Mumiyo Altai is a natural product consisting of organic substances of vitamins and minerals, formed in certain ecological and climatic conditions, on the rocks.

It is characteristic that there are much more biological inclusions (remains of plants and animals) in it than mineral ones.

In the previous article were considered. Today we will focus on the instructions for the use of mummy and recipes. How to take mummy.

Instructions for use Altai Shilajit

Experts note that even if the mummy is taken long enough, it does not have any harmful effects on the body. Most importantly, you must follow the instructions for use and the recipe.

A few days before treatment, you need to switch to diet food and exclude spicy, fried foods, smoked, sweet and starchy foods from your diet. Include more vegetables, fruits, juices in the diet. A single dose of mummy is calculated relative to the person's weight. With a person weighing up to 70 kg - a single dose is considered - 0.2 g, up to 80 kg - 0.3 g, up to 90 kg - 0.4 g.

Treatment of gastric diseases

When treating gastritis 3 g of mummy must be dissolved in one liter of boiled water. Take the medicine 250 ml, three times a day. Be sure to drink before meals in courses of 10 days, between which take breaks of three days. three or four such courses can be held.

After 14 days of taking the mummy, stomach pains disappear, weakness and insomnia disappear, a person is no longer irritated over trifles. The work of the stomach is restored.

Treatment of peptic ulcer. Prepare a medicine from the mummy by dissolving 10 g of mountain wax in 500 ml of water. Take the medicine according to the scheme:

The duration of the course of treatment is 30 days. Two or three such courses are required. Store the prepared medicine in the refrigerator.

The medicine helps to speed up the healing of the ulcer. Stomach pain decreases within 20 minutes after ingestion, and disappears completely after a few days. Dyspeptic symptoms (belching, heartburn, nausea and vomiting) disappear without a trace, hungry pains of the stomach disappear, and the normal functioning of the stomach is gradually restored.

Together with the stomach, the intestines and gallbladder are recovering, the symptoms of cholecystitis and colitis disappear.

Cholelithiasis. To treat this disease, a mummy solution is made 1 g of mountain wax per 1 liter of water and this medicinal water is drunk 200 ml three times a day, before meals for 20 minutes. The treatment must be carried out within 10 days, then take a break for 5 days and spend well. For the entire course of treatment, 12 g of mummy is needed.

Nausea and heartburn. Shilajit is taken 0.5 g in the morning and evening, washed down with milk or juice. It takes about 3 weeks to heal.

Constipation. To relax the intestines, the mummy is taken dissolved in water (0.2 g per glass of water). Drink the medicinal solution in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Colitis. For colitis, mountain wax is taken once a day, before going to bed, in pieces of 0.15 g, washed down with water. The course of treatment is 10 days, such courses must be carried out -4, taking breaks of 10 days between them. That is: 10 days of treatment, 10 - a break.

Haemorrhoids. For the treatment of this disease, mountain wax is drunk in the morning and in the evening, on an empty stomach, 0.2 g each. The duration of treatment is 25 days. You can repeat it, but do not forget to take a break of 10 days.

Ingestion of wax must also be combined with external treatment: prepare a mixture (mummy: honey = 1:5) and lubricate the anus, injecting the mixture inside to a depth of 10 cm. Lubrication should be carried out for one month, then a break and a new course, such courses can be 3-4.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

With heart disease (hypertension, heart failure). 8 g of mountain wax are dissolved in 500 ml of water and taken according to the scheme:

The course of treatment is 21 days.

With blood diseases (radiation sickness, anemia, etc.) Mountain wax dissolved in water (15 g per 500 ml). Drink the solution according to the scheme:

Diseases of the nervous system

With epilepsy, facial paralysis, migraine, headaches, take 3 g of mountain wax, dissolving it in milk with honey, twice a day, on an empty stomach. Treatment - 25 days, if necessary, after a break of 10 days, the treatment can be repeated.

Diseases of the organs of vision

Glaucoma. For treatment, a solution is made (15 g of mummy in 500 ml of water). Take the solution three times a day, 1 tablespoon, before meals for 30 minutes, for 10 days. Courses of treatment are repeated 3-4 times with breaks of 5 days.

Mumiyo Altai for fractures. In the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, 0.1 - 0.2 g of mountain wax is prescribed twice a day. Shilajit must be dissolved in milk or water in a ratio of 1:20. They take the drug in courses, for 25 days, and between them a break of 10 days is required.

Respiratory diseases

Asthma is bronchial. Prepare a 7% aqueous solution of mountain wax, which is taken according to the scheme:

Take the solution with milk, the entire course of treatment will require about 50 g of mumiyo. At the same time, inhale with a 7% aqueous solution.

Bronchitis. With bronchitis, it is recommended to dissolve pieces of mummy 3 g in the mouth, twice a day. And at the same time take orally 1.6% aqueous solution of mountain wax, three times a day, 1 tablespoon. Until recovery comes.

Pneumonia. Daily inhalations with an aqueous 7% solution of mountain wax - once a day. And take 0.2 g pieces at bedtime.

Pleurisy. Take 0.2 g of mummy for this disease at night. The course of treatment will require up to 18 g of mountain wax, it all depends on the severity of the disease, perhaps less.

ENT diseases

Acute otitis. In case of ear disease, make a 3% mummy solution in peach oil and instill 3 drops a day into the ears. Peach oil can be replaced with petroleum jelly.

Angina, rhinitis, pharyngitis. For these diseases, it is recommended to gargle with an aqueous 2.5% solution of mountain wax, three times a day, until they are removed. acute symptoms and you will feel better. After, rinsing can be reduced to 2 times or once a day.

Sinusitis, sinusitis. For the treatment of these diseases, make a 10% mummy solution in peach oil and instill it 5 drops into the nose - 4 times a day.

Another recipe. Mix the mummy with camphor oil (ratio 1:5), instill this mixture into each nostril until the condition improves.

Oral diseases

Stomatitis. If the mucous membranes of the mouth become inflamed, the mummy is taken 0.2 g with honey or milk (ratio 1:20), twice a day for 25 days. It is useful to make applications at the same time as taking the mummy inside with a 5% aqueous solution.

Periodontitis. Carry out daily rinsing twice a day with an aqueous solution of mummy (2.5 g per 100 ml of water). The solution after rinsing can be swallowed.

Diseases of the urinary and reproductive system

How to use for cystitis. With cystitis, the purified mummy is taken in pieces of 0.5 g three times a day, before meals. Treatment - 20 days, after a break for 5 days.

Additionally, douching and baths are carried out with a solution: 1 g of mountain wax per 250 ml of water. After douching, the pain goes away after a few minutes. treatment for more than two weeks.

Urolithiasis disease. A 0.1% solution of mountain wax is taken three times a day, 200 ml each. You need to drink sugar beet juice. Treatment for 10 days = 6 courses, between which take breaks of 5 days. This treatment requires adherence to a diet.

Cervical erosion. Dissolve 2.5 g in 100 ml of water. Moisten tampons with this solution and insert them into the vagina overnight for 10 days.

Infertility (female and male). Take pieces of 0.5 g of mummy twice a day (morning and evening), drink juice of carrots, sea buckthorn, blueberries. Treatment is carried out for 25 days. Courses can be repeated, just do not forget to take breaks for 5 days between them. One course of treatment takes up to 30 g of mummy.

Mastitis. Shilajit in this disease is taken on an empty stomach, twice a day (morning and evening), 0.3 g = 25 days. The first 5 days of treatment take 0.2 g X 3 times a day.

How to use in diabetes?

When taking medicine from mummy, diabetics disappear the main symptoms that bring anxiety - the urge to urinate decreases and thirst disappears, strength in the body is added and fatigue disappears.

  • 1 recipe. Prepare a solution of 5 g of mummy by dissolving them in 500 ml of water. The medicine is taken 100 ml three times a day, before meals, and more often. It is recommended to drink fruit juices or milk.
  • 2 recipe. Swallow mumiyo in 0.2 g pieces in the morning and in the afternoon before meals, and in the evening - 1.5 hours after meals, drinking juices or milk. Course treatment - 10 days duration of the course, then a break of 6 days is made. Courses are repeated 4-5 times.

Treatment of allergies with mountain wax

For treatment, a solution is prepared from 8 g of mummy, which are dissolved in 500 ml of water. Take a long time for 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening. And allergic skin rashes are recommended to be lubricated with a more concentrated solution.

How to apply with sciatica

With these diseases, a 10% alcohol tincture of mummy is made, which is rubbed into sore spots. External use is reinforced by taking the mummy inside, with milk and honey.

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that the mummy is a natural elixir, it still has the strongest medicinal properties and it should be used in doses and in consultation with the doctor. Violation of the prescribed dosages can lead to side effects.

It is not recommended to use mummy solutions and tablets during exacerbation of chronic diseases, during pregnancy and lactation, with oncological diseases, with exacerbation of hypertension. It is not recommended to undergo treatment if you have low blood clotting, as mountain wax dilutes it, and also during menstruation.

  • You can buy Altai mummy in this shop.

Health to you, dear readers!

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The inhabitants of the East call this strange substance "tears of the mountains." The ancient sages believed that it consisted of extracts obtained from six types of metal, including gold and silver. Its healing qualities were highly appreciated by the ancient philosopher Aristotle and the physician Avicenna ... Our topic today is beneficial features mumiyo and how to use it correctly in a wide variety of life situations.

Where does mountain resin come from?

In fact, brag-shun (this is another name for mumiyo) is an organic substance that has nothing to do with metals. Modern scientists have found in its composition the waste products of various soil microorganisms, "mummified" excrement of small animals, plant remains. However, even by combining all the “ingredients”, you cannot get mumiyo in ordinary life. This requires special conditions:

  • minimum oxygen;
  • stormy winds;
  • the strongest differences of positive and negative temperatures;
  • maximum ultraviolet radiation.

In such an environment, the microorganisms that are "responsible" for the decomposition of organic matter are not able to work according to the traditional scenario.

Therefore, biomasses of both plant and animal origin are mummified and hardened, turning into mumiyo.

It is not surprising that this amazing substance is found only in deep caves and grottoes located at an altitude of up to 3 thousand meters. Most often, the “homeland” of Brag Shun is Tibet and Altai; and under artificial conditions, this substance with a rich history has never been obtained.

Miraculous composition

Perhaps you did not like the "ingredients" that make up the mumiyo. However, they are what make this product so effective. The healing properties of brag-shun are due to the content of 28 chemical substances. Including:

  • vitamins A, groups B, D, PP, C, E;
  • macro- and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the human body;
  • humic and fulvic acids;
  • organic acids;
  • mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • amino acids;
  • tannins.

This is far from a complete composition of substances that provide the capabilities of the product. And it is difficult to find an ailment before which this remedy would be ineffective.

When to take?

Many medicinal properties of mumiyo have been studied at the level of leading research institutions in different countries. And here's an example: the substance Brag Shun promotes rapid regeneration of body tissues and bone fusion.

This fact was proven in the Uzbek Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. The focus was on a large group of patients with a history of infected bone fractures, osteomyelitis, and long-term non-healing wounds.

The representatives of the experimental group, where mumiyo was used, not only formed calluses in an accelerated mode and restored the functions of the affected limbs, but also an improvement in the general condition, restoration of appetite and normalization of sleep was observed.

And now - a specific recipe. In order for the regeneration processes to proceed as intensively as possible, the resin should be taken orally every morning on an empty stomach. To do this, dissolve approximately 0.2 g of raw materials in a warm liquid; the drink is specific, but it can be washed down with tea. Duration - at least 10 days, without missing a single dose. With complex fractures, the course is repeated (pause for 5 days).

When using mumiyo, benefits are also possible for those who suffer from diseases:

  • gastrointestinal tract (moreover, both in acute and chronic forms);
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • nervous origin;
  • metabolism associated with endocrinological ailments;
  • gynecological and reproductive areas.

An important question: how is mumiyo useful for those who want to lose weight. This tool activates metabolism and improves the functioning of the endocrine system. And, if you make it a part of life along with sports and proper nutrition, hateful kilograms will disappear much faster!

There are many diseases, brag-shun is one

And here are a few more recipes, the effectiveness of which has been proven by the practical experience of millions of people. And again, their main “hero” is the mummy, because the properties of the product allow it to be organically combined with other useful components.

  • Ear problems

Treatment is complex, external and internal use of resin is expected.

First recipe: mix mumiyo and olive oil in a ratio of 1:10. Drop into ears twice a day.

The second recipe: dilute brag-shun (0.3 g) in warm honey. Drink every morning, 2 hours before breakfast. If you use these funds regularly during an exacerbation, they will increase the outflow of pus and eliminate inflammation in the ears.

  • Haemorrhoids

The treatment of this disease involves the morning intake of resin dissolved in water (as indicated in the previous recipe), as well as the external use of an ointment from mumiyo and honey or peach oil. The ratio of products is one to five or to eight.

Concentrated ointment should be used in especially advanced cases. With this tool, you need to treat the anus to a depth of 4 cm. The course of treatment is 3 months in mild cases and up to 8 months in severe situations.

  • Osteochondrosis

From 2 to 10 g of high-quality mountain resin, knead into a thin cake and apply on the problem area of ​​the neck or lower back. Wrap on top cling film or a bandage. Leave the compress overnight. Relief may come as early as the next morning, but this does not mean that treatment should be stopped. The course is 10 days, if necessary, it can be repeated after a five-day pause.

  • Eczema of hands and feet

For treatment, it is necessary to prepare a 5-6% aqueous solution of mumiyo and soar your limbs in it daily for half an hour. In parallel with external use, do not forget to drink the resin. This does not have to be done in a “pure” form: currant or sea buckthorn juices are great to get not only the maximum benefit, but also a lot of pleasure.

The duration of such treatment is 25 days. If the disease has not completely left you, repeat the procedures after 10 days.

Beauty requires mumiyo!

In addition, mountain resin is often used in home cosmetology. It's very simple, affordable, but effective method slow down the aging process and get rid of existing fine wrinkles. Thus, mumiyo allows you to achieve the following goals:

  • improve complexion;
  • enhance skin turgor;
  • minimize skin rashes and irritations;
  • get rid of freckles;
  • strengthen hair follicles;
  • destroy dandruff;
  • smooth out cellulite.

Right way of life healthy eating, the rejection of alcohol and cigarettes will only enhance the beneficial effect of the wonderful resin. And here are some effective secrets that have proven their effectiveness in different parts of the world.

  • Lotion for problem skin

Dissolve 5 g of mumiyo in a liter of warm water. Add 250 g strong green tea and a tablespoon of honey melted in a steam bath. Let it brew and wipe your face 2-5 times a day.

  • Cellulite Cream

Thoroughly mix 6 g of mumijo with 100 ml of water; combine with any natural baby cream (200 g). This mixture is recommended to be applied to problem areas(thighs, sides, buttocks). For maximum effect, wrap the smeared areas with cling film. Without air flow, the active ingredients that are part of the resin will quickly penetrate into the layers of the skin. Store this remedy in the refrigerator in an airtight container.

  • Mask against hair loss

Combine 5 g of mumiyo with 100 ml of nettle infusion. Add a tablespoon each of olive/flaxseed oil and melted honey, as well as one egg yolk. Let the mixture brew and thicken, then apply to the hair, paying special attention to the root zone. Put on a hat and walk with a mask for at least an hour. After that, rinse it off with warm (but not hot water) and don't forget the head massage.

We are looking for quality raw materials

The benefits of mumiyo for the body will be minimal if you bought a low-quality product. Therefore, it is very important to know what good raw materials look like.

So, brag-shun is a hard, smooth mass, characterized by a characteristic dark brown or black color with a sheen. High-quality mumijo has a slight smell of oil, dissolves in water without signs of turbidity and reacts to heat. Still having doubts when buying? Just hold a small piece in the palm of your hand.

After a few seconds, it will begin to melt slightly and become soft - almost like wax. The faster these processes occur, the higher the quality of raw materials.

In order not to miscalculate with a purchase, it is best to buy mountain resin not from someone else's hands, but in pharmacies. And remember: in a good mumiyo there should not be the remains of the earth and the fraction of small stones.

Contraindications - alcohol and tumors

Mumiyo is a product that is practically devoid of flaws. However, there are several situations when it should be abandoned.

  1. First of all, the state of intoxication. Moreover, if you are being treated with a course, then alcohol is required to be completely abandoned.
  2. The second nuance is associated with the development of tumors in the body. Since the resin contains a large amount of biologically active substances, some of them may contribute to the division of cancer cells.

Thus, the mummy can bring both benefit and harm at the same time. It is still being studied by representatives of the scientific community in different parts of the world. The tool is unique, but at the same time absolutely affordable. Always keep it at hand, and then the quality of your life will improve significantly!

Mummy is a substance of natural origin. Outwardly, it looks like resin, more often it has a color from brown to black. Less common are types of mummy and other colors, it depends on the presence of a different amount of trace elements in the composition. The smell is specific, the taste of the substance is bitter. "Stone resin" has healing properties. With its help, they strengthen the immune system, cleanse the body of toxins, normalize metabolism and cure diseases.

What diseases does it treat?

The Altai Shilajit contains trace elements, amino acids, plant analogs of hormones, vitamins, albumins, antiseptic substances and other useful components. Due to this, the mummy is indicated for use in the treatment of such diseases:

  • Bruises, dislocations, tendon sprains, bone fractures, diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Endocrine disorders: diabetes mellitus, diseases of the pancreas, thyroid gland.
  • Diseases of the urinary system, stones in the ureters and bladder, inflammation, kidney disease.
  • Disorders in the digestive system: gastritis with varying acidity, ulcers, colitis, intestinal disorders.
  • Diseases of the liver and gallbladder: hepatitis, dyskinesia, inflammatory processes.
  • Diseases of the heart and circulatory system: myocarditis, cardiopathy, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins.
  • Inflammatory processes of the respiratory organs: bronchitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections.
  • Neurological disorders: frequent dizziness, headaches, insomnia, speech problems, epileptic seizures.
  • Skin problems: dermatitis, acne, eczema, fungal skin lesions, wounds and burns.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system in men and women.
  • Diseases of the organs of hearing, vision.

Mountain balm activates metabolic processes in the body, is useful for immunity, improves blood composition, relieves inflammation and has rejuvenating properties.

Instructions for use of tablets

Dosage and method of administration
1 Standard reception pattern- 0.2 g each, that is, one tablet in the morning and in the evening. You can drink water, juice, milk. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
2 For stomach ulcer and duodenum, with gastritis - take the pills inside, preferably on an empty stomach, 2 times a day. The dosage is 0.2-0.5 gr. and depends on body weight. Before taking it is desirable to dilute the drug in water - 2-3 tbsp. The course of treatment is 4 weeks. If the disease began a long time ago, but it was not treated, then after 10 days, conduct a second course. While taking the medicine, follow a diet and moderation in food.
3 For bone fractures and other injuries of the musculoskeletal system, bone-tuberculous processes, the use of the drug is prescribed 2 times a day, 0.2 g. within 25 days. If necessary, a second treatment session can be carried out after a 10-day break.
4 In gynecology Shilajit is used to cure inflammatory diseases, tissue defects, erosion, 2.5 g must be dissolved. mummy in 100 ml warm water. In the resulting solution, moisten a swab and apply to the problem area overnight. At the same time drink 0.2 gr. drug twice a day for 14 days.
5 For female and male infertility take the drug for general scheme within a month.
6 For inflammatory diseases respiratory tract, bronchial asthma dosage is 0.2-0.3 g - 3 times a day.

Contraindications for admission

Mumiye has contraindications for use. There aren't many, they are:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncology, since the active substances of the mummy accelerate the growth of certain types of tumors;
  • children's age up to 12 years and elderly after 70 years;
  • internal bleeding;
  • co-administration with alcoholic beverages and alcohol-containing drugs.

Side effects with the correct use of the drug are rare. Most often, this is an allergy to the components of the mummy or individual intolerance.

Use in cosmetology

Mountain resin has a regenerating effect on the skin, is useful for hair, and helps in the fight against excess weight.

Recipes for the preparation of funds and applicationsAction taken
For hair Add 4-5 tablets to the shampoo, shake the bottle and leave until completely dissolved. Wash your hair as usual. After lathering the hair, leave for a few minutes for a better effect. This recipe is especially suitable for those who have no time to make various hair masks.The use of mummy will help heal weak hair, stop hair loss and get rid of dandruff.
faces It is useful to make a mask with a cream-based mummy once a week. Mix 3-4 tbsp. face or baby cream and 3 mummy tablets. Leave the resulting composition in the refrigerator for 24 hours to completely dissolve the drug. Apply to the face, hold for 20-30 minutes, then remove the mask with a tissue. Store unused mass in the refrigerator.Saturates the skin of the face with essential vitamins and microelements, starts the processes of rejuvenation, smoothes wrinkles.
body 2 gr. mumijo dissolve in a small amount of water, then mix with baby cream. Apply the resulting composition to problem areas, cover with polyethylene on top and insulate with a cloth. Wash off after 15 minutes.Wrap promotes weight loss, relieves stretch marks and cellulite.

Storage conditions

Mummy does not require special storage conditions. Suitable temperature is 22-25 C. The storage place is dark, without direct contact with sun rays. It is advisable to place the mummy in a container that protects from moisture.

Mummy has many other names. For example, "the blood of the mountain." Some call the substance rock oil. For centuries, people have been treated with it for various diseases. Folk healers believe that the mineral is able to prolong life.


Shilajit is a mineral that looks like resin. It may differ in color, structure, degree of transparency. Usually this substance is smooth. As a rule, it has an irregular shape. It is viscous or hard, has a balsamic smell. This mineral is found in various parts of the world. Official medicine has not yet studied all its properties, while traditional healers have long healed many diseases with it. But everyone agrees that given substance has great healing power. Doctors advise using it as an adjuvant against the background of general therapy.

What heals?

  1. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Such as varicose veins and high blood pressure, as well as thrombophlebitis.
  2. Disorders of the digestive system, such as gastritis, colitis, ulcers, heartburn and others. It will also help with poisoning and constipation.
  3. Respiratory system. It treats cough, bronchitis, sore throat, laryngitis and even tuberculosis.
  4. Eye diseases: barley and glaucoma.
  5. Organs of hearing: inflammation, purulent otitis media.
  6. Diseases of the kidneys and other organs of the system: cystitis, ulcer Bladder and others.
  7. Musculoskeletal system: dislocations, rheumatism, sciatica.
  8. Endocrine system: diabetes, pancreatitis.
  9. Diseases and damage to the skin: abrasions, various cuts, burns of varying severity, as well as dermatitis and ulcers.

And this is not the whole list of diseases that this natural mineral helps to fight.

It is also advised to take it for the prevention of hemorrhoids, allergies, diseases of the reproductive system. The intake of the substance prevents blood pathologies, edema, and nervous diseases. In addition, the mummy is excellent for boosting immunity. Due to these properties, this mineral is recognized as a unique remedy.

The composition of the mineral

This miraculous substance contains proteins, acids, carbohydrates, fats, amino acids, various alcohols. In addition, it has a whole set useful to man minerals. Of the trace elements, mumijo is rich in aluminum, calcium, as well as magnesium and others.

Medicinal properties

The main healing property is recognized as its positive effect on human immunity. It is able to strengthen the body in the fight against ailments, as well as reduce Negative influence various factors. You can talk endlessly about the benefits of a mineral for human health.

Here is a list of the effects that the mummy has on a person:

  • Promotes accelerated recovery of both soft tissues and bones, skin.
  • With nervous disorders, it helps to fight headaches.
  • Helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body.
  • Removes inflammation.
  • Accelerates metabolism, due to which excess weight is lost.
  • Restores joints.
  • Treats gynecological diseases.
  • Increases hemoglobin.

Types of healing mineral

To distinguish the mummy by species, it was named according to its place of origin. For example, it is Siberian, Himalayan, as well as Arabian and many others. etc. By type, they are distinguished depending on chemical composition, on the content of metal particles in it.

There are four most common types:

  • Golden. It is orange to dark red in color.
  • Silver is usually milky in color.
  • Copper is dark blue and azure.
  • Iron is the most common. Has black color.

Where can I buy?

You can buy the mineral in any pharmacies, specialized stores. Release form - capsules and tablets. The mineral is also commercially available in the form of a paste. If you buy it in tablets, you will get a low content of the substance in their composition. If you buy a balm, then the content of a useful mineral here will be much greater. It is sold in jars - the mineral in this form is similar to resin. But it is best to buy plates of purified mummy. Here the content of the substance is highest, therefore, such plates will bring the greatest benefit.

Fact! Altai Shilajit is the most common of the others.

How to take mummy?

This remedy should be used with extreme caution, in accordance with the recommendations. According to the instructions, the maximum daily dose of the substance is 6 g. But it is recommended to take half as much every day. If there are no scales on which you can weigh the right amount, be guided by the fact that 3 g of a substance is the size of a pea.

In accordance with the instructions, the mineral is dissolved in water. They drink in the morning before meals, in the afternoon - about an hour before meals, in the evening after dinner, at least 2 hours should come. These are universal rules of admission, and thus absolutely all diseases are treated.

What is the duration of the course of treatment? Treatment should be carried out in courses, and it all depends on how seriously the person is sick. Here's what the ancient instructions say about it.

  1. If the disease worsens, then drink the remedy for 10 days. After a five-day break, the treatment is repeated for the same duration.
  2. In chronic diseases, a ten-day course with interruptions is also advised. You will need to take several such courses, up to five. The main thing is to take breaks.
  3. If a person is very seriously ill, then a month of continuous intake of a healing substance is necessary, and the break will be equal to 10 days. Then again a month of admission.

How is it used in cosmetology?

Shilajit occupies an important place in cosmetology, especially due to the collagen contained in it. This substance helps keep the skin supple. With the help of mummy, without any special financial costs, you can solve such cosmetic problems as wrinkles, pigmentation, stretch marks, freckles, sagging skin. The effect of the mineral on the skin of the face is indispensable, as it helps with age-related changes.

Shilajit is a component of many recipes used for beauty and health. At home, the following options are used:

  1. First you need to make a solution, for which the mineral plates are crushed. Then add water, stir until they are completely dissolved. This solution can be drunk. If you drink 5 ml of it in the morning and in the evening, then the level of hemoglobin will increase significantly.
  2. The product is frozen in the form of cubes. They wipe the skin. If you wipe your face with them regularly, the number of wrinkles will noticeably decrease, and new ones will appear much more slowly.
  3. A mask from the solution will make the skin more elastic, acne will disappear, and the skin will become more even.
  4. If you add a few tablets to the shampoo and constantly wash your hair with this composition, then they will become healthier.
  5. Here is a recipe for a mask that visibly restores the structure of damaged hair. First you need to dissolve a teaspoon of mummy in one tablespoon of liquid honey. Add one large spoonful of burdock oil and one egg yolk. The mixture is distributed through the hair. After an hour, the product is washed off. But do not do the procedure too often, it will be enough to repeat it every 2 weeks.


The benefits of this mineral have already been mentioned above. What are the contraindications to the use of this healing substance?

  1. It is important to remember that this mineral cannot be used in combination with alcohol in any doses. When you are undergoing treatment, forget about the use of alcoholic beverages, as well as medicinal tinctures for alcohol.
  2. It is forbidden to take mummy-based funds for children under the age of twelve.
  3. During pregnancy and lactation, also refuse to take.
  4. If you have hypertension or any nerve disorder, take the remedy with extreme caution and under medical supervision.
  5. Refrain from taking funds with a mummy for allergies.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the mummy has a huge health benefit. Recently, the leading physicians of the country have recognized the positive effect of the mineral on health. They recommend taking pills with mummy inside, which means that official medicine has recognized the benefits of this natural substance.

Video: super effective mummy face mask

Instructions for use:

Shilajit is a natural biostimulant.

pharmachologic effect

Shilajit is a resin that is collected in the mountains at an altitude of 3500m.

Shilajit contains biologically active substances (about 80 components): plant antibiotics, anticoagulants, silicon, vanadium, sulfur, iron, magnesium, tin, molybdenum, strontium, copper, manganese, silver, nickel, helium, chromium, bismuth, nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, amino acids (lysine, valine, threonine, methionine, histidine, tryptophan and others), fatty acids, essential oils, some B vitamins, chlorophyll, hormones, enzymes.

Thanks to healing properties components, the resin has an anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating, regenerating, tonic effect, effectively relieves pain, eliminates the negative effects of radio and chemotherapy, heals bone fractures and wounds, improves appetite, sleep, and inhibits the growth of tumors.

Outwardly, mummy is used for stretch marks, mummy is also useful for hair.

Release form

Shilajit in the pharmaceutical industry is used for the production of ointments, solutions.

Also good feedback about the mummy, used in its pure form, or mixed alone with water, milk, honey.

Indications for use Mumiyo

A positive effect is given by the treatment of mummy ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, colitis, venous thrombophlebitis of the legs, burns, infected and purulent wounds, fistulas, purulent ulcers, purulent otitis media, hearing pathologies, inflammation of the middle ear, bone tuberculosis, runny nose, tonsillitis, allergies, cough, acute respiratory diseases, bronchial asthma, dislocations, sternum injuries, bone fractures, bruises and sprains.

The use of mumijo is indicated for pathologies of the female genital organs (erosions on the cervix, vaginal walls), for female and male infertility, weak sexual function in men, for diseases of the peripheral nerve trunks, disorders in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system (plexitis, sciatica, neuralgia) , periodontal disease, frontal sinusitis, joint pain, salt deposits, sinusitis.

There are reviews of the mummy, successfully used to eliminate heartburn, vomiting and nausea, belching, for the treatment of hemorrhoids, and the prevention of influenza.

For hair, mummy is used in cases where they are cut or fall out.


It can not be used for the treatment of mummy without a doctor's prescription, in excessive dosages, with intolerance to the drug.

There are no direct contraindications for the use of mummy during lactation, pregnancy.

Instructions for use Mumiye

The use of mummy inside is indicated for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thrombophlebitis, bone tuberculosis, respiratory diseases (the solution can be mixed with milk, honey), bronchial asthma, hemorrhoids (combined external and internal use).

It is advisable to take the resin solution in the morning immediately after waking up (or 3 hours after the last meal, at night). Can be applied ready solution, you can do it yourself: dilute the resin in water with honey, milk, various juices (for example, cucumber, grape) in a ratio of 1:20 (two or three tablespoons).

Shilajit is indicated for children in the following dosages: 3 months–1g - 0.01-0.02g, children 1–3g - 0.05g, children 3-14l - 0.1g. For adults, mummy is taken in a dosage of 0.2-0.3 g.

The course of treatment with mummy solution is 25-28 days, if the disease is advanced, after 10 days you can repeat the course.

External use of the resin (ointment or solution) is practiced for hemorrhoids, injuries and bruises, purulent wounds and ulcers, burns (treated with a 10% solution), sciatica, neuralgia, plexitis (the solution is rubbed into the skin over the lesion site).

For the treatment of inflammation of the hearing organs, the solution can be instilled into the ear.

To strengthen the hair, the mummy is rubbed into the scalp (for a greater effect, the resin can be mixed with honey or sea buckthorn juice). To eliminate itching of the head, dandruff, mummy is added to a warm decoction of burdock roots and this solution is rubbed into the roots or the hair is rinsed after washing.

For split hair, mummy is used by mixing with a decoction of mint and burdock leaves. It is better to apply such a solution along the entire length of the hair, paying attention to damaged areas.

Positive reviews about the mummy, which is added to a regular shampoo to wash your hair to save time, you can also simply spray your hair with an aqueous solution.

Mumijo treatment of weakened, falling hair usually lasts 10-14 days, procedures are carried out 2-3 rubles / week.

Helps mummy from stretch marks. To eliminate these defects on the skin, it is better to prepare the cream yourself - for a greater effect. You can use factory-made capsules or mummy tablets for the preparation of an external agent. To prepare a cream with mummy for stretch marks, you need to take 2-3g of the substance, dissolve in one teaspoon of warm and boiled water, add one or two portions of a regular body cream, leave for 10-15 minutes. All components are best mixed in a non-metallic cup. Such a cream with mummy from stretch marks can be applied to damaged and better steamed skin (with massage circular movements) immediately after preparation, you can store it in the cold for some time.

Side effects

Uncontrolled use of Shilajit in large doses can provoke local and general toxic reactions. Diarrhea, nervous disorders, palpitations, twitching of the arms and legs, increased pressure, irritability and excitability may occur.

There are also reviews about the mummy, which causes allergic reactions due to individual intolerance.
