Chernyshevsky wrote his novel What Is To Be Done? at a rather difficult time. It was 1863, when any wrong word could be convicted and sentenced to a long prison term. So first of all, it is worth noting the skill of the writer. He designed the work in such a way that it passed the test, but every reader could see the true message of the author.

One of the main features of the novel is critical realism and revolutionary romanticism.

They merged and introduced a completely new style. Chernyshevsky showed a real picture of the world. He predicted a revolution. However, the novel does not consist of one socialist idea, although the latter occupies a central place in it. In addition to utopian dreams about the future, the novel also contains a rather serious analysis of the present.

The novel is mostly devoted to "new people". Since the author cares about them. On the opposite side are the "old people". Throughout the pages, the writer pushes them against each other, compares their goals, vision, life positions. There are also conclusions of the author. But the important thing is that we ourselves can draw our own conclusions.

What is the main conflict? Young people are always ready to change something, and old people do not want to leave their homes. It is difficult to overestimate the relevance of the topic here.

In analyzing these two groups of people, we will begin with the question of happiness. The generation of fathers only cares about themselves. They do not tend to worry about others. Other people's defeats do not affect their hearts. The happiness of the new generation is completely different. They understand the essence of society, understand how important it is to be together, to help others. This is their strength. Former statutes do not allow them to open normally.

Chernyshevsky fully agrees with the new people.

Chernyshevsky never defended egoism in its literal sense.

The "reasonable egoism" of Chernyshevsky's heroes has nothing to do with selfishness, selfishness, or individualism. Its purpose is the benefit of the whole society. Vivid examples of people who move according to this principle are the Mertsalovs, Kirsanov, Lopukhov, etc.

But most of all I like the fact that they do not lose their uniqueness. They are bright personalities, despite the fact that they are driven by ideas for the benefit of society. They work to overcome their shortcomings. And the more difficult this work, the happier they are later. “Reasonable selfishness” is also taking care of yourself, but it does not harm anyone, but only helps people become better.

You can't miss the women's issue. Its essence here is in understanding the role of women in society and the family. Chernyshevsky emphasizes the strength of a woman, her mind. She can be successful not only in the family, but also at work.

Now she has the right to individuality, education, dreams and success. Chernyshevsky reconsiders the place of a woman both in society and in the family.

"What to do?" is an eternal question for many people. Chernyshevsky gave us not just an artistic history with meaning. This is a serious philosophical, psychological and social work. It opens inner world of people. I think that not every great psychologist or philosopher could show the realities of our days so vividly and truthfully.

Updated: 2017-01-16

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“Everything flows, everything changes” and every day we are not the same as yesterday: new principles, new priorities, a new worldview. Have you ever wondered what the "new" people look like? What are they? Here is our look at 10 important qualities of a new age person:

  • 1) Mindfulness

Mindfulness is something without which you will feel paralyzed in the new age.

Conscious breathing. Conscious movement. Conscious choice. Conscious nutrition. Conscious parenting. Conscious life.

Read also: , gorgeous and most interesting game, and when you become a conscious player - all experiences and tasks are resolved easily.

  • 2) Flexibility

Flexibility is one of the most important qualities of a NEW person. The new era is constant change.

New professions, rapidly changing circumstances. Life will offer many new things. The one who can be flexible will be able to move with the flow of LIFE.

We all need to not only not be afraid of change, but to embrace it with enthusiasm and, perhaps more importantly, to encourage and implement it. It is important to plan for change and be prepared for it.

The most natural thing in this world is change. The living cannot be frozen.

Read also: . Winners - live richly and brightly. They are guided by their own laws that point the way to happiness.

  • 3) Honesty

Honesty is the quality without which the transition to a new one is almost impossible. The more you want to achieve, the more depth of honesty is required of you.

If you take honesty as a rule and honestly admit to yourself every day: “How much was I myself today?”; “To what extent did I do what I wanted, or did I again do what others expect of me?” - your life will change radically.

“What programs and images from the past control my actions and thoughts today? To what extent am I in my thoughts here, in the present moment?

Read also: Honesty is the best policy, and this is confirmed by our relationships with each other, and with our customers.

  • 4) Responsibility

Only an adult can take responsibility. And since there are very few adults on Earth, you need to grow up.

It is adults who can qualitatively change life on the planet and build a new WORLD based on their values, respecting themselves and others, possessing compassion and love.

Read also: . No one person can influence your life or create circumstances in your life.

  • 5) Developed intuition

Developed intuition is open feelings and, as a result, the ability to distinguish between what is “mine” and what is not. What to read, where to turn and where to go?

In the new era, without a well-developed intuition, it will be very difficult to survive. To develop intuition, you have to open your feelings, find them under the rubble of fears, doubts, pain. It won't always be easy, but it's worth it.

  • 6) Values

Few people think about what values ​​their life is built on. But without understanding the values ​​it is difficult to build even your life, let alone a company or business. You must clearly realize your basic value and build your life around it.

When we created the project, we wrote down our basic values. Since that time, they have not changed, but only supplemented and deepened.

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  • 7) Focus

In the new era, by changing the focus of attention, it will be easy to change your life. This is one of the important tools that I highly recommend you master.

Play with the focus of attention, learn to change it easily. If you only notice the bad in your loved ones, find what is good in them and mix the focus every day. Notice what you are thinking over and over again and redirect your attention with an effort of will.

In the novel by G.N. Chernyshevsky, a special place belongs to the so-called "new people". They are between ordinary people, immersed in their own selfish interests (Marya Alekseevna), and a special person of the new time - Rakhmetov.
Chernyshevsky's "new people" no longer belong to the dark old world, but they have not yet entered another. At this intermediate stage were Vera Pavlovna, Kirsanov, Lopukhov, Mertsalovs. These heroes are already solving the problems of family and life in a different way. public life. They gradually discard the conventions of the old world, choose their own path of development. In order to decide on such a path of development, which consists in reading, observing life, “no sacrifices are required, deprivations are not asked ...” “Intermediate” heroes prefer the peaceful path of intellectual development, the awakening of an ordinary person, accessible to the majority. At the height at which Vera Pavlovna, Kirsanov, Lopukhov stand, "all people must stand, all people can stand." And this can be achieved without sacrifice and deprivation.

However, Chernyshevsky knows that, in addition to development, reading and observation of life, a heroic struggle is needed against tyranny and despotism, social inequality and exploitation. “The historical path,” says G.N. Chernyshevsky, - not the sidewalk of Nevsky Prospekt; he goes entirely through the fields, now dusty, now dirty, now through swamps, now through the wilds. Whoever is afraid of being covered with dust and soiling his boots, do not take up social activities.
According to the author, not everyone is ready for such a struggle. Therefore, Chernyshevsky divides the “new people” into “ordinary” (Lopukhov, Kirsanov, Vera Pavlovna, the Mertsalovs, Polozova) and “special” (Rakhmetov, “a lady in mourning”, “a man of about thirty”).

The selection of these two types among the positive characters of the novel has its own philosophical and socio-historical reasons. But the writer does not oppose "special" people to "ordinary" people, the leaders of the revolutionary movement to ordinary figures, but outlines the connection between them. So, Lopukhov saves Vera Pavlovna from an unequal marriage, creates a family with her based on freedom, mutual understanding, trust. The heroine herself does not want to go through life, like her mother Marya Alekseevna. She does not want to live in constant lies, selfishness, struggle for existence by any means. Therefore, in Lopukhov she finds her salvation.
Heroes commit fictitious marriage. They organize their business in a new way. Vera Pavlovna starts a sewing workshop, hires dressmakers who live together. Describing in detail the activities of Vera Pavlovna in the studio, G.N. Chernyshevsky emphasizes the new nature of the relations between the workers and the hostess. They are not so much of an economic nature as they are based on the achievement of a common goal, mutual assistance, and a good attitude towards each other.

The atmosphere in the workshop resembles a family one. The writer emphasizes that Vera Pavlovna thus saved many of her wards from death and poverty (for example, Masha, who later became her maid). Here we see how great the importance of G.N. Chernyshevsky assigns the role of labor. According to the writer, work ennobles a person, therefore, “new people” should strive to direct their work for the benefit of others, thereby protecting them from the harmful influence of destructive passions. In the sphere of activity of "ordinary" people, Chernyshevsky included educational work in Sunday schools (teaching Kirsanov and Mertsalov in a team of workers in a sewing workshop), among the advanced part of the students (Lopukhov could talk with students for hours), at factory enterprises (Lopukhov's classes in the factory office) .

Kirsanov's name is associated with the plot of a collision between a raznochintsy doctor and the "aces" of St. Petersburg private practice - in the episode of the treatment of Katya Polozova, as well as the topic of scientific activity. His experiments on artificial production Lopukhov hails Belkin as "a complete revolution of the whole question of food, the whole life of mankind."
These scenes reflected the socialist views of the writer. Although time has shown that in many ways they turned out to be utopian and naive. The author of the novel himself deeply believed in their progressive role. At that time, the opening of Sunday schools, reading rooms, and hospitals for the poor was widespread among progressive youth.

Thus, G.N. Chernyshevsky accurately noticed and reflected the new positive trends of the era using the example of Vera Pavlovna's workshop. The "new people" in his novel resolve their personal, intra-family conflicts in a different way. Although outwardly their family seems prosperous, friendly, quite successful, in reality everything is different. Vera Pavlovna respected her husband very much, but she never felt anything more for him. Unexpectedly for herself, the heroine realized this when she met best friend her husband - Kirsanov. Together they took care of Lopukhov during his illness.

Vera Pavlovna has completely different feelings for Kirsanov. True love comes to her, which plunges her into absolute confusion. But in this episode, the key role is played not by the love story between Kirsanov and Vera Pavlovna, but by Lopukhov's act. He does not want to interfere with the happiness of his wife, he cannot build a family on a lie. Therefore, he, like a true man of the new time, withdraws himself, stages suicide.

Lopukhov commits such a bold act because he does not want to cause misfortune to his wife, to be the cause of her moral torment. Vera Pavlovna was inconsolable for a long time. Only Rakhmetov managed to revive her to life. There were no obstacles to the development of love for Kirsanov. As a result, the heroes of Chernyshevsky create a real family, based not only on mutual respect, but also on a deep feeling.

The life of a new person, according to G.N. Chernyshevsky, should be harmonious socially and personally. Therefore, Lopukhov also does not remain alone. He saves Mertsalova from death, marries her. And in this marriage he finds well-deserved happiness. Moreover, G.N. Chernyshevsky goes further, depicting the ideal relationship between people, without mutual enmity, anger, hatred. At the end of the novel, we see two happy families: the Kirsanovs and the Lopukhovs, who are friends with each other.

Describing the life of the "new people", the writer focuses our attention on the economic and personal side of the life of the characters. With their help, he proves that the unfair, inhuman principles of the life of the old world are outdated, and in society there is a desire for renewal, new relationships between people.

The images of the positive characters of the novel "What is to be done?" Chernyshevsky tried to answer the topical question of the 60s of the XIX century in Russia: what should be done in order to liberate the country from the oppression of the state and serfdom? We need a revolution with the participation of the people themselves, which will be led by such experienced leaders as Rakhmetov, one of the main characters in the book.

Rakhmetov is a hereditary nobleman by origin, the formation of views on life and the rebirth of which began in his early youth, and meeting with "new people" only contributed to the final approval of his revolutionary worldview. Rakhmetov breaks with his class and completely connects his fate with the fate of the people. In order to test himself and more acutely feel the deplorable state of the masses, to better understand the thoughts and aspirations of the working people, Rakhmetov, in the same strap with barge haulers, goes all the way along the Volga.

In the author's characterization of Rakhmetov, the features characteristic of a revolutionary organizer come to the fore. Rakhmetov, by an effort of will, suppresses in himself what hinders him. social activities. Personal aspirations and passions, Chernyshevsky believes, do not prevent ordinary revolutionaries from benefiting society: such as Vera Pavlovna, Lopukhov, Kirsanov, who do not claim to be revolutionary leaders. And Rakhmetov is one of them, but something more. Chernyshevsky says: “The mass of kind and honest people is great, but there are few of them ... These are engine engines. It is the salt of the earth."

Chernyshevsky makes it clear to the reader in deaf hints that Rakhmetov is a special person, a leader busy preparing for the revolution. The author tells about the actions of the hero, which characterize him as the organizer of the struggle against the reactionary social order and serve as a means of promoting revolutionary ideas. Rakhmetov is constantly connected with people, especially with young people: "... Rakhmetov appeared, and behind him a whole gang of young people is gradually gaining."

Rakhmetov is demanding of those who join the ranks of the revolutionaries. But if he is demanding of his comrades, then he is merciless to himself. He knows that he has a thorny path ahead of him, and therefore he consistently prepares himself for it morally and physically. After sleeping on the nails for the night, Rakhmetov, smiling broadly and joyfully, explains his act: “A trial. Need to". Strict regime Everyday life strengthened his will, gave physical and moral strength, turned him into a hero - Nikitushka Lomov.

Rakhmetov is gentle and kind in dealing with ordinary people and comrades who share his beliefs. Vera Pavlovna says of him: “I had a long conversation with the ferocious Rakhmetov. What a gentle and kind person he is!” But he is severely merciless and implacable towards those who interfere with the happiness of people, trampling on their human dignity. Severity and intransigence is a sign of the times, salient feature revolutionary democrats.

Rakhmetov is a generalized image of a professional Russian revolutionary. It reflects the character traits of prominent people of the 60s of the last century. Plekhanov, pointing out the generalizing significance of the image of Rakhmetov, said that "each of our outstanding socialists of the 60s and 70s had a considerable share of Rakhmetovism." The image of Rakhmetov had a huge impact on subsequent generations of Russian revolutionaries.

Perhaps Chernyshevsky is wrong when he speaks of the revolution as the only driving force. Don't know. History cannot be rewritten or changed. But he is right about one thing: a revolutionary must be “with clean hands and a warm heart.” Otherwise, how can one undertake the reorganization of society?

Answer posted by: Guest

wind. Allin once almost died in the Himalayas, since then he is sure that a killer wind is chasing him to take his soul and life, which he could not take away in the mountains. no one believes him, and only a friend always supports him. but one day Thompson (friend), in order not to quarrel with his wife, did not go to him, but only was with him "in touch by phone." the elements destroyed the house of the allin and took away what was due to her. Thompson found out about this when the wind flew to his house and laughed with the laughter of his friend and screamed with the voices of other people killed by the elements.

howler. near the cape there is a lighthouse that makes a sound at night similar to the call of loneliness. once a year a dinosaur swims up to him, sleeping in the depths of the sea, surviving for millions of years. on one of these nights, a dinosaur attacks the lighthouse and destroys it. after this incident, the non-extinct creation no longer returned to the lighthouse, apparently realizing that this was a deception, and it was doomed to loneliness.

astronaut. a story on behalf of the son of an astronaut who, with his mother, has been waiting for his father from space for three months. but when returning, the father stays on earth no more than 5 days. it's like a drug. the mother tries to think that her husband died a long time ago, and these 5 days are a dream. "If he dies on Mars, we won't look at Mars; if on Saturn, we won't look at it," she says to her son. but the father dies, falling into the sun. now they go out only at night or in rainy weather.

I don’t know Bradbury’s “time machine”, only “Killimanjaro car”

Answer posted by: Guest

knowledge to a person, if not all, then a lot. Without knowledge, a person would not know his past, would not be aware of the present, and the future for a person would be foggy. Studying is one of the ways to gain knowledge. folk wisdom says: "Live and learn". therefore, it is necessary to take the maximum from life in terms of education, especially now, in youth, when the character and worldview of a person are being formed. this period is the most productive for study. knowledge to a person is the ability to live in society, to find his place in life and, undoubtedly, make life itself more interesting and diverse.

Answer posted by: Guest

these words, most likely, symbolized the impossibility of turning back time. Eugene rejected the feelings of the young, "simple" Tatyana. and after many years he met her again, but already another - majestic, strong, married. subjected to a momentary impulse, Onegin tries to return Tatyana, but she restrains her feelings, firmly renouncing sin:

I got married. you must, I ask you, leave me; I know: in your heart there is both pride and direct honor. I love you (for what, but I am given to another; I will be faithful to him for a century!

Tatyana admits that her love for Yevgeny has passed through the years, but she clearly understands that it is already too late, she is already a stranger. the lost past cannot be returned.

I believe that it is precisely this meaning that A.S. Pushkin put into these lines.

Answer posted by: Guest

he plays the role of an exposition of reference, and the author will have a conversation with Vanya and dad. It’s not difficult to guess about what, about who built the railway, which connected Moscow and St. Petersburg in 1852, which was laid for 10 years under the leadership of the main communication lines, Count P.A. but first, in this conversation, he told about how good the moonlit night is outside the window!
