Words are not only a means of expressing thoughts. Language is a powerful tool for building relationships with others and influencing society as a whole. In Russian, speech etiquette is a complex system, formed over centuries of reforms in the field of literature, changes in the social system. The ways and manner of communication depend on the ideology, moral standards, scientific and cultural development.

Differences in Russian speech etiquette

  1. In Russian etiquette, there are no personal appeals that are neutral in terms of social status. After the revolution, the universal “sir” and “madame” were lost, and with the end of the communist era, the equalizing “comrade”. Now these appeals either look pretentious and old-fashioned, or have an ideological connotation. Now when interacting with strangers on etiquette use impersonal forms of phrasing.
  2. Russian speech etiquette is unique using first and last name as a sign of respect for the interlocutor. There are few analogues of this address in other languages. Diminutive forms of names are used to emphasize a close or related relationship.
  3. According to the speech etiquette of Russia, it is customary to use pronoun plural in official communication. This is a way to emphasize the importance of the interlocutor or to strengthen personal boundaries. The transition to occurs when there is closeness or community between people.


The voice can emphasize the meaning of what is said or give the words a completely different meaning. The expressiveness of speech is given by appropriate intonations. The most etiquette-correct phrases from the lips of a skeptic will sound like an insult, and a dry official text from a benevolent person can console or support. The voice not only expresses feelings, it will help to show the real meaning of what was said, hidden behind the words.

The main components of intonation:

  • Tone. Changing the pitch creates a melody of speech, gives liveliness to the statement. The tone rises as the story progresses and falls as the thought ends. Too even a tone causes boredom in the listener, makes it difficult to perceive the meaning of what was said.
  • Sound intensity. According to etiquette, an excessively loud conversation is considered indecent, disturbing the peace of others, and no one will hear a quiet remark. One of the most common oratorical speech techniques is a sharp decline the intensity of the sound, forcing listeners to pay close attention to the words.
  • Rhythm. You can induce a person to action with a phrase spoken at a fast pace. By reducing the rhythm of speech, it is also customary to emphasize the solemnity or tragedy of the moment. Oaths, oaths, expressions of condolence according to etiquette are pronounced slowly.
  • pauses. They help to separate one logical part of the story from another or to intrigue the listener. Inappropriate pauses distort the meaning of the phrase, violate the speech structure.
  • stress. Highlights the most important words.
  • Voice timbre. Creates emotional coloring. The low timbre of the voice is considered more pleasing to the listener.

Thanks to intonation, the conversation always turns out to be more saturated with emotional nuances than correspondence or text; contributes to a better understanding and response of the interlocutor. The choice of intonation in accordance with speech etiquette depends on the situation. A monotonous narration characterizes the formal, suitable for reading official documents, negotiations with officials. A change of intonation can express doubt, feelings, consent, but the transition to an overly emotional manner of speaking is considered indecent.

Russian mat, slang phrases, curses

The courtesy rules of each country for social groups who consider themselves decent have their own taboos.

National features of the Russian speech etiquette- this is a forbidden vocabulary, which includes rude curses, the famous Russian obscenity, jargon of the underworld. Some writers, journalists even consider them part of Russian culture for emotionality and wide application possibilities.

Swear words have a bright expressive coloring, are used for speech expression of strong negative emotions, delight or surprise. The meanings of mats have a sexual connotation, some pseudo-religious thinkers even give them a sacred meaning.

Numerous attempts to ban swearing by law and even replace some quite decent words reminiscent of such curses have not brought results. Taboo only creates numerous substitutes that look almost decent. Now it is difficult to draw a clear line between swearing and simply expressive expressions.

In the 90s. of the last century, there was a fashion for prison jargon. Russian "fenya", the language of criminals, entered the media, literary works, everyday conversations. Some researchers have appreciated the thieves' jargon for its imagery.

Speech etiquette in modern Russian has many communication formulas to demonstrate a wide range of emotions in a conversation. All expressions either have a strict official tone, or determine the degree of closeness with the interlocutor.

In his Dictionary of Russian Speech Etiquette, Professor of Philology A. G. Balakai described more than 6 thousand phrases for all possible situations. When meeting, greeting, parting, it is customary to exchange replicas that have been established over the centuries.

In Russia, according to etiquette, it is not customary to greet passers-by, neighbors in the stairwell, so there is no need to create neutral speech structures. If communication has begun, means are used to convey the features of the relationship as much as possible, to express feelings for the interlocutor. Even universal is a good wish for a person's health.

catch phrases

Catch phrases in everyday vocabulary came from books or sayings famous people. Their difference from other fixed expressions in close connection with historical or literary sources. Winged words and phrases spoken to the place make the speech more interesting, help to convey emotions better, show the erudition of the speaker. These expressions of the Russian language in speech etiquette perform the function of an expressive assessment of events, they are able to briefly convey to the listener the complex meaning of the statement.

Proverbs and sayings

Proverbs and sayings contain the truth and wisdom of the whole people. Their use in everyday communication or solemn speeches makes it possible to enrich statements, fill them with deep meaning. The use of this speech technique requires a deep sense of the meaning of the phrase. A proverb or saying used to the place will give expressiveness to the conversation, help to find common ground with the interlocutor, and remind you of history.

Phraseological units and idioms

Such a language tool captivates with expressiveness, figurativeness in the speech assessment of what is happening. Phraseologisms help to accurately express approval, condemnation, ridicule or a negative attitude towards the event.

The main mistakes in the use of phraseological units:

  • Used in the wrong context. Misunderstanding the meaning of the expression.
  • Too literal usage. "Head like a falcon" to describe a naked person.
  • Grammar distortion. The use of incorrect endings of a stable phrase. “He worked with his sleeves down” instead of the correct “sleeveless”.
  • Lexical errors. Removing individual words from a phraseological unit or inserting new ones. Illiterate combination of phraseological units.

The richness of the language

The main specificity of modern Russian speech etiquette is the elimination of hostility between interlocutors. The cultural feature of the rules of politeness of Russians is tolerance, tact, and the desire for mutual understanding. The use of stable communication formulas helps to quickly find the right conversation strategy.

Speech culture and etiquette are impossible without the true richness of speech. The abundance of stable phrases, proverbs, sayings makes the Russian language diverse, capacious, well-aimed.

However, the use of formulaic phrases turns speech into an empty formality, a dry likeness. The use of cliched expressions of officials, clericalism, impoverishes the language, creating heavy constructions.

Speech etiquette is a complex system of using language techniques for effective communication. Features of the Russian rules of polite conversation are correctness, tact, courtesy as a way to reduce aggressive reactions to words or deeds. Respectful communication helps to avoid using language formulas and techniques that are understandable to the social group.

After the greeting, a business conversation usually begins. Speech etiquette provides for several beginnings, which are determined by the situation. The most typical are 3 situations: solemn, working, mournful. The first includes public holidays, anniversaries of the enterprise and employees, receiving awards, birthdays, name days, significant dates for the family or its members, presentation, conclusion of an agreement, creation of a new organization.

On any solemn occasion, a significant event, invitations and congratulations follow. Depending on the situation (official, semi-official, unofficial), invitation and congratulatory clichés change.

Invitation: Let (permit) invite you., Come to the holiday (anniversary, meeting ..), we will be glad to see you.

Congratulation: Please accept my (most) cordial (warm, hot, sincere) congratulations ..; On behalf of (on behalf of) congratulations; heartily (warmly) congratulations.

As in all other situations of interpersonal communication, congratulations should be extremely correct, appropriate and sincere. Only here with sincerity you need to be very careful. Congratulation is a society-accepted ritual of respect and joy for a loved one, but this is not a way of conducting a conversation or correspondence; congratulations should not contain purely personal topics and questions of the congratulatory addressee. The content of the congratulations is a ritual expression of joy, but nothing more. Let's take greeting cards as an example. Greeting card - all filled with factual information! Of course, the standard, the ritual ... But what a shame not to receive a greeting card on a solemn occasion! If we neglect this factual side and begin to displace it with meaningful information, then it will turn out as in the humoresque of Herman Drobiz: “ Greeting Cards Petya filled in without thinking twice: “Dear Earring! Great happiness to you in the New Year!”, “Dear Natasha! Much happiness to you in the New Year! But then he thought: “Essentially, these are thoughtless replies. If I am a true friend to my friends, then is it not hypocrisy to wish great happiness to those who dream of little? Isn't it a mockery to get off with a general phrase when you know well what exactly your friend dreams of? Decided! This time, friends will receive from me sincere wishes for exactly the happiness they are after.

"Dear Earring! How many years have I known you, how long have you been dreaming of leaving your wife, who is disgusting with you, a petty-bourgeois woman. Let New Year will bring you the freedom you desire. Make up your mind, friend!

“Dear Natasha! Do I not know how patiently you are waiting for Seryozha. May your dream come true! And further. You are justifiably ashamed of your figure. I wish you to lose fifteen kilograms in the New Year. I guarantee that then Seryozha will look at you in a new way!

“Dear Vovyastik! Our dear poet! All your life you dream of writing at least one poem, for which you will not be ashamed later. May it happen in the coming year!”

“Dear Anton Grigorievich! In the coming year, I wish you to recover from hard drinking once and for all. What happiness it would be!

The postcards made an impression. Seryozha really left his wife, who read Petya's wish and made a huge scandal. But he did not go to Natasha, and three days later, miserable and hungry, he crawled back. Anton Grigoryevich, upon receiving the postcard, fell into an unprecedented binge. The poet Voviastik burst into a poem in which the softest expression was: “Are you a friend? You are a creeping snake ... "

So Petya was left without friends. Do I feel sorry for him? And how. Would you like to express your condolences? Yes. But I will not take a step forward until he apologizes for the card sent to me: “With all my heart I wish that in the coming year your sense of humor will finally erupt ».

Jokes are jokes, but the understanding that without contact-establishing communication, without speech etiquette and friends, you can lose is obviously useful to all of us

A sad situation is associated with death, death, murder and other events that bring misfortune, grief. In this case, it is expressed condolences. It should not be dry, state-owned. Condolence formulas, as a rule, are stylistically elevated, emotionally colored: Allow (allow) to express (to you) my (my) deep (sincere) condolences. I bring (to you) my (accept mine, please accept mine) deep (sincere) condolences. I share (understand) your sadness (your grief, misfortune)

The listed beginnings (invitation, congratulations, condolences, expressions of sympathy) do not always turn into business communication, sometimes the conversation ends with them.

In a daily business environment (business, work situation), speech etiquette formulas are also used. For example, when summing up the results of work, when determining the results of the sale of goods, it becomes necessary to thank someone or, conversely, to reprimand, to make a remark. At any job, in any organization, someone may need to give advice, make a suggestion, make a request, express consent, allow, prohibit, refuse someone.

Here are the speech clichés that are used in these situations.

Gratitude: Allow (permit) to express (great, huge) gratitude to Nikolai Petrovich Bystrov for the excellent (perfectly) organized exhibition; the company (management, administration) expresses gratitude to all employees for ...

In addition to official thanks, there are also ordinary, unofficial thanks. This is an ordinary "thank you", "you are very kind", "not worth thanks", etc. There is even such a thing as “stroking”, which is designed to compliment a person with the help of speech etiquette, create a positive opinion about oneself, and convey a good mood to the interlocutor. Psychiatrists and psychologists have repeatedly observed cases where the lack of affection on the part of adults caused in infants a severe lag in development and even a serious illness. Therefore, what the mother does intuitively is talking to the baby, smiling at him, picking him up, stroking him, etc. - absolutely necessary for the child.

But for adults too! Here is the wife, for the umpteenth time asking her husband: Tell me, do you love me? Men laugh at this, and sometimes get angry, but women (the most emotional part of humanity) seek to satisfy their thirst for “strokes”. And how men flourish from praise, approval (although they often try to hide it)!

Linguists thought about all this and found that the language responded to such a need, created a system of verbal “strokes”. An important place belongs here to speech etiquette. After all, all greetings, information about life, health, deeds, all thanks, apologies, congratulations and wishes have no other purpose than to serve as “strokes”.

Hi, how are you?

Everything is fine! And you?

Nothing too. Well, everything!

Bye! - so they exchanged "strokes"! The thing is that speech etiquette is realized in a situation of direct communication, when “here” (at the meeting point) and “now” (at the moment of meeting) “I” and “you” openly exchange “strokes”. That is why the expressions of speech etiquette touch us personally (it pleases “performance” and upsets “non-performance” in relation to us). Thank you! - in the phrase, in its structure, grammar, semantics, “I” and “you” are reflected, the phrase is equal to a good deed “here” and “now”. And the transmitted information is social character like “I notice you, respect you, make contact with you, wish you well ...” No wonder the expressions of speech etiquette in their origin (in their etymology) mean goodwill: hello - be healthy, the same congratulations; thank you - thank you (for your service); I'm sorry - I admit my fault and ask for forgiveness; thank you - God save (for good deeds), etc.

Notes, warning: The firm (management, board, editorial office) is forced to make a (serious) warning (remark) .., To (great) regret (chagrin), must (forced) to make a remark (to reprimand)

Often, people, especially those in positions of power, consider it necessary to express their proposals and advice in a categorical form: All (you) must (must) ..., categorically (persistently) advise (propose) to do ...

Advice, suggestions expressed in this form are similar to an order or order and do not always give rise to a desire to follow them, especially if the conversation takes place between colleagues of the same rank. The "magic" of speech etiquette is that it really opens the door to our human interactions. Try to say, for example, in transport: Move over! Your recipient will most likely interpret this as a rude demand and will have the right not to perform the action: why on earth do you ascribe to yourself the role of a demanding “boss”, and assign him the role of a subordinate?! After all, they demand something higher! And add the magical please - and the imperative form already expresses a request, and only a request that is respectful enough, directed to an equal partner. And there are many other ways to handle this situation: Is it difficult for you to move?; If it doesn't bother you, move over, please, and more. others

Politeness and understanding:

Be mutually polite - inscriptions in stores call us. You have to be polite - the parents of the children teach ... What does it mean to be polite, why are we taught to do this with early childhood, why is it needed? To answer these questions, first of all, consider the relationship between such phenomena as etiquette and politeness. Recall that etiquette and speech etiquette are rules adopted in a particular society, circle of people, behavior, including speech behavior (in accordance with the distribution of social roles in an official and informal setting of communication), which, on the one hand, regulate, and on the other hand, they discover, show the relations of members of society along such lines: one's own - someone else's, superior - inferior, senior - junior, distant - close, familiar - unfamiliar and even pleasant - unpleasant. Here the boy came to the circle, he said to his friends: Great, guys! In this case, he chose such signs of speech behavior that put him on an equal footing with others, demonstrate the rudely familiar tone of communication so characteristic of adolescents, these signs tell others: "I am my own, close." To the head of the circle, even the young one, he cannot say: Great, guy, because in this case the norms of role relations will be violated, because the senior in position must be given signs of attention corresponding to seniority. If you don't do this, you'll show impoliteness. This means that impoliteness is such a manifestation when the addressee is assigned a role lower than that which belongs to him in accordance with his characteristics. Consequently, violation of the norms of etiquette always turns into impoliteness, disrespect for the partner. Well, what about courtesy? Since this is one of the concepts of morality, let's turn to the Dictionary of Ethics, which defines politeness as follows: “... a moral quality that characterizes a person for whom respect for people has become a daily norm of behavior and a familiar way of dealing with others". So politeness is a sign of respect. Politeness is both a willingness to provide a service to someone who needs it, and delicacy, and tact. And, of course, timely and appropriate speech manifestation - speech etiquette - an integral element of politeness. Since politeness is a form of showing respect for another, respect in itself implies recognition of the dignity of the individual, as well as sensitivity, delicacy in relation to another. If you look at the example we started with from this point of view: Hey guys! - in relation to acquaintances of adolescents from the side of a peer, it can be noted that in this greeting and address there is no special reflection of respect, there is only a sign of entering into speech contact of "one's own", "equal" in relaxed, familiar relationships. So, there is no special politeness here.

There are different ways to be polite or impolite. V.E. Goldin writes: “...politeness and impoliteness have numerous degrees and shades. In Russian, they are denoted by such words as polite, impolite, correct, courteous, gallant, arrogant, arrogant, rude, arrogant, mannered, ceremonial, etc. .».

Gallant is exquisitely polite and amiable. attitude towards a woman; the correct one behaves with restraint in full accordance with the rules, without deviating a single step from them; a courteous person is always respectfully polite ... Well, we will mention the manifestations of impoliteness below. Here we will draw a conclusion that we will need in further reasoning: impoliteness is the assignment of a role to the addressee below that which he can count on, disrespect for him; politeness is respect for the addressee, assigning him the role that corresponds to his characteristics, and maybe a little higher, when he is courteous or gallant.

The inherent politeness of a person is evaluated by others as his positive quality. Each of us has heard. What a good man - always congratulates me on holidays; You have a nice daughter - she always greets everyone, etc. Or here is an example: “Ivan Kuzmich Belomestnykh, having come out late into the courtyard flooded with dawn, saw a note on a nail:“ Thanks for the hospitality. S. Lachugin- and thought about the geological guy well and reliably: " Good. Not like some. You also need to know how to say goodbye"(E. Evtushenko. Berry places).

The journal Health reports: “Psychologists who study interpersonal relationships great importance signs of attention that can calm, provide a kind of psychotherapeutic action. And isn’t everyday thank you, please, excuse me, isn’t this what their power over our mood is hidden in? It's nice to receive signs of attention, in fact, "thank you" many of us are ready to work great!

An article in the newspaper under the heading "They didn't say "thank you"" - about a conflict at work. Article in another newspaper Magic word"thank you" - about the elimination of the conflict. Komsomolskaya Pravda told how 10th grade students of one of the schools were at enmity with each other for the entire academic year: some were on the side of the young man who offended the girl, others were on her side. Finally, they decided to end the matter amicably. “And Olya said:“ I forgive him. And then, through tears: “Yes, I would have forgiven on the same day if he had come up and apologized in a good way ...”

And here, almost unbelievable events are described - people prefer to refuse profitable work, just not to be polite: “The director of a fashionable self-supporting company, proud of non-standard products, the intelligent treatment of his employees with clients, complains to me: “It’s just that the situation with personnel is not so good ... "-" De why? Is the salary less? - “What are you, the salary is one and a half to two times more!” - "What's the matter?" The director hesitates: “In dealing with a client. After all, you have to try it on. Sometimes several models, thank you for your purchase. - "So what?" - I'm surprised. “They say:“ How will I bow to every “shit”: “thank you” and “come”, - it’s better that I get less, but I don’t need these “thank you!” (From the newspaper). This, by the way, is in the article “What are we, women?”.

Cervantes said: "Nothing costs us so cheaply and is not valued so dearly as politeness." Respect, benevolence, directed to another, make us better ourselves. And it’s bad for others, and for us, when this is not there. L. Lebedinskaya sends such a figurative reproach to us all: “In the Kabardian folk epic about the Nart heroes there is a small, brave tribe -“ Hare Riders ”, who fearlessly engage in single combat with the giant villains and defeat them, perform many feats. But in one they are vulnerable - they get sick from reproaches, and die from insults. Folk wisdom from time immemorial seems to warn us: people, avoid psychological stress!

Sometimes I think: what would happen to the poor "hare riders" if they had to ride in Moscow public transport or walk through Moscow shops? And it doesn't cost anything to give a good attitude! Mother Teresa, the founder of the Mission of Mercy, who is known all over the world, during her visit to our country told the correspondent of the newspaper: “Even if there is nothing to help the needy, you can always give a person a smile or a handshake. Often it is even more than anything else.”

2.3 Rules and norms of speech etiquette at the end of communication: farewell, summary and compliments

End of conversation: When the conversation ends, the interlocutors use the formulas for parting, ending communication. They wish (All the best (good) to you! Goodbye!); hope for a new meeting (Until the evening (tomorrow, Saturday); I hope we part for a short time. I hope to see you soon); doubt about the possibility of meeting again (Farewell! It is unlikely that we will see each other again. Do not remember dashingly!)

In addition to the usual forms of farewells, there is a long-established ritual compliment. A tactfully and timely compliment, it cheers up the addressee, sets up a positive attitude towards the opponent. A compliment is said at the beginning of a conversation, at a meeting, acquaintance or during a conversation, at parting. A compliment is always nice. Only an insincere compliment is dangerous, a compliment for the sake of a compliment, an overly enthusiastic compliment.

Compliment refers to appearance, testifies to the excellent professional abilities of the addressee, his high morality, gives an overall positive assessment

- You look good (excellent, fine).

- You are (so, very) charming (smart, resourceful, practical).

- You are a good (excellent, excellent) specialist.

- It is pleasant (excellent, good) to deal with you (work, cooperate).

- It was nice to meet you!

- You are a very nice (interesting) person (interlocutor)

The absence of a farewell ritual or its indistinctness or crumpledness does not in any way indicate that the person left “in English”, this indicates either a negative, hostile or hostile attitude of a person or his banal bad manners.

2.4 Features of speech etiquette in remote communication, communication by telephone, Internet

Scientific and technological progress introduced into etiquette new culture communication - communication by means of the telephone. What is the specificity of a telephone conversation as one of the types of speech activity? ON THE. Akishina in her book “Speech Etiquette of Russian Telephone Conversation” reveals this problem in this way: “ A telephone conversation is included in the number of types of speech communication carried out with the help of technical means. The peculiarity of a telephone conversation in this system is as follows:

1. Telephone conversation is not a means of mass communication

2. It is a form of communication with feedback, which brings it closer to the direct form of oral speech communication

3. A telephone conversation is characterized by unpreparedness, spontaneous flow, unlike most other types of verbal communication carried out with the help of technical means.

4. A telephone conversation is a form of dialogic speech. The specificity of telephone communication excludes polylogue as a form of communication (as opposed to a selector)

5. The etiquette of a telephone conversation requires a short flow of time, which is caused by the following reasons: the impossibility of talking with many subscribers at once, the daily routine of the addressee of the call is unexpectedly and unplanned, the phone is designed to resolve urgent issues, the time of the telephone conversation is paid.

As can be seen from the above, a telephone conversation is a form of oral spontaneous dialogue carried out with the help of technical means.

Unlike contact oral speech communication, a telephone conversation is distant and indirect. The interlocutors do not see each other, and therefore such important means of non-verbal communication as somatisms (gestures, posture, facial expressions, facial expressions), reliance on the situation, the significance of the spatial location of the interlocutors are disabled, and this leads to the activation of verbal expression.

Call types:

Depending on the target setting of the caller, several types of telephone conversation can be distinguished.

1.) Inquiry

2.) Various orders, challenges

3.) Transfer of information

4.) Congratulations

5.) Keeping in touch

Depending on the relationship of subscribers and the situation, telephone conversations differ:

1.) Official (business) - between strangers or unfamiliar people.

2.) Informal (frequent)

3.) Neutral - between acquaintances, but equal in position and age

4.) Friendly - between close people

Phone rules:

1.) Distinguish between formal and informal conversations. Business calls are made on work phones, informal calls are made on home phones.

2.) It is indecent to call before 9 am and after 10 pm.

3.) You can’t call strangers, if you have to do this, you must definitely explain who gave the phone.

4.) The conversation should not be long - 3-5 minutes

5.) The subscriber who is being called is not required to identify himself, even if it is a business phone.

6.) It is not permissible for the caller to start a conversation with questions: “Who is talking?”, “Who is on the phone?”

The semantic parts of a telephone conversation

1.) Establishing contact (identification, hearing test)

2.) Starting a conversation (greeting, question about the opportunity to speak, questions about life, affairs, health, message about the purpose of the call)

3.) Development of the topic (deployment of the topic, exchange of information, expression of opinions)

4.) End of the conversation (final phrases summarizing the topic of the conversation, etiquette phrases, farewell)

2.5 National differences in speech etiquette in different countries

Speech etiquette is an important element of any national culture. In the language, speech behavior, stable formulas (stereotypes) of communication, a rich folk experience, the uniqueness of customs, lifestyle, and living conditions of each people were deposited. And that is infinitely valuable. Therefore, a few words about the national specifics of speech etiquette. Let's look into our own wealth, and to our neighbors too.

I. Ehrenburg left such an interesting testimony: “Europeans, greeting, extend their hand, and a Chinese, Japanese or Indian is forced to shake the limb of a stranger. If a visitor would stick his bare foot to Parisians or Muscovites, it would hardly cause delight. A resident of Vienna says “I kiss your hand”, without thinking about the meaning of his words, and a resident of Warsaw, when he is introduced to a lady, mechanically kisses her hand. The Englishman, outraged by the tricks of his competitor, writes to him: "Dear sir, you are a swindler", without "dear sir" he cannot begin the letter. Christians, entering a church, church or church, take off their hats, and a Jew, entering the synagogue, covers his head. In Catholic countries, women should not enter the temple with their heads uncovered. In Europe, the color of mourning is black, in China it is white. When a Chinese man sees for the first time how a European or an American goes hand in hand with a woman, sometimes even kissing her, it seems to him extremely shameless. In Japan, one cannot enter a house without taking off one's shoes; in restaurants, men in European suits and socks sit on the floor. In a Beijing hotel, the furniture was European, but the entrance to the room was traditionally Chinese - a screen did not allow entry directly; it is connected with the notion that the devil is going straight ahead; but according to our ideas, the devil is cunning, and it doesn’t cost him anything to bypass any partition. If a guest comes to a European and admires a picture on the wall, a vase or other trinket, then the host is satisfied. If a European begins to admire a little thing in a Chinese house, the owner gives him this item - this is required by politeness. My mother taught me that you shouldn’t leave anything on a plate at a party. In China, no one touches the cup of dry rice served at the end of the meal - you need to show that you are full. The world is diverse, and one should not puzzle over this or that custom: if there are foreign monasteries, then, consequently, there are foreign charters ”(I. Ehrenburg. People, years, life).

The national specificity of speech etiquette in each country is extremely bright, because, as we see, the unique features of the language here are superimposed by the features of rituals, habits, everything accepted and not accepted in behavior, permitted and prohibited in social etiquette. Sometimes, in the most unexpected way, the national and cultural features of the speech behavior of the speakers are manifested. Let us refer to an excerpt from the book of essays by K. Chapek, in which he describes the meeting and exchange of greetings between two Czechs: “Hello, how are you? - Yes, bad, not so hot!

And don't speak! What's the matter?

Uh, you know how many worries!...

Well, what can you say about worries? I would like your worries!

Well, dear, if you were in my shoes, then you would not be greeted! ... And how are you doing?

Yes, you know, it doesn't matter!

How about health?

So-so. What do you have at home?

Nothing, we squeak!

So be healthy! - My regards! »

Isn't it true, it seems that the interlocutors are not doing well. But, citing such a dialogue, K. Capek says that if the reader understands that those who met are not so well and their health has deteriorated, he will be mistaken. It's just that a Czech, when meeting according to custom, habit, is not inclined to say that his life is going well, he rather prefers to complain. However, he complains in a cheerful tone and, as it were, boasts of worries, is proud of difficulties and sorrows, because, according to his ideas, only an idler lives without difficulties. A serious person has only worries on his mind. Well, if the neighbor to the question: How are you? - will answer that everything is fine with him, then he will immediately arouse a vague suspicion: he is hiding something! How curious are the national features of the use of speech etiquette! According to observations, the Russians to the question: How are you? - they prefer an average answer: Nothing!, but it is not uncommon to hear from a Bulgarian: Good!

In general, the specifics of greetings and all kinds of information when meeting at different peoples very interesting. According to B. Bgazhnokov, who studied the etiquette of the Adygs, the extremely common Russian Hello! corresponds to many ways to greet, depending on whether a man or a woman, an old man or a young person acts as an addressee, a horseman or a traveler, a shepherd or a blacksmith ... The Mongols also have a great variety. Greetings and business briefings vary by season. In autumn they ask: Are the cattle fat? Are you having a good time in autumn? in spring: Do you meet spring safely? winter: How do you winter? In general, the most common greeting even for city dwellers, even for intellectuals, is a stereotype that reflects the nomadic lifestyle of pastoralists: How do you roam?; How are your livestock? And the Russians, of course, have more than one thing in common. Hello. We have, as we have already said, about 40 greetings, or even more. And there is such, however, outdated, which is sent to the worker: God help; there is also for the visitor. Welcome!; With the arrival, and for the incoming: You are welcome! (with an invitation together), there is for a bather: Enjoy your bath!, there are greetings depending on the time of day: Good afternoon .; Good morning.; Good evening!, but there is also someone who has not been seen for a long time: How many winters, how many years! And many more greetings from us!

F. Folsom in "The Book of Language" (M. 1974) says that the ancient Greeks greeted each other: Rejoice!, and modern Greeks: Be healthy! The Arabs say: Peace be with you!, and the Navajo Indians: All is well!

Russians ask: “How are you?” But the ancient Egyptians believed that when meeting for a short time there was no time, and there was no point in doing an analysis of their health. They asked specifically: "How do you sweat?" As you can see, the most diverse stereotypes of speech etiquette captured the features of everyday life.

There are many examples of national specifics of speech and non-verbal behavior of different peoples in communicative situations. Each of the Russians who find themselves in any republic or country immediately notices such features. Here are my impressions of China: “One observation. Showing, even talking about themselves, the Chinese manage to talk more with you about you than about themselves, as if retreating into the shadows, stewed very delicately. But don't let this behavior fool you. At the same time, the Chinese are very attentively watching how delicate you are, still being able to insist on your interest in him ”(L Vasilyeva. Undreamed China). Or impressions about. Kazakhstan: “I soon realized that this simplicity was apparent - beads of sweat appeared on the master’s forehead, but he was still friendly and smiling, handing over the converted samovar to the customer, he invariably repeated: “Kutty bolsyn!” which can be translated as: "Happy to use." Only in the Kazakh language it sounds even more cordial ... ”(From the newspaper). Or impressions about England: “I have already said that an English boy of about thirteen often came to my son. The wife treated them to tea with buns or cakes. Every time after tea, the guy came to the kitchen and said to my wife:

Thank you very much, Mrs. Orestov, for tea and very tasty buns. I haven't eaten such wonderful cakes for a long time, thank you.

It does not matter that the cakes were bought in a nearby confectionery, where the boy's parents also buy them. He just knows for sure that it is impossible to leave someone else's house without thanking and praising the treat ”(O. Orestov. Another life and a distant shore). How much goodness in speech etiquette and how much national culture? Good afternoon and Good evening!; Welcome! Bread and salt!; Do not remember dashingly!; You are welcome to our hut!; Make yourself at home!; Come in, you will be a guest!; Please love and respect! - and always good wishes, goodwill, in which there is a deep original folk meaning.

PART III: Conclusion: The importance of speech etiquette for the society and culture of the country (from the author)

In the process of writing this essay, I read quite a lot of literature on the culture of speech and speech etiquette. I learned a lot of interesting things about my language, the culture of my country, but, most importantly, I realized that speech and speech etiquette are one of the main forces of a person's self-identification in society. Finally, I realized that being Russian is not only speaking Russian, but speak correctly in Russian. Before me, through examples from speech etiquette, historical trends and features of Russian culture and the Russian language became visible. For example, the absence of references to the lower strata in the pre-revolutionary Russian language meant the actual slavish attitude of the higher strata to the lower strata, which in turn, most likely, was one of the main motivators and causes of the 1917 revolution.

At the same time, in fact, the unique system of addresses you / you suggests that respect for the individual and his social status was cultivated in Russia more actively and more thoroughly than in other countries.

Russian speech etiquette is one of the components of the national culture, which takes on the brunt of the preservation of the Russian ethnic group and statehood. Both the revival and the legislative consolidation of the norms of the rules of Russian etiquette and speech etiquette, including, should become a priority task for the state and society in the near future. After all, this will be a huge and fundamental step in the revival of Russia as one of the pillars of world culture and civilization, on the other hand, it will be a great contribution to the preservation and development of the Russian ethnos and state.


1. Akishina A. A., Formanovskaya N. I. "Russian speech etiquette" M., 1983.

2. Goldin V.E. "Speech and Etiquette". M.: Enlightenment, 1983.

3.L.A. Vvedenskaya "Russian language and culture of speech", M. 2002

4. A.A. Akishina, "Speech etiquette of Russian telephone conversation", M. 2000

5. E.V. Arova "Be kind", M. 1998

6. M.D. Arkhangelsk "Business etiquette or playing by the rules", M. 2001

7. Yanyshev V. E. Speech and etiquette. M., 1993.

8. F. Folsom "The Book of Language", M. 1974.

IN modern world is of great importance. Human speech is one of the main characterological features that give an idea of ​​the degree of education of the individual, his responsibility, culture. The manner of communication allows you to understand how a person positions himself in society, how he relates to people around him and his affairs. Despite the fact that we comprehend the basic ones in childhood, in order to achieve success in communicating with people, you need to constantly work on your own speech. Knowing the basic rules and norms of communication with other people will allow you to better understand the interlocutors and establish trusting relationships with them.

What is speech etiquette and how did it arise

Under speech etiquette, it is customary to understand a stable system of communication adopted in society along with culture. This is an unspoken set of rules that are mandatory for all people who want to build good relationships with others. These behavior rules established over the centuries. Even our distant ancestors communicated with each other, adhering to an unwritten code. It was then, in ancient times, that it began to happen, its foundation began to be laid. Compliance with etiquette rules for ancient people was a kind of ritual that helped the interlocutors understand that they were not hostile and were ready for a constructive dialogue. Over time, many of the original actions have lost their power, but some rituals and their verbal formulations have survived and continue to be reproduced to this day.

Communication rules: speech etiquette and its formulas

To master the etiquette of speech communication, you need to have knowledge from various sciences, such as linguistics, culture, etc. You can master the skills of a culture of communication through the use of speech etiquette formulas, that is, certain words, set expressions and phrases that are used depending on the stages conversation. In total, it is customary to distinguish 3 stages:

  1. welcome;
  2. main;
  3. final.

The beginning of any conversation is accompanied by a greeting, which in turn can be performed at the verbal and levels. At the same time, it should be remembered that special meaning here has its order. It is assumed that the first to greet the interlocutor is the youngest in age or position. When people of opposite sexes meet, the gentleman first utters the words of greeting, but if we are talking about an adult man and a young lady, the girl should be the first to greet the acquaintance. Depending on the chosen form of greeting (respectful, specific, indicating the time of the meeting, contributing to the creation of an emotional mood or emphasizing the wish for health), certain words of greeting are pronounced, such as, for example, “My respect!”, “I wish you well!”, “ Good morning!”, “Glad to see you!”, “Hello!”. It is customary to end the conversation with phrases that can be expressed in the form:

  • wishes - “Before!”, “All the best!”, “Good luck!”, “Happily!”, “Be healthy!”;
  • hopes for an early meeting - "Until tomorrow!", "See you!", "Let's call";
  • doubts about further meetings - “Farewell!”, “Do not remember dashingly!”.

The transition to the main part of the conversation is based on the use of speech formulas that are applied depending on the type of situation:

  • solemn (involving the use of phrases and expressions that emphasize the desire to congratulate the interlocutor or invite somewhere);
  • worker (based on censure / gratitude, appeal to colleagues / superiors);
  • mournful (accompanied by words of sympathy, empathy, consolation).

The speech etiquette of any country has its own characteristics, characteristic of representatives of a particular culture and language. The main feature of Russian speech etiquette is the absence of socially neutral personal appeals. The revolution led to the loss of many universal words, such as "sir / madam", "Your Grace", "father / mother", and the communist era ended with the disappearance of the word "comrade" from everyday life. Today, people using these addresses seem old-fashioned. Although in some cases they are returned to give speech an ideological coloring or to build phrases through the use of impersonal forms. As for slang phrases and obscene language, the fashion for which appeared in the 90s of the last century, many words are firmly entrenched in everyday speech, entered the media and even literary works. Now there is practically no difference between these words and expressive expressions.

The uniqueness of Russian speech etiquette also lies in the use of the name and patronymic, emphasizing respect for the person. In the modern world, analogues of such treatment are rare. And through the use diminutive forms names and words, it is possible to emphasize a family / close relationship with the interlocutor (daughter, little wife, Sashenka).

Another difference in speech etiquette is the use of the plural pronoun during official communication. The polite form "You" is used when talking to a stranger or when necessary to emphasize the person's authority. The emergence of closeness or commonality of views between the interlocutors allows the transition to the "you" form.

Etiquette of speech communication in Russia does not require you to greet passers-by or neighbors. This explains the absence of neutral speech constructions in the language. But in the case of an acquaintance and the establishment of communication, it is worth contacting the interlocutor, expressing feelings of gratitude and deep respect.

The richness of the Russian language is difficult to overestimate. Through the use of phraseological units, idioms, and sayings, as well as popular expressions, which are not easy to translate into other languages, Russian speech stands out noticeably against the general background. And the speech of a person who uses such phrases becomes much more interesting, demonstrates the erudition of the interlocutor and allows you to convey the feelings, emotions of the speaker or the meaning of words as clearly as possible.

Summarizing all of the above, it is worth adding that the rules of speech etiquette have a lot of differences depending on where the interlocutors live. Communication norms that representatives of one culture consider appropriate may not fit at all into the framework of speech etiquette of residents of other states. Speech etiquette is a complex system that serves to use various language techniques. It is extremely important when building relationships with people based on trust, to observe speech etiquette.

polite rules communication is based on such components as courtesy, respect, correctness, tact, courtesy. The desire to demonstrate your goodwill and emphasize the individuality of the opponent will help to avoid sharp moments. The main thing is to use linguistic formulas and techniques that are understandable for the social group.

Speech etiquette and its role in everyday and professional areas

Speech etiquette- a set of requirements for the form, content, order, nature and situational relevance of statements accepted in a given culture. The well-known researcher of speech etiquette N.I. Formanovskaya gives the following definition: “Speech etiquette is understood as the regulatory rules of speech behavior, a system of nationally specific stereotyped, stable communication formulas accepted and prescribed by society to establish contact between interlocutors, maintain and interrupt contact in the chosen key.”

Speech etiquette, in particular, includes words and expressions used by people to say goodbye, requests, apologies, forms of address adopted in various situations, intonation features that characterize polite speech, etc.

Possession of speech etiquette contributes to the acquisition of authority, generates trust and respect. Knowledge of the rules of speech etiquette, their observance allows a person to feel confident and at ease, not to experience embarrassment due to mistakes and wrong actions, to avoid ridicule from others.

Compliance with speech etiquette by officials of all ranks, doctors, lawyers, salespeople, communications workers, transport, law enforcement officers - in addition, has an educational value, involuntarily contributes to an increase in both speech and common culture society.

But the most important thing is that the strict adherence to the rules of speech etiquette by the members of the team of an educational institution, enterprise, production, office makes a favorable impression on the founders, partners, and maintains a positive reputation for the entire organization.

Etiquette is closely related to ethics, the moral foundations of human interaction. It contributes to the development of a person's attitude to other people, to older, younger, to relatives, to colleagues, to parents, to children, to women, to business partners, to society, the state, as well as to nature, to everything that is called the environment. environment.

Principles and postulates of speech etiquette.

In the broad sense of the word, speech etiquette characterizes almost any successful act of communication. The success of communication depends on the attitude of the interlocutors to each other, on respect for the interlocutor, on the mutual desire to avoid all sorts of interference in communication. In other words, from compliance principle of cooperation . This principle is considered basic with the principle of communication.

G.P. Grice (1975) formulated three main postulates that are derived from the principle of cooperation underlying all communication.

The postulates of verbal communication include:

    postulates of quality (the message should not be false or without proper grounds),

Violation of one or more of these postulates to one degree or another entails a communicative failure.

Another important principle that governs the communication process is principle of courtesy formulated by J. Leach. The Principle of Courtesy is an integral part of the communication code. This principle is aimed at preventing conflict situations. Compliance with the principle of courtesy creates an environment of positive interaction. This principle ensures the implementation of communicative strategies, where indirect (indirect) formulations play a huge role, in other words, the use of “meaning techniques”. This type of technique is used by communicators in order not to complicate the interlocutor.

Politeness requirements are especially significant for messages that have the function of establishing interpersonal contacts, attracting listeners to their side, etc. In the case of a simple transfer of information, the principle of politeness is important, but relegated to the background.

The principle of Politeness is concretized in certain norms, maxims:

The scope of speech etiquette

The scope of speech etiquette extends to everyday communication, in which certain rules of behavior are formed in relation to parents, close people, relatives, neighbors. Speech etiquette is also formed in the sphere of public relations and the sphere of professional activity of people. If there are general rules of etiquette, rules are formed for each of these areas.

The sphere of speech etiquette includes, in particular, the ways of expressing sympathy, complaints, guilt, grief, etc., accepted in a given culture. So, for example, in some cultures it is customary to complain about difficulties and problems, in others it is not. In some cultures, talking about your successes is acceptable, in others not at all. This may also include specific instructions for speech etiquette - what can be the subject of conversation, what is not, and in what situation.

Everyday language practice and the norm in speech etiquette.

The specificity of speech etiquette is that it characterizes both everyday language practice and the language norm. Indeed, elements of speech etiquette are present in the daily practice of any native speaker (including those with poor command of the norm), who easily recognizes these formulas in the flow of speech and expects the interlocutor to use them in certain situations. The elements of speech etiquette are assimilated so deeply that they are perceived by the "naive" linguistic consciousness as part of the everyday, natural and regular behavior of people. Ignorance of the requirements of speech etiquette and, as a result, their failure to comply (for example, addressing an adult stranger to “You” is perceived as a desire to offend or as bad manners.

On the other hand, speech etiquette can be considered from the point of view of the language norm. So, the idea of ​​correct, cultural, normalized speech includes certain ideas about the norm in the field of speech etiquette. For example, every native speaker knows the formulas for apologizing for awkwardness; however, some are welcomed by the norm (Excuse me, I beg your pardon) - and others are rejected or not recommended, for example, I apologize (and sometimes such a distinction is given “justifications” like: you can’t excuse yourself, you can only ask for forgiveness from others, etc.). The very use or non-use of units of speech etiquette can also be the subject of normalization, for example: apology formulas are appropriate if the speaker causes concern to his interlocutor, but you should not apologize too often, as this puts the interlocutor in an awkward position, etc. In addition, a violation norms and rules of the literary language, especially if it looks like negligence, in itself can be considered as a violation of speech etiquette.

Speech etiquette and speech situation.

Speech etiquette is determined by the situation in which communication takes place. It can be a college anniversary, graduation party, initiation into the profession, presentation, scientific conference, meeting, hiring and firing, business negotiations, conversation between a doctor and a patient, etc.

Speech etiquette is somehow tied to the parameters of the communication situation: the personalities of the interlocutors, the topic, place, time, motive and purpose of communication. First of all, it is a complex of linguistic phenomena focused on the addressee, although the personality of the speaker (or writer) is also taken into account. This can be best demonstrated by the use of You- and You-forms in communication. The general principle is that you-forms are used as a sign of respect and greater formality of communication; You-forms, on the contrary, correspond to informal communication between equals. However, the implementation of this principle may be various options depending on how the participants in verbal communication correlate according to the age and / or service hierarchy, whether they are in family or friendly relations; on the age and social status of each of them, etc.

Speech etiquette reveals itself differently also depending on the topic, place, time, motive and purpose of communication. So, for example, the rules of verbal communication may differ depending on whether the topic of communication is sad or joyful events for the participants in communication; there are specific etiquette rules associated with the place of communication (feast, office space, production meeting), etc.

Relationship between speech etiquette and social status of communication participants and their roles

The phenomena of speech etiquette differ depending on the social status of the participants in communication. These differences manifest themselves in several ways.

Various units of speech etiquette are used depending on the social roles assumed by the participants in communication. Here, both social roles in themselves and their relative position in the social hierarchy are important. When communicating between two students; between student and teacher; between superior and subordinate; between spouses; between parents and children - in each case, etiquette requirements can be very different. Some units are replaced by others, functionally homogeneous, but stylistically opposed. So, in these situations, different greeting formulas may be appropriate: Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Ivan Ivanovich. Other units of speech etiquette are mandatory in some cases, optional in others. For example, when calling on the phone at an after-hours, it is necessary to apologize for the disturbance, just when calling on the phone, you should not apologize, however, if it is not the addressee of the call who answers the phone, but a stranger, especially if he is older, it would also be appropriate to apologize for the disturbance, etc. .d.

Relationship between speech etiquette and social groups of interlocutors

These aspects of speech behavior are also superimposed by differences in the use of units of speech etiquette among representatives of different social groups. Many specialized units and general manifestations of speech etiquette differ in their stable attachment to certain social groups of native speakers.

Communicative functions of speech etiquette.

Speech etiquette:

Language means of speech etiquette

Speech etiquette in the narrow sense of the word can be characterized as a system of language means in which etiquette relations are manifested. Elements of this system can be implemented at different language levels:

    At the level of vocabulary and phraseology: special words and set expressions (Thank you, Please, I'm sorry, Sorry, Goodbye, etc.), as well as specialized forms of address (Mr., Comrade, etc.).

    At the grammatical level: using the plural for polite address (including the pronoun you); using interrogative sentences instead of imperative ones (can you tell me what time it is? Could you move a little? etc.).

    At the stylistic level: the requirement of competent, cultured speech; refusal to use words that directly name obscene and shocking objects and phenomena, the use of euphemisms instead of these words.

    At the intonational level: using polite intonation (for example, the phrase Please, close the door can sound with different intonation depending on whether it is meant as a polite request or an unceremonious demand).

    At the level of orthoepy: using Hello instead of Hello, Please instead of Please, etc.

Speech etiquette is realized both in the characteristics of speech in general and in specialized units. These units - formulas of greetings, farewells, apologies, requests, etc. - as a rule, are performatives (i.e. statements, the utterance of which simultaneously means the performance of the named action;). Indeed, the phrases “I apologize”, “Thank you”, “Please”, etc. do not describe actions, but are themselves actions - respectively, an apology, gratitude, request, etc.

Stylistic differences in the use of units of speech etiquette are largely determined by the belonging of speech to various functional styles. In fact, each functional style has its own etiquette rules. For example, business speech is distinguished by a high degree of formality: the participants in communication, the persons and objects in question are called by their full official names. In scientific speech, a rather complex system of etiquette requirements has been adopted that determines the order of presentation, references to predecessors and objections to opponents (we-forms undoubtedly belong to somewhat archaic manifestations of scientific speech etiquette: We have already shown above ... - including on behalf of one author) . In addition, special forms of address may correspond to different functional styles (for example, Colleagues in scientific speech).

Etiquette also includes prohibitions. Prohibitions on the use of obscene and shocking words and expressions may be combined with recommendations or prescriptions to replace them with euphemisms. This applies to actually obscene words and expressions and those that are too directly called objects and phenomena, which are not customary to talk about directly in this culture. The same expressions may be considered forbidden in some communities and acceptable in others. In the same community, it may be acceptable, or at least excusable, to use swear words; however, the severity of the prohibition increases sharply in the presence of women, children, in official and diplomatic communication, etc.

Non-verbal aspects of speech etiquette.

In addition to intonation, oral speech is distinguished from written speech by the use of non-verbal means - gestures and facial expressions. From the point of view of speech etiquette, the following paralinguistic signs are distinguished:

At the same time, the regulation of gestures and facial expressions covers not only the last two categories of signs, but also signs of a non-etiquette character - up to purely informative ones; cf., for example, the etiquette prohibition to point a finger at the subject of speech.

However, it is hardly possible to determine which intonation corresponds to speech etiquette and which goes beyond its scope, in general terms, without taking into account the specific speech situation. So, in Russian speech, there are (following E.A. Bryzgunova) seven main "intonation constructions" (i.e., types of phrasal intonation). The pronunciation of the same statement with different intonation (respectively, the implementation of different intonational constructions) expresses various oppositions: in meaning, in actual articulation, in stylistic nuances, and, among other things, in expressing the attitude of the speaker to the listener. This relation determines which intonation construction should be used in this case, and which should not. So, in accordance with the rules of etiquette, intonation should not indicate a dismissive or patronizing attitude, the intention to teach the interlocutor, aggression and defiance. This is especially true for various kinds of interrogative statements. For example, the same question: Where were you last night? - allows different intonation depending on who and by whom this question is addressed: the boss - the subordinate, the representative of the investigating authorities - the suspect; one friend to another; one interlocutor to another in the course of secular conversation "about nothing", etc.

Rules of speech etiquette in everyday life and professional environment

There are special rules for conducting a dialogue for the speaker and for the listener, the so-called speech etiquette.

So, the interlocutors are prescribed a benevolent attitude towards each other. It is forbidden to harm the partner with your speech: insult, insult, neglect, you cannot express direct negative assessments. The main psychological requirement of speech etiquette is, of course, the principle of "do no harm."

In a conversation, it is necessary to take into account the social status, gender and age of the interlocutor, the situation of communication.

The speaker is not recommended to put his own "I" in the center of attention, he must be able to take the position of a partner, he must not put pressure on the interlocutor, turn the dialogue into a monologue. Accordingly, the listener must push his "I" into the background, include empathic listening.

Both the speaker and the listener, having put the other at the center of their attention, must take into account the personality of the other, his awareness of the topic, the degree of interest, constantly maintain contact through non-verbal means (through facial expressions, gesture, look). The listener should signal to the partner by assenting, nodding his head, facial expressions about his attention and interest.

The interlocutors must alternately transfer the initiative in the dialogue, be able to tactfully but firmly take the initiative into their own hands if the partner is carried away or deliberately seizes the right to a monologue.

In communication, the choice of distance is important. Partners must take into account the distance accepted in this national culture, acceptable for different types of communication. Speakers are required to choose the degree of freedom of behavior depending on the conditions of communication, the national composition of the participants. Excessively loud voice and waving hands in the face of the interlocutor are unlikely to contribute to communication.

The speaker must follow the logic of text deployment, keep the topic of conversation, not jump from one to another. The listener is also obliged not to lose the thread of the conversation, not to be distracted from the subject of the conversation and avoid passing digressions, not to get annoyed by the specific qualities of the speaker, to separate the person from the problem so as not to miss valuable information if the person is unpleasant to the listener.

The listener needs to show the speaker that he is ready to listen to him. It is necessary to look and act interested. Listening, one should try to understand, and not look for a reason for irritation. Make it easy for the other person to respond positively. Avoid questions to which the interlocutor can answer “no”.

Interlocutors should remember that the threshold of semantic perception and concentration of attention is limited. The speaking time without a pause can last from 45 seconds to 1.5 minutes, and the most favorable length of an oral utterance is seven semantic units +2.

The interlocutors should select language means, keeping in mind the relevance, accessibility, accuracy, consistency, expressiveness as the communicative qualities of speech.

Both the speaker and the listener must control not only their thoughts, but also their feelings: if they are overwhelmed by emotions, communication is unlikely to be productive, and besides, an angry person gives the wrong meaning to the words of the other.

    Information sources:

1. Golub I.B., Neklyudov V.D. Russian rhetoric and culture of speech. Proc. allowance. - M: Logos, 2011.// ELS "University Library on-line" http://www.biblioclub.ru/

2. Golubev V. L. Rhetoric. Answers to examination questions. - Minsk: TetraSystems, 2008 / On-line University Library

3. Annushkin V. I. Rhetoric. Introductory course. Tutorial. - M.: Flinta, 2011 / University Library on-line

7.2. Block of additional information and Internet resources.

4. Mikhalskaya A.K. Rhetoric. 10-11 cells. Basic level: textbook - M.: Drofa, 2013.

5. Grinko E.N. "Rhetoric and rhetorical culture: history and theory" - Vladivostok, FESTU, 2004 (traditional and electronic version)

    Sample answers to tasks for self-control.

1. What is speech etiquette?

Speech etiquette refers to the regulatory rules of speech behavior, a system of nationally specific stereotyped, stable communication formulas adopted and prescribed by society to establish contact between interlocutors, maintain and interrupt contact in the chosen key (N.I. Formanovskaya).

2. What is official, professional etiquette?

Business (professional) etiquette regulates the behavior of people related to the performance of their official duties. Among business (professional) etiquette, the strictest is diplomatic.

3. What is informal (secular) etiquette?

Informal (secular) etiquette streamlines communication in the field of leisure and satisfaction of material and spiritual needs.

    What are the principles of speech etiquette?

There are two of them - the principle of cooperation and the principle of politeness.

    What are the postulates of speech etiquette in which the principle of cooperation is implemented?

The postulates of verbal communication include the postulates:

    quality (message must not be false or unfounded),

    quantity (message should be neither too short nor too long), relationship (message should be relevant to the addressee), and

    method (the message must be clear, concise, not contain words and expressions that are incomprehensible to the addressee, etc.).

6. In what norms is the principle of Politeness specified?

The principle of Politeness is specified in certain norms:

    Politeness: friendliness, goodwill, respectfulness, the desire to observe the rules of decency.

    Tactfulness: delicacy, endurance, the ability to behave based on tact, respecting others, a sense of proportion in words, behavior, and deeds.

    Obligation: punctuality, accuracy, accuracy, responsibility, the desire to always provide assistance, be attentive to people and true to one's own word.

    Modesty - restraint in assessing one's own person, one's merits, lack of boastfulness, moderation.

    Dignity is a set of high moral qualities, respect for them in oneself.

7. In what areas is speech etiquette manifested?

The sphere of speech etiquette includes the etiquette of addresses, greetings, farewells and introductions. The sphere of speech etiquette also includes forms of expressing requests, gratitude, and apologies. The sphere of speech etiquette includes, in particular, the ways of expressing sympathy, complaints, guilt, grief, etc., accepted in a given culture. This may also include specific instructions for speech etiquette - what can be the subject of conversation, what is not, and in what situation.

8. What are the language means of speech etiquette at different language levels?

    At the level of vocabulary and phraseology: special words and set expressions

    At the grammatical level: using the plural for polite address (including the pronoun you);

    At the stylistic level: the requirement for competent, cultured speech, etc. ;

    At the intonational level: using polite intonation, etc.

    At the organizational and communicative level: a ban on interrupting the interlocutor, interfering in someone else's conversation, etc.

9. How are speech etiquette and situations of speech communication related?

Speech etiquette is somehow tied to the situation of speech communication and its parameters: the personalities of the interlocutors, the topic, place, time, motive and purpose of communication.

10. How are the communicative functions of speech etiquette manifested?

Speech etiquette:

    helps to establish contact between interlocutors;

    attracts the attention of the listener (reader), distinguishes him from other potential interlocutors;

    allows you to show respect;

    helps to determine the status of ongoing communication (friendly, business, official, etc.);

    forms a favorable emotional environment for communication and has a positive impact on the listener (reader).

11. How are speech etiquette and social status of communication participants related? Roles of communication participants?

12. What is the connection between speech etiquette and the interlocutors' belonging to social groups?

Various units of speech etiquette are used depending on the social roles assumed by the participants in communication.

Many specialized units and general manifestations of speech etiquette differ in their stable attachment to certain social groups of native speakers.

These groups can be distinguished according to the following criteria:

    age: speech etiquette formulas associated with youth jargon (Ale, Chao, Goodbye); specific forms of politeness in the speech of older people (Thank you, Please be kind);

    education and upbringing: more educated and educated people gravitate toward a more accurate use of units of speech etiquette, more widely use you-forms, etc .;

    gender: women, on average, gravitate towards more polite speech, less often use rude, close to abusive and obscene vocabulary, are more scrupulous in choosing topics;

    belonging to specific professional groups.

13. What are the etiquette requirements for the intonational design of the statement?

Among the etiquette requirements for oral speech, an important place is occupied by the intonation of the statement. A native speaker accurately identifies the entire range of intonation - from emphatically polite to dismissive. However, it is hardly possible to determine which intonation corresponds to speech etiquette and which goes beyond its scope, in general terms, without taking into account the specific speech situation.

14. What non-verbal aspects of speech etiquette can you name?

From the point of view of speech etiquette, the following non-verbal, paralinguistic signs are distinguished:

    not carrying a specific etiquette load (duplicating or replacing segments of speech - indicating, expressing agreement and denial, emotions, etc.);

    required by etiquette rules (bows, handshakes, etc.);

    having an invective, offensive meaning.

15. What is the basic rule of speech etiquette in a professional environment?

It is forbidden to harm your partner with your speech: insult, insult, neglect. Do no harm.

Good manners are the hallmark of smart people. But which manners are good and which are bad? Speech etiquette talks about good manners in speech, which will help you confidently communicate with people.

Speech etiquette is advice on respectful communication with other people. It is he who tells how to properly communicate with elders, colleagues, how to answer awkward questions. All rules come down to formulas of speech etiquette.

The rules of communication relate to meeting (acquaintance), communication during a conversation and its completion. They are applicable to oral and written speech, official and speech appeals.

Functions of speech etiquette

Speech etiquette makes communication enjoyable. It is needed for polite conversation, correct appeals to senior and leadership positions. The functions of speech etiquette depend on the form of communication:

Speech etiquette appeared a long time ago, when people were just gathering in tribes. Even then, the heads of settlements and doctors were applied polite forms appeals. The leaders, healers, warriors, priests had their own appeals, which have survived to this day.

Greetings were the first speech etiquette. Tribes danced in front of other tribes, bowed down or made other gestures. In China and Japan, they bowed with clenched palms, in Rus' they did bends, and the deeper, the more respect was in the gesture. Now people all over the world are shaking hands, kissing each other on the cheeks, hugging and patting each other on the back.

The rules of speech behavior were especially popular among the nobility in the 17th-19th centuries. After the October Revolution, “comrade” and “citizen” became universal polite addresses. Before the revolution, the words master, young lady, sovereign were used. Abroad, the words sir, my lord, were popular. Now in a respectful form it is customary to say Miss, Mrs., Mr., Doctor, etc.

Now in Russia and the CIS countries there are no special appeals. It is customary to address strangers with “you”, “young man”, “girl”, “woman”, “man”.


It is simple and necessary to follow the rules of speech etiquette, beautiful and correct speech evokes sympathy from the interlocutor.

Here are the most simple rules speech etiquette:

    • Say hello in full: not “hello”, but “hello”, use the words good afternoon and good evening. You can say hello to friends as you like, but "hello" is the most correct option;
    • Address strangers with "you". On "you" you can refer to a friend, relative or to the person who himself asked you about it. In a formal setting, you need to communicate with everyone on "you";
    • Don't call the person by their last name. A peer by name, senior by name and patronymic;
    • At the end of the conversation, say goodbye using the words: goodbye, bye, see you. It would be appropriate to say that I liked the communication, that it was pleasant to spend time with the person;
    • Don't interrupt. If you have questions, listen to the interlocutor to the end, perhaps he will answer the question. If not, then ask after a pause. Do not interrupt the interlocutor to tell a similar incident that happened to you. If the person is talking for a long time and you don't have time to listen, or you feel that the interlocutor can continue for a long time, politely stop him by saying that you would listen more, but you need to run. Sorry for interrupting. If the interlocutor has lost the thread of the conversation, you can say that he evaded the topic;
    • If you need to ask a question to a stranger, say "I'm sorry" or "Could you say...". Thank the person for any answer;
    • The first to extend a hand for a handshake should be a senior or a person with a higher position.
