Trichomoniasis in women is a fairly common problem. With this disease, patients regularly turn to gynecologists and venereologists. Unfortunately, many patients come for help in the later stages of the disease, which greatly complicates the treatment process.

Today, many people are interested in the question of what constitutes trichomoniasis. How is the infection transmitted? What are its first symptoms? How to protect yourself from such a disease? This information will be useful to everyone.

Trichomoniasis: brief information about the disease

Today, trichomoniasis is considered one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. According to statistical surveys, in some cases the number of infected people reaches 40% of the total population. In more developed countries, this figure is much less - 8-12%.

By the way, trichomoniasis in women is diagnosed much more often than in men. In the representatives of the stronger sex, the infection, as a rule, proceeds latently, and its presence can only be established during laboratory tests. Unfortunately, not all infected people seek medical help, preferring home remedies for self-treatment. The lack of appropriate therapy leads to the transition of the disease to a chronic form, which, in turn, entails a lot of complications, including infertility.

Exciter characteristic

It should be noted right away that trichomonas vaginalis It's not a bacterium, so antibiotics don't work on it. This microorganism belongs to the type of protozoa, namely the class of flagellates. In fact, Trichomonas is very easy to notice during a microscopic examination, as it has a characteristic pear-shaped cell and several movable flagella, with the help of which it moves quite actively.

Most often, these microorganisms live in the vagina (in men, they spread through the urethra). Much less often, Trichomonas affect the upper parts of the genitourinary system. It is worth noting that these protozoa perfectly interact with a bacterial infection - often bacteria "hide" from drugs and immune system inside the cell of this protozoan.

On the other hand, Trichomonas is not able to survive outside the host organism. In conditions external environment cells can only last for a few hours and only in the presence of moisture. This type of protozoan dies when high temperatures, lack of moisture, exposure to ultraviolet rays, as well as in a strongly acidic or alkaline environment. Optimal for the survival of microorganisms is pH in the range of 5.2-6.2.

Trichomoniasis in women: causes and ways of transmission

What are the main causes of this disease? How is the infection transmitted? Why are some people more prone to this disease than others? These questions are of interest to many.

You can catch the pathogen only during intercourse without using a condom. And oral and anal contacts are also dangerous. By the way, in men, trichomoniasis very often occurs latently, without any visible symptoms, so your partner may not even be aware of his illness. There is an opinion that it is possible to become infected with Trichomonas by household means. In fact, the likelihood of catching an infection in a bath or pool is extremely small.

These are not all the factors under the influence of which trichomoniasis develops in women. The reasons may be related to the characteristics of the functioning of the body. For example, patients with an acidic vaginal environment are more prone to such an infection. But a pH less than 5.5 or more than 7 is not suitable for the active reproduction of microorganisms.

In addition, the presence of wounds, loose and erosive areas on the vaginal epithelium can also contribute to the activation of the infection. The bacterial composition of the microflora is also important, because some bacterial microorganisms (in particular, some strains of gonococci) are able to create optimal conditions for the life of Trichomonas inside the body. Naturally, the weakening of the immune system can also be attributed to risk factors.

By the way, persistent immunity to this disease is not produced. After treatment, you can easily become a victim of infection again.

The main symptoms of the disease

How does trichomoniasis manifest itself in women? This question interests many. After all, it is no secret to anyone that the sooner the first symptoms are noticed, the sooner the doctor will be able to prescribe correct scheme treatment.

How does trichomoniasis start? The incubation period in women in most cases lasts from two to four weeks. Then the first violations begin to appear. Leucorrhea, profuse yellowish discharge with bad smell are the first symptoms of trichomoniasis in women. Often these secretions are liquid and even frothy.

Whites affect the tissues of the external genital organs, corroding the epithelial layer. This leads to severe itching and even soreness. Often the situation is aggravated as a result of constant scratching of the affected areas of the skin.

The main symptoms can also include pain that occurs during intercourse. Many patients also complain of severe burning and soreness during urination. As the disease progresses, extremely unpleasant pains in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region also appear.

Some signs can only be noticed during a gynecological examination. First of all, the doctor notes the presence of edema on the surface of the labia minora and in the area of ​​the clitoris. In addition, it is not uncommon to see small superficial sores on the mucous membrane of the external genital organs.

In addition, trichomoniasis in women leads to swelling of the vaginal part of the cervix. At the same time, its tissues loosen and often bleed - in such cases, blood impurities can be seen in the vaginal discharge. In more severe cases, the infection leads to inflammation of the cervix and its further erosion.

In no case should you hesitate to visit a doctor. The first signs of trichomoniasis in women, or rather, their presence, is a reason for taking tests and a gynecological examination.

Modern diagnostic methods

Trichomoniasis in women is often discovered quite by accident during a gynecological examination. With the help of colposcopic methods, the gynecologist can notice small hemorrhages on the cervix - this symptom is called "strawberry neck". Unfortunately, these symptoms do not occur in all patients.

The most accurate are laboratory studies. To date, several main methods are used:

  • Microscopic examination of samples taken during a smear allows you to see living cells of the pathogen. At the same time, laboratory assistants can consider both stained and unstained preparations. This is the simplest and most accessible technique, but its accuracy is no more than 60%.
  • Culture of the taken samples on an artificial nutrient medium is a more accurate method. It allows not only to determine the presence and nature of pathogenic pathogens, but also to find out to which group of drugs they are sensitive.
  • Quite accurate today are immunological methods of research, which determine the presence of specific antibodies in a woman's body.
  • On the other hand, recently in modern medicine, PCR methods are increasingly used, which help to detect the genetic material of Trichomonas.

What complications are possible?

Most experts believe that trichomoniasis is the most harmless and safe sexually transmitted disease that is easily treatable. At the same time, some researchers put forward the theory that this infection is extremely dangerous and in some cases can lead to malignant degeneration of tissues. In any case, the lack of treatment often provokes the occurrence of a wide variety of complications.

What are the consequences of trichomoniasis in women? As already mentioned, the infection rarely affects the internal genital organs, since the cervix is ​​​​a kind of barrier. However, if it is damaged or its structure is disturbed (this is observed during menstruation, after childbirth or abortion), Trichomonas can spread further, causing various complications. In particular, the penetration of microorganisms into the uterine cavity can lead to inflammation and endometritis. Trichomonas also penetrates into the fallopian tubes and ovaries, causing inflammation, and later the formation of cysts, adhesions, etc.

Thus, such a disease, if left untreated, entails quite serious complications, up to infertility. Therefore, in no case should you ignore its symptoms and refuse therapy.

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy

Unfortunately, trichomoniasis in pregnant women is diagnosed quite often. Moreover, the disease can proceed both latently and with the manifestation of the main symptoms. In any case, it should be understood that this infection is extremely dangerous for a growing fetus. To begin with, it is worth noting that a child can easily become infected from the mother during fetal development or already in the process of childbirth.

The presence of trichomonas in the mother's body significantly increases the likelihood of pregnancy fading or miscarriage. In addition, most women with trichomoniasis have a premature discharge of water, resulting in the birth of a child. ahead of time. In addition, do not forget that these protozoa can contribute to the spread of a bacterial infection by protecting pathogens from the effects of the immune system.

How to cure trichomoniasis in women during pregnancy? Therapy in this case is carried out under the constant supervision of a physician. During the first trimester, vaginal suppositories or creams are usually used. In the future, short-term courses of treatment are allowed with the help of small doses of preparations containing imidazole. Naturally, the partner should also undergo therapy, as this helps to avoid re-infection.

Childbirth in women with trichomoniasis is taken in specialized clinics. It is essential to immediately check the newborn for the presence of infection and, if necessary, initiate appropriate therapy.

How to treat trichomoniasis in women?

Of course, if you suspect such an infection, you should immediately consult a doctor. The treatment regimen here is determined individually, as it depends on the stage of development of the disease, the spread of infection throughout the body, the state of the woman's body and, of course, her individual physiological characteristics. So how to treat trichomoniasis in women?

Since Trichomonas belongs to the group of protozoa, the use of antibiotics, which are often used in self-medication, is ineffective. The treatment regimen for trichomoniasis in women includes taking drugs belonging to the group of nitroimidazoles. The most commonly used drugs are "Tinidazole", "Metronidazole", "Ornidazole" and some other drugs.

A single dose, schedule of administration and duration of treatment is determined only by the attending physician - you must carefully follow all his recommendations. Since the infection is sexually transmitted, both (or all) partners must undergo therapy. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages while taking medication.

In addition, the treatment regimen for trichomoniasis in women includes topical preparations. It can be vaginal suppositories, gels, creams, tablets or balls. These medicines are used as adjuvants. In the chronic course of the disease and constant relapses, patients are prescribed intravenous administration of a special vaccine "Solkotrikhovak". A week after the end of the course, the patient, together with her partner, must pass repeated tests.

Chronic trichomoniasis: what is the danger?

Due to the fact that this disease is often completely asymptomatic, there is a high probability of its transition to a chronic form. According to statistics, this phenomenon is extremely common today.

What does the clinical picture look like? Chronic trichomoniasis is characterized by a cyclic course, in which periods of relative well-being are replaced by exacerbations. During relapses, women complain of the same standard symptoms - the appearance of uncharacteristic whites, pain in the lower abdomen, itching and burning. But the exacerbation is quickly replaced by an improvement in the condition, so patients rarely seek help.

Nevertheless, long-term consequences are also noticeable, since even in a period of relative prosperity, some changes can be noticed. To begin with, it is worth noting that the general condition of the body and well-being are significantly deteriorating.

For example, there is a decrease in immunity - patients are more susceptible to colds and other infections. The chronic form of the disease often affects sexual life. In particular, patients often note a decrease in sexual desire, as well as vaginal dryness.

This is what chronic trichomoniasis looks like in women. Treatment in this case is carried out by the same preparations of imidazole. In addition, patients are prescribed a course of immunotherapy. Naturally, the medication is recommended for both sexual partners at once. At the time of treatment, it is worth refusing to have sexual intercourse, especially without the use of condoms. In the chronic form of the disease, therapy is longer, because the infection spreads throughout the genitourinary system. Of course, if there is a complication (inflammation of the uterine appendages, etc.), additional treatment should be carried out.

Basic preventive measures

Trichomoniasis in women can lead to extremely dangerous complications, so it is extremely important to take precautions. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine that can permanently protect against this infection.

Therefore, experts recommend avoiding casual sex and using protection methods. On the other hand, it is worth considering that a condom cannot guarantee complete safety. If unprotected contact with a potentially infected partner nevertheless took place, doctors recommend thoroughly washing the genitals and treating them with Miramistin (douching is more suitable for women).

Given the fact that the disease is quite often latent (especially in men), it is extremely important to get tested regularly for STDs - this is the only way to prevent the spread of infection.

Is it possible to treat the disease with folk methods?

Today, many are interested in questions about what medicines are available for trichomoniasis in women in traditional medicine. Of course, there are many methods of therapy at home. But again, self-medication in this case is highly undesirable.

An effective medicine is a decoction of chamomile. It can be used for washing the external genitalia. Chamomile has a mild anti-inflammatory effect, so it helps relieve redness, swelling and itching that appear with trichomoniasis. A decoction of chamomile can also be taken orally. To prepare the medicine, you need to pour five tablespoons of dried flowers of the plant with two glasses of boiling water. After the mixture is infused, it needs to be filtered. Take a glass twice a day, preferably before meals.

Another effective tool considered aloe. Fortunately, this plant is in almost every home. Grind the leaf of the plant, transfer the gruel to cheesecloth and squeeze the juice out of it. Juice can lubricate the skin on the external genitalia. In addition, a tampon soaked in aloe juice can be inserted into the vagina for 20 minutes every day.

Sea buckthorn oil can also be used to treat the vagina. Soak a tampon in it and insert it into your vagina, preferably at night. Repeat the procedure daily for the appearance of the first improvements. Douching with a decoction of calendula flowers will also be useful, as this plant also has anti-inflammatory properties.

In any case, before using any of the folk recipes it is worth consulting a doctor. Only a specialist knows what trichomoniasis is, symptoms, treatment in women. In no case should you try to solve the problem on your own, since herbal compresses and decoctions can only speed up the healing process, but in no case will they replace full-fledged drug therapy.

Itching or burning of the vulva, frequent urge to urinate may indicate the presence of a sexual infection. It can be trichomonas in women. This is the microorganism that causes trichomoniasis. The infection provokes the development of diseases and inflammation of the organs of the genitourinary system, most often sexually transmitted. Is this disease dangerous and how to get rid of it faster?

Causes of the disease

How does trichomoniasis manifest itself in women?

Trichomonas vaginalis is the simplest single-celled creature, and not a bacterium, as many used to think. Such microorganisms have eukaryotes (nuclei) and a more complex structure in comparison with bacteria. The size of the vaginal Trichomonas is approximately 10 nm.

It moves independently through the body with the help of special flagella, without needing oxygen. This is how it penetrates the urinary tract and uterus, causing inflammation and pain due to damage to the epithelium. it is possible through personal hygiene items, but such cases are recorded extremely rarely.

Outside the human body, she is able to live only a few hours, and with any heating or drying - even less. That is why the main route of infection is unprotected intercourse. Penetration of Trichomonas during anal or oral sex is possible, but is quite rare. It is not excluded infection of the fetus during childbirth, if the mother was infected. In women, trichomonas are found in the vagina, cervix, bladder and urethra, as well as in the Bartholin glands (paired glands of the vestibule of the vagina).

In addition, there are other causes of this disease:

Also, the disease often develops along with other pathologies (gonorrhea and chlamydia). People suffering from trichomoniasis are 2 times more likely to suffer from AIDS, HIV, HPV and genital herpes. The mucous membrane damaged by the infection allows other viruses to enter the body. This microorganism triggers the mechanism of other immune reactions that lead to an increase in the activity of reproduction of infected cells.

Symptoms of the disease

In some cases, trichomoniasis can be asymptomatic (this is also called trichomonas carriers). In this case, the carrier of the disease simply infects his sexual partners, while he himself does not feel any discomfort. Men are more susceptible to this type of disease, but women can also develop it. In the case of an asymptomatic course of the disease, you can get rid of the problem yourself, because for a certain time (from 4 months to 5 years) trichomoniasis simply disappears from the body on its own.

But such an outcome is possible only if:

  1. The manifestation of asymptomatic disease was recorded.
  2. The immune system of the patient is high.
  3. There are no sexual relations for the entire period of infection.

However, getting rid of Trichomonas in this way is highly undesirable, especially for women. Without proper treatment, even asymptomatic trichomoniasis can become chronic, causing serious consequences:

From the moment of infection to the onset of the first symptoms, it usually takes 2 weeks, less often the development can last up to several months. In this case, the signs of trichomoniasis will be as follows:

  1. yellow or green tint. They are plentiful and have a sharp, unpleasant odor.
  2. Discomfort in the area of ​​infection, which turns into sharp pains during intercourse and urination.
  3. Redness of the vaginal mucosa, sometimes accompanied by pus.
  4. White discharge from the vagina is the most distinguishing feature of this particular disease.
  5. Sometimes a woman feels mild pain in the lower abdomen.

Lasts more than 2 months with periodic exacerbations of all of the above symptoms. The following factors contribute to relapses:

  • complete disregard for the disease and treatment;
  • non-compliance with standard hygiene rules;
  • menses;
  • sexual contacts;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • decrease in immunity.

Diagnosis of the disease

Often the diagnosis of the disease will consist of several stages:

With the right procedure, the result will be 100%. PCR is very effective in diagnosing latent microorganisms, which are often present in the body in a chronic or asymptomatic form of the disease. So Trichomonas can be detected if it has passed into the incubation period. This will greatly simplify the method of treatment.

However, it must be remembered that even with a positive analysis for Trichomonas, exceptions are possible. An erroneous confirmation of the diagnosis can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Contamination and improper storage of the test material due to the unqualified doctor. For example, within 1 hour before the test, the patient visited the toilet, which is strictly prohibited.
  2. If the patient took or used (even for the treatment of other diseases) a few months before the analysis.
  3. The absence of Trichomonas genome in the material due to strong inflammatory processes in the parts of the reproductive system.

For your own peace of mind, it is advisable to do several tests on the advice of the attending gynecologist. It is important that all studies are completed by both partners.


First of all, it must be remembered that the treatment of trichomoniasis in women should be carried out in all forms of the disease, even if the disease occurs without symptoms. During therapy, sexual contacts are excluded, and together with the patient, her sexual partner also undergoes a course of treatment. Since Trichomonas cannot be cured with antibacterial drugs, other methods have to be resorted to.

Effective treatment usually begins with taking antitrichomonas drugs: and its analogues. The active substances of the drug are the following components:

  • hydroxyethyl;
  • methyl;
  • nitroimidazole.

The tool has several forms of release: powder for intravenous administration, oral and vaginal tablets. When taken orally, the tablet should not be chewed. Take the drug during or after a meal.

Additionally, the manufacturer advises treating the disease with Metronidazole in the form of vaginal suppositories. If necessary, the course is repeated or the dose is increased, while the break should be 1 month. If the patient uses vaginal gel or, a single dose or course therapy is possible: 2 times a day for 10 days.

Contraindications for use:

  • hypersensitivity to one of the components;
  • leukopenia (decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood);
  • lesions of the central nervous system;
  • liver failure.

With caution and only under the supervision of a physician, this medicine should be taken during pregnancy and lactation. Analogues of the drug with the same active substances: Aquametro, Metrogil, Klion, etc.

Additionally, various vaginal tablets and suppositories are prescribed to alleviate symptoms (for example, Klion-D or Osartsid for contraindications to oral medications). The patient will also have to undergo physiotherapy and immunotherapy.

In the chronic form of the disease, the treatment regimen is longer and more complex. Solkotrichovac is often prescribed - a vaccine to adjust the balance of the vaginal microflora. At intervals of 2 weeks, a course of 3 injections is carried out. After 1 year, revaccination is carried out with subsequent repetitions every 2 years.

At the end of treatment, control laboratory tests are usually prescribed. They are carried out at the end of menstruation for 3 months. Negative test results for Trichomonas indicate a complete recovery. After how many days or months will the problem disappear? Depending on the severity of the lesion, the period will be 1-7 days.

Preventive measures

The rules for the prevention of trichomoniasis in women are simple and suitable in order to prevent the penetration of all urogenital infections. Having a permanent sexual partner is the main condition. During sexual intercourse, you should use any contraceptives, follow standard hygiene rules. Periodically, it is necessary to undergo a complete medical examination.

Trichomonas infection is considered one of the most common among STDs. Often this disease is almost asymptomatic, becomes chronic and is the cause of many complications.

How to treat trichomoniasis in women and men? In our review and video in this article, we will try to analyze the general principles of therapy, the most effective drugs and recovery criteria.

According to the latest statistics, (or, as they say, trichomoniasis) has “overtaken” gonorrhea in prevalence and is the most diagnosed sexually transmitted infection.

Its causative agent - Trichomonas vaginalis - is a representative of the biological group of protozoa and is a unicellular organism in structure.

It lives in the urinary tract of sick men and women and is transmitted:

  • sexually (in 99% of cases);
  • with close household contacts - extremely rare, since trichomonas are extremely unstable in the external environment;
  • child from the mother at the time of birth (read more).

The disease is highly contagious: even with a single sexual intercourse, the risk of infection is 60-70 for men and 80-100% for women. In most of the stronger sex, this STD is asymptomatic, so it is they who most often become carriers of Trichomonas.

This is interesting. According to WHO estimates, every tenth inhabitant of our planet suffers from trichomoniasis. Many are not even aware of it. Are you not one of them?

Dangerous consequences of the disease

Although Trichomonas vaginalis infection is not life-threatening, if untreated, the infection can lead to serious complications. Why is trichomoniasis dangerous?

The main complications of the disease relate to urinary and reproductive functions:

  • urethral stricture;
  • cystitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • orchiepididymitis;
  • endo- and perimetritis;
  • salpingoophoritis.

Any inflammation sooner or later leads to damage and cicatricial changes in the tissues. That is why the narrowing (stricture) of the lumen of the urethra is one of the most common complications of STDs and trichomoniasis in particular.

Due to anatomical features, it is more common in men and is characterized by:

  • discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying Bladder;
  • pain when urinating;
  • sometimes - an admixture of blood in the urine.

Cystitis - the development of inflammation of the bladder - is also often diagnosed with trichomoniasis. Women are more susceptible to this disease.

Typical symptoms include:

  • pain of a sharp, cutting, tingling nature in the abdomen;
  • painful urge to urinate;
  • common manifestations of intoxication are fever, weakness, loss of appetite and fatigue.

If Trichomonas penetrate into the upper parts of the patient's reproductive system, a specific inflammatory lesion of the uterus with appendages develops.

It may appear:

  • vaginal discharge;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • MC violations.

Often, against the background of inflammation, deformation and the formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes occur, and their patency is impaired. The sad result is infertility.

What threatens trichomoniasis to the stronger sex? In the case of prostatitis, the infection "spreads" to the prostate gland of a man.

This complication manifests itself:

  • burning, discomfort, pulling pains in the perineum and anus;
  • discharge from the urethra;
  • streaks of blood in the ejaculate;
  • frequent painful urination;
  • false urges.

Important! The main danger of chronic inflammation of the prostate is a decrease in sexual desire in a man, as well as increasing problems with erection up to complete impotence.

Inflammation of the testicle with an appendage (orchiepididymitis) with trichomoniasis is rare, but can lead to such a formidable complication as male infertility.

The main symptoms of pathology:

  • pain, feeling of heaviness in the testicle;
  • swelling of the scrotum;
  • increase in T ° of the body.

In order to prevent serious health problems, it is important to start therapeutic measures on time. How men are treated - let's figure it out.

We are treated correctly

Of course, it is better if the doctor selects the therapy regimen based on the results of the tests. In our review - only standard instructions.

General principles

If a person suspects STD symptoms, wants to be checked after “doubtful” sex, or wants to be 100% sure of his own health, he should contact a dermatovenereologist.

This specialist is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, including trichomoniasis. According to indications, a gynecologist or urologist is additionally involved in the treatment process.

It is important for a patient who has encountered an STD to know a few rules:

  1. It is possible to start specific treatment only after a clinical (final) diagnosis has been made.
  2. All sexual partners of the patient should undergo therapy.
  3. After completing the course, it is necessary to take control tests to make sure that the infection is defeated.

In most cases, trichomoniasis is successfully treated at home.

Indications for hospitalization are:

  • development of dangerous complications;
  • acute inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • threat of miscarriage.

Will antibiotics help?

Since Trichomonas vaginalis is a protozoan and not a bacteria, it will not be possible to defeat it with conventional antimicrobial agents.

5-nitroimidazole derivatives come to the rescue, having the following pharmacological effects:

  • antibacterial;
  • antiprotozoal;
  • trichomonacid.

The mechanism of action of these drugs is based on a violation of respiratory activity and metabolism in the pathogen cell. This directly causes the death of the microorganism.

The drugs of choice are:

  1. Metronidazole. The first representative of the group. It has been used to treat STDs for several decades.
  2. Ornidazole- a more modern and very popular drug in dermatovenereology today.
  3. Tinidazole- a medicine with a complex action, which is effective not only against trichomoniasis, but also against many bacterial infections of the urogenital area.
  4. tenonitrozole- an agent with an additional antimycotic (antifungal) effect.
  5. Secnidazole is a modern drug. Like Tinidazole, it inhibits the growth of most pathogenic bacteria.

Important! Most drugs against trichomoniasis are incompatible with alcohol. Even a small amount of alcohol during therapy can lead to acute poisoning.

Table: Standard treatment regimens for trichomoniasis for men and women:

A drug Dosage, g Multiplicity of application A course of treatment
Acute uncomplicated trichomoniasis
Metronidazole2 1 r/morningSingle dose
0,5 2 r/d7 days
Tinidazole2 1 r/morningSingle dose
Ornidazole0,5 2 r/d5 days
Secnidazole2 1 r/morningSingle dose
Chronic trichomoniasis
Metronidazole2 1 r/morning4-5 days
Tinidazole2 1 r/morning3-4 days
Ornidazole0,5 2 r/d7-8 days
tenonitrazole0,25 2-3 r / d5-6 days

Treatment in men

As for women, the main thing in the treatment of the disease is the etiotropic effect of 5-nitroimidazole derivatives.

  • washing the urethra with disinfectants (Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin);
  • in the formation of urethral stricture - bougienage;
  • interferon preparations;
  • natural adaptogens (Eleutherococcus, Echinacea, Ginseng).

Treatment in women

Answering the question of how trichomoniasis is treated in women, we note that in addition to taking 5-nitroimidazole tablets, you can use local dosage forms with the same active ingredient.

Special cases


Trichomoniasis that occurs during childbearing poses a serious threat to the health of the expectant mother and her baby. Therefore, it is possible and even necessary to treat an infection during pregnancy. However, in terms of therapy, some nuances must be taken into account.

Important! In addition to transmitting the infection to the baby during childbirth, trichomoniasis during pregnancy can lead to spontaneous abortion, premature rupture of amniotic fluid, and low baby weight.

In general, the treatment of the disease in expectant mothers is carried out according to the same principles as in non-pregnant women. The only important exception: 5-nitroimidazole derivatives are not prescribed in the first trimester, since they can have a teratogenic effect on the developing fetal systems.

Table: Standard treatment regimens for trichomoniasis during pregnancy:

I trimesterMainVaginal supp. Ternidazole (0.2 g) or Clotrimazole (0.1 g) - 1 r / d * 10 days.
AdditionalWashing of NGO with Chlorhexidine, Miramistin or potassium permanganate solution
Rehabilitation (after the main treatment)Bifidumbacterin - 1 r / d * 10 days
II, III trimesterMainMetronidazole 0.5 - 2 r / d * 7 days.
AdditionalVaginal supp. Ternidazole, Clotrimazole or Klion D - 1 r / d * 10 days.
RestorativeBifidumbacterin - 1 r / d * 10 days.
Rectal supp. Viferon 500,000 IU - 2 r / d * 10 days.

Note! Multivitamin complexes will help a woman to increase immunity and recover faster after an illness.

If trichomoniasis has been diagnosed in a nursing woman, treatment should be carried out according to general principles. However, for the duration of therapy (the full course will take no more than 2 weeks), doctors recommend stopping breastfeeding, since Metronidazole and its analogues can pass into breast milk.


Treatment of trichomoniasis in childhood is a special issue that requires careful study. In this section, we will indicate only the recommended dosages of drugs for etiotropic therapy.

Table: Selection of the dosage of antitrichomonacid drugs for children:

Control tests are required

Currently, there are two indicators of "cure" from trichomoniasis:

  • clinical - complete disappearance of symptoms of the disease;
  • etiological - eradication of the pathogen from the body.

Even if there are no clinical manifestations of the disease, the patient must undergo a follow-up examination to make sure that trichomoniasis is completely defeated. As a rule, dermatovenereologists recommend re-passing the biomaterial for PCR or bakposev.

Negative results of these tests with a probability of almost 100% are a sign that the disease has been cured.

Questions to the doctor

Treatment regimen

Hello! I am 23 years old girl. The sexual partner is one, we are protected by tablets. Recently there have been complaints of greyish-yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor. Examined, found trichomonas. The doctor prescribed Fazizhin 500, but I listened to how to drink it. Tell me how to drink this medicine? Is it suitable for my boyfriend?

Hello! If you have any questions about the treatment regimen, it is advisable to ask your doctor. You can find the standard scheme for how to take Tinidazole for trichomoniasis (Fazizhin is one of the trade names for the drug) in the article above: 2 g (4 tablets) once in the morning.

Your sexual partner can be treated the same way. Sexual contact until complete recovery is excluded.


Hello! Tell me, what to douche with trichomoniasis? A friend advised soda, will it help?

Good day! Modern schemes for the treatment of STDs do not provide for douching, especially with soda. Such procedures can wash out the beneficial vaginal flora, provoke the development of bacterial vaginosis and further aggravate the situation.

It is better to simply rinse the NGO shallowly with solutions of safe antiseptics (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin). The main thing in the treatment of trichomoniasis is taking the tablet forms of Metronidazole or its derivatives.

Signs of trichomoniasis in women, treatment and possible consequences

Trichomoniasis (syn. trichomoniasis) is an infection caused by protozoan microorganisms. To date, 3 types of pathogens are known that affect the genitourinary system, intestinal and oral cavity; trichomoniasis in women is caused by trichomonas genitalia.

The pathogen feeds on red blood cells and iron ions, often contributing to the appearance of anemia. Trichomonas also absorbs other microorganisms. So, when the causative agent of gonorrhea is swallowed, gonococci continue to live inside trichonades and, after antibacterial treatment against gonorrhea, can cause a recurrence of gonococcal infection.

What it is?

Trichomoniasis - infection organs of the human genitourinary system. The causative agent is Trichomonas vaginalis. The disease ranks first in prevalence among diseases of the genitourinary system. In addition, trichomoniasis holds the lead among sexually transmitted diseases. According to the World Health Organization (1999), 10% of the world's population suffer from trichomoniasis. The disease is registered annually in about 170 million people.

Causes of the disease

Trichomoniasis refers to diseases that do not just happen. The reason for its occurrence is always unambiguous: unprotected sexual contact with the carrier of the infection. The causative agent of the disease is contained in some fluids of the human body, primarily in semen and vaginal secretions. Therefore, the main route of its transmission is sexual.

The likelihood of contracting an infection in a household way is unlikely. However, this possibility cannot be completely ruled out. The bacterium can remain viable for some time in a humid environment. This should be remembered when visiting the pool and sauna. The bath is safe in this regard, because Trichomonas quickly dies when it is hot.

Trichomoniasis is transmitted during pregnancy from mother to child, infection can also occur at the time of childbirth. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in girls whose mothers during pregnancy were carriers of Trichomonas.

Symptoms and first signs

The incubation period for trichomoniasis is 5 to 20 days. In some cases, the first manifestation of the disease becomes noticeable later. Before this, the disease can proceed without discomfort. The first signs of trichomoniasis very often can appear only during critical days. In addition, the symptoms may be similar to those of a fungal infection.

As a rule, the main symptoms of trichomoniasis in women (see photo) are identical to those of other sexually transmitted diseases, namely:

  • itching, burning, pain in the vaginal area;
  • discomfort in the urinary tract;
  • pain in the pelvic area, the intensity of which increases markedly at the time of sexual intercourse;
  • the presence of vaginal frothy discharge of a whitish or yellow-green hue with a pungent odor.

The structure of secretions is determined in this case by the presence of carbon dioxide produced by Trichomonas. In the event that there are similar signs of trichomoniasis, you should immediately contact a gynecologist or venereologist to determine the exact cause of the above phenomena.

An important point is that the course of trichomoniasis in women is often not detected due to the absence of characteristic symptoms. In order to detect infection in time, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist periodically. Especially with frequent change of sexual partners.

What does trichomoniasis look like: photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in women.


Risk of disease in pregnant women

In pregnant women, this protozoan can provoke premature birth, abortion and the birth of premature babies.

This happens because the changed microflora in the vagina of a pregnant woman destroys the lower membrane of the fetal bladder and leads to premature rupture of amniotic fluid. Trichomonas itself is not dangerous to the fetus, because it cannot penetrate the placental barrier, but it can become a carrier of other bacteria (chlamydia, gonococcus, etc.) that will harm the unborn baby.

Infection of the fetus is possible when passing through the birth canal of the mother. The probability of infection is higher in the female fetus due to the structural features of the genital organs (short urethra).


The danger of this disease in non-pregnant women lies in unpleasant complications that are not amenable to medical correction. So, the consequences of trichomoniasis in women can be the following:

  • adhesive processes;
  • female infertility;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system (vaginitis, etc.).


Diagnosis of the disease consists in the bacterioscopic detection of Trichomonas vaginalis according to the results of Gram staining of smears. Moreover, in women, this method of detecting the disease gives more accurate results than in men.

A more accurate diagnostic method in comparison with the bacterioscopic method is the bacteriological method. It is recommended in all cases of negative results of treatment. In doubtful situations, methods are used that give the most accurate results - the method of direct immunofluorescence (PIF), DNA diagnostics (PCR), as well as seeding.

How to treat trichomoniasis in women?

Treatment of the infection is prescribed for both sexual partners, regardless of whether there are or are no signs, symptoms of trichomoniasis in a man. First of all, it is worth refusing to consume spicy foods and alcohol for the period of treatment. Compliance with sexual rest during therapy and until negative tests are obtained (to avoid reinfection) is also shown.

Basic principles of treatment of trichomoniasis:

  1. Strengthening the immune defense of the body;
  2. Treatment of trichomoniasis in both sexual partners at once;
  3. During treatment, it is necessary to give up alcohol and sexual activity;
  4. The use of antitrichomonas drugs;
  5. Normalization of the vaginal microflora and restoration of its function;
  6. Carrying out general and local therapy at the same time, only local therapy (ointments, suppositories, etc.) will not give a result.

With trichomoniasis, treatment in women with drugs is prescribed only by a doctor, self-medication is not permissible. Medicines must be effective against anaerobic microorganisms. That is, the means of the 5-nitroimidazole group are used. These include:

Treatment regimens for trichomoniasis are different:

  • Trichopolum 0.5 gr. (or metronidazole 0.25 gr.) 1 tablet twice a day (or 2 tablets 2 times a day), the duration of the course is 7-10 days.
  • Tinidazole 0.5 gr. - a single dose of 4 tablets.
  • Fasigine 150 mg twice a day for a week.

Treatment of the chronic stage of the disease practically does not differ from the treatment of the acute stage. In addition to antitrichomonas drugs, therapy involves taking adaptogens (aralia tincture, eleutherococcus tincture, Aloe extract), vitamins and immunostimulating agents.

Control tests after suffering trichomoniasis are taken three times after each menstruation for 3 months.


In the prevention of this disease, a person’s lifestyle plays a huge role: nutrition, physical activity, daily routine, bad habits or addictions, how much he observes hygiene, environmental ecology. Lead healthy lifestyle life, understand your sexual partners (which, by the way, should never be more than one) and be healthy!

  • Vaginal discharge with a fishy odor
  • Discomfort during intercourse
  • Yellow vaginal discharge
  • Green vaginal discharge
  • Itching in the genital area
  • Profuse vaginal discharge
  • Swelling of the vaginal mucosa
  • Foamy vaginal discharge
  • Redness of the vaginal mucosa
  • General deterioration
  • Trichomoniasis in women or trichomonas vulvovaginitis is an infectious and inflammatory disease characterized by inflammation of the urethra. The incidence rate is approximately 40% - almost every second woman is infected. In the absence of treatment, there is a high probability that irreparable consequences will appear, including infertility.

    The main reason for the development of the disease is the pathological effect of trichomonas vaginalis. Most often, the pathogen is transmitted sexually, but there are other predisposing factors.

    Signs of trichomoniasis in women are specific and are expressed by abundant foamy discharge from the vagina, often with a fetid odor. The clinic includes cramps, burning and pain in the vagina, frequent urge to urinate.

    The most informative laboratory diagnostic measures, which must necessarily be supplemented by a gynecological examination.

    The tactics of treating trichomoniasis in women is conservative and consists of oral administration and local use of medications. It is worth noting that both sexual partners should undergo therapy at the same time.


    The causative agent of the disease in women is the simplest unicellular microorganism - trichomonas vaginalis. Optimal conditions for increasing the number of bacteria:

    • high degree of humidity;
    • temperature not higher than 37 degrees;
    • acidic environment, in which the pH varies from 5.9 to 6.5.
    • mucous layer of the vagina or cervix;
    • ducts of the Bartholin glands;
    • urethral canal;
    • bladder;
    • Skin's moves;
    • uterus and its appendages (extremely rare).

    Patients are concerned about where Trichomonas vaginalis comes from. It is customary for clinicians to distinguish several routes of penetration of a pathogenic agent:

    • Sexual - implemented most often. Infection occurs during unprotected sexual contact with a sick man. The danger of infection is that the sexual partner may be an asymptomatic carrier of pathogenic microorganisms.
    • Household - extremely rare. They become infected through non-sterile medical instruments or when interacting with contagious personal hygiene items.
    • Contact. Relevant only for newborn girls who become infected from the mother during passage through the birth canal.

    The manifestation is influenced by such predisposing factors:

    • having unprotected sex;
    • frequent change of sexual partners;
    • use of foreign funds intimate hygiene;
    • substance abuse;
    • transferred venereal diseases;
    • visiting public bathrooms or baths.

    Trichomonas vaginalis exists in an environment with low acidity. It is worth noting the reasons for lowering the pH in the vagina:

    • the period of bearing a child;
    • non-compliance with hygiene measures;
    • the flow of menstruation;
    • casual sex.

    The following adverse conditions affect the spread of bacteria:

    • massiveness of infection;
    • the state of the woman's immune system;
    • the degree of protective reaction of the vaginal secretion;
    • condition of the epithelium of the vagina;
    • presence of microflora.

    In about 90% of cases, the main pathogen is associated with such pathological agents:

    • fungi from the genus Candida;
    • gonococci;

    Frequent recurrences of trichomoniasis in women can be triggered by such factors:

    • period;
    • sexual contact;
    • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
    • excessive addiction to alcoholic beverages;
    • decrease in local and general immunity;
    • dysfunction of the ovaries.


    Based on the causes and prescription of infection, they distinguish:

    • fresh trichomoniasis - the disease lasts less than 2 months;
    • chronic trichomoniasis - clinical signs persist for 2 or more months, the disease is characterized by an undulating course with alternating phases of exacerbation of symptoms and remissions.

    Fresh trichomoniasis is of the following types:

    • acute - symptoms of trichomoniasis in women occur suddenly, strongly pronounced;
    • subacute - the clinical picture is less pronounced than in the first case;
    • torpid - there is a manifestation of meager symptoms;
    • asymptomatic - trichomonadism, when a woman is infected, but external manifestations are completely absent.

    Chronic trichomoniasis in women is:

    • uncomplicated - treatment was started before the consequences appeared, including irreparable ones;
    • complicated.


    The incubation period for trichomoniasis in women varies from 3 days to one month, often 2 weeks. At this time, the pathogen only multiplies and does not cause much damage. internal organs urinary system. Clinical manifestations are completely absent.

    The first signs of the disease in an acute variant of the course:

    • abundant discharge of a foamy consistency of a yellowish or greenish hue - it is worth noting that the discharge from trichomoniasis has a specific unpleasant smell of rotten fish;
    • frequent urge to urinate;
    • pain localized in the lower abdomen, spread to the lower back;
    • itching of the genital organs of varying severity;
    • discomfort during sexual contact;
    • a slight increase in temperature indicators up to 37.5 degrees;
    • pain and burning when emptying the bladder;
    • the vagina swells and acquires a bright red hue;
    • the appearance of blood impurities in urine;
    • sleep disorder;
    • violation of the menstrual cycle;
    • general deterioration of well-being.

    The duration of the first signs is 12–15 days, often ending in recovery against the background of timely treatment.

    In cases of subacute course, the main difference in the clinical picture will consist only in an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge. In torpid trichomoniasis in women, the symptoms are erased, the disease passes either into a chronic form or into trichomonas carriers.

    The chronic course of pathology during an exacerbation has standard symptoms. During remission, external manifestations are not noted.


    How trichomoniasis manifests itself in women, how diagnostics is carried out and which treatment regimen is the most effective, the gynecologist knows.

    Despite the presence of specific symptoms, the process of establishing a diagnosis includes laboratory tests and instrumental examinations.

    Primary diagnosis:

    • familiarization with the medical history - to identify STDs and other pathological factors;
    • collection and analysis of life history - to establish the mechanism of infection;
    • thorough manual and instrumental gynecological examination;
    • palpation of the lower parts of the anterior wall abdominal cavity;
    • a detailed survey - to determine the severity of clinical signs, which will indicate how long the incubation period has ended.

    Among the laboratory studies, the following manipulations are distinguished:

    • general clinical and biochemical blood tests;
    • bacterial culture of a smear taken from the vagina, using a contrast agent;
    • PCR diagnostics
    • serological tests;
    • cultural sowing;
    • molecular genetic analyses.

    The following instrumental procedures play a supporting role:

    • transvaginal ultrasound;
    • radiography of the pelvic organs;

    Differential diagnosis involves comparing trichomoniasis with candidal, gonorrheal or nonspecific nature.

    Only when the doctor gets acquainted with the results of the research procedures, will the most effective treatment trichomoniasis in women.


    The tactics of how to treat trichomoniasis in women is always conservative. The basis of therapy is oral administration and topical application of antibacterial substances (suppositories for trichomoniasis for women).

    Most often, patients and their partners are prescribed Metronidazole for trichomoniasis - trichomonas vaginalis is most sensitive to this substance.

    Such pills for trichomoniasis in women can be prescribed:

    • "Trichopol";
    • "Flagil";
    • "Ornidazole";
    • "Tinidazole";
    • "Ternidazole".

    All drugs are analogues of Metronidazole.

    Local antitrichomoniasis substances are effective - Metrogyl gel ointment and suppositories for trichomoniasis in women:

    • "Klion-D";
    • "Betadine";
    • "Osarcid";
    • "Terzhinan";
    • "Osarbon".

    How many days to use local medicines, the attending physician determines. Often the course of therapy lasts 10 days.

    Treatment for trichomoniasis in women may include:

    • adaptogens;
    • immunomodulators;
    • vitamin and mineral complexes;
    • folk remedies medicine;
    • diet.

    The effectiveness of therapy is monitored by laboratory tests, which must be taken within 3 menstrual cycles after the end of the course of treatment.

    Treatment of trichomoniasis in pregnant women is similar, only the dosage of the drugs will differ. The therapy is fully controlled not only by the attending physician, but also by the obstetrician-gynecologist.

    Possible Complications

    The lack of treatment of chronic trichomoniasis, as well as its acute form, is fraught with the development of unpleasant complications. The most common consequences:

    • infertility;
    • abscess of Bartholin's glands;
    • tubo-ovarian abscess;

    In pregnant women, the consequences of infection include spontaneous abortion and premature labor.
