When creating a family, each couple assumes the possibility of procreation - the birth of children and their upbringing. But a year or two passes, and pregnancy does not occur. If a couple has been having a regular sex life all this time and does not use any contraceptives, then after such a period there are certain anxieties and worries about the possibility of conceiving a baby. There can be two reasons for this, and both of them relate to health - the health of a man and the health of a woman who wants to give birth to a child.

Let's leave the topic of male reproductive health for a while and talk about women's.

According to medical statistics, last years there has been an increase in cases of infertility among girls who have reached reproductive age. Probably, for every girl to find out about her inability to conceive and give birth to a child is the worst thing that can happen in life. The diagnosis of "infertility" does not allow you to experience the joy of motherhood. And for many women, the absence of a child is an inferior family.

In this regard, it is very important to know the signs of possible infertility in a girl. This will allow timely conduct a comprehensive examination, prescribe and carry out the necessary treatment and medical procedures to reactivate the reproductive capacity of the female body.

What can cause infertility?

There are a number of reasons, the presence of which can prevent the onset of pregnancy, bearing and giving birth to a child:

  1. hormonal dysfunctions, manifested by a violation of the functioning of the ovaries and other organs responsible for the production of hormones - the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, and. Infertility in this case is inevitable.
  2. Endometriosis of the uterus. This disease is fraught with scarring. If signs of this disease are noticed in the internal organs of the patient's reproductive system, then infertility should be feared.
  3. Infertility symptoms pathological changes in the uterus can also serve - such as polyposis, fibroids, or the presence of an intrauterine septum. All these pathologies can be congenital, but can also occur in the process of life.
  4. Blockage of the fallopian tubes- tubal infertility. It occurs due to the formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes.
  5. The presence of adhesions in the pelvic area. Such adhesions can form due to any inflammation or surgery. Such adhesions can occur between the fallopian tube and the ovary, making it impossible for an egg to enter the uterus for fertilization.
  6. Chromosomal pathology. This is a rather rare pathology, but, nevertheless, it leads to the sterility of a woman.
  7. immunological factor. This type of infertility is also quite rare. With this type of disorder in the reproductive system of a woman, antisperm bodies are produced that prevent the penetration of spermatozoa into the uterus, which makes it impossible to fertilize the egg.
  8. psychological factor. Two reasons are attributed to this case - the fear of pregnancy and childbirth; unwillingness to have a child from a particular sexual partner.

Types and degrees of infertility

There are two types of infertility - absolute and relative.

Absolute infertility is its most terrible variety, which is not treated. This type of infertility is caused by the abnormal development of the human body, for example, in the complete absence of any reproductive organ or part of it (uterus, ovaries).

Relative infertility is not irreversible and after certain measures can be successfully overcome, which in turn will allow you to lead a normal life and have healthy offspring.

In addition to the types of infertility, there are also two degrees of it:

  • primary infertility ()- happens to girls who have never been pregnant in their lives;
  • secondary infertility ()- occurs in women who were pregnant and may already have a child, but currently have certain problems with conception. This type of infertility is diagnosed in approximately 45% of women, who, as later confirmed, have various gynecological diseases, the result of which is usually the formation of adhesions. Often, the ability to conceive is influenced by previous operations on the internal genital organs (including artificial medical abortions).

Signs of infertility

The first symptoms of the possible development of infertility appear in girls as early as puberty (during puberty), and these include the following signs:

  • congenital disorders and dysfunction of the female genital organs;
  • late onset of menstruation - menarche at a very late age (after 16 years);
  • scanty menstrual flow;
  • long (long) menstrual cycle;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • chronic diseases;
  • Problems nervous system;
  • infectious diseases reproductive system.

You should pay attention to the physical development of the girl. If she noticeably lags behind (strong thinness - up to 45 kg) or ahead (overweight - over 90 kg) in the development of her peers, then in the future this can lead to infertility.

The very first sign of infertility may be destabilization menstrual cycle. The discharge can be either scanty or profuse, often irregular and often very painful.

There are also a number of secondary external manifestations:

  1. increased oiliness of the skin, acne - are symptoms of the presence of an increased amount of male hormones;
  2. thick hairline on the face, chest, midline of the abdomen, in the bikini area, on the hips and legs, forearms;
  3. insufficient hair growth in the armpits and pubic area is evidence of a low concentration of estrogen, and this may affect the possibility of conception;
  4. the appearance in the body of the hormone prolactin (responsible for the production of milk in women during breastfeeding) can suppress the formation of eggs in the body. If a woman is not pregnant, but milk is secreted from her breasts, there may be problems with conception.

A combination of different causes and external signs infertility helps gynecologists determine the underlying cause to prescribe proper treatment. For example:

  • in the absence of menstruation (ovulation) and with severe obesity, polycystic ovaries can be assumed;
  • due to endometriosis, women experience painful periods.

Diagnosis of infertility

The process of diagnosing infertility, as a rule, begins with a gynecologist interviewing the patient. During the conversation, the doctor determines the start date of the first menstruation, then their frequency, duration and the absence or presence of pain during menstruation, possible discharge from the mammary glands.

The next point of the survey will be information about the presence and number of previous pregnancies and the nature of their course (how the pregnancy proceeded - the presence of pathologies; how it ended - childbirth, abortion, miscarriage).

In addition, the doctor will ask about hereditary diseases, as well as whether there have been genital infections (venereal diseases).

When a patient first visits a gynecologist with complaints of difficulty conceiving, the doctor prescribes a urine test, which determines the concentration of sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone), and also diagnoses the presence of genital infections.

There are a number of special techniques and tests to accurately determine infertility:

  • determination of the concentration of the hormone estrogen in the body of a woman;
  • determination of internal body temperature - is performed (with a rectal thermometer) to diagnose ovarian dysfunction, the absence of their ovulatory phase;
  • a test to establish the presence of antisperm bodies (for the viability of spermatozoa in the cervix).

If adhesions are found in the internal genital organs, colposcopy is used for diagnosis.

If endometriosis (a fairly common cause of infertility) is detected, curettage can help inner surface uterus and hysteroscopy. This operation is usually performed under general anesthesia. During the operation, the inner surface of the uterus is examined, a small sample of endometrial cells is taken for laboratory research.

Infertility treatment

The method and measures for the treatment of disorders of the reproductive process are prescribed only after a thorough examination and diagnosis.

The most difficult process of infertility treatment is the removal of foci of the spread of infection in endometriosis. After the complete removal of such foci, the achieved result is fixed with medications.

In the diagnosis of obstruction of the fallopian tubes, surgical intervention is required. Modern methods treatment allows you to perform the necessary operation with minimal possible harm for adjacent tissues and organs - by laparoscopy. With this method, the process of healing and postoperative rehabilitation is much faster and easier.

If the cause of infertility is a failure of the endocrine system, then with the help of special pharmacological preparations the hormonal background of the body is corrected. In this case, the patient is prescribed certain medications and the presence of hormones in the body is monitored. After the normalization of the hormonal background, the ability to have children is restored.

Prevention of infertility

Without a doubt, infertility is the most serious disorder in a woman's body, preventing her from performing the function laid down by nature - the birth of offspring. The inability to have children introduces nervousness and discord in the relationship of spouses, sometimes leading to divorce. Nevertheless, most women, having passed the appropriate course of treatment, sooner or later find the joy of motherhood. To avoid such problems, there are a number of measures, following which you can minimize the risk of infertility in girls:

  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • proper nutrition and the rejection of excessive passion for diets;
  • rejection bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs;
  • avoidance of stressful situations;
  • abstinence from early sexual activity;
  • orderly sex life and avoiding frequent changes of sexual partners;
  • controlled taking of contraceptives;
  • exclusion of abortion.

In many cases, conscious concern for one's health helps prevent infertility, because it is much more difficult to eliminate the consequences of frivolous behavior and conduct a successful course of treatment.

The main thing is not to self-medicate. Having established possible symptoms, seek advice and treatment from a doctor.

Especially for- Irina Tkachenko

To determine the cause of infertility, the doctor usually asks both partners about their medical history, medication use, their sexual partners, and sexual life. Often a medical examination is carried out by a man first. Male infertility is often related to sperm health and function, which is usually established by semen analysis.

For a woman, the examination usually begins with an examination and a cervical smear. After that, the doctor makes sure that the woman is ovulating regularly and that her ovaries are doing their job of releasing eggs. A regular menstrual cycle and a biphasic basal body temperature usually confirm that ovulation is occurring regularly. A blood test determines the level of hormones.

The ovaries and uterus are usually checked by ultrasound, specific tests help to check if there is a blockage in the fallopian tubes or uterine pathology. About 80% of couples suffer from infertility due to sperm problems, irregular menstrual cycles or lack of ovulation or blocked fallopian tubes. In 15% of couples, the test results are normal; they are diagnosed with infertility of unknown origin.

How is infertility treated?

Many couples who were once diagnosed with infertility are now raising their own children. Taking smart steps to increase your chances of having a baby can help.

Couples who want a baby should have sex 5-6 days before ovulation and on the day of ovulation.

A hint about the time of ovulation can be a steady increase basal body temperature body 1-2 days after ovulation. A home ovulation test can detect chemical changes in the urine. The latest device can determine ovulation by a drop of saliva.

If the cause of infertility is that a man is not producing enough sperm, steps should be taken to find and correct the cause of the problem. If, for example, a man has a varicocele, surgery can help increase the sperm count.

If a woman does not ovulate, the cause should be determined and treatment should begin. Sometimes stimulating ovulation with hormones or fertility drugs can quickly lead to pregnancy.

A small percentage of couples whose infertility cannot be cured can conceive through artificial insemination. During intrauterine insemination or artificial insemination, a woman is injected with pre-prepared sperm from her husband, partner or donor. This is the easiest and cheapest method. In a procedure known as IVF (in vitro fertilization), an egg that is fertilized outside a woman's body is injected into her uterus or fallopian tube. In another procedure, called gamete transfer into the fallopian tube, the egg and sperm are injected together into the fallopian tube. All methods are quite complex and rarely successful on the first try. They are also expensive.

In the event that a woman cannot become pregnant during a whole year, subject to constant sexual relations without contraceptives, then doctors diagnose "infertility". There is absolute infertility, when there are no ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and relative infertility, which can be treated.

Fifteen percent of couples are diagnosed with infertility, and the reason for this can be both a man and a woman, so doctors recommend that both spouses be treated.

Causes of infertility in women

  1. Diseases of the pelvic organs
    Many inflammatory processes of these organs, such as salpiningitis, inflammation of the appendages, fallopian tube, uterine mucosa, often cause miscarriages. The causes of inflammation can be hypothermia, infections, which can be obtained through sexual intercourse, and all kinds of gynecological operations. Therefore, inflammation of the pelvic organs, which are also asymptomatic, can be bright harbingers of miscarriage or infertility, so women need to be checked by a gynecologist regularly, even if nothing bothers her.
  2. Problems with ovulation
    Ovulation disorders are a common cause of infertility in women. The reason for this may be - problems with the thyroid gland, hormonal imbalance, etc. The very violation of ovulation can be when the follicles simply simply do not grow, or do not break, then the egg does not come out and fertilization is not possible.
  3. Unruptured follicle
    The result of this syndrome is a cyst. The reasons that can serve this are the pathology of the ovary, the dense walls of the ovary, or hormonal failure.
  4. Violation of the cervical mucosa
    In order for the spermatozoa to calmly and without problems reach their destination, it is necessary that there is required amount mucus, it must be of good quality and sufficiently viscous. Therefore, in case of violation of these indicators, the process of passage of spermatozoa through the mucous membrane of the cervix is ​​hampered. Various infections, diseases of the cervix, disruption of the endocervical glands and incompatibility of cervical mucus and spermatozoa can cause infertility. For a clearer diagnosis, it is recommended to undergo a postcoital test.
  5. W Fallopian tube diseases
    In case of damage, impossible patency and blockage, it is simply impossible for spermatozoa to pass through the fallopian tube, and therefore it is not possible to get pregnant. Normal inflammatory processes, as well as sexual diseases that a woman's body has suffered, as a rule, can become the main causes of the disease. Treatment is prescribed only with medications.
  6. endometriosis
    This is a process when the cells of the inner layer of the uterus grow and develop not inside, but outside the layer, on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina, bladder. It is difficult for the embryo to survive in this environment, which leads to infertility. The adhesions that appear with this disease disrupt the fertilization process. This disease is treated with medication.
  7. Polycystic
    Having discovered polycystic disease, the hormonal cycle is disturbed, problems with ovulation appear, which can even lead to anovulation, infertility, and even a risk of obesity, thrombosis and breast cancer. But, what is important to know in order not to be afraid of this word anymore - polycystic disease is curable.
  8. SPIA
    Or premature ovarian failure syndrome appears most often in women under forty years of age. The causes are both disorders in the central nervous system, chromosomes, previous rubella diseases, inflammation, influenza, and incorrect use of medications that stimulate ovulation.
  • genital defects;
  • tubal obstruction;
  • adhesions in the pelvis;
  • endometriosis;
  • violation of menstruation;
  • defects of the genital organs;
  • negative result of the postcoital test;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • elevated prolactin.
And a number of diseases and disorders such as ovarian dysfunction, cysts, fibroids, polyps, immune disorders and just genetics can cause infertility.

Forms of female infertility

  • infertility as a result of endometriosis;
  • uterine form;
  • tubal-peritoneal form;
  • hormonal infertility;
  • immune;
  • infertility of an unknown nature.
About thirty percent of girls suffer from infertility in women, the cause of which was the disease endotriasis. This disease is not yet fully understood, but it is known that areas affected by endometriosis in the ovaries and uterine tubes interfere with normal ovulation and the movement of the egg.

Anatomical defects of the uterus, which lead to the uterine form of infertility, can manifest itself in its underdevelopment, the formation of a saddle uterus, cicatricial changes in shape, and the appearance of tumors.

When there is atrophy of the cilia inside the fallopian tube, or adhesions appear, there is a tubal-peritoneal form of infertility.
For hormonal infertility, the absence of ovulation is characteristic, either due to the absence of the egg from the follicle, or simply its non-ripening.

How to determine infertility in women - diagnosis

There are several methods for detecting infertility in women.
Poll method, during which the gynecologist finds out such factors as complaints, childbearing, hereditary factors, all kinds of diseases of a woman, the course of the menstrual cycle, and an assessment of a woman's sexual life.

Methods of objective examination are common, which include palpation of the thyroid gland, general examination, checking body temperature, and its blood pressure. Special methods include all kinds of gynecological, laboratory, instrumental and functional tests.

During gynecological examination attach importance to hair growth, the structure of external and internal genital organs, and secretions.

During functional tests, on the basis of basal temperature measurement, ovarian activity, ovulation are assessed, the quality of cervical mucus is determined, which shows estrogen saturation, and a postcoital test is also performed.

When they spend diagnostic laboratory tests, their main purpose is to determine the amount of hormones in the blood and urine. The main studies include: the study of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, prolactin, plasma progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, the study of the level of DHEA-S and 17-ketosteroids in the urine.

Also, in the diagnosis of infertility, such hormonal tests are used as: tests with dexamethasone, metoclopramide, clomiphene, estrogen-gestagen and progesterone tests.

To the methods of surgical diagnosis of infertility include hysteroscopy and laparoscopy.
The method of hysteroscopy is an examination of the uterine cavity using an optical device-hysteroscope. It is especially recommended to carry out this method of examination, in case of detection of primary or secondary infertility, detection of fibroids, painful and unstable menstrual cycle, as well as abnormal development of the uterus.

Laparoscopy is an endoscopic examination of the pelvic organs, the equipment of which is inserted under general anesthesia through a small incision in the anterior abdominal wall. Laparoscopy is advised if uterine fibroids, ovarian cystic changes, severe patency in the uterine tubes, ectopic pregnancy and infertility are detected.

Treatment of infertility in women

When a tubal-peritoneal form of infertility is detected, the patency of the fallopian tubes is resumed, thanks to laparoscopy. And in case of ineffectiveness of this method, doctors recommend resorting to artificial insemination.

During the diagnosis of endocrine infertility, hormonal disorders are corrected and the ovaries are stimulated. In the early stages, treatment with diets is recommended to exclude obesity, and in the case of drug treatment, hormones are prescribed.

If a uterine form of infertility is found, doctors perform plastic surgery.
When infertility is diagnosed against the background of endometriosis, it is treated with laparoscopic endocoagulation and is reinforced with medication.

Indications for artificial insemination are: absolute infertility, depletion of the ovaries, male infertility, obstruction in the fallopian tubes.
It is believed that the older the spouses, the less likely they are to get pregnant. So take family planning responsibly and never lose hope.

What woman would not dream of becoming a mother someday, having several good and healthy children and being truly happy? Such dreams haunt many women. But dreams don't always come true. Especially if the doctor makes a sad diagnosis of "Infertility". In general, infertility is a condition of a woman when she cannot become pregnant for one or two years. At the same time, sexual relations should be regular, while the woman does not use any methods of contraception. Only an obstetrician-gynecologist can make this diagnosis. But before going to the gynecologist, many women ask themselves the question: “how to determine infertility?”.

Signs of infertility in a woman

There are a lot of signs of such a condition in which a woman cannot become pregnant. Let's take a look at the main features.

1. Changes regarding menstruation. Menstruation is a change in the internal genital organs of a woman that occurs at regular intervals. Menstruation affects three main organs: the uterus, ovaries, and vagina. Any violations of menstruation indicate problems in the reproductive sphere of a woman. Therefore, any girl and woman should pay special attention to menstruation. The following menstrual disorders may indicate the initial symptoms of infertility: the interval between periods is more than thirty-five days; the interval is reduced to twenty-three days; bloody discharge comes out for more than seven days; a woman has very scanty menstruation or, conversely, very strong.

2. Disorders in the endocrine system. A woman may have a large production of androgens. Androgens are hormones inherent in the male body. How to detect an increased content of this hormone? A woman has increased hairiness of the skin (especially the forearms, shins, abdomen), a large number of acne, oily skin faces. And a woman should also measure her basal body temperature for a certain period of time. To determine infertility in this case is simple - there will be no ovulation. The basal temperature chart will be monotonous.

3. Sexually transmitted infections. Do not forget that sexually transmitted infections in most cases are asymptomatic, and a married couple may not even be aware that they have unpleasant diseases. The manifestations of infections can be very minor. TO hidden infections include the following: chlamydia, genital herpes, HPV, cytomegalovirus, candidiasis, ureaplasmosis. If infections are not treated in time, the following consequences will occur: inflammation of the genital organs; inflammation of the tubes, uterus, ovaries. The result of all inflammations is adhesions. It is the adhesions that subsequently will not allow you to become pregnant. Before planning a pregnancy, be sure to take a blood test and a smear. Tests must be taken by both partners. I would like to add that when infected with these infections, the following minor manifestations can be noticed: discharge; itching; burning; hyperemia.

4. Anorexia. Many women have a sharp decline weight in infertility. Modern girls just love to sit on all kinds of diets, and as a result, they literally bring themselves to an anorexic state. As a result, ovulation does not occur. Normal operation internal organs is suspended.

5. Obesity. It is obesity that causes hormonal imbalances. As a result, endocrine changes occur in the body of a woman. And, as a result, infertility.

Tests for infertility

To begin with, you should consult with your doctor. It is he who will prescribe the necessary examinations. The following tests are commonly used:

- blood test for TORCH infection;

Bakposev. It is better to hand it over to both partners;

Blood for hormones. Be sure to check hormones such as testosterone, FSH, LH, estradiol, progesterone and many others;

Blood for syphilis;

A smear for chlamydia, ureaplasma, candida, HPV;

Ultrasound examination of the uterus and ovaries.

There are additional diagnostic methods. But they are prescribed by a gynecologist.

Tests and hormones

There are a lot of hormones in the blood. But what do they mean? So, let's figure it out:

1. LH is a luteinizing hormone. It is secreted by a woman's body on the third to fifth day of the menstrual cycle. It is this hormone that stimulates the maturation of follicles in the ovary. Also, this hormone is responsible for the process of ovulation.

2. FSH is a follicle-stimulating hormone. As the name of the hormone suggests, it stimulates the maturation of follicles. FSH is actively formed on the third or fifth day of the menstrual cycle.

3. Prolactin. It is he who transforms the non-functioning corpus luteum into a functioning one. Prolactin activates lactation, inhibits the action of follicle-stimulating hormone. The result - the follicles do not mature.

4. Estradiol. This hormone appears on the twentieth day of the menstrual cycle. It is the follicles in the ovaries and adrenal glands that begin to secrete estradiol.

5.Progesterone. It occurs on the twentieth day of the menstrual cycle. It is produced by the corpus luteum. Progesterone prepares the uterus for implantation of the embryo.

6. Testosterone. It is formed on the tenth day of the menstrual cycle. This is a male hormone. But it can also be produced in the female body. It is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands. If its value is too high, then an early miscarriage is inevitable.

7. Antibodies to spermatozoa. They are also referred to as antisperm antibodies. They are in both men and women. Analysis for this species antibodies can be taken on any day of the menstrual cycle.

As soon as you realize that you cannot get pregnant, immediately contact a gynecologist in our medical center and get a thorough examination. Our experts will help you experience the joy of having children!

Article content:

Infertility is the inability to conceive. It can also be prescribed by doctors during pregnancy ending in miscarriage. Primary infertility also exists in nature, which is diagnosed by doctors in the event that pregnancy has never occurred.

At the moment, the level of infertility in Russia is identical to the global one, and, according to data for 2015, is 15% of all people. It is important to note that out of 100% of couples suffering from infertility, in 33.3% the reason for the absence of children is men, in 33.3% - women. The remaining 33.4% are those couples in which both partners are infertile. From these statistics, we can conclude that infertility is one of the most pressing problems today, both for Russia and for many other countries. Now they are actively trying to treat infertility, but for this it is necessary to identify the problem in time. Therefore, women who want to have their own children in the future should be aware of what are the first signs indicating the presence of infertility.

Classification of infertility in women

There are two main types of this problem: the first type is primary infertility, which is diagnosed in women in situations where pregnancy does not occur within a year of active sexual life, provided there is no contraception. This type of infertility occurs in two situations: with malformations of the uterus (saddle-shaped or bicornuate uterus, underdevelopment of the uterus, abnormal anatomy of the organ), with a violation of the normal functioning of the endocrine system. Secondary infertility is diagnosed if there is at least one pregnancy in the past (even if the child was never born). This can happen for the following reasons: due to injuries of the pelvic organs, abortions or other types of operations; tumor processes occurring in the reproductive system (it can be fibroids, endometriosis, hay fever); with inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system of women; with hormonal disorders that occurred due to diseases of the endocrine system with incompatibility of partners.

How to determine infertility? To do this, you need to contact a specialist who knows what are the main signs of such a problem as infertility in women.

The main signs of infertility in women

How to determine infertility? The most common signs by which a specialist can identify infertility are:

  • late onset of menstruation. It should be noted here that according to medical standards, the cycle should begin in the interval that begins at 11 and ends at 13 years. However, there are cases of early onset of menstruation, for example, at 9 years;
  • abnormal length of the menstrual cycle, which in normal situations should last 28-30 days. Here everything is calculated strictly individually, so sometimes this period can take 35 days or so;
  • amenorrhea, that is, the complete absence of menstruation, which may be associated with gynecological, neurological or endocrine disorders;
  • violation of cyclicity, which is one of the most common gynecological problems of our time. It may occur for various reasons. For example, due to stress, an infection that affected the pelvic organs, hormonal disorders, diseases suffered in childhood (in particular, rubella), and so on;
  • insufficiently abundant discharge, the volume of which should normally be from 50 to 100 ml in one single cycle. However, this value also varies depending on various individual factors;
  • soreness.

There are other signs of infertility in a woman, but the ones listed above are most common in women.

Diagnosis of infertility in women

Many novice doctors are wondering how to determine infertility in women. In fact, this is a long process, which is distinguished by its complexity. To determine the presence of infertility in a woman, an examination is performed, which is carried out simultaneously in several directions. First, the specialist needs to determine whether the woman who is the patient has acute and chronic diseases. After that, the organs are examined using ultrasound equipment. This is necessary in order to completely exclude developmental pathologies and determine the degree of maturity of the uterine epithelium in accordance with the phases of the menstrual cycle. Then, in women, the degree of patency of the fallopian tubes is revealed and a thorough study of the functioning of the endocrine glands is carried out (this is especially important when the first and second phases of the cycle are going on). Next, a postcoital test is performed. This is then necessary to exclude immunological incompatibility, which is quite often the cause of infertility in women.

The most common causes of infertility in women

One of the most common causes of infertility these are problems that occur in a girl with ovulation. Sometimes the duration of their menstrual cycle is less than the due date or, on the contrary, more than it. For this reason, the risk that the egg will not have time to mature or be unable to fully function becomes quite high. Based on the information presented, the question arises of how to determine infertility? Reproductive health specialists answer that with such a problem, the following symptoms are observed: there is no ovulation, as well as mature eggs that are not able to produce mature follicles.

Another common cause of female infertility is ovarian dysfunction, which is diagnosed in 20% of cases that are considered in practice. The essence of the problem lies in the fact that specialized hormones responsible for the regulation of the menstrual cycle and the formation of sex hormones cease to be produced in sufficient quantities. Main features: sharp pains stabbing character, severe cramps, a feeling of numbness, which is felt in the lower abdomen, located in close proximity to the internal genital organs, increased irritability, changes in behavior. The third reason for which infertility is diagnosed is hormonal disruptions, which, in fact, is one of the varieties of ovarian dysfunction. The main symptom observed in a girl who wants to determine the causes of infertility is the complete absence of menstruation, which occurs due to the immaturity of the egg.

The main methods of infertility treatment

When choosing a method of infertility treatment, the specialist focuses on what caused this problem. For example, if a couple cannot conceive a child due to problems with ovulation, then a treatment method called "classical ovulation induction" is prescribed. Its essence lies in the fact that, due to a slight hormonal effect, restore the normal functioning of the ovaries, which is necessary for the maturation of the egg. This will help eliminate infertility, in the future, conception will occur naturally. If the cause of infertility lies in hormonal failures, then doctors prescribe a certain therapy that helps to normalize hormonal failure, and therefore, eliminate infertility.
