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Corporate philosophy is a complete, detailed, detailed presentation of moral, ethical and business standards, principles, creeds that guide the company's employees. Corporate philosophy performs the function of an internal organizing principle.

The relevance of the topic of this study is due to several circumstances:

1. Modern market relations dictate the need for organizations to develop and implement a value system called corporate culture;

2. Competent development and implementation of corporate philosophy helps to improve the efficiency of the organization;

3. Corporate philosophy allows you to give the organization its own, unique image in the eyes of customers and partners, which is quite an important factor in the competitiveness of the enterprise in market conditions.

However, the explosion of interest in this issue is not explained by its novelty, it is evidence of the accumulated understanding of the foundations and patterns of social structures. In the West, it has long been understood that the basis of the vital potential of an organization is its corporate philosophy: that for which people became members of one company; how the relationship between them is built; what stable norms and principles of life and activities of the organization they share; what they think is good and what is bad. All this not only distinguishes one organization from another, but also significantly determines the success of its functioning and survival in the long term.

The purpose of this work is to study the corporate philosophy and socially responsible policy of Russian Standard Bank CJSC.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Define the concept and purpose corporate culture;

Reveal the content of the mission. Learn the mission of the company;

To study the strategic goals of the Bank;

Review the organization's code of conduct.

The object of the study is ZAO Russian Standard Bank.

The subject of the research is the corporate philosophy and socially responsible policy of Russian Standard Bank CJSC.

The empirical basis of the work is the materials of the periodical press and the global Internet, data published in articles, publications, analyzed and summarized in the work.

1. Corporate philosophy of Russian Standard Bank CJSC

corporate culture mission strategic

Company philosophy, corporate philosophy, company values ​​- ethical and moral priorities that determine and regulate the daily activities of the company, personnel and the principles of their existence; basic, stable orientations, components that determine the interests, relationships, behavior and actions of the company in society and in the market.

Such values ​​play a significant role in organizing the internal state of the company. These values ​​must be accepted by employees, and on a voluntary basis.

The philosophy of a company is not only something imaginary, it can also be contained in certain documents, for example: “Company Credo”, “Company Ethics”, “Company Principles”, “Company Rules”, “Company Code of Ethics”, “Charter of Principles ”, “Corporate Code”.

The key concepts of moral and ethical principles are responsibility, quality, freedom, efficiency, benefit, benefit, trust, care, pride, respect. To ethical standards companies are rooted in its activities, employees should first learn, then understand and evaluate, support the company's philosophical credo, and only then, perhaps, begin to follow them.

The philosophy of Russian Standard Bank CJSC is a decision on the principles and values ​​in accordance with which the Bank intends to carry out its activities in order to achieve a compromise of interests of participants, members of the Board of Directors, the Management Board of the Bank, employees of the Bank, creditors, depositors and other customers.

The priority of the Bank's corporate behavior is respect for the rights and legitimate interests of its members and customers, openness of information, as well as ensuring the efficient operation of the Bank, maintaining its financial stability and profitability.

The basis for efficient operation and investment attractiveness of the Bank is trust between all participants in corporate interaction. The principles of corporate conduct contained in this document are aimed at building trust in relationships arising in connection with the management of the Bank.

The Bank, along with unconditional observance of the priority of the rights of participants, considers it equally important to respect the rights of the Bank's customers: individuals and legal entities as well as individual entrepreneurs.

In connection with the foregoing, the Bank's corporate conduct is based on the following principles:

Creation of an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect between all participants in corporate relations in the Bank;

Strict adherence to generally accepted standards of business ethics in the implementation of everyday activities, including a respectful attitude towards their competitors, the prevention of illegal forms of struggle, the use of only correct methods that comply with corporate ethics;

Ensuring equal treatment of all participants of the Bank;

Timely and reliable disclosure of information to participants in corporate relations about the activities of the Bank;

Creation of a comprehensive and effective system of control over the most significant transactions of the Bank;

Continuous improvement of the Bank's corporate behavior standards.

2. Mission of Russian Standard Bank CJSC

The mission of the bank is the highest goal for which it was created and operates credit organisation. We can say that this is the goal for which it is planned to achieve all other goals, both short-term and long-term.

The mission in the broad sense of the word can be considered as a philosophical idea for which the organization was created. This approach makes the mission a stable concept that does not change despite changes in the environment and economic conditions.

The mission in the narrow sense answers the question for what and for whom the organization operates.

A correctly formulated mission, along with a general philosophical meaning, always carries something that makes it unique in its kind, characterizing exactly the organization in which it was developed.

The mission of a credit institution, as a rule, reflects the interests of the following categories:

owners (shareholders or shareholders);




business partners;

society as a whole, including the state and state bodies.

The mission should reflect the targets that the credit institution is striving for, its philosophy, and define the priority area of ​​activity. One of the most important values The mission statement is that it serves as the basis for setting the goals of the organization. In addition, the mission creates standards for the distribution of resources of the organization and creates a basis for evaluating the results in the process of functioning, and also reveals to employees the meaning and content of their activities and thereby expands the set of motivation techniques.

The mission of Russian Standard Bank CJSC is to be one of the leaders in Russian banks, actively form the financial services market for legal entities and individuals, provide the most competitive and modern financial products and promote the development of the Russian financial market, its integration into the international financial community, and increase the Bank's profit and its financial sustainability.

The bank offers a full range of credit products for legal entities and individuals, which is constantly updated with new banking products. Modern technologies and qualified personnel of the Bank provide efficiency and quality of service that meet international banking standards.

3. Vision and strategic goals of Russian Standard Bank CJSC

Vision - a vision of the organization in the future, which may include how to achieve this result. If the mission is formulated in general terms, then the vision should be extremely specific. For example, "to become the first company in the industry" is a vision, but not a mission.

The fundamental difference between a mission and a vision is that the mission reveals the mode of action, energy, shows how certain goals or visions are achieved. Vision, in turn, is a picture of the future, how ideal the state of affairs that the company is striving for seems to be.

The vision is rather subject to change, as new ideals and new ideas appear over time. The mission, however, is a relatively constant element, although it can also be adjusted to reflect changes in various factors.

Vision of Russian Standard Bank CJSC:

* universal commercial bank, is included in the group of leaders of private banks in Russian market and provides services to clients nationwide;

* knows and fully satisfies the needs of clients in financial services;

* has a high investment attractiveness for Russian and foreign investors;

* has a high reputation in Russian and international business circles;

* has a strong corporate culture, encourages employees to achieve high personal and organizational goals;

* contributes to the growth of the welfare of Russian society, implements local and federal programs of economic, social and cultural development;

* carries out large-scale charitable activities.

Goals of Russian Standard Bank CJSC

The bank is aimed at intensive development.

It is necessary to realize our mission by entering into a strategic partnership with the vast majority of Russia's largest companies. The goal is to constantly move towards improving and optimizing the bank's activities to meet the needs of customers. Development of the Bank at a rate exceeding the growth rates of the banking industry and its individual sectors.

Long-term leadership in the Russian banking system.

Formation effective system providing high quality

products and services that meet the highest requirements of modern society.

Maintain a high level of profit, constantly increasing the value of the Bank.

A necessary condition for achieving the goal is to increase the efficiency and quality of all business processes.

4. Corporate Code of Russian Standard Bank CJSC

The Corporate Code is a set of basic moral, ethical and business norms and principles that guide the Bank's employees. It is on them that the understanding of who we are, how we behave, what we should strive for is based. The Corporate Code performs the function of an internal organizing principle of activity and behavior.

The purpose of the Corporate Code is to consolidate the uniform norms adopted in the Bank and the key principles of activity and behavior of employees aimed at increasing the value, financial stability and efficiency of the Bank.

Tasks of the Corporate Code:

* consolidation of the Mission, Vision and Corporate values ​​of the Bank,

* determination of the policy and rules of interaction of the Bank in relation to shareholders, investors, customers, government agencies, competitors, the public, the media, etc.,

* determination of the decision-making procedure in complex ethical situations and situations of conflict of interest,

* development of corporate culture through the transmission of the Bank's values ​​to all employees, orientation of employees towards common corporate goals, enhancement of corporate identity,

* ensuring awareness by the Bank's employees of personal responsibility to partners, customers and shareholders of the Bank for the performance of their official duties, their role in the implementation of the Mission of the Bank.

5. Corporate values ​​of Russian Standard Bank CJSC

Corporate values ​​are the main elements of corporate culture that guide the activities of the company. They distinguish it from others, unite employees and largely determine the development of the business. The success of Russian Standard Bank CJSC is based on the following basic principles:

· Transparency for the market and potential investors, implementation of the best international corporate governance practices.

· High quality of services, based on the efficiency of service, knowledge of the business of its customers and comprehensive personalized service aimed at long-term mutual partnership.

· Active participation in the work of the professional community and assistance to federal authorities in improving banking legislation.

· Social responsibility and attention to employees, based on the recognition of personal contribution, dedication, professionalism and loyalty of each employee.

The system of norms and rules based on fundamental corporate values ​​is enshrined in the internal documents of Russian Standard Bank CJSC.

6. Social and charitable programs of Russian Standard Bank CJSC

The social position of Russian Standard Bank is charitable activities aimed at helping low-income segments of the population, developing culture, education, and protecting the health of the nation. The Bank implements projects both independently from the Social Initiatives Support Fund and in cooperation with charitable organizations, in particular, the Russian Standard Foundation and the charitable program Under the Flag of Kindness!

Social Initiatives Support Fund

Since 2007, Russian Standard Bank has established the Russian Standard Social Initiatives Support Fund.

Key areas of work:

· material assistance to low-income and unsecured segments of the population, including the Bank's clients, social rehabilitation of the unemployed, the disabled and persons who, due to their physical and intellectual characteristics, other circumstances, are not able to independently exercise their rights and legitimate interests;

· improving the financial situation of persons affected by natural disasters, environmental, industrial and other disasters;

financing costs in the field of education and vocational training low-income, disadvantaged persons and others in need.

Large families and families of the Bank's clients, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, children's and youth sports schools, the Charitable Foundation for Development of the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University. In 2009, the Bank allocated over 6 million rubles to the Talented Youth program of the Russian Standard Charitable Foundation, which is aimed at supporting and unlocking the potential of gifted children from low-income families and other programs.

Charity program "Under the Flag of Good!"

As part of cooperation with the charitable program “Under the flag of Good!” Russian Standard Bank offers its clients the opportunity to issue a standing order at a branch or via the Internet Bank: for each transaction with a client’s card, a fixed (determined by the client) amount is transferred to provide targeted financial assistance to seriously ill children in need of expensive treatment. Charity program "Under the flag of Good!" has been operating since 2005 and is the main component of the All-Russian Charity Action


The purpose of this work was to study the corporate philosophy and socially responsible policy of Russian Standard Bank CJSC.

Thus, the relevance of this topic is determined by the need to improve the manageability of the socio-economic situation of the organization, and, as a result, increase the efficiency of its activities based on the formation and improvement of a rational corporate philosophy.

Improving corporate philosophy, turning it into a powerful motivating and unifying principle can become one of the levers for increasing the efficiency of corporations. Only in last years corporate philosophy began to be recognized as the main indicator necessary for a correct understanding of company management.

List of used literature

1. Bikmetov E.Yu., Golikov V.D. Organizational behavior: textbook. allowance. - Ufa: UGATU, 2010.

2. Botavina R.N. Ethics of business relations: textbook. allowance. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2002.

3. Veksler A.F., Tulchinsky G.L. Why do businesses need sponsorship and charity? - M., 2006.

4. Gerchikova I.N. Business ethics and regulation of international commercial practice: textbook. allowance. - M.: Consultbankir, 2002.

5. Gromova L. A. Ethics of management: textbook.-method. allowance. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University im. A. I. Herzen, 2007.

6. Groshev I.V., Emelyanov P.V., Yuriev V.M. Organizational culture: textbook. allowance. - M., 2006.

7. Demin D.V. Corporate Culture: The Ten Most Common Misconceptions. - M., 2010.

8. Kapitonov E.A., Zinchenko G.P., Kapitonov A.E. Corporate culture: theory and practice. - M., 2005.

9. Kibanov A.Ya., Zakharov D.K., Konovalova V.G. Ethics of business relations: a textbook. - M.: INFRA-M, 2010.

10. "Official site of CJSC Bank Russian Standard"

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Corporate philosophy is a complete, detailed, detailed presentation of moral, ethical and business standards, principles, creeds that guide the company's employees. Corporate philosophy performs the function of an internal organizing principle.

The relevance of the topic of this study is due to several circumstances:

  • 1. Modern market relations dictate the need for organizations to develop and implement a value system called corporate culture;
  • 2. Competent development and implementation of corporate philosophy helps to improve the efficiency of the organization;
  • 3. Corporate philosophy allows you to give the organization its own, unique image in the eyes of customers and partners, which is quite an important factor in the competitiveness of the enterprise in market conditions.

Improving corporate philosophy, turning it into a powerful motivating and unifying principle can become one of the levers for increasing the efficiency of corporations. It is only in recent years that corporate philosophy has come to be recognized as the main indicator necessary for a correct understanding of the management of a company.

However, the explosion of interest in this issue is not explained by its novelty, it is evidence of the accumulated understanding of the foundations and patterns of social structures. In the West, it has long been understood that the basis of the vital potential of an organization is its corporate philosophy: that for which people became members of one company; how the relationship between them is built; what stable norms and principles of life and activities of the organization they share; what they think is good and what is bad. All this not only distinguishes one organization from another, but also significantly determines the success of its functioning and survival in the long term.

Thus, the relevance of this topic is determined by the need to improve the manageability of the socio-economic situation of the organization, and, as a result, increase the efficiency of its activities based on the formation and improvement of a rational corporate philosophy.

The purpose of this work is to study the corporate philosophy and socially responsible policy of Russian Standard Bank CJSC.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • - define the concept and purpose of corporate culture;
  • - to reveal the content of the mission. Learn the mission of the company;
  • - study the strategic goals of the Bank;
  • - to study the code of corporate conduct of the organization.

The object of the study is ZAO Russian Standard Bank.

The subject of the research is the corporate philosophy and socially responsible policy of Russian Standard Bank CJSC.

The empirical basis of the work is the materials of the periodical press and the global Internet, data published in articles, publications, analyzed and summarized in the work.

What the company is going to do and what it wants to become, in a general sense is purpose (mission) of the company. By setting the mission, the manager determines the scope of the company, as well as the services that it will provide to its customers. The manager needs to think strategically about the scope of the firm. All this should be accompanied by the development of the concept of LR development of the firm. It is precisely what a manager sees regarding the place of his company in the market that is strategic vision. By developing and communicating the mission and strategic vision, the manager acquaints employees with the meaning of purpose and convincingly explains the direction of future development.

The views of company managers on what types of activities the organization is going to engage in, as well as on the LR course, are strategic vision. It gives a picture of "who we are, what we do and what we intend to achieve." A strategic vision is necessary for the company's management to remove all doubts about the LR prospects for the company's development. Well founded strategic vision - required condition to ensure effective strategic leadership.

Describing a strategic vision related to the mission of the company and communicating it to all managers and employees is almost as important as describing the strategic vision of the company's business vision and LR development goals. Vision and mission, expressed in clear formulations, should inspire employees and serve as a strong incentive to better perform the tasks assigned to them.

The mission of the organization, as it were, establishes a link, orients in a single direction the interests and expectations of people who perceive the organization from the inside, and those who perceive the organization from the outside. By defining what the organization was created and exists for, the mission gives meaningfulness and purposefulness to the actions of people, allowing them to better see and realize not only what they should do, but also why they carry out their actions. There is a narrow and broad understanding of the mission.

In a broad sense mission is the philosophy and purpose, the meaning of the existence of the organization. The philosophy of an organization defines the values, beliefs and principles in accordance with which the organization intends to conduct its activities. A mission defines the activities an organization intends to do and what type of organization it intends to be. The philosophy of the organization rarely changes. As for the second part of the mission, it may vary depending on the depth of possible changes in the organization and in the environment of its functioning.

In a narrow sense mission is a stated statement as to why and for what reason the organization exists, i.e. The mission is understood as a statement that reveals the meaning of the existence of the organization, in which the difference between this organization and similar ones is manifested.

A correctly defined mission, although it always has a general philosophical meaning, nevertheless always carries something in itself that makes it unique in its kind, characterizing exactly the organization in which it was developed.

The mission should be developed taking into account the following 5 factors (F. Kotler):

  • - the history of the company, during which the philosophy of the company was developed, its profile and style of activity, its place in the market, etc. were formed,
  • - the existing style of behavior and the way of action of the owners and management personnel,
  • - the state of the environment of the organization,
  • - the resources it can bring to bear in order to achieve its goals,
  • - distinctive features that the organization has.

Mission Statement Goals:

  • 1. The mission gives subjects external environment a general idea of ​​what the organization is, what it is striving for, what means it is ready to use in its activities, what its philosophy is, etc. In addition, it contributes to the formation or consolidation of a certain image of the organization in the representation of the subjects of the external environment.
  • 2. The mission promotes unity within the organization and the creation of a corporate spirit. This manifests itself in the following:
    • - the mission makes the overall goal clear to employees

and purpose of the organization. As a result, employees orient their activities in a single direction,

The mission enables employees to

easier to identify with the organization. For those employees who identify themselves with the organization, the mission is the starting point in their activities,

The mission contributes to the establishment of a certain

climate in the organization, because, in particular, through it, the philosophy of the organization, values ​​and principles that underlie the construction and implementation of the organization's activities are brought to people.

3. The mission creates an opportunity for more effective

management of the organization by virtue of the fact that it:

It is the basis for setting the goals of the organization,

ensures the consistency of the set of goals, and also helps to develop the strategy of the organization, setting the direction and acceptable boundaries for the functioning of the organization,

  • - gives a general approach to the allocation of resources of the organization and creates a basis for assessing their use,
  • - expands for the employee the meaning and content of his

activities and thus allows the use of a wider range of motivation techniques.

The mission should not carry specific instructions on what, how and in what time frame the organization should do. It sets the main direction of the movement of the organization. The mission should be formulated very clearly and interpreted unambiguously.

We have created this document so that our employees always have common corporate guidelines that will help them always take right decisions, and general ideas that would inspire them for everyday professional exploits.

Corporate Philosophy

The corporate philosophy is the solid foundation upon which LDD has been built. This is very important for us, because we sincerely believe that just doing your job well is not enough for real success. Common values ​​and common guidelines are exactly what turns just a group of brilliant specialists into a close-knit team of like-minded people who give 100% every day, because they know exactly what they are working for. Our corporate philosophy is about important ideas and principles that unite us and inspire us to be the best in what we do.

Corporate philosophy is our source of inspiration

A corporate philosophy does not work if only the person who created it knows about it. Corporate philosophy is those ideas that are familiar and close to every employee of the company. That is why we created our own corporate philosophy together with the company's employees, replenishing and expanding the list of “commandments” as our team formed and LDD developed.

Perhaps tomorrow we will return to this text again in order to enter into it those important truths that will still be revealed to us in the course of our journey. And today we are posting important points of the LDD corporate philosophy on the website so that at any time our employees can review, be inspired by our ideas again and return to work with renewed vigor. Our corporate philosophy is what really drives us to continuous development.

7 Fundamental Principles

High service quality standards are our professional duty. We are responsible for the quality of the services provided to the state, organizations and individuals who use the services of LDD. Each of our employees is obliged to ensure the impeccable quality of services so that the client is completely satisfied with the result of cooperation with LDD. To do this, we must not only cope well and on time with the tasks set, but also strive to reduce costs and maintain an acceptable price level.

Our employees are our asset. Any company is, first of all, the people who work in it. We spent a lot of time and effort to find the best specialists from different regions Russia. Thanks to purposeful work, we managed to create a brilliant team in which every specialist is worth its weight in gold. There are no theoreticians and generalists in our ranks. Experienced practitioners who thoroughly know their field of work work in our ranks. And every time we need to hire a new employee, we do not agree to compromises, but always find the best in our field.

Constant innovation is a prerequisite for our work. Our employees never work mechanically and completely reject the possibility of working according to a template. Every day they use all their knowledge, experience and resources of our company to find the most effective solution for the client. This approach is bearing fruit. After all, as a result of such work, customers are always satisfied with the result. But that is not all. An unconventional approach allows us to develop innovative methods work, thanks to which we securely hold a leading position in our service sector.

We strive to maintain an open and welcoming atmosphere in the office. We are interested in the constant development of the company, so it is very important for us that our employees feel involved in the common cause and can always express their own suggestions and comments. We also make sure that everyone qualified specialist there were equal opportunities for getting a job in our firm, development and promotion. And the task of our leaders is to ensure competent management, when every decision made is fair and ethical.

LDD is responsible to every employee. Our responsibility as an employer is to value the individuality of each employee, respect their dignity and recognize professional merit. It is our duty to provide them with just and commensurate remuneration, good conditions work, as well as to maintain confidence in the future. We do everything necessary to become a dream company for our employees, in which they want to make a career and achieve great professional success.

LDD is a socially responsible company. We are responsible not only to our customers, employees and the state, but also to society. We conscientiously fulfill our civic duty: we honestly pay taxes, do charity work and support good undertakings. LDD also strives to contribute to the protection of the environment and promote social, educational and health improvement.

For successful development, we must make a profit. The business must make a good profit. To ensure a consistently high level, we are constantly introducing new ideas, conducting research and development activities, developing new innovative ways of working and always learning from our own mistakes. Rich work experience, good methodological and resource base allow us to successfully solve even the most non-standard and complex tasks. Thanks to the high level of quality of all services, innovation and the ability to work targeted, we provide our employees with a decent income.

7 business rules

Respect authority. For the effective conduct of business, it is necessary to have a strong state power, when each procedure has its own order of certain actions. Every LDD employee must show respect for the law and government officials in their professional activities.

Be honest and truthful. Honesty and truthfulness are the foundation of entrepreneurship, ensuring healthy profits and harmonious relationships in business. Each employee of LDD is required to be impeccably honest and truthful in their work.

Respect the right to private property. Free enterprise is the basis of the well-being of the state. Each employee of the LDD company works with full dedication for the benefit of the development of not only the company, but the entire state. To show such a desire to work is possible only when relying on private property.

Respect people. The respect of the management of the company for its employees necessarily generates reciprocal respect. Only under such conditions can a harmony of interests arise, which creates a favorable atmosphere for the full disclosure of the professional capabilities of each employee of LDD.

Keep your word. Each LDD employee must be true to his word, because only in this way we can maintain the trust of our customers, which is worth a lot today.

Choose a case on the shoulder. Choosing the right thing to do, always judiciously assessing your capabilities and acting according to your resources - adherence to these three principles is a reliable guarantee that our company will successfully cope with each project taken on.

Be purposeful. We must have a clear goal in front of us. In an effort to achieve our goals, we cannot cross the line of what is permitted, and no goal can overshadow moral values.

Mission- a management structure used in strategic management, which allows you to position the control object in the outside world. The mission determines what the organization was created and exists for. The mission should reveal the general purpose of its creation, the reason for its appearance and existence, what its appearance can give to the outside world.

The mission of the organization contains general description what it was created for, its purpose, positioning in the outside world, approaches to the formation of internal culture. Its development precedes the development of the concept and strategy for the development of the organization.

Mission of the organization - PURPOSE

· its most general goal, presented in the most general form and clearly expressing the main reason for the existence of the organization, its social purpose.

the meaning of existence, activity;

The highest purpose

expression of the social significance of the activity;

· the role that the company is going to play in the market;

the public benefit that the company intends to bring (or already brings) to others

The mission of the company answers many questions ( For what? Who? What? How? Why? by what means? in the name of what?), but does it as succinctly, simply and concisely as possible. - From the text of the mission it should be clear without prompting what the business is doing (industry, direction of development, type of service) and why, why it is doing it.


· Gazprom - the most efficient and balanced gas supply to Russian consumers, fulfillment of long-term gas export contracts with a high degree of reliability.

· Aeroflot Company - the most complete and safe provision of one of the fundamental human freedoms - freedom of movement.

Group of companies GAZ. To produce commercial vehicles that guarantee the customer the benefits of purchasing through uncompromising quality and reliable impeccable service, backed by the highest competence of personnel, partner suppliers, innovations in production and products.

The Baltic. We create quality product which gives people the joy of communication, makes their life brighter and more interesting.

· MegaFon. MegaFon will unite Russia by breaking down barriers and developing communications to become the obvious choice for everyone.

· Elite beauty salons and stylish clothes: We decorate people's lives, make important events in their lives more vivid and memorable, providing beautiful outfits for any holidays, celebrations and ceremonies, high-quality image and style creation services.

"Rospechat" - to be link between publishers and readers.

Other milestones are needed to realize the mission and achieve the vision. A group of such guidelines linking the mission and vision is defined as the corporate philosophy.

Vision(strategic goal) - a managerial design that reflects the representation by the subject of management of the managerial situation, the current desired position of the managerial object, the ways of transition from the current state to the desired one. The vision of the ways of development of the object of management and achievement of the set goals allows the manager to make decisions in a specific management situation. The vision is used in the development of the mission, concept and strategy for the development of the control object, based on which plans and programs are developed and implemented that determine the activity of the control object. The process of strategic management begins with the formation of a vision of the managerial situation.

Philosophy of the organization establishes a set of internal organizational principles and rules for the relationship of personnel. This is a kind of system of values ​​and beliefs of the personnel of the organization, perceived by employees in the process of labor adaptation. This is a kind of moral code of the organization, which guarantees success and well-being, reduction of conflict, a normal socio-psychological climate in the organization.

Many questions of the organization's philosophy are reflected in its program and regulatory documents. However, a single set of philosophical statements is necessary and allows:

Regulate work relationships between employees

accelerate the adaptation of newly hired employees

standardize the views in the team

legitimize and regulate the policy of the owner in relation to the organization

When developing a philosophy, organizations are based on existing regulations (the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Declaration of Human Rights, etc.), the Charter and the collective agreement of the enterprise, the peculiarities of national and regional cultures, global and Russian experience of companies. It is also necessary to take into account the national composition of employees, regional specifics, type of production, industry, quantitative composition of personnel, material and cultural standard of living, personal beliefs of the owner and head of the organization.

As a rule, the philosophy of the organization determines:

goals and objectives of the organization

declaration of the employee's rights (his personal and civil rights, cultural, social rights, rights to labor protection, fair remuneration, education, rights to protect his interests, etc.)

What is encouraged and prohibited

business and moral qualities and guidelines

working conditions and organization of workplaces

appraisal and payroll

social benefits and guarantees

Possibilities for the implementation of hobbies, conditions for recreation

Corporate Philosophy- a complete, detailed, detailed presentation of moral, ethical and business standards, principles, creeds that guide the company's employees. Corporate philosophy plays the role of an internal organizing principle that establishes moral and ethical priorities that employees must adhere to on a daily basis. When formulating its terms, such words as "perfection", "quality", "trust", "competence", "pride", "care", "mindfulness" are often used.

Question 9. Reflection in the vision, mission and values ​​of the organization of the interests of stakeholders - owners, managers, employees, society, consumers.

There are many definitions of stakeholders (groups of influence) (stakeholder - groups of influence or support groups. It can also be individual individuals). Stakeholder theory argues that the goals of organizations should take into account the diverse interests of various parties, which will represent some type of informal coalition. The relative power of different influence groups is key in assessing their importance, and organizations often rank them in relation to each other, creating a hierarchy of relative importance. Stakeholder analysis includes the identification and systematization of the main stakeholders, the assessment of their goals, the collection of information about them, the use of this knowledge in the process of strategic management and the application of the adopted strategy. Stakeholders can be divided into 4 main categories:

Groups of influence financing the enterprise (e.g. Shareholders, investors)

Managers who run it

· Employees working in the enterprise (at least that part of them that is interested in achieving the goals of the organization).

· Economic partners (includes buyers and suppliers).

· The behavior of influence groups or coalition members is determined by their interests. These interests are relatively stable over time, and different groups are willing to make different efforts to pressure the organization to adjust organizational behavior in accordance with these interests.

Owners. The rational approach on which economic theory is based makes a number of important assumptions about owners:

a company exists for the benefit of its owners

the only task of the owner is to maximize his financial well-being

owners are interested in maximizing profits

The owners exercise full control and make all important decisions.

· Decisions of owners are based on perfect knowledge, unlimited experience and abilities.

Top management.

It is assumed that top managers can pursue their goals through the organization's goal of maximizing sales revenue. The argument is that increased sales mean more prestige, higher salaries, a better position in dealings with financial institutions, and easier-to-manage staff.

Employees. The company sets goals and acts in response to the influence exerted by the personnel and their actions. The divisions are aimed at attracting a part of the resources distributed by the company.

G. Mintzberg defines the leadership of the organization and its employees as an internal coalition and identifies six such groups:

Top management (those who are the key strategists of the organization)

Operators (those who produce products)

Line managers (coordinate production activities)

Analysts (develop planning and control systems

Support staff (provides indirect support for production, as well as the entire organization).

Buyers. They expect from the organization products or services that represent the purchase of goods for their money. They are interested in the purchased products (services) to increase their standard of living in proportion to the price paid.

Suppliers. Porter points out that suppliers care about their power over the organization. They take into account the level of interchangeability of products of different suppliers, their concentration, the existence of costs for switching suppliers and the creation of a dependency relationship.

Question 10. Strategy and corporate culture
