An emergency situation is a situation in a certain territory that has developed as a result of an accident, natural hazard, catastrophe, natural or other disasters that may or have caused human casualties, damage to human health or the surrounding natural area, significant material losses and violation of people's living conditions. / As amended by the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 68-FZ “On the Protection of the Population and Territories from emergencies natural and technogenic character" / /

Emergencies arising in peacetime as a result of natural disasters, catastrophes, industrial and transport accidents are accompanied by the destruction of buildings, structures, vehicles, engineering communications loss of life, destruction of equipment and property.

An emergency zone is a territory or water area where an emergency situation has arisen as a result of the occurrence of a source of emergency situations or the spread of its consequences to other areas.

Natural disasters are dangerous phenomena or processes of geophysical, geological, hydrological, atmospheric and other origin of such a scale that cause catastrophic situations characterized by a sudden disruption of the life of the population, violation and destruction of material values, defeat and death of people. Natural disasters often lead to accidents and catastrophes in industry, transport, public utilities and other areas of human activity.

An accident is damage to a machine, machine tool, installation, production line, power supply system, equipment, vehicle, building, structure. Very often, accidents occur in road, rail, air and water transport, in systems of public services. At industrial enterprises, they are usually accompanied by explosions, fires, collapses, releases or spills of hazardous chemical substances (AHOV). These incidents are not so significant, without serious human casualties.

Ecological catastrophe - a natural disaster, a major industrial or transport accident (catastrophe), which led to extremely unfavorable changes in the habitat, as a rule, to the mass death of living beings and significant economic damage.

Classification of emergencies by scale possible consequences by the number of people affected in these situations, whose living conditions were violated; by the amount of material damage; along the boundaries of the zones of distribution of damaging factors of emergency situations.

Local refers to an emergency situation, as a result of which no more than 10 people were injured, or the living conditions of no more than 100 people were violated, or material damage amounted to no more than 1 thousand minimum wages on the day of the emergency, and the emergency zone does not go beyond limits of the territory of an industrial or social facility.

To local refers to an emergency, as a result of which more than 10, but not more than 50 people were injured, or the living conditions of more than 100, but not more than 300 people, were violated, or material damage was more than 1,000, but not more than 5,000 minimum sizes wages on the day of the emergency, and the emergency zone does not go beyond the boundaries of the settlement, city, district.

Regional emergency refers to an emergency, as a result of which more than 50, but not more than 500 people were injured, or the living conditions of more than 500, but not more than 1,000 people were violated, or material damage is more than 0.5 million, but not more than 5 million minimum sizes wages on the day of the emergency, and the emergency zone covers the territory of two subjects Russian Federation.

A federal emergency refers to an emergency in which more than 500 people were injured, or the living conditions of more than 1,000 people were disrupted, or material damage amounted to more than 5 million minimum wages on the day of the emergency, and the emergency zone extends beyond more than two subjects of the Russian Federation.

Cross-border refers to an emergency, the damaging factors of which go beyond the borders of the Russian Federation, or an emergency that occurred abroad, affects the territory of the Russian Federation.

Elimination of a local emergency is carried out by the forces and means of the organization, local - by the forces and means of local governments, territorial - by the forces and means of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regional and federal - by the forces and means of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are in the emergency zone .

The liquidation of an emergency transboundary situation is carried out by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with the norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Civil Defense Troops, other troops and military formations may be involved in liquidation of emergency situations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The liquidation of an emergency situation is considered completed upon completion of rescue and other urgent work.

When planning protective measures against natural disasters, it is necessary to limit secondary consequences as much as possible and, through appropriate preparation, try to completely eliminate them. Any part of the earth's surface can be affected by a natural disaster, i.e. certain risk. A simple equation has been deduced, with the help of which it is possible to understand what this risk depends on: Risk \u003d f (Ra, Pv, Psv, C), where f is a factor that is different for various types of disasters; Ra is the probability of catastrophes, calculated from the number of previous catastrophes; Рв - the probability of occurrence of qualitatively destructive processes during catastrophes (height of tsunami waves, wind speed in a cyclone, amplitude of seismic waves); RSV - external conditions(population density, nature of buildings, social and political relations); C - the consequences of disasters. A prerequisite for successful protection against natural emergencies is the study of their causes and mechanisms. Knowing the essence of the processes, it is possible to predict them. A timely and accurate forecast of dangerous phenomena is the most important condition for effective protection.

Protection against natural disasters


Slides: 11 Words: 1008 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Emergencies Basic concepts and definitions. Basic concepts. Classification of emergency situations. Classification of emergencies according to the scale of distribution. Classification of emergency situations according to the pace of development. Classification of emergencies by origin. Man-caused emergencies Natural emergencies Ecological emergencies. Technogenic emergencies. Hydrodynamic accidents. Natural emergencies. Damage to agricultural plants by diseases and pests. Ecological emergencies. Development of emergency situations. Regardless of the classification, four stages are distinguished in the development of emergency situations. - CHS.ppt


Slides: 17 Words: 951 Sounds: 0 Effects: 64

Emergencies. Content. Emergency. Accident - damage to the machine, power supply system. Classification of emergencies. Dangerous natural phenomena. Flood. Snowdrifts, ice, severe frost. Epidemics, epizootics. accidents different types. The main types of SDYAV. "Attention everyone!" Questions for groups. Which of the following rules must be observed during forced self-evacuation. Your house was in the flood zone, and you had to save yourself in the attic of the house. What to do in case of flash flood before help arrives. - OBZH "ChS".ppt

Criminogenic situations

Slides: 19 Words: 464 Sounds: 4 Effects: 96

Criminogenic situations in public places. Criminogenic means criminal. The basic rule of safety is to anticipate danger and avoid it as much as possible. Criminal situations are divided: by place of commission, by purpose. What you need to remember when confronted with a criminal. Going to visit a young man, be sure that you will not be left alone with him. Don't draw attention to your behavior. Come to the company only with close, trusted friends. You can't be the "center of attention" in public places. A large percentage of sexual assaults falls on the share of acquaintances and friends! - Situation.ppt

Emergency - emergencies

Slides: 7 Words: 114 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Emergencies. ES Natural: earthquakes, landslides, subsidence floods, floods, high waters, storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, squalls, rain, ES Man-made: Transport accidents and disasters, fires and explosions at facilities; accidents and disasters at facilities with emissions harmful substances, accidents and catastrophes on communal life support systems, accidents on electrical systems. - Emergency - emergencies.ppt


Slides: 50 Words: 2866 Sounds: 0 Effects: 3

Protection of the population during emergencies. Key questions of the topic. What really threatens the life and health of each of us. Ignoring environmental factors. Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Accident. Catastrophe. Character traits any emergency. Classification of emergencies by origin. Man-made emergencies. Transport disasters. Motor vehicle accidents. Health consequences of road accidents. Speeding in dangerous conditions. Violation of the rules of overtaking. Decreased visibility in fog. - Emergencies.ppt

Dangerous and emergency situations

Slides: 21 Words: 900 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Dangerous and emergency situations. Circumstances. On the protection of the population and territories from emergency situations. Peaceful time. Dangerous situation. Emergency zone. Natural disasters. Accident. Catastrophe. Ecological catastrophy. Emergencies are classified according to three criteria. Environmental emergencies. Dangerous and emergency situations. Emergencies. Classification of emergencies according to the scale of possible consequences. damaging factors. Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. - Dangerous and emergency situations.pptx

Actions in case of emergency

Slides: 16 Words: 1177 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Actions of employees of the organization in emergency situations of a natural nature. Consolidate the knowledge of the audience. Classification and characteristics. Territory of influence. Classification of emergency situations. Natural disasters. Types of natural emergencies. Actions in the event of a natural disaster. Dangerous hydrological phenomena. Valuables and items. Dangerous geological phenomena. natural fires. Burning matches and cigarette butts. Actions of the population in the event of fires. Infectious diseases. - Emergency response.ppt

Actions of people in emergency situations

Slides: 68 Words: 5595 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Organization of protection of the population from the damaging factors of natural disasters. Learn the classification of natural disasters. Natural disasters. Educational question. Questions to listeners on the previously studied material. Territory of Russia. Dangerous natural phenomena. damaging factors. Disaster. Landslides. Earthquake. Tectonic processes. seismic waves. Temperature. Collapse of karst voids. Consequences of engineering activity of people. Hearth depth. earthquake magnitude. Earthquake classification. Damaging factors of an earthquake. Distribution speed. The impact of the given damaging factors. - Actions of people in emergencies.pps

Emergency Safety

Slides: 32 Words: 365 Sounds: 1 Effects: 3

Classification of emergency situations

Slides: 21 Words: 1190 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Basic concepts and terms. Damage. Terms of emergencies. Stages of development. Classification. Classification of emergency situations according to the scale of distribution. Classification of emergencies according to the speed of propagation. Definitions and classification. Classification of emergencies of a natural nature. Lithosphere. Earthquake classification. Classification of volcanoes. Hydrosphere. Classification and causes of floods. Frequency and extent of floods. Atmosphere. protective measures. - Classification of emergencies.pptx

Consequences of emergencies

Slides: 44 Words: 3699 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Socio-economic consequences of emergency situations. The extent of the damage. Strategic indicators. Social risks of Russia. Classification of emergencies. The scale of the emergency. governing bodies. Common data. Assessment of risk levels. The effectiveness of activities. Diagram. Percentage of casualties as a result of emergencies. Diagram of components of emergencies. The proportion of the dead. Population dynamics. Main perspective directions. Ensuring a guaranteed level of security. Main directions public policy. Elements of state policy. Monitoring. The main directions of development of the regulatory legal framework. - Consequences of emergencies.pps

Carrying out rescue operations

Slides: 55 Words: 3617 Sounds: 0 Effects: 356

Organization and conduct. General provisions. Normative-legal documents. Instruction. Sources of emergencies. The most characteristic consequences of an emergency. Elimination of emergencies. Urgent work. Rescue work in the foci of destruction. Territory disinfection. Rescue work. Urgent work in the lesions. Laying column tracks. Destruction of explosive objects. Stages of implementation. Mode of daily activities. Conducted events. Measures taken in the event of an emergency. Measures to be taken in the event of an emergency. Organization ASDNR. - Carrying out rescue operations.pptx

The stability of the operation of the facility in emergency situations

Slides: 24 Words: 1468 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Emergencies of peace and wartime. Declaration of industrial safety of the facility. The stability of the functioning of the object of the economy. Improving the stability of functioning. The main directions of increasing the stability of the operation of the object. Organizational structures. Commission for Improving the Sustainability of the Functioning of an Economic Object. The study of the stability of the functioning of the object in emergency situations. Protection of facility personnel. Storage protection. Potentially dangerous objects. Life support facilities. Declaration of industrial safety of a hazardous facility. Declaration of industrial safety of the facility. - The stability of the functioning of the object in emergency situations.ppt

Safety of hazardous production facilities

Slides: 27 Words: 5288 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities. Classification of hazardous production facilities. Dangerous production facilities. Objects. Substances. Registration of hazardous production facilities. Declaration of industrial safety. Declaration development. Development of industrial safety declaration. Hazard classes. Mountain kicks. Open pit mining. The amount of hazardous substance. Name of the hazardous substance. Table. Organizations. Requirements for the organization of production control. Industrial safety management systems. - Safety of hazardous production facilities.ppt

The functioning of the economy

Slides: 70 Words: 5893 Sounds: 0 Effects: 2

Academy of Civil Protection EMERCOM of Russia. Fundamentals of sustainable functioning of objects of the economy and territories. Fundamentals of state policy. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. On a unified state system. The main directions of increasing sustainability. ABOUT further development emergency warning systems. Basic terms and definitions. Civil protection. Improving the means of armed struggle. Belgrade. Objects of the economy, the stability of which must be ensured. Life support facilities. Military objects. Possible conditions for the functioning of objects of the economy and territories. - The functioning of the economy.ppt

Emergency in 2006

Slides: 27 Words: 1116 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Peacetime emergencies. 6043 people died. 2541 Emergencies - technogenic character. Major terrorist attack in the Southern Federal District. The largest number of natural disasters. In the Siberian Federal District - 15. Information about emergency situations in Russia in 2006. The largest number of victims of emergencies in the subjects of the Russian Federation. In the Moscow region - 331 people. Economic damage from emergencies. The most significant increase. The collapse of buildings and structures. In 2006, the number of accidents increased by a third. In 2006, the number of natural emergencies increased by 31.8%. Incidents in industry. - Emergency in 2006.ppt


Slides: 6 Words: 124 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Types of emergencies: Fire. Explosion. Threat of enemy attack. Emergencies. Notification methods. Siren. Rules of conduct in emergency situations. Evacuation of the population. Means of protection during evacuation. - Emergencies.ppt

OBZH Emergencies

Slides: 21 Words: 1947 Sounds: 0 Effects: 71

Organization of training of the population in the field of protection against emergency situations. Training issues: Requirements of the guidelines for training the population in the field of protection from emergencies. Organization of preparation of the population of Moscow for actions in emergency situations. Planning and accounting documents for training. Chapter V "Preparation of the population in the field of protection against emergencies." The procedure for preparing the population is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The media can be used to promote knowledge. The preparation of the population for actions in emergency situations is carried out in organizations, educational institutions and at the place of residence. - OBJ Emergencies.ppt

Actions in emergency situations

Slides: 15 Words: 2085 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

State system of protection and security of the population. Organization of civil defense and emergency situations in the municipal educational institution. The author of the presentation is the teacher-organizer of life safety Klyuev A.V. the federal law dated February 12, 1998 No. 28 - Federal Law "On Civil Defense". Leadership and management of civil defense. Civil defense workers report directly to the head of the organization. Organization and conduct of civil defense. Planning the organization and conduct of civil defense. Civil defense and emergency management bodies municipal institution. On training workers and students in the field of civil defense. - Emergency response.ppt

Distress symbols

Slides: 21 Words: 80 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

International distress symbols. Character sizes: length - not less than 6 meters, width - not less than 0.5 meters. We need a doctor - there are wounded. Medicines are needed. We are unable to move. Need food and water. Requires a weapon. You need a map and compass. We need signaling equipment and a radio station. Specify the direction of movement. We are moving in this direction. We're trying to take off. The ship is seriously damaged. Requires fuel and oil. Everything is fine. We found all the people. Need an engineer. -

Sorvacheva Maria, MOU "Secondary School No. 3", grade 10a.

The presentation outlines the types of natural emergencies and the rules of conduct in case of a counter-natural disaster.



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Natural emergencies Sorvacheva Maria, 10a

A modern person throughout his life is in various environments: social, industrial, local (urban, rural), domestic, natural, etc. A person and his environment form a system consisting of many interacting elements, having orderliness within certain boundaries and having specific properties. Such interaction is determined by many factors and affects both the person himself and the corresponding environment of his habitat. This influence can be, on the one hand, positive, on the other hand, it can be both negative (negative).

A natural emergency is a situation in a certain territory that has developed as a result of a dangerous natural phenomenon, a catastrophe, a natural disaster that may or has caused human casualties, damage to human health, the natural environment, as well as significant material losses and violation of living conditions. .

Earthquakes Earthquakes are seismic phenomena resulting from sudden displacements and ruptures in the earth's crust or upper mantle, transmitted over long distances in the form of sharp vibrations, leading to the destruction of buildings, structures, fires and human casualties. Earthquakes with an intensity of more than 7 points on the 12-point Richter scale are destructive, and more than 5 points are dangerous. During earthquakes, glasses burst and fly out, objects lying on them fall from the shelves, bookcases stagger, chandeliers sway, whitewash crumbles from the ceiling, and cracks appear in the walls and ceilings. All this is accompanied by a deafening noise. After 10-20 seconds of shaking, tremors intensify, resulting in the destruction of buildings and structures. Just a dozen strong shaking destroys the entire building. On average, an earthquake lasts 5-20 seconds. The longer the concussions last, the more severe the damage.

Earthquakes One fifth of the territory of Russia is prone to earthquakes with a magnitude of more than 7 points. An earthquake is a terrible natural disaster. Up to 1,500 earthquakes occur annually on Earth, up to 300 of them are destructive. In recent decades, the most devastating earthquakes occurred in 1988 in Armenia, killing 25,000 people; in 1995 in Japan, 6336 people died; the city of Neftegorsk in the Sakhalin Region was completely destroyed, 2000 out of 3,000 people died. In the autumn of 2000, weak earthquakes were observed in the Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod regions and in the Meshcherskoye Lake microdistrict.

How to Prepare for an Earthquake Plan ahead for an earthquake when you are at home, at work, at the cinema, theatre, on public transport and on the street. Explain to your family members what they should do during an earthquake and educate them on first aid. Keep in convenient location documents, money, flashlight and spare batteries. Have at home a supply of drinking water and canned food for several days. Move beds away from windows and exterior walls. Fasten cabinets, shelves and racks in the apartments, and remove heavy objects from the upper shelves and mezzanines. Store hazardous substances (poisonous chemicals, flammable liquids) in a safe, well-insulated place. All residents should know where the switch, main gas and water taps are located in order to turn off electricity, gas and water if necessary.

How to act during an earthquake Feeling the vibrations of the building, seeing the swinging of lamps, falling objects, hearing the growing rumble and the sound of breaking glass, do not panic (from the moment you felt the first tremors to vibrations dangerous for the building, you have 15 - 20 seconds). Quickly exit the building, taking documents, money and essentials. When leaving the room, go down the stairs, not the elevator. Once on the street - stay there, but do not stand near buildings, but move to an open space. If you are forced to stay indoors, then stand in a safe place: at inner wall, in a corner, in an interior wall opening, or at a bearing support. If possible, hide under a table - it will protect you from falling objects and debris. Stay away from windows and heavy furniture. If you have children with you, cover them with yourself. Do not use candles, matches, lighters - if gas leaks, a fire may occur. Stay away from overhanging balconies, cornices, parapets, beware of broken wires. If you are in a vehicle, stay out in the open but do not leave the vehicle until the jolt has stopped. Be ready to help in saving others.

How to act after an earthquake Provide first aid to those in need. Free those caught in easily removable blockages. Be careful! Ensure the safety of children, the sick, the elderly. Calm them down. Don't pick up the phone unless absolutely necessary. Turn on the radio. Obey the instructions of the local authorities, the headquarters for the aftermath of a natural disaster. Check for damage to electrical wiring. Repair the problem or turn off the electricity in the apartment. Remember that in case of a strong earthquake, the electricity in the city is turned off automatically. Check for damage to the gas and water lines. Troubleshoot or disconnect networks. Do not use open fire. Going down the stairs, be careful, make sure it is strong. Do not approach obviously damaged buildings, do not enter them. Be prepared for strong aftershocks, as the first 2-3 hours after an earthquake are the most dangerous. Do not enter buildings unless absolutely necessary. Do not make up or pass on any rumors about possible aftershocks. Use official information. If you find yourself in a blockage, calmly assess the situation, if possible, provide yourself with medical assistance. Try to establish contact with people outside the blockage (voice, knock). Remember that you can not light a fire, you can drink water from the toilet bowl, and pipes and batteries can be used to signal. Save your strength. A person can go without food for more than a crescent.

Flooding Flooding is a significant flooding of the area as a result of a rise in the water level in a river, lake or sea during the period of snowmelt, heavy rains, wind surges of water, during traffic jams, ice dams, etc. Floods caused by wind surge of water in the mouths of rivers are of a special type. Floods lead to the destruction of bridges, roads, buildings, structures, cause significant material damage, and at high water speeds (more than 4 m/s) and high water rise (more than 2 m) cause death of people and animals. The main cause of destruction is the impact on buildings and structures of hydraulic shocks of water masses, ice floes floating at high speed, various debris, watercraft, etc. Floods can occur suddenly and last from a few hours to 2-3 weeks.

How to Prepare for a Flood If your area of ​​residence is often affected by floods, study and remember the boundaries of possible flooding, as well as elevated, rarely flooded places located in the immediate vicinity of the places of residence, the shortest routes to them. Familiarize family members with the rules of conduct during organized and individual evacuations, as well as in the event of a sudden and rapidly developing flood. Remember the storage areas for boats, rafts and building materials for their manufacture. Prepare in advance a list of documents, property and medicines taken out during the evacuation. Put valuables, necessary warm clothes, a supply of food, water and medicines in a special suitcase or backpack.

How to act during a flood Upon a warning signal about the threat of flooding and evacuation, immediately, in accordance with the established procedure, leave (leave) from the danger zone of a possible catastrophic flood to a designated safe area or to elevated areas of the area, taking with you documents, valuables, necessary things and a two-day stock of non-perishable foodstuffs. Register at the final evacuation point. Before leaving the house, turn off the electricity and gas, put out the fire in heating furnaces, secure all floating objects that are outside buildings, or place them in utility rooms. If time permits, move valuable household items to the upper floors or to the attic of a residential building. Close the windows and doors, if necessary and have time, board the windows and doors of the first floors from the outside with boards (shields). In the absence of an organized evacuation, stay on the upper floors and roofs of buildings, on trees or other towering objects until help arrives or the water subsides. At the same time, constantly give a distress signal: during the day - by hanging or waving a clearly visible panel lined with a pole, and in the dark - by a light signal and periodically by voice. When the rescuers approach, calmly, without panic and fuss, with the observance of precautionary measures, go to the swimming facility.

How to act during a flood At the same time, strictly follow the requirements of rescuers, do not overload watercraft. During the movement, do not leave the assigned places, do not board the sides, strictly follow the requirements of the crew. It is recommended to get out of the flooded area on your own only if there are such serious reasons as the need to provide medical assistance to the victims, the continuing rise in the water level with the threat of flooding of the upper floors (attic). In this case, it is necessary to have a reliable swimming facility and know the direction of movement. During self-advance, do not stop giving a distress signal. Help people who are swimming in the water and drowning. If a person is drowning Throw a floating object to a drowning person, encourage him, call for help. When reaching the victim by swimming, consider the course of the river. If the drowning person does not control his actions, swim up to him from behind and, grabbing him by the hair, tow him to the shore.

What to do after a flood Before entering a building, check if it is in danger of collapsing or falling. Ventilate the building (to remove accumulated gases). Do not turn on electric lighting, do not use open flames, do not light matches until the room is completely ventilated and the gas supply system is checked for proper operation. Check the serviceability of the electrical wiring, gas supply pipelines, water supply and sewerage. Do not use them until you have verified that they are working properly with the help of specialists. To dry the premises, open all doors and windows, remove dirt from the floor and walls, pump out water from the basements. Do not use food products that have been in contact with water. Organize the cleaning of wells from the applied dirt and remove water from them.

Landslide A landslide is a sliding displacement (sliding) of soil and rock masses down the slopes of mountains and ravines, steep coasts of seas, lakes and rivers under the influence of gravity. The causes of a landslide are most often the erosion of the slope, its waterlogging by heavy rainfall, earthquakes or human activity (blasting, etc.). The volume of soil during a landslide can reach tens and hundreds of thousands cubic meters, and in some cases even more. The displacement speed of a landslide ranges from several meters per year to several meters per second. The greatest displacement velocity of a landslide is observed during an earthquake. The sliding of soil masses can cause destruction and blockages of residential and industrial buildings, engineering and road structures, main pipelines and power lines, as well as injury and death of people. In May 2000, there was a landslide near the Dynamo stadium in Nizhny Novgorod, when 5000 m 3 of soil slid into the Pochainsky ravine.

Landslide Security measures: 1. Observe the situation, the behavior of animals, rain. 2. At the first sign of a landslide, quickly evacuate people, animals, and material assets. 3. During a landslide, do not enter buildings, do not approach buildings, stay away from the area of ​​soil displacement.

Storms This emergency is caused by the movement of air masses at high speed. Wind speed during a hurricane is 30-40 m/s, during a storm 20-30 m/s, during a storm 15-30 m/s, during a typhoon more than 50 m/s. Cyclones and typhoons are accompanied by heavy rains. A tornado is a whirlwind movement of air at a tremendous speed, sometimes exceeding the speed of sound, in the form of a dark column with a diameter of several tens to hundreds of meters. A hurricane wind destroys strong and demolishes light buildings, devastates fields, breaks wires, knocks down poles and uproots trees, sinks ships, and damages vehicles. Having received a storm warning, you must: - close windows, doors, attic spaces; - from balconies and loggias to remove everything that can be dropped by a hurricane; - turn off the gas, put out the fire in the stoves, prepare lanterns, candles, lamps; - at home, take the inner room, away from the windows; - stock up on water, food, keep the radio, TV, receiver on; - in an open area, take cover in a ditch, pit, ravine; - hide in a protective structure; - prepare medicines and dressings.

Snowdrifts Heavy snowfalls are typical for most of Russia. They sometimes last for several days. Snow drifts are predicted, as a rule, quite reliably and in a timely manner. The danger to people in such natural phenomena is the destruction of road and bridge surfaces, structures, overhead lines power transmission and communications, ground pipelines, as well as the defeat of people by fragments of destroyed structures, glass fragments flying at high speed. In addition, people can die and be injured in the event of a complete collapse of buildings. During snow and dust storms, snow drifts and accumulations of dust ("black storms") on fields, roads and settlements, as well as water pollution, are dangerous.

How to act during a hurricane, storm, tornado If a hurricane (storm, tornado) caught you in a building, move away from the windows and take a safe place near the walls interior spaces, in the hallway, at built-in wardrobes, in bathrooms, toilets, pantries, in solid wardrobes, under tables. Put out the fire in the stoves, turn off the electricity, close the taps on the gas networks. At night, use lanterns, lamps, candles; turn on the radio to receive information from the Civil Defense and Emergency Department and the Commission for Emergency Situations; if possible, stay in a recessed shelter, in shelters, cellars, etc. If a hurricane, storm or tornado caught you on the streets of a settlement, stay as far as possible from light structures, buildings, bridges, overpasses, power lines, masts, trees, rivers, lakes and industrial facilities. To protect against flying debris and glass fragments, use plywood sheets, cardboard and plastic boxes, boards and other improvised means. Try to quickly take cover in basements, cellars and anti-radiation shelters available in settlements. Do not enter damaged buildings, as they can collapse with new gusts of wind.

How to act during a hurricane, storm, tornado During a snow storm, take cover in buildings. If you find yourself in a field or on a country road, go out onto the main roads, which are periodically cleared and where there is a high probability of helping you. During a dust storm, cover your face with a gauze bandage, a scarf, a piece of cloth, and your eyes with glasses. When a signal is received that a tornado is approaching, it is necessary to immediately go down to the shelter, the basement of the house or cellar, or take cover under the bed and other durable furniture. If a tornado catches you in an open area, take cover at the bottom of a road ditch, in pits, ditches, narrow ravines, tightly pressing against the ground, covering your head with clothes or tree branches. Do not stay in the car, get out of it and take cover.

Ice Ice is a layer dense ice, formed on the surface of the earth, sidewalks, the carriageway of the street and on objects (trees, wires, etc.) during the freezing of supercooled rain and drizzle (fog). Usually ice is observed at air temperatures from 0 "C to minus 3" C. The crust of frozen ice can reach several centimeters. Black ice is a thin layer of ice on the surface of the earth that forms after a thaw or rain as a result of a cold snap, as well as freezing of wet snow and raindrops.

How to deal with icy conditions If the weather forecast indicates sleet or sleet, take steps to reduce the chance of injury. Prepare non-slip shoes, attach metal heels or foam rubber to the heels, and stick adhesive plaster or insulating tape on dry soles, you can rub the soles with sand (sandpaper). Move carefully, slowly, stepping on the entire sole. In this case, the legs should be slightly relaxed, hands free. Older people are advised to use a cane with a rubber tip or a special stick with pointed spikes. If you slip, crouch down to lower your fall. At the time of the fall, try to group up, and, rolling, soften the blow to the ground. Ice is often accompanied by icing. In this case, pay special attention to the wires of power lines, contact networks of electric transport. If you see broken wires, inform the administration of the settlement about the place of the break.

How to deal with an injury Go to an emergency or emergency room. Fill out an injury bulletin or certificate that you can use when you apply to the court in the place where you live or where you received the injury with statement of claim about damages.

Lightning and thunderstorms Lightning is a spark discharge of the electrostatic charge of a cumulus cloud, accompanied by a blinding flash and a sharp sound (thunder). Lightning discharge is characterized by high currents, and its temperature reaches 300,000 degrees. A tree, when struck by lightning, splits and can even catch fire. Wood splitting occurs as a result of an internal explosion due to the instantaneous evaporation of the internal moisture of the wood. A direct lightning strike for a person is usually fatal. About 3,000 people die from lightning every year worldwide. Where does lightning strike? Discharge static electricity usually follows the path of least electrical resistance. Since the distance between the highest object, among similar ones, and the cumulus cloud is smaller, the electrical resistance is also smaller. Therefore, lightning will first of all strike a tall object (mast, tree, etc.).

Preventive measures To reduce the risk of lightning damage to economic facilities, buildings and structures, lightning protection is arranged in the form of grounded metal masts and wires stretched high above the facilities of the facility. Check the weather forecast before your trip. If a thunderstorm is predicted, then reschedule the trip to another day. If you notice a thunderstorm front, then first of all, determine the approximate distance to it by the delay time of the first roll of thunder, the first flash of lightning, and also evaluate whether the front is approaching or receding. Since the speed of light is huge (300,000 km/s), we observe a flash of lightning instantly. Therefore, the sound delay will be determined by the distance and its speed (about 340 m/s).

How to act during a thunderstorm Lightning is dangerous when a flash of thunder follows the flash. In this case, take immediate precautions. If you are in countryside: Close windows, doors, chimneys and vents. Do not start the oven as the high temperature gases coming out of chimney have low resistance. Do not talk on the phone: lightning sometimes hits wires stretched between poles. During lightning strikes, do not come close to electrical wiring, lightning rods, roof drains, antennas, do not stand near the window, if possible, turn off the TV, radio and other electrical appliances. If you are in a forest, then take cover in a stunted area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe forest. Stay away from tall trees, especially pines, oaks, and poplars.

How to act during a thunderstorm Do not stay in a body of water or on its shore. Move away from the shore, go down from an elevated place to a lowland. In the steppe, field or in the absence of shelter (building) do not lie down on the ground, substituting electric current your whole body, and squat down in a hollow, ravine or other natural depression, clasping your legs with your hands. If a thunderstorm overtook you while playing sports, then immediately stop them. Put metal objects (motorcycle, bicycle, ice ax, etc.) aside, move away from them by 20-30 m. If a thunderstorm caught you in a car, do not leave it, close the windows and lower the radio antenna.

Forest fires Forest fires are uncontrolled burning of vegetation, spontaneously spreading through the forest area. Such fires can be top and bottom. The proportion of fires caused by lightning is no more than 3% of the total, and in 90-97 cases out of 100, the culprits of this natural disaster are people who do not exercise due care when using fire in places of work and recreation. Often the cause of a fire is broken glassware, which, like a magnifying glass, focuses the rays of the sun.

Fires in forests and peat bogs Mass fires in forests and peat bogs can occur in hot and dry weather from lightning strikes, careless handling of fire, cleaning of the earth's surface by burning dry grass, and other causes. Fires can cause fires in buildings in settlements, wooden bridges, power lines and communications on wooden poles, warehouses for oil products and other combustible materials, as well as damage to people and farm animals. Most often, ground fires occur in forests, during which the forest litter, undergrowth and undergrowth, grass and shrub cover, deadwood, tree rhizomes, etc. burn out. In the dry period, wind can cause crown fires, in which the fire also spreads along the crowns of trees, mainly coniferous species. The speed of propagation of a ground fire is from 0.1 to 3 meters per minute, and that of a crown fire is up to 100 m per minute in the direction of the wind.

Fires in forests and peat bogs Burning peat and plant roots can cause underground fires that spread in different directions. Peat can spontaneously ignite and burn without access to air and even under water. Above burning peat bogs, the formation of "columnar swirls" of hot ash and burning peat dust is possible, which, when strong wind can be transported over long distances and cause new fires or burns to people and animals.

Preventive measures To protect the population and reduce damage in case of massive fires, measures are taken in advance to lay and clear clearings and dirt strips 5-10 meters wide in continuous forests and up to 50 meters in coniferous forests. In settlements, ponds and reservoirs are arranged, the capacity of which is taken at the rate of at least 30 cubic meters per 1 hectare of the area of ​​a settlement or settlement. In case of fires in forests and peat bogs in settlements, fire-fighting units are on duty to monitor the fire situation in forests, near settlements; clearing of soil strips between buildings and adjoining forests; fire reservoirs are filled at the rate of at least 10 liters of water per 1 meter of the length of the forest edge adjacent to the boundaries of the development of settlements and summer cottages; wells and ponds are being restored; cotton-gauze dressings, respirators and other means of respiratory protection are made; the mode of visiting forests during the dry season of summer is limited (especially by car).

Security measures If you are near the source of a fire in a forest or peat bog and you do not have the opportunity to cope with its localization, prevention of the spread and extinguishment of the fire on your own, immediately warn all nearby people about the need to leave the danger zone. Organize their exit to the road or clearing, a wide clearing, to the bank of a river or reservoir, in a field. Get out of the danger zone quickly, perpendicular to the direction of fire. If it is impossible to escape from the fire, enter a body of water or cover yourself with wet clothing. Going out into an open space or a clearing, breathe the air near the ground - there it is less smoky, while covering your mouth and nose with a cotton-gauze bandage or rag.

Security measures After leaving the fire zone, report the location, size and nature of the fire to the administration of the settlement, forestry or fire service, as well as to the local population. Know the warning signals about the approach of the fire zone to the settlement and take part in the organization of fire extinguishing. The flame of small ground fires can be knocked down by sweeping it with branches hardwood, flooding with water, throwing wet soil, trampling underfoot. Peat fires are extinguished by digging up burning peat with watering. When extinguishing a fire, act prudently, do not go far from roads and clearings, do not lose sight of other participants, maintain visual and audio communication with them. When extinguishing a peat fire, keep in mind that deep funnels can form in the burning zone, so you should move carefully, after checking the depth of the burnt layer.

Thank you for your attention!

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Basic concepts Potential danger is a danger hidden, uncertain in time and space. A potential danger is realized through causes, and if the undesirable consequences are significant, then this event is classified as an emergency. An emergency situation (ES) is a situation in a certain territory that has developed as a result of an accident, natural hazard, catastrophe, natural or other disaster that may or have caused human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and violation of the living conditions of people. An accident is an extreme man-made event that occurred for design, production, technological or operational reasons, or due to random external influences, and consists in damage, failure, destruction technical devices or structures. A production or transport disaster is a major accident that entailed human casualties, significant material damage and other serious consequences. A natural disaster is a catastrophic natural phenomenon (or process) that can cause numerous casualties, significant material damage and other severe consequences. Environmental catastrophe (environmental disaster) is an extraordinary event of a particularly large scale, caused by a change (under the influence of anthropogenic factors) of the state of the land, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere, accompanied by mass death of living organisms and economic damage.

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Classification of emergency situations It is advisable to initially divide the entire set of possible emergency situations into conflict and non-conflict ones. Conflict, first of all, can include military clashes, economic crises, extremist political struggle, social explosions, national and religious conflicts, terrorism, rampant criminality, large-scale corruption, etc. Conflict-free emergencies, in turn, can be classified ( systematized) according to a significant number of features that describe phenomena from various aspects of their nature and properties. All emergencies can be classified according to three main principles: by the scale of distribution by the rate of development by origin

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Classification of emergencies according to the scale of distribution Emergency level Number of victims, pers. Material damage, rub. local no more than 10 no more than 100 thousand municipal no more than 50 no more than 5 million intermunicipal no more than 50 no more than 5 million regional no more than 500 no more than 500 million interregional no more than 500 no more than 500 million federal over 500 more than 500 million

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Classification of emergencies according to the rate of development sudden (explosions, traffic accidents, earthquakes, etc.); rapid (fires, release of gaseous potent toxic substances (SDYAV), hydrodynamic accidents with the formation of breakthrough waves, mudflows, etc.), moderate (release of radioactive substances, accidents in utility systems, volcanic eruptions, floods, etc.); smooth (accidents at treatment facilities, droughts, epidemics, environmental deviations, etc.). Smooth (slow) emergencies can last for many months and years, for example, the consequences of anthropogenic activities in the Aral Sea zone.

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Classification of emergencies by origin Man-caused emergencies Natural emergencies Ecological emergencies

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Technogenic emergencies 1.1. Transport accidents (catastrophes) 1.2. Fires, explosions, explosion threat 1.3. Accidents with release (threat of release) of chemically hazardous substances (CW) 1.4. Accidents with release (threat of release) of radioactive substances 1.5. Accidents with release (threat of release) of biologically hazardous substances (BHS) 1.6. Sudden collapse of buildings, structures 1.7. Accidents on electric power systems 1.8. Accidents on communal life support systems 1.9. Accidents at treatment facilities 1.10. Hydrodynamic accidents

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Natural emergencies 2.1. Geophysical hazards 2.2. Geological hazards (exogenous geological phenomena): 2.3. Meteorological and agrometeorological hazards 2.4. Marine hydrological hazards 2.5. Hydrological hazards 2.6. Hydrogeological hazards 2.7. Natural fires 2.8. Infectious diseases in humans 2.9. Infectious incidence of farm animals 2.10. Damage to agricultural plants by diseases and pests

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Ecological emergencies 3.1. Emergencies associated with changes in the state of land (soil, subsoil, landscape) 3.2. Emergencies associated with changes in the composition and properties of the atmosphere (air environment) 3.3. Emergencies associated with changes in the state of the hydrosphere (aquatic environment)

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Development of emergency situations Studies in the field of emergency situations allow us to conclude that the bulk of extreme events occur as a result of: the impact of a natural factor (natural processes due to gravity, earth's rotation, temperature difference, etc.); the impact of the natural environment on structures and equipment (corrosion, changes in technical indicators, etc.); occurrence or development through the fault of a person (for example, in case of violation of the rules of operation) of failures and defects in structures, machines, etc.; impact technological processes(temperatures, vibrations, aggressive vapors and liquids, increased loads, etc.) on structures, machines, mechanisms, etc.; military activity, etc. Regardless of the classification, four stages are distinguished in the development of emergency situations.

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Stages of development of emergencies Origin - the emergence of conditions or prerequisites for an emergency (increased natural activity, accumulation of deformations, defects, etc.). It is difficult to establish the moment of the onset of the nucleation stage. In this case, it is possible to use the statistics of design failures and failures, analyze the data of seismic observations, meteorological estimates, etc. Initiations are the beginning of an emergency. At this stage, the human factor is important, since statistics show that up to 70% of man-made accidents and disasters occur due to human errors. More than 80% of air crashes and disasters at sea are related to the human factor. To reduce these indicators, better training of personnel is needed. Climaxes are the stage of release of energy or substance. At this stage, the greatest negative impact on humans and the environment of harmful and dangerous factors of the emergency is noted. One of the features of this stage is the explosive nature of the destructive effect, the involvement of toxic, energy-rich and other components in the process. Attenuation - the localization of an emergency and the elimination of its direct and indirect consequences. The duration of this stage is different, days, months, years and decades are possible.
