Modern surgical treatment is less traumatic, due to which the postoperative period after it is almost painless and does not last very long. As a rule, vision is restored almost immediately. However, for a certain time after a person must comply with the regimen and carefully follow the recommendations of the doctor.

Many people underestimate the importance of the rehabilitation period, which leads to undesirable consequences. As a result, these patients develop complications that could have been avoided. In order not to damage the cornea, dislodge the implanted lens, and prevent infection in the eye, you need to know how to behave after cataract surgery.

In the postoperative period, people have to deal with such problems:

  • Eye hurts after cataract surgery. The appearance of pain is caused by tissue damage and is completely normal. Drops prescribed by a doctor will help remove discomfort.
  • There was profuse lacrimation and itching in the operated eye. This symptom occurs due to eye irritation during surgery. This often happens during cataract surgery, and special eye drops also help to correct the situation. As a rule, doctors prescribe Indocollir, Naklof or Medrolgin - drugs that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Red eye after cataract surgery. Hypermenia of the eye occurs due to the expansion of the conjunctival vessels. The phenomenon is not dangerous and does not pose a serious threat to vision. However, with the appearance of extensive subconjunctival hemorrhage, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.
  • After cataract surgery, the eye does not see or sees very poorly. This happens if a person has diseases of the retina, optic nerve or other structures of the eye. This is not the doctors fault. Slight blurring of vision may occur in the early postoperative period due to corneal edema after cataract surgery. As a rule, soon it completely disappears, and the person begins to see much better.

Unpleasant sensations may persist for several days. After that, the eye calms down, redness disappears, and vision improves significantly. A few more weeks are required for tissue healing. Special eye care after cataract surgery helps to speed up the process of vision recovery.

How to choose the right glasses

After removing the lens, a special intraocular lens is placed in the eye. It is designed in such a way that a person sees well into the distance, but hardly reads newspapers and works at a computer. This is due to the fact that the implanted lens cannot accommodate, that is, focus the gaze at different distances. This is why many people require reading glasses after cataract surgery. They should be selected 2-3 months after surgical treatment.

Nowadays, there are multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) on the market that provide good visual acuity at different distances. Unfortunately, they are expensive and many people cannot afford them.

Sunglasses are used to protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation after cataract surgery. They prevent harmful rays from reaching the retina and protect the visual organ from the harmful effects of the sun. It is better to give preference to glass glasses of trusted companies.

Rules for using drops

Surgical patients are wondering which eye drops are best to use after cataract surgery. However, all the necessary medicines are selected by the attending physician. All that a person needs is to follow the recommendations indicated in the extract.

After cataract surgery, the following drops are prescribed:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs - Indocollir, Naklof;
  • antibiotics - Tobrex, Floksal, Tsiprolet;
  • combined preparations containing antibiotics and corticosteroids - Maxitrol, Tobradex.

Medicines should be instilled regularly throughout the entire period recommended by the doctor. In no case should you pause or spontaneously stop treatment. In the postoperative period after cataract removal, it is very important to observe the regimen and all prescribed restrictions.

What is strictly prohibited after the operation

Human behavior in the postoperative period has great value to restore visual functions after cataract surgery. Severe physical activity, prolonged leaning and heavy lifting can lead to serious consequences, up to displacement of the IOL or curvature of the cornea.

  • refusal to play sports and work in an inclined position;
  • limiting work at the computer and watching TV;
  • complete refusal to lift weights weighing more than 3 kg.

These restrictions are recommended to adhere to for a month or more. During this time, the person should sleep on their back or side opposite the operated eye. At least a week before going outside, you need to put a clean bandage on your eye to prevent infection.

Many people wonder if they can watch TV and ride a bike after cataract surgery. Working at a computer and watching TV shows in moderation is allowed to a person a few days after being discharged from the hospital. But riding a bicycle, riding a horse, lifting weights over 5 kg are prohibited to an operated person until the end of his life.

Why is it so important to keep a routine

It is not enough just to know what work is prohibited after cataract surgery. All restrictions must be strictly observed, since a lot depends on this. If the patient does not follow the recommendations, the lens may shift or the cornea may be deformed. Naturally, this will entail a deterioration in vision, due to which the results of the operation will not be satisfactory.

Laser vision correction is an effective, painless, fast procedure that aims to correct various refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism. Because it is very popular in modern world, many are interested in the question, is it necessary to take a sick leave for the employer?

It is important to know that before carrying out such an operation, the patient needs to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis of the visual system, as well as pass some tests for the therapist. With admission to the procedure, it can be done on the same day. Together, the preparation for the process and the operation itself last 10-15 minutes. At the same time, the patient does not experience any pain, and upon completion of the correction, he does not need to stay in the clinic for more than one or two hours.

The rehabilitation period also proceeds without discomfort, however, for a full recovery after the procedure, the patient needs one month, during which a number of restrictions should be adhered to. That is why it is worth taking a sick leave that you have to provide to the employer.

As soon as the operation is completed, the patient will be given a special certificate at the medical institution, with which he should contact the clinic at the place of residence, it is there that you can issue required document.

It is very important to understand that initially the sick leave is issued for two weeks, but there is always the opportunity to extend it. Everything will depend on the condition of the patient and the dynamics of recovery. Sick leave for a period of more than 15 days is prescribed (according to the regulations), only based on the decision of the commission. Please note that laser correction is a surgical intervention, therefore, according to the 13th article of order No. 624n, the medical board can extend the validity of the document up to one year.

Employees whose work is directly related to workloads (working at a computer, reading, drawing, etc.) should pay attention to the fact that one of the key restrictions within 30 days after the procedure is excessive visual load. Another strict contraindication is physical activity. This means that during the rehabilitation period, the patient should stay at home for a full recovery, as well as regularly see a specialist.

If a person does not follow the doctor's instructions, the procedure will be ineffective, it will need to be repeated.
An employee's stay on sick leave must be paid in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code Russian Federation, some private companies even pay additional compensation to support his health.

The legislation precisely establishes how many days of sick leave are given after the operation, however, the period determined by law is sometimes not enough for the operated person to fully recover. In such a situation, doctors have a complete “carte blanche” in their hands.: if they see fit, they will leave the patient on sick leave for an extremely long period, and the employer will not be able to object to this.

What is the deadline for the law?

According to the law, the sick leave period after the operation is 10 days. Of course, the entire period while the patient was in the hospital is also taken into account.

If the attending physician of the operated patient considers that 10 days is not enough to restore the body, he can personally prolong the disability certificate up to 30 days. If the patient needs even more time to recover, the attending physician has the right to submit the issue of extending the sick leave for consideration by the medical commission. This is how it is determined how many days of sick leave will be given after the operation, which turned out to be difficult.

The powers of the collegiate body are not an example wider than those that one doctor has. The medical commission can easily send the operated citizen on paid leave lasting 10-12 months - but only if the attending physician can convince the members of the commission that the patient really needs it.

It is clear that the temptation is great, but one should not try to enter into a criminal conspiracy with the doctor. No medical officer would risk their reputation, especially with the current fines - anyone who has tried to "buy" a sick leave in the last 3-4 years already knows this.

The long-term sick leave has a drawback: the operated citizen will not be allowed to forget about the hospital - he will have to come to the medical facility once every 15 days. After each examination, the attending physician is obliged to confirm the need to continue the rehabilitation period. If the doctor concludes that the operated person is already healthy enough to go to work, he will close the disability sheet ahead of schedule.

The tricksters who understand this know how to extend the sick leave after the operation: they begin to “break a comedy” in front of their attending physicians, complaining of pain in one place, then in another. However, such citizens should remember that there is a risk of “overplaying”: if within 6 months the doctors do not notice any progress, they will send the citizen for a medical and social examination.

You can apply for an extension of rest in one more case - if the doctor sends the patient to a sanatorium after a complex operation. Then the disability sheet is extended for a maximum of 24 days.

Medical practice: the duration of rehabilitation after various operations

The fact that the legislation “scratches” everyone “one size fits all” is at least strange, and mostly unreasonable. To set the same period of rehabilitation for people who survived the removal of appendicitis and surgery on the spine - what gate does this climb? You do not need to have a medical education and, in general, at least a little understanding of healthcare in order to understand: this rule of law needs to be adjusted.

Fortunately, the law reserves the right for doctors to use common sense when prescribing a rehabilitation period. Within the framework of medical practice, some unwritten norms have developed, so the patient can approximately know how many days of paid rest the doctor will provide, starting from the type of surgical intervention. Approximate terms are as follows (they are approved by Order of the Ministry of Health N 2510 / 9362-34 of August 21, 2000).

    Removal of the appendix. From 16 to 21 days - that's how long the sick leave after surgery for appendicitis lasts. Please note that these terms are relevant only if the patient was operated on by the laparotomy method - that is, the soft tissues were cut above the appendix. After laparoscopy - an operation that involves less trauma - a certificate of incapacity for work is issued for only 5-7 days.

Rest can be extended up to 1 month if the patient has a fever after removal of the appendix. However, problems after appendicitis surgery most often occur in the elderly and children - neither of them need a sick leave.

    Removal of an inguinal hernia. This is already quite a serious operation. The duration of sick leave after inguinal hernia surgery averages 1.5 months. Such a long period of rehabilitation is due to the fact that the patient begins to return to the normal rhythm of life only after a month.

    Eye surgery. The nature of the surgical intervention matters. For example, in case of retinal detachment after eye surgery, a sick leave is given for up to 2 months. The disability certificate may be closed earlier if it is established that the restoration of health is proceeding at a faster pace. After cataract removal, the rest is much shorter - its duration is about 14 days.

Note: The duration of the sick leave depends not only on the patient's state of health, but also on the type of his work. If the patient is a typical office worker who spends the whole day in front of a computer monitor, he has a chance for a fairly long rest.

    Removal of the fallopian tube. The maximum duration of sick leave after surgery to remove the uterus is 40 days. It is useless to beg for a longer rest from the doctor: it is possible only in case of complications. If the patient's work is associated with heavy physical exertion, she should discuss with the employer the possibility of switching to lighter work - there is no reason to doubt that the attending physician will issue such a recommendation. Within 3 months after the removal of the fallopian tube, it is forbidden to lift something weighing more than 3 kg, otherwise you can easily be on the operating table again.

    Spinal surgery. The maximum duration of the sick leave after spinal surgery has not been established - the rest period depends on how the rehabilitation proceeds. The employer definitely should not wait for the employee to appear at the workplace earlier than 2 months after the surgical intervention.

    Operation on the veins of the legs. Sick leave after surgery on the veins of the legs is issued for two weeks. The rest period can be extended up to 1 month if the patient's work is sedentary or associated with heavy physical exertion.

Note: after removal of varicose veins, you should avoid stress for 2-3 months. Therefore, it is worth discussing with the employer the possibility of temporarily switching to light work.

But where to extend the sick leave after the operation, if you feel bad? You need to come to the hospital to the attending physician and tell about health problems and ailments. You should come exactly on the day set by the doctor - this is important. If a citizen misses the appointed day without a good reason, a special mark will be placed on the disability certificate. If there is such a mark, the amount of temporary disability benefits may be reduced.

If, after surgery, the operated person is unable to move independently, the doctor must come to his house to extend his sick leave. Such an obligation is established by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 624N dated June 29, 2011.

Paying sick leave after surgery

The procedure for paying a sick leave after an operation is in no way different from the procedure for paying a sick leave issued, say, due to a cold. The first three days are compensated at the expense of the employer, the rest are paid by the Social Insurance Fund. The amount of payment depends on 2 factors: the total length of service and the average level of labor income for the last 2 years.

The calculation is done like this.

    If the employee's work experience is less than 5 years, he is paid 60% of the average wage.

    With an experience of 5 to 8 years, a citizen receives 80% of the salary.

    If the work experience exceeds 8 years, the employee is entitled to compensation in the full amount of the average salary.

The days for which the sick leave was extended are paid as basic days.

The main recommendation for people who have undergone surgery is as follows: you should not spend a rehabilitation period “on your feet” and rush to get to work as soon as possible. This The best way find yourself in a hospital bed again. Unfortunately, Russian employers are not inclined to be flexible when it comes to the health of their subordinates - they seek to make a profit now, without thinking about how the employee will live with poor health later. If a company does not care about the condition and health of an employee, does it deserve to give it the most valuable thing - life time?

Keep in mind that sick leave may not be extended if you show up for a follow-up appointment. late the end of the first b/l. Do they give sick leave after cataract surgery in private clinics? Yes, they do. Doctors performing operations to remove and replace the lens are certified specialists and have the right to be released from work for the period necessary for the complete rehabilitation of the patient. Let's summarize. Cataract removal is performed surgically and after it the patient needs a certain recovery period. For rehabilitation, the patient can receive a sick leave, the validity of which is determined in each case individually. It is issued either in a clinic or in a clinic with a general practitioner or ophthalmologist. The period for which sick leave is issued usually does not exceed 10 days.

10 questions about laser vision correction

You just need to pay attention to existing restriction, consisting in the fact that the time of childbirth should not come earlier than one year after the operation. Therefore, in most cases, the operation is contraindicated for pregnant women. What is the main disadvantage of surgery. In principle, there are no reasons not to have an operation, with the exception of contraindications.

Subjective disadvantages include only surgical intervention in the cornea of ​​the eye, which can cause concern possible complications. But with the existing methods and the quality of the equipment, practice and observations show that the number of complications tends to decrease. Based on a survey of experts from leading clinics laser correction vision.
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Sick leave after cataract surgery.


Laser eye surgery can help you quickly and effectively remove the lens. with minimal risk of negative consequences. In order for the postoperative period to pass without complications, the patient must undergo medical examination and properly prepare for surgery. Such precautions will help to avoid serious complications and speed up the rehabilitation process.


For a certain time before the installation of an artificial implant, the patient must stop wearing lenses so that the eye returns to its normal shape. On the day of the operation, the patient must thoroughly wash his face (clear of cosmetics) and have breakfast no earlier than 4 hours before the intervention. Advice: to speed up the recovery of vision and shorten the postoperative period will help the correct behavior of the patient and compliance with the doctor's instructions.

Sick leave after laser correction

The legislation allows for an extension of the sick leave for another 10 days after the patient is discharged from the hospital. Thus, the duration of the sick leave after surgery is 10 days. If the patient does not have enough time to recover from the operation, allotted by law, then the temporary disability sheet can be extended for more than 10 days, but only at the conclusion of a special medical commission.

The medical commission has the authority to extend the sick leave after the operation for up to 10 months, but there must be a positive trend during the course of the disease. If the patient underwent a complex operation, which requires a long rehabilitation, then the sick leave can be increased to 1 year. Consequently, the duration of the disability sheet after the operation from the moment of discharge from the hospital can be up to one year.

Laser vision correction - review

However, this period can be extended by the attending physician if more time is needed to restore all eye functions. Source: Cataract removal in modern clinics is characterized by the use of "small incision" techniques. Such surgical interventions are not dangerous and traumatic for the eyes, vision is restored very quickly after.
It is important to know that cataract surgery can now be performed at any stage of the disease. There is one way out after the appearance of such a disease as a cataract - an operation. Indications for surgery do not require waiting for its maturation.

Unripe, overripe, even initial cataract is subject to removal. Now the operation is carried out for almost any eye lesion. But a couple of decades ago, intervention was possible only at a mature stage.

cataract surgery sick leave

The condition of the artificial lens and the whole eye is assessed by an ophthalmologist at a second examination, and, depending on this, the sick leave is extended. How many days the patient is on sick leave after cataract surgery is determined by the doctor. As a rule, this period is 10-14 days. If necessary, it can be increased. Conditions for obtaining a sick leave Do not think that a sick leave is issued after the operation in any case.
Sometimes a doctor may quite rightly refuse you. This happens if the patient does not follow the recommendations on the regimen (for example, drinks alcohol, does not take prescribed medications (does not instill drops), does not visit an ophthalmologist on time. Also, before surgery, it is necessary to pass tests and undergo the necessary examinations.

Do you get sick leave after cataract surgery?

Our center is equipped with the most modern equipment and uses the most advanced technology. Especially in the field of refractive surgery, the Russian school has always occupied one of the leading places. Is it possible to wear after the operation if necessary? contact lenses? You can wear contact lenses after the operation.

Will vision decrease after surgery? The indication for surgery for laser correction of myopia is stable vision for at least a year, under this condition, vision will not decrease after the operation. How long will disability last after laser vision correction? I work as a professional driver. Disability in your case will last about 2 weeks, vision will be restored the next day. When is Super LASIK surgery necessary? The SuperLASIK operation is recommended for patients who are primarily interested in the quality and comfort of vision.

Hospital payments: what can an employee expect after surgery?

With the extraction of the lens, release from work is given for a longer period than with phacoemulsification, since the latter operation is less traumatic.

  • 3) The patient has concomitant diseases - glaucoma, astigmatism, diabetes. This additional factors risks that may affect the recovery time.
  • 4) Working conditions. Sick leave after lens replacement for patients working in the office is usually given for 10 days. If the work is related to lifting weights, a computer or harmful working conditions, the period can be extended to 30-45 days.
  • 5) One of the main factors is the speed of the recovery processes in the eye. Every body is different and everyone heals at a different pace.

Question answer

Today, cataract operations are considered low-traumatic and are performed on an outpatient basis. However, the patient is still entitled to a sick leave for the entire period of rehabilitation. Despite the fact that the patient returns to normal life the very next day, for a complete recovery it is necessary to follow some rules - do not lift weights, protect your eyes from dust and dirt, avoid hypothermia, etc.
e. Not every job makes it possible to follow these restrictions, and the sick leave is issued precisely in order to avoid complications and allow the tissues of the body to fully recover. The Eye Surgery clinic issues an extract after the operation, on the basis of which a certificate of incapacity for work can be obtained at the clinic for a period of at least 10 days. Where can you get.
The main indications for its implementation are based on changes in the protein components, leading to a gradual clouding of the lens. And that means that this body needs to be replaced. It is not difficult to identify the disease, usually an ophthalmologist can make a diagnosis after an initial examination of the eye, noticing whitish spots on the pupil. With the help of special equipment, visual acuity and contrast, photosensitivity, the state of eye tissues are studied, other indications are taken and treatment is prescribed.

  • infectious diseases;
  • The choice of technique is made depending on the stage of the disease, the presence of concomitant diseases and the general condition of the body, as well as the technical capabilities of the clinic and the qualifications of the ophthalmic surgeon. It is taken into account whether the disease is congenital or acquired. Hospital payments: what can an employee expect after surgery? An employee who falls ill does not always recover quickly.

2012-08-10 07:40:41

Margaret asks:

My mother is 74 years old, had cataract surgery (lens replacement). A few days later there was a hemorrhage in the eye, and for 2 months now she has not seen anything. The doctor prescribes expensive absorbable injections, drops, but the results are zero. The doctor says some kind of blood stain on the retina. Please help, can you tell me what to do. Mom cries every day, and I can’t calm her down with anything.

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello! In view of the complexity of your mother's condition, the best solution for you is to be patient, because. Much depends on the general condition of the patient's body. Various concomitant diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, metabolic disorders can contribute to the fact that the process of resorption of a blood clot caused by hemophthalmia will be longer and more difficult. It is possible to use physiotherapeutic methods to speed up the process. However, in the complete absence of results of conservative treatment, the only alternative is surgery with replacement of the vitreous body of the eye.

2016-06-02 20:37:02

Svetlana asks:

Hello! My father (80 years old) was diagnosed with retinal detachment due to persistent high blood pressure and immature cataract. The eye practically does not see, except for blurry shadows. Doctors insist on an operation to replace the lens and glue (sorry, I don’t know the exact terminology) of the retina. Is there any hope that vision will be restored after the operation?
Is there a guarantee that a second operation will not be needed? What is the approximate cost of the operation? Is it worth a person at that age to undergo such an operation? Thank you

Responsible Molebnaya Oksana Vasilievna:

Hello! There are too many questions, but I didn’t look at your father, I don’t know the situation. If the therapist does not object to surgery, and you see that he will be able to undergo surgery, then surgery is performed even at the age of 80. And if you do a detachment operation, then no later than a month after detachment, then you can expect a positive result. And no one will give you a guarantee, neither for a 100% result, nor for the fact that a second operation will not be required. And the prices are different, but not small, go to the websites of the clinics and see everything.

2016-04-04 14:19:02

Irina asks:

How many days of sick leave is given after eye surgery for cataracts, lens replacement?


Hello, Irina, after this operation, a sick leave for 10 days is initially issued. The extension of the sick leave is carried out according to the condition of the eye, working conditions are also taken into account.

2016-03-02 13:12:08

Natalia asks:

Tell me, please, I have a congenital cataract, at the moment I am 32 years old, can I have an operation to replace the lens and will it help restore vision and remove strabismus?

Responsible Prokhvachova Elena Stanislavovna:

Hello, Natalia. You should undergo a complete examination in a specialized ophthalmological clinic, after which the specialist will recommend the best type of operation and discuss the further prognosis.

2015-12-08 06:50:45

Leontine asks:

Hello, I have a high degree of myopia -13, in my right eye, left - years ago, a cataract was discovered: the right one is of medium maturity, the left one is initial. I also have astigmatism. I had an operation to replace the lens in my right eye, They did not touch either the astigmatism or the left eye. They said the retina was too thin. if something happens, at least one eye remains. Now I found out that I am pregnant, is it possible to prescribe a caesarean section. The first birth was independent 7 years ago.

Responsible Prokhvachova Elena Stanislavovna:

Hello Leontina. A full-time consultation with an ophthalmologist with a thorough examination of the fundus is necessary. Only after examination it is possible to recommend one or another type of delivery. I wish you health!

2015-09-07 18:53:56

Natasha asks:

Tell me, is a child with a congenital cataract eligible for a disability group? We had an operation to replace the lens and ours or a lens, but I still don’t have vision. Today, our vision. On the right eye 1.0 and on the left 0.005. Please tell me!

2014-11-24 15:53:05

Elena asks:

Good afternoon My mother had an operation to replace the lens (an old cataract). Vision improved very slowly. 1 month has passed. In the table for checking eyesight, he sees only the top line. The doctor said that the eye is almost normal. Why vision does not improve could not answer. Tell me, please, whether the vision will be restored and when, or is this the whole effect of the operation.

Responsible Prokhvachova Elena Stanislavovna:

Hello, Elena. Additional examinations of the retina and optic nerve should be performed to determine the cause of low vision after surgery. OCT (optical coherence tomography) of the retina and optic nerve is required, as well as visual field studies (computed perimetry). I wish you health!

2014-08-20 09:46:01

Ludmila asks:

Hello, Doctor. Two months ago, I had an operation to replace the lens (cataract) on my left eye, but I practically can’t be a day without sunglasses either on the street or in the apartment, because. without them, some kind of blinking starts from the outer corner of the eye, a feeling of hanging over the eyes, the eye seems to be all around, as if it mows down and crawls out of the orbit or closes, my head hurts and I want to sleep ... It’s even scary like - then very unpleasant, a slight violation of coordination. I visited two ophthalmologists, they did not find anything special, except for the beginning of a secondary cataract. Help, advise.

Responsible Prokhvachova Elena Stanislavovna:

Hello Ludmila. It is difficult in absentia to give recommendations in your case. Address to your ophthalmologist - the surgeon. If the position of the artificial lens is correct, intraocular pressure is normal, secondary cataract can be eliminated with laser treatment, your condition will soon improve.

2014-04-25 13:05:57

Tanya asks:

I am 38. 04/23/2014 underwent surgery to replace the lens (cataract) at the beginning of the operation when the eye was pierced with a syringe (anesthesia), the vision in this eye was lost (complete darkness), then the surgeon replaced the lens and let go home (complete darkness in the eye), a day later, upon examination, the doctor discovered a hemorrhage in the vitreous body, rupture and extensive retinal detachment ... I have a question for you as an independent specialist, is the anesthesiologist after the injection obliged to ask the patient how the eye sees? Is the surgeon obliged to ask the same question at the beginning and end of the operation? Thank you in advance for your unbiased response.

Responsible Kozina Ekaterina Nikolaevna:

Dear Tatyana, during the operation to replace the lens, there may be moments accompanied by a temporary loss of vision. However, the complete absence of vision after surgery in a young patient - provided that there was vision in this eye before the operation, should alert the surgeon. Then the patient is not immediately released home, they are observed for some time, at least the fundus is examined to exclude early postoperative complications.
Complications are possible - hemorrhages, circulatory disorders, detachment of the retina and choroid, lens displacement.
If, after the operation, the clinic staff did not respond to your complaints about blindness of the eye, you have the right to insist on free treatment of complications. PROVIDED that there is no note in the contract - NO GUARANTEE OF INCREASING VISUAL FUNCTIONS, IN CASE OF DEVELOPMENT OF COMPLICATIONS - TREATMENT AT THE PATIENT'S EXPENSE.

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