On October 24, 1939, in a department store in the American city of Wilmington, thousands of women entered the battle for the right to be the first to buy stockings. In four days, 4 million pairs were sold in the USA. Enthusiastic customers tore open the packaging and put on a new thing right in the store!

Fashion models, fashion models, actresses and singers who appear as frivolous beauties of the pinup style (from the English to pin up - to pin, that is, a poster pinned to the wall) are not new to America. During the war, such pictures were always sent to soldiers to remind them: "They are waiting for you at home." They were even applied to the sides of aircraft - and they often returned intact after the battle.

Brigitte Bardot, Ava Gardner, Rita Hayworth and many other movie stars have served as models for popular magazine illustrators who happily put pin-up posters on their covers. And stockings remained an invariable detail of their outfit.

But back in the 1940s, everything was more than modest. So, the Hanes company released a whole series of drawings in which very decent girls are doing their favorite things: reading, dressing up, basking in a hammock and receiving enthusiastic compliments.

Stockings have been worn by aristocrats, kings and commoners since the 8th century. Fashion and materials changed (silk, cotton, wool and even velvet), but only with the invention of nylon did they take on their usual form. Manufacturers are constantly improving the product: they add socks for strength, and, along with stockings, open the production of tights.

In the 1960s, the fashion for clothes, shoes and accessories made of synthetics was proclaimed. Women stood in queues for products based on various kinds of chemical materials. Wearing natural was considered the height of indecency: it’s better to appear on the street without clothes!

Nylon stockings became one of the main inventions of the 20th century. By the way, the name kapron, which has become more familiar in European countries, denotes a similar chemical compound. So it was called in the USSR. Nylon stockings have replaced the expensive Fildepers stockings. They cost several times cheaper, were comfortable and practical.


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25.10.2013 16:48:25, Vasyan

Comment on the article "Girls in stockings: 10 most stylish photos pantyhose retro style

More on the topic "Girls in stockings and pantyhose":

Girls in stockings: 10 most stylish photos of retro pantyhose. tell me better, girls, tights in a small mesh (if suddenly when I decide on them) are torn as quickly as thin ordinary nylon ones? Or are they more durable due to the cells? wear a bodysuit or...

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Fashionable girls, tell me please, tights / fishnet stockings fit into the business style? I myself, too, then began to wear a net, and for the New Year's corporate party, even a large black network 3 counter questions. 1. Is there no air conditioning in the office?

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Girls in stockings: 10 most stylish photos of retro pantyhose. On October 24, 1939, in a department store in the American city of Wilmington, thousands of women entered the battle for the right to be the first to buy stockings. stockings. I want to ask, who is comfortable walking in stockings?

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According to many men, girls in stockings look sexy. This item of clothing is designed for everyday wear, as well as for individual occasions, up to intimate games. Beautiful female legs, covered with lace, drove hundreds of men crazy. When choosing stockings for your girlfriend, you can be guided by your own preferences, but do not forget about some of the nuances so as not to cross the very line of vulgarity and vulgarity.

Photo showing stockings

Stockings look perfect under the heel, which makes the legs slimmer. However, there are other styles as well. This attribute is even part of the bride's attire.

What is most interesting for obese women stockings also exist. After all, they have a special property to make legs slimmer.

It is very difficult to choose what will suit your girlfriend. Eyes run up from a wide variety: with suspenders, beige, fishnet, black, red, white. How not to make a mistake with the choice?

Watch girls in stockings

Many men will agree that the color of this type of clothing is the first sign of sexuality. Beige on the legs of a woman is almost invisible, so there will be no emphasis on them. Looking at the photo, we can conclude that he still shortens them. Thus, flesh color is more suitable for long-legged beauties.

However, you can choose stockings with decoration just above the bone. For example, they can become a bow. This will draw attention, even if the stockings are flesh-colored to match the skin.

A similar decoration can be seen in the upper part, on an elastic band.

Black color has the ability to visually reduce the volume, as well as lengthen the legs. For some girls, this is an undeniable advantage. In general, black stockings are the most common. Perhaps this is because they can be worn under any shades of clothing.

Colored bright shades especially attract attention. But not all adult young ladies will be delighted with such a gift. As a rule, they are chosen by young girls, so the wife is unlikely to be satisfied.

The mesh on the suspenders looks a bit vulgar. Perhaps because such tights are worn by secretaries in short skirts, if you read porn stories. Although, this is all prejudice. As for suspenders and belts in general, many women prefer them, because the elastic band sometimes rubs when in contact with the skin.

Thus, the choice is not easy. But he's worth it. It's so nice to watch your woman put on a stocking.

Girls in stockings and skirts with a photo

The girl will wear this piece of clothing, of course, with a dress or skirt. It looks erotic when suspenders are visible from under them, but this is not for public viewing, but for personal meetings. Otherwise, she can simply be mistaken for a woman of easy virtue. Suspenders are attached to the belt, so, in the case of such a choice, you will have to pay attention to its presence.

If the skirt is not too short, you might even think that ordinary tights are on your legs.

Another important parameter to consider is the size. Such a thing should tightly fit women's legs, but not too much. After all, thin material can burst, and at the most inopportune moment. When choosing, remember that Russian sizes differ from foreign ones. In order not to miscalculate, it is worth paying special attention to this nuance.

Photo: female legs in stockings

Today there are many different material, which describes general recommendations stockings of choice. They are easy to find on thematic sites, forums, social networks (for example, VKontakte). They are mainly intended for the fair sex, but men who choose a gift for their wives should also take them into service. A close-up photo will allow you to see in detail how the stockings sit on the legs of women with different parameters.

Girls in stockings are a rarity these days. Everyone wears such comfortable jeans or, in a pinch, tights. Sometimes young ladies condescend to trendy half-stockings. The attitude towards girls in stockings is ambiguous. And why?

Let's remember some famous phrases about stockings, and a lot will become clear.

You can teach a girl femininity for a long time, but stockings will do it instantly.

This phrase, you see, corresponds to the truth. No wonder it is believed that clothes transform a woman: a woman, depending on what she is wearing, will behave either like a nun or like a windy person. It is quite logical that stockings also affect the behavior of a woman. Firstly, the very process of putting on stockings already sets in a certain way. Secondly, even the most innovative self-supporting stockings sometimes slip, they need to be tightened periodically, and this is the second specific process that makes you remember your feminine essence. Thirdly, stockings still require a skirt or dress. Of course, they can be worn with shorts, but in no case with trousers. And the stockings on the belt are not compatible with a tight-fitting, but with a rather loose skirt. The bottom line is that stockings need a skirt, a skirt needs heels, and the result is a feminine look.

Young girls, not confident in their own irresistibility, often prefer black stockings. Because they believe that black color will make their legs visually thinner. And, although modern fashion makes us neglect the rules for choosing the color of stockings depending on the time of day, it is better to be guided by the rules of style and wear black stockings at night.

The role of stockings in life cannot be underestimated. A woman in stockings will never be told: “Dumplings are salty!” If a woman in stockings serves dumplings, they will be eaten even if she forgot to cook them.

What role do stockings play in family life, we can talk endlessly. About dumplings, of course, it is said in a figurative sense, but think about what is the most common advice given to a friend who has problems in personal life? Arrange a romantic dinner, be sure to wear a seductive outfit and, of course ... stockings! Argued with a guy? Looking for something new in a relationship? Put on stockings!

Obviously, in ordinary life, stockings are not only a weapon of seduction, but also a weapon for solving problems. And many women with great skill use this weapon, and they solve not only personal problems, but also overcome the difficulties of climbing the career ladder, no matter how cynical it may look from the outside. Yes, yes, that's right! Women who have fought for gender equality for so many years now do not hesitate to use their femininity when they understand that this is the fastest, if not the only way to achieve their goal.

Should we beware of women? On the one hand, a woman in stockings sometimes looks archaic, seems fragile, defenseless. On the other hand, it happens that colleagues, girlfriends are wary of her, because they suspect her of wanting to conquer all the men of the world, or at least those in whose field of vision she falls. How “dangerous” a woman in stockings is to others often depends on the stockings themselves. After all, these same stockings are now such a variety!

We walk in silence to the Rue Saint-Jacques. From time to time he glances at me furtively, as if studying my profile, but I know that at these moments he is more interested in what I am wearing - tights or stockings?

The close attention of the male to this item of women's toiletry is dictated for the most part by the mentality and public opinion. Stockings are surrounded by such an aura of mystery, and the girls who wear them are credited with such character traits and actions that men sometimes involuntarily concentrate too much on this particular subject. And they even begin to look for the cause of female mystery precisely in whether she wears stockings or pantyhose.

In the morning, women put on pantyhose or stockings, depending on their plans for the evening. Tights - when you yourself take off at home in the evening, and stockings - when someone pulls them off at night.

This quote is not as well-known as others, but the thought that is formulated in it, most likely visited your head. One of the prevailing opinions in our society is that girls in stockings are distinguished by easy behavior. This is especially true, as they say, if a girl wears fishnet stockings. If we are already talking about “this”, then let's remember that it is not necessary to take off stockings for “this”, but rather, on the contrary, it is better to leave them or put them on specially. Yes, and it is better not to pull the stockings together, but to carefully roll them up. Stockings require careful handling. But it is difficult to change public opinion, especially if it is specially created and carefully supported. Perhaps it was created at a time when tights only appeared in order to force them out of our Everyday life stockings, or make them less popular.

Too often the silk stockings we give to women bind us hand and foot.

Silk stockings are a great rarity and luxury even in our time, when, it would seem, everything is there or everything can be obtained. But stockings are a specific and very intimate gift. If your girlfriend never wears stockings or does it very rarely, but you would like more often, and you decide to give them to her, be prepared for the fact that this gift will require more and others. So, it may turn out that you have chosen stockings to wear with a belt, so you will have to give it as a gift. Then, perhaps, you will need suitable shoes, a set of underwear ... As a result, you will immerse yourself in all the nuances of choosing a women's wardrobe. Perhaps you will like it.

How fast arrows rush ... on stockings ...

Girls do not wear stockings as often as men would like, including out of a sense of thrift. First, a pair of stockings is on average more expensive than a pair of tights. Of course, you can save some money on stockings by buying several identical pairs and replacing the torn stocking with a new one. This cannot be done with tights in terms of economy. On the other hand, stockings are very impractical in our climate. Of course, they can be worn with knickers, but it will not be the same. “Girl in stockings” sounds attractive, “girl in stockings and knickers” already raises questions.

I'll take off my stockings first. They are torn at one glance from you.

Stockings on women's legs look attractive. Especially when you know that these are stockings, not pantyhose. Is it possible to visually distinguish what the girl is wearing - stockings or pantyhose? Of course you can.

If the stockings are not on the belt, but are self-supporting, that is, on silicone or “with an elastic band”, then they will, at least a little, but squeeze the leg. The wider the stocking cuffs, the more difficult it is to understand that these are stockings. Under thin clothes, stockings are easier to recognize.

The most obvious is to see the cuff of the stocking. Stockings are known to slip a little, especially from frequent squats and standing up. Therefore, stockings can be recognized at the moment when it is already time to correct them, because the edge of the cuffs has already appeared from under the skirt, but the girl has not yet done so.

Stockings with a belt, despite all the modern innovations in production technologies, are a rather noticeable design under clothing. If in the last century skirts and dresses were worn with petticoats, and even put on combinations, now nothing usually separates the skirt from the stockings. Girls in stockings with a belt usually wear loose, rather than tight-fitting skirts and dresses. Under tight-fitting clothing, the belt will be too noticeable.

Do you guys like girls in stockings? Or maybe girls in pantyhose? Or do you not care?

Everyone knows that stockings are the sexiest lingerie. They make us look more appetizing and feel at our best. Any man who sees a girl in this item of women's wardrobe will never be able to resist such a temptation, he will definitely "lose his head." Even a completely naked body does not evoke as many emotions as the edge of a stocking accidentally peeking out from under the clothes.

But this seductive detail, if chosen incorrectly, can play a very cruel joke and “kill” the image. Therefore, the choice and wearing of stockings must be approached with caution.

The sexiest stockings

Many people think what is so difficult about choosing sexy ones? But, as practice shows, some girls, buying them, make a number of mistakes. How to choose the right stockings to look seductive?

The first thing to remember is to choose the right size. Stockings whose elastic band digs into your leg or which will gather in folds due to their large size look completely unattractive.

When buying stockings, give your preference to those that have a large percentage of elastin in their composition. It gives elasticity and provides a tight fitting of the leg.

Stockings can be different models: both on an elastic band and on a belt. Which of them look more seductive, it is impossible to say. Many people think that stockings with a belt look sexier, but this is a matter of taste.

You need to choose a model based on personal preferences. The stockings attached to the belt do not tighten the hips at all and, of course, they will never slip. Nowadays, stockings are presented in a large assortment, among which you can find absolutely amazing models.

The main rule of wearing stockings is "secrecy". No one should even guess that you are walking around in stockings. Therefore, always check if the lace from the elastic is visible from under your clothes. Otherwise it will look vulgar.

When choosing clothes, women prefer not only comfortable things, but also those that can make a man's heart beat faster. And what could be more seductive than black stockings? Hosiery of this type not only excites the imagination, but is also a fairly universal attribute of women's wardrobe.

Black tights excite the imagination!

Depending on the design and density, stockings can be worn both for work and for a romantic date. However, there is a basic rule that must be followed during their application. Except your beloved man, no one should suspect that you are in stockings. Otherwise, it will be an indicator of bad taste and vulgarity. Make sure that the belt from the product does not show through the clothes, and even more so the edge of the elastic band. It is advisable to sit down and bend over before leaving to check the concealment of all the details of the product.

You can only demonstrate stocking garters to your beloved man!

When choosing stockings, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of the figure. Models in the net, as well as openwork, are contraindicated for full girls. The pattern will make the legs more massive. It is better to choose stockings without a pattern or with a geometric print.

Black stockings are a special type of underwear, so they must be combined with other things with caution:

  1. Wear dark stockings exclusively with black shoes.
  2. Choose a dress and skirt in non-contrasting colors.
  3. Never pair them with sandals.
  4. In the cold season, knitted stockings look great with dark-colored tights.

Ordinary black stockings are considered quite conservative, but today a variety of models allows you to choose nice products with decorative tricks.

Beautiful black stockings are divided into types:

  • With decorative lace. Such products are suitable for piquant moments, where it is necessary to emphasize sexuality and charm. Neat lace can frame the top of the elastic or decorate with a thin ribbon along the entire length of the leg.

  • With a thin seam at the back. Such an emphasis on the subconscious level is capable of capturing hundreds of male eyes. An unobtrusive stripe on the back of the stockings is a retro style element that embodies femininity and charm.

Thin line on black stockings draws the eye

  • With colored inserts. Thanks to inserts in a contrasting color, for example, red or white, you can create a shocking look. And lovers of a spectacular pattern throughout the stocking will never be left without attention. Such models are strictly prohibited in order to wear them to work.

red black stockings

  • In the net. Many consider this decor to be vulgar, but properly selected fishnet stockings can even be worn to work in the office. In general, they are used to create a fairly bold image.

Black fishnet stockings will create an interesting look.

  • Compression stockings. They serve both for decoration and for relieving fatigue in the legs. Doctors recommend them for varicose veins, as well as joint pain. These stockings improve blood circulation in the legs, since the greatest pressure occurs in the ankle area, and decreases towards the top.

In black stockings you will always be irresistible and spectacular. The main thing is to choose them correctly. So answer to next questions before buying stockings.

  1. For what purpose are you buying them? Firstly, stockings to emphasize the beauty of the legs, heat or to prevent disease. Secondly, decide with what clothes and shoes you are going to wear this hosiery.
  2. What style do you prefer? A wide range of models allows you to choose stockings from materials such as cashmere, silk or nylon. Nylon stockings are especially popular, as they are the most practical and suitable for any outfit. For work, products without a pattern and a pattern are suitable, and to create a bright and spectacular image, you can experiment with stockings in a net or with lace.
  3. What price and quality will suit you? When buying clothes, you want them to last as long as possible. It is desirable that the thing was not only beautiful, but also inexpensive. However, saving often leads to disappointment in the form of arrows and puffs on stockings. If you want them to be durable, then get ready to spend money. After all, a woman in black stockings should be flawless.
  4. What size will be most comfortable for you? The size chart on the back of the hosiery packaging will help you with this, where human height and weight are indicated. If your parameters reach the upper limit, then it is advisable to opt for next size to be comfortable.

So, the perfect stockings are matched. Now it remains to look through your wardrobe and find the right combination for them.

How to combine?

There are several secrets that you need to use to create a beautiful image with different types stocking.

  • In a business style, thick stockings in dark colors are welcome. They go great with black straight-cut skirts, make legs look slimmer and are great for everyday wear.

Black stockings and skirt

  • For the image of a temptress, lace stockings harmonize beautifully with a sexy peignoir or underwear Red. A man with such a combination will be smitten on the spot, as this is a classic of seduction.

  • Young girls in black stockings can emphasize the beauty of their legs thanks to fishnet models and mini skirts. However, older women are better off opting for a midi skirt so as not to seem frivolous.

Belt under black stockings

  • For the cool season, choose stockings - stockings. They go great with skirts, shorts and dresses. If you put on knee-highs over tights, you will definitely not freeze.

Follow the tips for choosing stockings and you can look well-groomed, beautiful and sexy in any life situation. After all, flawless appearance able to give a woman self-confidence, as well as emphasize good taste and knowledge fashion trends. Try to emphasize the merits of the body with the chosen things, and not accentuate the flaws.

Videos beautiful black stockings
