From this article you will learn:

  • Why is diarrhea common in old age?
  • What role does proper nutrition play in diarrhea?
  • How to organize nutrition for diarrhea in the elderly
  • What foods are forbidden to eat during diarrhea
  • Why is it important to drink water with diarrhea?
  • How long does it take for the body to recover from diarrhea?

Diarrhea- This is a disease that leads to frequent acts of defecation with loose stools. It does not particularly concern young people, but can become a serious problem for elderly citizens. Nutrition for diarrhea in the elderly is no less important than medication, as it helps the body recover as quickly as possible.

In the process of aging, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, from the oral cavity to the large intestine, undergo various changes:
  • Oral cavity. Chewing and facial muscles are depleted, the process of digestion and chewing becomes difficult.
  • Esophagus. Its shape changes, it lengthens, but the muscle layer undergoes the most changes. The risk of hernias increases, and swallowing becomes more difficult with age.
  • Stomach. The vertical position is replaced by a horizontal one, the organ itself is significantly reduced. Consequently, the amount of enzymes produced, gastric juice and hydrochloric acid is also on the decline. Blood circulation, motility and metabolic processes in the walls of the stomach are disturbed.
  • Small intestine. Food processing in this organ becomes incomplete.
  • Colon. Stones appear from the feces, more and more often in elderly people there is “senile constipation”. The intestinal microflora also undergoes changes. There are more harmful bacteria, while the microorganisms responsible for the fermentation of carbohydrates with the formation of lactic acid are less and less. Because of this, an increase in endotoxins and disturbances in the process of synthesis of vitamins of groups K and B are observed.
  • Liver. It becomes lighter, the number of functions decreases. In this regard, the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and pigments is disturbed, the level of neutralization of toxic substances decreases. Transformations also apply to the excretory function of the liver. Medicines are excreted more slowly than before, there is a cumulative effect of drugs in the body.
  • gallbladder. A situation occurs that is opposite to changes in the liver: the organ increases, but this also has a bad effect on its functionality. Bile does not enter the intestines on time, so there is a risk of stone formation.
  • Pancreas. There is a decrease in internal and external secretory functions due to the fact that the blood supply and the number of islet, glandular cells decrease.
In older people, the body not only loses its former youth, it undergoes severe disturbances in the functioning of the organs necessary for life, especially the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, a person gets sick more and more often, and in the process of defecation, not only “senile constipation” is observed, but also diarrhea, which causes severe discomfort. In this regard, nutrition for diarrhea in the elderly is a necessary component of the course of treatment. Diets will ensure a healthy and long life for the elderly.

Causes of diarrhea in the elderly

Old age greatly affects the performance of the body. In older people, fermentation worsens, the decline in the number of taste buds is especially noticeable. To make up for it and feel the bright taste of food, a person consumes very spicy, salty and sweet foods.

The causes of disruption of the digestive system can be:

  • absence of teeth in the oral cavity;
  • Crohn's Disease, ulcerative colitis;
  • the use of antibiotics for a long time;
  • addiction to harmful, unhealthy food;
  • unsanitary conditions;
  • stress, blues, depression;
  • the body's response to complications of endocrine diseases, to diabetes mellitus.

It is important for elderly citizens to be able to make a diet in case of intestinal disorders and follow it clearly.

Nutrition for diarrhea in the elderly helps:

  • reduce the load on the inflamed organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • remove physical and chemical irritation;
  • eliminate the fermentation process;
  • saturate the body with useful components;
  • over time, normalize digestive activity.

Treatment without fail implies strict adherence to nutrition for diarrhea in the elderly, as the body is depleted and loses a huge amount of nutrients and fluids. If the damage is not replenished in time, the immune system will become weak and, against this background, will not be able to overcome infections and viruses. As a result, diarrhea in an elderly person will lead to serious illnesses.

Dehydration- one of the main dangers, so the water-salt balance should be restored in the first place. Frequent drinking and the right menu will help an elderly person solve the problem.

Food should not irritate the intestinal mucosa in order to relieve inflammation as soon as possible and thereby normalize the general health of the victim.

The selected diet is closely related to the cause of the onset of the disease, however, there are 10 universal rules for eating diarrhea in the elderly:
  1. Discharge of the intestines. To do this, you need to eat often (every three hours), but in small portions.
  2. Stop eating foods that can provoke fermentation and increase the formation of gases.
  3. Reducing the amount of food from the previous daily allowance by 20–50%.
  4. The use of fermented milk products, which contains a huge amount of organisms useful for restoring the microflora.
  5. Exclusion from the diet of food that contributes to the active release of bile.
  6. Changing the balance of nutrients. The volume of fats and carbohydrates in the diet with diarrhea in the elderly is reduced, while proteins, on the contrary, increase.
  7. Emphasis on liquid - first courses, drinking enough water.
  8. Complete rejection of fruits and vegetables that have not been heat-treated. They act as a laxative, and only worsen the patient's condition.
  9. The optimum food temperature is from +33 to +38 ° С. It is strictly forbidden to eat too hot or very cold food.
  10. The amount of salt in the diet is reduced, but you should not completely abandon it.
The above points are mandatory. Nutritionists allow the following foods to be added to the diet for diarrhea in the elderly:
  1. Kashi. Any cereal will be a real helper. It does not cause a feeling of heaviness, contains useful components and is easily absorbed by the body. You can add some salt and butter to taste.
  2. lean meat. During diarrhea, chicken, veal, turkey and rabbit meat will have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, while the skin, film, cartilage and tendons must be separated from the meat.
  3. Fish. Diet for diarrhea in the elderly may include only low-fat varieties.
  4. Dairy products. Every day, an elderly person should consume kefir and cottage cheese, but only if they are natural, without dyes, flavors, sweeteners and other additives that are undesirable for diarrhea.
  5. Bread. Breadcrumbs are the best option. You can also eat stale white bread.
  6. Thermally processed fruits, berries. They can be boiled, baked, steamed. On their basis, excellent compotes, mashed potatoes, kissels, mousses, sauces and jellies are obtained.
  7. Vegetables. It can be potatoes, zucchini, carrots and pumpkin.

In the diet for diarrhea in the elderly must be present:
  1. Rice. It does not add salt, it takes a long time to boil as much as possible.
  2. Blueberry kissel, bird cherry compote. Drinks are good for the stomach.
  3. Milk whey. It blocks the process of decay in the intestines and normalizes the work of microflora.
  4. Weak tea without sugar with crackers- the main components of nutrition that you need to eat on the first day after the onset of diarrhea.
Avoid fried, fatty and deep-fried foods. They make the stool more liquid, increase the number of bowel movements and lead to indigestion.
  • semi-finished products;
  • offal;
  • mustard, sauces;
  • oily fish, meat;
  • chocolate
  • fatty dairy products, whole milk;
  • soft bakery products;
  • pickled, canned seafood;
  • fresh and canned vegetables;
  • butter and vegetable oil;
  • sour fruits and berries;
  • spices;
  • legumes;
  • nuts;
  • black bread.
In the diet for diarrhea in the elderly, these drinks should not be:
  • alcohol;
  • juices (except for apple);
  • sweet sodas;
  • Sparkling water;
  • coffee;
  • green tea.

There are some foods that you can eat, but this should be done in limited quantities and with caution. Among them it is worth noting:
  1. Eggs. You can eat a soft-boiled egg no more than once every two days. And only if after eating there is no urge to go to the toilet.
  2. Pasta. Pasta casseroles are prohibited, but boiled small vermicelli is allowed in the diet if it is eaten no more than every other day.
  3. Milk. You can not drink, but you can add to cereals.
  4. Strawberry, raspberry. Although sour berries are forbidden for diarrhea, if the body perceives them normally, you can use half a glass every day.

You should eat six times a day. The following meals are recommended for diarrhea in the elderly for a day:

  1. First breakfast: boiled rice, a piece of stale white bread, rosehip broth.
  2. Second breakfast: compote based on dried fruits.
  3. Lunch: mashed soup with lean meat, meatballs, buckwheat, dried fruit compote.
  4. Afternoon snack: unsweetened low-fat cottage cheese.
  5. Dinner: meatloaf steamed with baked vegetables, rosehip broth.
  6. Second dinner (before going to bed): jelly made from blueberries.

Boiled, baked and steamed food is allowed. Fried food is strictly prohibited. It is recommended to grind food to the consistency of mashed potatoes without lumps. This will help food not harm the inflamed intestinal walls. Porridges are boiled in water, but it is allowed to add a little milk to the diet for diarrhea in the elderly, provided that the person does not have lactose intolerance, and the body reacts normally to dairy products. You can cook food only from fresh products, and spices and sauces are strictly prohibited. During diarrhea, do not forget to drink plenty of fluids. An elderly patient should consume at least two liters of fluid per day. If diarrhea is not accompanied by vomiting, it will not be difficult to replenish the water-salt balance. You need to drink immediately after the appearance of thirst, as well as after each act of defecation.

Give preference to clean water and dried fruit compote. Refrain from coffee, sodas and juices.

If, in addition to diarrhea, the patient suffers from vomiting, it becomes much more difficult to drink water. You have to adjust the drinking regimen, taking into account the general state of health. In this case, the liquid is taken in small sips, one tablespoon every five minutes. The diet for diarrhea in the elderly should be followed for as long as the person is sick. In the first few days after diarrhea, the strictest diet is maintained, and when the patient's condition begins to gradually improve, the menu can be diversified. But even after a full recovery, you should not abruptly return to your usual diet. At least seven days after that, you need to follow a diet. Then new foods are introduced into the diet gradually and with great care so that diarrhea does not recur.

Older people must follow the following rules:

  • do not overeat;
  • consume fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, milk);
  • eat boiled meat, rice, baked potatoes;
  • observe the diet;
  • eat small meals every three to four hours;
  • exclude solid foods from the diet;
  • eat vegetable purees, cream soups;
  • completely abandon smoked meats, preservation, fried foods.

Diarrhea (diarrhea) is a functional disorder of the intestines, which is accompanied by an increase in its peristalsis, passage (movement) of food masses, as a result of which liquid, nutrients and salts do not have time to be fully absorbed into the blood. How to help the intestines, read the article.

Krivoguz Igor Mikhailovich

Articles written

This condition is manifested by frequent stools and its liquid character. To improve the functioning of the intestines, it is necessary to reduce the load on it as much as possible and ensure that the body is replenished with salts and water, for which a special diet for diarrhea is used.

Causes and effects of diarrhea

The main mechanism for the development of diarrhea is a violation of the absorption of water, mineral salts and nutrients from the intestinal lumen into the blood. There are several main reasons development of diarrhea, which include:

  • Intestinal infections (pathogenic Escherichia coli, salmonella, enteroviruses, shigella) - enters the intestine with food, colonizes its mucous membrane and causes inflammation in it. The intestine reacts to this by increasing peristalsis (specific wall movements that push food masses into the lower intestines), the reverse transition of fluid and salts from the tissues into the intestinal lumen.
  • Food poisoning - diarrhea is provoked by bacterial toxins that enter the body along with poor-quality food. Especially often such toxins accumulate in confectionery products containing cream.
  • Functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract - develops as a result of a violation of the innervation of the intestine by the autonomic nervous system (it happens with prolonged stress) or irregular nutrition, with the predominant use of refined high-calorie foods.
  • The use of foods with a high content of mineral salts, which, according to the law of osmosis, cause the transfer of fluid from the blood and tissues of the body back into the intestines.

Violation of the absorption of salts and fluid from the intestine leads to the development of dehydration (dehydration) of the body. This condition is fraught with the development of a number of consequences:

  • Disorders of the cardiovascular system and arrhythmia (violation of the rhythm of heart contractions).
  • Functional disorders of the central nervous system.
  • Renal failure due to decreased blood volume.
  • Deterioration of blood flow in tissues with a decrease in their nutrition (trophism).
  • The development of seizures.

Especially quickly dehydration with diarrhea and its consequences develop in children, the elderly and debilitated people. Regardless of the cause, the main pathogenetic measure (impact on the main mechanism for the development of diarrhea) is a special diet for diarrhea. Its purpose is to reduce the severity of the inflammatory process in the intestines and restore the water-salt balance in the body.

Diet guidelines for diarrhea

  • The frequency of eating at least 5 times a day, in small portions, which will make it possible to reduce the functional load on the inflamed intestine.
  • Food should not lead to mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which are very sensitive during diarrhea. To do this, dishes must be steamed or boiled in water, immediately before use they must be crushed (semi-liquid state or rubbed).
  • Exclusion of chemical irritation of the walls of the organs of the digestive system - it is forbidden to take fried, smoked dishes, with the presence of spices.
  • The temperature of the food should be as gentle as possible, the best option its temperature will be in the range of 30-35º C.

Diet for diarrhea with the implementation of the principles of nutrition, has a physiological effect and allows you to speed up the process of restoring the functional activity of the intestine.

Video from the coordinating doctor of the Bookimed Patient Support Center

Food for diarrhea: foods that you can and cannot

Rational and physiological nutrition with diarrhea is possible with the help of a special diet, which includes a list of foods from what to eat with diarrhea:

  • Dried white bread, crackers without sugar and raisins, drying.
  • Lean meats (chicken, veal, rabbit) and fish. It is best to cook grated dishes: cutlets, soufflé, meatballs.
  • Soups in lean meat broth, with boiled cereals or vegetables.
  • Porridges from well-boiled cereals (buckwheat, rice, cereals) on water or with the addition of a small amount (1/3) of low-fat milk.
  • Pasta, vermicelli is better, but not every day.
  • Well-cooked or stewed vegetables, it is advisable to cook them without peel. Potatoes can be cooked in their skins.
  • From fruits - baked ripe apples or pears, bananas.
  • boiled egg, better soft-boiled or in the form of a steam omelette.
  • From dairy products, you can use low-fat cottage cheese; and milk or butter can be added to porridge during cooking.
  • From drinks - green, black tea, dried fruit compote, kissels, still water.

Nutrition for diarrhea in adults has an effect on the next day from the onset of diarrhea.

Products with diarrhea that must be excluded from the diet:

  • Black or gray bread.
  • Fatty meats (pork, duck) and broths cooked on their basis.
  • Dairy products: milk, cream.
  • Fresh and canned vegetables.
  • Any acidic fruits and vegetables.
  • Spices and spices.
  • Sausage, smoked or canned food, pickled foods or pickles.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Sweets and confectionery.
  • Bean cultures.
  • Coffee, black tea, carbonated drinks, concentrated fruit or berry juice, alcohol.

All these products increase intestinal peristalsis, irritate its mucous membrane and increase the burden on the digestive system.

Features of nutrition for diarrhea in a child

The diet for diarrhea in children has certain features associated with more rapid development dehydration of the body and features of the functioning of the digestive system. At the same time, it is very important not only what to feed the child with diarrhea, but also how many times. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the following features:

  • Reducing the amount of food, with an increase in its intake up to 7 times a day.
  • If the child is on breastfeeding, then it is important not to refuse it during diarrhea, since mother's milk ensures that all the ingredients are supplied to the body and provides a protective effect on the intestines.
  • A diet for diarrhea in a child older than 1.5 years should contain a large amount of liquid (non-carbonated mineral water, dried fruit compote), cereals should be boiled as much as possible, chopped vegetables.
  • As the severity of symptoms decreases, nutrition for diarrhea in children can be expanded by adding lean meat, fish, low-fat cottage cheese.

A video lecture by Dr. Komarovsky about intestinal infections in children will help a lot here:

Diet menu for diarrhea

Below is a diet menu for diarrhea for a few days. Such a menu can be compiled independently based on the list of allowed foods and taking into account the basics of nutrition.

Diet menu for diarrhea
Day of the week meal Dishes and products
Monday Breakfast Rice broth on the water, jelly.
Snack Green tea with crackers.
Dinner Soup with rice and meatballs, a piece of bread and black tea.
Snack Baked apple, dried fruit compote.
Dinner Mashed potatoes, a piece of boiled fish, non-carbonated mineral water.
Tuesday Breakfast Oatmeal on the water, without sugar and additives.
A glass of green tea, 1-2 unsweetened crackers
Snack A glass of dried fruit compote or jelly.
Dinner Boiled vermicelli, a piece of steamed fish.
Compote or jelly
Snack 2 bananas.
Dinner 2-3 potatoes in uniform, 1 fish cake.
Wednesday Breakfast Rice porridge on the water with 1 soft-boiled egg Green tea, a slice of bread.
Snack Kissel, 1-2 unsweetened crackers
Dinner 100 gr. rice, 100 gr chicken breast, baked in the oven. Green tea, drying
Snack Baked pears or apples
Dinner Steamed chicken thigh, buckwheat porridge, jelly.
Thursday Breakfast Steam omelet from 2 eggs, a slice of bread, dried fruit compote.
Snack Light chicken broth with croutons.
Dinner Rice porridge, steamed beef meatballs, a slice of bread, berry jelly.
Snack Baked apple puree.
Dinner Carrot puree, boiled fish, a slice of bread, non-carbonated mineral water.

When should you see a doctor for diarrhea?

If diarrhea develops, a doctor should be consulted in such cases:

  • Lack of effect from the diet and self-treatment for 3 days.
  • Loose stools more than 10 times a day in a child under one year old, in debilitated or elderly people - there is a risk of developing severe dehydration with consequences.
  • Significant intoxication of the body with general weakness and an increase in body temperature up to 39º C, which lasts 2 days or more.
  • Intense vomiting, which does not allow the ingestion of medicines and food.
  • Changes in the stool in the form of darkening (bleeding), the appearance of mucus or streaks of blood.
  • The appearance of acute pain in the abdomen (indicates the possible development of appendicitis).
  • The development of symptoms of dehydration - wrinkled skin, decreased amount of urine, kidney smell from the mouth, impaired consciousness, convulsions.

To improve the effectiveness of the diarrhea diet, it is necessary to perform some useful advice and tips:

  • Reception of intestinal sorbents - medicines that bind and remove toxins from the intestines (Enterosgel, Sorbeks), they must be taken one hour before meals, at least 3 times a day.
  • Liquid, especially in children, is best taken in small amounts (10-15 ml), but often every 15 minutes.
  • Worth giving up medicines, depressing intestinal motility (Loperamide), since together with peristalsis they reduce the excretion of toxins from the intestine.

It must be remembered that diarrhea is a protective reaction of the body, aimed at freeing the intestines from toxins and bacteria. A diet for diarrhea in adults and children will help the intestines get rid of toxins more quickly, reduce inflammation and restore fluid, minerals and nutrients.

Krivoguz Igor Mikhailovich

Master of Medicine, family doctor, Sumy

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract cause a lot of inconvenience to people. When for some reason an upset stomach occurs, then at that moment it is impossible to think about anything else, or do anything. How to eat properly during diarrhea and whether it is possible to eat at all, only a specialist can say for sure, but everyone should know the basics.

What is the danger of diarrhea

Diarrhea brings significant harm to the body.

In addition to physical discomfort, diarrhea causes significant harm to the body. Together with digested food, this ailment removes from the body all the trace elements and nutrients necessary for its normal functioning, and also disrupts the normal microflora.

It is logical that the primary task of treatment is to replenish the supply of lost trace elements in order to avoid further complications.

Principles of proper nutrition for diarrhea

For a qualitative and as fast as possible improvement in the condition during the period of diarrhea, it is considered necessary to follow a properly selected diet.

In order not to exacerbate the problem and to contribute speedy recovery, it is necessary for diarrhea to observe a special diet and adhere to a diet.

Products that can be consumed during this period should perform an enveloping function in order to create a kind of protective film in the stomach and thereby protect the intestinal walls from irritating factors. Do not eat aggressive foods. It is strictly forbidden to eat:

  • too fatty food
  • oversalted food
  • products that cause fermentation processes
  • carbohydrate food.

For the speedy restoration of disturbed microflora and to help the digestive organs work in a normal mode, it is recommended to follow the rule of abundant fluid intake. Medical professionals prescribe a drink that helps replenish electrolytes. What drinks can you drink with diarrhea:

  1. still mineral water (alkaline);
  2. natural juice from apples;
  3. decoctions of dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots);
  4. warm infusion of wild rose or bird cherry;
  5. teas (strong black with lemon, tea from raspberry leaves, currants);
  6. jelly from blueberries;
  7. medical solutions to replenish salts in the body (such as Gastrolit, Regidron).

About proper nutrition for diarrhea - in the thematic video:

As for food, with diarrhea it is highly desirable to eat liquid or semi-liquid food, which has "astringent" properties and is saturated with useful microelements. Experts recommend sticking to diet number 4, which includes the following foods:

  • Rice porridge liquid or semi-liquid consistency. Most people know that rice has a so-called "strengthening effect". This ability is explained by the fact that rice does not contain fiber, which has a laxative effect.
  • A decoction of rice cereal. You should consume half a glass of this decoction before the main meal. It is advisable to drink it after every two hours, so recovery will be much faster.
  • Mucous cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina).
  • Bananas. This beloved fruit is not only tasty, but also very rich in potassium, which in turn is able to perfectly replenish the supply of missing electrolytes lost due to indigestion.
  • Boiled carrots or carrot puree. The recommendation to eat carrots is due to the high content of vitamin A in the vegetable, which perfectly restores the mucous membrane of the intestinal walls.
  • Dry white bread (bought yesterday or in the form of crackers).
  • Boiled and baked apples. It is better to use in the form of a puree. The content in such a dish of a large number of amino acids (such as pectin, tannin) contributes to the excellent removal of toxins and the restoration of intestinal microorganisms.
  • Lean fish and meat. It is better to cook for a couple, you can not use the skin and tendons, only clean meat.
  • Soups in meat or fish broth (not very fatty).
  • Soups with the addition of slimy cereals.
  • Low-fat, fine-grained cottage cheese and boiled eggs. These foods are rich in essential proteins.

An approximate menu for diarrhea for one day (this menu is only suitable for an adult, there is a different approach to the child's menu):

  1. Breakfast 1: oatmeal, black tea with lemon.
  2. Breakfast 2: blueberry jelly.
  3. Lunch: soup with rice and boiled fish, buckwheat on the water, steamed chicken cutlets, apple juice.
  4. Afternoon snack: raspberry leaf tea.
  5. Dinner 1: boiled eggs, decoction of raisins.
  6. Dinner 2: pear jelly.

Diet for a child with diarrhea

When a child has diarrhea, you need to give him a mixture with increased level bifidobacteria.

The child is breastfed. If the mother feeds the baby only with breast milk, then nothing should change in the child's nutrition, since nature has taken care that mother's milk contains all the important and necessary trace elements that will help the child's body recover quickly. But still, it is better for the mother herself to refrain from provoking foods and monitor her diet.

The child is artificially fed. Children who eat adapted mixtures need additional help to the body, because no matter how high-quality and highly adapted the mixture is, it does not contain the entire set of necessary trace elements.

At the time of diarrhea, you need to give the baby a mixture with a high content of bifidobacteria, give more to drink (you can use pharmacy solutions: Regidron, Oralit; you can use solutions prepared at home).

The child is over one and a half years old. At the beginning, it is necessary to feed the child with warm, mushy soups on mucous cereals. Be sure the food should be homogeneous and warm, so as not to provoke a deterioration in the condition.

When the small body is on the mend, you can slowly begin to introduce steam dishes from lean fish or lean meat (finely chopped).

These recommendations on proper nutrition for diarrhea in children and adults are relevant, but still, for greater certainty, it is better to contact your family doctor, he will draw up a recovery plan based on the individual symptoms and characteristics of the patient.

Diarrhea in breastfeeding women

Diarrhea during breastfeeding is often associated with stress.

As you know, the diarrhea of ​​a nursing mother is often associated with stress, in such a situation you should not worry too much, you need to try to ensure a calm environment and everything will fall into place.

But if mucous or bloody secretions are found in the woman's feces, she is sick, vomiting appears, then it is worth sounding the alarm, perhaps indigestion is caused by an infectious disease.

You will probably have to stop breastfeeding the baby, as the baby can also “catch” the disease. If there is no danger, then there is no need to stop breastfeeding, you just need to review your diet, give preference to steamed dishes and temporarily stop eating vegetables, fruits, sweets, pastries, spices and other foods that irritate the intestines.

Diarrhea in the elderly

The approach to the treatment of the elderly is also special, and the diet prescribed to them must be clear and strictly observed. With diarrhea, a large amount of water leaves the body, and dehydration is extremely dangerous for the elderly.

Due to the characteristics of the body of an elderly person, a visit to the doctor is mandatory, all further instructions should be followed.

irritable bowel syndrome

Those people who have an upset stomach after every meal should eat unsalted buckwheat boiled in water for treatment and prevention. You need to eat it every day on an empty stomach.

Diet after diarrhea

After diarrhea, you can gradually include lean meat and fish products in your diet.

In order for the body to fully recover from diarrhea, it is necessary to maintain a loyal diet for some time, gradually including low-fat meat and fish products, steamed and finely chopped.

Diarrhea can happen due to the ingestion of poor quality or stale food. Usually diarrhea begins 2-3 hours after eating such a meal.

You should not panic, you should drink as much liquid as possible and everything will be resolved safely soon. If the problem does not go away, then it would be right to contact your doctor.

Now the basic principles of treating diarrhea are clear, but it is worth remembering that everything should be in moderation, and excessive consumption of “fastening” and “astringent” products can lead to the reverse process and diarrhea will be replaced by intestinal constipation.

Diet for diarrhea must be agreed with the attending physician. Diarrhea (diarrhea) is a painful condition in which frequent loose stools appear more than 3 times a day. The causes of diarrhea can be different, ranging from psychological to severe organic. Regardless of the cause of this phenomenon, it is very important to take the necessary measures to stop them at the first symptoms. Diarrhea is dangerous in that with its prolonged course, dehydration can develop, which is dangerous to human health.

Today there are many medications to treat diarrhea. However, no even the most effective drug will give the desired results if the patient does not adhere to a certain diet food.

Basic principles of nutrition

  1. The diet for diarrhea is aimed at minimizing the simultaneous load on the intestines. To do this, all food consumed should be served at the table in small portions. You need to eat every 3 hours.
  2. To improve well-being, it is necessary to exclude all chemical and mechanical irritants of the intestines.
  3. You should refuse products that can provoke fermentation processes in the intestines.
  4. You can not eat products with a choleretic effect.
  5. Diet with diarrhea should be energetically complete. The patient should receive proteins, fats and carbohydrates with food. However, it is necessary to ensure that the amount of carbohydrates and fats enters the body in a minimum amount. The amount of protein with frequent stools does not need to be reduced.
  6. Drink as much fluid as possible to prevent dehydration.
  7. When diarrhea appears, experts advise eating semi-liquid, pureed food in boiled or steamed form. Spices do not need to be added to dishes.
  8. Some raw vegetables and fruits can make diarrhea worse. That is why such products should be selected with extreme caution.
  9. After diarrhea, it is important for some time not to eat foods that can provoke a new bout of loose stools.

What can you eat?

Diet for diarrhea involves eating foods high in pectin. Pectin is a water-soluble fiber that actively fights intestinal disorders. This substance found in large quantities in yogurt, apples and bananas. These products must be present on the table in a patient with diarrhea.

To avoid fatigue and fatigue that accompany frequent loose stools, experts recommend remembering to consume enough protein. Protein can be obtained from boiled eggs, chicken and turkey.

Do not give up foods that contain a lot of potassium. The thing is that with diarrhea, the body loses a large amount of this substance, which has a very negative effect on its condition. To replenish the lost amount of potassium, you should eat jacket potatoes, bananas and drink fruit juices. Doctors advise eating 2 bananas every 4 hours.

Diet with diarrhea involves the use of a significant amount of salt. The thing is that salt will help retain water in the body and avoid dehydration. With frequent loose stools, it is recommended to eat salty soups and crackers.

The following products are available:

  1. Meat dishes.

You should only choose lean varieties meat without tendons and films. You can cook yourself boiled meat and meatballs. Even better to cook meat dishes for a couple.

  1. Fish.

Diet for diarrhea includes low-fat fish dishes. Pollock and cod should be preferred. Very useful steam cutlets and fish fillet meatballs.

  1. Pasta.

Pasta lovers can afford to eat some boiled vermicelli. You should not abuse this dish. In a small amount, it is harmless, but if you use pasta too often, then it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid the complication of a painful condition.

  1. Cereals.

With diarrhea, you can eat almost all cereals. The only exception is barley. Cereals can be boiled in water with a little milk. A little butter should be added to the finished dish. The most useful cereal for diarrhea is white rice. This product has an excellent fixing effect. It is recommended to eat half a cup of boiled rice every 2 hours.

  1. Eggs.

Dietary nutrition for diarrhea involves the use of soft-boiled eggs or scrambled eggs, but not more than 1 egg. With very good tolerance of this product, 2 eggs can be eaten per day.

  1. Dairy products.

With diarrhea, you can cook cereals with the addition of milk and butter. If we talk about fermented milk products, then they can be eaten in practically unlimited quantities. The thing is that these products contribute to the normalization of digestion. Also fermented milk products prevent flatulence and fermentation. Experts advise adding a little mild cheese and fresh cottage cheese to your diet every day. These foods are an excellent source of calcium and protein.

  1. Vegetables.

When loose stools appear, doctors advise eating boiled vegetables (with the exception of tomatoes). They can be baked (there should not be a golden crust). It is even better to eat mashed vegetables. Do not abuse garlic and onions. Very useful carrots, which contain a lot of vitamin A, which improves the condition of the intestinal mucosa. Carrots also have an adsorbing effect.

  1. Fruits and berries.

Very useful for both adults and children. From them you can cook healthy compotes, jams, jellies and mousses. With good tolerance, you can afford to eat 150 g of raspberries or strawberries per day.

  1. Bread products. You can eat dry, white bread and dry cookies.

The diet after receiving the first positive results should last for several more days.

What can't be eaten?

People with diarrhea should not eat fatty and fried foods.

All heavy products are prohibited. Such nutrition will not only not help to cope with loose stools, but will also aggravate the course of the disease.

It is necessary to refuse dishes that can cause gas formation in the intestines (legumes, cabbage). These foods irritate the digestive tract. At the time of treatment, you must stop smoking and alcoholic beverages.

Foods that can harm the intestines with diarrhea:

  1. Meat dishes. Fatty meats are banned. Harmful offal - brains, kidneys, liver. At the time of treatment, smoked meat should be completely abandoned.
  1. Fish. You can not eat canned food, pickled, smoked and fatty fish.
  1. Dairy products. Nutrition for diarrhea excludes the use of large amounts of whole milk and heavy cream.
  1. Vegetables. With loose stools, canned vegetables, mustard, horseradish, cabbage, turnips, beets, mushrooms and swede are harmful.
  1. Fruits and vegetables. With diarrhea, experts advise excluding raw acidic fruits and berries from your diet. We are talking about currants, cranberries, gooseberries and sour apples.
  1. Bread products. It is necessary to abandon black bread, rich products and cakes with cream.

Drinks for diarrhea

Diarrhea can cause dehydration. That is why during the illness it is necessary to drink at least 2-3 liters of water daily. Ideally, every 30 minutes you should drink 300 ml of liquid.

Very useful weak tea, which has a fixing effect. This effect provide tannins contained in large quantities in tea. You can drink cocoa and coffee on the water, fruit and berry compotes, juices. Apple juice is considered the most useful for diarrhea. But citrus, tomato and pineapple juices cause additional intestinal irritation. Diet for diarrhea in an adult does not exclude the use of no more than 50 ml of red wine per day.

Do not drink too cold and carbonated drinks. They are harmful to damaged intestines and can provoke the formation of a large amount of gases. Doctors advise to give up kvass, lemonade and beer for a while.

A diet for diarrhea in an adult and a child involves the use of self-cooked healthy drink to restore the salt balance in the body. Preparing such a drink is quite easy. In 200 ml of clean, slightly warm water, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of honey and a quarter of a spoon of soda. During the day, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of this liquid.

With severe diarrhea, experts advise on the first day to refuse food altogether and drink only 2 liters of sweet tea.

Diet for diarrhea in children

All food that a child consumes with diarrhea should be agreed with the doctor. If the baby is breastfed, during this period it should not be transferred to the mixture. This will only make the situation worse. All the necessary substances to restore the intestinal flora of the child are contained in breast milk. With frequent liquid stools, the baby needs to be offered breasts more often than on ordinary days.

If the baby eats mixtures, then parents should give their preference to food enriched with bifidobacteria. Also, for the duration of treatment, the child should be given a mixture that has a fixing effect.

If a baby over 1.5 years old is sick, then all food should be served to the table in a wiped form. Mucous soups and products containing tannin are very useful for a child. This substance is found in large quantities in black tea and blueberry juice. From drinks, the child can still be given mineral water without gases.


With diarrhea, the diet involves taking traditional medicine that can help improve the patient's condition and save him from unpleasant symptoms for a short time.

  1. If bacteria are the cause of loose stools, then doctors advise drinking half a small spoonful of garlic juice every 2 hours. Positive results begin to appear on the first day of treatment.
  1. Aloe juice is no less popular. It must be taken orally 3 times a day for 2 tsp. before meals.
  1. In adults and the elderly, diarrhea can be treated with shepherd's purse juice. 40 drops of juice should be diluted with 50 g of vodka, the resulting liquid should be divided into 2 equal parts and drunk throughout the day.
  1. 15 g of bird cherry should be poured with 200 ml of water, simmer for 5 minutes, remove from heat and leave for 30 minutes. The resulting consistency should be divided into 2 parts and drink.

Diarrhea should be taken seriously. At the first signs of it, you should immediately seek help from a doctor to find out the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon. Taking home remedies for diarrhea should also be agreed with a specialist. It is especially dangerous to self-treat loose stools in children and the elderly. The consequences can be unpredictable.

In addition to physical discomfort, diarrhea causes significant harm to the body. Together with digested food, this ailment removes from the body all the trace elements and nutrients necessary for its normal functioning, and also disrupts the normal microflora.

It is logical that the primary task of treatment is to replenish the supply of lost trace elements in order to avoid further complications.

Principles of proper nutrition for diarrhea

For a qualitative and as fast as possible improvement in the condition during the period of diarrhea, it is considered necessary to follow a properly selected diet.

In order not to aggravate the problem and contribute to a speedy recovery, it is necessary for diarrhea to follow a special diet and diet.

Products that can be consumed during this period should perform an enveloping function in order to create a kind of protective film in the stomach and thereby protect the intestinal walls from irritating factors. Do not eat aggressive foods. It is strictly forbidden to eat:

  • too fatty food
  • oversalted food
  • products that cause fermentation processes
  • carbohydrate food.

For the speedy restoration of disturbed microflora and to help the digestive organs work in a normal mode, it is recommended to follow the rule of abundant fluid intake. Medical professionals prescribe a drink that helps replenish electrolytes. What drinks can you drink with diarrhea:

  1. still mineral water (alkaline);
  2. natural juice from apples;
  3. decoctions of dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots);
  4. warm infusion of wild rose or bird cherry;
  5. teas (strong black with lemon, tea from raspberry leaves, currants);
  6. jelly from blueberries;
  7. medical solutions to replenish salts in the body (such as Gastrolit, Regidron).

About proper nutrition for diarrhea - in the thematic video:

As for food, with diarrhea it is highly desirable to eat liquid or semi-liquid food, which has "astringent" properties and is saturated with useful microelements. Experts recommend sticking to diet number 4, which includes the following foods:

  • Rice porridge liquid or semi-liquid consistency. Most people know that rice has a so-called "strengthening effect". This ability is explained by the fact that rice does not contain fiber, which has a laxative effect.
  • A decoction of rice cereal. You should consume half a glass of this decoction before the main meal. It is advisable to drink it after every two hours, so recovery will be much faster.
  • Mucous cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina).
  • Bananas. This beloved fruit is not only tasty, but also very rich in potassium, which in turn is able to perfectly replenish the supply of missing electrolytes lost due to indigestion.
  • Boiled carrots or carrot puree. The recommendation to eat carrots is due to the high content of vitamin A in the vegetable, which perfectly restores the mucous membrane of the intestinal walls.
  • Dry white bread (bought yesterday or in the form of crackers).
  • Boiled and baked apples. It is better to use in the form of a puree. The content in such a dish of a large number of amino acids (such as pectin, tannin) contributes to the excellent removal of toxins and the restoration of intestinal microorganisms.
  • Lean fish and meat. It is better to cook for a couple, you can not use the skin and tendons, only clean meat.
  • Soups in meat or fish broth (not very fatty).
  • Soups with the addition of slimy cereals.
  • Low-fat, fine-grained cottage cheese and boiled eggs. These foods are rich in essential proteins.

An approximate menu for diarrhea for one day (this menu is only suitable for an adult, there is a different approach to the child's menu):

  1. Breakfast 1: oatmeal, black tea with lemon.
  2. Breakfast 2: blueberry jelly.
  3. Lunch: soup with rice and boiled fish, buckwheat on the water, steamed chicken cutlets, apple juice.
  4. Afternoon snack: raspberry leaf tea.
  5. Dinner 1: boiled eggs, decoction of raisins.
  6. Dinner 2: pear jelly.

Diet for a child with diarrhea

The child is breastfed. If the mother feeds the baby only with breast milk, then nothing should change in the child's nutrition, since nature has taken care that mother's milk contains all the important and necessary trace elements that will help the child's body recover quickly. But still, it is better for the mother herself to refrain from provoking foods and monitor her diet.

The child is artificially fed. Children who eat adapted mixtures need additional help to the body, because no matter how high-quality and highly adapted the mixture is, it does not contain the entire set of necessary trace elements.

At the time of diarrhea, you need to give the baby a mixture with a high content of bifidobacteria, give more to drink (you can use pharmacy solutions: Regidron, Oralit; you can use solutions prepared at home).

The child is over one and a half years old. At the beginning, it is necessary to feed the child with warm, mushy soups on mucous cereals. Be sure the food should be homogeneous and warm, so as not to provoke a deterioration in the condition.

When the small body is on the mend, you can slowly begin to introduce steam dishes from lean fish or lean meat (finely chopped).

These recommendations on proper nutrition for diarrhea in children and adults are relevant, but still, for greater certainty, it is better to contact your family doctor, he will draw up a recovery plan based on the individual symptoms and characteristics of the patient.

Diarrhea in breastfeeding women

As you know, the diarrhea of ​​a nursing mother is often associated with stress, in such a situation you should not worry too much, you need to try to ensure a calm environment and everything will fall into place.

But if mucous or bloody secretions are found in the woman's feces, she is sick, vomiting appears, then it is worth sounding the alarm, perhaps indigestion is caused by an infectious disease.

You will probably have to stop breastfeeding the baby, as the baby can also “catch” the disease. If there is no danger, then there is no need to stop breastfeeding, you just need to review your diet, give preference to steamed dishes and temporarily stop eating vegetables, fruits, sweets, pastries, spices and other foods that irritate the intestines.

Diarrhea in the elderly

The approach to the treatment of the elderly is also special, and the diet prescribed to them must be clear and strictly observed. With diarrhea, a large amount of water leaves the body, and dehydration is extremely dangerous for the elderly.

Due to the characteristics of the body of an elderly person, a visit to the doctor is mandatory, all further instructions should be followed.

irritable bowel syndrome

Those people who have an upset stomach after every meal should eat unsalted buckwheat boiled in water for treatment and prevention. You need to eat it every day on an empty stomach.

Diet after diarrhea

In order for the body to fully recover from diarrhea, it is necessary to maintain a loyal diet for some time, gradually including low-fat meat and fish products, steamed and finely chopped.

Diarrhea can happen due to the ingestion of poor quality or stale food. Usually diarrhea begins 2-3 hours after eating such a meal.

You should not panic, you should drink as much liquid as possible and everything will be resolved safely soon. If the problem does not go away, then it would be right to contact your doctor.

Now the basic principles of treating diarrhea are clear, but it is worth remembering that everything should be in moderation, and excessive consumption of “fastening” and “astringent” products can lead to the reverse process and diarrhea will be replaced by intestinal constipation.

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Consider Diet for Diarrhea in the Elderly

Diarrhea is a painful condition of the body in which frequent bowel movements occur with loose stools. Diarrhea is not usually a cause for concern in the younger generation, but diarrhea in the elderly can be a serious problem.

Features of the gastrointestinal tract in the elderly

With age, significant changes occur in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Starting with the oral cavity and ending with the large intestine, all organs undergo various kinds of transformations.

Features of the gastrointestinal tract in the elderly:

  1. Oral cavity. There is an exhaustion of mimic and chewing muscles. The process of digestion and chewing of food is disturbed.
  2. Esophagus. The organ itself and all its layers become elongated and deformed, incl. muscle layer. All this leads to difficulty swallowing, a high risk of hernia.
  3. Stomach. Significantly reduced in size and is no longer vertical, but horizontal. At the same time, less and less enzymes, hydrochloric acid and gastric juice are produced. The blood supply in the walls of the stomach, motor function and metabolic processes are disturbed.
  4. Small intestine. Completeness of food processing is broken.
  5. Colon. The formation of fecal stones, a tendency to "senile constipation" develops. In the intestinal microflora, the number of harmful bacteria increases, and the presence of lactic acid bacteria decreases, as a result of which endotoxins grow and the synthesis of vitamins B and K is disrupted.
  6. Liver. The mass of the liver decreases, as does its functionality. All this leads to a violation of the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, pigments, and a decrease in the neutralizing function of the liver. The excretory function of the organ is also impaired, as a result of which drugs are excreted more slowly and can become heated in the body.
  7. Gallbladder. This organ, unlike the liver, on the contrary, increases, but it is also a bad sign. IN gallbladder with age, there is a violation of the timely flow of bile into the intestine, thereby increasing the possibility of the formation of stones.
  8. Pancreas. Due to a decrease in blood supply and the number of glandular and islet cells, external and internal secretory functions decrease.

In the process of aging, the body not only loses its former youth, but also there is a violation of all functions in vital organs, in particular, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, a person often begins to get sick, and defecation is accompanied not only by “senile constipation”, but also by frequent diarrhea, diarrhea, which causes a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. As a result, there is an urgent need to select proper nutrition, balanced diet. Not only health, but also life expectancy depends on the diet of the elderly.

Causes and signs of diarrhea in the elderly

In old age, the duration of diarrhea can reach several days, and the defecation itself with loose stools occurs about 4-6 times a day.

In this case, the causes of diarrhea can be any.

Causes of diarrhea:

  1. Crohn's disease;
  2. ulcerative colitis, incl. infectious;
  3. pathology of the endocrine system;
  4. diabetes;
  5. Addison's disease;
  6. malignant tumors;
  7. food intolerance or allergy to some of them;
  8. chronic pancreatitis;
  9. various operations on the intestines;
  10. lack of zinc in the body;
  11. uremia;
  12. disorders of the nervous system;
  13. taking certain medications.

Preventing diarrhea in the elderly can be difficult, but there are some signs that signal the possibility of diarrhea.

Diarrhea symptoms:

  • bloating, murmur in the abdomen;
  • moderate or sharp pain in the stomach;
  • the stool becomes thinner;
  • nausea;
  • feeling of dryness in the mouth, the constant presence of the desire to drink water;
  • fatigue;
  • urine changes color to darker;
  • appetite is lost.

What should be the food?

In old age, it is extremely important to eat right, since not every food is suitable, and many foods should not be consumed at all. In some cases, even a diet is required. A diet is a specially designed diet not for the purpose of losing weight, but for the purpose of eliminating foods that are harmful to the “elderly” organism from the diet. Properly selected products will help to avoid serious diseases, as well as possible appearance diarrhea and its complications.

Food products for the elderly should be varied, easily perceived and digestible, biologically valuable, but compared to what the younger generation consumes, food should be energetically less valuable. At the same time, food should contain enough proteins, vitamins, minerals, salts, in particular iron, potassium and calcium.

Allowed products:

  • corn, sunflower, soybean oils;
  • lean meat (chicken, turkey);
  • low-fat cottage cheese, cheese, dairy products, milk;
  • egg whites;
  • vegetable, fish and lean meat soups (chicken);
  • lean fish;
  • seafood;
  • vegetables, berries, fruits;
  • cereals (preferably whole grain cereals, such as pearl barley);
  • vegetable salads (preferably on vegetable oil);
  • organ meats, in particular liver (for example, beef);
  • wholemeal or bran bread;
  • fruit drinks, decoctions (for example, from wild rose), juices;
  • weak tea and coffee (it is better to replace coffee with chicory), etc.
  • fatty cheese, cottage cheese;
  • sour cream, cream (possible in limited quantities);
  • fatty meat (pork);
  • fried food;
  • egg yolks;
  • sugar;
  • flour sweet dishes (cakes);
  • various confectionery products (sweets, chocolate, cream products);
  • sweet, carbonated drinks, kvass;
  • pasta;
  • rice (provokes constipation);
  • legumes (peas, beans);
  • smoked, salty, spicy foods;
  • mustard, mayonnaise, horseradish%
  • margarine, etc.

Menu options for the day

Food should be easily chewable. It is forbidden to overeat, as too much stress on the digestive tract can cause consequences.

1 menu option

1 meal (breakfast): scrambled eggs, oatmeal porridge with milk, weak tea with milk.

2nd meal (second breakfast): 1 - 2 fruits ( baked apple, banana or pear).

Meal 3 (lunch): vegetable soup, chicken cutlets with mashed potatoes, compote of dried apricots and raisins.

5th meal (dinner): boiled fish with stewed cabbage, vinaigrette, tea.

6th meal (at night): curdled milk.

2nd menu option

1 meal (breakfast): buckwheat porridge, cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream and sugar, tea with milk.

Meal 2 (second breakfast): cucumber and tomato salad with vegetable oil.

3 meals (lunch): chicken soup, pilaf with boiled meat and vegetables, compote.

4th meal (snack): rosehip decoction, any juice.

5th meal (dinner): boiled meat with vegetables, apple soufflé, tea.

6th meal (at night): kefir.

During the day, in addition to the main menu, you can bread (250 - 300 gr.), Sugar (20 - 30 gr.), Butter (10 gr.).

Treatment Methods

In addition to proper nutrition, diarrhea can be cured with medicines or folk recipes.

Among the drugs that effectively cope with diarrhea are the following drugs:

  1. Smecta;
  2. Activated carbon;
  3. Enterosgel;
  4. Ftalazol;
  5. Neosmectin and others.

Fights diarrhea effectively ethnoscience. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from plants and herbs, which normalize the work of the LCD, help to eliminate diarrhea. Among the plants, mountain ash, marshmallow, plantain, St. John's wort, bird cherry, oak bark and many others are actively used.

A decoction of rowan, St. John's wort and marshmallow


  • marshmallow root (part 2);
  • St. John's wort (part 3);
  • rowan berries (part 4);
  • boiling water (0.5 l.).

Method of preparation and use:

Mix all parts of the herbs. Take 1 tablespoon of the resulting mixture and pour boiling water. We insist for 40 - 60 minutes and filter. We take a decoction during the day 4 times for 0.5 cups.

In old age, it is especially important to pay attention to your health. It is important not only to constantly visit medical institutions, but also to regularly breathe fresh air, lead an active lifestyle, walk a lot, if possible, play sports or do light exercise, and most importantly, eat right.

Food is not digested in the stomach

  • 1 Digestion in the stomach
    • 1.1 Reasons why the stomach cannot digest food
    • 1.2 Types of disease
  • 2 Diagnostics
  • 3 What to do?
    • 3.1 Medicines
    • 3.2 Treatment with folk remedies
    • 3.3 Power correction

Improper diet, non-compliance with the diet, eating dry food, eating food before bedtime are factors that lead to the fact that the stomach does not digest food. This condition is commonly referred to as dyspepsia. What are the types of dyspepsia, how is the diagnosis made, and how exactly to treat this disease for an adult and a child? These questions will be answered in this article.

Digestion in the stomach

The stomach is a kind of tool for processing food. The capacity of the stomach is about 2.5-3 liters. Food enters it through the esophagus. At the very beginning, food is broken down into fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and what is not digested is sent to the initial section of the small intestine (duodenum). When a person eats food, special acids are produced in the stomach, which help it to be divided into organic matter and digest. The stomach has walls that reliably protect it from the effects of acids. Food can be digested from 15 minutes to several hours. The indicator depends on the composition, calorie content, heat treatment of food.

Diarrhea is a painful condition of the body in which frequent bowel movements occur with loose stools. Diarrhea is not usually a cause for concern in the younger generation, but diarrhea in the elderly can be a serious problem.

Features of the gastrointestinal tract in the elderly

With age, significant changes occur in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Starting with the oral cavity and ending with the large intestine, all organs undergo various kinds of transformations.

Features of the gastrointestinal tract in the elderly:

Oral cavity. There is an exhaustion of mimic and chewing muscles. The process of digestion and chewing of food is disturbed. Esophagus. The organ itself and all its layers become elongated and deformed, incl. muscle layer. All this leads to difficulty swallowing, a high risk of hernia. Stomach. Significantly reduced in size and is no longer vertical, but horizontal. At the same time, less and less enzymes, hydrochloric acid and gastric juice are produced. The blood supply in the walls of the stomach, motor function and metabolic processes are disturbed. Small intestine. Completeness of food processing is broken. Colon. The formation of fecal stones, a tendency to "senile constipation" develops. In the intestinal microflora, the number of harmful bacteria increases, and the presence of lactic acid decreases, as a result of which endotoxins grow and the synthesis of vitamins B and K is disrupted. Liver. The mass of the liver decreases, as does its functionality. All this leads to a violation of the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, pigments, and a decrease in the neutralizing function of the liver. The excretory function of the organ is also impaired, as a result of which drugs are excreted more slowly and can become heated in the body. Gallbladder. This organ, unlike the liver, on the contrary, increases, but it is also a bad sign. In the gallbladder with age, there is a violation of the timely flow of bile into the intestines, thereby increasing the possibility of the formation of stones. Pancreas. Due to a decrease in blood supply and the number of glandular and islet cells, external and internal secretory functions decrease.

In the process of aging, the body not only loses its former youth, but also there is a violation of all functions in vital organs, in particular, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, a person often begins to get sick, and defecation is accompanied not only by “senile constipation”, but also by frequent diarrhea, diarrhea, which causes a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. In this regard, there is an urgent need to select the right nutrition, a balanced diet. Not only health, but also life expectancy depends on the diet of the elderly.

Causes and signs of diarrhea in the elderly

In old age, the duration of diarrhea can reach several days, and the defecation itself with loose stools occurs about 4-6 times a day.

In this case, the causes of diarrhea can be any.

Causes of diarrhea:

Crohn's disease; ulcerative colitis, incl. infectious; pathology of the endocrine system; diabetes; Addison's disease; malignant tumors; food intolerance or allergy to some of them; chronic pancreatitis; various operations on the intestines; lack of zinc in the body; uremia; disorders of the nervous system; taking certain medications.

Preventing diarrhea in the elderly can be difficult, but there are some signs that signal the possibility of diarrhea.

Diarrhea symptoms:

bloating, murmur in the abdomen; moderate or sharp pain in the stomach; the stool becomes thinner; nausea; feeling of dryness in the mouth, the constant presence of the desire to drink water; fatigue; urine changes color to darker; appetite is lost.

In most cases, diarrhea resolves on its own, but if diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, high temperature, there is blood in the feces, deterioration of the general condition, dehydration, then in such cases it is worthwhile to urgently consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

What should be the food?

In old age, it is extremely important to eat right, since not every food is suitable, and many foods should not be consumed at all. In some cases, even a diet is required. A diet is a specially designed diet not for the purpose of losing weight, but for the purpose of eliminating foods that are harmful to the “elderly” organism from the diet. Properly selected products will help to avoid serious diseases, as well as the possible occurrence of diarrhea and its complications.

Food products for the elderly should be varied, easily perceived and digestible, biologically valuable, but compared to what the younger generation consumes, food should be energetically less valuable. At the same time, food should contain enough proteins, vitamins, minerals, salts, in particular iron, potassium and calcium.

Allowed products:

corn, sunflower, soybean oils; lean meat (chicken, turkey); low-fat cottage cheese, cheese, dairy products, milk; egg whites; vegetable, fish and lean meat soups (chicken); lean fish; seafood; vegetables, berries, fruits; cereals (preferably whole grain cereals, such as pearl barley); vegetable salads (preferably in vegetable oil); organ meats, in particular liver (for example, beef); wholemeal or bran bread; fruit drinks, decoctions (for example, from wild rose), juices; weak tea and coffee (it is better to replace coffee with chicory), etc.

fatty cheese, cottage cheese; sour cream, cream (possible in limited quantities); fatty meat (pork); fried food; egg yolks; sugar; flour sweet dishes (cakes); various confectionery products (sweets, chocolate, cream products); sweet, carbonated drinks, kvass; pasta; rice (provokes constipation); legumes (peas, beans); smoked, salty, spicy foods; mustard, mayonnaise, horseradish% margarine, etc.

Menu options for the day

It is often worth eating about 4-6 times a day, but in small portions.

Food should be easily chewable. It is forbidden to overeat, as too much stress on the digestive tract can cause consequences.

1 menu option

1 meal (breakfast): scrambled eggs, oatmeal porridge with milk, weak tea with milk.

Meal 2 (second breakfast): 1 - 2 fruits (baked apple, banana or pear).

Meal 3 (lunch): vegetable soup, chicken cutlets with mashed potatoes, compote of dried apricots and raisins.

5th meal (dinner): boiled fish with stewed cabbage, vinaigrette, tea.

6th meal (at night): curdled milk.

2nd menu option

1 meal (breakfast): buckwheat porridge, cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream and sugar, tea with milk.

Meal 2 (second breakfast): cucumber and tomato salad with vegetable oil.

3rd meal (lunch): chicken soup, pilaf with boiled meat and vegetables, compote.

4th meal (snack): rosehip decoction, any juice.

5th meal (dinner): boiled meat with vegetables, apple soufflé, tea.

6th meal (at night): kefir.

During the day, in addition to the main menu, you can bread (250 - 300 gr.), Sugar (20 - 30 gr.), Butter (10 gr.).

The menu is indicative. Everyone should independently or with the help of doctors determine their daily diet, diet, diet. At the same time, it is important to monitor your weight - do not overeat and do not deplete the body, and take all measures to normalize weight.

Treatment Methods

In addition to proper nutrition, diarrhea can be cured with medications or folk recipes.

Among the drugs that effectively cope with diarrhea are the following drugs:

Smecta; Activated carbon; Enterosgel; Ftalazol; Neosmectin and others.

Medicines act quickly and effectively, most of them help to eliminate diarrhea in the very first hours of taking, in addition, medicines normalize the process of digestion, stomach and intestines.

Traditional medicine effectively fights diarrhea. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from plants and herbs, which normalize the work of the LCD, help to eliminate diarrhea. Among the plants, mountain ash, marshmallow, plantain, St. John's wort, bird cherry, oak bark and many others are actively used.

A decoction of rowan, St. John's wort and marshmallow

marshmallow root (part 2); St. John's wort (part 3); rowan berries (part 4); boiling water (0.5 l.).

Method of preparation and use:

Mix all parts of the herbs. Take 1 tablespoon of the resulting mixture and pour boiling water. We insist for 40 - 60 minutes and filter. We take a decoction during the day 4 times for 0.5 cups.

In old age, it is especially important to pay attention to your health. It is important not only to constantly visit medical institutions, but also to regularly breathe fresh air, lead an active lifestyle, walk a lot, if possible, play sports or do light exercise, and most importantly, eat right.

Do you still think that curing the stomach and intestines is difficult?

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is not on your side yet ...

Have you thought about surgery yet? It is understandable, because the stomach is a very important organ, and its proper functioning is the key to health and well-being. Frequent pains in the abdomen, heartburn, bloating, belching, nausea, impaired stool... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the cause? Here is the story of Galina Savina, about how she got rid of all these unpleasant symptoms... Read the article >>>

Discomfort in the intestines at least once disrupted the usual course of life of any person.

In case of violation of the functioning of the colon, the liquid is not absorbed into the blood, but leaves the body with feces. The frequency of bowel movements more than 3 times a day allows us to talk about such a violation in the work of the gastrointestinal tract as diarrhea.

Diarrhea- This is a symptom that indicates problems in the body. The danger of diarrhea is in its consequences.

What is the danger of diarrhea?

The main danger of diarrhea (diarrhea) is dehydration, leading to serious complications.

Painful condition with diarrhea is characterized by symptoms such as:

dry mucous membranes in the mouth; white coating on the tongue and palate; constant feeling of thirst; lack of urination; dehydration and weight loss; decrease in temperature and blood pressure; rapid heartbeat.

A very dangerous consequence of prolonged diarrhea is a violation of the liver. A decrease or absence of urination indicates a violation of the work of the kidneys to remove decay products. Decay products not removed from the body accumulate, and this leads to poisoning of the body, damage to all its organs.

Prevention of dehydration should be started as soon as it becomes clear that bowel movements with liquid masses are not isolated. Take a solution of Regidron, salted water, a decoction of chamomile.

Fundamentals of proper nutrition for diarrhea

In the acute period, food is completely excluded on the first day, a large fluid intake is indicated. From day 2, or when the condition is stable, you can start eating only recommended foods.

Products are used processed, boiled or steamed. Roasting is excluded.

It is necessary to eat often (every 3 hours) in small portions and mainly fortifying foods. Drink plenty of water. Salt all food to reduce dehydration of the body (salt tends to retain water in the body). Warm food is recommended, similar to a body temperature of 36 C.

Forbidden food for diarrhea

Under the ban are all products that cause fermentation and irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

fresh and raw vegetables (white cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, radishes); fresh fruits (apples, green bananas, all citrus fruits, etc.); high-calorie foods (fatty varieties of fish, meat, lard, butter and vegetable oil) ; canned, pickled products, including home canning; nuts and legumes; mushrooms; sweets, confectionery, gray and black bread; dairy and sour-milk products (whole milk, kefir, cottage cheese); various sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise), spices and other seasonings; all alcoholic drinks, carbonated drinks, coffee.

What can you eat with diarrhea?

The list of products used for diarrhea is small. You can change the table various variations their preparation.

What to eat with diarrhea:

all types of cereals (preference is given to rice and oatmeal), boiled in water without oil and milk; rice broth; boiled eggs and steamed scrambled eggs; chicken broth; steamed meat and fish dishes (in the form of cutlets and meatballs) vegetable puree (boiled grated vegetables); white bread crackers, yesterday's bread.

What drinks can you drink with diarrhea?

It is necessary to constantly replenish the loss of water by drinking 2-3 liters of fluid per day.

What to drink with diarrhea:

clean water in sufficient quantities; rice decoction; various jelly; dried fruit compote; infusion of pomegranate peels gives a good fixing effect; chamomile infusion; black tea.

Diet number 4

Diet (table) No. 4 was developed by a dietitian M.I. Pevzner. This is one of the 15 diets he developed, recommended for dietary nutrition in the treatment of dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract. Table No. 4 helps to reduce the painful symptoms of intestinal diseases and inflammatory processes, eliminates putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines.

The main rules of nutrition for diet number 4:

6 meals a day, consisting of slimy, liquid, puree-shaped dishes; "boiled" and steam method cooking; solid, thick, as well as cold and hot food is excluded.

Diet table No 4 includes:

Cereals - buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, semolina cooked in water; Vegetables - beets, potatoes, pumpkin, grated carrots as an additive to soups; Berries and fruits - ground in mashed potatoes, as well as in the form of compote, kissels and jelly; Meat - beef, chopped veal in the form of meatballs and cutlets; Chicken egg as an additive to soups; Fish - low-fat varieties in the form of meatballs and cutlets; Soups on lean fish or chicken broth with the addition of slimy rice; Crackers from white bread; Drinks made from dried berries. Juices diluted with water. Tea and cocoa brewed with water.

Also excluded:

carbonated and cold drinks; alcohol; grape and plum juices; milk and kvass.

Nutrition in accordance with diet number 4 lasts one and a half weeks. Adhering to diet number 4, already in the first week, signs of inflammation of the intestinal walls decrease, fermentation in the intestine decreases.

Exit diet number 4 should be gradual.

Approximate menu for diarrhea for one day

So, an approximate menu for diarrhea for one day:

Breakfast: rice porridge or steam omelet, tea. Snack: ripe banana or baked apple, tea or infusion of chamomile, rose hips. Lunch: soup with meatballs or steam cutlets, compote or tea. Snack: jelly or compote, white bread or crackers. Dinner : buckwheat porridge with steam fish, chamomile infusion or tea.

Diarrhea in breastfeeding women

Sometimes young mothers develop diarrhea during lactation.

There are several reasons:

often irritable bowel syndrome (associated with stress after childbirth, lack of sleep); excessive consumption of foods that tend to loosen the stool (prunes, beets, kefir); allergic reactions; infection.

It is important to remember that diarrhea leads to dehydration, and the lack of fluid negatively affects lactation, reducing the quantity and quality of breast milk.

What to eat for breastfeeding women with diarrhea:

rice broth; any well-boiled cereals in water without oil; white bread crackers; vegetable soups; boiled eggs, steamed scrambled eggs; low-fat varieties of fish and steamed meat.

Be sure to drink 2-3 liters of fluid per day. It can be water, tea, dried fruit compote, berry jelly (taking into account the likelihood of an allergic reaction of the baby).

Infusions of chamomile, fennel seeds and Dill water help in the fight against diarrhea, but also additionally stimulate lactation, improve the taste of breast milk.

Diarrhea in the elderly

Violation of the stool (diarrhea or constipation) in the elderly is a frequent phenomenon.

As a result of natural aging, many changes occur in the body:

violation of the process of chewing and as a result of the assimilation of food; the stomach becomes smaller in volume, the production of gastric juice is reduced; the functionality of the liver and pancreas decreases; the intestinal microflora is disturbed.

To reduce digestive problems for older people, it is recommended:

Eat often (about 6 times a day) and in small portions. Do not overeat. Give preference to recommended foods.

What can you drink with an upset stomach:

various kissels (have a good ability to envelop the walls of the stomach and intestines); compotes and infusions from dried fruits and rose hips; tea and infusions medicinal plants(chamomile, oak bark, sage).

It is important for older people to undergo examinations on time, exercise if possible, walk a lot and lead an active lifestyle.

irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) characterized by impaired intestinal motility.

This violation is expressed by such phenomena as:

diarrhea; bloating; intestinal colic without infectious or immune damage in the intestine; constipation or a combination of diarrhea and constipation.

Causes of irritable bowel syndrome:

stress, most often IBS manifests itself in young people and women of different ages; improper eating behavior, an abundance of fatty high-calorie foods, insufficient dietary fiber in food; hormonal levels in women (diarrhea is observed at the beginning or end of menstruation); abuse of alcohol, coffee and carbonated drinks; intestinal dysbacteriosis.

To get rid of IBS, it is necessary to analyze the factors that cause it, and take measures to eliminate them.

What to eat for diarrhea in adults with irritable bowel syndrome:

All types of cereals cooked on water. Boiled or steamed vegetables. The exceptions are irritating intestines, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes. Fruits in the form of mashed potatoes or baked (apples, pears). Boiled, baked or steamed meat and fish in the form of meatballs or meatballs. Dairy products.

Until the consequences of IBS are eliminated from the diet:

fresh vegetables and fruits; nuts, mushrooms; any pastries; carbonated and alcoholic drinks, coffee.

Diet after diarrhea

Features of nutrition after diarrhea:

You can return to a normal diet no earlier than 1.5-2 weeks after diarrhea. Add foods carefully so as not to provoke a new breakdown in digestion. You can gradually add pasta, milk to dishes (half milk with water), potatoes, cottage cheese, pumpkin , zucchini.

Proper diet is half the success in the fight against diarrhea. Basically, diarrhea, subject to nutritional recommendations, goes away on its own, but if accompanied by high fever, vomiting, blood in the stool, the general physical condition worsens, you should consult a doctor or call an ambulance.
