Laser vision correction is a modern and effective method, which helps to cope with such serious pathologies as astigmatism, myopia, hypermetropia. Mild ophthalmic disorders can be corrected with glasses and lenses, but there is always a risk that these diseases will manifest themselves with renewed vigor over time. With laser correction, this probability is minimized. However, such operations also have negative sides. What exactly? We will talk about all this in our article.

What it is?

The cornea is a light-refracting element of the visual apparatus, which is responsible for the clarity of vision of objects. When the cornea is deformed, these functions are lost, and Lasik eye surgery is used to restore them.

Previously, the shape of the cornea was restored with the help of surgery, but this was associated with a high injury rate. And there were also high risks of unsuccessful completion of the procedure. As shown by statistics, positive results were not observed in all patients.

Unlike the traditional operation, the laser beam can be called a thinner instrument. It has a high-precision effect on certain tissues, while not affecting healthy areas of the cornea.

IMPORTANT! The essence of laser vision correction using the lasik method is to change the shape of the cornea so that the image of objects accurately falls on the retina of the eye.

During the procedure, the deep structures of the cornea are heated, and certain layers evaporate. First, the specialist makes microsurgical incisions, after which the upper section of the cornea is folded back to provide access to deep tissues.

Indications and contraindications

  • astigmatism;
  • myopia;
  • farsightedness.

The procedure also has an impressive list of contraindications:

  • minor patients;
  • over forty-five years of age;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • keratoconus;
  • spasm of the lens;
  • tumor processes of the eye;
  • inflammatory diseases of the eye;
  • retinal detachment;
  • diabetes;
  • atrophy of the optic nerve;
  • rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis;
  • presbyopia - age-related farsightedness.

ATTENTION! Laser correction cannot be carried out with sharp decline vision for Last year.

There is no point in correcting ophthalmic diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts or optic nerve atrophy. In all these cases, the loss of vision is not associated with a refractive error, so laser correction will not bring positive results.

And also, you should not perform surgery for skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis. All these pathological processes are characterized by the formation of keloid scars. There is a high probability that cicatricial changes will also affect the tissues of the eye after the operation, and this is fraught with a complete loss of vision.

Contraindications to laser correction are severe neurological or psychological abnormalities. On the part of the patient, an inadequate reaction is possible both during the operation and during the rehabilitation period.

Relative contraindications include colds, accompanied by a runny nose and cough. After a preliminary examination, the optometrist can identify individual contraindications to the procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages

Several million laser vision correction surgeries are performed worldwide every year. The procedure has proven to be effective and safe.

Laser correction Lasik has an impressive list of advantages:

  • Minimal risk of relapse.
  • Maximum security.
  • Can be used for all types of visual impairment.
  • No pain at all stages of the operation. Before the procedure, anesthetic drops are instilled into the eyes. The patient feels only touch and a feeling of pressure.
  • Fast results. Within a few hours after the procedure, the patient will notice the first results. During the first week, visual function will stabilize.
  • Stability of results. After correction, the shape of the cornea is preserved for life.
  • Carrying out on an outpatient basis. There is no need for the patient to stay in the hospital. A few hours after visual correction, he can go home.
  • There is no need for general anesthesia.
  • Minimal risks of medical error, since the participation of a specialist in the procedure is minimal.
  • The operation is bloodless and does not require stitches.
  • The ability to perform the procedure on both eyes at once.
  • No side effects. Of course, provided there are no contraindications and compliance with medical recommendations during the rehabilitation period.

The patient does not experience pain during the procedure.

IMPORTANT! With a high degree of myopia, laser correction will be useless.

Still, you do not need to reassure yourself with the thought that laser correction is an ideal technique. It must be admitted that the procedure has a number of objective disadvantages, namely:

  • It is not always possible to get rid of visual dysfunctions.
  • Some restrictions in the recovery period. This includes working at a computer, reading books, physical activity.
  • The period of stabilization of visual function is up to a year.
  • The presence of medical contraindications.
  • High price.
  • Inaccuracies in diagnostics and calculations are possible, which is fraught with insufficient correction.
  • The procedure cannot prevent the appearance of new visual disturbances.

Basic Methods

Currently, there are several methods of laser vision correction. All of them have common basic features, but may differ in such parameters:

  • carrying out algorithm;
  • technologies used;
  • material.

Let's talk about the most common types of such operations:

  • Lasik. The technique is very popular. It is considered one of the safest and most affordable. The laser beam reshapes the cornea and promotes separation of the iris.
  • Photorefractive keratectomy. This is an old technique that has only been slightly improved. Specialists use it in the presence of contraindications to laser correction. PRK has many disadvantages. During the operation, the surface layer of the cornea is completely removed, so the procedure is very traumatic. At the end of the procedure, a protective lens is applied, under which a new corneal layer is formed, after which it is removed. PRK is considered a painful operation with high risks of dangerous complications.
  • Epi-lasik. Before using the laser, apply chemicals that eliminate dense outer layers.
  • Femtolasiq. During the procedure, a special type of laser is used, which is able to separate the necessary layers at any given depth. The only difference is that the procedure is performed using a femto laser.


The peculiarity of this procedure is that the incision of the cornea is carried out using a femtosecond laser beam. It is not used in all ophthalmological clinics in Russia, since the treatment costs a lot. In terms of effectiveness and trauma, the procedure is not much, but it exceeds the standard operation.

IMPORTANT! The femtolasiq procedure is an advanced modification of the LASIK procedure.

When using femtotracking correction, the corneal valve is not formed mechanical tool, but by stratification of tissues. During manipulation, a beam of infrared light is used. This allows the treatment of patients with corneal anomalies, dry eye syndrome, thinning of the cornea.


Superlasik is not a separate technique, but only a commercial name for the LASIK procedure. It is the latest achievement in the field of refractive surgery. Manipulation is performed according to the individual parameters of the patient's eyes.

Superlasik is much more expensive than a standard correction, while it does not have any special advantages and differences. According to this technique, the parameters of laser exposure are calculated on a wavefront analyzer. This data is then transferred to the laser computer.


Developed by Greek specialists back in 2003. The procedure is performed using an epikeratome - a medical instrument. The epithelium is separated along the line of the natural section of the layers.

Further, under the action of laser beams, evaporation takes place, due to which the shape of the cornea changes, after which the epithelial flap returns. It should be noted that the technique is not suitable for everyone. According to statistics, it suits forty percent of patients who have not previously used contact lenses.

Preparation and planning

main goal preparation is the exclusion of contraindications for excimer laser correction. Patients who use contact lenses should stop wearing contact lenses at least a week before elective surgery. This is due to the fact that corrective devices have a mechanical effect on the cornea. For the most accurate determination of the parameters of the cornea, time is required for its adaptation.

It is better to notify the ophthalmologist about the presence of existing chronic processes. Do not apply make-up or use any cosmetics immediately before the procedure.

Please bring sunglasses with you to the clinic, as there will be increased sensitivity to light in the first few days. Motorists should take into account the fact that for several days after the operation it will not be possible to drive. Traveling by public transport is also not recommended due to the risk of infection.

Features of the

The operation will not take the patient much time. It usually lasts within ten minutes. Manipulation is carried out in stages:

  1. The patient is given anesthetic eye drops.
  2. A dilator is inserted between the eyelids to prevent blinking.
  3. For subsequent extension of the flap, a suction ring is placed on the cornea.
  4. The patient is asked to focus his gaze on a luminous dot. This allows you to fix the eye in the desired position.
  5. With the help of a keratome, the layer of the cornea is separated, after which it is folded to the side.
  6. The laser beam acts on the opened surface of the cornea.
  7. At the end, the bent part of the cornea returns to its original place.
  8. Washing solution and anti-inflammatory drops are instilled into the eyes.

During the procedure itself, pain does not occur, but patients may feel some pain after the operation. If discomfort is preventing you from leading a fulfilling life, your doctor may prescribe anesthetic drops.

The operation is carried out using modern equipment

rehabilitation period

Despite the fact that laser vision correction is a safe and painless procedure, after its implementation, patients are forced to adhere to certain restrictions. This will prevent the development of complications and dangerous consequences.

There are myths about restrictions after laser treatment. Despite the fact that such operations have been performed for many years, some patients are wary of them, and all because of the widespread false claims.

Is it true that after laser correction it will no longer be possible to play sports? Some patients are absolutely sure of this. It seems to them that after the operation, the vessels and tissues of the eye can be damaged due to physical exertion. Actually, it's not true!

There are restrictions on physical activity, but not more than a month. Patients are prohibited from lifting weights and doing intensive sports. After the recovery period and in the absence of complications, patients can return to their usual rhythm of life.

And it is also believed that after the procedure you will have to watch less TV, read and work at the computer. Is it so? In the first days after visual correction, of course, it is better to take care of your eyes and not overwork them. In the future, there are no restrictions on watching TV, only the correct mode is important. Don't forget about breaks. Moderation is a quality that is important in everything, including visual loads.

It is also worth noting another opinion, the essence of which is that if laser correction is carried out at a young age, then after forty years, due to laser exposure, the cornea will begin to collapse. None scientific justification this assumption is not valid. Experts say that the excised and subsequently healed cornea is no different from other eye tissues that have not been subjected to surgery.

There are also official restrictions that will help to avoid unwanted problems in the future. Doctors recommend not to wash at all during the first days. Do not rub your eyes or touch them at all. During the first week, it is strictly forbidden to visit saunas and baths.

During the first week, it is recommended to sleep on your back. Lying on your side or stomach increases blood flow to your eyes. You should not apply decorative cosmetics to your face during the first week, as well as use hairsprays and sprays.


The likelihood of unwanted complications after laser correction is negligible. In this case, the consequences can be diverse and numerous. Most often, adverse reactions develop through the fault of the patient himself. In most cases, if a person ignores medical recommendations regarding the limitation of physical activity in the rehabilitation period and personal hygiene, then problems arise. When anxiety symptoms better to see a doctor.

Negligent attitude to one's health can lead to such complications:

  • photophobia;
  • dry keratoconjunctivitis;
  • keratoconus;
  • deterioration in visual acuity;
  • destructive changes in the vitreous body;
  • corneal ectasia.

In the early postoperative period, healing may be accompanied by tingling. Within two weeks, fluctuations in distance and near visual acuity are likely, and also depending on lighting conditions. Achieving a sustainable effect and stabilization of twilight vision occurs after about 2-3 months and depends on the accuracy of following the recommendations of the attending physician.

Precautions After Refractive Surgery (LASIK)

In the postoperative period, there may be a displacement of the corneal flap due to accidental eye injuries. In order to avoid accidental eye trauma during the first month after surgery, the patient is recommended to wear any glasses: tinted, sun-protection, with and without ultraviolet protection, or not tinted. Light brown glasses are best. In the event of injury, the goggles will take the hit. It is recommended to limit interaction with pets (dogs, cats, etc.) and small children. You can not use glasses indoors, provided that accidental injuries are excluded.

  • visit swimming pools, baths, saunas;
  • play sports in gyms;
  • take long baths;
  • arrange picnics in nature;
  • carry out long trips, especially with a change in climate and regime;
  • take alcoholic drinks, salty and spicy foods.

For a long period (about a year), contact sports that increase the risk of eye injury should be excluded: wrestling, boxing, martial arts. In certain cases, for example, with high myopia, it is recommended to abandon these sports for life.

How to use drugs

  • Dexamethasone solution 0.1%: the first week - 3 times a day, the second week - 2 times a day, the third week - 1 time a day.
  • Solution of chloramphenicol 0.25%: 3 times a day during the first week.
  • Oftagel: 3 times a day during the first month; apply last. If, after the end of instillations, unpleasant sensations appear in the eyes (dryness, sensation or a foreign body) over the next two to three days, then the use of oftagel is recommended to continue for another two weeks, gradually reducing the number of instillations: 3-2-1 instillations per day.

Basic rules for instillation of drops:

  • Wash your hands with soap immediately before instillation.
  • Do not touch the pipette tip or .
  • The interval between successive instillations should be 3-5 minutes.
  • You should remember to bury your eyes on the way home.

Visual loads near (computer, reading)

For patients with close visual loads in the first two weeks are limited. From the third week, you can apply rational visual loads (reading or working at a computer), using frequent and long breaks. The duration of visual loads gradually increase, and the pauses are reduced. Also in the third week, you can use training glasses according to the instructions.

For patients with near visual load, it is possible to exercise starting from the first days after the operation.

Driving a vehicle

Driving vehicles must be excluded in the first month for your own safety. In the early stages after surgery, the brain and eyes need to adapt to new optical conditions, as visual acuity, visual field, and estimation of object sizes and distances are changed. It is not recommended to open car windows or direct the fan towards your face to prevent dust from getting into your eyes.

In the evening, the appearance of light aberrations is possible: glare, flashes, halos, iridescent circles around car headlights or other light sources.

Physical activity and sports

It is recommended to limit physical activity during the period of use of steroid drugs (eg, dexamethasone), as there is a risk of increasing intraocular pressure. For athletes, half physical activity is allowed from the second week, gradually increasing it.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in patients with myopia, areas with thinning, dystrophy, stretching and other defects on the eye are often detected. In most cases, the manifestations of these disorders are directly proportional to the degree of myopia. Some patients undergo pre-prophylactic laser eye enhancement. It can also be done after surgery. Usually, patients are given recommendations on how to maintain a lifestyle: limit long-term body bending, limit or exclude sports, shaking, vibration, jumping. Women are provided with recommendations on methods of childbirth and obstetric care.

Changes in the retina due to myopia persist after refractive surgery and should be constantly monitored by an ophthalmologist in dynamics. It is also necessary to follow recommendations about behavioral restrictions.

General restrictions after laser vision correction

  • The first few days after the operation, you should wipe the skin around the eyes and eyelids with boiled water. It is necessary to wash your hair with your head tilted back, trying not to get shampoo in your eyes. Use detergents in the eye area one month after the operation. All other hygiene procedures are performed in the usual way.
  • You can use decorative cosmetics after 3-4 weeks, better later, because during this period it is necessary to constantly instill preparations. Moreover, when wearing dark glasses, the issue of cosmetics is not relevant.
  • It is not recommended to sunbathe during the first summer season(especially after LASEK and). Sunbathing is allowed for 20-30 minutes in the morning and evening hours. In the future, it should be avoided sunburn. In the summer it is mandatory to use glasses with UV protection.
  • You need to protect yourself from colds.
  • Sexual relations are not limited.
  • Pregnancy should be postponed for 2-3 months after the operation, since hormonal preparations (dexamethasone) are used in the postoperative period.
  • The treatment of other somatic pathologies is not limited. The use of drugs (including hormonal) should be agreed with the attending physician.
  • If the patient had myopia, then it is possible to return to work only after the restoration of near vision, i.e. after 1-3 weeks, depending on the age and degree of myopia. Patients with farsightedness may start work earlier if it is not related to distance vision strain (for example, drivers).

Much has been said about the effectiveness of laser vision correction surgery. This type intervention is most often used in ophthalmology, since it is almost painlessly tolerated by most patients. This technique allows you to quickly get rid of such eye ailments as astigmatism (visual impairment caused by a distortion of the shape of the eyeball, its cornea or lens, resulting in the loss of a clear image), farsightedness, as well as myopia (nearsightedness). The consequences of laser vision correction can be very diverse and, as a rule, are of a short-term nature. In order to avoid complications after laser vision correction, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations of the treating specialist, which include a number of restrictions.

Some features of laser correction used in ophthalmology

There are various methods of performing laser correction operations to restore vision. SMILE laser correction is considered one of the most effective, which is carried out using the so-called femtosecond laser unit. During the operation, a new eye lens (lenticule) is created from the inner corneal layers. The procedure got its name from the type of incision that is used in the correction. As a result, there is an instant restoration of vision, while the patient sees perfectly immediately after the completion of the correction operation. This technique eliminates the need for the patient to wear glasses, besides, the postoperative period passes very quickly and painlessly, and there are not many contraindications for its implementation.

Advice: patients with various eye diseases should be aware that laser correction surgery can restore normal vision, and the risks of various complications are minimized. However, at the same time, laser eye correction techniques do not relieve the patient from many causes that cause visual impairment. Therefore, a thorough examination by an experienced specialist who can determine the feasibility of laser vision correction is required.

The essence of corrective surgery using a laser is quite simple. Initially, depending on the anatomical features of the eyes, a individual program, which allows you to determine the thickness of the cornea, which will be removed by the laser beam. After that, the patient undergoes a separation of a certain size of the corneal flap, the desired layer of stroma is removed, and then the flap is restored to its original place. The edges of the joined shells heal fairly quickly. The LASIK technique has also proven itself well. Limitations after laser vision correction LASIK are practically no different from other laser surgeries performed on the eyes.

How can a patient prepare for an upcoming operation?

Since in the first days of the postoperative period it is necessary to refrain from direct contact with water in the eyes, it is recommended that patients wash their hair on the eve of surgery to restore vision using laser techniques. There are also restrictions immediately before the laser operation, namely:

  • patients are prohibited from drinking alcohol 2 days before laser vision restoration;
  • do not use cosmetics that can cause eye irritation before surgery;
  • Preoperative contraindications should also include the use of contact lenses.

Advice: if the patient uses contact lenses to restore and normalize vision, then there are certain restrictions on wearing them before the procedure. Soft lenses must be discontinued 7 days before the start of laser correction, hard lenses - 14 days before (unless other recommendations for implementation were given by the attending physician).

Contraindications for correction

There are certain contraindications to laser correction:

  • disorders of the immune system;
  • diabetes;
  • cataract;
  • retinal detachment;
  • glaucoma (an ophthalmologist should be consulted about the advisability of laser treatment of glaucoma).

There are also contraindications to the correction: it is not carried out for persons under the age of 18, as well as for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Possible complications in the postoperative period

What are the complications after eye surgery? Side effects of laser vision correction can manifest as:

  • swelling and inflammation of the eyes;
  • retinal detachment;
  • sensation of the presence of foreign objects in the eye;
  • deterioration in the quality of vision (in rare cases);
  • clouding of the cornea.

Restrictions for patients undergoing laser correction

Patients for a speedy recovery and to avoid possible problems with vision, you need to limit yourself:

  • in the use of cosmetics, especially aerosol type;
  • visiting public water bodies;
  • in direct sun rays why you need to wear dark glasses;
  • in the use of water procedures (washing, shampooing) during the first 3-4 days of the postoperative period;
  • women - in planning the conception of a child within 6 months after the correction;
  • in watching TV, spending time at the computer, reading;
  • in the use of alcohol during the 1st week;
  • in driving vehicles at night;
  • it is forbidden to rub the skin of the eyelids, so as not to infect the infection.

It is very important to use eye drops strictly on time and a certain number of times during the day, which the ophthalmologist will prescribe to the patient. This will remove possible inflammation, avoid eye infections and recover faster after correction. It is mandatory to undergo scheduled preventive examinations by a doctor.


Attention! The information on the site is presented by specialists, but is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-treatment. Be sure to consult a doctor!

Thousands of people around the world decide on laser vision correction, this modern method eliminates annoying problems quickly and painlessly. Most patients after LASIK forget about glasses for a long time.

However, the postoperative period requires compliance with a number of rules. Some of them impose restrictions for the rest of your life.

Restoration of vision after laser correction

Rehabilitation after laser vision correction takes place in several stages.

Also, the restrictions are designed to protect against a possible increase in eye pressure.

Staying in a hospital and bed rest are not mandatory, so the patient independently regulates the load on his body.

Complications after LASIK

Complications after the procedure occur in 5% of cases, and dangerous consequences that impair vision, in 1% of cases. Complications almost always require additional treatment.

The most common complications appear within a year and usually go away on their own.

These include:

  • Decreased night vision, as well as in cloudy weather.
  • Pain, sensation of a foreign body. They remain during the first days after correction.
  • Profuse lachrymation. Is the norm in the first three days.
  • Dry eye syndrome. It manifests itself in the form of irritation in patients who experienced such discomfort even before the correction. Irritation is removed with special drops.
  • Image splitting or blurring. It can occur both in the first days after the procedure, and much later.
  • Sensitivity to bright light becomes more pronounced after correction, in connection with this there are difficulties with driving a car at night.
  • Ingrown epithelium under the corneal flap. As a rule, it does not cause inconvenience, reduces vision only in exceptional cases.
  • Dropping of the upper eyelid. It occurs infrequently and usually resolves after a few months.

Complications that can seriously impair vision include:

  1. Small, torn corneal flap. If it is impossible to correct the complication, the operation must be repeated, but not earlier than six months later.
  2. Visual impairment. It occurs due to uneven laying of the corneal flap by the surgeon or violation of the doctor's recommendations by the patient. Re-installation is required to fix.
  3. Undercorrection and overcorrection. It occurs due to the removal of corneal tissue in a larger or smaller volume. Eliminated by re-correction.
  4. Inflammation of the cornea. Appears as a result of injuries, as well as exposure to bacteria. Medical treatment is needed.

The following complications can lead to loss of vision:

  • Damage or loss of the flap.
  • Diffuse lamellar keratitis. The reasons for this complication are unknown. Requires immediate treatment.

Patients need to understand that this operation is irreversible, since during it the shape of the cornea of ​​​​the eye changes. It is no longer possible to restore the original state of vision.

Loss of vision after correction

Visual impairment can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Violation of the recommendations of the doctor even before the operation. For example, a few days before the correction, you can not drink alcohol, as well as wear contact lenses.
  2. Violation of postoperative recommendations.
  3. Temporary complications that pass fairly quickly.
  4. Medical error. To eliminate the consequences, be sure to visit a doctor after surgery.
  5. Correction only helps to improve vision, therefore, with a tendency to progression of visual impairment, they may reappear.

If you experience any discomfort, or if your vision continues to deteriorate, immediately contact the correction specialist who will select proper treatment in each specific case.

We perceive 90% of information through vision. Color, shape, size of objects, their remoteness - we evaluate all these indicators with our eyes. If the vision is poor, then the possibilities of such a person are significantly reduced. And the worse the vision, the lower the quality of human life. It becomes clear that there is a high demand for vision correction.

The most common vision correction method is laser. Traumatization of tissues with this method is minimal, and dissected tissues heal very quickly.

Laser vision correction has only recently begun to be used. At first, this method was not very effective, but by now it has been improved so much that only 5% of patients after laser correction experience complications or the need for a second operation.

Contraindications for laser vision correction

Laser vision correction is still a micro-operation, therefore, it is not performed for everyone. There are a number of medical contraindications that exclude laser vision correction:
  • glaucoma. cataract
  • operated retinal detachment in the past
  • progressive myopia
  • fundus changes
  • degeneration or dystrophy of the retina
  • inflammatory diseases of the eye apparatus
  • pregnancy and lactation period
  • diabetes mellitus in the form of decompensation
  • having a herpes infection
  • autoimmune diseases (arthritis, collagenoses) and immunodeficiency states (eg AIDS).

    Preparation for surgery and postoperative period

    Before the operation of laser vision correction, it is necessary to undergo an examination by doctors - an ophthalmologist and a therapist and pass the tests that they will prescribe. Usually appointed general analysis blood tests, HIV and hepatitis B and C tests.

    Before the examination and operation, contact lenses should not be worn (soft - at least a week, hard - two). For 48 hours before the operation, it is forbidden to drink alcohol, even in minimal doses, within 24 hours before the operation, you can not use cosmetics in the eye area.

    After the operation, you must carefully follow all the recommendations of your doctor. You should not touch the operated eye until at least the first doctor's examination after discharge from the hospital. At least three days after the operation, do not wash your face and do not wash your hair. Within two weeks after the laser correction procedure, bright light, eye contact with very hot or cold air should be avoided, you should not rub your eyes and use cosmetics for the eyelids, eyelashes and eyebrows for a month - do not visit the pool and sauna. The doctor, based on your state of health and the nuances of the operation, may advise some other restrictions, you must strictly adhere to these recommendations.

    For any unusual sensations in the eye, a drop in vision, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    If the operation and the postoperative period passed without complications, then you can fully return to normal life in a month.

    Methods of laser vision correction

    Laser vision correction is carried out by such methods:
  • photorefractive keratectomy (PRK, PRK)
  • laser keratomileusis (LASIK, LASIK)
  • laser epitheliokeratectomy (LASEK, LASEK)
  • epi-LASIK (Epi-Lasik)
  • super-LASIK (Super Lasik)
  • Femto-LASIK (Femto-Lasik).

    Contraindications after laser vision correction

    The first days after laser vision correction are the most critical for the patient. As you correctly understand, this is due to the healing processes of the cornea of ​​the eye on which the operation was performed. The main task of the patient is not to harm himself, then further recovery will go according to plan.

    Contraindications after laser vision correction are simple - you must follow the doctor's instructions, exclude any mechanical damage to the eyes and follow the instillation of drops.

    We will introduce you to a list of things that absolutely cannot be done after the operation. They can lead to mechanical damage and displacement of the corneal flap or contribute to infection in the surgical area.

    Memo to the patient after laser vision correction

    Home treatment and the patient's regimen after the correction procedure is not something difficult. Accurate fulfillment of doctor's prescriptions and rules of conduct guarantee you speedy recovery:

  • Strictly follow the instructions of the attending physician
  • Drip postoperative drops according to the schedule
  • Always wash your hands before applying drops.
  • After the operation, it is not recommended to touch the eyes and eyelids.
  • On the first day after the operation, it is not recommended to wash, bathe and shower.
  • In the first month after the operation, it is not recommended to rub the eyes, put pressure on them.
  • You should not wear things with a narrow neck, put on over your head
  • Any injury to the eye should be avoided
  • We do not recommend using makeup on the eyelids and eyelashes, hairspray
  • It is not recommended to visit the sauna, swimming pool, solarium for 3-4 weeks
  • In summer, during these periods, we do not recommend being on the beach without sunglasses
  • It is forbidden to swim in open water and pools until the end of treatment. At the end of the recovery period, almost all restrictions are removed and the patient returns to his daily life and physical activity.

    When the recovery period is over, you can forget about all the restrictions and enjoy excellent vision without glasses and contact lenses!

    Laser vision correction - possible complications after surgery

    Like any surgical operation, laser correction can have individual complications. But almost all of them are treatable. The complication rate is in the ratio of one eye in a thousand operated, which is 0.1 percent. But still, before making a decision, you should carefully study all about the alleged postoperative problems. This list is quite long. But in real practice they are quite infrequent. It is especially worth being prepared to face similar problems in the case of a high degree of minus or plus vision.

    1. Undercorrection or overcorrection.

    Even the most careful calculation cannot guarantee the absence of this problem. The most correct calculation can be made with small degrees of myopia and hyperopia. Depending on the diopter, there are chances for a complete return of 100% vision.

    2. Loss of the flap or change in position.

    It only happens during or after LASIK surgery. Occurs when careless touching the operated eye in the next few days, due to insufficient adhesion of the flap and the cornea, or injury to the eye. Corrected by returning the flap to the correct position and closing it with a lens or a couple of sutures for a short time. There is a danger of a fall in the resulting vision. With complete loss of the flap, the postoperative period is similar to PRK, and postoperative recovery is longer.

    3. Displacement of the center when exposed to a laser.

    Occurs in case of incorrect fixation of the patient's gaze or its displacement during the operation. Before choosing a clinic, it is necessary to conduct a study on the equipment used. Modern excimer laser systems have a system for tracking eye movements and are able to stop abruptly if they detect even the slightest movement. A significant degree of decentering (off center) can affect the power of vision and even cause double vision.

    4. The occurrence of defects in the epithelium.

    Possibly with LASIK surgery. There may be such troubles as the sensation of a foreign body in the eye, profuse lacrimation and fear of bright light. Everything can last 1-4 days.

    5. Turbidity in the cornea.

    It only happens with PRK. It appears as a result of the development of connective tissue in the cornea due to an individual inflammatory process, after which turbidity occurs. Eliminated by laser resurfacing of the cornea.

    6. Increased photophobia.

  • It happens with any operation and goes away on its own in 1-1.5 years.
  • Different vision in daylight and darkness.
  • Occurs very rarely. After a while, there comes an adaptation.

    7. Infectious processes.

    It happens very rarely. It is associated with non-compliance with postoperative rules, with reduced immunity or the presence of inflammatory foci in the body before surgery.

  • It occurs in 3-5% of patients. It can last from 1 to 12 months. Discomfort is eliminated by the use of special drops.
  • Doubling of the image.
  • Occurs infrequently.

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    Contraindications after surgery

    I've been wanting to create this thread for a long time. Contraindications are not FOR, but AFTER the operation (I did not find it by searching for information .. scattered scraps).

    Question: when can I wash my hair and how to do it? And even today, at the examination, the doctor said that you should not drink carbonated drinks, supposedly a flap can rise?

    So. What can not (undesirable) to do after laser correction:

    it is known that you can not go to the bath for some time, do heavy sports, rub your eyes. As I understand it, it is advisable to wear dark glasses so that dust does not get in. Sleep on your back (required).

    Laser vision correction - contraindications

    For many decades, scientists have been looking for a safe and effective way to restore visual acuity, and finally, they have become laser correction, which, by acting on the refractive optical medium inside the eye (cornea), changes its shape. At the same time, the normal focusing of the image on the retina is restored - in the place where it should be in a person with healthy vision.

    Restoration of vision after Super Lasik

    Basic vision correction techniques

    There are several modern methods of vision correction using laser equipment. Let's talk about them briefly.

    PRK (photorefractive keratectomy). This technique is the first of the emerging laser techniques. Part of the cornea is vaporized in a dosed manner with a cold (excimer) laser controlled by a computer program. The surface of the cornea is restored in 1-3 days, a new optical curvature appears. The recovery process is very unpleasant. In addition, if both eyes are subject to correction, the second will be operated only when the rehabilitation of the first is completed.

    LASIK (LASIK) - laser keratomileusis. The corneal flap is separated, folded back, after which its inner layers are “smoothed” with a laser according to computer program. Then the corneal flap falls back into place and begins to grow in the first minutes after the operation. Vision correction can be performed on both eyes on the same day, and the recovery period does not cause discomfort to the patient and lasts about a day. Complications after surgery directly depend on the sterility of the operating room and the qualifications of the eye surgeon. Another method of surgery is possible if the thickness of the cornea is not quite sufficient for LASIK.

    Another type of LASIK is LASEK (LASer Epitheliale Keratumileusis). During this operation, the flap is not separated from the cornea, but only from its epithelial layer. This means that the deep layers of the cornea remain intact and the risk of complications is reduced.

    Each of the described methods is applied strictly individually, according to indications.

    Preparation and conduct of the operation

    It will be necessary to prepare for the operation according to the instructions of the doctor. But general rules are.

  • Rigid lenses should be stopped 2 weeks before the operation, soft lenses - one week, because the shape of the cornea changes under their influence, and it should return to normal.
  • 48 hours before surgery, you need to give up alcohol, and 24 hours - from cosmetics. On the day of the operation, it is recommended to wash your hair, as this will not be possible for another 2-3 days after the operation. Refuse perfumed and alcohol-containing facial skin care products, do not wear clothes with a small nap (mohair, woolen).
  • Blood tests may be prescribed: general, for HIV, RW, hepatitis B and C.

    After instilling an anesthetic into the eye, the surgeon inserts an eyelid speculum and programs the laser. An instrument placed on the eye separates the corneal flap and takes it aside (there will be no unpleasant or painful sensations). It is necessary to look at the red light and not move the eye: the beam is turned off if the eye begins to move, and the operation will last longer than the scheduled time. The laser exposure lasts only 10 minutes, after which you can relax by closing your eyes. The doctor will conduct a control examination and drip drops. It happens that the patient after the operation is put on a protective contact lens. After a couple of hours, vision will begin to recover, and you can go home, preferably accompanied by someone.

    In addition to the ban on washing your hair and washing your face, visiting the sauna and swimming pool, you will not be allowed to be in bright light, use cosmetics, or drink alcohol. The eyes should not be affected by too cold or overheated air. If there are unusual sensations in the eyes, there is a deterioration in vision - you should immediately contact the clinic.

    The doctor will tell you what to do after the operation, because its success depends not only on the skill of the surgeon, but also on the adequate behavior of the patient. After a month, you can already lead a normal life.

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