This male name came from the Hebrew language, but there the word was pronounced a little differently - Daniel, and the meaning of this word was - "God is my judge." Such a slight change in pronunciation includes qualities uncharacteristic for the ancient namesake in the meaning of the name Danil.

So, choosing the meaning of the name Danil for a boy, you endow the child with incredible sociability and accommodating. Literally everyone loves and respects the baby: easy character, smiling and responsiveness delight both adults and children. Also, this baby is very obedient, and especially he obeys his mother, but the boy cannot be called spineless, he can say his weighty “against” if something does not suit him.

Openness, artistry, flexibility and sociability - this is the meaning of the name Danil for a child. Most likely, he will be a favorite of both kindergarten teachers and teachers at school. The interpretation of the name implies some closeness, but this is only a fear of being misunderstood. Under a layer of restraint, a romantic and sensual nature often hides.

This guy is always benevolent, and it is very difficult to get mad, he finds a personal, special approach to almost any person, because he attaches a special, understandable meaning to the thoughts, feelings and actions of people.


Although in all other areas of life Danil shows enviable constancy and responsibility, love relationships during his youth are something paradoxical for him, and he cannot attach fateful significance to them.

Romantic but windy. This means that he constantly replenishes the collection of women's hearts he has broken, without noticing that he can cause serious mental trauma to someone. He is amorous, but fickle, frivolity is the second nature of this man, and it will take quite a long time before he can become able to start even the slightest bit serious relationship.

Effulgence and sociability constantly attracts women to him, he falls in love with himself with spontaneity and wit, energy and intelligence. The ideal woman for him is strong, able to endure infrequent "overshoots", patient and smart enough.


Danil's biggest problem is that he categorically does not accept putting his feelings on display. This fact means that even with a beloved woman, he will be meager in his feelings and emotions. Although outwardly it seems very open, inside it is full of secrets and mysteries. Therefore, the first marriage, often just with an intuitively found partner, in most cases is doomed to disintegration.

But having learned from his mistakes, he will still be able to create his own family, ideal, strong, where the spouse will perceive her husband as he is and not demand from him actions that he is not capable of.

An excellent father comes out of him, he will selflessly play with his children, while becoming younger himself. He will take them everywhere with him - whether it is a summer residence, fishing, or just walks in nature. With his children, he feels especially significant and protected.

Business and career

Danil's occupation should be based on the principles of clear comprehensive analysis, intellectual work and iron logic. It has the makings of a creative nature, but more often a man likes to work with his head more than to show imagination and imagination.

This means that he will make an excellent scientist in the field of exact sciences, where you need to apply maximum intellectual abilities: mathematics, physics, engineering and many similar professions. The personal qualities of this person often lead to the idea of ​​​​opening their own business, and if he undertakes, he will bring everything to the end in the best possible way.

An analytical mindset and developed intuition allow you to calculate all significant steps in advance, choose a reliable strategy for developing your own career, and eventually become an unconditional winner on all counts.

origin of the name Daniel

The origin of the name Daniel is Hebrew, but earlier it was pronounced a little differently - Daniel, and from where the word came from, it can be argued that the etymology leads to the translation "God is my judge."

An ancient story that contains the secret of the name of the prophet Daniel, whose name was once on the lips of many peoples, since the predictions of this prophet constantly came true. He made his first great prediction for the ruler of the New Babylonian kingdom, Nebuchadnezzar, accurately deciphering the dream about the idol.

He predicted the death of Babylonia, having fallen out of favor with King Belshazzar, but the most powerful prophecy of Daniel is that he calculated the time period for the coming of the Messiah into the world. The soothsayer is revered by both Christians and Muslims, but the Jews do not consider Daniel a prophet, since he did not communicate directly with God, but only heard the voices of angels.

Characteristics of the name Danil

Openness is almost the most important characteristic of the name Danil, but this seemingly good quality has its pros and cons. He easily makes contact, and attaches great importance to communication. But seemingly easy nature, not everyone is able to perceive with due approval.

He likes to argue, and if he has already driven some principle into his head, he will keep himself so calm that he can cause the opponent to become furious. He does not accept cunning and deceit - he says goodbye to such people forever, and no persuasion will work on him. But he is always ahead, very rarely defeated, but even then he does not give up, trying with his last strength to hold his position.

He is balanced, practically incapable of rudeness, and having felt a negative attitude towards himself, he tries not to attach importance to this. Dana is not alien to the feeling of compassion, and he will always help the needy.

Mystery of the name

  • The stone is blue jasper.
  • Name day - November 25; December 30th; 12 December; December 11th; September 25; March 31; March, 6; 9th December; January 2; June 5; March 1; March 17; June 26; December 30th; July 23; 20 April; June 4; December 24; The 4th of October;
  • The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Gemini.

Famous people

  • Danil Kozlovsky is a famous Russian and American actor.
  • Danil Guryanov is a Russian playwright and prose writer.

Different languages

Translation of the name Daniel from the Hebrew word דָּנִיֵּאל - "God is my judge." This name is very common everywhere, and since ancient times has not lost its popularity, as it is translated into numerous languages, and is often pronounced in tune with the Russian counterpart: Daniel, Daniel, Daniele, Daniel, Danilo, Danail, Daniel, Deiniol.

In Chinese, the word can only be written using pinyin transcription, since this word does not have a figurative meaning in Chinese: 达尼尔, which reads Danier. A in Japanese, it can be written in two ways: in katakana - ダニル, and in Japanese characters - 蛇荷児, and the word will sound like Danira.

Name Forms

  • Full name is Daniel.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Danilka, Danya, Danya, Danilochka, Danilushka, Danyushka.
  • Declination of the name - Danila, Danila.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Daniel.

Do you want to know the origin of this beautiful Russian name, and what unites the people who wear it? Today the topic of our article is Danila: the meaning of the name character and the fate that awaits a boy with this beautiful sonorous name. We will start, as in other articles, with the history of its origin ...

Danila: an exact description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a boy, a guy, a man with that name?

In this article you will learn:

Origin and meaning of the name Danila

  • The name Danila is the Russian form of the Hebrew name Daniel.
  • In the Bible, the only bearer of this name was the prophet Daniel. The name is translated as "God is my judge", "my judge is God."
  • The form of the name Danila is found only in the countries of the former USSR and is slightly old-fashioned. But now the name is regaining popularity, more and more parents call their sons it.

How the origin of the name Danila influenced its meaning

What character can a boy Danila have?

Adult Danila is a kind, calm, smiling person. These are perhaps the defining features of his character. His positive attitude towards life is felt in everything.

Main character traits:

  • With people around him, a man is always friendly and affable. When meeting a person, Danila sincerely shows interest in him, is ready to support him with advice and a kind word.
  • Thanks to an excellent memory, the owner of this name not only remembers all his acquaintances by name, but also remembers their hobbies and interests, which allows him to quickly find a common topic for conversation with a person and win him over.

Another pleasant feature of a person named Danila is a sense of humor. He knows how to joke very kindly and not offensively, easily defusing the situation in the company or, conversely, creating a friendly atmosphere with a good joke. And quite often he makes fun of himself, which not everyone is capable of.

  • He has many friends, people are drawn to him. Childhood friends, to whom he is very attached, continue to associate closely with him in adulthood.
  • However, D. finds many good and loyal friends in his youth and student years, and then maintains relationships with them all his life. He knows how to make friends and appreciate friendship.
  • Danila is not inclined to rush in business, he does everything slowly and with arrangement. Whatever it is, he first measures seven times, then cuts once.
  • Even in difficult life situations, he knows how to remain positive, tuned in to the best.
  • Strong and reliable in appearance, a very romantic person at heart. He hides his dreamy nature behind a screen of enterprise and practicality.

What fate awaits Daniel?

Danila goes through life calmly and confidently. His kind and balanced character allows him to be in harmony with himself and with others.

Reliable, responsive, reasonable, he is always ready to help, listen, give advice, solve a problem.

In youth, actively engage in sports, not as enthusiastically as in childhood, but in a constant mode. To maintain good physical shape, he goes to the gym, wrestling or swimming.

Work and profession

In the professional field, Danila most often chooses a specialty that is associated with craftsmanship, design, where both knowledge and skills are needed.

He is close to such professions:

  • builder;
  • engineer;
  • constructor;
  • craftsman;
  • mechanic;

Characteristics of the name Danila, features of character and fate

In the team, Danila is loved and respected. He always knows how to create a friendly atmosphere there, to establish contact with management and colleagues, if necessary, to resolve the conflict in a peaceful way. As an employee, D. is responsible, executive, and disciplined.

Having "golden hands", a man may decide to create his own service business. It can be a car workshop, a construction company, a furniture company.

Money and earnings

In material terms, Danila is not very demanding. He has a favorite job, he gives himself completely to it and sometimes does not notice that the financial side of the issue is sagging.

At a more mature age, having got a family, he takes finances more seriously, begins to earn more and save money.

Family and love

Danila is a very attractive young man, but not so much because of his appearance, but because of his ability to win over. Girls really like the confident and calm demeanor of the guy, he exudes reliability and stability. However, in this case, appearances are deceiving. For the time being, it is difficult for him to make a choice, he is somewhat windy, so novels in his youthful life happen quite often.

Having become a family, the man still loves outdoor activities. D. prefers to spend his free time outdoors. He goes fishing, hunting, barbecue with friends.

  • In his chosen one, he wants to see not only appearance, but also a rich inner world, a community of interests. After several years of searching, a young man usually finds just such a girl, and a happy family life awaits them.
  • Danila attaches great importance to family ties. As a rule, he prefers to spend holidays with his family, with relatives and friends. Having married, D. becomes a homebody, enjoys spending time with his family, helping his wife in arranging the house and establishing a life.
  • He loves to receive guests, is often the initiator of such meetings himself, does not hesitate to help his wife with the housework, prepare a festive table. In the mood, he can even do cooking himself, especially meat dishes.
  • Throughout his life, he maintains a close relationship with his parents, helps and takes care of them, they are frequent guests in his house.
  • For children, the owner of this name is a caring and attentive father. He is ready to get up to the child at night in infancy in order to give his wife a rest, he can stay at home alone with him. He does not have a fear of small children, like many men.
  • When the children grow up, Danila spends a lot of time with them, organizes leisure activities for them on weekends, and takes them to circles and sections on weekdays.

What will be the child named Danila?

At a young age, Danila is an affectionate, calm, smiling child. He is open to the world, inquisitive, contact.

With Danya it is easy for both children and adults. With adults, he communicates judiciously and seriously, listening carefully and thinking about the answers. He easily enters into a discussion with the parents of neighboring children, willingly talks about himself, shares childish, but already quite meaningful conclusions.

Danyusha easily makes contact with peers, quickly finds a common language and immediately begins to involve them in his games. Usually this is not running, hide and seek, climbing fences, but something more intellectual: building a city out of sand, drawing with crayons on asphalt, studying the surrounding nature.

At home, Danya is moderately playful and restless. He, like an ordinary child, also loves to jump on the couch, throw the ball into the shelf, arrange noisy races with cars, involve his family in his games, but rarely does something out of spite or is capricious over trifles.

Study and school

At school, Danila studies well, but there are not enough stars from the sky. You can call him average. And this applies to both behavior and diligence. He does not hooligan, does not come into conflict with teachers and classmates, but he can pull the girl he likes by the pigtail, slide down the stair railing, start playful showdowns with a school friend.

  • In the elementary grades, Dani does not have a pronounced inclination for any particular subjects, he studies diligently and goes to school, because his parents told him so. Already in high school, the student has favorite subjects. Danila is rather a humanist, loves history, languages, literature, geography.
  • The boy has been in good health since childhood, he grows strong. A rather densely built boy comes to the first class, who can even be teased with a mattress and a bumpkin.
  • However, the owner of this name quite calmly perceives ridicule, does not snap, laughs off more, and over time they stop pestering him.
  • At this age, it is better to give the boy to the sport, which disciplines and improves physical condition. Dana may be interested in football, hockey, swimming, wrestling, athletics.
Published: 2017-02-26 , Modified: 2017-02-26 ,

A man named Danil has such qualities as poise, an analytical mindset and the ability to notice any little things. This person will always come to the rescue in difficult times, it is easy to communicate with him.

Translated from Hebrew, the name Danil means - “God is a judge”, “God is my judge”, “God is my judge”.

Origin of the name Daniel:

The name Danil has its roots deep in history - it arose during the formation of Christianity and came from the Hebrew language. It comes from the Hebrew personal name of the prophet Daniel.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Danil:

As a child, Danilka is a very calm and friendly child, sometimes very shy, but this disappears with age. Likes outdoor sports games, swimming. However, it does not always strive to win and receive any awards. He leads a healthy lifestyle, his favorite places for recreation are nature, which gives him vitality and energy supply. All his life he attaches great importance to family relations and ties, spending holidays in the circle of numerous relatives. Very hospitable and sociable. Friends often visit him.

It's hard to argue with Daniel. His imperturbable calm infuriates many. He can spend hours proving his point of view without showing any emotions. A person with that name will always come to the rescue, even if they have to break all their rules and attitudes, although then their conscience will torment them for this. But, if, in close communication, he discovers cunning or selfish goals in relation to himself of his comrade, then this person will lose his trust forever.

By nature, Danilas are people who “go first” everywhere. They are always decisive, but before making this or that important decision, they will think over and weigh everything well. Danil's field of activity can be quite extensive - an artist, a cook, a builder, an entrepreneur, an electronics specialist, an aircraft designer, a researcher, and work will always come first for him. He works pretty hard. Such qualities as conflict-freeness and perseverance can lead Danil to success in any field of activity. He wouldn't make a bad leader.

Personal life is subject to feelings that he does not know how to express correctly, he does not like excessive demonstrativeness. However, the first marriage, as a rule, is not always successful. Daniel is a wonderful loving father. He spends a lot of time with children, his favorite places are summer cottage, nature, fishing. He does not like conflicts in the family, during a quarrel he is not prone to violence and talking in a raised voice. He solves all problems with compromises and tries to smooth the corners with the power of persuasion.

Not every father treats his children the way Daniel does. He loves children, enjoys playing and walking with them, willingly attends parent meetings. But he does not help his wife either around the house or in any of her other affairs. Prefers to spend time outside the home, in nature or in the country. Usually, he is fond of fishing or hunting.

The name Danil, which in the old days was pronounced like Danilo, was often found among peasant craftsmen in Rus'.

The protagonist of one of Bazhov's biggest stories - "Stone Flower", included in the famous collection of true stories - "Malachite Box", had the name Danila.

Version 1. What does the name Daniel (Daniel) mean?

In Hebrew, Daniel means "God's judgment."

Daniel is a calm and kind boy. Sociable, constantly surrounded by friends. He cannot stand lies, he can even flare up, but he immediately quickly leaves and does not remember evil for a long time.

Daniil born in winter are always talented and achieve a lot in life.

"Autumn" Daniels are prudent, somewhat selfish. Learn a wide variety of professions. They like to spend time in the country or in nature. They are fond of fishing or hunting. He attaches great importance to family and kinship ties. As a rule, he spends holidays among numerous relatives. Daniil is sociable and hospitable, takes care of his family hearth, sharing with his wife the care of the home, comfort, life. Home and family are sacred to him, he marries for love at first sight.

In numerology, this name corresponds to the number 7.

Version 2. What does the name Daniel (Daniel) mean?

Daniel - from other Heb. my judge is God, colloquial. Danil, Danila; old unfold Danilo.

Derivatives: Danilka, Danisha, Danya, Danusya, Dusya.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Shvets Danilo, whatever he sews is rotten.

Danila did not die, his sore crushed him.

On July 23, on Daniel the Martyr, old healers collect healing dews for healing: they spend a clean canvas early in the morning on the dewy grass until the canvas gets wet, and then squeeze it into a bowl and store it in the cellar: dew helps from damage and the evil eye.


Daniel is kind, calm, friendly, never irritated. At the first meeting, surrounded by other, outwardly brighter people, it seems inconspicuous, but his lively mind, diligence and inexhaustible good nature soon set him apart from potential rivals. He attaches great importance to family and kinship ties. As a rule, he spends holidays among numerous relatives. Daniil is sociable and hospitable, takes care of his family hearth, sharing with his wife the care of the home, comfort, life. Home and family are sacred to him, he marries for love at first sight. This union is consonant and lasting.

3 version of the meaning of the name Daniel (Daniel)

1. Personality. Smiling men.

2. Character. 87%.

3. Radiation. 83%.

4. Vibration. 76,000 vibrations/s

5. Color. Yellow.

6. Main features. Intelligence - intuition - morality - sociability.

7. Totem plant. Holly.

8. Totem animal. Sperm whale.

9. Sign. Fish.

10. Type. Calm, never nervous phlegmatic. They do not like to rush, cold blood flows in their veins. Even experiencing emotional drama, they try to smile.

11. Psyche. Balanced. People of this type do not try to shine in society, they are sweet and pleasant conversationalists.

12. Will. Strong enough, but subject to constant doubts.

13. Excitability. Introverts: they are more interested in their own inner world than the life around them. Courageous, even cowardly.

14. Speed ​​of reaction. From childhood, it is easier to convince them with arguments than to force them. They are jealous, demand fidelity from their friends and girlfriends and want them to always be there. They often put friendship above love.

15. Field of activity. Often they chase two birds with one stone and study two specialties at the same time, for example, exact sciences and acting. Daniel chooses a job that leaves a lot of free time for various hobbies, such as painting. They have a highly developed figurative perception, so they often become actors.

16. Intuition. Perfect. They often use the expressions: "It seems to me that ...", "I have such a premonition that ...". Listen to them and don't try to convince them.

17. Intelligence. Possess an overly analytical mindset; attentive to the smallest details and trifles.

18. Susceptibility. Their imagination is too developed, so their dreams of love are far from reality. Such men lack healthy aggressiveness, pressure, they do not know how to express their feelings themselves and cannot bear their open manifestation by others, for example, questions like: “Do you love me?”

19. Morality. These are law-abiding people. Very devoted to the family, even if it seems that they "keep their distance." Painfully experiencing betrayal of friends.

20. Health. Average. They need to follow a well-balanced diet, exercise, take water treatments. It is recommended to monitor the teeth and intestines.

21. Sexuality. This is an unpleasant topic for them, which they do not want to talk about, although from adolescence they feel problems in this area. They feel a discord between inner receptivity, sensitivity and sexuality and therefore experience some kind of anxiety.

22. Activity. Average, and thanks to this, Daniel does not become an adventurer.

23. Sociability. Tyrannical. Always impeccably dressed, they receive guests somewhat ceremoniously. To a certain extent, they are characterized by snobbery.

24. Conclusion. Although such people are charming, parents and educators should not be deceived. External impressions are not always correct.

4 version of the interpretation of the name Daniel (Daniel)

Daniel (Danila) - “God is my judge” (heb.)

By nature, this is an eternal pioneer. Slow in judgment, but decisive in action. In the work, practical ingenuity merges with improvisation.

His house is always a full cup, he grows up in such a house and strives for such abundance in the future. His family pride is intelligence and high intellect, the rejection of arrogance. He respects himself and respects others. Calm, rarely nervous, trying not to show it. Phlegmatic, secretive, perfectly controlled. Even when he is going through emotional drama, he smiles. This is a person with a balanced psyche. He does not seek to shine at all costs, dear, wonderful conversationalist.

With a sufficiently strong will, he is overcome by constant doubts. It is difficult to respond to requests for help - he is burdened by unnecessary chores. As an introvert, he is more interested in his own inner world. Daniel is a timid person and even a little cowardly. From childhood, it is easier to persuade or convince him than to force him. Jealous, owner. He wants his friends and girlfriends to be faithful to him and always be there. Often puts friendship above love. Tends to do several things at once. Often studies two specialties at the same time: literature and music, exact sciences and acting. He chooses a profession that allows him to pursue his hobbies and have a lot of time for this. Interested in painting.

He has a well developed imagination. Easily adapts to all changes. Intuition is unusually rich. Long before the event, he anticipates their outcome. You should listen to his predictions, and do not argue with him. Mindset - analytical. He is able to get to the smallest detail in order to achieve the truth. A dreamer who finds it difficult to fit the idea of ​​love into the framework of everyday life. He lacks perseverance, and he does not know how to express his feelings at all. Does not tolerate demonstration of feelings.

His health is normal. Lips, teeth and intestines should be constantly guarded. He needs a balanced diet, sports, water treatments. The sexual theme never occupies Daniel. Since his youth, he has had problems with this, but he does not like to talk about sex because of his upbringing. Has a bifurcated sense of inner receptivity and sexuality. With friends, he is tyrannical, but always loyal to them. He dresses impeccably, receives guests somewhat ceremoniously. Snob at heart. Charming, and this lulls the vigilance of others. Behind his calmness lies indifference to everything that does not interest him, including those around him. You have to be careful with him. He is unsafe, sometimes acting on the sly.

"Winter" is fond of the exact sciences, architecture, and teaching. He is correct, diplomatic, restrained.

"Autumn" is a good politician, economist. Reasonable, complaisant, stubborn in achieving the goal. The name corresponds to patronymics: Valeryevich, Viktorovich, Vladimirovich, Petrovich, Adamovich, Egorovich, Mironovich, Mikhailovich, Savelyevich.

"Summer" Daniel - tends to acting, can be a good director, cameraman. Smart, balanced, good-natured.

"Spring" - writer, artist. He has a well-developed fantasy, an eternal dreamer, inclined to idealize everyone and everything. Easily hurt, touchy, but skillfully hides it. Suitable for patronymics: Modestovich, Anatolyevich, Igorevich, Lvovich, Eldarovich, Moiseevich, Gennadievich, Vasilyevich.

5th version of the meaning of the name Daniel (Daniel)

Translated from Hebrew means: God's judgment. In the Bible, Daniel, a Hebrew prophet, known as the main mystic and soothsayer in the courts of kings, was the right hand of King Nebuchadnezzar.

In early childhood - a calm and smiling child, sick no more than all children. Daniil is like a mother, sympathetic, kind, but cunning. They like to play football, are fond of wrestling, tennis, gymnastics, but this is all just for health. These men are very quick-tempered, jealous, often impulsive.

"Winter" - talented, although it is difficult for them to communicate with others.

"Autumn" - prudent, pragmatic and selfish.

By profession, they are administrators, doctors, teachers, electronics engineers, entrepreneurs, artists, musicians, as well as drivers, shoemakers, builders.

Their marriage is usually successful. They love children, but usually they don’t help their wife around the house. They enjoy spending time in the garden. Protective and hospitable. They dance well, sing in company. Immensely kind to family and friends.

"Winter" - quick-tempered, but not vindictive, quickly depart and immediately reconcile. They love to leave and come home. Kind and responsive. They almost do not change with age, they only get fatter. They are not picky about food and will never make comments to their wife about a tasteless dinner. They don't carry things very neatly. Preferans.

In order for the marriage to be reliable, it is better for Daniil to choose a wife among those whose names are Anna, Helena, Glafira, Juliet, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Nina, Olesya, Olga, Polina, Snezhana, Stella, Tamara, Tatyana, Elvira. It is unlikely that he was successful with Elizabeth, Irina, Angelina, Xenia, Roxana.

6 version of the meaning of the name Daniel (Daniel)

DANIEL - my judge - God (ancient Hebrew).

Name day: April 20 - Reverend Daniel of Pereyaslavsky, as a young man, entered the monastery, devoting himself to serving his neighbors; famous for the gift of miracles (XVI century).

July 23 - The Holy Martyr Daniel, among the other forty-five in Nikopol, after being tortured for the faith of Christ, was burned, and then the bones of all of them were thrown into the river (4th century). December 30 - Most Holy Prophet Daniel, lived in captivity at the court of the king of Babylon; For loyalty to the true god, he was thrown into a den with lions, but they were afraid to touch him. The holy prophet Daniel, 600 years before the birth of Christ, accurately indicated the time of the coming of Christ into the world.


Planet - Mercury.

Color - gray-blue.

Auspicious tree - ash.

Treasured plant - buttercup.

The patron of the name is a squirrel.

Talisman stone - blue jasper.


Daniel is a kind, calm, smiling person, never raises his voice. It seems invisible in the crowd, but his powerful mind, diligence and inexhaustible good nature soon set him apart from outwardly spectacular rivals. He attaches great importance to family ties. This is sacred to him. As a rule, he spends holidays among numerous relatives. Daniil is sociable and hospitable, he treats his dwelling very carefully, fully sharing with his wife the troubles of arranging it. He chooses his wife unmistakably, at first sight, and here a sweet shy woman will easily defeat a frivolous beauty.

Numerology Of The Name Daniel (Daniel)

Name number: 9

People born under the number nine have the ability to forgive everyone around and high spiritual qualities. In addition, they have well-developed flair, empathy, the ability to empathize, and creative thinking. They can realize their talents in creative fields and achieve considerable success. They also always enjoy the recognition and love of others, which can play both a good and an evil role in their fate.

The meaning of the letters in the name Daniel (Daniel)

D- stubbornness, pride, isolation, complexes and limitations. These people, before doing something, will think over everything well several times. All actions are guided by common sense and logic. They will always help in a difficult situation. They are overly talkative. They do not accept criticism, very rarely listen to other people's opinions and therefore often make serious mistakes.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name begins with "A" are quite hardworking. They like to take the initiative in everything and do not like routine.

H- strong, strong-willed and decisive personality. Hardworking enough, but they cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, there is critical thinking. A person chooses a chosen one for a long time, with whom he can live until the end of his days. Likes to take care of loved ones.

AND- fine spiritual organization, romanticism, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. The fair sex pays a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and work with people. Very economic and prudent.

L- artistic and inventive personalities. In actions, they prefer to be guided by logical thinking. They know how to position themselves. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and treat other people with disdain. Parting with loved ones is extremely difficult. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

Name as a phrase

  • D- Welcome
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • H- Our (Our, yours)
  • AND- And (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
  • L- People

Name Daniel (Danila) in English (Latin)

Daniel Daniel

When filling out a document in English, you should write first the first name, then the patronymic in Latin letters, and only then the last name. You may need to write the name Daniel (Danila) in English when applying for a passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

Name and meaning is the key to destiny and the formula of human life. In it, every letter, syllable and their sequence matters. When choosing a name for a child, parents often turn to Christmas time, but the origin and interpretation of the name is of great importance, it determines the future of the child. What secrets does the name Daniel hide in himself, the meaning of the name and the fate of the boy.

Name history

Daniel is a biblical name, derived from the Hebrew Daniel ("Dan" - judge, "El" - God). There are several versions of its translation - “God is my judge”, “God is my judge”, “God is a judge”. According to the Bible, the prophet Daniel was the only bearer of this name, he was the Old Testament and most revered prophet. In Rus', the name began to be used after the 6th century, in the 19th century it became widespread among all segments of the population, but it was never popular.

Daniel's name day

General characteristics of the name

Short and diminutive form

Danya, Danil, Danila, Danya, Danyusha, Danchik, Danusya.


Daniilovich, Daniilovna.

Talismans of Daniel

Daniel: the meaning of the name, character and fate

  • Personality type - thinker, doer. Thoughtfully suited to any case.
  • The psyche is balanced. Introverts, but pleasant and interesting interlocutors.
  • Intuition is flawless. If Daniel thinks or feels something, do not convince him.
  • Intellect - an analytical mindset, attentive to details, does not miss the little things.
  • Will - strong, but subject to periodic doubts, especially during criticism.
  • Sexuality - active and temperamental with a partner. Doesn't like talking about sex.
  • Health - do not differ in good health, in youth it is prone to fullness.
  • Negative qualities - self-doubt, self-criticism, low self-esteem.

Little Danechka. A baby with this name does not cause concern to parents. He knows how to occupy himself with a book or a toy, does not require constant attention. A calm and balanced character does not prevent Dana from easily communicating with other children, he often becomes the center of the company, finds a common language with older children.

With age, the boy becomes more active, but he is calm about sports, he is more attracted to creativity. At school, Danya does not experience serious problems with his studies. Boys with this name are inquisitive and are happy to independently look for answers to their questions, which makes them erudite, but you cannot call him a book lover. Friends often turn to him with questions and advice, Daniel is always ready to help them.

Danila teenager. The young man is acutely experiencing failure in adolescence. Can withdraw into himself, which is reflected in his relationships with peers and in his studies. Prone to self-criticism. Like any teenager, he needs the help of adults, but not intrusive, cautious, without a drop of deceptive advice and promises. Danya does not tolerate lies, reacts sharply, can flare up, but quickly cools down.

What does the name Daniel mean for a man. The owner of this name is a decent person, disposes the interlocutor to himself. He behaves with restraint, does not show bright emotions, smiling. His feelings or anger are imperceptible to others. Kind and sympathetic, but with a cunning - he remembers forgotten friends when he needs it. This is a moral person, devoted to his friends and hard going through quarrels with them. It is impossible to piss him off in a dispute, he will defend his point of view with arguments. Danila lacks assertiveness and courage to express her feelings and desires.

Family relationships

The pleasant secret of the name Daniel is hidden in his attitude towards the family and the woman. Danila is ready to marry only for love. He is little interested in the external beauty of a woman, her character and disposition are important to him. He likes to spend the main holidays in the family, but the chosen one must be prepared for the fact that the doors of their house are always open for Danya's friends. He loves to equip home comfort with his wife, is kind to children, but spends little time with them.

Often the first marriage ends in divorce, but Danil maintains a good relationship with his ex-wife. In sexual relations, Daniel prefers a more experienced woman, since it is difficult for him to overcome his natural modesty and constraint. He is not interested in intimacy in a bright, sexy, but empty and boring woman.

Work and career

He treats cases of any complexity seriously and thoroughly. He performs the work slowly, confidently moves towards the goal and does not quit what he started. He is not inclined to change the type of activity and loves monotonous work. Preference will be given to work in which the manifestation of creative abilities is required, but in any business he is a responsible and reliable employee.

He prefers to work under someone's leadership, there is no desire to create his own business, for this he lacks self-confidence and ambition. Thanks to his diligence and analytical mindset, he is able to achieve success in his career, but Daniil should not overreact to the criticism of colleagues.

Characteristics of Daniel according to the seasons

Not all bearers of this name have the same character traits. Personality features depend on the date, year, and even the season of birth. Winter Daniels are diplomatic and reserved. Interested in exact sciences. Those born in the spring are touchy, but they know how to hide their vulnerability. Able to achieve success in art. Summer Danilas are very balanced, calm, and succeed in acting. Autumn - good economists, politicians. These are purposeful and stubborn people with a strong will.

Notable Daniels

Whatever the name of a person denotes, from where it did not come from, it is only a skeleton of fate, what it will be filled with depends on the owner of the name, on his life principles and goals.

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