One of the most revered elders of Russia of our time, the confessor of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the spiritual father of three Russian patriarchs, has died. His death was reported by an employee of the Department for External Church Relations of the Russian Orthodox Church nun Theodora (Lapkovskaya).

Archimandrite Kirill (in the world Ivan Dmitrievich Pavlov) was born on September 8, 1919 in the village of Makovsky Vyselki into a devout peasant family. From the age of 12 he lived with an unbelieving brother, under the influence of the environment he moved away from religion. After graduating from a technical school, he worked as a technologist at a metallurgical plant. After the war, having taken monastic vows, every year Fr. During the Easter period, Kirill visited his native village and the village of Makovo, 12 km from Mikhailov, where his parents, brother and sisters are buried. In the village, he helped to restore the bell tower and the temple, which had not been closed throughout Soviet history.

He was drafted into the Red Army and served in Far East. Member of the Great Patriotic War in the rank of lieutenant, participated in the defense of Stalingrad (commanded a platoon), in battles near Lake Balaton in Hungary, ended the war in Austria. Demobilized in 1946.

During the war, Ivan Pavlov converted to faith. He recalled that, while on guard duty in the destroyed Stalingrad in April 1943, he found the Gospel among the ruins of the house.

“I began to read it and felt something so dear, sweet for the soul. It was the gospel. I found such a treasure for myself, such a consolation!.. I gathered all the leaves together - the book was broken, and that Gospel remained with me all the time. Before that, there was such embarrassment: why the war? Why are we fighting? There was a lot of incomprehensible, because there was complete atheism in the country, lies, you don’t know the truth ... I walked with the Gospel and was not afraid. Never. It was such an inspiration! It’s just that the Lord was by my side, and I was not afraid of anything ”(Archimandrite Kirill).

Immediately after the army, he entered the seminary: “In 1946, I was demobilized from Hungary. I arrived in Moscow, in the Yelokhov Cathedral I asked: do we have some kind of spiritual institution? “There is,” they say, “a theological seminary was opened in the Novodevichy Convent.” Went there in military uniform. I remember Vice-Rector Father Sergiy Savinskikh cordially greeted me and gave me a test program.” After graduating from the Moscow Theological Seminary, he entered the Moscow Theological Academy, from which he graduated in 1954.

On August 25, 1954, he was tonsured a monk at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. At first he was a sexton. In 1970 he became the treasurer, and since 1965 - the confessor of the monastic brethren. He was elevated to the rank of archimandrite. According to contemporaries, Patriarchs Alexy I and Pimen confessed to him at one time.

Appointed confessor of Patriarch Alexy II, in connection with this he moved to Peredelkino (where the Patriarchal residence is located), continuing to spiritually minister to the monks of the Lavra. Awarded with church orders St. Sergius Radonezh and Holy Prince Vladimir. Author of numerous sermons and teachings. Mentor of young monks who took monastic vows in the Lavra. He wrote a lot in the epistolary genre, every year Archimandrite Kirill sent to bishops, priests, laity, spiritual children and even unfamiliar people up to 5,000 letters of congratulations, instructions and edification.

In the mid-2000s, he suffered a stroke, which deprived the elder of the opportunity to move and communicate with the outside world.

For more than 12 years, Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) remained in bodily weakness, carrying out the deed of prayer and martyrdom. And so, the Lord took him to His Heavenly Abodes. Everlasting memory! Give rest, O Lord, to Your servant, the newly-departed Archimandrite Kirill!

Documentary film “OLDS. Archimandrite Kirill Pavlov

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On February 23, 2017, in the Dormition Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' performed the funeral service for the long-term confessor of the Lavra, the confessor of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov), who died on February 20 at the 98th year of his life.

The coffin with the body of the newly deceased father Cyril was installed on February 21 in the Dormition Cathedral of the Lavra. On February 21 and 22, funeral litias were performed in all the churches of the Lavra, and access for believers to the Assumption Cathedral to say goodbye to the deceased elder was open around the clock.

Before the start of the funeral service, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill delivered a sermon dedicated to the memory of Father Kirill:
“Your Bliss! Dear Bishops, Fathers, Brothers, Mother Superiors, Brothers and Sisters!

We stand before the tomb of Father Kirill (Pavlov), the confessor of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the confessor of the late His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, the confessor of many, many bishops of the Russian Church, clergy and a huge number of Orthodox believers who flocked to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra - and bow to the relics of the reverend Sergius, and ask Father Kirill for spiritual advice. He carried out the great ministry of a confessor for thousands and thousands of people, and this ministry required a special feat. Not only because listening to a person's problems is always difficult, but also because he did not just listen to these problems. He penetrated deep into the human state of mind. At the moment of confession, he seemed to identify himself with the one who came to him for advice. This, of course, required exhaustion, a huge expenditure of internal strength and physical strength. But Father Kirill never grumbled and carried out his ministry with humility, not only confessing people, but also answering many, many letters.

For the first time I met Father Kirill back in 1966. Then he did not yet have the glory of an all-Russian elder and confessor, he was relatively young, strong, mobile. And when I asked my spiritual leader, the ever-memorable Bishop Metropolitan Nikodim, to which of the brethren I should go to confess, he calmly said: “Go to Father Kirill.” It was indeed a special ministry of Elder Kirill to all our pious people, and especially to those who needed his spiritual advice.

Giving advice is always a risky business. Sometimes people come to the confessor and ask about what a person, due to his limitations, cannot know. Some confessors take great risks in giving advice from their own understanding. Father Cyril was a confessor who gave advice not from understanding, but from his own spiritual experience. There were times when he did not give any advice at all. But people were drawn to him, because they felt his spiritual strength, for spiritual work is not only a feat of sober spiritual reflection, but also a feat of prayer. Father Cyril set an example for many clergymen of such confession - genuine spiritual guidance for those who are ready to accept this guidance from the confessor.

In recent years, the Lord, preserving the physical life of Father Cyril, brought him out of communion with the world. It was some kind of special lock. He left this world, remaining a physically alive person. Many did not understand why this happened to the elder. But it was also a sign from God. He was needed even when he could no longer talk to people, and many came to Father Kirill just to stand by his bed, to touch his hand. He continued to serve people with his silence, his illness, his detachment from this world, and in the 98th year of his life, the Lord called him to himself.

It is joyful to see many people today in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Your presence, dear Bishops, fathers, brothers and sisters, is the clearest evidence that Father Kirill has done something for each of you. Let us give him our debt today. Let us pray for the repose of his soul, so that the Lord would accept him into His Heavenly Kingdom and create an eternal prayerful memory of him in our hearts. Amen".

Participating in the divine service that followed were: His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev and All Ukraine; Metropolitan of Tashkent and Uzbekistan Vikenty, head of the Central Asian metropolitan district; Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate; Metropolitan Evlogii of Vladimir and Suzdal; Metropolitan Sergiy of Ternopil and Kremenets; Metropolitan of Saratov and Volsky Longin; Metropolitan of Chernivtsi and Bukovina Meletiy; Metropolitan Zinovy ​​of Saransk and Mordovia; Archbishop Anatoly of Kerch; Archbishop Eugene of Vereisky, Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy, Chairman of the Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church; Archbishop Theognost of Sergiev Posad, vicar of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, chairman of the Synodal Department for Monasteries and Monasticism; Archbishop Ambrose of Peterhof, rector of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy; Bishop Seraphim of Shum; Bishop Theophylact of Dmitrov, abbot of the St. Andrew's Monastery; Bishop Pankraty of Trinity, abbot of the Valaam stauropegial monastery, chairman of the Synodal Commission for the canonization of saints; Bishop of Rybinsk and Danilovsky Veniamin; Bishop Shchigrovsky and Manturovsky Paisiy; Bishop of Volyn and Lutsk Nathanael; Bishop Paramon of Bronnitsa, abbot of the Donskoy Stauropegial Monastery; Schema-Archimandrite Eli (Nozdrin); Archimandrite Alexy (Polikarpov), abbot of the Danilov Stauropegial Monastery; Archimandrite Porfiry (Shutov), ​​abbot of the Solovetsky Stauropegial Monastery; hegumen Cyprian (Yashchenko); abbot Peter (Eremeev), abbot of the Vysoko-Petrovsky stauropegial monastery; numerous clergy.

The hierarchs and clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church, the inhabitants of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, teachers and students of the Moscow Theological Academy, and numerous believers prayed in the cathedral. The Dormition Cathedral could not accommodate all those who came to say goodbye to Father Kirill, many believers prayed on the square in front of the cathedral.

Liturgical hymns were performed by the fraternal choir of the Holy Trinity St. Sergius Lavra, choir director Archimandrite Gleb (Kozhevnikov), and the combined choir of the Moscow Theological Academy, choir director Abbot Nikifor (Kirzin).

The funeral service was broadcast live on the Soyuz TV channel.

The permissive prayer was read by His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev.

Before burial, the body of Father Kirill was surrounded by the Assumption Cathedral.

Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) was buried on the territory of the Lavra behind the altar of the Church of the Holy Spirit.

On February 23, in the Dormition Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' performed the funeral service for the Lavra's long-term confessor, the confessor of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov), who died on February 20 at the 98th year of his life. Mother Abbess Filareta was present at the funeral service and said goodbye to the great elder.

The coffin with the body of the newly deceased father Cyril was installed on February 21 in the Dormition Cathedral of the Lavra. On February 21 and 22, funeral litias were performed in all the churches of the Lavra, and access for believers to the Assumption Cathedral to say goodbye to the deceased elder was open around the clock.

Before the start of the funeral service, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill delivered a sermon dedicated to the memory of Father Kirill:

“Your Bliss! Dear Bishops, Fathers, Brothers, Mother Superiors, Brothers and Sisters!

We stand before the tomb of Father Kirill (Pavlov), the confessor of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the confessor of the late His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, the confessor of many, many bishops of the Russian Church, clergy and a huge number of Orthodox believers who flocked to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra - and bow to the relics of the reverend Sergius, and ask Father Kirill for spiritual advice. He carried out the great ministry of a confessor for thousands and thousands of people, and this ministry required a special feat. Not only because listening to a person's problems is always difficult, but also because he did not just listen to these problems. He penetrated deep into the human state of mind. At the moment of confession, he seemed to identify himself with the one who came to him for advice. This, of course, required exhaustion, a huge expenditure of internal strength and physical strength. But Father Kirill never grumbled and carried out his ministry with humility, not only confessing people, but also answering many, many letters.

For the first time I met Father Kirill back in 1966. Then he did not yet have the glory of an all-Russian elder and confessor, he was relatively young, strong, mobile. And when I asked my spiritual leader, the ever-memorable Bishop Metropolitan Nikodim, to which of the brethren I should go to confess, he calmly said: “Go to Father Kirill.” It was indeed a special ministry of Elder Kirill to all our pious people, and especially to those who needed his spiritual advice.

Giving advice is always a risky business. Sometimes people come to the confessor and ask about what a person, due to his limitations, cannot know. Some confessors take great risks in giving advice from their own understanding. Father Cyril was a confessor who gave advice not from understanding, but from his own spiritual experience. There were times when he did not give any advice at all. But people were drawn to him, because they felt his spiritual strength, for spiritual work is not only a feat of sober spiritual reflection, but also a feat of prayer. Father Cyril set an example for many clergymen of such spiritual guidance - genuine spiritual guidance for those who are ready to accept this guidance from the confessor.

In recent years, the Lord, preserving the physical life of Father Cyril, brought him out of communion with the world. It was some kind of special lock. He left this world, remaining a physically alive person. Many did not understand why this happened to the elder. But it was also a sign from God. He was needed even when he could no longer talk to people, and many came to Father Kirill just to stand by his bed, to touch his hand. He continued to serve people with his silence, his illness, his detachment from this world, and in the 98th year of his life, the Lord called him to himself.

It is joyful to see many people today in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Your presence, dear Bishops, fathers, brothers and sisters, is the clearest evidence that Father Kirill has done something for each of you. Let us give him our debt today. Let us pray for the repose of his soul, so that the Lord would accept him into His Heavenly Kingdom and create an eternal prayerful memory of him in our hearts. Amen".

Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) was born on September 8, 1919 in the village of Makovskie Vyselki into a devout peasant family. From the age of 12 he lived with an unbelieving brother, under the influence of the environment he moved away from religion. After graduating from a technical school, he worked as a technologist at a metallurgical plant. After the war, having taken monastic vows, every year Fr. During the Easter period, Kirill visited his native village and the village of Makovo, 12 km from Mikhailov, where his parents, brother and sisters are buried. In the village, he helped to restore the bell tower and the temple, which had not been closed throughout Soviet history.

He was drafted into the Red Army and served in the Far East. Member of the Great Patriotic War with the rank of lieutenant, participated in the defense of Stalingrad (commanded a platoon), in battles near Lake Balaton in Hungary, ended the war in Austria. Demobilized in 1946.

During the war, Ivan Pavlov converted to faith. He recalled that, while on guard duty in the destroyed Stalingrad in April 1943, he found the Gospel among the ruins of the house.

“I began to read it and felt something so dear, sweet for the soul. It was the gospel. I found such a treasure for myself, such a consolation!.. I gathered all the leaves together - the book was broken, and that Gospel remained with me all the time. Before that, there was such embarrassment: why the war? Why are we fighting? There was a lot of incomprehensible, because there was complete atheism in the country, lies, you don’t know the truth ... I walked with the Gospel and was not afraid. Never. It was such an inspiration! It’s just that the Lord was by my side, and I was not afraid of anything ”(Archimandrite Kirill).

Sometimes Archimandrite Kirill is identified with the famous sergeant Ya. F. Pavlov, who also participated in Battle of Stalingrad and defending the famous "Pavlov's house". However, we are talking about the namesake - Guard Senior Sergeant Yakov Pavlov after the war was in the party work and did not take the veil. Unusual parallels in their destinies are traced by the writer Nikolai Konyaev in the essay "Russia rests on the Pavlov sergeants." In this essay, published in 2004 in the Rus Derzhavnaya newspaper, for the first time it was noted in the press that Elder Kirill is the spiritual father of three Russian patriarchs - Alexy the First, Pimen and Alexy the Second.

Immediately after the army, he entered the seminary: “In 1946, I was demobilized from Hungary. I arrived in Moscow, in the Yelokhov Cathedral I asked: do we have some kind of spiritual institution? “There is,” they say, “a theological seminary was opened in the Novodevichy Convent.” Went there in military uniform. I remember Vice-Rector Father Sergiy Savinskikh cordially greeted me and gave me a test program.” After graduating from the Moscow Theological Seminary, he entered the Moscow Theological Academy, from which he graduated in 1954.

On August 25, 1954, he was tonsured a monk at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. In the beginning, he was a sexton. In 1970 he became treasurer, and since 1965 - the confessor of the monastic brethren. He was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.

Appointed confessor of Patriarch Alexy II, in connection with this he moved to Peredelkino (where the Patriarchal residence is located), continuing to spiritually minister to the monks of the Lavra. He was awarded the church orders of St. Sergius of Radonezh and St. Prince Vladimir. Author of numerous sermons and teachings. Mentor of young monks who took monastic vows in the Lavra. He wrote a lot in the epistolary genre, every year Archimandrite Kirill sent to bishops, priests, laity, spiritual children and even unfamiliar people up to 5,000 letters of congratulations, instructions and edification.

In the mid-2000s, he suffered a stroke that left him unable to move and communicate with the outside world. According to Archimandrite Alexy (Polikarpov), the abbot of the St. Danilov Monastery in Moscow, who communicates with his confessor, Elder Kirill is now “very weak, infirm, but he is praying for us. It is very difficult for him to speak now, he can hardly speak, but once he said: “Everyone should do their own thing…”.

“The most important thing is to keep love. There is no need for any enmity, no splits to perpetrate. The enemy is afraid of the world. Enmity is his most tested means. Therefore, I wish you that the brotherhood be unanimous. They would condescend to each other, would forgive each other. As the apostle Paul said: “Beloved and chosen of God, put on mercy, goodness, humility, meekness, long-suffering, condescending to one another and forgiving mutual offenses and complaints,” he said.

Archimandrite Kirill wrote an introductory remark to Maria Zhukova's book about her father - "Marshal Zhukov is my father." In his opening speech, characterizing the Marshal of Victory, Elder Kirill, in particular, noted: “His soul is Christian, the seal of God’s chosenness is felt throughout his life.”

February 23 in the Assumption Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' KIRILL performed the funeral service for the long-term confessor of the Lavra, the confessor of Patriarch Alexy II, Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov), who died on February 20 at the 98th year of his life, the website of the Patriarchate reports.

The coffin with the body of the newly deceased father Cyril was installed on February 21 in the Dormition Cathedral of the Lavra. On February 21 and 22, funeral litias were performed in all the churches of the Lavra, and access for believers to the Assumption Cathedral to say goodbye to the deceased elder was open around the clock.

Funeral service for Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov)

Before the start of the funeral service, Patriarch KIRILL said a word dedicated to the memory of Father Kirill:

Your Bliss! Dear Bishops, Fathers, Brothers, Mother Superiors, Brothers and Sisters!

“We stand before the tomb of Father Kirill (Pavlov), confessor of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, confessor of the late His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, confessor of many, many bishops of the Russian Church, clergy and a huge number of Orthodox believers who flocked to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra - and bow to the relics St. Sergius, and ask for spiritual advice from Father Cyril. He carried out the great ministry of a confessor for thousands and thousands of people, and this ministry required a special feat. Not only because listening to a person's problems is always difficult, but also because he did not just listen to these problems. He penetrated deep into the human state of mind. At the moment of confession, he seemed to identify himself with the one who came to him for advice. This, of course, required exhaustion, a huge expenditure of internal strength and physical strength. But Father Kirill never grumbled and carried out his ministry with humility, not only confessing people, but also answering many, many letters.

Funeral service for Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov)

For the first time I met Father Kirill back in 1966. Then he did not yet have the glory of an all-Russian elder and confessor, he was relatively young, strong, mobile. And when I asked my spiritual leader, the ever-memorable Bishop Metropolitan Nikodim, to which of the brethren I should go to confess, he calmly said: “Go to Father Kirill.” It was indeed a special ministry of Elder Kirill to all our pious people, and especially to those who needed his spiritual advice.

Giving advice is always a risky business. Sometimes people come to the confessor and ask about what a person, due to his limitations, cannot know. Some confessors take great risks in giving advice from their own understanding. Father Cyril was a confessor who gave advice not from understanding, but from his own spiritual experience. There were times when he did not give any advice at all. But people were drawn to him, because they felt his spiritual strength, for spiritual work is not only a feat of sober spiritual reflection, but also a feat of prayer. Father Cyril set an example for many clergymen of such spiritual guidance - genuine spiritual guidance for those who are ready to accept this guidance from the confessor.

In recent years, the Lord, preserving the physical life of Father Cyril, brought him out of communion with the world. It was some kind of special lock. He left this world, remaining a physically alive person. Many did not understand why this happened to the elder. But it was also a sign from God. He was needed even when he could no longer talk to people, and many came to Father Kirill just to stand by his bed, to touch his hand. He continued to serve people with his silence, his illness, his detachment from this world, and in the 98th year of his life, the Lord called him to himself.

It is joyful to see many people today in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Your presence, dear Bishops, fathers, brothers and sisters, is the clearest evidence that Father Kirill has done something for each of you. Let us give him our debt today. Let us pray for the repose of his soul, so that the Lord would accept him into His Heavenly Kingdom and create an eternal prayerful memory of him in our hearts. Amen".

The divine service that followed was attended by: Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev and All Ukraine; Metropolitan Vincent of Tashkent and Uzbekistan, head of the Central Asian metropolitan district; Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate; Metropolitan Evlogii of Vladimir and Suzdal; Metropolitan of Saratov and Volsky Longin; Metropolitan of Chernivtsi and Bukovina Meletiy; Metropolitan Zinovy ​​of Saransk and Mordovia; Archbishop Anatoly of Kerch; Archbishop Eugene of Vereisky, Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy, Chairman of the Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church; Archbishop Feognost of Sergiev Posad, vicar of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, chairman of the Synodal Department for Monasteries and Monasticism; Archbishop Ambrose of Peterhof, rector of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy; Bishop Seraphim of Shum; Bishop Theophylact of Dmitrov, abbot of the St. Andrew's Monastery; Bishop Pankraty of Trinity, abbot of the Valaam stauropegial monastery, chairman of the Synodal Commission for the canonization of saints; Bishop of Rybinsk and Danilovsky Veniamin; Bishop Shchigrovsky and Manturovsky Paisiy; Bishop of Volyn and Lutsk Nathanael; Bishop Paramon of Bronnitsa, abbot of the Donskoy Stauropegial Monastery; Schema-Archimandrite Eli (Nozdrin); Archimandrite Alexy (Polikarpov), abbot of the Danilov Stauropegial Monastery; Archimandrite Porfiry (Shutov), ​​abbot of the Solovetsky Stauropegial Monastery; abbot Peter (Eremeev), abbot of the Vysoko-Petrovsky stauropegial monastery; numerous clergy.

Funeral service for Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov)

The hierarchs and clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church, the inhabitants of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, teachers and students of the Moscow Theological Academy, and numerous believers prayed in the cathedral. The Assumption Cathedral could not accommodate all those who came to say goodbye to Father Kirill, many believers prayed on the square in front of the cathedral.

Liturgical hymns were performed by the fraternal choir of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, choir director Archimandrite Gleb (Kozhevnikov), and the combined choir of the Moscow Theological Academy, choir director Abbot Nikifor (Kirzin).

The funeral service was broadcast live on the Soyuz TV channel.

The permissive prayer was read by Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev.

Before burial, the body of Father Kirill was surrounded by the Assumption Cathedral.

Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) was buried on the territory of the Lavra behind the altar of the Church of the Holy Spirit.
