Beetroot is an extremely demanding plant. temperature conditions, as well as lighting conditions. In order for this useful root crop to grow tasty, juicy and contain a maximum of healthy substances, it is important to observe the norms and conditions of sowing.

Sowing preparation

Before beet seeds, it is necessary to carefully prepare the place of future sowing. The most optimal "base" for growing beets are beds with organic fertilizer applied under them, on which plants of the legume family, pumpkin, potatoes, tomatoes, and cabbage used to grow. The beds should be located in a well-lit area of ​​​​the garden, where there is no stagnant water.

Before sowing beet seeds, they must be kept for a day in a specialized nutrient solution consisting of one liter of water containing ash, soda and superphosphate. After a day, the seeds are washed running water and leave until swelling appears, carefully wrapped with an absorbent cloth.

Sowing time

You can sow beet seeds both in spring and before winter. The best time for sowing in spring is April-May, when the air temperature is not lower than 10 degrees Celsius, and the soil warms up to 5-6 degrees, while maintaining good moisture. It is best to sow beets when the threat of frost is at a minimum, as sharp fluctuations in temperature are strongly reflected in young sprouts and can lead to a complete loss of yield.

Autumn sowing is carried out in the last ten days of October - early November, with deeper planting of seeds in the ground: about 3-4 cm and maintaining a distance of 15-20 cm between them. Winter crops must be mulched with peat or humus.

Sowing features

They grow beets, taking into account the size of their future root crops, or on the edges of the beds - this method is called border; or by compaction, when beets are sown together with other crops: cucumbers, potatoes, etc. During spring sowing, a flat bed is usually used with a seed depth of 2-3 cm. For winter sowing, beds with transverse grooves are used. It is necessary to sow beets before winter only in dry land, without pre-soaking the seeds.

After the young plants form 2-3 true leaves, the beets need to be thinned out, leaving a distance of 2-3 cm between the sprouts. Secondary thinning is carried out after the appearance of the 5th leaf, leaving 10-15 cm between plants. best time for thinning - after rain, because. plants are easier to remove from the soil, it is easier to transplant them and not to injure fragile leaves and stems.

One of the common vegetable crops among gardeners is beets. And to get an excellent harvest of this vegetable in the spring season, it must be sown, given the special conditions. In order to avoid the death of the crop, certain days are chosen for sowing. To plant beets on a spring morning, you should familiarize yourself with some recommendations that will favorably affect the quality of the crop.

Planting beets in the spring will be successful if you follow some rules.

Land preparation process for planting

This is the initial stage, which is done in the fall. Remains from other plants are removed from the beds. When this action is done, the soil is saturated with organic matter. The soil is dug up to a depth that is equal to the length of the metal part of the shovel. If the soil is not saturated with minerals, then it is better to add organic fertilizers full of minerals. Very often the soil is acidic, so a little lime should be added to it, which has favorable properties.

Planting beets in the spring will give a good result in a place where potato bushes or cucumbers grew before.

A place for choosing a bed is chosen on the bright side. Otherwise, the fruits will be unsaturated, since the formation of the shade occurs only under the influence of sunlight.

When the preparation of choosing a place for a bed is completed, before sowing beets, the earth is subjected to a loosening procedure with a rake. On the same days, part of the dolomite flour can be added to the soil.

When the soil is ready, it remains to wait for the moment to plant beets. The soil temperature should be at least 5 degrees, this soil temperature happens in April. If this condition is not taken into account, then the seeds will not germinate, and due to this, root crops will not arise.

Before planting seeds, you need to crush the clods of earth with a rake.

Planting beets and caring for them

In order to plant beets, two methods are used. The first method is planting with seeds. For quick germination of seeds and in order for seedlings to appear on them, they are soaked and settled for 24 hours. These actions will be favorable for the beets. To do this, use a special stimulant designed for growth. A wood ash solution can also be used as additional growth support. Seeds are soaked in the open air during the day. When the time is up, the seeds are washed warm water and wrapped in a dry piece of cloth. All these actions will only have a positive effect on the developing fruits.

Before planting beets, the soil should be moistened. To do this, lines are drawn on the bed, the depth of which is 4 cm. The lines are located at a distance of 20 cm from each other.

When the grooves are ready, they are watered. As the liquid is absorbed, you can plant beets in open ground. Since the seeds are relatively large, they can be sown individually. You should not worry about seedlings, since one seed gives several bushes. Therefore, seedlings are still thinned out. Sprouts that have been thinned out can be used to compact the soil. The planting scheme, in order to plant beets, is a lattice, where the plant is located at its intersection. These conditions will be favorable for further growth.

If you sow seeds in open ground, then schematically planting can be divided into:

  • One-liner. One groove is made in which seeds can be sown at a depth of 4 cm. The distance between adjacent grooves is 45 cm.
  • Two-line. The scheme consists of two grooves, the distance between which is 25 cm.

The days for planting seeds are chosen based on certain conditions. The soil must retain the moisture that remains from the melted snow. Usually such days are issued in early April.

Beets should not grow too close to each other

Caring for beets planted with seeds consists in periodic loosening and weeding. When the beets begin to grow, you should fertilize a couple of times. The first feeding includes a small amount of organic fertilizers in the diet. And the next top dressing is carried out by adding a mixture of mineral composition to the soil, in which there are no nitrates.

Planting beet seedlings

The advantage of this method is that there is no need for thinning. The grooves are located at a distance of 5 cm between them. Seedlings should be planted one month before the final planting.

The main signal indicating that it is time to plant seedlings in the ground is the appearance of 4 leaves. Before planting the resulting seedlings in open ground, it must be watered abundantly.

For this, a specially prepared clay solution is used, into which the roots of each sprout descend. This method of planting is carried out in the spring, preferably in April. Do not forget that the April days chosen for planting beets should carry warmth and light.

Planting beet seedlings is very convenient

Types of beets for planting

There are three main types that can be planted in open ground:

  • dining room;
  • feed;
  • sugar.

When cattle are present at the dacha, the appropriate solution would be to plant a type of beet forage. To grow it, the soil is prepared in advance. All necessary mineral components are introduced, which will favorably affect the development of the plant. Seeds are selected and pickled. If desired, a stimulant solution can be used. It is strictly forbidden to plant the seeds of this species without careful preparation.

If, however, it is needed as food, then the type of table beet is best suited. To grow this species, it should be remembered that it needs a large amount of daylight and planting is best done on warm days or days that are saturated with sunlight. Weeding and timely watering are included in the list of favorable conditions for growth and development.

A popular species among gardeners is sugar beet. She, like the stern, sits down on warm days. This will be a favorable condition for further growth. It is worth considering that soil that does not contain peat or sandy components is best suited for this type of beet.

Fertilize beets of this species should be throughout the entire period of development. In particular, the best fertilizer will serve as one that contains nitrogen. After the development of root crops begins, fertilizers are added, which mainly contain potassium and phosphorus. Also, favorable top dressing, due to the addition of wood ash, will minimize the risk of a poor harvest.

Using the listed methods and precautions, the gardener will provide favorable conditions for the development of the plant. The days on which beets should be planted should be warm and cloudless. For getting good harvest planting dates must be observed. And in order to plant beets in the spring, it is worth preparing the soil for it in advance. Compliance with these rules will give the gardener a harvest that one can only dream of.

Table beet (beetroot) is one of the most popular root crops grown on household plots. There are two ways to plant beets: seeds and seedlings. There is no fundamental difference between them. The harvest mainly depends on the structure and fertility of the soil, and many beet varieties are quite loyal to weather conditions. If you correctly make a ridge, you can get high-quality fruits both in drought and in rainy summer.

Soil and garden preparation

When choosing a place for beets, you should pay attention to which crops occupied the planned area last season. It is categorically not recommended to plant this root crop after cabbage, but after potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins and greens, beetroot will grow well. Carrots, peas and onions are neutral predecessors. When growing beets on an industrial scale, they are planted after winter wheat and.

Planting beets is carried out in a well-lit place for a long time. There should not be dense bushes, sprawling trees, fences, walls nearby. It is advisable to choose a high part of the site that is not flooded by heavy rains.

It is worth considering the basic soil requirements for beets.

  • Acidity in the range of 6.2-7.5. If there is a lot of colza, wild sorrel and horsetail on the site, then the soil is acidic. Root crops will be small, ugly in shape. It is necessary to add lime or dolomite flour. When preparing a ridge for beets, moderate liming is also possible in the year of planting.
  • The optimal soil is loose, rich in organic matter (loamy, sandy loamy, black soil). Growing beets in too clayey soil without special preparation and sanding is a waste of time and effort. The fruits will be fibrous, tough and bitter.
  • The depth of the arable layer of soil is from 25 to 30 cm.

Under favorable conditions, root crops develop quickly, there is an accelerated accumulation of sugar.

Excessive lime content in the soil leads to a decrease in the ability of beets to absorb micro- and macroelements. It is important to follow the dosage.


Beets are demanding on the content of micro- and macroelements in the soil. For reference: 1 ton of root crops extracts up to 7 kg of nitrogen, about 3 kg of phosphorus and up to 9 kg of potassium from the ground. While the root system is still weak, the plant especially needs phosphorus, then intensive absorption of others begins. nutrients.

It is optimal to prepare a ridge for beets in the fall, introducing rotted manure, compost (about 15-20 kg per 1 m 2) and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers into the soil. Incorporation of mineral fertilizers into the soil can also be done before planting. Of the complex additives, NPK 13-12-19 or are usually used.

For winter sowing of beets, the following complex of fertilizers is applied to the soil (per 1 m 2):

  • half a bucket of manure, humus or compost;
  • 30 g of potassium chloride (chlorine ions prevent the accumulation of nitrates);
  • 30 g of superphosphate.

Beets are very fond of organics, but the introduction of fresh or semi-rotted manure before planting will lead to a deterioration in the taste and presentation of the fruit.

In preparation for planting, the soil is carefully dug up to a depth of about 30 cm, all clods are broken, the surface is leveled and slightly compacted. Many gardeners plant beets along ridges - long, high ridges like potatoes. Thus, the root crop is better ventilated, receives more sun, and is protected from rot and souring. This is especially true for heavy soil. If the soil is fertile and loose, then it can be planted in a carpet way.

Landing dates

Beet seeds can also germinate at a temperature of 3-4 ° C, but the process will take about 25 days. At 6-7 ° C, seedlings will appear as early as 10-15 days, and when the temperature stabilizes to 11-18 ° C, the period will be only a week. It makes no sense to sow beets until the soil at a depth of 6 cm warms up to at least 7-8 ° C, since the probability of death of seedlings from frost is high (the sprouts will not tolerate -1 ° C).

Planting beets in spring different regions produced on time:

  • North Caucasus - 1st decade of April;
  • Central Black Earth region - 3rd decade of April;
  • the north of the Central Black Earth Region, the Non-Black Earth Region, the Volga Region, Bashkortostan and Altai - the 1st decade of May.

Late long-term storage beets are sown in the second decade of May, you can plant them until June 10th. Such varieties will have enough time before frost to fully mature, and they are stored much better than early and mid-season ones.

Dates are approximate, for each year they may vary depending on weather conditions.

You can sow beets in a greenhouse or in boxes about a month and a half before planting in open ground. Embedding scheme in the substrate: 4 x 4 cm. This method is suitable for regions with unstable weather. The ripening period of root crops with a seedling method of growing will accelerate by 2-3 weeks.

You can plant beets with seeds in the fall. There are special varieties for this, because ordinary species they will shoot and will not yield a crop. Autumn sowing of beets is beneficial for regions with cool, short summers. The sowing time comes when stable frosts begin, the soil is covered with a crust. In the Urals or Siberia, the right time is November. No general recommendations from what date it is necessary to produce winter sowing of beets. It is important not to miss the deadline before the earth "seizes" (3-4 ° C below zero). According to popular observations, the moment of complete shedding of leaves by cherries is considered the optimal time.

It should be noted that autumn planting beets are not suitable for long-term storage.

Seed preparation

Beet seeds are lumps-concrete, which collected several seeds (from 2 to 6 pieces). For this reason, many novice gardeners are surprised when, with a neat schematic sowing of seed-pods, heap shoots suddenly appear from the garden.

Beet seeds planted in the spring will hatch faster if they are pre-prepared. The easiest way is to soak for a day in a solution of one of the following products (per 1 liter of warm water):

  • a quarter teaspoon boric acid and half a teaspoon of nitrophoska or nitroammophoska;
  • 1 teaspoon of superphosphate;
  • a teaspoon of drinking soda;
  • a tablespoon of wood ash.

After a day, the seeds are washed, wrapped in a damp cloth and kept at room temperature for 3-4 days, preventing the bundle from drying out.

At autumn planting seeds do not need to be soaked.

Seeding technique

Immediately before the spring planting of beets, the ridge is loosened about 5 cm deep and leveled. It is necessary to sow or plant seedlings either in cloudy weather or in the evening so that the soil does not wind up and the seedlings do not die from the hot sun.

Planting beets in open ground with seeds is carried out according to the following rules:

  • rows are made at a distance of at least 30 cm;
  • on loam, beet seedlings are embedded in grooves 2-3 cm deep;
  • on sandy and sandy soils- 3-4 cm.

In dry weather, the ridge is preliminarily (an hour or two) spilled with water, in rainy weather it is enough to moisten the grooves well enough. After 3-4 days, it is recommended to loosen the soil with a spring or wire rake. After such a procedure, the beets rise more friendly.

When shoots appear, they must be carefully thinned out. This procedure is carried out twice: in the phase of two true leaves, leaving a distance between seedlings of 3-4 cm, then in the phase of 3-4 leaves. The average gap between beet sprouts should eventually be 10-20 cm. How much to leave depends on the variety, usually the step is indicated on the package with seeds.

If you leave too large gaps between plants, then the roots will grow large, difficult to cook.

Excess beet sprouts should not be thrown away. If before the procedure it is good to shed the earth, and pry the seedlings with a special spatula (you can use the handle of a spoon), then the roots will not be damaged. The seedlings will quickly take root in another place, and the shape of the fruit will not suffer in the future, as is the case with carrots.

Podzimny beet sowing is done in dry soil. Seeds are placed in grooves 4 cm deep and covered with a loose substrate (you can mix the earth with sand). Then the soil is lightly compacted, the bed is mulched and covered with dry leaves or spruce branches. In the spring, the shelters are removed, the soil is shed with nitrogen fertilizer, and a film is laid on top until the first shoots appear.


The main care for young beet sprouts is moisturizing and loosening. Do not allow the formation of a crust on the soil. Loosening is done carefully, while the plants are small, you can do this with an ordinary old fork. Beets are responsive to this procedure, so it is recommended to carry it out until the tops are closed.

top dressing

The first dressing of beets mineral fertilizers(nitrogen) is produced after thinning, the second (complex) - after closing the tops.

Nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus are the main elements needed by beets. If there are no complex mineral fertilizers at hand, then ash, previously mixed with compost, can be added to the soil. Consumption: 3 cups of pure ash per 1m 2.

It is better to apply nitrogen in several portions and not to abuse it, since their excess contributes to the accumulation of nitrates in root crops. Fractional application reduces the negative effect by 2 times. The best form is urea (10 g per 1 m 2).

The second (when the fetus is about Walnut) consists of potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. Consumption: 8 g of superphosphate, 10 g of potassium chloride per 1 m 2. Nitrogen is no longer used.

If there is not enough boron in the soil, then the beets react by rotting the core. The deficiency of copper and molybdenum, which can be replenished, also negatively affects foliar top dressing(in the phase of 10 leaves). For this, liquid microfertilizers are used, which contain boron in the organomineral form and manganese in the chelated form.

If the beets develop slowly, rounded leaves appear on the tops. yellow spots, then there are signs of a lack of potassium and too acidic soil. In this case, watering with lime milk will help. Recipe: 200 g of fluffy lime, 80 g of potassium chloride diluted in 10 liters of water. The solution should be enough for 10 running meters landings (along the line).

When beet tops turn red (sodium deficiency), it is necessary to sprinkle the ridge with ash and sprinkle with salt water (1 glass of salt per 10 liters). This procedure will also increase the sugar content of root crops.


Beets depend on the weather. In the first month and a half of plant development, overdrying of the earth should not be allowed. Young beets are very fond of evening sprinkling. After such a procedure, the tops freshen up, acquire a high turgor.

If the summer is not too hot, then growing beets in open ground won't be a hassle. After closing the tops in the aisles, the moisture will erode more slowly, and the root crop is already able to extract food from the deeper layers of the soil.

Watering the beets stops about a month before harvesting.


Competent agricultural practices minimize the likelihood of beet diseases caused by soil quality. Increased acidity is the cause of root defects, such as:

  • scab in the form of cracks and growths on fruits;
  • phomosis (zonal leaf spot) - the disease can also be the result of a lack of boron;
  • blackening of the pulp;
  • root beetle, "black leg" (at the seedling stage);
  • voids in the root.

However, all of the above can also occur due to an excess of nitrogen or with unbalanced top dressing, so fertilizer must be applied correctly.

May develop fungal diseases: peronosporosis, cercosporosis, manifested by the drying of the tops. Only treatment with fungicides (HOM, Fundazol, Karbendazim, copper oxychloride) can help.


Growing beets in the country can be unsuccessful for years if wheatgrass grows around the beds, and the soil is highly acidic. This is the most comfortable habitat for the larvae of the click beetle -. It is they who are able to turn any root crop literally into a sieve.

The number of these beet pests can only be reduced by regularly applied control methods:

  • choose yellow worms manually when digging:
  • dig traps in the form of potato tubers;
  • exterminate the wheatgrass, make the soil lime;
  • periodically use special equipment (for example, Provotox granules).

Leaf and root beet aphids can also cause damage. It will help to destroy the pest by regular spraying with a solution of "Green Soap", Feverfew.

Beet fleas eat away the leaf pulp. In the fight against them, ash, tobacco dust, pollination with Hexachloran is effective.

If white winding passages appear on the leaves of the beet, then the larva of the mining moth lives in them. With a small scale of damage, the leaves break off and are destroyed. In case of mass infection, treatment with the preparations "Fufanon", "Bi-58 New" is used.

In most cases, growing beets in household plots does not cause much trouble. If there are few weeds, and the tillage in spring and autumn is done correctly, then the risk of pest attack is minimal. Crop rotation is also an effective protection measure.

Many gardeners plant both late and early beets in their plots, providing themselves with a fresh harvest and a supply of root crops for the winter. This is an unpretentious plant, the seeds of which germinate quite quickly, the seedlings are tolerant of adverse weather conditions, and to get a good harvest, it is enough to properly prepare the garden bed.

Beetroot has been benefiting our health for centuries, decorating tables on weekdays and holidays. During this time, the people and scientists managed to notice what they love and what they don’t like the root crop, what growing conditions for it will be the best. Acidic soils are in the "dislikes" category, so if you're unsure of your site's pH, test it with indicator paper. For beets, a soil that is neutral or close to neutral in terms of acidity is considered normal.

At a high pH level, it is better not to plant beets without preliminary measures to reduce acidity - the crop will not be the same. The point is that to Acid salts or alkaline minerals at excessive concentration in the soil prevent the absorption of nutrients by plants. The simplest and affordable way reduce acidity - sprinkle the bed with fluff lime in the fall and seal it in the top layer.

Depending on the neglect of your site, lime should be applied in the following ratio: in slightly acidic areas per one hundred square meters, 25-35 kg of fluff is needed, on acidic soils we add 10-15 kg to the previous number, and on acidified soils, the pH level of which has dropped to 4 -5 pH, at a rate of 6-7 pH, should be applied up to 75 kg per 1 hectare. If you applied manure to the garden, then it will be possible to plant beets only the next year, since it absorbs nitrates and becomes poisonous, so always leave a dedicated area for the root crop if you decide to cover the entire garden with fertilizers.

How to plant beets in spring - predecessors

Planting beets in the spring should take place no earlier than when the spring sun warms the soil to 4-5 ° C. At lower temperatures, the seeds will begin to produce flower shoots more intensively, and we do not need this if we want to get more root crops. Like cucumber seeds, beetroot seeds are also recommended to be soaked for a day in a solution of wood ash or a stimulant. Before planting, the seeds should be washed and dried, wrapped in a slightly damp, dense cloth.

For beets good predecessors cucumbers, legumes and potatoes are considered, but it is not recommended to plant beets after cabbage, so take it seriously in order to select only successful predecessors every year. The beetroot bed must be well lit if you want well-colored roots. The depth of sowing seeds is about 3-4 cm. If the spring wind managed to dry the soil to such a depth, then the furrow must first be watered, and when the moisture is absorbed, seeds can be sown, observing a distance of at least 15 cm between rows.

Planting beets in the spring - how to break through seedlings?

Each beet seed is a collection of several seeds, so this plant is characterized by excessive germination density. To avoid deformation of root crops, thinning should be started as early as possible. The first thinning should be done at the stage of the appearance of two true leaves, keeping a distance of 2-3 cm between shoots. When the plant has 4-5 leaves, you should walk along the bed again, leaving a distance of 7-8 cm between the future harvest.

As a result, you should have 15-20 cm between plants, because root crops can be more than 10 cm in diameter.

Do not over tighten with weeding and loosening. During the season, beets should be fed at least twice with fertilizers without nitrates. When it's time to harvest, you will enjoy every beautiful beet! It should be dug up before the first frost. Cleaned from the ground, with the tops cut off (the petiole should be no more than 1 cm), sort the root crops, leaving the root crops at least 7 cm in diameter for storage. Those that are smaller, eat as needed. After drying the beets in the shade, put them in boxes, sprinkled with sand, sawdust or dry peat. Best of all, until spring, it will be stored in the cellar.

Table beet is an indispensable root crop in cooking. But not everyone knows how to properly plant it and care for the crop.

Let's take a closer look at how to plant beets and care for them.

Varieties and features of beets

The most popular variety of this root vegetable is the table beet. That is what every summer resident grows. It has a red fleshy root crop.

In addition to the dining room, there are also the following types:

  • fodder beet;
  • sugar beet.

These two types of root crops are rarely cultivated by summer residents, only if there is a need to feed animals with them. They are not suitable for human consumption.

There are a lot of varieties of table beets. For our area, it is better to choose varieties of domestic selection:

  • burgundy 237,
  • gourmet,
  • crimson.

They are best tolerated climatic conditions and have good yields.

How to prepare the soil before planting beets

Since beets are a very light-loving plant, therefore, for sowing, you need to find an area unshaded by tall plants in the garden. The soil before sowing the root crop needs to be fluffed up a little to ensure a sufficient supply of oxygen.

In addition, mineral fertilizers must be applied. Manure is not very suitable for beets, as nitrates will get into the root crop from it. The best option There will be the use of fertilizers such as:

  • ammonium nitrate;
  • potassium chloride;
  • superphosphate.

When planning a place for planting beets, it is necessary to take into account seasonal crop rotation. Beets can be planted in the same place no more than 4 years later.

The best predecessor for it might be:

  • cucumbers;
  • white or cauliflower;
  • potato;
  • tomatoes.

After these plants, many minerals remain, which are necessary for the growth of beets.

Preparing seeds for sowing

Seeds also need to be prepared for sowing. To do this, they are soaked in a special solution.

A solution to stimulate growth is prepared from 1 liter of warm water, at a temperature of 30 degrees, to which 1 tablespoon of ash is added, one teaspoon of soda and superphosphate, and a fourth of a teaspoon of boric acid.

We leave the seeds in this solution for a day, after which they must be washed in clean water. After washing, the seeds should be wrapped with a damp cloth and left in a warm place for 3 days. After this time, the seeds are ready for planting.

When to plant beets

Beets can be planted in spring or autumn. In spring, seeds can be planted in open ground only when the earth reaches a temperature of 10 degrees, at a depth of 10 cm. This usually happens in early May. But experts advise sowing beets in early June, so it will be better stored in winter.

Autumn sowing is carried out in October - November. The main thing is to have time to do this before the first frost.

Beet root planting methods

There are 2 ways to sow beets:

  • immediately into open ground;
  • seedling cultivation.

The first way is the most common. Beets are sown in rows, at a distance of about 45 cm. The sowing depth is within 2-3 cm. The distance between seeds should be no more than 13 cm.

You can plant more densely, but when seedlings appear, it will be necessary to thin out the crop, since several plants grow from one seed at once. It is necessary to remove the weaker ones in order to give more nutrients and moisture to the remaining ones.

Growing seedlings involves getting a crop earlier than when sowing in the ground. In the greenhouse, seeds are prepared and planted in the same way as when planting in open ground. After the plants reach 5 cm in height, the weakest are removed from them.

When the height of the selected plants reaches 8-9 cm and they have at least 4 leaves, you can transplant to the garden. To do this, the plants are cut with the ground from the greenhouse and seated at a distance of 17 cm from each other in rows. The distance between rows should be at least 33 cm.

Beet care and pest control

A growing plant needs care and fertilizer. Watering beets often is not worth it. This can lead to cracking of the root crop and loss of its color and taste.

During the growth period, beets can also be additionally fed with mineral fertilizers diluted in water.

Beets are very fond of care. It constantly needs to be rid of weeds and protected from pests. Aphids do great harm to her. You can fight the pest folk ways. An infusion of onion and dandelion husks, which are poured with boiling water in equal proportions, helps well. With the cooled infusion, you need to sprinkle beet leaves. Aphids also do not tolerate wood ash.

Harvest beets after the leaves begin to turn yellow. The main thing is to have time to collect before frost. Excess soil is removed from root crops before storage and leaves are cut off. Beets are best stored in the basement, stacked in separate boxes and sprinkled with sawdust.
