all this deficiency can be easily covered by multivitamin and multimineral complexes. However, not all so simple. Synthetic vitamins don't "come close" to their plant-based counterparts. In particular, if we compare their antioxidant function. Natural vitamin C has an extremely high efficiency, fundamentally unattainable for antioxidants from a pharmacy.

The lack of carbohydrates in the diet has another important drawback. It leads to loss of muscle tissue. How does this happen? The fact is that food rich in animal proteins, but poor in vegetable organic salts (and this is a typical low-carbohydrate diet) "acidifies" the blood. High acidity through a complex chain of reactions just leads to the destruction of muscle protein.

And here is the exact scientific fact. If a bodybuilder trains very intensively and at the same time sits on a low-calorie diet, then due to acute energy deficiency, he naturally loses muscles. The body begins to "burn out" muscle tissue to extract energy from it. There is only one way to stop this process - by adding carbohydrates to the diet. At the same calorie level, high-carbohydrate bodybuilders retain 3 to 4 kg of muscle compared to low-carbohydrate counterparts.

Another problem with low-carbohydrate diets is the lack of dietary fiber. Foods rich in fiber are also rich in carbohydrates, and, therefore, are automatically excluded from such diets. This is definitely bad. Vegetable fiber is the best prevention against cancer, heart attacks, hemorrhoids, constipation and other diseases that the security forces are at risk of. Sometimes it is advised to take "pure" fiber in the form of cellulose, but it causes intestinal upset and further exacerbates the dehydration of the body provoked by a low-carb diet.

The limited intake of carbohydrates should be compensated by an increased intake of proteins. But, as you know, no more than 40% of this protein can be eaten in powder form. Everything else is a natural protein, replete with fats and cholesterol. By the way, in a piece of beef, 60% of the calories come from fat. In high-quality lean meat "fat" calories 30%. For diet food only tenderloin is suitable, and the best, for example, fillet. But even with a fillet, sometimes you have to cut off the remaining fat - only after that your tenderloin will be equal in fat content to fish and chicken meat (8% of "fat" calories). However, in any scenario, the level of "bad" cholesterol you will increase.

Now about well-being. Get ready for the fact that your mood will worsen until bouts of acute depression. In fact, the brain is able to adapt to a carbohydrate deficiency. It can get about 75% of the energy it needs by processing the ketones you know. However, this significantly reduces intelligence and mental performance.

There is another annoying problem. For many people, a lack of carbohydrates causes halitosis, and no amount of brushing will help. Why? Protein diets leave the amino acid cysteine ​​on the teeth. Bacteria living in the mouth feed on cysteine, releasing a specific, foul-smelling gas. Moreover, cysteine ​​promotes the reproduction of these bacteria. A vicious circle is formed when, as the experience of a low-carb diet bad smell intensifies.

Pros of high carb diets

A diet based on foods rich in carbohydrates can rightly be called "healthy food". After all, carbohydrates contain mainly plant products rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition, such products contain fiber, but everyone has heard about its usefulness.

But most important, of course, is that low-calorie, high-carbohydrate diets allow the bodybuilder to maintain a high training intensity. Well, otherwise muscle mass"melts" almost faster than fat.

Cons of high carb diets

In theory, long-term high-carbohydrate diets should lead to the "dissolution" of subcutaneous fat to a level close to the competition. At least the "cubes" of the press will be "drawn" very clearly. However, in reality it is far from being the case. In particular, the rate of weight loss here is frustratingly slow. In addition, the hunger pangs are simply brutal.

Let's think about why it is so difficult to lose the unfortunate two or three kilograms when you are on a high-carb diet? What, the diet is to blame? Not at all. It's just that many of the carbohydrate foods that you mindlessly throw into your mouth also contain fat. As a result, this is what happens. You are seriously "cutting" the proportion of fat in your diet, but you get almost the same amount quietly from carbohydrates. Only and everything. So how do you make a high-carb diet work? That's how.

First, carbohydrates should be "lean", not "fat". That is, "carbohydrate" foods that contain fats in abundance - nuts, rich products and all sorts of bagels there should be excluded from the daily diet. As a last resort, you can pamper yourself with them once a week, which, by the way, is useful; days of "rest" from the diet increase your determination to follow it.

Secondly, preference should be given to "liquid" carbohydrates, refusing dry, refined foods. So feel free to eat fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, potatoes - plain and sweet, brown rice, but refrain from white bread, biscuits, gingerbread, etc.

Third, be picky about drinks. Here you need to know a secret. Sweet soft drinks contain a huge amount of calories, but for some reason they do not relieve hunger. According to scientists, the explanation for this phenomenon is that hunger and thirst are controlled by different brain mechanisms. Absorbing sweet cola in hot weather, we overload ourselves with calories, but the body does not "notice" them, because we did not eat them, but drank them! What is the conclusion? While you are on a diet, drink only clean water!

Fourth, be careful with the so-called. "low fat" foods. Being low in fat does not mean that these foods are low in calories. The most obvious example is low-fat cottage cheese. It is recommended as a diet food product, but it is guaranteed to provide you with a calorie bust.

And finally, fifthly, beware of such "temptations" as ice cream, corn flakes, etc. These delicacies are insidious because they "fly" into the stomach very quickly. As a result, the brain, or rather, that part of it that controls the feeling of fullness, does not have time to respond. You can cram a whole bag of cereal into yourself and be hungry.

No matter how much we scolded fats, they are the most important source of energy. They are much more energy-intensive than carbohydrates. 1 g of fat contains 9 calories, but carbohydrates are almost half as much. Moreover, carbohydrate intake is limited by nature. You can absorb about 500 g of carbohydrates per day, no more. (This will make your stomach feel like a tight drum.) Even less fat, but with less fat, you get a lot more calories. This is very "beneficial" for endurance athletes - marathon runners, swimmers, etc. Moreover, energy consumption in such sports sometimes reaches astronomical heights - up to 4000-5000 calories per day! So there is no reason to be afraid of obesity - all fats will be "burned" without a trace.

Bodybuilders - even those who train hard five times a week - do less physical work. For an hour of training, they have about 24 minutes of direct muscle tension, so it is better to replenish energy costs with carbohydrates. Relying on fat is risky. Due to relatively small energy losses, excess fat can easily go under your skin. As for carbohydrates, their minimum consumption threshold is 40% of the total energy value diet. It will be less, you will begin to lose strength and mass.

If you train with weights and want to lose weight, then you should avoid low-carb diets. The effect will be short-lived, but the worst thing is that the lost kilograms will return with a large excess. The low-carb strategy is used only before tournaments to achieve a radical, but, alas, short-term effect.

Chris Cormier: in everything you need to know the measure.

I do not like to limit myself in carbohydrates, says professional Chris Cormier. - Once I tried these cases, but they came out sideways to me. The muscles became flat, I even decreased in volume. So now there are no restrictions on carbohydrates! But every day I have two cardio workouts. In addition, I increased the pace of strength training - reduced the rest between sets. As a result, I have no problems with body fat. I look like I'm on a strict diet.

Let's get back to low-carb diets, - continues Chris, - Their minus is also that they act on the psyche; For example, I have a depressed state from them. It is worth adding carbohydrates, I immediately calm down, my mood improves - the ideal state on the eve of the competition. Moreover, as I observe, my rivals - supporters of low-carbohydrate diets - feel differently: they look somehow gloomy, grumble, and so on.

As for the struggle for ideal weight, then here I am a supporter of a gradual approach. You need to give yourself enough time to lose weight. How do I do it. For 13-14 weeks, I begin to earnestly lose weight with the help of cardio. But I set myself a limit: to drive no more than one and a half kilograms per week. I advise you to listen to what I say. I have a good experience as a professional bodybuilder, and he tells me: you can lose weight without limiting yourself to carbohydrates.

Mike Matarazzo: restrictions are necessary.

I'm not just an opponent of carbohydrates, - says Mike, - I'm their implacable opponent. I have no worse enemy than carbohydrates before the competition; they prevent me from losing weight and expelling water from my muscles. I start the fight with carbohydrates 8-12 weeks before the competition. Gradually bring the amount of carbohydrates to 75 grams per day, or even less. Two weeks before the competition, I generally exclude them from the diet for exactly four days, then gradually begin to add them - you need to add volume to the muscles.

Mike assesses the effectiveness of a radical anti-carbohydrate diet against the background of other weight management methods as follows:

First, a low carb diet component my overall strategy. Secondly, it really works, and if you have elementary willpower, then with its help you will quickly drive off water. Thirdly, I focus on protein - muscles will not suffer with it, and appetite is under control.

True, I don’t call my approach universal, - Mike adds, - People are all different, for someone my approach will work, for someone it won’t. Personally, I don't know of any other method to lose weight before a competition - only the maximum reduction in carbohydrate intake. I consider myself old school, such as I judge the effectiveness of the method using a mirror. So the mirror claims that my method works.

100 best products for a bodybuilder

Product calories Proteins, g Carbohydrates, g Fats, g
Tenderloin (loin) 180 30 0 6
Tenderloin (up fillet) 190 36 0 4
Tenderloin (bottom fillet) 171 29 0 5
Ground beef (lean) 263 28 0 16
Ground beef (lean) 263 28 0 16
Chicken breast (skinned) 165 31 0 4
Turkey breast (skinned) 135 30 0 1
Pork (tenderloin) 164 28 0 5
Salmon 184 27 0 7
Flounder 140 27 0 3
canned tuna 116 25 0 1
scallops 88 17 2 1
Venison 99 21 0 1
Perch 158 30 0 3
Shark 130 21 0 5
Roast beef (beef), 30 g, sliced 50 8 2 1
Ham 145 21 2 6
leg of lamb 191 28 0 8
Fried bacon, 2 slices 86 11 1 4
* The weight of one serving is 100 g.
Oatmeal, 1 tbsp. l. 145 6 25 2
Cereal products, 3/4 tbsp. 110 3 24 1
White bread (coarsely ground), 1 piece 69 3 13 1
Bagel, 1 pc. 195 7 38 1
Sweet bun, 1 pc. 127 5 25 1
Pita (coarse grinding), 1 pc. 170 6 35 2
Wheat cake, D20 cm. 145 4 25 3
Corn tortilla, 1 pc. 58 2 12 1
White rice, boiled, 1 tbsp. 205 4 44 0
White rice, boiled, 1 tbsp. 205 4 44 0
Rice brown boiled, 1 tbsp. 216 5 45 2
Rice wild boiled, 1 tbsp. 166 7 35 1
Couscous, boiled, 1 tbsp. 176 6 36 0
Macaroni, boiled, 1 tbsp. 197 7 40 1
Spaghetti, boiled, 1 tbsp. 197 7 40 1
Bulgur boiled, 1 tbsp. 151 6 34 0
Wheat germ, 2 tbsp. l. 50 4 6 1
Diet bun, 1 pc. 160 3 36 0
Bread ( yeast dough), 1 slice 69 2 13 1
Crackers (coarse grinding), 5 pcs. 89 2 14 3
Pretzel, 30 g 103 3 23 1
Cantaloupe, 1 tbsp. 55 1 13 0
Strawberries, 1 tbsp. 46 1 11 0
Blueberries, 1 tbsp. 81 1 20 0
Apples, 1 pc. 81 0 21 0
Orange, 1 pc. 64 1 16 0
Grapefruit, 1/2 pc. 37 0 6 0
Banana, 1 pc. 106 1 28 0
Kiwi, 1 pc. 46 0 11 0
Plum, 1 pc. 36 0 9 0
Peach, 1 pc. 42 0 11 0
Nectarine, 1 piece 67 1 16 0
Apricot, 3 pcs. 50 1 12 0
Grapes, 1 tbsp. 114 1 28 1
Raisins, 1/4 cup 109 1 29 0
Pear, 1 pc. 98 0 25 0
Pineapple, 1 tbsp. 76 0 19 0
Orange juice, 1 tbsp. 112 2 26 0
Avocado, 1/4 cup 77 1 3 8
Watermelon, 1 tbsp. 49 1 11 1
Raspberry, 1 tbsp. 60 1 14 1
Broccoli, 1 tbsp. 20 2 4 0
Bell pepper, chopped, 1 tbsp. 40 1 10 0
Onion, 1 tbsp. 61 2 14 0
Tomatoes, 1 pc. 38 2 8 0
Asparagus, 4 stalks 15 1 3 0
Cabbage, 1 tbsp. 11 0 3 0
Spinach, 1 tbsp. 7 1 1 0
Zucchini, 1/2 cup 11 0 3 0
Sweet potatoes, 1 pc. 117 2 28 0
Potato, 1 pc. (~200 g) 220 5 51 0
Carrot, 1 pc. 31 1 7 0
Green peas, 1/2 cup 67 4 12 0
Corn, 0.5 tbsp. 89 3 21 1
Zucchini, 1/2 cup 14 0 4 0
Garlic, 1 clove 4 0 1 0
Tomato juice, 1 tbsp. 46 2 11 0
Tomato sauce, 1/2 tbsp. 37 2 9 0
Lettuce, chopped, 1 tbsp 9 1 1 0
Cucumbers, 1 tbsp. 14 1 3 0
Mushrooms, 1 tbsp. 18 2 3 0
Cauliflower, 1 tbsp. 25 2 5 0
Green beans, 1/2 tbsp. 22 1 5 0
Artichokes, 1 pc. 60 4 13 0
Hot sauce (salsa), 1/2 tbsp. 29 1 6 0
Large egg, 1 pc. 75 6 1 5
Protein, 1 pc. 17 4 0 0
Egg powder recon., 1/4 tbsp. 53 8 0 2
Cottage cheese 1%, 1/2 tbsp. 82 14 3 1
Low fat cheddar cheese, 30 g 49 7 1 2
Fat-free yogurt, 230 g 127 13 17 0
Skimmed milk, 1 tbsp. 86 8 12 0
Tofu, 100 g 144 16 4 9
Swiss diet cheese, 1 slice 30 5 2 0
Soybeans, boiled, 1/2 cup 149 14 9 8
Lentils, boiled, 1/2 tbsp. 115 9 20 0
Black beans, boiled, 1/2 tbsp. 114 8 20 1
Common beans, boiled, 1/2 tbsp. 112 8 20 0
Peanut butter, 2 tbsp. l. 190 8 6 16
Walnuts, peeled, 30 g 172 7 3 16
Flaxseed, 2 tbsp. l. 140 5 11 10
Roasted peanuts, 30 g 166 7 6 14
