
1. The concept of BSC. Classification of BSC by potential quantitative composition: compound sentences of open and closed structure (V.A. Beloshapkova).

2. Traditional classification of BSC in accordance with the semantic groups of conjunctions.

2.1. BSC with connecting unions of an open and closed structure.

2.2. NGN with separating unions.

2.3. NGN with opposing unions.

2.4. NGN with connecting unions.

2.5. NGN with explanatory conjunctions.

2.6. Gradational SSP.

3. Punctuation marks in the SSP.

Compound sentence(SSP) is a complex sentence, the parts of which are connected by coordinating conjunctions and, as a rule, are equal grammatically and in meaning. Coordinating conjunctions are not included in any of them, they are not members of the sentence.

The classification of compound sentences in Russian linguistics has not changed significantly. Starting with the grammar of N.I. In Greek, all descriptions of the SSP were built according to the same principle: by the nature of the semantic relations between the components and in accordance with the semantic groups of conjunctions, connecting, dividing and adversative sentences were distinguished. Only the description of semantic groups within these classes changed and became more detailed. In addition, two more classes of compound sentences were added to the traditionally distinguished three classes in the 50s of the 20th century: explanatory sentences in which parts are connected by explanation or clarification relations (the unions are specific exponents of these relations that is, namely and functionally close to them other allied means), and connecting sentences in which the second part contains an "additional message" about the content of the first part.

The most consistent and consistent classification of the BSC, based on structural and semantic features, was given by Vera Arsenyevna Beloshapkova. She considers the potential quantitative composition to be the main structural feature of the BSC.

All SSPs are divided into two types: open and closed structure.

Parts of compound sentences open structures represent an open series, they are built of the same type. Means of communication - proper connecting and separating unions, which can be repeated. Such sentences can have an unlimited number of parts and can always be continued. For example: Yes somewhere a night bird was screaming... Let's try to continue this proposal. A trickle of water splashed softly Yes somewhere a night bird screamed, Yes something white stirred in the bushes(Korolenko). There can be more than two predicative units (PU) in the open structure BSC: That a long bough will suddenly hook her by the neck, That gold earrings will be pulled out of the ears by force; That in the fragile snow, a wet shoe will get stuck from a sweet little foot; That she drops her handkerchief...(P.).

In offers closed the structure of the part is a closed series, it is always two parts, structurally and semantically interdependent, connected. The second part in them closes the row and does not imply the presence of a third. For example: Need brings people together A wealth separates them; He wanted to say something to him But the fat man is already gone(G.). Means of communication - non-repeating unions: but, but, however, yes and; not only but and etc.

By conjunctions and by meaning, compound sentences are divided into six groups.


List of connecting unions (single and repeated): and, yes, also, also, also; like... so and, yes... yes, and... and.

Compound sentences with connecting unions can have an open and closed structure. They are called self-connecting and non-proper-connecting BSCs (according to another terminology: homogeneous composition and heterogeneous composition).

2.1.1. SSP open structure (self-connecting; homogeneous composition)

Such BSCs reflect different semantic relationships between PUs. Unions AND (AND ... AND), NI ... NI, YES (YES ... YES).

In such SSPs, predicative parts express connective-enumerative relations; they report on:

A) simultaneity of events and phenomena: Neither [viburnum Not grows between them] neither [grass Not turns green] (I. Turgenev); AND [the wind rushed about swift through the weeds], And[sheaves sparks raced through the mists]... (A. Blok). [Only willow gi shout], Yes[cuckoo vying with each other count down someone unlived years](M. Sholokhov). As a rule, in this case, the relations between the parts of the BSC are autosemantic, that is, they can act as independent simple sentences: (see first sentence) Kalina does not grow between them. The grass is not green.

b) about their succession one after another, the sequence: [Fallen two three large drops rain], and [suddenly lightning flashed] (I. Goncharov [Door across the street in a brightly lit shop slammed], and [from it a citizen appeared] (M. Bulgakov). This meaning can be specified by the words then, then, after.

Connecting SSPs of an open structure (homogeneous composition) can consist of two, three or more PUs.

Such BSCs may have a common secondary member of the sentence or a common adnexa(in this case, the comma between parts of the MTP is not put):

away dark and groves are strict(I. Bunin): union And connected impersonal one-part PE Dark and two-part Groves are strict. Determinant (common member of the BSC) away clearly shows that homogeneous facts are enumerated.

(When the sun came up), [the dew dried up]And [grass turns green] Subordinate clause When the sun came up refers immediately to both PUs connected by connecting relations, therefore, a comma is not placed before the union AND.

The simultaneity and sequence of the enumerated facts is often emphasized by means of the correspondence of the aspectual-temporal forms of predicates in different PUs (as a rule, predicates are expressed by verbs of the same type): At that very moment [above the hill took off straightaway dozens of rockets] and [in a frenzied patter flooded machine guns] (Sedykh). In both parts of the SSP, the verbs are predicates of the perfect form. Common member of the sentence (time circumstance) at the same moment emphasizes the relationship of simultaneity and prevents the setting of a comma between PEs.

2.1.2. SSP of a closed structure (improperly connecting; heterogeneous composition)

The predicative parts are connected here by non-repeating unions AND, YES, ALSO, ALSO, which are accompanied by words specifying meanings. They consist only from two PEs. The relations between the parts of the BSC are synsemantic, i.e. one sentence is related in meaning to another, especially if there are concretizing words.

stands out six types improperly connecting BSC.

1. Sentences with meaning consequences - conclusion, condition-consequence, result, quick change of events. They often use words that concretize the meaning therefore, hence, hence, consequently(concretizers - words and phrases that are connected to the union and clarify its meaning). The second part reports on the result, consequence, conclusion arising from the content of the first part: We were starving and[That's why] mother finally decided to send me and my sister to the village(V. Kaverin). He is not your fiancé now, you are strangers, and therefore you can't live in the same house(A. Ostrovsky). Manage to create the appropriate conditions, and you will lengthen the life of plants(conditional-effect relations: If you manage to create conditions, then lengthen ...). The artist lifted the bow, and everything fell silent instantly.

2. SSP with spreading meaning: the second part has the character of adding to what is said in the first part. In the second part, concretizing words are often used - anaphoric pronouns and adverbs (stand at the beginning of 2 PU), indicating a person, sign, object, situation, which are mentioned in the first part of the SSP: Now it's completely dark outside, and This it was great(V. Kaverin). At the beginning of 2 PUs, there may also be synonyms or a repetition of the same word as in part 1 of the SSP: Introduced new charts, and this is an innovation significantly increased labor productivity.

3. SSP with connective-adversative meaning with union AND: parts contradict each other on the real content. Possible specifiers anyway, anyway, anyway, despite this, nevertheless etc.: a) The Germans reached Moscow, and after all they were driven away(V. Nekrasov). b) I tried to sculpt it and it didn't work..

4. SSP with identification value(conjunctions ALSO, ALSO), parts of which report two similar, identical events occurring simultaneously: People are very hungry, horses Same needed a rest(Arseniev). The strange old man spoke very drawlingly, the sounds of his voice Also amazed me(Turgenev).

5. NGN with connecting additional value ( unions YES, I): the second part contains additional information. In the role of concretizing words are in addition, moreover, besides, besides, besides and under.: Compare you to men, yeah more and old grievances will be remembered(Sholokhov).

6. NGN with connecting restrictive value. The event of the second part limits the completeness of the manifestation of the event named in the first part. Concretizing words just and under.: The same yard, the same laughter, and only you miss a little(L. Oshanin). There were no visible injuries on his body, and only small scratch on the chin(A.N. Tolstoy). Words only can serve as unions.

Compound sentence - this is a complex sentence in which simple sentences are connected by coordinating unions and, as a rule, are equal grammatically and in meaning.

Coordinating conjunctions connecting simple sentences are between simple sentences and are not included in any of them.

By alliances and by meaning compound sentences are divided into six groups.

1. Compound sentences With connecting unions: and yes(= i), neither- neither. They talk about a) the simultaneity of events and phenomena, or b) their succession one after another, or c) the conditionality of one event by another. For example: a) Neither [ viburnum does not grow between them], nor [ grass Not turns green] (I. Turgenev)- No no ; AND [ the wind rushed about quick on weeds], and [sheaves sparks raced through the fogs]... (A. Blok)- And , and ; [Only willow gi shout], Yes[cuckoo vying with each other count down unlived years for someone] (M. Sholokhov)- , Yes ;

b) [Two or three fell large drops rain], and [suddenly lightning flashed]. (I. Goncharov) - [], And ; [Door across the street in a brightly lit shop slammed], and [from it showed Xia citizen]. (M. Bulgakov)- , And .

V) [life is given once], and [ want to live her cheerfully, meaningfully, beautifully] (A. Chekhov)(the second sentence expresses the result, consequence, conclusion from the content of the first) -, and; [Tell you two words to her], and [ she is saved] (A. Chekhov)(in the first sentence, the condition of the action (state) in the second is indicated) - , and ; [It was getting hot], and I hastened home] (M. Lermontov)(in the first sentence, the reason for the action in the second is indicated) -, and; [Vacant places did not have], and [im had to stand] (V. Rasputin)- , And .

2. Compound sentences with separating unions: or (il), either, whether- or, then- that, not that- not that, or- either. They indicate alternation phenomena, on the possibility (choice) one phenomena of two or several. For example: [barking dog Brownie], or [ the breeze will rustle in darkening sheets fly by] (N. Yazykov [], il , il ; That [ Sun dim glitters], That [ cloud black hanging(N. Nekrasov)

That, that; Not that [ it was getting light], not that [ it was getting dark] (Yu. German)- Not that, not that (in sentences with conjunctions either- whether or not- not that mutual exclusion is complicated by the value of conjecture or by an indication of the difficulty in choosing the exact designation of the situation).

3. Compound sentences With adversarial unions: ah but yes(= but), however, but, but, only. In them, one phenomenon is opposed to another or something different from it. For example: [ranks people are given], A [people can be deceived] (A. Griboyedov)- , A ; [Beliefs are inculcated theory], [ behavior same formed example] (A. Herzen)(union same combines two meanings: an opposing union and an intensifying particle; therefore, it does not stand between simple sentences, but after the first word of the second sentence, emphasizing this word) -, [same]; [They, Certainly, don't know me], yes \ I something them I know] (F. Dostoevsky)- , Yes ; [Fedya never didn't cry], but [ found on him at times wild stubbornness] (I. Turgenev)- , but ; [She didn't move], Just a bit eyebrows moved] (V. Rasputin)- , only ; [Was already spring month March], however [at night the trees cracked from the cold, as in December] (A. Chekhov)- , however . (The opposite union “however” always stands at the beginning of a simple sentence, it can be replaced by the union “but”, a comma is not placed after it. The introductory word “however” homonymous to the union is not at the beginning (i.e. in the middle or at the end) sentences and is separated by commas in writing. We were all waiting for him, but (but) he did not come.- We were all waiting for him, but he did not come.)

4. Compound sentences With gradation-comparative unions: not only ... but also, not that ... but (but), if not ... then, not that ... but (a), not so much ... how much. In such sentences, phenomena are compared or contrasted according to the degree
significance: what is reported in the second sentence is presented as in one way or another more significant, effective or convincing in comparison with what is said in the first (what is said in the second sentence has for the speaker more significance). For example: [ cmnot that cruel, but [he is too de yat spruce character] (L. Tolstoy)- not that, but; Not only [ Sonya without paint couldn't stand this look], but also [the old the countess and Natasha blushed noticing this look] (L. Tolstoy)- Not only but .

5. Compound sentences With connecting unions: yes, and, too, also, moreover, moreover. The second sentence in them has the character of an additional or incidental remark, often unexpected, as if it had just come to mind. [He felt in front of her child], and [ she thought him for the child] (F. Dostoevsky)- , yes and ; [Poor Nadya has nowhere else to go hear those words], and [no one pronounce them] (A, Chekhov)- , yes and ; [Face her it was pale], [slightly open lips Same turned pale] (I. Turgenev)- ., [too] (conjunctions Same And Also close in value to the union And, but they do not stand between simple sentences, but within the second).

6. Compound sentences with explanatory unions: that is, namely, They indicate the identity, equivalence of situations, while the second sentence explains, concretizes the idea expressed in the first. For example: [Also here lived in native Lozishchi and to some Osip Lozinsky], i.e. [ lived, to tell the truth, it doesn’t matter] (V. Korolenko)- , that is ; [Men's room servants were brought we have to a minimum], namely: [for the whole house no more than two lackeys were supposed to suffice] (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin)- , namely .

Syntactic analysis of a compound sentence

Scheme for parsing a compound sentence

1. Determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative, incentive).

2 Characterize the sentence by emotional coloring (exclamatory or non-exclamatory).

3. Determine the number of simple sentences in the complex and find their boundaries, highlight the grammatical foundations of each simple sentence that is part of the complex.

4. Indicate which coordinating union connects simple sentences into a complex one, and determine the semantic relationships between them.

5 Make a graphic diagram of a compound sentence.

6. Explain the placement of punctuation marks.

Example of parsing a compound sentence

[You are many years late], but [still I glad) (A. Akhmatova).

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, compound, consists of two simple sentences connected by a composing adversative union “but”, a relationship of opposition (with a touch of concession); simple sentences in the composition of a compound in writing are separated by a comma.

That \ fell as if fog], then [suddenly allowed oblique, large rain] (L. Tolstoy).

That , that .

The sentence is declarative, non-exclamatory, compound, consists of two simple sentences connected by a repeating coordinating divisive union “this - that”, an alternation relationship; simple sentences in the composition of a compound in writing are separated by a comma.

[Women flicker in tents], and [ yapping mutts sha-lye], and [samovars roses scarlet are burning in taverns and houses] (O. Mandelstam).

And , and .

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, compound, consists of three simple sentences connected by a repeating coordinating conjunction “and”, simultaneous phenomena are listed; simple sentences in a compound sentence are separated by commas in writing.

In the process of communication, a person forms his thoughts into simple or complex syntactic constructions. Not the last place among them is occupied by a compound sentence.

The examples and theoretical information presented below will help you understand the construction and punctuation of syntaxes of this type.

A complex syntactic construction, consisting of two or more simple components equal in meaning, united by means of coordinating conjunctions, is called an SSP, or a compound sentence.

Let's look at examples: “The doctor told jokes, but the conversation still didn't go well. The crowd flowed like a river in front of them, but, finally, it thinned out, and the last congratulators left ”(According to Maupassant).

The first of the presented designs consists of two parts, the second - of three. They are connected by unions and, but .

It is impossible to ask a question from one predicative construction to another.

Take note! It is necessary to distinguish between compound sentences and non-union, expressing a sequence of actions or their comparison:
“Sparrows chirped under the windows, the darkness dissolved, the whole district was illuminated by the morning sun. The night has long since come and he hasn't gone to bed."
Although their components are equal, there are no unions between them that necessarily connect parts of a compound sentence.

Unions within the SSP

Simple sentences that form compound sentences connect the coordinating conjunctions of the following groups:

  • and, and ... and, too, yes (in the meaning of and), neither ... nor, also, not only ... but also, like ... and - connecting;
  • but, yes (in the meaning of but), but, on the other hand, however, but on the other hand, however - adversative;
  • or, either, not that ... not that, then ... that, or ... or - dividing;
  • i.e., explanatory.

Accordingly, compound sentences are combined into three groups, namely:

  • with connecting unions;
  • explanatory;
  • separating;
  • opposing.

Let's take a closer look at each of these groups.

Constructions with connecting unions

A compound sentence of this type can be gleaned from literature and colloquial speech: “ Kolomeichenko invites me to sit on the hay, and a long conversation about boibaks begins ”(According to V. Orlov). "Friends hurried home, I followed them too."

“The water murmured merrily in the stream, and a bird unknown to me sang somewhere nearby.” “Not only adults went out to harvest, but the children did not fall behind them.” "And Ivanov couldn't come to the meeting, and his partner got sick." "You will harvest, and you will winter."

“I can’t see the light of the sun, nor is there room for my roots” (I. Krylov). “Mom received her nephew cordially, he also tried to give her every attention.”

The most common are compound sentences containing constructions with the union and. The semantic connection of the parts that form the SSP of this type is not the same. They can express:

  • Temporary relationship. At the same time, the phenomena that they talk about occur either simultaneously or sequentially: “Somewhere in the distance, muffled chords were heard, and a hoarse male voice was heard. This invisible wall suddenly parted, and long-restrained sounds gushed out from behind it with terrifying force ”(A. Kuprin).
  • Cause-and-effect relationships: “Grandfather always looked after his health, and therefore even old age did not deprive him of vigor and a clear mind. Indistinct chatter and noise ran through the whole crowd, and after that the words were clearly heard: "Stolen." ().

Constructions with separating unions

Consider some examples of syntactic constructions of this type: “A bird will take off, or an elk will sound in the distance. Either I don't understand, or you don't want to understand me. “The thunder rumbled, or the cannon struck. Clouds will come in, then the sun will suddenly come out.

Separating SSPs with repeated or, less commonly, single unions are called phenomena that, according to the speaker, are not able to occur at the same moment.

Either one of them excludes the other, or they follow in succession.

Take note! Compound sentences and complicated by homogeneous members are simple with the union or, as well as and, but are often confused. To avoid mistakes, you should look at the number of grammatical bases.
“For a second, a stone will appear in the bushes, or an animal will jump out of the grass, and the steppe will flash again.”
“Meanwhile, the devil crept slowly towards the moon and already stretched out his hand to grab it, but suddenly pulled it back, as if burned, dangled his foot and ran from the other side, and again jumped back and pulled his hand back” (N. Gogol).

Adverse SSP

Consider examples with the union but, but, but, yes, which are most often found in modern language: "Angelica's eyes are tearful, but he did not notice anything" (According to V. Shishkov). He began to work, and lazy, domestic thoughts wandered in his head for a long time ”(A. Chekhov).

“The pie was not baked, but the compote was a success. I wanted to call my parents, but the phone disappeared somewhere. As we can see, the phenomena referred to in these SSPs are opposed to each other.

SSPs with an adversative meaning can only contain particles and all that perform the function of unions in them: “Separation did not help to forget, only the pain worsened. The back of the head ached a lot, but the legs almost let go.

Constructions with explanatory unions

In this form, the SSP is used only, namely, that is. In colloquial speech, such constructions are rare. The scope of their application is book styles: "The time was good, that is, no one could enter." "The weather is terrible, namely the rain pours incessantly."

Features of punctuation marks

The SSP of any group usually contains a comma separating its components.

However, if there is a common secondary member, or subordinate clause, in front of them, then it should not be put: “During a blizzard, the wolf does not leave the den and the lynx does not hunt.” “When the sun rose, everything around sparkled with colors and the water turned silver.”

An exception will be cases when we have a sentence with a repeating union: “Laden carts slowly crawled along the road, and light riders rushed by, and the peasants were slowly going nowhere.”

Take note! If parts of the SSP are nominative, interrogative or impersonal constructions with predicates similar in meaning, then they are not separated by a comma:
"Tour of the city and lunch at a diner." “How much sand has flowed and what is the current date?” "Don't be late and don't miss class."

It is also necessary to mention those cases when in SSP a comma is replaced by a colon or a dash.

A dash is placed if:

  1. The second sentence is unexpectedly opposed to the first.
  2. The second predicative construction contains an instant attachment to the previous one.

A colon is placed between the components of the BSC if:

  1. They already have commas inside.
  2. They have many members.
  3. They are not very closely related in meaning.

To illustrate a compound sentence of a special type, consider examples from fiction:

“I didn’t have time to go out the door - and now, at least gouge out my eye!” (N. Gogol)

“I was ready to leave with every cart, to leave with every gentleman of respectable appearance who hired a cab; but no one, resolutely no one, invited me, as if they had forgotten me ”().

“He stopped, squatted down, but as soon as she approached him with hesitant steps, he, jumping up like a devil jumping out of a box, flew to the opposite end of the living room” (G. Maupassant).

Useful video

Summing up

As you can see, sentences with coordinating conjunctions not only differ in typical variety, but also do not have a standard punctuation. We hope that the material presented in the article will be useful in solving theoretical and practical problems related to the BSC.

In contact with

Complex sentences- These are sentences consisting of several simple ones.

The main means of connecting simple sentences in complex ones are intonation, conjunctions (coordinating and subordinating) and allied words (relative pronouns and pronominal adverbs).

Depending on the means of communication, complex sentences are divided into allied And unionless. Allied proposals are subdivided into compound And complex subordinate.

Compound sentences (SSP) are complex sentences in which simple sentences are connected to each other by intonation and coordinating conjunctions.

Types of compound sentences by the nature of the union and meaning

SSP type Unions Examples
1. connecting unions(connective relationship). AND; Yes(in meaning And); no no; yes and; Same; Also; not only but.

They opened the door, and air from the yard flowed into the kitchen.(Paustovsky).
Her face is pale, slightly parted lips also turned pale.(Turgenev).
Not only was there no fish, but the rod did not even have a fishing line.(Sadovsky).
He did not like jokes, and she was with him left alone(Turgenev).

2. Compound sentences with opposing alliances(opposite relationship). A; But; Yes(in meaning But); however(in meaning But); but; but; and then; not that; not that; a particle(in the meaning of union A); particle only(in the meaning of union But).

Ivan Petrovich left, but I stayed(Leskov).
Beliefs are inspired by theory, behavior is shaped by example.(Herzen).
I didn't eat anything, but I didn't feel hungry.(Tendryakov).
It rained in the morning, but now the clear sky shone above us(Paustovsky).
you today should talk with his father, otherwise he will worry about your departure(Pismsky).
Boats immediately disappear into the darkness, only bursts of oars and voices of fishermen are heard for a long time.(Dubov).

3. Compound sentences with divisive unions(separating relations). Or; or; not that ..., not that; then ... then; whether... or.

Either eat the fish or run aground(proverb).
Either he envied Natalia, or he regretted her(Turgenev).
Either silence and loneliness affected him, or he just suddenly looked with different eyes at the situation that had become familiar(Simonov).


1) Coordinating conjunctions can connect not only parts of a compound sentence, but also homogeneous members. Their distinction is especially important for punctuation marks. Therefore, when parsing, be sure to highlight the grammatical foundations in order to determine the type of sentence (simple with homogeneous members or a compound sentence).

Wed: From the smoky hole a man walked and carried a large sturgeon(Peskov) - a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates; I’ll give money for the road, and you can call a helicopter(Peskov) - a compound sentence.

2) Coordinating conjunctions usually take place at the beginning of the second part (the second simple sentence).

In some places, the Danube serves as a border, but it serves as a road people to each other(Peskov).

The exceptions are unions, too, also, particles-unions are the same, only. They necessarily take or can take place in the middle of the second part (the second simple sentence).

My sister and I were crying, my mother was also crying.(Aksakov); His comrades treated him with hostility, while the soldiers truly loved him.(Kuprin).

Therefore, when parsing such complex sentences, they are often confused with non-union complex sentences.

3) The double union not only ..., but also expresses gradation relations and is referred to as connecting unions in school textbooks. Very often, when parsing, only its second part is taken into account ( but also) and are mistakenly referred to as adversarial unions. In order not to be mistaken, try replacing this double union with the union and.

Wed: The language should not only understandable or vulgar but also the language must be good (L. Tolstoy). - Language should be understandable or vernacular, and language must be good.

4) Compound sentences vary greatly in meaning. Quite often they are close in value to complex sentences.

Wed: You leave - and it becomes dark(Schefner). - If you leave, it will become dark; I didn't eat anything, but I didn't feel hungry.(Tendryakov). - Although I didn't eat anything, I didn't feel hungry.

However, when parsing, it is not this particular meaning that is taken into account, but the meaning determined by the type of the coordinating union (connective, adversative, divisive).

Notes. In some textbooks and manuals, compound sentences include complex sentences with explanatory conjunctions. that is, namely, For example: The board authorized him to speed up the work, that is, in other words, he authorized himself to this(Kuprin); The flights of birds have developed as an adaptive instinctive act, namely: it gives the birds opportunity to avoid adverse winter conditions(Peskov). Other researchers attribute them to complex sentences or distinguish them as an independent type of complex sentences. Some researchers of sentences with particles only refer to non-union sentences.



1. The concept of BSC. Classification of BSC by potential quantitative composition: compound sentences of open and closed structure (V.A. Beloshapkova).

2. Traditional classification of BSC in accordance with the semantic groups of conjunctions.

2.1. BSC with connecting unions of an open and closed structure.

2.2. NGN with separating unions.

2.3. NGN with opposing unions.

2.4. NGN with connecting unions.

2.5. NGN with explanatory conjunctions.

2.6. Gradational SSP.

3. Punctuation marks in the SSP.

Compound sentence(SSP) is a complex sentence, the parts of which are connected by coordinating conjunctions and, as a rule, are equal grammatically and in meaning. Coordinating conjunctions are not included in any of them, they are not members of the sentence.

The classification of compound sentences in Russian linguistics has not changed significantly. Starting with the grammar of N.I. In Greek, all descriptions of the SSP were built according to the same principle: by the nature of the semantic relations between the components and in accordance with the semantic groups of conjunctions, connecting, dividing and adversative sentences were distinguished. Only the description of semantic groups within these classes changed and became more detailed. In addition, two more classes of compound sentences were added to the traditionally distinguished three classes in the 50s of the 20th century: explanatory sentences in which parts are connected by explanation or clarification relations (the unions are specific exponents of these relations that is, namely and functionally close to them other allied means), and connecting sentences in which the second part contains an "additional message" about the content of the first part.

The most consistent and consistent classification of the BSC, based on structural and semantic features, was given by Vera Arsenyevna Beloshapkova. She considers the potential quantitative composition to be the main structural feature of the BSC.

All SSPs are divided into two types: open and closed structure.

Parts of compound sentences open structures represent an open series, they are built of the same type. Means of communication - proper connecting and separating unions, which can be repeated. Such sentences can have an unlimited number of parts and can always be continued. For example: Yes somewhere a night bird was screaming... Let's try to continue this proposal. A trickle of water splashed softly Yes somewhere a night bird screamed, Yes something white stirred in the bushes(Korolenko). There can be more than two predicative units (PU) in the open structure BSC: That a long bough will suddenly hook her by the neck, That gold earrings will be pulled out of the ears by force; That in the fragile snow, a wet shoe will get stuck from a sweet little foot; That she drops her handkerchief...(P.).

In offers closed the structure of the part is a closed series, it is always two parts, structurally and semantically interdependent, connected. The second part in them closes the row and does not imply the presence of a third. For example: Need brings people together A wealth separates them; He wanted to say something to him But the fat man is already gone(G.). Means of communication - non-repeating unions: but, but, however, yes and; not only but and etc.

By conjunctions and by meaning, compound sentences are divided into six groups.


List of connecting unions (single and repeated): and, yes, also, also, also; like... so and, yes... yes, and... and.

Compound sentences with connecting unions can have an open and closed structure. They are called self-connecting and non-proper-connecting BSCs (according to another terminology: homogeneous composition and heterogeneous composition).

2.1.1. SSP open structure (self-connecting; homogeneous composition)

Such BSCs reflect different semantic relationships between PUs. Unions AND (AND ... AND), NI ... NI, YES (YES ... YES).

In such SSPs, predicative parts express connective-enumerative relations; they report on:

A) simultaneity of events and phenomena: Neither [viburnum Not grows between them] neither [grass Not turns green] (I. Turgenev); AND [the wind rushed about swift through the weeds], And[sheaves sparks raced through the mists]... (A. Blok). [Only willow gi shout], Yes[cuckoo vying with each other count down someone unlived years](M. Sholokhov). As a rule, in this case, the relations between the parts of the SSP are autosemantic, i.e. they can act as independent simple sentences: (see the first sentence) Kalina does not grow between them. The grass is not green.

b) about their succession one after another, the sequence: [Fallen two three large drops rain], and [suddenly lightning flashed] (I. Goncharov [Door across the street in a brightly lit shop slammed], and [from it a citizen appeared] (M. Bulgakov). This meaning can be specified by the words then, then, after.

Connecting SSPs of an open structure (homogeneous composition) can consist of two, three or more PUs.

Such SSPs may have a common secondary member of the sentence or a common subordinate clause (in this case, a comma is not placed between the parts of the SSP):

away dark and groves are strict(I. Bunin): union And connected impersonal one-part PE Dark and two-part Groves are strict. Determinant (common member of the BSC) away clearly shows that homogeneous facts are enumerated.

(When the sun came up), [the dew dried up]And [grass turns green] Subordinate clause When the sun came up refers immediately to both PUs connected by connecting relations, therefore, a comma is not placed before the union AND.

The simultaneity and sequence of the enumerated facts is often emphasized by means of the correspondence of the aspectual-temporal forms of predicates in different PUs (as a rule, predicates are expressed by verbs of the same type): At that very moment [above the hill took off straightaway dozens of rockets] and [in a frenzied patter flooded machine guns] (Sedykh). In both parts of the SSP, the verbs are predicates of the perfect form. Common member of the sentence (time circumstance) at the same moment emphasizes the relationship of simultaneity and prevents the setting of a comma between PEs.

2.1.2. SSP of a closed structure (improperly connecting; heterogeneous composition)

The predicative parts are connected here by non-repeating unions AND, YES, ALSO, ALSO, which are accompanied by words specifying meanings. They consist only from two PEs. The relations between the parts of the BSC are synsemantic, i.e. one sentence is related in meaning to another, especially if there are concretizing words.

stands out six types improperly connecting BSC.

1. Sentences with meaning consequences - conclusion, condition-consequence, result, quick change of events. They often use words that concretize the meaning therefore, hence, hence, consequently(concretizers - words and phrases that are connected to the union and clarify its meaning). The second part reports on the result, consequence, conclusion arising from the content of the first part: We were starving and[That's why] mother finally decided to send me and my sister to the village(V. Kaverin). He is not your fiancé now, you are strangers, and therefore you can't live in the same house(A. Ostrovsky). Manage to create the appropriate conditions, and you will lengthen the life of plants(conditional-effect relations: If you manage to create conditions, then lengthen ...). The artist lifted the bow, and everything fell silent instantly.

2. SSP with spreading meaning: the second part has the character of adding to what is said in the first part. In the second part, concretizing words are often used - anaphoric pronouns and adverbs (stand at the beginning of 2 PU), indicating a person, sign, object, situation, which are mentioned in the first part of the SSP: Now it's completely dark outside, and This it was great(V. Kaverin). At the beginning of 2 PUs, there may also be synonyms or a repetition of the same word as in part 1 of the SSP: Introduced new charts, and this is an innovation significantly increased labor productivity.

3. SSP with connective-adversative meaning with union AND: parts contradict each other on the real content. Possible specifiers anyway, anyway, anyway, despite this, nevertheless etc.: a) The Germans reached Moscow, and after all they were driven away(V. Nekrasov). b) I tried to sculpt it and it didn't work..

4. SSP with identification value(conjunctions ALSO, ALSO), parts of which report two similar, identical events occurring simultaneously: People are very hungry, horses Same needed a rest(Arseniev). The strange old man spoke very drawlingly, the sounds of his voice Also amazed me(Turgenev).

5. NGN with connecting additional value ( unions YES, I): the second part contains additional information. In the role of concretizing words are in addition, moreover, besides, besides, besides and under.: Compare you to men, yeah more and old grievances will be remembered(Sholokhov).

6. NGN with connecting restrictive value. The event of the second part limits the completeness of the manifestation of the event named in the first part. Concretizing words just and under.: The same yard, the same laughter, and only you miss a little(L. Oshanin). There were no visible injuries on his body, and only small scratch on the chin(A.N. Tolstoy). Words only can serve as unions.


List of dividing unions: or, or, but that, not that, but not that; or ... or, either ... or; whether ... whether, whether ... or, at least ... at least, what ... what, be it ... or; otherwise, not ... so, if (and) not ... then; not that ... not that, either ... or; then ... then;union analogues : and maybe (be), and maybe (be) and; maybe (be) ... maybe (be), maybe (be) ...:

These are open structure proposals. The main relations between PUs in the BSC with divisive unions are the relations of mutual exclusion and alternation:

1. Relationship mutual exclusion: unions or, or, not that ... not that; either ... or: Or pan, or gone. Whether winter, either spring, either autumn(K. Simonov). Either the plague will pick me up, or the frost will ossify, Or the barrier will slam into my forehead(A. Pushkin). I won't come back to you, or maybe I'll stay with you(City 312).

2. In separating SSPs with the value alternation a sequence of successive events that do not coincide in time is reported: That the sun shines dimly, That a black cloud hangs(Nekrasov).

TASKS FOR SELF-ANALYSIS (checking at the lecture)

Exercise 1. Give a description of compound sentences of an open structure in terms of their structure and semantics. Specify shades of values. For example: Either you are stupid or you are deceiving me. This SSP consists of 2 PUs: 1 PU You are stupid and 2 PE You're lying. The formal means of communication is a repeated disjunctive union or either. Mutual exclusion relations between the parts of the BSC.

1. During the night, the sea calmed down a little, the wind died down, and the fog began to dissipate.

2. Let either he leave, or we will leave.

3. Not a single insect buzzes in the grass, not a single bird chirps in a tree.

4. The pines parted, and Margarita quietly rode up through the air to a chalk cliff (Bulg.)

Task 2. Describe the BSC with the union AND, indicating the structural type (open or closed structure), structural-semantic category (relationships between parts of the BSC) and shades of meaning (semantic varieties). For example: The shells thunderedand the bullets whistled, / And the machine gun scribbled loudly, / And the girl Masha infrozen overcoat / Leads all the fighters to the attack. This is an open structure SSP, since there are more than 2 PUs and others can be added. Structural-semantic category: NGN with self-connecting relations. The connotation of meaning is the meaning of simultaneity.

1. He was given an apartment, and he settled in a fortress (Lerm.).

2. The night was windy, rainy, and this contributed to the success.

3. Silence reigned all around, and only at the top, on the rifts, the water rustled dully.

4. One jump - and the lion is already on the buffalo's head.

5. The river was completely covered with fins, and, therefore, everywhere it was possible to freely move from one bank to another.

6. They gave six fur coats for Nadia, and the cheapest of them, according to her grandmother, cost three hundred rubles (A.P. Chekhov)

7. I have a wife, two girls, and, moreover, my wife is an unhealthy lady (A.P. Chekhov)

Task number 3. Make a complete parsing of the SSP.

Parsing sample.

And the sluggish grass smells, crystal hoarfrost, and, barely distinguishable, the sad star shines(V. Tushnova)

1. According to the purpose of the statement - narrative.

2. By emotional coloring - non-exclamatory.

3. Complex, because consists of 2 PU: 1 PU: AND[sluggish grass smells, crystal frost]. 2 PE - And[hardly distinguishable, the sad star shines]. PEs are interconnected by a coordinating union And, therefore, this is a compound sentence (CSP). Union And connecting, so in the very general view relations in the BSC can be characterized as connecting. The parts of the SSP are an open series, i.e., a sentence of an open structure: it can be continued by adding other PUs with the same grammatical meaning (enumerative). Relationships are autosemantic. The situations reflected in the PE are thought by the speaker as simultaneous. The grammatical means of expressing simultaneity are the forms of the non-syn. type of verbs-predicates: smells - shines.

Scheme: and , and .

4. Analysis of each PU.

1 PE: And the sluggish grass smells, from crystal hoarfrost.

grass smells

b) Complete.

c) Common: grass (what?) sluggish

from frost crystal, expressed by an adjective with dependent words.

2 PE: and, barely visible, the star shines sadly.

a) A two-part sentence. Subject star expressed by a noun in I.p. Simple verb predicate glitters expressed by conjugated verb present. temp. inconsistent in

b) Complete.

c) Common: star (what?) sad - an agreed definition expressed by an adjective.

d) Complicated by a common isolated definition barely visible, expressed participle turnover.

Suggestions for parsing

1. I don’t want to think about anything, or thoughts and memories wander, muddy and unclear, like a dream (A. Serafimovich).

2. The kick is short - and the ball is in the goal.


Compound sentences of closed structure With adversarial unions: ah but yes(= but), however, but, but, yes(in meaning But).

According to the structural features and basic grammatical meanings, all compound sentences with adversative conjunctions are divided into two groups: 1) comparative and 2) adversative sentences.

Comparative relations characteristic of BSC with interchangeable unions and (meanwhile)(conjunction-particle), where phenomena that are dissimilar in some way are compared, but with all the dissimilarity they do not cancel each other, but seem to coexist: Need brings people together A wealth separates them(Need brings people together, wealth same separates them). His comrades treated him with hostility, while his comrades loved him.(Kuprin). Often relationships are based on antithesis (antonymy). Hence the presence in the predicative parts of comparative sentences of typified lexical elements - the compared words of one thematic group.

The most common among such sentences are sentences with the broadest meaning and stylistically neutral union. A. For example: The bottom of the tower was stone, and the top was wooden...(Chekhov); He is already over forty, and she is thirty ...(Chekhov).

Union same, associated in origin with the amplifying particle same, retains its excretory-enhancing value; the origin of this union determines its position; it does not stand between the predicative parts, but after the first word of the second part, highlighting it. Such sentences are called comparative-excretory sentences. For example: Comrades treated him hostilely, the soldiers same truly loved(Kuprin); From our battery Salty will go on a barge, we same with a combat unit(Chekhov).

Offers from adversarial relationship according to semantics (i.e., according to the nature of the relationship between the parts of the BSC) are based on the inconsistency of the events referred to in the predicative parts, and are divided into four groups.

1) antagonistic-restrictive sentences (unions however, but, yes), in which the phenomenon of the second part limits the possibility of implementation, effectiveness or completeness of the manifestation of the phenomenon named in the first part. This grammatical meaning can be traced most clearly in constructions with the subjunctive or “invalid” forms (with the particle was) moods, with auxiliary verbs want, wish and under.: Perhaps I would have eaten some snow, But on Sukharevka the snow was dirty(V. Kaverin). He began to pour her tea But she stopped(V. Kaverin). In other cases, restrictive relations are formalized by lexical means: A good flower, but a sharp spike.

These SSPs are close in semantics to sentences with a connective-restrictive meaning, where the word only performs the union function: The flower is good, only the thorn is sharp.

Unions and that, not that match the words otherwise, otherwise; sentences with them are usually used in colloquial everyday speech: 1) You, Tisha, come quickly,otherwise mother will scold again(Sharp).2) Tell the truthnot that you will get.

2) In the opposite-concessive The SSP, the adversative meaning is complicated by the concessive one (such an SSP can be replaced by a complex sentence, in the subordinate part of which there are unions although, despite the fact that ): [I had my own room in the house], But[I lived in the yard in a hut](A.P. Chekhov ). – (Although I had my own room in the house), [I lived in the yard in a hut] . Possible specifiers nevertheless, nevertheless, in spite of this, meanwhile, in spite of this and etc.: The bird has told you nonsense but anyway he is a good person(N. Ostrovsky) .

3) B adversative-compensatory SSP (unions but, but yes) events are assessed: positive in one part, negative in the other: Cannons rust in the arsenals, but shako sparkle(K. Simonov). A shako is a solid high headdress of some military units.

4) B adversarial The SSP second part complements the first. As in connective-distributive sentences, in the second part there is a concretizing word This: I turned my back on him, but This seems to heighten his suspicions(V. Kaverin).
