The meaning of a name is always associated with its history and origin. As usual, the history of the name has a generally accepted and several alternative versions, and hence its meanings.

The most popular hypothesis for the origin of the name is the Greek theory. According to her, the name Angelina comes from the Greek word άγγελο (Angelos), which translates as "messenger" or "messenger". So it can be argued that the name Angelina means "messenger" or "messenger". According to ancient Greek myths, this is one of the epithets that called the main gods of Olympus, Zeus and Artemis. Read the rest of the hypotheses in the article "The origin of the name Angelina".

Angelina has a lot of related names. These are the names Angelica, Angela, Angela and many others.

The meaning of the name Angelina for a girl

Angelina is a very joyful and eager to learn child. She is constantly looking for something new. All corners in the house Angelina must examine. This feature imposes on parents a special mission for the safety of the child. Parents, however, will have to come to terms with the inevitable side effects curiosity when Angelina grows up. Usually a girl learns to walk and talk early.

Play little angelina love more with boys. This choice is rather due to its activity and internal energy. She can play with girls, but it is in games that require high activity. This feature should also be considered by parents when choosing a name.

Studying for Angelina is difficult. She has a fairly independent and self-willed character, subordination to others is almost always a burden for her. However, she sincerely does not understand what is wrong with this. Parents have a difficult task to instill in Angelina a love of learning.

The health of a girl named Angelina does not cause any particular problems. Her weak points in health we can name the nervous system and the spine. Angelina herself treats her health carelessly, so here it is up to the care of her parents.

Short name Angelina

Angela, Angela, Gelina, Gel, Gela (Gella), Elya, Ela, Lina, Gelusya.

Diminutive names

Angelinka, Angel, Angel, Angel, Gelushka, Gelichka.

Name Angelina in English

IN English language the name Angelina is spelled as Angelina.

Name Angelina for passport- ANGELINA.

Translation of the name Angelina into other languages

in Bulgarian - Angelina
in Hungarian - Angelina
in Greek - Αγγελίνα
Spanish - Angelina
in Italian - Angelina
in Chinese - 安琪兒凌
in Latin - Angelina
in German - Angelina
in Polish - Angelina, Andzelina
in Serbian - Angelina, Anjelina
in Slovak - Angelina
in Ukrainian - Angelina
in French - Angelina
in Japanese - アンゲリナ

Church name Angelina(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - this is a church name.

Characteristics of the name Angelina

Angelina rarely lives up to expectations on her own behalf. She is wayward and rather difficult to communicate with. It is difficult to find an approach to her and many simply try to exclude her from their social circle. Angelina herself is not particularly worried about this.

Relations with colleagues at Angelina are built hard. Her character and at work does not give her rest. However, her perseverance and ability to stand her ground can bring success in her career. The main thing is to apply these features of Angelina's character in a peaceful way.

Angelina is a good hostess, which is completely unusual for her in childhood. At the same time, she herself does not like to visit guests. Agelinka can get married early, but unfortunately her first marriage is rarely successful.

The secret of the name Angelina

Angelina's secret number one can be called the fact that she loves power, and sometimes even shows dictatorial inclinations. Angelina cannot stand compromises and negotiate - this is not her strong strong point. She is a "fighter" by nature and considers negotiations and diplomacy to be for the weak.

The second secret of the name can be called the fact that Angelina is very trusting. Many people around cannot believe that a person with such a difficult character can be so gullible. For herself, it is better if it remains a secret.

Planet- Moon.

Zodiac sign- Cancer.

totem animal- Trout.

Name color- Light green.

Tree- Apple tree.

Plant- Water lily.

Stone- Chrysolite.

Description of the name Angelina.

When choosing a name for a child, remember that it will have a strong enough influence on his future life. If you plan to name your daughter a beautiful name Angelina, then be prepared for the fact that a stubborn, wayward and very ambitious child will grow up in your family.

What does the name Angelina mean according to the church calendar

The meaning of the name church calendar

There are enough different transcripts named after Angelina. Some of them claim that it appeared at the time of the baptism of Rus' and meant appearance of an angel. Later sources decipher this name a little differently and claim that it means messenger or Messenger of God. And although it is not originally Russian, in church books it is written without changes in the way that most clergy translate it into Russian, as Angel.

Saint patron named Angelina

This name is patronized by the Reverend Angelina of Serbia. This woman was a representative of a wealthy Serbian family and lived in luxury from birth. But after she got married, her life took a turn for the worse and she had to spend a lot of time in exile away from everyone she loved.

But even in such a difficult life situation, she did not break down, and tried to the best of her ability to help people in need. All her life she built temples and small churches and carried God's word to the masses. And at that moment, when her life, it would seem, began to improve in her family, grief happened again - her son died. After this tragedy, Angelina Serbskaya took tonsure and became the abbess of the convent.

She spent the rest of her life praying for her family. After her death, people, in memory of her kindness, decency and patience, proclaimed her a Saint and began to worship her relics, housed in the same monastery in which she spent her worldly life.

The secret of the name Angelina

The mystery of the appearance of the name Angelina is associated with the Greek God Angelos. Since in those ancient times the celestials could safely descend to earth, he played the role of a messenger who conveyed to ordinary people the wishes and orders of the Almighty.

And when troubled times came, and the Gods could no longer descend to earth, he entered into a relationship with an earthly woman, and as a result of this, a beautiful, angel-like girl was born, who was named Angelina.

It was believed that she would play the role of God's messenger on earth, helping people not to succumb to temptations. That is why in those days they tried to bring up girls who bore this name in strictness or, in general, immediately after birth they were sent to a monastery.

What nationality is the name Angelina?

In the primary sources, the name Angelina is considered exclusively Greek, as it was there that they first called the newborn girl. She was given this name because her father was the envoy of Zeus and Artemis Angelos. And since in those days it was strictly forbidden to give girls male names, the name of the messenger of the Gods was slightly changed and made it female.

In addition, some sources attribute it to personal Russian names that are given to a person at birth or when he changes his name. This version is connected with the fact that it was recorded in the very first church Christmas time.

Name Angelina: meaning and popularity

Angelina: meaning and popularity

If we talk about the popularity of the name Angelina, then we can definitely say that young parents like it. As practice shows, most often they are called girls in big cities and towns.

But in the villages, this name is not particularly popular. Since for the most part people live there who are very careful about Russian traditions, they try to choose more familiar names for their children.

Meaning of the name:

  • A- high work capacity and diligence
  • H- Caution in dealing with strangers
  • G- strong attachment to loved ones
  • E- Confidence in your strength
  • L- Compassion and kindness
  • AND- Desire to make the world a better place

Name Angelina in English, German, different languages

The language of each nation is unique in its own way. That is why the same name in different languages ​​sounds different. So that you can understand how you can pronounce this word differently, we offer you information on how Angelina will sound in English, German or French.


  • English- Angelina, Angie, Angel, Lina
  • French- Angeline, Angelina
  • German- Angie, Angie, Angel, Angel, Linnel
  • Spanish- Angelina, Helina, Angelino
  • Portuguese- Angel, Anjinja, Jelinika
  • Italian- Agnolina, Gandzhulina, Anzelina, Ginino
  • Serbian- Angelina, Ghana, Gela

How is the name Angelina spelled in the passport?

Name spelling in passport

If you are going abroad for the first time, you must check whether your name is written correctly in the passport. In view of this, you should know that all words in this official document must be written in Latin, which can be read in absolutely all countries.

The Russian name Angelina in the passport must be written as Angelina. It is also acceptable in some countries to write Anguelyna And Angelina. But still if you don't want to have unnecessary problems, then give preference to the first example of writing.

Angelina: what is an abbreviated short name, diminutive?

Most people believe that the name Angelina does not have abbreviations and caressing forms. But in fact, the owners of this beautiful name can be called in completely different ways.

Affectionate forms:

  • Angelinochka
  • Angel
  • Angelinka
  • Linochka

Short and abbreviated forms:

Angelina: the meaning of the name character and fate

As mentioned a little higher, Angelina has a rather purposeful character, which sometimes pushes her to do not quite the right things. Due to the fact that she is too ambitious, sometimes she goes to her goal, as they say, over her head. That is why the adult Lina has practically no close people. But if you think that she cannot be friends, then you are deeply mistaken.

If she let someone into her life, she will cherish this person very much. Moreover, in the event of a strong quarrel, it is she who will take the first step towards reconciliation and admit that she was not entirely right. Adult Gelya belongs to the type of people who constantly need new emotions.

That is why she is always trying to find a new occupation for herself and sometimes even tries extreme sports. But despite such a controversial character, Angelina knows how to adapt to the one she really loves and respects. In view of this, in most cases, the life of the fair sex bearing this name is developing quite well.

Name Angelina: sexuality, marriage

For the most part, Angelinas are very temperamental. And if they don’t like something, they immediately express it to their partner. For this reason, for marriage, they choose men who are able to yield and cool their ardor. Ideally, they see their partner as strong, courageous, financially secure, and as silent as possible.

Of course, it is difficult to find such a person in life, so most often they choose a life partner who simply suits them sexually, and try to restrain their emotions at least a little. If Lina falls in love with a modest man, then she does not hesitate to take the initiative either in everyday life or in intimate relationships.

As practice shows, the fair sex bearing this name marry quite early and most often for a well-known person. Since they are quite careful to let strangers into their lives, marriage a month after the first meeting is unacceptable for such ladies.

Name Angelina: health and psyche

Angelinas have a phlegmatic type of character, so it is quite difficult for outsiders to understand what emotions they are experiencing at the moment. Such external closeness and excessive restraint very often repels people from them. Most often they think that in front of them is an arrogant person who does not want to get to know each other.

In fact, Lina simply takes a wait-and-see attitude and tries to understand whether she can, in general, trust a new acquaintance with some of her secrets. If we talk about Angelina's health, then we can say with confidence that she will be a frequent visitor to doctors all her life.

Due to the fact that she constantly restrains her emotions and is a lot of nervous, from time to time her body fails and this affects her work. internal organs. As practice shows, if Gelya fails to curb her emotions in adolescence and youth, then as an adult, she will face a large number of chronic diseases.

What patronymic goes with the name Angelina?

Patronymic names that enhance the positive energy of Angelina

You probably already know that everything that belongs to us carries a certain energy. Therefore, whether we like it or not, our patronymic also has on us both positive and Negative influence. As for the patronymic for Angelina, Alexandrovna is most ideal for such women and girls.

This combination will help enhance such positive features of the fair sex as sincerity, calmness and hard work. If Lina bears the middle name Evgenievna, then her character will be dominated by stubbornness, irritability and vindictiveness.

Patronymic names that enhance the positive energy of Angelina:

  • Yuryevna
  • Arkadievna
  • Vladislavovna
  • Bogdanovna
  • Valerievna
  • Ivanovna

Angelina: compatibility with male names

Angelinas are rather contradictory personalities, therefore only those men who are capable of unlimited patience are suitable as partners for them. If such a woman chooses a guy with a similar temperament, then such a union will not last long.

Male names suitable for Angelina:

  • Alexei. Guys with this name will gently suppress the excessive ambition of their partner and this will contribute to a fairly calm relationship.
  • Ivan. A person with that name will be the most ideal match for Lina. He will push her to self-development, thereby distracting from unnecessary thoughts.
  • Vladimir. Can give a girl the comfort she dreams of. If she can not notice the categoricalness of her chosen one, then such an alliance can turn out to be very strong.
  • Vyacheslav. As a rule, such men put their chosen one on a pedestal and do whatever she wants, for this reason, such a union will bring pleasure to both partners.

When is the name day, Angelina's Day according to the Orthodox calendar?

As already mentioned at the very beginning of our article, the Guardian Angel Angelin is the Reverend Angelina Serbian. In view of this, it is on the day of veneration of this Saint that the owners of this name are congratulated on their name day. Below you can see the dates on which you can congratulate Angelina you know on the holiday.


  • the 14 th of July
  • July 30
  • 12th of August
  • December 23

Congratulations on Angel's Day Angelina short in verse and prose

Congratulations #1

Congratulations #2

Congratulations #3
  • My dear Angelina! I want to congratulate you on Angel Day and wish you a lot sunny days, joyful meetings with friends and warm and unforgettable evenings with your family. Be always happy, cheerful and beautiful!
  • My dear man, I want to wish you that your guardian angel always guides you on the right path and protects you from everything bad. I wish you that your soul never knew grief, and your beautiful eyes always shone with happiness.
  • Angelina, let your guardian angel give you the strength to rise high and achieve all that you dream of. Be loved and desired and never forget that you are surrounded by people who are always ready to give you their shoulder.

Tattoo with the name Angelina: photo

Tattoo #1

Tattoo #2 Tattoo #3

Gold pendant for Angelina: photo

Pendant #1

Pendant #2

Pendant #3

Name Angelina: intuition, intelligence, morality

By nature, Angelinas are very smart. Since they have a high working capacity, they easily master everything new and, most importantly, skillfully use their skills in practice. Good intelligence allows them to always be better than others and move towards their goals with little or no obstacles. A small minus of Angelin's character is their intuition.

Due to the fact that they are very suspicious, sometimes they simply do not hear their subconscious and this leads to the fact that they have problems that require immediate solutions. Although even this state of affairs does not particularly upset the owners of this name. Their natural charisma helps them cope with all difficulties and emerge victorious even from the most hopeless situations.

Name Angelina: hobbies, activities, business

Since Angelina loves to receive fresh emotions, most often she tries to find a hobby for herself that would allow her to see something new before her eyes all the time. That is why most often the owners of this name become the organizers of parties, birthdays, various presentations and social events.

In addition, such ladies love to play music, dance and, no matter how strange it may sound, drawing. As for work, most often Angelinas choose professions for themselves that do not imply that they will have to clearly follow someone's instructions. Most often they all become flight attendants, bloggers, journalists, florists or designers.

If Lina decides to open her own business, then she gives herself completely to her offspring. As a rule, all her beginnings help her improve her financial condition, thereby making her even more independent.

What zodiac sign does the name Angelina fit?

Zodiac signs for Angelina

Most of all, the name Angelina suits girls born under the constellation Leo. Growing up, they turn into women who have the ability to attract the right people. Most often, they are well settled in life and, if possible, always help their relatives and friends. Another suitable sign for Angeline is Libra.

In this case, the stars will help make the fair sex more calm, diplomatic and friendly. It is also quite easy to call Aquarius by this name. The energy of this zodiac sign will make Lina a more open and sociable girl, always ready to help the people around her.

Stone mascot for the name Angelina

Turquoise is the talisman stone for Angeline. It is believed that she has magical energy, which can develop in the one who wears it the gift of foresight. In addition, turquoise is an excellent protection against negative energy emanating from envious people and enemies.

True, you must remember that such a talisman must be changed periodically. If you notice that it has darkened a lot, then just throw away its river and get another pebble.

Flower, plant, tree-talisman for the name Angelina

Flower talisman - water lily

In addition to turquoise, an ordinary water lily can protect Lina from negative energy. In view of this, if you want her to constantly clean the energy, then do it at home artificial pond and grow this flower in it.

In case you live in apartment building then plant an apple tree near it. She will also protect you from everything bad, but unlike the water lily, her strength will grow as her height increases.

Totem animal named Angelina

Totem animals of Angelina are toads. Since the owners of this name tend to financial independence, then they do everything so that the ladies have a stable job and a high salary. In addition, the totem animal charges Angelin with optimism very well and they stop obsessing over their problems.

Numerology Of The Name Angelina

Numerology Of The Name Angelina

The numerological number of Angeline is two. It is she who provides greatest influence on the fate of the owners of this name, making them more accommodating and friendly. In addition, the deuce, like a totem animal, attracts wealth and good luck to a woman.

Nickname for Angelina

  • Angel
  • little fairy
  • capricious
  • sweetie
  • yummy
  • Cherry
  • Pozitivchik

Famous people, celebrities named Angelina: photo

Angelina Vovk

Angelina of Wales

Angelina Varganova

Video: The meaning of the name Angelina - The Secret of the Name

Name Angelina evokes associations with the appearance and character of an angel. You should beware of such comparisons, as they have nothing to do with reality. The characterization of the name Angelina speaks of the weaknesses inherent in many of the fair sex - stubbornness, irritability, unwillingness to let strangers into their inner world. Surprisingly, at the same time her soul is filled with love and harmony.

What does the name Angelina mean according to the church calendar

There are quite a few different decodings of the name Angelina. Some of them claim that it appeared at the time of the baptism of Rus' and meant the appearance of an Angel.

And although it is not originally Russian, in church books it is written without changes in the way that most clergy translate it into Russian, like an angel.

Saint patron named Angelina

This name is patronized by the Reverend Angelina of Serbia. This woman was a representative of a wealthy Serbian family and lived in luxury from birth.

But after she got married, her life took a turn for the worse and she had to spend a lot of time in exile away from everyone she loved.

But even in such a difficult life situation, she did not break down, and tried to the best of her ability to help people in need. All her life she built temples and small churches and carried God's word to the masses.

And at that moment, when her life, it would seem, began to improve in her family, grief happened again - her son died. After this tragedy, Angelina Serbskaya took tonsure and became the abbess of the convent.

She spent the rest of her life praying for her family. After her death, people, in memory of her kindness, decency and patience, proclaimed her a Saint and began to worship her relics, housed in the same monastery in which she spent her worldly life.

The mystery of the appearance of the name Angelina is associated with the Greek God Angelos. Since in those ancient times the celestials could safely descend to earth, he played the role of a messenger who conveyed to ordinary people the wishes and orders of the Almighty.

And when troubled times came, and the Gods could no longer descend to earth, he entered into a relationship with an earthly woman, and as a result of this, a beautiful, angel-like girl was born, who was named Angelina.

It was believed that she would play the role of God's messenger on earth, helping people not to succumb to temptations. That is why in those days they tried to bring up girls who bore this name in strictness or, in general, immediately after birth they were sent to a monastery.

What nationality is the name Angelina?

In the primary sources, the name Angelina is considered exclusively Greek, as it was there that they first called the newborn girl. She was given this name because her father was the envoy of Zeus and Artemis Angelos.

And since in those days it was strictly forbidden to give girls male names, the name of the messenger of the Gods was slightly changed and made it female.

In addition, some sources attribute it to personal Russian names that are given to a person at birth or when he changes his name. This version is connected with the fact that it was recorded in the very first church Christmas time.

If we talk about the popularity of the name Angelina, then we can definitely say that young parents like it. As practice shows, most often they are called girls in big cities and towns.

But in the villages, this name is not particularly popular. Since for the most part people live there who are very careful about Russian traditions, they try to choose more familiar names for their children.

Meaning of the name:

  • A
  • H
  • G- strong attachment to loved ones
  • E- Confidence in your strength
  • L- Compassion and kindness
  • AND- Desire to make the world a better place
  • H- Caution in dealing with strangers
  • A- high work capacity and diligence

The meaning of the name character and fate

As mentioned a little higher, Angelina has a rather purposeful character, which sometimes pushes her to do not quite the right things.

Due to the fact that she is too ambitious, sometimes she goes to her goal, as they say, over her head. That is why the adult Lina has practically no close people. But if you think that she cannot be friends, then you are deeply mistaken.

If she let someone into her life, she will cherish this person very much. Moreover, in the event of a strong quarrel, it is she who will take the first step towards reconciliation and admit that she was not entirely right. Adult Gelya belongs to the type of people who constantly need new emotions.

That is why she is always trying to find a new occupation for herself and sometimes even tries extreme sports. But despite such a controversial character, Angelina knows how to adapt to the one she really loves and respects.

In view of this, in most cases, the life of the fair sex bearing this name is developing quite well.

For the most part, Angelinas are very temperamental. And if they don’t like something, they immediately express it to their partner. For this reason, for marriage, they choose men who are able to yield and cool their ardor.

Ideally, they see their partner as strong, courageous, financially secure, and as silent as possible.

Of course, it is difficult to find such a person in life, so most often they choose a life partner who simply suits them sexually, and try to restrain their emotions at least a little.

If Lina falls in love with a modest man, then she does not hesitate to take the initiative either in everyday life or in intimate relationships.

As practice shows, the fair sex bearing this name marry quite early and most often for a well-known person.

Since they are quite careful to let strangers into their lives, marriage a month after the first meeting is unacceptable for such ladies.

Health and psyche

Angelinas have a phlegmatic type of character, so it is quite difficult for outsiders to understand what emotions they are experiencing at the moment.

Such external closeness and excessive restraint very often repels people from them. Most often they think that in front of them is an arrogant person who does not want to get to know each other.

In fact, Lina simply takes a wait-and-see attitude and tries to understand whether she can, in general, trust a new acquaintance with some of her secrets. If we talk about Angelina's health, then we can say with confidence that she will be a frequent visitor to doctors all her life.

Due to the fact that she constantly restrains her emotions and is a lot of nervous, from time to time her body fails and this affects the work of internal organs.

As practice shows, if Gelya fails to curb her emotions in adolescence and youth, then as an adult, she will face a large number of chronic diseases.

Compatibility with male names

Angelinas are rather contradictory personalities, therefore only those men who are capable of unlimited patience are suitable as partners for them. If such a woman chooses a guy with a similar temperament, then such a union will not last long.

Male names suitable for Angelina:

  • Alexei. Guys with this name will gently suppress the excessive ambition of their partner and this will contribute to a fairly calm relationship.
  • Ivan. A person with that name will be the most ideal match for Lina. He will push her to self-development, thereby distracting from unnecessary thoughts.
  • Vladimir. Can give a girl the comfort she dreams of. If she can not notice the categoricalness of her chosen one, then such an alliance can turn out to be very strong.
  • Vyacheslav. As a rule, such men put their chosen one on a pedestal and do whatever she wants, for this reason, such a union will bring pleasure to both partners.

When is the name day, Angelina's Day according to the Orthodox calendar?

As already mentioned at the very beginning of our article, the Guardian Angel Angelin is the Reverend Angelina Serbian. In view of this, it is on the day of veneration of this Saint that the owners of this name are congratulated on their name day.

Below you can see the dates on which you can congratulate Angelina you know on the holiday.

  • the 14 th of July
  • July 30
  • 12th of August
  • December 23

By nature, Angelinas are very smart. Since they have a high working capacity, they easily master everything new and, most importantly, skillfully use their skills in practice.

Good intelligence allows them to always be better than others and move towards their goals with little or no obstacles. A small minus of Angelin's character is their intuition.

Due to the fact that they are very suspicious, sometimes they simply do not hear their subconscious and this leads to the fact that they have problems that require immediate solutions.

Although even this state of affairs does not particularly upset the owners of this name. Their natural charisma helps them cope with all difficulties and emerge victorious even from the most hopeless situations.

Hobbies, activities, business

Since Angelina loves to receive fresh emotions, most often she tries to find a hobby for herself that would allow her to see something new before her eyes all the time.

That is why most often the owners of this name become the organizers of parties, birthdays, various presentations and social events.

In addition, such ladies love to play music, dance and, no matter how strange it may sound, drawing. As for work, most often Angelinas choose professions for themselves that do not imply that they will have to clearly follow someone's instructions.

Most often they all become flight attendants, bloggers, journalists, florists or designers.

If Lina decides to open her own business, then she gives herself completely to her offspring. As a rule, all her beginnings help her improve her financial condition, thereby making her even more independent.

Stone mascot for the name Angelina

Turquoise is the talisman stone for Angeline. It is believed that she has magical energy, which can develop in the one who wears it the gift of foresight. In addition, turquoise is an excellent protection against negative energy emanating from envious people and enemies.

Flower, plant, tree-talisman for the name Angelina

In addition to turquoise, an ordinary water lily can protect Lina from negative energy. In view of this, if you want her to constantly clean the energy, then make an artificial pond at home and grow this flower in it.

If you live in an apartment building, then plant an apple tree near it. She will also protect you from everything bad, but unlike the water lily, her strength will grow as her height increases.


Angelina (from "angelos") is an ancient Greek name in origin. In translation, it means "angelic" or "messenger". By the way, other similar female names originated from the same root, such as Angela, Angela, Angelica.

The female name Angelina is not purely Russian Orthodox, but at the same time it is popular in our country. It has a strong energy, is compatible with many male names and endows the bearers with a whole bunch of good qualities ...

Conversational options: Angelinka, Gelina, Gelya

Modern English counterparts: Angelina, Angelina, Angiolina

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Angelina promises a lot of good, but also relatively negative qualities of character. For example, it is believed that the girl Angelina will have such traits as complaisance, waywardness, irritability, stubbornness, energy, kindness and spiritual harmony. But do not think that all Angelinas are stubborn and irritable at the same time. In fact, all the girls named by this name are unique in their own way and are divided into two categories. Some are capricious and touchy, others, on the contrary, are stubborn and persistent.

In addition, most Angelinas are purposeful and hardworking girls, trying to achieve everything in life exclusively on their own.

Advantages and positive features: friendliness and sociability, eloquence, energy and activity, the ability to find a common language even with people who clearly do not like, tact, purposefulness.

Angelinas don't treat well traitors, constant people and too necessary, monotony, boredom, self-interest and lies, arrogance and hypocrisy.

In modern times, the name Angelina is not so popular, although it is still found. Instead, variations such as Angela and Angelica are often used.

The nature of the name Angelina

The nature of the name Angelina is such that it gives the girl named this name form a difficult nature. The character of the named variation Angelina is usually endowed with such traits as kindness, attentiveness, caring, energy and activity, but at the same time there are also such as capriciousness, touchiness, adherence to principles and stubbornness. It is difficult to get along with such a person in moments when she does not like something, her character in moments of resentment pushes the people around her away from her and turns her into an explosive bomb, from which it is better to move a long distance. But at other times, she is ideal as a woman, as a person, as a friend, because she will never betray, in no case will she deceive in order to achieve her own goal, and she will not allow herself to use someone else's weaknesses for her own self-interest. And yet, her character is in many ways capable of impressing people from the environment - you never expect from her what will come to her mind and how she will behave in this or that situation ...

On the other hand, the nature of a name, especially one such as Angelina, is very unpredictable and largely depends on a variety of additional factors. so, the character of the named may depend on upbringing, on the sign of the zodiac, and even on the season of birth.

Early childhood

The early childhood of a girl, who is patronized by the meaning of the beautiful name Angelina, is full of emotions, sudden mood swings, emotional outbursts and unpredictability in behavior. Angelina, who has not yet reached the teenage stage, is an unpredictable person, this girl does not have permanent goals, nor does she have a desire to achieve something for a long time - she is effective and never sits still, all the time on the move, always looking for something that thinks of something, dreams of something. It is almost impossible to predict it. Significance promises her unpredictability, activity, energy, kindness, restlessness, intricacy, inconstancy, instability, disobedience and touchiness with capriciousness. But along with there, the meaning of the name of this girl can endow with friendliness, and goodwill, and cheerfulness, and eloquence, and determination, and optimism, and a good mood. In fact, she is easy to get along with and find a common language with, she easily makes contact and loves to make new friends, and no matter who surrounds her, peers, or adult children. But there are many disadvantages in it - one of these disadvantages is the desire to always be in the spotlight, which is also promised by such a factor as value, and which in turn can lead to defiant behavior, whims and much more. But she has many friends and everyone tries to stay close to her, because they know that she will never betray and will not play with anyone's weaknesses ...


Angelina is a teenager, this is already a child with a different character, but on the whole retains all those features that are promised by such a parameter as the significance of the name form in early childhood. This girl has quite a good character, she easily makes new friends, is always ready to make contact with new people, never neglects friendship and friends, tries to surround herself with as many people as possible. But the minuses also remain in it, which also promises significance - among their huge number, capriciousness and resentment, manifested as tears, tantrums, resentment, and isolation, stand out especially clearly. Another equally annoying minus for many is self-will, which manifests itself in many ways - but there’s nothing to be done, the meaning of the name form Angelina has such an impact. Well, in addition, there is another huge drawback - the desire to be a leader while not wanting to take responsibility for anything. She tries to demonstrate her superiority in everything, tries to declare herself as a leader in any company, but at the same time she avoids responsibility for her own decisions in every possible way and in no case takes on the role of a person responsible for anyone. Here is such a dual nature of the girl, which promises the meaning of the name Angelina. But on the other hand, Angelina is fair and will never allow injustice against people who do not deserve it, she will never leave a loved one in trouble, and she always tries to act in accordance with generally accepted moral principles

grown woman

An adult woman, whose parents in childhood decided to choose the female name Angelina, can be described as "explosive". Why? The explanations are quite simple - she is very emotional, the value endows her with charisma and such a complex character that she can flare up for no particular reason at the most inopportune time, Angelina is too receptive and can take a lot, including insignificantly, with hostility. It is extremely difficult to deal with this quality of hers - the energy of this name does not allow, but Angelina, on the other hand, is an exemplary girl, a woman from whom one cannot expect anything bad, a lady with whom one can easily establish relations even after a stormy quarrel. In addition, Angelina quickly moves away from emotional outbursts, and if she turns out to be wrong, then in the end she apologizes to the person whom she offended not on business. It is impossible not to note another interesting factor - Angelina's name form gives her such pride that one can really even admire, he will never give himself offense, will not limit himself in what he does not want, and will not allow anyone to influence her freedom or independence. This is clearly worthy of respect.

The interaction of the character of Angelina with the seasons

Winter - here we will talk about a stubborn and strong-willed girl who, from an early age, demonstrates steadfastness in her judgments. He will easily deceive and betray if he sees a benefit, but having fallen in love, he will completely change, become kind and sympathetic, faithful.

Summer - born under the influence of the meaning of Summer, the bearer of the name Angelina with early age will show such good qualities of character as gullibility, cheerfulness and good nature. But this will be vulnerable and touchy, and therefore slightly closed. Often, marriage suffers a "fiasco", and the reason for this is simple - naivety and excessive trust in an unfamiliar person.

Spring is an ambitious and ambitious lady, a future stubborn woman, ready to take any steps in order to achieve her goal. She has a difficult and very complex inner world, which not everyone can get used to, but if she gets one, then for him she will become an angel in the flesh, a reliable, devoted person.

Autumn - this will become, by the origin of the soul and disposition, a serious lady, sensible, following an exclusively hand-made plan. A leader by nature, a sovereign who attracts gentlemen who are ready to live exclusively under her leadership. In personal life, not too lucky, unfortunately.

The fate of the name Angelina

The fate of the name is the most complex, the most unpredictable, and the most mysterious parameter of all. Fate cannot be predicted with 100% accuracy, because it depends on a whole bunch of various factors, and it is worth noting that the case with the name Angelina is no exception, because this name is even mysterious in itself, not to mention such a parameter as his fate …

Nevertheless, it can be noted that in most cases, the fate of the girl named after Angelina comes down to the fact that in her life there are many partings and many quarrels for a long time. The reason is her difficult nature - despite the fact that she is looking for a mate strong man, a leader, she herself hardly gets along with this, because she likes to command and impose her point of view, which is unlikely to be tolerated by a real leader by nature. And her fate also involves the difficult becoming a wife and mother - Angelina was not created in order to devote her life to someone other than herself.

On the other hand, much of the above depends on a bunch of additional astrological factors. The fate of each individual girl with the name Angelina can be unique even in general terms, so it’s not difficult to predict what she will be like in your particular case, but it’s completely unrealistic.

Love and marriage

There are many good wives among Angelinas. There is just one problem - most Angelinas get married unsuccessfully for the first time. The reason is the desire to get out of parental care as quickly as possible. As a result, often the first husband becomes a man who does not meet the desired criteria. But the second time, Angelina will be more responsible in choosing a partner.

A man who meets her criteria is a purposeful, honest, ambitious, persistent, stable and independent person. Only the man who has the strength and patience to seek her can become her husband. But the Angelinas, for the most part, are too impregnable. In general, it is extremely difficult to achieve the location of such an independent and freedom-loving woman.

But in marriage, Angelina will surely become a good, caring, devoted and faithful, hardworking and attentive wife. She will never let family members go to dirty clothes or on an empty stomach, she will follow everyone, feed everyone, give everyone due attention.

Angelina as Mother

Attentive, caring, patient, responsible and obligatory, but not too soft - that's what she is, a mother named Angelina. Whether it is a son or a daughter, it does not matter, she will love both equally, and will pay equal attention to both. The only problem is that Angelinas are for the most part very demanding of their children.

The upbringing of such a mother can be entrusted entirely. She will never teach a child bad things or set bad examples, in no case will she leave the child, she will teach him everything she has to teach, and she will try to prepare the child for an independent life as much as possible. By the way, there is one “but” here - Angelina will try to send her child to an independent adult life as soon as possible, and this does not always have a positive effect on the relationship between children and mothers ...

But while the child is under her wing, he will have nothing to worry about, because she will do everything to make the child happy. This woman will even sacrifice her own goals for the sake of her child's happiness.

Horoscope named after Angelina


The newborn Aries, which is named after Angelina, thanks to its meaning, is friendly and responsive by nature, sociable, so much so that it cannot even a day without a new acquaintance. Loneliness is oppressive, on occasion it is looking for a gentleman who can satisfy the need for communication one hundred percent, support and listen.


Taurus - this bearer of the name Angelina is too open and reliable, ready to help, listen, understand, help in any way she can. She is so desirable, but as for gossip, then she becomes an aggressive lady - gossip and anger repel her, such is her character. With an honest man it will be just perfect.


Gemini - and here, who received the name Angelina, by the origin of nature, she will become a vamp woman who does not know how to listen to criticism and condemnation. Hardworking and diligent, purposeful, but will not tolerate humiliation or the moment when someone rereads. Idealist inside - looking for the perfect man who can turn her life into a perfect Paradise on Earth.


Cancer - the compatibility of this zodiac sign with others is very good, and all thanks to such features as emancipation, charm, femininity and passion. But gaining her trust is not easy - she listens to her own intuition, and not everyone trusts. But faithful and devoted.

a lion

As for the lioness, this is already an obvious manipulator. She masterfully manages the desires of people, subordinates people to her own will, knows exactly what she wants, an egoist. For family life, he is looking for something that can love her more than himself, only those who admire her self-love can prevail over her and be loved.


Virgo is a diversified, demanding, idealist person who tries to equate everyone in her eyes with an ideal that does not exist. Overly hardworking - ready to forget about personal life and women's happiness for the sake of realizing the intentions and goals set earlier.


Angelina, born under the sign of Libra, is tactful and diplomatic, open and delicate, friendly, avoids conflicts and is good at communication. Her eloquence and charm can captivate everyone. She does not like to be imposed, and whoever truly loves her will give her heart, soul, and her own life.


Scorpio will be a girl, from an early age withdrawing into herself, unsociable and lonely, belonging to her beloved. She is demanding, does not forgive mistakes and oversights, she does not care about the world She lives in her own idealized world.


Sagittarius - here, under the cover of energy, optimism and cheerfulness, a frivolous and vulnerable nature is hidden, a girl whose character is predisposed to communicating with everyone in a row, which sometimes turns into extremely negative consequences.


Capricorn, on the other hand, is a lady named Angelina with such features as practicality, pragmatism, seriousness and realism. Compatibility with potential suitors is good, but she simply has no time to build a personal being - she is hardworking and one hundred percent immersed in work.


Under the sign of Aquarius lies eloquence, on which success is based both in professional activity and in personal life. She is a good listener, always ready to listen and help, therefore she is popular in society. Her the main objective- family, spouse, children and life.


Pisces is a creative person living in his own fictional world. Her world is beautiful and perfect, however, when she plunges into modern realities, she quickly gets upset and withdraws into herself. Gentle, caring and faithful, she will become an ideal wife to someone who can appreciate her view of life.

Compatibility with male names

The question of the compatibility of the name Angelina with male names is complex, but was partially disclosed by researchers of the last century. They found out that the best combination in terms of feelings is with Elisha, Eugene, Mark, Gregory, Matvey.

An ideal, strong, happy marriage can be built with Mikhail, Danila, Yaroslav, Arseny and Anar.

And with such as Demyan, Luka, Frol, Lukyan, Mitrofan, on a good relationship It's better not to count.

The meaning of the name Angelina: this name for a girl means “angel”, “good news”, “messenger”, “messenger”.

Origin of the name Angelina: Greek.

Diminutive form of the name: Angel, Gel, Gelina, Lina, Gelusya, Elya.

What does the name Angelina mean? The name comes from the Greek word "angelos", which can be translated as "messenger", "messenger" or "angel". Angelina has a concentration on her own inner world where harmony and love reign. She cannot stand psychological pressure, vicious people and injustice. Gelya is tender and devoted with all her heart to those she loves.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Angelina once a year celebrates a name day: July 14 (1) - a saint named Angelina suffered for Orthodox faith from Muslims in Serbia (XV century).

Signs: On Angelina, harvesting of root vegetables begins: a vegetable garden - a woman's income; without care there is no use.


  • Zodiac - Cancer
  • Planet - Moon
  • Color - light green
  • Auspicious tree - apple tree
  • Cherished plant of Angelina - water lily
  • Patron - trout
  • Talisman stone - chrysolite

Characteristics of the name Angelina

The nature of the name Angelina: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Angelina? It's a secret incarnate. According to numerology, the number 2 symbolizes emotional anxiety. The name Angelina gives inner throwing, variability of character. It is these qualities that can give a person uncertainty in their abilities and even bring themselves to fatalism.

Therefore, psychologists often advise Gela not to be nervous in vain, try to avoid conflicts and disputes, cultivate the ability to accept circumstances as they really are, try to adapt to them, but not try to turn the tide. It is very important for Lina not to be too generous, because in caring for others, a girl with this name is able to forget about herself. But it is also impossible to move away from society - joint work with colleagues, interaction with friends is welcome.

The meaning of the name Angelina is passivity. A girl named Gelya is not active. She rarely visits, but she herself is a cordial and hospitable hostess. It is also worth mentioning the differences in the nature of children born in different months. For example, the "winter" Lina is stubborn and has masculine traits, it is difficult to come to a compromise solution with her. For her it doesn't have special significance Truth. The girl is capable of deception, if circumstances require it. The "summer" bearer of this name is very trusting.

Angelina and her personal life

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Angelina promise happiness in love? Passionate, temperamental, with a sharp mind, a cheerful disposition, Lina skillfully hides these properties behind a detached calmness, a half-smile, an inattentive, distracted look. It is dangerous to underestimate it - a person runs the risk of being fooled. It’s not worth it to offend her - a girl with this name is sophisticatedly vengeful, but her victim will never guess who framed her so gracefully.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: They are excellent advisers and generators of ideas, but it’s hard to call them good performers. Therefore, it is quite difficult for them to work and live alone. It is much better if there are companions, partners, people next to the Gels, whose support you can count on.

Since very often Angelina's parents do not get along with each other, this affects the character of the child - in most cases, the girl, remaining to live with her mother, adopts her behavioral character traits and becomes quite stubborn.

Business and career: The girl Lina loves to command and rarely makes concessions, she is easily annoyed by trifles. The owner of this name is usually very average in school, but this is not explained by her mental faculties but by the fact that she does not want to waste time on something that is not interesting to her. Often a woman named Angelina independently masters the objects or directions that fascinate her. attaches great importance to sports: at the same time, Angelina can skip physical education classes, but at the same time do rhythmic gymnastics at a nearby sports school.

Health and Energy

Health and talents named after Angelina: The meaning of the name Angelina is restlessness. Gelya is born a restless child, nervous system unbalanced. This is especially true of the "December" Angelina. She is constantly naughty and this complicates her mother's life. Lina's mother cannot understand why her daughter is naughty. Sometimes these whims are connected with the fact that she has bad gases. In this case, she needs to give dill water.

At the age of four, the girl is prone to pharyngitis, follicular tonsillitis. If she is sick with something, it is very important to bring down the temperature. To do this, give Gela warm milk with honey and soda, apply compresses on her head. After that, it is advisable to sit at home for two or three days so that there are no complications.

You need to pay attention to the digestive tract, there may be constipation. Often, the one with the name has scoliosis, you need to pay attention to this in time. Otherwise, after forty years, a woman named Angelina has severe pain in back. It is advisable to give Angelina to the pool, swimming helps a lot with scoliosis. In addition, you need to do special exercises and massage.

In November - Angelina is a very restless girl. If she was born in the afternoon, her bronchi and lungs are weakened, she is prone to frequent respiratory diseases.

"Summer" Lina can complain about her stomach, her genitourinary system is weakened. Physically, such Angelina develops well, she is very flexible, plastic. "June" Gel is located to the disease of the thyroid gland.

In December - "December" She is too restless, plays only with boys, prefers noisy outdoor games. Prone to injury. Often falls, knocks knees, but never complains. It is desirable to take such Lina in sports so that her energy is spent purposefully. As a girl gets older, she gets sick less. The only thing she can't get rid of is a sore throat. However, she recovers quickly. Gel undesirable psychological overload. After school, she needs to rest for a couple of hours and only then do her homework.

The fate of Angelina in history

What does the name Angelina mean for female fate?

  1. Angelina Iosifovna Stepanova is a great Russian actress, People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor. Since 1924, she has always played on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater. Among her roles are Irina ("Three Sisters" by Chekhov), Lida ("Plato Krechet" by Korneichuk), Patrick Campbell ("Dear Liar" Kilti) and a great many others. In 1952 and 1977 A. Stepanova was awarded the State Prize of the USSR.
  2. Angelina Serbian or mother Angelina (d. 1520) daughter of Prince George of Albania, wife of the Serbian despot Stefan Brankovich. Canonized Orthodox Church in the face of the saints, the memory is celebrated (according to the Julian calendar): July 1, July 30 (Cathedral of Serbian Saints), December 10.
  3. Angelina Vovk (born 1942) - Soviet announcer, one of the hosts of the program " Good night, kids!
  4. Angelina Varganova (born 1971) is a Russian theater and film actress.
  5. Angelina Ilieva (born 1972), pseudonym - Yoan Vladimi - Bulgarian science fiction writer.
  6. Angelina Jolie Voight, Angelina Jolie (born 1975) is an American actress, director and screenwriter, fashion model, winner of the Oscar, as well as three Golden Globe awards and two US Screen Actors Guild awards, UN Goodwill Ambassador.
  7. Angiolina Quinterno (1932 - 2006) - Italian film actress.
  8. Angelina Pagano (1888 - 1962) - Argentine theater and film actress.
  9. Angelina Muniz (born 1955) is a Brazilian film actress.
  10. Angelina Chernova is a Russian film actress.
  11. Angelina Guskova (born 1924) - Soviet and Russian radiologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor, Lenin Prize winner (1963), member of the National Commission on Radiation Protection (since 1959), expert of the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (since 1967), Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1986), Chief Researcher at the Institute of Biophysics of the Ministry of Health, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1989), winner of the Sievert Prize for Radiation Protection (2000).
  12. Angelina Stepanova (1905 - 2000) - Soviet theater actress, People's Artist of the USSR (1960), Hero of Socialist Labor (1975).
