In the modern design of wallpapering, different color, texture combinations, combinations of patterns and patterns are used. Create interesting design It’s easy if you know about the current trends in interior design.

Main trends

Color solutions

Bright colors and pastel shades are in fashion. Light-colored wallpapers allow you to expand the spatial boundaries of rooms, are an excellent background for creating accents, and give the room additional illumination. Stylish in modern design are considered green, blue, blue, turquoise and brown colors. Contrasting and monochrome combinations are popular, and colored “spots” are often used in decoration. These ideas look spectacular in the photo below:

Drawings and patterns

Modern design gravitates towards patterns and patterns in different colors. The media of popular prints are ancient Greek (meander), animals (color of zebra, Dalmatian, leopard), geometric (stripes, rhombuses, cells, squares), vegetable (flowers, trees), printing (old inscriptions). The photo shows pasting the walls with a geometric ornament.

Wall mural

Wall murals are used in the interior to decorate a separate wall or area to attract attention. The themes of this type of wall coverings are diverse: natural (images of mountains, waterfalls, flowers), urban, space. Take a look at how these ideas are implemented in design.

textured wallpaper

Embossed surfaces in combination with plain coatings look luxurious and rich, most often used to highlight an accent wall in the living room. Among this kind of canvases, textured wallpapers for painting and canvases with imitation of wood, stone, brick are distinguished. See how it looks in the interior in the photo.

Wallpaper combination

The most popular for sticking combined wallpaper are the following ways:

  • vertical zoning;
  • wallpaper inserts;
  • highlighting an accent wall;
  • design of niches, ledges;
  • patchwork pasting.

What does the combination look like? different types wallpaper in the interior.

How to organize space in the living room

In the decoration of the hall, you can use all types of wallpaper combinations. Two-tone horizontal design is popular. The design uses coatings of different textures and shades.

To increase the area in the room, you should choose discreet ornaments, large patterns visually reduce the space. For finishing small rooms, a great option is to use small patterns on the walls. Take a look at the photo:

You can raise the ceiling with vertical stripes. Ideas for vertical zoning of space:

Symmetrical pasting used for elongated rooms. Look at the photo.

Central wallpapering with wide stripes, contrasting in color with the pasting of the end sections.

Asymmetric pasting with narrow stripes in one part of the room, wide - in the other. Look at the photo.

Horizontal zoning, on the contrary, contributes to the visual reduction of the walls in height and expands the spatial boundaries of the hall. Distribution to horizons is most often used to decorate narrow rooms. The same effect is given by rhombuses and squares. Take a look at the photo.

Other ideas for pasting the hall

To create a contrast in the living room, you can highlight one wall with a large pattern or original ornament. It is interesting to highlight the surface with strips of gypsum or polyurethane. See what the accent wall looks like in the design of the hall.

Use colorful patterns to decorate beams, niches, ledges. You can mask or highlight some part of the room using patchwork pasting. See what a modern patchwork looks like in the photo.

An interesting idea for wallpapering in the hall is decorating with embossed canvases with images of spots, drops, scuffs. It looks original and lively, and also hides the flaws of the walls. Curly inserts are often separated from each other by moldings. How this idea of ​​wallpapering in the hall looks like, see the photo.

Interesting ideas for wallpapering in the bedroom

In the bedroom, it is customary to use a minimum of decorative elements so as not to clutter up the space. Therefore, for the design of bedrooms, plain wallpaper in light colors is most often used.

To add variety, we offer several ideas for pasting walls. You can add dynamics to the interior with the help of contrasting patterns. Bright wallpapers will be appropriate on the wall near the sleeping area, they will add brightness and place interesting accents. For pasting, you can use photo wallpaper.

Symmetrical segments, decorated with wallpaper of active colors and molding, do not overload the interior, give it a special charm.

Against the background of light wallpaper, a bright palette of bedside niches will look good. Colorful elements will add dynamism to the bedroom and refresh the room. See how this wallpaper idea is implemented in the bedroom.

How to modernize your bedroom

Interesting options for pasting the sleeping area.

Dark mint wallpaper with golden embossing will create a royal interior. Accessories for such a room will be brocade curtains and a gilded chandelier.

Wallpaper with a metallic sheen looks harmonious with leather upholstery of the bed, dark curtains.

A small ribbed pattern on the canvases in the bedroom goes well with a light furniture ensemble.

Dark gray textile fabrics with silk embossing will create coziness and comfort in the sleeping area.

One of the modern bedroom design trends is the combination of white and green.

Interesting solutions for pasting the kitchen

In the decoration of the kitchen, an important role is played by the combination of wallpaper with furniture, textiles, ceiling and floor decoration, as well as kitchen accessories. To create a traditional environment, neutral natural shades and discreet colors are used.

A bright floral print is used for pasting accent walls. A floral or vegetal pattern is essential to freshen up a room. Such an interior will be complemented by glass chandeliers or curtains with repeating motifs. Cloths with large daisies will add a touch of frivolity to the kitchen. The floral print with tree trunks looks interesting. See how this idea is implemented in the design in the next photo.

Geometric patterns in a square, stripes give the kitchen coziness and comfort, the value of strict lines in the interior depends on the style of the room.

Embossed textile wallpaper goes well with dark wood, chrome-plated surfaces of household appliances. Purple canvases of this format are perfect for snow-white furniture.

Wall mural in the kitchen is a great idea for creating a bright and dynamic interior. Most often, decorations use drawings of natural themes (images of a forest, a river). The floor and ceiling in such rooms should be made of natural materials. It is better to furnish such a kitchen with wooden furniture. What does such wallpapering look like in the interior of the kitchen.

Nursery design: new trends

Coatings with horizontal zoning look good in the nursery space. A simple rule: wallpaper with a pronounced texture and pattern should be placed below, the upper part of the wall can be pasted over with plain canvases or wallpaper with the same type of images. The horizontal joint, as a rule, is decorated with borders or decorative plinth.

Wallpaper in the style of patchwork on the walls of the nursery looks interesting and original. To create an imitation of a patchwork quilt, you should cut out the figures from the remnants of the wallpaper and stick them in a certain sequence end-to-end or overlap.

Another idea is to stick appliqués on a base created using pastel plain wallpaper or finely patterned canvases. Favorite cartoon characters and heroes of fairy tales can decorate the walls of the nursery. Look at the following interior design.

Hello! I continue a series of articles that inspired me to view ads for the sale of real estate on Avito when I chose us new apartment. I understand them typical mistakes in decoration, which I met literally in every second apartment. I already wrote about, the turn came to the wallpaper, namely the combination of different wallpapers in one room. And it seems that today there will be a mega post, because there is not just a lot of information, but a lot.

Lyrical introduction or where the problem grows legs

First of all, I want to note that, judging by what I saw, the combination of wallpapers is really a very popular technique in Izhevsk. And I think things are exactly the same in the entire post-Soviet space. I saved literally 80% of these photos, because about the same number of people use this method incorrectly. Something from the series: I saw this in the “housing problem”. Then I looked at the pictures on the Internet and did everything exactly the same. In fact, not exactly the same, but often quite the opposite.

I tried to figure out where the legs grow from. As usual, I googled the query “how to properly combine wallpapers with each other in one room” (judging by the statistics, such queries in different versions attract more than 10 thousand people every month (!!!) and looked at the top five sites in the search results. It’s just that usually no one looks further 🙂 And then a lot fell into place for me.

All articles are written by copywriters who are not at all interested in modern design and decoration, some sites of construction offices, repair companies. All information is rotten and of little use, and at times simply harmful.

Who are these designers? Where do they recommend it? In fact modern decoration allows for both. But in terms of the number of interiors, painted plain walls or plain wallpapers still lead by a wide margin, and not combinations.

The biggest difficulty is to understand that the combination must necessarily pursue some goal, practically program a person, make him look at the point you need, and not just not to be bored. This is not enough. If the goal is such, then it is almost guaranteed to get nonsense.

And now enough of the lyrics, it's time to sort through the archive of photos that I saved and show on their example the typical types of wallpaper mixes and the most common mistakes. Sit back, read, look carefully and learn from the mistakes of others.

Vertical arrangement of different wallpapers

This is the most common way to given time. If you strongly generalize, then you can combine:

  • patterned and plain,
  • two types with different patterns

The first way is the most common. Programs about repair and design firmly instilled in the everyday life of our citizens the concept of an accent wall and zoning. But they never explained which wall to choose as an accent wall and on what basis, according to what criteria. It is on this wall that wallpaper with a pattern is glued, and on the rest - plain.

The main criterion by which you can determine whether it is worth focusing on it is its location. There must be sufficient distance to ensure good review. For example, in Khrushchev's kitchen, in principle, there is no place for this.

Usually they accent the wall against which the eye rests when entering the room. Or it can be located behind some functional area, a group of furniture, for example, at a dining table, a sofa with an armchair, a workplace that stands out even more against the background of suitable wallpaper.

Almost unmistakably, our parents determined it when they hung a carpet. Just imagine instead of a roll of wallpaper you have a chic antique Uzbek kilim. What wall would you hang it on? Will it be well seen from different viewpoints, will something argue with him for attention?

Example #1

In this accent living room (with flowers), it was worth making one wall behind upholstered furniture, and the rest of the walls were plain (and preferably in the color of the background of flowers). As a result, it is not clear what was singled out at all: either the wall behind the TV, or the end of the room with a window ... What was the idea? There is no idea, everything looks as if they took a couple of rolls left over from the last repair, since the main ones were not enough.


Example #2

Then the same error, what's the idea? "Carpet" in this case should hang over the sofa. It seems that the wall for the accent was chosen by tossing a coin, just from the bullshit. It is not clear why the person sitting on this sofa is asked to look at the left wall. And the colors themselves are well chosen.


Example #3

In the following example, I like the choice of color for the main wallpaper and the choice of the wall for the accent. Sufficient viewing distance that allows you to appreciate the view as a whole. But it is completely incomprehensible why the active wallpaper went further and settled above doorway. Because of this, the whole point of the accent wall was lost. If zoning was meant (corridor and living room), then why were they combined at all? Same error - no idea. Now it just seems that the corridor and the ball room have different finishes, the partition was demolished and everything was left as it was.


This implies another necessary condition.

It is necessary to correctly determine the boundaries of the accent wall. This is the whole wall, from corner to corner, and not some separate piece behind it and not several walls at the same time.

Example #4

The joints of the combined wallpaper should be in the corners, and not in the middle of the wall. Firstly, such a joint almost always looks unaesthetic or it seems that there simply wasn’t enough wallpaper.

No idea, sloppy joint.


Example #5

Why bother and glue up to the wall or was it really not enough?


Example #6

In the next photo, without a doubt, the wallpaper is deliberately pasted only in the center. This is a typical example of meaningless zoning, when repairs are made without understanding the future interior as a whole. I am 99% sure that a sofa or TV will be located along this wall.

This arrangement is a claim to symmetry, which severely limits the arrangement of furniture. By placing the sofa in the center of this composition, you can no longer move it a little to the left or right without re-gluing the wallpaper. Well, i.e. you can move, but you are provided with nonsense. Examples of the consequences of such pasting will be a little lower.


Example #7

Corridor in the same apartment. A claim to symmetry, but without the slightest understanding of how terrible it is in combination with unbalanced switches. What prevented you from choosing other wallpapers where they would not be so noticeable and sticking them all over this wall? After all, the wall itself is just perfect for an accent. Unsuccessful wallpaper, pasting with bits.


Example #8

Another arrangement of wallpaper with a stub above the sofa, which visually separates the sofa and armchair from each other. What is the idea? Focus on the entire wall, not on a piece of it, except if there are any constructive protrusions.


Example #9

The logical result of the cores on the wall. The sofa was moved, but the wallpaper remained.


Example #10

Something went wrong ... In connection with the addition to the family, I had to make a rearrangement. It is now impossible to catch the initial idea.


Example #11

It is impossible to predict in advance exactly to the centimeter how you will arrange your furniture if the interior is formed spontaneously. At least you need a strip of wallpaper, but it would be better to continue to the end of the wall so that the chairs and the table look like a single group.

By the way, cool, a table on one leg has not seen such for sale.


The patchwork technique itself is not so bad, but not in this form, of course.


Example #13

The idea "so as not to be bored" ruined more than one interior. In the nursery in the next photo, the parents bought the whole set of wallpaper collection at once: with a pattern, green and orange. And used in one room all at once. The wall for accent wallpaper with a pattern, in my opinion, is well chosen. But! What are the stripes for? Why bright orange behind the curtains, because the window itself is a self-sufficient architectural accent.

As a result, the gaze does not focus on one thing, wanders randomly, because everything is arguing with each other for attention. Enumerating the areas of active colors, the accent wall is lost. Not observed. It would be much better to combine instead of orange and green "companions" to take a neutral beige, which serves as a background for the picture.


Example #14

In general, companion wallpapers are evil. This is such an inconspicuous trap, it seems that if some designers at the factory made them compatible, then there can be no mistake. In fact, as it can, almost all examples of the use of these pairs are extremely unsuccessful.

For example, let's look at the combination of wallpaper in the next room. It is absolutely certain that they are companions. As for the compatibility of colors and patterns, I have no questions, everything is really good. But! Both types of wallpaper have a very active pattern, i.e. It is completely unclear which of them is the main one, and which is the additional one.

What would be nice when combining patterns of sofa cushions does not work at all with wallpaper. Looking at this interior again, the idea is completely incomprehensible, which wall is accent? Left, right, end? What are different wallpapers used for? Why do different wallpapers have equal surface areas?

As usual, the result of a senseless, thoughtless combination is a complete mess.

The situation is aggravated by the incorrect scale of the floral pattern, and already low ceilings seem lower than they really are. An extremely bad choice. If you missed the article on how to choose, be sure to read.

Everything is bad

Example #15

In the bedroom perfect place for emphasis, this is the wall behind the head of the bed. Remember carpet? That's where it should have been hung. Rarely, some other options are possible: the walls are of some irregular geometry, have ledges, the bed is in a niche, etc.

In this bedroom, the owners again fell into the trap of companions, bought a couple with drawings of the same activity and it was not clear what they wanted to highlight. The wall behind the bed? Then why did they take over the window? TV wall? This wall is not suitable for an accent.

And again, the terrible scale of colors, hiding the height of the ceilings. The link to the article about this error was just above.


Example #16

In order to clearly define the accent wall and make sense in wallpaper zoning, the drawings should be different in activity (in attracting attention to themselves)


Example #17

You should not use three types of wallpaper, as in the children's room in example No. 13, there is too much of everything. Zones, zones, zones, crushing already small space into pieces ... Only one wall should have been accented (either behind the bed or opposite the entrance at the table). Three types are overkill. And if there were 4 types of companions in the collection, would they buy everything, by the number of walls?


Horizontal arrangement of different wallpapers

Example #18

To date, this method is simply obsolete - this is a hello from the first renovations of the nineties. Then the first companions and paper borders appeared on sale. The hottest fashion. But today good contemporary examples such a combination of wallpaper simply does not exist. I named it so that the list was complete, for information. You will just know that it is there, but keep in mind that it is better not to use it for the next 50 years.

The horizontal line cuts the wall in two and hides the height of the ceiling.


Combining photo wallpaper with wallpaper

The combination of wallpaper with photo wallpaper deserves special attention. I noticed that with them, at first glance, things are somewhat better, at least the choice of the wall is almost always successful. But still there are some nuances.

Example #19

I like the choice for the accent wall: correct location at the end of the room, near the bed, there is enough distance in the room to appreciate the whole image, and not look at it point-blank. I like the large size, from wall to wall, joints in the corners. It's all great and well done. But the very combination of photo wallpapers and a pattern on the rest of the walls looks bad. It would be much better if the second wallpaper was paintable or smooth plain white or sand.


Example #20

Exactly the same story. Correct accent wall, right size, but the absolute incompatibility with the main wallpaper. Moreover, the main ones are also quite interesting and not bad in themselves. They just shouldn't be together. We need one color here.


Example #21

Do I need to comment on this photo? It seems to me that you can see everything yourself: photo wallpapers running over the adjacent wall (what prevented you from trimming ???), a combination with striped wallpapers (monochrome ones are needed), and a closet that “allows you to enjoy” views of the night city.

Everything is very bad

By and large, to summarize, we can distinguish 3 main mistakes:

  1. lack of idea and meaning in combining wallpaper, action from the bulldozer;
  2. wrong choice of wall for accent;
  3. the use of wallpaper is not on the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall, the joints are not in the corners.

From here follow 5 simple rules, and if you take them into account, then I think that you can easily combine beautiful wallpapers in your room. Learn from the mistakes of others, not your own!

  1. Accent wallpapers are placed on the view wall, there should be good viewpoints for it, the minimum distance from the viewpoint is 3-4 meters, and preferably more.
  2. Never use any ready-made companions if they are both with an active pattern.
  3. The best combination for photo wallpapers and others with an active dynamic pattern is plain wallpaper.
  4. Glue accent wallpaper on the entire wall, from corner to corner or other architectural elements (niche edges, ledges, etc.), then you don’t have to think about how to make a joint.
  5. Think about why you want to draw the eyes of those present to this wall, think over the idea.

Examples of the ideal use of combining wallpaper in decorating a room

The vast majority of examples are a combination of an active pattern with plain walls (plain wallpaper, wallpaper for painting, or just painted walls). If you are not mentally prepared for most of the plain walls in the room, then it’s better to think 10 more times about whether you need an accent wall in the interior at all.

The use of wallpaper is the most common finishing option.

Over time, manufacturers produce materials that are more and more original in design, but, despite this, interior design using only one type of wallpaper is gradually fading into the background.

Today, combinations of wallpapers with different types of textures or patterns are considered a sign of modern style, especially in the interior of a hall or living room, since these rooms are considered the main ones in an apartment.

It can be difficult to create a cozy atmosphere when sticking two types of wallpaper in the hall, so it’s better to plan in advance how your walls will look.

If you are not confident in your design abilities, we recommend that you find out from the photo how to stick two types of wallpaper in the hall, as well as learn about common approaches to combining according to the recommendations of specialists.

Wallpaper combination effects

How to glue the hall with different wallpapers, photo

Before you start sticking new wallpaper in your room, decide what effect you plan to achieve. Depending on the size of the room and its main purpose, the possible combinations will differ.

For example, wallpaper with a more expressive design, concentrated in one of the zones of such a room, will highlight the main accents in the interior. Such a decorative effect is especially popular in the area where the TV or fireplace is located.

Advice: if you plan to create accents with dark or bright wallpapers, decorate the rest of the walls in a calm palette that will balance the expressive atmosphere in the room.

How to beautifully paste wallpaper of two types in the hall, photo

Competent combination of two wallpapers different types will provide zoning of the living room. Enough emphasize color transitions on the walls- and you can select a sleeping area, a reading or work area, etc. This technique is popular with owners of modern studio apartments, where the hall is combined with the kitchen.

Thanks to different options combining wallpaper in the hall becomes possible masking surface imperfections. For example, due to individual inserts of embossed wallpaper, you can hide the unevenness of the walls from sight.

Another effect of the combination - correction of defects in the form of the room. For narrow room you can choose wallpapers of light and dark shades that are in harmony with each other: when gluing wallpaper in a rich tone on long walls, you can visually move them away from each other, and the room will seem more spacious.

Do not forget about the most important effect of wallpaper combinations - decorative.

Combination different materials- a great opportunity to make the room more stylish and emphasize your taste.

Moreover, wallpaper can be chosen in such a way as to save on expensive finishes - and at the same time create an interior that will look no worse than the rooms decorated by designers.

Wallpaper of two types in the hall, photo

The nuances of the combination of materials

Combining wallpaper is not so difficult, especially since consultants will help you immediately choose materials that are in harmony with each other. But, since only you know about the features of your room, you will have to make a decision about the characteristics of the canvas yourself.

Focus on the following combination rules:

Advice: if you experience difficulties in combining shades, but want to diversify the design due to the wallpaper of two different types - stick photo wallpapers that include several colors at once against the background of light walls.

Many manufacturers produce wallpapers, foreseeing the possibility of combining them in a residential interior. Therefore, pay attention to new collections: often the wallpapers in them are pre-matched to each other not only in color, but also in texture.

Combination ideas

There are several win-win options gluing wallpaper of two types in the hall:

Please note that different techniques can be implemented at the same time to make the interior even more interesting.

Each way of combining two wallpapers involves creating stylish accents in the hall or living room, but if you find such methods too complicated, use the simplest one: stick wallpaper of the second type on the entire surface of the wall that will act as the main one in the room.

Combinations of shades and patterns

The design of the sticker depends on many factors. Firstly, both the brightness of the colors and the sizes of the patterns must be chosen, focusing on the area of ​​​​the room. In a cramped room, the wallpaper should be as light as possible and include only small prints.

Secondly, the psychological aspect plays an important role in the choice of combined wallpaper.

Each selected shade should emphasize a cozy atmosphere, so experts recommend giving preference to pastel colors. And here accents in combinations can be made brighter and more expressive: this will emphasize the desired dynamics and solemnity of the interior.

Remember! The style of the wallpaper should correspond to the chosen direction in the design. For modern styles pick up something more calm and neutral, for the classics - wallpaper with large smooth patterns, for provence and country - a cage or floral prints.

The most common patterns that are used in wallpaper combinations are classic, floral and geometric patterns. All of them are perfectly combined with plain materials or wallpaper with a thin strip.

Combined wallpaper design for the hall, photo

popular solution in modern interiorscombination of patterned wallpaper with photo wallpaper and imitation materials. For example, floral motifs can be combined with a landscape or wallpaper stylized as a tree. A brickwork in perfect harmony with abstraction - this is one of the hallmarks of the loft style.

Wallpaper with accent patterns should not be glued close to each other. If this is a vertical combination, consider leaving a decent distance between the bright inserts, where wallpaper with a calmer design will be pasted.

As for horizontal combinations, it is important to choose the right color and pattern. The lower part of the walls is most often made darker and more solid. IN classical style striped wallpaper is allowed. The upper zone can be both light and bright (depending on the size of the room): it is often decorated with floral motifs or geometric patterns.

A few words about combining textured wallpapers

When deciding how to glue two types of wallpaper in the hall, pay attention to their textures. If these are textured wallpapers designed for monochromatic coloring, there will be no difficulties in combining.

Advice: wallpapers that are glued side by side should have a similar thickness, otherwise you will have to look for ways to mask pronounced joints.

Sticking wallpaper of two types in the hall, photo

Textured wallpaper on a textile basis is a good option for the hall in terms of design. But in practice, this material is rather capricious, and in combination with ordinary wallpaper does not always look advantageous. Therefore, most often textile coatings are used to create inserts in the form of a patterned panel on free walls: for their design, you need moldings or a finished frame.

In combination with most textured wallpapers, liquid-type wallpapers will look good. But vinyl and non-woven materials must be selected, focusing on the relief pattern.

In modern interiors, embossed wallpapers with classic ornaments, floristry, abstraction, stripes and small strokes are used. If a large section of the walls is decorated with just this type of wallpaper, you should not select a relief pattern for the rest of the surfaces.

Advice: when combining vinyl and non-woven materials, do not forget that such canvases are glued to the surface of the walls in different ways. Use a universal adhesive or select a special one for each of the selected materials.

Sticking wallpaper of two types in the hall: design, photo

Now you know how to beautifully paste two types of wallpaper in the living room: picking up different shades and textures, this room can be made bright and festive or, conversely, calm and relaxing.

Select suitable materials for combinations with loved ones and make one of the ideas presented in the photo a reality.

photo gallery

One of the most important roles in design of any room playing compilation wallpaper . This approach makes it possible to significantly change interior . If necessary, correct the shortcomings of the layout is carried out two types of wallpaper . For example, with different texture, color, pattern. Options there can be a lot, but it is always necessary to take into account a whole list of conditions.

Creation of a practical, functional and beautiful interior is a priority issue.

Combining and sticking wallpaper of two types does not do without observing a number of rules, which are given in the table.

The design of the walls of the room largely forms the whole image of the room, its character, mood.

rule Description Advice
Accounting for ceiling heights Ceiling height largely determines the requirements for pattern on the wallpaper and their texture. vertical stripes increase the height. stripes can only be distributed over one or two walls.

If the height of the walls less than 2.5 meters, it is recommended to choose light wallpaper . They can be both monophonic and with small drawings.

Interior with ceilings over 3 meters require a different approach to design . An excellent solution would be wallpaper with a large pattern stretched horizontally. Allowed horizontal zoning walls.

Room area Space dimensions also play an important role in the selection. For spacious rooms you can choose bright, saturated colors. This way will visually reduce the area, make room more comfortable. It will look good combination of two types of wallpaper : one-color and with an ornament. Not recommended horizontal lines or other patterns.

For small spaces on the contrary, light walls . Small discreet allowed drawing.

Geometry Wall ratio should also be taken into account. Fix long narrow room can fix two types of wallpaper . For example, for smaller walls glue light monophonic wallpaper . At the same time, in the corners they should go long. The rest of the space is filled wallpaper with an unobtrusive pattern.
Texture When sticking wallpaper of two types be sure to maintain the integrity of the invoice. When combining, it is necessary to use wallpaper of different thicknesses. If used yet different type of wall covering, you should carefully select the adhesive.
sunlight Choice color combinations affected by the number of people in room sun rays. wallpaper in a very bright room should not be monotonously light. They can be diluted with ornamental coatings or some kind of image on a long light wall.

Combination methods

There are also several ways to combine material such as wallpaper . The most important thing in choosing is to clearly imagine the end result. design.

Choice of modern finishing materials incredibly wide, the spread in cost is also large - it’s time to get confused in a modern store.

So, let's look at effective methods.

  • stripes placed relatively rarely, but at all the walls of the room at the same interval
  • Various stripes in color and pattern also allowed, but care must be taken to avoid absurdity design (must take all from the same collection)
  • It is possible to combine wallpaper of three types from one series at once;
  • If wallpaper with stripes go to the ceiling, then this will also help do it is visually higher;
  • Two types of wallpaper from one collection is a win-win option, such an interior will always look good.

You can select one or another functional area, decorate the walls.

Find suitable option a homeowner with any wallet size can.

  • horizontal stripe around the perimeter, located at the level of the windowsill;
  • In the corridor, the line can be placed at the level of the eyes of an adult, while the divided areas may differ in color;
  • lower third of the wall can cover striped wallpaper , and the remaining area - monophonic or with small pattern.

Finishing should create a single, harmonious image of the room.

Wall decoration with a combination of plain wallpaper - actual way design.

  • If possible, the different area can be highlighted with a frame;
  • You can highlight a niche with a pattern;
  • The niche can be pasted over with a contrast color.

Where, if not in the living room, you can afford a touch of luxury.

Even in laconic modern interiors, such an accent wall design can create a special mood.

  1. Designers often use creation method color accents. Here, there are two approaches:
  • Distraction from the part premises with unsightly elements;
  • Drawing attention to something interior

This design is able to increase the degree of originality and elegance of the image of the room.

In case of uncertainty, it is better to entrust the combination to a professional.

He will definitely be able to choose the most suitable options for room design . But a beginner in this business can choose ridiculous combinations.

Combination basics

It is important to consider that when combined, the coating with a pattern in the base must contain the same shades , which is monophonic wallpaper. Drawing there may be several species : based on geometric elements, classic patterns or floral motifs.

Any of these options will look good with plain surfaces.

Particularly noteworthy are textured wallpaper which are becoming more and more famous in modern design . It is a good alternative to liquid wallpaper.

Invoice can manifest itself in the following elements: stripes , swirls, abstraction, plant elements. This type of wallpaper easy to glue, they can be painted. They are also great for decorating ceilings.

A significant advantage of this choice is durability and the ability to repaint surfaces.

Proper lighting

light in the room always plays a major role. It must be taken into account when choosing wall coverings. If the light is in room little then about the dark colors in these situations can be forgotten.

You will have to choose from beige, cream, light gray shades.

Light can be distributed zonal. For example, where wallpaper lighter it will be less saturated, in dark areas it will be brighter.With a horizontal split walls additional light can be put on the perimeter of the dark part: along the floor or ceiling.

Wallpaper selection

Pledge of quality interior - this is a competent choice of finishing materials.

For complete or partial wall decoration, all types of wallpaper can be used in terms of classification according to technological characteristics.

Manufacturers offer several types of wallpaper , each of which has a number of its own characteristics.

  1. Paper excellent match with wallpaper all types due to its flexibility. They lie evenly in the most difficult and hard-to-reach places.
  2. Vinyl are different high density and strength. It's the perfect choice for walls prone to mechanical damage. For example, for a corridor. It is better to combine them with paper wallpaper.
  3. Non-woven wallpaper all designers appreciate texture. They are able to hide any flaws on the surfaces. walls . At the same time, they are great match with wallpaper any quality. The main thing is to carefully make pasting.
  4. Textiles are quite expensive. This a good choice for bedroom or living room. It is worth noting that they can only be combined with non-woven or paper coatings.
  5. Liquid at first glance resemble decorative plaster. Such solution suitable for premises for any purpose. Can be combined with non-woven wallpaper.

For living rooms, this type of finish can be used for accent surfaces.

Textile wallpapers look luxurious, have high environmental properties, and are able to "breathe".

To wallpaper were glued with high quality, it is necessary to perform the following steps during the repair process:

  • Prepare walls , which consists of cleaning from old coatings, puttying and priming;
  • Prepare glue purchased specifically for the selected type wallpaper;
  • Apply glue to wallpaper or walls (do as directed in the instructions);
  • Glue the main wallpaper (those that occupy a large area);
  • When measuring, be sure to leave allowances for the seams, as when drying wallpaper able to slightly decrease in size, which threatens the appearance of a void between stripes;
  • Start gluing from the ceiling, leveling the surface with a special roller;
  • Glue wallpaper to combine;
  • Cut off unnecessary areas of the coating, stick on borders and tapes if necessary.

following simple rules will provide excellent results.

Designers are always guided by several principles when combination wall coverings. Following the tips below will allow you to choose win-win wallpaper options for this or that premises.

Tasteful wallpaper will give your home beauty and comfort.

  • Stylish harmonious design can be obtained at combination of light wallpaper coatings of the same collection, but with a bright saturated pattern.
  • Make a room brighter, you can select with wallpaper only one wall.
  • With horizontal zoning, it is imperative to select borders or dividing tapes. Without them design will be unfinished.
  • For children, patchwork is acceptable combination . Well, if the baby will choose for himself wallpaper.
  • Juicy shades are best combined with pastel colors.
  • Plant elements in some cases overload room.
  • upholstery upholstered furniture, curtains, carpets should be selected taking into account the finish walls. This will allow the interior look stylish and complete.
  • Wallpaper , decorating elements and glue are best purchased in one store.
  • Corner wrapping rooms with contrasting colors allows you to visually align the proportions rooms.
  • When designing, it is unacceptable to use more than 5 colors.
  • For small rooms can't choose wallpaper with large drawings.

To design your home should always be approached with the utmost responsibility, no matter what part of the house or apartment it is. Before starting any work, you need to clearly define the goals that you want to achieve with the help of wallpaper combinations.

You need to imagine the final result.

Wall coverings must be chosen carefully, as a rule, attention is paid not only bloom but also quality. It is on this that the accuracy of implementation depends. ideas . When choosing contrasting combinations, it is recommended to think carefully colors , they should be combined, not be heavy for the look. For the bedroom, contrasting solutions are not recommended.

In any case, this is an interesting, exciting activity that, with a serious approach, will provide an excellent result.

VIDEO: Options for combining wallpaper for walls.

Sticking wallpaper of two types is a fairly common lately way to decorate surfaces in residential premises. Using this method, you can create a unique design interior, create an accent, visually increase the height of the walls and expand the space. Before sticking wallpaper of two types, it is recommended to learn about the basic rules for combining them.

Pasting walls with different wallpapers should be carried out strictly according to the rules. To make the combination look as harmonious as possible, you need to take into account a number of factors even before starting work.

Ceiling height

It is on this characteristic of the room that the final choice of material, its pattern, texture and shade depends.

Room dimensions

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is large, then you can safely use materials of dark colors and their combinations. Saturated shades are also suitable, they will visually reduce the dimensions of the room, but in spacious rooms this will not be as noticeable as in small ones. You should not dwell on ordinary plain products, it is better to glue the room with dark materials with large light patterns. Very often, for pasting wallpaper of two types, products without a pattern and materials with the image of foliage, bamboo trunks and other plant motifs are used.

As for small rooms, it is impossible to visually reduce the space, so dark colors will not work, it is better to use light products with a small pattern. A medium-sized repeating ornament will look great.

It is also important to consider the geometry of the room. If the room is long and narrow, for example, a corridor, then it is better to paste over short walls light wallpaper with a slight overlap at the corner, and long ones - darker or more colorful, if the planned wall design allows. So visually smoothed out the difference in the size of the surfaces.

When the entrance to a narrow room is located on one of the long walls, the following type of wallpapering is perfect: you need to choose a color for short surfaces, and for the middle of a long wall, use several strips of more rich color. The corners of the room should be sealed in tone with short walls.

Design option for a narrow room

Material texture

Now consider how to combine two types of wallpaper, depending on the thickness and texture of the product:

  • The main rule is to use materials of the same thickness. It is best to choose products made on the same basis. That is, paper with paper, non-woven with non-woven and so on. There are other options for pasting walls with different wallpapers, but they require careful selection. As for colors, there are no strict rules, it is recommended to place probes on one surface before buying and look at the resulting combination.
  • With texture, things are more complicated. If the joining of the strips is planned only in the corners, then you don’t have to worry too much about the difference in thickness or texture. The fact is that in such a place it is quite difficult to notice the transition, if it is small. But if you plan to connect the products in the middle of the wall, then it is better to either use materials with the same texture and different colors, or close the joints with skirting boards and other products.

Combining products of different textures will require hiding joints using molding

It is necessary to take into account the features of applying each type of wallpaper. If it was decided to combine paper and non-woven roll materials, it is important to buy a special glue for each. You can purchase a universal composition, but for the best effect it is recommended to use different ones.

Technology is also important: in the case of paper wallpaper glue is applied both to the wall and to the product; non-woven ones do not require processing of the reverse side.

Room lighting

How can you beautifully beat the lighting? If the room is almost always well lit by the sun, then it is not necessary to artificially darken it by pasting all surfaces with dark wallpaper. It is better to stick light products on 3 walls, and the last one, which is opposite the window, is darker. As a result, pasted wallpapers will not look monotonous and will not darken the room too much. This technology also works in the opposite direction: in dark rooms, you can stick a wide strip of light wallpaper on one of the walls and thus lighten the interior a little.

Combination of different types of materials

The modern market offers a huge number various kinds wallpapers that can be used in combination with each other. Below are the best combined wallpaper options:

  1. Paper. This classic variety is perfect for pairing with almost any look. They are easy to cut, so using paper models you can arrange colored inserts or accents.
  2. Vinyl. The perfect combination- ordinary vinyl products with photo wallpapers. They can also be combined with multilayer paper materials to be the same thickness.
  3. Non-woven. They go well with all types, except for textiles.
  4. Liquid. Best used in conjunction with vinyl or non-woven options. Since liquid wallpaper is a wet material similar to plaster, the combination with paper is not recommended.
  5. Textile. This type of wallpaper is better not to combine. There are a huge number of fabric-based models, it is worth dwelling on a few of them.

Options for combining materials on surfaces

If the question arose of how to glue two types of wallpaper beautifully, it is recommended to pay attention to one of the following options. These methods are considered classic and have been used more than once for interior decoration.

vertical stripes

In this case, the materials different drawings stick on the walls one by one. A similar design of wallpapering helps to visually increase the height of the walls. It is important that the glued products have the same texture, since the play of shades will already attract attention. In addition, using the same wallpaper, you can beautifully join them without a difference in the seams.

horizontal stripes

This combination is perfect for visually expanding the space. This method is ideal for rooms with high ceilings where there is no need to increase the height of the walls. To wallpaper the walls, it is necessary to divide the surfaces into two parts: first, the upper strip of one color is glued, and then the lower one is of a different shade. To do this, you can buy products with any texture and ornament. The main thing is that they are well combined with each other.

The horizontal division of the walls is best suited for rooms with high ceilings.


Options for sticking wallpaper of two types with inserts are also different.

This idea is perfect when you want to focus on the interior:

  • First, markings are applied to the wall, taking into account the location of the colored inserts. For ease of pasting, it is better to draw rectangles or squares.
  • Then you need to prepare the wallpaper itself. Monochromatic material is cut so that it does not cover the figures drawn on the wall.
  • The main wallpaper is glued first.
  • After that, products of other colors are cut out according to the given sizes and the resulting gaps are sealed with them. If wallpaper with different textures is used, it is necessary to seal the joints with moldings.
  • Thus, the entire wall is pasted over.

There are other ideas for wallpapering using inserts:

  1. A large section of the wall pasted over with photo wallpaper is the basis of the composition, it is marked out and processed first. From it it is already possible to glue ordinary vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, the color of which will be combined with the gamut of the picture. For example, if there is an image of a green forest in the center, then wallpaper in green or brown tones should go to the sides.
  2. There is also a patchwork technique. Here the products are cut into small fragments of approximately the same shape, after which they are glued to the base according to the applied markings. You can stick fragments in a certain order or randomly.

Wall decoration using patchwork technique

Other techniques

You can also use one of the following ideas:

  • Contrast of walls and ceiling. Only suitable if the ceiling height is more than 2.5 m. In this case, it is recommended to make the ceiling darker or lighter than the walls. You can also use a gradient: the bottom of the wall is dark, the top is a little lighter and the lightest is the ceiling.
  • Corner finishing. The main area must be pasted over with light wallpaper, and darker shades should be used in the corners. This technique allows you to visually expand the room, but it can only be used if the design does not require compliance with strict rules for color combinations. This option is perfect for rooms with corner furniture, then this part of the wall will be emphasized.
  • Highlighting the surface relief. If there are any ledges or niches in the room being processed, you can focus on them. For example, paste over the main area with plain dark wallpaper, and the protruding fragments with lighter ones. Or vice versa, but this option is not the most popular.

Highlight a niche with wallpaper of a different color

Basic Rules

For gluing wallpaper of two types, strict adherence to certain rules is required:

  1. Color solutions need to be implemented not only in wallpaper combinations, but also in furniture, curtains, various items and accessories. So the interior will look more harmonious.
  2. The combination of plain materials and products with ornaments is considered one of the most successful.
  3. It is not recommended to use combinations of colorful tones. It is better that one band is bright, and the second is more muted.
  4. If there is a floral pattern on the main material, then great solution will be a combination with wallpaper, the texture of which is made in the same style.
  5. Products with geometric shapes it is recommended to combine with abstraction.
  6. When using materials with different textures, it is necessary to mask the joints with the help of moldings, rails, tapes and borders.
  7. Triple combination is possible only in the case of large rooms, in small rooms the interior will look too bulky.
  8. Both glue and wallpaper need to be bought in the same store, it is better if they are from the same manufacturer.
  9. Pre-marking is required.
  10. It is recommended to start pasting from the top.
  11. When applying products, it is important to leave a reserve in case they move out after drying.

The combination of two types of wallpaper with different patterns, textures and color solutions makes it possible to create original interior. It is only important not to rush and first check how good this or that combination will look on the walls.
