Even in ancient times, people began to notice that the Moon magically affects the processes taking place on Earth. This celestial body is located at a small, by cosmic standards, distance from our planet, therefore it is able to make its own adjustments to the course of life of all living organisms. Throughout the history of its existence, man has tried to unravel the secrets of this heavenly body.

Since ancient times, people believed that the moon personifies darkness, and the sun. Many mystical events take place in the days full moon. However, there were scientists who were able to shed light on the mystery of the moon. The thing is that the planet exerts incredible gravity on the Earth. In turn, gravity affects everything. biological rhythms Living creatures. But the moon has a special influence on plants.

Gardeners and flower growers even compiled a special calendar in which favorable and unfavorable auspicious days for sowing, care and harvesting. WITH lunar calendar florist 2017 years you can read in this article.


People who are fond of crop production have noticed that the Moon, being in different places, acts on green spaces in different ways. On some days, their growth slows down, on others, on the contrary, it accelerates. From time immemorial, mankind has been in gardens and gardens for most of its life, which is why the lunar calendar was invented, which helped to understand all the intricacies of the moon's influence on plants and know when to perform certain actions with them.

Moon calendar The florist is not just a description of the lunar cycles. This is a very important document that even shows what sign of the zodiac the celestial body is in, because these criteria are also extremely important during the landing and harvesting work.

Astrologers say that all signs can be conditionally divided into three groups:

  1. Contributing to fertility - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. If you plant flowers at a time when the moon will sweat their influence, then all the crops will sprout and become pleasing to the eye with their splendor and health.
  2. Neutral. This category includes Sagittarius, Libra, Taurus and Capricorn. If the night celestial body is under their influence, then the crops may not give the expected result, but on the contrary, they may germinate with a vengeance.
  3. Negative. Zodiac signs such as Gemini, Leo, Aries, Virgo, Aquarius contribute Negative influence on crops, and planting plants at this time is highly undesirable.

According to the statements of the lunar calendar, the planting of flowers and other plants should be carried out during the periods of the growing moon. The result of such an action will be excellent and plentiful. But at a time when the moon is decreasing, it is better to refrain from landing work.

Florist calendar

Already now you can familiarize yourself with the lunar calendar of the grower, according to which it will be possible to plan the planting of flowers and other plants. Astrologers are sure that during the growth of the moon, green plants grow better due to the rapidly rising juice, which first goes along the stem, gets into the leaves and gets to the buds.

On the days of the waning moon, all nutrients remain in the roots, and only some of them enter the flower. That is why it is best to engage in landing during the period when the Earth's satellite is in the growth phase.

In addition, there is an opinion that flowers should not be planted on a full moon. Just like on the days of waning, the juice practically stops moving along the stem and remains in the roots. Your seedlings simply won't germinate. During such a period, it is best to plant plants where the prosperity of the root is needed.

On the days of solar and lunar eclipses, astrologers do not recommend gardening. It is believed that during such a period, nature freezes in anticipation of something unusual. All these days are also indicated in the gardener's lunar calendar.

Let's take a look at the flower grower, painted by month. With it, you will know exactly when to transfer this or that flower to the garden, as well as when to refrain from it.

January calendar

With the advent of winter, plants growth slows down significantly. At this time, plantings need minimal care, so gardeners practically do not disappear in the garden. All that is required is timely watering, fertilizing and processing from bugs.

It is worth noting that the shoots of climbing plants will be most successful if you plant them on the 2nd, 3rd and 11th. In addition, during this period, you can plant tuberous and bulbous plants.

February calendar

In the last month of winter, the days are longer, so many gardeners begin to plant plants and divide the roots. It is worth noting that in February 2017 there will be a lunar and solar eclipse. Follow the calendar carefully so as not to plant seeds in vain.

Note that flower seeds are best planted from February 26 to 29, curly from 26 to 28, bulbous from 8 to 12.

March calendar

Already with the advent of March, the life of flower growers becomes saturated. You need to sow seeds for seedlings. IN special days you can plant and fertilize and trim plants.

Sowing flower seeds is carried out in the period from 28 to 31 March. Rooting of cuttings should be started from the 8th to the 11th.

April calendar

April is the most important month for spring gardening. At noon, the sun is already warming well, so the annual flowers are transferred to the ground. This month should also be planting seeds, transplanting climbing plants, rooting cuttings and other work.

May calendar

May is a busy month for the gardener. A lot of work needs to be done in thirty days. The main task is the division of perennial bushes and planting in the ground annual seeds. Flowers such as asters, marigolds, daisies and cornflowers are planted in May.

Do not forget that in the early days it is desirable to plant seeds flower plants, but the end of May is better to postpone the planting of climbing plants. Rooting cuttings is best done at the end of the month.

June horoscope

Any gardener, whether professional or amateur, knows that summer brings with it the active phase of plant growth, so you won’t be bored. It is important to know on what day a particular plant should be planted so that it takes root and gives excellent shoots.

Tip: Try to plant flowers at the same time. So they will get good growth, will bloom perfectly and remain in the garden until the fall.

July horoscope

This month is notable for the fact that flower growers produce cuttings of phloxes and roses. In addition, July is an ideal time for digging up bulbous flowers, dividing irises and other identical flowers.

Note that from July 1 to July 10, it is best to sow the seeds of flowering plants, but from July 23 to July 31, plant climbing plants.

Horoscope for August

Summer is running out, but for summer residents this is the “hottest” time. Just in July it is necessary to plant tubers perennials so that they give color next year. In addition to these flowers, gardeners are beginning to plant unpretentious care, but at the same time beautiful flowers: chamomile, mallow, carnation. To understand when it is possible to plant green plants, and when it is better to wait with it.

From 3 to 7, you should do a transplant, but from 21 to 31 you can sow flower seeds.

Horoscope for September

Many gardeners have already noticed the many benefits of planting flowers in the fall. Plants become more hardened, react less to cold and take root better in the flower bed. Already with the advent of spring, these plants bloom faster and delight the eye.

Horoscope for October

In mid-autumn, the garden is empty for an hour, leaves begin to fall from the trees, and the flowers slowly “fall asleep”. In October, tubers of perennial plants are most often dug up and the last bulbs are planted, which they did not have time to plant in August and September.

From October 19 to October 20, you should be planting seeds, and from 1 to 4, planting climbing plants. It is desirable to allocate the end of October for plant transplantation.

November horoscope

Due to the fact that November is a changeable month, gardeners are in a hurry to finish all their business as soon as possible in order to calmly rest for several months of winter. So, in November, it is customary to plant asters, marigolds, calendula, mignonette and others in the ground.

Using the grower's calendar, you can determine a favorable day for planting and, with a clear conscience, expect excellent shoots in the first days of spring.

Horoscope for December

As a rule, flowers are planted on the balcony in winter. For example, seedlings in pots. Despite the fact that this winter month, indoor plants also need care, repotting and pruning.

Watering flowers according to the lunar calendar

The most important process for flowers is watering. The beauty and growth of the plant depends on the water that enters the soil. No wonder that this process also depends on the Moon. On those days that are considered favorable, the water is charged with positive energy and in turn transfers it to the plant. Watering on unfavorable days, of course, will not harm green spaces, but it will not bring much benefit either.

Watering flowers is best done at a time when the Moon is under the influence of Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. Stick to this rule, water the flowers once a week, and they will soon please you with their health and lush flowering.

On days when the Moon is in the constellations of Sagittarius, Leo and Aries, one should refrain from watering flower plants. Astrologers assure that this period is suitable for winter watering, when the Sun is not so active and cannot burn flower foliage with its rays.

If you have indoor plants, then they must not only be watered, but also sprayed. Especially if the weather is hot outside. Stick to the lunar watering calendar and your indoor green "friends" will be with you for a long time. As for spraying, they also need to be done, pushing away from the data of the lunar calendar.

The unique lunar calendar of the florist 2017 determines favorable and unfavorable days for sowing, care and harvesting. My Soviets sorted it out and collected all important information in one article!

How does the lunar calendar florist 2017 work?

It seemed to our ancestors that all earthly processes fall under the magical influence of the moon. The heavenly body was compared with an evil deity, which symbolizes darkness, devastation and disease. The development of astronomy has made some adjustments to the perception of the moon and made it possible to use its power for good. The gravitational influence of the satellite is able to regulate not only the ebb and flow, but also tectonic activity, the functional state of all life on Earth, in particular, flora.

The influence of the moon and the lunar calendar of the florist 2017

The influence of a celestial body on plants is regulated by the phases of the Moon, and the phase of the Moon depends on the degree of illumination of the satellite by the Sun and can accelerate / slow down the growth of flora.

The life of our ancestors was closely connected with the earth, they noted such changes and created the first sowing calendar for flower growers, based on personal observations..

The 2017 florist calendar fixes the position of the Moon in a specific zodiac sign. The influence of the signs of the Zodiac can be divided into 3 categories:

  • contributing to fertility (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces);
  • neutral (Sagittarius, Libra, Taurus, Capricorn);
  • negative (Gemini, Leo, Aries, Virgo, Aquarius).

The optimal time for landing is the period of the growing moon . The impact of a celestial body activates groundwater, accelerates its movement in the thickness of the earth and delivers it directly to the buds of a plant. During the waning moon water with nutrients less active, nourishes only the roots and does not completely fill the flower. During the full moon the plant practically does not receive recharge and instantly fades. To choose the right time for planting and save your crop, use the grower's lunar sowing calendar 2017.

Florist's lunar calendar: January

On the background sharp decline temperature, plant growth slows down significantly, and the need to care for plantings is minimized. It is necessary to periodically water, feed and treat plants from pests. The grower's lunar calendar for 2017 determines that planting curly, bulbous, tuberous plants 2.01, 3.01, 11.01 will give the most will give the greatest shoots.

Florist's lunar calendar: February

The longest winter daylight hours are in February. It is recommended to start preparing for the spring planting and start dividing the roots. The 2017 florist sowing calendar takes into account the dates of the February solar / lunar eclipse and warns gardeners against wasting seeds and soil. Plan ahead so you don't miss anything.

Lunar calendar flower grower: March

In March, it is necessary to sow seeds for seedlings. In early March, as the grower's lunar calendar suggests, favorable days for planting flower plantations.

Lunar calendar flower grower: April

List of spring gardening works for April:

Florist's lunar calendar: May

Use the beginning of May for planting flower seeds and the end for climbing plants.

Lunar calendar flower grower: June

The active phase of plant growth falls on June. Plant flowers at the same time to ensure active growth and flowering of plantings.

Lunar calendar flower grower: July

List of works for July: digging out bulbous flowers, preparing irises.

Florist's lunar calendar: August

The grower's lunar calendar for 2017 recommends planting perennial and unpretentious plants in August in order to get seedlings next year. Plan what you will do to adequately prepare the site for the next season.

Florist's lunar calendar: September

Plants planted in the September period react less to temperature changes and take root better on the soil. Knowing some, you will be able to competently dispose of the available bulbs and get a magnificent flower garden in the spring! Not only irises are planted before winter, but also other bulbous flowers: tulips, hyacinths.

Florist's lunar calendar: October

Florist's lunar calendar: November

November marks a move away from outdoor gardening. During this period, it is necessary to plant flower seeds of aster, calendula, mignonette and marigold. Already in the first spring days, plantings will give rich shoots.

Florist's lunar calendar: December

In winter, plants are planted in greenhouses or on balconies. Boarding calendar grower recommends focusing on maintenance, repotting and pruning indoor plants.

Now you know the lunar calendar of the gardener and florist, which means you can plan everything correctly garden work!

Thanks to the lunar calendar of the grower for 2018, you can understand the issues of planting dates and further care for ornamental and flowering plants. The data presented in the form of a convenient table will be useful for both experienced horticulturist, and for those who are just starting to engage in home gardening or growing indoor plants.

The satellite of our planet is capable of exerting an active influence on the energy of all living organisms, including flowering and decorative leafy crops. Such a substance is called ethereal energy, and is completely invisible to people, which completely reduces its significance:

  • on the days of the new moon, lunar ethereal energy is able to shrink and hide well in the tissues of living organisms, therefore, during the period of the new moon, the main energy flow accumulates in the root system, and sap flow slows down greatly. The result is the inhibition of development and the main growth processes. Such days are optimal for pruning, but very unfortunate for transplanting and planting;

  • collection of seeds from flowering plants is best timed to coincide with the new moon. The seeds collected on such days are distinguished by excellent keeping quality and guarantee excellent germination. The result is very good, strong and friendly seedlings with a high content of ethereal energy;
  • the period after the full moon is distinguished by the ability to activate growth processes. On such days it is very desirable to sow seeds, as well as plant seedlings. ornamental plants and flower seedlings. The released ethereal energy stimulates enhanced growth.

It is also very important to pay attention to the location of the Moon in the sign of the zodiac:

  • the heavenly body in the sign of Taurus patronizes any bulbous flowers, including gladioli, tulips and daffodils. Flowers cut on such days will delight for a long time with their unfading appearance;
  • on days under the sign of Gemini, it is recommended to collect medicinal herbs represented by lavender, lily of the valley, horsetail, wormwood, fern and mint;

  • under the sign of Cancer, it is recommended to fertilize garden flowers, water indoor and garden ornamental plants, and cut lawn grass and bushes;
  • asters, crocuses, irises and peonies, climbing crops, valerian, as well as dahlias and gladioli, planted under the sign of Virgo, not only take root perfectly, but also rarely get sick.

Garden flowers grow unusually beautiful and very fragrant, and also stand for a long time in the cut, if their cultivation begins on the growing moon.

Planting calendar for garden flowers and other plants

Based on numerous horoscopes, the coming year promises to be very fertile and will allow you to grow many ornamental crops with minimal cost time, money and effort.


Sowing seeds of flowering flowers for seedlings

Planting climbing ornamental crops

Planting tuberous and bulbous plants

Rooting cuttings of ornamental plants

Transplanting plants and planting seedlings

Days for watering and fertilizing


1, 5, 8-10, 15-16, 25


2-6, 17-18, 21-22, 25-26


3-6, 15-16, 20-21, 24-25


17, 18, 21, 22, 24

2-4, 6-9, 11-14, 17-18, 30
1, 9-11, 18, 27


6-8, 24, 26, 27


3-5, 8,12, 20-21, 24, 27, 30


1, 14-15, 19-20


5, 6, 13, 14, 23, 24
October 1, 10-12, 17-19, 27-28


7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26


2-5 1, 4-6, 9—15

Florist's lunar calendar for 2018: planting, transplanting indoor plants, care activities

When caring for rooms ornamental crops There are some very important things to keep in mind:

  • indoor flowers transplanted in the days of Sagittarius bloom very quickly, but become extremely tender and subject to any external factors;
  • on the days of Pisces, it is advisable to pay increased attention to irrigation measures and fertilizing indoor plants;
  • when the Moon is in Libra, there comes a good time for sowing, planting and transplanting any indoor flower plants.

Aquarius is the most barren sign, so it is during this period that nothing needs to be planted or sown, since on such days the seeds germinate poorly, and the seedlings that appear often get sick and may even die.




It is forbidden

January 20-21

Favorable irrigation measures, spraying.

It is undesirable to cut the shoots, transplant and loosen the soil

January 25-26

Harvesting cuttings, watering and removing dried leaves

Any work with roots

January 29-30

Watering and fertilizing

Pruning, preventive spraying


Removing from houseplants from yellow foliage and trim greenery

Disease and pest control

Irrigation activities

Transplanting and pruning the aerial part

Any work with roots

Treatment of plants from yellowed leaves, watering and grafting


Planting and transplanting

March 22-23


Caring for climbing and hanging houseplants

Caution in gravies and dressings

March 24-26

Pruning, irrigation and top dressing

March 31-April 1
April 2-3


April 7-8
April 16-18
April 21-22

Pruning, irrigation and top dressing, any planned work with flowering plants

Transplants, especially ampelous ornamental plants

April 29 - May 1


Irrigation measures and spraying

Any work with the root system

May 9-11
May 20-21
May 24-26
May 27-28


Irrigation measures and spraying

Any work with the root system

May 29-30

Abundant irrigation activities

June 18-20

Watering and feeding indoor plants

Any work with the root system

June 23-24


Irrigation measures and spraying

Any work with roots

June 28-29

Removal of unwanted shoots, yellowed leaves and pruning

Irrigation measures and spraying

July 16-17

Watering and feeding indoor plants

July 20-22


Irrigation measures and spraying

Any work with the root system

July 23-24

Plant a new houseplant

Too abundant watering and pruning of leaves negatively affects

July 25-27

Removal of unwanted shoots, yellowed leaves and pruning

Irrigation measures and spraying

August 10-11

crown formation indoor trees, pruning and eliminating yellowed parts of plants

Irrigation activities and spraying, top dressing

August 14-15

Purchase flowers such as an orchid, a rose, or a hibiscus

August 27-28

Transplanting plants and planting seedlings in a permanent place

Preventive treatment for diseases and pests

September 5

Irrigation measures and spraying, top dressing

September 15-17

Carrying out root dressings

September 19

Pruning of unwanted shoots, yellowed leaves and pruning

Irrigation measures and spraying

October 3

It is advisable not to rearrange the flowers from their usual places.

October 10-12


Irrigation measures and spraying.

Any work with the root system

October 15-16

Removal of unwanted shoots, yellowed leaves and pruning of the aerial part

Irrigation measures and spraying

October 24

Watering flowers is highly discouraged.

November 5-6

transplanting to a new place, planting

Do not cut the leaves and damage them

the 13th of November

Irrigation measures and spraying

November 21

Harvesting cuttings, watering and removing dried leaves, transplanting

December 4-5


Irrigation measures and spraying

Any work with roots

December 14

Transplanting plants and planting seedlings in a permanent place

Preventive treatment for diseases and pests

20th of December

Harvesting cuttings, watering and removing dried leaves, transplanting

Not under any sign of the zodiac and not in any lunar phase work on the care of decorative deciduous or flowering plants will be beneficial.

How to plant annuals (video)

In order for indoor cultures to please for many years, it is necessary to pay attention to the advice of the lunar calendar of the grower, which are advisory, but not mandatory.

The grower's lunar calendar for September 2017 will help you grow a beautiful garden at home, as well as take care of plants in outdoor flower beds. Use the suggested recommendations to take advantage of the positive energy of the stars and planets.

Flowers in the house are a necessary attribute. They not only serve as an interior decoration, but also purify the air. Also, with the help of various plants, you can attract positive energy flows, happiness, love and material well-being into your home. Flower gardens on the street will cause you positive emotions, and proper planting and care will increase their flowering and endurance before seasonal diseases.

Favorable and unfavorable days for floriculture

September 1-2: the night luminary in Capricorn in the growth phase will be a very good time to take care of your plantings. Perennial flowers planted near the house also require your close attention. Seedlings that have ceased to bloom need preparation for the cold season, pruning inflorescences and removing tall stems. Before planting new flowers, fertilize the ground to get abundant blooms for the next season.

September 3-4: the Aquarius constellation will not give proper energy supply to your seedlings, so astrologers recommend refraining from active work in the garden. On Sunday and Monday, you can start collecting seeds and bulbs for storage or further planting. Water indoor flowers and loosen the soil in pots so that their roots receive enough oxygen.

September 5-7: zodiac Pisces and the peak of the moon on September 5 is a great time for new plantings and sowing seeds. New flowers planted on this day take root well and have strong stems. During the Full Moon period, limit yourself to light loosening of the soil, and on September 7, pay attention climbing plants. Remove excess branches and shoots and form supports for the antennae.

September 8-9: the energy of the waning moon, reinforced by the influence of Aries, according to the site's experts, is unfavorable and adversely affects the growth of flowers, especially those recently planted. These days are intended for manipulating the soil: loosening, weeding and digging the beds. In the home garden, spraying flowers will be sufficient warm water to avoid contamination on the leaves.

September 10-11: fertile Taurus during this period endows the space with positive energy. Use this time to transplant plants, trim damaged stems, and soak seeds. By planting a money tree on September 11, you can attract monetary energy to your home, and if you have such a plant, hang a money amulet on one of its branches.

September 12-13: The neutral energy of the Moon, which moves into the constellation of Gemini, allows you to start working in the garden and at home. From September 12 to 13, transplanting home flowers, acquiring new plants for your collection will be successful. Pay attention to capricious roses. During the change of weather, they can get sick. Timely spraying and mineral dressing will be a good supportive therapy for them.

September 14-15: the fertile zodiac Cancer and the energy of the Moon during this period allow you to take care of undersized plants. Newly planted flowers will have strong stems and a strong root system. Planted seeds and seedlings will have a slow germination, but a lush crown and a quick set of buds for flowering. This time is intended for gentle care due to a decrease in energy flows in space.

September 16-17: a barren Leo at the weekend promotes relaxation. During this period, plants need rest and moderate watering. Astrologers recommend not to carry out manipulations with transplanting and pruning plants, so as not to damage them and not to bring pathogenic microbes into open sections.

September 18-20: an infertile maiden in the period from September 18 to 19 favorably affects flowering plants. However, new flowers, planted or purchased, will have small inflorescences. Until the New Moon on September 20, you can prepare the soil for new seedlings by planning the planting of bulbous flowers in open flower beds. In the New Moon, you can do the soaking of seeds.

September 21-22: the favorable energy communicated by the constellation Libra will be optimal for collecting and harvesting seeds, planting rose bushes, forget-me-nots and caring for your winter garden. On Thursday and Friday, start harvesting medicinal plant flowers.

September 23-24: under the influence of Scorpio, gardeners can take up street flower beds. Planted flowers for the next season will have good disease resistance, develop a powerful root system and give an excellent seed crop.

September 25-27: the zodiac Sagittarius and the energy of the Moon in the growth phase these days provide an opportunity to take care of the flowers that are preparing to open their buds. They need to provide sufficient watering, timely top dressing and protect delicate buds from aphids and flower flies by spraying.

September 28-29: Capricorn, one of the fertile signs of the zodiac circle, contributes to the preparation of seeds that will be perfectly stored and have good performance by germination. Also these days, astrologers are advised to pay attention to ficuses. Before winter period they need to limit watering and dust the leaves more often to ensure a constant supply of oxygen.

September 30th: On September 30, the energy of the growing moon will not be enough for the active development of plants and flowers. The barren sign of Aquarius will also be unfortunate for planting. On Saturday, gardeners can limit themselves to loosening the soil and harvesting mineral fertilizers for feeding flowering plants in the cold period.

It is much easier for flower growers to maintain a positive attitude, which is also transmitted from their flowers. In addition, blossoming buds will add to your joy that you were able to grow extraordinary beauty at home or on the street with your own hands. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Indoor plants are very strongly influenced by the moon. For better care behind them, we have compiled a lunar calendar for 2017, so that your home will always have lush and beautiful flowers.

When caring for flowers, remember that the growing moon has the most beneficial effect on their growth. It makes the ground part of plants very susceptible. The waning moon, on the contrary, concentrates energy in the roots. Such facts are extremely important to consider not only for indoor, but also garden crops. Learn more aboutwhen to plant seedlings and flowers according to the lunar calendar so that your labors are not in vain.


3 and 4 January: The moon will pass at this time the constellation Pisces, which means that it is worth watering the plants. Especially when it comes to plants that require a lot of water. It is undesirable to cut the shoots these days.
January 7 and 8: The influence of the land sign Taurus will increase. It is very favorable these days to harvest cuttings, water plants and remove dried leaves. But do not disturb the roots of plants, so as not to harm them.
January 11 and 12: be sure to water and feed your houseplants. The constellation Cancer will favorably affect their development. It is not advisable to cut the leaves on this day. But you can cultivate the soil if necessary.
January 30 and 31: The moon will again return to the sign of Pisces, which will allow you to identify plant diseases in time or that they are in an unfavorable place. If you were planning to buy a new flower, do not delay: it will take root well.


7, 8 and 9 February: The moon will pass the constellation Cancer. Choose a time for abundant watering of plants and, if necessary, top dressing. Do not spray plants these days: the leaves are very susceptible and may not respond well to exposure.
February 16 and 17: the strong energy of Scorpio will help, with proper care, to make plants healthier. It is useful not only to rid the plants of yellow leaves, but also to prune their greens: they will grow and become even more beautiful.
February 21, 22 and 23: lunar Capricorn will help you successfully deal with diseases and pests, if any. The roots will be very receptive on this day, so it's important not to overwater the plants.


March 2, 3 and 4: Very good days for houseplant care. The moon in the constellation Taurus will have a positive effect on the transplantation of plants for which this is possible. Pruning the leaves will help the flower become more magnificent and pleasing to the eye.
March 11 and 12: The moon will be under the influence of Virgo. Watering and feeding indoor plants will be successful, according to the lunar calendar for 2017. If necessary, you can transplant flowers: you are unlikely to damage their roots.
March 21 and 22: take care of the processing of plants from yellowed leaves. Watering and grafting indoor plants under the influence of Capricorn will benefit them. Be sure to take a closer look: maybe you should choose another place in the house for some flowers.
March 30 and 31: refuse these days from pruning houseplants. Planting and transplanting, thanks to the positive energy of Taurus, will be successful, and the plants will definitely take root.


April 1 and 2: The moon will pass the constellation Gemini. Its influence will have a particularly positive effect on the care of climbing and hanging houseplants. Watering and top dressing should be carried out only as needed.
April, 4: Set aside time to water indoor plants, as well as to feed them. Under the influence of the sign Cancer on this day, you can successfully cut flowers, but you should refrain from transplanting, especially ampelous plants.
11 April: according to the lunar calendar of plants, on this day you can do a transplant: this is facilitated by the positive energy of Libra. Try not to cut the leaves or damage them so that the flowers do not hurt.
April 13: due to the position in the sign of Scorpio, watering and spraying will make your indoor flowers even more beautiful and more resistant to diseases. But refuse transplants: the roots are very sensitive.
April 19: abundant watering is not recommended, as this can even cause disease. The moon will be in the sign of Capricorn, which is very favorable for the removal of unwanted shoots, yellowed leaves and pruning.
April 27: the constellation Taurus will come into force. According to the lunar calendar, you can not only transplant plants if necessary, but also perform any manipulations. But if you remove shoots, do it carefully so as not to harm the plant.
April 30: the influence of the sign Cancer will have a very positive effect on the care of plants. You can also buy new indoor flowers: they will bring comfort and warmth to your home. It is important to water the plants on this day.


1st of May: one of the most successful days this month for working with houseplants. The lunar influence of the constellation Cancer will promote rooting and transplantation, and abundant watering is also very important.
May 9, 10 and 11: The position in the constellation Scorpio is not suitable for transplanting flowers and cutting leaves. Otherwise, there is a great risk of harming them. Water those flowers that require a lot of moisture.
May 19 and 20: It is not desirable to treat from pests and diseases: it is possible to burn the roots and leaves. On this day, the Moon will pass the constellation Pisces, which is positive for plant transplantation.
May 30 and 31: Leo's energy is suitable for forming the crown of indoor trees, pruning and eliminating yellowed parts of plants. According to the lunar calendar for 2017, it is important not to overwater or feed the plants.


June 3: if you plant or transplant plants on this day, they will certainly be very beautiful and they will have a charming pleasant smell. As the influence of the sign of Libra will increase, flowers such as an orchid, a rose or a hibiscus can be purchased.
June 5 and 6: under the strong energy of Scorpio, plants can be successfully grafted, but it is necessary to act very carefully on the roots. Therefore, root dressing is best avoided.
June 7: The moon will pass through the constellation Sagittarius. If you plant a new houseplant that day, it will bloom very quickly. Refrain from watering: because it works fire sign, water will affect very badly.
June 28: on this day, it is advisable to take care of undersized flowers, they can be transplanted and work with roots. The vaccination also goes well: this is facilitated by the influence of the Virgo sign.


3 and 4 July: Scorpio as a water sign will positively affect the care of flowers, so they can be planted and transplanted absolutely harmlessly. It is also useful to prepare cuttings and graft plants.
July 8 and 9: The moon will be in the sign of Capricorn. If necessary, change the soil in pots and transplant indoor flowers. According to the lunar calendar for 2017, these days will be favorable for working with plants with a developed root system.
July 26 and 27: the influence of the constellation Virgo will increase. For ornamental plants, this is especially good, because there are more flowers than usual. Therefore, everyone who breeds indoor flowers is recommended to plant them on this day or buy new ones.
July 30: On this day, the Moon will be in the influence of the sign of Scorpio. Top dressing will be useful, which will strengthen the plants and make them more resistant to diseases. It is highly undesirable to carry out a dive.


August 2 and 3: flowers planted under the influence of Sagittarius will quickly grow, become tall and gain color. Their health will be badly affected by abundant watering and pruning of leaves. It is especially good to take care of indoor plants on this day.
August 5 and 6: lunar Capricorn makes the roots of plants susceptible, so it is better not to plant flowers and not to feed. Useful wipe broad leaves and water, but in normal quantities.
August 21: one of the most bad days in August 2017. It is advisable to give rest to yourself and the plants. The influence of the constellation Leo does not have the best effect on watering and top dressing, since this can damage the roots.
August 24 and 25: position in the constellation Libra is good for houseplant care. When planting and transplanting, they grow lush and beautiful. Wipe and spray the leaves of the flowers.


5, 6 and 7 September: The moon, passing the sign of Pisces, will have a positive effect on watering plants, but it is best not to use pest control products. Otherwise, you risk damaging the flowers.
September 14: the positive impact of the Cancer sign is suitable for watering and transplanting. Root top dressing and foliar spraying may be necessary. It is advisable not to rearrange the flowers from their usual places on this day: your pets may become worse.
September 25, 26 and 27: the influence of the constellation Sagittarius will increase; do not cut the leaves on this day and do not remove the shoots: indoor flowers will be especially susceptible. It is useful to carry out root dressing.
September 29: it is not advisable to work with the roots of indoor plants, because they are very susceptible, they are easy to damage. On the other hand, grafting will be successful, since the position of the Moon in the sign of Capricorn contributes to easy engraftment.


3 and 4 October: according to the lunar calendar, it will be useful to slightly loosen the ground at the roots of the flowers and water them. Fish will positively affect the development of indoor plants. First of all, take care of those that prefer a lot of moisture.
October 11 and 12: The moon will pass the constellation Cancer. If desired, it is very useful to purchase plants on these days that ionize the air well, such as Benjamin's ficus, fragrant dracaena or crested chlorophytum. According to scientists, they are15 colors that purify the air the best in the house.
October 20, 21 and 22: being under the influence of Scorpio, the Moon these days will help to improve the health of indoor flowers. Root top dressing will have a positive effect.
October 25 and 26: lunar Capricorn in October 2017 will make plant roots noticeably more receptive, so it is not advisable to use root nutrition. And the opposite is a good effect, this effect will have on the pinching of flowers.


November 1 and 2: most often, the constellation Aries does not have the best effect on working with indoor plants, but these days it is very useful to free flowers from extra shoots and leaves. Watering flowers these days is highly undesirable.
15th of November: position in Libra is not suitable for pinching and diving. Wipe the leaves and spray them - the flowers will breathe better and process the air. Pay special attention to flowering houseplants.
November 21, 22 and 23: the constellation Capricorn will positively affect cuttings, since a strong root system will quickly develop in the process. It is useful in such a period to buy succulents.
November 27 and 28: Being in the constellation Pisces, the Moon will have a beneficial effect on watering and loosening. But do not start treating houseplants for diseases and pests. If there is a desire to buy new flowers, those that absorb a lot of water are best taken root.


December 1 and 2: Taurus is one of the most favorable constellations for plant care. Violets bought during the period of his influence take root especially well in the house. Check if the flowers have diseases or pests, treat them if necessary.
December 14 and 15: The moon will be in the sign of Scorpio. Use its influence for root nourishment of indoor flowers: they will gain strength and become much more resistant to diseases and pests.
December 24 and 25: both days are suitable for abundant watering. Make sure that the potted soil remains slightly damp: during the increased influence of the Pisces sign, a lot of water will be required.
December 28th: For the second time this month, the Moon will pass the constellation Taurus. According to the lunar calendar for 2017, pruning and diving are not recommended. Low-growing plants will take root especially well these days.
