Domestic linguistics cannot be imagined without such a significant scientist as Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov. A linguist, literary critic, a man of encyclopedic education, he left a significant mark on the teaching of the Russian language, did a lot for the development of modern humanities and brought up a galaxy of talented scientists.

The beginning of the way

Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov was born on January 12, 1895 in Zaraysk, in the family of a clergyman. In 1930, my father was repressed and he died in exile in Kazakhstan. The mother, who went into exile to fetch her husband, also died. The family managed to form in Victor a strong craving for education. In 1917, he graduated from two institutes in Petrograd at once: historical and philological (Zubovsky) and archaeological.

The path to science

Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov, while still a student, showed brilliant scientific inclinations. Immediately after graduating from the institute, he was invited to continue his studies at the Petrograd Institute, at first he studied the history of the church schism, writes At that time, he was noticed by academician A. Shakhmatov, who saw great potential in the novice scientist and lobbied for Vinogradov to be accepted as a dissertation scholarship holder in Russian literature. In 1919, under the guidance of A. Shakhmatov, he writes about the history of the sound [b] in the northern Russian dialect. After that, he is given the opportunity to become a professor at the Petrograd Institute, in this position he worked for 10 years. After his death in 1920, Viktor Vladimirovich finds a new mentor in the person of the outstanding linguist L. V. Shcherba.

Achievements in Literary Studies

Vinogradov was simultaneously engaged in linguistics and literary criticism. His works became known in wide circles of the Petrograd intelligentsia. He writes a number of interesting works on the style of the great Russian writers A.S. Pushkin, F.M. Dostoevsky, N.S. Leskova, N.V. Gogol. In addition to stylistics, he was interested in the historical aspect in the study of works of literature. He develops his own research method, which is based on the broad involvement of the historical context in the study of the features of a literary work. He considered it important to study the specifics of the author's style, which would help to penetrate deeper into the author's intention. Later, Vinogradov created a harmonious doctrine of the category of the author's image and the author's style, which was at the junction of literary criticism and linguistics.

Years of persecution

In 1930, Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov left for Moscow, where he worked at various universities. But in 1934 he was arrested in the so-called "case of the Slavists." Almost without investigation, Vinogradov is exiled to Vyatka, where he will spend two years, then he is allowed to move to Mozhaisk and even allowed to teach in Moscow. He had to live with his wife illegally, putting both at risk.

In 1938, he was banned from teaching, but after Viktor Vladimirovich writes a letter to Stalin, he is given back his Moscow residence permit and the right to work in Moscow. Two years passed relatively calmly, but when the Great Patriotic War, Vinogradov, as an unreliable element, was sent to Tobolsk, where he would stay until the summer of 1943. All these years, despite the everyday disorder and constant fear for his life, Viktor Vladimirovich continues to work. He writes the history of individual words on small pieces of paper; a lot of them were found in the scientist's archive. When the war ended, Vinogradov's life improved, and he, returning to Moscow, began to work hard and fruitfully.

Linguistics as a vocation

Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov won worldwide recognition in linguistics. The scope of his scientific interests lay in the field of the Russian language, he created his own scientific school, which was based on the previous history of Russian linguistics and opened up wide opportunities for describing and systematizing the language. His contribution to Russian studies is extremely great.

Vinogradov built the doctrine of the grammar of the Russian language, based on the views of A. Shakhmatov, he developed a theory about the parts of speech, which was set out in the fundamental work "Modern Russian Language". His works on language are interesting fiction which combine the resources of linguistics and literary criticism and allow you to deeply penetrate the essence of the work and the author's style. An important part of the scientific heritage are works on textology, lexicology and lexicography, he singled out the main types of lexical meaning, created the doctrine of phraseology. The scientist was a member of the group for the compilation of the academic dictionary of the Russian language.

Outstanding Works

Prominent scientists with a wide range of scientific interests often create significant work in several areas, such was Vinogradov Viktor Vladimirovich. "Russian language. The grammatical doctrine of the word”, “On the language of fiction”, “On fiction” - these and many other works brought fame to the scientist and combined the research capabilities of stylistics, grammar and literary analysis. A significant work is the unpublished book "The History of Words", which V.V. Vinogradov wrote all his life.

Works on syntax make up an important part of his heritage, the books “From the History of the Study of Russian Syntax” and “Basic Questions of Sentence Syntax” became the final part of Vinogradov's grammar, in which he described the main types of sentences, identified types of syntactic connection.

The works of the scientist were awarded the State Prize of the USSR.

Scientist career

Vinogradov Viktor Vladimirovich, whose biography has always been associated with academic science, worked hard and fruitfully. From 1944 to 1948 he was the dean of the philological faculty of Moscow State University, where he headed the department of the Russian language for 23 years. In 1945, he was elected an academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, having passed the post of corresponding member. Since 1950, for 4 years, he headed the Institute of Linguistics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. And in 1958, Academician Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov became the head of the Institute of the Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which he would lead for more than a quarter of a century. In addition, the scientist held many public and scientific positions, he was a deputy, an honorary member of many foreign academies and a professor at Prague and Budapest universities.

Famous Russian linguists.

Sergey Ivanovich Ozhegov is a man and a dictionary.

Vocabulary, compiling and editing dictionaries - this is the area of ​​scientific activity of S.I., in which he left a noticeable and unique "Ozhegovsky" trace. It would not be an exaggeration to say that in the 1950s and 1960s there was not a single more or less noticeable lexicographical work in which S. I. would not take part - either as an editor (or a member of the editorial board), or as a scientific consultant and reviewer, or as a direct author-compiler.

He was a member of the editorial board of the Soviet Socialist Republic of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 17 volumes (M.-L.,) from the 6th to the 17th volume inclusive. He is the author-compiler and member of the editorial board of the academic "Pushkin's Dictionary of Language" in 4 volumes (M.,).

Together with and he edited the Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (from the 1st to the 12th edition inclusive); edited (together with) the reference dictionary "Russian literary stress and pronunciation" (2nd ed., M., 1959); was the initiator of the creation and editor of the academic dictionary-reference book "Correctness of Russian speech" (1st ed., 2nd ed., one of the authors of which is the author of this article.

Together with and S. I. compiled a "Dictionary for Plays (A Handbook for Actors, Directors, Translators)", which in 1949 reached the layout, but was not published under the conditions of that time (the fight against "cosmopolitanism") and was born reprint edition in 1993. Until the end of his life, S. I. was deputy chairman of the Vocabulary Commission of the Department of Literature and Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences, as well as a member of the editorial board of the famous Lexicographic Collections.

on compiling dictionaries began in the late 1920s in Leningrad, when he was actively involved in editing the "Dictionary of the Russian Language" of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (the publication was not completed). Volume 5, no. 1, "D - Activity" is entirely compiled and edited by him alone.

From 1927 to 1940, first in Leningrad, and since 1936 in Moscow, S. I. participated in the compilation of " explanatory dictionary of the Russian language" - the firstborn of Soviet lexicography. The dictionary edited by prof. ("Ushakovsky Dictionary") was published in 4 volumes and embodied the best traditions of Russian science, de Courtenay's lexicographic ideas,. Remarkable linguists: each of whom made a noticeable and unique contribution to this great general cultural cause.S. I. was one of the main compilers of the Ushakov Dictionary, the right hand of the editor-in-chief and the scientific and organizational "driver" of all work (according to himself).

Ozhegov's dictionary begins its wonderful life. Ozhegovsky Dictionary withstood 6 lifetime editions and was repeatedly reprinted in foreign countries. Its popularity began to grow rapidly immediately after its publication. In 1952, a reprint edition appeared in China, followed shortly by an edition in Japan. It has become a reference book for many thousands of people in all corners of the globe who study Russian. Outside of Russia there is, in fact, not a single specialist in Russian studies who is not familiar with the name and its vocabulary. The latest tribute to him was the New Russian-Chinese Dictionary, published in Beijing in 1992. Its author Li Sha (Russian by origin) made an unusual book: she scrupulously, word for word, translated the entire Dictionary of the Russian Language into Chinese.

All his life Ushakov studied, promoted, defended the living Russian word- and dialect, and vernacular, and literary. He was also known as a brilliant lecturer, able to simply and intelligibly talk about complex linguistic phenomena. His speech was so elegant and colorful that it gave the listener an aesthetic pleasure.

The dictionary used all the achievements of the academic tradition of that time in the field of lexicography and, as it were, summed up the results of all previous work on compiling a dictionary of the Russian literary language. He provided rich material for studying the changes that took place in the language in the first half of the 20th century, while his normative indications are especially valuable: stylistic, grammatical, spelling and orthoepic. Notes on the style of a particular word, related phraseology make the dictionary a useful guide to correct use words in speech.

Completion of the lesson:

Each of the scientists lived in his time. At different times there were different difficulties. Everyone lived their lives differently. But all of them were united by love for the Russian language and the desire to glorify their country.

“Take care of our language, our great Russian language, this is a treasure, this is a property handed down to us by our predecessors.”

We ask students to explain how they understand what it means to protect the Russian language.

What gives a person books And?

If a parent reads books to a child, and he does not forget to do this every day, then by the age of 5 the child's vocabulary is 2000 words, by 7 years - 3000 words, and by the end of school - 7000 words.

Parents read books first, then children develop interest in reading.

Books teach a person to live. You can learn from your mistakes. And maybe on strangers. In his life, a person faces problems that humanity faces many times.

Anyone who read in books about a particular problem, faced with it, will have several options for choosing behavior.

Reading gives freedom of choice of feelings. A person has a favorite literary hero whom he wants to imitate. The characters in the books experience different feelings, and the readers experience them with them. He learns to feel and express different feelings.

Through reading one can understand other people.

Therefore, books have long been a source of knowledge for people.

The book has always been a companion and friend. By depriving himself of reading, a person has deprived himself of connection with the past, made himself poorer and more stupid.

Therefore, books should be protected.

"Reading is a window through which people see and know the world and themselves."

Do not litter the Russian language with foreign words.

Do not use "ugly" words.

Learn Russian and strive to speak fluently.

From the biographies of Cyril and Methodius

Among the ancient monuments Slavic writing a special and honorable place is occupied by the biographies of the creators of the Slavic letters - Saints Cyril and Methodius, such as "", "The Life of Methodius" and "Eulogy to Cyril and Methodius".
From these sources we learn that the brothers were from the Macedonian city of Thessalonica. Now it is the city of Thessaloniki on the Aegean Sea. Methodius was the eldest of seven brothers, and the youngest was Constantine. He received the name Cyril when he was tonsured a monk just before his death. The father of Methodius and Constantine held the high post of assistant governor of the city. There is an assumption that their mother was a Slav, because the brothers from childhood knew the Slavic language as well as Greek.
The future Slavic enlighteners received an excellent upbringing and education. Constantine from infancy showed extraordinary mental gifts. Studying at the Thessalonica school and not yet reaching the age of fifteen, he already read the books of the most thoughtful of the fathers of the Church - Gregory the Theologian (4th century). The rumor about the talent of Constantine reached Constantinople, and then he was taken to the court, where he studied with the emperor's son from the best teachers of the capital of Byzantium. From the famous scientist Photius, the future Patriarch of Constantinople, Konstantin studied ancient literature. He also studied philosophy, rhetoric (oratory), mathematics, astronomy and music. Constantine was expected to have a brilliant career at the imperial court, wealth and marriage to a noble beautiful girl. But he preferred to retire to the monastery “on Olympus to Methodius, his brother,” says his biography, “he began to live there and constantly pray to God, doing only books.”
However, Konstantin could not spend long periods of time in solitude. As the best preacher and defender of Orthodoxy, he is often sent to neighboring countries to participate in disputes. These trips were very successful for Konstantin. Once, traveling to the Khazars, he visited the Crimea. Having baptized up to two hundred people and taking with him the captive Greeks released to freedom, Constantine returned to the capital of Byzantium and began to continue his scientific work there.
Poor health, but imbued with a strong religious feeling and love for science, Konstantin from childhood dreamed of solitary prayer and book studies. His whole life was filled with frequent difficult trips, severe hardships and very hard work. Such a life undermined his strength, and at the age of 42 he became very ill. Anticipating his near end, he became a monk, changing his worldly name Konstantin to the name Cyril. After that, he lived for another 50 days, read the confessional prayer himself for the last time, said goodbye to his brother and disciples, and quietly died on February 14, 869. It happened in Rome, when the brothers once again came to seek protection from the Pope of Rome for their cause - the spread of Slavic writing.
Immediately after the death of Cyril, his icon was painted. Cyril was buried in Rome in the church of St. Clement.

Great Russian linguists. The work was done by a 10th grade student Svetlana Kuzmina

The language of the people is undoubtedly our most important and inexhaustible source. IN AND. Dal The Russian language is a language created for poetry, it is unusually rich and remarkable mainly for its subtlety of shades. - P. Merimee

Linguistics (linguistics, linguistics; from Latin lingua - language) is a science that studies languages. In the history of world linguistics, our native linguists have always played a prominent role. In all areas of the science of language, they managed to say their weighty original word.

Domestic linguistic science shines with the names of great Russian scientists: M.V. Lomonosov, V.I. Dal, A.Kh. Vostokov, A.A. Shakhmatov, D.N. Peshkovsky, L.V. Shcherba, V.V. Vinogradov, S.I. Ozhegov and others. Let's get to know them better.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov (1711-1765) “Lomonosov was a great man. He created the first university. It is better to say that he himself was our first university” A.S. Pushkin. The scientific ideas of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov enriched many branches of knowledge. Lomonosov's discoveries in linguistics are significant. The “Russian Grammar” by M.V. Lomonosov, published in 1757, is the first scientific description of the Russian language, in which the issues of morphology, syntax, word production are considered, spelling rules and orthoepic norms are systematized. The merit of M.V. Lomonosov in the development of the theory of eloquence (rhetoric) is enormous. His Brief Guide to Eloquence was in fact the first book of its kind written in Russian. Before Lomonosov, eloquence textbooks were compiled either in Church Slavonic or in Latin.

Alexander Khristoforovich Vostokov (1781-1864). The beginning of the 19th century in Europe was marked by the emergence of linguistics as a science. The scientific rigor of linguistics has acquired through the comparative-historical study of languages. In Russia, Alexander Khristoforovich Vostokov stands at the origins of the comparative historical study of the Slavic languages. In the work “Discourse on the Slavic language…” (1820), A.Kh.Vostokov compared the Slavic languages ​​and established sound regular correspondences between them as proof of their desired proximity, kinship. Vostokov created scientific grammar; studied the monuments of ancient writing, studied dialect vocabulary, edited the "Experience of the Regional Great Russian Dictionary" (1852); dealt with the problems of speech culture, morphology; studied Russian versification.

Dal Vladimir Ivanovich (1801 - 1872) Russian physician, biologist, linguist - Vladimir Ivanovich Dal. In 1852, V. Dahl's study "On the dialects of the Russian language" was published, in which the classification of Russian dialects was first proposed, outlined the tasks of studying folk dialects. The main work of the life of Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl was the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, to which he devoted over 50 years of his life. The dictionary contains about 200 thousand words. This dictionary became a huge event in the history of Russian lexicography.

Fyodor Ivanovich Buslaev (1818-1897) Linguist and literary critic, researcher of folk literature and ancient Russian art, Buslaev was a brilliant teacher and lecturer, academician, professor at Moscow University. F.I. Buslaev summarized his scientific research in the book “On the Teaching of the National Language” (1844), which is rightfully considered the first scientific method of teaching the Russian language in our country. The main idea of ​​this fundamental work is about the importance of studying mother tongue in school for personal development.

Alexey Alexandrovich Shakhmatov (1864-1920) A.A. Shakhmatov, a great Russian linguist, made a huge contribution to the study of the syntax and history of the language. In the book of A.A. Shakhmatov "Syntax of the Russian language", according to V.V. Vinogradov, "for the first time a colossal material was collected, characterizing the amazing variety of syntactic constructions of the modern Russian language." A.A. Shakhmatov was the first in the history of our science to single out the types of one-component sentences and describe the features of their structure. Many syntactic ideas of Shakhmatov still have not lost their relevance.

Dmitry Nikolaevich Ushakov (1873-1942) Dmitry Nikolaevich Ushakov was a Russian linguist. He worked in the field of dialectology, spelling, orthoepy, was the chief editor of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. He is the author of the Spelling Dictionary, which students still use today.

Alexander Matveevich Peshkovsky (1878-1933) Alexander Matveevich Peshkovsky is one of the most remarkable linguists of the 20th century. He worked for many years in Moscow gymnasiums and, wanting to acquaint his students with real, scientific grammar, wrote the monograph Russian Syntax in Scientific Illumination (1914), in which he seems to be talking with his students. Peshkovsky was the first to prove that intonation is a grammatical tool, that it helps where others grammatical means(prepositions, conjunctions, endings) are not able to express meaning.

Lev Vladimirovich Shcherba (1880-1944) Lev Vladimirovich Shcherba - Russian linguist, academician. He worked in the field of phonetics, orthoepy, lexicology, lexicography, grammar, took part in compiling a set of rules for spelling and punctuation. For many years, under the editorship of L.V. Shcherba, a school textbook of the Russian language was published.

Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov (1895-1969) Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov - Russian philologist, academician, student of A.A. Shakhmatov and L.V. Shcherba. He created fundamental works on the history of the Russian literary language, on grammar, works on the language of fiction; studied lexicology, phraseology, lexicography.

Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov (1900-1964) Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov - A remarkable Russian linguist and lexicographer, known primarily as the author of the Dictionary of the Russian Language, which has gone through more than 20 editions. S.I. Ozhegov was not only a born lexicographer, but also one of the largest historians of the literary language. He wrote numerous articles on the issues of the culture of speech, on the history of words, on the development of Russian vocabulary at a new stage in the development of society.

Russian linguists are creators, masters of the great Russian word, creators of the beginning of the beginnings - language as a science, as a shrine, as the property of the whole people.

LINGUISTICS (linguistics) - the science of human natural language and all the languages ​​of the world as its specific representatives, the general laws of the structure and functioning of human language. It developed in the Ancient East: in Mesopotamia, Syria, M. Asia and Egypt, as well as in Ancient India (5-4 centuries BC),

Linguist (linguist)-scientist, specialist in linguistics (linguistics, linguistics). Lomonosov M. V. Potebnya A. A. V. Lomonosov - A. A. Potebnya - one of the first prominent Russian linguist, linguists who studied the laws of the philosopher, the first major theorist and forms of linguistics in the Russian language. Russia. Vostokov A.Kh. Vostokov - an outstanding Russian linguist, laid the foundation for the scientific study of the history of the Slavic languages.

Game: "Linguistic Lotto" A section of the science of language that studies lexical meaning words A section of linguistics that studies normative literary pronunciation A section of linguistics that studies stable combinations of words A section of linguistics that studies parts that studies sounds that studies speech punctuation marks A section of linguistics that studies styles the correct origin of words of speech spelling words Words for reference: vocabulary, phonetics, orthoepy, phraseology , morphology, punctuation, stylistics, etymology, spelling.

In Russia at the end of the 19th century, two large linguistic schools emerged - Moscow and Kazan. Their founders were two great Russian linguists - Philip Fedorovich Fortunatov and Ivan Alexandrovich Baudouin de Courtenay. Fortunatov F. F. Baudouin de Courtenay I. A.

Philip Fedorovich Fortunatov (1848–1914) Philip Fedorovich Fortunatov, Russian linguist. Born January 2, 1848 in Vologda in the family of a teacher. In 1868 he graduated from Moscow University. For a quarter of a century of teaching in Moscow, Fortunatov taught a wide variety of university courses on comparative historical grammar, general linguistics and ancient Indo-European languages ​​and became the founder Professor of the Department of Comparative Grammar at the Moscow Linguistic Indo-European Languages ​​School.

Research activities of F. F. Fortunatov Fortunatov was especially actively engaged in comparative-historical linguistics. Studied ancient Indian writings. F. F. Fortunatov introduced the term morphology instead of the etymology that existed at that time and developed the doctrine of the form of the word, turning morphology into an independent discipline. the doctrine of the form of the word was based on the material expression of this form that actually exists in the language, i.e., the form of the word could be established only where it is materially represented.

MOSCOW LINGUISTIC SCHOOL. Shakhmatov A. A. Pokrovsky M. M. Avanesov R. I. Reformatsky A. A. Ushakov D. N. Thomson A. I. Peterson M. N. Peshkovsky A. M.

Morphology includes: the doctrine of inflection in language (declension and conjugation); the doctrine of the structure of the word (morphemic); the doctrine of parts of speech; the doctrine of word formation.

Morphological norms modern language“Modern schoolchildren should carefully treat their native language and master the methods of research work while studying the foundations of the science of language. "(Make a morphological and word-formation analysis of the highlighted words).

IVAN ALEKSANDROVICH BAUDOUIN DE COURTENET. Russian and Polish linguist Born November 3, 1929 in Warsaw. According to the genealogical legend, he descended from the ancient French family of Courtenay, who derived himself from King Louis VI. In 1875 the scientist became a professor, and in 1897 a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences. He worked at Kazan (1874-1883), Yuriev (1883-1893), Krakow (1893-1899), St. Petersburg (1900-1918) universities. Founded the Kazan Linguistic School

The research activities of I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay Baudouin de Courtenay revolutionized the science of language: before him, linguistics was dominated by the historical direction, and languages ​​were studied exclusively on the basis of written monuments. The scientist proved that the essence of language is in speech activity and calls for the study of living languages ​​and dialects. He spends several months on expeditions, studying Slavic languages ​​and dialects, and at the same time carefully recording all their phonetic features. The importance of this new approach to language learning can be compared to the role played by the principle of experiment in the natural sciences: without experimental verification, a theory is dead. J. A. Baudouin de Courtenay created the theory of phonemes and phonetic alternations, which still retains its scientific value. The logical development of the theory of phonemes was the theory of writing. It laid down many of the basic ideas and concepts that appear in modern works.

Kazan Linguistic School Representatives of the Kazan Linguistic School: Alexandrov Alexander Ivanovich Anastasiev Andrey Ivanovich Arkhangelsky Alexander Semenovich Bogoroditsky Vasily Alekseevich Bulich Sergey Konstantinovich Vladimirov Petr Vladimirovich Krushevsky Nikolai Vyacheslavovich Kukuranov Nikolai Sergeevich Kazan University Radlov Vasily Vasilyevich Bogoroditsky V. A. Bulich S. K. Krushevsky N. IN.

Modern phonetic norms. “The Russian language is a scientific system that develops according to its own laws and is the subject of study by linguists” (Make a phonetic analysis of the highlighted word).

Summing up the lesson. 1. The Russian language is a scientific system. 2. Russian linguists have made a huge contribution to the development of both world and domestic linguistics. Russian scientists - an example for the younger generation 3. Schoolchildren need to develop analytical thinking and speech, master the techniques of research work in the study of their native language and the basics of the science of language.

The formation and development of Russian linguistics are associated with such luminaries in the field of linguistics as M. V. Lomonosov, A. Kh. Vostokov, V. I. Dal, A. A. Potebnya, A. A. Shakhmatov, D. N. Ushakov, A. M. Peshkovsky, L. V. Shcherba, V. V. Vinogradov, S. I. Ozhegov, A. A. Reformatsky, L. Yu. Maksimov. These are just a few, most prominent representatives Russian science of language, each of which said its own word in linguistics.

M. V. Lomonosov (1711-1765), whom A. S. called “our first university”, was not only a great physicist, a thoughtful naturalist, but also a brilliant poet, a wonderful philologist. He created the first scientific Russian grammar (Russian Grammar, 1757). In it, while exploring the language, he establishes grammatical and orthoepic norms, and he does this not speculatively, but on the basis of his observations of living speech. He muses, "Why is wider, weaker better than wider, weaker?" He observes the Moscow pronunciation: "They say it burned, but did not shrink." He has thousands of similar observations. Lomonosov was the first to develop a scientific classification of parts of speech. Lomonosov created the famous theory of "three calms", which turned out to be not an invention of a dry theorist, but an effective guide in creating a new literary language. He divided the language into three styles: high, mediocre (medium), low. It was prescribed to write odes, heroic poems, solemn "words about important matters" in high style. The middle style was intended for the language of theatrical plays, satires, poetic friendly letters. Low style - the style of comedies, songs, descriptions of "ordinary affairs." It was impossible to use high Church Slavonic words in it, preference was given to proper Russian, sometimes common words. The whole pathos of Lomonosov's theory, under the influence of which all the major figures of the 18th century were for a long time, consisted in asserting the literary rights of the Russian language, in limiting the Church Slavonic element. Lomonosov, with his theory, established the Russian basis of the literary language.

A. X. Vostokov (1781-1864) was by nature an independent and free person. These features of his character were also reflected in his scientific works, of which his research on the history of the Slavic languages ​​brought him the greatest fame. Vostokov was the founder of Slavic philology. He wrote the famous "Russian Grammar" (1831), in which he carried out "enumeration of the entire Russian language", considered its grammatical features at the level of science of his time. The book was published many times, was the main scientific grammar for its time.

V. I. Dal (1801-1872) managed to do a lot in his life: he was a naval officer, an excellent doctor, an ethnographer, a writer (his pseudonym is Cossack Lugansky). V. G. called his essays and stories "pearls of modern Russian literature." But most of all he is known to us as the compiler of the unique Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, on which he devoted 50 years of his life. The dictionary, which contains 200,000 words, reads like a fascinating book. Dahl interprets the meanings of words figuratively, aptly, clearly; explaining the word, reveals its meaning with the help of folk sayings, proverbs. Reading such a dictionary, you learn the life of the people, their views, beliefs, aspirations.

A. A. Potebnya (1835-1891) was an outstanding Russian and Ukrainian philologist. He was an unusually erudite scientist. His main work "From Notes on Russian Grammar" in 4 volumes is devoted to a comparative analysis of the Ukrainian and Russian languages, the history of the main grammatical categories, and a comparative study of the syntax of the East Slavic languages. Potebnya viewed language as constituent part culture of the people, as a component of its spiritual life, and hence its interest and attention to the rituals, myths, folklore of the Slavs. Potebnya was deeply interested in the relationship between language and thought. He devoted to this problem, while still quite young, his mature, deeply philosophical monograph Thought and Language (1862).

A. A. Shakhmatov (1864-1920) - one of the most prominent philologists at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. His scientific interests were mainly concentrated in the field of history and dialectology of the Slavic languages. He devoted more than two dozen works to the problem of the origin of the East Slavic languages. IN last years During his life, he taught a course on the syntax of the Russian language at St. Many modern syntactic theories go back to this work.

D. N. Ushakov (1873-1942) is the compiler and editor of one of the most common explanatory dictionaries, the famous "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language", a remarkable monument of the Russian language of the first half of the 20th century. D.N. Ushakov created this work already in adulthood, being known as a linguist. He passionately loved the Russian language, knew it perfectly, was an exemplary speaker of Russian literary speech. This love, to a certain extent, influenced the nature of his scientific interests: most of all, he dealt with issues of spelling and orthoepy. He is the author of many textbooks and teaching aids by spelling. His Spelling Dictionary alone went through more than 30 editions. He attached great importance to the development of norms for correct pronunciation, rightly believing that a single, normative literary pronunciation is the basis of speech culture, without which it is unthinkable. common culture person.

One of the most original linguists was A. M. Peshkovsky (1878-1933). He worked for many years in Moscow gymnasiums and, wanting to acquaint his students with real, scientific grammar, wrote a witty monograph, full of subtle observations, “Russian Syntax in Scientific Illumination” (1914), in which he seems to be talking with his students. Together with them, he observes, reflects, experiments. Peshkovsky was the first to show that intonation is a grammatical tool, that it helps where other grammatical means (prepositions, conjunctions, endings) are not able to express meaning. Peshkovsky tirelessly and passionately explained that only the conscious possession of grammar makes a person truly literate. He drew attention to the great importance of linguistic culture: "The ability to speak is the lubricating oil that is necessary for any cultural state machine and without which it would simply stop." Alas, this lesson of D. M. Peshkovsky was not learned by many.

L. V. Shcherba (1880-1944) is a well-known Russian linguist with a wide range of scientific interests: he did a lot for the theory and practice of lexicography, great importance attached to the study of living languages, worked a lot in the field of grammar and lexicology, studied little-known Slavic dialects. His work “On Parts of Speech in the Russian Language” (1928), in which he singled out a new part of speech - words of the category of state, clearly showed what grammatical phenomena are hidden behind the familiar terms “noun”, “verb” ... L. V. Shcherba is the founder of the Leningrad phonological school. He was one of the first to turn to the linguistic analysis of the language of works of art. Two experiences of the linguistic interpretation of poems belong to his pen: Pushkin's "Memories" and "Pine". He brought up many remarkable linguists, among them VV Vinogradov.
