The main feature of any tourism product is the participation of people in its creation, which affects its originality and heterogeneity.

High standards of customer service are the most important task for the management of a hotel company, because a few years ago the priorities were somewhat different (for example, operational management of production). To maintain the image and competitiveness in the service market, the company needs to develop new approaches and set other goals, since the success of the hotel company is directly related to the image of the hotel.

In the hospitality industry, there is such a thing as "corporate image".

The corporate image is the presentation of the hotel enterprise to the guests who visit it. Any enterprise strives for a positive image to attract new guests and partners, increase the level of competitiveness in the market, accelerate sales and increase their volume. The image is a kind of tool for achieving the strategic goals and objectives of the hotel enterprise. But the image is difficult to maintain, as it requires purposeful systematic work.

The staff in the hospitality industry is one of the most important tools for maintaining the competitiveness of the enterprise, so the quality of service depends on the goodwill and skill of employees. The unconditional fulfillment of the desires and needs of the client is also the key to success. Proper management of people is becoming one of the priorities of the hospitality organization.

To understand the true processes of functioning of a hotel enterprise, it is necessary to analyze the corporate culture.

In the theory of hospitality, along with the concept of "corporate culture", such terms as "human resources", "organizational behavior", "personnel management", "business culture", "internal culture of the company", "personnel policy" are used.

Not so long ago, the phrase "corporate culture" was practically unknown to anyone, but it existed, and its elements were common in the West.

The concept of "corporate culture" currently has several meanings and formulations. Corporate culture is the ideas, attitudes, fundamental values ​​that members of the organization use in their activities. Corporate culture determines the style, manner of behavior and communication of staff with customers, as well as the activity of employees. Therefore, it is wrong to assume that corporate culture is a certain set of features, such as uniforms, for example.

Corporate culture is a set of values, ideas, norms and rules adopted by the enterprise.

Also, corporate culture can be defined as the level of trust, hospitality, aspirations and values ​​shared by all employees of the enterprise. This culture may change (for example, under the influence of external management or informal groups within the enterprise).

Corporate culture originated in the last century. Founder corporate culture was the German Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke. He applied the principle of dividing the army along functional lines, and then this principle was introduced into industry. Subsequently, according to the principle of division, specialized enterprises were created. Thus, the foundations of corporate culture were born.

Their own rules of conduct also existed in professional communities (army, police, medicine and other specialized organizations). Professional and other communities had a peculiar paraphernalia. Usually these were behavioral signs, special symbols or uniforms, by which members of the community were distinguished from other people.

At present, in Russia, when hiring an employee, the employer is not limited only to the requirements for education, qualifications or personal data. The employer is interested in the psychological qualities of a potential employee. The future employee is told about the history of the organization, its development and activities in a particular market sector. Data on the features of the corporate culture become known to the applicant in the process of communicating with the employer, after which it turns out whether the applicant agrees to follow the customs of the company or not. A new employee of the company will not be able to work in a team for a long time if he does not like nature or is afraid of heights, and corporate holidays are spent in the forest or in the mountains.

In their research, Japanese companies have identified the importance of having common values, attitudes and goals among staff, as this coordinates joint efforts to solve current problems and improves the quality of services provided.

Today, most hotel business practitioners argue that the strategy of a hotel company, the type of people, etiquette can fully reflect the corporate culture of the enterprise.

Corporate culture occupies an important position in the life of the enterprise and is under the close attention of management. A specially developed strategy and tactics allow you to influence the formation of corporate culture. Features of the manifestation of corporate culture depend on the field of activity, for example, in the banking sector there is a strict dress code, the behavior of personnel is clearly defined. In the field of trade and sales, the style of communication is less formal, energy and sociability are welcome.

As for the hospitality industry, special and binding rules for serving tourists have been developed here. There are standards by which the level of customer service is determined. Such standards include the time allotted for the registration and accommodation of the guest, the requirements for the appearance of employees, the requirements for knowledge by employees foreign languages etc.

However, this set of rules does not imply appropriate customer service. An important role is played by the personal qualities of the staff, their friendliness, friendliness and openness.

Corporate culture affects the efficiency of the hotel enterprise. One of the important areas is the provision of high quality services in comparison with competing enterprises in the hospitality industry.

Customer expectations are formed based on the experience of guests who have already been in the hotel, as well as from other sources.

If the idea of ​​the received service does not meet the expectations of the client, then the interest in this hotel company disappears. If the provided quality of services satisfies the client, then he will come back here again. Customer dissatisfaction leads to large losses in the demand market.

Corporate culture is a lever of influence on the personnel of a hotel enterprise and includes a different value system. Each hotel company has its own corporate program, which gives the staff a positive attitude, which contributes to a warm welcome to guests.

For example, the well-known Moscow municipal five-star hotel National, in its hospitality guide, uses the motto: “You will never again have a second opportunity to make a good“ first impression ””. This expression corresponds to the situation when a guest first came to a hotel enterprise thanks to a well-made advertisement and received poor service. The client will never return to this hotel.

Radisson Corporation aims its staff at high quality service to its customers. Customers' complaints about the poor quality of service are welcome. The main words for each employee are: "Yes, I can."

The motto of the employees of Renaissance hotels (a company of Marriott International) is: "I will do it with pleasure."

Hospitality is a field of service or the provision of services to customers. Good service in the hotel business is the key to success. Providing quality services is an opportunity to give the guest a little more than he expects. Creating an atmosphere of hospitality is the goal of any hotel company, so each employee takes on the responsibility of meeting the needs of the client. The existence of a corporate culture ensures the success of the hotel company, showing the work of the staff in the process of achieving the goals.

Corporate culture is formed on the basis of two components, such as a formal and informal value system.

1. A formal system of values ​​is created by management with the help of developed instructions, strategies and plans, training and advanced training systems, development of a unified corporate policy and other methods.

The corporate goal is to create a capacious motto (or slogan), which should reflect the essence of the hotel. For example, the hotel "Novotel-Moscow" has the slogan: "Quality and modesty - with a smile."

Most hotels develop several key points that include requirements for staff, such as “Always smile”, “Be ready to help”, “Be polite”, etc. A whole program of corporate culture is being developed (for example, “Handbook of a hotel employee” ). It includes instructions, regulations, rules, rituals and traditions of the hotel, standards of appearance.

But some hospitality companies do not see the need to train employees in these rules, believing that all that is needed to form a corporate culture is the presence of instructions, rules and a motto.

The implementation of strategic goals in some hotels is carried out by HR managers, in others - by personnel officers, whose duties include the formation of a corporate culture.

The essence of standards lies in the performance by employees of work that meets the generally accepted requirements for this species work or service. Employee standards include:

  • 1) appearance;
  • 2) speech etiquette;
  • 3) movements;
  • 4) service uniform, etc.

The level of compliance of the work performed by an employee with the existing standards of the organization directly depends on the qualifications of this employee.

When stressful situations arise, the employee must know how to resolve them.

An example of the implementation of standards in the work of a hotel: a client checks into a room, and all services begin to be evaluated on a 100-point scale. Sometimes a guest deliberately provokes a conflict situation in order to see how the employee copes with it. After that, all detected shortcomings are discussed and measures are taken to eliminate them. This method is very practical, but an ethical question arises: how not to offend a person? The decision to implement such a system is made by the head himself.

Employee training. Each employee must possess certain knowledge that is necessary for him to perform his duties.

Theoretical knowledge - form scientific knowledge about objects in the environment.

Technological knowledge is the implementation of rules, regulations and standards. This knowledge is acquired directly in the process of working in a hotel.

Special knowledge - knowledge necessary for a specialist to work in a particular field (for example, knowledge of a foreign language).

In the hotel business, an employee must have such personal qualities as openness, readiness for contacts, and the ability to win over customers.

Training takes place over two to three months. The employee learns to behave correctly with customers and with other employees of the hotel enterprise.

2. The informal system of values ​​is the internal environment of the team. This system of values, based on the use of socio-psychological knowledge, allows you to establish the place of an employee in a team, identify leaders, and ensure effective relationships with the team.

Managers need to take into account that as the team grows, responsibilities must be distributed and controlled more tightly. There is a phenomenon - the effect of the social quitter. It was discovered quite unexpectedly. We experimented on a group of rowers and recorded the time, which increases as the number of participants increases. With an increase in team members, indicators do not improve. There is a redistribution of responsibility to all those present. This phenomenon begins to work in a large team. It must be taken into account when developing any psychological aspects. In a large team, the leader needs to control the formation of corporate culture. Corporate culture becomes a tool for influencing staff.

It is necessary to create a corporate program that would reflect the idea of ​​how guests, partners and employees want to see the hotel enterprise.

It should be noted that the main asset of the organization is the personnel and information.

2.2 Corporate culture of the hotel enterprise

The efficiency of a hotel enterprise is determined not only by its structure, management system, the nature of communications, and the strategy of behavior in the external environment. According to most researchers, a significant element is its corporate culture.

A detailed study of the term "corporate culture" dates back to the late 1970s, but even now this topic has not lost its relevance. The importance of studying corporate culture significantly determines the success of the functioning and survival of the organization in the long term. An adequate corporate culture allows you to achieve multiple results: effectively use the company's human resources to implement its strategy, increase the level of company manageability, use it as a strategic motivating factor that directs employees to achieve the company's goals, and strengthen team cohesion. Therefore, progressive leaders see the culture of their organization as a powerful strategic tool to orient all departments and individuals towards common goals, mobilize employee initiative, create loyalty and facilitate communication.

The importance of corporate culture for the development of any organization as a whole, and especially for an enterprise operating in the service sector, cannot be underestimated. Some aspects of the organization's activities, specified in the strategy, may coincide or conflict with the basic principles of corporate culture (which greatly complicates the implementation of the strategy). Only in the case of full compliance between culture and long-term plans, the enterprise will achieve good results. In this case, a highly organized culture supports the implementation of the strategy, provides incentives for creative activity workers, educates and motivates them Antonov V.G., Samosudov M.V. Problems of the theory of corporate governance. // Problems of the theory and practice of management, No. 5, 2008..

However, unfortunately, not all organizations culture contributes to the achievement of these goals. This puts before the management of the hotel enterprise a serious task of changing the existing corporate culture, which, in turn, is impossible without its detailed analysis. This determines the relevance of studying the problems of corporate culture in general and for the hospitality sector in particular.

Until now, corporate culture does not have one universally accepted, universal definition. A fairly large number of authors interpret it in accordance with their own perception of the terms culture, corporation, organization and their joint understanding.

Most authors agree that the culture of an organization is a complex composition of important assumptions accepted and shared by members of the team without evidence. Organizational culture is often interpreted as the philosophy and ideology of management accepted by the majority of the organization, assumptions, value orientations, beliefs, expectations, dispositions and norms that underlie relationships and interactions both within the organization and outside it.

In general, the concept of corporate (organizational) culture includes the following components: samples of the basic assumptions that employees of the organization adhere to in their behavior and actions; value orientations that an individual can adhere to and "symbolism" through which value orientations are "transferred" to members of the organization. [E. Jakus (1952); D. Eldridge and A. Crombie (1974); C. Gold (1982); E. Shine (1985); G. Morgan (1986); K. Scholz (1987); E. Brown (1995) and others].

Summarizing what is common to many definitions, we understand corporate culture as a system of material and spiritual values, manifestations interacting with each other, inherent in a given company, reflecting its individuality and perception of itself and others in the social and material environment, manifested in behavior, interaction, perception of self and environment.

Corporate culture, based on the model of E. Shane in the metaphor of "tree", is considered at 3 levels. The first, most obvious, superficial level of culture is the "crown", the so-called artifacts. At this level, a person is confronted with the physical manifestation of culture, such as the interior of the office, the observed "patterns" of employee behavior, the "language" of the organization, its traditions, rites and rituals. In other words, the "external" level of culture gives a person the opportunity to feel, see and hear what conditions are created in the organization for its employees, and how people in this organization work and interact with each other. Everything that takes place in the organization at this level is the visible result of conscious formation, cultivation and development.

The next, deeper, level of corporate culture is the "trunk", that is, the proclaimed values. This is the level, the study of which makes it clear why the organization has such working conditions, rest for employees and customer service, why people in this organization demonstrate such patterns of behavior. In other words, these are values ​​and norms, principles and rules, strategies and goals that determine the internal and partly external life of the organization and the formation of which is the prerogative of top managers. They can be either fixed in instructions and documents, or loose. The main thing is that they are really accepted and shared by workers.

The deepest level of organizational culture is the "roots", that is, the level of basic ideas. We are talking about what is accepted by a person at a subconscious level - this is a certain framework for a person's perception of the surrounding reality and existence in it, the way this person sees, understands what is happening around him, how he considers it right to act in different situations. Here we are mainly talking about the basic assumptions (values) of managers. Since it is they who, by their real actions, form organizational values, norms and rules.

Each hotel company should create a corporate program that reflects the idea of ​​how we want to see the company in relation to guests, partners, employees.

Corporate culture is a mechanism for influencing the staff of a hotel enterprise and includes a formal and informal value system of the enterprise.

The formal system of values ​​is created by management with the help of developed instructions, strategies and plans, training and advanced training systems, development of a unified corporate policy and other methods. The corporate goal is the creation and obligatory compliance with the essence of a capacious motto (or slogan), which should reflect the essence of the hotel enterprise.

The desire to manage customer relationships leads organizations to pay more attention to the development and implementation of corporate service standards.

A service standard is a written requirement for a particular service. The description of the standard (requirement) is necessary to ensure the guaranteed quality of service for the enterprise of the accommodation facility of one or another level (class, category).

Corporate service standards are understood as the norms and rules of conduct that the hotel company considers mandatory for implementation in the process of customer service. If the hotel has not officially introduced service standards, it still has some well-established norms of behavior for service personnel in relation to guests. These "unwritten laws" are determined both by the values ​​of the management and the staff themselves, by their dialectical interaction.

In order for the implementation of corporate service standards in the activities of personnel to be effective, it is necessary that employees be loyal to the value system that underlies these standards.

Corporate standards are constantly updated and therefore staff trainings are constantly conducted. With an increase in the professionalism of the staff, the process of servicing each guest is being improved. Antonov V.G., Samosudov M.V. Problems of the theory of corporate governance. // Problems of the theory and practice of management, No. 5, 2008..

At the same time, the process of updating the standard does not in any way imply its cardinal change. Changing and unstable standards reduce the customer experience of the service provided by the hotel. Constancy and standardization in the provision of hotel service can create confidence among consumers that this particular brand (hotel) is able to guarantee the best service compared to all alternatives that exist for them.

A striking example of the development and use of corporate service standards in the hotel business are hotel chains. Hotels included in the chain have a higher degree of product recognition, which makes the selection process easier for the client. Almost half of consumers believe that international hotel operators provide a higher standard of service than independent managers.

The fundamental difference between the activities of accommodation facilities that are part of international hotel chains is that they are managed in strict compliance with the corporate standard used in a particular hotel chain. There is no choice for the owners of hotels belonging to the international network - to apply or not to apply the service standard, which, as well as the description of the processes for providing services, is the "know-how" of each hotel operator, providing him competitive advantages and a corresponding share in the international hotel services market.

Thus, the hotel can provide service "spontaneously" or develop and implement certain requirements for guest service. A hotel business operating without standards will have a chaotic manner of service: everything will depend on the specific people working as service providers, on their mood on a given day, on the situation in the organization, on the behavior of the client himself. In a hotel where service is carried out in accordance with the standards, there will be a certain manner of service, a specific approach to the guest, special norms and behavior in various situations, some kind of concept of behavior towards the client.

The second element of the corporate culture of the enterprise is an informal value system that reflects the internal environment of the team.

This system of values, based on the use of socio-psychological knowledge, allows you to establish the place of an employee in a team, identify leaders, and ensure effective relationships within the team. The main elements of the informal value system of the enterprise are the code of ethics and corporate style.

Of great importance in the process of forming an informal system of values ​​is the creation of a favorable climate in the team: global and local macro environment, physical microclimate, sanitary and hygienic working conditions, job satisfaction, organization of joint activities, psychological compatibility, harmony, nature of communications, etc.

Federal Agency for Education


Federal State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education




Graduate student Kiforenko Yu.A.

Group 303

Speciality "Hotel


Supervisor Fomina M.V.

Petrozavodsk 2010



1.1 The history of the emergence and development of corporate culture

1.2 Types, structure and mechanisms of corporate culture formation

1.3 Trends in the development of modern corporate culture. Russian corporate culture


2.1 Features of corporate culture in hospitality

2.2 Corporate culture of international hotel chains

2.3 Corporate culture of Russian hotels





Growing dynamism and volatility business environment create for organizations the need for constant communication with partners, consumers, employees. The growth of education, qualifications, awareness of workers and the public as a whole requires management to use more complex and subtle management methods. To control events, it is no longer enough to control the behavior of people. Today it is necessary to manage what people think and feel, to shape public opinion and mood. In working with personnel, there is a need to create a unified system of values, norms and rules, i.e. a corporate culture that allows you to achieve effective work, focus on achieving the goals of the company, and self-fulfillment by the employees themselves.

An increasing number of company leaders today come to the conclusion that it is necessary to purposefully form the corporate culture of the organization. After all, in any company, no matter what niche it occupies in the market and no matter how big it is, the team, its values ​​and ideals are of key importance for successful operation. It is the team that defines everything that an organization is. Therefore, the formation of a corporate culture allows the company to move in one direction as a whole.

Currently, there is no unambiguous interpretation of the term "corporate culture", different specialists define it differently. For example, A.Ya. Kibanov defines corporate culture (“organizational culture”, “corporate culture”) as “a set of the most important provisions used by members of the organization and expressed in the values ​​and norms declared by the organization, giving people guidelines for their behavior and actions” . E. Jacques gives the following definition: “Corporate culture is a habitual way of thinking and a way of acting that has become a tradition, which is shared to a greater or lesser extent by all employees of the enterprise and which must be assimilated and at least partially accepted by newcomers in order for new members of the team to become "their".

Specialists in the field of hotel service also always need to remember the importance of corporate culture for social and cultural service enterprises and tourism.

Over the past few decades, the hospitality industry has changed beyond recognition. Today, the global hotel chain can satisfy any, even the most demanding, taste. Customers expect high standards of service from a hotel company. In this regard, hotel managers, whose main focus until recently was on the operational management of production, must face new challenges, take a different approach to the development and maintenance of the hotel infrastructure in a competitive state, since it bears the main responsibility for creating an effective business. The income and success of a hotel is directly related to its corporate culture.

Today, most practitioners share the opinion that the strategy of a hotel enterprise, its mission and goals, structure, the type of people who make decisions and execute them, the accepted standards of behavior, values ​​and ideals shared by all employees of the enterprise, as a rule, reflect the corporate culture of the hotel.

The corporate culture of a hotel company directly affects competitiveness, accelerates and increases sales. This is a tool to achieve the strategic goals of the hotel, focused on the future, which is especially important in the current economic crisis. In this regard, this topic will be relevant.

The subject of the work will be the corporate culture in the hospitality industry, its formation and development.

The object of the work will be the development of the corporate culture of the Severnaya Hotel in Petrozavodsk.

The purpose of this thesis is to consider corporate culture in the hospitality industry.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

1. Consider the history of the emergence of corporate culture, determine the mechanisms that influence its formation.

2. To identify the features of the formation of the corporate culture of international hotel chains and enterprises of the domestic hospitality industry

3. Conduct an analysis of the corporate culture of the branch of JSC "Intourist Hotel Group" Hotel "Severnaya"

The theoretical basis of the study was the work of domestic and foreign experts: O.S. Vikhansky, A.Ya. Kibanov, T.N. Persikova, M. Meskon, F. Kotler; actual data on the studied enterprises; data obtained as a result of research conducted by the author.


1.1 The history of the emergence and development of corporate culture

The phenomenon of corporate culture has always existed, regardless of whether its bearers were aware of it or not. Despite the fact that the problem of corporate culture has been raised relatively recently, its origins have attracted the attention of researchers for a long time. The reasons for this lie in some discrepancy between the expected results embedded in the strategy and tactics of change and those obtained in reality in the organization.

The concept of organizational culture is one of the basic concepts in management. However, only in last years corporate (organizational) culture began to be recognized as the main indicator necessary for the correct understanding and management of organizational behavior.

Corporate culture is a new field of knowledge, part of a series of management sciences. It also stood out from a relatively new field of knowledge - organizational behavior, which studies general approaches, principles, laws and patterns in the following areas: personality in an organization; group behavior in the organization; behavior of the leader in the organization; adaptation of the organization to the internal and external environment, increasing organizational efficiency in the organization's activities. Like many other terms of organizational and legal disciplines, corporate (organizational) culture does not have a single interpretation. Corporate culture (the terms "organizational culture", "corporate culture", "entrepreneurial culture", "organizational culture" are also used in the modern sense) can be defined as a habitual, traditional way of thinking and acting, which to a greater or lesser extent shared by all employees of the enterprise and which must be assimilated and at least partially accepted by newcomers so that new members of the team become "their own". Also, corporate culture can be defined as a system of material and spiritual values, manifestations that interact with each other, inherent in this corporation, reflecting its individuality and perception of itself and others in the social and material environment, manifested in behavior, interaction, perception of oneself and the environment ( Spivak V.A.)

Consideration of the organization as a cultural phenomenon has a relatively long history and goes back to the traditions of M. Weber, T. Parsons, K. Levin, F. Sleznik and especially C. Barnard and G. Simon.

It should be noted that, in principle, research in the field of organizational culture has a rather long history. Professor of Cornell University (USA) Harrison Trice is inclined to consider the work of a group of American scientists led by E. Mayo in the early 1930s during the well-known Hawthorne experiment at Western Electric in Chicago as the first attempt to study the activities of a corporation in the cultural aspect. This experiment was carried out in 4 stages over five years (1927-1932) and was aimed at elucidating the influence of various factors on the productivity of the company's employees selected for the study. The results of the first two stages raised the question of the failure of some of the premises of the "classical" theory of management, and previously unestimated, "hidden" psychological and social factors were "to blame" for this.

The conclusions of the authors of the study about the need for a “meaningful life for an individual in a company”, the development of a “sense of group belonging” based on common group values, were a kind of impetus for further attempts to study the needs and behavior of workers from the point of view of the culture of their organization.

At the turn of the 80-90s, the phenomenon of organizational culture was in the center of attention of a large circle of researchers - well-known best-selling books were published: “Theory Z” by Ouchi and “In Search of effective management” (Peters and Waterman). Among others, they included theses that corporate culture is an important factor economic efficiency firm, as well as its adaptation to the external environment.

In 1982, the popular book Corporate Cultures by Boston Consulting Group experts Terence Deal and Alan Kennedy was published. It was they who created the concept of corporate culture as the most important factor influencing organizational behavior and corporate development. From that moment began a systematic study of the problem of corporate culture. A reference to this can be found in Claude St. George Jr. "The History of Management Thought" in the chapter titled "The Management Continuum".

Between March 1983 and October 1984 alone, five significant conferences were held in Canada and Europe on organizational culture, organizational folklore, and symbolism.

Scientists have formulated the essence of corporate culture in a slightly different way. Corporate culture is a set of the most important assumptions accepted by the members of the organization, and which are expressed in the values ​​declared by the organization, which give people guidelines for their behavior and actions. These value orientations are transmitted to the members of the organization through the symbolic means of the spiritual and material environment of the organization.

New business conditions, dynamism and uncertainty of external conditions, raising the educational level of staff, changing motivation, civil maturity of workers gave a powerful impetus to the development of organizational culture in all its diversity and required management to reconsider their attitude towards it.

To date, there are quite a lot of publications that in one way or another highlight the problem of corporate culture, but so far there are no works that would specifically develop sufficiently reliable methods for diagnosing corporate culture and summarize the results of their empirical testing. This is due primarily to the lack of conceptual development of the phenomenon of corporate culture.

In recent years, management services have not only changed their attitude to the culture of the organization, but also took an active position in using it as a factor in increasing competitiveness, adaptability, production and management efficiency. Its presence is generally recognized, as well as the influence of organizational culture on the work of the enterprise. The higher the level of corporate culture, the less the staff needs directives, instructions, detailed diagrams and detailed instructions. In addition, the higher the level of culture of the organization, the higher its prestige and competitiveness. Corporate culture is seen as a powerful strategic tool that allows you to orient all departments of the organization and individuals towards common goals, mobilize the initiative of employees, ensure loyalty to the enterprise, and facilitate communication. The purpose of the corporate culture of any organization is to bring the value sphere of the management and employees of the company to a conscious level.

With the development of society, its needs, the policy of the organization is changing and, consequently, the corporate culture is changing along with it. Like any management decision, it has its own history, its present and future, which are inseparable from each other. Therefore, when forming new culture corporations always need to study the history of this issue in order to take into account the experience of previous generations.

1.2 Types, structure and mechanisms of corporate culture formation

Corporate culture, like any phenomenon, has different kinds and its structure, which is a set of assumptions, values, beliefs, and symbols. Following them helps employees cope with their problems.

Components corporate culture are:

Adopted leadership system

・Conflict Resolution Styles

· Working communication system

The position of the individual in the organization

Accepted symbolism: slogans, organizational taboos, rituals

Tasks that are solved in the course of the development of corporate culture:

Effective implementation of changes of any type: elimination of resistance from the staff and motivation to achieve results

Cohesion of the management team: a single vision of the mission and strategy of the company

Formation of loyalty among the company's staff

· High-quality selection of new employees

Organizational order: rules of conduct adopted at all levels of management in various situations, production discipline, culture of relations with clients and colleagues

Harmonization of the psychological microclimate in the company

I consider it possible to consider a structure based on the three-level model of E. Shane's corporate culture. So, there are three levels of corporate culture:

· Superficial (manifestations) level - the visible side of corporate culture: language, style of dress, manner of communication, myths, traditions, rituals and ceremonies.

· Intermediate level (declared values) - the values ​​declared by management and possibly documented.

Deep level (basic ideas) - subconscious, self-evident beliefs (relations with nature, understanding of reality, attitude to work, etc.)

Knowledge of corporate culture begins with the first, "superficial" level. At this level, things and phenomena are easy to detect, but they can not always be deciphered and interpreted in terms of corporate culture.

For a deeper understanding of corporate culture, it is necessary to touch on the "intermediate" level - the values ​​and beliefs shared by the members of the organization are studied, in accordance with the extent to which these values ​​are reflected in symbols and language. The perception of values ​​and beliefs is conscious and depends on the desire of people.

The "deep" level includes basic sentences that are difficult to understand even for the members of the organization without special focus on this issue. These hidden and taken for granted assumptions guide people's behavior, help them perceive the attributes that characterize corporate culture.

According to which of these levels are studied, there is a division of corporate cultures into subjective and objective. Subjective corporate culture comes from the patterns of assumptions, beliefs and expectations shared by employees, as well as from the group perception of the organizational environment with its values, norms and roles that exist outside the individual. This includes a number of elements of "symbolism", especially its "spiritual" part: heroes of the organization, myths, perception of the language of communication and slogans, etc.

Subjective organizational culture serves as the basis for the formation of managerial culture, i.e. leadership styles and problem solving by leaders, their behavior in general.

An objective corporate culture is usually associated with the physical environment created in the organization: the building itself and its design, location, equipment and furniture, parking lots, etc. all of which, to some extent, reflect the values ​​that the organization adheres to.

Other specialists in the field of personnel management, Cameron and Quinn, distinguish the following types of corporate culture: clan, adhocracy, market and hierarchical cultures. This typology is distinguished on the basis of the following guidelines - the company's focus on internal processes or on external ones, combined with flexibility / individuality or stability / control. The clan (family) culture is characteristic of an organization that focuses on caring for people and internal respect for the individuality and uniqueness of each. The main value of such a culture is the team. Most often these are companies operating in the client market: retail trade, services.

The adhocracy culture in the organization manifests itself through attention to external positions in the market, to consumers, combined with high flexibility in solving problems. This type of culture is typical for high-tech production organizations, which always need to keep a "hand on the pulse."

Organizations with a market culture tend to focus on external positions (market share, increase in customer base, win customers) combined with stability and control (maintaining a certain level of profitability of the company). Most organically with this type of corporate culture, there are wholesalers; the ambition to conquer makes them market leaders.

Hierarchical (bureaucratic) culture is the culture of organizations that focus on internal support for employees and regulated orderliness of all processes, a high level of control. This type most often includes state structures and enterprises, which, first of all, are focused on compliance with all the rules and internal comfort, rather than on consumers.

Understanding by the head of the features of the corporate culture of the company is important when making various kinds of managerial decisions. This will determine how much decisions will be supported by the company's staff, since it is the internal environment that is the conductor of all changes in the organization, but also the main obstacle to any kind of innovation. For example, already at the stage of recruiting personnel for a company, it is important to understand the real values ​​of the candidate, i.e. those deep motives of behavior that will manifest themselves in the work.

For each type of position, there is an optimal dominant type of culture, for example, a focus on a clan (family) culture for employees in the service sector (hotel business) and a market one for sales managers.

As another example of the classification of corporate culture, we can consider the various types of corporate cultures offered by D. Sonnenfeld.

D. Sonnenfeld's typology distinguishes four types of cultures: "baseball team", "club culture", "academic culture", "defense culture" ("fortress"). Each of the above cultures has a different potential to support the health and success of the company and affect the careers of employees in different ways.

In the "baseball team" key successful employees consider themselves "free players", for them there is active competition between employers in the labor market. Employees with low personal and professional indicators are quickly fired at the initiative of employers.

"Club culture" is characterized by loyalty, devotion and coherence of employees, teamwork. A stable and safe environment encourages employee age, experience and position advantage. Career growth is slow and gradual. The worker is expected to comprehend all the subtleties of this work and master the skill at every level, so the workers have a broad professional outlook.

Companies with an “academic culture” are recruiting new young employees who are interested in long-term cooperation and are willing to slowly move up the corporate ladder. Employees rarely move from one department to another or from one direction to another. The basis for promotion and promotion is good work and professional excellence.

Such a culture limits the broad development of the employee's personality and prevents intra-organizational cooperation.

In a "defense culture" there is no guarantee of a permanent job, no opportunity for professional growth, as companies often have to undergo restructuring and reduce their staff in order to adapt to new external conditions. Such a culture is detrimental to employees, but it also presents great opportunities for some confident managers who like to take on a challenge.

Some experts, depending on the nature of the influence of corporate culture on the overall performance of the enterprise, distinguishes “positive” (“positive”) and “negative” (“negative”) cultures.

The criteria for dividing cultures into positive and negative are made up of several components (based on the classification proposed by S.G. Abramova and I.A. Kostenchuk):

1. According to the degree of mutual adequacy of the dominant hierarchy of values ​​and the prevailing ways of their implementation, “stable” (high degree) and “unstable” (low degree) cultures are distinguished. A stable culture is characterized by well-defined norms of behavior and traditions.

Unstable, on the other hand, is characterized by the lack of clear ideas about the optimal, acceptable and unacceptable behavior, as well as “fluctuations” in the socio-psychological status of workers.

2. According to the degree of correspondence between the hierarchy of personal values ​​of each of the employees and the hierarchical system of intra-group values, “integrative” (high degree) and “disintegrative” (low degree) cultures are distinguished. An integrative culture is characterized by the unity of public opinion and intra-group cohesion.

Disintegrative is characterized by the lack of a unified public opinion, disunity and conflict.

3. According to the content of the values ​​dominant in the organization, “personally-oriented” and “functionally-oriented” cultures are distinguished. The first captures the values ​​of self-realization and self-development of the employee's personality in the process and through the implementation of his professional and labor activities. For the second, the main value lies in the implementation of functionally specified algorithms for the implementation of professional labor and status-defined behavior patterns.

Thus, the signs of a positive culture are: person-oriented, integrative, stable or unstable (if the organization is in the process of changing or developing). Signs of a negative culture: functionally oriented, disintegrative, stable or unstable (if the organization is in the process of changing or developing).

Studies of "negative" cultures have revealed that the following attitudes prevail in these firms: indifference, depersonalization of problems, blind obedience, conservatism, isolationism, antipathy. According to experts in the field of human resource management, companies with a "negative" culture have a number of problems: the presence of rumors and gossip that undermine the authority of the enterprise among its employees, the public and partners; distrust of leaders at all levels; high staff turnover; "mental" staff turnover, i.e. employees are physically present, but intellectually and emotionally “absent”, work several hours during the day, perform only the most necessary, do not work efficiently enough, artificially stretch the time for completing the task, and the rest of the time is spent on smoke breaks, tea drinking, non-productive conversations, etc.

Positive corporate culture:

Forming a corporate culture, and even more so changing an existing one at an enterprise, is a complex and multifaceted task. The success of the business largely depends on its solution.

The formation and strengthening of corporate culture should become an integral part of the strategic and operational business management and be constantly in the field of view of the company's top management.

Corporate culture, as a means of management, can influence:

the motivation of employees;

the attractiveness of the company as an employer, which is reflected in staff turnover;

morality of each employee, his business reputation;

Productivity and efficiency of labor activity;

the quality of work of employees;

The nature of personal and industrial relations in the organization;

attitudes of employees to work;

the creative potential of employees.

In modern conditions, the management of the corporation is interested in the fact that flexibility and innovation are the most important and integral components of the corporate culture.

Corporate culture acts as a system that exists at least on three levels - content, mental and activity. Therefore, the mechanisms of its formation will also be different.

At the content level, corporate culture is a set of blocks fixed in texts and documents that make up the regulatory framework for the organization's activities. The mechanisms for the formation of the content of these blocks are determined in the course of creating the corporate culture of the organization by people working in this organization and self-determining in relation to the environment in one capacity or another.

However, the presence of corporate culture outside and in addition to the mentality of the company's employees does not make any sense. It is advisable to consider the mental level of corporate culture, that is, its existence at the level of human consciousness and in its forms, as an area of ​​much more complex tasks than the mechanisms for the design development of strategies, technologies, and regulations. In order for forward-thinking strategies, new programs, more productive norms, effective management styles to "work" and bring financial results, they must be translated into the beliefs, commitment and motivation of managers and staff.

The activity level of corporate culture is the level of practical actions of people that are aimed at achieving the mission and strategy, implementing the concept, philosophy of the company, corporate values ​​and norms, the appropriate management style, traditions, programs and projects, etc. People act in accordance with their orientations and goals, as well as with their ideas about the situation and the world as a whole.

To form a corporate culture that is adequate modern requirements economy and business, it is necessary to transform the values ​​of people, formed under the influence of command-and-control methods of management, and to take a course towards introducing into the consciousness of all categories of employees the elements that make up the basic structure of a market-type corporate culture. One of the most important indicators of such a culture is the focus not only on providing a favorable atmosphere, normal relations in the team, but also on achieving the goals and results of the corporation.

Corporate culture can be created purposefully from above, but it can also be formed spontaneously from below, from various elements of different structures introduced by human relations between employees, managers and subordinates, different people who have become employees of the organization.

When developing a new strategy for an organization, introducing changes to the strategy, structure and other elements of the management system, leaders and managers for internal corporate PR should assess the degree of their implementation within the existing corporate culture and, if necessary, take steps to change it. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the corporate culture is inherently more inert than other elements of the management system. Therefore, the actions to change it in the corporation should be ahead of all other transformations, realizing that the results will not be visible immediately.

There are two main areas of corporate culture formation methodology:

Search for the values ​​of a successful corporate culture that best meets the following factors: organizational technology, opportunities and limitations of the external environment of the organization, the level of professionalism of the staff and the peculiarities of the national mentality;

- consolidation of the revealed values ​​of the corporate culture at the level of the organization's personnel.

The first direction in the formation of an organization's culture refers to the sphere of strategic development, during which organizational values ​​are identified that are most consistent with the goals of organizational development and the characteristics of the organization's personnel. The second block of tasks relates to tactical management, which develops a system of specific measures and procedures to strengthen the values ​​identified in the first stage.

The desired values ​​of culture, identified by the manager at the first stage, become the main goal for the second stage of their formation in the organization. The process of forming organizational values ​​is tied to life cycle organizations. At the first stage of the creation of the organization, all the morals, customs, main style of activity, as well as the success or failure of the organization subsequently adopted in the organization, are laid down by its founders. They see the mission of the organization and what the ideal organization should be. In their activities, they are guided by previous experience in creating an organization and its cultural values.

Once established, through the growth and deceleration phases, the culture is maintained by the organization's existing practices and procedures that shape the appropriate experience for the staff. Many HR procedures reinforce organizational culture. These include: selection process, performance evaluation criteria, reward system, training and career management, promotion. All these procedures are aimed at maintaining those who fit this organizational culture and punishing, up to and including dismissal, those who do not.

When forming the corporate culture of any organization, five primary mechanisms for its transmission can be distinguished. These include:

1. allocation of objects of attention, evaluation and control of the head (everything that is constantly in the field of view of the head);

2. criteria for the distribution of incentives and rewards (the system itself in action, not in theory);

3. deliberate creation of role models (leadership behavior, myths, legends);

4. strategies for resolving critical situations and crises (development of new standards during crises);

5. selection criteria for hiring, promotion and dismissal (the candidate's compliance with professional training and the values ​​and norms of the organization).

Secondary transmission mechanisms of corporate culture - less powerful, but more hidden conductors of corporate culture ideas that are less controllable, are embedded in the structure of the company, its daily activities, physical space, stories and legends, formal declarations. All these mechanisms convey to newcomers the meaning of corporate culture, they all work. The question is not whether to use them or not, but how to manage this or that mechanism.

The secondary mechanisms for introducing into the corporate culture the ideas and ideas of its creators and leaders include:

1. composition and structure of the company;

2. systems and principles of the organization;

3. design interior spaces, facade and buildings in general;

4. stories, stories, legends and myths about the most important events and people of the company;

5. official statements and documents declaring the company's credo, its philosophy and ideology.

These mechanisms are secondary only because they act depending on the primary ones. If the former do not contradict the latter, then the secondary mechanisms contribute to the formation of organizational ideology and formalize much of what was informally learned earlier. If the secondary mechanisms contradict the primary ones, then they will either be ignored or become a source of internal conflict. And now let's look at them in more detail.

1. Composition and structure of the company . The founders of an organization are often firmly convinced that they know how to organize a company so that it operates at maximum efficiency. Some believe that for this it is enough to build a rigid hierarchy and a highly centralized control system. Others believe that the strength of the organization is in its people, cadres, so they create a structure in which power descends as low as possible. Consequently, the founders of the organization from the very beginning lay in its structure their understanding of the core corporate values.

2. Systems and principles of the organization. The most visible aspect of the life of an organization is its daily, monthly, quarterly, annual cycle of processes, reports, events, forms and other recurring phenomena, the causes and sources of which are sometimes invisible and unclear, but serve the same clear purpose as the formal structure of the company: they make the work of the organization more predictable, organized, less hectic and unclear.

3. Design of interior spaces, facade and buildings in general . The environment plays an important role in the development of culture. It is not enough to simply articulate the policies and accepted practices of the corporate culture that the organization promotes. The physical environment, the amount of work and other components contribute to this. For example, a clean store with neatly and beautifully displayed goods already characterizes a corporate culture, one of the values ​​of which is customer care, therefore, here the physical environment supports and reinforces corporate principles.

4. Stories, stories, legends and myths about the most important events and people . With the accumulation of experience in joint activities, part of the history of the organization is reflected in stories, legends, myths, which can be formed both by the conscious efforts of its leaders and the PR department, and spontaneously from below. They exist, as a rule, in the form of metaphorical stories, anecdotes that are passed down from generation to generation of workers and employees. They are connected with the history of the company's emergence, its further development, the life and work of the "founding fathers" and are called upon to convey general corporate values ​​to employees in a visual, figurative, lively form. However, this form of conveying corporate values ​​is not the most reliable, since the main idea of ​​the event is sometimes not clearly expressed. Managers cannot always control what their subordinates say about them, retelling certain corporate “tales”. Also, mottos and slogans have a normative value, which in a concise form emphasize the significant guidelines and guidelines of the corporation.

5. Official statements and documents declaring the company's credo, its philosophy and ideology, norms and rules of conduct. Another method of expressing corporate values ​​is official documents, declarations, charters. A set of rules and norms of conduct, standards of relations between employees, as well as between them and managers or management of teams, departments of the corporation, is expressed in official documents, codes of honor, codes of corporate conduct. The business code contains, as a rule, three groups of rules:

rules prohibiting (denoting what should not be done in this organization in any case, for example, a ban on violating trade secrets, a ban on falsehood),

prescriptive rules (saying what needs to be done in a given organization, for example, strictly follow agreements, follow management procedures),

recommending (for example, it is recommended to show creative initiative, to be committed to the organization). If the corporate culture is adopted at the mental level and implemented at the activity level, the business code begins to act as an impersonal mechanism for regulating the relations and actions of the employees of the organization, which greatly facilitates the work of managers and increases the efficiency of the staff as a whole.

Also, one of the main stages in the formation of the corporate culture of the organization is the choice of mission. It is born from the image, vision of the future of the company and is a formulated statement that reveals the meaning of the existence of the organization, in which the difference from others like it is manifested. One of the goals of the mission is to create moral incentives for work, an optimal system of relationships in the team and a common identification of employees so that they have a sense of commitment to the company. The idea of ​​using a mission is to ensure that employees do not distinguish between the interests of the company and their own. At the same time, the spirit of cooperation becomes a kind of “fastening element”. Forming and maintaining it, the company's management can create common rituals, for example, hiring, seeing off retirement, holidays; system of bonuses and benefits (material and non-material incentives). In this case, it is necessary to see the prospects of both a personal career and the future of the company. This will create a stable working company that unites people with ideas, effectively interacts with partners, and is aware of its uniqueness.

Forming the corporate culture of the company, the manager must have a fairly complete understanding of the culture in general and the corporate culture in particular. His task is to understand the role and place of his personal and corporate culture in achieving the goals of the organization, correctly identify its specifics, adjust and maintain at the optimal level.

The leader must foresee the consequences of his decisions in the cultural aspect. Increases his authority and ability to diagnose the causes of failures and successes, many of which are directly or indirectly related to corporate culture.

Factors contributing to the maintenance of corporate culture

In solving the problem of maintaining an established corporate culture, three factors play a decisive role:

1. personnel selection;

2. activities of the top management;

3. cultural adaptation and its main stages.

1. Personnel selection . Personnel selection has a specific goal - to identify and recruit people with the knowledge, skills and abilities that allow them to successfully perform the job. However, as a rule, not one candidate meets the necessary requirements, but several. In the final selection, preference is given to those who more compatible with the organizational culture of the company and whose value system is identical to the corporate ones.

The selection process accomplishes a dual task: on the one hand, candidates evaluate their compliance with the requirements of the organization, and on the other hand, the organization gets the opportunity to weed out those applicants who can subsequently have a destructive effect on its core values.

2. The activities of the leadership. The creators of the company, based on their own ideas, as well as ideas borrowed from reliable sources, develop a vision and set the general direction for the future activities of the company. They, in fact, seeking the formation of their own version of the corporate culture, themselves select, train and train middle managers (managers) who are able to achieve their goals, and through them they achieve the best possible performance of work and solving the company's problems.

If the leader forms the corporate culture, then the manager is something like a model of morality and ethics for the company's employees. It is the manager who creates the necessary conditions and incentives that force employees to accept those values ​​and attitudes that meet the goals of the organization and at the same time satisfy their needs.

In order for management actions to contribute to the formation and strengthening of corporate culture, the manager must be consistent in his actions. Any discrepancy between an act and its consequences, created through the fault of the manager, undermines the foundations of corporate culture.

As soon as a new employee enters the organization, his manager explains to him how the work should be done, how the task should be completed. At the end of the work, the manager may or may not express his approval or dissatisfaction.

If, for example, the work is done perfectly, but the manager did not express approval, then this means that the employee does not know how the work is valued. If the work is not done well enough and the manager does not express dissatisfaction, the employee again does not get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow the work should be done, i.e. what is the recognized value or norm in the company. And only if the manager responded appropriately to the work done, the employee gets an idea of ​​what is accepted in this company and is considered the norm of its corporate culture.

Consequently, corporate culture is transmitted through the manager's response to the employee's action. As the number of learned “act-consequence” models grows, a new member of the organization has an idea of ​​the full range of norms accepted in the organization, and the corporate culture, in turn, forms the required perception of reality in the individual by creating new norms, values, ideas.

3. Cultural adaptation and its main stages. No matter how effective recruitment processes are, new employees cannot immediately familiarize themselves with the organizational culture and behave in accordance with it. That is why efforts are being made to help new employees adapt to the organizational culture. This adaptive process is called socialization or acculturation when it comes to learning new cultural values.

The need for knowledge about corporate culture is exacerbated in situations that surprise the novice - obscure, ambiguous or extraordinary, as well as artificially created, in which knowledge of corporate culture is used.

Companies usually run orientation programs and on-site trainings (outside the company). But all of them have one drawback: the organizers of the trainings represent the official point of view on the corporate culture, rather the desired, rather than the actual corporate values, officially recognized, rather than actually operating methods and processes.

More useful and valuable for beginners is always information from the category "not for publication". The more real the context in which the cultural corporate material is transmitted and assimilated, the more motivated the beginner will perceive it and the more significant the information received will be for him.

The process of entry of new workers into the organization is the most critical stage of socialization. It is at this stage that the organization "customizes" the employee to the category of an exemplary employee. Those newcomers who fail to learn the basic norms of behavior run the risk of becoming nonconformists, and subsequently they will be fired.

When new employees come to the organization, they sacrifice some part of their personal freedom as a payment for membership and give up, as necessary, part of their ideas, values, if they do not correspond to those accepted in the company. The task facing the rest of the organization is to teach newcomers what is expected of them, what is accepted here, what is recognized as correct.

Different organizations may have different ideas about priorities, such as:

What is considered good work?

To what extent familiarity is allowed in industrial relations;

Is it customary to show (and if so, to what extent) respect and respect for superior employees;

How should you look and dress at work? how important it is to start and end the working day on time;

What is the norm in relation to work, trade union activities, colleagues, managers, clients;

How actively it is customary to communicate with employees outside of working hours, etc.

For a new employee to become a full member of the organization, it is not enough to be a good professional- He must master all the accepted norms and rules. At the same time, according to some researchers in the field of corporate culture, it is not necessary for a single individual to sincerely believe and truly accept corporate values ​​- you just need to behave in accordance with them.

Theoretical knowledge of the mechanisms of corporate culture formation allows in practice to use the most appropriate of them for your enterprise and develop new ways of its creation, related to the specifics of the company's functioning. The use of all of the above methods of formation in each new case will be of an individual nature.

1.3 Trends in the development of modern corporate culture. Corporate culture in Russia

The development of a corporate culture is an investment in today's stability and future prospects, an investment in the growth of intangible assets. Recently, there has been a rapid increase in the interest of companies in managing the corporate culture of an organization, and we explain this by the fact that there has been an increased understanding of the impact that the phenomenon of culture has on the success and efficiency of a business. It is successful companies that are distinguished by a high level of culture, which is formed as a result of thoughtful efforts aimed at developing a corporate spirit for the benefit of all parties interested in the activities of the organization.

Specialists are interested in what relationships exist in the team, what methods and means are used to create a favorable image of the company, what technologies and elements are used to form a corporate culture.

In Russia, in the absence of large investments in industry and fierce competition with Western companies, the opportunities for increasing efficiency are associated with finding new resources within the company. The transformations that are taking place in Russia today are not so much a transformation of the economy as a transformation of the type of culture that exists in society. The urgency of this problem is obvious in the modern Russian conditions of the functioning of organizations. Without changing the existing corporate culture in enterprises with old values ​​such as discipline, obedience, hierarchy and power, it is often impossible to create a new management system with other values ​​- participation, disclosure of personality and individual approach to the personality of the employee, creative thinking, in a word, such, the possession of which is considered the most important requirement for organizations of the XXI century.

The current stage of development of the Russian market is characterized by an increase in interest in managing the corporate culture of enterprises and industries. Companies pay special attention to improving corporate governance, management and corporate culture management. Some of them, in order to introduce the norms of civilized business conduct into the practice of the activities of boards of directors and management, adopt codes of corporate conduct and corporate ethics.

The Russian Federation, despite its high tourism potential, occupies an insignificant place in the world tourism market. It accounts for about 1% of the world tourist flow.

According to WTO experts, Russia's potential capabilities allow, with an appropriate level of tourism infrastructure development, to receive up to 40 million foreign tourists a year, but today the number of foreign guests coming to Russia for business, tourism and private purposes does not correspond to its tourism potential.

The main goal of the state policy in the field of tourism is the creation in the Russian Federation of a modern, highly efficient and competitive tourist complex that provides ample opportunities to meet the needs of Russian and foreign citizens in a variety of tourist services. One of the main objectives of the policy of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism is to improve the quality of service through the development of new rules for standardization and certification of accommodation services; introduction of a modern classification of hotel accommodation facilities, taking into account advanced foreign experience; creation modern system training, retraining and advanced training of personnel; development and implementation of modern industry educational standards; implementation curricula, corresponding to industry needs and providing for practical training of personnel, including in-house and in-house training within the funds provided for in the relevant education budgets; implementation of specialized advanced training programs for senior managers of the tourism and hotel business, including the organization of internships abroad within the framework of extrabudgetary funds.

Most of the above tasks in the field of tourism development in the country as a whole meet the basic principles of the corporate culture and corporate policy of most domestic hotels and international hotel chains operating in the Russian Federation.

Some types of modern Russian organizational culture

Some Russian researchers identify the following types of modern Russian organizational culture: "friends", "family", "boss" culture.

The type of "friends" is typical for firms created during the years of perestroika, when opportunities opened up for creating new structures, for changing the scope of activity. Breaking into a new field alone was very difficult, people felt insecure, and therefore they attracted friends and relatives to their firms. In commercial activities, friends sought, first of all, to maintain friendship, but organizational goals sooner or later came into conflict with the culture of interpersonal relations and destroyed them, friendship turned into rivalry and even hatred.

An organization with a "family" type is characterized by a rigid hierarchy, there are roles of father and mother, older and younger sisters and brothers. Relationships are based on feelings, the complete absence of any official rules. The leader is sure that subordinates should understand him from a half-word and half-hint, and the subordinates, not receiving clear instructions, try to feel for themselves what the leader wants from them. Everyone here does not what he is obliged to do, but what seems to him the most important, based on family relations.

The culture of the "boss" is characterized by the fact that in Russia there is a fear of the boss, the leader. At the same time, all the problems of the organization are associated with the mistakes of higher management. Managers are considered incompetent, and sometimes simply stupid. Employees believe that other companies have good leaders who could change things and do things better. As a result, people at all levels of the hierarchy scold their superiors, while feeling their real helplessness.

To analyze the corporate culture of an organization, various types of classification can be used, but, in any case, the culture of a particular organization will always be individual and unique. This is due to the peculiarities of the psychological climate of the team, the stages and methods of its formation, cultural and national characteristics.

In the first chapter of this thesis, the author studied the history of the emergence and formation of corporate culture, its structure, levels, content and typology. Corporate culture has many aspects and can be classified according to various criteria into formal and informal, objective and subjective, subcultures and countercultures. Organizational culture, or corporate culture, is considered as one of the subcultures in which all the main elements of the society's culture find their specific expression: representations, symbols, values, ideals, patterns of behavior, etc. The author emphasized the high importance of corporate culture as an effective tool for managing a company; Researchers of the problem, both theorists and practitioners, note a stable relationship between the success of companies and the degree of development of their corporate cultures. It was also noted that each type of organizational culture is characterized by its key competencies, values, types of leaders, and behavior in the external and internal environment.

Corporate culture performs the functions of internal integration and external adaptation of the organization. It defines and unifies the mission, goals and strategy of the organization. Thanks to the corporate culture, the organization develops a common language, rules of conduct, reward and punishment systems, provides closer communication between employees - the basic premises and theoretical provisions from which a particular person is repelled. When considering the formation of the corporate culture of the enterprise in this chapter, attention was paid to the role of the leader as the creator of the culture of the organization and a role model. Issues were also raised modern development culture of the organization and the main stages of the formation of the domestic corporate culture.


2.1 Features of corporate culture in hospitality

Over the past few decades, the hospitality industry has changed beyond recognition. Today, the global hotel chain can satisfy any, even the most demanding, taste. Customers expect high standards of service from a hotel company. In this regard, hotel managers, whose main focus until recently was on the operational management of production, must face new challenges, take a different approach to the development and maintenance of the hotel infrastructure in a competitive state, since it bears the main responsibility for creating an effective business. The income and success of the hotel is directly related to its corporate culture.

The corporate culture of a hotel company directly affects competitiveness, accelerates and increases sales. This is a tool for achieving the strategic goals of the hotel, focused on the future.

It is important to have common values ​​among the management team of workers, which, ultimately, are transformed into norms of behavior that contribute to improving the quality of services provided, and joint efforts to solve current and long-term problems.

Today, most practitioners share the opinion that the strategy of a hotel enterprise, its structure, the type of decision makers, systems and methods of management, as a rule, reflect the corporate culture of the hotel.

The key figure in the hotel, which creates its own corporate culture, is, of course, the manager. One of its main tasks is to ensure that the behavior of hotel service providers is consistent with the goals of the hotel and its strategy. As practice shows, the most profitable and efficiently functioning hotel will be the one headed by a person who has gone through all the steps of the career ladder of the enterprise, of which he is the head. After all, it is then that he knows all its features and can more clearly manage the formation of the culture of his enterprise.

There is a great need in the hospitality industry for people who love and know how to serve others. Friendliness, interest in people and the ability to communicate are the main requirements for the personal qualities of a hospitality industry worker. If a person needs to make efforts on himself in order to smile once again, this profession is not for him. According to experts, the ideal hotel employee is an artist (because he can greet a guest with twenty different ways) with an excellent memory (because he knows the faces and names of all residents) and the manners of a gentleman.

The work of the hotel directly depends on the activities of its employees. Therefore, it is especially important for the hospitality industry that each employee shares the principles of the corporate culture adopted at his enterprise. For all service companies, the number one priority is customer-focused employees. A smile, friendly service, professional knowledge of all business processes in a hotel - this is the gold standard that needs to be cultivated. The current trend in the development of the hospitality industry as a whole is to take care of your employees - the people who, in fact, create this industry. "The better a company treats its employees, the better employees will treat customers" is the motto of the world's most sought-after hotel chain, Marriott.

Another important feature of the formation of a corporate culture in hospitality is standards. The hotel business works well, like a well-oiled mechanism, if everything is regulated in it. The success of large hotel chains, in particular, is determined by a single, clear style of service in each of their hotels. There is such a thing - the repeatability of quality.

The main objective of the standards is to ensure that all hotel employees holding the same position perform their job duties in the same way. Constant attention is paid to the appearance of employees - the internal routine of each hotel regulates the appearance of its porters, maids and other employees. What they have in common: neatness, cleanliness of clothes, hairstyles and shoes. Attention is also paid to the duties of the staff and the way they behave in a given situation. Literally, the points prescribe what to do, what to see, what to pay attention to, how to answer the phone and so on.

Very often the question arises of the formation of stress resistance of employees. Therefore, the standards prescribe how to behave, for example, in a conflict situation. In this situation, it is necessary to use training , conducted by professional trainers. Local trainings are held inside the hotel by the employees themselves. This may be a mentor or a specialist who is responsible for a particular section. Further - these are mini-seminars: the practice of daily trainings, the motto, the mood. Lasts no more than 15-20 minutes. This is another feature of the corporate culture of hospitality industry enterprises.

The corporate culture of hotels becomes a mechanism for influencing staff and includes the formal and informal value systems of the enterprise. It is necessary to create a corporate program that would reflect the idea of ​​how the hotel wants to see the company in relation to guests, partners, employees, and would contribute to a positive attitude. For example, in the National Hotel in Moscow, the hospitable service guide uses the motto: “You will never again fail to make a good “first impression”.

One of the main directions in the formation of the corporate culture of hotels is the provision of higher quality services compared to competitors, they must meet and even exceed the expectations of guests. Expectations are formed based on the experience that customers already have, as well as information received through personal or mass channels. If the perception of the service received does not meet expectations, guests lose interest in this hotel, and if it meets or exceeds, they may choose it again. Therefore, it is important for the hospitality industry not only to make a good “first impression”, but also to anticipate the desires of guests, showing a sincere interest in their problems.

For example, the corporate culture of the Derzhavnaya Hotel, reflected in the Code of Rules, reads:

“The environment of genuine care and comfort that surrounds our guests is our top priority. Express sincere interest in each guest, do it with enthusiasm, giving him your attention.

“Smile and greet every guest. When speaking to a guest, do so in a warm, friendly, and respectful manner. Call the guest by name as often as possible.

“When saying goodbye to a guest, thank him for choosing our hotel. It is necessary to try so that the guest has warm and positive memories of staying at the hotel.”

For comparison, the corporate culture of the Vatutinki recreation complex is expressed as follows: “Our credo is everything for the client. It means satisfying and anticipating the needs of our guest. Hospitality is our duty. Therefore, each employee shares the responsibility and responsibility for meeting the needs of the guest. Taking care of our guests and satisfying their needs is a top priority for us. We and only we can do what will bring success to our complex in the future.”

The corporate culture of the hotel company will ensure its success, help it become more competitive and efficient. But for this it is necessary to take into account the specifics of our chosen profession. In the hospitality industry, first of all, you need to take care of your employees - service providers. The opinion of the guest about the hotel depends primarily on the efficiency of their work, which is directly related to their mood. To maintain the working mood necessary for the organization, it is necessary to constantly conduct various trainings, introduce and consolidate standards, constantly train staff, and develop new motivation systems. It is also important for hotel employees to feel the cohesion of the team (here it is necessary to clearly think over the company's motto), work in a team and see the result of such activities. “The better a company treats its employees, the better employees will treat customers” - this should always be remembered.

2.2 Corporate culture of international hotel chains

Modern hotel chains have their offices in many countries of the world. Therefore, their corporate culture must be universal: it must be acceptable for any of the hotels located in any country. The organization culture of the most famous hotel brands has been formed over a long period of time and by now is an ideal model for companies that are just starting their journey in the hospitality industry.

The paper proposes to consider the corporate culture of well-known hotel chains such as Marriott, Hyatt, Kempinski.

To date, the most famous hotel chain in the world is MarriottInt. It unites 2600 hotels located in more than 60 countries, being the largest hotel chain in the world. The company manages and franchises the world's largest number of brands in the hotel business - MarriottHotelsandResorts, RenaissanceHotelsandResorts, Ritz-Carlton and others.

The corporate culture of Marriott was founded in 1927 and is observed to this day: "The better the company treats its employees, the better employees will treat customers" - the company's motto, which has not been neglected for more than 80 years.

Large corporations such as Marriott provide a high level of service in many countries around the world. The company has clear service standards that are uniform in all countries. They were developed by the founder - Willard Marriott. In particular, the basic values ​​of the company are expressed by the slogan "SpirittoServe", which can be translated as "spirit of service".

In order to skillfully act in difficult situations, Marriott has its own technology for dealing with complaints. The algorithm is simple and easy to remember, it is called LEARN: Listen (listen), Empathize (sympathize), Apologize (sorry), React (offer a solution to the problem) and, finally, Notify (report a solution). Even if the complaint is unfounded, the employee should still listen to the guest, apologize and politely explain the situation. For example, if a person does not like the music that sounds in the hall, you can discuss it with him, but this does not mean that it will be changed.

In order to understand the success of the most famous international hotel chains, it is necessary to consider the corporate culture of some of them.

Hyatt International Corporation (Global Hyatt Corporation) is one of the leading international hotel chains, offering services to more than 365 hotels and resorts in 45 countries. Hyatt Regency hotels are located in leading cities, which are the main destination for both business travel and private trips. Hyatt hotels and resorts are known for their unsurpassed quality of services precisely because of their staff. Hyatt is committed to providing a work environment that is fair to all employees around the world. Hyatt's corporate culture defines shared values, practices, behavior, written and unwritten rules. Here are some of them:

“We are innovators, we are always ahead of the competition”

· “We work collectively. The whole atmosphere in the hotels is aimed at teamwork and mutual assistance. Employees build on each other’s strengths and prioritize collective goals over personal goals.”

“We care for each other, encourage a sense of community and solidarity, respect and support for each other”

“We are multinational”

“We work for the consumer”

At the heart of the company's Corporate Principles is the goal of enabling employees to develop by providing opportunities for growth in their careers, and not just work in Hyatt hotels and resorts. Compared to Marriott, Hyatt provides more opportunities for development and training for its staff. She not only “appreciates” her employees, but also “cultivates” them herself, leading them from the initial steps to the very top of the career ladder.

The main objective of the company is not only to attract, but also to retain staff who are interested in working in the five-star hotel industry to provide high-quality service, taking into account the wishes of customers, and who offer an innovative, dynamic environment and reflect the culture of the local country. To achieve this goal, Hyatt strives to be a listening company with well-informed and engaged people.

Hyatt provides a wealth of opportunities at all levels for its employees, which are accompanied by numerous development programs.

Personnel work in the team is organized in such a way that, with the help of the most active communication between Hyatt employees, it maintains a sense of teamwork, the feeling that all forces are directed towards a common cause.

Hyatt prefers people who start from scratch in a company. Everyone and everyone does the hotel business at the same time, therefore the head of any division, any department is obliged to work with his subordinates in such a way that they want to do this business, so that the work is not forced, but desired. Having become managers, they know and understand the content of the work of subordinates, but do not avoid it.

If we talk about the content of motivational programs, then Hyatt stimulates, on the one hand, the readiness of employees for daily “small deeds” that help the system work better, on the other hand, for innovative solutions that improve the entire system. If a hotel employee cares about the common good and is ready to do something more than just fulfilling his official duties, this is worthy of an award. The head of the department writes out a check to such an employee for a certain number of points, which can then be converted into various bonuses. Hyatt also does everything so that all employees of the company know about such people, because it is precisely such actions that, in fact, make the hotel business hospitable.

Similarly, innovative behavior is encouraged. For example, the personnel department of a hotel in Singapore developed a specification system for staff appraisal; in the Moscow Hyatt, the position of a stylist for hotel workers was introduced.

These are real innovations that contribute to maintaining the high brand of the entire business. Comparing the incentive programs of the two companies, Marriott and Hyatt, we see that Hyatt provides more of them. From the point of view of the author of this work, the Marriott company strives to preserve the corporate culture that has already been proven over the years, and Hyatt constantly develops and supplements it. Perhaps that is why Hyatt Park was named the "Best Hotel Chain" by the Business Traveler Best in Business Travel Awards.

Other well-known hotel chains also build their corporate culture based primarily on respect for their employees. For example, Accor's corporate concept consists of three main positions: the corporate spirit of the staff; respect the guest; satisfy his needs. Accor Corporation provides a well-developed system of motivation for its employees, which includes:

Competitive wages paid strictly on time and a bonus system (bonuses based on the results of work for a month, a year, for work experience) and revision of salaries on an annual basis,

37 calendar days of vacation,

payment sick leave,

study holidays,

obligatory and additional health insurance,

non-state pension provision,

financial assistance,

free lunches

free service bus on the route

courses in English,

the program "The best employee of the month / year",

birthday gifts + cake from the Chef,

hot parties,

· Accor card, which gives an opportunity to get a discount on accommodation in Accor group hotels, as well as a discount in restaurants, casinos, a discount on transport rental and other group services.

The Slavyanskaya Hotel of the Radisson Corporation aims to ensure that guests are 100% satisfied with the service provided. The motto of each employee: "Yes, I can" or "I will do it with pleasure." General attitude: "If you are unhappy with anything, please let us know and we will fix the problem or you will not be charged."

Kempinski's hospitality businesses are committed to the following policy: “We strive for excellence in service to be the benchmark for elegance in the hospitality industry. Our main goal is to become a leading luxury hotel company through the continuous improvement of our services, the development of new hospitality concepts and the creation of new hotels that expand the geography of the company.

At Kempinski hotels there are unwritten rules that every member of the service staff has learned: do not use elevators, do not smoke during service, work quickly, watch your appearance. Each employee clearly knows the scope of his duties, which is defined job description and other internal documents. For example, the amount of tips paid to employees for service is not limited, but "abuses" are punished severely, up to and including dismissal.

Corporate culture, strategic goals of the corporate program and its ideals in international hotel chains are spelled out thoroughly. All this allows companies not only to provide the highest quality service, but also to constantly develop. As we can see, the success of hotels is brought not only by the fact that they are customer-oriented companies, but also by the fact that they constantly take care of their staff, considering it the main value. To do this, they use various motivation systems. They take into account that a rare employee does not want to develop, learn something new, receive new experience and use it. Global hotel chains spend an enormous amount of time and money on this particular aspect of the workflow. For a person who does not occupy a high position in the enterprise, it is most important to recognize and understand his significance in the overall structure of the hotel enterprise.

International chains use capacious slogans that set the perception of everything around: the perception of guests, employees, everything that happens. All the components of the corporate culture considered by the author of the work, the standards within the framework of the activities of hotel chains did not appear overnight, were formed over the years and changed under the influence both from outside and from within the organization. They have evolved over years and decades, reflecting the specialization of the hotel enterprise, the development of consumer demand for hotel services, their specific properties and competition. You can be absolutely sure that each international hotel chain has its own corporate standard, which is strictly observed, regardless of the country in which the hotel is located, whether there is a national hotel standard or a hotel classification system. Moreover, the corporate standard and culture of such an organization is always associated with a brand that identifies a hotel facility and contributes to its effective positioning in the appropriate market segment.

2.3 Corporate culture of Russian hotels

Russia has a huge development potential, one of the directions of which can be the hospitality industry. According to forecasts by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, by 2010 the annual flow of tourists to Moscow will amount to 5 million people. Only in Moscow it is planned to build up to 100 hotels, mostly of the middle class. In such conditions, it becomes necessary to recruit and train hospitality personnel. Every hotel employee should understand that he may not get a second chance to make a positive impression. The success of the hotel business is directly proportional to the number of guests who return to the hotel again.

The topic of recruitment for the Ritz-Carlton Moscow has long become one of the main topics on the Russian market. No work experience or professional skills were required from job seekers. Everything was determined by a test consisting of 55 general questions. And according to the answers, it is revealed what talents a person has. This test was compiled based on the results of the best employees of the company. It is impossible to fail this test because every person has strengths and weaknesses. The task of the test is to reveal the strengths and create a team in which one employee would complement the other. “The reputation of a hotel is its employees. The image of the hotel is not marble, not gold, not architecture. People define it." says RitzCarlton General Manager Oliver Eller.

The corporate culture of AZIMUT Hotel Chain is in its infancy, as well as the hotel chain itself and the hotel industry of the Russian Federation. At the moment, the company has developed a corporate style for hotels - gray and two shades of red are used in the design of hotels, as well as a single slogan of the company - "AZIMUT Hotel Chain" - "Your comfortable companion". In the hotels of this network, when applying for a job, a good education, professionalism, certain skills and abilities are welcome. But the priority are such personal qualities as the ability to learn, purposefulness and psychological compatibility with the team. All this is determined when applying for a job, where testing is used, an interview of the applicant with the heads of services and subsequent internships in these hotel services.

The concept of the AZIMUT Hotel Chain includes care for healthy way life of consumers: the poet annually in the hotel "AZIMUT Hotel Kostroma" "Bath Day" is held. Various certificates from Public Organizations, Sports Associations, State Administration Bodies, Educational Institutions, Religious and Organizations and Hotel Guests serve as confirmation of the active life position and social orientation of the activities of the entire team of the company.

In contact with the client at all stages of the formation and consumption of the hotel product, the hotel staff ultimately determines what impression the hotel will make on the guest, whether he wants to stay at this hotel again or prefers a competitor's enterprise. In addition, it will depend on the work of the staff what assessment the client will give to the hotel in conversations with his acquaintances, on the basis of which the latter will draw their own conclusions. Thus, tomorrow's income of the hotel depends on today's work of the staff. Those hotel directors and owners who, relying on the technical perfection of the hotel building and equipping the rooms, "forgot" about the selection and training of relevant specialists, could not achieve the expected results in the profitability of the enterprise. Moreover, the higher the competition, the faster negative factors appear and the greater the damage.

Between the hotel industry as a particular manifestation of the phenomenon of tourism and the latest technical changes in the field of communication, there is a direct connection and dependence. The increased mobility of mankind, made possible by the emergence of modern means of transport, primarily jet passenger aircraft, has brought the tourism industry to one of the first places in the world economy. Indeed, for many people tourism has become an important part of their lives, and being outside their usual habitat, regardless of the purpose of this stay, is no longer perceived as something unusual. Not only mobility is increasing, but also the sophistication of the consumer of tourist and hotel services, primarily services in terms of their quality: both the media and the expanded personal experience traveling. In turn, hotels and other enterprises of the tourism industry can count on maintaining high consumer demand only if the quality of services provided to tourists of all categories is constantly improved.

The absence of a corporate culture in a particular hotel means that there is no mutual understanding between the employees and the management of the hotel, as well as between its ordinary employees. In such a hotel, an atmosphere of mistrust and suspicion reigns, mutual assistance is excluded, since the basic motto of the enterprise is the primitive slogan "Every man for himself." The attention of the staff is more occupied with intrigues than with servicing customers who become hostages of the internal disassembly of the team. It is easy to assume that in a saturated market of hotel services such an enterprise will not be viable. There are still organizations on the Russian hotel market that neglect the creation of a healthy working climate. The management of such hotels relies only on the technical side of the service process. Why this becomes possible was shown by special studies conducted by specialists of the Association "University of Hotel, Tourism and Restaurant Business", as a result of which, in particular, the following conclusions were made:

One of the reasons for the lack of attention of directors of hotel enterprises to personnel issues is the existing psychological barrier between managers and performers, which creates a situation of mutual misunderstanding and distrust;

Excessive specialization complicates the organizational structure of hotels, leading to the fragmentation of a single mechanism into numerous isolated services, in which their own subculture is often created and cultivated, based on a sense of false superiority of one unit over another;

The lack of incentives for professional growth reduces the interest of personnel employed at the lower levels of customer service in increasing labor productivity.

These conclusions lead to some reflections, since, as research shows, there is no alternative to corporate culture. The hotel staff should see behind each of their actions a certain - negative or positive - contribution to the overall financial results hotel activities.

There is no doubt that working in a hotel is unlike any other: the atmosphere of travel, having absorbed the spirit of romance of distant islands and cities, takes visitors into a vacation reality and makes the hotel manager believe in his magic - in the opportunity to sell a client not just a room, but a dream ...

Dialogue with the client the only way to a common goal, which is the organization of recreation, the most appropriate desire and capabilities of a particular buyer.

In the second chapter of this thesis, the author studied the features of corporate culture in hospitality, the corporate culture of international hotel chains and Russian hotels. It was emphasized that corporate culture is the general style of the company, the feeling that it conveys. Corporate culture is expressed through the way people relate to each other and to their work. The problems of finding managerial personnel capable of adapting to rapidly implemented changes that take place in almost all management systems were also touched upon.

When considering the issue concerning the characteristics of corporate culture, attention was paid to the fact that in developing countries, as they achieve political stability, the development of the hotel business goes hand in hand with general economic and social growth. It was also noted that the future of the hotel industry is connected with its globalization.


Hotel "Severnaya" (Petrozavodsk, Lenin Ave., 21) is located in the business and cultural center and has convenient transport links with all parts of the city. A 20-minute walk from the hotel are the railway and river stations, bus station, airport ticket office, theaters and cinemas, lake embankment, shops, cafes, restaurants, stadium. The building of the Severnaya Hotel is one of those buildings that define the look of the city of Petrozavodsk. The building is included in the list of objects of valuable historical and architectural development and objects cultural heritage Republic of Karelia.

The history of the hotel is closely connected with the history of the city. According to the long-term plan for the development of the city in 1930, the location of the hotel for 182 rooms with a restaurant for 120-160 seats in the city center was determined - at the intersection of Lenin Avenue and Engels Street. The author of the project was the architect Yuri Rusanov. The construction of the hotel began in 1934, and on March 26, 1939, Severnaya received its first guests. In 1944, during the war, air raids put it out of action, and in the summer of that year, only the ruins of burnt and blown up walls rose on the site of the hotel. At the end of the war, Severnaya was included in the list of objects subject to priority restoration. The restoration project assumed a somewhat new look with a decrease in the number of storeys of the side wings of the building to three floors. Its author was the architect Konstantin Gutin. He started with the main building, rebuilt in 1945-1947, then moved on to an extension with 164 seats, and finally supervised the renovation of the restaurant in 1968-1969. On June 26, 1948, on the day of the liberation of Karelia, the hotel was rebuilt.

In 2004, the hotel complex became the winner in the program of 100 best goods in Russia, and it was awarded a quality mark in the nomination "Hotel Services". On June 10, 2005, a Certificate for a trademark (service mark) No. 290449 was received, valid until December 30, 2014.

The complex offers the following additional services:

Business Center;

Negotiation room for 50 people;

Restaurant "Severny" for 180 seats, area - 407 sq m;

Banquet hall for 12 persons, area 16.8 sq m;

Bar "Severny" for 30 seats;

coffee house

Sports and recreational Wellness-center "Severny"

Guarded parking;

Exhibition - sale of paintings;

ATM ("Baltic Bank");

Dental office;

Atelier for repair and tailoring.

The building of the complex also houses the Intourist-Petrozavodsk agency.

Severnaya has a number of advantages over its competitors:

The location of the hotel is convenient for those who come to Petrozavodsk, both for leisure and for business purposes.

The complex has a good reputation and fame both in Russia and abroad.

A large number and variety of rooms (176 rooms, 283 beds). A significant share of the room stock is made up of double and single rooms of the first category, which is an important factor during the period of tourist activity. At the same time, the hotel has budget rooms (39 rooms of the 3rd and 4th category), which are in demand by hotel clients with limited, for example, travel expenses.

A wide range of additional services for both hotel guests and residents of the city, allows you to cover almost all the needs of visiting tourists.

Severnaya has a unique restaurant, the cuisine of which satisfies all the possible wishes of customers. These are breakfasts (buffet and a la carte), express lunches and business lunches, dinners, receptions, banquets, evening and festive events. For guests there is a bar, banquet halls, a coffee house. The restaurant specializes in Russian, Karelian and European cuisines. Master classes for chefs and waiters are held on the restaurant square. Staff are constantly trained and improve their skills

In terms of prices, Severnaya can satisfy a client with different incomes. That is why the hotel is so in demand. The cost of similar services from competitors is much higher.

As for any enterprise in the hospitality industry, the staff is the main driving link for the Severnaya Hotel. As a company "with a history", it has its own standards of behavior for employees and performance of functional duties that have developed over the years, which meet all the requirements of the Intourist Hotel Group hotel chain.

Hotel "Severnaya" became part of the hotel chain of OJSC "Intourist Hotel Group" on July 1, 2007.

Tourism in the Republic of Karelia is one of the fastest growing areas of activity. In the Concept of socio-economic development of the Republic of Karelia for the period until 2012 and the draft Strategy for the socio-economic development of the republic until 2020, tourism is considered as one of the main priorities for the development of the region.

"Severnaya" is a leader in the provision of hotel services in the Republic, both for foreign and Russian tourists. It has always been famous for its hospitality, friendly staff and high service quality standards, which have only improved in recent years thanks to the introduction of the corporate culture of Intourist Hotel Group OJSC.

The corporate identity of OJSC Intourist Hotel Group is not the only thing that unites it with other hotels of this organization. The motto of the hotel "Severnaya" is consonant with the motto of the management company JSC "Intourist Hotel Group" - "Keeping traditions of hospitality". OJSC "Intourist Hotel Group" sees its goal in caring for guests, quality and comfort. The motto of the company is "Quality - Traditions - Hospitality". The mission of the company is first-class service in each hotel of the hotel chain based on standards that reflect the world practice of providing hotel services. The developed standards are obligatory for implementation by all employees of the company. The behavior of employees in relation to guests, relationships with colleagues and partners - all this information is reflected and standardized in the Code of Corporate Conduct of OJSC Intourist Hotel Group. It sets the standards of work, determines the nature of the relationship between employees, customers and partners. Since 2008, a new corporate identity for hotels has been approved. Previously, Intourist Hotel Group used in its logo a graphic image belonging to VAO Intourist - a wing over the globe. The Intourist logo is well known in Russia and all over the world, therefore, in the new Intourist Hotel Group logo, continuity has been preserved as much as possible. New details have been added to the image of the globe associated with travel - stars, symbolizing the hotel business and indicating the level of comfort of hotels. Elements of the logo - the globe and stars - are inscribed in the outline square shape, representing stability, stability and confidence in the future. During 2009 the logos were changed. Among them is the Severnaya Hotel, Petrozavodsk. At the moment, the logos have already been replaced and the corporate style of the hotel has been changed in printed materials (business cards, guest cards, letterheads of the organization), promotional materials (booklets, brochures, etc.), staff uniforms (now it is made in the corporate style of Intourist "- blue). Changes will also take place in the corporate style of the Intourist Hotel Group website

The corporate culture of the Severnaya Hotel, which develops within the framework of the culture of the Intourist Hotel Group OJSC organization, can be characterized by several indicators.

If we characterize the corporate culture of Severnaya according to the classification proposed by S. G. Abramova and I. A. Kostenchuk, then it cannot be unambiguously attributed to a positive or negative type. It has features of both types: integrative (intra-group cohesion of hotel employees, a friendly team with well-established intra-communication relations), unstable (“Northern” has been in the process of development and change since joining Intourist Hotel Group), functionally oriented ( the main activity of the company is the implementation of functionally defined algorithms for the implementation of professional and labor activities and status-defined behaviors (an example is the work of employees in accordance with clearly defined standards of behavior adopted throughout the hotel chain and the performance of their job duties). But it should be noted that the corporate culture of the enterprise we are considering is more positive than negative: it motivates employees, makes effective communication possible, and in every possible way contributes to the stability of the organization.

From the point of view of the classification proposed by Cameron and Quinn, the corporate culture of the "North" can be called clan (family), which is typical for organizations that focus on caring for people and internal respect for the individuality and uniqueness of each employee.

From the point of view of the classification proposed by D. Sonnenfeld, the corporate culture of Severnaya can be attributed to the type of "Club Culture". It meets its basic requirements: cohesiveness of employees, teamwork, encouragement of staff experience. Career growth of employees occurs gradually, because. at each new level, he comprehends all the subtleties of this specialty and fully masters the skill. The hotel staff has a broad professional outlook, interchangeable.

Each new employee of the Severnaya Hotel attends the Orientation training, which tells about the history of the organization, the structure of the hotel, corporate ethics, hospitality principles, and safety precautions. As part of this training, an introductory tour of the hotel takes place. Employees of the departments get acquainted with the rules for using equipment, actions in emergency situations, the code of ethics of the Severnaya Hotel, and the provisions of the Best Employee of the Month contest.

The criteria for evaluating the competition are "technology and professionalism" and "exceptional attitude towards the guest." The competition is held in four stages. According to the results of the first (the work of employees is analyzed by the heads of departments), the photo of the best employee of the month is placed on an honorary stand in the hotel lobby. According to the results of the second stage (according to the results of the quarter), the title "face of the hotel" (for employees of contact services) and "heart of the hotel" (for representatives of non-contact services) is awarded. Based on the results of the third stage (if an employee was “the best employee of the quarter” and “the best employee of the month” for six months), then he is awarded a letter of thanks and a bonus in the amount of the official salary. According to the results of the fourth stage, the “Best Employee of the Year” is awarded a tourist voucher from the Intourist company. Thus, the hotel management applies a complex of material and non-material incentive systems for employees.

In order for the hotel staff to feel like a single team and to be able to help each other if necessary, cross-trainings are held. For example, a receptionist may act as a business center and meeting room administrator. Thus, the feeling of a single team, team spirit and understanding that everyone is doing one common thing is formed, which in turn is one of the principles of forming the corporate culture of the organization.

The hotel "Severnaya" welcomes promotion through the ranks. For example, the head of the reservation and sales department can be assigned some of the functions of the head of the marketing and advertising department. This increases the range of his job responsibilities, gives a greater sense of significance and importance of his work for the hotel company. Accordingly, the material incentives for such an employee also increase.

In the network of hotels of OJSC "Intourist Hotel Group" a personnel reserve has been created. Candidates for the management positions of enterprises are primarily considered from those employees who are in the mentioned personnel reserve.

The hotel management uses various methods of material and non-material motivation of employees, aimed both at building a single team and at increasing the economic efficiency of the development of the Severnaya Hotel.

It is necessary to constantly remind employees of their involvement in a common cause. We must always remember that the corporate culture gives the employee a sense of purpose and creates loyalty to his organization.

For the formation of a corporate culture and for the formation of employee loyalty to the network of hotels of Intourist Hotel Group OJSC, I offer:

1. Organize corporate events both at the enterprise as a whole and in a separate structural unit. Develop corporate team-building events (the so-called team-building), for example, team games. The team game makes the team work together, which brings the team together and makes it ready to solve more complex and complex tasks already when performing their direct functions in the process of working at the enterprise itself.

2. It is also possible to organize children's parties in the Severny restaurant. To serve such events, students-trainees of specialized educational institutions of Petrozavodsk can be used as cooks and waiters. Thus, the hotel and restaurant establish partnerships with educational institutions, prepare future personnel for work at their enterprise, and reduce material costs for organizing social events. To participate in such holidays, invite the children of employees of the enterprise itself (an element of enhancing corporate culture, because employees are accomplices) and the employees themselves.

3. Develop a system of discounts for employees and children of employees for accommodation in other hotels of the chain. In the "low season" this will increase the occupancy of the hotel's room stock. It is an element of non-material stimulation (change of scenery, cultural enrichment, etc.)

4. Inform the hotel staff about the events taking place in other hotels of the Intourist Hotel Group OJSC network

Having studied and analyzed the specifics of the corporate culture of the branch of JSC "Intourist Hotel Group" Hotel "Severnaya", we can draw the following conclusions:

1. The enterprise uses both external and internal elements of corporate culture formation:

· Use of the corporate style of JSC "Intourist Hotel Group" in the design of promotional products, information materials, hotel website, etc.

corporate uniform

Separation of goals and standards of service and behavior of employees of the organization

2. Hotel "Severnaya" in practice uses the methods of material and non-material incentives for employees:

Conducts orientation activities for newcomers

Develops training and professional development programs for all employees

· increases the interest of staff in improving the quality of services provided.


All practitioners emphasize the high importance of corporate culture as an effective tool for managing a company; Researchers of the problem, both theorists and practitioners, note a stable relationship between the success of companies and the degree of development of their corporate cultures. An increasing number of company leaders today come to the conclusion that it is necessary to purposefully form the corporate culture of the organization. After all, in any company, no matter what niche it occupies in the market and no matter how big it is, the team, its values ​​and ideals are of key importance for successful operation. It is the team that defines everything that an organization is. Therefore, the formation of a corporate culture allows the company to move in one direction as a whole.

The corporate culture of the company makes it possible to achieve the previously set strategic goals and current tasks, and is the basis for the cohesion of the entire team. It is the corporate culture that is the “highlight” that makes the difference between companies and brings success in the competition.

The concept of corporate culture is one of the basic ones in modern management, despite the fact that only in recent years it has been recognized as the main indicator necessary for the correct understanding and management of organizational behavior.

Corporate culture is a combination of the material and spiritual life of the team: the values ​​accepted in it, the code of conduct and developed rituals, traditions that have been formed over the years and are shared by all members of the team of the enterprise. The level of development of the culture of the organization often determines the economic success of the company and the prospects for its further development. A well-designed and carefully formed corporate culture is the main asset of the company, the main competitive advantage.

In the presented thesis work, both theoretical and practical issues of the specifics of the formation of corporate culture in hospitality were studied:

· The main mechanisms influencing the development of corporate culture at the enterprises of the hospitality industry and its classification are considered, namely: internal factors influencing the management culture and working environment of the organization; external factors, rules, standards and norms of conduct;

· The features of the formation of the corporate culture of international hotel chains and enterprises of the domestic hospitality industry are revealed.

· An analysis of the corporate culture of the branch of OJSC "Intourist Hotel Group" of the Hotel "Severnaya" was carried out

· Studied the specifics of the formation and development of corporate culture in hospitality on the example of the hotel branch of JSC "Intourist Hotel Group" Hotel "Severnaya" in Petrozavodsk

In the course of studying the specifics of the formation of corporate culture on the example of the Severnaya Hotel, the author of the work revealed the following:

The company uses both external and internal elements of corporate culture formation

· In practice, uses methods of moral and material incentives for employees:

As a result of the research, problems in the development of the existing corporate culture were identified in the work and effective measures were proposed to solve them.

Based on a comparison of existing elements, the standards of the corporate culture of the Severnaya Hotel, and according to the survey, the author of the work proposed the following:

1. conducting cross-trainings for employees of various departments of the enterprise (to improve the professional level and quality of services provided, expand the scope of services, create a feeling of a single team)

2. conclusion of an agreement with insurance companies on the provision of discounts (with a collective agreement) for additional insurance of personnel (gives a sense of personal security and social security).

3. resolve the issue of providing preferential loans to employees of the enterprise

4. involve employees in the management (give them the opportunity to make their proposals to the management of the organization, receiving, in turn, new information about the life of the hotel enterprise - the feedback effect)

5. attract new personnel, form a "young" team, giving them the opportunity for career growth and professional development.

6. develop your own motivation program for each department

7. Organize an exhibition of children's drawings, children's guests of the hotel and children of employees of the enterprise in the hotels of the network, in the hotel "Severnaya", a restaurant, a health center, a coffee shop.

8. inform the hotel staff about events taking place in other hotels of the Intourist Hotel Group OJSC network

9. organize corporate events both at the enterprise as a whole and in a single structural unit.

10. Develop a system of discounts for employees, families of employees for accommodation in other hotels of the chain.

The implementation of the proposals developed by the author of the work in conjunction with the service standards already used in the Severnaya Hotel, the Code of Corporate Conduct of OJSC Intourist Hotel Group, the corporate style and principles of the hotel chain, the systems of material and non-material incentives for employees used in the hotel, will improve the corporate culture of the enterprise , will increase the professional level of employees and the sense of significance for the organization. Paying due attention to the process of forming and maintaining the corporate culture of the organization, maintaining existing values ​​and introducing new principles will allow the company to function effectively in a competitive environment.


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General layout of tourism facilities and infrastructure in the Republic of Karelia.:

2.1 Features of corporate culture in hospitality

Over the past few decades, the hospitality industry has changed beyond recognition. Today, the global hotel chain can satisfy any, even the most demanding, taste. Customers expect high standards of service from a hotel company. In this regard, hotel managers, whose main focus until recently was on the operational management of production, must face new challenges, take a different approach to the development and maintenance of the hotel infrastructure in a competitive state, since it bears the main responsibility for creating an effective business. The income and success of the hotel is directly related to its corporate culture.

The corporate culture of a hotel company directly affects competitiveness, accelerates and increases sales. This is a tool for achieving the strategic goals of the hotel, focused on the future.

It is important to have common values ​​among the management team of workers, which, ultimately, are transformed into norms of behavior that contribute to improving the quality of services provided, and joint efforts to solve current and long-term problems.

Today, most practitioners share the opinion that the strategy of a hotel enterprise, its structure, the type of decision makers, systems and methods of management, as a rule, reflect the corporate culture of the hotel.

The key figure in the hotel, which creates its own corporate culture, is, of course, the manager. One of its main tasks is to ensure that the behavior of hotel service providers is consistent with the goals of the hotel and its strategy. As practice shows, the most profitable and efficiently functioning hotel will be the one headed by a person who has gone through all the steps of the career ladder of the enterprise, of which he is the head. After all, it is then that he knows all its features and can more clearly manage the formation of the culture of his enterprise.

There is a great need in the hospitality industry for people who love and know how to serve others. Friendliness, interest in people and the ability to communicate are the main requirements for the personal qualities of a hospitality industry worker. If a person needs to make efforts on himself in order to smile once again, this profession is not for him. According to experts, the ideal hotel employee is an artist (because he can greet a guest in twenty different ways) with an excellent memory (because he knows the face and name of all residents) and the manners of a gentleman.

The work of the hotel directly depends on the activities of its employees. Therefore, it is especially important for the hospitality industry that each employee shares the principles of the corporate culture adopted at his enterprise. For all service companies, the number one priority is customer-focused employees. A smile, friendly service, professional knowledge of all business processes in a hotel - this is the gold standard that needs to be cultivated. The current trend in the development of the hospitality industry as a whole is to take care of your employees - the people who, in fact, create this industry. "The better a company treats its employees, the better employees will treat customers" is the motto of the world's most sought-after hotel chain, Marriott.

Another important feature of the formation of a corporate culture in hospitality is standards. The hotel business works well, like a well-oiled mechanism, if everything is regulated in it. The success of large hotel chains, in particular, is determined by a single, clear style of service in each of their hotels. There is such a thing - the repeatability of quality.

The main objective of the standards is to ensure that all hotel employees holding the same position perform their job duties in the same way. Constant attention is paid to the appearance of employees - the internal routine of each hotel regulates the appearance of its porters, maids and other employees. What they have in common: neatness, cleanliness of clothes, hairstyles and shoes. Attention is also paid to the duties of the staff and the way they behave in a given situation. Literally, the points prescribe what to do, what to see, what to pay attention to, how to answer the phone and so on.

Very often the question arises of the formation of stress resistance of employees. Therefore, the standards prescribe how to behave, for example, in a conflict situation. In this situation, it is necessary to use training , conducted by professional trainers. Local trainings are held inside the hotel by the employees themselves. This may be a mentor or a specialist who is responsible for a particular section. Further - these are mini-seminars: the practice of daily trainings, the motto, the mood. Lasts no more than 15-20 minutes. This is another feature of the corporate culture of hospitality industry enterprises.

The corporate culture of hotels becomes a mechanism for influencing staff and includes the formal and informal value systems of the enterprise. It is necessary to create a corporate program that would reflect the idea of ​​how the hotel wants to see the company in relation to guests, partners, employees, and would contribute to a positive attitude. For example, in the National Hotel in Moscow, the hospitable service guide uses the motto: “You will never again fail to make a good “first impression”.

One of the main directions in the formation of the corporate culture of hotels is the provision of higher quality services compared to competitors, they must meet and even exceed the expectations of guests. Expectations are formed based on the experience that customers already have, as well as information received through personal or mass channels. If the perception of the service received does not meet expectations, guests lose interest in this hotel, and if it meets or exceeds, they may choose it again. Therefore, it is important for the hospitality industry not only to make a good “first impression”, but also to anticipate the desires of guests, showing a sincere interest in their problems.

For example, the corporate culture of the Derzhavnaya Hotel, reflected in the Code of Rules, reads:

“The environment of genuine care and comfort that surrounds our guests is our top priority. Express sincere interest in each guest, do it with enthusiasm, giving him your attention.

“Smile and greet every guest. When speaking to a guest, do so in a warm, friendly, and respectful manner. Call the guest by name as often as possible.

“When saying goodbye to a guest, thank him for choosing our hotel. It is necessary to try so that the guest has warm and positive memories of staying at the hotel.”

For comparison, the corporate culture of the Vatutinki recreation complex is expressed as follows: “Our credo is everything for the client. It means satisfying and anticipating the needs of our guest. Hospitality is our duty. Therefore, each employee shares the responsibility and responsibility for meeting the needs of the guest. Taking care of our guests and satisfying their needs is a top priority for us. We and only we can do what will bring success to our complex in the future.”

The corporate culture of the hotel company will ensure its success, help it become more competitive and efficient. But for this it is necessary to take into account the specifics of our chosen profession. In the hospitality industry, first of all, you need to take care of your employees - service providers. The opinion of the guest about the hotel depends primarily on the efficiency of their work, which is directly related to their mood. To maintain the working mood necessary for the organization, it is necessary to constantly conduct various trainings, introduce and consolidate standards, constantly train staff, and develop new motivation systems. It is also important for hotel employees to feel the cohesion of the team (here it is necessary to clearly think over the company's motto), work in a team and see the result of such activities. “The better a company treats its employees, the better employees will treat customers” - this should always be remembered.

2.2 Corporate culture of international hotel chains

Modern hotel chains have their offices in many countries of the world. Therefore, their corporate culture must be universal: it must be acceptable for any of the hotels located in any country. The organization culture of the most famous hotel brands has been formed over a long period of time and by now is an ideal model for companies that are just starting their journey in the hospitality industry.

The paper proposes to consider the corporate culture of well-known hotel chains such as Marriott, Hyatt, Kempinski.

To date, the most famous hotel chain in the world is MarriottInt. It unites 2600 hotels located in more than 60 countries, being the largest hotel chain in the world. The company manages and franchises the world's largest number of brands in the hotel business - MarriottHotelsandResorts, RenaissanceHotelsandResorts, Ritz-Carlton and others.

The corporate culture of Marriott was founded in 1927 and is observed to this day: "The better the company treats its employees, the better employees will treat customers" - the company's motto, which has not been neglected for more than 80 years.

Study of the genesis of the concept of "corporate culture", consideration of its essence and types. Analysis of the system of corporate culture on the example of the hotel "Zeya". Proposals for improving the image of this enterprise, increasing its competitiveness.

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Work 39 p., 4 figures, 3 tables, 37 sources.

Corporate (organizational) culture, functions of corporate culture, principles of corporate culture, types of corporate culture, bureaucratic culture, praxeological culture, entrepreneurial culture, culture of trade, culture of bargains, administrative culture, investment culture, traditions, image, customs.

Corporate culture - a set of views, value orientations and norms of behavior that are shared by members of the organization: for the sake of what people became members of this organization; how relations are built between them, what stable norms and principles of life and activities of the organization they share; what, in their opinion, is good and what is bad, what is usually attributed to values ​​and norms. The corporate culture reflects the image of the organization, it is seen as a means of contributing to the establishment of mutual understanding between it and the environment.

The corporate culture makes it possible to ensure high profitability of the organization by improving management, ensuring employee loyalty to management and its decisions, cultivating an attitude towards the organization as if it were one's own home, which leads to maximization of the efficiency of production management and overall qualitative improvements in performance. A hotel cannot function successfully if its employees do not possess the necessary skills and abilities, a set of rules, laws of life, do not choose a certain attitude towards their work, clients, colleagues.


3. Development of ways to improve the corporate culture in the hotel "Zeya"


List of sources used



Over the past few decades, the hospitality industry has changed beyond recognition. Customers expect high standards of service from a hotel company. In this regard, hotel managers, whose main focus until recently was on the operational management of production, must face new challenges, take a different approach to the development and maintenance of the hotel infrastructure in a competitive state, since it bears the main responsibility for creating an effective business. The income and success of the hotel is directly related to its image.

Recently, much attention has been paid to the corporate image - the image of the hotel company in the minds of customers. It directly affects competitiveness, accelerates and increases sales volumes. This is a tool for achieving the strategic goals of a hotel company, oriented towards the future.

Corporate culture is an element of strategic importance, because if the prevailing level of trust, existing values ​​and attitudes do not match the strategy, they are unlikely to be successful. Creating and maintaining a corporate culture can bring many benefits.

Corporate culture is a set of values, norms and rules adopted in a hotel enterprise and determined by its goals.

Corporate culture is the level of trust, aspirations and values ​​shared by all employees of a hotel enterprise.

Corporate culture is a mechanism for influencing the staff of a hotel enterprise and includes a formal and informal value system of the enterprise.

Each hotel company should create a corporate program that reflects the idea of ​​how we want to see the company in relation to guests, partners, employees; carries a positive attitude, setting on a certain perception of the environment.

The sphere of hospitality is often called the sphere of obsequiousness, but in a good sense of the word. Good service is to give a guest a little more than he expects, and excellent service is to do it with sincere pleasure.

The need to study corporate culture in the hotel industry is caused by the intensive development of the hotel business, an increase in employment in this field of activity. The introduction of new forms of management of service organizations involves the implementation of purposeful activities by managers to create their positive image, the formation of an appropriate organizational and cultural environment, and the approval of new service quality standards.

The problem of research into the phenomenon of corporate culture forms an interdisciplinary field of such sciences as the sociology of organizations, the sociology of management and the psychology of management.

Most of the works devoted to the problems of forming a corporate culture in an organization are presented by Western researchers. Among them, one can note works in which the study of the culture of an organization as a social phenomenon was carried out, its structural components were analyzed, definitions of the concept of "organizational culture" were proposed (E. Shane, F. Harris and R. Morgan, G. Hofstede, C. Handy). It should be noted that the works under consideration present different approaches to the understanding and interpretation of the term "corporate culture" and its elements. In addition, along with the term "corporate culture" in many works, the term "organizational culture" is actively used, while most authors interpret these concepts as synonyms and do not single out the specific content of each of them. Recently, studies have appeared, including those of domestic authors, where corporate culture is considered as a special social phenomenon that is not completely identical to organizational culture (D. Denison, T. Dill, A. Kennedy, J. Kotter, T.Yu. Bazarov, B.L. Eremin, E. Kapitonov, G.P. Zinchenko, V.A. Spivak), received an understanding of the problem of the formation of corporate culture in the hotel industry, the specifics of this phenomenon in the modern economy, the prospects and difficulties of introducing Western models of culture organizations (J.R. Walker, G.A. Avanesova, N.I. Kabushkin, M.A. Morozov, G.A. Papirian, A.D. Chudnovsky, V.G. Fedtsov, etc.).

Goal and tasks term paper.

The goal is to study corporate culture.

Achieving the goal of the course work involves solving the following main tasks:

1. To trace the genesis of the concept of "corporate culture".

2. Consider the essence and types of corporate culture.

3. Consider the system of corporate culture on the example of the Zeya hotel.

4. Make suggestions for improving the corporate culture at the Zeya Hotel.

The object of research is the organization of corporate culture in the hotel business.

The subject of the research is the corporate culture in the hotel.

The structure of the work includes an introduction, two chapters, five paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of references, applications.

1. Corporate culture: concept and essence

1.1 The concept of corporate culture

The culture of the organization refers to the basic concepts of management science, since the image of the organization is based on the specific quality of the products and services provided; rules of conduct and moral principles of employees; reputation in the business world, etc.

The culture of the organization is a system of ideas and approaches generally accepted in the organization to the formulation of the case, to the forms of relations and the achievement of performance results that distinguish this organization from all others.

Considering organizations as communities with a common understanding of their goals, meaning and place, values ​​and behavior, gave rise to the concept of corporate culture.

There is no single generally accepted definition of corporate culture. In order to most fully reveal the scientific and historical context of the formation of the concept of organizational culture, it is necessary to turn to the search for prototypes of this concept in the works of the classics of management F.U. Taylor, A. Fayol, M. Weber, E. Mayo, C.I. Barnard, G.A. Simon and T. Parsons.

The founder of scientific management F.U. Taylor did not single out the concept of organizational culture as a separate, independent unit of scientific knowledge. However, the last of the four principles of management he formulated - to maintain friendly relations between employees and managers - contains the opinion that the company should have such a moral climate so that conflicts can be avoided, disagreements between employees and managers can be settled even before they become serious hindrance to work.

The founder of the administrative (classical) school of management A. Fayol also mentions some points that can be interpreted as related to organizational culture. Describing the six functions of the organization and the fourteen principles of organizational management, he mentions two important aspects: the creation of a material and social predisposition to achieve goals and corporate spirit. A. Fayol recognized the importance of informal social elements of the organization and believed that in management practice it is necessary to give preference to verbal communications, rather than memorandums, as they lead to internal separation of the organization's employees.

In the study of issues related to the culture of groups, the German sociologist, historian, economist and lawyer Professor M. Weber focused mainly on the culture of the society, not the organization. One of the most significant results of his theoretical work was the conclusion that there is an important irrational property in the system of rational bureaucracy, namely, dehumanization: an individual in an organization gradually renounces his inner values ​​and individuality, which is a necessary guarantee of "the appearance of a bureaucrat, a factory worker, an assembly worker." line, a participant in the capitalist market".

Many works of the American psychologist and sociologist, researcher of problems of organizational behavior and management in production organizations, one of the founders of American industrial sociology and the doctrine of human relations E. Mayo contain the idea that the main task of managers is to develop and maintain favorable socio-psychological relations between employees, that it is these relationships that need to be studied, they should be relied upon in the development of the team, and that it is informal relationships that are the key to effective production.

American classic of management C.I. Barnard introduced the concept of organizational morality, which he defined as a set of norms, behavioral and business standards, prohibitions, prescriptions and values ​​developed by employees as it develops.

An outstanding American scientist, Nobel Prize winner in economics in 1978 G.A. Simon proposed his own definition of organizational morality as a set of organizational goals, values, norms shared by the majority of members of the organization and recognized it as one of the main indicators of the development of the organization.

The American theoretical sociologist, head of the school of structural functionalism, T. Parsons proposed the following understanding of the organization: it is a targeted, self-developing social institution that has a sociocultural nature. The sociocultural model of T. Parsons implies the formation, development and standardization of social patterns of behavior, the evolution of the cultural system, interpreted through interrelated roles, social patterns, interactions and activities.

Thus, in the works of Ch.I. Barnard and G.A. Simon was the first to lay the theoretical foundations of the concept of organizational culture. Thanks to the work of T. Parsons, a definition of an organization arose, where the concept of culture was first used.

Currently, many works have been published that cover one or another aspect of such a capacious concept as "corporate culture". Many authors perceive it as a system of common opinions and values ​​shared by all members of the organization, as a characteristic feature that distinguishes one organization from another.

The American psychologist, management theorist and practitioner, founder of the scientific direction of organizational psychology E. Shane, for example, defines it as a model of behavioral norms shared by everyone, which was used in the past and recognized as correct and, therefore, should be transferred for assimilation to new members of the organization as only The right way perceptions, representations and relationships. He believes that culture is manifested at the behavioral level and in generally accepted values, but the essence of culture lies in the hidden feelings and ideas inherent in the group. E. Schein excludes behavior from the definition of culture, believing that in an organization it is determined by many other factors besides the cultural one. According to E. Shane, the meaning of the term corporate culture includes the basic concepts and beliefs shared by the members of the organization that operate on a subconscious level and are expressed in human perception as a matter of course attitude of the organization to itself and the world around. These concepts and beliefs are reflected in the behavioral models acquired by the group in the process of interaction with the external environment. Such models of behavior are perceived as axiomatic, because they have stood the test of time, repeatedly and successfully solving problem situations. And this deeper, inner level of culture should be distinguished from the superficial, outer level, which is manifested in artifacts and values.

By corporate culture, E. Schein means a set of basic concepts invented, discovered or created by this social group as it solves the problems of external adaptation and internal organization, which "worked" in the past and proved to be reliable and correct. Hence, they can be taught to new employees as a role model. Corporate culture, according to E. Shane, is a kind of constant process by which the behavior patterns adopted in the organization are transferred to its new members, modified and adapted over time under the influence of internal and external influences. E. Shane considers culture not so much a by-product of the organization as its integral part, which affects the behavior of its members and the effectiveness of its activities.

Harvard Business School professors D.P. Kotter and D.L. Heskett distinguishes two levels of culture: value and behavioral. By their definition, values ​​are beliefs about what is vital. Values ​​in different companies are different: in some it is money, in others it is technological inventions or the well-being of employees. Having received their recognition, certain values ​​are stably and invariably fixed in the organization, regardless of the fact that some members of the organization come and go. In some cases, values ​​become so ingrained and taken for granted that people do not realize them and do not perceive them from outside. According to the authors, behavior reflects what members of the organization actually do every day. These are models and lifestyles that are welcomed and supported by members of the organization.

Thus, we can conclude that all authors include in the concept of corporate culture a set of generally accepted behaviors, artifacts, values, beliefs and concepts that are developed in the organization as it learns to cope with external and internal difficulties on the way to success in the struggle for survival. In this case, the external and internal levels are distinguished. The external includes artifacts, behavior patterns, speech, formal laws, technical know-how, ways of producing and using goods. The internal level is hidden from external observation, is located in the minds of the members of the organization and includes the way of thinking, ideas, beliefs, values, attitudes, ways of perceiving the world around. A number of the most common definitions of corporate culture can be given, each of which reflects one or more characteristic features cultures in the organization:

Observed repetitive patterns of behavior in human relationships, eg language used, forms of respect, accepted manners; the rules that have come into existence in working group such as good work for good pay;

Key/dominant values ​​supported by the organization, such as product quality or the role of leadership;

Philosophy that defines the organization's policy towards employees and / or customers;

The rules of the game in force in the organization, the techniques and skills that a newcomer must master in order to be accepted as a member of the organization;

The feeling or climate that is created by the internal space of the organization, as well as the manner in which members of the organization communicate with customers and outsiders; a system of publicly and collectively accepted concepts that are valid for a given social group at a given time;

Experientially acquired problem solving techniques;

The system of material and spiritual values, manifestations that interact with each other, inherent in a given corporation, reflecting its individuality and perception of itself and others in social and material environments, manifested in behavior, interaction, perception of oneself and the environment;

An integrated set of shared beliefs and values ​​that gives people meaning to their activities and justifies the rules of conduct in the company;

A collection of the most important mutual understandings (often not clearly articulated) that are shared jointly by group members.

Other authors considered corporate culture as a kind of process, highlighting the organizational principle in it. For example, L. Cummings noted that organizational culture is, in fact, a solution to the contradictions that are naturally present in the organization. P. Drucker considered corporate culture as a genuine organizing principle. Since it is an environment created by the joint activity of people, it leads them to unite joint efforts without any visible measures from the control center. How a socially created reality is defined by the corporate culture of D.P. Kotter and D.L. Heskett. Therefore, how we perceive and implement culture determines how culture is defined and how it changes.

Some authors have gone further and developed their own classifications of definitions and typologies of schools and trends. For example, the American researcher L. Smirsich in 1983 systematized the existing definitions and brought out approaches according to which corporate culture can be considered as an independent external component introduced into the organization from the outside; internal component of the organization; key comparison in the concept of organization; the essence of the organization.

In the first approach, corporate culture is considered as a very broad category, a background factor, almost synonymous with the concept of a country or a state. Culture is a set of ideas and values ​​that form a society in a person, social activity and social interactions (in family, group, with friends, work experience in this and other organizations). This approach considers the organization only as a context in which the variables of national cultures appear. From this point of view, the organization is only passively influenced by the pre-formed ideas of its members. The second approach is based on the fact that organizations create their own cultures. Representatives of this approach, M. Lowis, S. Siel, D. Martin, M. Power, T, Deal and A. Kennedy, focus on the unique rituals, legends and ceremonies that appear in the environment created by the company's management through established rules, structure , norms and goals. At the same time, adherents of this approach recognize that a company can have both a dominant culture and subcultures, between which there may be contradictions. The third approach considers corporate culture as the essence of the organization, its main distinctive quality. As L. Smirsich noted, some researchers believe that the organization should be considered as a culture, i.e. organization is culture. They refuse to recognize culture as something the organization has and recognize it as something the organization is. Therefore, culture cannot be singled out as a separate component of the organization, since culture is the organization. The role of culture as an organization is that it enhances organizational cohesion and generates consistency in employee behavior. For employees, organizational culture serves as a kind of compass for choosing the right type of behavior necessary for successful work in the organization.

Thus, using what is common to many definitions, corporate culture can be understood as follows: it is a set of core beliefs formed independently, learned or developed by a certain group as it learns to solve the problems of adaptation to the external environment and internal integration that turned out to be effective enough to be expressed in the values ​​declared by the organization, and therefore transmitted to new members as guidelines for their behavior and actions. This definition emphasizes that the basis of corporate culture is the process of acquiring knowledge as a result of social interaction in a changing reality.

In a separate form, all these characteristics of organizational culture have been discussed in the scientific literature for several decades, but researchers believe that they need to be combined into a single concept.

The first is the understanding of organizational culture as something that any organization has. This statement has led to the creation of an analytical approach and an emphasis on organizational change, and is prevalent among managers and management consultants.

The second is the understanding of organizational culture as what the organization is. This contributed to the emergence of a synthetic approach and close attention to the issues of understanding organizational culture, which is almost exclusively the prerogative of academic research.

1.2 The essence of corporate culture

Corporate culture not only distinguishes one organization from another, but also determines the success of its functioning and survival in the future. It allows you to ensure high profitability of the organization by improving management, ensuring employee loyalty to management and its decisions, cultivating an attitude towards the organization as if it were your home, which leads to maximizing the efficiency of production management and overall quality improvements.

The purpose of corporate culture is to help employees perform their duties productively in the organization and get more satisfaction from this, which in turn will lead to an increase in the economic efficiency of the organization as a whole. After all, a team united, driven by a single goal, working like a well-oiled clockwork, will bring much more benefits than a "community of confusion and vacillation." And business performance is the most important indicator for an organization. It is obvious that the influence of the corporate culture of the organization is enormous.

In short, the main goal of corporate culture is self-maintenance and self-development of the organization.

Despite the fact that in the scientific literature there is no single definition of organizational culture, the largest experts name the basic principles:

1) Integrity, system (described as a single whole, something more than a simple addition of all components);

2) Historical certainty (reflects the historical development of the organization);

3) Relationship with the objects of study of anthropologists (for example, rituals and symbols);

4) Formation on a social basis (created and maintained by a group of people who together form an organization);

5) Unobtrusiveness, softness of influence;

6) Hard to change

Organizational culture is formed in the process of jointly overcoming the difficulties of external adaptation and internal integration by people working in the organization.

The difficulties of external adaptation include everything related to the organization's survival in the external environment: determining its market niche, establishing contacts with partners, consumers, building relationships with authorities, winning competitions with competitors, etc. Overcoming the difficulties of external adaptation, organizations learn to survive. The result is a consensus on:

Missions and strategies of the organization;

Goals reflecting the mission of the organization;

Means to achieve goals;

Criteria for evaluating performance results;

Strategies for adjusting development directions if the goals are unattainable for various reasons.

The challenges that any organization faces in terms of internal integration include the distribution of power, delegation of authority and responsibility, overcoming conflicts, "grinding" styles of activity, behavior, communications, etc.

By overcoming the challenges of bringing individuals together as teams, organizations gain the knowledge of how to work together. Tasks common to all are formed:

Communication language and conceptual categories;

Criteria for membership in an organization and its groups (criteria for determining who is "ours" and who is "not ours");

Criteria and rules for the distribution of power and status;

Rules of informal relations within the organization;

Criteria for the distribution of rewards and punishments;

internal ideology.

Organizational culture as an object of study and management is characterized by the following: (a) it is social, since many employees of the organization influence its formation; (b) regulates the behavior of team members, thereby influencing the relationship between colleagues; (c) created by people, i.e. it is the result of human actions, thoughts, desires; (d) consciously or unconsciously perceived by all employees; (e) full of traditions, as it is undergoing a certain historical process of development; (e) knowable; (g) able to change; (h) conscious and unconscious; (i) it cannot be comprehended using any one approach, since it is multifaceted and, depending on the research method used, can be revealed in different ways; (k) there is a result and a process, it is in constant development.

In relation to the organization, culture performs a number of important functions:

1. The security function is to create a barrier that protects the organization from unwanted external influences. It is implemented through various prohibitions, "taboos", restrictive norms.

2. The integrating function forms a sense of belonging to the organization, pride in it, the desire of outsiders to join it. This makes it easier to solve staffing problems.

3. The regulatory function maintains the necessary rules and norms of behavior of the members of the organization, their relationships, contacts with the outside world, which is a guarantee of its stability, reduces the possibility of unwanted conflicts.

4. The adaptive function facilitates the mutual adaptation of people to each other and to the organization. It is implemented through general norms of behavior, rituals, rituals, through which the education of employees is also carried out. By participating in joint activities, adhering to the same ways of behavior, etc., people more easily find contacts with each other.

5. The orienting function of culture directs the activities of the organization and its participants in the right direction.

6. The motivational function creates the necessary incentives for this.

7. The function of forming the image of the organization, i.e. its image in the eyes of others. This image is the result of people's involuntary synthesis of individual elements of the organization's culture into some kind of elusive whole, which, nevertheless, has a huge impact on both emotional and rational attitudes towards it.

Organizational culture has its effect, whether it is noticed or not. At the same time, the organizational culture is viewed through the prism of the relevant standards of development, reflected in the system of knowledge, ideology, values, laws and everyday rituals, external to the organization, social communities.

There are economic, organizational, organizational-cultural and humanistic approaches to understanding the set of organizational culture elements. In addition, there are elements that make up and identify a particular culture at the macro and micro levels.

Consider the main ones proposed by T. Deal and A. Kennedy, G. Trice and J. Beyer, F. Harris and R. Moran, W. Neumann (Appendix 1).

Table 1 shows that with all the variety of elements proposed by different authors, they all distinguish the following typical structural elements:

1) The basic assumptions that the members of the organization adhere to in their behavior and actions, often associated with the vision of the environment surrounding the individual (group, organization, society, world) and the variables regulating it (nature, space, time, work, relationships, etc. ). It is often difficult to formulate this vision in relation to an organization;

2) Values ​​(value orientations) - the most generalized assessments relating to the main life goals and fundamental principles that have a relatively constant attraction for a person (peace, health, financial well-being, etc.), ideas about what should be, "the concept of what is desired." They are the core of the organizational culture, shared to a greater or lesser extent by all members of the organization. It is this area of ​​human consciousness that is most difficult to regulate externally and depends on the personal preferences of the individual. Values ​​guide the individual what behavior should be considered acceptable or unacceptable. Thus, a person is forced to work, regardless of whether he considers labor to be a value. Labor becomes a moral value if it is perceived not only as a source of livelihood, but also as a way of forming human dignity.

Values ​​can be positive, orienting people towards such patterns of behavior that support the achievement of organizational goals, and negative, which negatively affect organizational performance (Appendix B);

Key values, being combined into a system, form the philosophy of the organization. She answers the question of what is most important to her. Philosophy reflects the organization's perception of itself and its mission, the main areas of activity, creates the basis for developing approaches to management (style, motivational principles, information guidelines, conflict resolution procedures), streamlines the activities of personnel based on general principles, facilitates the development of the requirements of the administration, forms general universal rules of conduct.

3) Beliefs and symbols - the most important component of organizational culture, including "symbolic" means of the spiritual and material intra-organizational environment, through which value orientations are "transferred" to members of the organization;

4) Moral norms and rules - moral requirements developed in a given social group, which cover both those norms of behavior that are carried out by the vast majority of people (do not steal, do not kill, take care of your neighbor, etc.), and those that often violated, but nevertheless considered mandatory (do not cheat, respect elders, etc.). Moral norms often help to cope with such situations in which opposing interests collide.

5) Slogans - appeals that briefly reflect its guiding tasks, ideas. Today, the mission of the organization is often formulated in the form of a slogan.

Values, customs, rituals, rituals, norms of behavior of members of the organization, brought from the past to the present, are called traditions. The latter are both positive and negative. For example, as a positive tradition, one can consider a benevolent attitude towards all new employees who come to the organization, and as a negative one, the infamous hazing.

The way of thinking of the members of the organization, determined by traditions, values, level of culture, consciousness of the members of the organization, is called the mentality. It has a huge impact on their daily behavior and attitude towards their work or job duties.

Experts identify two important features cultures:

1) Multilevel. The surface level forms the ways of people's behavior, rituals, emblems, designs, uniforms, language, slogans, etc. The intermediate level consists of ingrained values ​​and beliefs. The deep level is represented by the philosophy of the firm;

2) Versatility, multidimensionality. The culture of the organization, firstly, consists of subcultures of individual units or social groups that exist under the "roof" common culture(they can concretize and develop the latter, can exist peacefully along with it, or they can contradict it). Secondly, organizational culture includes subcultures of certain areas and aspects of activity - entrepreneurship, management, business communication, internal relationships.

1.3 Types of corporate culture

Let's take a look at some of the most well-known types of organizational cultures. These crops are usually classified according to several parameters.

Perhaps the shortest and most accurate version of their classification was given by the American researcher William Ouchi. He identified three main types:

1) Market culture, which is characterized by the dominance of cost relations and profit orientation. The source of power within such a culture is the ownership of resources;

2) Bureaucratic culture based on the dominance of regulations, rules and procedures. The source of power here is the position of the members of the organization;

3) Clan culture that complements the previous ones. It is based on the internal values ​​of the organization that guide the activities of the latter. Tradition is the source of power here.

Based on such circumstances as the orientation of culture towards people or material conditions, on the one hand, openness and closeness, on the other, the following types of culture are distinguished.

The bureaucratic culture is characterized by the regulation of all aspects of the organization's activities on the basis of documents, clear rules, procedures; assessment of personnel according to formal principles and criteria. The source of power, concentrated in the hands of the leadership, here is the position. Such a culture guarantees people stability, security, and eliminates conflicts.

The guardianship culture is manifested in a favorable moral and psychological climate, cohesion of people, group norms and values, the informal status of employees, their personal activity, mutual understanding, and harmony of relations. Culture guarantees staff stability, development, participation in the affairs of the organization.

Praxeological (gr. praktikos - active) culture is based on order, rationality, plans, careful monitoring of their implementation, evaluation of the employee's performance based on results. The main figure is the leader, whose power is based on official authority and deep knowledge. It allows, within certain limits, the involvement of workers in management. All this ensures high work efficiency.

Entrepreneurial culture supports actions directed outside the organization and towards the future, innovation and creativity of the staff. The attraction of culture lies in the fact that it guarantees the satisfaction of the needs of workers in development and improvement. Management here is based on faith in the leader, his knowledge and experience, as well as attracting staff to creativity.

The classification of entrepreneurial cultures is based on ways to make a profit. So, for example, the American researchers Deal and Kennedy, depending on them, identified the following types of such crops.

The culture of trading is primarily characteristic of trading organizations, which are characterized by quick results and low risk. Here, the desire for short-term success dominates, which largely depends not so much on the size as on the number of transactions, the stability of contacts, and understanding the needs of the market. Such organizations are characterized by mutual support of employees and the spirit of collectivism. corporate culture hotel image

The culture of bargains is inherent in organizations such as exchanges. It is also characterized by a focus on getting money quickly in conditions of speculation and high financial risk. Communication between people here is fleeting and occurs mainly on the basis of the pursuit of money. Such a culture requires young or spiritually young employees with fighting qualities and strength of character.

The administrative culture is inherent in the largest firms, as well as government agencies. It focuses not so much on profit or resounding success as on risk minimization, stability, and security. It is distinguished by bureaucracy, a formal approach, slow decision-making, focus on titles and positions.

The investment culture of large firms and banks supports high-risk businesses involving large capital investments over the long term in an environment of uncertainty where quick returns are not possible. Most decisions here are made centrally on the basis of careful scrutiny, because the future of the firm depends on each of them. This requires experience, authority, prudence, joint discussion of options for action from employees.

The most famous typology of managerial cultures is given by S. Honda. He assigned each of the types the name of the corresponding Olympian god.

The culture of power, or Zeus. Its essential point is personal power, the source of which is the possession of resources. Organizations professing such a culture have a rigid structure, a high degree of centralization of management, few rules and procedures, suppress the initiative of employees, exercise tight control over everything. Success here is predetermined by the qualifications of the leader and the timely identification of problems. This culture is typical for young commercial structures.

The role culture, or Apollo culture, is a bureaucratic culture based on a system of rules and regulations. It is characterized by a clear distribution of roles, rights, duties and responsibilities between management employees. It is inflexible and makes it difficult to innovate, so it is ineffective in the face of change. The source of power here is the position, not the personal qualities of the leader. Such a management culture is inherent in large corporations and government agencies.

The task culture, or Athens, is adapted to managing extreme conditions and constantly changing situations, so the focus here is on the speed of solving problems. It is based on cooperation, collective development of ideas and shared values. Power rests on knowledge, competence, professionalism and the possession of information. This is a transitional type of management culture that can develop into one of the previous ones. It is characteristic of design or venture organizations.

The culture of the individual, or Dionysus, is connected with the emotional beginning and is based on creative values, uniting people not to solve official problems, but to achieve individual goals. Decisions here are made on the basis of consent, so the power is coordinating.

Experts believe that, as a rule, at the stage of the inception of an organization, a culture of power prevails in its management; the growth stage is characterized by role culture; the stage of stable development - the culture of the task or the culture of the individual; in a crisis, a culture of power is preferable.

2. Characteristics of the corporate culture of the hotel "Zeya"

2.1 Characteristics of the hotel "Zeya"

Hotel "Zeya" is a modern 2-star hotel, quiet, comfortable with a high level of service and maintenance. This is one of the tallest buildings in the city (11 floors), from the windows of the upper floors of the hotel there is a beautiful view of the city of Blagoveshchensk and the Chinese city of Hei-He.

The Annunciation Hotel "Zeya" received its first visitors on March 6, 1987. According to the project of the late 70s, the building was supposed to have 16 floors, later it was decided to make it a little lower. However, until recently, this hotel still remained the highest in the regional center.

Figure 1 - Hotel "Zeya"

Hotel "Zeya" is located in the central area of ​​the city of Blagoveshchensk at the address. Kalinina, 8. In the immediate vicinity are the main routes of urban transport, the museum, the regional and city administrations, Lenin and Victory Square, the embankment, the triumphal arch, the House of Folk Art, the Blagoveshchensk State Drama Theater, the city park of culture and recreation, and other public and cultural facilities .

On the ground floor of the building there are administrative premises, a reception and accommodation service, as well as a restaurant, a cafe, a sauna, a business center, and a hairdresser.

The hotel offers 141 comfortable rooms of various categories that can accommodate up to 193 guests. The structure of the number of rooms is presented in table 1.

Table 1 - The structure of the room stock of the hotel "Zeya"

Number of rooms

Number of seats




This table shows that the largest share of the room stock is occupied by single rooms, double rooms account for 37% of the total number of rooms. The smallest share of rooms falls on deluxe rooms.

The hotel has a wonderful conference hall, which is designed for conferences, presentations and seminars. The conference hall is fully equipped with a conference system, a simultaneous translation system from four languages. The hall is designed for a convenient location of 150 people.

Figure 2 - Hotel conference room

The business center has long-distance, international telephone and facsimile communication, Internet access, office equipment and consumables.

Figure 3 - Cafe

On the first floor of the hotel there is a cozy cafe. Where guests are offered a varied menu based on Russian and European cuisine. You can make an order in the room. The cafe carries out orders for corporate parties, celebrations, banquets.

Residents of hotels can use the laundry and mini-sauna services daily.

Figure 4 - Mini-sauna

The organizational and legal form of a hotel enterprise is a limited liability company. Currently, the organizational and legal form of an enterprise such as a limited liability company is the most common in the hotel services market.

The purpose of creating a hotel is to provide services of a hotel complex and make a profit.

The mission of the hotel "Zeya" is to constant readiness and the desire to welcome guests cordially, providing them with cozy and comfortable rooms, safe conditions for recreation and temporary residence, while satisfying their domestic needs in such a way that they feel and retain in their memory the warmth of hospitality for a long time.

The goals of the Zeya Hotel are:

1. Making a profit;

2. Attracting more customers;

3. Continuous introduction of new technologies and development of the enterprise;

Hotel "Zeya" provides customers with the following services:

Accommodation services;

Provision of catering services.

Services of a currency exchange point;

Ordering and booking air and railway tickets;

Guarded parking services;

Luggage storage services;

ATM services;

Bath and laundry services;

Services of copy equipment, telefax;

Wireless Internet Services WiFi;

Cellular payment services;

Taxi call;

Dental office services;


Laundry service, etc.

The hotel offers accommodation services of various price categories. The cost of rooms varies from 1704 to 7392 rubles. per day.

The cost of a room is influenced by the following factors: the category of the room provided; location of the room. There is also a system of discounts depending on the number of guests in the group. The price includes breakfast in the restaurant on the first floor of the hotel.

Table 2 - Prices for accommodation services at the Zeya Hotel in 2011

Here are the main technical and economic performance indicators of the hotel "Zeya" for 2009, 2010 and 2011.

For 2009-2011 revenue from the sale of services of the hotel enterprise increased by 4560 thousand rubles. or by 8.72% mainly due to the growth in revenue from the sale of basic services - accommodation services. The growth rate of proceeds from the sale of additional services amounted to 104.79%.

The cost of production increased by 3680 thousand rubles. or by 108.73%, while maintaining the ratio of revenue-costs. Gross profit increased by 640 thousand rubles. (by 8.67%).

Table 3 - Technical and economic indicators of the activity of the hotel "Oktyabrskaya"

The name of indicators

1. Income from the services provided, thousand rubles:

1.1. Revenue from the sale of rooms / vouchers

1.2. Revenue from additional paid services not included in the cost of living

1.3. Catering income

2. Expenses, thousand rubles:

2.1. Costs associated with the production and sale of products

2.2. other expenses

3. Gross profit, thousand rubles.

4. Commercial, administrative, operating and non-operating expenses, thousand rubles.

5. Operating and non-operating income, thousand rubles.

6. Profit before taxation, thousand rubles.

7. Profit tax, thousand rubles.

8. Net profit, thousand rubles.

9. Number of employees, pers.

10. Total value of assets, thousand rubles.

11. The cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles.

12. Annual wage fund, thousand rubles.

The name of indicators

13. Return on sales, %

14. Return on total assets, %

15. Profitability of the main activity, %

16. Costs per 1 ruble of sold products

17. Labor productivity

18. Average annual salary, thousand rubles.

19. Return on assets

20. Capital-labor ratio

The number of employees during the study period did not change. The annual payroll increased by 2%.

Labor productivity at the enterprise increased by 8.72%.

Return on sales in 2011 was at the level of 7%, profitability of the main activity - at the level of 8%. There are no sharp fluctuations in these indicators. The activities of the hotel "Zeya" can be characterized as stable.

Thus, the hotel "Zeya" operates in the market of hotel services in Blagoveshchensk and is one of the largest enterprises in the hotel service.

The hotel provides accommodation services for guests of Blagoveshchensk. In addition, a number of additional services are provided to customers.

2.2 Corporate culture at the Zeya Hotel

A hotel cannot function successfully if its employees do not possess, in addition to a set of necessary skills and abilities, a set of written and unwritten rules, the laws of the life of this hotel, do not choose a certain attitude to their work, to their hotel, customers, colleagues. It is together these skills, abilities, attitudes, norms of behavior, rules of the organization that create a corporate culture. The leading factors that determine the corporate culture of the hotel include the values ​​indicated by the management of the organization. This refers to the attitude towards clients, government organizations, the desire for world standards and the expansion of their services, training systems, norms of behavior and a number of other values. The success of a hotel may depend more on the strength of the corporate culture than on many other organizational factors.

A strong corporate culture facilitates communication and decision-making and facilitates collaboration based on trust. In our opinion, the most important factor of a strong corporate culture is its informal impact on young workers, the indirect development of their personal and professional qualities through the current rules and regulations, which are carried by the staff, its leading specialists and experienced "personnel" workers.

Zeya Hotel's philosophy is: "To be and be recognized as a thriving first class hotel that is committed to its guests and staff and to provide the highest class service in the hospitality market."

The corporate concept of the hotel "Zeya" consists of three main positions:

Respect the guest;

Satisfy the needs of the guest;

The corporate spirit of the staff.

In the formation of corporate culture, an important place is occupied by a set of norms and principles of employee behavior (sometimes called a code), which the employee gets acquainted with in advance, even before being hired by the hotel staff and must accept it for execution during his practical activities.

Every new person Those who want to devote themselves to working in a hotel, determining their choice, must necessarily get acquainted with the set of basic principles and rules of hotel life, correlate them with their personal attitudes, and consciously choose a place for future work. In our opinion, such a coincidence (internal, own code and completely official rules for the life and work of the team) gives a good result - the formation of a specialist with high professional and personal dedication, dedicated to the hotel.

The hotel pays constant attention to the introduction of modern personnel technologies aimed at the development of personnel, as well as further improvement of the corporate culture.

In order to streamline work with personnel and increase the level of awareness of employees about ongoing events in the hotel, a "Comprehensive plan of measures for working with personnel" is drawn up annually, reflecting all areas of this activity. All divisions take part in its formation, making their wishes and proposals. The approved plan is posted on the information stand for employees in the HR section. The comprehensive plan includes the following sections: personnel assessment; training; information support of the hotel activities; formation of the corporate culture of the hotel.

Personel assessment. The procedure for conducting all types of assessments at the Zeya Hotel is regulated by the "Regulations on the procedure for assessing hotel personnel", developed in accordance with the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation.


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