If a country house is used only for summer living, installing a summer version of the pipeline is quite justified and sufficient, but if a summer house or cottage is used all year round, you need to worry about installing a winter water supply in advance. It should be remembered that pipes are laid below the freezing point, and even better if additional pipe insulation is used. This will protect the plumbing system from freezing even at very low temperatures. This option is used both from a well and from a well drilled in the yard. Consider how to mount a winter plumbing with your own hands detailed description actions and step by step instructions.

Summer and winter plumbing options, what are the differences

These two types of plumbing are equally common in summer houses or cottages. They are convenient, practical and perform the functions assigned to them, but there are fundamental differences between these two options.

Consider the summer option. Summer water supply is made in two variations: a mobile and a permanent version. The mobile version is easy to mount and can be completely dismantled, folded and stored for the next season with the onset of cold weather. With the advent of heat, the plumbing system is reassembled and used for needs. The permanent method is laid permanently, is not dismantled and requires installation at the correct slope and the use of a special drain valve. With the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to drain the water and free the system from water in order to prevent freezing and damage to the system.

The winter version of the placement of the water supply system requires the implementation of a number of such recommendations:

  • the winter version of the water supply is always laid permanently;
  • pipes are placed at a sufficiently large depth to prevent freezing of water;
  • it is necessary to insulate the system by insulating the pipes themselves or backfilling the trenches with slag, expanded clay or expanded polystyrene;
  • perfect option for winter plumbing - the use of a heating cable;
  • wiring is done in stages.

It cannot be said that one of the types of plumbing is better or worse, they are simply used in different situations. Provided that you will live in a cottage only in the summer, there is no need to build a complex winter plumbing system.

There are a number of advantages in winter-type water supply:

  • any owner can make it on their own without hired workers, this will help save money;
  • using inexpensive materials, it will be possible to produce a budget option a water supply system that can help out at any time of the year;
  • it is possible to carry out preventive maintenance and repair of the water conduit at any time if necessary;
  • and although expenses in general cannot be avoided, you will have to pay for electrical energy, in fact you get a more economical water supply system.

Comparing the costs of using a well, an ordinary well and an artesian one, it should be noted that an artesian one implies high costs, as it needs more powerful equipment.

Advantages of the winter method of installing a water pipe

As already mentioned, in order to prevent freezing of pipes when using the winter option, care should be taken to securely preserve the system. In order not to worry about the integrity of the pipes and not to drain the water from the system for the winter, it is necessary to lay the system below the freezing point of the soil. It is impossible to say that it is a meter or half a meter. The depth in each region is different, the indicators depend on the minimum possible temperatures in winter. But in order to guarantee the safety of the system, the depth of the pipes must reach one and a half meters. Very important point during the laying of the system, is the angle of inclination of the pipes. This ensures a problem-free outflow of water when the system is rolled up. The angle of inclination is towards the water source. For laying water supply in the winter you need to have:

  • pump (it may not be submersible or submersible);
  • pipes for water;
  • special crane;
  • valve;
  • storage tanks;
  • hydraulic accumulator;
  • heating cable.

It is preferable to use a pump for a winter-type water supply deep version or deep water. Its advantages are as follows:

  • low degree of noise;
  • low cost;
  • efficiency.

The type of device is selected depending on the width of the well, the characteristics of the water source, the required power. An outdoor pump is installed when the distance between the well and the house is very small. The hydraulic accumulator helps to equalize the pressure and protects the device from hydraulic shocks, and during power surges in the network, the water collected in the tank enters the water pipes.

To keep the pressure in the pipes constant, a relay is located near the accumulator. It stabilizes the pressure in the pipes, decreasing or increasing it as needed. With a significant decrease in pressure to the minimum possible values, the relay turns on the motor for pumping water, at maximum values, the pump is turned off by the relay.

The drain valve should be located at the lowest point of the system and will serve to dispose of the water when the system is closed.

The system can be controlled remotely. If the water source has a depth of up to eight meters and is located near the building, another option is organized. A non-return valve is placed in the room, and the liquid is evacuated from the system.

Preparatory stage

Before starting the manufacture of a plumbing system, it is necessary to develop detail drawing future system. The scheme should reflect data on pipes, a pump, a boiler, a hydraulic accumulator, filters, collectors and intake points. This is very important to ensure the quality and reliable operation of the waterworks. Provided that the drawing is made to scale, it will be possible to calculate the material consumption. There are two types of wiring:

  • consistent;
  • collector.

The sequential method is ideal for small houses with no more than two people. This method involves laying pipes with the sequential establishment of sampling points. In this case, the simultaneous inclusion of taps significantly reduces the pressure of water.

The collector connection option involves connecting the pipe to individual fragments of the site and, as a result, the pressure does not depend on the number of points turned on and remains stable.

The second option is more expensive, as it involves a larger number of pipes and components. In addition, it is much more convenient for residents.

Water to the dwelling will be transported through pipes, it is permissible to use any pipes:

  • metal;
  • metal-plastic;
  • polymeric.

But still, the use of metal is not entirely acceptable. They will take place chemical processes that adversely affect pipes and water quality. As for metal-plastic, this is an ideal option, as they are durable, strong and resistant to mechanical and chemical stress.

As already mentioned, the trench digs below the freezing point. But when using a heating cable or pipe insulation, the depth of the trenches can be reduced.

Manholes should be dug in places where the depth changes or turns. They are necessary for the maintenance of the plumbing system. After the construction of such holes, they begin laying pipes. Pipe connections are made using butt joints.

Laying pipes for winter plumbing

Metal-plastic pipes used for laying winter plumbing are preferable to metal or polyethylene. As practice shows, such pipes do not undergo corrosive processes, do not lose flexibility at low temperatures, are resistant to mechanical stress, and have a guaranteed service life of up to fifty years. The composition is not dangerous to humans or the environment. Water does not lose its qualities and does not form deposits during the operation of the water supply system. Pipes are connected by thermal welding. To mount the water supply system, you should stock up on the following tools:

  • wrench;
  • cutter;
  • a set of keys;
  • sharp knife;
  • roulette;
  • pen, chalk.

With small financial, time and energy costs, you can improve living conditions and make them no worse than in an apartment with centralized water supply. To be able to use the plumbing system all year round, you must follow the rules when mounting.

It must be remembered that the system will be stationary and carefully consider how powerful the pump should be. Repair and replacement of components in winter time will be difficult, and in order not to be left without water, preparatory stages require careful planning.

Not forgetting about the methods of insulation, you should bury the pipe to a depth of about one and a half meters. But if the well or well is far away, you can use the combined method of laying water supply pipes. Warming is carried out by various accessible ways and with high-quality insulation, the depth of the moat can be reduced to half a meter.

Deep pump installation

Before installation, determine the type of pump. Most often it is a deep pump. It works effectively even at great depths, due to this, the sound is muffled by a layer of water, electricity consumption is quite economical, and performance is consistently high. The brand and power of the pump are selected based on the depth of the well or well in which it will function.

It should not be forgotten that the system should be located at an angle to the water source.

Before starting the installation of a deep-well pump, you should carefully concentrate on the following points:

  • whether the characteristics of the motor match the characteristics of the well;
  • what power is needed for work;
  • what is the real power.

You can install the pump yourself, for this you will need the following tools:

  • pumping unit;
  • safety rope;
  • clamps;
  • hose;
  • pipes;
  • fitting;
  • valve.

When buying a safety cable, consider the depth of the well, but do not take a meter for a meter, as you will need three to five meters more.

In order for the pump to serve for a long time without any breakdowns, you should purchase a voltage stabilizer that will protect the equipment from power surges. If it is necessary to extend the cable, connect the wires correctly according to their colors. If there is no water in the well or if the pump is not submerged enough, it is strictly forbidden to turn on the equipment.

Equipment installation

Before installing the motor, examine the casing for irregularities, narrowing, curvature. It is important to eliminate defects, as during use this can cause damage to the equipment. It should be taken into account the fact that the diameter of the pipe and the pump must differ, by how much - indicated in the instructions. The practical coincidence of the parameter leads to premature failure of the equipment for pumping water.

Before immersing the pump, it is necessary to clean and pump the well, make sure that sand does not chase. The pump is connected after adjusting the pressure in the pressure tank. While the pump is being submerged, the pipe, pump, lifeline and electrical cable must be monitored to ensure that there is no kink.

When immersed, the pump must completely sink into the water, but the distance from the bottom of the well must be at least a meter.

Both summer and winter versions of the water supply require the use of a hydraulic accumulator. This is a tank filled with water. The pump turns on when it is necessary to pump up the wasted water. The larger the water storage tank, the less often the pump turns on and the longer it will work. The water container is placed in a warm room to prevent the liquid from freezing.

The device and insulation of the entrance to the house, the final stage

The water pipe is introduced into the house. For these purposes, a hole is made in the foundation for the pipe. Since freezing of the system occurs most often in this place, it needs to be given the closest attention. A special coupling is installed through which the pipe is passed. It should be remembered that the water supply is introduced at a sufficient distance from the sewer pipes. The gap between the pipe and the coupling (and it will certainly be due to the difference in diameter) is filled with cloth, ropes, rags and filled with mounting foam.

The pump is attached to a durable nylon cord that can withstand several times its own weight. When the motor is submerged more than ten meters, a spring suspension should be attached to reduce vibration; many items, such as a pharmacy tourniquet, will do for this purpose. The pump has a self-cooling system (water) and does not overheat, but it is difficult to carry out maintenance and service, therefore, for high-quality and long operation, be careful about installing the equipment.

After installation, check all modes of the device.

If you still have questions about how to install a winter water supply system from a well, watch the video, which details the main stages of work.

Works on the installation of water supply systems performed by the specialists of our company >>>

The installation of a winter water supply is advisable if you plan to use the cottage all year round, for example, when you come for the weekend, New Year holidays, etc. The system can be started at any time without worrying that it will fail during the absence of tenants.

What are the features of winter water supply in the country?

  • Country water supply in the winter version is necessarily equipped with a conservation system. Before the residents leave the dacha, the water is drained from the pipes each time, which prevents it from freezing, and as a result, the system fails.
  • Pipe laying is carried out below the freezing depth. For each region, this level has its own indicators, and this must be taken into account during installation. The average depth of the pipeline is below one and a half meters.
  • When laying an underground pipeline, a slope must be observed providing unimpeded draining of water from pipes during the conservation of the system. The pipeline is laid with a slope towards a well, well or centralized water supply - it all depends on the type of water source. Pipes are laid at a depth of 2 meters at the water source and then ascending to 1.4 meters at the entrance to the building.
  • To prevent freezing of the system, a special water heating cable is installed!
  • Pipe routing is carried out only in a consistent way!

How is the winter dacha water supply system arranged?

Winter plumbing in the country consists of the following main devices and elements:

Water pipes;

Pump (submersible or surface);

Hydraulic accumulator;

Drain valve or solenoid valve;

Water heating cable.


To supply water to the system, it is better to use submersible pumps. They are characterized by high performance, low noise and economy. The power and brand of the pump is selected depending on the type and depth of the water source.

Hydraulic accumulator

A hydraulic storage tank with a membrane stabilizes the pressure in the water supply and protects the system from water hammer. In the event of power outages, the water accumulated in the tank may enter the system for some time.

Pressure switch

To maintain the pressure within the specified limits, a special relay is installed next to the accumulator. The pump provides water supply and pressurization in the plumbing system, and the relay maintains the pressure within the specified range. When the maximum indicator is reached, the relay turns off the pump, when the pressure drops to a lower level, the contacts close in the relay, and the pump turns on again in order to turn off again after gaining the maximum set pressure.

Valve for draining water from the system

The drain valve is mounted in the system right after the pump, that is, at the lowest point of the water supply (for example, right in the well). It is used in the conservation of the system for draining water.

Drainage of water is carried out remotely - 2 options.

If a well or well is located in close proximity to the house and has a depth of no more than 8 meters, instead of a drain valve, you can organize Alternative option. In this case, a non-return valve is installed in the house, and in front of it is a bypass with a tap (bypass). When the tap is opened, the vacuum created by the non-return valve disappears, and all water is drained from the system.

water heater

The installation of a winter plumbing with hot water requires the installation of a water heater. It is more practical to use storage type water heaters. The volume and power of boilers are selected based on the needs of residents. In practice, for a family of 4-5 people, a water heater with a volume of 80 - 100 liters with a capacity of 2.5 kW is enough.

Water heating cable

Cellars or subfloors country houses usually not heated, so the installation of a winter water supply in the country includes the installation of a water heating cable. It is placed inside a pipe section passing in unheated areas of the house, namely in the basement or underground. This ensures the normal functioning of the water supply system even in severe frosts. The package includes a gland and couplings for sealing the cable at the point of its entry into the water supply.

What source of water to choose for winter plumbing in the country?

It can be a well, a well, as well as a connection to a centralized main water supply.

Since the cottage is most often used for living in summer period, as well as for a short stay in winter, then with the exception of a centralized year-round water supply, the best option, as a source of drinking water, is a well.


  • during a long absence of residents, the aquifers of the well are extremely rarely silted up;
  • installation of a powerful pump is not required, since the depth of the well is usually not very large in comparison with the well;
  • draining water from the system during conservation of the water supply system can be carried out directly into the well.

Drilling and equipping a well, as well as maintaining it during operation, require significant financial costs. It is necessary to install a caisson, a device for a more complex (compared to a well) system for draining water: from the supply pipes - the water is drained into the well, from the house - into the sewer. The reason for this is the small volume of the well pipe.

Laying winter plumbing: what you need to know about pipes?

For the arrangement of winter water supply in the country are used polypropylene pipes, which have a number of advantages compared to similar pipes made of polyethylene or metal:

  • Reliability and strength. Pipes made of polypropylene are not subject to corrosion, are highly resistant to mechanical damage, retain sufficient elasticity at low temperatures, and have a long service life (up to 50 years).
  • Environmental friendliness. Polypropylene belongs to the category of polyolefin thermoplastics that are harmless to human health and the environment. Water retains all its qualities, while deposits do not appear inside the pipes even after prolonged use.
  • Tightness of all connections. Winter plumbing is installed by thermal welding. This method is the most reliable, ensuring the integrity of the entire plumbing system.
  • Quick and easy installation. At the same time, pipes, due to the special tightness of the material, can be laid not only on the surface, but also in a hidden way (for example, before finishing, under panels, under ceilings).
  • Affordable cost of pipes, fittings and other materials made of polypropylene.

That is why polypropylene winter water supply in the country is the most optimal and profitable option in all respects.

Installation of winter water supply in the country can be entrusted only to professionals, people who have special knowledge and skills, extensive experience and are well aware of all the intricacies of installing country water supply systems. In our company "Comfortable Dacha" such specialists work!

Contact our company, we are engaged in the installation of plumbing systems of varying complexity, the source of water in which is not only a well, but also a well and a centralized water supply!

Many dacha owners try to spend weekends and holidays outside the city both in summer and in winter. Perfect solution- fresh air, peace and quiet, which cannot be found in the city, have not bothered anyone yet. But at the same time, no one wants to give up the benefits brought by civilization. That is why water supply in the country in winter can cause certain problems. After all, it is enough for the water in the pipes to freeze so that they simply burst. Repairs will cost several tens of thousands of rubles, which even very wealthy dacha owners will not like. Therefore, this issue should be approached as seriously as possible. And the best solution is not to eliminate the consequences of the problem, but to prevent the problem itself.

If you yourself decide to start building a summer house, then you should think about protecting the water supply long before you start construction works. Otherwise, you will have to do a huge amount of work later to redo everything.

Some people believe that installing high-quality thermal insulation on pipes can solve the problem of freezing water. Actually it is not. Even the most expensive thermal insulation can only reduce heat loss and slow down the freezing process. And it will be effective only if you actively use the water supply, that is, the water constantly flows through the pipes and does not have time to freeze. If you visit the cottage from time to time, this option is not suitable for you.

However, you can protect the water supply in the country in winter in another way. When laying pipes, they are supplied with a heating cable, after which they are closed with modern thermal insulation. If the temperature in a certain area drops to a dangerous level, the cable heats up, preventing freezing. Moreover, the cable is self-regulating. In other words, it heats up precisely in those places and to the temperature that allows you to protect the pipe from freezing. This makes it the most economical and durable. On the one hand, it consumes a minimum of electricity, since it does not work at the power limit all the time, and on the other hand, even if the installation was overlapped, the risk of burnout is excluded.

This technology has been used in Europe and North America for the past 10 years and has proven itself over this time. You can be sure - if you decide to install a heating cable, then nothing will threaten your pipes, and you will always have water in your country house in winter.

Other ways to protect

Alas, in some cases the method of protection described above is not available. For example, if you buy a ready-made cottage, the former owners of which did not bother to protect the pipeline during the cold season. In this case, the excavation of pipes and work to protect them will be very expensive and, even worse, can damage lawns, gardens and everything in general. appearance adjacent area.

In most cases, water supply pipes are laid below the level of soil freezing. But this does not always save. Wet and dense soil can become a good conductor of heat, as a result of which the water in the pipes may well freeze, bursting the pipes. It is in this case that we can suggest simply not closing the tap to the end. cold water in the country. Let the water flow in a thin stream, and let it flow all the cold season, going straight into the sewer. This will provide some flow to the water, reducing the risk of freezing. And, having arrived at the dacha in winter, you can always feel as comfortable as possible. The same method is suitable if you are concerned about the water supply of the bath in winter. The water in the pipes will not freeze, and you can use it at any time.

Read also

Drainage ditch device

If you do not plan to visit the dacha in winter, then the best solution would be complete conservation. To do this, you need to drain the water from the heating radiators, the toilet tank, washing machine, shower cabin and all other containers. The only exceptions are the "knees" in the toilet and sinks. Water remains in them, the freezing of which will damage the plumbing. But draining water from there is not the best solution. After all, after removing the water, all the smells of the sewer will penetrate into the living quarters. And in the spring it will be quite unpleasant to be in them. The smell is absorbed into furniture, clothes, carpets and even wallpaper. And even many hours of ventilation does not always give the desired effect.

How to be in such a situation?

It is best to remove the water, and pour "anti-freeze" or cool brine into it. But the brine is suitable only for regions with a mild climate, in which even in cold winters the temperature does not fall below -5 ... -7 degrees Celsius. Otherwise, "anti-freeze", usually used for washing windows in the winter season. It should not be forgotten that this liquid is toxic. In the spring, the rooms where it was used should be well ventilated, and the pipes should be washed.

And of course, you need to blow out the entire plumbing. Doing it yourself is not always easy, in some cases you need to use special equipment. Therefore, it is better to turn to specialists who know exactly how to blow out the plumbing for the winter, and have the appropriate equipment for this.

Plumbing for the winter

What to do with the pond

Another problem that gives a lot of trouble to the owners of cottages is the winter conservation of the pond.

In autumn, when the leaves fall from the trees, it is necessary to stretch a fine mesh over the pond. Of course, the yellow and red leaves that carpet the pond are beautiful. But they settle and begin to rot, as a result of which the site will smell like a swamp. Therefore, it is better to prevent a large number of leaves from entering the swamp.

Of course, leaving the pond in the country in winter, you need to remove all algae and fish from it - it is better to move them to an aquarium or other suitable containers for the cold season. Otherwise, when the pond freezes, they will simply die.

With the approach of frost, you need to reduce the amount of water - leave no more than a third if the pond is of natural origin (not equipped with waterproofing, and the walls are not tiled).

When a crust of ice (3-5 cm) appears on the surface, it is necessary to cut through it so that part of the water comes out, forming small voids that will not allow excessive pressure on the walls. You can take a few empty two-liter plastic bottles(calculated as 1 bottle per 1 square meter pond), fill them with sand (about a quarter) and throw into the water. In this case, the pressure of the freezing water will be compensated by the voids in the bottles - the water will compress them, reducing the volume of the bottles, which will also reduce the pressure on the bottom and walls.

Do-it-yourself winter plumbing in the country can be done in two ways:

  • bury it so that it does not freeze (below the freezing depth);
  • lay shallow, but with insulation and / or heating.

Insulation of a water supply system is an event that requires not so much money as labor - digging trenches, laying pipes, wrapping them up, throwing and compacting the soil, all this takes time and considerable effort. But the result is the presence of water in the house at any time of the year.

Laying pipes below freezing depth

It is advisable to use this method if in winter the soil freezes no deeper than 170 cm. A trench is dug from a well or well, the bottom of which is 10-20 cm below this value. Sand (10-15 cm) is poured to the bottom, the pipes are laid in a protective casing (corrugated sleeve), then they are covered with earth.

This is the easiest way to make winter plumbing in the country, but it is not the best, although it is the cheapest. Its main drawback is that if repairs are needed, you will have to dig again, and to the full depth. And since it is difficult to determine the place of a leak with this method of laying a water pipe, there will be a lot of work.

In order to have as few repairs as possible, there should be as few pipe connections as possible. Ideally, they should not be at all. If the distance from the water source to the cottage is greater, make the connections carefully, achieving perfect tightness. It is the joints that leak most often.

The choice of material for pipes in this case is not the most simple task. On the one hand, a solid mass presses from above, therefore, a strong material is needed, and this is steel. But steel laid in the ground will actively corrode, especially if the groundwater is high. The problem can be solved by well primed and painted over the entire surface of the pipes. Moreover, it is desirable to use thick-walled ones - they will last longer.

The second option is polymer or metal-polymer pipes. They are not subject to corrosion, but they must be protected from pressure - they must be placed in a protective corrugated sleeve.

One more moment. The depth of soil freezing in the region is determined over the past 10 years - its average indicators are calculated. But firstly, very cold and little snow winters occur periodically, and the ground freezes deeper. Secondly, this value is the average for the region and does not take into account the conditions of the site. Perhaps it is on your piece that freezing can be greater. All this is said to the fact that when laying pipes, it is still better to insulate them, lay sheets of polystyrene or expanded polystyrene on top, as in the photo on the right, or lay them in thermal insulation, as on the left.

Pipeline insulation

When making water supply to a private house from a well and a well, the pipeline can be laid at a very shallow depth - 40-50 cm - this is quite enough. It is only necessary to lay pipes in such a shallow trench insulated. If you want to do everything thoroughly, then lay out the bottom and sides of the trench with some building material- brick or building blocks. From above everything is covered with plates.

If desired, you can fill up the soil and plant annuals - if necessary, the soil can be easily removed and free access to the pipeline is provided.

Insulation for water pipes

You can use two types of heaters:

  • special energy-saving shells, molded in the form of pipes, they are also called "pipe shells";
  • roll material - a common insulation in the form of rolls, which is used for walls, roofs, etc.

Thermal insulation for pipes in the form of a shell is made of the following materials:

Mineral wool has glass wool and stone wool- there is one significant drawback: they are hygroscopic. By absorbing water, they lose most of their heat-insulating properties. After drying, they are restored only partially. And another very unpleasant moment, if wet mineral wool freezes, after freezing it turns into dust. To prevent this from happening, these materials require careful waterproofing. If you cannot guarantee the absence of moisture, it is better to use a different material.


When planning a winter water supply, you need to keep in mind that insulation only helps to reduce heat loss, but cannot heat. And if at some point the frosts turn out to be stronger, the pipe will still freeze. Particularly problematic in this sense is the section of the pipe outlet from the underground sewer to the house, even if it is heated. All the same, the ground near the foundation is often cold, and it is in this area that problems most often arise.

If you don't want to freeze your plumbing, do pipe heating. For this, either heating plates are used - depending on the diameter of the pipes and the required heating power. Cables can be laid lengthwise or wound in a spiral.

Way of fixing the heating cable to the water pipe (the cable must not lie on the ground)

The heating cable is good for everyone, but it is not uncommon for us to have power outages for several days. What will happen to the pipeline then? Water will freeze and can burst pipes. A repair work in the dead of winter is not the most pleasant occupation. Therefore, several methods are combined - and the heating cable is laid, and insulation is placed on it. This method is also optimal from the point of view of minimizing costs: under thermal insulation, the heating cable will consume a minimum of electricity.

Another way to attach the heating cable. To make electricity bills smaller, you also need to install a heat-insulating shell on top or fix a roll of thermal insulation

Laying a winter water supply in the country can be done using this type of thermal insulation, as in the video (or you can take the idea into service and do something similar with your own hands).

Winter plumbing in the country: new technologies in insulation

Eat interesting option, polymer flexible pipe insulated at the factory. On top of the insulation there is a layer of waterproofing, and along the pipe there is a channel for laying the heating cable. Such pipes are called non-freezing pipelines or insulated pipes. For example, even in the northern regions, it is possible to make winter water supply in a country house on the surface using ISOPROFLEX-ARCTIC pipes.

Operating temperature - up to -40°C, operating pressure - from 1.0 to 1.6 MPa, pressure pipe diameter - from 25 mm to 110 mm. Can be laid in a channel or on the surface. They are flexible, supplied in coils of the desired length, which allows us to minimize the number of joints.

Is there some more new way insulate winter plumbing in the country - liquid thermal insulation or thermal insulation paint. It can be applied to an already installed plumbing, which can be a good way out.

A simple way to winter water supply at home from a well

Immediately after I bought the site, the question of water supply arose. The plot is in a swamp and, as the neighbors said, the wells here are quickly silted up. I decided, like the others, to dig a well. He hired a team that dug a well, and then built a house nearby. Even at the stage of the foundation of the house (concrete tape), I threw a metal-plastic pipe 3/4 from the well to the intended place of the toilet room at a depth of 50 cm. I wrapped the pipe in a polyvinyl chloride sponge sheath.
I decided that my water supply system should be as simple as possible, function not only in summer, but also in winter, give water to an outdoor shower and a watering hose on the site, as well as to a toilet tank, a shower chamber tank and sinks in the toilet and in the kitchen. (A simple system of drainage into the septic tank from a shower cabin, two sinks and a toilet bowl was also carried out in advance, before the construction of the house).
I immediately abandoned the idea of ​​​​installing an automatic pump with an expansion tank. In winter, I visit, and such a system is difficult to maintain when everything freezes through. And the operation of the automatic pump in the house is associated with vibration and noise. And I didn’t want to place it somewhere outside the house and make some kind of warm camera.
So I made it as simple as possible. In the well there is an ordinary vibration pump of the Malysh type (Chinese analogue for 800 r). Through a flexible hose, and then through plastic pipe water from the pump enters the house or into a barrel and a shower outside. In the house, the pump is controlled by a switch and, depending on which faucet is open, it is sent either to the shower tank, or to the toilet bowl, or to the faucet to fill the bucket. Managed in manual mode:
- if we fill the toilet bowl - turn it off as soon as water flows from below (this can be done without getting up from the toilet bowl);
- if in the shower tank - until water appears in the control tube.
The main element of the entire water supply system is a warm bunker above the well, which allows you to keep the heat of the water column in the well and keep the temperature in the system above 0 * C in any frost. The main trick is that in winter the faucet "to the shower" is constantly open. This does not prevent water from pouring into the toilet bowl or bucket, because when one of the "lower consumers" is open, water still does not go to a 2-meter height. But on the other hand, the system always has an air leak from the "shower end". And the water, when we turn off the pump, slowly flows from the pipes into the well back. (If you do not leave any tap open, the water will remain in the pipe after the pump is turned off and may freeze). Thus, in the most severe frosts, there is nothing to freeze in the pipes! When I turn on the pump, water fills the pipe from a depth of 8 meters. And it does not fall below + 5- + 7 degrees there.
I've been using it for two winters now and I'm very happy with it. I come to a frozen house and even if the house has -10 * toilet and water supply work!
All photos on the topic in my album with the same name.
